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General => General Music Discussion => Topic started by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 01:38:42 AM

Title: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 01:38:42 AM

Alrighty, it’s been a couple of years since my last roulette – from my v3 onwards I basically was doing one a year, but just didn’t have the time or headspace on 2022 due to house renovations, son, pregnant wife and then new baby. Life is still pretty chaotic but I’m able to get quite a lot of time to listen to music again, and I’ve been itching to do another roulette for a while.

Like my last two, this will be an inclusive roulette, with no eliminations and as many people as want to join in. I didn’t want to just repeat my v6 and make it completely open, but I also didn’t want themes that would be too complicated or too restrictive. I toyed with some ideas for themes based on some other recent roulettes, like TAC’s and Litho’s especially, but in the end decided to keep it reasonably simple and open to interpretation.

The theme is heavy and light. Rounds will cycle between being heavy, light, or completely open. My tastes are very varied, so the main thing I wanted to do this time is encourage everyone to have a bit of variety in their submissions. A lot of my regulars very much do this already, but others stick fairly closely to one mood or style. But the themed rounds are up to you to interpret based on your musical interests. Heavy does not have to be death metal and light does not have to be acoustic ballads. Everyone has a different range – for example, I wouldn’t be surprised if wolfking’s “light” is heavier than Stadler’s “heavy”, and that’s fine. For those of you with very diverse tastes, feel free to get creative with it in terms of meeting the themes, e.g. heavy might mean emotionally heavy rather than aggressive, or light could mean fun and upbeat rather than gentle. Some artists are very varied too, and not every song needs to be heavy for the overall submission to be a heavy one. I’ll only be comparing you to your other submissions, not to other players.


Seven rounds:
1. Heavy
2. Light
3. Open
4. Heavy
5. Light
6. Open
7. EP round finale (see rules below)!

EP round rules:

As in previous roulettes, banned artists are based on my RYM profile (https://rateyourmusic.com/~ariich – scroll down to the "music" section and you can use the "ratings" tab to browse what I've rated, but more useful is the "Search ariich's music for" bar to see if something you're thinking of is already in my list. Although it will return everything with any of the words so it’s generally best to search based on only one word - if you really can't figure it out, just ask!). The banned rules are simple like last time:


I think my tastes and interests are pretty stable these days, so here’s what I’ve posted in the last two roulettes with some minor tweaks.

I have a general leaning towards rock and metal, but I like music from pretty much any other genre too. It’s a cliché, but broadly speaking the stuff I like most is that which evokes a feeling in me, or makes me want to immerse myself in it. But there are different ways music can do that, which depending on the style could contrast or could complement. An incomplete list of ways that music can, but does not necessarily, speak to me includes:
I’d say all my favourite music hits at least one of those strongly, often more. And if something is particularly weak in one or more of those areas, it would normally need to really excel in others to compensate. But to be honest, I’m unpredictable and something might tick all those boxes and still just not really speak to me. So good luck.

My RYM ratings are probably a useful reference point, if used sensibly. Essentially everything 4 stars and above I consider to be great and likely to make me want to come back to it. Within that, the stuff that I rate even higher (4.5-5 stars) really just comes down to how much it really grabs me, which I can’t always explain. Higher ratings tend to come either after many listens if something is new, or if I'm already very familiar with an artist then it can happen quicker. With completely new stuff, I don’t often commit to a 4.5 star rating (and basically never a 5 star rating) after only a few listens.

Stuff I rate 3.5 stars I still consider good for a listen or two, but there's normally something about it that I find lacking for whatever reason. Even more so for 3 stars which is basically "decent but not very exciting". Both of those I’d be unlikely to seek out again. 2.5 stars and lower I’d be more likely to want to actively avoid.

Round 1: Stats (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2993100#msg2993100) | Spotify playlist (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6gFvYt9J1cGfui6BboijDq?si=4ca7296d0a184f2c) | First impressions (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2993138#msg2993138) | Results (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2994011#msg2994011)
Round 2: Stats (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2995302#msg2995302) | Spotify playlist (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1VRIndMWr8tDN2yMgsNy1H?si=958c320dcbe94be5) | First impressions (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2995333#msg2995333) | Comparisons (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2996119#msg2996119) | Results (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2996807#msg2996807)
Round 3: Stats (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2997641#msg2997641) | Spotify playlist (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6ia1nfA2Ine5E3pHXwCHYv?si=1598a64870a84e6d) | First impressions (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2998071#msg2998071) | Comparisons (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2998543#msg2998543) | Results (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg2999166#msg2999166)
Round 4: Stats (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3000139#msg3000139) | Spotify playlist (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7JWg5wnORhbhddmQLHJp9M?si=9308977935ee4dca) | First impressions (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3000472#msg3000472) | Comparisons (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3001478#msg3001478) | Results (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3002440#msg3002440)
Round 5: Stats (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3004342#msg3004342) | Spotify playlist (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2qUHMQw9xB0JG9bHVxzRbQ?si=01fd1806c3114dd4) | First impressions (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3004216#msg3004216) | Comparisons (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3004810#msg3004810) | Results (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3005725#msg3005725)
Round 6: Stats (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3007142#msg3007142) | Spotify playlist (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7ESZqUxDabXLFbuzVDzj4a?si=9d936bf1238c4d42) | First impressions (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3007561#msg3007561) | Comparisons (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3008290#msg3008290) | Results (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3008684#msg3008684)
Bonus round: Playlist Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1khY5vRJFVWl7Ss26tKJr8?si=c234663281584d19) & Youtube (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyX5ePHFJiNRbLyq68gke3bbXzK7unge) | Results Part 1 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3010690#msg3010690) & Part 2 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3010861#msg3010861)
Round 7: Stats (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3013927#msg3013927) | Spotify playlist (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=f5a057fcf2b64bbf) | First impressions (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3011257#msg3011257) | Tops & Bottoms (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3014001#msg3014001) | Results: ranks 24-21 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3014855#msg3014855); 20-18 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3015087#msg3015087); 17-14 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3015369#msg3015369); 13-11 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3015540#msg3015540); 10-7 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3015658#msg3015658); 6-4 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3015968#msg3015968); 3-1 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=58332.msg3016036#msg3016036)

Final scores:
 1. Crow     = 8.8 + 8.4 + 8.6 + 8.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 + (8.4 + 4.3) = 63.2
 2. Evermind = 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.7 + (8.6 + 4.2) = 63.0
 2. Puppies  = 7.9 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 9.0 + 8.8 + (8.4 + 4.5) = 63.0
 4. Luoto    = 8.3 + 8.7 + 8.0 + 8.6 + 8.2 + 7.9 + (8.5 + 4.5) = 62.7
 5. TAC      = 8.2 + 8.7 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + (8.3 + 4.1) = 62.4
 6. nick_z   = 8.2 + 8.5 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.5 + 8.0 + (8.3 + 4.0) = 62.2
 7. Buddy    = 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.0 + 8.1 + (8.4 + 4.3) = 62.1
 7. Litho    = 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.4 + 8.4 + 8.8 + 8.3 + (8.3 + 3.8) = 62.1
 9. wolfking = 8.6 + 8.1 + 8.4 + 8.5 + 8.4 + 7.8 + (8.1 + 3.8) = 61.7
10. lonestar = 7.8 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + (8.4 + 4.0) = 61.3
11. soupy    = 8.4 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.0 + (8.0 + 4.0) = 61.2
11. jingle   = 8.2 + 7.7 + 8.6 + 8.4 + 8.1 + 8.2 + (8.1 + 3.9) = 61.2
11. seneca   = 7.6 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.6 + 8.3 + 8.5 + (8.2 + 3.9) = 61.2
14. luke     = 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.5 + 7.8 + (8.2 + 4.2) = 60.9
15. romdrums = 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.0 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.2 + (7.8 + 3.9) = 60.8
16. Sacul    = 8.3 + 8.9 + 8.0 + 7.8 + 7.9 + 8.1 + (7.6 + 3.8) = 60.4
16. King     = 7.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.8 + 7.7 + 8.4 + (8.4 + 4.4) = 60.4
18. Vmadera  = 8.0 + 8.0 + 7.3 + 8.3 + 7.9 + 8.2 + (8.3 + 4.1) = 60.1
19. Reaper   = 7.6 + 8.1 + 7.7 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 + (7.9 + 4.0) = 59.7
20. HOF      = 7.5 + 7.9 + 8.7 + 7.7 + 7.5 + 8.4 + (8.0 + 3.9) = 59.6
21. Stadler  = 7.9 + 8.4 + 7.9 + 7.4 + 8.0 + 7.4 + (8.2 + 4.2) = 59.4
22. faizoff  = 7.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 7.0 + 8.1 + 7.7 + (8.2 + 3.7) = 58.4
23. Glasser  = 8.1 + 8.1 + 8.8 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.9 + (6.6 + 2.0) = 57.9
DNF Elite    = 7.8 + 8.0 + 7.5 + 7.2 + 7.9 + 8.4 = 46.8 after 6 rounds

Click the graphs to enlarge.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 01:38:51 AM

Fully banned:
Anima Tempo
Atarashii Gakko!
Billy Talent
Birds in Row
Black Country, New Road
Black Map
Blanck Mass
Blessed By A Broken Heart
Cain's Offering
Cave In
Chano Dominguez
Circus of Fools
Coheed and Cambria
Dan Swanö
Dark The Suns
death's dynamic shroud
Della Zyr
Dim Gray
Fit for An Autopsy
Fleetwood Mac
Gang of Youths
Gregory Alan Isakov
Imogen Heap
Jaga Jazzist
Jakub Zytecki
Keep of Kalessin
Kendrick Lamar
Kiss Kiss
KOAN Sound
Lacrimas Profundere
Legacy Pilots
Lords of Black
Mandroid Echostar
Mr. Reality
Nine Inch Nails
Nuclear Power Trio
Obscure Sphinx
Once Human
Our Lady Peace
Rivers of Nihil
Robert Plant
Rolling Quartz
Sass Jordan
Saviour Machine
Seven Spires
Slow Fall
Stabbing Westward
Sweet Billy Pilgrim
The Avett Brothers
The Black Queen
The Cyberiam
The Killers
The Microphones
The Omega Experiment
The Paper Sons
The Pierces
The Wishing Tree
Unleash the Archers
Van She
Victory Over the Sun
Vylet Pony

Specific songs banned:
Aerosmith (Round 6)
Altar of Plagues (Round 1)
Angel Vivaldi (Round 5)
Asia (Round 3)
Bastian Per (Round 6)
Black Sabbath (Round 1)
Caroline's Spine (Round 1)
Emma Ruth Rundle (Round 3)
Foscor (Round 6)
From Monument To Masses (Round 3)
George Clanton (Round 5)
Have A Nice Life (round 4)
Imperial Triumphant (round 4)
Joe Jackson (Round 5)
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard (Round 2)
Kreator (Round 6)
Kurt Rosenwinkel (Round 5)
Lana Del Rey (Round 2)
Lykathea Aflame (round 4)
Marathon (round 4)
Meshuggah (round 4)
Metal Church (Round 1)
Moon Tooth (Round 1)
Mother Love Bone (round 4)
Mount Eerie (Round 1)
Panzerballet (Round 1)
Phil Keaggy (Round 2)
Prototype (Round 3)
Rik Emmett (Round 2)
Run The Jewels (Round 6)
Saiseiga (Round 1)
Sevendust (round 4)
The Clientele (Round 5)
The Dirty Nil (Round 6)
The Native Howl (Round 1)
The Pearlfishers (Round 2)
Wes Montgomery (Round 3)
Worm (round 4)

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Elite on May 09, 2023, 02:54:06 AM
Okay, this I can do if I’m able to send weird stuff, which certainly seems possible based on the banned list. Your roulettes are always fun, so if you’ll have me, I’ll send on time as well (TAC can vouch for me :biggrin: )
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 03:05:26 AM
Okay, this I can do if I’m able to send weird stuff, which certainly seems possible based on the banned list. Your roulettes are always fun, so if you’ll have me, I’ll send on time as well (TAC can vouch for me :biggrin: )
Definitely! :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 09, 2023, 04:33:56 AM
I'll give it a go.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 04:35:02 AM
I'll give it a go.
Welcome back!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: wolfking on May 09, 2023, 04:45:55 AM
Count me in mate.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 04:51:28 AM
Count me in mate.

I assume the range in your submissions will be harsh vocals for the heavy rounds and clean vocals for the light rounds. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: wolfking on May 09, 2023, 05:03:36 AM
Count me in mate.

I assume the range in your submissions will be harsh vocals for the heavy rounds and clean vocals for the light rounds. :neverusethis:

My heavy rounds will be all harsh vocals.  My light rounds will be harsh vocals but with clean choruses!  :biggrin:

I'm actually wondering what I would even have for you.  From memory your banned list is pretty extensive.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: wolfking on May 09, 2023, 05:05:01 AM
I didn't even know I made an appearance in the OP until I actually went back to check the criteria behind the heavy and light rounds!   :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 09, 2023, 05:08:50 AM
Let's goooooooo!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Lonk on May 09, 2023, 05:25:28 AM
Don't know if will have anything to send, but I'm in if you'll have me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 06:04:24 AM
Don't know if will have anything to send, but I'm in if you'll have me.
Absolutely, I'm always keen to involve people who haven't played in my roulettes before!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 09, 2023, 06:11:16 AM
Thank god there’s no elimination round!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 09, 2023, 06:15:29 AM
Aaaaand sent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 06:16:14 AM
Aaaaand sent.
You're always first. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ReaperKK on May 09, 2023, 06:18:35 AM
I'm down!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 06:21:49 AM
I'm down!

By the way, those who are ready to send me their first "heavy" submission, feel free to go ahead whenever you like, but no rush yet, we can give it a few days.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: soupytwist on May 09, 2023, 06:42:53 AM
<--  If you need an extra body.

Heavy rounds will be tough for me as people who've had me in their roulettes before will note my stuff is rarely heavy, but hopefully should be able to cover two rounds :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Lonk on May 09, 2023, 06:44:24 AM
I think I have my first submission ready, but just to confirm...

  • If I’ve rated an album (including compilations), all songs from it are banned. All other songs are not banned.

When you say "All other songs" you mean all other songs from the artist that have not been rated, correct? There are a few artist that you rated an album or two, and I might want to send something else from their catalog. I'll try to stick to artists you haven't heard of (Or haven't rated yet), but want to know just in case.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 06:48:32 AM
<--  If you need an extra body.

Heavy rounds will be tough for me as people who've had me in their roulettes before will note my stuff is rarely heavy, but hopefully should be able to cover two rounds :)
Welcome! No worries at all, as I said in the OP, when ensuring that submissions meet the theme, I'll only be judging against your other submissions rather than anyone else's (or indeed some other benchmark of "heavy"). Basically, from the range of things you like and think I might enjoy, two rounds should be from the "heavier" end, which you can interpret how you like.

I think I have my first submission ready, but just to confirm...

  • If I’ve rated an album (including compilations), all songs from it are banned. All other songs are not banned.

When you say "All other songs" you mean all other songs from the artist that have not been rated, correct? There are a few artist that you rated an album or two, and I might want to send something else from their catalog. I'll try to stick to artists you haven't heard of (Or haven't rated yet), but want to know just in case.
Correct, literally all songs that are not on an album I've rated are fair game. In recent years I've got pretty thorough about rating things I give a proper listen to, and to exploring artists further if I really like an album, but there are still gaps sometimes in what I've heard.

EDIT: To add, sometimes it's the case that I do actually know one or more songs I've been sent, but I'll still accept them and rate them fairly. I prefer to let players have the confidence that as long as they can navigate what's banned based on my RYM, they can submit and I won't reject anything.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Stadler on May 09, 2023, 06:49:26 AM
Spot for me?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 06:51:14 AM
Spot for me?
Always. :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 09, 2023, 07:25:20 AM


I read this quick and thought I was banned already.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 09, 2023, 07:27:19 AM
You know I'm in. :metal

Oh wait, you already added me to the list. Thanks! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 09, 2023, 07:29:13 AM
Okay, this I can do if I’m able to send weird stuff, which certainly seems possible based on the banned list. Your roulettes are always fun, so if you’ll have me, I’ll send on time as well (TAC can vouch for me :biggrin: )

I was very proud of you. Don't let me down here. I'll be watching. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 09, 2023, 07:32:38 AM
I wouldn’t be surprised if wolfking’s “light” is heavier than Stadler’s “heavy”,

 :lol :lol

Kade, this is sig-worthy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: HOF on May 09, 2023, 07:36:21 AM
Well, since I’m already on the list, let’s just go for it!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 09, 2023, 07:43:40 AM
As long as you're serious about not limiting the number of players, which I see is already getting to be pretty high, I'd like to join!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 09, 2023, 07:47:40 AM
Rich, thoughts on foreign language vocals?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 09, 2023, 07:51:34 AM
Rich, thoughts on foreign language vocals?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 09, 2023, 07:54:36 AM
Sent the thing. :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 09, 2023, 07:57:58 AM


I read this quick and thought I was banned already.  :lol
That was a typo, you are banned :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Stadler on May 09, 2023, 08:18:15 AM
I wouldn’t be surprised if wolfking’s “light” is heavier than Stadler’s “heavy”,

 :lol :lol

Kade, this is sig-worthy.

HAHA.  Can't really argue that.  Night Ranger is heavy, right???
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 08:37:36 AM


I read this quick and thought I was banned already.  :lol

As long as you're serious about not limiting the number of players, which I see is already getting to be pretty high, I'd like to join!
Yay, welcome back!

Rich, thoughts on foreign language vocals?

But yeah foreign language 100% fine. I have plenty of 5 and 4.5 star albums that are not in English (definitely some Japanese and Greek, probably some other languages too).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 09, 2023, 08:45:12 AM
Apparently Lonestar thought that was funny. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 09:07:52 AM
Apparently Lonestar thought that was funny. :lol
I think because all of his submissions are going to be in Japanese. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 09, 2023, 09:17:31 AM
Apparently Lonestar thought that was funny. :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 09, 2023, 09:25:39 AM
Rich, thoughts on receiving King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard for 7 straight rounds?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 09:30:07 AM
Rich, thoughts on receiving King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard for 7 straight rounds?
Only possible if they never score 8/10 or higher, which is feasible based on my RYM ratings of the albums I've already heard... :P

EDIT: By the way does this mean you're in?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 09, 2023, 09:33:29 AM
Rich, thoughts on receiving King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard for 7 straight rounds?
Only possible if they never score 8/10 or higher, which is feasible based on my RYM ratings of the albums I've already heard... :P

EDIT: By the way does this mean you're in?

Oh dammit, so does that just mean the albums you've listened to are banned? The rest are fair game?

Yea I'm in. I'm also working on Glasser, so you may have another participant as well!

Oh, also, if you're taking bribes in this roulette, I've got one hell of a bribe/bargaining chip!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 09, 2023, 09:34:17 AM
I wouldn’t be surprised if wolfking’s “light” is heavier than Stadler’s “heavy”,

 :lol :lol

Kade, this is sig-worthy.

HAHA.  Can't really argue that.  Night Ranger is heavy, right???

So is White Lion.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 09:37:26 AM
Oh dammit, so does that just mean the albums you've listened to are banned? The rest are fair game?
Yeah, if it's not on an album that I've rated, then it's fair game.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 09, 2023, 09:46:52 AM
Oh dammit, so does that just mean the albums you've listened to are banned? The rest are fair game?
Yeah, if it's not on an album that I've rated, then it's fair game.

You have listened to some of their best albums, but they'll likely release another 8 before this roulette is finished.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 09:49:39 AM
Oh dammit, so does that just mean the albums you've listened to are banned? The rest are fair game?
Yeah, if it's not on an album that I've rated, then it's fair game.

You have listened to some of their best albums, but they'll likely release another 8 before this roulette is finished.
The roulette should only take about two months.

So it'll be more like 11 albums.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: faizoff on May 09, 2023, 09:53:46 AM
Dang you've got 18 signups already, you have space for another?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 09, 2023, 09:59:24 AM
Oh dammit, so does that just mean the albums you've listened to are banned? The rest are fair game?
Yeah, if it's not on an album that I've rated, then it's fair game.

Interesting. I missed this. I had a band I was thinking of, but I saw that you had ONE of their albums listed. Nice, so they're back in play!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Lonk on May 09, 2023, 10:00:14 AM
Sent something
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 09, 2023, 10:03:33 AM
Dang you've got 18 signups already, you have space for another?


Rich going for that participant record.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Evermind on May 09, 2023, 10:30:25 AM
Here to lose defend my title!

I'll read the rules later. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 09, 2023, 10:33:52 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 09, 2023, 10:48:19 AM
I'm going to do things slightly different than in other roulettes so far, so this should be fun to make ariich my guinea pig.   ;D   I already have a first draft of each round as well as the EP, so this should be exciting. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ReaperKK on May 09, 2023, 11:00:04 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 09, 2023, 11:06:41 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 09, 2023, 11:10:17 AM
I got the next three bands picked, just gotta narrow down what tracks. After that I got to sift through the rest of my J-metal library...I got about 20-30 bands, and of those I think only Nemophila and Gacharic Spin are totally banned. Easy pickings man...

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Evermind on May 09, 2023, 11:13:20 AM
I got the next three bands picked, just gotta narrow down what tracks. After that I got to sift through the rest of my J-metal library...I got about 20-30 bands, and of those I think only Nemophila and Gacharic Spin are totally banned. Easy pickings man...

I mean that's because I'm pretty sure you sent them in the last roulette. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 09, 2023, 11:31:26 AM
Apparently Lonestar thought that was funny. :lol


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: romdrums on May 09, 2023, 11:33:04 AM
I'm in if there's still room.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Evermind on May 09, 2023, 11:33:28 AM
Apparently Lonestar thought that was funny. :lol



Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 09, 2023, 11:48:07 AM
Apparently Lonestar thought that was funny. :lol



(https://i.postimg.cc/QCJRQPmR/tyson-turn.gif) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 12:47:31 PM
Dang you've got 18 signups already, you have space for another?


Rich going for that participant record.
:lol Pretty much. My v6 had 22 which is the joint record for full roulette participation. We're now on 21. COME ON PEOPLE WE CAN DO THIS.

I got the next three bands picked, just gotta narrow down what tracks. After that I got to sift through the rest of my J-metal library...I got about 20-30 bands, and of those I think only Nemophila and Gacharic Spin are totally banned. Easy pickings man...

I mean that's because I'm pretty sure you sent them in the last roulette. :lol
Correct. :lol Nemophila wasn't even in the roulette itself as there was only one round that wasn't pre-2000, but it was a post-roulette entry.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 09, 2023, 12:55:08 PM
I got the next three bands picked, just gotta narrow down what tracks. After that I got to sift through the rest of my J-metal library...I got about 20-30 bands, and of those I think only Nemophila and Gacharic Spin are totally banned. Easy pickings man...

I mean that's because I'm pretty sure you sent them in the last roulette. :lol

Yeah, the only official submission was Gachapin....Nemophila was just a courtesy. He's got a few others knocked off though...seems he's hit the whole Lovebites discography though, but after that it's wide open territory.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 09, 2023, 01:02:48 PM
Dang you've got 18 signups already, you have space for another?


Rich going for that participant record.
:lol Pretty much. My v6 had 22 which is the joint record for full roulette participation. We're now on 21. COME ON PEOPLE WE CAN DO THIS.

I'm still working on Glasser  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 09, 2023, 01:18:52 PM

I'm still working on Glasser  :tup

Did you tell him that Cattle Decapitaion and Pizza Death are not banned?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 09, 2023, 01:25:00 PM

I'm still working on Glasser  :tup

Did you tell him that Cattle Decapitaion and Pizza Death are not banned?

Don't want anyone cock blocking Pizza Death, I may need to reevaluate!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 03:01:03 PM
I got the next three bands picked, just gotta narrow down what tracks. After that I got to sift through the rest of my J-metal library...I got about 20-30 bands, and of those I think only Nemophila and Gacharic Spin are totally banned. Easy pickings man...

I mean that's because I'm pretty sure you sent them in the last roulette. :lol

Yeah, the only official submission was Gachapin....Nemophila was just a courtesy. He's got a few others knocked off though...seems he's hit the whole Lovebites discography though, but after that it's wide open territory.
I have managed to discover some Japanese metal bands without you, you know. :P

I'm still working on Glasser  :tup

Did you tell him that Cattle Decapitaion and Pizza Death are not banned?

Don't want anyone cock blocking Pizza Death, I may need to reevaluate!
How many of their songs could you fit into a single submission? :lol

Anyway I've started listening to the submissions received already. Strong stuff so far.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: wolfking on May 09, 2023, 03:01:08 PM
I wouldn’t be surprised if wolfking’s “light” is heavier than Stadler’s “heavy”,

 :lol :lol

Kade, this is sig-worthy.

It fucking is hey!   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 09, 2023, 03:04:16 PM
Damn.. Looks like I missed getting Doll$Boxx as an option by a few months
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Stadler on May 09, 2023, 03:05:19 PM

I'm still working on Glasser  :tup

Did you tell him that Cattle Decapitaion and Pizza Death are not banned?

Don't want anyone cock blocking Pizza Death, I may need to reevaluate!

Friend 1:  Hey, I've got an idea.  Let's form a band.
Friend 2:  Awesome. I have a guitar.
Friend 3:  I have a list on my iPhone of cool names for a band.  How about "Pizza Death"?
Friend 1 and 2:  Rock on, bro! 

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: wolfking on May 09, 2023, 03:05:40 PM
Rich, I don't have Spotify, can I just send the names to you of the songs and you can let me know if they aren't on there and I'll shoot you MP3s?  Or shoot you MP3s anyway?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 03:07:39 PM
Rich, I don't have Spotify, can I just send the names to you of the songs and you can let me know if they aren't on there and I'll shoot you MP3s?  Or shoot you MP3s anyway?
Yep that's fine, no need to send me mp3s if they're on Spotify so let's go with that with mp3s as the backup. Helpful if you can let me know which album each track is from.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: wolfking on May 09, 2023, 03:12:00 PM
Rich, I don't have Spotify, can I just send the names to you of the songs and you can let me know if they aren't on there and I'll shoot you MP3s?  Or shoot you MP3s anyway?
Yep that's fine, no need to send me mp3s if they're on Spotify so let's go with that with mp3s as the backup. Helpful if you can let me know which album each track is from.

Of course.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Sacul on May 09, 2023, 03:24:12 PM
Let's do this :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 09, 2023, 05:33:26 PM
I got the next three bands picked, just gotta narrow down what tracks. After that I got to sift through the rest of my J-metal library...I got about 20-30 bands, and of those I think only Nemophila and Gacharic Spin are totally banned. Easy pickings man...
If I ever do run another roulette, I'm expecting you to join and send me all the J-metal!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: wolfking on May 09, 2023, 05:41:01 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 09, 2023, 06:03:33 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 09, 2023, 07:31:38 PM
I got the next three bands picked, just gotta narrow down what tracks. After that I got to sift through the rest of my J-metal library...I got about 20-30 bands, and of those I think only Nemophila and Gacharic Spin are totally banned. Easy pickings man...
If I ever do run another roulette, I'm expecting you to join and send me all the J-metal!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 09, 2023, 10:09:46 PM
And by “one track”, I mean one track, not “multiple tracks but really it’s one song”.

Just call this the jingle / Dimension Act rule, kk?

I got the next three bands picked, just gotta narrow down what tracks. After that I got to sift through the rest of my J-metal library...I got about 20-30 bands, and of those I think only Nemophila and Gacharic Spin are totally banned. Easy pickings man...
If I ever do run another roulette, I'm expecting you to join and send me all the J-metal!

Howsabout you finish your active roulette first!  :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Crow on May 09, 2023, 10:24:14 PM
If I ever do run another roulette, I'm expecting you to join and send me all the J-metal!
Howsabout you finish your active roulette first!  :neverusethis:
yeah i was definitely gonna win this one so you need to finish it :getoffmylawn:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2023, 10:52:41 PM
If I ever do run another roulette, I'm expecting you to join and send me all the J-metal!
Howsabout you finish your active roulette first!  :neverusethis:
yeah i was definitely gonna win this one so you need to finish it :getoffmylawn:
Hey now, I was in the lead. :P

I understand why it was difficult to finish, but I really would love to see it resolved eventually (as others said, wouldn't need long, in-depth writeups though).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 09, 2023, 10:56:13 PM
If I ever do run another roulette, I'm expecting you to join and send me all the J-metal!
Howsabout you finish your active roulette first!  :neverusethis:
yeah i was definitely gonna win this one so you need to finish it :getoffmylawn:
Hey now, I was in the lead. :P

I understand why it was difficult to finish, but I really would love to see it resolved eventually (as others said, wouldn't need long, in-depth writeups though).
It will happen eventually. I just need to get back in the right headspace to wrap it up. I hate leaving things hanging for too long, although Chad should be used to it. I left him hanging on his post roulette concept album for, what, 2 years?  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: HOF on May 09, 2023, 11:06:49 PM
I has sent things.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 09, 2023, 11:17:33 PM
Sent! :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2023, 12:11:28 AM
If I ever do run another roulette, I'm expecting you to join and send me all the J-metal!
Howsabout you finish your active roulette first!  :neverusethis:
yeah i was definitely gonna win this one so you need to finish it :getoffmylawn:
Hey now, I was in the lead. :P

I understand why it was difficult to finish, but I really would love to see it resolved eventually (as others said, wouldn't need long, in-depth writeups though).
It will happen eventually. I just need to get back in the right headspace to wrap it up. I hate leaving things hanging for too long, although Chad should be used to it. I left him hanging on his post roulette concept album for, what, 2 years?  :lol
True. :lol

Anyway that's great to hear.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: soupytwist on May 10, 2023, 02:44:04 AM
...and away we go.  Sent!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: romdrums on May 10, 2023, 07:23:41 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Evermind on May 10, 2023, 12:04:32 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2023, 01:09:01 PM
Thanks guys, I've got 17 submissions already out of 21 people signed up so far.

Sign ups still very much open to anyone else who wants to join in!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Luoto on May 10, 2023, 02:02:21 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 10, 2023, 02:03:49 PM
Oh shit! Luoto is playing?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Luoto on May 10, 2023, 02:05:16 PM
Yeah, thought I'd jump in last minute. This will be... interesting :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2023, 02:10:15 PM
Now it's a real party!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 10, 2023, 02:14:23 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2023, 02:30:23 PM
I'd love to get at least one more sign up to make this my biggest roulette ever.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 10, 2023, 02:40:38 PM
I'd love to get at least one more sign up to make this my biggest roulette ever.

I can always play as two people if we don't get another and start making up for missing your first seven roulettes.  (https://i.imgur.com/XmbqBzV.gif)   Maybe exhume my old alias.  (https://i.imgur.com/9Po5i1a.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2023, 03:17:04 PM
I'd love to get at least one more sign up to make this my biggest roulette ever.

I can always play as two people if we don't get another and start making up for missing your first seven roulettes.  (https://i.imgur.com/XmbqBzV.gif)   Maybe exhume my old alias.  (https://i.imgur.com/9Po5i1a.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 10, 2023, 04:04:34 PM
Someone get Nick_z and Glasser on the blower.

Oh shit! Luoto is playing?

Luoto sent melodeath

Edit: Sent the good stuff
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Glasser on May 10, 2023, 04:13:45 PM
This looks like something I would love to do but I literally feel like my brain broke reading the the way it works. I don't have Spotify but I'm sure I can work around that. I may need to have someone literally call me to explain it better.  :blush
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 10, 2023, 04:14:49 PM
This looks like something I would love to do but I literally feel like my brain broke reading the the way it works. I don't have Spotify but I'm sure I can work around that. I may need to have someone literally call me to explain it better.  :blush

Let's conference call and listen to Pizza Death while I explain. I'm sure Ariich will go easy on you, as it's your first time. Basically, just give Ariich the names of the songs and he'll find them on Spotify.

Each round is themed, first round being 'heavy' (open to interpretation) with a time limit of 20 minutes worth of music. So you could send almost the whole Pizza Death album!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Glasser on May 10, 2023, 04:16:20 PM
This looks like something I would love to do but I literally feel like my brain broke reading the the way it works. I don't have Spotify but I'm sure I can work around that. I may need to have someone literally call me to explain it better.  :blush

Let's conference call and listen to Pizza Death while I explain.

I'm down man!  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 10, 2023, 04:18:41 PM
This looks like something I would love to do but I literally feel like my brain broke reading the the way it works. I don't have Spotify but I'm sure I can work around that. I may need to have someone literally call me to explain it better.  :blush

Let's conference call and listen to Pizza Death while I explain.

I'm down man!  :lol

It's a lot of fun dude. The main thing you need to do in a roulette is rip on Tim. You've got plenty of experience there.

You'll learn as you go and there are no stupid questions  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2023, 04:23:32 PM
This looks like something I would love to do but I literally feel like my brain broke reading the the way it works. I don't have Spotify but I'm sure I can work around that. I may need to have someone literally call me to explain it better.  :blush
Don't worry about the format if you're not familiar with Spotify, you can just tell me the artist and song(s) and I can find them on Spotify myself.

Short version of what you need to know to get started:
 - each submission should be as many songs as you like from a single band/artist, up to a total of under 20 minutes.
 - anything from an album I've rated on RYM (link in OP) is banned, anything else is not banned. For example if I've rated some albums by a particular band but not others, the albums I've not rated are available to send.
 - first round should be something on the heavier side of your musical interests, round 2 should be from the lighter side, then round 3 is completely open. That then repeats for rounds 4-6. Final round will be an EP round involving multiple artists, rules in the OP

So, you in?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2023, 04:25:39 PM
Oh and yeah Luke's explanation is spot on as well, and he's right - feel free to ask questions on anything you're unsure of!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 10, 2023, 04:27:54 PM
Luoto sent melodeath

All this time and you still don't know how to spell my name.  (https://i.imgur.com/5ZG55cI.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 10, 2023, 04:29:10 PM

Getting there!

Yea honestly, roulettes have evolved over time but at their core it's just send music to someone and they score it. It's always nice to have fresh meat as it were.

Luoto sent melodeath

All this time and you still don't know how to spell my name.  (https://i.imgur.com/5ZG55cI.gif)

Not only that, I don't even know what continent you're on!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 10, 2023, 04:30:44 PM
Ok, someone get king on photoshopping everyone's faces onto that one.  That's a lotta kielbasa. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 10, 2023, 04:34:51 PM

 :rollin :rollin :rollin

That's dead on.

The main thing you need to do in a roulette is rip on Tim.


That's definitely NOT dead on!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2023, 04:35:53 PM
Lies, there is no capacity.

And yeah I'm bound to mix up Litho, Luoto and/or Luke at some point.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 10, 2023, 04:38:12 PM
Lies, there is no capacity.

And yeah I'm bound to mix up Litho, Luoto and/or Luke at some point.

I'll be the one sending good music.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 10, 2023, 04:40:39 PM
Well, at least there can only be one king....oh wait...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 10, 2023, 04:44:53 PM
I'll be hard-pressed to submit before Saturday.  Flying tomorrow, work/home shit to take care of on Friday after being out of town all week.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 10, 2023, 04:45:20 PM
Well, at least there can only be one king....oh wait...

There'll be a whole lotta Kings up in here. I don't think I need to elaborate further.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 10, 2023, 04:49:03 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Glasser on May 10, 2023, 04:53:50 PM
This looks like something I would love to do but I literally feel like my brain broke reading the the way it works. I don't have Spotify but I'm sure I can work around that. I may need to have someone literally call me to explain it better.  :blush
Don't worry about the format if you're not familiar with Spotify, you can just tell me the artist and song(s) and I can find them on Spotify myself.

Short version of what you need to know to get started:
 - each submission should be as many songs as you like from a single band/artist, up to a total of under 20 minutes.
 - anything from an album I've rated on RYM (link in OP) is banned, anything else is not banned. For example if I've rated some albums by a particular band but not others, the albums I've not rated are available to send.
 - first round should be something on the heavier side of your musical interests, round 2 should be from the lighter side, then round 3 is completely open. That then repeats for rounds 4-6. Final round will be an EP round involving multiple artists, rules in the OP

So, you in?

Thanks Rich! I'm in if you'll have me and have patience to break my roulette cherry?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ReaperKK on May 10, 2023, 04:55:39 PM

 :rollin :rollin :rollin

That's dead on.

The main thing you need to do in a roulette is rip on Tim.


That's definitely NOT dead on!

All I see is the boys having a good time
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2023, 04:59:26 PM
I'll be hard-pressed to submit before Saturday.  Flying tomorrow, work/home shit to take care of on Friday after being out of town all week.
No problem at all Chad, I'll leave sign ups open until the weekend anyway, and I also know the first round especially can take a bit of time and thought.

Thanks Rich! I'm in if you'll have me and have patience to break my roulette cherry?

And with that, this is now the biggest roulette ever. :hat
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 10, 2023, 05:02:03 PM
Thanks Rich! I'm in if you'll have me and have patience to break my roulette cherry?

And with that, this is now the biggest roulette ever. :hat


Let's do this!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 10, 2023, 05:10:19 PM
Well, at least there can only be one king....oh wait...

Yeah. WTF man!  Tim's my bitch. You go through me!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 10, 2023, 05:39:51 PM
Rich, you got a lot of damn listening to do.

Epic Hangman coming!

I would dread having to do 24 writeups.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Glasser on May 10, 2023, 05:42:11 PM
Thanks Rich! I'm in if you'll have me and have patience to break my roulette cherry?

And with that, this is now the biggest roulette ever. :hat


Let's do this!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 10, 2023, 05:50:55 PM
Thanks Rich! I'm in if you'll have me and have patience to break my roulette cherry?

And with that, this is now the biggest roulette ever. :hat


Let's do this!


(https://i.postimg.cc/02ZZdCPT/giphy-16.webp) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 10, 2023, 06:00:47 PM
Rich, you got a lot of damn listening to do.

Epic Hangman coming!

I would dread having to do 24 writeups.

Well, his in older ones seem more the size of yours, Tomi's, and Luke's, but if they were the size of my earlier ones or Crow's in older roulettes...(https://i.imgur.com/52czC8u.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: wolfking on May 10, 2023, 06:15:06 PM
At the moment, that's potentially almost 8 hours of music.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 06:59:19 PM
Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else. Only he could successfully handle this much music per round and still provide decent write-ups each time.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 10, 2023, 08:54:50 PM
The problem for me is that if you have that much music to get through and are trying to do a quick turnaround, you can't give each entry that much listening time.  It takes me at least half a dozen listens to begin sorting things out, usually much more than that, and that's with giving some the same score - I couldn't imagine a pure stacked ranking.  I don't know how some of you do it. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Glasser on May 10, 2023, 09:07:26 PM
Stupid questions part 1!

Do we submit round 1 and wait for results before each round?   :blush

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 10, 2023, 09:20:30 PM
Yeah, there are usually several different phases to each round.  Every roulette is a little different, but usually after all the songs are in we'll slowly guess the artists/songs picked via a game of hangman.  Then there might be impressions or comparisons posted, and eventually results will be up.  Once you submit you can kind of sit back and enjoy the show for the next week or two, and you'll start getting the hang of the flow of things.  If you want a sneak peak of what's up ahead you could skim the first few pages of the other ongoing roulettes (Crow's, Tomislav95's, and mine). 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 10, 2023, 09:21:39 PM
Yeah, there are usually several different phases to each round.  Every roulette is a little different, but usually after all the songs are in we'll slowly guess the artists/songs picked via a game of hangman.  Then there might be impressions or comparisons posted, and eventually results will be up.  Once you submit you can kind of sit back and enjoy the show for the next week or two, and you'll start getting the hang of the flow of things.
Or you can do like Crow and I do and submit all rounds at once....usually.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 09:32:00 PM
Stupid questions part 1!

Do we submit round 1 and wait for results before each round?   :blush

Send your songs, wait for your score, then pick your next songs depending on how much Ariich hated the last batch. :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Glasser on May 10, 2023, 09:40:01 PM
Stupid questions part 1!

Do we submit round 1 and wait for results before each round?   :blush

Send your songs, wait for your score, then pick your next songs depending on how much Ariich hated the last batch. :biggrin:

 :lol Round 1 Sent!.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: wolfking on May 10, 2023, 10:22:14 PM
The problem for me is that if you have that much music to get through and are trying to do a quick turnaround, you can't give each entry that much listening time.  It takes me at least half a dozen listens to begin sorting things out, usually much more than that, and that's with giving some the same score - I couldn't imagine a pure stacked ranking.  I don't know how some of you do it.

I thought about this exact point after my post but it's Rich's roulette.  He would know what he's capable of.  It's just a bit of fun and means I'll not spend too much time on an entry.  Send something cool and hope it sticks!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Crow on May 10, 2023, 11:10:50 PM
or Crow's in older roulettes...
the funny thing is in retrospect those writeups were way too long. ain't nobody gonna read all that and they're very disorganized and unfocused  :lol
nowadays i'm bullet-pointing as i go and throwing together tight, concise, to-the-point writeups out of the notes, which is much less work for much better results  :hat
writing for youtube for four years'll do that to ya
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2023, 01:57:45 AM
Rich, you got a lot of damn listening to do.

Epic Hangman coming!

I would dread having to do 24 writeups.

Well, his in older ones seem more the size of yours, Tomi's, and Luke's, but if they were the size of my earlier ones or Crow's in older roulettes...(https://i.imgur.com/52czC8u.gif)
Nah I've never written that much, that's just not how my brain works. I've always been more - but by no means entirely - on the "big picture" side of things (intuition, or "N", in Myers Briggs terms) than the detail side. I get the impression you lean somewhat the other way. For single-artist submissions, my write-ups are a paragraph, which may be long or short depending on how much I have to say. EPs and suchlike I'll always write a bit more.

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
:lol Sig'd.

But seriously, I just get a lot of time to listen to music during the week and in the evenings, almost all of which is while doing other things. Unless I'm in a meeting then I can almost always listen to music when working, when clearing/washing up in the evening, while commuting on those occasions I work in the office, etc. Getting 6-8 hours music in a round is no problem - on a quiet day I can listen through all of it in the one day. And for a lot of music I listen to, I have a good sense of my opinion of it after 2-3 listens (although I find it harder with single songs, which is exactly why I favour these up-to-20-minute roulettes), which is why my minimum commitment is 3 listens but for some of them will listen 4 or 5 times (or even more on occasion) if I'm unsure.

In terms of decent write-ups, yeah like I said I don't like to write loads of detail on lots of specifics, that's not really how I approach music anyway. I try my best to ensure I know what I feel about something, and then articulate that in a paragraph. It helps that writing concise assessments of things is literally a major part of my job. :lol

Stupid questions part 1!

Do we submit round 1 and wait for results before each round?   :blush

Send your songs, wait for your score, then pick your next songs depending on how much Ariich hated the last batch. :biggrin:
I mean, you'd have to work pretty hard to send me something I hate. The lowest scores I've ever given have been 6.0/10, which just about scrapes through as "decent", and that was in my album roulettes where scores were on average slightly lower because people weren't picking out the best songs. One of those I probably could have gone slightly lower, but I was rounding to the nearest half back then, and it was a post-roulette submission anyway.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 05:15:48 AM
Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
:lol Sig'd.

But seriously, I just get a lot of time to listen to music during the week and in the evenings, almost all of which is while doing other things. Unless I'm in a meeting then I can almost always listen to music when working, when clearing/washing up in the evening, while commuting on those occasions I work in the office, etc. Getting 6-8 hours music in a round is no problem - on a quiet day I can listen through all of it in the one day. And for a lot of music I listen to, I have a good sense of my opinion of it after 2-3 listens (although I find it harder with single songs, which is exactly why I favour these up-to-20-minute roulettes), which is why my minimum commitment is 3 listens but for some of them will listen 4 or 5 times (or even more on occasion) if I'm unsure.

This is literally me. On paper I should be able to run a tight roulette, to a good time frame. However, I suck at write ups!

Stupid questions part 1!

Do we submit round 1 and wait for results before each round?   :blush

Send your songs, wait for your score, then pick your next songs depending on how much Ariich hated the last batch. :biggrin:

 :lol Round 1 Sent!.

Black Flag? :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Glasser on May 11, 2023, 06:52:08 AM
Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
:lol Sig'd.

But seriously, I just get a lot of time to listen to music during the week and in the evenings, almost all of which is while doing other things. Unless I'm in a meeting then I can almost always listen to music when working, when clearing/washing up in the evening, while commuting on those occasions I work in the office, etc. Getting 6-8 hours music in a round is no problem - on a quiet day I can listen through all of it in the one day. And for a lot of music I listen to, I have a good sense of my opinion of it after 2-3 listens (although I find it harder with single songs, which is exactly why I favour these up-to-20-minute roulettes), which is why my minimum commitment is 3 listens but for some of them will listen 4 or 5 times (or even more on occasion) if I'm unsure.

This is literally me. On paper I should be able to run a tight roulette, to a good time frame. However, I suck at write ups!

Stupid questions part 1!

Do we submit round 1 and wait for results before each round?   :blush

Send your songs, wait for your score, then pick your next songs depending on how much Ariich hated the last batch. :biggrin:

 :lol Round 1 Sent!.

Black Flag? :neverusethis:

Haha! I'm going to dig deep and be less predictable. The catalogue of bands I know is absolutely massive.  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 08:42:31 AM
Stupid questions part 1!

Do we submit round 1 and wait for results before each round?   :blush

Send your songs, wait for your score, then pick your next songs depending on how much Ariich hated the last batch. :biggrin:

 :lol Round 1 Sent!.

Black Flag? :neverusethis:

Haha! I'm going to dig deep and be less predictable. The catalogue of bands I know is absolutely massive.  :)

Yea, I'm just shitting you. I'd like to think I might be able to guess what you sent, once we get to hangman, but I'm sure I'll be proven wrong  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 11, 2023, 09:30:46 AM
Glasser sent Menstruating Nuns.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 09:53:00 AM
Glasser sent Menstruating Nuns.

Yea, those album covers are NSFW, especially the one that had your face on it  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 11, 2023, 12:29:26 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Glasser on May 11, 2023, 01:09:58 PM
Glasser sent Menstruating Nuns.

Next round.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2023, 01:29:36 PM
Seeing as Chad said he should be able to send on Saturday, I think I'll make that the deadline for sign-ups and first round submissions.

I've already got 21 entries out of 23 people signed up so am cracking on with first listens.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 01:33:50 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 11, 2023, 01:41:26 PM
Seeing as Chad said he should be able to send on Saturday, I think I'll make that the deadline for sign-ups and first round submissions.

I've already got 21 entries out of 23 people signed up so am cracking on with first listens.

 :metal :metal :metal

Let the Japanese invasion of your mind begin!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 11, 2023, 01:58:04 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/3r6h0m4G/Zombo-Meme-11052023155717.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 11, 2023, 02:14:27 PM
 :lol :lol

They're actually banned...

And why you gotta leave Tamu out, she's the one that cut her chops on Dream Theater covers... 

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 11, 2023, 02:19:00 PM
The hardest to cut and paste in the picture I picked. Lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 11, 2023, 02:25:08 PM
Based on Haraguchi's hair color, that'd be the Rise promo picture.

I swear I'm not obsessed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 11, 2023, 02:36:26 PM
The hardest to cut and paste in the picture I picked. Lol

I'm sure Lonestar could help you with some paste.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 11, 2023, 02:38:45 PM
The hardest to cut and paste in the picture I picked. Lol

I'm sure Lonestar could help you with some paste.

Battleships take time to reload.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Lonk on May 11, 2023, 02:39:11 PM
I swear I'm not obsessed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 02:43:47 PM
The hardest to cut and paste in the picture I picked. Lol

I'm sure Lonestar could help you with some paste.

Good lord  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2023, 03:02:01 PM
Well, this thread suddenly went in an unexpectedly horrifying direction.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 03:03:44 PM
Yep, King Gizzes with his Japanese Lizard.

Edit: So why does the word J I Z Z automatically get changed to smile? What is happening  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2023, 03:11:52 PM
Yep, King Gizzes with his Japanese Lizard.

Edit: So why does the word J I Z Z automatically get changed to smile? What is happening  :lol
:lol Right back when we created this version of the forum, we set up those auto replaces for some rude words. I'd totally forgotten about that.

You can turn it off in your profile settings.

EDIT: In your look and layout setting, just check the box that says leave words uncensored.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 03:12:34 PM
Can't a man just smile when he wants to?  :lol

Now I feel I need to find the other words that have been replaced!

So does that read 'smile' or 'smile' for you?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Glasser on May 11, 2023, 03:14:50 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 11, 2023, 03:16:51 PM
Rich, this is what happens when you've received 21 of 23 playlists.

It's playtime! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2023, 03:17:22 PM
Can't a man just smile when he wants to?  :lol

Now I feel I need to find the other words that have been replaced!

So does that read 'smile' or 'smile' for you?

  :facepalm: goddammit
interestingly your first row initially read as j i z z, but when I tried to quote reply it had changed to smile. I suspect that's because you edited the post? Normally it would look uncensored to me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 11, 2023, 03:18:17 PM
Gonna be a long two days before Chad sends.   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 03:18:23 PM
Rich, this is what happens when you've received 21 of 23 playlists.

It's playtime! :lol

Yep, it's gonna go astray multiple times a day. OK let's try this again...

Well, this thread suddenly went in an unexpectedly horrifying direction.

Yep, King smilees with his Japanese Lizard
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 11, 2023, 03:18:47 PM

I've already got 21 entries out of 23 people signed up so am cracking on with first listens.

Since one is Chad, the other one better not be my friend Elite.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2023, 03:21:46 PM

I've already got 21 entries out of 23 people signed up so am cracking on with first listens.

Since one is Chad, the other one better not be my friend Elite.
Um... :lol

It's fine, nothing's late, I've only just set the deadline of Saturday.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 03:26:08 PM
Tim, you about to channel your inner hall monitor?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 11, 2023, 03:26:48 PM
I’ll send on time as well (TAC can vouch for me :biggrin: )

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 11, 2023, 03:35:37 PM
Uh oh, I had already noticed he didn't say "Litho and Tomi and TAC can vouch for me"...the plot thickens...  (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 11, 2023, 03:36:36 PM
Well, this thread suddenly went in an unexpectedly horrifying direction.

Speaking of things going in a horrifying direction, you should see pictures of the band I'm seeing tonight, Rolling Quartz...

Hoooo boy...  :omg:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 11, 2023, 03:52:27 PM
Tim right now, in his basement,  in front of his computer.

(https://i.postimg.cc/pXtL9bzJ/7J76.gif) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 11, 2023, 03:53:16 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 11, 2023, 03:54:06 PM
R.J. going south Korean tonight. Cheating on his Japanese metal loves.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 11, 2023, 03:55:17 PM
So it's clear that TAC's and ariich's roulettes turn into the de facto DTF chat threads.  I guess some guys just know how to throw a party.  (https://i.imgur.com/fl7blJL.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: lonestar on May 11, 2023, 03:58:31 PM
R.J. going south Korean tonight. Cheating on his Japanese metal loves.

And I was with my Mexican loves last Thursday... Variety is the spice of life friends..
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 11, 2023, 04:00:11 PM
I'll be with my German loves next week. Sweden too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 11, 2023, 04:19:11 PM
I ought to be able to send tomorrow morning. I figured out who I’m submitting, just need to narrow down the tracks.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: nick_z on May 11, 2023, 07:49:02 PM
What the heck, I'll take the plunge (if you'll still have me, of course!)...things are not as crazy lately, and if you can handle a roulette with almost 25 participants, I figured I can select some music every week to send  :) Plus it seems like it's truly a DTF party in here...

Aiming to send something tomorrow (Friday)...

Let me know if that's ok!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2023, 11:26:00 PM
I ought to be able to send tomorrow morning. I figured out who I’m submitting, just need to narrow down the tracks.
Sounds good!

What the heck, I'll take the plunge (if you'll still have me, of course!)...things are not as crazy lately, and if you can handle a roulette with almost 25 participants, I figured I can select some music every week to send  :) Plus it seems like it's truly a DTF party in here...

Aiming to send something tomorrow (Friday)...

Let me know if that's ok!
Fantastic, welcome aboard Nick!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 11, 2023, 11:52:49 PM
What the heck, I'll take the plunge (if you'll still have me, of course!)...things are not as crazy lately, and if you can handle a roulette with almost 25 participants, I figured I can select some music every week to send  :) Plus it seems like it's truly a DTF party in here...

Aiming to send something tomorrow (Friday)...

Let me know if that's ok!


Looks like there's room for more in here.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Lonk on May 12, 2023, 03:55:35 AM
We are going to need a bigger pool
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: nick_z on May 12, 2023, 06:09:18 AM

By the way, sent for round #1!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 12, 2023, 12:50:19 PM
I have Chad's first round entry now, so as soon we my namesake submits I think I'll close sign ups and we can crack on with giant hangman!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 12, 2023, 12:52:47 PM
We're hangin' Paul Bunyan this round. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: Crow on May 12, 2023, 01:04:45 PM
give me the Q
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 12, 2023, 01:18:03 PM
I have Chad's first round entry now, so as soon we my namesake submits I think I'll close sign ups and we can crack on with giant hangman!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: ariich on May 12, 2023, 01:23:18 PM
TAC isn't angry, he's just disappointed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 12, 2023, 01:24:13 PM
I can hear him harrumphing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 12, 2023, 01:25:02 PM
I actually typed "I am disappointed", but scrapped it for the gif.  :lol

I can hear him harrumphing.

I can smell you harrumphing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 12, 2023, 01:53:13 PM
That would be tooting.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 12, 2023, 05:13:11 PM
We are going to need a bigger pool

I was saving this gif, but as the list of participants is growing it's becoming more relevant...

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 12, 2023, 05:31:26 PM
I see everyone in the pile except for Elite.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 12, 2023, 05:42:49 PM
I see everyone in the pile except for Elite.

Oh snap!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on May 13, 2023, 06:16:13 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: lonestar on May 13, 2023, 07:17:56 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 13, 2023, 11:51:36 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: Sacul on May 13, 2023, 11:55:19 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: HOF on May 13, 2023, 11:56:33 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: Glasser on May 13, 2023, 11:58:21 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 13, 2023, 12:05:33 PM
Ace Frehley in the house.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: Evermind on May 13, 2023, 12:05:55 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: lonestar on May 13, 2023, 12:34:55 PM
Elite is late...

DTF response?


Well fucking played gents  :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 13, 2023, 12:36:32 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: HOF on May 13, 2023, 12:38:40 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - starting as soon as ELITE sends!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 12:46:43 PM
Does indeed track.

Ill start hangman up this evening either way and can add Elite's when he gets a chance to send!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 02:34:36 PM
Alright, let's go! I'll add t'other Rich in later.

??: Sa_s___a
    1: R___ __
    2: __s___
    3: ______
    4: S__rts

??: __ack Sa__at_
    1: _s_c_______a
    2: R_st_ A____s
    3: ____ __at_ Ca__s

??: __sc_r_ S_____
    1: ____
    2: T__ _r_s__c_ __ _____ss

??: C_rc_s __ ____s
    1: _r_s (T_ T__ _a_r_st ___)
    2: R____t__ss A___r_a__t_
    3: _r__ __sk T___ _a__

??: __r_s __ R__
    1: __a_
    2: Cat___ra_s
    3: Tr____ _’____
    4: R____

??: __c_ ___a_
    1: ____ __ __at_
    2: C___ Arr__a_
    3: _____ Ca_ _a__ ___
    4: _ras_r_

??: K___r_ck _a_ar
    1: __r _r__? - __t_r____
    2: A_r___t
    3: T__ __ack_r T__ __rr_
    4: __t__r _ S___r

??: K___ __ Ka__ss__
    1: _ar_____r
    2: K___ss_s
    3: Asc___a_t

??: Car_____'s S____
    1: ____ __r_
    2: S_____a_
    3: ___s___
    4: T__ ____t __s___
    5: ____

??: A_tar __ __a___s
    1: ___t___ _s __a_

??: ____ T__t_
    1: ______s
    2: __s____s _
    3: __s____s __
    4: T__ _ T_at ____r ___s

??: S_r___
    1: T__ _r_at _ars_
    2: R__a_
    3: ____t t__ __tc_

??: S___ _a__
    1: ___a_c____ a__ __tc_cra_t
    2: Acr_ss t__ C___
    3: ___r_t____ ___t __t_ __t____

??: __a___a___
    1: ___ __t___t ___
    2: _____c___

??: T__ ____a ____r____t
    1: T_r____s
    2: St_____s

??: _acr__as _r______r_
    1: T__ K______ S___c_t___
    2: _at__r __ _at_
    3: __k_ Scr_a_s __ ___t_ _a__s
    4: A_t_r A__ T__s_ ______t__s
    5: A S__ __ ___t___rs_

??: _a__r__a
    1: ___ S_____ __ Sa_ _______?
    2: ______ t__ ___a_ ____

??: T__ _at___ ____
    1: T_____r__a_
    2: __t_ t__ _ark__ss
    3: _ar__st_r __ C__sta_t S_rr__
    4: _a___

??: A_atar___
    1: ______rs_
    2: __r_ __t_ t__ Ra___ _ask
    3: _a__ __ t__ _a__

??: S____ S__r_s
    1: ___s __ ___a_c__r_
    2: __ar__ss
    3: ___s A____st ___
    4: ____t_r____r

??: ____t __r__
    1: R_a_ __at_
    2: S_a____
    3: __r_st __r_
    4: S___s
    5: __ C_as_
    6: ____ _ Tak_ __t t__ _ar_a__ at ____t

??: __ta_ C__rc_
    1: __ta_ C__rc_
    2: _t's a S_cr_t
    3: _atc_ T__ C____r__ _ra_

??: _rac___a_
    1: A __a_t__ __ss__a_c_
    2: __s__art__
    3: S_____a_k_rs

Guessed letters: TRACKS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: HOF on May 13, 2023, 02:46:15 PM
No T, R, A, C, K, or S?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 02:47:06 PM
No T, R, A, C, K, or S?
Oh yeah, I should add those shouldn't I. :lol

Gimme a sec.

EDIT: Ok, done. Heading to bed soon anyway so let's see how much you can get with those letters.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 13, 2023, 02:55:21 PM
Seven Spires
Black Sabbath
Kendrick Lamar
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: HOF on May 13, 2023, 02:57:15 PM
Circus Maximus or something else with Circus.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 13, 2023, 03:00:01 PM
Ooooh Seven Spires... Good send, and there's God's of Debauchery, great song.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 13, 2023, 03:01:55 PM
Circus of Fools - "Eris (To the Fairest One)", "Relentless Abnormality" - TAC

Kendrick could be Sacul for more double-dipping. 

Lacrimas Profundere? - nick_z

Altar of Plagues. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: wolfking on May 13, 2023, 03:03:32 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: nick_z on May 13, 2023, 03:04:08 PM

Girl with the Raven Mask
Lady in the Lamp

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 13, 2023, 03:05:48 PM
Altar of Plagues - looks like a Puppies band
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: nick_z on May 13, 2023, 03:06:18 PM
Lacrimas Profundere? - nick_z

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: wolfking on May 13, 2023, 03:06:25 PM
The Sabbath song are;

Rusty Angels
When Death Calls
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: wolfking on May 13, 2023, 03:07:04 PM
I thought this was supposed to be the heavy round?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 13, 2023, 03:07:07 PM
I like Avatarium, but I didn't send them. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 03:08:44 PM
New page with the correct guesses. Litho did not send Avatarium, I think everything else was right.

??: Sa_s___a
    1: R___ O_
    2: __s___
    3: __m___
    4: S_orts

Stadler: Black Sabbath
    1: Psychophobia
    2: Rusty Angels
    3: When Death Calls

??: O_sc_r_ S_____
    1: _o__
    2: T__ _r_s__c_ O_ _o___ss

TAC: Circus of Fools
    1: Eris (To The Fairest One)
    2: Relentless Abnormality
    3: _rom __sk T___ _a__

??: __r_s __ Ro_
    1: _oa_
    2: Cat___ra_s
    3: Trom__ _’o___
    4: Ro___

??: O_c_ __ma_
    1: O___ __ __at_
    2: Co__ Arr__a_
    3: _____ Ca_ _a__ _o_
    4: _ras_r_

Sacul: Kendrick Lamar
    1: _or _r__? - __t_r____
    2: Alright
    3: The Blacker The Berry
    4: Mot__r _ So__r

wolfking: Keep of Kalessin
    1: _armo___r
    2: Ko_oss_s
    3: Asc___a_t

??: Caro____'s S____
    1: O___ __r_
    2: S_____a_
    3: Mo_soo_
    4: T__ ____t __s___
    5: ____

Puppies: Altar of Plagues
    1: ___t___ _s __a_

??: Moo_ Toot_
    1: ____o_s
    2: __s____s _
    3: __s____s __
    4: T__ _ T_at ____r ___s

??: S_rmo_
    1: T__ _r_at Mars_
    2: Ro_a_
    3: ____t t__ __tc_

??: S_o_ _a__
    1: M__a_c_o__ a__ __tc_cra_t
    2: Across t__ Co__
    3: ___r_t____ ___t __t_ _ot____

??: __a___a___
    1: _o_ __t_o_t ___
    2: _o___com_

??: T__ Om__a ____r_m__t
    1: T_rm___s
    2: St_m___s

nick_z: Lacrimas Profundere
    1: T__ K____om So__c_t___
    2: _at__r o_ _at_
    3: __k_ Scr_ams __ _m_t_ _a__s
    4: A_t_r A__ T_os_ ______t__s
    5: A S__ o_ M__t___rs_

??: _a__ro_a
    1: ___ S_o___ __ Sa_ _oo____?
    2: ___o__ t__ __ma_ M___

??: T__ _at___ _o__
    1: T_____r__a_
    2: __to t__ _ark__ss
    3: _ar__st_r o_ Co_sta_t Sorro_
    4: _a___

Evermind: Avatarium
    1: Moonhorse
    2: Girl with the Raven Mask
    3: Lady in the Lamp

soupy: Seven Spires
    1: Gods of Debauchery
    2: __ar__ss
    3: _o_s Amo__st M__
    4: ____t_r____r

??: Mo__t __r__
    1: R_a_ __at_
    2: S_a____
    3: _or_st __r_
    4: S__ms
    5: M_ C_asm
    6: ____ _ Tak_ o_t t__ _ar_a__ at ____t

??: Metal Church
    1: Metal Church
    2: It's a Secret
    3: Watch The Children Pray

??: _raco__a_
    1: A __a_tom __sso_a_c_
    2: __s__art__
    3: S_____a_k_rs

Guessed letters: TRACKSMO
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 13, 2023, 03:09:05 PM
Metal Church, too obvious to be TAC?

Edit: ok, obvs not TAC. Nick? Also Stads sent Sabbath?

Double Edit: OK third times the charm, Metal Church sent by muthafuckin' Glasser?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 03:11:01 PM
I thought this was supposed to be the heavy round?
There was a logic to all the submissions - the ones that weren't metal were all either "this is among the heavier things I listen to" or they were lyrically/conceptually dark.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 03:12:40 PM
Metal Church, too obvious to be TAC?

Edit: ok, obvs not TAC. Nick? Also Stads sent Sabbath?

Double Edit: OK third times the charm, Metal Church sent by muthafuckin' Glasser?
All wrong.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 13, 2023, 03:13:23 PM
OK, Lonestar sent the Japanese band! At least I'm guaranteed that's right.

Also, Stadler those are exactly the sort of Sabbath songs I'd expect you to pick!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 13, 2023, 03:15:01 PM
Kendrick songs are "The Blacker the Berry" and "Alright". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 03:16:37 PM
OK, Lonestar sent the Japanese band! At least I'm guaranteed that's right.
Ok but you need to find the Japanese band first. :lol

Also, Stadler those are exactly the sort of Sabbath songs I'd expect you to pick!
:lol In fairness, I already know their first 5 albums and a couple of Dio ones. He wanted to introduce me to some of the Tony Martin years.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 13, 2023, 03:20:45 PM
OK, Lonestar sent the Japanese band! At least I'm guaranteed that's right.
Ok but you need to find the Japanese band first. :lol

Also, Stadler those are exactly the sort of Sabbath songs I'd expect you to pick!
:lol In fairness, I already know their first 5 albums and a couple of Dio ones. He wanted to introduce me to some of the Tony Martin years.

I'd still picture Stadler sending those songs even if you'd never heard any Sabbath!

As for guessing the Japanese band, it's an all female one :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 03:25:18 PM
I'd still picture Stadler sending those songs even if you'd never heard any Sabbath!
:lol Maybe that's what happened and he didn't actually realise I knew some of their stuff already.

As for guessing the Japanese band, it's an all female one :neverusethis:
Hah, incorrect! This time they're only mostly female.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: nick_z on May 13, 2023, 03:36:24 PM
Metal Church are amazing...I didn't send them but I certainly could have.

Not too hard, but the other two songs are It's a Secret and Watch the Children Pray

Also, there's Keep of Kalessin in there...Wolfking?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 13, 2023, 03:38:49 PM
I'd still picture Stadler sending those songs even if you'd never heard any Sabbath!
:lol Maybe that's what happened and he didn't actually realise I knew some of their stuff already.

As for guessing the Japanese band, it's an all female one :neverusethis:
Hah, incorrect! This time they're only mostly female.

Half female... Guitar and bass are guys, drummer and vox are girls.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 03:41:10 PM
Metal Church are amazing...I didn't send them but I certainly could have.

Not too hard, but the other two songs are It's a Secret and Watch the Children Pray

Also, there's Keep of Kalessin in there...Wolfking?
Updated above.

I'm heading to bed now, see what else you guys can guess and I can add some more letters in the morning.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: wolfking on May 13, 2023, 03:42:37 PM
I thought this was supposed to be the heavy round?
There was a logic to all the submissions - the ones that weren't metal were all either "this is among the heavier things I listen to" or they were lyrically/conceptually dark.

Haha yeah I know.  Kinda taking the piss.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: wolfking on May 13, 2023, 03:43:23 PM
Also, there's Keep of Kalessin in there...Wolfking?

Yeah mate.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 13, 2023, 03:47:51 PM
Seven Spires might be soupytwist. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Elite on May 13, 2023, 04:12:41 PM
My song is not in hangmanen :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 13, 2023, 04:24:41 PM
My song is not in hangmanen :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Glasser on May 13, 2023, 04:46:18 PM

Edit: I'm a moron, just saw TAC's.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: TAC on May 13, 2023, 04:53:27 PM

Girl with the Raven Mask
Lady in the Lamp


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Glasser on May 13, 2023, 04:58:08 PM
Is Stryper there?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Glasser on May 13, 2023, 05:13:49 PM
Roulette virgin dumb question 2.

Are you all guessing the hangman round organically or is there some search engine?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Glasser on May 13, 2023, 05:18:39 PM
I like Avatarium, but I didn't send them.

Are you Seven Spires?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Sacul on May 13, 2023, 05:20:23 PM
Roulette virgin dumb question 2.

Are you all guessing the hangman round organically or is there some search engine?
Evermind has a sort of engine on his mind that can guess most entries right away. The rest of us just try our best at guessing ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 13, 2023, 07:17:34 PM
Is Stryper there?

Can't be or the "t" would have been revealed. 

I like Avatarium, but I didn't send them.

Are you Seven Spires?

I like them too, but no. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: TAC on May 13, 2023, 07:21:45 PM
Metal Church, too obvious to be TAC?

I wouldn't have even thought of sending Metal Church, but if I did, I would've focused on the Mike Howe Era.

Also, Stadler those are exactly the sort of Sabbath songs I'd expect you to pick!

Those are exactly the sort of Sabbath songs I'd expect Wolfking to pick!
I love Psychophobia.

Circus of Fools - "Eris (To the Fairest One)", "Relentless Abnormality" - TAC


Yup! I had the playlist ready. I actually sent Ariich a different third song just to keep with the "heavy" round.

Lonestar sent me Seven Spires. Could he have sent them here too?

I'll take an M!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 13, 2023, 07:30:21 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Lonk on May 13, 2023, 08:37:22 PM
Roulette virgin dumb question 2.

Are you all guessing the hangman round organically or is there some search engine?
I try to guess based on what I know, or what I think a title might be. I dont use search engine for it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 13, 2023, 08:38:05 PM

Lonestar sent me Seven Spires. Could he have sent them here too?

Nope, might have but I'm serious about sending all Japanese artists to Rich in this one. I got one band slated that isn't Japanese, otherwise it's all Jmetal /rock/pop.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 13, 2023, 11:46:27 PM
Metal Church, too obvious to be TAC?

I wouldn't have even thought of sending Metal Church, but if I did, I would've focused on the Mike Howe era.

Yea, you could've read that as "I don't know who else in the roulette might've sent them, as I clearly don't know everyone's tastes as well as I think". Coming up blank with who the other thrasher is?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 11:54:22 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 13, 2023, 11:57:44 PM
Caroline's Spine - Monsoon
Moon Tooth obvs
The Omega Experiment
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2023, 11:59:54 PM
New page!

Elite: Panzerballett
    1: Smoke On The _ater
    2: Min_ _o_r Hea_
    3: Some Sk_nk __nk
    4: _ir_lan_

??: Saisei_a
    1: Ri_e On
    2: Insi_e
    3: __m_le
    4: S_orts

Stadler: Black Sabbath
    1: Psychophobia
    2: Rusty Angels
    3: When Death Calls

Buddy: Obscure Sphinx
    1: Void
    2: The Presence Of Goddess

TAC: Circus of Fools
    1: Eris (To The Fairest One)
    2: Relentless Abnormality
    3: _rom __sk Till _a_n

??: Birds in Row
    1: Noah
    2: Cathe_rals
    3: Trom_e L’oeil
    4: Ro_in

Vmadera: Once Human
    1: Onl_ in _eath
    2: Col_ Arri_al
    3: _e_il Can Ha_e _o_
    4: Eras_re

Sacul: Kendrick Lamar
    1: _or _ree? - Interl__e
    2: Alright
    3: The Blacker The Berry
    4: Mother I So_er

wolfking: Keep of Kalessin
    1: _armon_er
    2: Koloss_s
    3: Ascen_ant

HOF: Caroline's Spine
    1: O_en _ire
    2: S_lli_an
    3: Monsoon
    4: The Li_ht Insi_e
    5: __l_

Puppies: Altar of Plagues
    1: Ne_t_ne is _ea_

Reaper: Moon Tooth
    1: I_neo_s
    2: _es__i_s I
    3: _es__i_s II
    4: The I That Ne_er _ies

??: Sermon
    1: The _reat Marsh
    2: Ro_al
    3: Li_ht the _itch

??: Slow Fall
    1: Melanchol_ an_ _itchcra_t
    2: Across the Col_
    3: E_er_thin_ Le_t _ith Nothin_

??: Deafheaven
    1: _o_ _itho_t En_
    2: Hone_com_

??: The Omega Experiment
    1: Terminus
    2: Stimulus

nick_z: Lacrimas Profundere
    1: The Kin__om Solicit__e
    2: _ather o_ _ate
    3: Like Screams in Em_t_ Halls
    4: A_ter All Those In_inities
    5: A Si_ o_ M_lti_erse

jingle: Vandroya
    1: _h_ Sho_l_ _e Sa_ _oo___e?
    2: _e_on_ the H_man Min_

??: The Native Howl
    1: Th_n_erhea_
    2: Into the _arkness
    3: Har_ester o_ Constant Sorro_
    4: _a___

Evermind: Avatarium
    1: Moonhorse
    2: Girl with the Raven Mask
    3: Lady in the Lamp

soupy: Seven Spires
    1: Gods of Debauchery
    2: _earless
    3: _o_s Amon_st Men
    4: Li_ht_rin_er

seneca: Mount Eerie
    1: Real Death
    2: Seaweed
    3: _orest _ire
    4: S_ims
    5: M_ Chasm
    6: _hen I Take o_t the _ar_a_e at Ni_ht

??: Metal Church
    1: Metal Church
    2: It's a Secret
    3: Watch The Children Pray

??: Draconian
    1: A _hantom _issonance
    2: _ishearten
    3: Slee__alkers

Guessed letters: TRACKSMOLNEHI
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 14, 2023, 12:01:20 AM

Seneca sent Caroline's Spine?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 12:09:43 AM
Seneca sent Caroline's Spine?

He did not.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 14, 2023, 12:13:30 AM
Seneca sent Caroline's Spine?

He did not.


Mount Eerie
The Native Howl

Dude, my constant edits means you missed my guess of The Omega Experiment  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Luoto on May 14, 2023, 01:25:26 AM
Obscure Sphinx

The Presence of Goddess
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 02:26:07 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Luoto on May 14, 2023, 02:48:16 AM
If there was a 30 minute round, whoever sent that would've 100% added "Decimation" in there. That's a cool thematic suite.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: wolfking on May 14, 2023, 03:52:01 AM
Once Human
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: TAC on May 14, 2023, 05:05:40 AM
Sermon is Glssser
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 14, 2023, 05:31:31 AM
Let's have an L
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 05:56:02 AM
Sermon is Glssser
Sermon is not Glssser, or indeed Glasser either.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 14, 2023, 06:05:37 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: HOF on May 14, 2023, 06:54:14 AM
Slow Fall?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 14, 2023, 07:07:12 AM
Omega Experiment tracks are Terminus and Stimulus. Great fucking album.  :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: TAC on May 14, 2023, 07:33:00 AM
Moon tooth- Reaper?

Vandroya- I’d say Chad but I’m pretty sure it’s not him
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 14, 2023, 12:41:57 PM
All my playlist are set except for Rd 2, which will be akin to picking my favorite children out of 14. Just got to sort out an EP and I can sit back and watch the victory unfold.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: TAC on May 14, 2023, 01:13:09 PM
All my playlist are set except for Rd 2, which will be akin to picking my favorite children out of 14. Just got to sort out an EP and I can sit back and watch the victory unfold.

I’ve sent my Round 2 already but have yet to start on the other rounds. Just compiling bands at this point.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 14, 2023, 01:36:15 PM
All my playlist are set except for Rd 2, which will be akin to picking my favorite children out of 14. Just got to sort out an EP and I can sit back and watch the victory unfold.

I’ve sent my Round 2 already but have yet to start on the other rounds. Just compiling bands at this point.

Yeah, it was really easy for me, I knew off the cuff 4 of the bands I wanted to send, then I'll pick through the rest for the EP. The two other rounds I filled out with non-Japanese bands to give at least a little variety lol. Definitely not afraid of being blocked out, of all these bands the only one ever submitted in a roulette was by me, and the rest are pretty much lonestar exclusives that haven't even been mentioned on this forum. (except by me of course lol)

I actually feel pretty good with most of it, only round 4 makes me a bit nervous, but based on how much Rich digs Gacharic Spin, Nemophila, and Lonesome Blue, I feel pretty good about making a respectable showing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 01:42:25 PM
Vandroya- I’d say Chad but I’m pretty sure it’s not him
Well you're wrong because it is him. :P

I actually feel pretty good with most of it, only round 4 makes me a bit nervous, but based on how much Rich digs Gacharic Spin, Nemophila, and Lonesome Blue, I feel pretty good about making a respectable showing.
Perhaps, although how much I like something is not very much based genre but key features like those mentioned in the OP and ultimately often comes down to melodic hooks. Not just you but a general caution really, "Rich likes band x, so he'll probably like band y from the same genre" isn't really how it works.

Besides, Lonesome Blue barely sound Japanese. :P

Anyway, all updated.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 14, 2023, 01:48:47 PM

I actually feel pretty good with most of it, only round 4 makes me a bit nervous, but based on how much Rich digs Gacharic Spin, Nemophila, and Lonesome Blue, I feel pretty good about making a respectable showing.
Perhaps, although how much I like something is not very much based genre but key features like those mentioned in the OP and ultimately often comes down to melodic hooks. Not just you but a general caution really, "Rich likes band x, so he'll probably like band y from the same genre" isn't really how it works.

Besides, Lonesome Blue barely sound Japanese. :P

Anyway, all updated.

Tbh...a huge swath of the genre clicks like that....I keep finding killer band after killer band...it's relentless. I was talking with a dude in the Nemophila line who has been in the circles for a few years longer than me, and he says it has to do with Japanese kids having mandatory musical theory education in every year they're in school, so they are so much further along than a lot of other countries where it's treated more as an elective if it's even available (*cough cough USA*), so that of course translates to every band being just a bit more polished and cohesive.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 01:55:29 PM

I actually feel pretty good with most of it, only round 4 makes me a bit nervous, but based on how much Rich digs Gacharic Spin, Nemophila, and Lonesome Blue, I feel pretty good about making a respectable showing.
Perhaps, although how much I like something is not very much based genre but key features like those mentioned in the OP and ultimately often comes down to melodic hooks. Not just you but a general caution really, "Rich likes band x, so he'll probably like band y from the same genre" isn't really how it works.

Besides, Lonesome Blue barely sound Japanese. :P

Anyway, all updated.

Tbh...a huge swath of the genre clicks like that....I keep finding killer band after killer band...it's relentless. I was talking with a dude in the Nemophila line who has been in the circles for a few years longer than me, and he says it has to do with Japanese kids having mandatory musical theory education in every year they're in school, so they are so much further along than a lot of other countries where it's treated more as an elective if it's even available (*cough cough USA*), so that of course translates to every band being just a bit more polished and cohesive.
For sure, the talent of these bands is undeniable, but I'm so far finding that they don't all stand out with writing music that necessarily grabs me. But I don't know that many, so I am looking forward to what you have in store for me.

Anyway, Elite's entry has been added in to the hangman.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 14, 2023, 02:05:56 PM

I actually feel pretty good with most of it, only round 4 makes me a bit nervous, but based on how much Rich digs Gacharic Spin, Nemophila, and Lonesome Blue, I feel pretty good about making a respectable showing.
Perhaps, although how much I like something is not very much based genre but key features like those mentioned in the OP and ultimately often comes down to melodic hooks. Not just you but a general caution really, "Rich likes band x, so he'll probably like band y from the same genre" isn't really how it works.

Besides, Lonesome Blue barely sound Japanese. :P

Anyway, all updated.

Tbh...a huge swath of the genre clicks like that....I keep finding killer band after killer band...it's relentless. I was talking with a dude in the Nemophila line who has been in the circles for a few years longer than me, and he says it has to do with Japanese kids having mandatory musical theory education in every year they're in school, so they are so much further along than a lot of other countries where it's treated more as an elective if it's even available (*cough cough USA*), so that of course translates to every band being just a bit more polished and cohesive.
For sure, the talent of these bands is undeniable, but I'm so far finding that they don't all stand out with writing music that necessarily grabs me. But I don't know that many, so I am looking forward to what you have in store for me.

Anyway, Elite's entry has been added in to the hangman.

Fucking finally lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 02:16:41 PM
:lol In fairness he sent me something last night but had forgotten it was multi-song submissions and I thought I should give him a chance to expand his submission from one 3-minute song. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 14, 2023, 02:22:22 PM
Fucking expansion. Lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 02:24:17 PM
I've updated the hangman with an extra letter for you.

First impressions will be pretty soon once I've had a chance to listen to what t'other Rich sent me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: wolfking on May 14, 2023, 02:29:03 PM
Birds in Row
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: wolfking on May 14, 2023, 02:30:05 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Sacul on May 14, 2023, 02:43:44 PM
Obscure Sphinx

The Presence of Goddess

Some of the Mount Eerie songs are Real Death and Seaweed. Seneca?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: wolfking on May 14, 2023, 02:45:56 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 03:36:43 PM
Yep, yep and yep - all updated.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 14, 2023, 03:44:33 PM
I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out who sent Omega Experiment...could've sworn they were a lonestar exclusive.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 14, 2023, 03:57:53 PM
Good choice on Panzerballett. 


Vmad sent Once Human?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 03:59:45 PM
By the way some stats for the round 1 submissions.

Submission length:
Average = 17:27
Shortest = 11:57
Longest = 19:51
Number of submissions over 19 minutes = 5

Number of songs:
Average = 3.4
Most = 6
Fewest = 1
Number of submissions with 3-4 songs = 17

Previous experience:
Number of artists I've heard something by before = 4
Number of those I've rated an album by = 2

Interested to see how these change from round to round, particularly any variations between heavy and light rounds.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 04:01:56 PM
Good choice on Panzerballett. 


Vmad sent Once Human?

Updated with one more vowel for you. Heading to bed now so will leave you to it, and will post first impressions tomorrow.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 14, 2023, 04:09:54 PM
Saiseiga - lonestar
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 04:18:26 PM
Alright one last update tonight for the new page. A lot of these song titles should be super easy now! :lol

Elite: Panzerballett
    1: Smoke On The _ater
    2: Min_ _o_r Hea_
    3: Some Sk_nk __nk
    4: _ir_lan_

lonestar: Saiseiga
    1: Ri_e On
    2: Insi_e
    3: __m_le
    4: S_orts

Stadler: Black Sabbath
    1: Psychophobia
    2: Rusty Angels
    3: When Death Calls

Buddy: Obscure Sphinx
    1: Void
    2: The Presence Of Goddess

TAC: Circus of Fools
    1: Eris (To The Fairest One)
    2: Relentless Abnormality
    3: _rom __sk Till _a_n

??: Birds in Row
    1: Noah
    2: Cathe_rals
    3: Trom_e L’oeil
    4: Ro_in

Vmadera: Once Human
    1: Onl_ in _eath
    2: Col_ Arri_al
    3: _e_il Can Ha_e _o_
    4: Eras_re

Sacul: Kendrick Lamar
    1: _or _ree? - Interl__e
    2: Alright
    3: The Blacker The Berry
    4: Mother I So_er

wolfking: Keep of Kalessin
    1: _armon_er
    2: Koloss_s
    3: Ascen_ant

HOF: Caroline's Spine
    1: O_en _ire
    2: S_lli_an
    3: Monsoon
    4: The Li_ht Insi_e
    5: __l_

Puppies: Altar of Plagues
    1: Ne_t_ne is _ea_

Reaper: Moon Tooth
    1: I_neo_s
    2: _es__i_s I
    3: _es__i_s II
    4: The I That Ne_er _ies

??: Sermon
    1: The _reat Marsh
    2: Ro_al
    3: Li_ht the _itch

??: Slow Fall
    1: Melanchol_ an_ _itchcra_t
    2: Across the Col_
    3: E_er_thin_ Le_t _ith Nothin_

??: Deafheaven
    1: _o_ _itho_t En_
    2: Hone_com_

??: The Omega Experiment
    1: Terminus
    2: Stimulus

nick_z: Lacrimas Profundere
    1: The Kin__om Solicit__e
    2: _ather o_ _ate
    3: Like Screams in Em_t_ Halls
    4: A_ter All Those In_inities
    5: A Si_ o_ M_lti_erse

jingle: Vandroya
    1: _h_ Sho_l_ _e Sa_ _oo___e?
    2: _e_on_ the H_man Min_

??: The Native Howl
    1: Th_n_erhea_
    2: Into the _arkness
    3: Har_ester o_ Constant Sorro_
    4: _a___

Evermind: Avatarium
    1: Moonhorse
    2: Girl with the Raven Mask
    3: Lady in the Lamp

soupy: Seven Spires
    1: Gods of Debauchery
    2: _earless
    3: _o_s Amon_st Men
    4: Li_ht_rin_er

seneca: Mount Eerie
    1: Real Death
    2: Seaweed
    3: _orest _ire
    4: S_ims
    5: M_ Chasm
    6: _hen I Take o_t the _ar_a_e at Ni_ht

??: Metal Church
    1: Metal Church
    2: It's a Secret
    3: Watch The Children Pray

??: Draconian
    1: A _hantom _issonance
    2: _ishearten
    3: Slee__alkers

Guessed letters: TRACKSMOLNEHI
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: TAC on May 14, 2023, 04:24:08 PM
Smoke On The Water
Ride On
Sports or Shorts
Only In Death
Cold Arrival
Open Fire
The Light Inside
The I That Never Lies
The Great Marsh
Light The Witch
A Phantom Dissonance
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: lonestar on May 14, 2023, 04:25:23 PM
It's Sports
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: TAC on May 14, 2023, 04:25:54 PM
Lonestar sent Huey Lewis
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 14, 2023, 04:33:21 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Glasser on May 14, 2023, 08:07:41 PM

Gods amongst men.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 14, 2023, 10:52:07 PM
seneca: Mount Eerie
    1: Real Death
    2: Seaweed
    3: _orest _ire
    4: S_ims
    5: M_ Chasm
    6: _hen I Take o_t the _ar_a_e at Ni_ht

What a nice submission, I'm sure it will make Ariich very happy to listen to these songs :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 14, 2023, 10:56:32 PM
seneca: Mount Eerie
    1: Real Death
    2: Seaweed
    3: _orest _ire
    4: S_ims
    5: M_ Chasm
    6: _hen I Take o_t the _ar_a_e at Ni_ht

What a nice submission, I'm sure it will make Ariich very happy to listen to these songs :)
I mean, why wouldn't an album about the death of the love of your life not be happy... :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 14, 2023, 10:59:52 PM
Deafheaven songs are You Without End (maybe their worst song, nice :lol) and Honeycomb.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 14, 2023, 11:33:44 PM
Deafheaven songs are You Without End (maybe their worst song, nice :lol) and Honeycomb.
Outside of Infinite Granite, those are both from their worst album so... :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 11:34:50 PM
Good effort Tim and others (mostly Tim) on filling in most of the remaining songs. Here's the completed hangman. First impressions will be shortly!

Elite: Panzerballett
    1: Smoke On The Water
    2: Mind Your Head
    3: Some Skunk Funk
    4: Birdland

lonestar: Saiseiga
    1: Ride On
    2: Inside
    3: Jumble
    4: Sports

Stadler: Black Sabbath
    1: Psychophobia
    2: Rusty Angels
    3: When Death Calls

Buddy: Obscure Sphinx
    1: Void
    2: The Presence Of Goddess

TAC: Circus of Fools
    1: Eris (To The Fairest One)
    2: Relentless Abnormality
    3: From Dusk Till Dawn

Crow: Birds in Row
    1: Noah
    2: Cathedrals
    3: Trompe L’oeil
    4: Rodin

Vmadera: Once Human
    1: Only in Death
    2: Cold Arrival
    3: Devil Can Have You
    4: Erasure

Sacul: Kendrick Lamar
    1: For Free? - Interlude
    2: Alright
    3: The Blacker The Berry
    4: Mother I Sober

wolfking: Keep of Kalessin
    1: Warmonger
    2: Kolossus
    3: Ascendant

HOF: Caroline's Spine
    1: Open Fire
    2: Sullivan
    3: Monsoon
    4: The Light Inside
    5: July

Puppies: Altar of Plagues
    1: Neptune is Dead

Reaper: Moon Tooth
    1: Igneous
    2: Vesuvius I
    3: Vesuvius II
    4: The I That Never Dies

romdrums: Sermon
    1: The Great Marsh
    2: Royal
    3: Light the Witch

Luoto: Slow Fall
    1: Melancholy and Witchcraft
    2: Across the Cold
    3: Everything Left with Nothing

luke: Deafheaven
    1: You Without End
    2: Honeycomb

Glasser: The Omega Experiment
    1: Terminus
    2: Stimulus

nick_z: Lacrimas Profundere
    1: The Kingdom Solicitude
    2: Father of Fate
    3: Like Screams in Empty Halls
    4: After All Those Infinities
    5: A Sip of Multiverse

jingle: Vandroya
    1: Why Should We Say Goodbye?
    2: Beyond the Human Mind

King: The Native Howl
    1: Thunderhead
    2: Into the Darkness
    3: Harvester of Constant Sorrow
    4: Pappy

Evermind: Avatarium
    1: Moonhorse
    2: Girl with the Raven Mask
    3: Lady in the Lamp

soupy: Seven Spires
    1: Gods of Debauchery
    2: Fearless
    3: Gods Amongst Men
    4: Lightbringer

seneca: Mount Eerie
    1: Real Death
    2: Seaweed
    3: Forest Fire
    4: Swims
    5: My Chasm
    6: When I Take out the Garbage at Night

faizoff: Metal Church
    1: Metal Church
    2: It's a Secret
    3: Watch The Children Pray

Litho: Draconian
    1: A Phantom Dissonance
    2: Dishearten
    3: Sleepwalkers
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2023, 11:44:32 PM
Round 1 first impressions

[Litho – Draconian] 1. This immediately ticks a lot of boxes for me - grand, rich and melancholy.

[Evermind – Avatarium] 2. A lot of the vocal style is something I’m more used to hearing in other genres, and the effect is kind of captivating.

[lonestar – Saiseiga] 3. Engaging and impressive vocals, but perhaps not fully supported by particularly engaging or impressive vocal lines.

[Stadler – Black Sabbath] 4. This submission starts pretty rocking I guess but it’s the last song that sells it, could be one of the best things I’ve heard from this artist.

[Buddy – Obscure Sphinx] 5. This has a really big sound that’s very immersive and right up my alley.

[TAC – Circus of Fools] 6. Well, it’s punchy and epic and the gothic style is vibing well - let’s see how well the melodic hooks settle in with subsequent listens.

[HOF – Caroline's Spine] 7. This was perhaps a little middle-of-the-road, but enjoyable enough and one song seemed like a strong example of the genre.

[Crow – Birds in Row] 8. You’ve gone with a different approach to most, and it starts a little slowly, but once it got going it really hooked me in.

[Vmadera – Once Human] 9. Solid stuff and a very impressive and versatile vocalist, I just wonder if it’ll be enough to stand out among other strong submissions.

[faizoff – Metal Church] 10. Like most bands at the emergence of this genre, the focus on mood and aggression feels at the expense of melody, but the slightly later songs sound more interesting.

[Sacul – Kendrick Lamar] 11. First track was an… interesting choice, but after that it improved immensely and I'm glad my first listen was with earphones.

[luke – Deafheaven] 12. Lush and immersive, I can totally see why you sent me this.

[wolfking – Keep of Kalessin] 13. Punchier and more riff-driven than I might have expected, intense but not overbearing, and hella epic.

[seneca – Mount Eerie] 14. Conceptually weighty… not yet decided on how well the music matches up.

[Puppies – Altar of Plagues] 15. The moody music is good but the production feels like it could be a little flat.

[soupy – Seven Spires] 16. Wasn’t immediately convinced, but this quickly won me over with good hooks and a cool mix of styles.

[Reaper – Moon Tooth] 17. Digging the guitar work and slick overall sound, but not sure if there'll be enough in the way of interesting melodic hooks.

[romdrums – Sermon] 18. I can see the stylistic comparisons to the other artist you mentioned, but this may lack the rich emotionality I find so engaging about them.

[Luoto – Slow Fall] 19. The overall sound is among the least surprising submissions of the round, but there are some nice touches that help it stand out.

[Elite – Panzerballett] 20. Ok so I love the fusion of styles here and some of it is filthy, but it’s also pretty dense and I kind of wish some of the guitars had a bit more punch to compensate.

[King – The Native Howl] 21. Entertaining for sure, but very much the novelty submission of the round.

[jingle – Vandroya] 22. While this sounded pretty straightforward stylistically, it had a warm sound and some great tunes.

[Glasser – The Omega Experiment] 23. There’s a lot to unpack here, but the quirkiness and rich instrumentation remind me of an artist I like.

[nick_z – Lacrimas Profundere] 24. Moody, punchy, good hooks - sounds like a safe but solid start.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: soupytwist on May 14, 2023, 11:57:20 PM
Mine is definitely one of those...

Let's try 9?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Luoto on May 15, 2023, 12:36:25 AM
6 or 24?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 15, 2023, 12:49:18 AM
8, 19, or 21?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 01:13:21 AM
Mine is definitely one of those...

Let's try 9?
No but there are similarities between your submission and that one.

6 or 24?

8, 19, or 21?
1. No. 2. "entertaining"?! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: soupytwist on May 15, 2023, 01:36:01 AM
Mine is definitely one of those...

Let's try 9?
No but there are similarities between your submission and that one.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 15, 2023, 01:51:01 AM
5 or 23?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Evermind on May 15, 2023, 01:57:37 AM
That's a lot of options to pick from. :lol

1, 6 or 7?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 02:17:40 AM
No but there are similarities between your submission and that one.
Ah, no sorry I wasn't clear, I meant I could understand why you guessed that one, because the submission that is impression 9 is in some ways similar to yours. Your impression I took a different perspective.

5 or 23?
Yep, congrats on getting the first correct guess!

That's a lot of options to pick from. :lol
Well, yes. :lol I've tried to be a bit more specific and less vague than past roulettes, but the sheer number of submissions and amount of overlap between some will still make it challenging to guess. On which note...

1, 6 or 7?
Nope. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 15, 2023, 02:19:42 AM
No but there are similarities between your submission and that one.
Ah, no sorry I wasn't clear, I meant I could understand why you guessed that one, because the submission that is impression 9 is in some ways similar to yours. Your impression I took a different perspective.

5 or 23?
Yep, congrats on getting the first correct guess!

That's a lot of options to pick from. :lol
Well, yes. :lol I've tried to be a bit more specific and less vague than past roulettes, but the sheer number of submissions and amount of overlap between some will still make it challenging to guess. On which note...

1, 6 or 7?
Nope. :lol

Devin Townsend!!!  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 02:26:00 AM
Of course. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: soupytwist on May 15, 2023, 02:54:35 AM
No but there are similarities between your submission and that one.
Ah, no sorry I wasn't clear, I meant I could understand why you guessed that one, because the submission that is impression 9 is in some ways similar to yours. Your impression I took a different perspective.


Let's try 5,  6 and 16.  And optimistically 1.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 03:00:25 AM
Yep, got there in the end!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 15, 2023, 03:21:42 AM
8 or 21?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 03:23:21 AM
8 or 21?
21 indeed, unsurprisingly!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2023, 03:52:38 AM
Hard to quote on my phone but I’ll guess…

3, 4, 7, or 24?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Sacul on May 15, 2023, 03:57:06 AM
11  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 04:05:04 AM
Hard to quote on my phone but I’ll guess…

3, 4, 7, or 24?
None of those. But I can see why you guessed 24, which is not a million miles away.

11  ;D
Naturally! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 15, 2023, 04:06:26 AM
Uh.....10, 13 or 17?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 04:13:20 AM
Uh.....10, 13 or 17?
13 it is!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 15, 2023, 04:14:44 AM
Yeah nice.  The album instantly hooked me too.  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 15, 2023, 05:05:46 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2023, 05:08:56 AM
1,2, or 9 maybe?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 05:20:35 AM
RJ and Tim, all wrong.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 15, 2023, 05:26:28 AM
I'll take a crack with 9, or 12.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on May 15, 2023, 05:35:03 AM
7 or 10?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on May 15, 2023, 06:08:37 AM
Is mine 6?

6. Well, it’s punchy and epic and the gothic style is vibing well - let’s see how well the melodic hooks settle in with subsequent listens.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 15, 2023, 06:17:21 AM
2 or 9?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: HOF on May 15, 2023, 06:30:36 AM
22, but if not then 7.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 06:38:54 AM
I'll take a crack with 9, or 12.

7 or 10?
Yep, 10.

Is mine 6?

6. Well, it’s punchy and epic and the gothic style is vibing well - let’s see how well the melodic hooks settle in with subsequent listens.
No, but not a million miles away.

2 or 9?
No, but you're in the right vicinity.

22, but if not then 7.
7 indeed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on May 15, 2023, 07:00:41 AM
Is mine 6?

6. Well, it’s punchy and epic and the gothic style is vibing well - let’s see how well the melodic hooks settle in with subsequent listens.
No, but not a million miles away.

Hm...maybe 24, then?

24. Moody, punchy, good hooks - sounds like a safe but solid start.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: romdrums on May 15, 2023, 07:08:16 AM
Ideally, it's 1,5 or 6, but realistically, I think it's 18.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2023, 07:12:00 AM
5, 6, or 8??
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 07:35:42 AM
Hm...maybe 24, then?

24. Moody, punchy, good hooks - sounds like a safe but solid start.
5, 6, or 8??
Yep, you guessed each other's previously which was why I gave you both the same response. :lol

Ideally, it's 1,5 or 6, but realistically, I think it's 18.
Realistically, yes.

This seems like a good time to remind everyone that these were initial reflections written immediately after the first listen (the clue is in the name), and may only partially reflect where my opinion ends up after further listens.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 15, 2023, 07:37:48 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2023, 07:46:09 AM
I think the melodic hooks will definitely settle in. They’ll be stuck in your head for sure.  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 09:02:47 AM

By the way, first impressions posts will always be linked in the OP (as will comparisons and results posts) if you want to get back to it quickly once it falls off the current page.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ReaperKK on May 15, 2023, 09:04:28 AM
Hrmm I'm stumped, 17 maybe?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Lonk on May 15, 2023, 09:07:14 AM
15? maybe 14?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 09:07:15 AM
Hrmm I'm stumped, 17 maybe?
Not that stumped, evidently!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 09:07:46 AM
15? maybe 14?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2023, 09:18:02 AM
Rich, can you link the playlist, please?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 09:18:44 AM
Rich, can you link the playlist, please?
It's 24 separate playlists. :|
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Evermind on May 15, 2023, 09:21:04 AM
4 or 9?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 15, 2023, 09:24:09 AM

By the way, first impressions posts will always be linked in the OP (as will comparisons and results posts) if you want to get back to it quickly once it falls off the current page.

That actually makes me a little more cozy with my Rd 4 choice.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Lonk on May 15, 2023, 09:46:07 AM
Could be #9 I guess, maybe.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 15, 2023, 10:54:32 AM
1. This immediately ticks a lot of boxes for me - grand, rich and melancholy.

12. Lush and immersive, I can totally see why you sent me this.

Hoping for one of these. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2023, 12:44:06 PM
Rich, can you link the playlist, please?
It's 24 separate playlists. :|

Gotcha. I wasn't sure if you combined them into one or a few playlists.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 15, 2023, 12:47:08 PM
Any chance of updated guesses on this page? Pretty please 🙏
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 12:48:21 PM
Rich, can you link the playlist, please?
It's 24 separate playlists. :|

Gotcha. I wasn't sure if you combined them into one or a few playlists.
What the hell, I can chuck everything onto a public playlist each round once hangman is complete. I'll do the first round 1 shortly.

4 or 9?

Could be #9 I guess, maybe.
1. This immediately ticks a lot of boxes for me - grand, rich and melancholy.

12. Lush and immersive, I can totally see why you sent me this.
Hoping for one of these. 
Yes and yes!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2023, 12:51:22 PM
Rich, not necessary.  Please don't do any extra work. For me, at least, when I did the multiple song rounds, I still combined them into 2 or 3 different playlists. One playlist with everything was too big for me to handle.

I can listen to the songs I want to listen to on my own. No worries.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 15, 2023, 12:52:15 PM
Round 2 sent!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 15, 2023, 12:54:23 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 12:57:34 PM
Rich, not necessary.  Please don't do any extra work. For me, at least, when I did the multiple song rounds, I still combined them into 2 or 3 different playlists. One playlist with everything was too big for me to handle.

I can listen to the songs I want to listen to on my own. No worries.
Only took a few minutes of dragging and dropping, really not much hassle. However a few of the songs (all 3 Black Sabbath and the last Once Human) are not available on Spotify (in the UK at least) so it's my local mp3 files in the playlist. So you'll need to find those yourselves on Youtube or whatever.

Here's the round 1 playlist, all 7 hours of it: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6gFvYt9J1cGfui6BboijDq?si=890205abeeff4204
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 12:59:24 PM
Any chance of updated guesses on this page? Pretty please 🙏


By the way, first impressions posts will always be linked in the OP (as will comparisons and results posts) if you want to get back to it quickly once it falls off the current page.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2023, 01:05:20 PM
Rich, not necessary.  Please don't do any extra work. For me, at least, when I did the multiple song rounds, I still combined them into 2 or 3 different playlists. One playlist with everything was too big for me to handle.

I can listen to the songs I want to listen to on my own. No worries.
Only took a few minutes of dragging and dropping, really not much hassle. However a few of the songs (all 3 Black Sabbath and the last Once Human) are not available on Spotify (in the UK at least) so it's my local mp3 files in the playlist. So you'll need to find those yourselves on Youtube or whatever.

Here's the round 1 playlist, all 7 hours of it: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6gFvYt9J1cGfui6BboijDq?si=890205abeeff4204

Thanks Rich. I know the Sabbath material already anyway.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 15, 2023, 01:10:43 PM
From what's left, I'd like it to be 5 or 8 (cuz I only sent 2 songs), but my gut says it's 19 (I'm nothing if predictable).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on May 15, 2023, 01:32:18 PM


I should've thought of Draconian...From some reason I thought Ariich was already familiar with them and I didn't check on RYM. Some real nice picks too, Litho!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 15, 2023, 01:47:31 PM
Rich, not necessary.  Please don't do any extra work. For me, at least, when I did the multiple song rounds, I still combined them into 2 or 3 different playlists. One playlist with everything was too big for me to handle.

I can listen to the songs I want to listen to on my own. No worries.
Only took a few minutes of dragging and dropping, really not much hassle. However a few of the songs (all 3 Black Sabbath and the last Once Human) are not available on Spotify (in the UK at least) so it's my local mp3 files in the playlist. So you'll need to find those yourselves on Youtube or whatever.

Here's the round 1 playlist, all 7 hours of it: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6gFvYt9J1cGfui6BboijDq?si=890205abeeff4204

Thanks Rich. I know the Sabbath material already anyway.

Check out The Omega Experiment. Its one of my all time favorites! I know lonestar digs it too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 15, 2023, 01:49:07 PM
I should've thought of Draconian...From some reason I thought Ariich was already familiar with them and I didn't check on RYM. Some real nice picks too, Litho!

I feel like that whole area of music is a bit opaque to most of DTF, so I wanted to open another window into it.  I don't think Tim or Luke would have the patience for them, so I was hoping ariich would be a better candidate.  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 02:21:05 PM
I'm making my way through subsequent listens well by the way. I'd already started on 2nd listens by the time I got Elite's entry (but to be clear, I didn't go back and edit any of the first impressions) and am now well into my third. I think there are probably a couple of real standouts (both of which I liked straight away but neither of which I saw as obvious round-winners), but a lot of other really good stuff too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 15, 2023, 02:22:46 PM
Is 8 too optimistic?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 02:24:16 PM
Is 8 too optimistic?
I mean, yes, but yours is also positive.

Oh and Chad's guesses were all wrong too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Crow on May 15, 2023, 02:24:53 PM
iunno, 19?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 02:25:42 PM
iunno, 19?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Crow on May 15, 2023, 02:29:09 PM
Finding impressions again is really annoying on mobile, yknow  :P

Is #12 guessed. Or #21. I am not looking at impressions rn so they could both be idunnolol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 02:32:42 PM
Here's the latest:

Round 1 first impressions

[Litho – Draconian] 1. This immediately ticks a lot of boxes for me - grand, rich and melancholy.

2. A lot of the vocal style is something I’m more used to hearing in other genres, and the effect is kind of captivating.

[lonestar – Saiseiga] 3. Engaging and impressive vocals, but perhaps not fully supported by particularly engaging or impressive vocal lines.

4. This submission starts pretty rocking I guess but it’s the last song that sells it, could be one of the best things I’ve heard from this artist.

[Buddy – Obscure Sphinx] 5. This has a really big sound that’s very immersive and right up my alley.

[TAC – Circus of Fools] 6. Well, it’s punchy and epic and the gothic style is vibing well - let’s see how well the melodic hooks settle in with subsequent listens.

[HOF – Caroline's Spine] 7. This was perhaps a little middle-of-the-road, but enjoyable enough and one song seemed like a strong example of the genre.

[Crow – Birds in Row] 8. You’ve gone with a different approach to most, and it starts a little slowly, but once it got going it really hooked me in.

[Vmadera – Once Human] 9. Solid stuff and a very impressive and versatile vocalist, I just wonder if it’ll be enough to stand out among other strong submissions.

[faizoff – Metal Church] 10. Like most bands at the emergence of this genre, the focus on mood and aggression feels at the expense of melody, but the slightly later songs sound more interesting.

[Sacul – Kendrick Lamar] 11. First track was an… interesting choice, but after that it improved immensely and I'm glad my first listen was with earphones.

[luke – Deafheaven] 12. Lush and immersive, I can totally see why you sent me this.

[wolfking – Keep of Kalessin] 13. Punchier and more riff-driven than I might have expected, intense but not overbearing, and hella epic.

14. Conceptually weighty… not yet decided on how well the music matches up.

15. The moody music is good but the production feels like it could be a little flat.

[soupy – Seven Spires] 16. Wasn’t immediately convinced, but this quickly won me over with good hooks and a cool mix of styles.

[Reaper – Moon Tooth] 17. Digging the guitar work and slick overall sound, but not sure if there'll be enough in the way of interesting melodic hooks.

[romdrums – Sermon] 18. I can see the stylistic comparisons to the other artist you mentioned, but this may lack the rich emotionality I find so engaging about them.

19. The overall sound is among the least surprising submissions of the round, but there are some nice touches that help it stand out.

[Elite – Panzerballett] 20. Ok so I love the fusion of styles here and some of it is filthy, but it’s also pretty dense and I kind of wish some of the guitars had a bit more punch to compensate.

[King – The Native Howl] 21. Entertaining for sure, but very much the novelty submission of the round.

22. While this sounded pretty straightforward stylistically, it had a warm sound and some great tunes.

[Glasser – The Omega Experiment] 23. There’s a lot to unpack here, but the quirkiness and rich instrumentation remind me of an artist I like.

[nick_z – Lacrimas Profundere] 24. Moody, punchy, good hooks - sounds like a safe but solid start.

Yours is not 12, and 21 is taken.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 hangman!
Post by: Glasser on May 15, 2023, 02:33:10 PM
Omega Experiment tracks are Terminus and Stimulus. Great fucking album.  :heart

Absolutely love this album. But please check this out below.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 15, 2023, 02:35:29 PM
5? Maybe 2
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 02:37:05 PM
5? Maybe 2
It is indeed 5.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Elite on May 15, 2023, 02:48:12 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 15, 2023, 02:52:33 PM
Maybe 12 then?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 15, 2023, 03:06:49 PM
Oh and Chad's guesses were all wrong too.

I'll just wait it out then.  Process of elimination is my fastest route to figuring out impressions most of the time anyway.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 03:25:01 PM
Maybe 12 then?
Both correct. :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Crow on May 15, 2023, 03:43:28 PM
8 is obviously seneca btw i don't think anyone pointed that out but

4 seems wrong bcuz i can't imagine you've checked out this band before, 14 and 22 don't make sense, so i guess one of 2 or 15?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2023, 03:53:55 PM
No 8 is actually yours. :lol

I wrote it before I listened to seneca's submission, but anyway I said different "to most", not all.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 15, 2023, 03:59:00 PM
I love how overconfident people are sometimes about matching other people's entries to impressions.   :corn :D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Crow on May 15, 2023, 04:18:36 PM
well that's promising  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 15, 2023, 10:19:55 PM
Maybe 12 then?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 15, 2023, 10:21:23 PM
Rich,  I resent round 2. Thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 16, 2023, 09:32:37 AM
I'm thinking 14...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Evermind on May 16, 2023, 11:01:47 AM
Rich, I resent getting my first impression wrong twice, kindly reveal it already. Thank you for your patience.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 16, 2023, 12:37:56 PM
:lol Yeah ok, here's the lot:

Round 1 first impressions

[Litho – Draconian] 1. This immediately ticks a lot of boxes for me - grand, rich and melancholy.

[Evermind – Avatarium] 2. A lot of the vocal style is something I’m more used to hearing in other genres, and the effect is kind of captivating.

[lonestar – Saiseiga] 3. Engaging and impressive vocals, but perhaps not fully supported by particularly engaging or impressive vocal lines.

[Stadler – Black Sabbath] 4. This submission starts pretty rocking I guess but it’s the last song that sells it, could be one of the best things I’ve heard from this artist.

[Buddy – Obscure Sphinx] 5. This has a really big sound that’s very immersive and right up my alley.

[TAC – Circus of Fools] 6. Well, it’s punchy and epic and the gothic style is vibing well - let’s see how well the melodic hooks settle in with subsequent listens.

[HOF – Caroline's Spine] 7. This was perhaps a little middle-of-the-road, but enjoyable enough and one song seemed like a strong example of the genre.

[Crow – Birds in Row] 8. You’ve gone with a different approach to most, and it starts a little slowly, but once it got going it really hooked me in.

[Vmadera – Once Human] 9. Solid stuff and a very impressive and versatile vocalist, I just wonder if it’ll be enough to stand out among other strong submissions.

[faizoff – Metal Church] 10. Like most bands at the emergence of this genre, the focus on mood and aggression feels at the expense of melody, but the slightly later songs sound more interesting.

[Sacul – Kendrick Lamar] 11. First track was an… interesting choice, but after that it improved immensely and I'm glad my first listen was with earphones.

[luke – Deafheaven] 12. Lush and immersive, I can totally see why you sent me this.

[wolfking – Keep of Kalessin] 13. Punchier and more riff-driven than I might have expected, intense but not overbearing, and hella epic.

[seneca – Mount Eerie] 14. Conceptually weighty… not yet decided on how well the music matches up.

[Puppies – Altar of Plagues] 15. The moody music is good but the production feels like it could be a little flat.

[soupy – Seven Spires] 16. Wasn’t immediately convinced, but this quickly won me over with good hooks and a cool mix of styles.

[Reaper – Moon Tooth] 17. Digging the guitar work and slick overall sound, but not sure if there'll be enough in the way of interesting melodic hooks.

[romdrums – Sermon] 18. I can see the stylistic comparisons to the other artist you mentioned, but this may lack the rich emotionality I find so engaging about them.

[Luoto – Slow Fall] 19. The overall sound is among the least surprising submissions of the round, but there are some nice touches that help it stand out.

[Elite – Panzerballett] 20. Ok so I love the fusion of styles here and some of it is filthy, but it’s also pretty dense and I kind of wish some of the guitars had a bit more punch to compensate.

[King – The Native Howl] 21. Entertaining for sure, but very much the novelty submission of the round.

[jingle – Vandroya] 22. While this sounded pretty straightforward stylistically, it had a warm sound and some great tunes.

[Glasser – The Omega Experiment] 23. There’s a lot to unpack here, but the quirkiness and rich instrumentation remind me of an artist I like.

[nick_z – Lacrimas Profundere] 24. Moody, punchy, good hooks - sounds like a safe but solid start.

Results MIGHT be tomorrow, but more likely Thursday.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Evermind on May 16, 2023, 12:42:25 PM
Would've never guessed 2. If I had to guess, my next guess was going to be 15 (Puppies' impression).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 16, 2023, 12:47:24 PM
In the first round, with 3 times the music at least, and you still managed to lap both Crow and Tomislav easily  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 16, 2023, 01:39:05 PM
Would've never guessed 2. If I had to guess, my next guess was going to be 15 (Puppies' impression).
Yeah it wasn't especially obvious and to be honest I don't feel as strongly that way after subsequent listens. On first listen I got more of an indie/pop/soul vibe from a lot of the vocals, especially in the first song which may have then influenced my initial reaction to the rest.

In the first round, with 3 times the music at least, and you still managed to lap both Crow and Tomislav easily  :lol
Yeah I'm nothing if not productive when it comes to roulettes. :lol Rather than the weekly schedule I maintained last time (and possibly the time before?), I'm minded to go for more like 10 days this time and give myself time to really do at least four solid listens to every submission, with a fifth accompanying write-ups.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 16, 2023, 01:45:42 PM
Yeah I'm nothing if not productive when it comes to roulettes. :lol

I can get on board with this.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 16, 2023, 02:21:29 PM
Yeah I'm nothing if not productive when it comes to roulettes. :lol

I can get on board with this.

the two of you definitely set a high bar. I'm actually nervous to keep up with you knuckleheads when I run mine.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 16, 2023, 02:35:38 PM
It seems probably over time each host develops their own flavor of how they run things, and people eventually gravitate to what suits their own style (and some people just join everything regardless). 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Crow on May 16, 2023, 02:59:07 PM
i make no attempt to keep up with this pace because i am busy running a youtube channel that takes up a lot of my free time  :lol
i am also currently aiming to get my results out thursday but might try to start writeups today and get everything done by tomorrow, we'll see
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 16, 2023, 07:58:47 PM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: HOF on May 16, 2023, 08:01:16 PM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|

There‘a no right or wrong. You just send the tunes you think the host will like, then sit back and enjoy the ride!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 16, 2023, 08:04:01 PM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|

You're fine dude, and I'd guess you have a decent shot at winning Rd 1
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 16, 2023, 08:08:11 PM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|

Not doing what right? There's nothing to do. Just sit back and wait for the scores for the first round.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 16, 2023, 08:13:55 PM
Rich, is my round 2 submission ok??? (For my first time I want to submit them individually).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 16, 2023, 08:18:09 PM
(and some people just join everything regardless).
Guilty as charged :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 16, 2023, 08:22:05 PM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|

Not doing what right? There's nothing to do. Just sit back and wait for the scores for the first round.

Roulette etiquette?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 16, 2023, 08:24:41 PM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|

Not doing what right? There's nothing to do. Just sit back and wait for the scores for the first round.

Roulette etiquette?

The only etiquette you need to show is to have your submissions in on time for the next round to start. Usually that's 24 hours after the previous round's results are posted. If you've already submitted for Round 2, then you are more than good.

Rich, is my round 2 submission ok??? (For my first time I want to submit them individually).

Most of us submit them individually. :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 16, 2023, 08:35:32 PM
As long as your submission is in before elite you're good... And that's a big hoop to jump through
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 16, 2023, 09:53:04 PM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|

Yes Tom, shame on you, you are doing literally everything wrong!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 16, 2023, 09:58:47 PM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|

Yes Tom, shame on you, you are doing literally everything wrong!

I know Kade, I ruin everything unfortunately.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 16, 2023, 10:02:55 PM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|

Not doing what right? There's nothing to do. Just sit back and wait for the scores for the first round.

Roulette etiquette?

The only etiquette you need to show is to have your submissions in on time for the next round to start. Usually that's 24 hours after the previous round's results are posted. If you've already submitted for Round 2, then you are more than good.

Rich, is my round 2 submission ok??? (For my first time I want to submit them individually).

Most of us submit them individually. :)

I submitted 2 and 3. I'm a rebel.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 16, 2023, 11:29:53 PM
The only etiquette you need to show is to have your submissions in on time for the next round to start. Usually that's 24 hours after the previous round's results are posted. If you've already submitted for Round 2, then you are more than good.
Yeah this, although I'm not too fussed about a 24 hour turnaround, personally. I always get a decent number of people who sent within that first day, enough to get started on listening, and as long as everyone else is in within a couple of days, we're good.

The other etiquette is just to have fun and not take things too seriously - it's all a matter of personal taste and hosts won't love everything they get sent, but they'll give everything a fair shot.

Not so much etiquette, but also there are different ways that people play. Some people just like to introduce the host to some of their own top favourites, others focus on what they think the host will like most, and some kind of balance those two. There's no correct way to play, although unless they have incredibly overlapping tastes then those who win tend to put at least some thought and effort into meeting the host's tastes/interests.

On which note...

Rich, is my round 2 submission ok??? (For my first time I want to submit them individually).

Most of us submit them individually. :)
Yeah on this, some people send the next round(s) ahead of time, but most people prefer to wait until the results of the current round so they have the fullest/most up-to-date understanding of what the host is responding to more or less positively. Your round 2 and 3 submissions look fine to me although I've not yet checked that round 2 is "lighter" than round 1 in order to meet the theme. Feel free to send others early if you wish, or equally you're welcome to wait until we actually reach that round and factor my ratings/reviews into later submissions, whatever you prefer - again there's no correct way to play. :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 17, 2023, 01:26:46 AM
The only etiquette you need to show is to have your submissions in on time for the next round to start. Usually that's 24 hours after the previous round's results are posted. If you've already submitted for Round 2, then you are more than good.
Yeah this, although I'm not too fussed about a 24 hour turnaround, personally. I always get a decent number of people who sent within that first day, enough to get started on listening, and as long as everyone else is in within a couple of days, we're good.

The other etiquette is just to have fun and not take things too seriously - it's all a matter of personal taste and hosts won't love everything they get sent, but they'll give everything a fair shot.

Not so much etiquette, but also there are different ways that people play. Some people just like to introduce the host to some of their own top favourites, others focus on what they think the host will like most, and some kind of balance those two. There's no correct way to play, although unless they have incredibly overlapping tastes then those who win tend to put at least some thought and effort into meeting the host's tastes/interests.

On which note...

Rich, is my round 2 submission ok??? (For my first time I want to submit them individually).

Most of us submit them individually. :)
Yeah on this, some people send the next round(s) ahead of time, but most people prefer to wait until the results of the current round so they have the fullest/most up-to-date understanding of what the host is responding to more or less positively. Your round 2 and 3 submissions look fine to me although I've not yet checked that round 2 is "lighter" than round 1 in order to meet the theme. Feel free to send others early if you wish, or equally you're welcome to wait until we actually reach that round and factor my ratings/reviews into later submissions, whatever you prefer - again there's no correct way to play. :)

Tell that to Tim...  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 17, 2023, 02:14:22 AM
The only etiquette you need to show is to have your submissions in on time for the next round to start. Usually that's 24 hours after the previous round's results are posted. If you've already submitted for Round 2, then you are more than good.
Yeah this, although I'm not too fussed about a 24 hour turnaround, personally. I always get a decent number of people who sent within that first day, enough to get started on listening, and as long as everyone else is in within a couple of days, we're good.

The other etiquette is just to have fun and not take things too seriously - it's all a matter of personal taste and hosts won't love everything they get sent, but they'll give everything a fair shot.

Not so much etiquette, but also there are different ways that people play. Some people just like to introduce the host to some of their own top favourites, others focus on what they think the host will like most, and some kind of balance those two. There's no correct way to play, although unless they have incredibly overlapping tastes then those who win tend to put at least some thought and effort into meeting the host's tastes/interests.

On which note...

Rich, is my round 2 submission ok??? (For my first time I want to submit them individually).

Most of us submit them individually. :)
Yeah on this, some people send the next round(s) ahead of time, but most people prefer to wait until the results of the current round so they have the fullest/most up-to-date understanding of what the host is responding to more or less positively. Your round 2 and 3 submissions look fine to me although I've not yet checked that round 2 is "lighter" than round 1 in order to meet the theme. Feel free to send others early if you wish, or equally you're welcome to wait until we actually reach that round and factor my ratings/reviews into later submissions, whatever you prefer - again there's no correct way to play. :)

I feel confident that you will find round 2 is lighter than 1. If its an issue let me know, and again, thank you all for the guidance. This is fun. My true "heavy" hasn't shown up yet. I'm trying to have fun but be strategic to what it seems your tastes are. The next heavy round all bets are off.  :metal

Edit: I resent round 2. Round 3 is fine.  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2023, 03:58:14 AM
My true "heavy" hasn't shown up yet. I'm trying to have fun but be strategic to what it seems your tastes are. The next heavy round all bets are off.  :metal
My tastes aren't that easily defined, really (as all my regulars will tell you!). Certainly they're less dependent on genre/overall style than I think most people. Melodic approach is a big driver. Certain aspects of performance (like vocal delivery) and production can also make a big difference, as can specific stylistic choices.

My RYM is hopefully reasonably helpful, although it doesn't explain why I rate things the way I do. If you haven't already you could also have a skim through the results from my v6 roulette especially, and to some extent my v7 although that was focused on older music. That's arguably a less complete picture but at least my write-ups give an indication of what speaks to me and what doesn't.

My v6 is here: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=55161
My v7 is here: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=56863


By the way, a bit of an aside that's not about the roulette but might be of interest to people. Earlier in the year I had a mini "project" whereby I dipped, to varying extents, into everything I'd previously rated lower than 3 stars (unless I did so recently) to see what I think now. I had quite a lot of ratings going as far back as 2007, and I've found a few occasions in my last couple of roulettes where I've been prompted to revisit something and found myself liking it a lot more. In the past I've gone through phases of being down on certain styles or genres, but the past few years that's not really been the case anymore and I'd judged a lot of things unfairly.

Anyway it was a really interesting and enjoyable project and I found a new appreciation for a lot of stuff I'd written off. In a few cases things jumped up above the coveted 4-star line. On the flipside there were some cases where I'd been far too generous to things that I actually find pretty unpleasant to listen to. :lol

I might at some point extend this to things I've rated higher, especially in the 3.0 to 4.0 star range where I suspect there will be more of a mix between things I've been unfair on and things I've been too generous towards.

Anyway in terms of relevance to this roulette, I guess the key takeaway is that the things that are still rated low in my RYM, that really is what I think of them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 17, 2023, 04:29:19 AM
Trying to figure out Rich's taste is like figuring out why you get yelled at, waiting for your wife to get ready.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2023, 04:35:48 AM
Trying to figure out Rich's taste is like figuring out why you get yelled at, waiting for your wife to get ready.
I'm ready when I'm ready, Joe!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 17, 2023, 04:58:22 AM
That response sound like a voice of experience.   Lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 17, 2023, 06:16:24 AM
I know this is easy for all of you but I feel like I'm not doing it right and feel totally out of place.  :|

There‘a no right or wrong. You just send the tunes you think the host will like, then sit back and enjoy the ride!

Tom's like a 14-year old trying to unhook a bra for the first time.

I've found a few occasions in my last couple of roulettes where I've been prompted to revisit something and found myself liking it a lot more. In the past I've gone through phases of being down on certain styles or genres, but the past few years that's not really been the case anymore and I'd judged a lot of things unfairly.

Anyway it was a really interesting and enjoyable project and I found a new appreciation for a lot of stuff I'd written off. In a few cases things jumped up above the coveted 4-star line.

So how many White Lion albums did you buy as a result??   :lol :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 17, 2023, 06:25:02 AM

Tom's like a 14-year old trying to unhook a bra for the first time.


Tom was probably 9 though. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2023, 06:31:22 AM

So how many White Lion albums did you buy as a result??   :lol :lol
I have only heard one song by them - you failed to inspire me to check out a whole album. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 17, 2023, 06:35:04 AM

So how many White Lion albums did you buy as a result??   :lol :lol
I have only heard one song by them - you failed to inspire me to check out a whole album. :P

I saw them live in 1987 and that didn't inspire me to check out a whole album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 17, 2023, 11:32:58 AM

Tom's like a 14-year old trying to unhook a bra for the first time.


Tom was probably 9 though. :lol

How old was your sister?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 17, 2023, 02:10:29 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Elite on May 17, 2023, 04:00:21 PM
As long as your submission is in before elite you're good... And that's a big hoop to jump through

I’m tempted to send everything in advance now so you’re all too late :biggrin: :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2023, 04:17:22 PM

Got a bunch of writeups done today so pretty confident results will be tomorrow. All in all this was a strong first round and I didn't dislike anything. Some scores have settled quite a bit higher than I thought they might, some lower, and for some my opinion hasn't changed even slightly from my first impression. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 17, 2023, 04:18:27 PM

And we're good on my round 2,correct? I actually forgot what specific songs I told you lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 17, 2023, 04:28:01 PM
Results tomorrow?  You're a madman.   :lol   There's no way I could sort out the granularities of 24 different 20-minute submissions with just 4 listens this soon.   :omg:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 17, 2023, 04:32:41 PM
Just noticed the 5 artist limit for the EP, I already had 7-8  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2023, 04:40:20 PM
You're a madman.
:lol Thanks, sig'd.

As I said before, for all that we have in common I think this is a difference in how we listen to and enjoy music.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Crow on May 17, 2023, 05:16:34 PM
damb imagine waiting until tomorrow to post results when you could be posting them today
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 17, 2023, 05:26:48 PM
You're a madman.
:lol Thanks, sig'd.

Hey, my first, not bad!   :xbones
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 17, 2023, 08:01:46 PM

Tom's like a 14-year old trying to unhook a bra for the first time.


Tom was probably 9 though. :lol

I was actually pretty good by 14 Chad. Tim's pretty close.   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 17, 2023, 08:03:49 PM

Tom's like a 14-year old trying to unhook a bra for the first time.


Tom was probably 9 though. :lol

How old was your sister?

 :rollin :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 18, 2023, 06:59:00 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 18, 2023, 07:03:54 AM
On the main page, when I saw that "lonestar" was the Last Post, I thought "it's probably corn"
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 18, 2023, 07:40:53 AM

I'm just excited for results  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 18, 2023, 07:52:34 AM
We really want a recipe for Breakfast popcorn.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 18, 2023, 07:59:20 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 08:10:25 AM
Soon... :soon:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 18, 2023, 08:16:30 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: Elite on May 18, 2023, 08:16:58 AM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 18, 2023, 09:19:21 AM


You’re the last guy to be posting popcorn! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 18, 2023, 09:21:07 AM
Seriously  :lol

In fact, instead of posting popcorn how about sending round 2 bro.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 09:35:22 AM
Seriously  :lol

In fact, instead of posting popcorn how about sending round 2 bro.
No rush to send round 2 before round 1 is finished. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 18, 2023, 09:41:11 AM
RJ morphing into Tim.  Rich, I'm sorry.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 09:41:31 AM

faizoff – Metal Church
1. Metal Church
2. It's a Secret
3. Watch The Children Pray

First impression: Like most bands at the emergence of this genre, the focus on mood and aggression feels at the expense of melody, but the slightly later songs sound more interesting.

Final opinion: To be honest, my opinion hasn't really changed from my first impression. I enjoy a bit of thrash metal for sure, but there's something about that very early stuff that - while I appreciate the fact that bands were trying something new - I find a bit lacking. That's not to say I don't like it; anything 7/10 (3.5 stars) is something I consider good. Indeed, there are aspects of this that sound a little more accomplished than the very earliest stuff from the likes of Metallica and Megadeth. There's a slightly doomier vibe which creates a bit of atmosphere, and some of the riffing is pretty cool, engaging enough for me to enjoy it while I'm listening at least. Ultimately though, there's not enough in the way of an interesting sound or melodic hooks to make me want to return to it.

Score: 7.2

King – The Native Howl
1. Thunderhead
2. Into the Darkness
3. Harvester of Constant Sorrow
4. Pappy

First impression: Entertaining for sure, but very much the novelty submission of the round.

Final opinion: OK first up, I can definitely see how this band would be a blast live. Bluegrass and thrash metal are not natural bedfellows and it's a fusion that's full of energy and very entertaining, although really the instrumentation is fully bluegrass, just written and performed in a thrash style. But that's kind of it really. I feel like maybe a bit more of a proper fusion of genres might have made it at least feel more unique. The original songs are good, although they do clearly borrow themes and motfis heavily from classic thrash. The semi-cover of Harvester of Sorrow just doesn't really work for me at all unfortunately. As a fun novelty, this is pretty great and I'm sure I'd enjoy it live, but I can't really see myself wanting to listen to this again.

Score: 7.3

HOF – Caroline's Spine
1. Open Fire
2. Sullivan
3. Monsoon
4. The Light Inside
5. July

First impression: This was perhaps a little middle-of-the-road, but enjoyable enough and one song seemed like a strong example of the genre.

Final opinion: This is pretty much the epitome of a mid-7s submission for me. :lol It's all very solid, competent alt-rock, with nothing to dislike but, on the other hand, little to excite. To my tastes, the genre works best when it has either some punchy riffs and hooks (which I tend to find in the more modern stuff), or a strong emotional angle which is often where the 90s and early 00s stuff has interested me more. This does ok on both counts, but excels on neither. The one standout for sure is The Light Inside - a well crafted song with a fun riff and a real uplifting anthemic warmth to it, which hits the emotional angle. Sullivan is also a rather nice song with a very catchy chorus. The rest are fine, just a bit unmemorable.

Score: 7.5

Reaper – Moon Tooth
1. Igneous
2. Vesuvius I
3. Vesuvius II
4. The I That Never Dies

First impression: Digging the guitar work and slick overall sound, but not sure if there'll be enough in the way of interesting melodic hooks.

Final opinion: There's a lot that I like about this. The overall sound is really groovy and generally pretty great. The music is intelligent and the performances are slick. The intricate guitar work especially is very enjoyable to listen to. Even just the fact that it doesn’t sound like anything else submitted this round and not much that I’ve heard elsewhere either makes it pretty interesting. The only thing that stops it scoring higher is that, melodically speaking, I find it a bit cold and hard to get into. The I That Never Dies has quite a nice chorus, and Igneous has such a strong groove that it's very good regardless and the hooks come from the riffs instead. But overall I come away from each listen feeling like it was all a bit, for want of a better word, esoteric.

Score: 7.6

seneca – Mount Eerie
1. Real Death
2. Seaweed
3. Forest Fire
4. Swims
5. My Chasm
6. When I Take out the Garbage at Night

First impression: Conceptually weighty… not yet decided on how well the music matches up.

Final opinion: I have very mixed feelings about this. Like, full-on ambivalence. On one hand, I find the music and delivery incredibly bland. Were it not for the context and lyrical content, this might have been the only sub-7 score of the round. I’m definitely not a fan of the dreary mumbling vocals, and it all just sounds so lifeless. On the other hand, that’s sort of the point I guess. What he went through was something I wouldn’t wish on anyone and I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been to make this album. The opening lyrics address this very directly - “And it's not for singing about; it's not for making into art. When real death enters the house, all poetry is dumb”. The interesting thing is that lyrically I find these first 6 songs incredibly powerful. I had a read through them without the music on, and the blunt, direct and honest articulation of what he went through was very moving and upsetting. If the music had been effective at supporting this, it could have scored in the mid-8s or higher. But back to that first hand again. I have no issue with the minimalist instrumentation, and I appreciate that the general vibe is conceptually appropriate, but ultimately, I find it too lacking in melodic or harmonic richness or emotion, and everything that I feel when reading the lyrics I do not feel when listening.

Score: 7.6

Elite – Panzerballett
1. Smoke On The Water
2. Mind Your Head
3. Some Skunk Funk
4. Birdland

First impression: Ok so I love the fusion of styles here and some of it is filthy, but it’s also pretty dense and I kind of wish some of the guitars had a bit more punch to compensate.

Final opinion: Now we’re getting to the stuff that I like quite a bit, if not quite at the 8/10 level. As you well know from my previous roulette in particular, I enjoy jazz and fusion but can be a little picky - jazz harmonies don’t typically lend themselves easily to accessible melodic hooks, and unless the artist works some of those in effectively (which some absolutely do, to great effect) then it’s anyone’s guess what might attract me about the mood or style. The general jazz-metal style here is fantastic, really great fun and generally executed well. Some Skunk Funk in particular is dirty fusion in the best way, helped as well by being the strongest in terms of production which I think this style needs. The rest are all good tunes still, and the score did creep up from where I thought it might land, but other than leads/solos, a lot of the guitar sounds a bit thin and/or low in the mix which - without some strong melodies to hook onto - weakens the effect quite a bit.

Score: 7.8

lonestar – Saiseiga
1. Ride On
2. Inside
3. Jumble
4. Sports

First impression: Engaging and impressive vocals, but perhaps not fully supported by particularly engaging or impressive vocal lines.

Final opinion: I dig the general style a lot here. It’s definitely in that “modern j-metal” oeuvre, with a lot of groove, great playing and a really impressive vocalist. The range of styles she uses is highly enjoyable and she executes them all very convincingly. The band’s talent and potential is undeniable. Compositionally, though, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. The first two songs are fun enough to listen to and maybe have the most interesting instrumental work (some very cool guitar moments, for example), but are sorely lacking in melodic hooks. The next two grew on me quite a lot though, and definitely ended up pushing the overall score upwards. The overall style is broadly the same if maybe slightly more straightforward, but they make up for that with enjoyable choruses that provide a focal point for the songs. Jumble in particular is damn catchy. Seems as though the album those two songs come from might be more my thing.

Score: 7.8

Stadler – Black Sabbath
1. Psychophobia
2. Rusty Angels
3. When Death Calls

First impression: This submission starts pretty rocking I guess but it’s the last song that sells it, could be one of the best things I’ve heard from this artist.

Final opinion: As you know from my RYM, I’ve heard a bunch of Ozzy-era and Dio-era Sabbath albums, and I’ve liked them all to varying degrees but not loved any of them. So it’s been very interesting to be introduced to some Martin-era songs. The first two here are enjoyable enough but nothing to write home about. I definitely like Martin’s vocals and, based on these three songs, he’d probably be my favourite even if his voice is the least distinctive. So that helps give the songs a convincing delivery, even if they are a little middle-of-the-road for my tastes, musically speaking. But When Death Calls is another story. Great mood, great chorus, nice development from the gloomy opening to the more rocking riffing later on and epic final chorus - an all-round great song that I had stuck in my head after only one listen. I suspect Sabbath will remain one of those bands for whom I love a handful of songs but never really get into any whole albums, but I’ll give these ones a go for sure.

Score: 7.9

Puppies – Altar of Plagues
1. Neptune is Dead

First impression: The moody music is good but the production feels like it could be a little flat.

Final opinion: As you know from previous roulettes and your “black metal album of the week” thread, I can be pretty picky when it comes to black metal. The stuff that’s very melodic, and/or atmospheric with good production, can often go down well - the stuff that’s neither rarely does. This does quite well in both regards, but I don’t think it’s quite enough at either to make me love it. The music is generally fairly melodic, but not richly so. There’s a moodiness to it and the production is adequate, but a little flat and lo-fi for my tastes. I think if either dimension had been taken further I could have really got into it. With a more engaging melodic approach, the production would have mattered less. Or with a bigger sound, some of the hypnotic repeating sections in particular could have been really immersive. As it is, it feels on the cusp of being great but not managing to get there. Interestingly enough, this may not feel like a great score, but you never do that well in my first rounds and this is actually the best you’ve ever done in round 1. :lol Hopefully this means exciting things in future rounds!

Score: 7.9

Vmadera – Once Human
1. Only in Death
2. Cold Arrival
3. Devil Can Have You
4. Erasure

First impression: Solid stuff and a very impressive and versatile vocalist, I just wonder if it’ll be enough to stand out among other strong submissions.

Final opinion: Here we are at 8/10, meaning all the submissions from this point on are varying degrees of great as far as I’m concerned. This is one of a strong set of quite similar entries - metal with gothic vibes and a mix of clean and harsh vocals (most of which are female-dominated, interestingly enough - clearly there’s a lot of this stuff that I’m behind on). It hasn’t really moved very much from my first impression. The music and performances are all solid, with some great moments. The mix is punchy, if straightforward. The riffing is tight. The vocalist is great at everything she does, from soaring cleans to black metal style rasps and deep growls, which is one of the big selling points. There are some good hooks in places too - Cold Arrival is a particularly great song. This selection does enough to reach the 8/10 mark, though no more.

Score: 8.0

romdrums – Sermon
1. The Great Marsh
2. Royal
3. Light the Witch

First impression: I can see the stylistic comparisons to the other artist you mentioned, but this may lack the rich emotionality I find so engaging about them.

Final opinion: You compared this band to Soen, and from a stylistic perspective I can definitely see that, but this goes to what I said earlier in the thread about my tastes being driven more by melodic (or tonal) approach than genre or overall style. I’ve become far more interested in Soen’s music in the past few albums as they’ve taken a more emotive and melancholic approach. These songs don’t do that really. That’s not a problem though and I think my first impression was probably overly focused on this and didn’t paint the full picture, which is that I still like this very much, just for different reasons and not to the same extent. It has a really grand sound and style, kind of dark and intense but never that heavy. The production may not be anything special from a technical standpoint, but it’s absolutely right for the music and creates just the right atmosphere for it. Combine this with some good hooks and it’s pretty great stuff overall.

Score: 8.0

Glasser – The Omega Experiment
1. Terminus
2. Stimulus

First impression: There’s a lot to unpack here, but the quirkiness and rich instrumentation remind me of an artist I like.

Final opinion: So yes, the obvious comparator here is Devin Townsend. The similarities in style are almost uncanny at times, bordering on distracting and at risk of losing its own identity but - in these two songs at least - never quite reaching that point. I think the vocals mostly being quite different in approach to Devy helps with that. I’m perhaps not wholly sold on these songs in terms of composition - like a lot of prog metal, at times they feel a little unfocused. I’ve nothing against music that explores a lot of different ideas, but I don’t feel they’re held together in a way that’s particularly coherent or engaging. But while that might hold it back from really high scores, it doesn’t stop it from still being great stuff - the strength of the music and the creativity of the ideas is there regardless. I’m definitely enjoying the rich instrumentation that I mentioned in my first impression, especially in Stimulus which has some wonderfully grandiose stuff in it. All in all, a strong first submission for your first ever roulette.

Score: 8.1

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 09:41:41 AM
jingle – Vandroya
1. Why Should We Say Goodbye?
2. Beyond the Human Mind

First impression: While this sounded pretty straightforward stylistically, it had a warm sound and some great tunes.

Final opinion: So yeah there isn't really anything particularly unique or unusual about these songs, which are fairly straightforward prog/power metal. There’s not even a hint of them being a Brazilian band, they just sound like most European bands in the genre. :lol Performances are competent but, other than the vocals, nothing special. But despite all that, it's a very good illustration of the fact that it's not necessary to do anything unusual to write great songs. The first one is fairly short and simple but it’s incredibly catchy, with a great chorus and really top-notch vocals. The second song is proggier and more intricate - some of the early sections aren't as melodically engaging, but they work well to build towards and support some great melodies in the later parts of the song.

Score: 8.2

nick_z – Lacrimas Profundere
1. The Kingdom Solicitude
2. Father of Fate
3. Like Screams in Empty Halls
4. After All Those Infinities
5. A Sip of Multiverse

First impression: Moody, punchy, good hooks - sounds like a safe but solid start.

Final opinion: This is another of those submissions that didn't really change much from my initial impression. Punchy melancholic metal with good vocal melodies is always likely to go down fairly well with me, so it was a fairly safe bet, although I'm not sure it does much to really excite me beyond that. But regardless, every song here is strong, and there are some great touches - one thing in particular I'm really liking is the way that many of the heavy sections have acoustic/clean guitar or piano accompanying the distorted riffs. It's a simple idea but they use it to great effect and it really adds to the gothic vibe. Very nice stuff.

Score: 8.2

TAC – Circus of Fools
1. Eris (To The Fairest One)
2. Relentless Abnormality
3. From Dusk Till Dawn

First impression: Well, it’s punchy and epic and the gothic style is vibing well - let’s see how well the melodic hooks settle in with subsequent listens.

Final opinion: This is another of those submissions with metal that mixes harsh and clean vocals, although this time with a male/female split between the two. The overall sound is terrific - heavy and melodic and with some great use of real strings to give it a big gothic vibe. The melodic hooks have settled in well on the whole - not all of them are that interesting but there's enough that are, and in the right places, to make it all work. For example, Eris doesn’t really do much for me in the melody department, but there are still some good hooks in the riffs which have a great groove to them. Meanwhile, the next song delivers some great vocal lines with a really cool, dark gothic style. And then the last song brings in some great synth work. Seems like each song has slightly different strengths, so I look forward to exploring their stuff.

Score: 8.2

luke – Deafheaven
1. You Without End
2. Honeycomb

First impression: Lush and immersive, I can totally see why you sent me this.

Final opinion: I told you this already but, for the wider group, I originally heard Sunbather years ago and didn't get on with it at all. But as part of my recent exploration of things I previously rated low, I gave it another go and found myself liking it quite a bit. I didn't love it though - I enjoy contrasts in music, but something still felt clashing between the harsh moments and the gentle ones. That seems much less so in these songs. I gather that some fans liked that facet of their music, and therefore disliked this as a change in direction, but it's much more up my alley. Not wholly in love with some of the moments with black metal screams over pretty post-rock, but others work well - especially when the music builds up to a bigger sound. Overall, this is really lush and rich and there are quite a few absolutely gorgeous moments spread throughout the two songs.

Score: 8.2

Sacul – Kendrick Lamar
1. For Free? - Interlude
2. Alright
3. The Blacker The Berry
4. Mother I Sober

First impression: First track was an… interesting choice, but after that it improved immensely and I'm glad my first listen was with earphones.

Final opinion: Alright so let’s address that first song first of all. I get that it’s metaphorical and maybe even pretty profound in that. It’s just… really quite annoying to listen to. :lol Partly the lyrics, but also his weird scat-jazz delivery. Not awful, but not my thing. The rest of these songs, though, are excellent. Like, really great. You said it was outside of my comfort zone and I understand why, considering rap-based genres (hip hop, grime, etc) aren’t a major feature of my collection. But I’m not sure that’s really right, and I’m already a fan of some stuff like Stormzy. It’s more that there’s not been much where I’ve rated whole albums that highly. This guy definitely has potential though, based on these songs, if the quality is usually this high. His vocal style took a little getting used to initially - sounded more like punk rap stuff I’ve heard (like The King Blues) than what I’m used to from hip hop, but quite quickly I found myself thinking it works really well for the style. And crucially, the music itself has a lot of groove and charisma with a range of influences brought in, to good effect. Both musically and lyrically, these songs are thoughtful and engaging, and Mother I Sober especially is very emotionally affecting and really justifies this being part of the heavy theme.

Score: 8.3

Luoto – Slow Fall
1. Melancholy and Witchcraft
2. Across the Cold
3. Everything Left with Nothing

First impression: The overall sound is among the least surprising submissions of the round, but there are some nice touches that help it stand out.

Final opinion: Oh look, Luoto sent high quality melodic death metal from Finland that I’ve never even heard of. :lol And oh look, it turned out to be a real grower. You’re some kind of wizard when it comes to that, as I’ve told you before. The core sound here is very unsurprising, but that’s not a criticism, as they execute it very well - MDM with a nice full sound, tight playing and a lovely melancholic approach which you know I tend to be a fan of. What really helps it stand out a bit, though, is the use of clean vocals which they do in quite a varied way, tailored to the style of each song. The chorus in Melancholy and Witchcraft is gorgeous and perfectly fitting to the title (and it’s definitely my favourite here), Across the Cold has a gravelly and epic chorus, and the female vocals in the last track - while not technically anything special - offer a more accessible symphonic metal feel that works well.

Score: 8.3

Litho – Draconian
1. A Phantom Dissonance
2. Dishearten
3. Sleepwalkers

First impression: This immediately ticks a lot of boxes for me - grand, rich and melancholy.

Final opinion: Not sure if me playing in your roulette has helped, but you’ve definitely hit the ground running. The melancholy death/doom metal sound that’s dominant here is something that appeals to me when done well, and this is done well. The sound is big, the melodies are sorrowful, the instrumentation is intricate without going over the top. It all comes together best in Dishearten, which is my favourite of the three - great, emotive vocals, beautiful melodies and a really great use of piano and sustained guitar notes in places - the climax at the end is especially fantastic. The first song is also excellent, while the last is the weakest of the three - it’s still very good and has a gorgeous atmosphere that permeates throughout, but melodically it’s a little less engaging.

Score: 8.3

Evermind – Avatarium
1. Moonhorse
2. Girl with the Raven Mask
3. Lady in the Lamp

First impression: A lot of the vocal style is something I’m more used to hearing in other genres, and the effect is kind of captivating.

Final opinion: As I said earlier in the thread, on first listen I got quite an indie/pop/soul vibe from a lot of the vocals in this, especially in the first song and, to some extent, the last one as well. While that feels less the case now, I do still think that the effect is there. And what hasn’t changed at all is that the combination of those soulful vocals, the core doom metal sound and the folk influence is incredibly captivating. I like that there’s some variety, and each of the songs brings something a little different while being tonally coherent. It really is the vocals though that carry this along with the generally very strong songwriting. Instrumentally, these songs are nothing special really, and indeed the guitar solo in Lady in the Lamp is kind of weak to the point of being distracting. And yet the richness of the main motifs and vocal melodies - and the gorgeous delivery of the vocals - mean that it doesn’t really matter too much because the overall effect is so great.

Score: 8.4

Buddy – Obscure Sphinx
1. Void
2. The Presence Of Goddess

First impression: This has a really big sound that’s very immersive and right up my alley.

Final opinion: The way this two-parter builds is just fantastic. It’s definitely the slowest starting submission, taking a good 7 minutes to really kick in. Melodically, some moments aren’t super engaging in themselves, but the way the songs develop creates such a gloomy rising tension. And when it gets there and the choirs come in, it’s some of the most epic music I’ve heard. It has the qualities I would expect of good post-metal/atmospheric sludge metal (not that I fully understand the difference between the two) - particularly in the way it builds atmosphere and has quite hypnotic aspect to it - but also expands on it with very grand musicality and rich instrumentation, not dissimilar to the gothic style of some of the other submissions this round. I was pretty sure from the start this would score well, yet still I’ve liked it a little more with every listen.

Score: 8.4

soupy – Seven Spires
1. Gods of Debauchery
2. Fearless
3. Gods Amongst Men
4. Lightbringer

First impression: Wasn’t immediately convinced, but this quickly won me over with good hooks and a cool mix of styles.

Final opinion: This turned out to be a real sleeper hit, almost a scaled up version of my first impression really. Clearly I liked it at first - I enjoyed the range of influences, the absolutely epic vibe and some strong hooks particularly in the riffing. But I wasn’t immediately totally sold on the combination of power metal music with black/death metal vocals, which I thought might lean a little too cheesy and put a limit on how much I enjoy it. Not so, as it turned out. Similar to a couple of the other submissions this round (Saiseiga and Once Human), the vocalist is amazing and her power and charisma with both clean and harsh vocals is incredibly engaging. Of the three though, this is the one where I find the music most thrilling. If anything, that power metal style - once I got used to the contrast - makes it very melodically enjoyable and provides a great counterbalance to some of the harsher sections. And of course, going all-out pop metal in Lightbringer is great fun and again indicates a band that brings different styles into their music.

Score: 8.4

wolfking – Keep of Kalessin
1. Warmonger
2. Kolossus
3. Ascendant

First impression: Punchier and more riff-driven than I might have expected, intense but not overbearing, and hella epic.

Final opinion:  This was another sleeper hit, even more so than Seven Spires. As is evident from my first impression, I liked it immediately, but I didn’t expect it to be right near the top of the scores until maybe my third listen. Possibly it’s helped by being slightly different to a lot of the metal submissions this round, which have favoured a more gothic and/or doomy vibe. But the punchy, thrash-influenced riff-driven style is super enjoyable, and there’s a subtlety to the melodic approach in the choruses that makes it less immediate but ultimately that bit more exciting when it settles in. When I first thought about ratings and rankings, this and Crow’s submissions were the ones that excited me the most. All three songs are cracking and have such a huge sound, but if I had to choose a favourite it would be Kolossus. That song is just such a beast, with its intense verses, atmospheric middle section and epic choruses (well the whole thing is pretty ludicrously epic really). Can’t wait to give the album a listen.

Score: 8.6

Crow – Birds in Row
1. Noah
2. Cathedrals
3. Trompe L’oeil
4. Rodin

First impression: You’ve gone with a different approach to most, and it starts a little slowly, but once it got going it really hooked me in.

Final opinion: This round had some great sleeper hits, but this one I can’t even really get my head around. I liked it early on but I definitely wasn’t thinking “round winner right there”. These songs make use of features that wouldn’t normally be my preference. For example, on the loose spectrum of hardcore to post-hardcore, I tend to gravitate towards the latter where you’d typically find more melodic vocals in addition to the harsher stylings. Similarly, I’m not generally keen when music lingers so long on each chord. And yet, these songs are an amazing example of how my preferences are rarely dealbreakers. The whole sound is just great and there’s an almost hypnotic approach such that when the chord does change, it feels that bit more impactful. It helps that the backing music is very melodic and immersive, and there’s a wonderful contrast between that and the desperation of the vocals. It’s also perfectly paced. Just as one style or idea feels like it might be on the verge of wearing thin, the next song or section does something different. You pretty much always have a good first round in my roulettes, and yet you’ve somehow surpassed all the previous ones with this.

Score: 8.8


Scores after Round 1:
 1. Crow     = 8.8
 2. wolfking = 8.6
 3. Buddy    = 8.4
 3. Evermind = 8.4
 3. soupy    = 8.4
 6. Litho    = 8.3
 6. Sacul    = 8.3
 6. Luoto    = 8.3
 9. luke     = 8.2
 9. TAC      = 8.2
 9. nick_z   = 8.2
 9. jingle   = 8.2
13. Glasser  = 8.1
14. Vmadera  = 8.0
14. romdrums = 8.0
16. Stadler  = 7.9
16. Puppies  = 7.9
18. lonestar = 7.8
18. Elite    = 7.8
20. Reaper   = 7.6
20. seneca   = 7.6
22. HOF      = 7.5
23. king     = 7.3
24. faizoff  = 7.2

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 18, 2023, 09:42:12 AM
Seriously  :lol

In fact, instead of posting popcorn how about sending round 2 bro.
No rush to send round 2 before round 1 is finished. :P

Just trying to avoid the inevitable.  :P

RJ morphing into Tim.  Rich, I'm sorry.  :lol

Hey now...no need to be insulting... :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 09:43:02 AM
RJ morphing into Tim.  Rich, I'm sorry.  :lol
It's that TACitis again, it's spreading.

Anyway congrats guys, there are now so many of you that my results can't all fit in one post anymore. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 18, 2023, 09:45:44 AM

Rich, do you get music fatigue from listening to so much music or does it invigorate you to check on the bands that really peaked your interest?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 18, 2023, 09:47:33 AM
Interesting take...oddly enough the latter two songs are from their '23 release, and the others are from their first album, so I guess that's growth as a band. Unlike a lot of the Japanese bands, Saiseiga is completely independent and don't have outside writers or production teams, so their growth is a lot more organic and transparent.

You got my Rd2 already.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 09:47:48 AM

Rich, do you get music fatigue from listening to so much music or does it invigorate you to check on the bands that really peaked your interest?
I listen to this pretty much this amount of music either way, so definitely no fatigue. I love checking out new stuff.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Lonk on May 18, 2023, 09:53:46 AM
Not a bad start, i'll take it  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 18, 2023, 10:03:28 AM
Tied with Evermind again? This feels familiar... :neverusethis:

Speaking of tied, looks like Elder got the exact same score in the roulette where I sent them instead of this, so I would have gotten the prisoner's dilemma either way! :rollin

Anyways, glad you enjoyed, definitely check out the rest of that album, it's awesome. Still thinking about what to send for the next round...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Luoto on May 18, 2023, 10:11:00 AM
The Finnish MDM well that you don't already know is kinda running dry, admittedly :lol They have a new album coming out in a few weeks.

Might be looking forward to my round 2 submission more though, I'll assemble and send it now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 18, 2023, 10:13:11 AM
Middle of the pack - with this crew I'll take it!

I'm just thrilled that Daisa Munhoz > j-metal.   :biggrin:  :P (at RJ).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on May 18, 2023, 10:31:18 AM
Tied with Evermind again? This feels familiar... :neverusethis:

Speaking of tied, looks like Elder got the exact same score in the roulette where I sent them instead of this, so I would have gotten the prisoner's dilemma either way! :rollin


I'm glad I'm still on my streak of scoring above 8 points. Also holy shit that was some quick turnaround for this amount of music.

Regarding Avatarium, I only have the first two albums and they both are fairly strong. Although there are some less exciting songs, I could've doubled my entry in length without losing quality I think. I think I checked out their latest and don't remember much about it, but perhaps I'll revisit it soon.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 18, 2023, 10:37:28 AM
Final opinion: Not sure if me playing in your roulette has helped, but you’ve definitely hit the ground running. The melancholy death/doom metal sound that’s dominant here is something that appeals to me when done well, and this is done well. The sound is big, the melodies are sorrowful, the instrumentation is intricate without going over the top. It all comes together best in Dishearten, which is my favourite of the three - great, emotive vocals, beautiful melodies and a really great use of piano and sustained guitar notes in places - the climax at the end is especially fantastic. The first song is also excellent, while the last is the weakest of the three - it’s still very good and has a gorgeous atmosphere that permeates throughout, but melodically it’s a little less engaging.

Dunno, it's probably factored in a little, but I might have made the same choices regardless, so far anyway.  I don't really have a great mental profile of your taste despite skimming bits of some older roulettes, so I'm sort of treating you like an alternate universe version of me who has somewhat similar tastes but somehow hasn't heard any of the same artists.  I'll probably keep somewhat going with that for a bit until/unless I can figure out an even better strategy. 

I also wonder about factoring the style of each host in how they listen to submissions (possibly just more overthinking though), and wonder if some songs fare better than others depending up how much time is devoted to them, possibly avoiding songs with hooks that are more subtle and could take longer to sink in.  That's all so subjective though it's hard to make a science of it.  "Sleepwalkers" took slightly longer to grow on me, but I wanted something from the latest album with the more reverb-laden sound.  Do at least check out "The Wretched Tide" from Sovran, the same album "Dishearten" is on, I really wanted to include it as well but didn't want to kick anything else out. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Elite on May 18, 2023, 10:59:28 AM
Sent round 2!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 18, 2023, 11:14:46 AM
Sent by e-mail.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on May 18, 2023, 11:15:17 AM
let's GOOOO  :metal
that entire birds in row album is really good tho imo i did kinda send all the best songs off it  :corn
...which is like, almost half the album by runtime, so

anyways time to also win round 2? maybe?  :corn :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Lonk on May 18, 2023, 11:20:20 AM
Sent round 2!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: romdrums on May 18, 2023, 11:23:17 AM
I'll take an 8.0.  Hope you get a chance to check out the whole album. 

Round 2 Sent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on May 18, 2023, 11:24:02 AM
round 2 has been delivered by parcel, please check your mailbox at the nearest convenience
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: soupytwist on May 18, 2023, 11:36:43 AM
Happy with that start!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: soupytwist on May 18, 2023, 12:04:50 PM
And sent for round 2.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 18, 2023, 12:09:48 PM
I had a feeling I might be in for that kind of score and response. Although I think the music suits the lyrics/theme well, I can understand why you might find it lacking. As you said, it's not inappropriate for the context, but that doesn't mean it's good. I think what it boils down to—maybe—is that I place more weight on the lyrics, which as you say are terribly affecting.

I'll send round 2 shortly  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on May 18, 2023, 12:13:56 PM
I'll send my round 2 in 24 hours.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 18, 2023, 12:18:31 PM
Ok, decent enough start. You have my Round 2.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: faizoff on May 18, 2023, 01:50:15 PM
Starting at the bottom in not one but TWO roulettes! I do wonder at times how some of the older stuff from early to mid 80s sound now. As a teenager that made quite an impression but not sure in the scheme of things how old school stuff relates to many.

Will be sending some light stuff soon.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 18, 2023, 01:52:16 PM
Starting at the bottom in not one but TWO roulettes! I do wonder at times how some of the older stuff from early to mid 80s sound now. As a teenager that made quite an impression but not sure in the scheme of things how old school stuff relates to many.

It doesn't really, unless it is asked for by theme. I rarely use anything from the 80's in roulettes.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 02:07:01 PM
Interesting take...oddly enough the latter two songs are from their '23 release, and the others are from their first album, so I guess that's growth as a band. Unlike a lot of the Japanese bands, Saiseiga is completely independent and don't have outside writers or production teams, so their growth is a lot more organic and transparent.
Yeah I gathered that about the songs I preferred coming from the second album - as you say sounds like they may be already growing into their style really nicely, but I'll obviously need to give both albums a listen to hear that myself!


Anyways, glad you enjoyed, definitely check out the rest of that album, it's awesome.
I'll take an 8.0.  Hope you get a chance to check out the whole album. 
Oh yeah no question I'll check out these albums. Other than cases where I've literally been unable to even find a youtube stream of an album, which has been incredibly rare, I'll always check out every artist I rate 8.0 or more and this time I imagine I'll extend that lower this time - in my fogey roulette I think I checked out at least something by literally every artist no matter how low they scored and it was good fun. Not sure I can manage that this time with 24 players and 7 rounds, but I think something like 100% of 7.8+ rated submissions and then for things that score lower but interest me enough to err on the side of checking those out too (from this round it would be Moon Tooth for sure and maybe an album by Caroline's Spine).


The Finnish MDM well that you don't already know is kinda running dry, admittedly :lol They have a new album coming out in a few weeks.
Yeah I noticed that one of the songs was a single - you've done that a few times with me now!


Middle of the pack - with this crew I'll take it!
Yeah the competition is fierce in this roulette. Interested to see if the consistency of quality can be maintained in the first Light round.


Also holy shit that was some quick turnaround for this amount of music.
Is it that crazy? It was about 9 days from when people first started sending me stuff and I started listening pretty much straight away. I got in a good 5 listens to every submission, with only the 5th listen (which was the one where I was doing write-ups and making any final tweaks to ratings) involving occasional skips, e.g. where I felt I knew the rest of that song and should skip to the next.

As I've said before, I'm able to listen to a lot of music. It's just been that in that week-and-a-bit, I've not really listened to other stuff apart from a couple of new albums (including the new Mystery which came out on Wednesday and is rather nice).


Dunno, it's probably factored in a little, but I might have made the same choices regardless, so far anyway.  I don't really have a great mental profile of your taste despite skimming bits of some older roulettes, so I'm sort of treating you like an alternate universe version of me who has somewhat similar tastes but somehow hasn't heard any of the same artists.  I'll probably keep somewhat going with that for a bit until/unless I can figure out an even better strategy. 
That sounds pretty great to be honest. :lol

I also wonder about factoring the style of each host in how they listen to submissions (possibly just more overthinking though), and wonder if some songs fare better than others depending up how much time is devoted to them, possibly avoiding songs with hooks that are more subtle and could take longer to sink in.  That's all so subjective though it's hard to make a science of it.  "Sleepwalkers" took slightly longer to grow on me, but I wanted something from the latest album with the more reverb-laden sound. 
So, on this point, although my commitment is a minimum of 3 listens, I'm going to try and ensure I maintain 5 listens like I did this round and did most rounds in my last two roulettes too. I've rarely found that things have materially grown on me in a concentrated timespan by just listening more and more. The passage of time and coming back to something fresh can absolutely do that, but that's not really an option in a roulette (or in a timely one anyway!). I've definitely got to a point where around 4-5 listens is the sweet spot - I'm familiar with the songs, I know what's going on, they've had a good chance to grow on me and I can form a clear view of my opinion on it - beyond this is very much diminishing returns.

Do at least check out "The Wretched Tide" from Sovran, the same album "Dishearten" is on, I really wanted to include it as well but didn't want to kick anything else out. 
As I said above, I'll be properly checking out everything that scores 7.8 or higher and for those that are 8.0+ I imagine it'll often be multiple albums. In Draconian's case, for sure I'll check out all three.


let's GOOOO  :metal
that entire birds in row album is really good tho imo i did kinda send all the best songs off it  :corn
...which is like, almost half the album by runtime, so
Can't wait to check it out!


I had a feeling I might be in for that kind of score and response. Although I think the music suits the lyrics/theme well, I can understand why you might find it lacking. As you said, it's not inappropriate for the context, but that doesn't mean it's good. I think what it boils down to—maybe—is that I place more weight on the lyrics, which as you say are terribly affecting.
Yeah this was the hardest one to rate. When considering how much I like music, I don't generally place that much weight on lyrics other that "by exception" - evocative lyrics can elevate something to even greater heights, or particularly annoying or bad lyrics can detract. This was a weird one where I just wasn't feeling at all that the lyrics were actually elevating the music, but I found them so moving in themselves that I needed to reflect that in my overall opinion.


Anyway, thanks to everyone who's already sent your first "light" submissions! I'll make a start on some listening tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on May 18, 2023, 02:07:46 PM
i pretty much outright said it in my last  set of writeups but yeah as far as like, modern music goes (60's onwards i guess we'll say) the 80's tend to be my least favorite decade for it  :lol there's good stuff there but the decades before it and after it all have a lot more appeal to me on the whole
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 02:11:57 PM
Starting at the bottom in not one but TWO roulettes! I do wonder at times how some of the older stuff from early to mid 80s sound now. As a teenager that made quite an impression but not sure in the scheme of things how old school stuff relates to many.
A few roulettes ago most 80s stuff would have been pretty risky with me, but I finally reached a point where I'm very open to genre and style now, and have come around on a lot of 80s stuff I previously thought of as cheesy (not that it's not cheesy, just that cheesy isn't inherently a problem). My fogey roulette two years ago was great at introducing me to a whole load of great 70s and 80s music I didn't know. That said, it tends to be the melodic and energetic from that period that grabs me. For heavier styles like thrash, it's more mid-late 80s where I start to find it more engaging.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 18, 2023, 02:12:29 PM
Excellent!  While KOK is new to me also, the album flew right out of the gates for me too.

I don't think I'll have round 2 sent for another 24 hours or so, hopefully that's okay?

I'm also considering basic prog metal with clean vocals light, is that classed as taking the piss?  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 02:14:53 PM
i pretty much outright said it in my last  set of writeups but yeah as far as like, modern music goes (60's onwards i guess we'll say) the 80's tend to be my least favorite decade for it  :lol there's good stuff there but the decades before it and after it all have a lot more appeal to me on the whole
The DTF fogeys will probably be delighted that, since my fogey roulette, the 80s no longer has the lowest average rating in my RYM - it's now jumped above the 90s (although I still know more music from the 90s, so on balance the two are probably pretty comparable).

2010s and 2020s remain easily the strongest eras though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2023, 02:18:36 PM
I'm also considering basic prog metal with clean vocals light, is that classed as taking the piss?  :lol
No that's totally fine. I know your tastes and even said in the OP that your light would be heavier than Stadler's heavy and it sounds like I'm about to be proven right. :lol

For everyone's benefit, a reminder:
 - round 2 should be "light", but that's relative and up to you to interpret what light and dark/heavy mean - if it's not super obvious, just explain in your PM.
 - light doesn't have to be acoustic or ambient, and doesn't even need to be among the lightest stuff you listen to - but it needs to be materially lighter than your heavy submissions.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 18, 2023, 02:25:57 PM
Mine's pretty light. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 18, 2023, 02:33:18 PM

Middle of the pack - with this crew I'll take it!
Yeah the competition is fierce in this roulette. Interested to see if the consistency of quality can be maintained in the first Light round.

I was telling Joe and Chad in our chat, for me that Rd 1 submission is the weakest of what I got lined up for you.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 18, 2023, 02:33:36 PM
Yeah sweet, that's good.  I just don't want to send something you may not like just because of the theme. 

Trying to find things you've never heard that's decent is tough.  You have an extensive catalogue thats for sure.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 18, 2023, 02:34:33 PM
Mine's pretty light. :lol

Does this mean it's heavy AF?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 18, 2023, 02:40:22 PM
Mine's pretty light. :lol

Does this mean it's heavy AF?

No, it actually means it's light AF. :lol :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 18, 2023, 02:41:33 PM
Oh.... :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 18, 2023, 03:07:10 PM
Mine's pretty light. :lol

Bet you say that to all the guys.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 18, 2023, 03:07:27 PM
So, on this point, although my commitment is a minimum of 3 listens, I'm going to try and ensure I maintain 5 listens like I did this round and did most rounds in my last two roulettes too. I've rarely found that things have materially grown on me in a concentrated timespan by just listening more and more. The passage of time and coming back to something fresh can absolutely do that, but that's not really an option in a roulette (or in a timely one anyway!). I've definitely got to a point where around 4-5 listens is the sweet spot - I'm familiar with the songs, I know what's going on, they've had a good chance to grow on me and I can form a clear view of my opinion on it - beyond this is very much diminishing returns.

Interesting.  Possibly another difference in listening styles, I may be excessively trying to squeeze all the juice out of everything during the roulette itself.  Some things last round in particular kept growing on me right up until finalizing scores and writeups, even after a bunch of listens.  And even then I'm kind of failing, with Elite probably suffering the worst so far.  Right offhand, I know Oranssi Pazuzu kept growing a bit even a few days after I posted results, and I suspect Gilad Hekselmen from last round could do something similar. 

As I said above, I'll be properly checking out everything that scores 7.8 or higher and for those that are 8.0+ I imagine it'll often be multiple albums. In Draconian's case, for sure I'll check out all three.

Cool, I figured/hoped so based on snippets of your past ones.  They actually have more than that (perhaps you already knew that and were just referring to ones I sent something from in the roulette) - I just wanted to highlight that song in particular whenever you listen to it in the future to see if it leaps out more than "Sleepwalkers" did, since it was the most agonizing one to cut from the set. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 18, 2023, 03:14:36 PM

Middle of the pack - with this crew I'll take it!
Yeah the competition is fierce in this roulette. Interested to see if the consistency of quality can be maintained in the first Light round.

I was telling Joe and Chad in our chat, for me that Rd 1 submission is the weakest of what I got lined up for you.

Which is going to make it especially disappointing if (when?) you score lower than this submission :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: nick_z on May 18, 2023, 03:23:27 PM
Nice, I’ll take it! Glad you enjoyed the songs.

Yeah, the genre is not one that’s known for wild experimentation to start with…plus the band really has been around for a while, so no big shocks there…

Regardless, I’ve always had a soft spot for that kind of gothic/doom metal sound, and this Lacrimas Profundere’s record is pretty sweet that way. Like you said, nothing groundbreaking, but small touches here and there to make it interesting, and overall very consistently high quality songs.

Planning to send for round 2 later tonight or early tomorrow…
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: HOF on May 18, 2023, 03:57:51 PM
About the score I expected. Will send something light soon!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 18, 2023, 04:47:51 PM

Middle of the pack - with this crew I'll take it!
Yeah the competition is fierce in this roulette. Interested to see if the consistency of quality can be maintained in the first Light round.

I was telling Joe and Chad in our chat, for me that Rd 1 submission is the weakest of what I got lined up for you.

Which is going to make it especially disappointing if (when?) you score lower than this submission :neverusethis:

Right? Setting myself up for that disappointment.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: nick_z on May 18, 2023, 04:55:17 PM
Sent for round #2!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on May 18, 2023, 05:14:08 PM
getting my future rounds 3-6 prepped and i'm actually struggling more with the heavy than the light rn tbh
an abstract illusion is very banned and that would've been my top pick for the prog metal side of heavy and the only other thing popping to mind rn on that front is... not ariich-core at all i don't think and i don't wanna send it :V meanwhile i have too many light options to even go with 'em all oops
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: faizoff on May 18, 2023, 05:32:43 PM
Sent for round 2.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 18, 2023, 06:01:26 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 18, 2023, 07:00:27 PM
Sent for round 2.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on May 18, 2023, 10:02:42 PM
Excellent!  While KOK is new to me also, the album flew right out of the gates for me too.

I don't think I'll have round 2 sent for another 24 hours or so, hopefully that's okay?

I'm also considering basic prog metal with clean vocals light, is that classed as taking the piss?  :lol


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: HOF on May 18, 2023, 10:21:29 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 19, 2023, 06:02:24 AM
Excellent!  While KOK is new to me also, the album flew right out of the gates for me too.

I don't think I'll have round 2 sent for another 24 hours or so, hopefully that's okay?

I'm also considering basic prog metal with clean vocals light, is that classed as taking the piss?  :lol



Lol, what?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 19, 2023, 06:02:47 AM
Will send in around 12 hours.  Sorry.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Sacul on May 19, 2023, 06:33:23 AM
Oh that's actually quite better than I expected, hell yeah :metal. I only sent For Free to show the variety of styles he can pull off, I personally love that song and the music video, but I can see why it wouldn't be your thing. That whole album is fantastic though.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ReaperKK on May 19, 2023, 06:54:56 AM
and sent! There is a lot of overlap between ariich's RYM and mine so I'm gonna dig deep
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 19, 2023, 07:00:04 AM
and sent! There is a lot of overlap between ariich's RYM and mine so I'm gonna dig deep

I have no such problem.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on May 19, 2023, 02:19:37 PM
Sent the band I always tank with in roulettes, so good luck Crow, Kade and Buddy!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 19, 2023, 06:23:18 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 19, 2023, 06:35:51 PM
Sent the band I always tank with in roulettes, so good luck Crow, Kade and Buddy!

Ariich will probably love it. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 20, 2023, 01:42:08 PM
Sent for round 3 :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 20, 2023, 02:54:06 PM
Just waiting on Sacul and Stadler, both of whom tend to be less active at weekends I think (certainly the case for Stads).

Made a start on first listens, very interesting the different ways people have interpreted the light theme.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 20, 2023, 03:03:36 PM
Just waiting on Sacul and Stadler, both of whom tend to be less active at weekends I think (certainly the case for Stads).

Made a start on first listens, very interesting the different ways people have interpreted the light theme.

For me it’s basically anything that isn’t extreme metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 20, 2023, 04:18:03 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on May 20, 2023, 04:20:44 PM
Just waiting on Sacul and Stadler, both of whom tend to be less active at weekends I think (certainly the case for Stads).

Made a start on first listens, very interesting the different ways people have interpreted the light theme.

For me it’s basically anything that isn’t extreme metal

Pizza Death.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 20, 2023, 04:23:32 PM
Just waiting on Sacul and Stadler, both of whom tend to be less active at weekends I think (certainly the case for Stads).

Made a start on first listens, very interesting the different ways people have interpreted the light theme.

For me it’s basically anything that isn’t extreme metal

Pizza Death.

Did you check out the new single, Napalm Cheese?!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on May 20, 2023, 04:26:59 PM
Right now! Thanks! Napalm Cheese?. :metal :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 20, 2023, 04:33:41 PM
Right now! Thanks! Napalm Cheese?. :metal :lol

Just gotta wait for the dairy themed round and I’ll be sending them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 20, 2023, 04:35:32 PM
Right now! Thanks! Napalm Cheese?. :metal :lol

Just gotta wait for the dairy themed round and I’ll be sending them.
Sorry, my wife and daughter are currently dairy free and my son is lactose intolerant. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 20, 2023, 04:37:18 PM
Right now! Thanks! Napalm Cheese?. :metal :lol

Just gotta wait for the dairy themed round and I’ll be sending them.
Sorry, my wife and daughter are currently dairy free and my son is lactose intolerant. :P

So no Scandinavian Power Metal for them?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 20, 2023, 04:39:05 PM
Right now! Thanks! Napalm Cheese?. :metal :lol

Just gotta wait for the dairy themed round and I’ll be sending them.
Sorry, my wife and daughter are currently dairy free and my son is lactose intolerant. :P
I can settle for fast food themed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 20, 2023, 05:12:51 PM
The soy, nuts, vegetable oils, and various other natural ingredients like peas or arrowroot round coming up!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Sacul on May 20, 2023, 05:59:25 PM
Just waiting on Sacul and Stadler, both of whom tend to be less active at weekends I think (certainly the case for Stads).

From Crow's roulette:
I've been mourning the loss of my grandfather these last few days, so my mind has been elsewhere. I'll send something in a bit.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 20, 2023, 06:14:06 PM
Damn Sacul, sorry to hear that. Missed that in the other thread. That blows.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 20, 2023, 06:16:37 PM
I'm so sorry bud  :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ReaperKK on May 20, 2023, 06:26:17 PM
I'm really sorry to hear that Sacul :(
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 20, 2023, 06:34:33 PM
Yes. I'm so sorry. Hugs from your DTF family.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: nick_z on May 20, 2023, 07:45:23 PM
Sorry to hear, Sacul
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: HOF on May 20, 2023, 09:21:33 PM
I’m sorry for your loss, Sacul. That’s so hard. All the best to you and your family.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Luoto on May 21, 2023, 02:04:34 AM
Sorry for your loss mate :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 21, 2023, 03:33:19 AM
Sorry to hear that Lucas.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 21, 2023, 06:13:01 AM
Yeah really sorry to hear it as well, hope you and your family are all doing ok in the circumstances. If I'd seen this straight away I'd have said take as long as you need (same goes for anyone who has stuff going on in their lives), but I can see you've sent me something now anyway so thank you.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: Sacul on May 21, 2023, 01:54:15 PM
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. He was a very nice person, and loved by many - lots of people showed up at the funeral, and had the utmost respect for him. Although I don't listen to music nearly as much as a few years ago (yet I'm still here lol), I've turned that passion into becoming a photographer on my spare time these last 3 years. And a good chunk of those photographs were of him and how he lived - I'll eventually turn them into a small photobook or publication on his memory.

I'm doing alright despite everything, and I sent something to ariich yesterday so let's keep this going.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 21, 2023, 01:58:58 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 21, 2023, 01:59:27 PM
Glad to hear you're doing alright!

I'll give Stadler until tomorrow (he's not online at weekends) and then I'll crack on with hangman. Hasn't got in the way of my first listens though which I'm mostly through now - I can listen far more in the week while working than I can at the weekend, which is pretty much only in the evenings.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 21, 2023, 06:07:49 PM
Lucas, that’s such a touching tribute  :heart sorry for your loss dude.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 starts soon, last chance Stadler!
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2023, 01:44:23 PM
I'll get hangman up in the next hour or two, last chance Stads to get your "light" submission in beforehand.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 starts soon, last chance Stadler!
Post by: Stadler on May 22, 2023, 02:09:59 PM
Gimme 20 minutes.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 starts soon, last chance Stadler!
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2023, 02:20:54 PM
Gimme 20 minutes.
Great! :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 starts soon, last chance Stadler!
Post by: Stadler on May 22, 2023, 02:28:43 PM
Gimme 20 minutes.
Great! :tup

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 starts soon, last chance Stadler!
Post by: Elite on May 22, 2023, 02:31:31 PM
In 19 minutes!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 starts soon, last chance Stadler!
Post by: romdrums on May 22, 2023, 02:33:32 PM
In 19 minutes!

It always makes me smile when I see Elite cracking on others for being late! :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 starts soon, last chance Stadler!
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2023, 02:37:27 PM
In 19 minutes!

It always makes me smile when I see Elite cracking on others for being late! :)
He's come a long way, that boy.

Anyway let's gooooooooooooooooooooooo

??: __at_'_ ___a__c ______
    1: __at? T_ __ ___a_
    2: _____t __ __________
    3: __ T__ C_____ __a____ ___c__

??: _____
    1: __ _a_____
    2: T____t___
    3: T__ _a_ __ ____

??: T__ C_____a_
    1: __t_____at___ ____ _
    2: T__ ___t___a_

??: T__ __a_________
    1: ____ __ a ____a_ A_t______
    2: ____a _____
    3: _ Ca_'t _______ ___ __t _a_c_
    4: ____ t__ _____a_ ____
    5: ______a_ _t____

??: _a___ __t_c__
    1: _a__a_a
    2: ______
    3: _________
    4: _________ ____t_

??: ________
    1: ____t_ ____t
    2: _______a
    3: _a____t__
    4: __a__ C___c__t

??: ___ ____tt
    1: A__ T_____
    2: __c____t___a_ ____
    3: T__ _a_ T_at ___ ____ __
    4: ____ A __a_t ___a__
    5: _____ __ ______

??: ____ ____a__ a__ t__ ___a__ ___a__
    1: _c_ _
    2: ____ ____

??: ____ __a___
    1: Ca_t__'_ Ca__/_______'_ _____t
    2: ______'_ T___
    3: ___'_ _____
    4: __a____ _____t
    5: _a_____ T_____t
    6: ___ac_

??: _____
    1: _______
    2: ____a_ ___t__
    3: ______
    4: _tat_ __ ____
    5: _____'_ _a__

??: _a__-_a__
    1: _a_____ (Ac___t_c)
    2: ________t (Ac___t_c)
    3: ____a__ (Ac___t_c)
    4: Cat_a____ (Ac___t_c)

??: _a_a ___ ___
    1: _a___
    2: ________ _a__
    3: T_______ _____ Ca__
    4: ___ ___ ____ t____'_ a t_____ _____ _c_a_ ____

??: T__ A__tt ___t____
    1: ____ _t_____’
    2: A__’t __ _a_
    3: __c_ ____ __a_t
    4: A__t___ __ _a_t___
    5: __ _a__ ________

??: ____
    1: T_____t
    2: _______
    3: __t_
    4: T__ _____
    5: ______

??: T__ _______ T___
    1: _a_____
    2: ______ _____
    3: _______

??: _a__ __ ___t__
    1: ___ __ _____t____
    2: T__ _______ __ __t___ ___
    3: T__ __a_t __ a ___c__

??: ___ac_ ____t_
    1: T___ _____t
    2: T__ ____ C_a_c_
    3: A __tt__ ________t__

??: ___t___a__
    1: ____ A__'t __ _t_a____ (____ __ T____)
    2: ___'t _a__ A_a_ (____ __ T____)
    3: _______ __ ___t___ (____ __ T____)

??: ____ __c_ _a___
    1: ____ T_a_
    2: _at____t_
    3: T__ _a_ T__ _____ ___t A_a_ (_t___ _______)
    4: __ ____t_ __

??: C_a__ _________
    1: ____a__
    2: ____
    3: __t __t ___ __
    4: A__ T__ T_____ ___ A__

??: T__ _______
    1: ____t T___
    2: C___
    3: ______a____
    4: __ t__ Ca_ __t____

??: _____a_
    1: ____t
    2: ___at_
    3: _______
    4: T___

??: ____
    1: __c____ __ T__ ___c__
    2: _______
    3: _____

??: A________
    1: ___ __c___ _a_a___
    2: _a__ _____a_t_
    3: _ ____ _ ___ __ _ ___ _____ ___ – __ ___ – __ _ _ __
    4: _____ ____
    5: A________

Guessed letters: TAC
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 22, 2023, 02:38:17 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: faizoff on May 22, 2023, 02:41:28 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2023, 02:42:21 PM
Why don't I just give you the C. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 22, 2023, 02:44:21 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 22, 2023, 02:45:13 PM
Why don't I just give you the C. :P

Works for me. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 starts soon, last chance Stadler!
Post by: TAC on May 22, 2023, 02:47:37 PM

??: _a__-_a__
    1: _a_____ (Ac___t_c)
    2: ________t (Ac___t_c)
    3: ____a__ (Ac___t_c)
    4: Cat_a____ (Ac___t_c)

(Acoustic) x 4.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2023, 02:49:50 PM

??: _a__-_a__
    1: _a_____ (Ac___t_c)
    2: ________t (Ac___t_c)
    3: ____a__ (Ac___t_c)
    4: Cat_a____ (Ac___t_c)

(Acoustic) x 4.
I like how you edited in the x4 as though I'd only give you one of them. :lol

New page!

??: death's d_na_ic sh___d
    1: _hat? T_ Be H__an
    2: S_i_it _f __ne_iness
    3: In The C___ds Hea_in_ __ices

??: ___sk
    1: En Ha___ni
    2: T____tind
    3: The Da_ Is D_ne

??: The Cyberiam
    1: Interrogation Room B
    2: The Historian

??: The Pearlfishers
    1: E_en _n a S_nda_ Afte_n__n
    2: F___a Be__e
    3: I Can't Be_ie_e ___ _et Nanc_
    4: When the Highway Ends
    5: E_e__da_ St___s

Reaper: Jakub Zytecki
    1: _anda_a
    2: __ened
    3: S_nf___e_
    4: S__e_he_e __iet_

??: __n_b_d_
    1: Eighty Eight
    2: S___hina
    3: Ha__este_
    4: _ha_n C_escent

jingle: Rik Emmett
    1: A__ Th__bs
    2: _nc_nditi_na_ ___e
    3: The _a_ That ___ ___e _e
    4: _hen A Hea_t B_eaks
    5: ____d _f __nde_

??: Kin_ _i__a_d and the _i_a_d _i_a_d
    1: Ice _
    2: I__n __n_

??: _hi_ Kea___
    1: Cast_e's Ca__/_i___i_'s F_i_ht
    2: Ne__ie's T_ne
    3: De_'s Be__s
    4: F_a_i_e F__est
    5: _assin_ Th___ht
    6: _e_ac_

??: E_e__
    1: E__in__
    2: _is_a_ ___te_
    3: Be__nd
    4: State _f _ind
    5: __se_'s _a_e

lonestar: Band-Maid
    1: _anne_s (Acoustic)
    2: Diffe_ent (Acoustic)
    3: F___a_d (Acoustic)
    4: Catha_sis (Acoustic)

??: _ana De_ _e_
    1: _adi_
    2: B___k__n Bab_
    3: T_______ Ne_e_ Ca_e
    4: Did ___ kn__ the_e's a t_nne_ _nde_ _cean B__d

??: The Avett Brothers
    1: Hi_h Ste__in’
    2: Ain’t N_ _an
    3: Kick D___ Hea_t
    4: An_the_ Is _aitin_
    5: N_ Ha_d Fee_in_s

??: S_hn
    1: Tempest
    2: _ess_ns
    3: _et_
    4: The _hee_
    5: _hee_s

??: The Wishing Tree
    1: Fa__in_
    2: H_____ Hi__s
    3: S__die_

??: _an_ _f ___ths
    1: ___ in E_e__thin_
    2: The Kin_d__ is _ithin ___
    3: The Hea_t is a __sc_e

??: _e_ac_ _i__ts
    1: T__e S_i_it
    2: The E_en Chance
    3: A _itt_e Diffe_ent__

Stadler: Whitesnake
    1: Love Ain't No Stranger (Live in Tokyo)
    2: Don't Fade Away (Live in Tokyo)
    3: Soldier of Fortune (Live in Tokyo)

??: Nine Inch Nails
    1: _ess Than
    2: Sate__ite
    3: The Da_ The ____d _ent A_a_ (Sti__ _e_si_n)
    4: __ _h_sts II

??: Chan_ D__in__e_
    1: Sk__a_k
    2: F___
    3: B_t N_t F__ _e
    4: A__ The Thin_s ___ A_e

??: The Killers
    1: __iet T__n
    2: C_d_
    3: S_ee__a_ke_
    4: In the Ca_ __tside

??: _i__han
    1: Si_ht
    2: B_eath
    3: B__ises
    4: Ti_e

??: _ee_
    1: _ickin_ __ The _ieces
    2: Beehi_e
    3: H_ne_

??: A_es_e__s
    1: _es __ches _a_ades
    2: Fa__ Se_b_ants
    3: I _III _ _I_ __ _ __I __III _I_ – I_ _I_ – I_ _ I I_
    4: _ide_ _i__
    5: A_es_e__s

Guessed letters: TACSHENKBIFD
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 22, 2023, 03:15:49 PM
Can I get an E please?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2023, 03:17:38 PM
Can I get an E please?
Ok but nobody ask for an X next... :P

Updated above.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 1 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 22, 2023, 03:45:00 PM
luke – Deafheaven
1. You Without End
2. Honeycomb

First impression: Lush and immersive, I can totally see why you sent me this.

Final opinion: I told you this already but, for the wider group, I originally heard Sunbather years ago and didn't get on with it at all. But as part of my recent exploration of things I previously rated low, I gave it another go and found myself liking it quite a bit. I didn't love it though - I enjoy contrasts in music, but something still felt clashing between the harsh moments and the gentle ones. That seems much less so in these songs. I gather that some fans liked that facet of their music, and therefore disliked this as a change in direction, but it's much more up my alley. Not wholly in love with some of the moments with black metal screams over pretty post-rock, but others work well - especially when the music builds up to a bigger sound. Overall, this is really lush and rich and there are quite a few absolutely gorgeous moments spread throughout the two songs.

Score: 8.2

I'm really late to the party with this but I am kinda in agreement regarding Sunbather. I didn’t particularly find the harsh and gentle moments clashing as such, but I do find it underwhelming on the whole (possibly to the high expectations I first had, based on the praise the album has received). Ordinary Corrupt Human Love lines up with my tastes way more and is my favourite Deafheaven by a considerable margin. Make sure you check out the full album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 22, 2023, 03:48:54 PM
I see a song called Tempest.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 22, 2023, 03:52:07 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: HOF on May 22, 2023, 04:02:45 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 22, 2023, 04:23:03 PM
The Avett Brothers
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 22, 2023, 04:44:16 PM
Can I get an E please?
Ok but nobody ask for an X next... :P

Updated above.
K  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 22, 2023, 04:56:25 PM
A song called Satellite.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 22, 2023, 05:12:15 PM
The Avett Brothers

The Bacon Brothers.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: jingle.boy on May 22, 2023, 06:22:31 PM
How about a B then
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 22, 2023, 06:40:31 PM
Rik Emmett.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 22, 2023, 06:43:22 PM
Rik Emmett.


I'd say yes!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: lonestar on May 22, 2023, 06:43:35 PM
Rik Emmett.


I'm shocked he'd send that  :omg:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: HOF on May 22, 2023, 08:10:20 PM
The Wishing Tree. Has to be Lonestar.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: lonestar on May 22, 2023, 08:32:08 PM
The Wishing Tree. Has to be Lonestar.

Just has to be, eh?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: HOF on May 22, 2023, 08:32:32 PM
The Wishing Tree. Has to be Lonestar.

Just has to be, eh?

Well it wasn’t me!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Cool Chris on May 22, 2023, 10:15:38 PM
The Avett Brothers

I had never heard of the Avett Brothers till we did a job at this one house a while back. They had more Avett Brothers memorabilia (posters, mugs, bumper stickers....) than I have ever seen one family have for any one artist. We would joke that if the Avett Brothers ever showed up there, they would say "Hey look, we admire your support, but this is a bit ridiculous."
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2023, 11:41:18 PM
The Wishing Tree. Has to be Lonestar.
Has to be, but isn't.

All updated above.

How about now?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 22, 2023, 11:45:53 PM
Nine Inch Nails.

Whitesnake.  Guessing the Whitesnake is Bill?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 23, 2023, 12:52:11 AM
Band-maid, I think we can all agree who sent this and no need to mention names  :lol

Also, Jakub Zytecki and The Killers
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 01:14:19 AM
Band-maid, I think we can all agree who sent this and no need to mention names  :lol
Indeed, it was obviously sent by Kade.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 03:38:05 AM
Is Jakob Zyteki Reaper?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 03:43:33 AM
Is Jakob Zyteki Reaper?
It is!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: King Postwhore on May 23, 2023, 04:24:53 AM
Morning. F for......
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 04:35:17 AM
Whitesnake songs are
Love Ain’t No Stranger
Don’t Fade Away
Soldier Of Fortune
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: jingle.boy on May 23, 2023, 04:47:16 AM
The Cyberiam
- Interrogation Room B
- The Historian

The Pearlfishers
- When the Highway Ends


There's a song up there called Eight Eight?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 04:48:17 AM
Band-maid, I think we can all agree who sent this and no need to mention names  :lol
Indeed, it was obviously sent by Kade.


Wait...what...who? Lol.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: jingle.boy on May 23, 2023, 04:49:33 AM
Band-maid, I think we can all agree who sent this and no need to mention names  :lol
Indeed, it was obviously sent by Kade.


Wait...what...who? Lol.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 04:49:52 AM
There's a song up there called Eight Eight?
Close enough.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 05:02:12 AM
Any D's?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 05:07:38 AM
Any D's?
I always have a D for you. :eyebrows:

I think that's enough letters for now!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: nick_z on May 23, 2023, 05:09:33 AM
Wishing Tree’s songs are

Hollow Hills

(None from the debut, huh?)

I would have thought HOF, but who then…?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 05:13:08 AM
Is it Lana Del Rey?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 05:16:29 AM
Is the band called Meer?  Picking Up the Pueces and Beehive.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 05:17:10 AM
New page!

??: death's dynamic shroud
    1: What? To Be Human
    2: S_i_it _f __ne_iness
    3: In The C___ds Hea_in_ __ices

??: ___sk
    1: En Ha___ni
    2: T____tind
    3: The Day Is Done

??: The Cyberiam
    1: Interrogation Room B
    2: The Historian

??: The Pearlfishers
    1: Even on a Sunday Afternoon
    2: F___a Be__e
    3: I Can't Believe You Met Nancy
    4: When the Highway Ends
    5: E_e__da_ St___s

Reaper: Jakub Zytecki
    1: _anda_a
    2: __ened
    3: S_nf___e_
    4: S__e_he_e __iet_

??: __n_b_d_
    1: Eighty Eight
    2: S___hina
    3: Ha__este_
    4: _ha_n C_escent

jingle: Rik Emmett
    1: A__ Th__bs
    2: _nc_nditi_na_ ___e
    3: The _a_ That ___ ___e _e
    4: When A Heart Breaks
    5: ____d _f __nde_

luke: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
    1: Ice V
    2: Iron Lung

??: Phil Keaggy
    1: Cast_e's Ca__/_i___i_'s F_i_ht
    2: Ne__ie's T_ne
    3: De_'s Be__s
    4: F_a_i_e F__est
    5: _assin_ Th___ht
    6: _e_ac_

??: E_e__
    1: E__in__
    2: _is_a_ ___te_
    3: Beyond
    4: State of Mind
    5: __se_'s _a_e

lonestar: Band-Maid
    1: _anne_s (Acoustic)
    2: Different (Acoustic)
    3: F___a_d (Acoustic)
    4: Catharsis (Acoustic)

??: Lana Del Rey
    1: _adi_
    2: B___k__n Bab_
    3: T_______ Ne_e_ Ca_e
    4: Did you know there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd

??: The Avett Brothers
    1: Hi_h Ste__in’
    2: Ain’t N_ _an
    3: Kick D___ Hea_t
    4: An_the_ Is _aitin_
    5: N_ Ha_d Fee_in_s

??: Sohn
    1: Tempest
    2: _ess_ns
    3: _et_
    4: The _hee_
    5: _hee_s

??: The Wishing Tree
    1: Falling
    2: Hollow Hills
    3: Soldier

??: _an_ _f ___ths
    1: ___ in E_e__thin_
    2: The Kin_d__ is _ithin ___
    3: The Hea_t is a __sc_e

??: _e_ac_ _i__ts
    1: T__e S_i_it
    2: The E_en Chance
    3: A Little Differently

Stadler: Whitesnake
    1: Love Ain't No Stranger (Live in Tokyo)
    2: Don't Fade Away (Live in Tokyo)
    3: Soldier of Fortune (Live in Tokyo)

??: Nine Inch Nails
    1: Less Than
    2: Satellite
    3: The Day The World Went Away (Still version)
    4: __ _h_sts II

??: Chan_ D__in__e_
    1: Sk__a_k
    2: F___
    3: B_t N_t F__ _e
    4: A__ The Thin_s ___ A_e

??: The Killers
    1: __iet T__n
    2: C_d_
    3: S_ee__a_ke_
    4: In the Car Outside

??: _i__han
    1: Sight
    2: Breath
    3: B__ises
    4: Time

nick_z: Meer
    1: Picking Up The Pieces
    2: Beehive
    3: Honey

??: A_es_e__s
    1: _es __ches _a_ades
    2: Fa__ Se_b_ants
    4: _ide_ _i__
    5: A_es_e__s

Guessed letters: TACSHENKBIFD
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: King Postwhore on May 23, 2023, 05:31:16 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: lonestar on May 23, 2023, 06:06:53 AM
Is that last one IQ?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 06:10:05 AM
Is that last one IQ?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: lonestar on May 23, 2023, 06:17:20 AM
Is that last one IQ?


It's too early... I saw this and thought it was another entry  :lol


I did check and pretty much all of their catalog is available for submitting...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 06:18:40 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: lonestar on May 23, 2023, 06:22:45 AM

That's what I get for posting at 5am. :lol


Band-maid, I think we can all agree who sent this and no need to mention names  :lol
Indeed, it was obviously sent by Kade.


Wait...what...who? Lol.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: jingle.boy on May 23, 2023, 06:24:23 AM
Is that last one IQ?


I think if anyone guesses an X or a V, that'll fill out one of the songs in that last batch.

Let's fill out some of these songs:
"Beyond", and "State of Mind" by the same artist.

For Band Maid
- Different
- Catharsis

The Day is Done
What? To Be Human
Even on a Sunday Afternoon
I Can't Believe <someone> Met Nancy
Ice T
A Little Differently
In the Car Outside
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 06:40:38 AM
I think if anyone guesses an X or a V, that'll fill out one of the songs in that last batch.
Why don't I just give you that one. If you don't know it, you can't guess it. :lol

Ice T
No. :lol

The rest were all correct, and now updated.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: romdrums on May 23, 2023, 07:00:51 AM
death's dynamic shroud

Less Than
The Day the World Went Away (Still Version)

When A Heart Breaks

Phil Keaggy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Elite on May 23, 2023, 07:01:06 AM
Is the band called Meer?  Picking Up the Pueces and Beehive.

Aahw, that’s one I wanted to send later!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 07:05:02 AM
Is the band called Meer?  Picking Up the Pueces and Beehive.

Aahw, that’s one I wanted to send later!
But... they're not a jazz band? ???

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 23, 2023, 07:10:40 AM
Meer has gotta be Nick, right?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 23, 2023, 07:33:27 AM
Lana Del Rey - Did you know there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, sent by You Know Fucking Who

Ice V
Iron Lung

Good picks, Ariich should like that album.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 07:47:01 AM
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, sent by You Know Fucking Who

Surprised it took you guys so long, to be honest.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 23, 2023, 07:51:23 AM
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, sent by You Know Fucking Who

Ice V
Iron Lung

Good picks, Ariich should like that album.

Initially I was going to send Hypertension and Ambergris, but I think I made the right call.

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, sent by You Know Fucking Who

Surprised it took you guys so long, to be honest.

I know right.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Elite on May 23, 2023, 07:59:34 AM
Is the band called Meer?  Picking Up the Pueces and Beehive.

Aahw, that’s one I wanted to send later!
But... they're not a jazz band? ???

Good point!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: jingle.boy on May 23, 2023, 09:26:10 AM
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, sent by You Know Fucking Who King whatever and the whoosie whatsie

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 23, 2023, 09:46:25 AM
Ariich better put King Gizzard on his banlist next time, otherwise they'll have released five new albums by the time he runs another roulette and Luke will just send them again. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 23, 2023, 09:49:36 AM
Ariich better put King Gizzard on his banlist next time, otherwise they'll have released five new albums by the time he runs another roulette and Luke will just send them again. :lol

You damn right! The 4 albums Ariich has listened to are banned, but luckily that's only 0.3% of their catalogue.

My plan, moving forwards, is to consistently send King Gizz in every roulette I can, whilst never sending the same song twice. That's easy with a band like this.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 09:49:50 AM
Ariich better put King Gizzard on his banlist next time, otherwise they'll have released five new albums by the time he runs another roulette and Luke will just send them again. :lol
As you know, I don't have an artist banlist, only albums I've rated. And I've rated a measly 5 KG albums, only 1 of which I awarded 4 stars, so it's fine if people want to send me their stuff but it's a fairly risky strategy. :lol

I mean, if I end up scoring them below 8.0 this round then they'll be available for other rounds in this roulette. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 23, 2023, 09:51:13 AM
Ariich better put King Gizzard on his banlist next time, otherwise they'll have released five new albums by the time he runs another roulette and Luke will just send them again. :lol
As you know, I don't have an artist banlist, only albums I've rated. And I've rated a measly 5 KG albums, only 1 of which I awarded 4 stars, so it's fine if people want to send me their stuff but it's a fairly risky strategy. :lol

I mean, if I end up scoring them below 8.0 this round then they'll be available for other rounds in this roulette. :P

Bold of you to assume there was a strategy involved. I just send King Gizz, it's what I do now, apparently.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 23, 2023, 11:18:54 AM
Ariich better put King Gizzard on his banlist next time, otherwise they'll have released five new albums by the time he runs another roulette and Luke will just send them again. :lol
As you know, I don't have an artist banlist, only albums I've rated. And I've rated a measly 5 KG albums, only 1 of which I awarded 4 stars, so it's fine if people want to send me their stuff but it's a fairly risky strategy. :lol

I mean, if I end up scoring them below 8.0 this round then they'll be available for other rounds in this roulette. :P

Bold of you to assume there was a strategy involved. I just send King Gizz, it's what I do now, apparently.
Kind of like how I send Moonsorrow to everyone. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 23, 2023, 11:39:14 AM
The Cyberiam is Vmad
Monobody - "Harvester"
Gang of Youths - "the kingdom is within you"
Legacy Pilots - "The Even Chance"
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 23, 2023, 11:49:13 AM
Monobody - "Harvester"

Hah, I recognize this song from Spotify recommending it to me once. It's a nice song.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Crow on May 23, 2023, 11:51:53 AM
give me the U
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 23, 2023, 11:54:03 AM
Ariich better put King Gizzard on his banlist next time, otherwise they'll have released five new albums by the time he runs another roulette and Luke will just send them again. :lol
As you know, I don't have an artist banlist, only albums I've rated. And I've rated a measly 5 KG albums, only 1 of which I awarded 4 stars, so it's fine if people want to send me their stuff but it's a fairly risky strategy. :lol

I mean, if I end up scoring them below 8.0 this round then they'll be available for other rounds in this roulette. :P

Bold of you to assume there was a strategy involved. I just send King Gizz, it's what I do now, apparently.
Kind of like how I send Moonsorrow to everyone. :lol
Yep, it's important to spam your favourites to enlighten everyone.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 23, 2023, 11:54:23 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 23, 2023, 11:56:38 AM
If you're gonna label us amateurs, at least spell it right dude.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 23, 2023, 11:56:59 AM
If you're gonna label us amateurs, at least spell it right dude.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Crow on May 23, 2023, 12:03:45 PM
me when i score last place this round after scoring first place last round
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: romdrums on May 23, 2023, 12:07:20 PM
Quiet Town
But Not For Me
All the Things You Are
Unconditional Love
No Hard Feelings

How about an R?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 23, 2023, 12:09:37 PM
King sent The Cyberiam

Sacul sent Sohn?

Buddy sent death's dynamic shroud?

Litho sent Phil Keaggy

Tomi sent Lana Del Rey

Soundscape sent The Wishing Tree

Rom sent The Avett Brothers?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 23, 2023, 12:11:03 PM
If you're gonna label us amateurs, at least spell it right dude.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: King Postwhore on May 23, 2023, 12:29:01 PM
King sent The Cyberiam

Sacul sent Sohn?

Buddy sent death's dynamic shroud?

Litho sent Phil Keaggy

Tomi sent Lana Del Rey

Soundscape sent The Wishing Tree

Rom sent The Avett Brothers?

Nope on mine.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 23, 2023, 12:30:42 PM
Litho sent Phil Keaggy

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: romdrums on May 23, 2023, 12:40:11 PM
King sent The Cyberiam

Sacul sent Sohn?

Buddy sent death's dynamic shroud?

Litho sent Phil Keaggy

Tomi sent Lana Del Rey

Soundscape sent The Wishing Tree

Rom sent The Avett Brothers?

Nope on mine.

Nope on mine as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: nick_z on May 23, 2023, 12:41:49 PM
Meer has gotta be Nick, right?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Sacul on May 23, 2023, 12:53:25 PM
ok who sent Lana del Rey but no songs from her best album, NFR? :justjen
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 01:16:08 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 02:17:49 PM
Alright, no more letters - let's see what else you can get!

Buddy: death's dynamic shroud
    1: What? To Be Human
    2: S_irit _f __ne_iness
    3: In The C__uds Hearin_ __ices

??: Lumsk
    1: En Har__ni
    2: Tr___tind
    3: The Day Is Done

Vmadera: The Cyberiam
    1: Interrogation Room B
    2: The Historian

??: The Pearlfishers
    1: Even on a Sunday Afternoon
    2: F__ra Be__e
    3: I Can't Believe You Met Nancy
    4: When the Highway Ends
    5: E_er_da_ St_r_s

Reaper: Jakub Zytecki
    1: _anda_a
    2: __ened
    3: Sunf___er
    4: S__e_here _uiet_

??: Monobody
    1: Eighty Eight
    2: S___hina
    3: Harvester
    4: _ha_n Crescent

jingle: Rik Emmett
    1: A__ Thu_bs
    2: Unconditional Love
    3: The _a_ That __u ___e _e
    4: When A Heart Breaks
    5: __r_d _f __nder

luke: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
    1: Ice V
    2: Iron Lung

Litho: Phil Keaggy
    1: Cast_e's Ca__/_i__ri_'s F_i_ht
    2: Ne__ie's Tune
    3: De_'s Be__s
    4: Fra_i_e F_rest
    5: _assin_ Th_u_ht
    6: _e_ac_

??: Elegy
    1: Equinox
    2: _isua_ __rte_
    3: Beyond
    4: State of Mind
    5: __ser's _a_e

lonestar: Band-Maid
    1: _anners (Acoustic)
    2: Different (Acoustic)
    3: F_r_ard (Acoustic)
    4: Catharsis (Acoustic)

??: Lana Del Rey
    1: Radi_
    2: Br__k__n Bab_
    3: T___rr__ Ne_er Ca_e
    4: Did you know there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd

??: The Avett Brothers
    1: Hi_h Ste__in’
    2: Ain’t N_ _an
    3: Kick Dru_ Heart
    4: An_ther Is _aitin_
    5: No Hard Feelings

Sacul: Sohn
    1: Tempest
    2: Lessons
    3: _et_
    4: The _hee_
    5: _hee_s

??: The Wishing Tree
    1: Falling
    2: Hollow Hills
    3: Soldier

??: Gang of Youths
    1: __u in E_er_thin_
    2: The Kingdom is Within You
    3: The Heart is a _usc_e

??: Legacy Pilots
    1: True S_irit
    2: The Even Chance
    3: A Little Differently

Stadler: Whitesnake
    1: Love Ain't No Stranger (Live in Tokyo)
    2: Don't Fade Away (Live in Tokyo)
    3: Soldier of Fortune (Live in Tokyo)

??: Nine Inch Nails
    1: Less Than
    2: Satellite
    3: The Day The World Went Away (Still version)
    4: 14 Ghosts II

Elite: Chan_ D__in_ue_
    1: Skylark
    2: F_ur
    3: But Not For Me
    4: All The Things You Are

??: The Killers
    1: Quiet Town
    2: C_d_
    3: S_ee__a_ker
    4: In the Car Outside

??: Rioghan
    1: Sight
    2: Breath
    3: Bruises
    4: Time

nick_z: Meer
    1: Picking Up The Pieces
    2: Beehive
    3: Honey

??: Amesoeurs
    1: _es Ruches _a_ades
    2: Fau_ Se_b_ants
    4: _ide_ _ir_
    5: A_es_eurs

Guessed letters: TACSHENKBIFDUR
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 02:19:44 PM
Kingshmegland sent Rioghan
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 23, 2023, 02:29:19 PM
??: Chan_ D__in_ue_
    1: Skylark
    2: F_ur
    3: But Not For Me
    4: All The Things You Are

Probably Elite based on some of these being standards, probably some modern jazz guitarist I've heard of but haven't gotten around to listening to yet. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Sacul on May 23, 2023, 02:33:20 PM
I only just noticed someone sent NIN, nice. Remaining song is one probably 13 Ghosts II, or one of the many Ghost II tracks  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 02:34:56 PM
Kingshmegland sent Rioghan
No but correct artist.

??: Chan_ D__in_ue_
    1: Skylark
    2: F_ur
    3: But Not For Me
    4: All The Things You Are

Probably Elite based on some of these being standards, probably some modern jazz guitarist I've heard of but haven't gotten around to listening to yet. 
:lol Yep. Surely you know the final track.

I only just noticed someone sent NIN, nice. Remaining song is one probably 13 Ghosts II, or one of the many Ghost II tracks  :lol
Close enough!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 02:36:31 PM
Also because I'm a geek, here are some stats for round 2!

                         R1       R2
Number of tracks:
Average                 3.4      3.9
Most                      6        6
Fewest                    1        2
Entries w/2-3 tracks     12        9
Entries w/4-5 tracks     10       14
Total tracks             81       93

Submission length:
Average               17:27    17:33
Longest               19:51    19:47
Shortest              11:57    11:52
Entries ≥19 mins          5        6
Total length        6:58:47  7:01:11
Ave. track length     05:10    04:32

Previous experience:
Artists I've heard        4        6
Artists I've rated        2        3

Submission lengths almost identical, but perhaps unsurprisingly given the theme, generally people have sent a greater number of shorter songs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: lonestar on May 23, 2023, 02:41:51 PM
I've finished all my playlists, and I don't think I have a single song over 6 minutes. One round barely cracks 3 minutes per song  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 02:46:25 PM
TAC sent Elegy.?

Loser's Game
Visual Vortex.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 02:47:54 PM
TAC sent Elegy.?
No but correct artist.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 02:49:55 PM
TAC sent Elegy.?
No but correct artist.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 03:00:07 PM
Loser's Game.
Visual Vortex.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 03:06:03 PM
Wolfking or Romdrums sent Elegy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 03:07:44 PM
It was indeed Kade.

Anyway solid effort on this hangman. It wasn't the easiest - the theme has prompted some people to send stuff they normally wouldn't, which is exactly what I was interested in!

Here's the completed hangman, first impressions up shortly!

Buddy: death's dynamic shroud
    1: What? To Be Human
    2: Spirit Of Loneliness
    3: In The Clouds Hearing Voices

TAC: Lumsk
    1: En Harmoni
    2: Trolltind
    3: The Day Is Done

Vmadera: The Cyberiam
    1: Interrogation Room B
    2: The Historian

HOF: The Pearlfishers
    1: Even on a Sunday Afternoon
    2: Flora Belle
    3: I Can't Believe You Met Nancy
    4: When the Highway Ends
    5: Everyday Storms

Reaper: Jakub Zytecki
    1: Mandala
    2: Opened
    3: Sunflower
    4: Somewhere Quiet

romdrums: Monobody
    1: Eighty Eight
    2: Sylphina
    3: Harvester
    4: Phaon Crescent

jingle: Rik Emmett
    1: All Thumbs
    2: Unconditional Love
    3: The Way That You Love Me
    4: When A Heart Breaks
    5: World of Wonder

luke: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
    1: Ice V
    2: Iron Lung

Litho: Phil Keaggy
    1: Castle's Call/Pilgrim's Flight
    2: Nellie's Tune
    3: Del's Bells
    4: Fragile Forest
    5: Passing Thought
    6: Legacy

wolfking: Elegy
    1: Equinox
    2: Visual Vortex
    3: Beyond
    4: State of Mind
    5: Loser's Game

lonestar: Band-Maid
    1: Manners (Acoustic)
    2: Different (Acoustic)
    3: Forward (Acoustic)
    4: Catharsis (Acoustic)

soupy: Lana Del Rey
    1: Radio
    2: Brooklyn Baby
    3: Tomorrow Never Came
    4: Did you know there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd

King: The Avett Brothers
    1: High Steppin’
    2: Ain’t No Man
    3: Kick Drum Heart
    4: Another Is Waiting
    5: No Hard Feelings

Sacul: Sohn
    1: Tempest
    2: Lessons
    3: Veto
    4: The Wheel
    5: Tremors

Evermind: The Wishing Tree
    1: Falling
    2: Hollow Hills
    3: Soldier

Crow: Gang of Youths
    1: You in Everything
    2: The Kingdom is Within You
    3: The Heart is a Muscle

Glasser: Legacy Pilots
    1: True Spirit
    2: The Even Chance
    3: A Little Differently

Stadler: Whitesnake
    1: Love Ain't No Stranger (Live in Tokyo)
    2: Don't Fade Away (Live in Tokyo)
    3: Soldier of Fortune (Live in Tokyo)

faizoff: Nine Inch Nails
    1: Less Than
    2: Satellite
    3: The Day The World Went Away (Still version)
    4: 14 Ghosts II

Elite: Chano Dominguez
    1: Skylark
    2: Four
    3: But Not For Me
    4: All The Things You Are

seneca: The Killers
    1: Quiet Town
    2: Cody
    3: Sleepwalker
    4: In the Car Outside

Luoto: Rioghan
    1: Sight
    2: Breath
    3: Bruises
    4: Time

nick_z: Meer
    1: Picking Up The Pieces
    2: Beehive
    3: Honey

Puppies: Amesoeurs
    1: Les Ruches Malades
    2: Faux Semblants
    4: Video Girl
    5: Amesoeurs
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 03:12:58 PM
the theme has prompted some people to send stuff they normally wouldn't, which is exactly what I was interested in!

You better remember that when doling out the scores! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 03:13:01 PM
Round 2 first impressions

[Stadler – Whitesnake] 1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

[Glasser – Legacy Pilots] 2. Modern music with very classic stylings and some cool vibes - I like it but I don't know if I love it.

[TAC – Lumsk] 3. Pretty different to anything else you’ve ever sent me but still hitting a lot of the right notes - quite thoughtful, grand and harmonically rich.

[luke – King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard] 4. Jazzier than I was expecting, which is a cool twist, although in other regards this is pretty much what I was expecting.

[Litho – Phil Keaggy] 5. Might be slightly noodley and narrow to be the sort of thing I’d want to listen to regularly, but it’s full of great playing and lovely music.

[Crow – Gang of Youths] 6. Nice upbeat indie that seems to avoid getting too sappy with interesting instrumentation and warm vocals.

[faizoff – Nine Inch Nails] 7. A little different to what I might have expected; a cool selection of songs that are moodier than most this round but with a nice groove to them.

[HOF – The Pearlfishers] 8. There’s a nice mix of organic sounds and synthesisers, with some great moments, although my enjoyment at each point depended quite a lot on the strength of the vocals.

[seneca – The Killers] 9. This is rather different to what I was expecting based on your description and what I know of the artist - I suspect these warm mellow vibes are more my thing.

[lonestar – Band-Maid] 10. Some nice hooks here, though I feel a lot more could have been done with the arrangements.

[Vmadera – The Cyberiam] 11. This is some nice elegant prog, if a little more traditional that I might have expected and possibly lacking a clear focal point.

[jingle – Rik Emmett] 12. Not sure I was expecting anything quite this cheesy, but you know what, it’s not unpleasant.

[Sacul – Sohn] 13. Trippy, experimental and gorgeously soulful - what’s not to love?

[Evermind – The Wishing Tree] 14. Very pretty and peaceful - not much stood out, but I’m not sure it needs to.

[soupy – Lana Del Rey] 15. I enjoyed these songs but they didn’t all jump out and grab me - as pop goes it feels quite subtle so I’m interested to see what happens with further listens.

[wolfking – Elegy] 16. Always found this singer quite bland, but the music here seems pretty engaging and more tasteful than other stuff I’ve heard him in.

[Buddy – death's dynamic shroud] 17. Not convinced by all the vocals, but definitely feeling the music, the downtempo vibe and the creative use of different sounds and styles.

[Luoto – Rioghan] 18. Taking advantage of the theme’s caveat to send something surprisingly punchy and dramatic, although it was some of the lighter moments that I found most compelling.

[nick_z – Meer] 19. This ranges from really rather lovely to quite dramatic, all of it very engaging and elegantly produced.

[romdrums – Monobody] 20. Reminds me of a couple of other bands I like, if maybe with a little less of the features that most attract me to each of those.

[Puppies – Amesoeurs] 21. The music is rich and gorgeous at times, though I think - and I rarely feel this way - that I might have liked some of it more without the vocals.

[Elite – Chano Dominguez] 22. Not a style I listen to much, but this is full of nice vibes and classy playing.

[Reaper – Jakub Zytecki] 23. The broad style isn’t especially unique, but it’s done really well - great sound and lovely production with a mix of influences thrown in.

[King – The Avett Brothers] 24. This may not have blown me away, but it was a very pleasant and pretty uplifting listen - simple but effective.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 03:16:18 PM
Round 2 first impressions

1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

12. Not sure I was expecting anything quite this cheesy, but you know what, it’s not unpleasant.

14. Very pretty and peaceful - not much stood out, but I’m not sure it needs to.

24. This may not have blown me away, but it was a very pleasant and pretty uplifting listen - simple but effective.

One of these? ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 23, 2023, 03:16:58 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 23, 2023, 03:18:56 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 03:22:07 PM
All no so far.

Also if anyone's interested, here's the collated round 2 Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1VRIndMWr8tDN2yMgsNy1H?si=80b4524ae29e40a8

Again some songs were non-Spotify ones so you'll need to find those yourselves!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: HOF on May 23, 2023, 03:24:53 PM
8 maybe?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 03:25:54 PM
18. Taking advantage of the theme’s caveat to send something surprisingly punchy and dramatic, although it was some of the lighter moments that I found most compelling.

19. This ranges from really rather lovely to quite dramatic, all of it very engaging and elegantly produced.

22. Not a style I listen to much, but this is full of nice vibes and classy playing.

One of these then?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 23, 2023, 03:27:24 PM
Well 1 is how I feel about it...  :P

How about 14,22, or 24?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 23, 2023, 03:27:57 PM

Also, I meant to say Ariich, you must check out the videos for both Ice V and Iron Lung! As a shameless plug for the band, so should everyone else. Two totally different styles of music video but amazing for totally different reasons.

For anyone wanting to watch a video of a mulleted man dancing round a Greek Island then go right ahead...

https://youtu.be/ydeV1_8pM4o (https://youtu.be/ydeV1_8pM4o)

Or if you just want an awesomely trippy AI video then this will satisfy you...

https://youtu.be/Njk2YAgNMnE (https://youtu.be/Njk2YAgNMnE)

Here's a taste for those too cowardly to click the links.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: soupytwist on May 23, 2023, 03:28:09 PM
Let's try 1 7, 9 or 15
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 03:32:38 PM
18. Taking advantage of the theme’s caveat to send something surprisingly punchy and dramatic, although it was some of the lighter moments that I found most compelling.

19. This ranges from really rather lovely to quite dramatic, all of it very engaging and elegantly produced.

22. Not a style I listen to much, but this is full of nice vibes and classy playing.

One of these then?
Still no, but closer.

How about 14,22, or 24?
Also still no.


8 maybe?
Let's try 1 7, 9 or 15
All correct!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 03:33:09 PM
11 or 1?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 23, 2023, 03:49:36 PM
Gotta be #5. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 04:02:44 PM
Round 2 first impressions

1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

2. Modern music with very classic stylings and some cool vibes - I like it but I don't know if I love it.

3. Pretty different to anything else you’ve ever sent me but still hitting a lot of the right notes - quite thoughtful, grand and harmonically rich.

24. This may not have blown me away, but it was a very pleasant and pretty uplifting listen - simple but effective.

How about these?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: nick_z on May 23, 2023, 04:08:08 PM

1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

Hoping for this one?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 23, 2023, 04:14:20 PM
Everyone wants #1!

I’m gonna hang back until there’s a manageable number of options to guess at - considering how hard I suck at guessing impressions.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 23, 2023, 04:16:56 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 23, 2023, 04:19:15 PM
Everyone wants #1!

I’m gonna hang back until there’s a manageable number of options to guess at - considering how hard I suck at guessing impressions.

Yeah, I'm waiting for the weeds to clear a bit as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Sacul on May 23, 2023, 04:21:30 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Crow on May 23, 2023, 04:23:19 PM
1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

3. Pretty different to anything else you’ve ever sent me but still hitting a lot of the right notes - quite thoughtful, grand and harmonically rich.

6. Nice upbeat indie that seems to avoid getting too sappy with interesting instrumentation and warm vocals.

10. Some nice hooks here, though I feel a lot more could have been done with the arrangements.

12. Not sure I was expecting anything quite this cheesy, but you know what, it’s not unpleasant.

18. Taking advantage of the theme’s caveat to send something surprisingly punchy and dramatic, although it was some of the lighter moments that I found most compelling.

19. This ranges from really rather lovely to quite dramatic, all of it very engaging and elegantly produced.

23. The broad style isn’t especially unique, but it’s done really well - great sound and lovely production with a mix of influences thrown in.

24. This may not have blown me away, but it was a very pleasant and pretty uplifting listen - simple but effective.

somewhere in this set? 3 or 6 seem the most correct especially
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 05:10:08 PM
11. This is some nice elegant prog, if a little more traditional that I might have expected and possibly lacking a clear focal point.

20. Reminds me of a couple of other bands I like, if maybe with a little less of the features that most attract me to each of those.

One of these?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 05:10:37 PM
I think Ariich went to bed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 05:18:56 PM
I think Ariich went to bed.

I'm sure he'll be up in an hour or so.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: nick_z on May 23, 2023, 06:56:33 PM
wolfking: Elegy

    1: Equinox
    2: Visual Vortex
    3: Beyond
    4: State of Mind
    5: Loser's Game

Kade - nothing from the fantastic first three albums? Not a fan of the original vocalist?  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 07:02:41 PM
wolfking: Elegy

    1: Equinox
    2: Visual Vortex
    3: Beyond
    4: State of Mind
    5: Loser's Game

Kade - nothing from the fantastic first three albums? Not a fan of the original vocalist?  :)

Brent was the one that got me into these guys so a massive shoutout to him but I might have already had State of Mind in the CD collection, not sure, maybe not though.  I did weigh up everything and while the musicianship is fantastic, the original vocalist is a bit much for me.  I much prefer Parry's voice and thought maybe a safer option for Rich.  I just find this particular album really really good and probably my favourite.  I think they nailed it with the prog side and some good melodies.  The melodies don't stick out straight away but it's a grower.  I thought about going half half and putting maybe The Grand Change, Clean Up Your Act or Trouble in Paradise but wanted to stay consistent with the sound.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 07:14:03 PM
wolfking: Elegy

    1: Equinox
    2: Visual Vortex
    3: Beyond
    4: State of Mind
    5: Loser's Game

Kade - nothing from the fantastic first three albums? Not a fan of the original vocalist?  :)

The first 3 Elegy albums are untouchable. Ed Hovinga is incredible. Tony Harnell fan for sure.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 07:17:27 PM
wolfking: Elegy

    1: Equinox
    2: Visual Vortex
    3: Beyond
    4: State of Mind
    5: Loser's Game

Kade - nothing from the fantastic first three albums? Not a fan of the original vocalist?  :)

Brent was the one that got me into these guys so a massive shoutout to him but I might have already had State of Mind in the CD collection, not sure, maybe not though.  I did weigh up everything and while the musicianship is fantastic, the original vocalist is a bit much for me.  I much prefer Parry's voice and thought maybe a safer option for Rich.  I just find this particular album really really good and probably my favourite.  I think they nailed it with the prog side and some good melodies.  The melodies don't stick out straight away but it's a grower.  I thought about going half half and putting maybe The Grand Change, Clean Up Your Act or Trouble in Paradise but wanted to stay consistent with the sound.

Erase Me, Primal Instinct version with Ian. Good call sending Elegy Kade! Btw... Who is Brent here? I think we have a mutual personal friend.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: nick_z on May 23, 2023, 07:20:34 PM
wolfking: Elegy

    1: Equinox
    2: Visual Vortex
    3: Beyond
    4: State of Mind
    5: Loser's Game

Kade - nothing from the fantastic first three albums? Not a fan of the original vocalist?  :)

Brent was the one that got me into these guys so a massive shoutout to him but I might have already had State of Mind in the CD collection, not sure, maybe not though.  I did weigh up everything and while the musicianship is fantastic, the original vocalist is a bit much for me.  I much prefer Parry's voice and thought maybe a safer option for Rich.  I just find this particular album really really good and probably my favourite.  I think they nailed it with the prog side and some good melodies.  The melodies don't stick out straight away but it's a grower.  I thought about going half half and putting maybe The Grand Change, Clean Up Your Act or Trouble in Paradise but wanted to stay consistent with the sound.

Got it - yeah, for me, while Parry is a great vocalist and Hovinga is perhaps a little much, the first three records (and Labyrinth of Dreams, in particular) hold a very special place in my musical heart  :) Great songs you mention there, by the way.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 07:22:08 PM
Btw... Who is Brent here? I think we have a mutual personal friend.

He is the Heavy Metal prophet of DTF.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 07:24:45 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 07:25:11 PM
Btw... Who is Brent here? I think we have a mutual personal friend.

He is the Heavy Metal prophet of DTF.

Pretty much.  A hard rock and metal human encyclopedia too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 07:42:15 PM
Btw... Who is Brent here? I think we have a mutual personal friend.

He is the Heavy Metal prophet of DTF.

Pretty much.  A hard rock and metal human encyclopedia too.

If he knows Bobby from Outworld/Eumeria then its the same Brent. Yo Brent! Wazzzzzup?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 07:44:53 PM
Btw... Who is Brent here? I think we have a mutual personal friend.

He is the Heavy Metal prophet of DTF.

Pretty much.  A hard rock and metal human encyclopedia too.

If he knows Bobby from Outworld/Eumeria then its the same Brent. Yo Brent! Wazzzzzup?

This Brent is from Melbourne Australia.  Eumeria......I have Rebel Mind on CD!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 hangmang
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 07:49:09 PM
Btw... Who is Brent here? I think we have a mutual personal friend.

He is the Heavy Metal prophet of DTF.

Pretty much.  A hard rock and metal human encyclopedia too.

If he knows Bobby from Outworld/Eumeria then its the same Brent. Yo Brent! Wazzzzzup?

This Brent is from Melbourne Australia.  Eumeria......I have Rebel Mind on CD!

Might not be the same dude. Eumeria guys are friends of mine. Reece is a beast! New album is more technical....
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 07:50:25 PM
Oh shit, I haven't thought of that Eumeria band in ages. That album caused quite a stir on DTF years ago.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 07:52:31 PM
Oh shit, I haven't thought of that Eumeria band in ages. That album caused quite a stir on DTF years ago.

Yeah it did.  I haven't checked anything else from them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 07:53:57 PM
Oh shit, I haven't thought of that Eumeria band in ages. That album caused quite a stir on DTF years ago.

Yeah it did.  I haven't checked anything else from them.

I've not heard of them since.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 07:58:15 PM
Oh shit, I haven't thought of that Eumeria band in ages. That album caused quite a stir on DTF years ago.

Yeah it did.  I haven't checked anything else from them.

I've not heard of them since.

Yeah true.  Didn't even know they had more albums.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 07:59:14 PM
That's cause they don't?


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 08:00:13 PM
I heard a 2 song pre production demo. New one almost done.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 08:01:10 PM
That's cause they don't?



Soon.   ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 23, 2023, 08:02:50 PM
Re: Elegy - I've got all four Parry-era albums.  A bit hit and miss for me.  I don't know that I've ever heard the first three.

Re: Eumeria (ninja'd) - I think they're in recording mode at the moment.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 08:04:40 PM
I'll ask Jonny or Kevin if I can post the sound cloud link of the 2 tunes here. Not my call but I'll let you know.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 08:05:07 PM
I heard a 2 song pre production demo. New one almost done.

Oh wow, nice.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 08:05:43 PM
I'll ask Jonny or Kevin if I can post the sound cloud link of the 2 tunes here. Not my call but I'll let you know.

Don't do that bro, you want to keep them as friends.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 08:06:07 PM
Re: Elegy - I've got all four Parry-era albums.  A bit hit and miss for me.  I don't know that I've ever heard the first three.

Re: Eumeria (ninja'd) - I think they're in recording mode at the moment.
Eumeria almost done. Kevin and Jonny finishing their parts.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 08:06:27 PM
I'll ask Jonny or Kevin if I can post the sound cloud link of the 2 tunes here. Not my call but I'll let you know.

Don't do that bro, you want to keep them as friends.


Way too many critics around here.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 08:06:35 PM
Re: Elegy - I've got all four Parry-era albums.  A bit hit and miss for me.  I don't know that I've ever heard the first three.

Re: Eumeria (ninja'd) - I think they're in recording mode at the moment.

I think the other 3 are quite spotty but State of Mind is very consistent throughout.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 08:07:12 PM
I'll ask Jonny or Kevin if I can post the sound cloud link of the 2 tunes here. Not my call but I'll let you know.

Don't do that bro, you want to keep them as friends.

That's what I said. I will ask them. I would never do that unless they say its ok.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on May 23, 2023, 08:07:16 PM
Re: Elegy - I've got all four Parry-era albums.  A bit hit and miss for me.  I don't know that I've ever heard the first three.

You really should!! Give the debut, Labyrinth of Dreams, a shot. An absolute gem of progressive/power metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 08:08:58 PM
Re: Elegy - I've got all four Parry-era albums.  A bit hit and miss for me.  I don't know that I've ever heard the first three.

Re: Eumeria (ninja'd) - I think they're in recording mode at the moment.

First 3 Elegy albums are like TNT on shred. Excellent!!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 23, 2023, 08:11:00 PM
I'll ask Jonny or Kevin if I can post the sound cloud link of the 2 tunes here. Not my call but I'll let you know.

Don't do that bro, you want to keep them as friends.

That's what I said. I will ask them. I would never do that unless they say its ok.

I think he meant that of you post it and the band members check the comments, they may be offended. Lots of critics around here.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 08:18:32 PM
I'll ask Jonny or Kevin if I can post the sound cloud link of the 2 tunes here. Not my call but I'll let you know.

Don't do that bro, you want to keep them as friends.

That's what I said. I will ask them. I would never do that unless they say its ok.

I think he meant that of you post it and the band members check the comments, they may be offended. Lots of critics around here.

Yeah I know but already got a no on posting it. I will keep you all updated on the album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 08:18:35 PM
I'll ask Jonny or Kevin if I can post the sound cloud link of the 2 tunes here. Not my call but I'll let you know.

Don't do that bro, you want to keep them as friends.

That's what I said. I will ask them. I would never do that unless they say its ok.

I think he meant that of you post it and the band members check the comments, they may be offended. Lots of critics around here.

I kinda meant from both perspectives actually.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 08:20:46 PM
I'll ask Jonny or Kevin if I can post the sound cloud link of the 2 tunes here. Not my call but I'll let you know.

Don't do that bro, you want to keep them as friends.

That's what I said. I will ask them. I would never do that unless they say its ok.

I think he meant that of you post it and the band members check the comments, they may be offended. Lots of critics around here.

I kinda meant from both perspectives actually.  :lol

Kade! Any update on the recording of "I Still Remember Someone Else"? 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 23, 2023, 08:26:08 PM
I'll ask Jonny or Kevin if I can post the sound cloud link of the 2 tunes here. Not my call but I'll let you know.

Don't do that bro, you want to keep them as friends.

That's what I said. I will ask them. I would never do that unless they say its ok.

I think he meant that of you post it and the band members check the comments, they may be offended. Lots of critics around here.

I kinda meant from both perspectives actually.  :lol

Kade! Any update on the recording of "I Still Remember Someone Else"?

It's turning into now an 8 hour long guitar solo in E minor!  So, it'll be a while.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 23, 2023, 08:32:42 PM
 :lol :rollin :lol :rollin :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 11:31:49 PM
Gotta be #5. 
Gotta be.

Round 2 first impressions

1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

2. Modern music with very classic stylings and some cool vibes - I like it but I don't know if I love it.

3. Pretty different to anything else you’ve ever sent me but still hitting a lot of the right notes - quite thoughtful, grand and harmonically rich.

24. This may not have blown me away, but it was a very pleasant and pretty uplifting listen - simple but effective.

How about these?
Yep, number 3.

somewhere in this set? 3 or 6 seem the most correct especially
I wouldn't have given it to you for the full set as that was way too many :lol But seeing as you narrowed it down, yes, it's 6.

11 or 1?

1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

Hoping for this one?
11. This is some nice elegant prog, if a little more traditional that I might have expected and possibly lacking a clear focal point.

20. Reminds me of a couple of other bands I like, if maybe with a little less of the features that most attract me to each of those.

One of these?
No to all of these!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 11:32:17 PM
And seeing as this turned into the chat thread while I was in bed, here are the impressions again:

Round 2 first impressions

1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

2. Modern music with very classic stylings and some cool vibes - I like it but I don't know if I love it.

[TAC – Lumsk] 3. Pretty different to anything else you’ve ever sent me but still hitting a lot of the right notes - quite thoughtful, grand and harmonically rich.

[luke – King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard] 4. Jazzier than I was expecting, which is a cool twist, although in other regards this is pretty much what I was expecting.

[Litho – Phil Keaggy] 5. Might be slightly noodley and narrow to be the sort of thing I’d want to listen to regularly, but it’s full of great playing and lovely music.

[Crow – Gang of Youths] 6. Nice upbeat indie that seems to avoid getting too sappy with interesting instrumentation and warm vocals.

[faizoff – Nine Inch Nails] 7. A little different to what I might have expected; a cool selection of songs that are moodier than most this round but with a nice groove to them.

[HOF – The Pearlfishers] 8. There’s a nice mix of organic sounds and synthesisers, with some great moments, although my enjoyment at each point depended quite a lot on the strength of the vocals.

9. This is rather different to what I was expecting based on your description and what I know of the artist - I suspect these warm mellow vibes are more my thing.

[lonestar – Band-Maid] 10. Some nice hooks here, though I feel a lot more could have been done with the arrangements.

11. This is some nice elegant prog, if a little more traditional that I might have expected and possibly lacking a clear focal point.

[jingle – Rik Emmett] 12. Not sure I was expecting anything quite this cheesy, but you know what, it’s not unpleasant.

13. Trippy, experimental and gorgeously soulful - what’s not to love?

[Evermind – The Wishing Tree] 14. Very pretty and peaceful - not much stood out, but I’m not sure it needs to.

[soupy – Lana Del Rey] 15. I enjoyed these songs but they didn’t all jump out and grab me - as pop goes it feels quite subtle so I’m interested to see what happens with further listens.

16. Always found this singer quite bland, but the music here seems pretty engaging and more tasteful than other stuff I’ve heard him in.

17. Not convinced by all the vocals, but definitely feeling the music, the downtempo vibe and the creative use of different sounds and styles.

[Luoto – Rioghan] 18. Taking advantage of the theme’s caveat to send something surprisingly punchy and dramatic, although it was some of the lighter moments that I found most compelling.

[nick_z – Meer] 19. This ranges from really rather lovely to quite dramatic, all of it very engaging and elegantly produced.

20. Reminds me of a couple of other bands I like, if maybe with a little less of the features that most attract me to each of those.

21. The music is rich and gorgeous at times, though I think - and I rarely feel this way - that I might have liked some of it more without the vocals.

[Elite – Chano Dominguez] 22. Not a style I listen to much, but this is full of nice vibes and classy playing.

23. The broad style isn’t especially unique, but it’s done really well - great sound and lovely production with a mix of influences thrown in.

[King – The Avett Brothers] 24. This may not have blown me away, but it was a very pleasant and pretty uplifting listen - simple but effective.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2023, 11:38:00 PM
Triple post but I wanted to say that this is shaping up to be one hell of a round. How do you guys do it?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Elite on May 23, 2023, 11:56:40 PM
1 or 22?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Crow on May 24, 2023, 12:09:22 AM
i'll take it  :tup

Triple post but I wanted to say that this is shaping up to be one hell of a round. How do you guys do it?

i get all the bad songs so that you get all the good ones  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Luoto on May 24, 2023, 12:12:34 AM
18 or 19?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 24, 2023, 12:23:13 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 24, 2023, 02:13:22 AM
Rich, I just want to confirm that you have my Round 3 submission? It was sent with my first round 2 submission

Also... 14?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Evermind on May 24, 2023, 03:03:21 AM
1, 10 or 14?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 24, 2023, 03:12:01 AM
1 or 22?
Yep, 22.

i get all the bad songs so that you get all the good ones  :corn
Clearly your fault for already listening to all the heavy music that you actually like. :neverusethis:

18 or 19?
Yes, 18!

1, 10 or 14?
14 indeed!

No to both of these.

Rich, I just want to confirm that you have my Round 3 submission? It was sent with my first round 2 submission
Yep, all good - I'm not really paying attention to early submissions for future rounds until I reach that round but I'll reply when we get there.

If anyone is submitting early and wants me to check the submission at that point (for example, if you're going away and won't be around to re-submit if there are any issues), just let me know. :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 24, 2023, 04:07:47 AM
7 or 10?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 24, 2023, 04:30:55 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on May 24, 2023, 04:42:17 AM
How about 19?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 24, 2023, 04:46:12 AM
12, 16, or 23 for Rik Emmett.

Quote from: ariich
0 for 3
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 24, 2023, 04:59:46 AM
7,10, or 12?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on May 24, 2023, 06:09:59 AM
7 or 16?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: romdrums on May 24, 2023, 07:19:52 AM
Number 9?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Lonk on May 24, 2023, 09:01:47 AM
Round 2 first impressions

10. Some nice hooks here, though I feel a lot more could have been done with the arrangements.

12. Not sure I was expecting anything quite this cheesy, but you know what, it’s not unpleasant.

20. Reminds me of a couple of other bands I like, if maybe with a little less of the features that most attract me to each of those.

21. The music is rich and gorgeous at times, though I think - and I rarely feel this way - that I might have liked some of it more without the vocals.

One of these? Maybe 12?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 24, 2023, 10:49:33 AM
Posting from my phone but wolf, rom and Vmad are wrong, everyone else was right.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ReaperKK on May 24, 2023, 11:01:31 AM
17 is my guess?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 24, 2023, 11:22:26 AM
[Litho – Phil Keaggy] 5. Might be slightly noodley and narrow to be the sort of thing I’d want to listen to regularly, but it’s full of great playing and lovely music.

Hopefully it'll grow on you.  Some of it probably is a bit noodly (one of the albums even has Sketches in the title of course, and two pieces are basically interludes/ideas), but in general I find him to be more melodically-minded than some guys doing similar things, and some of it to me adds flair and interest in the absence of vocals or a band accompaniment, it would be too dry and plain otherwise. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 24, 2023, 11:39:12 AM
Posting from my phone

Am I the only one here who posts exclusively from their phone?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: HOF on May 24, 2023, 11:43:34 AM
Posting from my phone

Am I the only one here who posts exclusively from their phone?

Nope. 95% of the time I’m posting from my phone.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: romdrums on May 24, 2023, 11:44:54 AM
Posting from my phone but wolf, rom and Vmad are wrong, everyone else was right.


1 or 2?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on May 24, 2023, 12:01:05 PM
Hmmm...not too confident in that response...let's hope the vocal melodies overwhelm you. Honestly that album is my favorite of all their work.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Sacul on May 24, 2023, 12:37:37 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 24, 2023, 01:51:38 PM
Posting from my phone

Am I the only one here who posts exclusively from their phone?

Nope. 95% of the time I’m posting from my phone.
95% of the time I'm posting from my PC, which is ironic because I'm posting this from my phone  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 24, 2023, 01:52:54 PM
I post from my phone sometimes but this website isn't exactly designed for it, let's be real. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Stadler on May 24, 2023, 01:56:38 PM

1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

9. This is rather different to what I was expecting based on your description and what I know of the artist - I suspect these warm mellow vibes are more my thing.

16. Always found this singer quite bland, but the music here seems pretty engaging and more tasteful than other stuff I’ve heard him in.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 24, 2023, 02:00:13 PM
I post from my phone sometimes but this website isn't exactly designed for it, let's be real. :lol

This is true, but my life isn't exactly designed to allow me to sit at a computer often (other than when I'm working but I can't get away with posting here from my work computer).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 24, 2023, 02:21:49 PM
Reaper, rom and Sacul, I'm afraid not.

Stadler - yes!

Quote for new page:

Round 2 first impressions

[Stadler – Whitesnake] 1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

2. Modern music with very classic stylings and some cool vibes - I like it but I don't know if I love it.

[TAC – Lumsk] 3. Pretty different to anything else you’ve ever sent me but still hitting a lot of the right notes - quite thoughtful, grand and harmonically rich.

[luke – King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard] 4. Jazzier than I was expecting, which is a cool twist, although in other regards this is pretty much what I was expecting.

[Litho – Phil Keaggy] 5. Might be slightly noodley and narrow to be the sort of thing I’d want to listen to regularly, but it’s full of great playing and lovely music.

[Crow – Gang of Youths] 6. Nice upbeat indie that seems to avoid getting too sappy with interesting instrumentation and warm vocals.

[faizoff – Nine Inch Nails] 7. A little different to what I might have expected; a cool selection of songs that are moodier than most this round but with a nice groove to them.

[HOF – The Pearlfishers] 8. There’s a nice mix of organic sounds and synthesisers, with some great moments, although my enjoyment at each point depended quite a lot on the strength of the vocals.

9. This is rather different to what I was expecting based on your description and what I know of the artist - I suspect these warm mellow vibes are more my thing.

[lonestar – Band-Maid] 10. Some nice hooks here, though I feel a lot more could have been done with the arrangements.

11. This is some nice elegant prog, if a little more traditional that I might have expected and possibly lacking a clear focal point.

[jingle – Rik Emmett] 12. Not sure I was expecting anything quite this cheesy, but you know what, it’s not unpleasant.

13. Trippy, experimental and gorgeously soulful - what’s not to love?

[Evermind – The Wishing Tree] 14. Very pretty and peaceful - not much stood out, but I’m not sure it needs to.

[soupy – Lana Del Rey] 15. I enjoyed these songs but they didn’t all jump out and grab me - as pop goes it feels quite subtle so I’m interested to see what happens with further listens.

16. Always found this singer quite bland, but the music here seems pretty engaging and more tasteful than other stuff I’ve heard him in.

17. Not convinced by all the vocals, but definitely feeling the music, the downtempo vibe and the creative use of different sounds and styles.

[Luoto – Rioghan] 18. Taking advantage of the theme’s caveat to send something surprisingly punchy and dramatic, although it was some of the lighter moments that I found most compelling.

[nick_z – Meer] 19. This ranges from really rather lovely to quite dramatic, all of it very engaging and elegantly produced.

20. Reminds me of a couple of other bands I like, if maybe with a little less of the features that most attract me to each of those.

21. The music is rich and gorgeous at times, though I think - and I rarely feel this way - that I might have liked some of it more without the vocals.

[Elite – Chano Dominguez] 22. Not a style I listen to much, but this is full of nice vibes and classy playing.

23. The broad style isn’t especially unique, but it’s done really well - great sound and lovely production with a mix of influences thrown in.

[King – The Avett Brothers] 24. This may not have blown me away, but it was a very pleasant and pretty uplifting listen - simple but effective.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 24, 2023, 02:34:38 PM
Posting from my phone

Am I the only one here who posts exclusively from their phone?

I don't have a cellphone. Truth. I got rid of it in 2019.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 24, 2023, 02:36:20 PM
Not much left and still can't pick......16 or 23?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 24, 2023, 02:37:18 PM
20 or 23?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 24, 2023, 02:50:44 PM
13 or 21?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: romdrums on May 24, 2023, 03:00:31 PM
Process of elimination leaves me with 13,20 or 23 then.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on May 24, 2023, 03:08:59 PM
Posting from my phone

Am I the only one here who posts exclusively from their phone?

Nope. 95% of the time I’m posting from my phone.
95% of the time I'm posting from my PC, which is ironic because I'm posting this from my phone  :lol

Same here, rarely post from my phone. Site has to be pinch zoomed to read on the phone, doesn't re-scale according to device or resolution.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: ariich on May 24, 2023, 03:09:26 PM
I'll put you guys out of your misery. :lol

Again the usual caveat that these are first impressions only!

Round 2 first impressions

[Stadler – Whitesnake] 1. This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

[Glasser – Legacy Pilots] 2. Modern music with very classic stylings and some cool vibes - I like it but I don't know if I love it.

[TAC – Lumsk] 3. Pretty different to anything else you’ve ever sent me but still hitting a lot of the right notes - quite thoughtful, grand and harmonically rich.

[luke – King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard] 4. Jazzier than I was expecting, which is a cool twist, although in other regards this is pretty much what I was expecting.

[Litho – Phil Keaggy] 5. Might be slightly noodley and narrow to be the sort of thing I’d want to listen to regularly, but it’s full of great playing and lovely music.

[Crow – Gang of Youths] 6. Nice upbeat indie that seems to avoid getting too sappy with interesting instrumentation and warm vocals.

[faizoff – Nine Inch Nails] 7. A little different to what I might have expected; a cool selection of songs that are moodier than most this round but with a nice groove to them.

[HOF – The Pearlfishers] 8. There’s a nice mix of organic sounds and synthesisers, with some great moments, although my enjoyment at each point depended quite a lot on the strength of the vocals.

[seneca – The Killers] 9. This is rather different to what I was expecting based on your description and what I know of the artist - I suspect these warm mellow vibes are more my thing.

[lonestar – Band-Maid] 10. Some nice hooks here, though I feel a lot more could have been done with the arrangements.

[Vmadera – The Cyberiam] 11. This is some nice elegant prog, if a little more traditional that I might have expected and possibly lacking a clear focal point.

[jingle – Rik Emmett] 12. Not sure I was expecting anything quite this cheesy, but you know what, it’s not unpleasant.

[Sacul – Sohn] 13. Trippy, experimental and gorgeously soulful - what’s not to love?

[Evermind – The Wishing Tree] 14. Very pretty and peaceful - not much stood out, but I’m not sure it needs to.

[soupy – Lana Del Rey] 15. I enjoyed these songs but they didn’t all jump out and grab me - as pop goes it feels quite subtle so I’m interested to see what happens with further listens.

[wolfking – Elegy] 16. Always found this singer quite bland, but the music here seems pretty engaging and more tasteful than other stuff I’ve heard him in.

[Buddy – death's dynamic shroud] 17. Not convinced by all the vocals, but definitely feeling the music, the downtempo vibe and the creative use of different sounds and styles.

[Luoto – Rioghan] 18. Taking advantage of the theme’s caveat to send something surprisingly punchy and dramatic, although it was some of the lighter moments that I found most compelling.

[nick_z – Meer] 19. This ranges from really rather lovely to quite dramatic, all of it very engaging and elegantly produced.

[romdrums – Monobody] 20. Reminds me of a couple of other bands I like, if maybe with a little less of the features that most attract me to each of those.

[Puppies – Amesoeurs] 21. The music is rich and gorgeous at times, though I think - and I rarely feel this way - that I might have liked some of it more without the vocals.

[Elite – Chano Dominguez] 22. Not a style I listen to much, but this is full of nice vibes and classy playing.

[Reaper – Jakub Zytecki] 23. The broad style isn’t especially unique, but it’s done really well - great sound and lovely production with a mix of influences thrown in.

[King – The Avett Brothers] 24. This may not have blown me away, but it was a very pleasant and pretty uplifting listen - simple but effective.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 24, 2023, 03:15:42 PM
The vocal samples are a bit weird at first yeah but I'm hoping they grow on you, they make the songs so much more memorable and catchy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 24, 2023, 04:38:17 PM
Actually, yeah I can see number 16 now.  :lol  Consortium Project never really got me going so I agree on this album he is way more enjoyable.  I'll have to revisit the CP album I have though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: TAC on May 24, 2023, 04:40:45 PM
Stadler gets the coveted #1 Impression.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on May 24, 2023, 05:21:21 PM
Stadler gets the coveted #1 Impression.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 24, 2023, 05:22:23 PM
Stadler gets the coveted #1 Impression.

Yeah but at least its Whitesnake.  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on May 24, 2023, 05:32:27 PM
I love Kade choosing Elegy, so good! I love the first 3 albums a shit ton and Primal Instinct (acoustic ep with older songs) with Ian singing them. State Of Mind is my fave heavier album with Ian.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 24, 2023, 05:40:59 PM
I love Kade choosing Elegy, so good! I love the first 3 albums a shit ton and Primal Instinct (acoustic ep with older songs) with Ian singing them. State Of Mind is my fave heavier album with Ian.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 24, 2023, 06:23:21 PM
I love Kade choosing Elegy, so good! I love the first 3 albums a shit ton and Primal Instinct (acoustic ep with older songs) with Ian singing them. State Of Mind is my fave heavier album with Ian.


Agreed. That album is the “hit” in my “hit and hiss” statement of Parry-era Elegy. I listened to their debut this morning. Pretty raw production, and I’m not sure I was a fan of the vox, but musically, it was most excellent.

I definitely prefer CP as a whole over Elegy. The contributions from Kamelot and VP members helps, for sure.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on May 24, 2023, 06:41:11 PM
I love Kade choosing Elegy, so good! I love the first 3 albums a shit ton and Primal Instinct (acoustic ep with older songs) with Ian singing them. State Of Mind is my fave heavier album with Ian.


Agreed. That album is the “hit” in my “hit and hiss” statement of Parry-era Elegy. I listened to their debut this morning. Pretty raw production, and I’m not sure I was a fan of the vox, but musically, it was most excellent.

I definitely prefer CP as a whole over Elegy. The contributions from Kamelot and VP members helps, for sure.

As I said, I only have one.....maybe part 3....anyway, I remember it being quite heavy.  Might have to revisit after revisiting this Elegy album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 24, 2023, 08:18:28 PM
Wow, 21 was the last one I would have guessed  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 first impressions!
Post by: Elite on May 24, 2023, 11:07:59 PM
??: Chan_ D__in_ue_
    1: Skylark
    2: F_ur
    3: But Not For Me
    4: All The Things You Are

Probably Elite based on some of these being standards, probably some modern jazz guitarist I've heard of but haven't gotten around to listening to yet. 

I’m pretty sure there’s no guitar on the entire album these songs came from :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 25, 2023, 02:19:13 PM
Round 2 comparisons
Comparisons to the previous round, indicative and subject to change.
As ever, ups and downs show only direction, not scale. Could be 0.1, could be 1.0.

Crow v
wolfking v
Buddy v
Evermind v
soupy v
Litho v
Sacul ^
Luoto ^
luke v
nick_z ^
jingle v
Glasser v
Vmadera =
romdrums ^
Stadler ^
Puppies ^
lonestar ^
Elite ^
Reaper ^
seneca ^
king ^
faizoff ^
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: wolfking on May 25, 2023, 02:21:00 PM
Not unexpected after a good round 1 score.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: lonestar on May 25, 2023, 02:43:15 PM

Was getting nervous based on that milquetoast impression... :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 25, 2023, 02:49:02 PM

Was getting nervous based on that milquetoast impression... :lol
indicative and subject to change.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 25, 2023, 02:55:56 PM
A mods prerogative.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 25, 2023, 02:57:14 PM
A mods prerogative.

Ass kisser.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 25, 2023, 03:00:17 PM
You dummy. I was mocking him. A girls prerogative. 

Strike him a point Rich for being a dumbass.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 25, 2023, 03:01:13 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 25, 2023, 03:03:28 PM
Tim vv
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: jingle.boy on May 25, 2023, 03:04:40 PM
Not unexpected after a good round 1 score.

My thoughts exactly.  Congrats to Lucas for the Round 2 lead.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Glasser on May 25, 2023, 03:09:20 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: faizoff on May 25, 2023, 03:10:37 PM
I'm surprised I didn't go lower ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 25, 2023, 03:18:30 PM
:rollin at that GIF.

I believe in you Tom!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Crow on May 25, 2023, 03:20:44 PM
not shocked even if i personally think the songs this round are slightly better than last round's, lol  :corn
let's hope that's like, a decrease from an 8.8 to an 8.7
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 25, 2023, 03:26:51 PM
Tim vv


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Sacul on May 25, 2023, 03:37:31 PM
woah that's quite a good comparison, i knew you'd like this :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 25, 2023, 04:05:24 PM
Rich, you accidentally put the v next to my name.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: lonestar on May 25, 2023, 04:07:38 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 12:00:29 AM

Anyway, there is a possibility of results being ready by this evening, but there's a lot of writeups to do alongside final listens so probably more likely over the weekend.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 12:23:13 AM

Anyway, there is a possibility of results being ready by this evening, but there's a lot of writeups to do alongside final listens so probably more likely over the weekend.

Good Lord, man! Are you sure you actually have kids? They must be helping you do write ups as well!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 26, 2023, 12:24:33 AM

Anyway, there is a possibility of results being ready by this evening, but there's a lot of writeups to do alongside final listens so probably more likely over the weekend.

Good Lord, man! Are you sure you actually have kids? They must be helping you do write ups as well!
I'm pretty sure he has his kids set up in some sort of roulette assembly line or something.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 12:26:52 AM

Anyway, there is a possibility of results being ready by this evening, but there's a lot of writeups to do alongside final listens so probably more likely over the weekend.

Good Lord, man! Are you sure you actually have kids? They must be helping you do write ups as well!
I'm pretty sure he has his kids set up in some sort of roulette assembly line or something.  :biggrin:
Yea, Rich's Kids Roulette V. 1 when? Got some great songs to send them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 01:16:09 AM

Like I said before most of my listening is during the work day, and a bit in the evening. The kids slightly reduce evening listening and massively reduce weekend listening, but I still have plenty of time during weekdays usually.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: soupytwist on May 26, 2023, 01:32:39 AM

Anyway, there is a possibility of results being ready by this evening, but there's a lot of writeups to do alongside final listens so probably more likely over the weekend.

Good Lord, man! Are you sure you actually have kids? They must be helping you do write ups as well!

I'm sending Baby Shark next round.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 01:34:09 AM

Anyway, there is a possibility of results being ready by this evening, but there's a lot of writeups to do alongside final listens so probably more likely over the weekend.

Good Lord, man! Are you sure you actually have kids? They must be helping you do write ups as well!

I'm sending Baby Shark next round.
That would definitely be on my son's banlist, he's heard it so many times. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 02:32:04 AM

Like I said before most of my listening is during the work day, and a bit in the evening. The kids slightly reduce evening listening and massively reduce weekend listening, but I still have plenty of time during weekdays usually.

It's not the listening I find impressive, more finding time for all the write ups! My first submission for your kids roulette would be this guy...


https://youtu.be/6Xz2QpOFjio (https://youtu.be/6Xz2QpOFjio)

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 03:17:01 AM
You know what, I'm definitely going to do a single-song roulette with my son Caelan at some point. I think he'd love to do something like that, although being a 5-year old boy his attention span would probably only extent to one or two listens. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 03:32:42 AM
You know what, I'm definitely going to do a single-song roulette with my son Caelan at some point. I think he'd love to do something like that, although being a 5-year old boy his attention span would probably only extent to one or two listens. :lol

Sounds great. Can't wait for first impressions!

"Caelan, what did you think of this song?"

"Daddy, look I have a bellybutton"

The write ups should be purely based on a description of how much it made him dance/sing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 03:44:27 AM
Oh yeah he'll score it and write-ups will absolutely be what he says about it. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 03:45:14 AM
This may be the most highly anticipated roulette yet.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 04:27:27 AM
This may be the most highly anticipated roulette yet.
Maybe I'll do it as a bonus round to this roulette for now. :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 04:30:07 AM
This is poo poo, caca!   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Lonk on May 26, 2023, 04:36:06 AM
This may be the most highly anticipated roulette yet.
Maybe I'll do it as a bonus round to this roulette for now. :biggrin:
I'm down  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 04:37:16 AM
This is poo poo, caca!   :lol
I was going to say he's 5, not 2, but he's a boy so yeah that's pretty much his humour. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 04:42:12 AM
Yea, no offense meant by my comment dude. Many 5 year olds are very articulate and have a good attention span. I also know plenty who would start talking about totally irrelevant topics when asked a question  :lol 

My boy is 3 and still doesn't talk period, so if I did this with him I'd have to interpret how much he liked a song based on his reaction. I imagine he'd be mainly indifferent  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 04:47:00 AM
Oh yeah I took no offence at all from either yours or Joe's comments. :tup

You know what, I think this could work great as an optional bonus round before/in the initial stages of the EP final round. There will be a lot of music to listen to that round and I'll also want to give extra attention to flow etc which will probably warrant some extent of extra listens. I remember in my v6 the EP round was a bit longer. So a bonus round could be a really fun way to tide us over.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 04:49:22 AM
This is poo poo, caca!   :lol
I was going to say he's 5, not 2, but he's a boy so yeah that's pretty much his humour. :lol

It's still my humor at 55.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 04:49:33 AM
OK, what's on the kids banned list?  :lol

I'd honestly love to get his reaction to the Han-tyumi and the Murder of the Universe Suite by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. It's got the weird robotic narration which might grab his attention (but could also creep him out, not gonna lie).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 04:53:26 AM
I'll set a banned list of a few artists he's already listened to a bit and enjoyed. And yes it does include some extreme metal.

I'll probably have to set a length limit for songs, just to minimise the extent to which he gets bored and just walks off. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 04:54:57 AM
Punk rock it is then!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: lonestar on May 26, 2023, 05:17:09 AM
I got the perfect song.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 05:18:17 AM
I got the perfect song.
He already knows Gacharic Spin. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: lonestar on May 26, 2023, 05:29:19 AM
I got the perfect song.
He already knows Gacharic Spin. :P

I know that..  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 05:32:08 AM

So does the Queen.   She likes them too when I've spun them on YouTube. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 26, 2023, 05:54:54 AM
If The Wiggles are Banned, perhaps I could still use the OG Wiggles.

I love the name Caelin. I had actually suggested Colin when my wife was pregnant with our first son. My wife didn't want a first name with the letter C. Maybe because our last name starts with C.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Stadler on May 26, 2023, 06:03:41 AM
Yea, no offense meant by my comment dude. Many 5 year olds are very articulate and have a good attention span. I also know plenty who would start talking about totally irrelevant topics when asked a question  :lol 

My boy is 3 and still doesn't talk period, so if I did this with him I'd have to interpret how much he liked a song based on his reaction. I imagine he'd be mainly indifferent  :lol

You rang?  :) :) :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Stadler on May 26, 2023, 06:05:06 AM

Anyway, there is a possibility of results being ready by this evening, but there's a lot of writeups to do alongside final listens so probably more likely over the weekend.

Good Lord, man! Are you sure you actually have kids? They must be helping you do write ups as well!

I'm sending Baby Shark next round.
That would definitely be on my son's banlist, he's heard it so many times. :lol

I have the best kids song ever and am going to try to work it in somehow.   I used to have the little 45 and a booklet with it.  I might actually still have it somewhere.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 06:06:32 AM
Yea, no offense meant by my comment dude. Many 5 year olds are very articulate and have a good attention span. I also know plenty who would start talking about totally irrelevant topics when asked a question  :lol 

My boy is 3 and still doesn't talk period, so if I did this with him I'd have to interpret how much he liked a song based on his reaction. I imagine he'd be mainly indifferent  :lol

You rang?  :) :) :)

Yea, I guess there's not much difference between 5 and 55 (I don't actually know your age Stads, so either accept my apology, or you can thank me if your older).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 26, 2023, 07:57:26 AM
Punk rock it is then!
Or grindcore!  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 26, 2023, 07:58:14 AM
Yea, no offense meant by my comment dude. Many 5 year olds are very articulate and have a good attention span. I also know plenty who would start talking about totally irrelevant topics when asked a question  :lol 

My boy is 3 and still doesn't talk period, so if I did this with him I'd have to interpret how much he liked a song based on his reaction. I imagine he'd be mainly indifferent  :lol

You rang?  :) :) :)

Yea, I guess there's not much difference between 5 and 55 (I don't actually know your age Stads, so either accept my apology, or you can thank me if your older).

He's actually 6, so he thanks you.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 07:59:56 AM
Yea, no offense meant by my comment dude. Many 5 year olds are very articulate and have a good attention span. I also know plenty who would start talking about totally irrelevant topics when asked a question  :lol 

My boy is 3 and still doesn't talk period, so if I did this with him I'd have to interpret how much he liked a song based on his reaction. I imagine he'd be mainly indifferent  :lol

You rang?  :) :) :)

Once you hit your 50's, the years don't really matter, it's the amount of body parts that hurt.

Yea, I guess there's not much difference between 5 and 55 (I don't actually know your age Stads, so either accept my apology, or you can thank me if your older).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 26, 2023, 08:02:10 AM
Not only that, but you forget how to quote properly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 08:04:06 AM
Or spell and like albums with keyboard on them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 08:45:58 AM
Or construct coherent sentences.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 26, 2023, 08:47:02 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 08:49:27 AM
Or construct coherent sentences.

What's the fun in that Rich? :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 09:03:31 AM
By the way I've been making some decent progress with write-ups in quiet patches and little breaks at work, but yeah most likely results will be tomorrow now rather than tonight.

Very strong round. Lowest ranked people are going to get pretty solid scores and probably be quite disappointed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Stadler on May 26, 2023, 09:06:55 AM
Yea, no offense meant by my comment dude. Many 5 year olds are very articulate and have a good attention span. I also know plenty who would start talking about totally irrelevant topics when asked a question  :lol 

My boy is 3 and still doesn't talk period, so if I did this with him I'd have to interpret how much he liked a song based on his reaction. I imagine he'd be mainly indifferent  :lol

You rang?  :) :) :)

Yea, I guess there's not much difference between 5 and 55 (I don't actually know your age Stads, so either accept my apology, or you can thank me if your older).

He's actually 6, so he thanks you.


Actually, Luke, you nailed it.  I'm 55 (for a few more months).  I was born four months after Mr. Portnoy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: faizoff on May 26, 2023, 09:16:38 AM

Lowest ranked people are going to get pretty solid scores and probably be quite disappointed.

Solid score AND be disappointed? I'm the floor right now, only way is up. I'd be disappointed if my score went negative  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 09:22:05 AM
:lol Well I meant disappointed by placement, rather than score.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: soupytwist on May 26, 2023, 10:59:38 AM
 Not feeling confident after the first play reaction, expecting to be in the bottom 3!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Glasser on May 26, 2023, 01:54:56 PM
Not feeling confident after the first play reaction, expecting to be in the bottom 3!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 02:05:22 PM
Not feeling confident after the first play reaction, expecting to be in the bottom 3!


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 02:12:33 PM
Tom, your gif game is on top form. :lol Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 02:19:09 PM
A good gif game really makes for a good roulette participant in my book.

Shall I start spamming It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia gifs now?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 26, 2023, 02:20:20 PM
What's It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: faizoff on May 26, 2023, 02:25:17 PM
A sentence.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 26, 2023, 02:26:26 PM
I believe that was a question. Sentences don't have question marks, Faizshmegland. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 26, 2023, 02:29:01 PM
What's It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 02:34:17 PM
I believe that was a question. Sentences don't have question marks, Faizshmegland. :P

(https://i.postimg.cc/RZRqYWZJ/giphy-17.webp) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: faizoff on May 26, 2023, 02:59:37 PM
I believe that was a question. Sentences don't have question marks, Faizshmegland. :P

Damnit this is why I don't like posting from the phone, it was meant to say 'A show' not 'A sentence' :lol

Maybe I'll just answer in gifs from now on.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2023, 03:18:38 PM
That's impressive, even King doesn't tend to accidentally write completely different words that are twice the length. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 03:21:11 PM
Finally.  A protege.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 26, 2023, 03:29:50 PM
A protege.

No way you typed this word yourself. The Queen do it for you?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 03:31:29 PM
I actually knew the spelling on this one.

It's 12 O'clock twice a day.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 26, 2023, 03:35:26 PM
I actually knew the spelling on this one.

It's 12 O'clock twice a day.

Not true. One of them is at night, fool.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 03:53:35 PM
On the clock it doesn't say midnight dummy. It numerical. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 03:54:55 PM
On the clock it doesn't say midnight dummy. It numerical.

Also, you never heard that phrase, old man?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: lonestar on May 26, 2023, 04:04:23 PM
On the clock it doesn't say midnight dummy. It numerical.

Also, you never heard that phrase, old man?

I heard it as 'a broken clock is right twice a day'
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 04:31:35 PM
That too. I've heard both. Besides, it's Tim. Lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: TAC on May 26, 2023, 04:56:53 PM
That too. I've heard both. Besides, it's Tim. Lol

I'm right all day long!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 26, 2023, 05:00:21 PM

Ask everyone about that. Lol.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 26, 2023, 06:31:30 PM
That too. I've heard both. Besides, it's Tim. Lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Glasser on May 26, 2023, 06:43:00 PM
I believe that was a question. Sentences don't have question marks, Faizshmegland. :P

Damnit this is why I don't like posting from the phone, it was meant to say 'A show' not 'A sentence' :lol

Maybe I'll just answer in gifs from now on.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Glasser on May 26, 2023, 06:49:24 PM
That too. I've heard both. Besides, it's Tim. Lol

I'm right all day long!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Lonk on May 26, 2023, 06:52:54 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Glasser on May 26, 2023, 06:54:38 PM


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: faizoff on May 26, 2023, 08:45:02 PM
That's impressive, even King doesn't tend to accidentally write completely different words that are twice the length. :lol

That's what you get for just swiping on the phone keyboard rather than typing.  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: faizoff on May 26, 2023, 08:47:40 PM
I believe that was a question. Sentences don't have question marks, Faizshmegland. :P

Damnit this is why I don't like posting from the phone, it was meant to say 'A show' not 'A sentence' :lol

Maybe I'll just answer in gifs from now on.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Glasser on May 26, 2023, 09:49:18 PM
I believe that was a question. Sentences don't have question marks, Faizshmegland. :P

Damnit this is why I don't like posting from the phone, it was meant to say 'A show' not 'A sentence' :lol

Maybe I'll just answer in gifs from now on.



That's excellent!  :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 27, 2023, 12:22:35 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: Sacul on May 27, 2023, 01:01:51 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2023, 01:35:08 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: lonestar on May 27, 2023, 01:36:48 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 27, 2023, 01:44:26 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/sx7n1BLs/giphy-18.webp) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 comparisons!
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2023, 02:04:41 PM
Results should be in the next hour, before I go to bed. Just got two final write-ups to do alongside final listens to those submissions, then some quick proof-reading and formatting etc.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2023, 03:12:33 PM

jingle – Rik Emmett
1. All Thumbs
2. Unconditional Love
3. The Way That You Love Me
4. When A Heart Breaks
5. World of Wonder

First impression: Not sure I was expecting anything quite this cheesy, but you know what, it’s not unpleasant.

Final opinion: You’re very unfortunate to come last in the round with this - indeed in all my roulettes I’ve only ever had one round with a higher lowest score. Definitely lots to like here. The opening acoustic guitar tune is really nice, and then the four substantive songs are attractive pop/soft rock. It’s definitely pretty cheesy in an “80s music still being played in the 90s” kind of way, and a few years ago I might have been more put off by that, but these songs are all very enjoyable. The more upbeat ones have some catchy hooks, and World of Wonder especially has a very nice pop groove. The slower songs don’t grab me much and do stray into slightly cheesy love song territory for my tastes, which is ultimately why this doesn’t score higher. But When a Heart Breaks at least has a nice warmth to it, including in Emmett’s vocals.

Score: 7.7

Litho – Phil Keaggy
1. Castle's Call/Pilgrim's Flight
2. Nellie's Tune
3. Del's Bells
4. Fragile Forest
5. Passing Thought
6. Legacy

First impression: Might be slightly noodley and narrow to be the sort of thing I’d want to listen to regularly, but it’s full of great playing and lovely music.

Final opinion: This is another that feels unfairly low in rank despite a solid score because of how strong this round was. I have nothing against solo instrumental music like this (same goes for piano music) and indeed can like it a fair bit, but the inherent narrowness of the scope does mean that it needs to do something special to stand out to me, and I don’t think this quite does that, at least not consistently. You made the right call on including that low-bitrate version of the first track because it’s my favourite here, just really gorgeous, melancholic and elegant music. And because it’s simply an acoustic guitar, the sound quality doesn’t really hurt it. If the songs had all been at the quality of that or even Fragile Forest and Passing Thought, it might have got over the 8/10 mark, although I do appreciate the other tracks bringing in a slightly more energetic and upbeat tone. All in all, extremely pleasant music that I like listening to but don’t see myself wanting to revisit much.

Score: 7.8

luke – King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
1. Ice V
2. Iron Lung

First impression: Jazzier than I was expecting, which is a cool twist, although in other regards this is pretty much what I was expecting.

Final opinion: In absolute terms, I’ve heard quite a bit of Kingly Gizz already, although I recognise it’s a small fraction of their ludicrous catalogue (yet somehow not the most ludicrous catalogue in this round - I’ll come to that when I get to Buddy’s writeup). I have a lot of respect for the amount of the music they are able to write and produce at generally high quality, and for how they explore quite different ideas and genres in doing so. I’ve never disliked anything I’ve heard from them. But of the five albums I already knew, only one (Polygondwanaland) has interested me enough to want to actually purchase it. With these two tracks, I definitely dig the jazz influences which I’ve not encountered in their music before, and which they have incorporated to really good effect. The jazz flute infusions in Ice V especially are super cool. I can take pretty much any three-minute segment from this submission and listen to it and enjoy it plenty. And yet, compositionally I get little from it and no real draw to come back, which - that one album aside - has been my consistent experience with the band, regardless of what cool new thing they’re doing with each album. I don’t know if it’s affected by making so much music that they don’t take time to really refine any of it, or if it’s simply that my tastes and the way they like to write are not quite aligned. Cool as these tracks are, they ultimately just feel like jam sessions that go on a bit too long and don’t really go anywhere.

Score: 7.9

HOF – The Pearlfishers
1. Even on a Sunday Afternoon
2. Flora Belle
3. I Can't Believe You Met Nancy
4. When the Highway Ends
5. Everyday Storms

First impression: There’s a nice mix of organic sounds and synthesisers, with some great moments, although my enjoyment at each point depended quite a lot on the strength of the vocals.

Final opinion: So, to a degree this suffers from a similar “middle-of-the-road” effect as your first round submission, but there’s more here that I find engaging. The general sound has quite a summery sort of atmosphere that’s very pleasant, and like I said in the first impression, I like the way they’ve mixed organic sounds (strings, clean guitars) with some synthesisers. The vocals do have quite a big bearing on the extent to which I enjoy each song though. The first track - while pretty straightforward - has a nice upbeat vibe that is enhanced by the vocal harmonies. Same with the more mellow chilled style of the last track. The album those are on will probably be the one I check out as it feels like it may be more my thing. The other songs have their nice moments and some strong ideas, but are held back by quite weak and/or pitchy vocals at various points.

Score: 7.9

soupy – Lana Del Rey
1. Radio
2. Brooklyn Baby
3. Tomorrow Never Came
4. Did you know there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd

First impression: I enjoyed these songs but they didn’t all jump out and grab me - as pop goes it feels quite subtle so I’m interested to see what happens with further listens.

Final opinion: This was one of the hardest of the round for me to rate. There are so many elements that I like about it, and none that I dislike. The general sound is lovely, the production is engaging and there are some fantastic touches (like some of the ethereal vocal effects in Brooklyn Baby). The music is pleasant, her voice has a nice quality and she does some interesting things with it. It has really felt as though I should enjoy it more than I do. The thing that I now realise is missing is that it never really makes me feel. There are different ways music can do that but these songs don’t really do any of them much - they never really pick up in energy, or go down a more emotive route musically. Even the vocals - interesting as they are - have little feeling in them. Tomorrow Never Came comes closest with some very pretty melodies, but overall I come away from these songs with a sense of “ok that was nice, what’s next?”

Score: 7.9

Elite – Chano Dominguez
1. Skylark
2. Four
3. But Not For Me
4. All The Things You Are

First impression: Not a style I listen to much, but this is full of nice vibes and classy playing.

Final opinion: As I think I’ve said in past roulettes, jazz and especially more traditional styles of jazz are something I often love in a live setting, but can be less excited by when listening at home. This quite laid-back style is not something I would often listen to at home, but this is for sure a very nice example of it. Taking these standards (which I know, although some of them not that well) and making them into piano-driven latin jazz works great. Dominguez’s piano playing doesn’t particularly stand out to me as anything special, but it’s slick and the arrangements are really nice, especially the last track in which the sax work is lovely. The least consistent element of these songs is the vocals which are not a style I’m particularly into. They work pretty well in some songs at least, especially Four, whereas in But Not For Me for example they’re kind of distracting. But ultimately, this selection has enough great stuff in it - and a lovely overall vibe - that I could potentially see myself liking the album a lot.

Score: 8.0

lonestar – Band-Maid
1. Manners (Acoustic)
2. Different (Acoustic)
3. Forward (Acoustic)
4. Catharsis (Acoustic)

First impression: Some nice hooks here, though I feel a lot more could have been done with the arrangements.

Final opinion: This write-up will basically be a longer version of the first impression as my opinion hasn’t changed since, other than the melodic hooks settling in nicely as I’ve got to know the songs. So let’s start with the good stuff, which is that this is a really nice set of tunes. The one regular Band-Maid album I’ve heard didn’t blow me away at all, but there were a few songs on it that had strong choruses and it didn’t surprise me at all that a small selection from their acoustic album would be great in this regard. The limiting factor is the arrangements. It’s almost the exact opposite of my reaction to Saiseiga from the first round, which was really engaging arrangement-wise but a bit lacking melodically. The slightly improved score probably reflects the increased importance I place on melody. Anyway, other than some moments in Catharsis, these songs basically sound like they were playing their regular songs but just didn’t turn on the distortion on their guitars. Which I’m sure isn’t the case but, as someone who doesn’t know the originals, that’s just how it comes across. And I mean fair enough, this was just a fanclub CD so I guess they wouldn’t necessarily invest lots of time in writing interesting new arrangements, but it feels like a missed opportunity.

Score: 8.0

Vmadera – The Cyberiam
1. Interrogation Room B
2. The Historian

First impression: This is some nice elegant prog, if a little more traditional that I might have expected and possibly lacking a clear focal point.

Final opinion: This was one of those submissions where I had to recalibrate my expectations on my first listen. There was something about the band name and artworks that led me to think I might be getting something either quite futuristic sounding or otherwise synth-heavy. So my first impression was probably a little distracted by getting used to this being pretty straightforward neo (ish) prog. In particular, I don’t agree with past-me that there’s a lack of focal point here - indeed both songs flow quite nicely and have clear melodic themes. And those melodic themes are very nice too. Interrogation Room B has a strong chorus, if nothing mind-blowing. But the standout is the last few minutes of The Historian which was what ended up selling this for me.

Score: 8.0

Glasser – Legacy Pilots
1. True Spirit
2. The Even Chance
3. A Little Differently

First impression: Modern music with very classic stylings and some cool vibes - I like it but I don’t know if I love it.

Final opinion: This is a good illustration that things can change a little even on my final listens. In this case it snuck in an extra 0.1 meaning your score didn’t drop from the previous round after all, as suggested by the indicative round comparisons. This has definitely been a grower. I know he’s not the main creative mind on this, but a lot of this does sound like fairly typical “John Mitchell prog”. Partly it’s his presence on the first two songs, but the general style and melodies are a big part of it too. I’ve never found his voice very interesting but it works well enough, and the singer on the third track has a bit more character. And crucially the songs themselves are really nice. There’s a warmth to them that I’ve found particularly appealing and which has improved my opinion on them with each listen. Looks like the rest of the album might be more experimental (in structure at least) so I look forward to checking it out.

Score: 8.1

wolfking – Elegy
1. Equinox
2. Visual Vortex
3. Beyond
4. State of Mind
5. Loser's Game

First impression: Always found this singer quite bland, but the music here seems pretty engaging and more tasteful than other stuff I’ve heard him in.

Final opinion: So yes, Ian Parry’s voice is not one that I find especially interesting. I know him from a couple of Consortium Project albums that didn’t really do it for me, and I’m sure I heard him in something else but have no idea what. Anyway, these songs don’t especially change my opinion on that, but the music and arrangements here are much better than the other things I’ve heard him in and probably utilise his vocals better. Good call on including the intro track - it’s pretty over-the-top but sets up the rest of the submission nicely. The four substantive songs that follow are all strong. None of them blows me away, but they all have something engaging about them and some have genuinely excellent melodic hooks (especially Beyond and State of Mind, the choruses of which I’ve occasionally had stuck in my head).

Score: 8.1

Reaper – Jakub Zytecki
1. Mandala
2. Opened
3. Sunflower
4. Somewhere Quiet

First impression: The broad style isn’t especially unique, but it’s done really well - great sound and lovely production with a mix of influences thrown in.

Final opinion: I’m not generally a big fan of instrumental guitar music, whether or not it’s of this “bedroom guitar” variety. Plini is an oddity in that regard but that’s because of the way he merges both very attractive guitar playing with pretty lush compositions and soundscapes (and even then I don’t love everything he’s put out). This guy Jakub Zytecki seems like he could hit some of the same sweet spots. On one hand, I don’t find all of the guitar work itself that interesting - some great moments for sure, but some of it is definitely quite noodley and slightly distracting (especially in the otherwise chilled-out last track). But the richness of the music and sound mean that the emphasis isn’t really on the guitar anyway. You described it as “EDM sensibilities” and while there’s not much electronica itself, I can definitely hear that in the compositional approach and sound design. Very nice stuff.

Score: 8.1

romdrums – Monobody
1. Eighty Eight
2. Sylphina
3. Harvester
4. Phaon Crescent

First impression: Reminds me of a couple of other bands I like, if maybe with a little less of the features that most attract me to each of those.

Final opinion: OK so this is some very cool fusion/jazz-rock stuff. As far as the jazzy submissions this round go, it’s my favourite. In style and approach, it reminds me very much of a hybrid between Nova Collective (who you mentioned) and Kindo (who you didn’t name but you did refer to both the jazzy style and the indie background). I don’t feel it quite matches up to the best stuff from either of those - it has neither the harmonic and tonal variety and dynamism of Nova nor the accessible hooks (helped by vocals) of Kindo. But that’s ok, this is something different and it’s still pretty dang great. Nice spacey vibes at times, engaging guitar work, lovely use of synths and piano and some great build-ups. Harvester in particular is just such a lovely tune and on my last couple of listens it definitely pushed the score up a notch or two.

Score: 8.2

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2023, 03:13:25 PM
faizoff – Nine Inch Nails
1. Less Than
2. Satellite
3. The Day The World Went Away (Still version)
4. 14 Ghosts II

First impression: A little different to what I might have expected; a cool selection of songs that are moodier than most this round but with a nice groove to them.

Final opinion: My previous experience with NIN has been pretty mixed. Buddy successfully got me hooked on The Fragile after sending me a bunch of songs from it in my last roulette. I did revisit Downward Spiral as well, and I liked it more than I had when I originally rated it (many years earlier) but still not very much. I’ve sampled a couple of other albums and they didn’t grab me so I didn’t go any further. I know this is just a selection of individual songs from other albums but it makes me very much think I should have a proper explore of their discography. The first two, in particular, have a lot of what I liked so much about The Fragile. Moody industrial grooves, pretty melodic approach and interesting sound design. The Still version of a song I already know is pretty cool - starts kind of weird but has a great buildup in the second half. The last track is easily the least interesting but still has a cool vibe.

Score: 8.2

Evermind – The Wishing Tree
1. Falling
2. Hollow Hills
3. Soldier

First impression: Very pretty and peaceful - not much stood out, but I’m not sure it needs to.

Final opinion: I really don’t have a lot to say about this, it’s just… so… so nice! I suppose I can understand why this doesn’t tend to do well in others’ roulettes, even with me it goes quite light on the things that normally excite me about music. It’s gentle and pretty, quite tonally upbeat but not in an energetic way, performances and production are pretty subtle and delicate. There’s music I’ve heard that’s very similar to this that would score in the mid-7s at best. I don’t even know why I like these songs a lot more. It’s almost the opposite to Rothery’s main band Marillion, who I’ve tried several times and never like as much as I feel I should.

Score: 8.2

King – The Avett Brothers
1. High Steppin’
2. Ain’t No Man
3. Kick Drum Heart
4. Another Is Waiting
5. No Hard Feelings

First impression: This may not have blown me away, but it was a very pleasant and pretty uplifting listen - simple but effective.

Final opinion: This was one of the really nice growers of the round. It’s all pretty middle-of-the-road stylistically, but does blend styles together in a very enjoyable way. Kind of American folk-pop (or pop-folk?) - taking what is at heart country music but wrapping it in really accessible pop sensibilities and hooks. I liked the first and last song from the start, just really catchy stuff with an upbeat mood - even within the slight melancholia of the last track it has a nice hopeful tone. The others took a couple of listens to grow but I ended up liking them a lot. Another is Waiting is really lovely and heartfelt, while even Kick Drum Heart - which I found a bit corny at first - turned out really fun.

Score: 8.2

Buddy – death's dynamic shroud
1. What? To Be Human
2. Spirit Of Loneliness
3. In The Clouds Hearing Voices

First impression: Not convinced by all the vocals, but definitely feeling the music, the downtempo vibe and the creative use of different sounds and styles.

Final opinion: OK so you’ve somehow found a group that produces more music than King Gizzard. And not just more, but a lot more (11-12 full-length albums a year, in the years they’ve been actively producing music anyway - 46 albums in total so far). I’ve no idea how varied their stuff is from album to album and whether it gets samey after a while, all I have to go on is these three songs all from the same release. And yeah, it’s great stuff. Really cool electronica with a downtempo vibe throughout but also lots of other infusions, like nice symphonic moments, cool use of samples, even some cute moments like the middle of Spirit of Loneliness. Some of the vocals work well and really add to the music, like in the first song which is fantastic in general really. The other two songs are still great overall, but do have some vocal moments that are a bit weak or have weird effects that I don’t feel quite work. But all in all, really nice stuff.

Score: 8.3

seneca – The Killers
1. Quiet Town
2. Cody
3. Sleepwalker
4. In the Car Outside

First impression: This is rather different to what I was expecting based on your description and what I know of the artist - I suspect these warm mellow vibes are more my thing.

Final opinion: Here we have the first of two very pleasant surprises this round. The Killers were of course huge at one point. I’ve never actually given Hot Fuss a full listen but the singles from it were super popular and Mr Brightside is still a karaoke staple. But personally, outside of karaoke, I never found anything I heard from them especially interesting or felt compelled to check them out properly. You’ve sent me songs from their latest album - released 17 years later - and evidently the band has developed a lot in that time. I don’t know if their sound has morphed generally or if this album had a different focus, but these songs are just great. They’re not really poppy (despite how you described your light submissions) and there doesn’t seem to be that much of the indie-ish post-punk sound either, much more in a very emotive folk-rock style which they execute really well. Really warm sound and heartfelt style, and some great melodies. I’ll definitely be checking out this album and should probably dip into a few others to see what I’ve been missing.

Score: 8.3

Puppies – Amesoeurs
1. Les Ruches Malades
2. Faux Semblants
4. Video Girl
5. Amesoeurs

First impression: The music is rich and gorgeous at times, though I think - and I rarely feel this way - that I might have liked some of it more without the vocals.

Final opinion: This might have been the biggest grower of the round and I’ve been liking it more with each listen. I’ve not been that into things you’ve sent me before that have a jangly aspect to them, and same goes more generally for things I’ve that might be described as shoegaze. I liked the music here right from the start, but at first some of the vocals were a little off-putting, feeling either disconnected from the music or in a couple of places simply sounding a little thin. I’ve really come around on the whole thing though. There’s still a couple of pitchy moments, but I can live with those as part of the atmosphere that the songs create, and the good moments really do excel. Faux Semblants and Amesoeurs especially both have these wonderfully immersive segments, while the instrumental interlude in the middle is really gorgeous.

Score: 8.3

Crow – Gang of Youths
1. You in Everything
2. The Kingdom is Within You
3. The Heart is a Muscle

First impression: Nice upbeat indie that seems to avoid getting too sappy with interesting instrumentation and warm vocals.

Final opinion: I wouldn’t say this has grown on me that much, as I loved it from the start, but with each listen and as I’ve got to know the lyrics, my appreciation for it has solidified. The songs all deal with difficulty and sadness, but in a way that is hopeful and forward-looking and the music supports this wonderfully - it’s upbeat but it’s not corny or too sappy (which a lot of indie of this type can end up being). Even the performances are perfectly pitched - energetic and yet mellow at the same time. I really do come away from each listen feeling emotionally boosted. The other thing they do is avoid sounding too bland or middle of the road - again a not uncommon pitfall in this style - with thoughtful and varied instrumentation such as strings, pizzicato strings and horns at different times to create different effects. Really lovely stuff.

Score: 8.4

Stadler – Whitesnake
1. Love Ain't No Stranger (Live in Tokyo)
2. Don't Fade Away (Live in Tokyo)
3. Soldier of Fortune (Live in Tokyo)

First impression: This is a very pleasant surprise - unexpectedly delicate, warm and emotive.

Final opinion: Alright so what on earth is going on here and why do these songs work so well as delicate emotional ballads? Admittedly I’ve not really given Whitesnake a proper listen before, only really being familiar with a small number of their hits, so it’s quite possible I’ve been missing something. Either way, these arrangements are really lovely. Compared with lonestar’s submission, which sounded a bit like they just played the originals but turned the distortion off their guitars, these have been thoughtfully adapted to the shift in style. On its own, that could have turned out a little narrow or simplistic, but the clincher is Coverdale’s voice which just has so much warmth and charm to it that it really holds these songs together and makes them so emotionally engaging.

Score: 8.4

nick_z – Meer
1. Picking Up The Pieces
2. Beehive
3. Honey

First impression: This ranges from really rather lovely to quite dramatic, all of it very engaging and elegantly produced.

Final opinion: Yep this is fantastic stuff. I mean, in a way it was a pretty safe submission like your first round. In this case it’s that emotional blend of indie, prog and pop sensibilities that tends to speak well to my tastes (thinking of things like Owel, Manchester Orchestra, a lot of The Dear Hunter’s stuff). This does a bit more to carve out its own identity than what you sent last time, though. And more to excite me. As you say, it’s adventurous in the ideas they explore and the instrumentation they use, and indeed there are aspects like the vocal interplay that are reminiscent of Pure Reason Revolution which lean a little away from the indie rock and into prog stylings. And it’s all held together with really nice melodies. Just all-round great music.

Score: 8.5

Luoto – Rioghan
1. Sight
2. Breath
3. Bruises
4. Time

First impression: Taking advantage of the theme’s caveat to send something surprisingly punchy and dramatic, although it was some of the lighter moments that I found most compelling.

Final opinion: In absolute terms this is among the heavier submissions of the round - it’s gloomy, has heavy moments in most songs and even some screams in Bruises. But it’s also demonstrably lighter than probably anything else you’ve ever sent me, with almost entirely clean singing and quite a lot of calmer sections (and even one whole acoustic ballad!). And that’s, I guess, the point of the way I’ve defined the theme for this roulette, because it’s drawn out from you one of the best things you’ve ever sent me. I’d even go so far as to say she could end up being my outright favourite, depending on what the album as a whole is like. Her voice is wonderful - emotive and versatile and really compelling, sounding like an indie singer at times and belting out screams at others. The music is rich and engaging, gloomy yet vivid. Bruises is probably my favourite single song of the roulette so far, I just love everything about it.

Score: 8.7

TAC – Lumsk
1. En Harmoni
2. Trolltind
3. The Day Is Done

First impression: Pretty different to anything else you’ve ever sent me but still hitting a lot of the right notes - quite thoughtful, grand and harmonically rich.

Final opinion: You’ve sent me folk metal before, but nothing that leans this hard on the folk part of that description. These songs at least aren’t even metal really, other than in a few moments here and there (which is why it fits the theme just fine based on what you normally send me). All of it, though, is so wonderfully rich and adventurous. En Harmoni starts strong and just gets better from there - by the end it’s built up into some gorgeously melancholy folk rock. Trolltind is almost avant-garde folk in the way the singer explores all these different styles and influences, and it’s probably my favourite of the three because of how unique it sounds. The Day is Done is the most straightforward stylistically, but ultimately just a really excellent and emotive prog rock song.

Score: 8.7

Sacul – Sohn
1. Tempest
2. Lessons
3. Veto
4. The Wheel
5. Tremors

First impression: Trippy, experimental and gorgeously soulful - what’s not to love?

Final opinion: What even is this? I’ve no idea how to define it really (I checked RYM and they’ve no idea either, listing Alternative R&B, Art Pop, Alt-Pop, Downtempo, Future Garage, Indietronica). I just know I love it. Alongside Bruises from Luoto’s entry, Tempest makes a serious case for my favourite song of the roulette so far and it hooked me into this submission right from the very first listen. What an incredibly unique, captivating and beautifully produced song. But that’s just my favourite from a really wonderful collection of songs that are all soulful and pretty downtempo, but explore a range of styles and moods within that - some focus on experimentation while others focus on mellow vibes. Other artists use this general style but this is easily the most interesting and melodically rich music I’ve heard in it. The sound of all of these songs is just so lush and warm, as is his voice which has a sweetness to it that complements the music perfectly.

Score: 8.9


Scores after Round 2:

 1. Crow     = 8.8 + 8.4 = 17.2
 1. Sacul    = 8.3 + 8.9 = 17.2
 3. Luoto    = 8.3 + 8.7 = 17.0
 4. TAC      = 8.2 + 8.7 = 16.9
 5. Buddy    = 8.4 + 8.3 = 16.7
 5. wolfking = 8.6 + 8.1 = 16.7
 5. nick_z   = 8.2 + 8.5 = 16.7
 8. Evermind = 8.4 + 8.2 = 16.6
 9. soupy    = 8.4 + 7.9 = 16.3
 9. Stadler  = 7.9 + 8.4 = 16.3
11. Puppies  = 7.9 + 8.3 = 16.2
11. Glasser  = 8.1 + 8.1 = 16.2
11. romdrums = 8.0 + 8.2 = 16.2
14. Litho    = 8.3 + 7.8 = 16.1
14. luke     = 8.2 + 7.9 = 16.1
16. Vmadera  = 8.0 + 8.0 = 16.0
17. seneca   = 7.6 + 8.3 = 15.9
17. jingle   = 8.2 + 7.7 = 15.9
19. lonestar = 7.8 + 8.0 = 15.8
19. Elite    = 7.8 + 8.0 = 15.8
21. Reaper   = 7.6 + 8.1 = 15.7
22. King     = 7.3 + 8.2 = 15.5
23. HOF      = 7.5 + 7.9 = 15.4
23. faizoff  = 7.2 + 8.2 = 15.4

Click the graphs to enlarge.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: HOF on May 27, 2023, 03:19:51 PM
Re The Pearlfishers, David Scott has a voice that works best for harmony, but I enjoy the quality of it well enough by itself. The two albums you mentioned possibly checking out are my favorites, but all 3 of the albums those songs are from are great.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 27, 2023, 03:20:29 PM
Gets higher score...goes down in rankings.

I guess it's a fair assessment of the songs without knowing the originals, I rather like their simplicity. The first two tracks are just the guitarist and lead vox, and Catharsis is the only one with all five members. I love how the album played around with their traditional roles.

Sending more Asian stuff now...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 27, 2023, 03:24:46 PM
Nice, I'll take it!

You have my Round 3 already. You'll have Rounds 4-6 in the morning.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 27, 2023, 03:30:05 PM
Ouch.  Oh well. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2023, 03:36:29 PM
Ouch.  Oh well. 

It's only ouch in relative terms, honestly. I did like it. Just not enough!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 27, 2023, 03:37:39 PM
Wow, Whitesnake killed it!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2023, 03:38:43 PM
Wow, Whitesnake killed it!
I know right, wtf
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on May 27, 2023, 03:48:00 PM
Ready for round 3!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 27, 2023, 04:14:17 PM
Nice!  You check out that live video I sent you Rich?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2023, 04:15:15 PM
404 image not found you say?

Nice!  You check out that live video I sent you Rich?
I did indeed, it was a really nice performance!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 27, 2023, 04:30:32 PM
It is autobiographical.  The lead singer was going through a divorce and this saw his swan song to her snd him, ready to move on and being positive towards the future. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on May 27, 2023, 04:36:20 PM
would highly recommend both album those songs come  from tho especially angel in realtime, one of my faves from last year and it's just that good start to finish, tbh

i didn't even include brothers which is proooobably my favorite on the album but it's, not really representative lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on May 27, 2023, 04:45:37 PM
404 image not found you say?

Nice!  You check out that live video I sent you Rich?
I did indeed, it was a really nice performance!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 27, 2023, 04:46:44 PM
Nice!  You check out that live video I sent you Rich?

The Avett Brothers were in Providence this past week.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on May 27, 2023, 04:57:23 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 27, 2023, 05:03:06 PM
Nice!  You check out that live video I sent you Rich?

The Avett Brothers were in Providence this past week.

It's a different but great experience seeing them live.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 27, 2023, 05:12:20 PM
Nice!  You check out that live video I sent you Rich?

The Avett Brothers were in Providence this past week.

It's a different but great experience seeing them live.

I wasn't sure if you knew. I saw the show was up on Dime.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 27, 2023, 06:11:13 PM
That's a fair score for mine.  Didn't feel as confident in that submission as KOK so fair play.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 27, 2023, 06:23:41 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 27, 2023, 06:34:17 PM
Can't complain about another 8! Glad you enjoyed it.

Final opinion: OK so you’ve somehow found a group that produces more music than King Gizzard. And not just more, but a lot more (11-12 full-length albums a year, in the years they’ve been actively producing music anyway - 46 albums in total so far). I’ve no idea how varied their stuff is from album to album and whether it gets samey after a while, all I have to go on is these three songs all from the same release.

Well, I haven't even listened to half their discography, and probably won't ever with the rate it's expanding, but I can say they do have a lot of variety. It helps that the three members hardly ever collaborate on the same release (there's only two albums that have all three of them), and since each member has their own influences and strengths, it's kinda like having three different artists rolled into one. I was originally considering sending one song by each member, but even if I did that I wouldn't be able to give you a complete picture of all the styles they've covered in a mere 20 minutes, so I instead chose to double-down on what's easily my favorite of their albums.

Keith Rankin is the one behind Transcendence Bot, and while he's on the least number of albums, he's many fans' favorite. I think he has the best sense of melody out of everyone, and his albums are usually pretty short but very well put together, with great flow and very little filler. His album before Transcendence Bot was Faith In Persona, which I don't enjoy nearly as much but is one of their most popular releases (it's the only mixtape club album on streaming services, too!). It's probably the closest sounding album to Transcendence Bot, but it's definitely poppier and has more of an emphasis on the manipulated vocal samples, so if you didn't really like those it might not be the album for you. There's also GenoMods from this year, which is a throwback to 16-bit Sega Genesis video game soundtracks, and it goes surprisingly hard. :lol

Tech Honors probably has the most distinct style of the three members, largely because recently he's mostly ditched the vaporwave sound from earlier in the band's discography and now instead mostly creates more synthpop-oriented albums, complete with vocals. I find some of his albums to be a bit inconsistent, but he's responsible for some of the best songs in the discography. Dude knows how to write a fuckin' banger when he needs to. He's also got a lot of more spaced out, atmospheric, and piano-driven music. My favorite album of his is definitely Midnight Tangerine - it's a lovely atmospheric synthpop album.

James Webster is the member I'm probably the least familiar with, but he seems to focus on V I B E S more than the other two members, and he's probably the best at creating really evocative, detailed soundscapes. His album Monument To The Architect is a great showcase of this - it's super trippy, chill, and interesting. There's also I'll Try Living Like This which he made with Keith. It's the group's most famous album, and I definitely understand why. It's a very weird and experimental album, kind of a rough listen at first, but it's really rewarding with how detailed and creative the production is and how thick its dystopian atmosphere is.

Anyways, you'd probably want to start by listening to the rest of Transcendence Bot, which is thankfully on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8GfpIsM9To&t=1s)! If you want to buy it, the only way to do so is to sign up for their mixtape club on Bandcamp for $7 a month. That might sound bad at first, until you realize you can cancel it whenever and being in the club gives you a free download of literally all their albums except one, so if you wanted you could get 40+ albums for just seven bucks. :lol I signed up to download Transcendence Bot and figured I'd grab a handful of their albums and maybe cancel after a month or two... I've now checked out more than just a few and I'm still happily paying monthly. :biggrin: If you do end up going that route, you thankfully have some recommendations above for which albums to download first!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Sacul on May 27, 2023, 07:13:41 PM
:o well damn, I knew you'd like these tracks, but not this much haha. that Tremors album is quite lovely and neat, I was listening to some of the songs and knew I had to send it to you.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: HOF on May 27, 2023, 08:03:14 PM
Sent something better than Whitesnake! (though I do like me some Whitesnake on occasion).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: faizoff on May 27, 2023, 08:30:09 PM
faizoff – Nine Inch Nails
1. Less Than
2. Satellite
3. The Day The World Went Away (Still version)
4. 14 Ghosts II

First impression: A little different to what I might have expected; a cool selection of songs that are moodier than most this round but with a nice groove to them.

Final opinion: My previous experience with NIN has been pretty mixed. Buddy successfully got me hooked on The Fragile after sending me a bunch of songs from it in my last roulette. I did revisit Downward Spiral as well, and I liked it more than I had when I originally rated it (many years earlier) but still not very much. I’ve sampled a couple of other albums and they didn’t grab me so I didn’t go any further. I know this is just a selection of individual songs from other albums but it makes me very much think I should have a proper explore of their discography. The first two, in particular, have a lot of what I liked so much about The Fragile. Moody industrial grooves, pretty melodic approach and interesting sound design. The Still version of a song I already know is pretty cool - starts kind of weird but has a great buildup in the second half. The last track is easily the least interesting but still has a cool vibe.

Score: 8.2

Nice! I was debating on what track to send from the Ghosts album, that is one track as was 24 Ghosts III (https://open.spotify.com/track/0II4D0n24xS27jiFKAcvPo?si=fa1d9a45380f4143). Probably should've sent this one instead. The one I sent is an early blueprint for one track on the Social Network OST. NIN's output is so varied after the Fragile, it's hard to kinda suggest anything. Though The Slip is the most straight forward among all.

I'm going to have to think what to send for Round 3, will probably send tomorrow.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 27, 2023, 09:35:08 PM
Ouch.  Oh well. 

It's only ouch in relative terms, honestly. I did like it. Just not enough!

I think I just wasn't mentally prepared to be next to last.  I went in expecting that I might struggle in Crow's, but figured since you're never lower than the middle of the pack in mine that maybe it'll also work in reverse.  But that's the fascinating asymmetry of these that taste isn't always a linear matchup.  People can score high in each other's, low in each other's, so-so in each other's, A scores high in B's roulette, but B scores low in A's roulette, etc.  I'm sure someone could crunch some fascinating data for the placements in the history of the roulettes if they had time.  And maybe this round will be an aberration, I guess we'll just have to see. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 27, 2023, 10:14:43 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 27, 2023, 10:44:54 PM
7.9 for two songs you weren't overly into?! I'll take it. Did you watch the videos for either song out of interest?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on May 27, 2023, 11:26:41 PM
Yeah, that's fair. Let's see if I can climb back after that.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2023, 11:58:18 PM
I think I just wasn't mentally prepared to be next to last.  I went in expecting that I might struggle in Crow's, but figured since you're never lower than the middle of the pack in mine that maybe it'll also work in reverse.  But that's the fascinating asymmetry of these that taste isn't always a linear matchup.  People can score high in each other's, low in each other's, so-so in each other's, A scores high in B's roulette, but B scores low in A's roulette, etc.  I'm sure someone could crunch some fascinating data for the placements in the history of the roulettes if they had time.
Hmm, well, I can see what you're saying to an extent, but in overall terms my scores at the start weren't great (in each of the first 3 rounds I scored in the mid-7s) and I've improved as I've started to get a bit more sense of the aspects of our tastes that overlap/intersect. Indeed after 3 rounds my ranking was right in the middle, basically like yours is right now.

There's also a bit of a difference in the competition. Apart from Glasser (only 0.1 pts above you) and soupy (0.2 pts), everyone else currently ranked higher than you overall has played in at least two of my previous roulettes, usually more. Definitely doesn't mean they can totally avoid sub-8 scores but they've had more opportunity to try things out and get a sense of what speaks to me less (or indeed more). Whereas in your roulette I've had the benefit of everyone else being equally inexperienced. That was also a particularly high scoring round which affected your placement in it despite a solid score, but like I said your overall ranking is as mine was after round 3 in your roulette.

And maybe this round will be an aberration, I guess we'll just have to see. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 28, 2023, 12:02:52 AM
I'm fairly certain I sent my round 3 submission right after my round 2. At least I think I remember doing that... :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on May 28, 2023, 12:08:42 AM
see ariich you have to understand, i don't learn from my mistakes or understand the host's tastes i just send the coolest music and accept my 4/10's
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 28, 2023, 12:13:43 AM
see ariich you have to understand, i don't learn from my mistakes or understand the host's tastes i just send the coolest music and accept my 4/10's
For some reason you've accidentally done really well so far this roulette.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Luoto on May 28, 2023, 01:44:37 AM
Wow, that's a great result! I admittedly focused on the lighter end of that album's songs and there's some more sparingly used harsh vocals, but overall these songs give a good idea of her range and what kinds of sounds there are. Bruises was just too good to leave out despite the use of harsh vocals :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 28, 2023, 06:44:28 AM
I've had a couple of people ask about this so I guess I'll say here that for the 20 minute time limit, I can probably accept a few seconds over especially if there's a few seconds of silence/fade out/etc at the end anyway, but I'll judge on a case-by-case basis.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on May 28, 2023, 06:59:00 AM
Question about the EP rules:

Short intro/interlude tracks that are used for flow are exempt from the rules on number of artists and the banned list - i.e. you can use any artist at all for that purpose, and it doesn't count as one of the maximum 5. It may help your flow score but won't contribute to your music quality score.

Can I use a short 6:50 outro instrumental track which would (hopefully) help my flow score but won't count as the sixth artist? :lol The EP will still be within the 35 minutes time limit.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 28, 2023, 07:03:20 AM
Question about the EP rules:

Short intro/interlude tracks that are used for flow are exempt from the rules on number of artists and the banned list - i.e. you can use any artist at all for that purpose, and it doesn't count as one of the maximum 5. It may help your flow score but won't contribute to your music quality score.

Can I use a short 6:50 outro instrumental track which would (hopefully) help my flow score but won't count as the sixth artist? :lol The EP will still be within the 35 minutes time limit.
Interesting definition of the word "short". In the middle of an EP I'd probably say no because that's considerably longer than the average song length in this roulette. :lol But as an instrumental outro (or indeed intro) that is clearly set aside as such then yes I'll accept is part of the "intro/interlude" rules, i.e. can be a banned artist, isn't one of the 5 maximum, doesn't get factored into the quality score.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on May 28, 2023, 07:07:38 AM
Interesting definition of the word "short".

I mean this is a prog metal forum after all. :lol

I'll see if I can avoid it, but at this point of building a cohesive EP it works too damn well story-wise as an outro in my opinion, so I thought I'd ask to know if it's an option or not. The artist is also not banned, it just exceeds the "maximum 5 artists" limit.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ReaperKK on May 28, 2023, 07:37:05 AM
Great write-ups and a lot of killer tunes sent in. I'll give my open round some though and send today :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Stadler on May 28, 2023, 08:38:54 AM
Wow, Whitesnake killed it!
I know right, wtf

I feel so VINDICATED!!!!  :) :) :) :)

I've been pimping Starkers In Tokyo for YEARS, now.  It's so different from the sort of "Tawny Kittaen"/"Cock Rock" that Coverdale has been selling for years. It's a guy singing with his friend on guitar, and Coverdale's voice is so smooth and silky... he sings the shit out of those songs to the point that you don't even notice the dodgy lyrics. 

It's probably my favorite of all the so-called "unplugged records".  There was a box set that had the video too, and a couple live shows with Doug Aldrich instead of Adrian Vandenberg, but the original is still the best.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Lonk on May 28, 2023, 09:55:21 AM
Won't be able to send until tomorrow afternoon or so. Sorry!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on May 28, 2023, 11:00:48 AM

Rich, you didn’t see this? My Whitesnake crying in the rain reference? My gif streak ended I guess.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 28, 2023, 12:19:22 PM
It was actually the first thing I thought of. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Elite on May 28, 2023, 01:57:42 PM
Sent round 3!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 28, 2023, 02:14:11 PM
Wow, Whitesnake killed it!
I know right, wtf

I feel so VINDICATED!!!!  :) :) :) :)

Won't be able to send until tomorrow afternoon or so. Sorry!
No problem at all, a couple of days after results is absolutely fine.


Rich, you didn’t see this? My Whitesnake crying in the rain reference? My gif streak ended I guess.  :lol
I had no idea what that was so had no comment to make. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: nick_z on May 28, 2023, 02:47:46 PM
nick_z – Meer
1. Picking Up The Pieces
2. Beehive
3. Honey

First impression: This ranges from really rather lovely to quite dramatic, all of it very engaging and elegantly produced.

Final opinion: Yep this is fantastic stuff. I mean, in a way it was a pretty safe submission like your first round. In this case it’s that emotional blend of indie, prog and pop sensibilities that tends to speak well to my tastes (thinking of things like Owel, Manchester Orchestra, a lot of The Dear Hunter’s stuff). This does a bit more to carve out its own identity than what you sent last time, though. And more to excite me. As you say, it’s adventurous in the ideas they explore and the instrumentation they use, and indeed there are aspects like the vocal interplay that are reminiscent of Pure Reason Revolution which lean a little away from the indie rock and into prog stylings. And it’s all held together with really nice melodies. Just all-round great music.

Score: 8.5

So happy you enjoyed them! As I told you, this was such a nice surprise for me in 2021. You should check out the rest of the album, when you have time. Some songs lean a little more into the "indie" vibe, but there are others that are as good and interesting (imo) as those I sent you here. In particular, "You Were a Drum" has some truly cool arrangement, and the closer "Lay It Down" is a bit more proggy (there is an instrumental break that almost feels Pain of Salvation-esque).

Sending for round #3 in a bit...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Luoto on May 28, 2023, 02:55:47 PM
Sent for R3.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 28, 2023, 04:53:36 PM
Sent round 3!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 28, 2023, 05:25:43 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 28, 2023, 06:22:08 PM
Hmm, well, I can see what you're saying to an extent, but in overall terms my scores at the start weren't great (in each of the first 3 rounds I scored in the mid-7s) and I've improved as I've started to get a bit more sense of the aspects of our tastes that overlap/intersect. Indeed after 3 rounds my ranking was right in the middle, basically like yours is right now.

There's also a bit of a difference in the competition. Apart from Glasser (only 0.1 pts above you) and soupy (0.2 pts), everyone else currently ranked higher than you overall has played in at least two of my previous roulettes, usually more. Definitely doesn't mean they can totally avoid sub-8 scores but they've had more opportunity to try things out and get a sense of what speaks to me less (or indeed more). Whereas in your roulette I've had the benefit of everyone else being equally inexperienced. That was also a particularly high scoring round which affected your placement in it despite a solid score, but like I said your overall ranking is as mine was after round 3 in your roulette.

Another difference is that I'm not actually targeting your taste at this point yet, I'm just sending things I like that haven't fit in other roulettes so far.  I had something of a mental taste profile going with 425, Luke, and TAC, which seemed to work reasonably well.  I think I've been getting lucky in Tomi's with a few educated guesses, and Crow's is either so out of my wheelhouse or opposite my own preferences that I'm just chucking in the dark.  I don't have a good sense of your's yet despite skimming the V6 roulette, I feel like my preferences are easier to game than yours.  And if I'd seen your writeup for Zytecki I probably would have sent something different last round.   :lol   It might also steer me away from something I'd already tentatively picked out for later, we'll see, if I'm middle of the pack or below I might send it anyway. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on May 28, 2023, 06:30:03 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 28, 2023, 07:03:52 PM
Hmm, well, I can see what you're saying to an extent, but in overall terms my scores at the start weren't great (in each of the first 3 rounds I scored in the mid-7s) and I've improved as I've started to get a bit more sense of the aspects of our tastes that overlap/intersect. Indeed after 3 rounds my ranking was right in the middle, basically like yours is right now.

There's also a bit of a difference in the competition. Apart from Glasser (only 0.1 pts above you) and soupy (0.2 pts), everyone else currently ranked higher than you overall has played in at least two of my previous roulettes, usually more. Definitely doesn't mean they can totally avoid sub-8 scores but they've had more opportunity to try things out and get a sense of what speaks to me less (or indeed more). Whereas in your roulette I've had the benefit of everyone else being equally inexperienced. That was also a particularly high scoring round which affected your placement in it despite a solid score, but like I said your overall ranking is as mine was after round 3 in your roulette.

Another difference is that I'm not actually targeting your taste at this point yet, I'm just sending things I like that haven't fit in other roulettes so far.  I had something of a mental taste profile going with 425, Luke, and TAC, which seemed to work reasonably well.  I think I've been getting lucky in Tomi's with a few educated guesses, and Crow's is either so out of my wheelhouse or opposite my own preferences that I'm just chucking in the dark.  I don't have a good sense of your's yet despite skimming the V6 roulette, I feel like my preferences are easier to game than yours.  And if I'd seen your writeup for Zytecki I probably would have sent something different last round.   :lol   It might also steer me away from something I'd already tentatively picked out for later, we'll see, if I'm middle of the pack or below I might send it anyway.

Litho, you're gonna drive yourself mad. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 28, 2023, 07:08:09 PM
Hmm, well, I can see what you're saying to an extent, but in overall terms my scores at the start weren't great (in each of the first 3 rounds I scored in the mid-7s) and I've improved as I've started to get a bit more sense of the aspects of our tastes that overlap/intersect. Indeed after 3 rounds my ranking was right in the middle, basically like yours is right now.

There's also a bit of a difference in the competition. Apart from Glasser (only 0.1 pts above you) and soupy (0.2 pts), everyone else currently ranked higher than you overall has played in at least two of my previous roulettes, usually more. Definitely doesn't mean they can totally avoid sub-8 scores but they've had more opportunity to try things out and get a sense of what speaks to me less (or indeed more). Whereas in your roulette I've had the benefit of everyone else being equally inexperienced. That was also a particularly high scoring round which affected your placement in it despite a solid score, but like I said your overall ranking is as mine was after round 3 in your roulette.

Another difference is that I'm not actually targeting your taste at this point yet, I'm just sending things I like that haven't fit in other roulettes so far.  I had something of a mental taste profile going with 425, Luke, and TAC, which seemed to work reasonably well.  I think I've been getting lucky in Tomi's with a few educated guesses, and Crow's is either so out of my wheelhouse or opposite my own preferences that I'm just chucking in the dark.  I don't have a good sense of your's yet despite skimming the V6 roulette, I feel like my preferences are easier to game than yours.  And if I'd seen your writeup for Zytecki I probably would have sent something different last round.   :lol   It might also steer me away from something I'd already tentatively picked out for later, we'll see, if I'm middle of the pack or below I might send it anyway.

Jesus Christ, how the fuck do you decide what to have for dinner each night?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 28, 2023, 07:08:49 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on May 28, 2023, 07:30:00 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 28, 2023, 11:59:02 PM
Another difference is that I'm not actually targeting your taste at this point yet, I'm just sending things I like that haven't fit in other roulettes so far.  I had something of a mental taste profile going with 425, Luke, and TAC, which seemed to work reasonably well.
Ah well yeah that's an absolutely valid way to play, and it's also rather pleasing because you're not the only one who feels comfortable sending me things they would send less to others (like the way I get loads of electronica from Buddy and constant jazz from Elite :lol). But anyone who is decent at picking/tailoring submissions to the host's tastes (which you seem to be based on those roulettes where you've been doing that) is more likely to score a bit higher, on average. by doing so. Everyone plays slightly differently on the spectrum from stuff they like to stuff they think the host will like.

Crow's is either so out of my wheelhouse or opposite my own preferences that I'm just chucking in the dark.
In fairness we all feel a bit like that and some of us have been playing in Crows' roulettes for years. :lol

I don't have a good sense of your's yet despite skimming the V6 roulette, I feel like my preferences are easier to game than yours.  And if I'd seen your writeup for Zytecki I probably would have sent something different last round.   :lol   It might also steer me away from something I'd already tentatively picked out for later, we'll see, if I'm middle of the pack or below I might send it anyway. 
Sure thing, like I said I'm very happy for people to lean towards focusing on the things they like that they hope will stick, and honestly there have been some great surprises that way (Evermind has tended to do best in my roulettes when sending whatever comes to mind). But no harm in identifying things I'm more or less keen on and adapting as you go.

Anyway, I think I know who the award for Most Overthinking will go to... :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 29, 2023, 06:21:01 AM
Litho, you're gonna drive yourself mad. :lol

Too late.

Jesus Christ, how the fuck do you decide what to have for dinner each night?

I have a spreadsheet for that!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on May 29, 2023, 09:37:45 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 29, 2023, 10:08:09 AM
Nice! I thought you might enjoy the newer songs from the Killers. That album is easily my favorite of theirs (not that I didn't enjoy their earlier stuff too).

I've sent something for round 3!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: romdrums on May 29, 2023, 12:09:50 PM
Glad you dug Monobody.  That whole mini-album is super cool!

Also, sent for Round 3.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Sacul on May 29, 2023, 04:23:52 PM
Sent another round winner.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2023, 11:03:04 PM
Just waiting on 5 people to send, 6 if one person wants to re-submit in light of new information.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on May 30, 2023, 12:08:00 AM
Just waiting on 5 people to send, 6 if one person wants to re-submit in light of new information.

You have mine? I responded to your PM.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 30, 2023, 12:47:23 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: soupytwist on May 30, 2023, 02:27:07 AM

soupy – Lana Del Rey
1. Radio
2. Brooklyn Baby
3. Tomorrow Never Came
4. Did you know there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd

First impression: I enjoyed these songs but they didn’t all jump out and grab me - as pop goes it feels quite subtle so I’m interested to see what happens with further listens.

Final opinion: This was one of the hardest of the round for me to rate. There are so many elements that I like about it, and none that I dislike. The general sound is lovely, the production is engaging and there are some fantastic touches (like some of the ethereal vocal effects in Brooklyn Baby). The music is pleasant, her voice has a nice quality and she does some interesting things with it. It has really felt as though I should enjoy it more than I do. The thing that I now realise is missing is that it never really makes me feel. There are different ways music can do that but these songs don’t really do any of them much - they never really pick up in energy, or go down a more emotive route musically. Even the vocals - interesting as they are - have little feeling in them. Tomorrow Never Came comes closest with some very pretty melodies, but overall I come away from these songs with a sense of “ok that was nice, what’s next?”

Score: 7.9

I predicted bottom 3 - so 5th bottom is good!.....and I beat out a King Gizzard Wizard Lizard Blizzard nonsense, so that's something (:P).
So I've sent something for round 3 that won the round in a previous roulette I played, but I think that played into the tastes of that roulette runner more than it will Ariich - but we'll see.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: faizoff on May 30, 2023, 06:46:28 AM
Sent for round 3!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Lonk on May 30, 2023, 07:00:12 AM
Sent something. Risky, but sticking to it  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 30, 2023, 09:46:36 AM
Updated my submission. Hopefully this one will stick.  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on May 30, 2023, 10:46:57 AM
Updated my submission. Hopefully this one will suck.  :tup

Fixed it for you my man.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 30, 2023, 10:49:36 AM
Updated my submission. Hopefully this one will suck.  :tup

Fixed it for you my man.

 :lol I have low expectations for it, if I'm honest.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 30, 2023, 01:16:11 PM
Sorry for my lateness (this apology is obviously for Tim), but I had my phone pinched on Sunday, so have barely been online. I’ll try to send something later this evening.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 30, 2023, 01:46:12 PM
Sorry for my lateness (this apology is obviously for Tim), but I had my phone pinched on Sunday, so have barely been online. I’ll try to send something later this evening.
Oh no! You've not had much luck with your phones this month. :( Hope the gig was otherwise good!

No worries, still waiting on Stadler and Reaper as well, just getting stuck into the rest in the meantime.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on May 30, 2023, 01:48:58 PM
Luke, your phone was stolen??
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 30, 2023, 02:17:00 PM
Sorry for my lateness (this apology is obviously for Tim), but I had my phone pinched on Sunday, so have barely been online. I’ll try to send something later this evening.
Oh no! You've not had much luck with your phones this month. :( Hope the gig was otherwise good!

No worries, still waiting on Stadler and Reaper as well, just getting stuck into the rest in the meantime.

Luke, your phone was stolen??

Yea, it was shitty luck as well. I went to see NOFX on Sunday with friends. Part way through their set I realised my phone wasn’t in my pocket and talking to people in the crowd it seemed as though others had been pick pocketed as well. I can only assume that’s what happened to mine as well. The kicker was that it was the new phone I’d just had delivered the day before, to replace the one I dropped in the ocean in Scotland  :facepalm:

Really frustrating, and put a dampener on the end of the show, but great other than that. Oh well, not the worst thing that could happen.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on May 30, 2023, 02:54:02 PM
That's fucked.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on May 30, 2023, 03:02:47 PM
Totally fucked up Luke! I'm sorry brother. Maybe the Lagwagon dudes clipped it?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Stadler on May 30, 2023, 03:04:09 PM
Sorry for my lateness (this apology is obviously for Tim), but I had my phone pinched on Sunday, so have barely been online. I’ll try to send something later this evening.
Oh no! You've not had much luck with your phones this month. :( Hope the gig was otherwise good!

No worries, still waiting on Stadler and Reaper as well, just getting stuck into the rest in the meantime.

Sorry, Reap.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on May 30, 2023, 04:18:57 PM

Finalized my R6 playlist, ready to go for the whole Thang.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on May 30, 2023, 04:53:54 PM
i pretty much know what i'm planning to send for rounds 4 & 5 and have my eyes on a few songs for my EP but i haven't particularly felt obligated to plan toooo far ahead for this one, idk

just takin' it chill  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 30, 2023, 06:04:20 PM
Sorry for my lateness (this apology is obviously for Tim), but I had my phone pinched on Sunday, so have barely been online. I’ll try to send something later this evening.
Oh no! You've not had much luck with your phones this month. :( Hope the gig was otherwise good!

No worries, still waiting on Stadler and Reaper as well, just getting stuck into the rest in the meantime.

Luke, your phone was stolen??

Yea, it was shitty luck as well. I went to see NOFX on Sunday with friends. Part way through their set I realised my phone wasn’t in my pocket and talking to people in the crowd it seemed as though others had been pick pocketed as well. I can only assume that’s what happened to mine as well. The kicker was that it was the new phone I’d just had delivered the day before, to replace the one I dropped in the ocean in Scotland  :facepalm:

Really frustrating, and put a dampener on the end of the show, but great other than that. Oh well, not the worst thing that could happen.
I'm going to Scotland in October, where is Scotland did you drop it in the ocean? That way I can make sure I don't do that too  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 31, 2023, 01:31:35 AM
Sorry for my lateness (this apology is obviously for Tim), but I had my phone pinched on Sunday, so have barely been online. I’ll try to send something later this evening.
Oh no! You've not had much luck with your phones this month. :( Hope the gig was otherwise good!

No worries, still waiting on Stadler and Reaper as well, just getting stuck into the rest in the meantime.

Luke, your phone was stolen??

Yea, it was shitty luck as well. I went to see NOFX on Sunday with friends. Part way through their set I realised my phone wasn’t in my pocket and talking to people in the crowd it seemed as though others had been pick pocketed as well. I can only assume that’s what happened to mine as well. The kicker was that it was the new phone I’d just had delivered the day before, to replace the one I dropped in the ocean in Scotland  :facepalm:

Really frustrating, and put a dampener on the end of the show, but great other than that. Oh well, not the worst thing that could happen.
I'm going to Scotland in October, where is Scotland did you drop it in the ocean? That way I can make sure I don't do that too  :lol

I can tell you exactly where it was!

 https://maps.apple.com/?auid=1289634627404274302&ll=58.065870,-3.761033&lsp=7618&q=Dropped%20Pin&_ext=EiYpQNGGDWDqTEAxlmKinMOgFcA5PCcH/ZaiTkBBUiy3tBoCAEBQDA%3D%3D&t=h (https://maps.apple.com/?auid=1289634627404274302&ll=58.065870,-3.761033&lsp=7618&q=Dropped%20Pin&_ext=EiYpQNGGDWDqTEAxlmKinMOgFcA5PCcH/ZaiTkBBUiy3tBoCAEBQDA%3D%3D&t=h)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 02:28:56 AM
That sucks, Luke. :(

But still, can I have musics please?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 31, 2023, 04:20:16 AM
That sucks, Luke. :(

But still, can I have musics please?

Yes, sorry mate. I’m going to impulse send as I don’t want to hold this up any further. Give me a minute.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 04:24:29 AM
That sucks, Luke. :(

But still, can I have musics please?

Yes, sorry mate. I’m going to impulse send as I don’t want to hold this up any further. Give me a minute.
No worries if you want to do it later today, that's totally fine! No theme this round though so literally anything you think I might like!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 31, 2023, 04:27:45 AM
That sucks, Luke. :(

But still, can I have musics please?

Yes, sorry mate. I’m going to impulse send as I don’t want to hold this up any further. Give me a minute.
No worries if you want to do it later today, that's totally fine! No theme this round though so literally anything you think I might like!

It’s gonna be super obvious, but it’s not on your RYM so it’s fair game.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 04:30:14 AM
That sucks, Luke. :(

But still, can I have musics please?

Yes, sorry mate. I’m going to impulse send as I don’t want to hold this up any further. Give me a minute.
No worries if you want to do it later today, that's totally fine! No theme this round though so literally anything you think I might like!

It’s gonna be super obvious, but it’s not on your RYM so it’s fair game.
Another King Gizzard album? :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 2 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 31, 2023, 04:40:18 AM
That sucks, Luke. :(

But still, can I have musics please?

Yes, sorry mate. I’m going to impulse send as I don’t want to hold this up any further. Give me a minute.
No worries if you want to do it later today, that's totally fine! No theme this round though so literally anything you think I might like!

It’s gonna be super obvious, but it’s not on your RYM so it’s fair game.
Another King Gizzard album? :neverusethis:
It’s the first 20 minutes of every King Gizz album, overlayed on top of each other.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 05:57:03 AM
Round 3 hangman!

??: ____'_ ________
    1: T__ ___t __ T____
    2: __t____t__
    3: ______ __ _____t

??: ______
    1: _____
    2: ________t
    3: _____
    4: _._._.

??: ______ ____
    1: ______ ____t___
    2: ____ ____

??: ____ _______t T_ ______
    1: ________
    2: ______ ___ & _____
    3: _ ___t_ T_____t

??: ___t_t___
    1: T__ ______ ___
    2: __ ___ _____t___
    3: ____t _______

??: ______ ___ _______
    1: T__ ______ __ ____
    2: ____t____ ______
    3: ____, _________ (__t T__ ____)
    4: ______ __ t__ ______ ____

??: ___ ____
    1: ____
    2: _____
    3: _____t__
    4: ______ _ T__ T___
    5: ___

??: _______ ____t_
    1: ______t
    2: _____
    3: ____ ____t
    4: ______
    5: ____’_’____ ________

??: ______
    1: ______ __ t__ ___
    2: ___ T____ ___ ____
    3: _____ __ ____
    4: ___t __t____ __

??: _____ __ _____
    1: ______ T__t T___ ___ ____
    2: ____t __ ___

??: _______
    1: ____ ______ ______
    2: ________ __ _________

??: _________
    1: _____
    2: T___ ______ _____
    3: ______

??: ___t_____
    1: __________
    2: T__ ___t
    3: _ _________ ___

??: _______ _____ T___
    1: _ _____ ___ ______t _____
    2: ____ ___ __ t__ _________
    3: T__ ______ _________
    4: _______ __ t__ ________
    5: __t_____ _______ _____t___

??: ___ ___t______
    1: __ ___ _____ ___ __ ___ (____ _t t__ ____ __t_)
    2: ___t _ (____ _t t__ ____ __t_)
    3: ___________ (____ _t t__ ____ __t_)

??: __________
    1: ____t
    2: T__ ____t ______ T__ _____
    3: T__ _____ __ ___t__t___
    4: ___ ___ ___

??: ____ ______t
    1: _t______
    2: _______________
    3: ____ _______

??: ____
    1: __ ___ T___ (_’__ __ ___t _ ___t)
    2: ____ ____ ____
    3: _______t ___
    4: ____ ____

??: ___ ___
    1: _____
    2: _______
    3: ____ __ _________
    4: _____

??: ______
    1: __t___ t__ _____ __ _________t_

??: ________
    1: _________
    2: _______ ______
    3: _______
    4: _t_t_ __ _____

??: ___ ____ _____
    1: _____ ___ ___
    2: ___ ___ ____
    3: __ ______
    4: __ ___ _______
    5: ________’_ ____

??: T__ _____ _____
    1: T__t ___t_ _____t T____
    2: _____t ______
    3: _________ _____
    4: ___ t_ _____
    5: T__ ___ _____ __ _t__t

??: ____ __t_ ______
    1: __t___
    2: ______ __ ________
    3: T__ _______
    4: _____’_ ____

Guessed letters: T
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 05:58:15 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 06:06:32 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 06:08:25 AM
Also stats for round 3!

                         R1       R2       R3
Number of tracks:
Average                 3.4      3.9      3.5
Most                      6        6        5
Fewest                    1        2        1
Entries w/2-3 tracks     12        9       12
Entries w/4-5 tracks     10       14       12
Total tracks             81       93       84

Submission length:
Average               17:27    17:33    18:19
Longest               19:51    19:47    20:07
Shortest              11:57    11:52    14:41
Entries ≥19 mins          5        6       10
Total length        6:58:47  7:01:11  7:19:37
Ave. track length     05:10    04:32    05:14

Previous experience:
Artists I've heard        4        6        4
Artists I've rated        2        3        4

The amount of music you're sending me is increasing with each round! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 06:13:09 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Lonk on May 31, 2023, 06:13:19 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 06:15:49 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 06:17:59 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 06:20:06 AM

I was hoping someone would follow up my B with an L.....then an O.....then a W......then a....:biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 06:21:30 AM
I could see where that was headed. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 06:22:40 AM
I could see where that was headed. :lol

Mother fucker!  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on May 31, 2023, 06:23:16 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 06:26:16 AM

New page already!

Luoto: Cain's Offering
    1: The Best of Times
    2: Antemortem
    3: Oceans of Regret

??: _o__e_
    1: Bra_o
    2: Deer__o_t
    3: ___er
    4: _.R.O.

??: B_a___ Ma__
    1: R_e___ _e_ati_e
    2: _i_e Mi_d

Reaper: From Monument To Masses
    1: __e____m
    2: Be_o_d _od & E__i_
    3: A _i_t_ Tr_m_et

??: Prototype
    1: T_e __o_e_ O_e
    2: M_ O__ De_e_tio_
    3: _eart Ma__i_e

luke: Coheed and Cambria
    1: The Embers of Fire
    2: Beautiful Losers
    3: Rise, Naianasha (Cut The Cord)
    4: Window of the Waking Mind

HOF: Dim Gray
    1: Mare
    2: A__e_
    3: __derto_
    4: A_a_o_ _ T_e Tide
    5: ___

??: Ro__i__ __art_
    1: De_i__t
    2: B_a_e
    3: _ood _i__t
    4: A_a_ea
    5: Ro__’_’ro__ _aradi_e

??: Brymir
    1: _oi_e_ i_ t_e ___
    2: For T_o_e __o Died
    3: _i___ of Fire
    4: Rift Bet_ee_ __

??: Lords of Black
    1: Before That Time Can Come
    2: __o_t of _o_

??: E__o___
    1: __e_ ___da_ __i___
    2: __ea_i__ I_ _am_b_a__

??: E_efere__
    1: _ea_e
    2: T_i_ O__ard Rea__
    3: _e_e_e

??: _a_t_e_a_
    1: _orm___a__
    2: T_e ___t
    3: A __i_eri__ _ea

jingle: Nuclear Power Trio
    1: A __ear a_d _re_e_t Ra_er
    2: _rab _Em b_ t_e __o___a__
    3: T_e F__io_ _o____io_
    4: __rai_e i_ t_e Membra_e
    5: M_t_a___ A___red _ed__tio_

Elite: Wes Montgomery
    1: If _o_ _o__d _ee Me _o_ (_i_e at t_e _a_f _ote)
    2: __it _ (_i_e at t_e _a_f _ote)
    3: Im_re__io__ (_i_e at t_e _a_f _ote)

??: Fellowship
    1: __i_t
    2: The Saint Beyond The River
    3: T_e _o_r_ of _i_tertime
    4: Oa_ a_d A__

??: _a_a _a__i_t
    1: _tarfire
    2: _ro__i__e_o__e_
    3: O__o ____i_e

??: Asia
    1: My Own Time (I’ll Do What I Want)
    2: Open Your Eyes
    3: Midnight Sun
    4: Ride Easy

??: _a_ __e
    1: _e___
    2: _amai_a
    3: Idea Of _a__i_e__
    4: _ara_

Glasser: Nospun
    1: Within the Realm of Possibility

??: De_af__e
    1: E___ori__
    2: B_a___e __e__e
    3: __i__er
    4: _tate of Bei__

??: Our Lady Peace
    1: Where Are You
    2: One Man Army
    3: In Repair
    4: If You Believe
    5: Superman’s Dead

??: T_e B_a__ __ee_
    1: T_at Deat_ _a__ot To___
    2: _e_ret __ream
    3: _or_e_ai_ _ei__
    4: I_e to _e_er
    5: T_e E_d __ere _e _tart

seneca: Emma Ruth Rundle
    1: Return
    2: Blooms of Oblivion
    3: The Company
    4: Razor’s Edge

Guessed letters: TIMBERDOAF
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 06:30:03 AM
Coheed & Cambria
Dim Gray
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 06:35:21 AM
From Monument to Masses.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 06:36:29 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 06:46:08 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 06:49:11 AM
Wes Mongomery-Elite?
Emma Ruth Rundle-Litho? or Sacul?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 06:54:16 AM
Last one for me tonight.  O.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 06:56:57 AM
Cain's Offering
The Best Of Times
Oceans Of Regret

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 06:57:56 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 31, 2023, 06:58:18 AM
Nuclear Power Trio - lonestar

From Monument To Masses is probably Reaper.
Dim Gray is probably HOF.
Brymir is probably Tomi.

Emma Ruth Rundle-Litho? or Sacul?

Could have sent her, but didn't.  Maybe seneca. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 07:03:55 AM
Yeah Rundle is seneca. Tomi isn't playing this time, and lonestar has made it pretty clear I'm getting Asian bands only this roulette. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 07:04:53 AM

The Saint Beyond the River.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 07:06:35 AM
Lords of Black.

Before the Time Has Come.

Chad surely.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: romdrums on May 31, 2023, 07:07:51 AM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 07:08:55 AM
Our Lady Peace.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 07:10:24 AM
Our Lady Peace.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: romdrums on May 31, 2023, 07:12:48 AM
Our Lady Peace.


Where Are You
In Repair
Superman's Dead
One Man Army
If You Believe
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: wolfking on May 31, 2023, 07:12:59 AM

My Own Time (I'll D What I Want)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 07:13:49 AM

My Own Time (I'll D What I Want)

HOF? Is he playing?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 31, 2023, 07:16:26 AM
Tomi isn't playing this time, and lonestar has made it pretty clear I'm getting Asian bands only this roulette. :lol

Damnit, I pulled a TAC!

If NPT isn't RJ it might be Chad. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: nick_z on May 31, 2023, 07:17:45 AM
Lords of Black?

Also, how about an F?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 31, 2023, 07:19:39 AM
Also, how about an F?

That's what half of Crow's last round got.   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: lonestar on May 31, 2023, 07:20:43 AM
lonestar has made it pretty clear I'm getting Asian bands only this roulette. :lol

Yup...in fact this is my only non-Japanese round...for any who follow who I post about that should be a glaring hint.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 07:25:50 AM
Nospun-Within The Realm Of Possibilities-Glasser!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 31, 2023, 07:30:10 AM

ERR songs are "Return", "Blooms of Oblivion", "The Company", and "Razor's Edge".  All from the same album, interesting, I would have diversified because that one has such a very specific feel to it, but the first two are god-tier songs anyway.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 07:42:40 AM

My Own Time (I'll Do What I Want)

Open Your Eyes
Midnight Sun
Ride Easy

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Lonk on May 31, 2023, 08:00:16 AM
??: Coheed and Cambria
    1: T_e Ember_ o_ _ire
    2: Be__ti___ _o_er_
    3: Ri_e, __i______ (__t T_e _ord)
    4: _i_do_ o_ t_e ___i__ Mi_d

The Embers of Fires
Beautiful Losers
Rise, Naianasha (Cut the Cord)
Window of the Waking Mind

Maybe Luke? I considered sending just the last 3 tracks of this album  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 08:21:32 AM
Updated with all the correct guesses.

No more letters for a bit!

EDIT: Ah, new page!

Luoto: Cain's Offering
    1: The Best of Times
    2: Antemortem
    3: Oceans of Regret

Crow: ___et _on_
    1: I’_e _ti__ _ot _omet_in_ to Tea__ _o_
    2: T_e _arrion __i_d
    3: F_t_ra

??: B_an__ Ma__
    1: R_e___ Ne_ati_e
    2: _i_e Mind

Reaper: From Monument To Masses
    1: __e____m
    2: Be_ond _od & E__i_
    3: A _i_t_ Tr_m_et

??: Prototype
    1: T_e __o_en One
    2: M_ O_n De_e_tion
    3: _eart Ma__ine

luke: Coheed and Cambria
    1: The Embers of Fire
    2: Beautiful Losers
    3: Rise, Naianasha (Cut The Cord)
    4: Window of the Waking Mind

HOF: Dim Gray
    1: Mare
    2: A__e_
    3: _nderto_
    4: A_a_on _ T_e Tide
    5: ___

??: Rolling Quartz
    1: De_i__t
    2: B_a_e
    3: _ood Ni__t
    4: A_a_ea
    5: Ro__’n’ro__ _aradi_e

??: Brymir
    1: _oi_e_ in t_e ___
    2: For T_o_e __o Died
    3: _in__ of Fire
    4: Rift Bet_een __

??: Lords of Black
    1: Before That Time Can Come
    2: Ghost of You

??: E__o__n
    1: __en __nda_ __i___
    2: __ea_in_ In _am_b_a__

??: Eneferens
    1: _ea_e
    2: T_i_ On_ard Rea__
    3: _e_ene

??: _a_t_e_a_
    1: _orm_n_an_
    2: T_e __nt
    3: A __i_erin_ _ea

jingle: Nuclear Power Trio
    1: A Clear and Present Rager
    2: Grab ‘Em by the Pyongyang
    3: The Fusion Collusion
    4: Ukraine in the Membrane
    5: Mutually Assured Seduction

Elite: Wes Montgomery
    1: If _o_ _o__d _ee Me No_ (_i_e at t_e _a_f Note)
    2: _nit _ (_i_e at t_e _a_f Note)
    3: Im_re__ion_ (_i_e at t_e _a_f Note)

??: Fellowship
    1: __int
    2: The Saint Beyond The River
    3: T_e _o_r_ of _intertime
    4: Oak and Ash

??: _a_a _a__i_t
    1: _tarfire
    2: _ro_ni__e_on_en
    3: O__o ____ine

Stadler: Asia
    1: My Own Time (I’ll Do What I Want)
    2: Open Your Eyes
    3: Midnight Sun
    4: Ride Easy

??: _an __e
    1: _e___
    2: _amai_a
    3: Idea Of _a__ine__
    4: _ara_

Glasser: Nospun
    1: Within the Realm of Possibility

??: De_af__e
    1: E___orin_
    2: B_an__e __e__e
    3: __i__er
    4: _tate of Bein_

King: Our Lady Peace
    1: Where Are You
    2: One Man Army
    3: In Repair
    4: If You Believe
    5: Superman’s Dead

Sacul: The Black Queen
    1: That Death Cannot Touch
    2: Secret Scream
    3: Porcelain Veins
    4: Ice to Never
    5: The End Where We Start

seneca: Emma Ruth Rundle
    1: Return
    2: Blooms of Oblivion
    3: The Company
    4: Razor’s Edge

Guessed letters: TIM BORED FAN
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Sacul on May 31, 2023, 08:34:32 AM
Guessed letters: TIMBOREDAF
Fixed it ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Stadler on May 31, 2023, 08:36:18 AM
Guessed letters: TIMBOREDAF
Fixed it ;D

HAHAHAHAHA Good one!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Stadler on May 31, 2023, 08:37:54 AM
Someone is playing hardball this round!!!   :) :) :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Lonk on May 31, 2023, 09:02:50 AM
The Black Queen:
    1: That Death Cannot Touch
    2: Secret Scream
    4: Ice to Never
    5: The End Where we Start

No idea what #3 is.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: HOF on May 31, 2023, 09:17:34 AM
So if Stadler isn’t OLP, maybe he’s Asia?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 31, 2023, 09:30:34 AM
The Black Queen might be Sacul.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 09:31:24 AM
So if Stadler isn’t OLP, maybe he’s Asia?
The Black Queen might be Sacul.
Yes indeed!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 31, 2023, 09:32:31 AM
And the third song is "Porcelain Veins". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 09:37:12 AM
Oak And Ash

A Clear And Present Rager
Grab em By The Pyongyang
The Fusion Collection
Ukraine In The Membrane
Mutually Assured Seduction
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 09:40:24 AM
Close enough!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on May 31, 2023, 09:43:45 AM
OLP is probably King
Lords of Black other song is Ghost of You (F-you whoever sent them).  Rom or Wolfking?
Prototype - Litho?  Can't remember who posted about them a ways back
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 09:45:03 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 10:19:56 AM
OLP is probably King
Lords of Black other song is Ghost of You (F-you whoever sent them).  Rom or Wolfking?
Prototype - Litho?  Can't remember who posted about them a ways back

Yes to King, no to the others.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 10:23:18 AM

That’s some heavy shit!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 31, 2023, 11:07:24 AM

ERR songs are "Return", "Blooms of Oblivion", "The Company", and "Razor's Edge".  All from the same album, interesting, I would have diversified because that one has such a very specific feel to it, but the first two are god-tier songs anyway.

Yeah I considered sending tracks from Some Heavy Ocean and Marked for Death, but I thought it might fun to keep with single album submissions as in the first two rounds.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 31, 2023, 11:46:58 AM
Guessed letters: TIMBOREDAF
Fixed it ;D

HAHAHAHAHA Good one!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on May 31, 2023, 12:02:40 PM
I sent this story to Rich why I picked this band for this round.

This band has a little story that I'm attached to.  It's personal.   So let me tell you.  First I was into alternative rock in the 90's. I like bands that were popular buy stretching themselves.   I wanted to see this free concert from a Boston radio station,  WBCN.

So this show was the weirdest place they ever played.  It was on a small boat in a lagoon at a mall. They still talk about it in interviews today, and I was there. They were great but what a weird place to see a professional band.

Fast forward 5 plus years and I was going through lymphoma.   I was 1/2 way through my treatments.   I found out they were playing behind a concept album, Spiritual Machines.  I asked my best friend to take me and asked my doctor who was treating me if I could go and have 2 beers.  I wanted to feel normal.

We when to a small concert venue behind Fenway Park.  (A baseball stadium).  It was the 1st time I went out for 3 months.  It was cathartic.  I missed music, it's uplifting values and what that night got me through.  I hope you enjoy this. It may be a little straight forward but there is craft to this band and to this day, I think of that night that uplifted my spirits. Enjoy!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Crow on May 31, 2023, 12:10:45 PM
wait for some reason i thought it was alternating heavy -> light every round and i've been planning my submissions that way  :lol oops
uhh ariich is it too late to swap what i sent for this round with something else i meant to use it for the next heavy round  :corn and i won't have my next heavy playlist ready by next round at the rate you're going either
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Glasser on May 31, 2023, 12:44:00 PM

That’s some heavy shit!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 01:02:15 PM
wait for some reason i thought it was alternating heavy -> light every round and i've been planning my submissions that way  :lol oops
uhh ariich is it too late to swap what i sent for this round with something else i meant to use it for the next heavy round  :corn and i won't have my next heavy playlist ready by next round at the rate you're going either

I mean, if you thought that's what was happening then you presumably have a third heavy option planned? And the other rounds are open/EPs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Glasser on May 31, 2023, 01:16:22 PM
Rich, I'm feeling round 3 my dude!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Crow on May 31, 2023, 01:20:04 PM
wait for some reason i thought it was alternating heavy -> light every round and i've been planning my submissions that way  :lol oops
uhh ariich is it too late to swap what i sent for this round with something else i meant to use it for the next heavy round  :corn and i won't have my next heavy playlist ready by next round at the rate you're going either

I mean, if you thought that's what was happening then you presumably have a third heavy option planned? And the other rounds are open/EPs.
no i don't really have my roulette planned out past (what i thought was) round 4 rn  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 01:36:55 PM
wait for some reason i thought it was alternating heavy -> light every round and i've been planning my submissions that way  :lol oops
uhh ariich is it too late to swap what i sent for this round with something else i meant to use it for the next heavy round  :corn and i won't have my next heavy playlist ready by next round at the rate you're going either

I mean, if you thought that's what was happening then you presumably have a third heavy option planned? And the other rounds are open/EPs.
no i don't really have my roulette planned out past (what i thought was) round 4 rn  :lol
Alright I'll be kind and move what you sent to round 4. Please send a replacement (I guess what you'd planned for round 4?) ASAP!

Any other muppets sent the wrong round?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on May 31, 2023, 01:42:23 PM
Who?  Bill and myself?

(https://i.postimg.cc/QC5jVmP8/Statler-Waldorf-Box.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Crow on May 31, 2023, 01:47:32 PM
Alright I'll be kind and move what you sent to round 4. Please send a replacement (I guess what you'd planned for round 4?) ASAP!

Any other muppets sent the wrong round?
the deed is done, i had this one basically ready anyways  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 02:13:59 PM
Hey Crow, I though the last round in your roulette was sending songs that suck. I didn't realize you wanted good songs. Can I resend?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 31, 2023, 02:14:18 PM
Rolling Quartz
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Crow on May 31, 2023, 02:18:51 PM
you can resubmit but i'll come at a 6.5 point penalty  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 02:19:28 PM
Ok hangman is all up to date, including Crow's correct entry. :lol I'll also update the stats post.

Rich, I'm feeling round 3 my dude!

Ok all further listens to your submission will be accompanied by this gif.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Lonk on May 31, 2023, 02:25:26 PM
??: ___et _on_
    1: I’_e _ti__ _ot _omet_in_ to Tea__ _o_
    2: T_e _arrion __i_d
    3: F_t_ra

Crow :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 02:28:21 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 02:34:44 PM
??: ___et _on_
    1: I’_e _ti__ _ot _omet_in_ to Tea__ _o_
    2: T_e _arrion __i_d
    3: F_t_ra

Crow :neverusethis:
Columbo, is that you?!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Crow on May 31, 2023, 03:13:27 PM
give me the Q for Quite Intelligent
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: soupytwist on May 31, 2023, 03:13:49 PM
I sent this story to Rich why I picked this band for this round.

This band has a little story that I'm attached to.  It's personal.   So let me tell you.  First I was into alternative rock in the 90's. I like bands that were popular buy stretching themselves.   I wanted to see this free concert from a Boston radio station,  WBCN.

So this show was the weirdest place they ever played.  It was on a small boat in a lagoon at a mall. They still talk about it in interviews today, and I was there. They were great but what a weird place to see a professional band.

Fast forward 5 plus years and I was going through lymphoma.   I was 1/2 way through my treatments.   I found out they were playing behind a concept album, Spiritual Machines.  I asked my best friend to take me and asked my doctor who was treating me if I could go and have 2 beers.  I wanted to feel normal.

We when to a small concert venue behind Fenway Park.  (A baseball stadium).  It was the 1st time I went out for 3 months.  It was cathartic.  I missed music, it's uplifting values and what that night got me through.  I hope you enjoy this. It may be a little straight forward but there is craft to this band and to this day, I think of that night that uplifted my spirits. Enjoy!!

OLP first 4 album run (Naveed to Spiritual Machines) is solid post grunge - very 90's obviously.  After that though they seemed to lose their way somewhat.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on May 31, 2023, 03:16:04 PM
After the guitarist Mike Turner.   He did play a small amount on the new album and showed up for a few shows on the Spiritual Machines II album and tour.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 03:21:40 PM
Fast forward 5 plus years and I was going through lymphoma.   I was 1/2 way through my treatments.   I found out they were playing behind a concept album, Spiritual Machines.  I asked my best friend to take me and asked my doctor who was treating me if I could go and have 2 beers.  I wanted to feel normal.

We when to a small concert venue behind Fenway Park.  (A baseball stadium).  It was the 1st time I went out for 3 months.  It was cathartic.  I missed music, it's uplifting values and what that night got me through.  I hope you enjoy this. It may be a little straight forward but there is craft to this band and to this day, I think of that night that uplifted my spirits. Enjoy!!

Joe, was that at Axis?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Stadler on May 31, 2023, 03:27:07 PM
I sent this story to Rich why I picked this band for this round.

This band has a little story that I'm attached to.  It's personal.   So let me tell you.  First I was into alternative rock in the 90's. I like bands that were popular buy stretching themselves.   I wanted to see this free concert from a Boston radio station,  WBCN.

So this show was the weirdest place they ever played.  It was on a small boat in a lagoon at a mall. They still talk about it in interviews today, and I was there. They were great but what a weird place to see a professional band.

Fast forward 5 plus years and I was going through lymphoma.   I was 1/2 way through my treatments.   I found out they were playing behind a concept album, Spiritual Machines.  I asked my best friend to take me and asked my doctor who was treating me if I could go and have 2 beers.  I wanted to feel normal.

We when to a small concert venue behind Fenway Park.  (A baseball stadium).  It was the 1st time I went out for 3 months.  It was cathartic.  I missed music, it's uplifting values and what that night got me through.  I hope you enjoy this. It may be a little straight forward but there is craft to this band and to this day, I think of that night that uplifted my spirits. Enjoy!!

I love that story.  They are Canadian, but they had a pocket of popularity in Boston; that's where I first heard them. Rebecca Pratt (you would have known her as John Osterlind) used to play the hell out of them on WAAF.  I used to hang a wire out the window as an antenna to get AAF on my stereo (I was living in the Hartford area then). 

(EDIT: By the way, sad news!!  Pratt died just this past January in New Orleans.  55, of what they're saying is "natural causes".  Sad, sad.)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on May 31, 2023, 03:28:53 PM
I do.  I loved the 1st two singles off the QST album but didn't remember who they were. Then when Superman's Dead came out I bought the 1st album too and was surprised I knew 2 songs on it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 03:32:45 PM

I love that story.  They are Canadian, but they had a pocket of popularity in Boston; that's where I first heard them. Rebecca Pratt (you would have known her as John Osterlind) used to play the hell out of them on WAAF.  I used to hang a wire out the window as an antenna to get AAF on my stereo (I was living in the Hartford area then). 

(EDIT: By the way, sad news!!  Pratt died just this past January in New Orleans.  55, of what they're saying is "natural causes".  Sad, sad.)

I remember John Osterlind. AAF was awesome, but man, they were hard to get. I grew up on the Mass South Coast not far from the Cape. It was hard to get.

And Joe, I axed you a question.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 03:50:13 PM
I've given another letter - let's see how much hangman you can solve before I post first impressions tomorrow.

Luoto: Cain's Offering
    1: The Best of Times
    2: Antemortem
    3: Oceans of Regret

Crow: Vylet Pony
    1: I’ve Still Got Something to Teach You
    2: T_e _arrion __i_d
    3: Futura

Buddy: Blanck Mass
    1: R_es_s Ne_ati_e
    2: Hive Mind

Reaper: From Monument To Masses
    1: __e__s_m
    2: Beyond God & Elvis
    3: A Si_t_ Tr_m_et

??: Prototype
    1: The Chosen One
    2: My Own Deception
    3: Heart Machine

luke: Coheed and Cambria
    1: The Embers of Fire
    2: Beautiful Losers
    3: Rise, Naianasha (Cut The Cord)
    4: Window of the Waking Mind

HOF: Dim Gray
    1: Mare
    2: Ashes
    3: Undertow
    4: Avalon | The Tide
    5: ___

??: Rolling Quartz
    1: Delight
    2: B_a_e
    3: Good Night
    4: A_a_ea
    5: Rock’n’roll Paradise

??: Brymir
    1: Voices in the Sky
    2: For Those Who Died
    3: _in_s of Fire
    4: Rift Between Us

??: Lords of Black
    1: Before That Time Can Come
    2: Ghost of You

??: Echolyn
    1: __en S_nda_ S_i__s
    2: Speaking In Lampblack

??: Eneferens
    1: Leave
    2: This Onward Reach
    3: Se_ene

??: Castleway
    1: Jormungang
    2: The Hunt
    3: A Shivering Sea

jingle: Nuclear Power Trio
    1: A Clear and Present Rager
    2: Grab ‘Em by the Pyongyang
    3: The Fusion Collusion
    4: Ukraine in the Membrane
    5: Mutually Assured Seduction

Elite: Wes Montgomery
    1: If You Could See Me Now (Live at the Half Note)
    2: Unit 7 (Live at the Half Note)
    3: Impressions (Live at the Half Note)

soupy: Fellowship
    1: Glint
    2: The Saint Beyond The River
    3: The Hours of Wintertime
    4: Oak and Ash

??: Jaga Jazzist
    1: Starfire
    2: _ro_nisse_on_en
    3: Os_o S___ine

Stadler: Asia
    1: My Own Time (I’ll Do What I Want)
    2: Open Your Eyes
    3: Midnight Sun
    4: Ride Easy

??: Van She
    1: _e___
    2: _amai_a
    3: Idea Of Happiness
    4: Sarah

Glasser: Nospun
    1: Within the Realm of Possibility

??: De_af_se
    1: E___orin_
    2: Blanque Cheque
    3: __i__er
    4: State of Being

King: Our Lady Peace
    1: Where Are You
    2: One Man Army
    3: In Repair
    4: If You Believe
    5: Superman’s Dead

Sacul: The Black Queen
    1: That Death Cannot Touch
    2: Secret Scream
    3: Porcelain Veins
    4: Ice to Never
    5: The End Where We Start

seneca: Emma Ruth Rundle
    1: Return
    2: Blooms of Oblivion
    3: The Company
    4: Razor’s Edge

Guessed letters: TIM BORED FANS Q
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on May 31, 2023, 03:54:30 PM
Oops Tim!  Missed it. Yes it was!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 03:59:39 PM
The Chosen One
My Own Deception
Heart Machine

Beyond God And Elvis




For Those Who Died
Rings Of Fore
Rift Between Us

Good Night

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: nick_z on May 31, 2023, 03:59:50 PM

That’s some heavy shit!

Is it? :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 04:00:23 PM
Oops Tim!  Missed it. Yes it was!

Saw Dream Theater twice there. Upstairs was like the Miloko Milk Bar.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on May 31, 2023, 04:09:04 PM
Hell of a place to see them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 04:19:13 PM
Hell of a place to see them.




Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Crow on May 31, 2023, 05:01:44 PM
fine i'll do some guessing

Blanck Mass, probably dacul?
Hive Mind
Avalon & The Tide?
Rock'n'Roll Paradise
Voices in the Sky
This Onward Reach
The Hunt
Shivering Sea
If You Could See Me Now (Live at the Half Note) (? this is in all of the wes montgomery songs i'm not repeating it)
Unit X or something
The Hours of Wintertime
Blanque Cheque
State of Being

no overlap with whatever TAC guessed i think
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 31, 2023, 07:16:58 PM
Blanck Mass could also be Buddy. 

Vylet Pony - Crow - "I've Still Got Something To Teach You".

Echolyn - "Speaking In Lampblack". 

CastleWay - "A Shivering Sea". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on May 31, 2023, 07:25:25 PM
Echolyn is a good band.  Dammit!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 31, 2023, 07:29:20 PM
Fellowship - soupy

Jaga Jazzist.  Huh, I never hear about them any more. 

Van She - "Idea of Happiness". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: lonestar on May 31, 2023, 07:35:47 PM
Echolyn is a good band.  Dammit!

Yup, they should hit the sweet spot nicely
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Glasser on May 31, 2023, 08:21:48 PM
Who guessed mine? I see it there but I don't see where anyone mentioned it.   :huh:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 08:23:33 PM
Who guessed mine? I see it there but I don't see where anyone mentioned it.   :huh:

Nospun-Within The Realm Of Possibilities-Glasser!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: Glasser on May 31, 2023, 08:26:12 PM
You did? I looked 3 times. Good guess! Check the album out!!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: TAC on May 31, 2023, 08:35:48 PM
I did! I expect this to score pretty well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2023, 11:57:56 PM

Rings Of Fore
Even with the typo that should be "Fire", these aren't right. :P

All other guesses have been correct or close enough, all updated.

Only one band unsolved. Also lonestar not yet linked to the Asian band (and no it's not Asia :lol).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 01, 2023, 06:37:47 AM
Also lonestar not yet linked to the Asian band (and no it's not Asia :lol).

Holy shit that would've been a clever play  :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: romdrums on June 01, 2023, 07:08:57 AM
I sent this story to Rich why I picked this band for this round.

This band has a little story that I'm attached to.  It's personal.   So let me tell you.  First I was into alternative rock in the 90's. I like bands that were popular buy stretching themselves.   I wanted to see this free concert from a Boston radio station,  WBCN.

So this show was the weirdest place they ever played.  It was on a small boat in a lagoon at a mall. They still talk about it in interviews today, and I was there. They were great but what a weird place to see a professional band.

Fast forward 5 plus years and I was going through lymphoma.   I was 1/2 way through my treatments.   I found out they were playing behind a concept album, Spiritual Machines.  I asked my best friend to take me and asked my doctor who was treating me if I could go and have 2 beers.  I wanted to feel normal.

We when to a small concert venue behind Fenway Park.  (A baseball stadium).  It was the 1st time I went out for 3 months.  It was cathartic.  I missed music, it's uplifting values and what that night got me through.  I hope you enjoy this. It may be a little straight forward but there is craft to this band and to this day, I think of that night that uplifted my spirits. Enjoy!!

OLP first 4 album run (Naveed to Spiritual Machines) is solid post grunge - very 90's obviously.  After that though they seemed to lose their way somewhat.

Agreed.  They seemed to be going in a really cool direction with Spiritual Machines, and then they completely changed directions and put out Gravity, which was bland, generic, and horribly mixed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 07:47:11 AM
Think we've probably got as far as we're likely to when it comes to hangman, here's the finished thing!

Luoto: Cain's Offering
    1: The Best of Times
    2: Antemortem
    3: Oceans of Regret

Crow: Vylet Pony
    1: I’ve Still Got Something to Teach You
    2: The Carrion Child
    3: Futura

Buddy: Blanck Mass
    1: Rhesus Negative
    2: Hive Mind

Reaper: From Monument To Masses
    1: Checksum
    2: Beyond God & Elvis
    3: A Sixth Trumpet

Vmadera: Prototype
    1: The Chosen One
    2: My Own Deception
    3: Heart Machine

luke: Coheed and Cambria
    1: The Embers of Fire
    2: Beautiful Losers
    3: Rise, Naianasha (Cut The Cord)
    4: Window of the Waking Mind

HOF: Dim Gray
    1: Mare
    2: Ashes
    3: Undertow
    4: Avalon | The Tide
    5: 52~

lonestar: Rolling Quartz
    1: Delight
    2: Blaze
    3: Good Night
    4: Azalea
    5: Rock’n’roll Paradise

wolfking: Brymir
    1: Voices in the Sky
    2: For Those Who Died
    3: Wings of Fire
    4: Rift Between Us

Evermind: Lords of Black
    1: Before That Time Can Come
    2: Ghost of You

Puppies: Echolyn
    1: When Sunday Spills
    2: Speaking In Lampblack

nick_z: Eneferens
    1: Leave
    2: This Onward Reach
    3: Selene

TAC: Castleway
    1: Jormungang
    2: The Hunt
    3: A Shivering Sea

jingle: Nuclear Power Trio
    1: A Clear and Present Rager
    2: Grab ‘Em by the Pyongyang
    3: The Fusion Collusion
    4: Ukraine in the Membrane
    5: Mutually Assured Seduction

Elite: Wes Montgomery
    1: If You Could See Me Now (Live at the Half Note)
    2: Unit 7 (Live at the Half Note)
    3: Impressions (Live at the Half Note)

soupy: Fellowship
    1: Glint
    2: The Saint Beyond The River
    3: The Hours of Wintertime
    4: Oak and Ash

romdrums: Jaga Jazzist
    1: Starfire
    2: Prognissekongen
    3: Oslo Skyline

Stadler: Asia
    1: My Own Time (I’ll Do What I Want)
    2: Open Your Eyes
    3: Midnight Sun
    4: Ride Easy

faizoff: Van She
    1: Kelly
    2: Jamaica
    3: Idea Of Happiness
    4: Sarah

Glasser: Nospūn
    1: Within the Realm of Possibility

Litho: Dejafuse
    1: Exploring
    2: Blanque Cheque
    3: Clipper
    4: State of Being

King: Our Lady Peace
    1: Where Are You
    2: One Man Army
    3: In Repair
    4: If You Believe
    5: Superman’s Dead

Sacul: The Black Queen
    1: That Death Cannot Touch
    2: Secret Scream
    3: Porcelain Veins
    4: Ice to Never
    5: The End Where We Start

seneca: Emma Ruth Rundle
    1: Return
    2: Blooms of Oblivion
    3: The Company
    4: Razor’s Edge
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 01, 2023, 07:54:44 AM
That self titled Echolyn 2012 album is a top 20 album for me. It's amazing. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 10:16:53 AM
So, how about some...

Round 3 first impressions

[wolfking – Brymir] 1. You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

[Glasser – Nospūn] 2. Closer to your first submission but probably even more my thing - proggy yet crunchy and quite a few moments that remind me of a particular favourite band of mine.

[Reaper – From Monument To Masses] 3. This mostly sounds pretty standard for the genre, although there are a few nice flourishes here and there.

[Vmadera – Prototype] 4. Not sure if there's any specific aspect of this you thought could be risky - if anything it might be a bit too normal with nothing to really stand out, unless that was the issue?

[romdrums – Jaga Jazzist] 5. For the first few minutes I wondered if you’ve made a rare misstep, but it picks up a lot after that although I do wonder if I’ll end up finding it a bit too “thinky”.

[lonestar – Rolling Quartz] 6. Seems like this might be a happy middle ground between your first two submissions.

[soupy – Fellowship] 7. In sending the polar opposite of your last round, you’ve hit upon some great melodies but possibly a bit too much cheese factor.

[luke – Coheed and Cambria] 8. Don’t know whether it’ll wholly win me over, but this was both poppier and more dramatic than I was expecting and more engaging as a result.

[jingle – Nuclear Power Trio] 9. I’m pretty picky when it comes to instrumental rock but this is eclectic, super melodic and so full of energy and charm that my first listen was an absolute blast.

[Litho – Dejafuse] 10. The melodic approach isn’t that immediate, but I can already see this being a grower because every time I started feeling unsure about it, something exciting came along and cast away any doubts.

[HOF – Dim Gray] 11. You’ve been holding out on me! Rich, emotive, gorgeously arranged and produced - this is probably the best thing you’ve sent me.

[Elite – Wes Montgomery] 12. Exactly what I expected - talented playing and nice energy but perhaps lacking a bit of pizazz.

[faizoff – Van She] 13. Mmm warm vibes and synthy goodness - not mind-blowing maybe but a really nice listen right from the off.

[King – Our Lady Peace] 14. I’ve said before that this genre needs quite a lot of hooks and/or emotion to work - these songs seem to do rather well at both.

[seneca – Emma Ruth Rundle] 15. A little more minimalist than I’d normally go for, but it’s nice stuff and has some great moments.

[Crow – Vylet Pony] 16. I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

[nick_z – Eneferens] 17. Vocals are a little weak and some of the production isn’t that great, but some of the music is so gorgeous that those things hopefully won’t matter too much.

[TAC – Castleway] 18. The use of strings stops this sounding too generic, and each track seems more interesting than the last.

[Sacul – The Black Queen] 19. This mostly sounds like a slightly modernised take on a popular 80s artist, if perhaps not quite as melodically rich.

[Luoto – Cain's Offering] 20. Sounds pretty much exactly like I would have expected based on the people involved - not sure whether that familiarity is comforting or bordering on generic.

[Stadler – Asia] 21. The overall sound was very unsurprising, but there were some really warm and emotive moments that elevated this over what I might have expected.

[Puppies – Echolyn] 22. This was some nice warm prog - with each song, I wasn’t wowed at the start but was won over by the end.

[Buddy – Blanck Mass] 23. There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

[Evermind – Lords of Black] 24. I feel like I’m either going to find this a bit too straightforward or I’m going to love the melodic hooks and big sound, and after one listen I’ve no idea which is more likely.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 01, 2023, 10:30:19 AM
1,2, 6 or 7 but hopefully not 20.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 01, 2023, 10:35:05 AM
6 or 24?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Lonk on June 01, 2023, 10:37:13 AM
At first I thought #4, since I mentioned what I sent was risky. But it could be #17.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: HOF on June 01, 2023, 10:42:57 AM
I’ll be bold and eliminate 11 as an option and go from there.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Stadler on June 01, 2023, 10:53:33 AM
3. This mostly sounds pretty standard for the genre, although there are a few nice flourishes here and there.

7. In sending the polar opposite of your last round, you’ve hit upon some great melodies but possibly a bit too much cheese factor.

8. Don’t know whether it’ll wholly win me over, but this was both poppier and more dramatic than I was expecting and more engaging as a result.

12. Exactly what I expected - talented playing and nice energy but perhaps lacking a bit of pizazz.

20. Sounds pretty much exactly like I would have expected based on the people involved - not sure whether that familiarity is comforting or bordering on generic.

21. The overall sound was very unsurprising, but there were some really warm and emotive moments that elevated this over what I might have expected.

24. I feel like I’m either going to find this a bit too straightforward or I’m going to love the melodic hooks and big sound, and after one listen I’ve no idea which is more likely.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Evermind on June 01, 2023, 11:22:30 AM
1, 7, 14, 20 or 24?

Also 9 is Nuclear Power Trio?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 01, 2023, 11:24:23 AM

Also 9 is Nuclear Power Trio?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 01, 2023, 11:28:21 AM
3,7,14 or 24.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 01, 2023, 11:31:52 AM
1. You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

8. Don’t know whether it’ll wholly win me over, but this was both poppier and more dramatic than I was expecting and more engaging as a result.

10. The melodic approach isn’t that immediate, but I can already see this being a grower because every time I started feeling unsure about it, something exciting came along and cast away any doubts.

13. Mmm warm vibes and synthy goodness - not mind-blowing maybe but a really nice listen right from the off.

16. I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

17. Vocals are a little weak and some of the production isn’t that great, but some of the music is so gorgeous that those things hopefully won’t matter too much.

23. There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

i feel like it's gotta be somewhere in this pool? but idk where
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Sacul on June 01, 2023, 11:42:53 AM
11? ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 01, 2023, 12:45:16 PM

Also 9 is Nuclear Power Trio?


My first inclination was 2, but then I saw 9.  No clue if anyone else sent instrumental tunes, but the only thing that gives me pause is the comment "instrumental rock".  I wouldn't necessarily classify NPT as "rock".  Putin slaps dat bass way too hard for it to be "rock".
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: soupytwist on June 01, 2023, 12:47:51 PM
7 all the way....and embrace the cheese!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 12:49:50 PM
1,2, 6 or 7 but hopefully not 20.
None of those.

6 or 24?
Yep, 6!

At first I thought #4, since I mentioned what I sent was risky. But it could be #17.
Yeah it's 4.

I’ll be bold and eliminate 11 as an option and go from there.
11 it is!

3,7,14 or 24.
Yep 14.

11? ;D
Nice try, but no. :lol

Also 9 is Nuclear Power Trio?


My first inclination was 2, but then I saw 9.  No clue if anyone else sent instrumental tunes, but the only thing that gives me pause is the comment "instrumental rock".  I wouldn't necessarily classify NPT as "rock".  Putin slaps dat bass way too hard for it to be "rock".
It's definitely 9 and it's definitely rock. :lol

7 all the way.
:lol Yes indeed.

Stadler, Evermind and Crow - correct selections but you need to narrow it down a bit more than that!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 12:50:05 PM
Quoted for new page:

So, how about some...

Round 3 first impressions

1. You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

2. Closer to your first submission but probably even more my thing - proggy yet crunchy and quite a few moments that remind me of a particular favourite band of mine.

3. This mostly sounds pretty standard for the genre, although there are a few nice flourishes here and there.

[Vmadera – Prototype] 4. Not sure if there's any specific aspect of this you thought could be risky - if anything it might be a bit too normal with nothing to really stand out, unless that was the issue?

[romdrums – Jaga Jazzist] 5. For the first few minutes I wondered if you’ve made a rare misstep, but it picks up a lot after that although I do wonder if I’ll end up finding it a bit too “thinky”.

[lonestar – Rolling Quartz] 6. Seems like this might be a happy middle ground between your first two submissions.

[soupy – Fellowship] 7. In sending the polar opposite of your last round, you’ve hit upon some great melodies but possibly a bit too much cheese factor.

[luke – Coheed and Cambria] 8. Don’t know whether it’ll wholly win me over, but this was both poppier and more dramatic than I was expecting and more engaging as a result.

[jingle – Nuclear Power Trio] 9. I’m pretty picky when it comes to instrumental rock but this is eclectic, super melodic and so full of energy and charm that my first listen was an absolute blast.

[Litho – Dejafuse] 10. The melodic approach isn’t that immediate, but I can already see this being a grower because every time I started feeling unsure about it, something exciting came along and cast away any doubts.

[HOF – Dim Gray] 11. You’ve been holding out on me! Rich, emotive, gorgeously arranged and produced - this is probably the best thing you’ve sent me.

[Elite – Wes Montgomery] 12. Exactly what I expected - talented playing and nice energy but perhaps lacking a bit of pizazz.

[faizoff – Van She] 13. Mmm warm vibes and synthy goodness - not mind-blowing maybe but a really nice listen right from the off.

[King – Our Lady Peace] 14. I’ve said before that this genre needs quite a lot of hooks and/or emotion to work - these songs seem to do rather well at both.

[seneca – Emma Ruth Rundle] 15. A little more minimalist than I’d normally go for, but it’s nice stuff and has some great moments.

[Crow – Vylet Pony] 16. I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

17. Vocals are a little weak and some of the production isn’t that great, but some of the music is so gorgeous that those things hopefully won’t matter too much.

[TAC – Castleway] 18. The use of strings stops this sounding too generic, and each track seems more interesting than the last.

19. This mostly sounds like a slightly modernised take on a popular 80s artist, if perhaps not quite as melodically rich.

20. Sounds pretty much exactly like I would have expected based on the people involved - not sure whether that familiarity is comforting or bordering on generic.

[Stadler – Asia] 21. The overall sound was very unsurprising, but there were some really warm and emotive moments that elevated this over what I might have expected.

[Puppies – Echolyn] 22. This was some nice warm prog - with each song, I wasn’t wowed at the start but was won over by the end.

[Buddy – Blanck Mass] 23. There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

[Evermind – Lords of Black] 24. I feel like I’m either going to find this a bit too straightforward or I’m going to love the melodic hooks and big sound, and after one listen I’ve no idea which is more likely.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Evermind on June 01, 2023, 12:51:56 PM
1, 7, 14, 20 or 24?

Also 9 is Nuclear Power Trio?

Stadler, Evermind and Crow - correct selections but you need to narrow it down a bit more than that!

Well as 7 and 14 are taken, that narrows it down to three.

1 or 24?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 01, 2023, 12:52:13 PM

Also 9 is Nuclear Power Trio?


My first inclination was 2, but then I saw 9.  No clue if anyone else sent instrumental tunes, but the only thing that gives me pause is the comment "instrumental rock".  I wouldn't necessarily classify NPT as "rock".  Putin slaps dat bass way too hard for it to be "rock".

Slaps that thing around like it called the conflict a war....

6 or 24?
Yep, 6!

Cool, hopefully the use of 'happy' means an upswing in score and also a reflection of how frikkin awesome Jayoung's vocals are, cause after this, the next two rounds get really.....different, and are very, very Japanese...

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 01, 2023, 12:53:17 PM
8 or 17?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: romdrums on June 01, 2023, 12:54:43 PM
13 or 23?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 01, 2023, 12:56:25 PM

Also 9 is Nuclear Power Trio?


My first inclination was 2, but then I saw 9.  No clue if anyone else sent instrumental tunes, but the only thing that gives me pause is the comment "instrumental rock".  I wouldn't necessarily classify NPT as "rock".  Putin slaps dat bass way too hard for it to be "rock".
It's definitely 9 and it's definitely rock. :lol

It's metal af!  :jingleboy:   :lol

Slaps that thing around like it called the conflict a war....

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 01, 2023, 12:58:27 PM

Also 9 is Nuclear Power Trio?


My first inclination was 2, but then I saw 9.  No clue if anyone else sent instrumental tunes, but the only thing that gives me pause is the comment "instrumental rock".  I wouldn't necessarily classify NPT as "rock".  Putin slaps dat bass way too hard for it to be "rock".
It's definitely 9 and it's definitely rock. :lol

It's metal af!  :jingleboy:   :lol

Slaps that thing around like it called the conflict a war....


I'm sure Rich will be happy to learn they're dropping a full album next month. After listening to NPIII and Allegaeon, it should be clear how guitarist Greg Burgess made it into my top 10 of guitar players.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: faizoff on June 01, 2023, 12:59:11 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: HOF on June 01, 2023, 01:02:00 PM
Oh, yeah!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 01, 2023, 01:20:57 PM
Maybe 15?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Elite on June 01, 2023, 01:22:41 PM
3 or, more likely, 12?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 01, 2023, 01:28:37 PM
My first hunch was #6, but that's apparently lonestar.  Let's try #3, #16, or #24. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Stadler on June 01, 2023, 01:36:18 PM
3. This mostly sounds pretty standard for the genre, although there are a few nice flourishes here and there.

12. Exactly what I expected - talented playing and nice energy but perhaps lacking a bit of pizazz.

21. The overall sound was very unsurprising, but there were some really warm and emotive moments that elevated this over what I might have expected.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 01, 2023, 01:39:21 PM
8. Don’t know whether it’ll wholly win me over, but this was both poppier and more dramatic than I was expecting and more engaging as a result.

10. The melodic approach isn’t that immediate, but I can already see this being a grower because every time I started feeling unsure about it, something exciting came along and cast away any doubts.

13. Mmm warm vibes and synthy goodness - not mind-blowing maybe but a really nice listen right from the off.

17. Vocals are a little weak and some of the production isn’t that great, but some of the music is so gorgeous that those things hopefully won’t matter too much.
narrowed it down a bit more, i feel like 17 is the most likely shot here tbh but i don't want it to be that
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 01, 2023, 01:41:32 PM
I didn't see 18 before. I think that'd be it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 01:54:18 PM
Well as 7 and 14 are taken, that narrows it down to three.

1 or 24?
Good point. Smartarse. :P

24 it is!

8 or 17?

13 or 23?

No, although I can see why you think that.

Maybe 15?

3 or, more likely, 12?
Yeah 12.

My first hunch was #6, but that's apparently lonestar.  Let's try #3, #16, or #24. 
No, no and no. Yours is probably a little more vague I guess.

3. This mostly sounds pretty standard for the genre, although there are a few nice flourishes here and there.

12. Exactly what I expected - talented playing and nice energy but perhaps lacking a bit of pizazz.

21. The overall sound was very unsurprising, but there were some really warm and emotive moments that elevated this over what I might have expected.
Yep, 21.

8. Don’t know whether it’ll wholly win me over, but this was both poppier and more dramatic than I was expecting and more engaging as a result.

10. The melodic approach isn’t that immediate, but I can already see this being a grower because every time I started feeling unsure about it, something exciting came along and cast away any doubts.

13. Mmm warm vibes and synthy goodness - not mind-blowing maybe but a really nice listen right from the off.

17. Vocals are a little weak and some of the production isn’t that great, but some of the music is so gorgeous that those things hopefully won’t matter too much.
narrowed it down a bit more, i feel like 17 is the most likely shot here tbh but i don't want it to be that
Actually no, none of those. :lol Last try..!

I didn't see 18 before. I think that'd be it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 01, 2023, 02:01:49 PM
I'll take 22 or one of the bad ones  :mehlin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 01, 2023, 02:02:02 PM
Seems #10 and #23 are the only relevant ones left, but you might be framing it completely differently than I do. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Sacul on June 01, 2023, 02:03:15 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 02:05:12 PM
I'll take 22 or one of the bad ones  :mehlin
Fortunately it's 22.

Although I'm not sure any of the impressions are "bad" in absolute terms - just relatively. :lol

Seems #10 and #23 are the only relevant ones left, but you might be framing it completely differently than I do. 
10 it is.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 02:05:36 PM
No sir.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 01, 2023, 02:06:57 PM
1. You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

16. I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

23. There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

hmm idk then. 23? 1 doesn't actually seem that applicable tbh i'd probably remove it from the pool if i could. 16 i could see too tho
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: faizoff on June 01, 2023, 02:07:51 PM
3 or 13 then?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 01, 2023, 02:08:36 PM
Do we have a playlist, Rich?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 01, 2023, 02:10:43 PM
1. You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

16. I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

23. There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

hmm idk then. 23? 1 doesn't actually seem that applicable tbh i'd probably remove it from the pool if i could. 16 i could see too tho

Is one of these also mine? :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 02:15:42 PM
Do we have a playlist, Rich?
We do now, apologies!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 02:17:36 PM
1. You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

16. I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

23. There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

hmm idk then. 23? 1 doesn't actually seem that applicable tbh i'd probably remove it from the pool if i could. 16 i could see too tho
Got there in the end, it's 16.

3 or 13 then?
13 :tup

1. You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

16. I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

23. There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

hmm idk then. 23? 1 doesn't actually seem that applicable tbh i'd probably remove it from the pool if i could. 16 i could see too tho

Is one of these also mine? :lol
Yes. :lol 23.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: romdrums on June 01, 2023, 02:24:36 PM
3 or 5?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 01, 2023, 02:24:55 PM
that's a good first impression to receive albeit i'm surprised some of the, like, hyperpop-y elements are things you've heard before, esp. the second track  :lol but fair
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 02:31:04 PM
3 or 5?
5 indeed.

that's a good first impression to receive albeit i'm surprised some of the, like, hyperpop-y elements are things you've heard before, esp. the second track  :lol but fair
Well like the impression says, the overall effect is pretty unique for me. But all the elements that make it up, yeah I've heard in things like Sayonara Wild Hearts (which you yourself sent me two roulettes ago), some of Anamanaguchi's stuff, things like that.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 01, 2023, 02:32:46 PM
fair  :corn
excited to see a score
think i know what i'm sending for round 6 but a little stumped on round 5 rn, i'll figure it out
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 02:33:04 PM
By the way I've added the Spotify playlists to the OP now, in the Results section (along with the links to the various stages of each round).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Sacul on June 01, 2023, 02:48:06 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 01, 2023, 02:58:05 PM
Am I 17?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 03:19:04 PM
Still no. You'll get there eventually, possibly once everything else has been guessed. :lol

Am I 17?
You are!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 03:19:15 PM
New page!

So, how about some...

Round 3 first impressions

1. You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

[Glasser – Nospūn] 2. Closer to your first submission but probably even more my thing - proggy yet crunchy and quite a few moments that remind me of a particular favourite band of mine.

3. This mostly sounds pretty standard for the genre, although there are a few nice flourishes here and there.

[Vmadera – Prototype] 4. Not sure if there's any specific aspect of this you thought could be risky - if anything it might be a bit too normal with nothing to really stand out, unless that was the issue?

[romdrums – Jaga Jazzist] 5. For the first few minutes I wondered if you’ve made a rare misstep, but it picks up a lot after that although I do wonder if I’ll end up finding it a bit too “thinky”.

[lonestar – Rolling Quartz] 6. Seems like this might be a happy middle ground between your first two submissions.

[soupy – Fellowship] 7. In sending the polar opposite of your last round, you’ve hit upon some great melodies but possibly a bit too much cheese factor.

[luke – Coheed and Cambria] 8. Don’t know whether it’ll wholly win me over, but this was both poppier and more dramatic than I was expecting and more engaging as a result.

[jingle – Nuclear Power Trio] 9. I’m pretty picky when it comes to instrumental rock but this is eclectic, super melodic and so full of energy and charm that my first listen was an absolute blast.

[Litho – Dejafuse] 10. The melodic approach isn’t that immediate, but I can already see this being a grower because every time I started feeling unsure about it, something exciting came along and cast away any doubts.

[HOF – Dim Gray] 11. You’ve been holding out on me! Rich, emotive, gorgeously arranged and produced - this is probably the best thing you’ve sent me.

[Elite – Wes Montgomery] 12. Exactly what I expected - talented playing and nice energy but perhaps lacking a bit of pizazz.

[faizoff – Van She] 13. Mmm warm vibes and synthy goodness - not mind-blowing maybe but a really nice listen right from the off.

[King – Our Lady Peace] 14. I’ve said before that this genre needs quite a lot of hooks and/or emotion to work - these songs seem to do rather well at both.

[seneca – Emma Ruth Rundle] 15. A little more minimalist than I’d normally go for, but it’s nice stuff and has some great moments.

[Crow – Vylet Pony] 16. I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

[nick_z – Eneferens] 17. Vocals are a little weak and some of the production isn’t that great, but some of the music is so gorgeous that those things hopefully won’t matter too much.

[TAC – Castleway] 18. The use of strings stops this sounding too generic, and each track seems more interesting than the last.

19. This mostly sounds like a slightly modernised take on a popular 80s artist, if perhaps not quite as melodically rich.

20. Sounds pretty much exactly like I would have expected based on the people involved - not sure whether that familiarity is comforting or bordering on generic.

[Stadler – Asia] 21. The overall sound was very unsurprising, but there were some really warm and emotive moments that elevated this over what I might have expected.

[Puppies – Echolyn] 22. This was some nice warm prog - with each song, I wasn’t wowed at the start but was won over by the end.

[Buddy – Blanck Mass] 23. There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

[Evermind – Lords of Black] 24. I feel like I’m either going to find this a bit too straightforward or I’m going to love the melodic hooks and big sound, and after one listen I’ve no idea which is more likely.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 01, 2023, 03:39:28 PM
I'm hoping for 2 but I'm afraid of it being 3.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2023, 04:01:47 PM
You're in luck!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ReaperKK on June 01, 2023, 04:03:04 PM
I'm guessing 3
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Sacul on June 01, 2023, 04:40:44 PM
19 then?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 01, 2023, 05:39:21 PM
You're in luck!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2023, 03:19:11 AM
Here are the completed first impressions. Might be in a position to post comparisons this evening, or otherwise tomorrow. Results will be early next week, hopefully Monday. Managing around 9 days per round so far!

So, how about some...

Round 3 first impressions

[wolfking – Brymir] 1. You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

[Glasser – Nospūn] 2. Closer to your first submission but probably even more my thing - proggy yet crunchy and quite a few moments that remind me of a particular favourite band of mine.

[Reaper – From Monument To Masses] 3. This mostly sounds pretty standard for the genre, although there are a few nice flourishes here and there.

[Vmadera – Prototype] 4. Not sure if there's any specific aspect of this you thought could be risky - if anything it might be a bit too normal with nothing to really stand out, unless that was the issue?

[romdrums – Jaga Jazzist] 5. For the first few minutes I wondered if you’ve made a rare misstep, but it picks up a lot after that although I do wonder if I’ll end up finding it a bit too “thinky”.

[lonestar – Rolling Quartz] 6. Seems like this might be a happy middle ground between your first two submissions.

[soupy – Fellowship] 7. In sending the polar opposite of your last round, you’ve hit upon some great melodies but possibly a bit too much cheese factor.

[luke – Coheed and Cambria] 8. Don’t know whether it’ll wholly win me over, but this was both poppier and more dramatic than I was expecting and more engaging as a result.

[jingle – Nuclear Power Trio] 9. I’m pretty picky when it comes to instrumental rock but this is eclectic, super melodic and so full of energy and charm that my first listen was an absolute blast.

[Litho – Dejafuse] 10. The melodic approach isn’t that immediate, but I can already see this being a grower because every time I started feeling unsure about it, something exciting came along and cast away any doubts.

[HOF – Dim Gray] 11. You’ve been holding out on me! Rich, emotive, gorgeously arranged and produced - this is probably the best thing you’ve sent me.

[Elite – Wes Montgomery] 12. Exactly what I expected - talented playing and nice energy but perhaps lacking a bit of pizazz.

[faizoff – Van She] 13. Mmm warm vibes and synthy goodness - not mind-blowing maybe but a really nice listen right from the off.

[King – Our Lady Peace] 14. I’ve said before that this genre needs quite a lot of hooks and/or emotion to work - these songs seem to do rather well at both.

[seneca – Emma Ruth Rundle] 15. A little more minimalist than I’d normally go for, but it’s nice stuff and has some great moments.

[Crow – Vylet Pony] 16. I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

[nick_z – Eneferens] 17. Vocals are a little weak and some of the production isn’t that great, but some of the music is so gorgeous that those things hopefully won’t matter too much.

[TAC – Castleway] 18. The use of strings stops this sounding too generic, and each track seems more interesting than the last.

[Sacul – The Black Queen] 19. This mostly sounds like a slightly modernised take on a popular 80s artist, if perhaps not quite as melodically rich.

[Luoto – Cain's Offering] 20. Sounds pretty much exactly like I would have expected based on the people involved - not sure whether that familiarity is comforting or bordering on generic.

[Stadler – Asia] 21. The overall sound was very unsurprising, but there were some really warm and emotive moments that elevated this over what I might have expected.

[Puppies – Echolyn] 22. This was some nice warm prog - with each song, I wasn’t wowed at the start but was won over by the end.

[Buddy – Blanck Mass] 23. There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

[Evermind – Lords of Black] 24. I feel like I’m either going to find this a bit too straightforward or I’m going to love the melodic hooks and big sound, and after one listen I’ve no idea which is more likely.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: wolfking on June 02, 2023, 04:40:32 AM
Woah missed all that.  You guys are quick.

Yeah, thought Brymir was up your alley.  I wouldn't have thought the word cheesy though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2023, 04:45:18 AM
Woah missed all that.  You guys are quick.

Yeah, thought Brymir was up your alley.  I wouldn't have thought the word cheesy though.
I mean it's not the cheesiest metal this round or anything, but there's definitely a power metal influence in there.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: soupytwist on June 02, 2023, 04:52:47 AM
Woah missed all that.  You guys are quick.

Yeah, thought Brymir was up your alley.  I wouldn't have thought the word cheesy though.
I mean it's not the cheesiest metal this round or anything, but there's definitely a power metal influence in there.

Go with the cheese, embrace the cheese.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2023, 05:03:43 AM
This is me listening to soupy's submission:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: wolfking on June 02, 2023, 06:03:41 AM
Woah missed all that.  You guys are quick.

Yeah, thought Brymir was up your alley.  I wouldn't have thought the word cheesy though.
I mean it's not the cheesiest metal this round or anything, but there's definitely a power metal influence in there.

Oh yeah, no doubt there.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 02, 2023, 07:57:09 AM
Woah missed all that.  You guys are quick.

Yeah, thought Brymir was up your alley.  I wouldn't have thought the word cheesy though.

Loved Brymir's latest.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2023, 02:04:50 PM
Round 3 comparisons
Comparisons to the previous round, indicative and subject to change.
As ever, ups and downs show only direction, not scale. Could be 0.1, could be 1.0.

Sacul v
Luoto v
nick_z v
Crow ^
Stadler v
Buddy =
Puppies =
seneca v
Evermind ^
romdrums =
King =
faizoff ^
wolfking ^
Glasser ^
Reaper v
lonestar ^
Vmadera v
Elite v
soupy ^
luke ^
Litho ^
jingle ^

More orange than usual! But as always scores can shift on my final listens.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 first impressions
Post by: faizoff on June 02, 2023, 02:06:45 PM
Round 3 comparisons

faizoff ^
Damn does that mean I'm not last anymore? Maybe 2nd to last now? :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2023, 02:10:57 PM
Round 3 comparisons

faizoff ^
Damn does that mean I'm not last anymore? Maybe 2nd to last now? :biggrin:
It means I expect you to get a higher score than you did in round 2. Whether that means you get off the bottom depends on how big the movements are for you and others.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 02, 2023, 02:13:56 PM
Ariich a confirmed brony :neverusethis:

Congrats Crow!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 02, 2023, 02:16:33 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2023, 02:21:22 PM
Ariich a confirmed brony :neverusethis:

I genuinely had no idea there was apparently some huge fan community around My Little Pony until Crow sent me these songs and I looked the artist up. I don't know if it's even a thing in the UK or whether it's mainly an American thing or what. A week ago all I knew about MLP was that there was a cartoon and a range of toys that my sister liked when she was pre-teen.

Learning things like this blows my mind. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: Crow on June 02, 2023, 02:27:00 PM
ooh baby now we're in business  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 02, 2023, 02:31:52 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2023, 02:40:17 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 02, 2023, 02:46:30 PM
Not too surprising considering last round's submission did quite well. Hopefully we're talking small margins.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: nick_z on June 02, 2023, 02:48:17 PM

nick_z v

ruh-roh  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 02, 2023, 02:49:18 PM

Ariich, you should just post this gif as your write-up and nothing else. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: jingle.boy on June 02, 2023, 03:14:27 PM
After being the caboose last round, I had nowhere to go but up.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 02, 2023, 03:27:07 PM
After being the caboose last round, I had nowhere to go but up.

Your point differential is going to be huge. NPIII is such a fuckign amazing EP.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 02, 2023, 03:51:06 PM
I'm starting to think that Glasser is actually an orangutan.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 02, 2023, 05:57:31 PM
After being the caboose last round, I had nowhere to go but up.

Don't look at the latest set of comparisons for people in my roulette.   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 02, 2023, 07:15:22 PM
More orange than usual! But as always scores can shift on my final listens.
Oh boy, I read this as "scores can shit on my final listens", and wasn't sure how to take that  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: nick_z on June 02, 2023, 07:20:27 PM
More orange than usual! But as always scores can shift on my final listens.
Oh boy, I read this as "scores can shit on my final listens", and wasn't sure how to take that  :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: Crow on June 02, 2023, 11:18:22 PM
three big W's making me overconfident, so
you already have my round 4, but rounds 5 thru 7 sent, i had 6 on lock for a while and while throwing together my EP i realized one of the artists i was considering for it fits better as round 5/i don't have room for 6 artists on my EP anyways so everything worked out perfectly and now i've sent bangers all the way down  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 03, 2023, 01:22:01 AM
After being the caboose last round, I had nowhere to go but up.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 03, 2023, 03:42:33 PM
Rich, I just sent you Round 4, cool?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 03, 2023, 03:43:40 PM
After being the caboose last round, I had nowhere to go but up.

:lol Perfectly fitting in context.

Rich, I just sent you Round 4, cool?
All good. :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: jingle.boy on June 04, 2023, 07:10:56 AM
After being the caboose last round, I had nowhere to go but up.

:lol Perfectly fitting in context.

Indeed. Well played, Tommy Boy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: King Postwhore on June 04, 2023, 07:27:24 AM
(https://i.postimg.cc/D0t1sNhC/briankik-farley.gif) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2023, 04:22:08 PM
Hope everyone had good weekends!

Didn't quite manage to finish writeups and final listens, so results will be tomorrow as planned. Start thinking about your next HEAVY submission for round 4, if you haven't already.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 04, 2023, 04:30:05 PM
Hope everyone had good weekends!

Didn't quite manage to finish writeups and final listens, so results will be tomorrow as planned. Start thinking about your next HEAVY submission for round 4, if you haven't already.

You already have mine!

Maybe you can finish Litho's writeups while you're at it. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 04, 2023, 04:36:14 PM
I'll get it to you now...

Sent something Japanese.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: nick_z on June 04, 2023, 05:02:03 PM
Sent for round #4!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 04, 2023, 05:02:37 PM
Get on it Elite!!
Title: Re: ariich's LIGHT TO DARK roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 02:27:25 AM

Vmadera – Prototype
1. The Chosen One
2. My Own Deception
3. Heart Machine

First impression: Not sure if there’s any specific aspect of this you thought could be risky - if anything it might be a bit too normal with nothing to really stand out, unless that was the issue?

Final opinion: This type of thrash-derived prog metal doesn’t tend to really excite me without strong melodies, which unfortunately I don’t feel these songs really contain enough of. Even somewhat comparable bands where I’ve loved an album or two (like Nevermore and Communic) I’ve found other albums a bit bland. Each of these songs for sure has something to enjoy in them. The Chosen One has a solid main chorus; the Nevermore-style verses in My Own Deception are cool and have some slick riffing in them - especially that section in the second half of the song; and Heart Machine has a neat pre-chorus. The overall experience of listening to these songs is enjoyable enough, but too little of the music interests me - it’s almost like they could only do one thing really well in each song and the rest is just kind of there.

Score: 7.3

Elite – Wes Montgomery
1. If You Could See Me Now (Live at the Half Note)
2. Unit 7 (Live at the Half Note)
3. Impressions (Live at the Half Note)

First impression: Exactly what I expected - talented playing and nice energy but perhaps lacking a bit of pizazz.

Final opinion: You said you’d selected these songs before this round, so I’m going to assume that it’s therefore not an unfortunate and misguided response to my comments in the last round about generally preferring jazz live (which I had intended to mean about actually being there in person). As you know, I’ve checked out a few of Wes Montgomery’s albums before - including one or two in response to the songs you sent me last time. But despite liking those songs a fair bit, and generally being a fan of his playing, his stuff doesn’t really excite me enough. These songs feel like a weaker batch than last time. I guess the jazz and jazz-adjacent music that speaks to me most tends to have a lot of either funky groove, energy and/or flamboyant pizazz, or alternatively if it’s a more laid back style then emotion and melody that I relate to. Unit 7 has a great main theme and a really nice energy to it, which definitely salvages the score. The other two I appreciate, but I don’t think they really hit any of those qualities I’m looking for.

Score: 7.5

Reaper – From Monument To Masses
1. Checksum
2. Beyond God & Elvis
3. A Sixth Trumpet

First impression: This mostly sounds pretty standard for the genre, although there are a few nice flourishes here and there.

Final opinion: At its best, post-rock can be amazing at building soundscapes and immersing the listener. But I do find that quite a lot of it ends up sounding like middle of the road rock with vocals missing. This feels somewhere between the two. There are some really nice moments dotted throughout. By far the most engaging bit is the emotional section starting around the middle of Checksum (with the piano and strings) which is really great, and the short vocal section within it has a lovely delicate touch to it. But other than the odd nice flourish - usually again involving strings - the rest of this is pretty standard stuff really. It’s very pleasant, but I can’t help feeling like I want something more - some interesting instrumentation, big emotional swells, anything really to evoke a bit more feeling in me.

Score: 7.7

seneca – Emma Ruth Rundle
1. Return
2. Blooms of Oblivion
3. The Company
4. Razor’s Edge

First impression: A little more minimalist than I’d normally go for, but it’s nice stuff and has some great moments.

Final opinion: I can see the appeal of going for single-album submissions - I’ve often done the same in roulettes with a similar structure to mine, and indeed I think it was probably a good shout with The Killers last round. But in this case, I think the submission may be a bit narrow. I like the first two songs a lot. Return is delicate and sombre, and very attractive. Kind of reminds me of the quieter, more minimalist end of A.A. Williams’ stuff, if not as full in sound. Blooms of Oblivion is very much the standout - slightly more upbeat in tone, but the way it develops and builds up at the end of the song is gorgeous. Her approach both to the songwriting and to her vocals is quite subtle, but these songs are strong enough for it to work. The other two songs, though, feel like weaker versions of the same style but without the qualities I find engaging in those first two.

Score: 7.8

Stadler – Asia
1. My Own Time (I’ll Do What I Want)
2. Open Your Eyes
3. Midnight Sun
4. Ride Easy

First impression: The overall sound was very unsurprising, but there were some really warm and emotive moments that elevated this over what I might have expected.

Final opinion: My prior experience of Asia is pretty mixed. I’ve generally preferred the sound from the Payne era, most albums of which I’ve heard and one I loved (Silent Nation - Guthrie Govan’s guitar work was also a huge plus for that particular lineup, even if the music in Aura wasn’t that interesting). In terms of the original lineup, Heat of the Moment was a great tune but the rest of the debut never interested me at all. I’m pretty sure I heard a couple of other songs from that time but wasn’t inspired to explore further. I guess I should at least give Alpha a proper listen now. While the overall style might still be very much AOR, there’s a really warm symphonic prog vibe to these songs (the sort of thing we still hear these days with most of Neal Morse’s projects) that evokes more feeling in me than most of what I’ve heard from their early work. I’m not sure I love it yet - there are some moments I find a little dull or vocally weak - but I’m keen to check out the album and give it a chance to win me over. Ride Easy is also a really neat b-side. I already own Silent Nation on CD, but this might prompt me to make my own mini “best of the rest” of the songs I like from the albums I’m not that interested in overall.

Score: 7.9

Luoto – Cain's Offering
1. The Best of Times
2. Antemortem
3. Oceans of Regret

First impression: Sounds pretty much exactly like I would have expected based on the people involved - not sure whether that familiarity is comforting or bordering on generic.

Final opinion: This is a weird one for me. In terms of my first impression, I’ve definitely come down on the side of generic. Like, if I took the various power and symphonic metal bands the members also play or played in and mixed them together a bit, this is exactly what I would expect the end result to sound like. If there’s anything that surprises me at all, it’s how the main riff in Antemortem is completely ripped off from Nightwish who don’t even have a direct connection (although I guess there’s definitely a bit of their sound in some of Wintersun’s stuff). It’s just about tolerable that Nightwish themselves have re-used it two or three times - it’s their own riff after all - but here it’s just really distracting. :lol And yet. And yet… I can’t help but really like these songs anyway. They may be generic, but the choruses are really strong and catchy, enough to kind of make it all ok. Even in Antemortem, I can get over the riff because the chorus is just great.

Score: 8.0

Sacul – The Black Queen
1. That Death Cannot Touch
2. Secret Scream
3. Porcelain Veins
4. Ice to Never
5. The End Where We Start

First impression: This mostly sounds like a slightly modernised take on a popular 80s artist, if perhaps not quite as melodically rich.

Final opinion: Alright, so a lot of this reminds me a lot of Depeche Mode. There are other influences in the mix, no doubt, and not all the songs go too hard on the Depeche style, which means there’s some nice variety to keep things interesting (especially the more modern pop stylings in the last two songs). But a lot of the sounds are very reminiscent of DM’s early albums, as is the dark and melancholy tone. And ultimately, while I don’t think I would say that this is super exciting music, it’s that dark synthpop vibe that I love in DM and which makes me very much want to come back to these songs as well. My opinion has also improved since the first impression, and as I’ve got to know the songs I’ve found them pretty engaging melodically and harmonically.

Score: 8.0

romdrums – Jaga Jazzist
1. Starfire
2. Prognissekongen
3. Oslo Skyline

First impression: For the first few minutes I wondered if you’ve made a rare misstep, but it picks up a lot after that although I do wonder if I’ll end up finding it a bit too “thinky”.

Final opinion: This is not entirely dissimilar to your last submission, but more synthy and eclectic. And it’s pretty damn cool overall, if slightly inconsistent. The first three minutes are… well, just really very dull. I don’t know if they were going for mood here, but it just sounds lethargic. But then suddenly the synths hit, the guitar starts those staccato riffs and suddenly we’re into some really cool fusion. All three of these tracks have moments that are a little uninteresting - a section that drags on a little too long or an idea that’s just not that engaging to listen to - but are salvaged by some cracking stuff. In Starfire it’s those synths, in Prognissekongen it’s the low horns (although in general I’m not digging this track so much), and in Oslo it’s the post-rock-esque build ups that are more immersive than the actual post-rock I got sent this round.

Score: 8.0

TAC – Castleway
1. Jormungang
2. The Hunt
3. A Shivering Sea

First impression: The use of strings stops this sounding too generic, and each track seems more interesting than the last.

Final opinion: The general sound here could have been quite cheesy and generic folk metal, had it not been for the excellent use of the violinist. Obviously that wouldn’t be enough on its own, the music needs to be good too, and it is. Jormungang is pretty standard fare really, solid enough but nothing too exciting other than the violin which adds a nice flavour to the sound. On its own, this might not have even made the 8/10 mark. But The Hunt steps things up - the violin feels less like an addition and more like a core part of the main motif which has a great energy and catchiness to it. And then A Shivering Sea steps things up again, with a gorgeously melancholic introduction that again has the violin at the centre and then some really excellent folk-metal, and the interplay between the violin and the guitar in the extended instrumental in the second half of the song is just fantastic.

Score: 8.2

lonestar – Rolling Quartz
1. Delight
2. Blaze
3. Good Night
4. Azalea
5. Rock’n’roll Paradise

First impression: Seems like this might be a happy middle ground between your first two submissions.

Final opinion: Stylistically, these songs are incredibly straightforward - pretty middle of the road hard-rock really, maybe with some metal leanings here and there and nice poppy influences. It doesn’t feel like the sort of thing that will ever excite me enough to reach particularly high ratings. But there are two things this has that make it super enjoyable - strong hooks (helped by those poppy influences) and really fun energy. The riffs aren’t anything to write home about, and in general the instrumentation isn’t as interesting as Saiseiga, but there’s enough going on and played with a nice enthusiasm such that they service the songs which are built around some super catchy choruses. Your scores are creeping up each round - I wonder how long you can keep this up!

Score: 8.2

soupy – Fellowship
1. Glint
2. The Saint Beyond The River
3. The Hours of Wintertime
4. Oak and Ash

First impression: In sending the polar opposite of your last round, you’ve hit upon some great melodies but possibly a bit too much cheese factor.

Final opinion: Man, this is so cheesy I feel like it’s going to cause my son’s lactose intolerance to spread to me. When it comes to power metal, I don’t tend to go for the upbeat, brothers-in-arms, “I’m off to have an adventure” side of the genre, generally preferring the more dramatic and/or darkly epic flairs. But good grief, after a few listens to these songs I was absolutely in the mindset of “I’m off to slay the dragon, who will join me!”. Despite the vomit-inducing cheese, these songs are so insanely catchy and infectious that they really do spread those upbeat feelings to the listener. Whereas sometimes there’s music that in theory ticks a lot of boxes but just doesn’t sit well with me for some reason, this is something that I like a lot more than I would have thought and can’t exactly point to why. You told me to embrace the cheese, and apparently I did. :lol

Score: 8.2

luke – Coheed and Cambria
1. The Embers of Fire
2. Beautiful Losers
3. Rise, Naianasha (Cut The Cord)
4. Window of the Waking Mind

First impression: Don’t know whether it’ll wholly win me over, but this was both poppier and more dramatic than I was expecting and more engaging as a result.

Final opinion: Coheed is one of those bands I’ve tried several times and never quite managed to get into. There are stylistic elements that appeal to me, sure, and some of their albums I’ve thought were good, just… not great. But when the elements are there, there’s always the potential to eventually make something that works, and these guys definitely wouldn’t be the first band to do that to me. At least based on these songs, this new series (or this album anyway) seems to have potential to finally get me engaged in their stuff. There’s still something slightly compositionally awkward about it - most of these songs either don’t quite flow that smoothly or have moments where the vocals and instrumentation feel a little disconnected - but less so than in everything else I’ve heard from them, and held together with strong hooks (finally some proper choruses!) and a nice dramatic edge reminiscent of The Dear Hunter - especially in the pretty epic title track - such that those limitations don’t really hold it back.

Score: 8.2

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 02:27:34 AM
King – Our Lady Peace
1. Where Are You
2. One Man Army
3. In Repair
4. If You Believe
5. Superman’s Dead

First impression: I’ve said before that this genre needs quite a lot of hooks and/or emotion to work - these songs seem to do rather well at both.

Final opinion: My first impression kind of says it all really, and this hasn’t particularly shifted since then. Almost by definition, this type of post-grunge alternative rock is quite straightforward in style and sound. I said earlier in the roulette that I generally need alt rock to have a strong emotional angle or catchy melodies. Ideally both, but I’ve greatly enjoyed some stuff that only really does one but has really excelled at it. This doesn’t really do that on either dimension, but is very solid at both and it’s the combination that makes it work really well. To varying degrees, all five songs have good hooks - especially Where Are You and the two songs from Spiritual Machines, though the other two have grown on me quite a bit as well, and they definitely incorporate the aspects of grunge that offer up a lot of feeling and emotion into the sound.

Score: 8.2

Buddy – Blanck Mass
1. Rhesus Negative
2. Hive Mind

First impression: There was some very cool stuff here but the sound is very full and dense, I think it’ll be hard to form a proper opinion before getting in a listen or two on earphones.

Final opinion: You’re having a very consistent roulette so far, despite sending me quite varied stuff (and I suppose that consistency is part of why you won my v6). Took me a bit of time to get my head around this one, but I eventually concluded that once again I like it a lot. It’s not that there’s a ton going on musically - indeed it’s reasonably simple in that regard - but sonically there is a lot happening at once, especially in most of Rhesus Negative which is a pretty intense track. But it works great because 1. it’s kept in balance with the quieter sections, 2. a lot of the sounds he uses are quite unique and interesting, and 3. crucially, the music throughout is just really engaging and grand. If I have one minor gripe, it’s that both songs feel a bit drawn out - the hypnotic effect sort of works, but there’s not really enough variety in either tune to go on quite so long - but ultimately these tunes are both a great listen.

Score: 8.3

faizoff – Van She
1. Kelly
2. Jamaica
3. Idea Of Happiness
4. Sarah

First impression: Mmm warm vibes and synthy goodness - not mind-blowing maybe but a really nice listen right from the off.

Final opinion: This is some really nice electropop. It’s a weird one where I like it a lot but don’t feel like I have very much to say. The indie feel is cool and I think adds to what is already a warm sound. The synths are great - right up front in the mix and with a nice variety of sounds always well matched to the vibe of what’s going on musically. And of course the songs are all really catchy, which is pretty essential for something this poppy. Nothing here blows me away, but I love all of it. I think this is the shortest write-up of the roulette so far. :lol

Score: 8.3

nick_z – Eneferens
1. Leave
2. This Onward Reach
3. Selene

First impression: Vocals are a little weak and some of the production isn’t that great, but some of the music is so gorgeous that those things hopefully won’t matter too much.

Final opinion: Yep, I was right. It’s not uncommon for one-man-band projects like this to have weaknesses in the sound department. It’s not bad as such, just slightly on the thin side and the vocals are indeed fairly weak for the most part (especially his cleans) but, again, not terrible. But what it lacks in production values, it more than makes up for in atmosphere, a gorgeous harmonic approach and some lovely guitar melodies. The intro track sets this up nicely, starting with delicate and ethereal acoustic guitars and building up to some gorgeous lead guitar lines once the full band kicks in. And really, those are what the two substantive songs cover as well, just with the addition of a mix of black metal vocals and clean ones. Lovely stuff.

Score: 8.3

Evermind – Lords of Black
1. Before That Time Can Come
2. Ghost of You

First impression: I feel like I’m either going to find this a bit too straightforward or I’m going to love the melodic hooks and big sound, and after one listen I’ve no idea which is more likely.

Final opinion: Hey so this is pretty good stuff, huh? I’ve definitely come down on the side of loving the big sound and big hooks. I mean, yes, stylistically it’s not really anything special or unique. Somewhere between power metal and classic heavy metal, with a singer who sounds somewhere between Jorn Lande and Dio (and with regard to the former, indeed there are hints of Masterplan here and there). Before That Time Can Come is a pretty straightforward rocker that doesn’t necessarily excite, but it has a nice groove to it and an instantly likeable chorus. Ghost of You takes those qualities and expands on them with a wider range of ideas, a more thoughtful and interesting composition (especially in the way the song builds up over the first few minutes), and an even better - grand, epic - chorus. Great song.

Score: 8.3

Puppies – Echolyn
1. When Sunday Spills
2. Speaking In Lampblack

First impression: This was some nice warm prog - with each song, I wasn’t wowed at the start but was won over by the end.

Final opinion: My overall experience with this has essentially been a macrocosm of my first listen to each song, which is that I started out liking but not necessarily loving it, and ended up being a big fan. They definitely have a very retro prog sound for such a modern band - not even a modernised take or anything, this really does sound like it could have come from the 70s or early 80s. That kind of full-on reproduction isn’t something I would often go for unless there’s something to make it stand out, and thankfully both these songs are elegant and interesting enough to do so. The performances are understated but tasteful, there are really nice melodies throughout, and what helps elevate it is the way each song builds and develops such that the last few minutes of each song is both great music in itself and a lovely culmination of what came before it.

Score: 8.3

Litho – Dejafuse
1. Exploring
2. Blanque Cheque
3. Clipper
4. State of Being

First impression: The melodic approach isn’t that immediate, but I can already see this being a grower because every time I started feeling unsure about it, something exciting came along and cast away any doubts.

Final opinion: Back on form, and I was spot on with what I thought might happen. I don’t know Autumn, so I can’t make any comparison of style but wouldn’t generally do so anyway - I’m perfectly happy for artists to do something completely different in spin-offs or solo projects. This is really excellent alternative rock, the best from the genre I’ve received so far this roulette. I was digging the general sound straight away, punchy and full of energy - kind of Foo-Fighters-like in that regard, if slightly quirkier at times. As I said in my first impression, I didn’t find the melodic approach that immediate, but having got to know these songs the hooks are strong. And even where they’re slightly weaker, there’s always something else to draw me in. The best example of this is Blank Cheque, where the main themes in the first half are a little unexciting but serve to set up the incredible and emotive bridge section in the second-half which is one of my favourite moments of the round. But really all these songs are great in slightly different ways.

Score: 8.4

wolfking – Brymir
1. Voices in the Sky
2. For Those Who Died
3. Wings of Fire
4. Rift Between Us

First impression: You have a knack for sending me very epic music and this is no exception - cheesier than some but very richly melodic.

Final opinion: Pretty sure this is the most power metal thing you’ve sent me, a sort of combination of that and melodic death metal. I guess it’s not super cheesy overall, but the big power metal choruses, occasional chanted vocals and folky acoustic guitars are things I don’t recall from any of your previous submissions across three roulettes. But what is absolutely in line with most of your submissions is the overall sound, the epic vibes and lots of strong hooks (whether in the vocals or the lead guitars). Indeed this might be the most melodic thing you’ve ever sent me, even more so than things that have been entirely clean vocals, which is a big plus. And thankfully, these songs do both the MDM and the power metal really well, and the combination of the two works surprisingly seamlessly and really enhances how epic the music feels.

Score: 8.4

jingle – Nuclear Power Trio
1. A Clear and Present Rager
2. Grab ‘Em by the Pyongyang
3. The Fusion Collusion
4. Ukraine in the Membrane
5. Mutually Assured Seduction

First impression: I’m pretty picky when it comes to instrumental rock but this is eclectic, super melodic and so full of energy and charm that my first listen was an absolute blast.

Final opinion: My first impression says it all really. For the amount of instrumental rock and metal bands and artists out there, there are very few albums that I’ve found exciting because, more often than not, these bands seem to struggle to craft music that works effectively without vocals. But this navigates its way through my tastes in exactly the same way as Andy Gillion’s Arcade Metal did last year (just without the explicit video game music homage, although these tunes would absolutely be at home in some of those classic 80s and 90s games). The main themes in each song are so melodic, insanely catchy and instantly memorable - evidenced by the fact that I immediately noticed that your original version had the same track twice with different names. Couple that with big full production, a real sense of fun and super slick playing from everyone and you end up with some great music.

Score: 8.6

Crow – Vylet Pony
1. I’ve Still Got Something to Teach You
2. The Carrion Child
3. Futura

First impression: I’ve heard all the individual elements of this before but the overall effect still feels really unique and really rather great.

Final opinion: The most comparable thing you’ve sent me previously, musically, was songs from Sayonara Wild Hearts. On that occasion, what you’d really done was introduced me to a music-based video game. This time what you’ve really sent me is the realisation that My Little Pony not only has a massive fan community (of fully grown adults) but that it pretty much has its own music genre attached to it. I’m not sure this will get me into that fandom in the way that the songs from SWH led to me becoming a big fan of the game, but musically this is even more engaging than that was. The blend of cutesy pop and a range of different electronica styles (from the more ambient to some harsher sounds) is just the right amount of bonkers. All of it is great in itself - very melodic and interestingly produced - and the variety keeps it exciting. Not the biggest fan of her vocals, but they’re good enough to serve the songs and styles that she works through.

Score: 8.6

HOF – Dim Gray
1. Mare
2. Ashes
3. Undertow
4. Avalon | The Tide
5. 52~

First impression: You’ve been holding out on me! Rich, emotive, gorgeously arranged and produced - this is probably the best thing you’ve sent me.

Final opinion: After a slow start, you’ve gone for a complete gear shift and it has served you very well indeed. I appreciate the limitations of the theme from my last roulette, but this is the first time you’ve sent me something mainly or wholly from the last 20 years. :lol Which isn’t to say you didn’t send me some nice stuff last roulette - I ended up downloading a few Journey songs and even a couple of Kip Winger albums (someone hold Tim back!). But this is easily the most effectively you’ve hit my tastes. It’s lush, emotional, varied, intricate. Every song balances some lovely melodies and emotive delivery with lots of delicate little touches in the production - a gentle piano flourish here, some spacey synths there. It’s just really rich music that was appealing on the first listen and has offered something new with every subsequent listen.

Score: 8.7

Glasser – Nospūn
1. Within the Realm of Possibility

First impression: Closer to your first submission but probably even more my thing - proggy yet crunchy and quite a few moments that remind me of a particular favourite band of mine.

Final opinion: In case it wasn’t obvious, the band I was referring to was of course Haken. My word these guys take huge inspiration from Haken, at least in this song. On the very slight downside, I prefer it when bands take an influence and do more to make it their own, whereas most of this really sounds like it could have come from early-mid era Haken especially (although there are hints of their more recent stuff here and there too). But then maybe they do that more on the rest of the album, and either way this seems to be their debut as far as I can tell, and it’s natural to wear influences on your sleeve at the start. Conversely, on the huge plus side, normally when I hear bands influenced by Haken, they seem to miss the things about Haken that I love so much. No so here. It has the things that other bands replicate ok - the tight riffing and rhythmic intricacy that sits somewhere between classic DT and more modern djent stylings, the big backing synths and general huge sound - and it does them all excellently. But crucially, there is a consistent focus on strong melodies and a slightly dark and melancholic edge to those melodies that makes it all so engaging. Even the quirky bits have that dark, theatrical vibe that Haken do so well. The voice acting in the middle is cheesy as hell and I’m not sure I’m that keen, but everything else is so great that I can get past it.

Score: 8.8


Scores after Round 3:

 1. Crow     = 8.8 + 8.4 + 8.6 = 25.8
 2. Sacul    = 8.3 + 8.9 + 8.0 = 25.2
 3. wolfking = 8.6 + 8.1 + 8.4 = 25.1
 3. TAC      = 8.2 + 8.7 + 8.2 = 25.1
 5. Buddy    = 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.3 = 25.0
 5. Luoto    = 8.3 + 8.7 + 8.0 = 25.0
 5. nick_z   = 8.2 + 8.5 + 8.3 = 25.0
 5. Glasser  = 8.1 + 8.1 + 8.8 = 25.0
 9. Evermind = 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.3 = 24.9
10. Puppies  = 7.9 + 8.3 + 8.3 = 24.5
10. soupy    = 8.4 + 7.9 + 8.2 = 24.5
10. Litho    = 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.4 = 24.5
10. jingle   = 8.2 + 7.7 + 8.6 = 24.5
14. luke     = 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.2 = 24.3
15. Stadler  = 7.9 + 8.4 + 7.9 = 24.2
15. romdrums = 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.0 = 24.2
18. lonestar = 7.8 + 8.0 + 8.2 = 24.0
17. HOF      = 7.5 + 7.9 + 8.7 = 24.1
19. seneca   = 7.6 + 8.3 + 7.8 = 23.7
19. King     = 7.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 = 23.7
19. faizoff  = 7.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 = 23.7
22. Reaper   = 7.6 + 8.1 + 7.7 = 23.4
23. Vmadera  = 8.0 + 8.0 + 7.3 = 23.3
23. Elite    = 7.8 + 8.0 + 7.5 = 23.3

Click the graphs to enlarge.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 02:31:16 AM
The question now is... can anyone stop Crow's total domination of this roulette?! :dangerwillrobinson:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on June 05, 2023, 02:33:23 AM
i would not say i'm a fan of MLP either and haven't been super impressed by other music from the fandom i've been shown but vylet's been knocking it out of the park with her recent albums and i'm all here for it

considering what i've sent in the upcoming rounds (sans round 5 which i need to resend since i plopped one of the songs from it onto my EP since one of the songs there was banned for being too good) i'm gonna say, no, nobody is stopping me  :corn

edit: actually wait, realized a song i can put on my EP and then just let my round 5 stay the same, hmm  :corn :corn :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 02:47:19 AM
i would not say i'm a fan of MLP either and haven't been super impressed by other music from the fandom i've been shown but vylet's been knocking it out of the park with her recent albums and i'm all here for it

considering what i've sent in the upcoming rounds (sans round 5 which i need to resend since i plopped one of the songs from it onto my EP since one of the songs there was banned for being too good) i'm gonna say, no, nobody is stopping me  :corn

edit: actually wait, realized a song i can put on my EP and then just let my round 5 stay the same, hmm  :corn :corn :corn
Well you have over a week to decide!

EDIT: Oh also, to everyone but prompted by Crow, do give your EPs a title!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on June 05, 2023, 02:56:46 AM
i'm probably just gonna edit together the EP into a file eventually, anyways

might play around with it a lil more but i'm really happy with it as it stands, so, eh

edit: and by eventually i mean: now oops
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: TAC on June 05, 2023, 04:10:03 AM
I always give my EPs a title. I haven’t started on this one yet but it feel like I stumbled upon a seed or two this weekend.
Title: Re: ariich's LIGHT TO DARK roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: soupytwist on June 05, 2023, 04:14:04 AM
soupy – Fellowship
1. Glint
2. The Saint Beyond The River
3. The Hours of Wintertime
4. Oak and Ash

First impression: In sending the polar opposite of your last round, you’ve hit upon some great melodies but possibly a bit too much cheese factor.

Final opinion: Man, this is so cheesy I feel like it’s going to cause my son’s lactose intolerance to spread to me. When it comes to power metal, I don’t tend to go for the upbeat, brothers-in-arms, “I’m off to have an adventure” side of the genre, generally preferring the more dramatic and/or darkly epic flairs. But good grief, after a few listens to these songs I was absolutely in the mindset of “I’m off to slay the dragon, who will join me!”. Despite the vomit-inducing cheese, these songs are so insanely catchy and infectious that they really do spread those upbeat feelings to the listener. Whereas sometimes there’s music that in theory ticks a lot of boxes but just doesn’t sit well with me for some reason, this is something that I like a lot more than I would have thought and can’t exactly point to why. You told me to embrace the cheese, and apparently I did. :lol

Score: 8.2


Be prepare for more power metal adventuring cheese next round as I don't really listen to much heavy stuff!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on June 05, 2023, 04:26:26 AM
The most melodic thing I've ever sent?!  Wow, glad you liked them though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: jingle.boy on June 05, 2023, 04:54:26 AM
Giddy up. A couple more rounds in the top 4, and I might just stay in the top 10 :lol

Working on the last couple of tracks. Will try to send tonight.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 05, 2023, 05:17:45 AM
I'll take it  :tup

The question now is... can anyone stop Crow's total domination of this roulette?! :dangerwillrobinson:

Can confirm I will not be able to stop Crow's domination.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Lonk on June 05, 2023, 05:20:52 AM
And there's the risky part of my submission  :lol I'll send something later today  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's LIGHT TO DARK roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 05, 2023, 06:26:37 AM
lonestar – Rolling Quartz
1. Delight
2. Blaze
3. Good Night
4. Azalea
5. Rock’n’roll Paradise

First impression: Seems like this might be a happy middle ground between your first two submissions.

Final opinion: Stylistically, these songs are incredibly straightforward - pretty middle of the road hard-rock really, maybe with some metal leanings here and there and nice poppy influences. It doesn’t feel like the sort of thing that will ever excite me enough to reach particularly high ratings. But there are two things this has that make it super enjoyable - strong hooks (helped by those poppy influences) and really fun energy. The riffs aren’t anything to write home about, and in general the instrumentation isn’t as interesting as Saiseiga, but there’s enough going on and played with a nice enthusiasm such that they service the songs which are built around some super catchy choruses. Your scores are creeping up each round - I wonder how long you can keep this up!

Score: 8.2

Nice... Your mention of "poppy influences" alleviates a bit of my nervousness over my Rd5 selection lol...

Their energy however is undeniable, and is so magnified on stage... Delight live from San Francisco https://youtu.be/GmCbC43704Q (https://youtu.be/GmCbC43704Q)

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: HOF on June 05, 2023, 07:26:57 AM
Awesome! A little traction maybe. Although I’ll warn you I’m about to send something old again. Just don’t have much knowledge of/fandom for modern metal/heavy stuff. But after that I’ll try to get back to this millennium.  :P

Dim Gray are a wonderful up and coming act. I noted in my message that this is just their second album, and the first one is nowhere near the level of production value as the second. Definitely check out the whole album as it was neck and neck with one other for my album of the year last year. It can lag a bit in parts of the second half, but they nailed the ending. I think singer/keyboardist/writer Oskar Holldorff is going to be a name in the prog world soon enough.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 07:43:01 AM
Awesome! A little traction maybe. Although I’ll warn you I’m about to send something old again. Just don’t have much knowledge of/fandom for modern metal/heavy stuff. But after that I’ll try to get back to this millennium.  :P
Well, it's up to you but as I've said before, it doesn't need to be outright heavy in absolute terms - indeed the first round included hip hop and minimalist indie folk.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: HOF on June 05, 2023, 08:04:45 AM
Awesome! A little traction maybe. Although I’ll warn you I’m about to send something old again. Just don’t have much knowledge of/fandom for modern metal/heavy stuff. But after that I’ll try to get back to this millennium.  :P
Well, it's up to you but as I've said before, it doesn't need to be outright heavy in absolute terms - indeed the first round included hip hop and minimalist indie folk.

I’m actually excited to send this, as it recently got added to Spotify and I’ve never been able to send it until now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 05, 2023, 08:09:11 AM
Keepin' things consistent! World Eater and Animated Violence Mild are both great albums, definitely worth checking out. :metal

I know what band I'm sending for this round, just need to nail down which songs to go with.
Title: Re: ariich's LIGHT TO DARK roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Luoto on June 05, 2023, 08:26:32 AM
Luoto – Cain's Offering
1. The Best of Times
2. Antemortem
3. Oceans of Regret

First impression: Sounds pretty much exactly like I would have expected based on the people involved - not sure whether that familiarity is comforting or bordering on generic.

Final opinion: This is a weird one for me. In terms of my first impression, I’ve definitely come down on the side of generic. Like, if I took the various power and symphonic metal bands the members also play or played in and mixed them together a bit, this is exactly what I would expect the end result to sound like. If there’s anything that surprises me at all, it’s how the main riff in Antemortem is completely ripped off from Nightwish who don’t even have a direct connection (although I guess there’s definitely a bit of their sound in some of Wintersun’s stuff). It’s just about tolerable that Nightwish themselves have re-used it two or three times - it’s their own riff after all - but here it’s just really distracting. :lol And yet. And yet… I can’t help but really like these songs anyway. They may be generic, but the choruses are really strong and catchy, enough to kind of make it all ok. Even in Antemortem, I can get over the riff because the chorus is just great.

Score: 8.0

In the context of power metal, these songs aren't that generic when you dig into them a little. Nodding towards another band that clearly out of left field is actually a great example of that in a crooked way :lol Anyway, glad you liked the songs and good I still stayed out of the 7's.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: faizoff on June 05, 2023, 09:23:12 AM
faizoff – Van She
1. Kelly
2. Jamaica
3. Idea Of Happiness
4. Sarah

First impression: Mmm warm vibes and synthy goodness - not mind-blowing maybe but a really nice listen right from the off.

Final opinion: This is some really nice electropop. It’s a weird one where I like it a lot but don’t feel like I have very much to say. The indie feel is cool and I think adds to what is already a warm sound. The synths are great - right up front in the mix and with a nice variety of sounds always well matched to the vibe of what’s going on musically. And of course the songs are all really catchy, which is pretty essential for something this poppy. Nothing here blows me away, but I love all of it. I think this is the shortest write-up of the roulette so far. :lol

Score: 8.3

Looks like the light and poppy side of things are easier to submit for me. I will dig around for the heavy stuff and send probably tonight.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: HOF on June 05, 2023, 09:25:42 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 09:27:15 AM
Be prepare for more power metal adventuring cheese next round as I don't really listen to much heavy stuff!
Your round 1 was pretty heavy! But again, "heavy" only needs to be relative, not absolute.

The most melodic thing I've ever sent?!  Wow, glad you liked them though.
I think so, yeah. Just super accessible melodies all over, despite the heaviness and harsh vocals.

Nice... Your mention of "poppy influences" alleviates a bit of my nervousness over my Rd5 selection lol...
Shouldn't exactly come as a surprise, I like poppy hooks and catchy melodies!

Awesome! A little traction maybe. Although I’ll warn you I’m about to send something old again. Just don’t have much knowledge of/fandom for modern metal/heavy stuff. But after that I’ll try to get back to this millennium.  :P
Well, it's up to you but as I've said before, it doesn't need to be outright heavy in absolute terms - indeed the first round included hip hop and minimalist indie folk.

I’m actually excited to send this, as it recently got added to Spotify and I’ve never been able to send it until now.
Ok great, sounds intriguing!

In the context of power metal, these songs aren't that generic when you dig into them a little. Nodding towards another band that clearly out of left field is actually a great example of that in a crooked way :lol Anyway, glad you liked the songs and good I still stayed out of the 7's.
Hmm well, ok maybe generic isn't quite the right word as regards the genre as a whole. It's more that other than the Nightwish-style riff, the sound and style is exactly what I would expect based on the bands represented.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 05, 2023, 09:37:55 AM

Nice... Your mention of "poppy influences" alleviates a bit of my nervousness over my Rd5 selection lol...
Shouldn't exactly come as a surprise, I like poppy hooks and catchy melodies!

Excellent... Rd5 should score very  well then...

Also, Rd5 being TIK Tok stars, will feature a very strong gif game as well lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 05, 2023, 09:40:03 AM
I can't argue too much with your take on ERR. While I enjoy the second two songs of the batch and the rest of the album a lot, Blooms of Oblivion and Return are the highlights for me as well. If you're at all inclined to check out her other albums, I'd definitely recommend Some Heavy Ocean and Marked for Death. They might give you more of the variety you're looking for.

I'll have to think about round 4 a little bit... Maybe it's time to go proper heavy rather than just really depressing  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Stadler on June 05, 2023, 09:49:31 AM
I'm thinking of something to send...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 09:52:54 AM
I'll have to think about round 4 a little bit... Maybe it's time to go proper heavy rather than just really depressing  :lol

You've never sent me something heavy before. You only played in my v5, which was an album roulette (so I needed to have eliminations) and in the five rounds you played in, I'm pretty sure it was all indie and country. I don't really have much idea of what your tastes are like beyond those genres other than how you reacted to some of the stuff I sent in your roulette years ago. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on June 05, 2023, 10:48:06 AM
It seems the quality of the songs is higher here than in your previous roulettes, Rich (or you have become more lenient with scoring), as even with three 8+ scores I keep falling behind.

Also wanted to remind everyone that I won't be able to send anything until tomorrow late evening (~25-26 hours from now on).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on June 05, 2023, 11:38:33 AM
It seems the quality of the songs is higher here than in your previous roulettes, Rich (or you have become more lenient with scoring), as even with three 8+ scores I keep falling behind.
you are .3 behind second place  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on June 05, 2023, 12:13:56 PM
It seems the quality of the songs is higher here than in your previous roulettes, Rich (or you have become more lenient with scoring), as even with three 8+ scores I keep falling behind.
you are .3 behind second place  :lol

Well placement-wise I'm 9th and it got worse in each round :lol

And a whopping 0.9 behind the first place with almost half the roulette behind us, but that's more due to your performance I guess haha
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on June 05, 2023, 12:44:18 PM
Wow! This is fun! I know I won't win this but it's great discovering new things to check out. You all rule!  :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on June 05, 2023, 12:46:57 PM
but that's more due to your performance I guess haha

i'm actually surprised i'm doing quite as well as i'm doing since i've decided to soft-challenge myself to only use 2022-2023 music (well, barring the one 2017 gang of youths song i sent, anyways) until the EP round, hah
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 05, 2023, 12:50:06 PM

Wow! This is fun! I know I won't win this but it's great discovering new things to check out. You all rule!  :heart

Welcome to the club! :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 05, 2023, 01:13:01 PM
Wow! This is fun! I know I won't win this but it's great discovering new things to check out. You all rule!  :heart

It’s a gentleman’s sport for sure. I’m definitely checking out the song you won the round with.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on June 05, 2023, 01:42:39 PM
listening to my own EP for funsies, wouldn't say this is the most delicately assembled EP i've ever made but damn is it good  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on June 05, 2023, 01:44:38 PM
Wow! This is fun! I know I won't win this but it's great discovering new things to check out. You all rule!  :heart

It’s a gentleman’s sport for sure. I’m definitely checking out the song you won the round with.

Definitely do! The entire album kicks ass!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 01:50:11 PM
It seems the quality of the songs is higher here than in your previous roulettes, Rich (or you have become more lenient with scoring), as even with three 8+ scores I keep falling behind.
Nope, scores are comparable with my last two roulettes. Current average score is a little higher than my v7 (which had an inherent limitation in the first 5 rounds being older music, the first 3 of which had to be 80s or earlier), but slightly lower than my v6.

These multi-song submission roulettes (v6-v8) do have a distinctly higher average score than my album roulettes (v3-v5) did, but that's to be expected when players are picking what they consider to be the strongest set of songs to send.

It seems the quality of the songs is higher here than in your previous roulettes, Rich (or you have become more lenient with scoring), as even with three 8+ scores I keep falling behind.
you are .3 behind second place  :lol

Well placement-wise I'm 9th and it got worse in each round :lol

And a whopping 0.9 behind the first place with almost half the roulette behind us, but that's more due to your performance I guess haha
I'm with Crow on this. Your placement is simply because 2nd-9th place are all very tightly clumped together. This is exactly why I also make "points away from median" graph in addition to the rank graph, as it shows visually how close together you all are. Apart from Crow that is, who is doing incredibly well while nobody else is being quite as consistent with high scores so far.

Wow! This is fun! I know I won't win this but it's great discovering new things to check out. You all rule!  :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on June 05, 2023, 01:51:55 PM
Apart from Crow that is, who is doing incredibly well
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 01:54:17 PM
Apart from Crow that is, who is doing incredibly well
Not even halfway through yet so still plenty of time for you to screw it up. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on June 05, 2023, 01:56:31 PM
while that's true, my round 4-7 submissions are all as good or better than my round 1-3 submissions  :corn
mostly i'm happy i was able to get seven rounds of music without rlly repeating a style or general sound, rounds 1 and 4 are probably closest i've come to that and even then they're quite different to my ears
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on June 05, 2023, 01:56:55 PM
Apart from Crow that is, who is doing incredibly well

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 05, 2023, 02:00:28 PM
I'll have to think about round 4 a little bit... Maybe it's time to go proper heavy rather than just really depressing  :lol

You've never sent me something heavy before. You only played in my v5, which was an album roulette (so I needed to have eliminations) and in the five rounds you played in, I'm pretty sure it was all indie and country. I don't really have much idea of what your tastes are like beyond those genres other than how you reacted to some of the stuff I sent in your roulette years ago. :lol

Yeah that sounds about right  :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on June 05, 2023, 03:41:04 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 05, 2023, 04:09:27 PM
Final opinion: Back on form, and I was spot on with what I thought might happen. I don’t know Autumn, so I can’t make any comparison of style but wouldn’t generally do so anyway - I’m perfectly happy for artists to do something completely different in spin-offs or solo projects. This is really excellent alternative rock, the best from the genre I’ve received so far this roulette. I was digging the general sound straight away, punchy and full of energy - kind of Foo-Fighters-like in that regard, if slightly quirkier at times. As I said in my first impression, I didn’t find the melodic approach that immediate, but having got to know these songs the hooks are strong. And even where they’re slightly weaker, there’s always something else to draw me in. The best example of this is Blank Cheque, where the main themes in the first half are a little unexciting but serve to set up the incredible and emotive bridge section in the second-half which is one of my favourite moments of the round. But really all these songs are great in slightly different ways.

Hmm, 6th, 23rd, 6th again, let's hope next round isn't another 23rd.   :lol   The Foo Fighters comparison is interesting.  Certainly not one I would have thought of, and I'm not sure I can quite see it, but I suppose some of their faster tracks have a certain kind of rhythmically propulsive vibe in common with something like "Monkey Wrench", I suppose.  That whole bridge section of "Blanque Cheque" is probably my second favorite moment of the set, with the one in "Clipper" probably appealing even more to my sensibilities than they would to yours. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 05, 2023, 04:26:33 PM
Sent.  I think my placement this next round will determine how bold I go in round 5.  My long-planned initial idea for it seems increasingly risky, but unless I'm still in the running I might just go with it anyway. 

I can't argue too much with your take on ERR. While I enjoy the second two songs of the batch and the rest of the album a lot, Blooms of Oblivion and Return are the highlights for me as well. If you're at all inclined to check out her other albums, I'd definitely recommend Some Heavy Ocean and Marked for Death. They might give you more of the variety you're looking for.

I'll have to think about round 4 a little bit... Maybe it's time to go proper heavy rather than just really depressing  :lol

I love how he described "Blooms of Oblivion" as "more upbeat".   :eek   That is one of the most depressing songs I've ever heard, which is why I love it.  Some Heavy Ocean is probably an all-time top 50 album for me though, so I'd second the recommendation on that. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 04:29:20 PM
I love how he described "Blooms of Oblivion" as "more upbeat".  That is one of the most depressing songs I've ever heard, which is why I love it. 
I meant musically. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 05, 2023, 04:30:25 PM
I don't see it as musically upbeat either.  :p   I don't even care about the lyrics, though I can tell they're dark. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 04:31:33 PM
Oh and regarding the Foo Fighters comparison, yeah it wasn't about the actual sound itself being similar, more the tempo and mood in quote a few places reminding me a bit of early to mid era Foos. Your description of the rhythmically propulsive vibe is pretty spot on.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2023, 04:32:55 PM
I don't see it as musically upbeat either.  :p   I don't even care about the lyrics, though I can tell they're dark. 
Interesting difference in how we're interpreting things in that case!

EDIT: To briefly explain my own reaction, the song is musically very gentle, all in a major key and with quote simple, pretty melodies. The combination of which I definitely associate with a light and upbeat tone.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Sacul on June 05, 2023, 05:03:16 PM
Nice, seems this was a very strong round. I'm carefully thinking of what to send next.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 05, 2023, 05:47:59 PM
Oh, I don't think I've submitted anything for round 4 yet. Let me get on that.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 05, 2023, 06:22:16 PM
And sent! :corn :metal :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on June 05, 2023, 07:20:50 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: soupytwist on June 06, 2023, 01:16:49 AM
I'll send something in the next 12 hours.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: jingle.boy on June 06, 2023, 05:35:14 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Lonk on June 06, 2023, 06:28:11 AM
Sent :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: nick_z on June 06, 2023, 07:26:47 AM

nick_z – Eneferens
1. Leave
2. This Onward Reach
3. Selene

First impression: Vocals are a little weak and some of the production isn’t that great, but some of the music is so gorgeous that those things hopefully won’t matter too much.

Final opinion: Yep, I was right. It’s not uncommon for one-man-band projects like this to have weaknesses in the sound department. It’s not bad as such, just slightly on the thin side and the vocals are indeed fairly weak for the most part (especially his cleans) but, again, not terrible. But what it lacks in production values, it more than makes up for in atmosphere, a gorgeous harmonic approach and some lovely guitar melodies. The intro track sets this up nicely, starting with delicate and ethereal acoustic guitars and building up to some gorgeous lead guitar lines once the full band kicks in. And really, those are what the two substantive songs cover as well, just with the addition of a mix of black metal vocals and clean ones. Lovely stuff.

Score: 8.3

Sorry for not commenting earlier...the doggie hurt herself - she tore her ACL and she's an older lady, so not sure where we go from here, especially since she just had surgery in Jan to remove a big tumor  :-[ Between that and work it's been a little nuts...

Anyway, glad you enjoyed this  :tup As I mentioned already, I tend to agree with you on one-man bands. This particular record came out of nowhere for me, and it hit the right notes. Some beautiful melodies and moods in here.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 06, 2023, 02:15:39 PM
Just working out how extreme to go in this round  :metal :metal will be sending soon.

Edit: sent
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on June 06, 2023, 06:45:43 PM
Just working out how extreme to go in this round  :metal :metal will be sending soon.

Edit: sent

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 06, 2023, 07:09:11 PM
Just working out how extreme to go in this round  :metal :metal will be sending soon.

Edit: sent


I literally just looked for that on a shirt.  :lol

Will probably buy some off their other merch without hearing a single song.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on June 06, 2023, 07:12:11 PM
Just working out how extreme to go in this round  :metal :metal will be sending soon.

Edit: sent


I literally just looked for that on a shirt.  :lol

Will probably buy some off their other merch without hearing a single song.

https://pizzadeathband666.bandcamp.com/merch  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: nick_z on June 06, 2023, 07:29:08 PM
Glasser – Nospūn
1. Within the Realm of Possibility

First impression: Closer to your first submission but probably even more my thing - proggy yet crunchy and quite a few moments that remind me of a particular favourite band of mine.

Final opinion: In case it wasn’t obvious, the band I was referring to was of course Haken. My word these guys take huge inspiration from Haken, at least in this song. On the very slight downside, I prefer it when bands take an influence and do more to make it their own, whereas most of this really sounds like it could have come from early-mid era Haken especially (although there are hints of their more recent stuff here and there too). But then maybe they do that more on the rest of the album, and either way this seems to be their debut as far as I can tell, and it’s natural to wear influences on your sleeve at the start. Conversely, on the huge plus side, normally when I hear bands influenced by Haken, they seem to miss the things about Haken that I love so much. No so here. It has the things that other bands replicate ok - the tight riffing and rhythmic intricacy that sits somewhere between classic DT and more modern djent stylings, the big backing synths and general huge sound - and it does them all excellently. But crucially, there is a consistent focus on strong melodies and a slightly dark and melancholic edge to those melodies that makes it all so engaging. Even the quirky bits have that dark, theatrical vibe that Haken do so well. The voice acting in the middle is cheesy as hell and I’m not sure I’m that keen, but everything else is so great that I can get past it.

Score: 8.8


Glasser! I checked this album out tonight and it's indeed a super-tasty slab of prog metal!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on June 06, 2023, 07:33:31 PM
Glasser – Nospūn
1. Within the Realm of Possibility

First impression: Closer to your first submission but probably even more my thing - proggy yet crunchy and quite a few moments that remind me of a particular favourite band of mine.

Final opinion: In case it wasn’t obvious, the band I was referring to was of course Haken. My word these guys take huge inspiration from Haken, at least in this song. On the very slight downside, I prefer it when bands take an influence and do more to make it their own, whereas most of this really sounds like it could have come from early-mid era Haken especially (although there are hints of their more recent stuff here and there too). But then maybe they do that more on the rest of the album, and either way this seems to be their debut as far as I can tell, and it’s natural to wear influences on your sleeve at the start. Conversely, on the huge plus side, normally when I hear bands influenced by Haken, they seem to miss the things about Haken that I love so much. No so here. It has the things that other bands replicate ok - the tight riffing and rhythmic intricacy that sits somewhere between classic DT and more modern djent stylings, the big backing synths and general huge sound - and it does them all excellently. But crucially, there is a consistent focus on strong melodies and a slightly dark and melancholic edge to those melodies that makes it all so engaging. Even the quirky bits have that dark, theatrical vibe that Haken do so well. The voice acting in the middle is cheesy as hell and I’m not sure I’m that keen, but everything else is so great that I can get past it.

Score: 8.8


Glasser! I checked this album out tonight and it's indeed a super-tasty slab of prog metal!

Nice!! It really is and it gets better with each spin!!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 06, 2023, 08:04:40 PM
Just working out how extreme to go in this round  :metal :metal will be sending soon.

Edit: sent


I literally just looked for that on a shirt.  :lol

Will probably buy some off their other merch without hearing a single song.

https://pizzadeathband666.bandcamp.com/merch  :metal

That's where I looked lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: jingle.boy on June 06, 2023, 09:03:54 PM
Name three songs by them. Go!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 06, 2023, 09:51:41 PM
I don't see it as musically upbeat either.  :p   I don't even care about the lyrics, though I can tell they're dark. 
Interesting difference in how we're interpreting things in that case!

EDIT: To briefly explain my own reaction, the song is musically very gentle, all in a major key and with quote simple, pretty melodies. The combination of which I definitely associate with a light and upbeat tone.

That's a little oversimplified though.  Not to get too lost in the music theory weeds, but two of the main chords are major 7th chords, and the vocal melody as well as the guitar riffs and cello accompaniment hammer the 7th degree of the scale a lot, which over the IV chord becomes a tritone, so those are more dissonant intervals than simple major chords, and some of them imply relative minor chords at other spots.  It's part of what makes that song so beautiful for me, that there's so much going on even when it seems more minimalistic.  :)   Plus the heavily downtuned guitar makes it sound darker, the sorrowful cello playing, the funereal pace, the pained vocal delivery, it doesn't feel light and upbeat to me with all of that. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: wolfking on June 07, 2023, 12:02:28 AM
Name three songs by them. Go!

Lol.  Can you film your reaction for us please?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 07, 2023, 12:51:23 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: soupytwist on June 07, 2023, 01:07:06 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 01:46:12 AM
Sorry for not commenting earlier...the doggie hurt herself - she tore her ACL and she's an older lady, so not sure where we go from here, especially since she just had surgery in Jan to remove a big tumor  :-[ Between that and work it's been a little nuts....
Aw no, hope she's OK!

Just working out how extreme to go in this round  :metal :metal
Seems you may not have been the only one... :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 02:12:52 AM
I don't see it as musically upbeat either.  :p   I don't even care about the lyrics, though I can tell they're dark. 
Interesting difference in how we're interpreting things in that case!

EDIT: To briefly explain my own reaction, the song is musically very gentle, all in a major key and with quote simple, pretty melodies. The combination of which I definitely associate with a light and upbeat tone.

That's a little oversimplified though.  Not to get too lost in the music theory weeds, but two of the main chords are major 7th chords, and the vocal melody as well as the guitar riffs and cello accompaniment hammer the 7th degree of the scale a lot, which over the IV chord becomes a tritone, so those are more dissonant intervals than simple major chords, and some of them imply relative minor chords at other spots.  It's part of what makes that song so beautiful for me, that there's so much going on even when it seems more minimalistic.  :)   Plus the heavily downtuned guitar makes it sound darker, the sorrowful cello playing, the funereal pace, the pained vocal delivery, it doesn't feel light and upbeat to me with all of that. 
Hmm there probably is a slight difference in how we interpret the emotional resonance, but I think also you've somewhat misconstrued my comment that it's "slightly more upbeat in tone" than Return as suggesting I think it's upbeat in general, which I definitely don't. :lol

I agree with eveything you've described about how both the music and the delivery make it beautiful and emotional. Where I think we perhaps differ is that those harmonic qualities evoke more of a bittersweet feeling in me than the outright bleak sadness of Return. That itself may be a difference in interpretation, and same for whether that is indeed less depressing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Elite on June 07, 2023, 05:25:19 AM
Disappointing result, slightly. But I can also see why it's not everybody's cup of tea. I personally think Wes' playing is amazing and it's one of my favourite go-to jazz records.

Sent round 4!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 07, 2023, 06:07:30 AM
Just working out how extreme to go in this round  :metal :metal will be sending soon.

Edit: sent


I literally just looked for that on a shirt.  :lol

Will probably buy some off their other merch without hearing a single song.

https://pizzadeathband666.bandcamp.com/merch  :metal

You never let me down dude  :tup

I could’ve almost sent the whole album. I almost nearly sent something this round you very well may have sent yourself  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: faizoff on June 07, 2023, 06:09:02 AM
Sent round 4.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ReaperKK on June 07, 2023, 06:13:21 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 09:29:47 AM
Just waiting on one submission and then we can get hangman underway.

This round is definitely the heaviest so far.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 07, 2023, 09:57:44 AM

This round is definitely the heaviest so far.

You asked, we deliver...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Elite on June 07, 2023, 10:02:44 AM
Just waiting on one submission and then we can get hangman underway.

This round is definitely the heaviest so far.

Pretty sure I'm to blame at least partly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Evermind on June 07, 2023, 10:46:19 AM
Just waiting on one submission and then we can get hangman underway.

This round is definitely the heaviest so far.

Pretty sure I'm to blame at least partly.

I mean it's only fair that heaviness should escalate as the roulette progresses.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 07, 2023, 10:48:31 AM
Hey Rich, hold off on listening to the new Gacharic Spin song so I can submit on my EP :p
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on June 07, 2023, 10:51:52 AM
Hey Rich, hold off on listening to the new Gacharic Spin song so I can submit on my EP :p

He had to see it now since you've been advocating it on every social media you can.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 07, 2023, 11:11:50 AM

Hey Rich, hold off on listening to the new Gacharic Spin song so I can submit on my EP :p

He had to see it now since you've been advocating it on every social media you can.  :lol

I haven't put it on Instagram or tik tok yet, let's not exaggerate it....

It's a really good fucking song though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on June 07, 2023, 11:16:35 AM
It is.  Lisa loved it too. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 07, 2023, 11:21:05 AM
It is.  Lisa loved it too.

She has excellent tastes in music and men.

I'm obviously joking, I'm sure Rich was on the new track right away, and I'm also sure the band falls under a total ban.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Crow on June 07, 2023, 12:40:00 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on June 07, 2023, 01:02:04 PM
It is.  Lisa loved it too.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 07, 2023, 01:04:54 PM
It is.  Lisa loved it too.


Is that from Weird Science?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on June 07, 2023, 01:07:30 PM
It is.  Lisa loved it too.


Is that from Weird Science?
Yes, Lisa!  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 07, 2023, 01:07:44 PM
It is.  Lisa loved it too.


Is that from Weird Science?



Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 07, 2023, 01:08:42 PM
Classic 80s  :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: Glasser on June 07, 2023, 01:09:40 PM
Classic 80s  :heart

Kelly sporting those incredible DSL's.  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: King Postwhore on June 07, 2023, 01:15:57 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 01:37:52 PM
I'm obviously joking, I'm sure Rich was on the new track right away, and I'm also sure the band falls under a total ban.
Correct on all counts. While not strictly specified in the rules, I obviously won't be accepting singles I've already heard from upcoming albums by artists I already love. My RYM should give a pretty good indication of whether that applies to any given artist but generally if I've rated all their recent albums and at least some of them are 4 stars or higher, I'll be checking out the new stuff already.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 01:49:39 PM
Fine then!

??: ___ _____ ____
    1: ___ ________
    2: ________
    3: ___ __ ______
    4: ____ _____

??: ______
    1: ___ _____ __ ___d
    2: ______ __ __
    3: D_______ __ _ D____

??: _____d___
    1: D_____
    2: ______
    3: ____
    4: _____
    5: ___d____ ___

??: ________ ______
    1: ___d _____ ________ __ ___
    2: _______ __ __________ _____
    3: _ ____ ______

??: __________
    1: _____d_ __ _ - ___ __ ____ __ ____ __d ___?
    2: _____d_ __ _ - D___d___ ___
    3: ___ _____’_ D_______
    4: ____d_ _____

??: _____ _____
    1: ___ ________ ___
    2: ___________

??: ______ __ _____
    1: ______ / _________
    2: ___ ______ ____
    3: _____ ____ ____ __ ____

??: _________
    1: __________
    2: ______
    3: ___d
    4: ______

??: ______ ____ ____
    1: _____ D_____/_____ __ ______

??: ____d____
    1: __d__ _____ _____
    2: ______

??: _______
    1: ____
    2: ______

??: D__ _____
    1: ___ __ ___ _____
    2: __________
    3: _dd _______

??: ______
    1: _____
    2: D________
    3: _____
    4: _._._.

??: _________
    1: ______ __ ____ _______
    2: ___ ____
    3: ___d _____
    4: ________

??: D_____d
    1: ______
    2: ____d ____
    3: ____

??: D______
    1: ________ __ ___d
    2: ___ ___ D_____ ___ ____
    3: _____
    4: ________

??: ________ __________
    1: _____ ______
    2: _________ ___d_d
    3: _______d __d___d

??: _______
    1: ____ ____
    2: _________ ____
    3: ____ _____
    4: _____ _____
    5: ___d__ __, _ ____ __ __ ___

??: ______ __ _____
    1: ______ ______
    2: __________ ___: ______
    3: ___ ___d ____ _____ __ ____d _______

??: _________
    1: ________
    2: _____ ___ ____
    3: ___ _____ ____ ______

??: ________
    1: _____d ___ ____
    2: ___ _______ D________
    3: ____ ____d

??: ____
    1: ___________
    2: ________ ___ D_________
    3: ___d____d_ ____d__

??: ____ _ ____ ____
    1: ____d____
    2: D___, D___
    3: ____ _______ ____: __,___

??: ___ ___ __ _______
    1: ____ ___ _____ ____ ___
    2: ___ ____ ______
    3: _____ _______
    4: ___ ______

Guessed letters: D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 3 RESULTS!
Post by: lonestar on June 07, 2023, 01:49:48 PM
I'm obviously joking, I'm sure Rich was on the new track right away, and I'm also sure the band falls under a total ban.
Correct on all counts. While not strictly specified in the rules, I obviously won't be accepting singles I've already heard from upcoming albums by artists I already love. My RYM should give a pretty good indication of whether that applies to any given artist but generally if I've rated all their recent albums and at least some of them are 4 stars or higher, I'll be checking out the new stuff already.

It's so damn good... I think I'm 10 spins in now.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 07, 2023, 01:51:39 PM
E and O please.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 01:55:54 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 01:57:47 PM
E and O please.
One letter at a time!


Ooh new page already...

??: T_e ___e_ _on_
    1: T_e _e_t_e__
    2: _____o_t
    3: _et In Motion
    4: ____ ____t

??: Kalmah
    1: T_e __o_n o_ _ind
    2: _e_oe_ To __
    3: Drifting In a Dream

??: _e_end__t
    1: Deni__
    2: ___i_e
    3: ____
    4: Enem_
    5: __odi___ _on

??: ____t_e_ ____me
    1: __nd __e_e __m__t__ i_ _i_
    2: __in_e_ o_ E__ene__i_ ___me
    3: _ _te_ __o_e_

jingle: Triosphere
    1: On___d_ _t _ - ___ I_ __i_ in _o_e _nd ___?
    2: On___d_ _t _ - De__dent One
    3: T_e _e__t’_ Dominion
    4: _o__d_ ____t

??: _nim_ Tem_o
    1: T_e In_inite E_e
    2: _on_e__ion_

??: _i_e__ o_ Ni_i_
    1: __n_e_ / Moon__e__
    2: T_e _i_ent _i_e
    3: __e_e O___ _no_ M_ N_me

??: Meshuggah
    1: Combustion
    2: ______
    3: __ed
    4: M___o_

Stadler: Mother Love Bone
    1: ___oe D_n_e_/__o_n o_ T_o_n_

??: O__idio__
    1: _nde_ _____ __ie_
    2: I_oni_

??: _t_o___
    1: _no_
    2: _____m

??: Dan Swanö
    1: __n o_ t_e Ni__t
    2: _n__e_tion
    3: _dd _e__it_

??: _o__e_
    1: ____o
    2: Dee___o_t
    3: ___e_
    4: _._.O.

??: _o___e__t
    1: __o_e_ o_ ___e _im_e_e
    2: T_e __nt
    3: _o_d ___me
    4: ______ie

??: De__end
    1: ____in
    2: __ood Moon
    3: _i__

??: D_n__t_
    1: __e_en_e o_ Mind
    2: ___ t_e De_i__ __e _e_e
    3: _o___
    4: In_tin_t

??: Im_e_i__ T_i_m___nt
    1: ___m_ ___n_e
    2: Me____i__ _i_ded
    3: ____noid _nd_oid

lonestar: Hanabie
    1: Neet __me
    2: In_i_i__e ____
    3: _o_e _en__
    4: __o_t M_ni_
    5: ___don Me, I ___e to _o No_

??: Rivers of Nihil
    1: Subtle Change
    2: Terrestria III: Wither
    3: The Void From Which No Sound Escapes

??: Me__en___
    1: _i_e_o__
    2: M__i_ Non _to_
    3: T_e _o___ T__t _em_in

??: M___t_on
    1: _e_ond t_e _ei_
    2: T_e _e_ent_ Dimen_ion
    3: O_en _ie_d

??: Worm
    1: Bluenothing
    2: Invoking the Dragonmoon
    3: Shadowside Kingdom

Sacul: Have A Nice Life
    1: Bloodhail
    2: Deep, Deep
    3: Holy Fucking Shit: 40,000

??: _it _o_ _n __to___
    1: __en t_e _____ ___n O_t
    2: ___ __om _e__en
    3: _____ M_mmot_
    4: T_o To_e__

Guessed letters: DO ET IN M
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 07, 2023, 02:04:25 PM
Have A Nice Life

Deep, Deep


Deep, Deep isn't one of my go-tos from that album, but Bloodhail is obviously fantastic.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 07, 2023, 02:11:39 PM
Now the O?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 07, 2023, 02:12:31 PM
Now the O?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 02:12:41 PM
Now the O?
No O is banned forever. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 07, 2023, 02:13:57 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: HOF on June 07, 2023, 02:14:20 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 07, 2023, 02:15:42 PM
E and O please.
One letter at a time!


Sorry Rich. Now I know.  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 02:17:23 PM

Guessed letters: DO ET
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 07, 2023, 02:17:45 PM
 :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 07, 2023, 02:21:27 PM
Dan Swano.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 07, 2023, 02:22:39 PM
Rich is now known as Dirty Elliot.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 02:23:55 PM
Guessed letters: DO ET IN
In what?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 02:25:50 PM
Stats for round 4!

                         R1       R2       R3       R4
Number of tracks:
Average                 3.4      3.9      3.5      3.3
Most                      6        6        5        5
Fewest                    1        2        1        1
Entries w/2-3 tracks     12        9       12       14
Entries w/4-5 tracks     10       14       12        9
Total tracks             81       93       84       79

Submission length:
Average               17:27    17:33    18:19    17:14
Longest               19:51    19:47    20:07    20:07
Shortest              11:57    11:52    14:41    08:22
Entries ≥19 mins          5        6       10        9
Total length        6:58:47  7:01:11  7:19:37  6:53:41
Ave. track length     05:10    04:32    05:14    05:14

Previous experience:
Artists I've heard        4        6        4        1
Artists I've rated        2        3        4        1

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 07, 2023, 02:26:50 PM
Rivers of Nihil.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 07, 2023, 02:31:48 PM
I see that you missed the third Have A Nice Life song before you edited the post :P It's Holy Fucking Shit: 50,000 or some other number
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 02:32:40 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 07, 2023, 02:38:28 PM
One statistic you could add to your spreadsheet is how many submissions per round were all from one album / release. This is the first round I haven't done that. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Lonk on June 07, 2023, 02:39:02 PM
Rivers of Nihil.

I could've sworn they were banned.

Subtle Change
Terrestria III: Wither
The Void from Which No Sound Escape
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 02:45:27 PM

Drifting In A Dream
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Luoto on June 07, 2023, 02:51:44 PM
Mother Love Bone. Stadler?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 02:56:24 PM

Blue Nothing
Invoking The Dragonmoon
Shadowside Kingdom

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 03:00:29 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 03:00:59 PM
One statistic you could add to your spreadsheet is how many submissions per round were all from one album / release. This is the first round I haven't done that. :lol
That would be interesting, but I'll have to count them all manually so I'll get to it at some point. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Luoto on June 07, 2023, 03:03:53 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 07, 2023, 03:15:22 PM
Major props to Jingle Boy for Triosphere! One of the best and underrated metal bands!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 07, 2023, 03:32:07 PM



Not sure what the last one is. Bleed and Combustion are good picks, but no New Millennium Cyanide Christ or Clockworks? For shame.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 03:35:53 PM
Anima Tempo
The Infinite Eye

The new Kalmah is awesome BTW..

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 07, 2023, 03:38:25 PM
Major props to Jingle Boy for Triosphere! One of the best and underrated metal bands!

They did quite well for me in a round in 425's roulette.  People need to bring them up more outside of roulettes though.  A new album would probably help, but it's been almost a decade. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 03:39:07 PM
I can't believe they weren't banned, honestly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 03:40:01 PM
Ok, I started some foundational work on my EP. I can't say I have a concept or a story, but it's closer to a theme.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 07, 2023, 03:40:11 PM
I can't believe they weren't banned, honestly.

Wait 'til you see my list tomorrow...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 07, 2023, 03:41:02 PM
Buddy sent one of the Rivers of Nihil submissions, right?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 03:42:54 PM
I can't believe they weren't banned, honestly.

Wait 'til you see my list tomorrow...

Now it's tomorrow?? I thought yesterday it would be tonight!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 03:45:36 PM
I can't believe they weren't banned, honestly.

Wait 'til you see my list tomorrow...

Now it's tomorrow?? I thought yesterday it would be tonight!
We're at now, now.

When will then be now?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 03:46:34 PM
I can't believe they weren't banned, honestly.

Wait 'til you see my list tomorrow...

Now it's tomorrow?? I thought yesterday it would be tonight!
We're at now, now.

When will then be now?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 03:47:26 PM
:lol Perfect.

New page!

??: T_e _a_e_ _on_
    1: T_e _e_tle__
    2: _la__o_t
    3: Set In Motion
    4: _all A_a_t

??: Kalmah
    1: T_e __oan o_ _ind
    2: _e_oe_ To __
    3: Drifting In a Dream

??: Sevendust
    1: Denial
    2: Praise
    3: Ugly
    4: Enemy
    5: Prodigal Son

Puppies: Lykathea Aflame
    1: Land __e_e __m_at__ i_ Ai_
    2: __in_e_ o_ El_ene__i_ _lame
    3: A _te_ _lo_e_

jingle: Triosphere
    1: Onwards Pt 1 - All Is Fair in Love and War?
    2: Onwards Pt 2 - Decadent One
    3: The Heart’s Dominion
    4: Worlds Apart

??: Anima Tempo
    1: The Infinite Eye
    2: Confessions

??: Rivers of Nihil
    1: Cancer / Moonspeak
    2: The Silent Life
    3: Where Owls Know My Name

??: Meshuggah
    1: Combustion
    2: __a___
    3: Shed
    4: Marrow

Stadler: Mother Love Bone
    1: Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns

??: Obsidious
    1: _nde_ _la__ __ie_
    2: Iconic

TAC: Atropas
    1: Snow
    2: _a___m

??: Dan Swanö
    1: Sun of the Night
    2: Uncreation
    3: Add Reality

??: _o__el
    1: __a_o
    2: Dee___o_t
    3: ___e_
    4: _._.O.

wolfking: Wolfheart
    1: Shores of Lake Simpele
    2: The Hunt
    3: Cold Flame
    4: Valkyrie

??: Descend
    1: A_alin
    2: Blood Moon
    3: Lily

??: Dynazty
    1: __e_en_e o_ Mind
    2: All the Devils Are Here
    3: _o___
    4: Instinct

??: Imperial Triumphant
    1: ___m_ __an_e
    2: Me____i__ _ilded
    3: Paranoid Android

lonestar: Hanabie
    1: Neet _ame
    2: In_i_i_le _all
    3: Lo_e _en__
    4: __o_t Mania
    5: Pardon Me, I Have to Go Now

Buddy: Rivers of Nihil
    1: Subtle Change
    2: Terrestria III: Wither
    3: The Void From Which No Sound Escapes

??: Mercenary
    1: Firesoul
    2: Music Non Stop
    3: The Hours That Remain

??: Marathon
    1: Beyond the Veil
    2: The Seventh Dimension
    3: Open Field

luke: Worm
    1: Bluenothing
    2: Invoking the Dragonmoon
    3: Shadowside Kingdom

Sacul: Have A Nice Life
    1: Bloodhail
    2: Deep, Deep
    3: Holy Fucking Shit: 40,000

??: Fit for An Autopsy
    1: __en t_e __l__ ___n O_t
    2: Far From Heaven
    3: Black Mammoth
    4: Two Towers

Guessed letters: DO E.T. IN MALL
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 03:48:07 PM



Not sure what the last one is. Bleed and Combustion are good picks, but no New Millennium Cyanide Christ or Clockworks? For shame.
Bleed was not correct.

All other guesses were right.

And I'm going to bed. :biggrin:

EDIT: Oh and as Luke correctly spotted, two people sent the same artist for the first time but with no overlapping songs, which means I'm getting to hear half of that Rivers of Nihil album. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 07, 2023, 04:08:40 PM
I can't believe they weren't banned, honestly.

Wait 'til you see my list tomorrow...

Now it's tomorrow?? I thought yesterday it would be tonight!

The round 11 artist choice list should come tomorrow.  Methinks you skim posts too much.   :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 07, 2023, 04:44:52 PM
Triosphere songs are "Onwards Part I (All Is Fair In Love and War?...)", "Onwards Part II (Decadent One)", "Worlds Apart", and "The Heart's Dominion".  Definitely a totally different batch of songs than I've sent, but it touches on all three albums. 

Dan Swano songs are "Sun of the Night", "Uncreation", and "Add Reality".  Gotta be wolfking.  Probably my favorite tunes from it too, along with "Encounterparts".  :hifive: 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 04:49:25 PM
Did Kade send Kalmah?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 07, 2023, 05:02:26 PM
Set in Motion
Cancer / Moonspeak
The Silent Life
Where Owls Know My Name
Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
Blood Moon
Paranoid Android (radiohead cover? lol)
Pardon Me, I Have to Go Now
The Seventh Dimension
Open Field
Fit For An Autopsy

some stuff, now give me the A
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Lonk on June 07, 2023, 05:05:56 PM
Buddy sent one of the Rivers of Nihil submissions, right?

Didn't see there were two, the other songs are:

The Silent Life
Where Owls Know my Name
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 07, 2023, 05:09:28 PM
Did Kade send Kalmah?

I did not.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 07, 2023, 05:15:39 PM
Dan Swano's songs are

Sun of the Night
Add Reality

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ReaperKK on June 07, 2023, 05:33:40 PM
Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns

One hell of a tune
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 07, 2023, 05:58:26 PM

Dan Swano songs are "Sun of the Night", "Uncreation", and "Add Reality".  Gotta be wolfking.  Probably my favorite tunes from it too, along with "Encounterparts".  :hifive:

Clearly I should be reading previous posts more carefully  :biggrin:

Obviously agree, by the way. Such a unique album, that one.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 07, 2023, 06:13:09 PM
The new Kalmah is awesome BTW..
Yes it is. I spun it for the first time on Monday, then immediately spun it again. Best album of theirs since The Black Waltz.

I can't believe they weren't banned, honestly.

Wait 'til you see my list tomorrow...

Now it's tomorrow?? I thought yesterday it would be tonight!
We're at now, now.

When will then be now?

Wait, did Tim actually understand this reference? :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 06:27:12 PM
That was a reference? :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Lonk on June 07, 2023, 06:28:08 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 07, 2023, 06:48:13 PM

Music Non Stop
The Hours That Remain

I won't be submitting an EP as I'll have no bands left.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 07, 2023, 06:49:17 PM
The new Kalmah is awesome BTW..
Yes it is. I spun it for the first time on Monday, then immediately spun it again. Best album of theirs since The Black Waltz.

I had no idea they had a new one.  I'll get onto that!  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 07, 2023, 06:52:40 PM
Buddy sent one of the Rivers of Nihil submissions, right?

Didn't see there were two, the other songs are:

The Silent Life
Where Owls Know my Name

Those songs were in my consideration too, so hopefully for Ariich this is an absolute win! :lol




Not sure what the last one is. Bleed and Combustion are good picks, but no New Millennium Cyanide Christ or Clockworks? For shame.
Bleed was not correct.

Shed, then. The start of that song's woken me up before when I was nodding off. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 07, 2023, 07:32:11 PM

Music Non Stop
The Hours That Remain

I won't be submitting an EP as I'll have no bands left.  :lol

Guess that's one plus to my all female Japanese approach to this one, nobody will be using up my bands.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 07, 2023, 07:33:31 PM

Music Non Stop
The Hours That Remain

I won't be submitting an EP as I'll have no bands left.  :lol

Guess that's one plus to my all female Japanese approach to this one, nobody will be using up my bands.  :lol

Too late. I already sent the rest of my roulette, not counting my EP.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 07, 2023, 09:49:29 PM
Ooh, Sevendust, curious to see how they do.  The other songs are probably "Prodigal Son", "Ugly", and "Praise".  I'd likely have picked some different ones, but they have so many good ones it's hard to go wrong. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Evermind on June 07, 2023, 10:21:43 PM
Didn't see there were two, the other songs are:

The Silent Life
Where Owls Know my Name

Those songs were in my consideration too, so hopefully for Ariich this is an absolute win! :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2023, 11:35:22 PM
Updated with all correct guesses which was all artist and song guesses other than, ironically, "Ironic".

Also no more letters for now...

Guessed letters: DO E.T. IN MALL

(I presume Tom has a gif for this...)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Luoto on June 08, 2023, 01:01:46 AM
Shores of Lake Simpele
The Hunt
Cold Flame

Lykathea Aflame
Imperial Triumphant
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 03:33:49 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 08, 2023, 03:37:40 AM
lykathea aflame is puppies
atropas, sent by TAC, one of the songs is snow
obsidious, and it's iconic not ironic, NYEH, i remember that album now lol  :lol
All the Devils are Here
Marathon, Beyond the Veil
Far From Heaven. (?) Black Mammoth and Two Towers
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 03:40:41 AM
Yes indeedy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 05:05:28 AM
Wolfheart sent by Wolfking?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 05:14:30 AM
Wolfheart sent by Wolfking?
That was my exact response when he sent it to me. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 05:17:00 AM
That’s some heavy shit.  I love that dude’s other project, Dawn Of Solace.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 05:19:37 AM
Sending TACheart next round.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 08, 2023, 05:26:03 AM
Dawn of Solace is great!

Believe it or not, the same guy has (had) another band called Before the Dawn  :biggrin:

Was Worm sent by Luke?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 05:49:02 AM
It was!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 08, 2023, 06:06:09 AM
That’s some heavy shit.  I love that dude’s other project, Dawn Of Solace.

I'm an advocate at following the rounds criteria at all times.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 06:11:29 AM
That’s some heavy shit.  I love that dude’s other project, Dawn Of Solace.

I'm an advocate at following the rounds criteria at all times.

Stay in your lane.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 06:18:42 AM
That’s some heavy shit.  I love that dude’s other project, Dawn Of Solace.

I'm an advocate at following the rounds criteria at all times.
Says the guy who sent prog metal for the "light" round. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 08, 2023, 06:33:53 AM
That’s some heavy shit.  I love that dude’s other project, Dawn Of Solace.

I'm an advocate at following the rounds criteria at all times.
Says the guy who sent prog metal for the "light" round. :P

Light = no growls.  I don't see what the issue is here.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 08, 2023, 06:38:41 AM
I’m with Kade, as far as I’m concerned Heavy (extreme metal) - Light (everything else).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 08, 2023, 06:41:14 AM
Tim's Theory on Music right here folks.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 08, 2023, 06:52:42 AM
I’m with Kade, as far as I’m concerned Heavy (extreme metal) - Light (everything else).

Luke knows what the fuck is up.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Stadler on June 08, 2023, 06:57:41 AM
I’m with Kade, as far as I’m concerned Heavy (extreme metal) - Light (everything else).

Luke knows what the fuck is up.

Stadler:  Not that.  :) :) :) :) 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 08, 2023, 07:07:06 AM
I think if we’re talking roulettes, it’s more “Luke knows how to fuck it up”.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 07:08:38 AM
I sent light growls for the next round.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 07:24:46 AM
I sent light growls for the next round.
If Tim from 5 years ago could see you now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 08, 2023, 07:27:35 AM
Light growls sounds so fancy. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on June 08, 2023, 07:47:27 AM
Light growls sounds so fancy. :lol

Sounds like it belongs in the TAC bedroom
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 07:48:10 AM
I sent light growls for the next round.
If Tim from 5 years ago could see you now.

I’m all growed up!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 08:23:41 AM
Anyway hangman is probably sufficiently complete, so here's the finished thing:

Reaper: The Paper Sons
    1: The Restless
    2: Blackout
    3: Set In Motion
    4: Fall Apart

Luoto: Kalmah
    1: The Groan of Wind
    2: Heroes To Us
    3: Drifting In a Dream

King: Sevendust
    1: Denial
    2: Praise
    3: Ugly
    4: Enemy
    5: Prodigal Son

Puppies: Lykathea Aflame
    1: Land Where Sympathy is Air
    2: Bringer of Elvenefris Flame
    3: A Step Closer

jingle: Triosphere
    1: Onwards Pt 1 - All Is Fair in Love and War?
    2: Onwards Pt 2 - Decadent One
    3: The Heart’s Dominion
    4: Worlds Apart

Glasser: Anima Tempo
    1: The Infinite Eye
    2: Confessions

Evermind: Rivers of Nihil
    1: Cancer / Moonspeak
    2: The Silent Life
    3: Where Owls Know My Name

faizoff: Meshuggah
    1: Combustion
    2: Pravus
    3: Shed
    4: Marrow

Stadler: Mother Love Bone
    1: Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns

romdrums: Obsidious
    1: Under Black Skies
    2: Iconic

TAC: Atropas
    1: Snow
    2: Vacuum

seneca: Dan Swanö
    1: Sun of the Night
    2: Uncreation
    3: Add Reality

Crow: Gospel
    1: Bravo
    2: Deerghost
    3: Hyper
    4: S.R.O.

wolfking: Wolfheart
    1: Shores of Lake Simpele
    2: The Hunt
    3: Cold Flame
    4: Valkyrie

nick_z: Descend
    1: Avalin
    2: Blood Moon
    3: Lily

soupy: Dynazty
    1: Presence of Mind
    2: All the Devils Are Here
    3: Yours
    4: Instinct

Elite: Imperial Triumphant
    1: Chump Change
    2: Merkurius Gilded
    3: Paranoid Android

lonestar: Hanabie
    1: Neet Game
    2: Invisible Wall
    3: Love Renpu
    4: Ghost Mania
    5: Pardon Me, I Have to Go Now

Buddy: Rivers of Nihil
    1: Subtle Change
    2: Terrestria III: Wither
    3: The Void From Which No Sound Escapes

Litho: Mercenary
    1: Firesoul
    2: Music Non Stop
    3: The Hours That Remain

HOF: Marathon
    1: Beyond the Veil
    2: The Seventh Dimension
    3: Open Field

luke: Worm
    1: Bluenothing
    2: Invoking the Dragonmoon
    3: Shadowside Kingdom

Sacul: Have A Nice Life
    1: Bloodhail
    2: Deep, Deep
    3: Holy Fucking Shit: 40,000

Vmadera: Fit for An Autopsy
    1: When the Bulbs Burn Out
    2: Far From Heaven
    3: Black Mammoth
    4: Two Towers
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 08:26:50 AM
Congratulations Crow!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 08, 2023, 08:27:42 AM
Some interesting stuff, and a ton I don't know but will avoid checking out in lieu of my upcoming roulette, but always on the hunt for new heavy stuff.

So... Impressions :soon:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Elite on June 08, 2023, 09:23:37 AM
So... Impressions :soon:

We only got hangmanen less than 24 hours ago :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 08, 2023, 09:32:32 AM
Confirmed, Ariich is using AI to run this roulette.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 08, 2023, 09:35:20 AM
Results when?  (https://i.imgur.com/5ZG55cI.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 08, 2023, 09:42:06 AM
Confirmed, Ariich is using AI to run this roulette.

We need an artistic AI drawing of Rich with a Monocle and an evil top hat.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 09:44:27 AM

Alright, you can have some...

Round 4 first impressions

[Litho – Mercenary] 1. Sounds like a really cool mixture of aggressive and epic - elements of the vocals are not normally what I go for, but they seem to work well here.

[faizoff – Meshuggah] 2. I can see the appeal of this more than other things I’ve heard from this band, but I’m still not sure it’s my cup of tea.

[TAC – Atropas] 3. This is rather more metalcore than I’d have expected to receive from you, but it also has aspects of genres I associate more with you and the combination seems to work well.

[romdrums – Obsidious] 4. I tend to find this subgenre a little cold, but this might break the mould with some strong choruses.

[Puppies – Lykathea Aflame] 5. Ferocious yet tonally bright - it's a weird combination that will take some getting used to.

[Stadler – Mother Love Bone] 6. I can see the lyrical weight of this, but I was hoping for a little more emotional impact.

[King – Sevendust] 7. Not a genre I generally expect to receive, and if I had to guess who would send it to me, your name definitely would not come to mind.

[HOF – Marathon] 8. As far as neo-prog goes, this is perhaps not as warm as my favourites but it's more riff-driven and there’s a nice crunchiness to it.

[nick_z – Descend] 9. Not sure I hear that much of the influences this band apparently has, but this seems rather fantastic anyway - dark, epic and huge in sound.

[Crow – Gospel] 10. Didn’t love every aspect of this right away but the instrumentation is unusual for the genre and works great, and each song seems to keep getting better as it goes.

[Buddy & Evermind – Rivers of Nihil] 11. Intense, intelligent and interesting - not sure it entirely hits the mark on what I look for in the genre, but the more atmospheric moments sounded good.

[Luoto – Kalmah] 12. Sounds like a strong example of the genre and right up my alley, with a great mix of the slower atmospheric side and the faster, more aggressive (yet always melodic) side.

[luke – Worm] 13. Not sure what to make of this yet, it's fairly harmonically dense - some of it sounded great while other bits were quite sludgy and lo-fi.

[Glasser – Anima Tempo] 14. Doesn’t really deviate from most djenty prog metal, but it sounds good - tight riffing and playing, and solid hooks.

[lonestar – Hanabie] 15. Great energy and intensity, and a fun fusion of two quite distinct styles/tones, although it might have been even better if the two were more balanced.

[Vmadera – Fit for An Autopsy] 16. Good grief this is pretty relentless, and yet there’s probably just enough sense of melody to make it work.

[jingle – Triosphere] 17. Big sound, huge voice and, especially in the last two songs, strong hooks - this seems like a pretty safe bet.

[soupy – Dynazty] 18. Super catchy, pretty epic and just gravelly enough to give it a bit of hard rock punch.

[Elite – Imperial Triumphant] 19. There’s a pretty good chance this will be too weird for me, but there was something strangely compelling about it.

[Sacul – Have A Nice Life] 20. This is pretty bleak - my first thought was that it might be too cold for my tastes, but it does get more engaging once it picks up.

[wolfking – Wolfheart] 21. This sounded like solid death metal but nothing particularly stood out - hopefully I’ll get more sense of it with further listens.

[seneca – Dan Swanö] 22. Well, this feels like a pretty big oversight on my part - the limited amount of clean vocals is kind of surprising for how melodic most of the music is, but it’s a great sound anyway.

[Reaper – The Paper Sons] 23. This is emotive in an alt-prog/post-hardcore kind of way, and there's a slight theatricality to some of it that hits the right notes for me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 08, 2023, 09:52:50 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Lonk on June 08, 2023, 09:56:38 AM
I have no idea, but #1 might be one of the Rivers of Nihil entries.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: HOF on June 08, 2023, 09:59:57 AM
Thinking mine’s gotta be 8, but if not maybe 9 or 17.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 08, 2023, 10:01:52 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 08, 2023, 10:04:52 AM
#1 or #17?

And I'm surprised to hear that seneca sent Swano, but thrilled to see it.   :hat
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Luoto on June 08, 2023, 10:06:54 AM
9 or 12?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 08, 2023, 10:12:56 AM
I'm fucking lost  :lol

Let's start with 3....

Mine sure as hell isn't 8  :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Sacul on June 08, 2023, 10:29:12 AM
either 6 or 20
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Evermind on June 08, 2023, 10:31:12 AM
7? :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 08, 2023, 10:37:25 AM
Am I 9?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Elite on June 08, 2023, 10:44:31 AM
I don’t know..

10, 11, 16, 19?

19 certainly sounds like myself the first time I heard them :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 11:09:07 AM
1,3,5 or 20.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ReaperKK on June 08, 2023, 11:26:24 AM
4 or maybe 23?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: soupytwist on June 08, 2023, 11:40:40 AM
I'm not seeing an obvious candidate for mine, but I'll have a punt at 17 or 18 maybe?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 08, 2023, 11:52:38 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on June 08, 2023, 11:53:25 AM
There's more than a few obvious candidates that I can dismiss, but more than a bunch that make me think "maybe?".

I'm going bold ... 17 for Triosphere (seems a few of us are aiming here).  Alternatively, I'll point to 14.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 08, 2023, 11:55:04 AM
Wolfheart sent by Wolfking?
That was my exact response when he sent it to me. :lol
just wait 'til you see what i got send in round 5 of my roulette  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 08, 2023, 12:00:21 PM
1. Sounds like a really cool mixture of aggressive and epic - elements of the vocals are not normally what I go for, but they seem to work well here.

5. Ferocious yet tonally bright - it's a weird combination that will take some getting used to.

6. I can see the lyrical weight of this, but I was hoping for a little more emotional impact.

10. Didn’t love every aspect of this right away but the instrumentation is unusual for the genre and works great, and each song seems to keep getting better as it goes.

11. Intense, intelligent and interesting - not sure it entirely hits the mark on what I look for in the genre, but the more atmospheric moments sounded good.

12. Sounds like a strong example of the genre and right up my alley, with a great mix of the slower atmospheric side and the faster, more aggressive (yet always melodic) side.

15. Great energy and intensity, and a fun fusion of two quite distinct styles/tones, although it might have been even better if the two were more balanced.

16. Good grief this is pretty relentless, and yet there’s probably just enough sense of melody to make it work.

22. Well, this feels like a pretty big oversight on my part - the limited amount of clean vocals is kind of surprising for how melodic most of the music is, but it’s a great sound anyway.

23. This is emotive in an alt-prog/post-hardcore kind of way, and there's a slight theatricality to some of it that hits the right notes for me.

can pretty easily narrow it down to this set, though i feel like 5 might be the strongest shot in this set?

also: screw the band name Hanabie I keep reading it as "Harambe" and I hate it here
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 08, 2023, 12:26:52 PM
also: screw the band name Hanabie I keep reading it as "Harambe" and I hate it here

If it makes it easier the band's name translates to 'Cold Flowers'

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 08, 2023, 12:43:03 PM
Just happen to be listening to Where Owls Know My Name tonight. I think Evermind has the upper hand in the Rivers of Nihil-off, as he sent The Silent Life  :heart

Also (I know it’s been said already), how are these guys not banned?!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Evermind on June 08, 2023, 12:47:44 PM
Also (I know it’s been said already), how are these guys not banned?!

We have either found a loophole in Rich's RYM/banned list, or he sampled them before and he's going to hate both entries. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 08, 2023, 12:49:43 PM
yeah sending the silent life is the winning move here imo sorry other sender
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 08, 2023, 12:51:02 PM
Also (I know it’s been said already), how are these guys not banned?!

We have either found a loophole in Rich's RYM/banned list, or he sampled them before and he's going to hate both entries. :lol

I feel like there was a time where songs from this album were sent in roulettes all the time. With the amount of roulettes Rich has hosted, I’d be astounded if he’s not been sent the band before.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Evermind on June 08, 2023, 12:53:10 PM
Also (I know it’s been said already), how are these guys not banned?!

We have either found a loophole in Rich's RYM/banned list, or he sampled them before and he's going to hate both entries. :lol

I feel like there was a time where songs from this album were sent in roulettes all the time. With the amount of roulettes Rich has hosted, I’d be astounded if he’s not been sent the band before.

I searched all the roulette threads Rich hosted since 2018 for "Nihil" before sending. Train mentioned Rivers of Nihil a couple of times during some thread banter with Crow but no one actually sent them as far as I know.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 08, 2023, 01:04:10 PM
yeah sending the silent life is the winning move here imo sorry other sender

We'll see. :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 01:31:19 PM
Seems I'm doing reasonably well with not being too overly subtle, tons of right guesses there!

Crow, yours is in that list but it's not 5.

All updated with correct guesses so other than Crow, anything else not updated was wrong.


Alright, you can have some...

Round 4 first impressions

[Litho – Mercenary] 1. Sounds like a really cool mixture of aggressive and epic - elements of the vocals are not normally what I go for, but they seem to work well here.

[faizoff – Meshuggah] 2. I can see the appeal of this more than other things I’ve heard from this band, but I’m still not sure it’s my cup of tea.

[TAC – Atropas] 3. This is rather more metalcore than I’d have expected to receive from you, but it also has aspects of genres I associate more with you and the combination seems to work well.

4. I tend to find this subgenre a little cold, but this might break the mould with some strong choruses.

5. Ferocious yet tonally bright - it's a weird combination that will take some getting used to.

[Stadler – Mother Love Bone] 6. I can see the lyrical weight of this, but I was hoping for a little more emotional impact.

[King – Sevendust] 7. Not a genre I generally expect to receive, and if I had to guess who would send it to me, your name definitely would not come to mind.

[HOF – Marathon] 8. As far as neo-prog goes, this is perhaps not as warm as my favourites but it's more riff-driven and there’s a nice crunchiness to it.

[nick_z – Descend] 9. Not sure I hear that much of the influences this band apparently has, but this seems rather fantastic anyway - dark, epic and huge in sound.

10. Didn’t love every aspect of this right away but the instrumentation is unusual for the genre and works great, and each song seems to keep getting better as it goes.

11. Intense, intelligent and interesting - not sure it entirely hits the mark on what I look for in the genre, but the more atmospheric moments sounded good.

[Luoto – Kalmah] 12. Sounds like a strong example of the genre and right up my alley, with a great mix of the slower atmospheric side and the faster, more aggressive (yet always melodic) side.

13. Not sure what to make of this yet, it's fairly harmonically dense - some of it sounded great while other bits were quite sludgy and lo-fi.

[Glasser – Anima Tempo] 14. Doesn’t really deviate from most djenty prog metal, but it sounds good - tight riffing and playing, and solid hooks.

[lonestar – Hanabie] 15. Great energy and intensity, and a fun fusion of two quite distinct styles/tones, although it might have been even better if the two were more balanced.

[Vmadera – Fit for An Autopsy] 16. Good grief this is pretty relentless, and yet there’s probably just enough sense of melody to make it work.

[jingle – Triosphere] 17. Big sound, huge voice and, especially in the last two songs, strong hooks - this seems like a pretty safe bet.

[soupy – Dynazty] 18. Super catchy, pretty epic and just gravelly enough to give it a bit of hard rock punch.

[Elite – Imperial Triumphant] 19. There’s a pretty good chance this will be too weird for me, but there was something strangely compelling about it.

[Sacul – Have A Nice Life] 20. This is pretty bleak - my first thought was that it might be too cold for my tastes, but it does get more engaging once it picks up.

21. This sounded like solid death metal but nothing particularly stood out - hopefully I’ll get more sense of it with further listens.

[seneca – Dan Swanö] 22. Well, this feels like a pretty big oversight on my part - the limited amount of clean vocals is kind of surprising for how melodic most of the music is, but it’s a great sound anyway.

[Reaper – The Paper Sons] 23. This is emotive in an alt-prog/post-hardcore kind of way, and there's a slight theatricality to some of it that hits the right notes for me.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 01:32:25 PM
Also (I know it’s been said already), how are these guys not banned?!

We have either found a loophole in Rich's RYM/banned list, or he sampled them before and he's going to hate both entries. :lol

I feel like there was a time where songs from this album were sent in roulettes all the time. With the amount of roulettes Rich has hosted, I’d be astounded if he’s not been sent the band before.

I searched all the roulette threads Rich hosted since 2018 for "Nihil" before sending. Train mentioned Rivers of Nihil a couple of times during some thread banter with Crow but no one actually sent them as far as I know.
Never heard a thing from them before this round, but yes have seen them mentioned a lot. Same applies to a few other submissions this round!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 08, 2023, 01:38:16 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 01:39:56 PM
:lol Yep.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 08, 2023, 01:42:24 PM
Ah, the variety of types of vocals for me are one of their strengths, having a dual lead-vocalist + backing vocal (+ guest) approach on the first two tracks.  There are even more types on other tracks that I couldn't fit. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Lonk on June 08, 2023, 01:42:55 PM
16. Good grief this is pretty relentless, and yet there’s probably just enough sense of melody to make it work.

21. This sounded like solid death metal but nothing particularly stood out - hopefully I’ll get more sense of it with further listens.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 08, 2023, 01:51:04 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 01:51:29 PM
16. Good grief this is pretty relentless, and yet there’s probably just enough sense of melody to make it work.

21. This sounded like solid death metal but nothing particularly stood out - hopefully I’ll get more sense of it with further listens.

Yeah it was 16. :lol

Ah, the variety of types of vocals for me are one of their strengths, having a dual lead-vocalist + backing vocal (+ guest) approach on the first two tracks.  There are even more types on other tracks that I couldn't fit. 
I'll explain what I meant in the full write-up, plus of course things can and often do change with further listens anyway.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Stadler on June 08, 2023, 01:52:20 PM
6. I can see the lyrical weight of this, but I was hoping for a little more emotional impact.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 08, 2023, 01:52:53 PM
:lol Yep.

Hey!  They were great live! :lol  3 times!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 01:54:29 PM
:lol Yep.

Hey!  They were great live! :lol  3 times!

Sevendust were great live three times? How many concerts have they played??
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 08, 2023, 01:55:43 PM
The word "oversight" is jumping out at me.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 08, 2023, 01:57:49 PM
I'll explain what I meant in the full write-up, plus of course things can and often do change with further listens anyway.

I'm guessing it's some of the King Diamond/Halford-esque high screams, that's usually what people point out anyway. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 02:00:16 PM
I'll explain what I meant in the full write-up, plus of course things can and often do change with further listens anyway.

I'm guessing it's some of the King Diamond/Halford-esque high screams, that's usually what people point out anyway. 
Correct. :lol

Anyway apparently the impressions this round are really obvious. Stadler and seneca, also correct.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on June 08, 2023, 02:01:09 PM
[jingle – Triosphere] 17. Big sound, huge voice and, especially in the last two songs, strong hooks - this seems like a pretty safe bet.


Though, one time I tried to play it "safe" I got eliminated (Darwin's Radio).

I was kinda on the fence with Onwards, but I love the Gladiator sample - leading into some heavy af riffage.

Heart's Dominion is my go-to song by them.  World's Apart is a 1b option, so I knew I was sending those 2 tracks from the moment I decided on them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on June 08, 2023, 02:01:39 PM
Anyway apparently the impressions this round are really obvious. Stadler and seneca, also correct.

Or we're just finally getting better at reading you.  ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 08, 2023, 02:03:20 PM
*waits for Hanabie to earworm their way into Rich's heart*
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 08, 2023, 02:04:46 PM
:lol Yep.

Hey!  They were great live! :lol  3 times!

Sevendust were great live three times? How many concerts have they played??

More than the 3 times I saw them.  *Waves Tim away*
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 02:05:45 PM
Anyway apparently the impressions this round are really obvious. Stadler and seneca, also correct.

Or we're just finally getting better at reading you.  ;)
Well, there's probably an element of that, but I think it's more driven by the fact that since the start of this roulette, I've deliberately tried to make my first impressions a bit more detailed and less vague. That's why they're so much longer than in past roulettes. I figured I don't mind people guessing them straight away, but I wanted to give a slightly fuller impression of my initial reaction this time. I'm quite liking it so may maintain this approach in future too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 02:09:11 PM
Though, one time I tried to play it "safe" I got eliminated (Darwin's Radio).
:lol Funnily enough, that's one of the main examples that prompted me to start explaining what the features of music are that appeal to me and mainly inform my opinions rather than basing things on genres or even the same musicians.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: faizoff on June 08, 2023, 02:12:33 PM
2 or 5?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Lonk on June 08, 2023, 02:20:20 PM
:lol Yep.

Hey!  They were great live! :lol  3 times!
I have a drumstick at home that I caught at one of their shows. Pretty good band live  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 02:25:23 PM
2 or 5?
Indeed it was 2, the clue being that Meshuggah is the only band this round that I've heard before! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: faizoff on June 08, 2023, 02:34:16 PM
2 or 5?
Indeed it was 2, the clue being that Meshuggah is the only band this round that I've heard before! :lol

Sorta same here, I've only heard a track or two of Sevendust and Mother Love Bone but nothing else from any other artists this round.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 08, 2023, 02:42:20 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 08, 2023, 02:48:17 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 08, 2023, 02:58:43 PM
10. Didn’t love every aspect of this right away but the instrumentation is unusual for the genre and works great, and each song seems to keep getting better as it goes.

11. Intense, intelligent and interesting - not sure it entirely hits the mark on what I look for in the genre, but the more atmospheric moments sounded good.

well by process of elimination it's gotta be one of these two  :lol
probably 10 then?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 03:51:53 PM
You guys were far too quick this time (except that nobody noticed there were only 23 impressions this time). Anyway, here's the lot!

Round 4 first impressions

[Litho – Mercenary] 1. Sounds like a really cool mixture of aggressive and epic - elements of the vocals are not normally what I go for, but they seem to work well here.

[faizoff – Meshuggah] 2. I can see the appeal of this more than other things I’ve heard from this band, but I’m still not sure it’s my cup of tea.

[TAC – Atropas] 3. This is rather more metalcore than I’d have expected to receive from you, but it also has aspects of genres I associate more with you and the combination seems to work well.

[romdrums – Obsidious] 4. I tend to find this subgenre a little cold, but this might break the mould with some strong choruses.

[Puppies – Lykathea Aflame] 5. Ferocious yet tonally bright - it's a weird combination that will take some getting used to.

[Stadler – Mother Love Bone] 6. I can see the lyrical weight of this, but I was hoping for a little more emotional impact.

[King – Sevendust] 7. Not a genre I generally expect to receive, and if I had to guess who would send it to me, your name definitely would not come to mind.

[HOF – Marathon] 8. As far as neo-prog goes, this is perhaps not as warm as my favourites but it's more riff-driven and there’s a nice crunchiness to it.

[nick_z – Descend] 9. Not sure I hear that much of the influences this band apparently has, but this seems rather fantastic anyway - dark, epic and huge in sound.

[Crow – Gospel] 10. Didn’t love every aspect of this right away but the instrumentation is unusual for the genre and works great, and each song seems to keep getting better as it goes.

[Buddy & Evermind – Rivers of Nihil] 11. Intense, intelligent and interesting - not sure it entirely hits the mark on what I look for in the genre, but the more atmospheric moments sounded good.

[Luoto – Kalmah] 12. Sounds like a strong example of the genre and right up my alley, with a great mix of the slower atmospheric side and the faster, more aggressive (yet always melodic) side.

[luke – Worm] 13. Not sure what to make of this yet, it's fairly harmonically dense - some of it sounded great while other bits were quite sludgy and lo-fi.

[Glasser – Anima Tempo] 14. Doesn’t really deviate from most djenty prog metal, but it sounds good - tight riffing and playing, and solid hooks.

[lonestar – Hanabie] 15. Great energy and intensity, and a fun fusion of two quite distinct styles/tones, although it might have been even better if the two were more balanced.

[Vmadera – Fit for An Autopsy] 16. Good grief this is pretty relentless, and yet there’s probably just enough sense of melody to make it work.

[jingle – Triosphere] 17. Big sound, huge voice and, especially in the last two songs, strong hooks - this seems like a pretty safe bet.

[soupy – Dynazty] 18. Super catchy, pretty epic and just gravelly enough to give it a bit of hard rock punch.

[Elite – Imperial Triumphant] 19. There’s a pretty good chance this will be too weird for me, but there was something strangely compelling about it.

[Sacul – Have A Nice Life] 20. This is pretty bleak - my first thought was that it might be too cold for my tastes, but it does get more engaging once it picks up.

[wolfking – Wolfheart] 21. This sounded like solid death metal but nothing particularly stood out - hopefully I’ll get more sense of it with further listens.

[seneca – Dan Swanö] 22. Well, this feels like a pretty big oversight on my part - the limited amount of clean vocals is kind of surprising for how melodic most of the music is, but it’s a great sound anyway.

[Reaper – The Paper Sons] 23. This is emotive in an alt-prog/post-hardcore kind of way, and there's a slight theatricality to some of it that hits the right notes for me.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 08, 2023, 03:59:45 PM
[Buddy & Evermind – Rivers of Nihil]

Hey, that's cheating! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 08, 2023, 04:00:06 PM
Yay, Results tomorrow!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 08, 2023, 04:11:29 PM
Thank goodness I have both versions of my round 5 submission ready, I think. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 04:20:19 PM
[Buddy & Evermind – Rivers of Nihil]

Hey, that's cheating! :lol

I listened to them one after the other and was prepared to do separate impressions, but while slightly different things stood out from each my overall impression was the same so I did it this way instead.

Yay, Results tomorrow!
:lol You guys zooming through hangman and first impressions doesn't magically speed up my listening, so there'll be a bigger gap before comparisons now. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2023, 04:20:48 PM
Oh also, if anyone's interested, here's the Spotify playlist for round 4 which I'll also add to the OP: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7JWg5wnORhbhddmQLHJp9M?si=9308977935ee4dca
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: wolfking on June 08, 2023, 04:24:54 PM
Damn.  I was very confident in Wolfheart.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 08, 2023, 04:31:13 PM
You guys zooming through hangman and first impressions doesn't magically speed up my listening, so there'll be a bigger gap before comparisons now. :P

You shut hangman off early, so that's your own fault.   :D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 08, 2023, 04:31:55 PM
that "at first" is carrying a lot of weight in terms of my expectations for this round  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 08, 2023, 04:57:39 PM
Yay, Results tomorrow!

Sending Rd 5 now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 08, 2023, 05:14:26 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 08, 2023, 05:54:48 PM
Yay, Results tomorrow!

Sending Rd 5 now.

As well as I!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 08, 2023, 09:53:02 PM
I'm glad somebody sent you Imperial Triumphant, that was going to be my 3rd choice if Lykathea Aflame was also banned. And yes they can get weird and I love that about them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 08, 2023, 11:03:12 PM
Just sent Round 5. Rich let me know if this format is ok please.

Round 5.......

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 09, 2023, 01:24:09 AM
You guys zooming through hangman and first impressions doesn't magically speed up my listening, so there'll be a bigger gap before comparisons now. :P

You shut hangman off early, so that's your own fault.   :D
:lol Yeah but I figured all but one of the artists were solved and most were linked to senders so we'd reached diminishing returns by that point.

that "at first" is carrying a lot of weight in terms of my expectations for this round  :corn
It actually says "right away" but close enough. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: faizoff on June 09, 2023, 06:22:47 AM
Also sent for round 5.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 09, 2023, 06:24:12 AM
Just sent Round 5. Rich let me know if this format is ok please.

Round 5.......


So your Rd5 is a bullshit called third strike against the Giants in the playoffs to end the series?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 09, 2023, 06:36:51 AM
Watch out Glasser, RJ is a huge SF Giants fan.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 09, 2023, 06:53:49 AM
Watch out Glasser, RJ is a huge SF Giants fan.  :lol

That moment is etched in memory.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 09, 2023, 06:59:09 AM
Watch out Glasser, RJ is a huge SF Giants fan.  :lol

That moment is etched in memory.  :lol

Looks like a good call to me.  The pussy at bat bailed on it like it was a high heater coming for his head... while it floated across the plate - probably at about 75mph
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 09, 2023, 07:12:03 AM
Watch out Glasser, RJ is a huge SF Giants fan.  :lol

That moment is etched in memory.  :lol

Looks like a good call to me.  The pussy at bat bailed on it like it was a high heater coming for his head... while it floated across the plate - probably at about 75mph

Totally high and inside dude...stick to hockey man.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 12:08:59 PM
Watch out Glasser, RJ is a huge SF Giants fan.  :lol

That moment is etched in memory.  :lol

Looks like a good call to me.  The pussy at bat bailed on it like it was a high heater coming for his head... while it floated across the plate - probably at about 75mph

Totally high and inside dude...stick to hockey man.

Yes, That pitch was at his shoulders and inside when it crossed the plate, but what a filthy pitch, Kershaw's bread and butter right there. As far as what that means is I need to throw a curve ball with something completely different this round... Maybe I should have posted a change up?  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 09, 2023, 12:18:46 PM
He has no beef.  Try being a fan of a team going 18-0 only to lose in the SB.

In your face RJ!

Wait a sec......
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Lonk on June 09, 2023, 12:19:52 PM
Watch out Glasser, RJ is a huge SF Giants fan.  :lol

That moment is etched in memory.  :lol

Looks like a good call to me.  The pussy at bat bailed on it like it was a high heater coming for his head... while it floated across the plate - probably at about 75mph

Totally high and inside dude...stick to hockey man.

Yes, That pitch was at his shoulders and inside when it crossed the plate, but what a filthy pitch, Kershaw's bread and butter right there. As far as what that means is I need to throw a curve ball with something completely different this round... Maybe I should have posted a change up?  :lol
I got you

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 12:21:06 PM
 :rollin :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 09, 2023, 12:21:52 PM
My Fucking Eyes! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 09, 2023, 12:26:28 PM
Good thing no one was on base, because there were like 14 balks in there.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 09, 2023, 12:36:02 PM
I love how the ump gets into it as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 09, 2023, 12:47:34 PM
that "at first" is carrying a lot of weight in terms of my expectations for this round  :corn
It actually says "right away" but close enough. :lol
i'm literally a crow you expect me to be able to read?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 12:47:44 PM
Rich, I just resent round 5.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 09, 2023, 01:29:40 PM
that "at first" is carrying a lot of weight in terms of my expectations for this round  :corn
It actually says "right away" but close enough. :lol
i'm literally a crow you expect me to be able to read?
Crows are really intelligent, so yeah probably?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 03:24:37 PM
I'm confused on the ep round. I can sent 2 to 5 different artists with each of them being 20- 35 minutes? Or a combined 20-35?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 09, 2023, 03:25:10 PM
I'm confused on the ep round. I can sent 2 to 5 different artists with each of them being 20- 35 minutes? Or a combined 20-35?
Combined. Total EP length 20-35 minutes.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 03:25:53 PM
Thanks for bearing with me....  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 09, 2023, 03:26:50 PM
Thanks for bearing with me....  :)
No problem at all. :)

If it's helpful, you can have a look at the various ways people approached this in the final round of my v6 roulette - results started here and were spread over a few pages: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=55161.msg2678168#msg2678168
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 03:32:38 PM
Wow, ok. Its create your own ep?!?!? I'm looking for literal eps.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 09, 2023, 03:41:48 PM
Wow, ok. Its create your own ep?!?!? I'm looking for literal eps.  :facepalm:
:lol Yes now you mention it, we never actually specify that. But yes, exactly!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 03:46:08 PM
Wow, ok. Its create your own ep?!?!? I'm looking for literal eps.  :facepalm:
:lol Yes now you mention it, we never actually specify that. But yes, exactly!

And I name the ep myself? This is going to be fun. I think the fog is lifted, I think.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 09, 2023, 03:47:28 PM
Wow, ok. Its create your own ep?!?!? I'm looking for literal eps.  :facepalm:
:lol Yes now you mention it, we never actually specify that. But yes, exactly!

And I name the ep myself?

Shoot, you can, but I was going to name my EP Glasser.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 03:49:21 PM
Wow, ok. Its create your own ep?!?!? I'm looking for literal eps.  :facepalm:
:lol Yes now you mention it, we never actually specify that. But yes, exactly!

And I name the ep myself?

Shoot, you can, but I was going to name my EP Glasser.

I'm sorry I need all these clarifications but I didn't know. Thanks Tim!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 09, 2023, 03:54:09 PM
Wow, ok. Its create your own ep?!?!? I'm looking for literal eps.  :facepalm:
:lol Yes now you mention it, we never actually specify that. But yes, exactly!

And I name the ep myself?

Shoot, you can, but I was going to name my EP Glasser.

I'm sorry I need all these clarifications but I didn't know. And you don't have the balls to name it Glasser.  :rollin

Glasser: A Story Of Redemption

It's about a guy who can't decide if he wants to look like Yngwie or Jeff Scott Soto. He suffers death from pizza, but is saved from oblivion by the Golden Bowl of Ovaltine.

EDIT: Sent!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 09, 2023, 03:58:36 PM
The Gif Master.

His only communication is through songs and gifs. Wandering aimlessly through this world and roulettes aimless until his sees this hobo named TAC.  He prepares to help this hobo with musuc and laughter through gifs.

Until he's horribly betrayed when the hobo mocks him.

Then all hell brakes loose!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 03:58:53 PM
Wow, ok. Its create your own ep?!?!? I'm looking for literal eps.  :facepalm:
:lol Yes now you mention it, we never actually specify that. But yes, exactly!

And I name the ep myself?

Shoot, you can, but I was going to name my EP Glasser.

I'm sorry I need all these clarifications but I didn't know. And you don't have the balls to name it Glasser.  :rollin

Glasser: A Story Of Redemption

It's about a guy who can't decide if he wants to look like Yngwie or Jeff Scott Soto. He suffers death from pizza, but is saved from oblivion by the Golden Bowl of Ovaltine.

EDIT: Sent!

 :rollin :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 09, 2023, 04:04:42 PM
The Gif Master.

His only communication is through songs and gifs. Wandering aimlessly through this world and roulettes aimless until his sees this hobo named TAC.  He prepares to help this hobo with musuc and laughter through gifs.

Until he's horribly betrayed when the hobo mocks him.

Then all hell brakes loose!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: wolfking on June 09, 2023, 07:05:30 PM
You guys are working on EP's already?  Jeez, I'm still trying to find another 'light' submission.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 09, 2023, 07:15:47 PM
You guys are working on EP's already?  Jeez, I'm still trying to find another 'light' submission.


It's not like you sent anything light for the last light round.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 09, 2023, 07:17:11 PM
You guys are working on EP's already?  Jeez, I'm still trying to find another 'light' submission.

I haven't even looked at anything for an EP yet. Typically that's one of the first things I do...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 09, 2023, 07:19:20 PM
I'm actually working on mine tonight.

Then that just leaves me Litho's final Open Round to figure out.

I've submitted the rest of Crow's and Rounds 5 & 6 for Ariich.

I haven't submitted yet in Litho's but I'm good except for that last Open Round.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: wolfking on June 09, 2023, 07:29:50 PM
I'm actually working on mine tonight.

Then that just leaves me Litho's final Open Round to figure out.

I've submitted the rest of Crow's and Rounds 5 & 6 for Ariich.

I haven't submitted yet in Litho's but I'm good except for that last Open Round.

You almost make it sound like a full time job.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: wolfking on June 09, 2023, 07:30:15 PM
You guys are working on EP's already?  Jeez, I'm still trying to find another 'light' submission.


It's not like you sent anything light for the last light round.  :lol

Are you kidding, it was light AF!?  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 09, 2023, 07:33:01 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 09, 2023, 07:46:12 PM
I'm actually working on mine tonight.

Then that just leaves me Litho's final Open Round to figure out.

I've submitted the rest of Crow's and Rounds 5 & 6 for Ariich.

I haven't submitted yet in Litho's but I'm good except for that last Open Round.

You almost make it sound like a full time job.

Posting on DTF is a full time job for him. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 09, 2023, 07:48:58 PM
His wife kicks him out of bed and he goes to his man cave every night.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 09, 2023, 08:35:21 PM
The Gif Master.

His only communication is through songs and gifs. Wandering aimlessly through this world and roulettes aimless until his sees this hobo named TAC.  He prepares to help this hobo with musuc and laughter through gifs.

Until he's horribly betrayed when the hobo mocks him.

Then all hell brakes loose!



Where did you find THIS one?  :lol The guy is a famous Italian TV host...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 09, 2023, 11:11:42 PM
Well, I have my EP all made up. It started out at 48 minutes long. I was able to widdle it down to 36 minutes. I can't make it any shorter... :(
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Evermind on June 09, 2023, 11:43:17 PM
I had my EP ready, then realized one of the bands is banned. Had to change it up but I think it's ready again. There's one song I may replace if I think of something better but otherwise it's good to go.

There's still a lot to prepare as I want to do justice to the story and so far I only got the main story beats down. I also want to do something unusual but that'll depend on how much spare time I'll have in the upcoming few weeks.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 10, 2023, 06:51:20 AM
I'm actually working on mine tonight.

Then that just leaves me Litho's final Open Round to figure out.

I've submitted the rest of Crow's and Rounds 5 & 6 for Ariich.

I haven't submitted yet in Litho's but I'm good except for that last Open Round.

You almost make it sound like a full time job.

Posting on DTF is a full time job for him.

Given the length of your posts and writeups, it's full and over-time for you!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 10, 2023, 12:45:29 PM
The Gif Master.

His only communication is through songs and gifs. Wandering aimlessly through this world and roulettes aimless until his sees this hobo named TAC.  He prepares to help this hobo with musuc and laughter through gifs.

Until he's horribly betrayed when the hobo mocks him.

Then all hell brakes loose!



Where did you find THIS one?  :lol The guy is a famous Italian TV host...

Haha! I just did a search for Tic Tac gif's and it popped up.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 12, 2023, 04:06:40 AM
Round 4 comparisons
Comparisons to the previous round, indicative and subject to change.
As ever, ups and downs show only direction, not scale. Could be 0.1, could be 1.0.

Glasser v
Crow v
jingle v
wolfking =
Litho v
nick_z ^
Buddy =
Evermind ^
Puppies v
faizoff v
soupy ^
lonestar =
luke v
King v
Luoto ^
Sacul v
romdrums ^
Stadler v
seneca ^
Reaper ^
Elite v
Vmadera ^

More than any previous round, some of my first impressions have turned out to be pretty off the mark.

I would hope to have results finished by Wednesday. There's a chance it may be tomorrow evening, but otherwise it'll need to be Wednesday evening as I'll be in the office and it's a busy day this week so won't be able to listen much. Still keeping it to 9 days or less each round so far which I'm pleased with and is ensuring I can give a proper number of listens to every submission (whether I particularly want to or not :lol).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Evermind on June 12, 2023, 04:23:12 AM

I scored the same as Buddy last time so it seems The Silent Life indeed worked well!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: wolfking on June 12, 2023, 04:26:59 AM
Expected a drop in comparisons so pleasantly surprised.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 12, 2023, 04:33:24 AM
I fully agree, as those Coheed songs are among the best I’ve ever sent in any roulette.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 12, 2023, 04:58:10 AM

I scored the same as Buddy last time so it seems The Silent Life indeed worked well!
You two are tracking each other really closely so far this roulette so, combined with you being my two most recent winners (and especially after what happened in v6) I thought it was quite funny you sent me the same band but all different songs this round. :lol

Expected a drop in comparisons so pleasantly surprised.
Me too!

Incidentally there's a real mix of score movements, with quite a few small (0.1-0.2) ones and also big (0.6-1.3) ones, in both directions... But we'll see what happens on final listens.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: soupytwist on June 12, 2023, 05:03:12 AM
I expected mine to be quite similar to last round as they are both power metal, just with less cheese this round.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Lonk on June 12, 2023, 06:11:54 AM
Given how low I scored, I expected the green :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: King Postwhore on June 12, 2023, 06:29:22 AM
Hopefully, the drop isn't too far from my last score. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: faizoff on June 12, 2023, 06:35:28 AM
Not surprised at all by the drop.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: jingle.boy on June 12, 2023, 06:59:17 AM
Poor Elite.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 12, 2023, 07:10:28 AM
Even is good.. As long as I don't fall...

Feel very confident in my next 2 rounds.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 12, 2023, 07:36:03 AM
Well, a downside to being this consistent is I'm not really able to catch up to first. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 12, 2023, 07:40:09 AM
I have a feeling I'm about to be sad...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: ReaperKK on June 12, 2023, 08:04:01 AM
Awful lot of red this round, luckily I'm green :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: jingle.boy on June 12, 2023, 08:05:31 AM
Awful lot of red this round, luckily I'm green :lol

It ain't easy being green.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 12, 2023, 09:45:50 AM
Yes there is a fair bit of red this round. :lol

Still a solid round though. Scores currently averaging a tiny bit higher than round 1 but a little behind rounds 2 and 3. Will see what happens on final listens but it feels like the current scores are more spread out - a few more on the lower end but also in the 8.3-8.5 range, and not much in the 8.0-8.2 range that has generally been pretty dominant in previous rounds.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Crow on June 12, 2023, 12:58:10 PM
hell yeah 8.5
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: HOF on June 12, 2023, 01:22:39 PM
I definitely wasn’t expecting my score to go up this round (or stay level), so no surprises here.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 12, 2023, 01:31:59 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 12, 2023, 01:57:23 PM
I preferred you when you were a dancing orangutan.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 12, 2023, 02:04:10 PM
I preferred you when you were a dancing orangutan.

That's how he sucks you in. Then the shit flies!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 12, 2023, 02:14:58 PM
I preferred you when you were a dancing orangutan.

Me too.  :|
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Sacul on June 12, 2023, 04:31:50 PM
Hope my score is more of a 7.9 ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 12, 2023, 05:00:46 PM
I preferred you when you were a dancing orangutan.

That's how he sucks you in. Then the shit flies!

I just suck.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 14, 2023, 07:50:41 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: romdrums on June 14, 2023, 09:51:18 AM
I preferred you when you were a dancing orangutan.

That's how he sucks you in. Then the shit flies!

I just suck.

Hell of a throw, though. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 14, 2023, 11:02:58 AM
Results will indeed be this evening once the kids are in bed and I can finally sit at my computer. :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: King Postwhore on June 14, 2023, 11:08:57 AM
And a lot of slinging after. Lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 14, 2023, 11:11:05 AM
*calculates time zones*
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 14, 2023, 11:12:12 AM
It's dinner time over there.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 14, 2023, 11:16:17 AM
Yeah ifs 6:15pm here, so maybe in a couple of hours?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: King Postwhore on June 14, 2023, 12:15:09 PM
Yeah ifs 6:15pm here, so maybe in a couple of hours?

Tim disapproves.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 14, 2023, 12:17:26 PM
Nope. I'm good. My disapproval depends on what's posted once the kids go to bed. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: King Postwhore on June 14, 2023, 12:19:51 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 14, 2023, 12:24:41 PM
Metalcore sucks lol 6.0/10
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 14, 2023, 12:25:21 PM
Kingshmegland sent metalcore?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: King Postwhore on June 14, 2023, 12:32:10 PM
Metalcore sucks lol 6.0/10


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Crow on June 14, 2023, 12:45:25 PM
 :corn :soon:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 14, 2023, 12:54:04 PM
Sent Rd 5 while waiting 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: romdrums on June 14, 2023, 01:07:25 PM
Sent Rd 5 while waiting

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Elite on June 14, 2023, 01:17:43 PM
Poor Elite.

Have you listened to what I sent though? :lol

I wasn't really expected this to do very well to be honest
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 14, 2023, 01:33:46 PM

faizoff – Meshuggah
1. Combustion
2. Pravus
3. Shed
4. Marrow

First impression: I can see the appeal of this more than other things I’ve heard from this band, but I’m still not sure it’s my cup of tea.

Final opinion: Making a strong claim for the “most inconsistent” award this roulette! It’s always going to be a risk sending me something where I’ve rated the artist quite low in the past (in this case, an earlier album and EP each getting 2.5 stars which equates to 5.0-5.9) unless there is something fairly markedly different about what they’re doing. I feel pretty confident that Meshuggah just isn’t really for me. Don’t get me wrong, I like this significantly more than anything I’ve heard from them before, and it’s definitely given me an appreciation for why people are into them. As you said in your submission, there is a groove here that’s quite cool and some of the rhythmic riffing is enjoyable. The production is also quite punchy which lends itself well to the intensity of the sound. In this small 18-minute burst, those qualities are enough for me to enjoy this somewhat. But they’re not enough to compensate for the complete lack of melody or, really, even much in the way of atmosphere.

Score: 7.0

Elite – Imperial Triumphant
1. Chump Change
2. Merkurius Gilded
3. Paranoid Android

First impression: There’s a pretty good chance this will be too weird for me, but there was something strangely compelling about it.

Final opinion: Not dissimilar to the Meshuggah entry, I can see the appeal (albeit for different reasons) but I’m finding this hard work. There is a strange atmosphere to this that’s kind of interesting. The music is weird as hell, and not in a quirky fun way that I often like, but in more of a “were they even trying to write music or were they just interested in the sounds?” way. It’s definitely not something that I would normally go for and to be honest I would often not give it much attention at all, either just switching it off or ending up giving it a genuinely low (not just low-for-ariich-roulettes) rating. But what I like about this format is that it forces me to pay close attention, and give extra listens, to things I otherwise wouldn’t. The dark, intense, freaky vibe here is engaging to a point, with some pretty creepy moments in Merkurius Gilded with the choirs and saxophone. But even then, the first two songs are so dense and impenetrable that alone I’m confident they’d have scored below 7. It’s somewhat salvaged, though, by the bizarre version of Paranoid Android, which sounds nothing like the original but has enough snippets of the strong hooks from that song that, combined with the overall creepy sound, kind of works to make something oddly compelling.

Score: 7.2

Stadler – Mother Love Bone
1. Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns

First impression: I can see the lyrical weight of this, but I was hoping for a little more emotional impact.

Final opinion: This is a strange song that I have quite mixed feelings about. There are aspects that I like a lot, but that get held back by weaker elements. A good example of this is the intro. The piano theme is great, and really feels like it’s setting up an emotional and slightly theatrical bit of prog or AOR. But the vocal line is quite bland and even awkward at times, and the overall effect just doesn’t quite work. Similarly, reading the lyrics in light of what you told me about Andrew Wood, I can see the lyrical weight of the exploration of someone giving up and resigned to their fate. But both in composition and delivery, I just don’t feel any of that emotional weight. Maybe it’s something about this particular stylistic approach that just doesn’t grab me - I’ve never been particularly impressed with what I’ve heard from Pearl Jam either. The more energetic last couple of minutes of the song are more engaging, but overall it doesn’t do enough to excite.

Score: 7.4

HOF – Marathon
1. Beyond the Veil
2. The Seventh Dimension
3. Open Field

First impression: As far as neo-prog goes, this is perhaps not as warm as my favourites but it's more riff-driven and there’s a nice crunchiness to it.

Final opinion: I’m not sure I was quite right to say this isn’t warm. Actually I think there is plenty of warmth to this, which is one of its strengths really. It’s a bit dated, definitely sounding overall very much like the 90s neo-prog it is, but also with some nice guitar work more in the forefront, not entirely dissimilar to what some of the early prog metal bands were doing (at least in their more upbeat tunes - I’m thinking of things like DT’s Surrounded). It’s a rather nice effect and they do it well. I can’t fault these songs and I enjoy them a good amount, but ultimately they don’t do enough to really jump out at me. The melodies are nice but aren’t the strongest hooks. The warmth is there but it’s not overly emotive. The riffing is good but nothing special. It’s like it does quite well at pretty much all the things I look for, but not well enough at any of them to stand out.

Score: 7.7

Puppies – Lykathea Aflame
1. Land Where Sympathy is Air
2. Bringer of Elvenefris Flame
3. A Step Closer

First impression: Ferocious yet tonally bright - it's a weird combination that will take some getting used to.

Final opinion: Did you and Elite get this round confused with Crow’s upcoming “weird” round? :lol The absolute intensity of the sound at times, combined with very upbeat music in major keys, is so odd to me and I still wouldn’t say I’ve got my head around it - and perhaps I never will. I’m pretty confident this was a better shout than the banned Warforged songs you tried sending at first (not that I’ve tried rating those specific songs, in fairness) as I do have a general preference for this more melodic approach. The main stumbling block I have is those vocals. I’m just not a fan of that really deep grunting. It’s not just that I can’t make out the words - it’s so unintelligible that I can’t even work out if words are being said. Kardashev (who you’ve also sent me before, with more success) have some of that too at times, but not all the time and the music is rich enough to get past it. But I’m not a fan of the style. The music here isn’t quite rich enough to entirely compensate, but it’s not far off and even though I wouldn’t say I wholly get the tonal juxtaposition, I’m really digging the more melodic and less grunty bits. I’m not expecting this album to be a winner but I’ll give it a listen for sure (if I can find it).

Score: 7.8

Sacul – Have A Nice Life
1. Bloodhail
2. Deep, Deep
3. Holy Fucking Shit: 40,000

First impression: This is pretty bleak - my first thought was that it might be too cold for my tastes, but it does get more engaging once it picks up.

Final opinion: This ended up growing on me a bit, but not as much as I had hoped. The first song especially is quite droney for my tastes. It’s an interesting sound and the bass motif is cool once you settle into it, but it kind of drags on quite a lot and doesn’t really go anywhere or do anything particularly interesting. Deep Deep is more engaging - the main riff is a little bland and the opening bass line comes straight from an Offspring song, but it has a strong chorus, especially with the way the synths come in and enhance the main tune. And then the last song is better again, more mellow and melancholy in vibe but the most musically rich of the lot, quite evocative, and the way it builds up in the second half is very nicely done.

Score: 7.8

King – Sevendust
1. Denial
2. Praise
3. Ugly
4. Enemy
5. Prodigal Son

First impression: Not a genre I generally expect to receive, and if I had to guess who would send it to me, your name definitely would not come to mind.

Final opinion: Not only did I get sent late 90s/early 00s nu-metal, it was Joe who sent it to me? What the. :lol I’m not sure if I’ve heard any Sevendust before, but it absolutely reminds me of a lot of the music I was hearing in those formative late teens when I started gigging with my mates and discovering music on my own, so it’s quite possible I have heard the odd song before. That feeling of nostalgia is not unpleasant. But also more generally these songs are all solid, if nothing special. I suppose I’d say the same about all the different aspects of it too. The riffs and verses are nothing special, but they’re solid and crunchy and kind of fun. The choruses aren’t super catchy but they’re all accessible and enjoyable and there are some nice hooks, especially in the later songs which, combined with the tighter production, make these easily the ones I enjoy most.

Score: 7.8

luke – Worm
1. Bluenothing
2. Invoking the Dragonmoon
3. Shadowside Kingdom

First impression: Not sure what to make of this yet, it's fairly harmonically dense - some of it sounded great while other bits were quite sludgy and lo-fi.

Final opinion: Not sure I’ve moved on that much from my first impression, to be honest. There’s a lot that I like but it’s a mixed bag. The intro is fantastic, great mood and big soaring guitars. But then most of the rest of that (long!) first song is sludgy and the rhythm guitars are really weak and low in the mix, and it just sounds very… amateurish? If the music were rich and accessible it might not have mattered too much, but the combination of the two makes it hard to get into. I don’t dislike it but I don’t feel it quite works. The soaring guitars return later in the song though and those sections are nice, but overall the song isn’t really my thing. Dragonmoon is a great little 2-minute guitar instrumental with a lot of atmosphere - again this seems to be where this band’s strengths are. Shadowside is easily my favourite here - the first few minutes are some nice buildup and again great guitar work with some good hooks, and then once it kicks in it’s a strong bit of black metal where the mix is clearer and it’s generally a pretty great song.

Score: 7.9

Reaper – The Paper Sons
1. The Restless
2. Blackout
3. Set In Motion
4. Fall Apart

First impression: This is emotive in an alt-prog/post-hardcore kind of way, and there's a slight theatricality to some of it that hits the right notes for me.

Final opinion: This is an odd one for me - on first listen I definitely thought I’d like it more than I ended up doing, but that’s not to say I don’t still like it quite a lot. The general sound is one that I tend to enjoy, that sort of alt-prog that derives quite heavily from post-hardcore. The last song especially is really great, and is probably what left me with such a strong impression at the end of my first listen. It’s energetic, a little emotive, has strong hooks and a slightly dramatic flair - definitely a strong example of this style. The other songs all feel like slightly lesser versions of the same style, especially the vocals which aren’t quite as strong. At times the melodies are slightly unusual - almost Deftones-esque, which is an odd combination although it creates an interesting effect. But in fairness, they’re all still really good songs even if they don’t jump out at me like Fall Apart does.

Score: 8.0

Glasser – Anima Tempo
1. The Infinite Eye
2. Confessions

First impression: Doesn’t really deviate from most djenty prog metal, but it sounds good - tight riffing and playing, and solid hooks.

Final opinion: I wouldn’t say that anything here particularly blows me away, and yet it’s all rather tasty stuff just the same. Highly competent and fast-paced prog metal with a strong djent leaning, with very tight, skilled playing and solid (if pretty standard for the genre) sound production. There’s a little bit of that Haken influence again in places, especially in Confessions, although not in nearly as exciting a way as what Nospūn did with it in the last round. Stylistically, it sounds pretty much like a dozen other bands I’ve heard, but thankfully it benefits from good hooks and some nice bits of instrumentation. In particular, the keys make a lot of use of strings, and this organic sound balances out the quite cold and technical sound of the guitar work to make something pretty engaging.

Score: 8.2

TAC – Atropas
1. Snow
2. Vacuum

First impression: This is rather more metalcore than I’d have expected to receive from you, but it also has aspects of genres I associate more with you and the combination seems to work well.

Final opinion: On your harsh vocals journey, you’ve come a long way my friend. :lol The core sound here is very much melodic metalcore, and solid metalcore at that - it just surprised me to receive it from you. But then I think there are also quite a lot of stylings and influences from prog metal and from the more atmospheric side of extreme metal (melodic death metal, etc) in the mix, so I can see why it appeals to you. Indeed, it’s a combination that works rather well. The big anthemic choruses, crunchy metalcore riffs and more ambient sections are all individually done well, and the contrast between them is effective at keeping the songs pretty dynamic and interesting. I wonder how many more 8.2s you can collect this roulette.

Score: 8.2

lonestar – Hanabie
1. Neet Game
2. Invisible Wall
3. Love Renpu
4. Ghost Mania
5. Pardon Me, I Have to Go Now

First impression: Great energy and intensity, and a fun fusion of two quite distinct styles/tones, although it might have been even better if the two were more balanced.

Final opinion: I’ve been on a bit of a journey with this one. At first I liked the fusion of metalcore and cutesy j-pop, if perhaps wanting a bit more of the latter. On the next couple of listens, I felt that qualifier more strongly, coming to the realisation that apart from the last song this is pretty much just straight up metalcore, with only little poppy nods in some of the intros and interludes, and I felt kind of disappointed. But I came to terms with that and just enjoyed it for the solid metalcore that it is. Some of the hooks could be a little stronger perhaps, but then those small poppy infusions do make up for it by creating a pretty fun effect. And really, that last song is a winner. Funnily enough, it doesn’t even really have much melody to speak of, but it’s a proper bringing together of the two genres in a way that’s an absolute blast. Which brings me back to my first impression - this is what I’d love to have heard more of.

Score: 8.2

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 14, 2023, 01:34:02 PM
Vmadera – Fit for An Autopsy
1. When the Bulbs Burn Out
2. Far From Heaven
3. Black Mammoth
4. Two Towers

First impression: Good grief this is pretty relentless, and yet there’s probably just enough sense of melody to make it work.

Final opinion: Deathcore is not a genre I get sent very often. I guess in principle, the intensity of it makes it quite risky? But then again the only ones I can think that would largely fit in that description are Kardashev (from Puppies in my v6) and Slice the Cake (from Train in my v4), both of which I liked a lot. With both of those, the relentless ferocity is there, but it’s balanced out with moments of ambience and held together with enough of a melodic approach - generally with a pretty epic slant - to work really well for me. And it’s exactly the same here, albeit in a slightly different way. These songs don’t have much in the way of ambient moments, but there’s a melodic richness throughout that is very compelling when combined with the heaviness, and then there is that less intense section towards the end of Two Towers that’s incredibly immersive and has some gorgeous guitar work.

Score: 8.3

Crow – Gospel
1. Bravo
2. Deerghost
3. Hyper
4. S.R.O.

First impression: Didn’t love every aspect of this right away but the instrumentation is unusual for the genre and works great, and each song seems to keep getting better as it goes.

Final opinion: This is not entirely dissimilar to your first round, in the sense of being on the spectrum of hardcore to post-hardcore and reasonably raw in sound. I think one of the main differences here is that this is even more raw and, for want of a better word, noisy in style. The vocals especially are kind of messy and frantic at times, especially early in the first song. My first impression was a bit of a reaction to those features, mainly, but once I got used to them, I’ve found so much to like here. There’s a kind of proggy influence that contrasts interestingly with the rawness of the overall sound but also adds variety and melody. Related to this, the instrumentation is also quite rare for the genre in just how much use they make of keyboards right up in the forefront. The one that stands out most is the organ, which adds a big immersive sound to some of the more climactic points, but there are some great moments with other sounds as well like electric piano and even some 80s style synths.

Score: 8.3

romdrums – Obsidious
1. Under Black Skies
2. Iconic
3. Delusion

First impression: I tend to find this subgenre a little cold, but this might break the mould with some strong choruses.

Final opinion: There aren’t all that many tech death bands that I’m into - even some of those I’ve liked initially have worn a little thin, and part of the issue I think is that it’s often quite cold and mechanical. But this is the first of three submissions this round that demonstrate why I don’t like closing myself off! As I said via PM, this isn’t the first off-shoot of Obscura that I’ve been sent (indeed it’s the third, and yet I’ve never heard the original band!) but previous efforts haven’t really hit the mark, suffering from the same issue I often have. So this is a nice discovery for me because it has all the intensity and complexity that can make the genre exciting, but expands on it with huge melodic choruses that inch the overall sound a little more towards prog metal. Really memorable hooks and epic vibes. Also, that jazz fusion section in Delusion is *chef’s kiss*.

Score: 8.3

Buddy – Rivers of Nihil
1. Subtle Change
2. Terrestria III: Wither
3. The Void From Which No Sound Escapes

First impression: Intense, intelligent and interesting - not sure it entirely hits the mark on what I look for in the genre, but the more atmospheric moments sounded good.

Final opinion: Ok so this links to romdrums’ submission above in terms of bucking the trend when it comes to technical death metal, but it’s also one of a set of submissions where my first impression was pretty much just flat out wrong. In a way, there is indeed a coldness to this that I associate with the genre. There’s a lot of groove and complexity, and the melodies aren’t especially immediate. I think this was the main driver of my first impression, but once I did my usual recalibration based on that first listen, I found loads to like. And if I’m honest, Evermind’s submission also offered me a fuller and more rounded sense of the band, which I suspect probably benefited you slightly. But anyway, back to your songs - yes there’s a coldness here in the heavier sections, but it’s still engaging, and the atmospheric moments don’t just sound good, they’re fantastic. That section in the second half of Subtle Change for example, starting with the ambient bit with the saxophone and leading up to the chorus reprise is so good (even if the chorus itself is nothing special). But really, there’s lots of great stuff in all three songs.

Score: 8.3

Evermind – Rivers of Nihil
1. Cancer / Moonspeak
2. The Silent Life
3. Where Owls Know My Name

First impression: Intense, intelligent and interesting - not sure it entirely hits the mark on what I look for in the genre, but the more atmospheric moments sounded good.

Final opinion: I’m quite enjoying the little rivalry that you and Buddy - my most recent winners - seem to have going in this roulette. Congrats on getting the slightly better score here, although as I said in Buddy’s writeup, you sending the same band probably inadvertently gave him a slight boost. :lol I wonder if one of you will either slip up or send something special to get your scores further apart… Anyway I won’t repeat what I said in his writeup about the genre or the band in general, all of that applies here too. The question is - why do I like this even more? It’s not only The Silent Life, which everyone seems to be raving about (and yes is pretty damn epic), but the title track as well which may even be my favourite of the lot with its proggy vibes and great hooks. These songs have all the same qualities as the ones Buddy sent and the difference is marginal, but it just comes down to finding these more consistently compelling - there’s not really a moment here that I don’t find interesting and exciting in some way.

Score: 8.4

Litho – Mercenary
1. Firesoul
2. Music Non Stop
3. The Hours That Remain

First impression: Sounds like a really cool mixture of aggressive and epic - elements of the vocals are not normally what I go for, but they seem to work well here.

Final opinion: This strikes me as a really interesting amalgamation of what various other bands were doing in the late 90s and 2000s, with various aspects very reminiscent of something else but the overall effect not quite sounding like any of them. Musically, Firesoul is absolutely a cross between earlyish In Flames and Children of Bodom, but with lots of King Diamond style vocals. It’s not a vocal style I tend to like (I’m not at all a fan of Halford, for example, although I do think King Diamond is so dark and theatrical and some of it works great) but this is delivered well and blends in with the music very effectively such that it’s not bothersome at all. The harsh vocals are also quite full-on but again they work. Music Non Stop is quite a gear shift, in much more of a straightforward hard rock vein, but it’s a nice little song and I appreciate the variety. And then Hours That Remain has more of a power metal vibe with, presumably, a different vocalist as the singing is more tasteful, if still a little cheesy in a different way. :lol But anyway it’s great - I liked all the songs a lot from the start and the first and third ones have grown on me further with each listen.

Score: 8.4

jingle – Triosphere
1. Onwards, Pt. 1 - All Is Fair in Love and War?
2. Onwards, Pt. 2 - Decadent One
3. The Heart’s Dominion
4. Worlds Apart

First impression: Big sound, huge voice and, especially in the last two songs, strong hooks - this seems like a pretty safe bet.

Final opinion: I can’t work out if it’s that I’ve become more receptive to power metal in the past few years or if people have just got better at identifying the stuff I’ll like, including where it borders on other genres. I’m sure it’s a bit of both but I do wonder how much the latter is having an impact, because this is yet another success (in this case with some proggy elements). I don’t really have anything to say about the short intro, but the three main songs are full of fantastic hooks and are all cracking in slightly different ways. Onwards is the most straightforward - almost hard rock really - and probably my least favourite but only because the other two are even better. The Heart’s Dominion is dramatic and epic and a really great showcase for her voice. And Worlds Apart is mostly classic power metal fare, but with an emotional edge in the chorus and some quite upbeat moments too. Great stuff all round.

Score: 8.4

nick_z – Descend
1. Avalin
2. Blood Moon
3. Lily

First impression: Not sure I hear that much of the influences this band apparently has, but this seems rather fantastic anyway - dark, epic and huge in sound.

Final opinion: OK so it’s not only you who compared this band to Opeth, I’ve seen it mentioned by others as well, including a handful of reviews. But other than a few moments in Lily - especially the moody intro - I’m not really hearing it as a substantive influence. The general genre and sound, in terms of instrumentation, sure, but that’s hardly unique. But in melodic and harmonic approach, I find Opeth really ethereal and flitting between delicate and demonic, whereas these songs feel more musically straightforward. Not that it matters anyway, because it’s really great stuff. Compositionally it’s amazing, just really well crafted progressive death metal, full of rich music and intensity. One thing that particularly stands out to me is how intricate and interesting a lot of the riffing is. Looking forward to giving the album a listen!

Score: 8.4

soupy – Dynazty
1. Presence of Mind
2. All the Devils Are Here
3. Yours
4. Instinct

First impression: Super catchy, pretty epic and just gravelly enough to give it a bit of hard rock punch.

Final opinion: Another strong showing for power metal right here! It's over-simplified, but if power metal exists loosely on a spectrum from dragons and adventures, via grand and symphonic, through to crunchy and thrashy, these songs seem to cover a range somewhere around the middle and leaning towards the latter. Which is probably where my natural comfort zone would sit, on the whole. But it still depends a lot on quality, which this has in spades. Every song is insanely catchy, with big anthemic choruses that instantly lodged themselves in my brain. While they don't dominate, the thrashy influences do also lend a slightly gravelling edge in some of the songs which is great too. Excellent stuff all round.

Score: 8.4

wolfking – Wolfheart
1. Shores of Lake Simpele
2. The Hunt
3. Cold Flame
4. Valkyrie

First impression: This sounded like solid death metal but nothing particularly stood out - hopefully I’ll get more sense of it with further listens.

Final opinion: And here we come to the last of my “oops my first impression was dumb” writeups. :lol I don’t know what was going on with that first listen, I can only assume I was distracted because on my second listen there was loads that stood out - I loved it and that’s stayed the case with all the remaining listens. The first track is clearly an intro and it’s a great scene-setter - the music is pretty lush and the way it builds up from acoustic to heavy is terrific. The Hunt is probably the least exciting and comes closest to nothing standing out (which might have influenced my first impression, being the first substantive song?), but it still has plenty of great stuff in it and a very melodic approach. Valkyrie would have to be my favourite, just such an atmospheric, grand and epic piece of melodic death metal - all kind of based around one main motif but the way it develops is just masterful. It might even be my favourite song of the round, and I was so immersed in it on my final listen that I nudged the score upwards slightly.

Score: 8.5

seneca – Dan Swanö
1. Sun of the Night
2. Uncreation
3. Add Reality

First impression: Well, this feels like a pretty big oversight on my part - the limited amount of clean vocals is kind of surprising for how melodic most of the music is, but it’s a great sound anyway.

Final opinion: There's not been any particular reason that I've not checked out Swanö's solo album before. He just has so many different projects that I don't think I even knew he'd done one. :lol But of those I've heard, the ones I really like a lot are Nightingale and Witherscape, and this sounds like a fantastic marrying of the two styles. The music is closest to Nightingale, a pretty classic prog/AOR sound, very synth heavy, but with more crunch and a slightly darker and more modern edge. But vocally it's much closer to his heavier projects, almost all growls even though the music is so tuneful and proggy. The contrast is not nearly as extreme as what Puppies sent me this round though - this is unusual, but feels comfortable once I got used to it, and indeed it creates a very engaging effect. Really great stuff!

Score: 8.6

Luoto – Kalmah
1. The Groan of Wind
2. Heroes To Us
3. Drifting In a Dream

First impression: Sounds like a strong example of the genre and right up my alley, with a great mix of the slower atmospheric side and the faster, more aggressive (yet always melodic) side.

Final opinion: My experience here is very similar to with seneca's Dan Swanö submission. I hesitate to call this one an oversight as I didn't have any previous experience with the artist, but it's definitely a hole in my collection - I've seen them mentioned a lot in relation to other bands I like (Suotana, Children of Bodom) so I don't really know why I've never got round to checking them out. Anyway this is really excellent. The general style seems to come from the super melodic, power metal infused side of melodic death metal, which tends to go down well with me if the melodies are strong (which they definitely are here). On their own the first two songs may not have scored quite so high, but including the third was brilliant as it showcases a slower, more atmospheric side which you know is something I'm attracted to. It's an absolutely gorgeous track and really completes this selection of songs.

Score: 8.6


Scores after Round 4:

 1. Crow     = 8.8 + 8.4 + 8.6 + 8.3 = 34.1
 2. wolfking = 8.6 + 8.1 + 8.4 + 8.5 = 33.6
 2. Luoto    = 8.3 + 8.7 + 8.0 + 8.6 = 33.6
 4. nick_z   = 8.2 + 8.5 + 8.3 + 8.4 = 33.4
 5. Buddy    = 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.3 = 33.3
 5. Evermind = 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 = 33.3
 5. TAC      = 8.2 + 8.7 + 8.2 + 8.2 = 33.3
 8. Glasser  = 8.1 + 8.1 + 8.8 + 8.2 = 33.2
 9. Sacul    = 8.3 + 8.9 + 8.0 + 7.8 = 33.0
10. soupy    = 8.4 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 8.4 = 32.9
10. Litho    = 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.4 + 8.4 = 32.9
10. jingle   = 8.2 + 7.7 + 8.6 + 8.4 = 32.9
13. romdrums = 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.0 + 8.3 = 32.5
14. Puppies  = 7.9 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 7.8 = 32.3
14. seneca   = 7.6 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.6 = 32.3
16. luke     = 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 7.9 = 32.2
16. lonestar = 7.8 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 = 32.2
18. HOF      = 7.5 + 7.9 + 8.7 + 7.7 = 31.8
19. Stadler  = 7.9 + 8.4 + 7.9 + 7.4 = 31.6
19. Vmadera  = 8.0 + 8.0 + 7.3 + 8.3 = 31.6
21. King     = 7.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.8 = 31.5
22. Reaper   = 7.6 + 8.1 + 7.7 + 8.0 = 31.4
23. faizoff  = 7.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 7.0 = 30.7
24. Elite    = 7.8 + 8.0 + 7.5 + 7.2 = 30.5

Click the graphs to enlarge.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 14, 2023, 01:40:23 PM
I was listening to the new Kalmah this morning. Great album!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 14, 2023, 01:45:28 PM
damn i'm really falling off (you're not wrong that this is probably my weakest submission so far tho lmao but it's still very :metal)
the rest of the album is also quite good and they put out a 20ish minute single-song EP a few months later, too, so... plenty of gospel to go around  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 14, 2023, 01:45:41 PM
Next round already sent!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: HOF on June 14, 2023, 01:57:42 PM
Better than my first heavy round score, so I’ll take it! Guess I should figure out what to send next (have an idea but need to put it together).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 14, 2023, 02:02:28 PM
Well I think it's pretty safe to assume you'll enjoy Where Owls Know My Name. :neverusethis:

I really need to think about what to send for this round... I had an idea for an EP but I scrapped it, and now I need to make sure I don't need whatever I send this round for the EP. Damn you for running this so efficiently, now I need to catch up! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on June 14, 2023, 02:02:36 PM
I'm not doing bad overall.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 14, 2023, 02:07:26 PM
Cool assessment, and I totally agree that the last song is their best. Actually, that's their latest too, so hopefully that's the direction they're heading in.

On a side note, Hanabie just opened for Nemophila a few weeks ago, and they collaborated on that song and on Zen off Seize the Fate, with Yukina of Hanabie singing it. I even had a bud who attended the show snag me a shirt with both bands on it. Just for the heck of it, here's a video of Nemophila's cover of Pardon Me I Have to Go Now...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=higsrM4jqn8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=higsrM4jqn8)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 14, 2023, 02:18:36 PM
About what I expected, and I do agree that the first song is the weakest overall.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 14, 2023, 02:19:02 PM
Well I think it's pretty safe to assume you'll enjoy Where Owls Know My Name. :neverusethis:
Seems quite likely. :lol The only one I'm more certain about is Nuclear Power Trio, because Chad sent me the entire EP. :P


Cool assessment, and I totally agree that the last song is their best. Actually, that's their latest too, so hopefully that's the direction they're heading in.
Awesome, that would be great if so!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: faizoff on June 14, 2023, 02:23:14 PM
Whoa my lowest score so far. I kinda get it though, it took me forever to get into Meshuggah, it was several years before I really got into them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 14, 2023, 02:24:50 PM
Litho – Mercenary
1. Firesoul
2. Music Non Stop
3. The Hours That Remain

First impression: Sounds like a really cool mixture of aggressive and epic - elements of the vocals are not normally what I go for, but they seem to work well here.

Final opinion: This strikes me as a really interesting amalgamation of what various other bands were doing in the late 90s and 2000s, with various aspects very reminiscent of something else but the overall effect not quite sounding like any of them. Musically, Firesoul is absolutely a cross between earlyish In Flames and Children of Bodom, but with lots of King Diamond style vocals. It’s not a vocal style I tend to like (I’m not at all a fan of Halford, for example, although I do think King Diamond is so dark and theatrical and some of it works great) but this is delivered well and blends in with the music very effectively such that it’s not bothersome at all. The harsh vocals are also quite full-on but again they work. Music Non Stop is quite a gear shift, in much more of a straightforward hard rock vein, but it’s a nice little song and I appreciate the variety. And then Hours That Remain has more of a power metal vibe with, presumably, a different vocalist as the singing is more tasteful, if still a little cheesy in a different way. :lol But anyway it’s great - I liked all the songs a lot from the start and the first and third ones have grown on me further with each listen.

Their vocalist lineup has shifted over the years.  Their original vocalist is bass player Kral, who does the lowest-range cleans on the first two songs (and lower-range growls on other songs I couldn't fit in 20 minutes of music)).  Mikkel joined on the second album as co-lead vocalist to add higher-range cleans and screams.  I really like the variety of their dual lead vocal attack there.  Kral left after their third album, and Mikkel does all the vocals on the fourth album (represented by the third song), albeit with a couple guest spots on other tracks.  On the tour for that album they added new bassist/co-lead vocalist René, they did one album together, and then Mikkel left, so René did all the vocals on the next two albums and the upcoming one this year/next one maybe.  His vocals aren't represented on these tracks though.  I can definitely hear a bit of In Flames, though I personally can't really see much CoB.  But I agree on the stylistic fusion of the era, I haven't been able to find another band that scratches the same itch for me.  Scar Symmetry and various others have many similarities, but a different vibe. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 14, 2023, 03:08:27 PM
I can definitely hear a bit of In Flames, though I personally can't really see much CoB.
It's mainly the style and ferocity of the verses that remind me of Follow the Reaper era Bodom, more so than In Flames. Probably also added to by the "cross my heart and hope to die" line. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 14, 2023, 03:14:43 PM
Yeah, I guess they do both use that cliche, don't they? 

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on June 14, 2023, 04:35:49 PM
Rik Emmett killed me!  I'd be Top 5 if I'd had a decent round 2.

Let's hope this 'light' round doesn't do the same.  Round 5 sent Rich - just pull up the playlist again.  You'll figure it out.  Glad to see Dynazty do so well!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 14, 2023, 04:38:05 PM
Rik Emmett [LJS: Phil Keaggy] killed me!  I'd be Top 5 if I'd had a decent round 2.

Let's hope this 'light' round doesn't do the same.


ariich just isn't into skilled acoustic guitar players I guess.   :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 14, 2023, 05:04:09 PM
Rik Emmett killed me!  I'd be Top 5 if I'd had a decent round 2.

Let's hope this 'light' round doesn't do the same.  Round 5 sent Rich - just pull up the playlist again.  You'll figure it out.  Glad to see Dynazty do so well!

I'm taking this next round, and that's a promise.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on June 14, 2023, 06:39:07 PM
That's more like what I was expecting!  Great band, get into em Rich.

I'll send hopefully tonight.  I've been getting my balls busted at work so not prepared anything, but give me 12 hours or so hopefully.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 14, 2023, 06:39:25 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 14, 2023, 07:16:03 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on June 14, 2023, 08:12:35 PM
Rik Emmett killed me!  I'd be Top 5 if I'd had a decent round 2.

Let's hope this 'light' round doesn't do the same.  Round 5 sent Rich - just pull up the playlist again.  You'll figure it out.  Glad to see Dynazty do so well!

I'm taking this next round, and that's a promise.

What if Rich breaks your promise?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 14, 2023, 08:14:33 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 14, 2023, 08:27:00 PM
Nah, I'm pretty sure I've got it.

4/10 incoming.... :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 14, 2023, 08:38:36 PM
honestly have no clue how this next submission will do but i do know that i fully stand behind it
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 14, 2023, 08:38:51 PM
Everyone's reaction to me winning after hearing my songs...

https://youtu.be/2dHgeV9zMCI?t=98 (https://youtu.be/2dHgeV9zMCI?t=98)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 14, 2023, 08:55:47 PM
seneca – Dan Swanö
1. Sun of the Night
2. Uncreation
3. Add Reality

First impression: Well, this feels like a pretty big oversight on my part - the limited amount of clean vocals is kind of surprising for how melodic most of the music is, but it’s a great sound anyway.

Final opinion: There's not been any particular reason that I've not checked out Swanö's solo album before. He just has so many different projects that I don't think I even knew he'd done one. :lol But of those I've heard, the ones I really like a lot are Nightingale and Witherscape, and this sounds like a fantastic marrying of the two styles...Really great stuff!

Score: 8.6

Now, see, this is why I called you out in Tomi's on this.  :P

In fairness, none of Swano's other projects are nearly as good as Nightingale or Witherscape IMO.

The Moontower project is one of them, and there are arguably others as well.  Shame as these could have been my points as I'd probably have picked those same three songs, but if I'm gonna lose, doing it to Dan is an honor.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on June 14, 2023, 09:12:02 PM
Rik Emmett [LJS: Phil Keaggy] killed me!  I'd be Top 5 if I'd had a decent round 2.

Let's hope this 'light' round doesn't do the same.


Soupy too. We’re crushing it if not for the damned “Light” round.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: HOF on June 14, 2023, 10:34:05 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on June 14, 2023, 11:11:28 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 15, 2023, 01:35:36 AM
ariich just isn't into skilled acoustic guitar players noodling I guess.   :rollin

Although that said, the Rik Emmett acoustic guitar track was one of my favourites from that submission, so who knows what I like.

Soupy too. We’re crushing it if not for the damned “Light” round.  :biggrin:
Yeah I found it funny that you all stayed in joint 10th place by getting an identical score last round, but hadn't appreciated that you've all had a really similar score profile throughout with a weaker round 2. :lol

seneca – Dan Swanö
1. Sun of the Night
2. Uncreation
3. Add Reality

First impression: Well, this feels like a pretty big oversight on my part - the limited amount of clean vocals is kind of surprising for how melodic most of the music is, but it’s a great sound anyway.

Final opinion: There's not been any particular reason that I've not checked out Swanö's solo album before. He just has so many different projects that I don't think I even knew he'd done one. :lol But of those I've heard, the ones I really like a lot are Nightingale and Witherscape, and this sounds like a fantastic marrying of the two styles...Really great stuff!

Score: 8.6

Now, see, this is why I called you out in Tomi's on this.  :P

In fairness, none of Swano's other projects are nearly as good as Nightingale or Witherscape IMO.

The Moontower project is one of them, and there are arguably others as well.  Shame as these could have been my points as I'd probably have picked those same three songs, but if I'm gonna lose, doing it to Dan is an honor.
:lol All very fair, I retract that statement on the basis of clearly not hearing enough of his projects. If others are along the lines of these three and less like Edge of Sanity then that sounds promising! There was at least one other I heard a bit of but don't think I ever rated an album from, but I can't remember what it was or why I wasn't keen on it.

Anyway thanks for so many quick submissions already!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: soupytwist on June 15, 2023, 02:41:12 AM

Soupy too. We’re crushing it if not for the damned “Light” round.  :biggrin:

It's weird for me as I normally struggle with the heavier stuff, this roulette is the reverse.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on June 15, 2023, 04:38:55 AM

Soupy too. We’re crushing it if not for the damned “Light” round.  :biggrin:

It's weird for me as I normally struggle with the heavier stuff, this roulette is the reverse.

But you nailed it with Dynazty!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: soupytwist on June 15, 2023, 05:19:51 AM

Soupy too. We’re crushing it if not for the damned “Light” round.  :biggrin:

It's weird for me as I normally struggle with the heavier stuff, this roulette is the reverse.

But you nailed it with Dynazty!  :biggrin:

Yeah and now I'll mess it all up with the 'light' round again :)

Oh and sent!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 15, 2023, 07:48:05 AM
I'm glad to have properly cheated  ;D

I'm sure you'll enjoy that entire album!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: Luoto on June 15, 2023, 11:12:10 AM
Luoto – Kalmah
1. The Groan of Wind
2. Heroes To Us
3. Drifting In a Dream

First impression: Sounds like a strong example of the genre and right up my alley, with a great mix of the slower atmospheric side and the faster, more aggressive (yet always melodic) side.

Final opinion: My experience here is very similar to with seneca's Dan Swanö submission. I hesitate to call this one an oversight as I didn't have any previous experience with the artist, but it's definitely a hole in my collection - I've seen them mentioned a lot in relation to other bands I like (Suotana, Children of Bodom) so I don't really know why I've never got round to checking them out. Anyway this is really excellent. The general style seems to come from the super melodic, power metal infused side of melodic death metal, which tends to go down well with me if the melodies are strong (which they definitely are here). On their own the first two songs may not have scored quite so high, but including the third was brilliant as it showcases a slower, more atmospheric side which you know is something I'm attracted to. It's an absolutely gorgeous track and really completes this selection of songs.

Score: 8.6

Nice, a round winner! Kalmah are a little hit and miss for me, but they certainly have strong highlights throughout their catalog and their live shows are pretty fun.

I'll send round 5 shortly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Evermind on June 15, 2023, 12:18:24 PM
Glad you enjoyed it a little more than Buddy's entry!

Really hectic day here at work and I've apparently caught a cold somewhere too. I'll try to send something in 24 hours.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Lonk on June 15, 2023, 02:23:58 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 15, 2023, 02:29:52 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 15, 2023, 02:31:06 PM
How long have I got until I incur the wrath of the hall monitor?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 15, 2023, 02:31:56 PM
How long have I got until I incur the wrath of the hall monitor?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 15, 2023, 02:34:31 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 15, 2023, 02:36:11 PM

There's definitely some stretching of "light" this round but nothing I'll reject. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 15, 2023, 02:37:46 PM

There's definitely some stretching of "light" this round but nothing I'll reject. :lol

Wolfking sent extreme metal with clean vocals.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 15, 2023, 02:43:11 PM

There's definitely some stretching of "light" this round but nothing I'll reject. :lol

Sure as hell wasn't mine...my submission is the epitome of light.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 15, 2023, 02:43:53 PM
Brutal death metal with a 20-second classical guitar intro. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 15, 2023, 02:44:26 PM
Brutal death metal with a 20-second classical guitar intro. 
I know you're joking but you're not a million miles away. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 15, 2023, 02:44:50 PM
Brutal death metal with a 20-second classical guitar intro.

Seems legit
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on June 15, 2023, 03:05:40 PM
Well, if you consider Triosphere/Onwards Pt2 "hard rock", then my "hard rock" would be your "light".

That's my rational, and I'm sticking to it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 15, 2023, 03:07:12 PM
Well, if you consider Triosphere/Onwards Pt2 "hard rock", then my "hard rock" would be your "light".

That's my rational, and I'm sticking to it.

Your hard rock is definitely light. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 15, 2023, 03:11:59 PM
And here I was wondering if having beats and a bit of light overdrive was too heavy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 15, 2023, 03:29:17 PM

There's definitely some stretching of "light" this round but nothing I'll reject. :lol
i think mine would be legal for an acoustic round this time, so  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 15, 2023, 03:39:55 PM
Is there any middle ground or is it all the lightest shit ever or not even following the theme? :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 15, 2023, 03:55:47 PM
Is there any middle ground or is it all the lightest shit ever or not even following the theme? :lol

It's either Air Supply or Cannibal Corpse.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 15, 2023, 03:56:31 PM
Is there any middle ground or is it all the lightest shit ever or not even following the theme? :lol

It's either Air Supply or Cannibal Corpse.

Cannibal Supply!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 15, 2023, 04:01:51 PM
Is there any middle ground or is it all the lightest shit ever or not even following the theme? :lol
Oh yeah it's very varied and definitely materially lighter than either of the heavy rounds (especially the latest one!).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 comparisons
Post by: nick_z on June 15, 2023, 04:18:56 PM
nick_z – Descend
1. Avalin
2. Blood Moon
3. Lily

First impression: Not sure I hear that much of the influences this band apparently has, but this seems rather fantastic anyway - dark, epic and huge in sound.

Final opinion: OK so it’s not only you who compared this band to Opeth, I’ve seen it mentioned by others as well, including a handful of reviews. But other than a few moments in Lily - especially the moody intro - I’m not really hearing it as a substantive influence. The general genre and sound, in terms of instrumentation, sure, but that’s hardly unique. But in melodic and harmonic approach, I find Opeth really ethereal and flitting between delicate and demonic, whereas these songs feel more musically straightforward. Not that it matters anyway, because it’s really great stuff. Compositionally it’s amazing, just really well crafted progressive death metal, full of rich music and intensity. One thing that particularly stands out to me is how intricate and interesting a lot of the riffing is. Looking forward to giving the album a listen!

Score: 8.4

Back from my trip and catching up with some posts...

Well, glad you enjoyed it  :tup To be honest with you, if I hadn't read some reviews beforehand, I probably wouldn't have pinned Opeth as an obvious influence either. I agree with you it's certainly not the primary thing you hear. Although, as I was mentioning in the PM, the song "The Purest One" probably has the largest "dose" of that influence, especially in the light/dark, acoustic/heavy contrasts throughout the tune.

Anyway, good stuff. I had sent you my light-round songs last week, so you should be good to go with those.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 15, 2023, 04:38:37 PM
Is there any middle ground or is it all the lightest shit ever or not even following the theme? :lol

It's either Air Supply or Cannibal Corpse.

Cannibal Supply!

Air Corpse
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on June 15, 2023, 04:58:03 PM
Hey......I actually sent something pretty light......I think.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 15, 2023, 04:59:34 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 15, 2023, 05:25:05 PM

There's definitely some stretching of "light" this round but nothing I'll reject. :lol

Wolfking sent extreme metal with clean vocals.
I sent Blackened Indie Avant-rock  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 15, 2023, 05:26:21 PM
i sent music
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Lonk on June 16, 2023, 06:47:37 AM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 16, 2023, 07:00:30 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ReaperKK on June 16, 2023, 07:25:35 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 16, 2023, 07:42:18 AM
Brutal death metal with a 20-second classical guitar intro. 
I know you're joking but you're not a million miles away. :lol

Hey, man. As long as it gives you that feeling of lightness, right? 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Evermind on June 16, 2023, 11:03:29 AM
Okay, finally back from work. Feeling a bit wonky but I'll send in a bit.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 16, 2023, 11:49:29 AM
We all in?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 16, 2023, 12:03:20 PM
give me the Ω
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 16, 2023, 12:23:22 PM
We all in?

I’ve still gotta send. Narrowed it down to a few bands. Will send before midnight  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2023, 01:00:44 PM
We all in?

I’ve still gotta send. Narrowed it down to a few bands. Will send before midnight  :corn

There are three others we're also waiting on BET YOU CAN'T GUESS WHO
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 16, 2023, 01:07:35 PM
y'all need to let me continue my streak of villainy faster  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on June 16, 2023, 01:50:06 PM
We all in?

I’ve still gotta send. Narrowed it down to a few bands. Will send before midnight  :corn

There are three others we're also waiting on BET YOU CAN'T GUESS WHO

Sta-cul-ite ???
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2023, 01:55:14 PM
The Unholy Trinity, yes.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 16, 2023, 01:56:53 PM
Oh brother.

Let's go slackers!!!!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 16, 2023, 02:27:02 PM
*me when results were posted 24 hours ago, I still haven’t sent and I see TAC in the thread…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 16, 2023, 02:28:35 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2023, 02:29:21 PM
Results were posted 48 hours ago, Luke.

TAC's rage is ever growing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 16, 2023, 02:29:32 PM
When I see TAC in the thread.

(https://i.postimg.cc/J7H2Ktb9/200w.webp) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 16, 2023, 02:32:40 PM
Results were posted 48 hours ago, Luke.

I know, I’ve been feeling him for 24 hours! :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2023, 02:35:25 PM
Results were posted 48 hours ago, Luke.

I know, I’ve been feeling him for 24 hours! :neverusethis:
Tim doesn't have that kind of stamina. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 16, 2023, 02:36:38 PM
Hand got stuck I bet. He's a tight wad.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 16, 2023, 02:40:17 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 16, 2023, 02:47:56 PM
Man, I wish there were 8 rounds.  There are two bands I want to send for round 6, and one is going to have to be left off.  (https://i.imgur.com/Bpy9mtl.gif)  The 20-minute rounds give so many possibilities that don't exist in most other roulettes.  (https://i.imgur.com/MX0I5nY.gif)  You're running another roulette later this year, right?  (https://i.imgur.com/t05Caad.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 16, 2023, 02:50:03 PM
there's an EP round  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2023, 02:55:11 PM
Man, I wish there were 8 rounds.  There are two bands I want to send for round 6, and one is going to have to be left off.  (https://i.imgur.com/Bpy9mtl.gif)  The 20-minute rounds give so many possibilities that don't exist in most other roulettes.  (https://i.imgur.com/MX0I5nY.gif)  You're running another roulette later this year, right?  (https://i.imgur.com/t05Caad.gif)
:lol I love this reaction. :heart

This year, no. It'll likely take me the rest of this year to work my way through checking out artists from this roulette! :lol

But I'm unlikely to deviate from the 20-minute format in future roulettes. It's my favouritest.

EDIT: Oh and you can definitely send me a handful of post-roulette submissions if you like, Crow has often done that. Unless you want to save them, although I get the impression you have like a million things you could send. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 16, 2023, 02:59:29 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 16, 2023, 03:15:06 PM
there's an EP round  :corn

Already planned within days of the OP, and neither fits what I'm going for with the EP.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

EDIT: Oh and you can definitely send me a handful of post-roulette submissions if you like, Crow has often done that. Unless you want to save them, although I get the impression you have like a million things you could send. :P

I may wind up doing something like that, I think I've done it in all the other roulettes I've been in so far already.  In Luke's and Tomi's it was easier knowing they might not run another for years, and in TAC's it wasn't something I'd be likely to use elsewhere.  I might send something else I'd put together as a possibility and save the one I'm more torn about for possibly next year.  Or they might get worked into other roulettes/rounds this year, I guess we'll see. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2023, 03:22:19 PM
What Crow and some others have done, at least in part, is send me things either that they consider particularly risky but are interested to get my take on, or that didn't fit with whatever theme they were going for (e.g. lonestar has already recommended me an album by a band that isn't Asian :lol).

Anyway it's up to you, but I do always give them a proper listen and report back with thoughts and ratings.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 16, 2023, 03:33:20 PM
I have a playlist of songs on Spotify that I brainstorm for each roulette I play in.

My current ones are..

Litho-91 songs
Ariich-53 songs
Crow-112 songs

I make a separate one for EP ideas, and then a third one as I finalize the EP.
I delete them when the roulettes are over.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 16, 2023, 03:55:46 PM

a lot of songs for an 8-song roulette  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 16, 2023, 04:00:26 PM
I have a playlist of songs on Spotify that I brainstorm for each roulette I play in...I delete them when the roulettes are over.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 16, 2023, 04:02:39 PM
In his basement while his wife is eating bon bons watching her TV. Lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on June 16, 2023, 06:00:04 PM
I have a playlist of songs on Spotify that I brainstorm for each roulette I play in.

My current ones are..

Litho-91 songs
Ariich-53 songs
Crow-112 songs

I make a separate one for EP ideas, and then a third one as I finalize the EP.
I delete them when the roulettes are over.

Jesus Christ!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on June 16, 2023, 06:03:34 PM
We all in?

I’ve still gotta send. Narrowed it down to a few bands. Will send before midnight  :corn

There are three others we're also waiting on BET YOU CAN'T GUESS WHO

Sta-cul-ite ???

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ReaperKK on June 16, 2023, 06:28:11 PM
In his basement while his wife is eating bon bons watching her TV. Lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 16, 2023, 06:34:10 PM
Yep, yep, yep.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 16, 2023, 06:57:17 PM
It's like watching a home movie.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 16, 2023, 07:14:52 PM
I have a playlist of songs on Spotify that I brainstorm for each roulette I play in.

My current ones are..

Litho-91 songs
Ariich-53 songs
Crow-112 songs

I make a separate one for EP ideas, and then a third one as I finalize the EP.
I delete them when the roulettes are over.

Jesus Christ!
This doesn't seem crazy to me. I do the same thing  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on June 16, 2023, 08:03:03 PM
I have a playlist of songs on Spotify that I brainstorm for each roulette I play in...I delete them when the roulettes are over.


Litho, I'm actually surprised you are surprised  :) Thought you'd do something along the same lines and then maybe run the songs through some machine learning model for the final selection :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 16, 2023, 08:57:15 PM
What I'm surprised at is that he deletes them afterwards, all that work gone to waste.   :(

But I absolutely do my own version of a playlist, with some other stuff that would make wolfking blow a gasket.  (https://i.imgur.com/GVpS0rU.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 17, 2023, 01:53:10 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 17, 2023, 01:54:40 PM

Seems legit.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 17, 2023, 01:55:08 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 17, 2023, 02:09:04 PM
I should say that I'm with Tim on this. I have a sort of masterlist of things I might want to send in roulettes - basically any artist I've ever rated 4 stars on RYM - and at the start of each roulette I take this and use it to produce my long list of options by removing anything banned or that I'm confident the host would have little interest in.

No point keeping it after the roulette finishes as by the time that person runs another one, their banned list will have changed and I'll have new things I might want to send.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 17, 2023, 02:23:15 PM
I usually just go through my Spotify Library and add them to the "Ariich" playlist, or whoever is hosting. But yeah, there's no point keeping it. It's not a lot of work at all.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Sacul on June 17, 2023, 02:50:02 PM
Oops, sorry folks, been very busy with personal life and taking vacations, I'm recovering from work burnout and completely forgot to check in here. I'll send in a bit.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 17, 2023, 02:52:13 PM
No worries at all, I've cracked on with listening.

Once you've sent, Tim can glare even harder at Elite.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - signups!
Post by: TAC on June 17, 2023, 02:54:08 PM
It's not that he's let me down, it's that he's let himself down.  :lol

Okay, this I can do if I’m able to send weird stuff, which certainly seems possible based on the banned list. Your roulettes are always fun, so if you’ll have me, I’ll send on time as well (TAC can vouch for me :biggrin: )
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: Sacul on June 17, 2023, 03:05:24 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 17, 2023, 03:58:13 PM
With my parameters heading into this specific roulette, I immediately narrowed my field down to 30 or so bands, picked from those and then curated all my playlists
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 17, 2023, 04:04:19 PM
With my parameters heading into this specific roulette, I immediately narrowed my field down to 30 or so bands, picked from those and then curated all my playlists

Only 3 parameters.

1. Japanese
2. Female lead
3.  Have I sent this band to this person.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 17, 2023, 04:06:19 PM
With my parameters heading into this specific roulette, I immediately narrowed my field down to 30 or so bands, picked from those and then curated all my playlists

Only 3 parameters.

1. Japanese
2. Female lead
3.  Have I sent this band to this person.

Actually just 1 and 2, I already knew which ones were blocked. (only 2 of which I sent him, he found Lonesome_Blue and Lovebites on his own)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 17, 2023, 04:21:15 PM
With my parameters heading into this specific roulette, I immediately narrowed my field down to 30 or so bands, picked from those and then curated all my playlists

Only 3 parameters.

1. Japanese
2. Female lead
3.  Have I sent this band to this person.

Actually just 1 and 2, I already knew which ones were blocked. (only 2 of which I sent him, he found Lonesome_Blue and Lovebites on his own)
Well in Lonesome_Blue's case, you were banging on about them so much on Facebook and possibly on here too that I don't think that really counts as "on my own". :lol

Anyway if I've not received Richard's submission by tomorrow I'll go ahead and put up hangman, and can add his later on like in round 1. Seems he's not been online for a couple of days so something may have come up.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 17, 2023, 04:21:20 PM
Not just this roulette though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 06:41:59 AM
Alright let's crack on for now!

give me the Ω
Fine then.

Incidentally three songs are too long for my hangman spreadsheet so I've had to truncate their titles. :lol

??: Robert Plant
    1: Tie __e _n t_e _i___a_
    2: I_ I _ere a _ar_enter
    3: __m_a (_ater_ _int)
    4: I _e_ie_e

??: _aerts
    1: S_i_erin_
    2: _emi__e_ia
    3: _i__ts __t
    4: N_ S_ame
    5: A__ t_e _a_s

??: _e__a __r
    1: __nste__ati_n’s S_n_
    2: __at _r__e_s San_ _e__re
    3: S_ __ease __n’t _ea_e Me / T_ __ __r_ar_ _es_ite t_e Terr_r __ ...

??: __a__ ___ntr_, Ne_ R_a_
    1: T_e __a_e __ere _e Inserte_ t_e __a_e
    2: Sn__ ____es

Vmadera: Angel Vivaldi
    1: .____
    2: ..___
    3: Nine
    4: Sea of Heartbreaks

??: Mr. Rea_it_
    1: An_n_m__s
    2: ___rt_ __ ____
    3: __nest Inn_en__s

??: _iss _iss
    1: T_e _est Mista_e
    2: A__ T_e_ _ra_
    3: Inn__ent I (T_e __rr__ti_n __ Se__ ...)
    4: Inn__ent II (A _r__ _r_m t_e Et_erea_, S_immin_ T__ar_s ...)
    5: _ate
    6: T_r____ t_e _a_

??: __eet____ Ma_
    1: R_iann_n
    2: _ea_ti___ __i__
    3: Sara
    4: ____ __st __man

??: _n_eas_ t_e Ar__ers
    1: _e_a__
    2: T_r____ Stars
    3: T_e _in_ T_at S_a_es t_e _an_

??: _ar_ T_e S_ns
    1: E_er___ere
    2: Ra_en
    3: A__ne

??: _e_r_e __ant_n
    1: _i_in’ ___se
    2: Ma_e It __re_er
    3: __t __ t_e ___e
    4: I _een ___n_

??: T_e __iente_e
    1: Im__ssi__e
    2: S_are t_e Ni__t
    3: _r__e_s _ea__
    4: N_ _reams _ast Ni__t
    5: T_e A_e __ Mira__es

??: Sisare
    1: M__ntains
    2: _en_

??: _ent
    1: ___ s_a_
    2: Re___t III
    3: __m An_ra
    4: _e_ ___a _in_e_n

??: Ataras_ii _a___!
    1: _t_na___e
    2: Nainainai
    3: _anain_a__
    4: S__i _ie
    5: _inea___e _r__t_nite

??: __e _a__s_n
    1: I’m T_e Man
    2: ____ S_ar_!
    3: ____s In ___e
    4: Is S_e Rea___ __in_ __t _it_ _im?
    5: _e M_ N_m_er T__

??: ______a_
    1: ___r__
    2: _r__ans
    3: ____rat_ra

??: __rt R_sen_in_e_
    1: East __ast ___e A__air
    2: ___ __ T_ M_ _ea_
    3: _ann_ni_a
    4: ___’_e __an_e_

??: _i___ Ta_ent
    1: _e_i_ in a Mi_ni__t Mass
    2: Re_ __a_
    3: _ins an_ Nee__es
    4: _a__en _ea_es
    5: S_rren_er
    6: Ri_er _e___

??: __AN S__n_
    1: Stri_ent
    2: ___n__ess
    3: _r__n_e_

wolfking: Blessed By A Broken Heart
    1: Thunderdome
    2: Holdin' Back for Nothin’
    3: Shut Up and Rock
    4: Scream it Like You Mean It
    5: Sleepless Nights

??: T_e _ier_es
    1: It _i__ N_t _e __r__tten
    2: __rin_
    3: ___ri__s
    4: _in_s
    5: _e Are Stars

??: _a_a_a_
    1: Terminati_n
    2: Em_ires Ne_er _ast

??: Im__en _ea_
    1: _irst Train __me
    2: S___n
    3: ____e S_n_
    4: _i_i S_e _n__s
    5: ___sin_ In

Guessed letters: ΩTEARS IN M
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: King Postwhore on June 18, 2023, 06:44:03 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: faizoff on June 18, 2023, 06:44:17 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: Evermind on June 18, 2023, 06:54:48 AM
Blessed by a Broken Heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 06:58:43 AM
Blessed by a Broken Heart
Took you five rounds but you finally got one before I had a chance to update any letters. :lol

Any more before I update?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: Evermind on June 18, 2023, 07:01:25 AM
Didn't plan to do it but was here just as you posted the hangman, so thought I should at least try and get one :lol

I'm good, update it :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 07:02:44 AM

Cool, updated.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: lonestar on June 18, 2023, 07:32:13 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: romdrums on June 18, 2023, 07:34:34 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: Elite on June 18, 2023, 07:50:29 AM
S for Sending today

Sorry, was offline for the past couple of days!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: HOF on June 18, 2023, 08:58:19 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 18, 2023, 09:01:36 AM
Incidentally three songs are too long for my hangman spreadsheet so I've had to truncate their titles. :lol

Sounds like a bug. :neverusethis:

Give me the I
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: jingle.boy on June 18, 2023, 09:09:58 AM
BBABH has to be Kade. Excellent selection.

Thunder Dome
Holdin’ Back for Nothin’
Shut Up And Rock  :metal
Scream it Like You Mean it
Sleepless Nights.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 09:19:04 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 18, 2023, 10:39:59 AM
Incidentally three songs are too long for my hangman spreadsheet so I've had to truncate their titles. :lol

Sounds like a bug. :neverusethis:

Give me the I
I have an edited version of the spreadsheet somewhere that allows for much longer song titles.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: Luoto on June 18, 2023, 12:02:27 PM
Robert Plant?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: Crow on June 18, 2023, 12:04:14 PM
give me the Cool S (not normal S)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 12:48:42 PM

??: ___e_ _______
    1: .____
    2: ..___
    3: ___e
    4: _e_ __ _e_r__re___

VMadera: Angel Vivaldi
. _ _ _ _
.. _ _ _
Sea Of Heartbreak
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 01:13:55 PM

??: ___e_ _______
    1: .____
    2: ..___
    3: ___e
    4: _e_ __ _e_r__re___

VMadera: Angel Vivaldi
. _ _ _ _
.. _ _ _
Sea Of Heartbreak
:lo Yep, and those first two look like they're still unguessed.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 01:14:22 PM
Incidentally three songs are too long for my hangman spreadsheet so I've had to truncate their titles. :lol

Sounds like a bug. :neverusethis:

Give me the I
I have an edited version of the spreadsheet somewhere that allows for much longer song titles.
Yeah I considered doing that but decided it wasn't worth it - no song title needs to be that long. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 01:16:28 PM
Mr. Reality

Kiss Kiss (Did Stadler send twice?)

Unleash The Archers

The Clientele

Stadler sent Robert Plant which would explain why his best song isn't there.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 18, 2023, 01:17:34 PM
Piss piss?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 18, 2023, 01:20:18 PM
The Clientele is probably HOF.  "The Age of Miracles", "Orpheus Beach". 

Imogen Heap   :heart   "First Train Home", "Swoon", "Cycle Song", "Xizi She Knows", "Closing In".   Interesting choices, a different side of her than I would have picked, but it'll be fascinating to see how it goes. 

Fleetwood Mac - "Rhiannon"

Black Country, New Road

Billy Talent

Coldplay - "Coloratura".  How does ariich not know Coldplay?

Joe Jackson - "I'm the Man", "Is She Really Going Out With Him". 

Kent - "Dom andra".  This is hilarious if it was totally independent of me sending Mercenary's cover of "Music Non Stop" last round. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 18, 2023, 01:38:46 PM
Romdrums probably sent Imogen Heap.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: faizoff on June 18, 2023, 01:51:50 PM
TAC sent Fleetwood Mac?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 18, 2023, 01:55:14 PM
Unleash the Archers' songs are

Through Stars
The Wind That Shapes the Land (amazing song, if I may...)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: soupytwist on June 18, 2023, 02:23:14 PM
Unleash the Archers are heavier than the music I sent in the heavy round :🤣

In this round I basically sent a tribute act to Fleetwood Mac - and someone has actually sent the real Fleetwood Mac 🫣
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 02:32:23 PM
TAC sent Fleetwood Mac?

Wow!  :lol

I did not.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 02:40:28 PM
Stadler sent Robert Plant which would explain why his best song isn't there.
He did not.

Coldplay - "Coloratura".  How does ariich not know Coldplay?
I know their early albums, but got sent a bunch of their more recent stuff. People have found far bigger gaps in my collection in the past. :lol

TAC sent Fleetwood Mac?
:lol No.

Unleash the Archers are heavier than the music I sent in the heavy round :🤣
But not the heaviest thing I've been sent this round. :P

Everything else is correct. Will make a new post for the new page!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 02:40:35 PM
jingle: Robert Plant
    1: Tie Dye on the Highway
    2: If I Were a Carpenter
    3: Oompa (Watery Bint)
    4: I Believe

??: _aerts
    1: S_i_erin_
    2: _emi__e_ia
    3: _i__ts __t
    4: N_ S_ame
    5: A__ t_e Da_s

??: De__a __r
    1: __nste__ati_n’s S_n_
    2: __at _r__e_s San_ _e__re
    3: S_ __ease D_n’t _ea_e Me / T_ __ __r_ard Des_ite t_e Terr_r __ ...

Crow: Black Country, New Road
    1: The Place Where He Inserted the Blade
    2: Snow Globes

Vmadera: Angel Vivaldi
    1: .____
    2: ..___
    3: Nine
    4: Sea of Heartbreaks

??: Mr. Reality
    1: An_n_m__s
    2: ___rt_ __ ____
    3: __nest Inn_end_s

??: Kiss Kiss
    1: T_e _est Mista_e
    2: A__ T_e_ Dra_
    3: Inn__ent I (T_e __rr__ti_n __ Se__ ...)
    4: Inn__ent II (A Dr__ _r_m t_e Et_erea_, S_immin_ T__ards ...)
    5: _ate
    6: T_r____ t_e Da_

Stadler: Fleetwood Mac
    1: Rhiannon
    2: _ea_ti___ __i_d
    3: Sara
    4: ___d D_st __man

??: Unleash the Archers
    1: Legacy
    2: Through Stars
    3: The Wind That Shapes the Land

??: Dar_ T_e S_ns
    1: E_er___ere
    2: Ra_en
    3: A__ne

??: _e_r_e __ant_n
    1: _i_in’ ___se
    2: Ma_e It __re_er
    3: __t __ t_e ___e
    4: I _een ___n_

HOF: The Clientele
    1: Im__ssi__e
    2: S_are t_e Ni__t
    3: Orpheus Beach
    4: N_ Dreams _ast Ni__t
    5: The Age of Miracles

??: Sisare
    1: Mountains
    2: _en_

??: Kent
    1: ___ s_a_
    2: Re___t III
    3: Dom Andra
    4: Ded D_da _in_e_n

lonestar: Atarashii Gakko!
    1: _t_na___e
    2: Nainainai
    3: _anainda__
    4: S__i _ie
    5: _inea___e _r__t_nite

??: Joe Jackson
    1: I’m The Man
    2: Look Sharp!
    3: Fools In Love
    4: Is She Really Going Out With Him?
    5: Be My Number Two

??: Coldplay
    1: ___r__
    2: _r__ans
    3: Coloratura

??: __rt R_sen_in_e_
    1: East __ast ___e A__air
    2: ___ __ T_ M_ _ead
    3: _ann_ni_a
    4: ___’_e __an_ed

??: Billy Talent
    1: De_i_ in a Midni__t Mass
    2: Red __a_
    3: _ins and Need_es
    4: _a__en _ea_es
    5: S_rrender
    6: Ri_er _e___

??: __AN S__nd
    1: Strident
    2: ___nd_ess
    3: _r__nded

wolfking: Blessed By A Broken Heart
    1: Thunderdome
    2: Holdin' Back for Nothin’
    3: Shut Up and Rock
    4: Scream it Like You Mean It
    5: Sleepless Nights

??: T_e _ier_es
    1: It _i__ N_t _e __r__tten
    2: __rin_
    3: ___ri__s
    4: _in_s
    5: _e Are Stars

Evermind: Galahad
    1: Termination
    2: Empires Never Last

romdrums: Imogen Heap
    1: First Train Home
    2: Swoon
    3: Cycle Song
    4: Xizi She Knows
    5: Closing In

Guessed letters: ΩMINDTEARS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: faizoff on June 18, 2023, 02:43:06 PM
TAC sent Fleetwood Mac?

Wow!  :lol

I did not.

I figured you for a Fleetwood Mac listener. Then Stadler maybe.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 02:47:04 PM
Stadler could've sent Fleetwood Mac, but I think he probably sent Joe Jackson.

Look Sharp!
Fools In Love
Be My Number Two


Empires Never Last

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 02:47:40 PM
TAC sent Fleetwood Mac?

Wow!  :lol

I did not.

I figured you for a Fleetwood Mac listener.


You calling me old?  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 18, 2023, 02:56:24 PM
TAC sent Fleetwood Mac?

Wow!  :lol

I did not.

I figured you for a Fleetwood Mac listener.


You calling me old?  :lol
You are old! :jingleboy:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 02:58:48 PM
Guessed letters: ΩMINDTEARS
Omega Mindtears sounds like a prog metal band.

Anyway updated!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: faizoff on June 18, 2023, 02:59:53 PM
TAC sent Fleetwood Mac?

Wow!  :lol

I did not.

I figured you for a Fleetwood Mac listener.


You calling me old?  :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 03:03:31 PM
Chad sent Robert Plant
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 03:04:20 PM
Chad sent Robert Plant
He did!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 03:17:37 PM
Chad sent Robert Plant
He did!

The songs are:

Tie Dye On The Highway
If I Were A Carpenter
Oompa (Watery Bint)
I Believe

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 18, 2023, 03:22:54 PM
The Place Where He Inserted The Blade
Snow Globes

Crow probably

Not sending Concorde? Cmon. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 03:24:23 PM
Lonestar sent the Atari Gheckos

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 18, 2023, 03:28:57 PM
Chad sent Robert Plant
He did!

The songs are:

Tie Dye On The Highway
If I Were A Carpenter
Oompa (Watery Bint)
I Believe

Tie Dye in the Highway was so good live. That about was a great tour to see him.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 18, 2023, 03:30:23 PM
The Place Where He Inserted The Blade
Snow Globes

Crow probably

Not sending Concorde? Cmon. :P

the rest of the album up until the last three tracks is pretty good but then the entire last three tracks are all excellent  :lol
very "7/10 album turns into a 9/10 album" vibes
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 03:31:06 PM

Chad sent Robert Plant
He did!

The songs are:

Tie Dye On The Highway
If I Were A Carpenter
Oompa (Watery Bint)
I Believe

Tie Dye in the Highway was so good live. That about was a great tour to see him.

I absolutely love his first album, Pictures At Eleven. Love it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 18, 2023, 03:31:59 PM
Now and Zen tour was the 1st he played Zep tunes live again.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 03:32:35 PM
Now and Zen tour was the 1st he played Zep tunes live again.

Yes, I know. I thought Tall Cool One was pretty cringy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 18, 2023, 03:42:04 PM
Even Jimmy thought that but it was excellent live.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on June 18, 2023, 03:44:04 PM
I think Galahad is Ruslan.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 03:47:41 PM
Even Jimmy thought that but it was excellent live.

Who's Jimmy??
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 03:52:17 PM
Lots of correct guesses, all updated. :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 03:54:47 PM
No Shame
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 18, 2023, 03:57:27 PM
Even Jimmy thought that but it was excellent live.

Who's Jimmy??

Keith and Mick
Lennon and McCartney
Robert Plant and .....
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 03:58:29 PM
Even Jimmy thought that but it was excellent live.

Who's Jimmy??

Keith and Mick
Lennon and McCartney
Robert Plant and .....

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 18, 2023, 04:00:11 PM
Even Jimmy thought that but it was excellent live.

Who's Jimmy??

Keith and Mick
Lennon and McCartney
Robert Plant and .....

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 18, 2023, 04:12:16 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 18, 2023, 04:22:10 PM
Dark The Suns
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 18, 2023, 05:30:17 PM
TAC sent Fleetwood Mac?

Yeah, and I actually sent Joe Jackson.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 05:32:06 PM
TAC sent Fleetwood Mac?

Yeah, and I actually sent Joe Jackson.  :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman (sans elite)
Post by: wolfking on June 18, 2023, 05:32:56 PM
BBABH has to be Kade. Excellent selection.

Thunder Dome
Holdin’ Back for Nothin’
Shut Up And Rock  :metal
Scream it Like You Mean it
Sleepless Nights.

Just stumbled across this the other day!  A new song!!!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 18, 2023, 05:55:44 PM
heh, fleetwood tac
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 05:57:45 PM
I thought of that but there's already been enough Dad Jokes in my house today. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 18, 2023, 06:00:19 PM
Those rabbit ear jokes must be killing you at home, Tim.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 06:01:25 PM
Those rabbit ear jokes must be killing you at home, Tim.

I'm killing them!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 18, 2023, 06:05:04 PM
From the positions holding those rabbit ears I'd bet!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 18, 2023, 06:05:55 PM
Aluminum foil, baby!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 18, 2023, 06:09:45 PM
On your head and rabbit ears! :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2023, 11:12:51 PM
I've no idea what's going on but it's a new page so

jingle: Robert Plant
    1: Tie Dye on the Highway
    2: If I Were a Carpenter
    3: Oompa (Watery Bint)
    4: I Believe

??: Haerts
    1: Shi_erin_
    2: Hemi_le_ia
    3: Lights Out
    4: No Shame
    5: All the Days

??: Della _yr
    1: Constellation’s Song
    2: _hat Or_he_s San_ _e_ore
    3: So _lease Don’t Lea_e Me / To _o _or_ard Des_ite the Terror o_ ...

Crow: Black Country, New Road
    1: The Place Where He Inserted the Blade
    2: Snow Globes

Vmadera: Angel Vivaldi
    1: .____
    2: ..___
    3: Nine
    4: Sea of Heartbreaks

??: Mr. Reality
    1: Anonymous
    2: Fourth of July
    3: Honest Innuendos

Puppies: Kiss Kiss
    1: The Best Mistake
    2: All They Dra_
    3: Inno_ent I (The _orr__tion o_ Sel_ ...)
    4: Inno_ent II (A Dro_ _rom the Ethereal, S_immin_ To_ards ...)
    5: Hate
    6: Through the Day

Stadler: Fleetwood Mac
    1: Rhiannon
    2: _ea_ti__l _hild
    3: Sara
    4: _old D_st _oman

??: Unleash the Archers
    1: Legacy
    2: Through Stars
    3: The Wind That Shapes the Land

??: Dark The Suns
    1: Everywhere
    2: Ra_en
    3: Alone

??: _eor_e _lanton
    1: Livin’ Loose
    2: Ma_e It _ore_er
    3: O_t o_ the _l_e
    4: I _een Yo_n_

HOF: The Clientele
    1: Impossible
    2: Share the Night
    3: Orpheus Beach
    4: No Dreams Last Night
    5: The Age of Miracles

??: Sisare
    1: Mountains
    2: _eno

??: Kent
    1: ___ sla_
    2: Re_olt III
    3: Dom Andra
    4: Ded Doda _in_eln

lonestar: Atarashii Gakko!
    1: Otona_l_e
    2: Nainainai
    3: _anaindayo
    4: S__i Lie
    5: _inea__le _ry_tonite

??: Joe Jackson
    1: I’m The Man
    2: Look Sharp!
    3: Fools In Love
    4: Is She Really Going Out With Him?
    5: Be My Number Two

??: Coldplay
    1: _h_r_h
    2: Or_hans
    3: Coloratura

Elite: Kurt Rosenwinkel
    1: East _oast Lo_e A__air
    2: Yo_ _o To My Head
    3: _annoni_a
    4: Yo_’_e _han_ed

??: Billy Talent
    1: De_il in a Midni_ht Mass
    2: Red _la_
    3: _ins and Needles
    4: _allen Lea_es
    5: S_rrender
    6: Ri_er _elo_

??: _OAN So_nd
    1: Strident
    2: _o_ndless
    3: _ro_nded

wolfking: Blessed By A Broken Heart
    1: Thunderdome
    2: Holdin' Back for Nothin’
    3: Shut Up and Rock
    4: Scream it Like You Mean It
    5: Sleepless Nights

??: The Pierces
    1: It _ill Not _e _or_otten
    2: _orin_
    3: _lorio_s
    4: _in_s
    5: _e Are Stars

Evermind: Galahad
    1: Termination
    2: Empires Never Last

romdrums: Imogen Heap
    1: First Train Home
    2: Swoon
    3: Cycle Song
    4: Xizi She Knows
    5: Closing In

Guessed letters: ΩHOLY MIND TEARS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: wolfking on June 19, 2023, 03:53:26 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 19, 2023, 04:00:17 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on June 19, 2023, 05:08:19 AM
I sure hope Kade has been sending some br00tal metal in the heavy rounds, if BBABH is "light".  :lol

Puppies was bound to have sent the long song title.
The Pierces

Let's see the L while we're at it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 06:00:30 AM
Puppies was bound to have sent the long song title.
Two of the three, yeah. :lol

Updated and I threw in a Y as well for the fun of it. No more letters!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on June 19, 2023, 06:50:41 AM
Puppies was bound to have sent the long song title.
Two of the three, yeah. :lol

Updated and I threw in a Y as well for the fun of it. No more letters!

Lucas seems like the kinda person who'd submit unnecessarily long song titles as well.

Burt Rosenfinkel?  Nope... google spell checked it for me to be Kurt Rosenwinkel.  Elite prolly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 19, 2023, 06:55:29 AM
I few since most of the letters are out...

Lights Out
Constellation's Song
Fourth of July
Honest Innuendos
The Best Mistake
Through the Day
Livin' Loose
Share the Night
No Dreams Last Night

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 07:46:34 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on June 19, 2023, 08:02:53 AM
George Clanton

East Coast Love Affair
You've Changed
Devil in a Midnight Mass
Pins and Needles
Fallen Leaves
River Below
It Will Not Be Forgotten
Boring (lol)
We Are Stars
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 19, 2023, 08:18:21 AM
George Clanton


Make It Forever
Out Of The Blue?
I Been Young
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 19, 2023, 10:14:53 AM
Seems about as full as it's gonna get...time to wait for impressions...

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: Sacul on June 19, 2023, 12:40:02 PM
George Clanton


Make It Forever
Out Of The Blue?
I Been Young
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 19, 2023, 12:42:48 PM
George Clanton


Make It Forever
Out Of The Blue?
I Been Young

I wasn't super into Slide as an album but I'm going to be seeing him live because death's dynamic shroud is opening for him, so I'll have to familiarize myself with the new album once it drops.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 19, 2023, 12:50:06 PM
Della Zyr - Buddy. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 19, 2023, 01:34:48 PM

Kent - "Dom andra".  This is hilarious if it was totally independent of me sending Mercenary's cover of "Music Non Stop" last round.

Well, this is going to give it away, but we are deep enough in the hangman that hopefully it won't be a problem  ;)

Believe it or not, it was completely independent! Had this picked for a while...also, it wasn't necessarily related to the fact that Ihsahn/Renkse covered it recently. But yes, it is all kinda funny. Also funny that Mercenary was in the running for my last open round, but not anymore, clearly  :biggrin: good picks, by the way, although my favorite songs of theirs are probably Screaming from the Heavens (from Everblack) and the title track from 11 Dreams
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 03:58:21 PM
Think you guys have done well enough with hangman, here's the finished thing!

jingle: Robert Plant
    1: Tie Dye on the Highway
    2: If I Were a Carpenter
    3: Oompa (Watery Bint)
    4: I Believe

Litho: Haerts
    1: Shivering
    2: Hemiplegia
    3: Lights Out
    4: No Shame
    5: All the Days

Buddy: Della Zyr
    1: Constellation’s Song
    2: What Orpheus Sang Before
    3: So Please Don’t Leave Me / To Go Forward Despite the Terror of ...

Crow: Black Country, New Road
    1: The Place Where He Inserted the Blade
    2: Snow Globes

Vmadera: Angel Vivaldi
    1: .____
    2: ..___
    3: Nine
    4: Sea of Heartbreaks

Glasser: Mr. Reality
    1: Anonymous
    2: Fourth of July
    3: Honest Innuendos

Puppies: Kiss Kiss
    1: The Best Mistake
    2: All They Draw
    3: Innocent I (The Corruption of Self ...)
    4: Innocent II (A Drop From the Ethereal, Swimming Towards ...)
    5: Hate
    6: Through the Day

Stadler: Fleetwood Mac
    1: Rhiannon
    2: Beautiful Child
    3: Sara
    4: Gold Dust Woman

seneca: Unleash the Archers
    1: Legacy
    2: Through Stars
    3: The Wind That Shapes the Land

TAC: Dark The Suns
    1: Everywhere
    2: Raven
    3: Alone

Sacul: George Clanton
    1: Livin’ Loose
    2: Make It Forever
    3: Out of the Blue
    4: I Been Young

HOF: The Clientele
    1: Impossible
    2: Share the Night
    3: Orpheus Beach
    4: No Dreams Last Night
    5: The Age of Miracles

Luoto: Sisare
    1: Mountains
    2: Geno

nick_z: Kent
    1: 400 slag
    2: Revolt III
    3: Dom Andra
    4: Ded Doda Vinkeln

lonestar: Atarashii Gakko!
    1: Otonablue
    2: Nainainai
    3: Janaindayo
    4: Suki Lie
    5: Pineapple Kryptonite

King: Joe Jackson
    1: I’m The Man
    2: Look Sharp!
    3: Fools In Love
    4: Is She Really Going Out With Him?
    5: Be My Number Two

faizoff: Coldplay
    1: Church
    2: Orphans
    3: Coloratura

Elite: Kurt Rosenwinkel
    1: East Coast Love Affair
    2: You Go To My Head
    3: Pannonica
    4: You’ve Changed

luke: Billy Talent
    1: Devil in a Midnight Mass
    2: Red Flag
    3: Pins and Needles
    4: Fallen Leaves
    5: Surrender
    6: River Below

Reaper: KOAN Sound
    1: Strident
    2: Boundless
    3: Grounded

wolfking: Blessed By A Broken Heart
    1: Thunderdome
    2: Holdin' Back for Nothin’
    3: Shut Up and Rock
    4: Scream it Like You Mean It
    5: Sleepless Nights

soupy: The Pierces
    1: It Will Not Be Forgotten
    2: Boring
    3: Glorious
    4: Kings
    5: We Are Stars

Evermind: Galahad
    1: Termination
    2: Empires Never Last

romdrums: Imogen Heap
    1: First Train Home
    2: Swoon
    3: Cycle Song
    4: Xizi She Knows
    5: Closing In
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 19, 2023, 04:00:05 PM
Does Luke know this isn't the EP round? Or will he have like 15 songs on his EP?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 04:01:47 PM
Round 5 first impressions

[Stadler – Fleetwood Mac] 1. I hear a lot of more recent acts in this, which leads to me to think this artist may have been more influential than I had previously appreciated.

[wolfking – Blessed By A Broken Heart] 2. Hair metal with metalcore vocals is a bit… actually you know what, it's a ton of fun.

[Luoto – Sisare] 3. Really loving the warm melancholy mood and some lovely playing in this.

[King – Joe Jackson] 4. The sound feels somewhat dated and the vocal style isn’t my favourite, but the music seems nice enough, with a slightly punky energy in some songs, to make it enjoyable anyway.

[HOF – The Clientele] 5. This was rather calming and relaxing - not much jumped out at me melodically, but it has a nice sound and a range of styles and tones.

[Buddy – Della Zyr] 6. This isn’t a style that tends to excite me, but this sounds pretty - I don’t really have a sense yet of how much I’ll end up liking it.

[lonestar – Atarashii Gakko!] 7. Started more understated and less off-the-wall than I expected, but gets more varied as it goes - it’s a lot of fun, and has some groove and nice hooks.

[Puppies – Kiss Kiss] 8. The dark theatricality to this was something I wasn’t particularly expecting and it works great - nice emotionality and strong hooks.

[Reaper – KOAN Sound] 9. It's very odd to be sent an artist that I myself have sent in other roulettes.

[luke – Billy Talent] 10. This somewhat reminds me of my university days but funnily enough I’m more into this style than at any other point since then.

[Vmadera – Angel Vivaldi] 11. This was very nice stuff but I did still feel, at times, like I wanted to know where the vocals had gone.

[Sacul – George Clanton] 12. So that genre I’ve seen some people banging on about lately, this is what it sounds like. It’s pretty cool.

[Evermind – Galahad] 13. Not sure what you were worried about, this is definitely up my alley - not the strongest production maybe but it’s still punchy and dramatic.

[Crow – Black Country, New Road] 14. This was elegant and attractive, though I didn’t love all the vocals and the songs maybe don’t develop as much as I might have liked.

[nick_z – Kent] 15. The style is not dissimilar to other bands from that genre and era, but the music and sound are really lush and rich and had me hooked.

[jingle – Robert Plant] 16. This was a nice surprise - more varied than I expected and probably some of the most interesting stuff I’ve heard from this artist.

[romdrums – Imogen Heap] 17. Rich, creative, varied and really interesting - even the simpler-sounding, more accessible songs have a lot going on in the instrumentation.

[faizoff – Coldplay] 18. I’m not sure this band will ever excite me, but there are some lovely vibes and nice surprises here.

[Elite – Kurt Rosenwinkel] 19. It's that guitar noodling again! This is nice though, has a sort of mellow elegance to it.

[soupy – The Pierces] 20. This seems like incredibly attractive pop music with some folk rock influences - chance it could be a bit too safe but then the warmth and the melodies really are very nice.

[Glasser – Mr. Reality] 21. Slightly middle of the road perhaps? But nice melodies and especially nice vocal harmonising.

[seneca – Unleash the Archers] 22. These are basically anthemic pop songs with more distorted guitars, and I'm here for it.

[TAC – Dark The Suns] 23. This is surely the least light submission in either of the light rounds, but I’ll allow because it is indeed pretty and energetic, which incidentally are also what I’m finding attractive about it.

[Litho – Haerts] 24. I love the sound of this - somewhat reminiscent of other things I like, with the poppy style contrasting nicely with some gorgeous melancholic hooks.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 19, 2023, 04:06:25 PM
Sounds like #4 for me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 19, 2023, 04:07:32 PM
Hmm. One of these?

5. This was rather calming and relaxing - not much jumped out at me melodically, but it has a nice sound and a range of styles and tones.

6. This isn’t a style that tends to excite me, but this sounds pretty - I don’t really have a sense yet of how much I’ll end up liking it.

12. So that genre I’ve seen some people banging on about lately, this is what it sounds like. It’s pretty cool.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 19, 2023, 04:08:27 PM
9. It's very odd to be sent an artist that I myself have sent in other roulettes.


If that's ain't cheating, I don't know what is!

For me..oh I don't know. Let's start with these..

8. The dark theatricality to this was something I wasn’t particularly expecting and it works great - nice emotionality and strong hooks.

13. Not sure what you were worried about, this is definitely up my alley - not the strongest production maybe but it’s still punchy and dramatic.

15. The style is not dissimilar to other bands from that genre and era, but the music and sound are really lush and rich and had me hooked.

23. This is surely the least light submission in either of the light rounds, but I’ll allow because it is indeed pretty and energetic, which incidentally are also what I’m finding attractive about it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 19, 2023, 04:10:13 PM
3. Really loving the warm melancholy mood and some lovely playing in this.

5. This was rather calming and relaxing - not much jumped out at me melodically, but it has a nice sound and a range of styles and tones.

6. This isn’t a style that tends to excite me, but this sounds pretty - I don’t really have a sense yet of how much I’ll end up liking it.

7. Started more understated and less off-the-wall than I expected, but gets more varied as it goes - it’s a lot of fun, and has some groove and nice hooks.

8. The dark theatricality to this was something I wasn’t particularly expecting and it works great - nice emotionality and strong hooks.

12. So that genre I’ve seen some people banging on about lately, this is what it sounds like. It’s pretty cool.

14. This was elegant and attractive, though I didn’t love all the vocals and the songs maybe don’t develop as much as I might have liked.

15. The style is not dissimilar to other bands from that genre and era, but the music and sound are really lush and rich and had me hooked.

18. I’m not sure this band will ever excite me, but there are some lovely vibes and nice surprises here.

21. Slightly middle of the road perhaps? But nice melodies and especially nice vocal harmonising.

24. I love the sound of this - somewhat reminiscent of other things I like, with the poppy style contrasting nicely with some gorgeous melancholic hooks.

probably somewhere in this pool though i'm going to take a longshot and guess 8? it fits anyways
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 19, 2023, 04:13:33 PM
Probably 4, oh dear
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 04:19:44 PM
Fighting over #4 for some reason. :lol That's Kingly Wizz.

Buddy is indeed 6.

TAC is indeed 23.

Crow, yes it's one of those but not 8.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 19, 2023, 04:19:49 PM
Definitely 7
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 04:22:12 PM
Definitely 7
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 19, 2023, 04:23:11 PM
Not very promising. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 19, 2023, 04:26:49 PM
Definitely 7

I designed the playlist that way...start with the chill stuff, and get weirder as it went on till we finish with the Pineapple Kryptonite!!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 19, 2023, 04:28:52 PM
3. Really loving the warm melancholy mood and some lovely playing in this.

5. This was rather calming and relaxing - not much jumped out at me melodically, but it has a nice sound and a range of styles and tones.

12. So that genre I’ve seen some people banging on about lately, this is what it sounds like. It’s pretty cool.

14. This was elegant and attractive, though I didn’t love all the vocals and the songs maybe don’t develop as much as I might have liked.

21. Slightly middle of the road perhaps? But nice melodies and especially nice vocal harmonising.

24. I love the sound of this - somewhat reminiscent of other things I like, with the poppy style contrasting nicely with some gorgeous melancholic hooks.

well that narrows it down to these 6... of these, 14 is the most likely, i think  :lol could be 24 though
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: wolfking on June 19, 2023, 04:30:52 PM
Number 2.

Actually, probably not, what am I thinking?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 19, 2023, 05:01:06 PM
Does Luke know this isn't the EP round? Or will he have like 15 songs on his EP?

Don't tempt him, he could probably squeeze the entire Minor Threat discography onto ariich's EP. 

9. It's very odd to be sent an artist that I myself have sent in other roulettes.


If that's ain't cheating, I don't know what is!

I don't get ariich's reasoning for allowing songs he's already familiar with. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 05:05:17 PM
@Kade: 2 it is!

@Crow: 14 it is!

@Josh: You didn't even guess! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 19, 2023, 05:06:20 PM
Mine could be 8
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 05:11:41 PM
9. It's very odd to be sent an artist that I myself have sent in other roulettes.


If that's ain't cheating, I don't know what is!

I don't get ariich's reasoning for allowing songs he's already familiar with. 

To clarify, I don't know these songs. But the artist has one EP that I like a lot (and have rated 4 stars) and have sent in a couple of other roulettes before. Usually when I rate am artist at least 4 stars at least once I do quite a dive into their other work but in this case I didn't really explore much for some reason.

In general though, yes unless I've been sent and positively reviewed a song in a previous roulette then as long as it's not on a banned album I'll accept it. If it's not on a banned album then I almost certainly don't know it well (or occasionally I do somewhat but was never drawn to check out the album), plus the multi song submissions mean I've never received a submission where I've already heard every song before so I'm always getting new stuff plus stuff I've not given much of a chance. I like having a clear rule when or comes to the banlist and this works really well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 05:13:08 PM
Mine could be 8
It could indeed be!

Round 5 first impressions

1. I hear a lot of more recent acts in this, which leads to me to think this artist may have been more influential than I had previously appreciated.

[wolfking – Blessed By A Broken Heart] 2. Hair metal with metalcore vocals is a bit… actually you know what, it's a ton of fun.

3. Really loving the warm melancholy mood and some lovely playing in this.

[King – Joe Jackson] 4. The sound feels somewhat dated and the vocal style isn’t my favourite, but the music seems nice enough, with a slightly punky energy in some songs, to make it enjoyable anyway.

[HOF – The Clientele] 5. This was rather calming and relaxing - not much jumped out at me melodically, but it has a nice sound and a range of styles and tones.

[Buddy – Della Zyr] 6. This isn’t a style that tends to excite me, but this sounds pretty - I don’t really have a sense yet of how much I’ll end up liking it.

[lonestar – Atarashii Gakko!] 7. Started more understated and less off-the-wall than I expected, but gets more varied as it goes - it’s a lot of fun, and has some groove and nice hooks.

[Puppies – Kiss Kiss] 8. The dark theatricality to this was something I wasn’t particularly expecting and it works great - nice emotionality and strong hooks.

9. It's very odd to be sent an artist that I myself have sent in other roulettes.

10. This somewhat reminds me of my university days but funnily enough I’m more into this style than at any other point since then.

11. This was very nice stuff but I did still feel, at times, like I wanted to know where the vocals had gone.

12. So that genre I’ve seen some people banging on about lately, this is what it sounds like. It’s pretty cool.

[Evermind – Galahad] 13. Not sure what you were worried about, this is definitely up my alley - not the strongest production maybe but it’s still punchy and dramatic.

[Crow – Black Country, New Road] 14. This was elegant and attractive, though I didn’t love all the vocals and the songs maybe don’t develop as much as I might have liked.

15. The style is not dissimilar to other bands from that genre and era, but the music and sound are really lush and rich and had me hooked.

[jingle – Robert Plant] 16. This was a nice surprise - more varied than I expected and probably some of the most interesting stuff I’ve heard from this artist.

17. Rich, creative, varied and really interesting - even the simpler-sounding, more accessible songs have a lot going on in the instrumentation.

[faizoff – Coldplay] 18. I’m not sure this band will ever excite me, but there are some lovely vibes and nice surprises here.

19. It's that guitar noodling again! This is nice though, has a sort of mellow elegance to it.

[soupy – The Pierces] 20. This seems like incredibly attractive pop music with some folk rock influences - chance it could be a bit too safe but then the warmth and the melodies really are very nice.

[Glasser – Mr. Reality] 21. Slightly middle of the road perhaps? But nice melodies and especially nice vocal harmonising.

22. These are basically anthemic pop songs with more distorted guitars, and I'm here for it.

[TAC – Dark The Suns] 23. This is surely the least light submission in either of the light rounds, but I’ll allow because it is indeed pretty and energetic, which incidentally are also what I’m finding attractive about it.

[Litho – Haerts] 24. I love the sound of this - somewhat reminiscent of other things I like, with the poppy style contrasting nicely with some gorgeous melancholic hooks.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 19, 2023, 05:13:49 PM
@Josh: You didn't even guess! :lol

No idea which it could be yet.  I'm waiting for a few other choices to be taken off the board, or to look at the list again a bit later and see if one starts striking me. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 19, 2023, 05:14:58 PM
@Josh: You didn't even guess! :lol

No idea which it could be yet.  I'm waiting for a few other choices to be taken off the board, or to look at the list again a bit later and see if one starts striking me.

Oh take a guess, jeesh!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 05:19:45 PM
Or do what Crow does and narrow it down to half of them. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 19, 2023, 05:22:44 PM
for what it's worth the vocals aren't really my style either but man sounds absolutely DISTRAUGHT and it just works
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 05:29:41 PM
<insert usual disclaimer about first impressions being first impressions>
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 19, 2023, 05:34:55 PM
I'm sure it was just to throw us all off. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 19, 2023, 05:35:36 PM
<insert usual disclaimer about first impressions being first impressions>
hell yeah! it got worse  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 19, 2023, 05:39:59 PM
@Josh: You didn't even guess! :lol

No idea which it could be yet.  I'm waiting for a few other choices to be taken off the board, or to look at the list again a bit later and see if one starts striking me.

Oh take a guess, jeesh!

Or do what Crow does and narrow it down to half of them. :P

Yeah, I don't like doing that.  But it has narrowed some since first seeing it, so maybe #17, 24, 3, or 5. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: faizoff on June 19, 2023, 05:49:01 PM
18, 20 or 21?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 19, 2023, 05:54:37 PM
I'm going with 24...

24. I love the sound of this - somewhat reminiscent of other things I like, with the poppy style contrasting nicely with some gorgeous melancholic hooks.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 19, 2023, 07:19:30 PM
Surely Robert Plant is 16 - considering Joe has sent him in the past, and I’ve sent Zeppelin before.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: HOF on June 19, 2023, 07:28:37 PM
Guessing 5 but hoping for 17.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Evermind on June 19, 2023, 08:17:59 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 11:22:58 PM
Yeah, I don't like doing that.  But it has narrowed some since first seeing it, so maybe #17, 24, 3, or 5. 
Yep your 2nd choice, 24.

18, 20 or 21?
Yep 18.

I'm going with 24...
No, Litho has that one, although I did feel similarly about yours in fairness.

Guessing 5 but hoping for 17.
5 it is.

Surely Robert Plant is 16 - considering Joe has sent him in the past, and I’ve sent Zeppelin before.
:tup :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: soupytwist on June 19, 2023, 11:25:06 PM
21 with a side order of 20?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 11:30:12 PM
21 with a side order of 20?
Sorry we're only selling sides today.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 11:31:50 PM
Also these are a bit late as I was in the office yesterday and out yesterday evening, but here are round 5's stats which look incredibly similar to the previous light round, but EVEN MORE TRACKS. :lol

                         R1       R2       R3       R4       R5
Number of tracks:
Average                 3.4      3.9      3.5      3.3      4.0
Most                      6        6        5        5        6
Fewest                    1        2        1        1        2
Entries w/2-3 tracks     12        9       12       14        9
Entries w/4-5 tracks     10       14       12        9       13
Total tracks             81       93       84       79       95

Submission length:
Average               17:27    17:33    18:19    17:14    17:41
Longest               19:51    19:47    20:07    20:07    20:01
Shortest              11:57    11:52    14:41    08:22    12:14
Entries ≥19 mins          5        6       10        9        9
Total length        6:58:47  7:01:11  7:19:37  6:53:41  7:04:34
Ave. track length     05:10    04:32    05:14    05:14    04:28

Previous experience:
Artists I've heard        4        6        4        1        4
Artists I've rated        2        3        4        1        3
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 19, 2023, 11:32:59 PM
Also, here is the round 5 Spotify playlist for anyone who's interested in checking stuff out!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 20, 2023, 01:05:40 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 20, 2023, 01:27:07 AM
Yes indeedy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 20, 2023, 01:39:59 AM
I just sent round 6. Thanks Rich!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 20, 2023, 01:50:02 AM
I just sent round 6. Thanks Rich!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: soupytwist on June 20, 2023, 02:17:14 AM
21 with a side order of 20?
Sorry we're only selling sides today.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 20, 2023, 04:48:29 AM
Just perused thru the playlist, and man alive.  @ Tim/Victor/Kade... obvious penalty on the play that the ref kindly overlooked.  Holy crap - that's some impressive level cheating.   :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 20, 2023, 04:50:14 AM

I'm going with 24...
No, Litho has that one, although I did feel similarly about yours in fairness.

Hoping for 3, then? :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: wolfking on June 20, 2023, 05:19:54 AM
Just perused thru the playlist, and man alive.  @ Tim/Victor/Kade... obvious penalty on the play that the ref kindly overlooked.  Holy crap - that's some impressive level cheating.   :tup

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 20, 2023, 05:32:08 AM
Just perused thru the playlist, and man alive.  @ Tim/Victor/Kade... obvious penalty on the play that the ref kindly overlooked.  Holy crap - that's some impressive level cheating.   :tup


This I assume…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Lonk on June 20, 2023, 06:06:03 AM
Just perused thru the playlist, and man alive.  @ Tim/Victor/Kade... obvious penalty on the play that the ref kindly overlooked.  Holy crap - that's some impressive level cheating.   :tup
To be fair, my initial submission was rejected since he already knew it, so I put something together quickly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 20, 2023, 06:07:11 AM
Kade's is considerably lighter than any of his heavy or open submissions.

Tim's is the only one that was borderline.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 20, 2023, 06:09:19 AM
Tim's is the only one that was borderline.

Tim is borderline many things, you’ll have to narrow it down  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 20, 2023, 06:34:19 AM
Tim's is the only one that was borderline.

Tim is borderline many things, you’ll have to narrow it down  :lol


Besides, Ariich said mine was pretty.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Luoto on June 20, 2023, 06:45:30 AM
3 I suppose?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 20, 2023, 08:38:02 AM
Tim's is the only one that was borderline.

Tim is borderline many things, you’ll have to narrow it down  :lol

Besides, Ariich said mine was pretty.

So you're saying that Heavy music can't be "pretty"?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 20, 2023, 08:45:25 AM
Just perused thru the playlist, and man alive.  @ Tim/Victor/Kade... obvious penalty on the play that the ref kindly overlooked.  Holy crap - that's some impressive level cheating.   :tup


This I assume…


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: romdrums on June 20, 2023, 09:46:19 AM
17, I think.  Maybe 1.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 20, 2023, 01:40:59 PM
3 I suppose?
17, I think.
Yes and yes.

Quote for new page:

Round 5 first impressions

1. I hear a lot of more recent acts in this, which leads to me to think this artist may have been more influential than I had previously appreciated.

[wolfking – Blessed By A Broken Heart] 2. Hair metal with metalcore vocals is a bit… actually you know what, it's a ton of fun.

[Luoto – Sisare] 3. Really loving the warm melancholy mood and some lovely playing in this.

[King – Joe Jackson] 4. The sound feels somewhat dated and the vocal style isn’t my favourite, but the music seems nice enough, with a slightly punky energy in some songs, to make it enjoyable anyway.

[HOF – The Clientele] 5. This was rather calming and relaxing - not much jumped out at me melodically, but it has a nice sound and a range of styles and tones.

[Buddy – Della Zyr] 6. This isn’t a style that tends to excite me, but this sounds pretty - I don’t really have a sense yet of how much I’ll end up liking it.

[lonestar – Atarashii Gakko!] 7. Started more understated and less off-the-wall than I expected, but gets more varied as it goes - it’s a lot of fun, and has some groove and nice hooks.

[Puppies – Kiss Kiss] 8. The dark theatricality to this was something I wasn’t particularly expecting and it works great - nice emotionality and strong hooks.

9. It's very odd to be sent an artist that I myself have sent in other roulettes.

[luke – Billy Talent] 10. This somewhat reminds me of my university days but funnily enough I’m more into this style than at any other point since then.

11. This was very nice stuff but I did still feel, at times, like I wanted to know where the vocals had gone.

[Sacul – George Clanton] 12. So that genre I’ve seen some people banging on about lately, this is what it sounds like. It’s pretty cool.

[Evermind – Galahad] 13. Not sure what you were worried about, this is definitely up my alley - not the strongest production maybe but it’s still punchy and dramatic.

[Crow – Black Country, New Road] 14. This was elegant and attractive, though I didn’t love all the vocals and the songs maybe don’t develop as much as I might have liked.

[nick_z – Kent] 15. The style is not dissimilar to other bands from that genre and era, but the music and sound are really lush and rich and had me hooked.

[jingle – Robert Plant] 16. This was a nice surprise - more varied than I expected and probably some of the most interesting stuff I’ve heard from this artist.

[romdrums – Imogen Heap] 17. Rich, creative, varied and really interesting - even the simpler-sounding, more accessible songs have a lot going on in the instrumentation.

[faizoff – Coldplay] 18. I’m not sure this band will ever excite me, but there are some lovely vibes and nice surprises here.

19. It's that guitar noodling again! This is nice though, has a sort of mellow elegance to it.

[soupy – The Pierces] 20. This seems like incredibly attractive pop music with some folk rock influences - chance it could be a bit too safe but then the warmth and the melodies really are very nice.

[Glasser – Mr. Reality] 21. Slightly middle of the road perhaps? But nice melodies and especially nice vocal harmonising.

22. These are basically anthemic pop songs with more distorted guitars, and I'm here for it.

[TAC – Dark The Suns] 23. This is surely the least light submission in either of the light rounds, but I’ll allow because it is indeed pretty and energetic, which incidentally are also what I’m finding attractive about it.

[Litho – Haerts] 24. I love the sound of this - somewhat reminiscent of other things I like, with the poppy style contrasting nicely with some gorgeous melancholic hooks.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Lonk on June 20, 2023, 01:58:10 PM
19. It's that guitar noodling again! This is nice though, has a sort of mellow elegance to it.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Sacul on June 20, 2023, 02:02:39 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 20, 2023, 02:18:15 PM
Mmmhh…so maybe I am 22?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 20, 2023, 02:54:59 PM
19. It's that guitar noodling again! This is nice though, has a sort of mellow elegance to it.

Mmmhh…so maybe I am 22?
Actually no to both.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 20, 2023, 03:13:55 PM
I’m going to try with 10, mostly by process of elimination  ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 20, 2023, 03:42:04 PM
Still no. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 20, 2023, 03:43:58 PM
Still no. :lol

You are enjoying this, aren't you?   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 20, 2023, 03:44:30 PM
How do people not know a description of their own song??
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 20, 2023, 03:47:11 PM
Still no. :lol

You are enjoying this, aren't you?   :lol


I’m going to try 15
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 20, 2023, 03:48:52 PM
How do people not know a description of their own song??

To be fair, my first guess wasn’t too far off, by Rich’s own admission ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 20, 2023, 03:50:16 PM
How do people not know a description of their own song??

To be fair, my first guess wasn’t too far off, by Rich’s own admission ;)

To be fair, I wasn't addressing that to you.

Maybe.. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 20, 2023, 03:54:25 PM
How do people not know a description of their own song??

To be fair, my first guess wasn’t too far off, by Rich’s own admission ;)

To be fair, I wasn't addressing that to you.

Maybe.. :lol

:lol you weren’t wrong anyway
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 20, 2023, 03:55:51 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: wolfking on June 20, 2023, 04:50:56 PM
Just perused thru the playlist, and man alive.  @ Tim/Victor/Kade... obvious penalty on the play that the ref kindly overlooked.  Holy crap - that's some impressive level cheating.   :tup


This I assume…


 :metal :metal :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 20, 2023, 05:11:49 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 20, 2023, 06:48:50 PM
Based on my first impression I'm expecting an 11/10 :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 20, 2023, 11:40:04 PM

I’m going to try 15
3rd time lucky!


Also Kade's submission isn't particularly heavy, especially compared with his other ones but also just in general. Like I said in my first impressions, the vocals are a bit metalcorey, but otherwise it's basically modernised hair metal.

Anyway, this round is shaping up to probably have a similar score profile to round 2. After the first couple of listens I was thinking "jeez is anything going to get below an 8?" but yeah a few haven't held their interest all that well. Still all really good stuff though!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 20, 2023, 11:54:35 PM

Anyway, this round is shaping up to probably have a similar score profile to round 2. After the first couple of listens I was thinking "jeez is anything going to get below an 8?" but yeah a few haven't held their interest all that well. Still all really good stuff though!
Seems everyone is bringing their A game for you in this roulette. :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 21, 2023, 12:10:56 AM
time for my first flop  :hat
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 21, 2023, 12:43:48 AM
Tim's is the only one that was borderline.

Tim is borderline many things, you’ll have to narrow it down  :lol


Besides, Ariich said mine was pretty.

You are very pretty on the Permanent Waves cover!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 21, 2023, 02:32:10 AM

Anyway, this round is shaping up to probably have a similar score profile to round 2. After the first couple of listens I was thinking "jeez is anything going to get below an 8?" but yeah a few haven't held their interest all that well. Still all really good stuff though!
Seems everyone is bringing their A game for you in this roulette. :metal
Roughly on a par with my v6 actually, so basically yes because that was amazing too. Average score so far is slightly lower than in v6 overall but that had an uptick in the last two rounds (round 7 was crazy, the lowest score was 7.9). Based on indicative scores so far, rounds 1-5 are averaging pretty much identical to rounds 1-5 from v6.

Anyway here are the completed first impressions. Comparisons will be later today once I've finished all my fourth listens.

Round 5 first impressions

[Stadler – Fleetwood Mac] 1. I hear a lot of more recent acts in this, which leads to me to think this artist may have been more influential than I had previously appreciated.

[wolfking – Blessed By A Broken Heart] 2. Hair metal with metalcore vocals is a bit… actually you know what, it's a ton of fun.

[Luoto – Sisare] 3. Really loving the warm melancholy mood and some lovely playing in this.

[King – Joe Jackson] 4. The sound feels somewhat dated and the vocal style isn’t my favourite, but the music seems nice enough, with a slightly punky energy in some songs, to make it enjoyable anyway.

[HOF – The Clientele] 5. This was rather calming and relaxing - not much jumped out at me melodically, but it has a nice sound and a range of styles and tones.

[Buddy – Della Zyr] 6. This isn’t a style that tends to excite me, but this sounds pretty - I don’t really have a sense yet of how much I’ll end up liking it.

[lonestar – Atarashii Gakko!] 7. Started more understated and less off-the-wall than I expected, but gets more varied as it goes - it’s a lot of fun, and has some groove and nice hooks.

[Puppies – Kiss Kiss] 8. The dark theatricality to this was something I wasn’t particularly expecting and it works great - nice emotionality and strong hooks.

[Reaper – KOAN Sound] 9. It's very odd to be sent an artist that I myself have sent in other roulettes.

[luke – Billy Talent] 10. This somewhat reminds me of my university days but funnily enough I’m more into this style than at any other point since then.

[Vmadera – Angel Vivaldi] 11. This was very nice stuff but I did still feel, at times, like I wanted to know where the vocals had gone.

[Sacul – George Clanton] 12. So that genre I’ve seen some people banging on about lately, this is what it sounds like. It’s pretty cool.

[Evermind – Galahad] 13. Not sure what you were worried about, this is definitely up my alley - not the strongest production maybe but it’s still punchy and dramatic.

[Crow – Black Country, New Road] 14. This was elegant and attractive, though I didn’t love all the vocals and the songs maybe don’t develop as much as I might have liked.

[nick_z – Kent] 15. The style is not dissimilar to other bands from that genre and era, but the music and sound are really lush and rich and had me hooked.

[jingle – Robert Plant] 16. This was a nice surprise - more varied than I expected and probably some of the most interesting stuff I’ve heard from this artist.

[romdrums – Imogen Heap] 17. Rich, creative, varied and really interesting - even the simpler-sounding, more accessible songs have a lot going on in the instrumentation.

[faizoff – Coldplay] 18. I’m not sure this band will ever excite me, but there are some lovely vibes and nice surprises here.

[Elite – Kurt Rosenwinkel] 19. It's that guitar noodling again! This is nice though, has a sort of mellow elegance to it.

[soupy – The Pierces] 20. This seems like incredibly attractive pop music with some folk rock influences - chance it could be a bit too safe but then the warmth and the melodies really are very nice.

[Glasser – Mr. Reality] 21. Slightly middle of the road perhaps? But nice melodies and especially nice vocal harmonising.

[seneca – Unleash the Archers] 22. These are basically anthemic pop songs with more distorted guitars, and I'm here for it.

[TAC – Dark The Suns] 23. This is surely the least light submission in either of the light rounds, but I’ll allow because it is indeed pretty and energetic, which incidentally are also what I’m finding attractive about it.

[Litho – Haerts] 24. I love the sound of this - somewhat reminiscent of other things I like, with the poppy style contrasting nicely with some gorgeous melancholic hooks.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 21, 2023, 02:37:26 AM
c'mon, mama needs a new ^
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 21, 2023, 03:08:32 AM
[luke – Billy Talent] 10.

Giving out scores early? I’ll take it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 21, 2023, 04:53:34 AM
Anyway, this round is shaping up to probably have a similar score profile to round 2. After the first couple of listens I was thinking "jeez is anything going to get below an 8?" but yeah a few haven't held their interest all that well. Still all really good stuff though!

Woohoo!!!  Looking forward to my 7.7 and dropping out of the Top 10 again.   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 21, 2023, 06:22:05 AM
Comparisons will be later today once I've finished all my fourth listens.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 21, 2023, 09:47:01 AM
Round 5 comparisons
Comparisons to the previous round, indicative and subject to change.
As ever, ups and downs show only direction, not scale. Could be 0.1, could be 1.0.

Luoto v
seneca v
wolfking v
Evermind v
jingle v
Litho ^
nick_z ^
soupy v
Buddy v
Crow v
romdrums ^
Vmadera v
Glasser =
lonestar ^
Reaper ^
luke ^
King v
Puppies ^
Sacul ^
Stadler ^
Elite ^
faizoff ^

Things starting to heat up...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 21, 2023, 09:48:20 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 21, 2023, 09:52:45 AM
Anyway, this round is shaping up to probably have a similar score profile to round 2. After the first couple of listens I was thinking "jeez is anything going to get below an 8?" but yeah a few haven't held their interest all that well. Still all really good stuff though!

Woohoo!!!  Looking forward to my 7.7 and dropping out of the Top 10 again.   :lol
Technically you're top 12 (i.e. exactly top half) after round 4, as there are three of you at joint 10th place.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 21, 2023, 09:54:22 AM
It just suits HAERTS' sound so well, doesn't it?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: HOF on June 21, 2023, 09:54:28 AM
Oof, down from my heavy submission.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 21, 2023, 09:56:03 AM
Not confident about this one given the impression. Guess I needed something below an 8 at some point. :lol

Might still have a shot if Black Country New Road does worse. :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: jingle.boy on June 21, 2023, 10:00:17 AM
I'm not surprised, coming in hot with the 5th place finish last round, but just once I want to get two green up arrows in a row.   :D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 21, 2023, 10:00:19 AM
Oof, down from my heavy submission.

Apparently you and soupy should perhaps consider the wolfking method. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 21, 2023, 10:10:08 AM
I'm not surprised, coming in hot with the 5th place finish last round, but just once I want to get two green up arrows in a row.   :D
Then you shouldn't have done so well in round 3. :P Your jump up between rounds 2 and 3 only earned you one green up arrow but it was a big one.

Oof, down from my heavy submission.

Apparently you and soupy should perhaps consider the wolfking method. 
In HOF's case it's the other way round from what happened in rounds 1 and 2.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 21, 2023, 10:14:53 AM
Oh and just for fun, there are:

1 with no movement
12 movements of 0.1-0.2
8 movements of 0.3-0.6
3 movements of 0.7-1.1

(before any adjustments on final listens that is)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Evermind on June 21, 2023, 10:17:06 AM
Hopefully it's 0.1 for me!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 21, 2023, 10:29:25 AM
Round 5 comparisons

lonestar ^

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 21, 2023, 10:34:49 AM
Taking over Tom's role of GIFlord. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 21, 2023, 10:45:44 AM
Taking over Tom's role of GIFlord. :lol

There's so many AG gifs... :lol



Also, when this round is said and done, spend a few minutes to watch the Pineapple Kryptonite video..it's truly glorious
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 21, 2023, 10:52:04 AM
:lol Ok will do.

I'd hope to have results ready on Friday and continue my 9-day rounds. Possible it could be the weekend instead.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 21, 2023, 10:58:29 AM
:lol Ok will do.

I'd hope to have results ready on Friday and continue my 9-day rounds. Possible it could be the weekend instead.

The song and video were produced in collaboration with Money Mark of Beastie Boys fame, they spent a few months working with him on this and other projects, and on music production in general.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Crow on June 21, 2023, 11:11:04 AM
damn, 8.2  :'(
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Sacul on June 21, 2023, 12:24:02 PM
hell yeah 7.9 :2metal:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 21, 2023, 01:52:50 PM
damn, 8.2  :'(
hell yeah 7.9 :2metal:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: wolfking on June 21, 2023, 06:56:06 PM
Oof, down from my heavy submission.

To be fair, anything that's lighter than a previous submission should be a red arrow.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 21, 2023, 07:03:04 PM
Oof, down from my heavy submission.

To be fair, anything that's lighter than a previous submission should be a red arrow.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 22, 2023, 02:26:30 PM
Taking over Tom's role of GIFlord. :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 22, 2023, 02:30:36 PM
I'm not surprised, coming in hot with the 5th place finish last round, but just once I want to get two green up arrows in a row.   :D

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 09:25:56 AM
Amazing gif. :lol

Anyway without wishing to tease too much, I'm pretty confident results will indeed be on time tonight so get planning those round 6 (open) submissions!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 23, 2023, 09:30:11 AM
You already have mine.  :)

No idea how it’s going to do.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 23, 2023, 10:17:03 AM
Rd 6 sent!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 23, 2023, 11:58:58 AM



Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: King Postwhore on June 23, 2023, 12:11:43 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/wM9NHPxr/Tired-Of-Waiting-GIF-Tired-Of-Waiting-Discover-Share-GIFs.gif) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Lonk on June 23, 2023, 12:20:57 PM
In the meantime, lets do some magic tricks



Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: jingle.boy on June 23, 2023, 12:25:54 PM
well, if we're gonna spam the thread with gifs...

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 23, 2023, 12:36:31 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 23, 2023, 12:52:23 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 12:52:24 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 23, 2023, 12:53:16 PM
well, if we're gonna spam the thread with gifs...


Except mine is the band I sent awaiting their judgement
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: jingle.boy on June 23, 2023, 12:56:14 PM
well, if we're gonna spam the thread with gifs...


Except mine is the band I sent awaiting their judgement

I'd be banned if I dropped a Robert Plant gif in here!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: King Postwhore on June 23, 2023, 12:57:05 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/yxHvSssY/itchy-scratch.gif) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 23, 2023, 01:08:50 PM
Jeez, for a minute, I thought my camera was on.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: jingle.boy on June 23, 2023, 01:49:11 PM
Jeez, for a minute, I thought my camera was on.

Put the mouse back in the house, dude.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 02:39:16 PM
Ok writeups finished - took longer than expected because I couldn't get enough of listening to the clear top two submissions of the round.

Just need to do formatting and a quick proof read and then I'll post them!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 23, 2023, 02:46:39 PM
I couldn't get enough of listening to the clear top two submissions of the round.

You’re welcome  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 02:47:05 PM

HOF – The Clientele
1. Impossible
2. Share the Night
3. Orpheus Beach
4. No Dreams Last Night
5. The Age of Miracles

First impression: This was rather calming and relaxing - not much jumped out at me melodically, but it has a nice sound and a range of styles and tones.

Final opinion: I like this, but not as much as I thought (and hoped) I might. There’s a nice range of influences and styles, with a bit of Beatles here and some funkier stuff there. It’s all very mellow in tone, which is very pleasant but it does mean there’s not really very much going on. Which is fine when the music is rich in terms of harmonies and/or melodies, but this doesn’t really do that and it hasn’t really grown on me in that regard. Some of the vocals are a little iffy as well - for example those slightly off-key vocals at the end of Impossible, I’m sure I’ve said before that I rarely enjoy that style. A couple of the songs compensate by doing something else quite interesting - Share The Night is pretty groovy, while No Dreams Last Night is very pretty and calming. But the rest feel very much like background music to me.

Score: 7.5

King – Joe Jackson
1. I’m The Man
2. Look Sharp!
3. Fools In Love
4. Is She Really Going Out With Him?
5. Be My Number Two

First impression: The sound feels somewhat dated and the vocal style isn’t my favourite, but the music seems nice enough, with a slightly punky energy in some songs, to make it enjoyable anyway.

Final opinion: I have to say, the punky vibes in a couple of these songs were not what I was expecting but they’re good fun. In general I very much enjoy the variety in this selection of songs, which makes it hard to pin down his style. It’s all pretty accessible yet has a slight edge to it, despite the overall sound also clearly sounding of its time. Anyway, these songs are fun. There are two that very much stand out. Look Sharp has a bit of groove, and a great hook in the chorus that is really rather catchy - I’ve found myself humming it to myself at times. And Be My Number Two is very heartfelt, with a very warm crescendo towards the end of the song. The rest are all fine, they just don’t do anything to excite me, and not helped by his vocals which I find extremely average.

Score: 7.7

Sacul – George Clanton
1. Livin’ Loose
2. Make It Forever
3. Out of the Blue
4. I Been Young

First impression: So that genre I’ve seen some people banging on about lately, this is what it sounds like. It’s pretty cool.

Final opinion: So, this is vaporwave, I gather. I’ve no idea if this is particularly representative of the genre, but the sound is kind of neat. Seems to be very sample-based, and actually reminds me of some electronic artists I rather like that pre-date the movement. One that particularly comes to mind is Lemon Jelly, which has a similarly upbeat vibe to it with little poppy and jazzy infusions. I’m not sure I quite love this - there’s something slightly off about it. I don’t know if it’s a byproduct of the way the samples are manipulated or simply a deliberate design choice, but the way sounds go slightly out of tune is something I’m rarely keen on in electronic music and happens a little too much here for my taste (although not really in Out of the Blue, which might be part of why it’s my favourite of the bunch). But apart from that, I do dig it.

Score: 7.9

Elite – Kurt Rosenwinkel
1. East Coast Love Affair
2. You Go To My Head
3. Pannonica
4. You’ve Changed

First impression: It's that guitar noodling again! This is nice though, has a sort of mellow elegance to it.

Final opinion: You know, I’ve heard very little jazz guitar that’s this mellow and subdued. Even the Thelonious Monk tune, which is the one I know best and is pretty chilled to begin with, is even quieter in this version. It’s not only in the composition and arrangement, a lot of which does seem like quiet noodling, but also the playing and the production are quite muted. I wasn’t sure what to think of it at first as it’s not really my cup of tea, but I ended up liking it more than I thought I would. Which isn't to say that I love it, exactly, but there's a tenderness to these songs that's rather warm and appealing. A bit more energy or fullness of sound might have made it something I want to come back to, but as it is it's something I've definitely enjoyed listening to.

Score: 7.9

Vmadera – Angel Vivaldi
1. .____
2. ..___
3. Nine
4. Sea of Heartbreaks

First impression: This was very nice stuff but I did still feel, at times, like I wanted to know where the vocals had gone.

Final opinion: I’ve said before (including at least once this roulette) that I’m pretty picky when it comes to instrumental rock music, which I often find sounds too much like songs with the vocals missing. The first three songs here definitely feel that way, a little. The general sound is nice, if not hugely original - definitely in that djenty bedroom guitarist vein if a little more slick in production. The guy is certainly a tremendous player, not just in skill but also in playing some very nice lines. I don’t find any of these three songs particularly memorable, but I enjoy them while I’m listening to them. Sea of Heartbreaks is a different beast though. As the title suggests, it’s very emotive, but it also has a very hopeful tone and the whole track is gorgeously composed.

Score: 7.9

Stadler – Fleetwood Mac
1. Rhiannon
2. Beautiful Child
3. Sara
4. Gold Dust Woman

First impression: I hear a lot of more recent acts in this, which leads to me to think this artist may have been more influential than I had previously appreciated.

Final opinion: Have I ever heard any Fleetwood Mac before? Genuinely not sure. Rhiannon sounds familiar to me - particularly the main guitar motif - but not this arrangement. Possible I heard a cover or a live version. Anyway it’s a great motif and indeed a really nice song. In general, a lot of the sound in these songs reminds me of various more recent folk-pop/rock singer-songwriter artists. I don’t know why I had in my head that Mac were very “of their time” but these songs, at least, don’t feel that way at all. The middle two songs in this selection are not the most exciting musically speaking, but they’re very attractive nonetheless. And then Gold Dust Woman is the best of the lot, great vibe and bluesy hooks.

Score: 8.0

Buddy – Della Zyr
1. Constellation’s Song
2. What Orpheus Sang Before
3. So Please Don’t Leave Me / To Go Forward Despite the Terror of Living in This World, Clinging to a Tiny Speck of Hope

First impression: This isn’t a style that tends to excite me, but this sounds pretty - I don’t really have a sense yet of how much I’ll end up liking it.

Final opinion: This lo-fi side of shoegaze is not something that interests me, generally speaking. The music is very pretty in all these songs, but the production is just… not? If your aim was simply to introduce me to something you love then that's great, I love getting a sense of people's tastes and interests. But when it comes to my tastes, you must surely know by now this type of production isn't really my thing. That said, it’s the first two songs that are the culprits, and even those still have enough lovely music to still be a pleasant listen. The third song, though, is so much nicer. The general style is the same, but the sound is so much fuller and clearer while still very floaty. Combined with some more lovely music - possibly the prettiest of the lot - it really does create a gorgeous, dreamy effect. The last couple of minutes of the main song (excluding the silence and hidden track) is incredibly immersive.

Score: 8.0

faizoff – Coldplay
1. Church
2. Orphans
3. Coloratura

First impression: I’m not sure this band will ever excite me, but there are some lovely vibes and nice surprises here.

Final opinion: As you know from my RYM, I know Coldplay’s first few albums and found them all decent, but not great. There’s a few excellent songs dotted throughout, but I’ve generally found them a bit dreary and unable to write interesting vocal lines. To be honest, on that last point, these songs suggest they’ve not really progressed on that front. But the music here is so much richer and more engaging. Church and Orphans are both unashamedly pop songs, and they have a nice sound and instrumentation, definitely a more varied and interesting sound than I’d expected from them which is enjoyable, if not mind-blowing. But - aside from the vocal melodies still being quite bland - Coloratura is clearly something pretty special for them. I remember hearing it once when it first came out and liking it, but never returning to it. It’s great, really lush and creative, covering lots of different ideas and sounds over its 10 minutes in a way that never feels forced or disjointed. Even little flourishes like the chromatic piano run around 2:30 (and again later) provide gentle twists and turns and keep it sounding really fresh and fun.

Score: 8.1

jingle – Robert Plant
1. Tie Dye on the Highway
2. If I Were a Carpenter
3. Oompa (Watery Bint)
4. I Believe

First impression: This was a nice surprise - more varied than I expected and probably some of the most interesting stuff I’ve heard from this artist.

Final opinion: Ok so my opinion of Robert Plant is gradually improving with each roulette. :lol Not including the first folk album he did with Alisson Krauss of course, which I already loved. Anyway there’s a great mix of styles here, more or less all of which is more interesting than what I’ve heard before from his solo stuff or from Zeppelin. Tie Dye fuses psychedelic rock with some more bluesy hard rock and I’d say it’s almost certainly my favourite of what I’ve heard from the harder rock side of his stuff, very punchy and engaging. If I Were a Carpenter is alright - that kind of simple folk is often up my alley (again, see the stuff he’s done with Krauss) but this song isn’t the strongest example. Oompa is another shift in style, going very bluesy with a lot of groove and nice use of horns. And then I Believe is probably the most middle of the road song here, but it’s a nice one with a bit of an emotional edge.

Score: 8.1

Evermind – Galahad
1. Termination
2. Empires Never Last

First impression: Not sure what you were worried about, this is definitely up my alley - not the strongest production maybe but it’s still punchy and dramatic.

Final opinion: I don’t think neo-prog is that risky with me is it? :lol I think sometimes I may react, positively or negatively, to certain bands that might be popular in a genre but not because of any strict defining features of that genre. For sure I’ve heard some neo-prog that I find quite bland and middle-of-the-road, but this kind of dramatic flair is definitely my sort of thing. I mean, I don’t know that I could point to anything that really stands out about this - the style and sound is something I’ve heard from lots of other bands and the performances are pretty straightforward - but all of it is done really well. The music is quite epic and has some strong hooks, and both songs have a sort of pulsing beat  - especially Empires - that’s quite evocative.

Score: 8.2

Reaper – KOAN Sound
1. Strident
2. Boundless
3. Grounded

First impression: It's very odd to be sent an artist that I myself have sent in other roulettes.

Final opinion: So yeah this is weird. When I find something that I rate 4 stars or higher, I’m generally pretty reliable at exploring that artist further and only stopping either if I’ve exhausted everything or if I’ve lost interest. With the latter that’s normally if I’ve checked out a few more things but none of them interested me, or if, say, it seems like an earlier/later period of that artist’s output is not interesting to me. None of that applies here. I loved their Dynasty EP. I checked out their full length and a joint EP they did with another artist, and I liked those but didn’t love them, and then never went further. Evidently I should check out more of their EPs because these tracks are pretty great electronica. Nice groove, excellent sound design, and cool hooks. Not sure if those are samples or original vocals in Grounded, but either way they’re also used well and to create a poppy effect that’s very enjoyable.

Score: 8.2

Luoto – Sisare
1. Mountains
2. Geno

First impression: Really loving the warm melancholy mood and some lovely playing in this.

Final opinion: This is a slightly different style, but it reminds me quite a lot of Evermind’s Galahad submission, which incidentally got the same score. This is a little more recent and definitely more melancholy, but the ever-present minor keys and the pulsating beats create a very similar effect in my mind. This doesn’t have the same dramatic neo-prog stylings, but takes a warmer approach and, especially in Geno’s chorus, has a bit of alt-prog groove that’s pretty great. There’s also some really nice guitar work throughout, particularly in the solos but also in a few other moments too. I don’t have much else to say really, it’s just very nice music.

Score: 8.2

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 02:47:11 PM
Glasser – Mr. Reality
1. Anonymous
2. Fourth of July
3. Honest Innuendos

First impression: Slightly middle of the road perhaps? But nice melodies and especially nice vocal harmonising.

Final opinion: This is another example of something that’s pretty straightforward stylistically but works because of the strength of the vocal melodies. It’s basically acoustic pop rock with a mix of tones. Anonymous is pretty musically upbeat with a bit of a bounce to it, although the lyrics are perhaps not as jolly. On the other end of things, Fourth of July is pretty moody, while Honest Innuendos is somewhere between the two - energetic but tonally mellower. Oddly enough that song reminds me a lot of Freak Kitchen. Anyway these songs are all really good, with the first and last having some great hooks, and all the songs making good use of engaging vocal harmonies to help it stand out.

Score: 8.2

Crow – Black Country, New Road
1. The Place Where He Inserted the Blade
2. Snow Globes

First impression: This was elegant and attractive, though I didn’t love all the vocals and the songs maybe don’t develop as much as I might have liked.

Final opinion: Ok so this grew on me a reasonable amount, thanks mostly to some of the music being absolutely gorgeous. The first song is, in a way, the safer of the two - emotional indie rock with some other influences brought in to nice effect, like the saxophone which plays some really lovely sorrowful stuff. The music is very nice and the vocal style, while a bit more mumbly than I would normally go for, works well and I’ve come around on them in this song. Snow Globes, on the other hand, is both better and worse at the same time. Some aspects of the song are slightly grating. The vocals are… not terrible I suppose and I do get the emotional delivery where his voice breaks, but there are moments where he just goes weak and out of tune that don’t really work for me. But more so is the drums. The song doesn’t really develop much in the rest of the instrumentation but the drums get noisier and more frantic and frankly it’s kind of distracting. But despite all that, the main theme in the orchestration is just stunning, and performed in a way that’s really evocative and heart-wrenching.

Score: 8.2

soupy – The Pierces
1. It Will Not Be Forgotten
2. Boring
3. Glorious
4. Kings
5. We Are Stars

First impression: This seems like incredibly attractive pop music with some folk rock influences - chance it could be a bit too safe but then the warmth and the melodies really are very nice.

Final opinion: Yep this is really nice stuff. Funny to get them in the same round as Fleetwood Mac who, as you say, are clearly an influence, but being more modern this does have a slightly fuller sound which is rather lovely. Indeed the way it’s produced is really nice and enhances the music, full of little details and sounds that are in the background but help create a very warm effect. The music is great too, it’s pretty straightforward and yeah I guess a bit safe on the whole, but it’s full of strong melodies and has a nice range of styles - the poppy infusions and occasional synths for example are really nice. The only song that does something a little unusual is Boring, and I don’t know that I love the verses but the idea of the song is cool and the chorus is still great anyway.

Score: 8.3

TAC – Dark The Suns
1. Everywhere
2. Raven
3. Alone

First impression: This is surely the least light submission in either of the light rounds, but I’ll allow because it is indeed pretty and energetic, which incidentally are also what I’m finding attractive about it.

Final opinion: You were really pushing the “light” theme with this one, Tim. It’s firmly in the melodic death metal camp. :lol But there are a few elements that, in combination, do make it distinctly lighter than your heavy round submissions. There are some clean and whispered vocals, although that doesn’t mean much as your heavies did that as well. But crucially, the music is very pretty throughout. There are delicate moments, lots of use of piano and it’s all very melodic and attractive. In Raven especially, the piano work offers an ethereal vibe, and the melodic chorus is really great. As I said in my first impression, those are also the features that combine with the general style/genre to make something really engaging to listen to. The other “light” element is that one of the string motifs in Everywhere sounds a bit like The Final Countdown. :lol

Score: 8.3

seneca – Unleash the Archers
1. Legacy
2. Through Stars
3. The Wind That Shapes the Land

First impression: These are basically anthemic pop songs with more distorted guitars, and I'm here for it.

Final opinion: Taking out the instrumentation, the first two songs here really do just sound like pop songs. The music is very light and upbeat, the melodies are catchy, it’s all just rather fun. And then thrown in the metal stylings, distorted guitars etc. and it’s a great effect that reminds me, oddly enough, of some of Devin Townsend’s more accessible stuff (especially in Legacy) which I tend to like a lot. Brittany has a great voice too - not wholly unique maybe, but it has a lot of power and charm. The Wind That Shapes the Land is also great in different ways - a little less poppy and a bit more proggy. The melodies are less immediate and catchy, but the chorus is still pretty great, and the way the song is composed and developed appeals to me in a different way, engaging the brain more if the heart a little less.

Score: 8.3

lonestar – Atarashii Gakko!
1. Otonablue
2. Nainainai
3. Janaindayo
4. Suki Lie
5. Pineapple Kryptonite

First impression: Started more understated and less off-the-wall than I expected, but gets more varied as it goes - it’s a lot of fun, and has some groove and nice hooks.

Final opinion: And so your scores continue their slow but steady upwards trajectory. I wonder if you can keep this up in the final two rounds. You’d be the only person to ever do so in one of my roulettes. :lol The quirky sense of fun here is something I find I can really enjoy in modern Japanese music because they have such a wonderful cutesy way of approaching it. As you know, by far my favourite j-[genre] band is Gacharic Spin and one of the things that pushes them that bit higher is exactly this poppy aspect (combined with all the other qualities of course), particularly in their earlier and mid-era stuff. Anyway this doesn’t have the full range of what GS do, but is a great example of the poppy end and still dips into the more rocking side too. It’s fun, catchy, varied, quirky and just a bit silly, but without feeling like a novelty (for the most part anyway).

Score: 8.3

wolfking – Blessed By A Broken Heart
1. Thunderdome
2. Holdin' Back for Nothin’
3. Shut Up and Rock
4. Scream it Like You Mean It
5. Sleepless Nights

First impression: Hair metal with metalcore vocals is a bit… actually you know what, it's a ton of fun.

Final opinion: Alright so this just got better and better with every listen, what an absolute blast. In the vocal department, it’s very metalcore in style - not only the harsh vocals but also the style of the clean singing. Sounds like the sort of thing I’d expect to hear over some intense angst, but instead the music is super-melodic hair metal basically, with lots of cheesy synths, flashy guitar playing, big falsetto and fun, groovy riffs. The reason I think it works so well is that they just really go all out. I wasn’t sure what to think about the fusion at first but the energy and the catchiness are just so great - there’s no subtlety to it whatsoever but that’s just what’s so entertaining about it. I can just imagine this band (or any other band) trying the same thing again and it sounding contrived or awkward, but in these songs at least they’ve hit on a sweet spot and nailed it.

Score: 8.4

romdrums – Imogen Heap
1. First Train Home
2. Swoon
3. Cycle Song
4. Xizi She Knows
5. Closing In

First impression: Rich, creative, varied and really interesting - even the simpler-sounding, more accessible songs have a lot going on in the instrumentation.

Final opinion: I’ve obviously heard of and read about Imogen Heap - she’s a fairly big name in the UK - but I didn’t really know anything about her music. It’s not always the case, but pop artists who are big in the UK tend to be… not that interesting. :lol Anyway this is a lovely surprise and just really great music all round. She uses a variety of different sounds and plays around with different styles and genres in very creative ways, layering ideas over each other and creating some really interesting effects, but crucially tying it all together with a very warm and rich melodic approach. However esoteric or experimental the instrumentation might sound, each of these songs is grounded by something catchy and/or emotive in it.

Score: 8.4

nick_z – Kent
1. 400 slag
2. Revolt III
3. Dom Andra
4. Ded Doda Vinkeln

First impression: The style is not dissimilar to other bands from that genre and era, but the music and sound are really lush and rich and had me hooked.

Final opinion: You mentioned this band having a bit of a Muse sound, and yeah I can kind of hear that (especially in the vocal lines of Revolt III, obviously), but also just as much if not more so other poppy, indie-ish, alternative rock bands from around the turn of century. Definitely some Radiohead in there as well at times. But it has its own identity and doesn’t sound quite like any of those bands. I like those bands a lot and was especially into them in my formative late teens, but they do have an angsty coldness to a lot of their sound, where these songs have more of a rich warmth. Both are great in different ways, but this vibe definitely works great for the melodic approach these guys use, and the effect is incredibly inviting.

Score: 8.5

luke – Billy Talent
1. Devil in a Midnight Mass
2. Red Flag
3. Pins and Needles
4. Fallen Leaves
5. Surrender
6. River Below

First impression: This somewhat reminds me of my university days but funnily enough I’m more into this style than at any other point since then.

Final opinion: It surprised me just how much I ended up enjoying this. It’s definitely of its era in the early to mid 2000s, a sort of mix of pop punk and emo. I wasn’t hugely into the latter at that time, but I was a big fan of the former and some stuff that sat in between them. Then I kind of went off them a bit - in that pretentious phase where I liked the new thing and stopped liking the old one, a phase I’m very glad to have moved on from! Having more recently got (pretty much) past genre-based biases, I’ve definitely been finding myself enjoying the theatricality to be found in emo-adjacent music like this and honestly these songs are just really great. Pretty simple in essence, but punchy, energetic, a little cynical in tone and with ridiculously catchy hooks throughout.

Score: 8.5

Litho – Haerts
1. Shivering
2. Hemiplegia
3. Lights Out
4. No Shame
5. All the Days

First impression: I love the sound of this - somewhat reminiscent of other things I like, with the poppy style contrasting nicely with some gorgeous melancholic hooks.

Final opinion: Yes yes yes, this is just excellent. There are a handful of artists it’s somewhat similar to, but I’ve figured out who it reminds me of most, and that’s Susanne Sundfør. Not exactly the same style, but a lot of the same stylistic and melodic elements. It’s poppy, synth heavy, energetic but very melancholic. On the surface it sounds simple but it’s all deceptively intricate, clearly with great care and attention paid to all sorts of subtle sounds both in the main musical ideas and sometimes just background effects. The music is all very rich and memorable, and I love the way the songs build - they’re very well paced, with sometimes quite nondescript beginnings quickly leading to really lush choruses and synths. And it just gets better and better with every listen. Lovely stuff.

Score: 8.8

Puppies – Kiss Kiss
1. The Best Mistake
2. All They Draw
3. Innocent I (The Corruption of Self Through the Introduction of Naturally Existing Self Producing Chemicals)
4. Innocent II (A Drop From the Ethereal; Swimming Towards the Crescent Moon)
5. Hate
6. Through the Day

First impression: The dark theatricality to this was something I wasn’t particularly expecting and it works great - nice emotionality and strong hooks.

Final opinion: Where to start with this? It might be instrumentally lighter than the extreme metal you sent in the heavy rounds, but it sure isn’t tonally light. :lol But despite being very weighty and emotional, it’s also incredibly vibrant, and the contrast is quite wonderful. It’s like it takes all the most compelling features of indie rock, art rock, post-hardcore, symphonic prog, music theatre and probably various other things and fuses them together like Frankenstein’s monster into something kind of bonkers and yet very affecting. There’s the odd moment that’s a little rough around the edges and some of the wackier moments border on too wacky, but never stray that far - it’s always brought quickly back to something thrilling. I love this more and more with every listen and just can’t get enough of it. Congrats on the first (and possibly only) 9/10 of the roulette!

Score: 9.0


Scores after Round 5:

 1. Crow     = 8.8 + 8.4 + 8.6 + 8.3 + 8.2 = 42.3
 2. wolfking = 8.6 + 8.1 + 8.4 + 8.5 + 8.4 = 42.0
 3. nick_z   = 8.2 + 8.5 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.5 = 41.9
 4. Luoto    = 8.3 + 8.7 + 8.0 + 8.6 + 8.2 = 41.8
 5. Litho    = 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.4 + 8.4 + 8.8 = 41.7
 6. TAC      = 8.2 + 8.7 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 = 41.6
 7. Evermind = 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.2 = 41.5
 8. Glasser  = 8.1 + 8.1 + 8.8 + 8.2 + 8.2 = 41.4
 9. Buddy    = 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.0 = 41.3
 9. Puppies  = 7.9 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 9.0 = 41.3
11. soupy    = 8.4 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 8.4 + 8.3 = 41.2
12. jingle   = 8.2 + 7.7 + 8.6 + 8.4 + 8.1 = 41.0
13. Sacul    = 8.3 + 8.9 + 8.0 + 7.8 + 7.9 = 40.9
13. romdrums = 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.0 + 8.3 + 8.4 = 40.9
15. luke     = 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.5 = 40.7
16. seneca   = 7.6 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.6 + 8.3 = 40.6
17. lonestar = 7.8 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 = 40.5
18. Stadler  = 7.9 + 8.4 + 7.9 + 7.4 + 8.0 = 39.6
18. Reaper   = 7.6 + 8.1 + 7.7 + 8.0 + 8.2 = 39.6
20. Vmadera  = 8.0 + 8.0 + 7.3 + 8.3 + 7.9 = 39.5
21. HOF      = 7.5 + 7.9 + 8.7 + 7.7 + 7.5 = 39.3
22. King     = 7.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.8 + 7.7 = 39.2
23. faizoff  = 7.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 7.0 + 8.1 = 38.8
24. Elite    = 7.8 + 8.0 + 7.5 + 7.2 + 7.9 = 38.4

Click the graphs to enlarge.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 23, 2023, 02:53:49 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 02:55:10 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 23, 2023, 02:59:52 PM
Sundfor isn't the first comparison I'd have thought of, but I can definitely see it now that you mention it.  The last decade or so has been the golden age for this sort of music, and I'm glad to be able to spotlight some deserving artists. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 23, 2023, 03:00:01 PM
the way the drums freak the hell out is my favorite part of snow globes  :lol to each their own tho
round 6 i could see backfiring on me but if it does it's your loss, not mine  :corn
even if i do lose the top spot here i'm taking it back in the EP round anyways, so
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 23, 2023, 03:05:47 PM
Oof. I had high hopes for that submission.  :lol

My next submission will either put me into contention for the EP round or take me completely out.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: HOF on June 23, 2023, 03:06:07 PM

HOF – The Clientele
1. Impossible
2. Share the Night
3. Orpheus Beach
4. No Dreams Last Night
5. The Age of Miracles

First impression: This was rather calming and relaxing - not much jumped out at me melodically, but it has a nice sound and a range of styles and tones.

Final opinion: I like this, but not as much as I thought (and hoped) I might. There’s a nice range of influences and styles, with a bit of Beatles here and some funkier stuff there. It’s all very mellow in tone, which is very pleasant but it does mean there’s not really very much going on. Which is fine when the music is rich in terms of harmonies and/or melodies, but this doesn’t really do that and it hasn’t really grown on me in that regard. Some of the vocals are a little iffy as well - for example those slightly off-key vocals at the end of Impossible, I’m sure I’ve said before that I rarely enjoy that style. A couple of the songs compensate by doing something else quite interesting - Share The Night is pretty groovy, while No Dreams Last Night is very pretty and calming. But the rest feel very much like background music to me.

Score: 7.5


Hmmm, didn't expect "not rich in harmonies or melodies" to be part of the writeup for this band. Not sure what you're not hearing that I am as the vocal and instrumental melodies/harmonies are a big part of the appeal for me. Maybe Impossible and Share the Night weren't the best for that, but the others all have some really lush arrangements and/or vocal harmonies. I think you should listen again more closely!  :biggrin:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 03:06:25 PM
Sundfor isn't the first comparison I'd have thought of, but I can definitely see it now that you mention it.  The last decade or so has been the golden age for this sort of music, and I'm glad to be able to spotlight some deserving artists. 
Yeah like I said it's not quite the same style, but it's the viiiiiibes man. Especially her earlyish stuff (less so what she's put out in the past decade actually).

round 6 i could see backfiring on me but if it does it's your loss, not mine  :corn
even if i do lose the top spot here i'm taking it back in the EP round anyways, so

I've no idea what it is yet but you're welcome to change it if you want, or to stick to your guns. I'm kind of intrigued though!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 23, 2023, 03:09:55 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 23, 2023, 03:10:15 PM
Still an 8! That’s better than I thought, you sure you’re not inflating the scores for this roulette a little?  :biggrin:

The production’s not great yeah but sometimes the music’s good enough that you look past it. And What Orpheus Sang Before actually sounds pretty good to me, since the instrumentation is a lot more mellow on that one.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 03:10:46 PM
Oof. I had high hopes for that submission.  :lol
An 8.3  is above average score! :lol (yes even in that round)

My next submission will either put me into contention for the EP round or take me completely out.
Between this and Crow's post, I feel like I'm getting some risky stuff in round 6... :lol

Hmmm, didn't expect "not rich in harmonies or melodies" to be part of the writeup for this band. Not sure what you're not hearing that I am as the vocal and instrumental melodies/harmonies are a big part of the appeal for me. Maybe Impossible and Share the Night weren't the best for that, but the others all have some really lush arrangements and/or vocal harmonies. I think you should listen again more closely!  :biggrin:
What can I say, I thought I'd like it more too and I didn't mean to imply it was wholly lacking in that department, just not something that really got me. Like Chad says, TASTESTM.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on June 23, 2023, 03:12:51 PM
TAC: Disappointed with 8.3.
Jingle:  I'll gladly take an 8.1 for Robert Plant.  Glad it didn't suck for you!

Is that the first 9 of the competition?  Well done Puppers.

Spots 2-11 are all separated sequentially by 1/10th of a point (not counting ties).  Crow has a healthy lead with 2 rounds to go.  While I'm sure he'll continue to slag himself (it's as sure as death and taxes), it's likely his to lose.  But I'm rootin for ya, Kade!

Still gotta figure out how to manage my Round 6 songs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 03:15:46 PM
Still an 8! That’s better than I thought, you sure you’re not inflating the scores for this roulette a little?  :biggrin:
Indeed not. I've noticed that with these multi-song submissions, there's a bit more clustering in the middle range than albums. Because people are picking out what are, in their view, the best songs, I'm sometimes getting a better impression of it, when a whole album I might find more average or more of a drag. But conversely, the best albums can elevate my opinion beyond a selection of songs, either because of the way it hangs together as an album and/or because of the sheer consistency of quality over its runtime. All but one submission has scored between 7.0 and 8.9, but I'm 100% certain that when I come to check out whole albums, quite a few will score 3 stars (6/10) or maybe even lower while some others will score 4.5 stars (9/10). A tiny handful may even eventually end up moving up to 5 stars though I'd pretty much never do that right away with an artist I don't already know.

The production’s not great yeah but sometimes the music’s good enough that you look past it. And What Orpheus Sang Before actually sounds pretty good to me, since the instrumentation is a lot more mellow on that one.
Yes that's true, it's most noticeable on Constellation’s Song. The sound isn't great on Orpheus but it's fine, and it's a very nice song overall.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 23, 2023, 03:18:28 PM
Didn't Luke just send a whole album?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 23, 2023, 03:18:49 PM
round 6 i could see backfiring on me but if it does it's your loss, not mine  :corn
even if i do lose the top spot here i'm taking it back in the EP round anyways, so

I've no idea what it is yet but you're welcome to change it if you want, or to stick to your guns. I'm kind of intrigued though!
oh no there is no way i'm changing it. it's just.

you'll see  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: HOF on June 23, 2023, 03:19:36 PM
Hmmm, didn't expect "not rich in harmonies or melodies" to be part of the writeup for this band. Not sure what you're not hearing that I am as the vocal and instrumental melodies/harmonies are a big part of the appeal for me. Maybe Impossible and Share the Night weren't the best for that, but the others all have some really lush arrangements and/or vocal harmonies. I think you should listen again more closely!  :biggrin:
What can I say, I thought I'd like it more too and I didn't mean to imply it was wholly lacking in that department, just not something that really got me. Like Chad says, TASTESTM.

Yeah, you either like it or you don't, I get that. And it does seem like the notion of "melodic" can be hard to pin down and vary from person to person. But if you had specifically asked us to send something melodic with strong harmonies, I probably still would have reached for this band (but maybe sent a couple different tunes though).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 03:19:59 PM
Is that the first 9 of the competition?  Well done Puppers.
It is! They're not common, only one in my v7 and two in my v6.

Spots 2-11 are all separated sequentially by 1/10th of a point (not counting ties).
I noticed that! It wasn't intentional, just like it wasn't intentional to have a whole load of clustering after the previous round.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 03:22:00 PM
Didn't Luke just send a whole album?
He only sent me 6 songs, that's nothing compared to the 10 songs he sent Litho. :lol

oh no there is no way i'm changing it. it's just.

you'll see  :lol
Oh god what am I in for? :lol

Yeah, you either like it or you don't, I get that. And it does seem like the notion of "melodic" can be hard to pin down and vary from person to person.
So true. Certain approaches appeal to me more than others, same with all of us I guess.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 23, 2023, 03:26:07 PM
Damn, thought I was gonna sneak in a winner with that one. Next submission, Japanese of course, is a bit more straightforward, let's see how it plays. As the old saying goes, just keep throwing stuff against the wall in hopes it'll stick.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 23, 2023, 03:28:11 PM
Yes that's true, it's most noticeable on Constellation’s Song.

For sure - I included that one in spite of that because you seem to enjoy when submissions have a bit more variety across the songs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 23, 2023, 03:32:12 PM
Didn't Luke just send a whole album?
He only sent me 6 songs, that's nothing compared to the 10 songs he sent Litho. :lol

Ok, that's what I was thinking. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on June 23, 2023, 03:33:39 PM
Damn, thought I was gonna sneak in a winner with that one. Next submission, Japanese of course, is a bit more straightforward, let's see how it plays. As the old saying goes, just keep throwing stuff against the wall in hopes it'll stick.

Even a blind squirrel will find a nut once and a while!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 03:35:19 PM
Damn, thought I was gonna sneak in a winner with that one. Next submission, Japanese of course, is a bit more straightforward, let's see how it plays. As the old saying goes, just keep throwing stuff against the wall in hopes it'll stick.
Not a round winner but if Nainainai had been as great as the other songs it probably would have netted you another 0.2 maybe. Fun enough but definitely the weakest of the bunch.

Yes that's true, it's most noticeable on Constellation’s Song.

For sure - I included that one in spite of that because you seem to enjoy when submissions have a bit more variety across the songs.
Variety yes but I still want it all to be good. :P

I'm joking of course but it was definitely the relatively weaker link in that set.

Didn't Luke just send a whole album?
He only sent me 6 songs, that's nothing compared to the 10 songs he sent Litho. :lol

Ok, that's what I was thinking. ;D
And that was with a 15 minute limit as well! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: HOF on June 23, 2023, 03:41:58 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 23, 2023, 03:58:03 PM
My next submission will either put me into contention for the EP round or take me completely out.
Between this and Crow's post, I feel like I'm getting some risky stuff in round 6... :lol
i think this is just how i've ended up using the non-themed round, evidently
round 3 i sent vylet pony and that turned out better than expected  :lol

...this submission has something in common with that one, funnily enough, but not in a musical way  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 23, 2023, 03:59:46 PM
Yellow horsey?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 23, 2023, 04:16:34 PM
Didn't Luke just send a whole album?
He only sent me 6 songs, that's nothing compared to the 10 songs he sent Litho. :lol

Ok, that's what I was thinking. ;D

And Litho’s had a shorter time limit as well!

Damn, I got all excited with my high score only to see I’m still joint 15th  :facepalm:

Glad you liked Billy Talent though, I had a feeling you would. Those songs are just super infectious, and as you said, massive hooks. I’ve got a friend whose favourite band is Billy Talent and honestly, back in 2006 when the second album came out he wouldn’t shut up about them. I was kinda burnt out on them that year as he just played them at every opportunity. Over time I’ve found myself going back to them (especially the first three albums) and they are just great. Definitely check out II, but don’t miss out on I & III.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 23, 2023, 04:17:53 PM
I had a feeling. Shazbut.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on June 23, 2023, 04:19:15 PM
Round 6 sent. Tried to cheat a little, but Rich went all Homey The Clown on me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 23, 2023, 04:19:59 PM
Didn't Luke just send a whole album?
He only sent me 6 songs, that's nothing compared to the 10 songs he sent Litho. :lol

To be fair, four of them are less than a minute long and calling some of them "songs" (one only 8 seconds long!) is being kind.   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 23, 2023, 04:27:39 PM
Didn't Luke just send a whole album?
He only sent me 6 songs, that's nothing compared to the 10 songs he sent Litho. :lol

To be fair, four of them are less than a minute long and calling some of them "songs" (one only 8 seconds long!) is being kind.   :lol

Hey now, NOFX can write a mean 8 second song! Don’t diss them because they don’t conform to song length norms! I was actually tempted to send all their shortest songs (regardless of quality) and get over 20 songs for the submission. I ended up picking lots of my favourites that happen to be really short.

Also, results when? I notice you often post results shortly after results are posted in another roulette  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on June 23, 2023, 04:28:45 PM

nick_z – Kent
1. 400 slag
2. Revolt III
3. Dom Andra
4. Ded Doda Vinkeln

First impression: The style is not dissimilar to other bands from that genre and era, but the music and sound are really lush and rich and had me hooked.

Final opinion: You mentioned this band having a bit of a Muse sound, and yeah I can kind of hear that (especially in the vocal lines of Revolt III, obviously), but also just as much if not more so other poppy, indie-ish, alternative rock bands from around the turn of century. Definitely some Radiohead in there as well at times. But it has its own identity and doesn’t sound quite like any of those bands. I like those bands a lot and was especially into them in my formative late teens, but they do have an angsty coldness to a lot of their sound, where these songs have more of a rich warmth. Both are great in different ways, but this vibe definitely works great for the melodic approach these guys use, and the effect is incredibly inviting.

Score: 8.5


Yep, those bands' influence is definitely in there, especially in Hagnesta Hill (the album Revolt III is from)...funnily enough, as we were discussing with Litho, Music Non Stop (covered my Mercenary) is from that same album. The Du & jag döden album leans more towards melancholy, and it's my favorite (of the ones I've heard). I can see how the Katatonia guys are fans...a tune like 400 slag, instrumentally, could almost pass for a lighter Katatonia song

Round 6 is ready, sending soon...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 23, 2023, 04:31:11 PM
Damn, thought I was gonna sneak in a winner with that one. Next submission, Japanese of course, is a bit more straightforward, let's see how it plays. As the old saying goes, just keep throwing stuff against the wall in hopes it'll stick.
Not a round winner but if Nainainai had been as great as the other songs it probably would have netted you another 0.2 maybe. Fun enough but definitely the weakest of the bunch.

That's my favorite of the bunch too  :lol , that song has more groove than everything else I'm sending you combined.

After the roulette you may want to check out their first two albums, a bit less pop with more traditional instrumentation, but still has that AG quirkiness.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 23, 2023, 04:32:16 PM
Didn't Luke just send a whole album?
He only sent me 6 songs, that's nothing compared to the 10 songs he sent Litho. :lol

To be fair, four of them are less than a minute long and calling some of them "songs" (one only 8 seconds long!) is being kind.   :lol

Hey now, NOFX can write a mean 8 second song! Don’t diss them because they don’t conform to song length norms! I was actually tempted to send all their shortest songs (regardless of quality) and get over 20 songs for the submission. I ended up picking lots of my favourites that happen to be really short.

Also, results when? I notice you often post results shortly after results are posted in another roulette  :corn

I haven't even posted comparisons yet, so they're still a bit out. 

I have lots of thoughts on NOFX (including song length), but you'll have to wait and see what they are in due time.  ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 04:38:18 PM
When Josh says he has "lots of thoughts" you know you're in for an essay. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 23, 2023, 04:40:32 PM
Round 6 sent.
Sent to whom? Not to me. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 23, 2023, 04:44:36 PM
When Josh says he has "lots of thoughts" you know you're in for an essay. :lol

Well I can guarantee that it will take longer to read his write ups of each NOFX song, than to actually listen to the song  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 23, 2023, 04:54:19 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on June 23, 2023, 05:15:43 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on June 23, 2023, 05:19:12 PM
Round 6 sent.
Sent to whom? Not to me. :P

Get to da playlist!  Same one. I just update it rather than making a whole new one.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Crow on June 23, 2023, 05:31:36 PM
damn, 8.2  :'(
also i was half-joking but i'm glad this ended up being correct  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on June 23, 2023, 05:52:09 PM
Check out the full album Rich, it rips from start to finish.  Glad you liked it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on June 23, 2023, 06:36:38 PM
Sent another light submission.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 23, 2023, 07:17:08 PM
Sent another light submission.  :biggrin:
"light" :metal :metal :leaveseyes: :kvlt: :2metal: :metardica:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 23, 2023, 08:29:51 PM
Buddy and lonestar are slowing turning into each other as the roulette moves along. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 23, 2023, 10:17:45 PM
Buddy and lonestar are slowing turning into each other as the roulette moves along.

Della Zyr is Korean, not Japanese. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 23, 2023, 10:59:18 PM
Buddy and lonestar are slowing turning into each other as the roulette moves along.

Della Zyr is Korean, not Japanese. :lol

I sent Korean in Rd3
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Elite on June 24, 2023, 04:46:59 AM
Kurt Rosenwinkel's playing is great! Glad you liked it at least somewhat. :)

Will send something this weekend!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 24, 2023, 05:30:55 AM

Will send something this weekend!

As in today or tomorrow? Or this coming weekend? ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Lonk on June 24, 2023, 06:39:14 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 24, 2023, 11:55:13 AM
Buddy and lonestar are slowing turning into each other as the roulette moves along.

Della Zyr is Korean, not Japanese. :lol

I sent Korean in Rd3

Isn't that like, against your religion or something?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 24, 2023, 12:01:10 PM
Not by Chef Buddhism beliefs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 24, 2023, 12:07:05 PM
Buddy and lonestar are slowing turning into each other as the roulette moves along.

Della Zyr is Korean, not Japanese. :lol

I sent Korean in Rd3

Isn't that like, against your religion or something?

Is what?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 24, 2023, 12:17:12 PM
Buddy and lonestar are slowing turning into each other as the roulette moves along.

Della Zyr is Korean, not Japanese. :lol

I sent Korean in Rd3

Isn't that like, against your religion or something?

Is what?

I'm not being serious, I just thought you were only sending Japanese bands. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 24, 2023, 12:19:02 PM
Buddy and lonestar are slowing turning into each other as the roulette moves along.

Della Zyr is Korean, not Japanese. :lol

I sent Korean in Rd3

Isn't that like, against your religion or something?

Is what?

I'm not being serious, I just thought you were only sending Japanese bands. :P

I made an exception for Rolling Quartz.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 24, 2023, 12:19:13 PM
Buddy and lonestar are slowing turning into each other as the roulette moves along.

Della Zyr is Korean, not Japanese. :lol

I sent Korean in Rd3

I meant in terms of score trajectory, but that works too.   (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 24, 2023, 12:20:34 PM
I meant in terms of score trajectory, but that works too.   (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)

Oh no, that's even worse! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 24, 2023, 12:25:15 PM
I meant in terms of score trajectory, but that works too.   (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)

Oh no, that's even worse! :lol

Just hope it continues, that'll put me in the high 8's by the EP round.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 24, 2023, 12:34:51 PM
Sent. Let's see if I once again share a band with someone else. :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 24, 2023, 02:23:06 PM
I meant in terms of score trajectory, but that works too.   (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)

Oh no, that's even worse! :lol
Yeah Litho makes a good point. RJ has yet to get a v while you've not yet got a ^. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 24, 2023, 02:29:36 PM
RJ is allergic to the v
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 24, 2023, 03:28:13 PM
I meant in terms of score trajectory, but that works too.   (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)

Oh no, that's even worse! :lol
Yeah Litho makes a good point. RJ has yet to get a v while you've not yet got a ^. :lol

This round for sure! :|
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on June 24, 2023, 03:37:33 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on June 24, 2023, 03:42:05 PM
Jeez, for a minute, I thought my camera was on.

Outstanding!  :rollin :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Sacul on June 24, 2023, 07:56:00 PM
damn, i nailed my score and even managed to score lower than Coldplay :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ReaperKK on June 24, 2023, 08:02:50 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 24, 2023, 11:34:29 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Evermind on June 25, 2023, 04:35:50 AM

I should really work on my EP story since the next round is right around the corner but I just don't have enough time ffs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: romdrums on June 25, 2023, 09:17:12 AM
Glad you dug Imogen Heap.  I had a feeling sending the deeper cuts would pay off!

Round 6 sent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: faizoff on June 25, 2023, 09:35:02 AM
faizoff – Coldplay
1. Church
2. Orphans
3. Coloratura

First impression: I’m not sure this band will ever excite me, but there are some lovely vibes and nice surprises here.

Final opinion: As you know from my RYM, I know Coldplay’s first few albums and found them all decent, but not great. There’s a few excellent songs dotted throughout, but I’ve generally found them a bit dreary and unable to write interesting vocal lines. To be honest, on that last point, these songs suggest they’ve not really progressed on that front. But the music here is so much richer and more engaging. Church and Orphans are both unashamedly pop songs, and they have a nice sound and instrumentation, definitely a more varied and interesting sound than I’d expected from them which is enjoyable, if not mind-blowing. But - aside from the vocal melodies still being quite bland - Coloratura is clearly something pretty special for them. I remember hearing it once when it first came out and liking it, but never returning to it. It’s great, really lush and creative, covering lots of different ideas and sounds over its 10 minutes in a way that never feels forced or disjointed. Even little flourishes like the chromatic piano run around 2:30 (and again later) provide gentle twists and turns and keep it sounding really fresh and fun.

Score: 8.1

Interesting bit about finding the vocal melodies bland.

Will be sending round 6 later today.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 26, 2023, 07:23:51 AM
Got 18 submissions in so far, and I appreciate it's been the weekend. Hopefully the rest come in soon so we're on Monday!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 26, 2023, 07:57:54 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 4 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 26, 2023, 08:14:54 AM
*me when results were posted 24 hours ago, I still haven’t sent and I see TAC in the thread…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 26, 2023, 08:28:57 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: faizoff on June 26, 2023, 08:29:08 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 26, 2023, 09:16:44 AM

Damn straight slackers!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Stadler on June 26, 2023, 09:22:53 AM
Mine's coming later today.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 26, 2023, 10:54:19 AM
Glad you enjoyed Unleash the Archers! Sent for round 6
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 26, 2023, 02:16:33 PM
Ok we're up to 22 submissions, just 2 to go!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 26, 2023, 02:17:15 PM
Elite and ...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 26, 2023, 02:26:56 PM
Elite and ...
*me when results were posted 24 hours ago, I still haven’t sent and I see TAC in the thread…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 26, 2023, 02:32:45 PM

i want my hangmonkeys!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on June 26, 2023, 02:42:32 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 26, 2023, 02:42:44 PM
I’ve narrowed it down to two bands. Now whether to choose atmospheric or widdly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 26, 2023, 02:45:49 PM
I’ve narrowed it down to two bands. Now whether to choose atmospheric or widdly.
You and your technical jargon.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 26, 2023, 02:51:48 PM
I’ve narrowed it down to two bands. Now whether to choose atmospheric or widdly.
You and your technical jargon.

Maybe I could run my next roulette to a tighter schedule, if I based my write ups on describing whether the music was widdly or not, and nothing more.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 26, 2023, 02:54:42 PM
I’ve narrowed it down to two bands.

So King Gizzard AND The Lizard Wizard?

You deserve all the shame you feel if Elite beats you to it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 26, 2023, 03:00:09 PM
Maybe I could run my next roulette to a tighter schedule, if I based my write ups on describing whether the music was widdly or not, and nothing more.
king giddly and the liddly widdly
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 26, 2023, 03:03:44 PM
I’ve narrowed it down to two bands.

So King Gizzard AND The Lizard Wizard?

You deserve all the shame you feel if Elite beats you to it.




Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 26, 2023, 03:08:45 PM
You get double shamed with ..

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 26, 2023, 03:11:21 PM
Tim, name the show your gif is from of feel tripple shamed!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 26, 2023, 03:16:23 PM
You get double shamed with ..


Heyyyyyy  :tup

If I can make you a fan of King Gizz and [redacted TV show] then my work on DTF is done.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 26, 2023, 03:20:22 PM
He won't get it. Lolol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 26, 2023, 03:21:27 PM
He won't get it. Lolol

Oh, I think he will  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 26, 2023, 03:40:28 PM
He'd have to Google and deduct. I'm not so sure.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on June 26, 2023, 04:56:06 PM
Ok we're up to 22 submissions, just 2 to go!

Oh wow, come on people!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 26, 2023, 04:58:30 PM
He'd have to Google and deduct. I'm not so sure.  :lol

Clearly been googling the last hour and a half!

I’ve sent now by the way.

I think it’s safe to say, when it comes to submitting in a roulette we fall into one of 4 styles.

1. The Crow/Puppies “Oh cool, results have dropped. It’s ok, I’ve already sent my submissions for every round in advance”.

2. The Litho/TAC “Oh cool, results have dropped. Let me check my comprehensive list of songs tailored for the host and submit post haste”.

3. The Everyone else “Oh cool, results have dropped. I’ll choose a song and send to the host in 24 hours”.

4. The Sacul/Elite “Oh cool, results have dropped. I have at least 48 hours before I need to even think about sending a song, then take my sweet ass time choosing something”.

Apparently I fall into #4 nowadays.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on June 26, 2023, 05:01:58 PM
He'd have to Google and deduct. I'm not so sure.  :lol

Clearly been googling the last hour and a half!

I’ve sent now by the way.

I think it’s safe to say, when it comes to submitting in a roulette we fall into one of 4 styles.

1. The Crow/Puppies “Oh cool, results have dropped. It’s ok, I’ve already sent my submissions for every round in advance”.

2. The Litho/TAC “Oh cool, results have dropped. Let me check my comprehensive list of songs tailored for the host and submit post haste”.

3. The Everyone else “Oh cool, results have dropped. I’ll choose a song and send to the host in 24 hours”.

4. The Sacul/Elite “Oh cool, results have dropped. I have at least 48 hours before I need to even think about sending a song, then take my sweet ass time choosing something”.

Apparently I fall into #4 nowadays.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 26, 2023, 05:02:06 PM
Yup, the Slacker category. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 26, 2023, 05:02:17 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 26, 2023, 05:03:31 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 26, 2023, 05:13:29 PM
I definitely do think that once results are posted I have a good few days to submit. It’s just those few days go so quickly and I’ve not put any prior thought into what the hell I'm gonna send anyway  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 26, 2023, 05:21:58 PM
I definitely do think that once results are posted I have a good few days to submit. It’s just those few days go so quickly and I’ve not put any prior thought into what the hell I'm gonna send anyway  :lol

You better get started on your EP now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 26, 2023, 05:23:03 PM
I definitely do think that once results are posted I have a good few days to submit. It’s just those few days go so quickly and I’ve not put any prior thought into what the hell I'm gonna send anyway  :lol

You better get started on your EP now.

You’ve done your homework, can’t I just copy yours and change the words a bit?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 26, 2023, 05:34:01 PM
"you must submit at least two artists"

Luke's EP:
King Gizzard
The Lizard Wizard
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 26, 2023, 06:21:08 PM
Could get a good Devin Townsend EP that way.

Devin Townsend
Devin Townsend Band
Devin Townsend Project
Ocean Machine
Strapping Young Lad
Hevvy Devvy
Doctor Skinny

"I swear they're all separate bands!"
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 26, 2023, 06:24:12 PM
Could get a good Devin Townsend EP that way.

Devin Townsend
Devin Townsend Band
Devin Townsend Project
Ocean Machine
Strapping Young Lad
Hevvy Devvy
Doctor Skinny

"I swear they're all separate bands!"
Don't forget Casualties of Cool and Punky Brüster.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 26, 2023, 06:28:27 PM
Yep, and we could keep going with more. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on June 26, 2023, 06:32:05 PM
Vai - Sex & Religion. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 26, 2023, 06:34:37 PM
Strapadon Factory. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on June 26, 2023, 10:13:37 PM
Working on my ep now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on June 27, 2023, 02:02:59 AM
Rich! I sent you a PM. Ep is sent! (This should be interesting).

 :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Lonk on June 27, 2023, 06:17:55 AM
Since I have no chance at winning, I'm taking a different route for the EP round  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Stadler on June 27, 2023, 06:34:15 AM
Since I have no chance at winning, I'm taking a different route for the EP round  :corn

I was kind of thinking that way as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 09:44:02 AM
Rich, you got my submission right?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 10:01:21 AM
Rich, you got my submission right?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 10:33:53 AM
Should buy me another 24 hours
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 11:42:50 AM
Yeah you're all good Luke.

Elite did attempt to send but didn't realise he sent me an almost identical submission to what someone else sent in am earlier round (which in fairness did quite well) :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 11:56:04 AM
So another 72 hours before he checks his PMs again to notice you rejected it.  (https://i.imgur.com/0E3o3tN.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Evermind on June 27, 2023, 12:31:16 PM
So another 72 hours before he checks his PMs again to notice you rejected it.  (https://i.imgur.com/0E3o3tN.gif)

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 27, 2023, 12:32:22 PM
give me the 月
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 27, 2023, 01:00:44 PM
give me the 月

I did not send betcover!! this time :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 01:08:04 PM
give me the 月

I did not send betcover!! this time :biggrin:

Yet it still doesn’t decrease the likelihood of it being in hangman  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on June 27, 2023, 01:46:52 PM
Yeah you're all good Luke.

Elite did attempt to send but didn't realise he sent me an almost identical submission to what someone else sent in am earlier round (which in fairness did quite well) :lol

Did you get my ep round?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 01:50:06 PM
Yeah you're all good Luke.

Elite did attempt to send but didn't realise he sent me an almost identical submission to what someone else sent in am earlier round (which in fairness did quite well) :lol

Did you get my ep round?

Is it pizza themed?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 01:50:56 PM
Yeah you're all good Luke.

Elite did attempt to send but didn't realise he sent me an almost identical submission to what someone else sent in am earlier round (which in fairness did quite well) :lol

Did you get my ep round?

Is it pizza themed?

Yep all good Tom.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on June 27, 2023, 01:53:27 PM
Yeah you're all good Luke.

Elite did attempt to send but didn't realise he sent me an almost identical submission to what someone else sent in am earlier round (which in fairness did quite well) :lol

Did you get my ep round?

Is it pizza themed?

Yep all good Tom.

Thanks Rich! I think my ep should see an actual release.  :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 01:56:19 PM
So another 72 hours before he checks his PMs again to notice you rejected it.  (https://i.imgur.com/0E3o3tN.gif)
Yes indeed.

I'll get hangman up soon and add him in late again. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on June 27, 2023, 01:59:11 PM
I'm getting the vibe Rich is not happy with me. Its all in good fun and I'm proud of my ep.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 02:02:54 PM
I'm getting the vibe Rich is not happy with me.
:lol Nothing of the sort, it's all good except that per my PM just now, it's not long enough. :eyebrows:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Lonk on June 27, 2023, 02:04:50 PM
I'm getting the vibe Rich is not happy with me.
:lol Nothing of the sort, it's all good except that per my PM just now, it's not long enough. :eyebrows:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on June 27, 2023, 02:04:59 PM
ariich only likes extra large pizza with stuffed crust
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 02:06:56 PM
Tom and I are in agreement on the tone and content of his EP but are now in fierce negotiations over the length.

In the meantime HANGMANS

??: _____ _____ _______
    1: ______ ____ ___ ____
    2: ____ _____ _______
    3: ______ ___ _ ______
    4: __________

??: _._._
    1: _____
    2: ___ ___
    3: _______ ___
    4: _ _____ ______ ___

??: ___ ___________
    1: _ ____ ____ __ ____
    2: ___ ____, __ _
    3: ___ _____, __ _
    4: _______ _____
    5: __ _____ ___ ______ ___ ____

??: _______
    1: ________
    2: ___ __ ____
    3: _______ _____
    4: ______ __ ____

??: _________
    1: ________
    2: ___________
    3: __ ____ __ ____
    4: _______ __ ______

??: ____ __
    1: ___ _______
    2: ________ ______
    3: ___________
    4: _____ ________

??: ___ ___ ______
    1: ______ ___ __
    2: ___ __ __
    3: ____
    4: ___ __ _____
    5: _____ ____ ____ (___ _____ __ ____)

??: ____ ______
    1: __ ____
    2: _ ____ __ _______
    3: ___ ___’_ ____ __ ______ __
    4: ____ ____ ____

??: _____
    1: ___ ________ ____ - _____
    2: _______
    3: __________
    4: __________
    5: _______ _____
    6: _________

??: _____ ___
    1: ____ ___ ___ _____
    2: _______
    3: _______
    4: ________
    5: ___ ____

??: ______
    1: ______ _______
    2: ______
    3: __ ______ _ _________

??: _______ ___
    1: ______ ______
    2: ___ _______ ______
    3: ___ ____ _____

??: _______ ____ ___ ___
    1: _____ ____ ___ _____

??: ____
    1: _________'_ _____
    2: _______ ______
    3: ____ ___ _____

??: ______
    1: _____ __ ___ _____ ____
    2: _____ _____________
    3: _____ ___ _____'_ ___

??: _______ ____ ______
    1: ___ ______ ____
    2: _____ ____
    3: __ _ __, _'_ ____
    4: ____ ___, ___ _______

??: _______
    1: _______ -___ ______ __ __-
    2: ____ _____
    3: __:___
    4: ________
    5: ________
    6: __________

??: _______
    1: __________
    2: _________ __ ___ ______
    3: ______ _______
    4: _____ _______ __ _____

??: ________ ________
    1: _ __ _______
    2: ____ ________
    3: ____
    4: ______ __ ______ ___

??: _______ _______
    1: ________ __ _____
    2: _________ ______
    3: ______

??: ___ _____ ___
    1: ____ ___
    2: ____ ____ _____
    3: ___ ____ ___ ___ ____
    4: ___________
    5: _____ ___

??: ______
    1: ______ _____ ____ ____
    2: _________
    3: ___ _______ ____
    4: _______ _____

??: ________ ________
    1: _______ ______
    2: _______ ____
    3: __ ___ ______
    4: ________

Guessed letters: 月
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Lonk on June 27, 2023, 02:09:10 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: lonestar on June 27, 2023, 02:11:14 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 27, 2023, 02:11:22 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 02:13:47 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Glasser on June 27, 2023, 02:14:53 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 02:18:14 PM
Slow down boys. I can’t impress you with an epic guess if you’ve already revealed all the letters!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: HOF on June 27, 2023, 02:19:05 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 02:21:20 PM
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, S, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Lonk on June 27, 2023, 02:28:30 PM
Hang-man solved, first impressions tonight? :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 02:29:11 PM
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, S, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 02:29:14 PM
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, S, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. 

New page, you should be able to get pretty much everything from this right?

HOF: Sweet Billy Pilgrim
    1: _a_d_e ____ a_d _e__
    2: ___t A___e _idt___
    3: A__i__ __r a _rie_d
    4: ____riti__

??: A.C.T
    1: I_tr_
    2: T_e E_d
    3: __e__ed __t
    4: A Tr___ _i_ted _a_

??: T_e _i_r_____e_
    1: I _a_t _i_d t_ ____
    2: T_e ____, _t _
    3: T_e __ea_, _t _
    4: _a__rai ___rd
    5: __ R__t_ Are _tr___ a_d Dee_

??: ____eat
    1: _e___i__
    2: _a_ __ __re
    3: ___t___ ___e_
    4: Te___e __ E__r

Stadler: Aerosmith
    1: _i__ria_
    2: ____i_ati__
    3: __ __re __ __re
    4: _ea____ __ _it_er

Buddy: Cave In
    1: _e_ Rea_it_
    2: ___ati__ ______
    3: A_ara_t_i_e
    4: _ea__ _e_d____

??: Run The Jewels
    1: _e_e_d _a_ It
    2: ___ _a _a
    3: ___T
    4: __t __ _i__t
    5: ____e ___r E_e_ (A_d ____t T_ ____)

??: _a__ __rda_
    1: __ _ard
    2: I _a_t t_ _e_ie_e
    3: ___ D__’t _a_e t_ Re_i_d _e
    4: _i__ R_ad Ea__

??: Birdy
    1: T_e _it__i__ ___r - I_tr_
    2: ___a_er
    3: ___e_i_e__
    4: _i____ette
    5: _tra__e _ird_
    6: __rre_der

??: __a__ _a_
    1: _ead __r t_e _i___
    2: _ad_e__
    3: __ta_ia
    4: _______e
    5: ___ __r_

??: _____r
    1: _i_tat Tra_i_a
    2: A_tar_
    3: De _ar_e_ I _ati_ade_

??: _a_tia_ _er
    1: Defeat Device
    2: T_e ___ter_ _e_i_d
    3: T_e _a_e __a_e

??: _i_t_r_ __er t_e ___
    1: T__r_ ____ T_e ____d

??: dE__
    1: E_er___d_'_ _eird
    2: I__ta_t _treet
    3: _ee_ ___ ____e

??: __ai__
    1: A__e_ __ T_e __r_d Tree
    2: __eet __r_et____e__
    3: __der T_e _ea_t'_ ___

??: _re__r_ A_a_ I_a___
    1: T_e _ta__e ____
    2: _i__t _ear
    3: I_ I __, I'_ __i_
    4: T_at _ea, T_e _a___er

    1: __e_i__ -T_e Ret_r_ __ __-
    2: ___t _i__t
    3: Re:___
    4: __r_i__r
    5: ___ti__e
    6: A__i_a_e_t

??: Kreator
    1: E__a_ati__
    2: _tr___e_t __ t_e _tr___
    3: _a__e_ _r_t_er
    4: Deat_ _e___e_ __ _i__t

??: _ta__i__ _e_t_ard
    1: I A_ __t_i__
    2: _a_e ___r_e__
    3: ___d
    4: _a_i__ __ _e_ide ___

??: _a_i__r _a__i_e
    1: _ar_i_a_ __ _____
    2: __di_r___ __i_e_
    3: _e_i__

??: The Dirty Nil
    1: D___ ___
    2: D__e _it_ Dr___
    3: __e __re a_d t_e _i__
    4: _e_e_rati__
    5: _i_er ___

??: A_t___
    1: _i__id __der _i__ __ir
    2: ___da__er
    3: T_e __a_t__ _i__
    4: _ta__ed ____e

??: Mandroid Echostar
    1: Ancient Arrows
    2: Haunted Vows
    3: To the Wolves
    4: Citadels

Guessed letters: 月 I DATE R
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 02:30:29 PM

Buddy sent Cave In
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Crow on June 27, 2023, 02:31:22 PM
Mandroid Echostar
Birdy - TAC
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 27, 2023, 02:31:52 PM
Sweet Billy Pilgrim, yet again

Buddy sent Cave In

What songs though? :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 27, 2023, 02:35:14 PM
Sweet Billy Pilgrim, yet again

Buddy sent Cave In

What songs though? :biggrin:
The songs in the hangman.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 02:35:38 PM
Mandroid Echostar

Mandroid Echostar weren’t banned? Damn it!

Tom sent Kreator?

Sweet Billy Pilgrim, yet again


Run the Jewels, Sacul probably
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 02:38:52 PM
Updated. Only HOF and Buddy were correctly linked to their submissions.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 02:41:02 PM
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, S, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. 

I mean, you can't just drop an empty hangman and then leave for a half-hour, we aren't prime Evermind.  :p
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Lonk on June 27, 2023, 02:41:53 PM
Defeat Device

The Dirty Nil
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: lonestar on June 27, 2023, 02:43:34 PM
Mandroid songs are...

Ancient Arrows
To the Wolves
Haunted Vows

Citadels is a great fucking album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 02:43:42 PM
Crow sent Run the Jewels then
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 02:44:42 PM
Is Aerosmtih Stadler?

TAC sent Birdy to Crow, dunno if he'd use them again so soon, but maybe. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 02:44:55 PM
Mandroid songs are...

Ancient Arrows
To the Wolves
Haunted Vows

Citadels is a great fucking album.

Wow, I definitely wouldn’t have sent those songs personally. Interested to see how they’ll do.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 02:46:14 PM
Is Aerosmtih Stadler?

Does a TAC shit on Power Windows in the woods?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Crow on June 27, 2023, 02:46:53 PM
Crow sent Run the Jewels then
lmao no
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Crow on June 27, 2023, 02:47:34 PM
give me the S for i did not Send run the jewelS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 02:48:15 PM
I mean, you can't just drop an empty hangman and then leave for a half-hour, we aren't prime Evermind.  :p
I most certainly can. I could leave it empty all night if I wanted to. :P

TAC sent Birdy to Crow, dunno if he'd use them again so soon, but maybe. 
Crow tried that already, but no.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 02:48:32 PM
Crow sent Run the Jewels then
lmao no
Ok then, one of the other 82 participants in this roulette.

Edit: So TIM sent Run the Jewels :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 02:50:19 PM
TAC sending A.C.T. sounds so wrong and yet so right, so maybe it happened, but I doubt it. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 27, 2023, 02:57:31 PM
Mandroid songs are...

Ancient Arrows
To the Wolves
Haunted Vows

Citadels is a great fucking album.

Wow, I definitely wouldn’t have sent those songs personally. Interested to see how they’ll do.
You probably would have sent stuff from their far inferior newest album...  :loser:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 02:58:17 PM
I love a good song war. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 02:59:45 PM
I love a good song war. 
"Great band but you sent the wrong songs you idiot!"

By the way, TAC did not send ACT and, for the avoidance of doubt, he also did not send Run The Jewels. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 5 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on June 27, 2023, 03:00:23 PM
I'm getting the vibe Rich is not happy with me.
:lol Nothing of the sort, it's all good except that per my PM just now, it's not long enough. :eyebrows:

My ep is a grower not a shower.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: lonestar on June 27, 2023, 03:01:57 PM
Mandroid songs are...

Ancient Arrows
To the Wolves
Haunted Vows

Citadels is a great fucking album.

Wow, I definitely wouldn’t have sent those songs personally. Interested to see how they’ll do.

The first two are solid, I would've added Death Marked Dream and maybe Kingdom and the Crown of the first album. Never dug into Coral Throne very deeply, may have to rectify that one.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 03:02:21 PM
Mandroid songs are...

Ancient Arrows
To the Wolves
Haunted Vows

Citadels is a great fucking album.

Wow, I definitely wouldn’t have sent those songs personally. Interested to see how they’ll do.
You probably would have sent stuff from their far inferior newest album...  :loser:

Oh, I’ve yet to hear an inferior new album, I must’ve missed that. I would’ve definitely sent latest single Rosalia, as well as Hypnos and Zelos from Coral Throne, which is very obviously NOT the album you were referring to.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 03:02:35 PM

TAC sent Birdy to Crow, dunno if he'd use them again so soon, but maybe.

..or ever. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 03:03:41 PM
I'm getting the vibe Rich is not happy with me.
:lol Nothing of the sort, it's all good except that per my PM just now, it's not long enough. :eyebrows:

My ep is a grower not a shower.  :biggrin:

For the benefit of everyone else, due to a metadata error I made a mistake and Tom's original EP was in fact long enough, but by the time I realised that, he'd already added to it, and now it looks like it'll be even more ludicrous (which I say having not yet heard a note of it).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 03:04:14 PM
Mandroid songs are...

Ancient Arrows
To the Wolves
Haunted Vows

Citadels is a great fucking album.

Wow, I definitely wouldn’t have sent those songs personally. Interested to see how they’ll do.
You probably would have sent stuff from their far inferior newest album...  :loser:

Oh, I’ve yet to hear an inferior new album, I must’ve missed that. I would’ve definitely sent latest single Rosalia, as well as Hypnos and Zelos from Coral Throne, which is very obviously NOT the album you were referring to.
I am loving the passive aggression in this post. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 03:05:38 PM
I'm getting the vibe Rich is not happy with me.
:lol Nothing of the sort, it's all good except that per my PM just now, it's not long enough. :eyebrows:

My ep is a grower not a shower.  :biggrin:

For the benefit of everyone else, due to a metadata error I made a mistake and Tom's original EP was in fact long enough, but by the time I realised that, he'd already added to it, and now it looks like it'll be even more ludicrous (which I say having not yet heard a note of it).

tl:dr Rich is happy with Tom’s size.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 03:11:36 PM
I'm getting the vibe Rich is not happy with me.
:lol Nothing of the sort, it's all good except that per my PM just now, it's not long enough. :eyebrows:

My ep is a grower not a shower.  :biggrin:

For the benefit of everyone else, due to a metadata error I made a mistake and Tom's original EP was in fact long enough, but by the time I realised that, he'd already added to it, and now it looks like it'll be even more ludicrous (which I say having not yet heard a note of it).

tl:dr Rich is happy with Tom’s size.
Well, the length is definitely fine. I have not yet formed an opinion on the girth.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Glasser on June 27, 2023, 03:12:04 PM
I'm getting the vibe Rich is not happy with me.
:lol Nothing of the sort, it's all good except that per my PM just now, it's not long enough. :eyebrows:

My ep is a grower not a shower.  :biggrin:

For the benefit of everyone else, due to a metadata error I made a mistake and Tom's original EP was in fact long enough, but by the time I realised that, he'd already added to it, and now it looks like it'll be even more ludicrous (which I say having not yet heard a note of it).

tl:dr Rich is happy with Tom’s size.

It satisfied him.. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 03:12:46 PM
Aerosmith songs are..

No More No More
Seasons Of Wither
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 03:13:51 PM
Did Wolfking send Kreator?
Nick maybe? Glasser?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 03:15:51 PM
Did Wolfking send Kreator?
Nick maybe? Glasser?

Glasser was a no apparently. Nick was probably my next guess but I would give the highest of fives to whoever did send them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 03:16:26 PM
It was indeed Kade.

New page!

Elite: __ee_
    1: ___t_res
    2: I__er_i__s
    3: ___e_e_t
    4: ____d Dri__er

HOF: Sweet Billy Pilgrim
    1: _a_d_e ____ a_d _e__
    2: __st A___e _idt___
    3: As_i__ __r a _rie_d
    4: S___riti__

King: A.C.T
    1: I_tr_
    2: T_e E_d
    3: __e__ed __t
    4: A Tr___ _i_ted _a_

Sacul: The Microphones
    1: I _a_t _i_d t_ ____
    2: The Glow, Pt 2
    3: T_e __ea_, _t _
    4: Samurai Sword
    5: __ R__ts Are Str___ a_d Dee_

??: Volbeat
    1: Becoming
    2: Say No More
    3: Shotgun Blues
    4: Temple of Ekur

Stadler: Aerosmith
    1: Simoriah
    2: Combination
    3: No More No More
    4: Seasons of Wither

Buddy: Cave In
    1: New Reality
    2: ___ati__ S____s
    3: A_ara_t_i_e
    4: _ea__ _e_d____

??: Run The Jewels
    1: _e_e_d _as It
    2: ___ _a _a
    3: ___T
    4: __t __ Si__t
    5: ___se ___r E_es (A_d ____t T_ ____)

jingle: Sass Jordan
    1: So Hard
    2: I Want to Believe
    3: You Don’t Have to Remind Me
    4: High Road Easy

??: Birdy
    1: T_e _it__i__ ___r - I_tr_
    2: ___a_er
    3: ___e_i_ess
    4: Silhouette
    5: Strange Birds
    6: Surrender

??: __a__ _a_
    1: _ead __r t_e _i__s
    2: Madness
    3: __ta_ia
    4: _______e
    5: ___ __r_

??: Foscor
    1: _i_tat Tra_i_a
    2: Altars
    3: De Marges I Matinades

??: _astia_ _er
    1: Defeat Device
    2: T_e __ster_ _e_i_d
    3: T_e Sa_e __a_e

Crow: Victory Over the Sun
    1: Thorn Woos The Wound

soupy: dEUS
    1: E_er___d_'s _eird
    2: Instant Street
    3: _ee_ ___ ___se

??: __ai__
    1: As_es __ T_e __r_d Tree
    2: S_eet __r_et____ess
    3: __der T_e _east's S__

??: Gregory Alan Isakov
    1: T_e Sta__e S___
    2: _i__t _ear
    3: I_ I __, I'_ __i_
    4: That Sea, The Gambler

    1: __e_i__ -T_e Ret_r_ __ _s-
    2: __st _i__t
    3: Re:___
    4: S_r_i__r
    5: ___ti__e
    6: A__i_a_e_t

wolfking: Kreator
    1: Escalation
    2: Strongest of the Strong
    3: Fallen Brother
    4: Death Becomes My Light

??: Stabbing Westward
    1: I A_ __t_i__
    2: Sa_e ___rse__
    3: ___d
    4: _a_i__ __ _eside ___

nick_z: Saviour Machine
    1: _ar_i_a_ __ S___s
    2: __di_r__s S_i_es
    3: _e_i__

??: The Dirty Nil
    1: D___ ___
    2: D__e _it_ Dr__s
    3: __e __re a_d t_e _i__
    4: _e_e_rati__
    5: _i_er ___

??: A_t___
    1: _i__id __der _i__ __ir
    2: S__da__er
    3: T_e __a_t__ _i__
    4: Sta__ed S___e

??: Mandroid Echostar
    1: Ancient Arrows
    2: Haunted Vows
    3: To the Wolves
    4: Citadels

Guessed letters: 月 DATE SIR
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Luoto on June 27, 2023, 03:19:22 PM
Volbeat. Temple of Ekur of course, but I'm not very familiar with their newer stuff otherwise.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 03:21:31 PM
Get in Kade!

Songs are

Strongest of the Strong
Fallen Brother
Death Becomes My Light

Kudos for Strongest of the Strong, one of my favourite songs of last year  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2023, 03:24:25 PM
Ok last update for the evening and I just noticed that I missed Crow asking for an S on the previous page so have added that in.

I expect it completed by morning. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 03:25:25 PM
Stabbing Westward
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 03:26:24 PM
Sass Jordan
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 03:27:35 PM
Mandroid songs are...

Ancient Arrows
To the Wolves
Haunted Vows

Citadels is a great fucking album.

Wow, I definitely wouldn’t have sent those songs personally. Interested to see how they’ll do.
You probably would have sent stuff from their far inferior newest album...  :loser:

Oh, I’ve yet to hear an inferior new album, I must’ve missed that. I would’ve definitely sent latest single Rosalia, as well as Hypnos and Zelos from Coral Throne, which is very obviously NOT the album you were referring to.
I am loving the passive aggression in this post. :lol

I paid good money for some active aggression.  (https://i.imgur.com/cxeka7S.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: jingle.boy on June 27, 2023, 03:29:07 PM
The Microphones / Samurai Sword
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: faizoff on June 27, 2023, 03:35:43 PM
    1: Becoming
    2: Say No More
    3: Shotgun Blues

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 03:39:20 PM
Savior Machine
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 03:43:46 PM
Savior Machine

Whoa, killer band I would have never expected to see here.  Nick?

Edit:  I momentarily forgot that Eric was an Ayreon guest, but even then, people are extremely selective with which ones of those they check out further. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 27, 2023, 03:53:13 PM
The Microphones

The Glow Pt 2, Sacul
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 04:10:55 PM
Did Glasser send Mandroid Echostar?

ACT-Kingshmegland or Puppies?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 04:12:17 PM
Strange Birds

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 04:17:03 PM
Instant Street
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Glasser on June 27, 2023, 04:41:02 PM
Jingle sent Mandroid Echostar or ACT.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: wolfking on June 27, 2023, 04:44:21 PM
Get in Kade!

Songs are

Strongest of the Strong
Fallen Brother
Death Becomes My Light

Kudos for Strongest of the Strong, one of my favourite songs of last year  :metal

Catchy AF hey!  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 04:49:17 PM

De Marges I Matinades

New Reality
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 27, 2023, 04:54:54 PM
Well damn, Elite sent Foscor to me, but this round is so far Elite-less, so probably not him. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 27, 2023, 04:57:17 PM
Mandroid songs are...

Ancient Arrows
To the Wolves
Haunted Vows

Citadels is a great fucking album.

Wow, I definitely wouldn’t have sent those songs personally. Interested to see how they’ll do.
You probably would have sent stuff from their far inferior newest album...  :loser:

Oh, I’ve yet to hear an inferior new album, I must’ve missed that. I would’ve definitely sent latest single Rosalia, as well as Hypnos and Zelos from Coral Throne, which is very obviously NOT the album you were referring to.
I am loving the passive aggression in this post. :lol

I paid good money for some active aggression.  (https://i.imgur.com/cxeka7S.gif)
For the record, Coral Throne is SHITE  :)

Soupy? Is he even playing in this roulette?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Sacul on June 27, 2023, 05:23:41 PM
Run the Jewels, Sacul probably
I did briefly consider sending them, but went with

The Microphones
instead ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 27, 2023, 05:29:07 PM
Mandroid songs are...

Ancient Arrows
To the Wolves
Haunted Vows

Citadels is a great fucking album.

Wow, I definitely wouldn’t have sent those songs personally. Interested to see how they’ll do.
You probably would have sent stuff from their far inferior newest album...  :loser:

Oh, I’ve yet to hear an inferior new album, I must’ve missed that. I would’ve definitely sent latest single Rosalia, as well as Hypnos and Zelos from Coral Throne, which is very obviously NOT the album you were referring to.
I am loving the passive aggression in this post. :lol

I paid good money for some active aggression.  (https://i.imgur.com/cxeka7S.gif)
For the record, Coral Throne is SHITE  :)


How did Coral Throne hurt you dude?!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2023, 07:01:44 PM
Sass Jordan
So Hard
I Want To believe
You Don't Have To remind me
High Road Easy

sent by Chad
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 27, 2023, 07:01:51 PM
EP sent, btw. :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: jingle.boy on June 27, 2023, 07:33:22 PM
Jingle sent Mandroid Echostar or ACT.

No, he didn't.  Rich will reveal that TAC knows best.

A.C.T. might have been Evermind.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: nick_z on June 27, 2023, 08:19:07 PM
Savior Machine

Whoa, killer band I would have never expected to see here.  Nick?

Edit:  I momentarily forgot that Eric was an Ayreon guest, but even then, people are extremely selective with which ones of those they check out further.

Yep, Saviour Machine is me! In this case, I was a fan of the band way before Clayton guested on the Ayreon record. The band's debut is a big, big favorite of mine.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 28, 2023, 03:00:35 AM
Gregory Alan Isakov - That Sea, the Gambler
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman (sans Elite encore!)
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 03:31:34 AM
Lots of correct guesses, all updated and also Elite's added!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 03:41:46 AM
Also now that submissions are all in, I can post the latest stats. Highest number of tracks of any round, somehow. :lol

                         R1       R2       R3       R4       R5       R6
Number of tracks:
Average                 3.4      3.9      3.5      3.3      4.0      4.0
Most                      6        6        5        5        6        6
Fewest                    1        2        1        1        2        1
Entries w/2-3 tracks     12        9       12       14        9        5
Entries w/4-5 tracks     10       14       12        9       13       16
Total tracks             81       93       84       79       95       96

Submission length:
Average               17:27    17:33    18:19    17:14    17:41    17:50
Longest               19:51    19:47    20:07    20:07    20:01    19:58
Shortest              11:57    11:52    14:41    08:22    12:14    12:54
Entries ≥19 mins          5        6       10        9        9        8
Total length        6:58:47  7:01:11  7:19:37  6:53:41  7:04:34  7:07:49
Ave. track length     05:10    04:32    05:14    05:14    04:28    04:27

Previous experience:
Artists I've heard        4        6        4        1        4        4
Artists I've rated        2        3        4        1        3        2
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 28, 2023, 04:17:55 AM
This roulette really is a stat lovers wet dream.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 04:47:05 AM
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 06:04:57 AM
Victory Over The Sun-Thorn Woos The World
sent by Crow
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 06:11:10 AM
Black Map
Head For The Hills

sent by Luke?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 06:11:58 AM
Victory Over The Sun-Thorn Woos The World
sent by Crow
Yes indeed, updated.

Do you chaps want another letter or two now?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 06:13:11 AM
Black Map was not Luke.

New page!

Elite: __eel
    1: __lt_res
    2: Im_er_i__s
    3: Movement
    4: _l__d Drin_er

HOF: Sweet Billy Pilgrim
    1: _andle ____ and _ell
    2: __st A___e Midt__n
    3: As_in_ __r a _riend
    4: S___ritin_

King: A.C.T
    1: Intro
    2: The End
    3: Checked Out
    4: A Truly Gifted Man

Sacul: The Microphones
    1: I _ant _ind t_ _l__
    2: The Glow, Pt 2
    3: The Gleam, Pt 2
    4: Samurai Sword
    5: My Roots Are Strong and Deep

??: Volbeat
    1: Becoming
    2: Say No More
    3: Shotgun Blues
    4: Temple of Ekur

Stadler: Aerosmith
    1: Simoriah
    2: Combination
    3: No More No More
    4: Seasons of Wither

Buddy: Cave In
    1: New Reality
    2: _l_atin_ S__lls
    3: Amarant_ine
    4: _ea__ _end_l_m

??: Run The Jewels
    1: Le_end _as It
    2: ___ La La
    3: ___T
    4: __t __ Si__t
    5: _l_se ___r E_es (And ___nt T_ ____)

jingle: Sass Jordan
    1: So Hard
    2: I Want to Believe
    3: You Don’t Have to Remind Me
    4: High Road Easy

??: Birdy
    1: T_e _it__in_ ___r - Intr_
    2: ___a_er
    3: Loneliness
    4: Silhouette
    5: Strange Birds
    6: Surrender

??: Black Map
    1: Head for the Hills
    2: Madness
    3: Octavia
    4: ____l__e
    5: ___ __rn

??: Foscor
    1: _i_tat Tra_i_a
    2: Altars
    3: De Marges I Matinades

??: Bastian Per
    1: Defeat Device
    2: T_e M_ster_ _e_ind
    3: T_e Sa_e _la_e

Crow: Victory Over the Sun
    1: Thorn Woos The Wound

soupy: dEUS
    1: E_er___d_'s _eird
    2: Instant Street
    3: _ee_ ___ _l_se

??: __ain_
    1: Ashes Of The World Tree
    2: S_eet __r_et__lness
    3: Under The Beast's Sun

??: Gregory Alan Isakov
    1: T_e Sta_le S_n_
    2: Li__t _ear
    3: I_ I __, I'm __in
    4: That Sea, The Gambler

lonestar: TRiDENT
    1: __enin_ -T_e Ret_rn __ _s-
    2: __st _i__t
    3: Re:_l_
    4: S_r_i__r
    5: Continue
    6: Ambivalent

wolfking: Kreator
    1: Escalation
    2: Strongest of the Strong
    3: Fallen Brother
    4: Death Becomes My Light

??: Stabbing Westward
    1: I Am Nothing
    2: Sa_e ___rsel_
    3: __ld
    4: _a_in_ __ _eside ___

nick_z: Saviour Machine
    1: Carnival of Souls
    2: Ludicrous Smiles
    3: Legion

??: The Dirty Nil
    1: D__m ___
    2: D_ne _it_ Dr__s
    3: _ne M_re and t_e _ill
    4: _ele_rati_n
    5: Ni_er ___

??: Autumn
    1: Li__id _nder _ilm N_ir
    2: S__dan_er
    3: T_e __ant_m Lim_
    4: Sta__ed Sm__e

??: Mandroid Echostar
    1: Ancient Arrows
    2: Haunted Vows
    3: To the Wolves
    4: Citadels

Guessed letters: 月 RANDIEST MAN L
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 06:13:36 AM
I'll take an N
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Lonk on June 28, 2023, 06:24:17 AM
Ashes of the world tree
Under the Beast's sun
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 06:28:09 AM
A.C.T. songs are..
The End
Checked Out
A Truly Gifted Man

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 07:04:08 AM
One letter at a time, Tim.

Guessed letters: 月 RANDIEST
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 07:14:19 AM
Is Evermind the Isakov guy?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 07:14:56 AM
Trident is Lonestar
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 28, 2023, 07:16:33 AM
Trident is Lonestar

Finally googled them and realized they were Japanese women?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 07:19:38 AM
Trident is Lonestar

Finally googled them and realized they were Japanese women?

I pulled them up on Spotify, saw their pic, and it all became clear. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Evermind on June 28, 2023, 07:20:36 AM
Is Evermind the Isakov guy?

No, I'm the Zhelyaletdinov guy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 07:22:33 AM
Is Evermind the Isakov guy?

No, I'm the Zhelyaletdinov guy

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 28, 2023, 07:52:17 AM
Trident is Lonestar

Finally googled them and realized they were Japanese women?

I pulled them up on Spotify, saw their pic, and it all became clear. :lol

They're the Jmetal genre's answer to the power trio  :metal

You'd probably dig them, good up front hard rock/metal.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 07:55:20 AM
Trident is Lonestar

Finally googled them and realized they were Japanese women?

I pulled them up on Spotify, saw their pic, and it all became clear. :lol

They're the Jmetal genre's answer to the power trio  :metal

You'd probably dig them, good up front hard rock/metal.
Well he can check out your submission selection once hangman is completed and I post the Spotify playlist. :P

On which note, let's have a couple more letters from people not called Tim.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 28, 2023, 07:59:14 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 08:09:59 AM
Trident is Lonestar

Finally googled them and realized they were Japanese women?

I pulled them up on Spotify, saw their pic, and it all became clear. :lol

They're the Jmetal genre's answer to the power trio  :metal

You'd probably dig them, good up front hard rock/metal.

A minute into Ambivalent, and they're already better than (the most overblown overrated) The Warning.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 08:13:29 AM
Since I have Trident listening on Spotify, Ambivalent and Continue are two of the songs.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 28, 2023, 08:14:36 AM
The Stream, Pt 2
My Roots Are Strong And Deep
I Am Nothing
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 08:29:08 AM
The Stream, Pt 2
No. The rest, yes.

There are still a few artists unsolved, one of which should now be very easy to work out.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 28, 2023, 08:39:49 AM
Trident is Lonestar

Finally googled them and realized they were Japanese women?

I pulled them up on Spotify, saw their pic, and it all became clear. :lol

They're the Jmetal genre's answer to the power trio  :metal

You'd probably dig them, good up front hard rock/metal.

A minute into Ambivalent, and they're already better than (the most overblown overrated) The Warning.

Ambivalent is a killer tune.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 28, 2023, 08:44:14 AM
The Stream, Pt 2
No. The rest, yes.

The Dream* Pt 2
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 08:46:18 AM
The Stream, Pt 2
No. The rest, yes.

The Dream* Pt 2
Keep trying.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 28, 2023, 08:48:51 AM
The Stream, Pt 2
No. The rest, yes.

The Dream* Pt 2
Keep trying.

The Cream?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 08:49:23 AM


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 28, 2023, 08:58:09 AM
The Dream Pt 1? :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Evermind on June 28, 2023, 08:58:32 AM
Given how there's The Glow pt. 2 I'd guess The Gleam

It would be hilarious if it's Pt 1 :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 09:11:33 AM
Given how there's The Glow pt. 2 I'd guess The Gleam
Yes indeed. Just goes to show that, even though you mostly let the others have a turn instead of solving everything before any letters have been revealed, they still need you sometimes. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 09:38:33 AM
Bastian Per

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 28, 2023, 09:40:02 AM
Bastian Per

I did a search for Bastian on Spotify but couldn’t see anything close so gave up  :facepalm:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 09:46:51 AM
Still two artists to go.

How about a letter or two? Tim, even you can request one this time. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 09:50:37 AM
Aww gee thanks. :D

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 09:52:56 AM
Savior Machine tracks are:
Carnival Of Souls
Ludicrous Smiles
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 10:12:40 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 28, 2023, 10:23:11 AM
Is the first band Wheel?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 28, 2023, 10:28:52 AM
Is the first band Wheel?

Of course it is! How’d I miss that  :facepalm:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 10:31:36 AM
New page, and I'll throw in one more vowel for you.

Elite: Wheel
    1: Vultures
    2: Impervious
    3: Movement
    4: Blood Drinker

HOF: Sweet Billy Pilgrim
    1: Candle Book and Bell
    2: Just Above Midtown
    3: Asking for a Friend
    4: Skywriting

King: A.C.T
    1: Intro
    2: The End
    3: Checked Out
    4: A Truly Gifted Man

Sacul: The Microphones
    1: I Want Wind to Blow
    2: The Glow, Pt 2
    3: The Gleam, Pt 2
    4: Samurai Sword
    5: My Roots Are Strong and Deep

Vmadera: Volbeat
    1: Becoming
    2: Say No More
    3: Shotgun Blues
    4: Temple of Ekur

Stadler: Aerosmith
    1: Simoriah
    2: Combination
    3: No More No More
    4: Seasons of Wither

Buddy: Cave In
    1: New Reality
    2: Floating Skulls
    3: Amaranthine
    4: Heavy Pendulum

??: Run The Jewels
    1: Legend Has It
    2: Ooh La La
    3: JU$T
    4: Out of Sight
    5: Close Your Eyes (And Count To Fuck)

jingle: Sass Jordan
    1: So Hard
    2: I Want to Believe
    3: You Don’t Have to Remind Me
    4: High Road Easy

??: Birdy
    1: The Witching Hour - Intro
    2: Voyager
    3: Loneliness
    4: Silhouette
    5: Strange Birds
    6: Surrender

Reaper: Black Map
    1: Head for the Hills
    2: Madness
    3: Octavia
    4: Foxglove
    5: Why Burn

??: Foscor
    1: Ciutat Tragica
    2: Altars
    3: De Marges I Matinades

Glasser: Bastian Per
    1: Defeat Device
    2: The Mystery Behind
    3: The Safe Place

Crow: Victory Over the Sun
    1: Thorn Woos The Wound

soupy: dEUS
    1: Everybody's Weird
    2: Instant Street
    3: Keep You Close

??: Hwaino
    1: Ashes Of The World Tree
    2: Sweet Forgetfulness
    3: Under The Beast's Sun

seneca: Gregory Alan Isakov
    1: The Stable Song
    2: Light Year
    3: If I Go, I'm Goin
    4: That Sea, The Gambler

lonestar: TRiDENT
    1: Opening -The Return of Us-
    2: Just Fight
    3: Re:ply
    4: Survivor
    5: Continue
    6: Ambivalent

wolfking: Kreator
    1: Escalation
    2: Strongest of the Strong
    3: Fallen Brother
    4: Death Becomes My Light

??: Stabbing Westward
    1: I Am Nothing
    2: Save Yourself
    3: Cold
    4: Waking Up Beside You

nick_z: Saviour Machine
    1: Carnival of Souls
    2: Ludicrous Smiles
    3: Legion

??: The Dirty Nil
    1: Doom Boy
    2: Done With Drugs
    3: One More and the Bill
    4: Celebration
    5: Nicer Guy

Litho: Autumn
    1: Liquid Under Film Noir
    2: Skydancer
    3: The Phantom Limb
    4: Stacked Smoke

??: Mandroid Echostar
    1: Ancient Arrows
    2: Haunted Vows
    3: To the Wolves
    4: Citadels
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 28, 2023, 10:53:44 AM
Blood Drinker
Asking For a Friend
Legend Has it
Ooh La La
Out of Sight
Close Your Eyes (And Count to F*ck)
The Mystery Behind?
The Safe Place
Keep You Close
Sweet Forgetfulness
Seneca sent Gregory Alan Isakov
The Stable Song
Light Year
If I Go, I'm Goin'
King sent Stabbing Westward
Save Yourself
Liquid Under Film Noir?
The Phantom Limb

i want C
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 10:59:12 AM
Mostly correct, but not Gold or Sundancer, and King did not send SW.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 11:01:07 AM
Floating Skulls
Heavy Pendulum
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 28, 2023, 11:10:48 AM
I Want Wind To Blow
The Witching Hour - Intro
Everybody's Weird
Opening -The Return of Us-
Must Fight?
Waking Up Beside You
Done With Drugs
One More and the Will
Stacked Smoke
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 28, 2023, 11:15:47 AM
Is the first band Wheel?

Of course it is! How’d I miss that  :facepalm:

Ooh, that's a band worth the wait.  Different songs than I'd have picked, but I'm definitely curious to see how they go. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Luoto on June 28, 2023, 11:37:48 AM

Vultures ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 12:49:01 PM
You've got close enough now, good efforts especially from TAC and Crow.

I've solved the rest of the artists and songs, so you just need to match them up to senders!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 28, 2023, 01:59:13 PM
Stabbing Westward, Reaper?

Volbeat, Vmad?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Elite on June 28, 2023, 02:16:16 PM
Is the first band Wheel?

Of course it is! How’d I miss that  :facepalm:

Ooh, that's a band worth the wait.  Different songs than I'd have picked, but I'm definitely curious to see how they go. 

I went with some of the more 'popular' ones I guess, based on Spotify counts. What would you have picked, considering you can only send 20 minutes? I was hesitant throwing in one of their longer tracks, because it takes up half or more of the time.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 28, 2023, 02:31:12 PM
Without putting much thought into it, I might have gone with "Ascend", "Fugue", and "Wheel".  That fits and shows a variety of moods from them.  They have so many good songs there's really no bad choices though. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 02:43:20 PM
Volbeat was indeed Victor but still nobody has guessed Stabbing Westward right.

Anymore guesses or are you lot giving up?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 28, 2023, 02:52:22 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 28, 2023, 02:52:57 PM
You could list who hasn't been picked yet.  I mean, we could as well, but people are lazy.  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 02:56:14 PM
:lol Fair.

Unlinked artists are:

Run The Jewels
Black Map
Stabbing Westward
The Dirty Nil
Mandroid Echostar

And unlinked players in alphabetical order are:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 28, 2023, 02:56:33 PM
Bastian Per


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 02:57:34 PM
Bastian Per


Oops, apparently I missed that. I'll correct it.

EDIT: Also wtf :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 28, 2023, 02:59:39 PM
Mandroid seems like such a Luke band, but surely he was already guessed for them?  I don't feel like reading back through the thread. 

Could Foscor be Evermind?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 28, 2023, 03:01:41 PM
Autumn is TAC.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 03:01:41 PM
Mandroid seems like such a Luke band, but surely he was already guessed for them?  I don't feel like reading back through the thread. 

Could Foscor be Evermind?
You're having as much success as Crow's random number generator. :lol

Autumn is TAC.
Also no.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Elite on June 28, 2023, 03:17:33 PM
Without putting much thought into it, I might have gone with "Ascend", "Fugue", and "Wheel".  That fits and shows a variety of moods from them.  They have so many good songs there's really no bad choices though. 

Both Fugue and Wheel were on my shortlist, but the latter would have meant deleting two other songs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 28, 2023, 03:20:35 PM
Autumn has to be Litho :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 28, 2023, 03:24:33 PM
Mandroid seems like such a Luke band, but surely he was already guessed for them?  I don't feel like reading back through the thread. 

Mandroid Echostar totally is a me band, but as discussed earlier in the thread, those certainly aren’t me songs  :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 28, 2023, 03:25:03 PM
Also, I know what Tim sent, but only because he told me…so I’ll refrain  :biggrin:

Black Map is Reaper?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 03:26:01 PM
Autumn has to be Litho :)
Indeed it does.

Both Fugue and Wheel were on my shortlist, but the latter would have meant deleting two other songs.
It's ok to send shorter submissions if it means getting the right songs.

Not that Litho himself does that though. I promised even more of a stats nerd's wet dream, and here it is. Now that all 6 regular rounds are in, here are player stats. As you'll see, Litho is the only person who has sent over 19 minutes in all 6 rounds. :lol


Other interesting differences as well, like how faizoff and Stadler keep sending me artists I've heard before. :lol

Much more variety here than there is between rounds where you all get averaged out!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 03:29:10 PM
Unlinked artists are:

Run The Jewels
Black Map
Stabbing Westward
The Dirty Nil
Mandroid Echostar

And unlinked players in alphabetical order are:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 28, 2023, 03:30:53 PM
hell yeah, numbers
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 28, 2023, 03:39:23 PM
Autumn is TAC.

Hoping that was a random dart in the dark guess, because if he likes them and has been holding out on me he'd have some explaining to do.  (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)

Not that Litho himself does that though. I promised even more of a stats nerd's wet dream, and here it is. Now that all 6 regular rounds are in, here are player stats. As you'll see, Litho is the only person who has sent over 19 minutes in all 6 rounds. :lol

I actually philosophically like the approach of maximizing runtime, but I honestly didn't really have to try very hard to do it, it happened pretty organically just with the songs I wanted, which led to me thinking 20 minutes might be a more ideal time for submissions and is making me bump up my remaining rounds in my own roulette to it.   :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 28, 2023, 03:44:23 PM
Unlinked artists are:

Run The Jewels
Black Map
Stabbing Westward
The Dirty Nil
Mandroid Echostar

And unlinked players in alphabetical order are:


Not sure if you saw my post, since I edited it:

Black Map is Reaper?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 03:44:30 PM
I actually philosophically like the approach of maximizing runtime, but I honestly didn't really have to try very hard to do it, it happened pretty organically just with the songs I wanted, which led to me thinking 20 minutes might be a more ideal time for submissions and is making me bump up my remaining rounds in my own roulette to it.   :biggrin:
Nice, well I'm glad to have helped! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 03:45:05 PM
As you'll see, Litho is the only person who has sent over 19 minutes in all 6 rounds. :lol

I remember in your Fogey Roulette, you were clear in a couple of your writeups for me that sometimes less is more.

One of the things I remember from college is one of my professors said that "if it doesn't work for you, then it works against you."
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 03:47:29 PM
Autumn is TAC.

Hoping that was a random dart in the dark guess, because if he likes them and has been holding out on me he'd have some explaining to do.  (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)

Never heard them before. Listening now to one of the songs. Definitely not what I expected from the name of the band.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 03:48:29 PM
@Nick: Indeed I missed that edit which was correct.

Unlinked artists are:

Run The Jewels
Stabbing Westward
The Dirty Nil
Mandroid Echostar

And unlinked players in alphabetical order are:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 03:51:15 PM

Run The Jewels-Luoto
Birdy Evermind
Foscor Luke
Stabbing Westward faizoff
The Dirty Nil-TAC
Mandroid Echostar-Puppies
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 28, 2023, 03:53:30 PM
As you'll see, Litho is the only person who has sent over 19 minutes in all 6 rounds. :lol

I remember in your Fogey Roulette, you were clear in a couple of your writeups for me that sometimes less is more.

One of the things I remember from college is one of my professors said that "if it doesn't work for you, then it works against you."

It's just a difference in perspective.  I think some people evaluate albums (and possibly by extension roulette submissions) by consistency, and whether the low points hold it back.  I'm the opposite, I think more of peaks and how much they raise it.  And sometimes liking a band is a numbers game, where one song in a batch might speak to you even if others don't, but it can be random which one it'll be, especially if it's between people who don't have perfectly aligned tastes.  So more songs boosts the chance at least one will hit. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Luoto on June 28, 2023, 04:07:10 PM
Run The Jewels-Luoto

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 04:07:18 PM
Also, I know what Tim sent, but only because he told me…so I’ll refrain  :biggrin:

I was literally pimping it in the albums thread two days ago.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: nick_z on June 28, 2023, 04:13:26 PM
Also, I know what Tim sent, but only because he told me…so I’ll refrain  :biggrin:

I was literally pimping it in the albums thread two days ago.

Right, but at least that one is still a legit clue :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 28, 2023, 04:23:41 PM
Tim's a pimp daddy.

Cranky Pander is his new nickname. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 28, 2023, 05:18:21 PM
Autumn has to be Litho :)
Indeed it does.

Both Fugue and Wheel were on my shortlist, but the latter would have meant deleting two other songs.
It's ok to send shorter submissions if it means getting the right songs.

Not that Litho himself does that though. I promised even more of a stats nerd's wet dream, and here it is. Now that all 6 regular rounds are in, here are player stats. As you'll see, Litho is the only person who has sent over 19 minutes in all 6 rounds. :lol


Other interesting differences as well, like how faizoff and Stadler keep sending me artists I've heard before. :lol

Much more variety here than there is between rounds where you all get averaged out!
Well, this was totally unintentional, but I've sent 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 songs in the 6 rounds. I guess I need to send 7 next round... :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Crow on June 28, 2023, 05:30:29 PM
i mean, it is the EP round, so
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 28, 2023, 05:38:41 PM
RJ and I are song whores it looks like.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 07:34:56 PM
Sent my EP!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 28, 2023, 07:46:00 PM
Autumn is TAC.

Hoping that was a random dart in the dark guess, because if he likes them and has been holding out on me he'd have some explaining to do.  (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)

Never heard them before. Listening now to one of the songs. Definitely not what I expected from the name of the band.

It was a guess. I have never heard them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: faizoff on June 28, 2023, 07:47:55 PM

Other interesting differences as well, like how faizoff and Stadler keep sending me artists I've heard before. :lol

It's because you guys listen to an insane amount of bands so I really have to dig deep to find something to submit.

gotta start working on my EP, it's probably going to take a huge amount of effort to submit artists that aren't on your banned list.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 28, 2023, 07:49:26 PM
Sent my EP!

I almost called my EP "What Makes TAC Tick" but it would've been a giveaway so I went completely off the rails with my it. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone, not my intention.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 07:51:48 PM
Sent my EP!

I almost called my EP "What Makes TAC Tick" but it would've been a giveaway so I went completely off the rails with my ep. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone, not my intention.

There used to be a DTFer called Tick. A Connecticut guy. Haven't seen him around these parts is a long time.

And I'd be offended if your EP was not offensive. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 28, 2023, 07:54:44 PM
I might call mine "45 or 46 Songs That Weren't Good Enough For ariich's First Six Rounds". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 28, 2023, 07:55:12 PM
If you were on Facebook old man, you'd talk to him all the time.  He's healing from neck surgery. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 28, 2023, 07:55:52 PM
I might call mine "45 or 46 Songs That Weren't Good Enough For ariich's First Six Rounds".

 :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 28, 2023, 07:57:30 PM
If you were on Facebook old man, you'd talk to him all the time.  He's healing from neck surgery.

I'm not on FB but my kids says FB is an old people thing nowadays.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 28, 2023, 08:00:56 PM
Well I'm 55 so..... :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: TAC on June 28, 2023, 08:01:19 PM
If you were on Facebook old man, you'd talk to him all the time.  He's healing from neck surgery.

I'm not on FB but my kids says FB is an old people thing nowadays.

Well, look who you quoted..
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: Glasser on June 28, 2023, 08:02:18 PM
Well I'm 55 so..... :lol

53 but was never on it. Used to be on myspace.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on June 28, 2023, 08:08:29 PM
Tim calling me out from his Commodore 64. Lol

Facebook like any social media is what you make of it. You are fun an light hearted, it's great.

If your obsessed with everything that's wrong in the world, that's all you see.

I use it for fun and friends. I just scroll on by others.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: lonestar on June 28, 2023, 08:29:37 PM
Tim calling me out from his Commodore 64. Lol

Facebook like any social media is what you make of it. You are fun an light hearted, it's great.

If your obsessed with everything that's wrong in the world, that's all you see.

I use it for fun and friends. I just scroll on by others.

Or we screenshot it and heckle in the privacy of messenger groups
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 11:08:44 PM
As you'll see, Litho is the only person who has sent over 19 minutes in all 6 rounds. :lol

I remember in your Fogey Roulette, you were clear in a couple of your writeups for me that sometimes less is more.

One of the things I remember from college is one of my professors said that "if it doesn't work for you, then it works against you."

It's just a difference in perspective.  I think some people evaluate albums (and possibly by extension roulette submissions) by consistency, and whether the low points hold it back.  I'm the opposite, I think more of peaks and how much they raise it.  And sometimes liking a band is a numbers game, where one song in a batch might speak to you even if others don't, but it can be random which one it'll be, especially if it's between people who don't have perfectly aligned tastes.  So more songs boosts the chance at least one will hit. 
When it comes to albums, I do a bit of both. A couple of weaker songs doesn't bother me much if the highs are high and the albums works well overall. But on the flipside, the songs can be good individually but I don't find it works as an album for whatever reason (drags on, too samey, etc.).

My general mentality is similar for roulette submissions but I definitely hear them as a collection of songs and don't look for any flow or coherence or anything (except the EP round where that's a specific part of it). But in terms of the impact of weaker or stronger songs, it's probably fairly similar.

Well, this was totally unintentional, but I've sent 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 songs in the 6 rounds. I guess I need to send 7 next round... :lol
Great spot. :lol See this is why I love data.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 hangman
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 11:09:57 PM
Anyway, Tim's random guessing did get a couple right, so here's the finished hangman.

And here's the Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7ESZqUxDabXLFbuzVDzj4a?si=9d936bf1238c4d42

Elite: Wheel
    1: Vultures
    2: Impervious
    3: Movement
    4: Blood Drinker

HOF: Sweet Billy Pilgrim
    1: Candle Book and Bell
    2: Just Above Midtown
    3: Asking for a Friend
    4: Skywriting

King: A.C.T
    1: Intro
    2: The End
    3: Checked Out
    4: A Truly Gifted Man

Sacul: The Microphones
    1: I Want Wind to Blow
    2: The Glow, Pt 2
    3: The Gleam, Pt 2
    4: Samurai Sword
    5: My Roots Are Strong and Deep

Vmadera: Volbeat
    1: Becoming
    2: Say No More
    3: Shotgun Blues
    4: Temple of Ekur

Stadler: Aerosmith
    1: Simoriah
    2: Combination
    3: No More No More
    4: Seasons of Wither

Buddy: Cave In
    1: New Reality
    2: Floating Skulls
    3: Amaranthine
    4: Heavy Pendulum

faizoff: Run The Jewels
    1: Legend Has It
    2: Ooh La La
    3: JU$T
    4: Out of Sight
    5: Close Your Eyes (And Count To Fuck)

jingle: Sass Jordan
    1: So Hard
    2: I Want to Believe
    3: You Don’t Have to Remind Me
    4: High Road Easy

Evermind: Birdy
    1: The Witching Hour - Intro
    2: Voyager
    3: Loneliness
    4: Silhouette
    5: Strange Birds
    6: Surrender

Reaper: Black Map
    1: Head for the Hills
    2: Madness
    3: Octavia
    4: Foxglove
    5: Why Burn

Luoto: Foscor
    1: Ciutat Tragica
    2: Altars
    3: De Marges I Matinades

Glasser: Bastian Per
    1: Defeat Device
    2: The Mystery Behind
    3: The Safe Place

Crow: Victory Over the Sun
    1: Thorn Woos The Wound

soupy: dEUS
    1: Everybody's Weird
    2: Instant Street
    3: Keep You Close

TAC: Hwaino
    1: Ashes Of The World Tree
    2: Sweet Forgetfulness
    3: Under The Beast's Sun

seneca: Gregory Alan Isakov
    1: The Stable Song
    2: Light Year
    3: If I Go, I'm Goin
    4: That Sea, The Gambler

lonestar: TRiDENT
    1: Opening -The Return of Us-
    2: Just Fight
    3: Re:ply
    4: Survivor
    5: Continue
    6: Ambivalent

wolfking: Kreator
    1: Escalation
    2: Strongest of the Strong
    3: Fallen Brother
    4: Death Becomes My Light

romdrums: Stabbing Westward
    1: I Am Nothing
    2: Save Yourself
    3: Cold
    4: Waking Up Beside You

nick_z: Saviour Machine
    1: Carnival of Souls
    2: Ludicrous Smiles
    3: Legion

Luke: The Dirty Nil
    1: Doom Boy
    2: Done With Drugs
    3: One More and the Bill
    4: Celebration
    5: Nicer Guy

Litho: Autumn
    1: Liquid Under Film Noir
    2: Skydancer
    3: The Phantom Limb
    4: Stacked Smoke

Puppies: Mandroid Echostar
    1: Ancient Arrows
    2: Haunted Vows
    3: To the Wolves
    4: Citadels
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2023, 11:10:52 PM
And finally, it's time for...

Round 6 first impressions

[jingle – Sass Jordan] 1.Not sure why you didn’t just send this in the lighter rounds - it’s pretty straightforward but very nice.

[lonestar – TRiDENT] 2.Sometimes, great energy and hooks are all you really need.

[HOF – Sweet Billy Pilgrim] 3. This isn’t very easy to define, in a really positive way - love the sound and the vibes.

[faizoff – Run The Jewels] 4. Not entirely aligned to my tastes when it comes to this genre, but there’s a cool mix of groove and tension to it.

[Litho – Autumn] 5. This sounded up my alley - punchy, emotive and slick, with great vocals especially in the choruses.

[Evermind – Birdy] 6. I could just repeat the first half of your first impression from last round. This is lovely.

[King – A.C.T] 7. I thought at first this might not hit my proggy interests, but it has a charming theatricality that’s really rather enjoyable.

[Vmadera – Volbeat] 8. Verses were pretty much what I expected from this band, but the choruses were better - great hooks and surprising richness.

[TAC – Hwaino] 9. The heavy side was sometimes a little rough around the edges, but the atmospheric side was gorgeous and definitely compensates, although by how much remains to be seen.

[Sacul – The Microphones] 10. I don’t often go for a production style this “indie”, but some of this reminded me of another artist I like that bucks that trend.

[nick_z – Saviour Machine] 11. This isn't blowing me away so far - a little “of its time” perhaps - but it’s moody and melodic and pretty engaging.

[wolfking – Kreator] 12. Sounds solid and chunky but I’m not sure it's entirely what I'm looking for in this style - then again I’ve thought that before and made myself look silly, so who knows.

[Puppies – Mandroid Echostar] 13. You may be on a bit of a roll - this sits somewhere between two other bands and seems to have nice qualities from both.

[Elite – Wheel] 14. This does Tool better than Tool does Tool - seems like a sweet spot in where our tastes align.

[Stadler – Aerosmith] 15. Not sure this is a huge departure from my expectations, but the songs are enjoyable enough and there’s some nice variety.

[romdrums – Stabbing Westward] 16. The sound was cool for all of this, but I was definitely more attracted to the strong melodies and passionate delivery of the more recent material.

[soupy – dEUS] 17. This had a cool indie-ish sound to it, wasn’t sure all of the music quite matched up but the last track sounded great.

[Reaper – Black Map] 18. Doesn't quite capture the magic of the obvious comparator, but it’s still some really nice, proggy alternative rock.

[Glasser – Bastian Per] 19. Sounded solid enough but not much stood out really other than the fact that these guys seem to like hammond organ.

[Crow – Victory Over the Sun] 20. There’s one very uncomfortable aspect that I don’t THINK will be too overbearing but at this point I genuinely have no idea where this might fall in the 6.5-8.5 range.

[Buddy – Cave In] 21. This seemed more interesting that I might have expected - nice balance of groove and melody.

[luke – The Dirty Nil] 22. This sounded fun - somewhat similar to your last round, if not as memorable.

[Luoto – Foscor] 23. The gloomy sound is enticing, but a lot of the music is melodically quite unusual and I’m not yet sure what to make of it.

[seneca – Gregory Alan Isakov] 24. This hits all the right notes as far as this genre is concerned - delicate, emotional and gorgeous.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 28, 2023, 11:32:16 PM
2.Sometimes, great energy and hooks are all you really need.

3. This isn’t very easy to define, in a really positive way - love the sound and the vibes.

4. Not entirely aligned to my tastes when it comes to this genre, but there’s a cool mix of groove and tension to it.

9. The heavy side was sometimes a little rough around the edges, but the atmospheric side was gorgeous and definitely compensates, although by how much remains to be seen.

20. There’s one very uncomfortable aspect that I don’t THINK will be too overbearing but at this point I genuinely have no idea where this might fall in the 6.5-8.5 range.

23. The gloomy sound is enticing, but a lot of the music is melodically quite unusual and I’m not yet sure what to make of it.

literally cannot be anything other than one of these and i don't THINK it's #20?

i wanna believe it's #3 though  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 12:07:53 AM
It is 20. :lol

I don't THINK you would think it of me but to be absolutely clear, it's nothing to do with the musician, only about the music.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 29, 2023, 12:09:10 AM
let's GOOOOOO 1st place to last place in a single round :2metal:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 12:10:41 AM
Or maybe I'll suddenly come to adore discordant microtonal music and it'll get a 9.5.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 29, 2023, 12:12:17 AM
honestly i barely notice the microtonality of it 'cause the actual melodies are so good  :lol
it's very obvious to me on, like, her last album but i would've never guessed it on this one
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 12:15:23 AM
Well like I said I don't think it'll be overbearing (on this song at least) but I'm not sure yet and I definitely found it immediately noticeable. Anyway I have thoughts and probably know what half my writeup will say even though I've no idea what the score will be. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 29, 2023, 12:17:07 AM
 :corn looking forward to disappointment
this album is probably the most i've enjoyed a metal album since... hell, 2019? :lol so
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 29, 2023, 12:19:51 AM
I'll take 13, thank you very much  :)

Is 14 Wheel? Or am I forgetting which roulette I'm in? :lol

:corn looking forward to disappointment
this album is probably the most i've enjoyed a metal album since... hell, 2019? :lol so
Der Weg Einer Freiheit?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 12:22:48 AM
I'll take 13, thank you very much  :)

Is 14 Wheel? Or am I forgetting which roulette I'm in? :lol
Both correct!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 29, 2023, 12:23:06 AM
that wasn't even my favorite metal album that year :lol was good but not as good as their last two for me
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 29, 2023, 12:35:57 AM
that wasn't even my favorite metal album that year :lol was good but not as good as their last two for me
Oh jeez, I was thinking of Finisterre, but that came out in 2017. Time flies!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 29, 2023, 12:44:17 AM
I'll take 13, thank you very much  :)

Is 14 Wheel? Or am I forgetting which roulette I'm in? :lol
Both correct!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 29, 2023, 01:29:42 AM
15? I really love the entire album honestly. Not sure I represented it well. Some bands require the full album experience to bring it home. I highly recommend the full album to you. Also, Derek Sherinian plays on a track.

Edit: I just noticed I have more than 5 artists on my ep. You can either cut the last 2 tracks or keep them as the "extended version". Whatever works for you.  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 29, 2023, 02:38:41 AM
Gotta be 22
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Luoto on June 29, 2023, 02:40:47 AM
1.Not sure why you didn’t just send this in the lighter rounds - it’s pretty straightforward but very nice.

3. This isn’t very easy to define, in a really positive way - love the sound and the vibes.

9. The heavy side was sometimes a little rough around the edges, but the atmospheric side was gorgeous and definitely compensates, although by how much remains to be seen.

23. The gloomy sound is enticing, but a lot of the music is melodically quite unusual and I’m not yet sure what to make of it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Evermind on June 29, 2023, 03:05:33 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 29, 2023, 03:06:21 AM
3,6,9, or 24?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 03:16:26 AM
15? I really love the entire album honestly. Not sure I represented it well. Some bands require the full album experience to bring it home. I highly recommend the full album to you. Also, Derek Sherinian plays on a track.
Not 15.

Edit: I just noticed I have more than 5 artists on my ep. You can either cut the last 2 tracks or keep them as the "extended version". Whatever works for you.  :)
Oh good shout, I would have noticed eventually when we actually get to the EP round, but thanks for highlighting it. After all that kerfuffle, I guess we're back to just the original 5-track EP you sent in the first place which is long enough after all. :lol But yeah I'll totally check out the "bonus tracks" as well for a laugh.

Gotta be 22
Gotta be.

23. The gloomy sound is enticing, but a lot of the music is melodically quite unusual and I’m not yet sure what to make of it.

Actually no but it could indeed apply to yours too.

3,6,9, or 24?
Yep, 9.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 03:16:47 AM
Quoting for new page:

And finally, it's time for...

Round 6 first impressions

[jingle – Sass Jordan] 1.Not sure why you didn’t just send this in the lighter rounds - it’s pretty straightforward but very nice.

[lonestar – TRiDENT] 2.Sometimes, great energy and hooks are all you really need.

[HOF – Sweet Billy Pilgrim] 3. This isn’t very easy to define, in a really positive way - love the sound and the vibes.

[faizoff – Run The Jewels] 4. Not entirely aligned to my tastes when it comes to this genre, but there’s a cool mix of groove and tension to it.

[Litho – Autumn] 5. This sounded up my alley - punchy, emotive and slick, with great vocals especially in the choruses.

[Evermind – Birdy] 6. I could just repeat the first half of your first impression from last round. This is lovely.

[King – A.C.T] 7. I thought at first this might not hit my proggy interests, but it has a charming theatricality that’s really rather enjoyable.

[Vmadera – Volbeat] 8. Verses were pretty much what I expected from this band, but the choruses were better - great hooks and surprising richness.

[TAC – Hwaino] 9. The heavy side was sometimes a little rough around the edges, but the atmospheric side was gorgeous and definitely compensates, although by how much remains to be seen.

10. I don’t often go for a production style this “indie”, but some of this reminded me of another artist I like that bucks that trend.

11. This isn't blowing me away so far - a little “of its time” perhaps - but it’s moody and melodic and pretty engaging.

12. Sounds solid and chunky but I’m not sure it's entirely what I'm looking for in this style - then again I’ve thought that before and made myself look silly, so who knows.

[Puppies – Mandroid Echostar] 13. You may be on a bit of a roll - this sits somewhere between two other bands and seems to have nice qualities from both.

[Elite – Wheel] 14. This does Tool better than Tool does Tool - seems like a sweet spot in where our tastes align.

[Stadler – Aerosmith] 15. Not sure this is a huge departure from my expectations, but the songs are enjoyable enough and there’s some nice variety.

[romdrums – Stabbing Westward] 16. The sound was cool for all of this, but I was definitely more attracted to the strong melodies and passionate delivery of the more recent material.

[soupy – dEUS] 17. This had a cool indie-ish sound to it, wasn’t sure all of the music quite matched up but the last track sounded great.

[Reaper – Black Map] 18. Doesn't quite capture the magic of the obvious comparator, but it’s still some really nice, proggy alternative rock.

19. Sounded solid enough but not much stood out really other than the fact that these guys seem to like hammond organ.

[Crow – Victory Over the Sun] 20. There’s one very uncomfortable aspect that I don’t THINK will be too overbearing but at this point I genuinely have no idea where this might fall in the 6.5-8.5 range.

21. This seemed more interesting that I might have expected - nice balance of groove and melody.

[luke – The Dirty Nil] 22. This sounded fun - somewhat similar to your last round, if not as memorable.

[Luoto – Foscor] 23. The gloomy sound is enticing, but a lot of the music is melodically quite unusual and I’m not yet sure what to make of it.

[seneca – Gregory Alan Isakov] 24. This hits all the right notes as far as this genre is concerned - delicate, emotional and gorgeous.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Evermind on June 29, 2023, 03:22:45 AM
6, 10 or 17?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 04:09:33 AM
Yep, 6 it is!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 29, 2023, 04:18:22 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 29, 2023, 04:34:16 AM
I believe Sass Jordan to be 15.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 29, 2023, 04:46:26 AM
I’ll go for 5 or 7?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 29, 2023, 05:06:03 AM
Optimistically, 24
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 29, 2023, 05:25:19 AM
2 or 5?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 29, 2023, 06:09:43 AM
Let's try #3, possibly #5. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ReaperKK on June 29, 2023, 06:19:20 AM
Gonna guess 18
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Lonk on June 29, 2023, 06:32:10 AM
2.Sometimes, great energy and hooks are all you really need.

5. This sounded up my alley - punchy, emotive and slick, with great vocals especially in the choruses.

8. Verses were pretty much what I expected from this band, but the choruses were better - great hooks and surprising richness.

12. Sounds solid and chunky but I’m not sure it's entirely what I'm looking for in this style - then again I’ve thought that before and made myself look silly, so who knows.

21. This seemed more interesting that I might have expected - nice balance of groove and melody.
My guess is one of these. Maybe 12?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 29, 2023, 06:45:22 AM
Everybody wants #5.  Is that a sign of a too generic impression?  (https://i.imgur.com/TDLqusj.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: faizoff on June 29, 2023, 06:55:26 AM
3 or 4?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: romdrums on June 29, 2023, 06:58:04 AM
I feel like 16 is mine.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 07:28:41 AM
I believe Sass Jordan to be 15.
No, I hadn't even heard of her and therefore did not have any expectations. :lol

Everybody wants #5.  Is that a sign of a too generic impression?  (https://i.imgur.com/TDLqusj.gif)
Well congrats on winning that particular competition!

Anyway, lots of correct guesses, all updated!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 29, 2023, 07:29:20 AM
Or maybe I'll suddenly come to adore discordant microtonal music and it'll get a 9.5.

Is Victory Over The Sun even microtonal? Sounded like the usual temperament to me, just very dissonant and sour-sounding, in the way Crow loves. :biggrin:

The new Kostnatění record on the other hand... :metal :metal :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: lonestar on June 29, 2023, 07:36:13 AM
Awwww yeah... Gimme that ^ !!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 07:36:58 AM
Or maybe I'll suddenly come to adore discordant microtonal music and it'll get a 9.5.

Is Victory Over The Sun even microtonal? Sounded like the usual temperament to me, just very dissonant and sour-sounding, in the way Crow loves. :biggrin:

The new Kostnatění record on the other hand... :metal :metal :metal
In that particular post I was obviously exaggerating for effect. :lol But yes it is definitely there, alongside more traditional tonal dissonance as well (again just based on this one song, I've not heard anything else from her).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: King Postwhore on June 29, 2023, 07:38:29 AM
Nice that you found more than the 1st time you heard the 1 A.C.T album!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 29, 2023, 07:55:21 AM
Uhh 3 or 15?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: jingle.boy on June 29, 2023, 09:19:34 AM
1 for Sass then?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 29, 2023, 09:25:18 AM
Hoping for 3?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Stadler on June 29, 2023, 09:28:22 AM
11. This isn't blowing me away so far - a little “of its time” perhaps - but it’s moody and melodic and pretty engaging.

12. Sounds solid and chunky but I’m not sure it's entirely what I'm looking for in this style - then again I’ve thought that before and made myself look silly, so who knows.

15. Not sure this is a huge departure from my expectations, but the songs are enjoyable enough and there’s some nice variety.

21. This seemed more interesting that I might have expected - nice balance of groove and melody.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 29, 2023, 09:48:07 AM
Yeah, you’re 15 Stads.
You mentioned your love for Night In The Ruts the other day yet you didn’t use any of its songs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: HOF on June 29, 2023, 09:58:40 AM
3, 10, or 17?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: soupytwist on June 29, 2023, 10:02:05 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 01:52:20 PM
Uhh 3 or 15?
Hoping for 3?
These were not correct.

Everything else was right!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 29, 2023, 02:04:39 PM
Hope it's 21 instead of 12 then.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 02:10:46 PM
Then I have good news!

And finally, it's time for...

Round 6 first impressions

[jingle – Sass Jordan] 1.Not sure why you didn’t just send this in the lighter rounds - it’s pretty straightforward but very nice.

[lonestar – TRiDENT] 2.Sometimes, great energy and hooks are all you really need.

[HOF – Sweet Billy Pilgrim] 3. This isn’t very easy to define, in a really positive way - love the sound and the vibes.

[faizoff – Run The Jewels] 4. Not entirely aligned to my tastes when it comes to this genre, but there’s a cool mix of groove and tension to it.

[Litho – Autumn] 5. This sounded up my alley - punchy, emotive and slick, with great vocals especially in the choruses.

[Evermind – Birdy] 6. I could just repeat the first half of your first impression from last round. This is lovely.

[King – A.C.T] 7. I thought at first this might not hit my proggy interests, but it has a charming theatricality that’s really rather enjoyable.

[Vmadera – Volbeat] 8. Verses were pretty much what I expected from this band, but the choruses were better - great hooks and surprising richness.

[TAC – Hwaino] 9. The heavy side was sometimes a little rough around the edges, but the atmospheric side was gorgeous and definitely compensates, although by how much remains to be seen.

10. I don’t often go for a production style this “indie”, but some of this reminded me of another artist I like that bucks that trend.

11. This isn't blowing me away so far - a little “of its time” perhaps - but it’s moody and melodic and pretty engaging.

12. Sounds solid and chunky but I’m not sure it's entirely what I'm looking for in this style - then again I’ve thought that before and made myself look silly, so who knows.

[Puppies – Mandroid Echostar] 13. You may be on a bit of a roll - this sits somewhere between two other bands and seems to have nice qualities from both.

[Elite – Wheel] 14. This does Tool better than Tool does Tool - seems like a sweet spot in where our tastes align.

[Stadler – Aerosmith] 15. Not sure this is a huge departure from my expectations, but the songs are enjoyable enough and there’s some nice variety.

[romdrums – Stabbing Westward] 16. The sound was cool for all of this, but I was definitely more attracted to the strong melodies and passionate delivery of the more recent material.

[soupy – dEUS] 17. This had a cool indie-ish sound to it, wasn’t sure all of the music quite matched up but the last track sounded great.

[Reaper – Black Map] 18. Doesn't quite capture the magic of the obvious comparator, but it’s still some really nice, proggy alternative rock.

19. Sounded solid enough but not much stood out really other than the fact that these guys seem to like hammond organ.

[Crow – Victory Over the Sun] 20. There’s one very uncomfortable aspect that I don’t THINK will be too overbearing but at this point I genuinely have no idea where this might fall in the 6.5-8.5 range.

[Buddy – Cave In] 21. This seemed more interesting that I might have expected - nice balance of groove and melody.

[luke – The Dirty Nil] 22. This sounded fun - somewhat similar to your last round, if not as memorable.

[Luoto – Foscor] 23. The gloomy sound is enticing, but a lot of the music is melodically quite unusual and I’m not yet sure what to make of it.

[seneca – Gregory Alan Isakov] 24. This hits all the right notes as far as this genre is concerned - delicate, emotional and gorgeous.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Elite on June 29, 2023, 02:17:06 PM
To be honest, most bands that do Tool do Tool better than Tool :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 02:20:30 PM
To be honest, most bands that do Tool do Tool better than Tool :biggrin:

In fairness I love Lateralus, but everything else I've found quite good at best.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 29, 2023, 02:26:38 PM
Everybody wants #5.  Is that a sign of a too generic impression?  (https://i.imgur.com/TDLqusj.gif)
Well congrats on winning that particular competition!

Hmm, well generic and positive is still good.   :D

To be honest, most bands that do Tool do Tool better than Tool :biggrin:

Honestly Wheel is one of very few that comes close for me. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 29, 2023, 02:34:21 PM
I'm hoping for 11 at this point.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 29, 2023, 02:55:13 PM
Uh oh…what’s left is not super exciting ;)

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Sacul on June 29, 2023, 03:03:28 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on June 29, 2023, 03:04:31 PM
Just popping in to show appreciation for Birdy. The whole Young Heart album is fantastic.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 29, 2023, 03:06:50 PM
It's a ghost sighting!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Sacul on June 29, 2023, 03:08:24 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 03:54:41 PM
Just popping in to show appreciation for Birdy. The whole Young Heart album is fantastic.
Shadow, great to see you! Glasser has been covering all the gif action without you. :neverusethis:

I was actually thinking just yesterday about your epic comeback in my v6 roulette.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2023, 03:55:26 PM
Anyway here are the completed impressions. Comparisons might be tomorrow or if not then Saturday!

Round 6 first impressions

[jingle – Sass Jordan] 1.Not sure why you didn’t just send this in the lighter rounds - it’s pretty straightforward but very nice.

[lonestar – TRiDENT] 2.Sometimes, great energy and hooks are all you really need.

[HOF – Sweet Billy Pilgrim] 3. This isn’t very easy to define, in a really positive way - love the sound and the vibes.

[faizoff – Run The Jewels] 4. Not entirely aligned to my tastes when it comes to this genre, but there’s a cool mix of groove and tension to it.

[Litho – Autumn] 5. This sounded up my alley - punchy, emotive and slick, with great vocals especially in the choruses.

[Evermind – Birdy] 6. I could just repeat the first half of your first impression from last round. This is lovely.

[King – A.C.T] 7. I thought at first this might not hit my proggy interests, but it has a charming theatricality that’s really rather enjoyable.

[Vmadera – Volbeat] 8. Verses were pretty much what I expected from this band, but the choruses were better - great hooks and surprising richness.

[TAC – Hwaino] 9. The heavy side was sometimes a little rough around the edges, but the atmospheric side was gorgeous and definitely compensates, although by how much remains to be seen.

[Sacul – The Microphones] 10. I don’t often go for a production style this “indie”, but some of this reminded me of another artist I like that bucks that trend.

[nick_z – Saviour Machine] 11. This isn't blowing me away so far - a little “of its time” perhaps - but it’s moody and melodic and pretty engaging.

[wolfking – Kreator] 12. Sounds solid and chunky but I’m not sure it's entirely what I'm looking for in this style - then again I’ve thought that before and made myself look silly, so who knows.

[Puppies – Mandroid Echostar] 13. You may be on a bit of a roll - this sits somewhere between two other bands and seems to have nice qualities from both.

[Elite – Wheel] 14. This does Tool better than Tool does Tool - seems like a sweet spot in where our tastes align.

[Stadler – Aerosmith] 15. Not sure this is a huge departure from my expectations, but the songs are enjoyable enough and there’s some nice variety.

[romdrums – Stabbing Westward] 16. The sound was cool for all of this, but I was definitely more attracted to the strong melodies and passionate delivery of the more recent material.

[soupy – dEUS] 17. This had a cool indie-ish sound to it, wasn’t sure all of the music quite matched up but the last track sounded great.

[Reaper – Black Map] 18. Doesn't quite capture the magic of the obvious comparator, but it’s still some really nice, proggy alternative rock.

[Glasser – Bastian Per] 19. Sounded solid enough but not much stood out really other than the fact that these guys seem to like hammond organ.

[Crow – Victory Over the Sun] 20. There’s one very uncomfortable aspect that I don’t THINK will be too overbearing but at this point I genuinely have no idea where this might fall in the 6.5-8.5 range.

[Buddy – Cave In] 21. This seemed more interesting that I might have expected - nice balance of groove and melody.

[luke – The Dirty Nil] 22. This sounded fun - somewhat similar to your last round, if not as memorable.

[Luoto – Foscor] 23. The gloomy sound is enticing, but a lot of the music is melodically quite unusual and I’m not yet sure what to make of it.

[seneca – Gregory Alan Isakov] 24. This hits all the right notes as far as this genre is concerned - delicate, emotional and gorgeous.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 29, 2023, 04:18:44 PM
19? Hammond Organ? How about this organ?   :) :facepalm:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 29, 2023, 04:20:34 PM
19? Hammond Organ? How about this organ?   :facepalm:


Tom...you left your camera on again.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Glasser on June 29, 2023, 04:21:24 PM
I hate when that happens!  :lol

Edit: Tim, I also noticed its time to shave my hands again.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 29, 2023, 04:37:30 PM
Well, I didn't want to come right out and say it.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 29, 2023, 05:05:26 PM
Anyway here are the completed impressions. Comparisons might be tomorrow or if not then Saturday!

[nick_z – Saviour Machine] 11. This isn't blowing me away so far - a little “of its time” perhaps - but it’s moody and melodic and pretty engaging.

Not great...not terrible  ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: nick_z on June 29, 2023, 06:13:03 PM
Also: EP sent!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on June 29, 2023, 07:38:48 PM
Just popping in to show appreciation for Birdy. The whole Young Heart album is fantastic.
Shadow, great to see you! Glasser has been covering all the gif action without you. :neverusethis:

I was actually thinking just yesterday about your epic comeback in my v6 roulette.

Hey man, good to see you too. That was probably closest I've ever been to winning a roulette, but I later found out that there wasn't a cash prize so I guess it's ok.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on June 29, 2023, 07:41:08 PM
Just popping in to show appreciation for Birdy. The whole Young Heart album is fantastic.
Shadow, great to see you! Glasser has been covering all the gif action without you. :neverusethis:

I was actually thinking just yesterday about your epic comeback in my v6 roulette.

Hey man, good to see you too. That was probably closest I've ever been to winning a roulette, but I later found out that there wasn't a cash prize so I guess it's ok.
Speaking of prizes. Ariich, if I win this thing I'm expecting you to deliver my prize to me when I'm in Scotland in October. :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 29, 2023, 07:42:08 PM
Just popping in to show appreciation for Birdy. The whole Young Heart album is fantastic.
Shadow, great to see you! Glasser has been covering all the gif action without you. :neverusethis:

I was actually thinking just yesterday about your epic comeback in my v6 roulette.

Hey man, good to see you too. That was probably closest I've ever been to winning a roulette, but I later found out that there wasn't a cash prize so I guess it's ok.

You were .5 away from winning my V.2.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on June 29, 2023, 07:46:46 PM
Oh yeah, I did pretty well in that one too, much to the general bafflement of everyone, myself included.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 29, 2023, 07:51:46 PM
Oh yeah, I did pretty well in that one too, much to the general bafflement of everyone, myself included.

Yeah, if it wasn't for the Beach House song..

And you sent the Steam Powered Giraffes. I'm still WTF at that.. :lol but I thought it was great.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Evermind on June 29, 2023, 08:46:34 PM
Just popping in to show appreciation for Birdy. The whole Young Heart album is fantastic.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 30, 2023, 01:37:00 AM
Well like I said I don't think it'll be overbearing (on this song at least) but I'm not sure yet and I definitely found it immediately noticeable.
okay wait no you're literally just wrong
she straight up says she didn't use any microtonal tunings for this one on the bandcamp page so i'm not insane for not hearing it you're literally just incorrect :lol
idk why RYM listed microtonal under the tags but RYM is not an authority
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: ariich on June 30, 2023, 02:22:10 AM
Weird, in that case there are a couple of sections that just sound out of tune, which isn't necessarily any better. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: Crow on June 30, 2023, 03:00:50 AM
nah that's just the fun parts  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 first impressions
Post by: TAC on June 30, 2023, 03:31:56 AM
nah that's just the fun parts  :corn

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 30, 2023, 03:52:30 PM
Round 6 comparisons
Comparisons to the previous round, indicative and subject to change.
As ever, ups and downs show only direction, not scale. Could be 0.1, could be 1.0.

Puppies v
Litho v
nick_z v
luke v
wolfking v
romdrums v
soupy v
seneca ^
lonestar ^
Crow =
Evermind ^
Luoto v
Glasser v
Reaper =
jingle ^
faizoff v
Buddy ^
Stadler v
Sacul ^
Vmadera ^
Elite ^
King ^

A handful of these feel like they could still move a fair bit on final listens!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 30, 2023, 03:57:09 PM


Ooh..that's interesting.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Crow on June 30, 2023, 03:57:54 PM
she can't keep getting away with it  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 30, 2023, 03:59:39 PM
And I just keep climbing...good thing I saved my best band for the EP round ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 30, 2023, 04:08:47 PM
she can't keep getting away with it  :lol
Or can she?

And I just keep climbing...good thing I saved my best band for the EP round ;)
Yeah I can't work out if it's total chance or if you've just been saving your better stuff for later rounds.

On the flipside, Buddy managed to accidentally get a ^ finally. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 30, 2023, 04:09:30 PM
Way to go Buddy!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Crow on June 30, 2023, 04:10:21 PM
my EP is absolutely stacked imo, so i don't expect a lower score than 8.2 at any point now  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: ariich on June 30, 2023, 04:11:53 PM
my EP is absolutely stacked imo, so i don't expect a lower score than 8.2 at any point now  :corn
You, Evermind and TAC have all scored 8.2 or higher in every round so far.

You absolute roulette beasts.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Crow on June 30, 2023, 04:13:28 PM
yeah evermind's sheer consistency is especially funny
literally all 8.2-8.4's  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 30, 2023, 04:16:54 PM
my EP is absolutely stacked imo, so i don't expect a lower score than 8.2 at any point now  :corn
You, Evermind and TAC have all scored 8.2 or higher in every round so far.

You absolute roulette beasts.

And I'm still gonna lose. :lol

I'm in a similar spot in all three roulettes.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 30, 2023, 04:18:01 PM
Curse you gravity!  (https://i.imgur.com/5C8ZynR.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 30, 2023, 04:18:22 PM
my EP is absolutely stacked imo, so i don't expect a lower score than 8.2 at any point now  :corn
You, Evermind and TAC have all scored 8.2 or higher in every round so far.

You absolute roulette beasts.

And I'm still gonna lose. :lol

I'm in a similar spot in all three roulettes.

Wanna trade spots?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on June 30, 2023, 04:18:52 PM

And I just keep climbing...good thing I saved my best band for the EP round ;)
Yeah I can't work out if it's total chance or if you've just been saving your better stuff for later rounds.

On the flipside, Buddy managed to accidentally get a ^ finally. :lol

Buddy just had to fuck it up, didn't he lol

I kind of planned it that way actually, I knew Saiseiga would be the iffiest, and Band Maid you had already rated 3.5 on RYM, but I thought maybe the simpleness of the acoustic would hit a note. I had a feeling TRiDENT would do well, they're such a high paced, fun group. Looking forward to the write up.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 30, 2023, 04:21:48 PM
my EP is absolutely stacked imo, so i don't expect a lower score than 8.2 at any point now  :corn
You, Evermind and TAC have all scored 8.2 or higher in every round so far.

You absolute roulette beasts.

And I'm still gonna lose. :lol

I'm in a similar spot in all three roulettes.

Wanna trade spots?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 30, 2023, 04:22:48 PM
A handful of these feel like they could still move a fair bit on final listens!

Hopefully back up.  (https://i.imgur.com/AWn95Rn.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 30, 2023, 04:26:32 PM
my EP is absolutely stacked imo, so i don't expect a lower score than 8.2 at any point now  :corn
You, Evermind and TAC have all scored 8.2 or higher in every round so far.

You absolute roulette beasts.

And I'm still gonna lose. :lol

I'm in a similar spot in all three roulettes.

Wanna trade spots?


Well I’ll take comfort in the fact you are now a fan of It’s Always Sunny.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 30, 2023, 04:28:12 PM
I think he still might not know what it is and is just a fan of Paddy's Irish Pub. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 30, 2023, 04:28:34 PM
I have never seen a minute of the show, nor do I ever intend to.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 30, 2023, 04:30:06 PM
I have never seen a minute of the show, nor do I ever intend to.  :lol

I’ll be sending exclusively Charlie Day in all future TAC roulettes.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 30, 2023, 04:31:47 PM
Who's Charlie Day?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 30, 2023, 04:32:37 PM
Who's Charlie Day?

The guy you just… :facepalm:

Basically, you’ll find out. He’s Night Man, Fighter of the Day Man.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: nick_z on June 30, 2023, 04:35:35 PM

nick_z v

After a hopeful climb to third spot, I'm ready for the inevitable decline  :biggrin:

Who's Charlie Day?

The guy in the gif you posted  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 30, 2023, 04:36:01 PM
Who's Charlie Day?

The guy you just… :facepalm:

Basically, you’ll find out. He’s Night Man, Fighter of the Day Man.

So...his name is Day, but he's the Night man?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 30, 2023, 04:38:06 PM
Who's Charlie Day?

The guy in the gif you posted  :lol

He bloody knows  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: faizoff on June 30, 2023, 04:40:31 PM
Who's Charlie Day?

This guy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 30, 2023, 04:43:23 PM
https://youtu.be/-d8ZMQMjdcs (https://youtu.be/-d8ZMQMjdcs)

Sneak peak of TAC’s next roulette.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on June 30, 2023, 04:50:50 PM
https://youtu.be/-d8ZMQMjdcs (https://youtu.be/-d8ZMQMjdcs)

Sneak peak of TAC’s next roulette.

Sneak Peak at Luke's score..

Right, this sure is a swing and a miss, innit?  And the only two I’ve had to call early because I just, cannot, sit through this one more than three one times, my dude. It’s just…

Okay, well, I’m not sure it was wise to send a song with so much… … it’s unpleasant :lol

SPEAKING OF UNPLEASANT. Yeah, uhh, . I am very viscerally uncomfortable just listening to this. I will never like content like this and there’s no use trying to get me to like it.

I uhh. … yeah, this is a hell of a misstep, sorry :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on June 30, 2023, 04:52:19 PM
https://youtu.be/-d8ZMQMjdcs (https://youtu.be/-d8ZMQMjdcs)

Sneak peak of TAC’s next roulette.

Sneak Peak at Luke's score..

Right, this sure is a swing and a miss, innit?  And the only two I’ve had to call early because I just, cannot, sit through this one more than three one times, my dude. It’s just…

Okay, well, I’m not sure it was wise to send a song with so much… … it’s unpleasant :lol

SPEAKING OF UNPLEASANT. Yeah, uhh, . I am very viscerally uncomfortable just listening to this. I will never like content like this and there’s no use trying to get me to like it.

I uhh. … yeah, this is a hell of a misstep, sorry :lol


Ha! Yea, no need to keep that bottom spot warm for me, I’ll be there from the start.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 30, 2023, 06:43:27 PM
I'm in a similar spot in all three roulettes.

You are 6th in ariich's, 6th in Crow's, and 4th in mine.  If I drop you two spots next round you will be "Six!  Six Six! The Number of the Beast!"
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on June 30, 2023, 06:58:20 PM
she can't keep getting away with it  :lol

Ok, I can't figure this one out.  Who are you referring to?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on June 30, 2023, 07:02:15 PM
On the flipside, Buddy managed to accidentally get a ^ finally. :lol

Why would I get a ^ accidentally? :lol

Anyways looks like Crow and I are both getting 8.2s this round :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Evermind on June 30, 2023, 11:22:06 PM
yeah evermind's sheer consistency is especially funny
literally all 8.2-8.4's  :lol

And apparently another 8.3 is on the way :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: jingle.boy on July 01, 2023, 04:54:11 AM
I'm rather pleased/surprised to be getting a raise.

Just deciding on my final song for the EP.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: wolfking on July 01, 2023, 06:08:36 AM
Got nothing for an EP.  Do we get pinged if there's a lack of theme or story?  I may end up throwing 5 random songs together.  Not much time lately to put any thought into it at the moment unfortunately.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 01, 2023, 06:13:23 AM
Got nothing for an EP.  Do we get pinged if there's a lack of theme or story?  I may end up throwing 5 random songs together.  Not much time lately to put any thought into it at the moment unfortunately.

8.6 incoming...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: ariich on July 01, 2023, 06:20:52 AM
Got nothing for an EP.  Do we get pinged if there's a lack of theme or story?  I may end up throwing 5 random songs together.  Not much time lately to put any thought into it at the moment unfortunately.
No need for a narrative or even a theme, but there is a flow score in addition to music quality, and sometimes that can help a bit with flow. But last time some of the best flowing EPs didn't have any particular lyrical theme, just songs that fit and flowed really well together.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 01, 2023, 09:43:30 AM
Listening through the round playlist, The Microphones are surprisingly interesting from an arrangement and melody standpoint, but I wish they would tune the instruments and knock off the noisy production. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Sacul on July 01, 2023, 12:42:32 PM
But that would result in a completely different sound and atmosphere, and the arrangements and melodies wouldn't work nearly as well :P. It's essential to the album, not just a "fancy effect" on top.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: wolfking on July 01, 2023, 01:44:14 PM
Got nothing for an EP.  Do we get pinged if there's a lack of theme or story?  I may end up throwing 5 random songs together.  Not much time lately to put any thought into it at the moment unfortunately.
No need for a narrative or even a theme, but there is a flow score in addition to music quality, and sometimes that can help a bit with flow. But last time some of the best flowing EPs didn't have any particular lyrical theme, just songs that fit and flowed really well together.

Okay sweet.  That will make things a bit easier to slap something together.  Looking for a theme a lot of the time can really hurt the quality I feel if options are limited.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: HOF on July 01, 2023, 02:05:49 PM
You’re probably getting a mashup of the two artists I wanted to send before but wasn’t able to.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 01, 2023, 02:14:10 PM
But that would result in a completely different sound and atmosphere, and the arrangements and melodies wouldn't work nearly as well :P . It's essential to the album, not just a "fancy effect" on top.

Hmm, for me it's more like trying to eat a chocolate cake, but someone just squirted mustard all over it. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on July 01, 2023, 03:26:20 PM
my EP is absolutely stacked imo, so i don't expect a lower score than 8.2 at any point now  :corn
You, Evermind and TAC have all scored 8.2 or higher in every round so far.

You absolute roulette beasts.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: ariich on July 01, 2023, 03:27:59 PM
my EP is absolutely stacked imo, so i don't expect a lower score than 8.2 at any point now  :corn
You, Evermind and TAC have all scored 8.2 or higher in every round so far.

You absolute roulette beasts.

You actual roulette beast.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on July 01, 2023, 03:29:34 PM
That's bananas.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Sacul on July 01, 2023, 05:39:03 PM
But that would result in a completely different sound and atmosphere, and the arrangements and melodies wouldn't work nearly as well :P . It's essential to the album, not just a "fancy effect" on top.

Hmm, for me it's more like trying to eat a chocolate cake, but someone just squirted mustard all over it.
That analogy makes no sense here - the production of these songs are not the mustard on top but one of the core ingredients. It's an artistic choice to go with noise and out of tune instruments from the beginning, and writing songs that work well with that. Some artists focus on the arrangements first, and don't give much thought to the production side of things, others are the complete opposite (happens a lot on ambient and experimental genres), and sometimes both aspects are deeply intertwined, like here.

Another album that I think is masterful on that regard is On the Aeroplane Over the Sea - I hated it at first, but once it clicked, I was hooked. And boy that record is "technically flawed" as hell :lol, and I love it because of that, not in spite of.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 01, 2023, 06:03:09 PM
Yeah, I recall that being an album that was frustrating for similar reasons.  If it's really baked into the core that makes it even worse for me, personally.  I suppose there are enough bands out there that there's an aesthetic for everyone, I just find that one particularly vexing, because it had a lot of interesting elements to it otherwise.  Maybe ariich will turn out to love it! 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on July 01, 2023, 06:10:13 PM
I was thinking of doing a Japanese theme for mine...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 01, 2023, 06:19:50 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on July 01, 2023, 06:24:46 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Evermind on July 02, 2023, 12:18:08 PM
Back home and I'm pretty sure Rich is going to post the results soon, so here's the thing - I've got my EP ready, but I really need to sit down and write the story. I know how it's going to go but I still need to actually put it into words, and I want to do it justice, so regardless of how soon Rich posts the results, the soonest I can do it is to send my EP on Wednesday evening. Hopefuly that's okay.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on July 02, 2023, 12:35:58 PM
Back home and I'm pretty sure Rich is going to post the results soon, so here's the thing - I've got my EP ready, but I really need to sit down and write the story. I know how it's going to go but I still need to actually put it into words, and I want to do it justice, so regardless of how soon Rich posts the results, the soonest I can do it is to send my EP on Wednesday evening. Hopefuly that's okay.

Inexcusable...get your shit together man....

 :-* :laugh:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on July 02, 2023, 02:04:56 PM
Back home and I'm pretty sure Rich is going to post the results soon, so here's the thing - I've got my EP ready, but I really need to sit down and write the story. I know how it's going to go but I still need to actually put it into words, and I want to do it justice, so regardless of how soon Rich posts the results, the soonest I can do it is to send my EP on Wednesday evening. Hopefuly that's okay.

You better not hold up Hangman!!!! Get the songs in and the story can follow. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 02:20:49 PM
Wednesday would be absolutely fine for EPs, no worries at all Ruslan. Thanks for checking though!

I'm hopeful I'll finish these writeups tonight and get them posted before I go to bed.

Another album that I think is masterful on that regard is On the Aeroplane Over the Sea - I hated it at first, but once it clicked, I was hooked. And boy that record is "technically flawed" as hell :lol, and I love it because of that, not in spite of.
That is indeed the band I was referring to in my first impression.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 02, 2023, 02:47:27 PM
Wednesday. Bloody hell, I better get a move on!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: TAC on July 02, 2023, 02:50:12 PM
Wednesday. Bloody hell, I better get a move on!

Damn straight.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on July 02, 2023, 02:53:56 PM
Write-ups today? Sweet...

I'll go ahead and send my EP like a responsible roulette player....
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on July 02, 2023, 03:08:08 PM
Aaaaaaaaaand sent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 03:09:37 PM
Wednesday. Bloody hell, I better get a move on!
To be honest I'll be comfortable with slightly later still if people want more time to fine-tune things. It's the final round and an EP round, and I don't want people to feel rushed. That said, I don't want people taking the piss. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: HOF on July 02, 2023, 03:12:18 PM
After several iterations the last two days, I think I have my EP ready to go now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Crow on July 02, 2023, 03:17:53 PM
i sent my EP a few weeks ago, so  :hat
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on July 02, 2023, 03:23:38 PM
i sent my EP a few weeks ago, so  :hat

Pretty much...had mine ready for a while.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 03:42:51 PM

Stadler – Aerosmith
1. Simoriah
2. Combination
3. No More No More
4. Seasons of Wither

First impression: Not sure this is a huge departure from my expectations, but the songs are enjoyable enough and there’s some nice variety.

Final opinion: I’ve not heard all that much Aerosmith before, just the odd song here and there. I don’t think I ever had particularly detailed expectations, other than a general classic rock sound which is in abundance here. So I know you were aiming to send a selection that’s unusual for the band, but any departure from their normal style is lost on me. :lol That said, I do enjoy the variety here. Simoriah is very 80s and energetic, Combination is very bluesy, No More is theatrical and almost reminiscent of Meat Loaf, and Seasons of Wither is kind of mellow and grungy (but predating grunge). Each has something quite enjoyable about it, but none of them really hits my interests that much. Some of their hits that I’ve heard before might have been a little more standard stylistically, but from what I remember some of them at least had pretty strong hooks to make them a bit more memorable.

Score: 7.4

faizoff – Run The Jewels
1. Legend Has It
2. Ooh La La
3. JU$T
4. Out of Sight
5. Close Your Eyes (And Count To Fuck)

First impression: Not entirely aligned to my tastes when it comes to this genre, but there’s a cool mix of groove and tension to it.

Final opinion: When it comes to hip-hop, I tend to prefer the stuff that’s more melodic (even if that’s just in the backing music on the rap-dominated side of the genre). The Kendrick Lamar songs that Sacul sent me in round 1 were great, and English grime artist Stormzy is another strong example. This is a bit different to what I’d normally go for, in that it’s not really about melody but relies more heavily on the groove of the beat, the flow of the vocals and the nuances in the production. Thankfully it still does those things pretty well. The main chorus motif of Ooh La La is… kind of annoying, I could have done without that song. :lol But for the rest, the groove especially is there, and there’s also an uneasy tension throughout that’s interesting and kind of compelling. Zack de la Rocha’s guest vocals are also cool. Can’t see myself wanting to return to this much, but it’s enjoyable for what it is.

Score: 7.7

wolfking – Kreator
1. Escalation
2. Strongest of the Strong
3. Fallen Brother
4. Death Becomes My Light

First impression: Sounds solid and chunky but I’m not sure it's entirely what I'm looking for in this style - then again I’ve thought that before and made myself look silly, so who knows.

Final opinion: I caveated my first impression after getting it so wrong with Wolfheart! But this hasn’t grown on me in the same way, unfortunately. Which isn’t to say that it’s not enjoyable, because it is a solid slice of thrash metal. The songs have a lot of energy, and the riffing is tight as befitting of the genre. There’s some pretty fun soloing at times too, although it’s nothing special. The main thing holding it back is the vocals, which aren’t terrible but also aren’t really a style I particularly enjoy. It’s not only a matter of the delivery, but also the writing - the vocal lines just don’t really do anything that interests me. Strongest of the Strong is a good example of this - the instrumental work is great and I find myself bopping my head along to the instrumental section every time, but the vocals are just kind of blah. The one I enjoy most is Death Become My Light, if only because of the nostalgia of it sounding like a cross between 80s-era Metallica and Iron Maiden.

Score: 7.8

luke – The Dirty Nil
1. Doom Boy
2. Done With Drugs
3. One More and the Bill
4. Celebration
5. Nicer Guy

First impression: This sounded fun - somewhat similar to your last round, if not as memorable.

Final opinion: So yeah these songs are very enjoyable, but I’m not finding most of them anything more than that really. The core style is pop punk, hence my comment about being similar to last round, but there are some differences too. Some of the songs are more riffy and crunchy, which is kind of a cool idea although on the whole those sections still aren’t really grabbing me that much. It does kind of sound about 20 years out of date - is this style back in fashion? The ones I’m enjoying most, which probably won’t surprise you, are the ones that have a hint of Frank Turner about them - Done With Drugs and One More and the Bill. They’re straightforward but they have that same “I messed up but I’m working to fix it” vibe that Frank does so well. I gather from RYM that the album those are from isn’t very popular, but it seems like it might be more my thing!

Score: 7.8

Luoto – Foscor
1. Ciutat Tràgica
2. Altars
3. De Marges I Matinades

First impression: The gloomy sound is enticing, but a lot of the music is melodically quite unusual and I’m not yet sure what to make of it.

Final opinion: This surprised me in ways both good and not so good. You send me different styles (although we joke that you only send me Finnish death metal) but individually I pretty much always have a clear idea of how to define each one. Whereas even after five listens, I don’t really know what this is, and that in itself is pretty cool. Is it prog metal? Psychedelic rock? Doomy post-metal? Whatever it is, I’m intrigued by this band and this album. The actual music, though, is hit and miss. Harmonically it’s a little off-kilter, almost jazzy at times - again not something I normally get from you - and I’m not sure it always works although there are great moments. Altars is a pretty excellent song all round - moody, rich and quite immersive. The end of De Marges is great too. But much of that song and most of Ciutat Tràgica don’t really work for me, melodically speaking.

Score: 7.9

Glasser – Bastian Per
1. Defeat Device
2. The Mystery Behind
3. The Safe Place

First impression: Sounded solid enough but not much stood out really other than the fact that these guys seem to like hammond organ.

Final opinion: On the whole, this is incredibly vanilla prog rock/metal but there’s enough here to enjoy anyway. Defeat Device kicks in with the most generic hard rock riff imaginable and doesn’t really deviate from that. The song has a lot of energy, but otherwise has very little that appeals to me - even the chorus lacks a good hook and the solo is kind of meh. Thankfully it picks up a lot after that. Still not very original, but that doesn’t matter too much if the music is good. The Mystery Behind has a kind of theatrical groove to it that’s really very enjoyable, and it’s easily my favourite here. The Safe Place is also very pleasant - again bordering on generic as far as prog ballads go, but it has a nice build up towards the end, the piano work is really nice and the song in general feels emotional without being too sappy.

Score: 7.9

soupy – dEUS
1. Everybody's Weird
2. Instant Street
3. Keep You Close

First impression: This had a cool indie-ish sound to it, wasn’t sure all of the music quite matched up but the last track sounded great.

Final opinion: Yeah ok so five listens in and my opinion hasn’t really moved on from my first impression, so I can see this being a short write-up. :lol The general sound is very cool - the music is fairly simple but the instrumentation is quite busy, and they use a lot of interesting sounds. The first two songs are good, but perhaps nothing special other than the aforementioned cool sound. That said, the instrumental section in the second half of Instant Street is a lot of fun - it has a great little groove to it, and the motif is slightly awkward in a way that’s pretty interesting. Keep You Close is a little more straightforward in style, kind of symphonic indie pop, but it’s lush and emotive and just really memorable. Definitely my favourite here, and it salvaged a solid score as a result.

Score: 8.0

nick_z – Saviour Machine
1. Carnival of Souls
2. Ludicrous Smiles
3. Legion

First impression: This isn't blowing me away so far - a little “of its time” perhaps - but it’s moody and melodic and pretty engaging.

Final opinion: I should start by saying that I was already very familiar with Eric Clayton's voice from Ayreon’s The Human Equation. I really liked him a lot in that, his voice was so different to all the others and indeed a departure from what you'd normally expect in prog generally. But I never got round to checking out his other work. Funnily enough, this is pretty much exactly what I'd expect it to sound like. 90s gothic rock with some proggy leanings, a very moody atmosphere and a very emotive approach and delivery. The melodic hooks don't entirely grab me - indeed after five listens I couldn't tell you how any of it goes - but the overall music and vibe and his passionate delivery are enough to still make it very engaging.

Score: 8.0

Sacul – The Microphones
1. I Want Wind to Blow
2. The Glow, Pt 2
3. The Gleam, Pt 2
4. Samurai Sword
5. My Roots Are Strong and Deep

First impression: I don’t often go for a production style this “indie”, but some of this reminded me of another artist I like that bucks that trend.

Final opinion: So yeah, this is not exactly my usual style and to be honest it’s quite hit and miss, and yet at the same time I find it quite compelling. It reminds me a little of In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel. That’s similarly indie and lo-fi in composition and production, and yet it’s a weirdly engaging album with some incredibly evocative moments. In this case, it starts very nondescript - the first half of I Want Wind to Blow is a little tuneless, but then the melodic acoustic motif starts, and the song just develops from there - and the way it builds and segues into The Glow is really quite wonderful. The Glow is then all-round great - the intensity at the start isn’t held back by the lo-fi sound, if anything it gives it a raw edge. And the emotive middle section is really the bit that calls to mind NMH. The Gleam is an interlude that doesn’t do much for me, kind of out of key and awkward, but quite atmospheric I suppose. Samurai Sword does lose me a bit though, unfortunately. I don’t feel the intensity here, it just sounds messy. And finally a return to form somewhat with My Roots which is a sombre but pleasant way to finish off. Overall I dig this a lot but it somehow manages to encapsulate the full spectrum from meh through decent to amazing, all in 18 minutes.

Score: 8.1

Buddy – Cave In
1. New Reality
2. Floating Skulls
3. Amaranthine
4. Heavy Pendulum

First impression: This seemed more interesting that I might have expected - nice balance of groove and melody.

Final opinion: Ok yes, this is a big step up from the selection that LordCost sent me two roulettes ago. That was mostly from what I understand was a more experimental, proggy early album of theirs and, apart from one song, it didn’t really jibe with me. This is a much more straightforward blend of stoner rock/metal and bits of post-hardcore in style, but it’s much more engaging musically. Other than the harsh vocals, which are pretty impactful, the performances here are nothing special. But they don’t need to be to support this style - it’s all about the vibe and tunes, both of which are solid. The first three songs I liked straight away and that didn’t really change at all. Heavy Pendulum I was unconvinced about at first, but it ended up being my favourite - that hook in the chorus is weirdly infectious and the song generally has such a cool groove to it.

Score: 8.1

Vmadera – Volbeat
1. Becoming
2. Say No More
3. Shotgun Blues
4. Temple of Ekur

First impression: Verses were pretty much what I expected from this band, but the choruses were better - great hooks and surprising richness.

Final opinion: Here’s another band I have prior experience with, having seen them at a festival and checked out one of their albums (Beyond Hell/Above Heaven) which I was not especially impressed by. As so often happens in my roulettes, this submission is far more interesting. The riffs and verses are still kind of run-of-the-mill thrash-lite metal with adequate vocal lines; nothing there to really get my teeth into. But damn, most of these choruses are so good. Did they always write such great hooks and I just failed to notice for some reason? Whatever the case, this is definitely up my alley. Say No More is the only one that doesn’t really grab me - it’s ok, but just sounds like mid-tier Metallica. But Shotgun Blues has a fun chorus, and the other two songs’ choruses are superb - as well as being super catchy, they have an uplifting quality to them that simply makes me feel good listening to them. I can’t think of many artists where I love the choruses but have almost no interest in anything else.

Score: 8.2

jingle – Sass Jordan
1. So Hard
2. I Want to Believe
3. You Don’t Have to Remind Me
4. High Road Easy

First impression: Not sure why you didn’t just send this in the lighter rounds - it’s pretty straightforward but very nice.

Final opinion: It kind of surprised me that you sent pre-2000s music to me in an open round - it’s not tended to do great for you in my roulettes, and we’ve usually found more overlap of taste in more modern music. It also feels on the lighter end of things, but wasn’t sent in a light round. And the most pleasant surprise of all is how much I like it, considering how straightforward and stylistically middle-of-the-road it is. She has a great voice, of course, and thankfully the music here is just really nice - with consistently strong hooks, especially in the choruses - such that it doesn’t need any bells and whistles. I’ve no idea how representative it is of her music, but I also really like the variety you’ve included. So Hard and Remind Me are reasonably standard rock songs, but I Want to Believe is a lovely ballad while the funky groove in High Road Easy is just great fun.

Score: 8.2

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 03:43:03 PM
romdrums – Stabbing Westward
1. I Am Nothing
2. Save Yourself
3. Cold
4. Waking Up Beside You

First impression: The sound was cool for all of this, but I was definitely more attracted to the strong melodies and passionate delivery of the more recent material.

Final opinion: Alright, time for some industrial rock. I’ve seen their name mentioned for years, and I remember seeing the album cover for Chasing Ghosts when it came out as I think there was hype around it at the time. And I can see why, based on the two songs here that are from it - they’re so good! For all four songs, the general sound is pretty great. I don’t listen to a huge amount of industrial rock but when done well, it has a dark, intense groove that I can really get into, and these songs capture the right energy. The two older songs from Darkest Days don’t necessarily back this up with particularly interesting music - not bad, certainly, but nothing that really jumps out at me and the energy is possibly affected by the production being a little dated. But man, I Am Nothing just hits me right in the face on every listen, such a great song to start with, and Cold is really excellent as well. The more modern production also helps elevate these two, giving them a lot of punch where needed, but also a lot of clarity for the electronic elements.

Score: 8.2

Reaper – Black Map
1. Head for the Hills
2. Madness
3. Octavia
4. Foxglove
5. Why Burn

First impression: Doesn't quite capture the magic of the obvious comparator, but it’s still some really nice, proggy alternative rock.

Final opinion: The obvious comparator is, of course, dredg, seeing as both bands share a member and play in a similar sort of style. Nothing here quite matches up to The Pariah, the Parrot, the Delusion or the better stuff from Catch Without Arms, but it’s still great on its own merits. Madness and Foxglove are probably the most “normal” and least interesting songs here, but they’re still good and the latter has a cool groovy energy in its main riff. The other three are really great - a mix of feeling and strong hooks. Oddly enough, the other comparator that keeps coming to mind at times is the more mellow alt-rock side of Thrice - there’s something about the combination of the melodies and the vocal delivery that has the same warmth that I really like.

Score: 8.2

Crow – Victory Over the Sun
1. Thorn Woos The Wound

First impression: There’s one very uncomfortable aspect that I don’t THINK will be too overbearing but at this point I genuinely have no idea where this might fall in the 6.5-8.5 range.

Final opinion: I’ve been on a bit of a journey with this song. On my first listen, I was really struck by some very dissonant moments. And not just normal discordant music but really quite an abrasive clash, which is why I looked up whether she did microtonal stuff and assumed that must be what it was. Fair enough, you’ve now confirmed there isn’t any (intentionally anyway :P) on this album, but regardless, those moments haven’t really lost their harsh dissonance for me and they still sound off. I struggled with those bits on the first couple of listens, but there aren’t many of them, they don’t tend to linger long before resolving, and there was other stuff I liked a lot and I hoped the balance would work out. I’m happy to report that it does indeed work pretty great. The first third of the song especially is kind of mesmerising. Oddly enough it’s where the most discordant stuff sits, but it’s also where these huge emotional and melodic swells suck me in. The middle third I remain unsold on - I guess I can see what she was going for with the quiet jazz and shrieky whispers, but nothing about it is particularly pleasant to listen to (although I gather that may be the point). But then the final third is really compelling again, with the vibe flitting between funereal and weirdly jubilant, kind of reminiscent of a black metal version of what some Russian composers like Shostakovich were doing in 20th century orchestral music. Anyway this seems to have ended up being my longest write-up of the roulette which doesn’t surprise me. You’ve sent me things before that really challenge my tastes but none has captured my interest quite so well as this one.

Score: 8.2

Litho – Autumn
1. Liquid Under Film Noir
2. Skydancer
3. The Phantom Limb
4. Stacked Smoke

First impression: This sounded up my alley - punchy, emotive and slick, with great vocals especially in the choruses.

Final opinion: You started this submission with a song that really doesn’t waste any time, just jumps straight into a huge sound and a crunchy, dark riff. It develops as it goes though and does ease back with a mellower section later in the song. In general it was just such a great introduction to the band. These songs are all great really, although the production isn’t as strong on the last two. Oddly enough, I can’t really say the songs grew on me on subsequent listens. Normally I enjoy things slightly more or less with each listen and try and capture that in where I end up with the eventual score. Whereas I loved this straight away and it sort of refused to budge even slightly either way at any point. Skydancer has a fantastic chorus and some lovely ambience in the bridge section, while Phantom Limb is very emotive and includes some great proggy synth work. Stacked Smoke probably stands out the least, but it’s still a really nice song and, like all the others, features top-notch vocals.

Score: 8.3

TAC – Hwaino
1. Ashes Of The World Tree
2. Sweet Forgetfulness
3. Under The Beast's Sun

First impression: The heavy side was sometimes a little rough around the edges, but the atmospheric side was gorgeous and definitely compensates, although by how much remains to be seen.

Final opinion: Hmm, I think my first impression was a little unfair, to be honest. It’s true that some of the more straight up black metal moments aren’t super strong in terms of production, but definitely not that bad. The weakest is probably the opening of the first song, which may have coloured that first listen. As it turns out, so much of this music is atmospheric and/or melodic that I don’t know why it didn’t hit me more right away, it’s wonderful and really does dominate. That moment in Ashes when the saxophone comes in and leads into this wonderful bit of melodic, symphonic black metal is just glorious. But all three songs have something gorgeous in them. There’s great use of strings throughout, and Under the Beast’s Sun has a beautiful piano intro and lovely clean vocal sections later on. This really has grown on me with each listen and, as you may have noticed, even snuck in an extra 0.1 at the end.

Score: 8.4

lonestar – TRiDENT
1. Opening -The Return of Us-
2. Just Fight
3. Re:ply
4. Survivor
5. Continue
6. Ambivalent

First impression: Sometimes, great energy and hooks are all you really need.

Final opinion: These songs are just so infectious. They’re one of the more stylistically straightforward Japanese bands you’ve sent in this roulette, but just a really well-refined, slick and catchy version of that hard rock style. The overall sound is excellent, very punchy and clear and the band plays with a ton of energy and confidence. The songs are all pretty great, but what I like most is that a couple of them really nail that type of melody - quite popular in a lot of Japanese pop and rock - that is simultaneously fun and slightly melancholic. It’s something I find it hard to put my finger on but I love it when I hear it, and in this case it elevates an already strong set of songs to something that bit more emotionally immersive.

Score: 8.4

HOF – Sweet Billy Pilgrim
1. Candle Book and Bell
2. Just Above Midtown
3. Asking for a Friend
4. Skywriting

First impression: This isn’t very easy to define, in a really positive way - love the sound and the vibes.

Final opinion: You don’t seem to be doing anything by halves in this roulette. It’s either sub-8.0 or it’s a high score, with nothing in between. :lol What a wonderfully creative band this clearly is. These four songs are almost from four completely different genres and they’re all great in their own way. Candle Book and Bell is the second time this round I’m feeling a surprising comparison to Thrice’s mellower stuff, but it really does remind me of that a lot - the melody, the emotion, the vocals. Just gorgeous stuff and my favourite here. But the rest is great too. Midtown is upbeat indie pop with a mellow edge, very elegant and engaging. Asking for a Friend is acoustic folk, very stripped back and heartfelt and with some really lovely vocal harmonies between the two singers. And Skywriting is sort of indie again, but with a synthpop/new wave vibe that’s pretty cool, and again it has strong hooks and an emotional undercurrent.

Score: 8.4

King – A.C.T
1. Intro
2. The End
3. Checked Out
4. A Truly Gifted Man

First impression: I thought at first this might not hit my proggy interests, but it has a charming theatricality that’s really rather enjoyable.

Final opinion: This is definitely one of those sleeper hits. Everything scoring above it I loved on first listen and ended up roughly where I thought they might. This crept up on me in the best possible way. The one album of theirs I’ve heard before was ok, but nothing special. This starts enjoyable, a slight sense of rock opera theatrics but generally pretty straightforward upbeat prog with some decent hooks and a nice guitar/keys tradeoff solo in the middle of The End. I initially thought it was probably more of the same. But then it switches to the sort of dark quirkiness that you know I’m a sucker for. I wasn’t expecting it on that first listen and it let me know I was in for more of a ride than I had anticipated. Checked Out doesn’t have anything quite that quirky, but the whole song is just a big ball of groovy theatricality, a ton of fun with really catchy hooks. This is the one I keep getting stuck in my head. And then Gifted Man shifts gears with more of a Spock’s Beard rock opera vibe and again it just works great.

Score: 8.4

Elite – Wheel
1. Vultures
2. Impervious
3. Movement
4. Blood Drinker

First impression: This does Tool better than Tool does Tool - seems like a sweet spot in where our tastes align.

Final opinion: Hell yeah this is great. Tool was obviously a very influential band, but even then the influence here is pretty in your face. :lol I love one Tool album (Lateralus), but the rest I’ve tended to find a bit too esoteric, with a little too much focus on intelligently crafted music and not enough on engaging melody or emotion for my tastes. Other bands influenced by them can be hit and miss too - there are some good ones for sure, but some of the most popular (like Karnivool) have never quite clicked with me. Regardless, these songs strike a much better balance, closer to the side of Tool that I like. Across these four songs, there are various features that might individually get too tiring on their own - the intensity, the moodiness, the metal groove, the rhythmic intricacy - but this is a great selection because those features are all well-balanced and effective in combination, and also held together with some strong hooks, especially in the first two songs.

Score: 8.4

seneca – Gregory Alan Isakov
1. The Stable Song
2. Light Year
3. If I Go, I'm Goin
4. That Sea, The Gambler

First impression: This hits all the right notes as far as this genre is concerned - delicate, emotional and gorgeous.

Final opinion: I like different types of folk music, but the side I’m drawn to most easily is definitely the emotive and/or melancholic stuff that’s rich in both melody and harmony. In some ways, this especially applies to the more American country side of the genre. These songs really are just gorgeous. They’re not all sorrowful, but even the more tonally bright moments are incredibly delicate and heartfelt, sometimes with a slight bittersweet edge. The instrumentation is quite sparse, but very elegant and absolutely fitting of the emotional vibe. The music is really quite lovely throughout. And his voice also adds to the whole effect - it’s the only aspect of this that sounds remotely “indie” (he seems to get described as indie/folk but the music is pure folk really, at least in these songs) and his delivery is all very sincere. Love it.

Score: 8.5

Evermind – Birdy
1. The Witching Hour - Intro
2. Voyager
3. Loneliness
4. Silhouette
5. Strange Birds
6. Surrender

First impression: I could just repeat the first half of your first impression from last round. This is lovely.

Final opinion: I have absolutely no idea why you thought this might tank because it’s absolutely my kind of music. So much so that you’ve jumped to second place and now stand the best chance of dethroning Crow at the last minute. The sound and style is in a delicious sweet spot between indie, folk and pop. There’s something about the way most of it sounds incredibly mellow but has a modest beat that still gets me gently dancing along when I listen that’s simultaneously relaxing and invigorating. Her voice is lovely - similar to the Gregory Alan Isakov songs that Nelson sent me, she has a soft but sincere delivery that’s very compelling. And then to really cap it off, the music itself is just beautiful and full of feeling. Voyager especially encapsulates all these qualities wonderfully, and really was a perfect way to start this selection. But really, all the songs are gorgeous, and even the odd moment where the energy picks up - like the second half of Silhouette and most of Strange Birds which has a very ethereal quality to it - is equally fantastic.

Score: 8.7

Puppies – Mandroid Echostar
1. Ancient Arrows
2. Haunted Vows
3. To the Wolves
4. Citadels

First impression: You may be on a bit of a roll - this sits somewhere between two other bands and seems to have nice qualities from both.

Final opinion: How has nobody ever sent me this band before? I mean, I know I like a lot of different styles, but when it comes to prog metal this definitely comes under the ariich-core banner. It’s the side of the genre that shares elements with post-hardcore and melodic metalcore - the fast, tight riffing, the big modern-style vocals, the anthemic and at times almost poppy choruses. The closest comparator is definitely Protest the Hero, who I love, and this seems to cover the same qualities that attract me to them. It’s slick, crunchy, dramatic and with a ton of great hooks. There is also a bit more of a cheesy theatrical element that I think probably led to your comparison to Coheed, although actually I’m finding it closer to Thank You Scientist (just without the jazz), who I also love. Throw a horn section into Haunted Vows especially and it could easily have been on Maps of Non-Existent Places. I think the vocals are part of it, as their style is so similar. Anyway, these songs are just so great and I can’t wait to hear the album. After two round winners in a row, you’ve jumped from 14th place in round 4 to 3rd in round 6, and suddenly given yourself a chance at one of the greatest upsets in roulette history. :lol

Score: 8.8


Scores after Round 6:

 1. Crow     = 8.8 + 8.4 + 8.6 + 8.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 = 50.5
 2. Evermind = 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.7 = 50.2
 3. Puppies  = 7.9 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 9.0 + 8.8 = 50.1
 4. Litho    = 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.4 + 8.4 + 8.8 + 8.3 = 50.0
 4. TAC      = 8.2 + 8.7 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 = 50.0
 6. nick_z   = 8.2 + 8.5 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.5 + 8.0 = 49.9
 7. wolfking = 8.6 + 8.1 + 8.4 + 8.5 + 8.4 + 7.8 = 49.8
 8. Luoto    = 8.3 + 8.7 + 8.0 + 8.6 + 8.2 + 7.9 = 49.7
 9. Buddy    = 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.0 + 8.1 = 49.4
10. Glasser  = 8.1 + 8.1 + 8.8 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.9 = 49.3
11. soupy    = 8.4 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.0 = 49.2
11. jingle   = 8.2 + 7.7 + 8.6 + 8.4 + 8.1 + 8.2 = 49.2
13. romdrums = 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.0 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.2 = 49.1
13. seneca   = 7.6 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.6 + 8.3 + 8.5 = 49.1
15. Sacul    = 8.3 + 8.9 + 8.0 + 7.8 + 7.9 + 8.1 = 49.0
16. lonestar = 7.8 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 = 48.9
17. luke     = 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.5 + 7.8 = 48.5
18. Reaper   = 7.6 + 8.1 + 7.7 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 = 47.8
19. Vmadera  = 8.0 + 8.0 + 7.3 + 8.3 + 7.9 + 8.2 = 47.7
19. HOF      = 7.5 + 7.9 + 8.7 + 7.7 + 7.5 + 8.4 = 47.7
21. King     = 7.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.8 + 7.7 + 8.4 = 47.6
22. Stadler  = 7.9 + 8.4 + 7.9 + 7.4 + 8.0 + 7.4 = 47.0
23. Elite    = 7.8 + 8.0 + 7.5 + 7.2 + 7.9 + 8.4 = 46.8
24. faizoff  = 7.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 7.0 + 8.1 + 7.7 = 46.5

Click the graphs to enlarge.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 03:46:08 PM
Apart from Crow, it's all change at the top. Rare missteps from the previous 3 main challengers, but a strong surge from 3 others.

Any of the top 8 have a realistic chance of taking this, especially in the EP round with the extra points available for flow. But it's still Crow's to lose unless something special comes along.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: lonestar on July 02, 2023, 03:46:48 PM
Just need that 8.5...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 02, 2023, 03:47:57 PM
Thise are some tight standings.

Congratulations Crow!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 02, 2023, 03:49:25 PM
Can't deny the awesomeness of Mandroid Echostar though... Great album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: HOF on July 02, 2023, 03:57:16 PM
Quote from: ariich link=topic=58332.msg3008685#msg3008685 date=
HOF – Sweet Billy Pilgrim[/b]
1. Candle Book and Bell
2. Just Above Midtown
3. Asking for a Friend
4. Skywriting

First impression: This isn’t very easy to define, in a really positive way - love the sound and the vibes.

Final opinion: You don’t seem to be doing anything by halves in this roulette. It’s either sub-8.0 or it’s a high score, with nothing in between. :lol What a wonderfully creative band this clearly is. These four songs are almost from four completely different genres and they’re all great in their own way. Candle Book and Bell is the second time this round I’m feeling a surprising comparison to Thrice’s mellower stuff, but it really does remind me of that a lot - the melody, the emotion, the vocals. Just gorgeous stuff and my favourite here. But the rest is great too. Midtown is upbeat indie pop with a mellow edge, very elegant and engaging. Asking for a Friend is acoustic folk, very stripped back and heartfelt and with some really lovely vocal harmonies between the two singers. And Skywriting is sort of indie again, but with a synthpop/new wave vibe that’s pretty cool, and again it has strong hooks and an emotional undercurrent.

Score: 8.4

Awesome! This band is so hard to describe, but there really is something for just about everyone to like with them. Their diversity is really amazing. Definitely check out the Motorcade Amnesiacs album, which pretty much hits on every aspect you mentioned here, and is one of the best albums of the past 10 years. Last year’s Somapolis is also really great. An obscure band that really has become one of my favorite active bands and deserves more of a following.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 03:57:45 PM
By the way, I haven't forgotten about the optional bonus round where you send me a song and it gets rated and reviewed by my 5-year-old son. I need to go to bed soon so I'll post about that tomorrow, but it should be a good bit of fun while the EP round runs on as it'll inevitably take a bit longer for this final round!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on July 02, 2023, 04:04:05 PM
if it pleases you to know, the other four songs on the album are all... quite a bit different from the one i sent  :lol
not like, all SUPER super different - one of them is like, reminds me of the latest so hideous album, another of the brutal sludge metal train loved sending (except i like this one for some reason?) and one track's about as close as anything comes to this one but still quite a bit different in its own right  :lol it's a hell of an album and i'll take that score, sure

i think my EP is gonna do well (i love it) but i am not super comfortable with a measly 0.3 lead right now  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 02, 2023, 04:11:23 PM
By the way, I haven't forgotten about the optional bonus round where you send me a song and it gets rated and reviewed by my 5-year-old son. I need to go to bed soon so I'll post about that tomorrow, but it should be a good bit of fun while the EP round runs on as it'll inevitably take a bit longer for this final round!

Now there's a round that Luke can win. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 04:16:35 PM
By the way, I haven't forgotten about the optional bonus round where you send me a song and it gets rated and reviewed by my 5-year-old son. I need to go to bed soon so I'll post about that tomorrow, but it should be a good bit of fun while the EP round runs on as it'll inevitably take a bit longer for this final round!

Now there's a round that Luke can win. ;D
There will be a length limit so he won't be able to send King Gizzard. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 02, 2023, 04:32:23 PM
By the way, I haven't forgotten about the optional bonus round where you send me a song and it gets rated and reviewed by my 5-year-old son. I need to go to bed soon so I'll post about that tomorrow, but it should be a good bit of fun while the EP round runs on as it'll inevitably take a bit longer for this final round!

Now there's a round that Luke can win. ;D

Yes, some say I have the taste, dress sense and demeanour of a 5 year old. This will be a cake walk.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 02, 2023, 04:32:30 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 02, 2023, 04:34:40 PM
How the hell are we on the EP round already :lol  I’d say this has snuck up on me but not sure I’ll get away with that. I’ve got a real busy day tomorrow but hopefully I’ll be able to put some time into the EP by the evening.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 04:36:25 PM
How the hell are we on the EP round already :lol  I’d say this has snuck up on me but not sure I’ll get away with that.

I mean, I only have 7 rounds and I'm incredibly efficient. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 02, 2023, 04:41:46 PM
I didn't expect A.C.T. to score this high with you. I'm happy you liked it!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 04:59:55 PM
I didn't expect A.C.T. to score this high with you. I'm happy you liked it!
Neither did I!

Either I heard the wrong album before, or you just picked out all the best songs. Maybe a bit of both. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 02, 2023, 05:04:29 PM
Sent something Japanese for your kid too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 02, 2023, 05:12:58 PM
I didn't expect A.C.T. to score this high with you. I'm happy you liked it!
Neither did I!

Either I heard the wrong album before, or you just picked out all the best songs. Maybe a bit of both. :lol

 :lol. Sometimes lucky!  Lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 02, 2023, 05:17:58 PM
Litho – Autumn
1. Liquid Under Film Noir
2. Skydancer
3. The Phantom Limb
4. Stacked Smoke

First impression: This sounded up my alley - punchy, emotive and slick, with great vocals especially in the choruses.

Final opinion: You started this submission with a song that really doesn’t waste any time, just jumps straight into a huge sound and a crunchy, dark riff. It develops as it goes though and does ease back with a mellower section later in the song. In general it was just such a great introduction to the band. These songs are all great really, although the production isn’t as strong on the last two. Oddly enough, I can’t really say the songs grew on me on subsequent listens. Normally I enjoy things slightly more or less with each listen and try and capture that in where I end up with the eventual score. Whereas I loved this straight away and it sort of refused to budge even slightly either way at any point. Skydancer has a fantastic chorus and some lovely ambience in the bridge section, while Phantom Limb is very emotive and includes some great proggy synth work. Stacked Smoke probably stands out the least, but it’s still a really nice song and, like all the others, features top-notch vocals.

To me the production is actually better on the later two songs in ways, but I see it as a relatively small difference.  I thought "Stacked Smoke" made the best closer with the way the drumming gradually gets more intense in the last couple minutes.  Did you have a chance to check out the title track from Altitude?  I'm definitely curious to see post-roulette when you get around to the full albums how that will shift your opinion.  I liked them right away, but it took years for everything to really unveil to me and to elevate them to their current status for me.  I didn't send anything from the album between those two because I find for most people and even myself that it's even more subtle and maybe not suited for a roulette.  The ones before the latest three will have the original vocalist (who you already heard in Dejafuse, and would be one of very few to hear them in such an order, lol), with My New Time more similar in style to the latest three, but the first two are quite different and possibly more of an acquired taste.  They also are well into the writing process and could potentially have a new album out within the next year, but they tend to take their time these days. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on July 02, 2023, 05:26:55 PM
Wednesday. Bloody hell, I better get a move on!

My ep is bloody hell.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: Glasser on July 02, 2023, 05:31:51 PM
Apart from Crow, it's all change at the top. Rare missteps from the previous 3 main challengers, but a strong surge from 3 others.

Any of the top 8 have a realistic chance of taking this, especially in the EP round with the extra points available for flow. But it's still Crow's to lose unless something special comes along.

I don't think its possible to beat the flow of my ep. I'm still getting shit on but this is fun.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on July 02, 2023, 05:57:29 PM

nick_z – Saviour Machine
1. Carnival of Souls
2. Ludicrous Smiles
3. Legion

First impression: This isn't blowing me away so far - a little “of its time” perhaps - but it’s moody and melodic and pretty engaging.

Final opinion: I should start by saying that I was already very familiar with Eric Clayton's voice from Ayreon’s The Human Equation. I really liked him a lot in that, his voice was so different to all the others and indeed a departure from what you'd normally expect in prog generally. But I never got round to checking out his other work. Funnily enough, this is pretty much exactly what I'd expect it to sound like. 90s gothic rock with some proggy leanings, a very moody atmosphere and a very emotive approach and delivery. The melodic hooks don't entirely grab me - indeed after five listens I couldn't tell you how any of it goes - but the overall music and vibe and his passionate delivery are enough to still make it very engaging.

Score: 8.0

A bit of a sad panda here  :'(


...not so much for the score (respectable enough, plus it's the fun that matters), but mostly because I was hoping better for this particular album, as it's a big favorite of mine (as I was mentioning). I get, though, how outside of the particular context of the period I discovered them, the songs might not have quite the same impact. Yes, I did choose some of the more "gothic"-sounding ones, as I truly love those...but the album has some more classic metal-leaning tunes too (still very much imbued with that dark vibe). Back in 1993, it all sounded very unique and "arcane" to me, and Clayton seemed to have quite the fascinating presence.

If you have time and are curious, give the rest of the album a shot at some point. It's also very possible you'd enjoy their second (titled "II") more, as it's harder to categorize  its sound.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 02, 2023, 06:06:39 PM
My first ever roulette EP, here we go, sent!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on July 02, 2023, 06:11:58 PM
Bugger.  Ah well, was having a good run.

I'll try and send an EP within 24 hours.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on July 02, 2023, 06:19:50 PM
The slope of Puppies' line in the chart is phenomenal!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 02, 2023, 06:46:26 PM
The slope of Puppies' line in the chart is phenomenal!  :biggrin:
I know right?

Glad you liked Mandroid Echostar almost as much as Kiss Kiss! I've been out of town, but will be back home Tuesday and should be able to send my EP then.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on July 02, 2023, 07:40:58 PM
Middle of the pack again. I’ll take it. I’m determined to land with some pre 2000s music for you.

Oh, and Sass gets a little more mellow and bluesy after the 1994 Rats album. She just released a live recording from ‘94 out of a club in NYC. It’s a good listen.

Looking forward to the lil Arica round too.

I’ll send ya the EP in the morning.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 02, 2023, 09:32:02 PM
You make such a big deal out of me finally getting a green arrow and it’s a fucking 0.1 point increase.  :rollin

Oh well, glad you liked it. You’ve got my EP, right?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on July 02, 2023, 09:35:05 PM
You make such a big deal out of me finally getting a green arrow and it’s a fucking 0.1 point increase.  :rollin
you have been, as they would have said in 2005, pwned
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 02, 2023, 09:47:33 PM
You make such a big deal out of me finally getting a green arrow and it’s a fucking 0.1 point increase.  :rollin
you have been, as they would have said in 2005, pwned

This sux0rz.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 02, 2023, 11:31:26 PM
I didn't expect A.C.T. to score this high with you. I'm happy you liked it!
Neither did I!

Either I heard the wrong album before, or you just picked out all the best songs. Maybe a bit of both. :lol

 :lol. Sometimes lucky!  Lol
Oh I totally forgot to mention that instrumental section in A Truly Gifted Man is absolutely brilliant, such an emotive melody.

To me the production is actually better on the later two songs in ways, but I see it as a relatively small difference.  I thought "Stacked Smoke" made the best closer with the way the drumming gradually gets more intense in the last couple minutes.  Did you have a chance to check out the title track from Altitude?  I'm definitely curious to see post-roulette when you get around to the full albums how that will shift your opinion.  I liked them right away, but it took years for everything to really unveil to me and to elevate them to their current status for me.  I didn't send anything from the album between those two because I find for most people and even myself that it's even more subtle and maybe not suited for a roulette.  The ones before the latest three will have the original vocalist (who you already heard in Dejafuse, and would be one of very few to hear them in such an order, lol), with My New Time more similar in style to the latest three, but the first two are quite different and possibly more of an acquired taste.  They also are well into the writing process and could potentially have a new album out within the next year, but they tend to take their time these days. 
I'm very much an album listener first and foremost, and roulette scores don't always translate exactly to subsequent album ratings. I can definitely see this being a case of the sound working great on the album but, out of context and alongside other songs, they sound a little less punchy. That does happen to me sometimes (my Borknagar submission to you being a great example).

Apart from Crow, it's all change at the top. Rare missteps from the previous 3 main challengers, but a strong surge from 3 others.

Any of the top 8 have a realistic chance of taking this, especially in the EP round with the extra points available for flow. But it's still Crow's to lose unless something special comes along.

I don't think its possible to beat the flow of my ep. I'm still getting shit on but this is fun.
:lol Oh dear.

A bit of a sad panda here  :'(


...not so much for the score (respectable enough, plus it's the fun that matters), but mostly because I was hoping better for this particular album, as it's a big favorite of mine (as I was mentioning). I get, though, how outside of the particular context of the period I discovered them, the songs might not have quite the same impact. Yes, I did choose some of the more "gothic"-sounding ones, as I truly love those...but the album has some more classic metal-leaning tunes too (still very much imbued with that dark vibe). Back in 1993, it all sounded very unique and "arcane" to me, and Clayton seemed to have quite the fascinating presence.

If you have time and are curious, give the rest of the album a shot at some point. It's also very possible you'd enjoy their second (titled "II") more, as it's harder to categorize  its sound.
I get it, especially when it's a favourite. I'll definitely be listening to the whole album and sounds like I should at least check out II as well. If I like either even as much as these songs (let alone more) that'll probably be enough to want to grab myself a copy!

You make such a big deal out of me finally getting a green arrow and it’s a fucking 0.1 point increase.  :rollin
you have been, as they would have said in 2005, pwned

This sux0rz.
:rollin I'm sorry.  (EDITL Although in fairness, your red down arrows were also small and you got a couple of orange equals too, so really it's your fault for just being so consistent :P )
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 comparisons
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 03, 2023, 01:46:23 AM
Wednesday. Bloody hell, I better get a move on!

My ep is bloody hell.

Scream Bloody EP
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 03, 2023, 05:28:37 AM
I've got 8 EPs in already, thanks!

While people continue working on them, it's time for...

OPTIONAL BONUS ROUND: Send a song to my 5-year-old son!

Alright so I get that I’m known for being efficient with my roulettes, but even I can only go so quickly in an EP round - there’ll be an immense volume of music, having more than one artist in each EP does require a little more focus, and some have themes or narratives that I’ll want to get my head around.

There’ll be the usual giant multi-stage hangman but I thought another fun way to pass the time would be to get you to send a song for my boy to rate and review as a bonus round. This is optional and won’t count towards the overall scores, but it should be fun so hopefully most or all of you will send something!

Caelan is 5 years old, reasonably bright and very excitable. Before he started at school I used to regularly drive him to my parents’ house and we listened to a lot of music together, some of which he really enjoyed. We still listen to some, but not as often and not usually for as long.

If we have music on in the car while driving somewhere then he’ll listen well, but otherwise his concentration is often diverted by other things, so I’ll need to keep the amount of content manageable for us. Submissions should therefore be as follows:

Anyway, the banned list for this bonus round is pretty simple, it’s just the artists or soundtracks he is or has been reasonably familiar with already. The ones he’s enjoyed most are female-fronted symphonic metal, but he’s also surprisingly enjoyed (and generally found kind of hilarious) some pretty extreme metal as well, as long as it’s melodic. He definitely likes catchy tunes, unsurprisingly. With all of these I’ve played him some similar artists that he’s enjoyed but not taken to as much.

I should say that he’ll also have heard a whole load of random pop songs and children’s songs at school, parties, etc. but I’ve no idea what he thinks of them.

Feel free to send anything within the rules above that’s not on this list, including things I myself know and love or that you sent to me earlier in the roulette.

Banned list (with stuff he knows or likes best in brackets):

After Forever (mainly the self-titled album)
Disney’s Frozen
Disney’s The Princess and the Frog
Gacharic Spin
Haken (aka Uncle Pete’s band!)
Nightwish (particularly the Floor era)
Ninjago’s various theme songs
Nova Collective (aka also Uncle Pete’s band… I’m not sure I’ve even explained to him it’s two separate bands :lol)
Soilwork (mainly Ride Majestic and Overgivenheten)
Stortregn (mainly Emptiness Fills the Void)
Within Temptation (and Sharon Den Adel’s “My Indigo” solo album)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 03, 2023, 05:36:40 AM
Even Ariich’s kid has a banned list.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on July 03, 2023, 05:58:09 AM
And naturally, Queen is on it.  FFS, my very first inclination when you teased this idea was Don't Stop Me Now.

Gonna have to noodle on this now.  Will send later today - got some errands to run.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Evermind on July 03, 2023, 06:00:43 AM
Can't wait to see Litho overthinking what to send to Rich's son.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 03, 2023, 06:14:36 AM
I've keyed in on 83 distinct attributes and have it narrowed down to 645 bands to comb through...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 03, 2023, 06:26:46 AM

Even Ariich’s kid has a banned list.  :lol
Yeah but it's an incredibly short one. :P Just think it'll be more fun if he doesn't get anything he already knows, plus it helps indicate some of the music he likes which people might not expect from a 5-year-old.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Lonk on July 03, 2023, 06:33:51 AM
I sent a song
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 03, 2023, 06:34:11 AM
If only I could send "Blame Canada."
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on July 03, 2023, 07:00:16 AM
Wouldn't have expected to see Stortregn in there  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 03, 2023, 07:20:05 AM
Glorious... Sent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 03, 2023, 07:25:47 AM
Glasser sent Pizza Death
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: faizoff on July 03, 2023, 07:26:49 AM
faizoff – Run The Jewels
1. Legend Has It
2. Ooh La La
3. JU$T
4. Out of Sight
5. Close Your Eyes (And Count To Fuck)

First impression: Not entirely aligned to my tastes when it comes to this genre, but there’s a cool mix of groove and tension to it.

Final opinion: When it comes to hip-hop, I tend to prefer the stuff that’s more melodic (even if that’s just in the backing music on the rap-dominated side of the genre). The Kendrick Lamar songs that Sacul sent me in round 1 were great, and English grime artist Stormzy is another strong example. This is a bit different to what I’d normally go for, in that it’s not really about melody but relies more heavily on the groove of the beat, the flow of the vocals and the nuances in the production. Thankfully it still does those things pretty well. The main chorus motif of Ooh La La is… kind of annoying, I could have done without that song. :lol But for the rest, the groove especially is there, and there’s also an uneasy tension throughout that’s interesting and kind of compelling. Zack de la Rocha’s guest vocals are also cool. Can’t see myself wanting to return to this much, but it’s enjoyable for what it is.

Score: 7.7

I kinda dig it lol.

This scoring higher than Meshuggah is not what I expected.

Going to try and finish the EP tonight. Might send it tomorrow most likely.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 03, 2023, 07:28:30 AM
Rich, what’s you stance on swearing? I’m obviously not going to send anything with loads of explicit language, but is swearing a complete no no?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 03, 2023, 07:39:41 AM
Rich, what’s you stance on swearing? I’m obviously not going to send anything with loads of explicit language, but is swearing a complete no no?
If it's not especially noticeable to someone who doesn't know the word then chances are it's ok (it's certainly the case in some of the music I've listened to with him).

Wouldn't have expected to see Stortregn in there  :)
I know right? That was the first extreme thing he heard, having only heard the odd moment of growls in a few songs like from After Forever. But he said he wanted to hear something heavy, so I played him that album and he found the first song hilarious (I mean, it is pretty intense) but ended up really liking it all. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 03, 2023, 07:55:34 AM
Luke sent Limp Bizkit - "Hot Dog". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 03, 2023, 07:58:12 AM
Luke sent Limp Bizkit - "Hot Dog".
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 03, 2023, 08:00:48 AM
Yea, I kinda meant if there’s the odd swear word that’s not too in your face and easily missable, are we good. Looks like we are.

I might just go the Disney route  :lol

My son loves a lot of stuff your son obviously likes too. Maybe I’ll get him to submit for me, he’s bound to be better at this than I am.

Oh, also Dig a Little Deeper from Princess and the Frog is my jam. I sing that to my boy loads  :rollin

I've keyed in on 83 distinct attributes and have it narrowed down to 645 bands to comb through...

This is even more funny because it’s not even a joke  :lol

One more Rich. Do we get bonus points if Caelan loves a song and you loathe it? AKA the Crazy Frog Rule.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 03, 2023, 08:05:11 AM
Sent for the bonus round! I think I'm more nervous for this round than anything else in the roulette.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 03, 2023, 08:15:59 AM
Oh, also Dig a Little Deeper from Princess and the Frog is my jam. I sing that to my boy loads  :rollin
Friends on the Other Side is where's it at.

One more Rich. Do we get bonus points if Caelan loves a song and you loathe it? AKA the Crazy Frog Rule.
Points will be entirely awarded by Caelan and I've no idea what his range will be or if it'll be even vaguely coherent. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 03, 2023, 08:18:29 AM

One more Rich. Do we get bonus points if Caelan loves a song and you loathe it? AKA the Crazy Frog Rule.
Points will be entirely awarded by Caelan and I've no idea what his range will be or if it'll be even vaguely coherent. :lol

Ahh, the 'love you 3000' scale...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 03, 2023, 08:20:44 AM
Sent for the bonus round! I think I'm more nervous for this round than anything else in the roulette.  :lol
:lol Excellent.

One more Rich. Do we get bonus points if Caelan loves a song and you loathe it? AKA the Crazy Frog Rule.
Points will be entirely awarded by Caelan and I've no idea what his range will be or if it'll be even vaguely coherent. :lol
Ahh, the 'love you 3000' scale...
I mean I've only just got him to stop saying "ten a million" when he means (I think) 10 million, so there's no guarantee every score will even be an actual number.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 03, 2023, 08:22:11 AM
Imaginary numbers then... I like it lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 03, 2023, 08:27:40 AM
I'll take a gold star or a thumbs up or a million points or even an exclaimed "that was amazing!"
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 03, 2023, 08:39:42 AM
I'll even take a "this slaps!", though maybe that's more a gen-Z thing and he's too young for that.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 03, 2023, 08:41:55 AM
I'll even take a "this slaps!", though maybe that's more a gen-Z thing and he's too young for that.

This is deadass bussin’, no cap!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 03, 2023, 08:48:00 AM
or if it'll be even vaguely coherent. :lol

I hope it isn’t
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on July 03, 2023, 09:01:02 AM
Sent for bonus round!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 03, 2023, 09:07:04 AM
Sent both the bonus round and the EP!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: faizoff on July 03, 2023, 09:47:53 AM
Sent bonus round, still formulating the EP.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on July 03, 2023, 11:10:19 AM
knew exactly what i wanted to send for the bonus round  :hat
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: HOF on July 03, 2023, 11:57:38 AM
Bonus sent! Also EP was sent last night, just for the record.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: senecadawg2 on July 03, 2023, 12:15:46 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 03, 2023, 12:21:26 PM
Are we getting a kiddie hangman? :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Crow on July 03, 2023, 12:25:15 PM
i dunno, isn't hangman a bit dark for kids?  :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: HOF on July 03, 2023, 12:28:34 PM
i dunno, isn't hangman a bit dark for kids?  :P

We played it in school when I was a kid! It actually involved drawing a stick man hanging even.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 03, 2023, 12:32:34 PM
i dunno, isn't hangman a bit dark for kids?  :P

We played it in school when I was a kid! It actually involved drawing a stick man hanging even.

Back in my day we didn't have that luxury...we just hung people.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 03, 2023, 01:01:33 PM
i dunno, isn't hangman a bit dark for kids?  :P

We played it in school when I was a kid! It actually involved drawing a stick man hanging even.

Back in my day we didn't have that luxury...we just hung people.

Line up against the wall and wait for someone to though a rubber ball at you.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Lonk on July 03, 2023, 01:43:20 PM
Sent something cheesy (EP) :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 03, 2023, 02:23:45 PM
Wow, I've already got 11 songs for Caelan! Now I just need to figure out when I'm going to listen to them with him. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 03, 2023, 02:27:38 PM
Wow, I've already got 11 songs for Caelan! Now I just need to figure out when I'm going to listen to them with him. :lol

I'm slacking here. I literally just took a nap. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Lonk on July 03, 2023, 02:29:05 PM
Replied to your PM, making sure the cheesiness continues  :corn :corn

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 03, 2023, 02:31:50 PM
Wow, I've already got 11 songs for Caelan! Now I just need to figure out when I'm going to listen to them with him. :lol

I'm slacking here. I literally just took a nap. :lol

You didn't have 765 kids songs ready to go?

Oh the horror!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 03, 2023, 02:37:29 PM
He had to take a nap because it took him all day to load 965 Caelan songs onto his Spotify playlist and then cross out 200 of them. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 03, 2023, 02:40:27 PM
Wow, I've already got 11 songs for Caelan! Now I just need to figure out when I'm going to listen to them with him. :lol

I'm slacking here. I literally just took a nap. :lol

You didn't have 765 kids songs ready to go?

Oh the horror!
I had to be at work at 5am this morning. Thanks for the 12:35 am text. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 03, 2023, 02:44:01 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 03, 2023, 02:44:20 PM
Haha. It's when I got home. Lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 03, 2023, 02:46:27 PM
Haha. It's when I got home. Lol

I figured you'd thank me IN THE MORNING!  :lol

I guess 12:35 qualifies as morning. :lol :lol

I'm kidding. It didn't wake me. I saw it when I was getting ready for work and I chuckled.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 03, 2023, 03:10:30 PM
I turn my phone off. I can't have my phone next to me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 03, 2023, 03:11:32 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: romdrums on July 03, 2023, 03:38:59 PM
Bonus round sent.  Still need to work on my EP.  My dog had to have emergency spinal surgery this past weekend.  He did well and is expected to make a full recovery, but it was a pretty stressful week last week. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 03, 2023, 03:41:13 PM
Shit dude, hope the pupper makes a full recovery.

I will be sending for the bonus round before I go to bed tonight, as well as working on my EP.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on July 03, 2023, 03:57:26 PM
Bonus round sent.  Still need to work on my EP.  My dog had to have emergency spinal surgery this past weekend.  He did well and is expected to make a full recovery, but it was a pretty stressful week last week.

Oh man, give the pup many hugs and rubs  :heart

I've had my own share of pet worries, recently...

My dog had surgery this past January to remove a big malignant mass...she's 12 and she's done SO well, such a good recovery (it's likely to come back but hopefully not for a while). Then she tore the ACL on one of her legs last month. We didn't want to do another (major) surgery, so we found this place that does custom braces for doggies, and so far she's doing great on it.

And of course, now that she's doing better, it's the cat turn not to feel well. Not eating much and can't quite figure out what's going on. Vet's waiting on some bloodwork results.

So, yes, lots of stress in this household too...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: romdrums on July 03, 2023, 04:07:58 PM
Bonus round sent.  Still need to work on my EP.  My dog had to have emergency spinal surgery this past weekend.  He did well and is expected to make a full recovery, but it was a pretty stressful week last week.

Oh man, give the pup many hugs and rubs  :heart

I've had my own share of pet worries, recently...

My dog had surgery this past January to remove a big malignant mass...she's 12 and she's done SO well, such a good recovery (it's likely to come back but hopefully not for a while). Then she tore the ACL on one of her legs last month. We didn't want to do another (major) surgery, so we found this place that does custom braces for doggies, and so far she's doing great on it.

And of course, now that she's doing better, it's the cat turn not to feel well. Not eating much and can't quite figure out what's going on. Vet's waiting on some bloodwork results.

So, yes, lots of stress in this household too...

Thanks! He will get plenty of hugs and cuddles when he gets home.  Currently looking at 2-4 weeks of rehab. Good to hear you found that solution for your pup, and I hope you get some answers on your cat as well!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 03, 2023, 04:16:12 PM
Are we trying to influence Ariich Jr. with talk of puppy dogs and kitty cats?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: nick_z on July 03, 2023, 04:33:44 PM
Are we trying to influence Ariich Jr. with talk of puppy dogs and kitty cats?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: HOF on July 03, 2023, 04:35:15 PM
Are we trying to influence Ariich Jr. with talk of puppy dogs and kitty cats?

Mine sort of does.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: soupytwist on July 03, 2023, 04:54:40 PM
Sent EP + Bonus round song!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 03, 2023, 05:00:21 PM
Sent bonus song but not the EP
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Lonk on July 03, 2023, 06:23:01 PM
The more I think about it, the more I think I misunderstood the task for the bonus round or took it way too seriously lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 03, 2023, 06:28:03 PM
I wouldn’t be shocked if what I sent for the bonus round would have scored better than anything I *actually* sent this roulette.  :lol :sadpanda:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on July 03, 2023, 06:41:28 PM
I'll send some songs in about 12 hours or so Rich.  Sorry, been under the pump.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 04, 2023, 12:39:47 AM
Really fun mix of songs for the bonus round so far. Can't wait to see what Caelan makes of them.

For songs or theme tunes that have videos, I'm considering showing him the music videos, figure that'll help keep his attention a bit better. And then for those without videos I'll play them in the car so he doesn't have other distractions. Should work OK hopefully!

By the way we now have our first artist that one person sent for Caelan and someone else sent as part of their EP for me! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 04, 2023, 12:50:20 AM
I’m unsurprised that Glasser sent Caelan Pizza Death.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Elite on July 04, 2023, 03:18:45 AM
Wow, I'm not in last place anymore :lol

I'm going to finish the EP next Sunday, so I'll try to send it then! :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on July 04, 2023, 03:57:15 AM
Really fun mix of songs for the bonus round so far. Can't wait to see what Caelan makes of them.

For songs or theme tunes that have videos, I'm considering showing him the music videos, figure that'll help keep his attention a bit better. And then for those without videos I'll play them in the car so he doesn't have other distractions. Should work OK hopefully!

By the way we now have our first artist that one person sent for Caelan and someone else sent as part of their EP for me! :lol

Damn... I really wish I went with Option B now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 04, 2023, 04:12:05 AM
No problem at all if anyone wants to resend as a YouTube video instead! Unlikely to get a chance to start until the weekend anyway.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 04, 2023, 04:15:11 AM
Oh I definitely am! Will send shortly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on July 04, 2023, 04:15:29 AM
Wait, what's this bonus round?  I've missed a lot obviously.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on July 04, 2023, 04:20:14 AM
I've got 8 EPs in already, thanks!

While people continue working on them, it's time for...

OPTIONAL BONUS ROUND: Send a song to my 5-year-old son!

Alright so I get that I’m known for being efficient with my roulettes, but even I can only go so quickly in an EP round - there’ll be an immense volume of music, having more than one artist in each EP does require a little more focus, and some have themes or narratives that I’ll want to get my head around.

There’ll be the usual giant multi-stage hangman but I thought another fun way to pass the time would be to get you to send a song for my boy to rate and review as a bonus round. This is optional and won’t count towards the overall scores, but it should be fun so hopefully most or all of you will send something!

Caelan is 5 years old, reasonably bright and very excitable. Before he started at school I used to regularly drive him to my parents’ house and we listened to a lot of music together, some of which he really enjoyed. We still listen to some, but not as often and not usually for as long.

If we have music on in the car while driving somewhere then he’ll listen well, but otherwise his concentration is often diverted by other things, so I’ll need to keep the amount of content manageable for us. Submissions should therefore be as follows:
  • One song only
  • Maximum length 5 minutes
  • Ideally on Spotify but as always an mp3 is manageable
  • Don’t think too hard it about it, it’s just a bit of fun! :lol

Anyway, the banned list for this bonus round is pretty simple, it’s just the artists or soundtracks he is or has been reasonably familiar with already. The ones he’s enjoyed most are female-fronted symphonic metal, but he’s also surprisingly enjoyed (and generally found kind of hilarious) some pretty extreme metal as well, as long as it’s melodic. He definitely likes catchy tunes, unsurprisingly. With all of these I’ve played him some similar artists that he’s enjoyed but not taken to as much.

I should say that he’ll also have heard a whole load of random pop songs and children’s songs at school, parties, etc. but I’ve no idea what he thinks of them.

Feel free to send anything within the rules above that’s not on this list, including things I myself know and love or that you sent to me earlier in the roulette.

Banned list (with stuff he knows or likes best in brackets):

After Forever (mainly the self-titled album)
Disney’s Frozen
Disney’s The Princess and the Frog
Gacharic Spin
Haken (aka Uncle Pete’s band!)
Nightwish (particularly the Floor era)
Ninjago’s various theme songs
Nova Collective (aka also Uncle Pete’s band… I’m not sure I’ve even explained to him it’s two separate bands :lol)
Soilwork (mainly Ride Majestic and Overgivenheten)
Stortregn (mainly Emptiness Fills the Void)
Within Temptation (and Sharon Den Adel’s “My Indigo” solo album)

Don't mind me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on July 04, 2023, 04:21:45 AM
Frozen and Stortregn on the same banned list!  Oh my....
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 04, 2023, 04:43:56 AM
Frozen and Stortregn on the same banned list!  Oh my....

Right?  :lol. Kid’s got great taste.

Sent my video.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 04, 2023, 05:22:23 AM
Oh I definitely want to send a video  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: wolfking on July 04, 2023, 05:49:37 AM
Sent a nice relaxing EP.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on July 04, 2023, 05:58:27 AM
Yeah, I called an audible and went with my 1b choice given the video daily double.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Sacul on July 04, 2023, 10:20:13 AM
I'll take a gold star or a thumbs up or a million points or even an exclaimed "that was amazing!"
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Sacul on July 04, 2023, 10:26:36 AM
Ok just sent a great song for Caelan, that has a pretty cool music vid.

Now, I'll try to finish my EP...

EDIT: Finished and sent :2metal:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on July 04, 2023, 12:29:51 PM
I’m unsurprised that Glasser sent Caelan Pizza Death.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on July 04, 2023, 12:30:29 PM
Sent something cheesy (EP) :corn

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Evermind on July 04, 2023, 01:23:06 PM
I decided not to do a story because I just won't be able to get it done tomorrow :lol

EP sent!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 04, 2023, 01:35:16 PM
EP sent! With a story! :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Evermind on July 04, 2023, 01:38:44 PM
EP sent! With a story! :corn

My post still ended up around 1.5k words where I explained things, but the official story blurb is at ~500 words. I do like it though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 04, 2023, 02:24:16 PM
EP sent! With a story! :corn

My post still ended up around 1.5k words where I explained things, but the official story blurb is at ~500 words. I do like it though.
Yeah yours is still the longest, and that was the "short version". :lol

Anyway, we're up to 16 EPs accepted plus 2 others that need to make a change (one included a banned song, and the other had too many different artists). So just 6 more people who haven't sent anything yet for the EPs.

At some point this week I'll also gather together Youtube and Spotify playlists for the bonus round and start squeezing in some listens/views with Caelan. In terms of timeliness it's only going to be one listen for each song and for a laugh I might just post them in small batches as they happen.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: faizoff on July 04, 2023, 03:21:54 PM
Sent mine, methinks it might need some adjustment.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 04, 2023, 03:54:16 PM
You should rate the songs for Caelan with Caelan faces. 4 out of 5 Caelans. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Sacul on July 04, 2023, 04:29:55 PM
sent an ep with 420 songs :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ReaperKK on July 04, 2023, 06:27:25 PM
EP sent!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 05, 2023, 02:58:25 AM
Ok I'm up to 20 EPs now and over 10 hours of music. :lol

Just waiting on Elite, Luke, romdrums and Stadler.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Sacul on July 05, 2023, 07:59:05 AM
C'mon slackers, even I sent in time :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 05, 2023, 08:04:38 AM
C'mon slackers, even I sent in time :neverusethis:

Clearly I was just trying to make you look good.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 05, 2023, 12:31:42 PM
Ok, I’m planning to finish and send my EP tonight. Wish me luck
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: romdrums on July 05, 2023, 12:48:24 PM
Should have my EP in shortly. Giving it a final run through.

EP sent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 05, 2023, 02:20:58 PM
Ok I'm up to 20 EPs now and over 10 hours of music. :lol

Mine is still under an hour and all my songs are in... 20 hours would require month long rounds for me.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 05, 2023, 02:31:10 PM
Ok I'm up to 20 EPs now and over 10 hours of music. :lol

Mine is still under an hour and all my songs are in... 20 hours would require month long rounds for me.  :lol
20 hours?! Let's not exaggerate. :lol It should end up being around 12 hours or so. We're now on 21 EPs totalling 10:38:09.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: lonestar on July 05, 2023, 02:34:17 PM
Ok I'm up to 20 EPs now and over 10 hours of music. :lol

Mine is still under an hour and all my songs are in... 20 hours would require month long rounds for me.  :lol
20 hours?! Let's not exaggerate. :lol It should end up being around 12 hours or so. We're now on 21 EPs totalling 10:38:09.

That was meant to be 10...I Kinger'd it. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 05, 2023, 02:39:20 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: soupytwist on July 05, 2023, 03:00:42 PM
Probably screwed myself over trying to create a narrative for my EP, completely restricting myself on songs that tell the story arc...but it was a surprising amount of fun to create.  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 05, 2023, 03:22:33 PM
Does Junior have all of his songs in, and how long is his playlist?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on July 05, 2023, 03:27:08 PM
Ok, I’m planning to finish and send my EP tonight. Wish me luck

Its easy, PIZZA DEATH!!!  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 05, 2023, 04:19:28 PM
Ok, I’m planning to finish and send my EP tonight. Wish me luck

Its easy, PIZZA DEATH!!!  :metal

We can’t both send them my dude! But I kinda wish I’d sent the whole album, would’ve made my life easier. Then again, this could’ve been us…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 05, 2023, 04:26:11 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 05, 2023, 04:36:50 PM

You two have been promising/threatening pizza death from the start and yet my roulette has remained unpizzadeathed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 05, 2023, 04:44:46 PM
Luke and Glasser chillin'.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 05, 2023, 04:48:29 PM
Rich, just use your mod powers.

(https://i.postimg.cc/6QMbVzbx/FUjA.gif) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: TAC on July 05, 2023, 05:00:36 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 05, 2023, 05:07:01 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: jingle.boy on July 05, 2023, 08:20:05 PM
Oh that’s fantastic. King, you gotta change your avatar to that!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Postwhore on July 05, 2023, 08:21:39 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 05, 2023, 09:57:59 PM
Man, now I'm gonna get you confused with bl5150  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 05, 2023, 11:16:02 PM
Luke and Glasser chillin'.

Pizza the Hutt!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 02:11:25 PM
Hopefully we've not maxed out at 21 EPs...  :|

Incidentally I think I'm going to do first impressions before hangman for this round. Hangman is going to be monstrous and it would mean first impressions get posted so long after those first listens. (EDIT: Or maybe I'll do EP titles hangman, then first impressions, and then songs. Hmm...)

Also I told Caelan this evening about these roulette games and people sending songs for him to listen to and tell us what he thinks about them, and he was really excited. I told him when I give a score it's generally between 0 and 10 but he can do it however he likes, and his response was "so, like, a billion?" :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 02:18:21 PM
That's the playlist that I'm interested in.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 06, 2023, 02:39:59 PM
I expect nothing less than a billion. This round counts towards the overall score right?

Don’t want to alarm anyone (you know who you are) but I have scrapped my EP and started over at the 11th hour as I wasn’t feeling my previous one. This one is much better, and will be worth the wait. It’s nearly perfected but I might use Audacity to really get the songs to flow even better. What you reckon Rich? You happy with a little extra wait to have it as one mp3 file, or you just want the Spotify playlist?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: lonestar on July 06, 2023, 02:42:14 PM
There should be a special category in the roulette listing for anyone who scores over a billion.

That's the playlist that I'm interested in.

Yeah Rich, we'll definitely be needing the kid's playlist.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 02:43:00 PM
I expect nothing less than a billion. This round counts towards the overall score right?

Don’t want to alarm anyone (you know who you are) but I have scrapped my EP and started over at the 11th hour as I wasn’t feeling my previous one. This one is much better, and will be worth the wait. It’s nearly perfected but I might use Audacity to really get the songs to flow even better. What you reckon Rich? You happy with a little extra wait to have it as one mp3 file, or you just want the Spotify playlist?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 06, 2023, 02:43:59 PM
Rich, check your Facebook IM.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 06, 2023, 02:44:21 PM
I expect nothing less than a billion. This round counts towards the overall score right?

Don’t want to alarm anyone (you know who you are) but I have scrapped my EP and started over at the 11th hour as I wasn’t feeling my previous one. This one is much better, and will be worth the wait. It’s nearly perfected but I might use Audacity to really get the songs to flow even better. What you reckon Rich? You happy with a little extra wait to have it as one mp3 file, or you just want the Spotify playlist?


You always snoozing old man, who you kidding.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: Glasser on July 06, 2023, 02:44:29 PM
Ok, I’m planning to finish and send my EP tonight. Wish me luck

Its easy, PIZZA DEATH!!!  :metal

We can’t both send them my dude! But I kinda wish I’d sent the whole album, would’ve made my life easier. Then again, this could’ve been us…


Pizza Death breaks all the rules!.we can both send it but Rich needs to take responsibility and add Pizza Death to his daily listening, its blasphemy that he hasn't by now.  :lol :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 06, 2023, 02:46:02 PM
We're doing hangman for Caelan's too, right?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - round 6 RESULTS
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 06, 2023, 02:55:06 PM
Ok, I’m planning to finish and send my EP tonight. Wish me luck

Its easy, PIZZA DEATH!!!  :metal

We can’t both send them my dude! But I kinda wish I’d sent the whole album, would’ve made my life easier. Then again, this could’ve been us…


Pizza Death breaks all the rules!.we can both send it but Rich needs to take responsibility and add Pizza Death to his daily listening, its blasphemy that he hasn't by now.  :lol :metal

Oh I’m working in some Pizza Death, slice at a time.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 02:56:45 PM
We're doing hangman for Caelan's too, right?

I'll probably get all of this bonus songs together tomorrow.  I mentioned that some songs would have videos but not all of them, he just wanted to make sure there'd at least be the album art to look at (we do this on my phone in the car). So I'll probably just do it all on Youtube, but also get Spotify as backup for listening in the car. Anyway I should be able to do Caelan's hangman tomorrow.

I expect nothing less than a billion. This round counts towards the overall score right?

Don’t want to alarm anyone (you know who you are) but I have scrapped my EP and started over at the 11th hour as I wasn’t feeling my previous one. This one is much better, and will be worth the wait. It’s nearly perfected but I might use Audacity to really get the songs to flow even better. What you reckon Rich? You happy with a little extra wait to have it as one mp3 file, or you just want the Spotify playlist?
Depends VERY MUCH how long you think it will take. The edited mp3s definitely can help a bit with flow but they do take time to get right as well, so it's up to you.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 06, 2023, 03:26:34 PM
Well I’ll send you the playlist, and see if I can complete an Audacity before you start the round proper? If you don’t receive the mp3 version in time then Spotify it is. That work?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 03:36:49 PM
That works.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 03:45:53 PM
My secretary is correct.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 04:16:58 PM
Right, it's possible I've missed something but it doesn't seem like Glasser or Luoto have sent something for the bonus round (please correct me I'm wrong, chaps) and Elite hasn't really been around either. So we've got 21 songs for Caelan, and it's hangman time!

??: K___s __ C___e__e_ce – Ask ___ _e__
??: ______a_ B__ad_a_ Cast __ _a___t__ – ___'__ Be Back
??: A____ S__t_ – C____s
??: The Comet Is Coming – S__e_ __d_ac
??: Ed_e __ _a_ad_se – D___ta_ _a_ad_se
??: K_s__ Bas__ – ____s_____e __ _t! C_e__ca___e __t_ _t!
??: _ea_ __ T_e __at – A_a__t_a
Crow: Bent Knee – Queer Gods
??: E_s__e___ – ____
??: __b_t C__t__e – ___t_ Sta_ __ ___a
??: ____ S__a – D._.E.A._.
??: __s_ – T_e S____t __ _ad__
??: __a___e D_a___s – T___de_
??: The Wiggles – S__ ___t_s __ a _eak_ B_at
??: T_e ___a_ __a_ds_e_ – S_____ _s T_e _ed Ba___
??: ____ck_ _____e_s – __e_d___ S__ce_ess
??: __e_ab S____t – T_e K___ __ __ck _ ____
??: __ke___ – __ke___ T_e_e
??: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon
??: A__e_ A_t _a__ – S___t_ C_____a_
??: _e______a – ____t _____t

Guessed letters: TAC SAD KEBAB
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: Sacul on July 06, 2023, 04:17:43 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 04:18:14 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 04:21:43 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 04:23:00 PM
No clue. :lol

C for the boy!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 04:24:31 PM
C for the boy!
D'awwww. :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: HOF on July 06, 2023, 04:24:41 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 04:28:34 PM

??: ____ck_ ________ – ________ ___c_____

Nicky Spanjaards
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on July 06, 2023, 04:29:16 PM
B for Brown nose, Tim. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 04:29:22 PM

??: ____ck_ ________ – ________ ___c_____

Nicky Spanjaards
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 06, 2023, 04:29:37 PM
Did Tim send The Wiggles, he seems to mention them a lot  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 04:31:16 PM
Did Tim send The Wiggles, he seems to mention them a lot  :lol
No but someone else did. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 06, 2023, 04:33:30 PM
Oh dear  :loser:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Crow on July 06, 2023, 04:35:36 PM
oh damn no way i'm beating the wiggles, huh
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 04:36:47 PM
Did Tim send The Wiggles, he seems to mention them a lot  :lol


I actually sent Thomas And Friends for my Wild Card but it was rejected.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 04:38:04 PM
Bent Knee
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 04:39:43 PM

??: T__ C___t __ C_____ – _____ ____ac

The Count Of Chocula
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Sacul on July 06, 2023, 04:42:34 PM
Bent Knee
Huh, is the song Queer Gods?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 04:44:25 PM
Bent Knee
Huh, is the song Queer Gods?
It is!

But the Count of Chocula is, er, not correct. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 04:52:56 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 06, 2023, 04:55:48 PM
Count Duckula? :neverusethis:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 06, 2023, 04:58:03 PM
Ok, my EP is finished. Just need to write up a ridiculous story (which I’ve kinda mapped out in my head) and I’ll send. It’ll be tomorrow when I send though  :blush
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 06, 2023, 05:06:29 PM
Count Duckula? :neverusethis:


I was going to guess that, but you beak me to it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 06, 2023, 06:45:24 PM

??: T__ C___t __ C_____ – _____ ____ac

The Count Of Chocula

Let's get the D in Hangmamemes
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: nick_z on July 06, 2023, 07:03:26 PM
Let's get the S?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 06, 2023, 07:56:56 PM
Bent Knee might be Crow. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 10:58:52 PM
Bent Knee might be Crow. 

Updated, should be easy to get some now!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: wolfking on July 06, 2023, 11:01:08 PM
Dream Evil - Chasing the Dragon.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 11:34:10 PM

Also TAC has had an upgrade from

Guessed letters: TAC BK


Guessed letters: TAC SAD KEBAB
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 06, 2023, 11:35:56 PM
??: K___s __ C___e__e_ce – Ask ___ _e__
??: ______a_ B__ad_a_ Cast __ _a___t__ – ___'__ Be Back
??: A____ S__t_ – C____s
??: T_e C__et _s C_____ – S__e_ __d_ac
??: Ed_e __ _a_ad_se – D___ta_ _a_ad_se
??: K_s__ Bas__ – ____s_____e __ _t! C_e__ca___e __t_ _t!
??: _ea_ __ T_e __at – A_a__t_a
Crow: Bent Knee – Queer Gods
??: E_s__e___ – ____
??: __b_t C__t__e – ___t_ Sta_ __ ___a
??: ____ S__a – D._.E.A._.
??: __s_ – T_e S____t __ _ad__
??: __a___e D_a___s – T___de_
??: The Wiggles – S__ ___t_s __ a _eak_ B_at
??: T_e ___a_ __a_ds_e_ – S_____ _s T_e _ed Ba___
??: ____ck_ _____e_s – __e_d___ S__ce_ess
??: __e_ab S____t – T_e K___ __ __ck _ ____
??: __ke___ – __ke___ T_e_e
??: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon
??: A__e_ A_t _a__ – S___t_ C_____a_
??: _e______a – ____t _____t

Guessed letters: TAC SAD KEBAB
I'm moving this to the new page, since I'm tired of going back and forth  :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2023, 11:43:24 PM
It's already on the latest page for those of us using the default number of posts per page. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 07, 2023, 12:10:30 AM
It's already on the latest page for those of us using the default number of posts per page. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 12:30:08 AM
The Comet is Coming
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 02:19:19 AM
*me waking up to 4 simultaneous games of roulette hangman…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 02:23:34 AM
The Comet is Coming

*me waking up to 4 simultaneous games of roulette hangman…

Mine isn't even part of the main roulette. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 02:23:48 AM
Ooh, new page for us normal humans, so:

Reaper: Kings of Convenience – Ask ___ _e__
??: __i_i_a_ B__ad_a_ Cast __ _ami_t__ – ___'__ Be Back
??: A__i_ Smit_ – C____s
??: The Comet Is Coming – Super Zodiac
??: Edge of Paradise – Di_ita_ _a_adise
??: Kishi Bashi – __i_s___i_e I_ It! C_emica_i_e _it_ It!
??: _ea_ __ T_e __at – A_a_itia
Crow: Bent Knee – Queer Gods
??: Ensiferum – Iron
??: __bit C__t__e – ___t_ Sta_ __ _i_a
??: JoJo Siwa – D.R.E.A.M.
??: Rush – The Spirit of Radio
??: Imagine Dragons – T___de_
??: The Wiggles – Si_ M__t_s i_ a _eak_ B_at
??: T_e ___a_ __a_dsme_ – S_____ _s T_e _ed Ba___
??: ____ck_ M____e_s – __e_di__ S__ce_ess
??: Prefab Sprout – T_e Ki__ __ __ck _ ____
??: Pokemon – Pokemon Theme
??: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon
??: Alien Ant Farm – Smooth Criminal
??: _em___i_a – _i__t __i__t

Guessed letters: TAC, I MADE KEBABS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 02:28:18 AM

*me waking up to 4 simultaneous games of roulette hangman…

Mine isn't even part of the main roulette. :lol

Yet I’m taking this round more seriously than any other round to date. I want to go down in roulette history as the only 1 billion point score.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Crow on July 07, 2023, 02:52:24 AM
Kishi Bashi, which is particularly funny  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 03:28:13 AM
Kishi Bashi, which is particularly funny  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 03:38:09 AM
Dream Evil is Kade

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 03:41:00 AM
Dream Evil is Kade
He did not. He was the one who guessed it. :lol

M added.

Guessed letters: TAC MADE KEBABS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 03:44:23 AM
Kings of Convenience

Also Edge of Paradise. Looks like a Chad band.

And JoJo Siwa - D.R.E.A.M. apparently

I see Prefab Sprout as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 04:00:59 AM
Everything correct except Chad.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 04:10:43 AM
Everything correct except Chad.

You can say that again. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on July 07, 2023, 04:31:28 AM
Everything correct except Chad.

You can say that again. :neverusethis:

 :lol :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on July 07, 2023, 04:34:28 AM
Morning humor is the best humor. Start off the day on a good note!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: wolfking on July 07, 2023, 05:06:26 AM
Dream Evil is Kade


I don't guess my own songs you muppet!  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 07, 2023, 05:12:00 AM
Kings of Convenience

Probably Reaper.  Really curious to see how this goes, I wonder if Caelan will have the patience for them. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 05:15:07 AM
It is indeed Reap.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 06:02:19 AM
Just finishing up my epic story, giving a last lesson and then hoping to send within the hour  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 06:09:40 AM
Sounds good.

How would you all like a third vowel for hangman?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: lonestar on July 07, 2023, 06:31:38 AM
How bout an I?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 06:35:51 AM

Guessed letters: TAC, I MADE KEBABS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: faizoff on July 07, 2023, 06:54:31 AM
Imagine Dragons
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Luoto on July 07, 2023, 06:55:47 AM
Yeah, didn't get around to sending anything for the bonus round.

Ensiferum - Iron
Rush - The Spirit of Radio
Pokémon - Pokémon Theme
Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 07:06:00 AM
No worries, I made it clear it was entirely optional, actually quite pleasantly surprised by how many people joined in. :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 07:11:41 AM
Dream Evil is Kade


I don't guess my own songs you muppet!  :lol

I saw Dream Evil and made the connection. It was 5:30 am.  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 07:11:57 AM
Could be Chad though?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 07:14:58 AM
Could be Chad though?
Still no. It's not someone particularly obvious.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 07:17:21 AM
Sent my EP, let me know if we’re all good Rich  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 07, 2023, 07:27:00 AM
Super Zodiac

Do we have to use the TAC rule for bands sent in the bonus round? :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Sacul on July 07, 2023, 08:23:40 AM
Kishi Bashi, which is particularly funny  :lol
why is that? :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 09:06:09 AM

Do we have to use the TAC rule for bands sent in the bonus round? :lol

You had The Wiggles on your EP too?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: faizoff on July 07, 2023, 09:09:26 AM
Man even in a kid's roulette I know like 4 bands from that list.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: lonestar on July 07, 2023, 09:11:06 AM
Sending the Pokémon theme is seriously low hanging fruit.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 09:20:52 AM
Kishi Bashi, which is particularly funny  :lol
why is that? :P
Probably because I sent him to Crow like 2 weeks ago.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 09:22:33 AM
Sending the Pokémon theme is seriously low hanging fruit.

I’ll out myself. I genuinely love the song, and tried to put myself in the shoes of a 5 year old (honestly wasn’t difficult). You can say low hanging fruit, I’ll say it’s a smart move.

My other options were Yellow Submarine or Tribute by Tenacious D. My thought process was that I need something like a story, to catch his attention. Honestly the Pokémon theme tune is just an incredibly good song. The fact that the music video is bound to catch Caelan’s attention is a bonus.

Those billion points are in the bag.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 07, 2023, 09:49:07 AM
Sending the Pokémon theme is seriously low hanging fruit.

I’ll out myself. I genuinely love the song, and tried to put myself in the shoes of a 5 year old (honestly wasn’t difficult). You can say low hanging fruit, I’ll say it’s a smart move.

My other options were Yellow Submarine or Tribute by Tenacious D. My thought process was that I need something like a story, to catch his attention. Honestly the Pokémon theme tune is just an incredibly good song. The fact that the music video is bound to catch Caelan’s attention is a bonus.

Those billion points are in the bag.
At least you didn't try to send Fuck Her Gently.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 10:03:19 AM
I'll throw in a couple more letters for you.

Reaper: Kings of Convenience – Ask _o_ _e__
??: O_i_i_a_ B_oad_ay Cast o_ _ami_to_ – Yo_'__ Be Back
??: A__i_ Smit_ – Co_o_s
??: The Comet Is Coming – Super Zodiac
??: Edge of Paradise – Di_ita_ _a_adise
??: Kishi Bashi – __i_so__i_e I_ It! C_emica_i_e _it_ It!
??: Yea_ O_ T_e _oat – A_a_itia
Crow: Bent Knee – Queer Gods
??: Ensiferum – Iron
??: O_bit C__t__e – _o_t_ Sta_ o_ _i_a
??: JoJo Siwa – D.R.E.A.M.
??: Rush – The Spirit of Radio
??: Imagine Dragons – T___de_
??: The Wiggles – Si_ Mo_t_s i_ a _eaky Boat
??: T_e _oya_ __a_dsme_ – S_oo_y _s T_e _ed Ba_o_
??: ____cky Mo___e_s – __e_di__ So_ce_ess
??: Prefab Sprout – T_e Ki__ o_ _ock _ _o__
??: Pokemon – Pokemon Theme
??: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon
??: Alien Ant Farm – Smooth Criminal
??: _emo__i_a – _i__t __i__t

Guessed letters: YO TAC, I MADE KEBABS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 07, 2023, 10:08:27 AM
Tim may not know what a kebab is.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 10:09:07 AM
Sending the Pokémon theme is seriously low hanging fruit.

I’ll out myself. I genuinely love the song, and tried to put myself in the shoes of a 5 year old (honestly wasn’t difficult). You can say low hanging fruit, I’ll say it’s a smart move.

My other options were Yellow Submarine or Tribute by Tenacious D. My thought process was that I need something like a story, to catch his attention. Honestly the Pokémon theme tune is just an incredibly good song. The fact that the music video is bound to catch Caelan’s attention is a bonus.

Those billion points are in the bag.
At least you didn't try to send Fuck Her Gently.

Hell of a singalong though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 10:09:36 AM
I was a post too early. Here's the new page!

Reaper: Kings of Convenience – Ask For Help
??: Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton – You'll Be Back
??: A__i_ Smit_ – Co_o_s
??: The Comet Is Coming – Super Zodiac
??: Edge of Paradise – Di_ita_ _a_adise
??: Kishi Bashi – __i_so__i_e I_ It! C_emica_i_e _it_ It!
??: Year Of The Goat – Avaritia
Crow: Bent Knee – Queer Gods
??: Ensiferum – Iron
??: Orbit Culture – North Star of Nija
??: JoJo Siwa – D.R.E.A.M.
??: Rush – The Spirit of Radio
??: Imagine Dragons – Thunder
??: The Wiggles – Si_ Mo_t_s i_ a _eaky Boat
Stadler: The Royal Guardsmen – Snoopy vs The Red Baron
??: ____cky Mo___e_s – __e_di__ So_ce_ess
??: Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock N Roll
??: Pokemon – Pokemon Theme
??: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon
??: Alien Ant Farm – Smooth Criminal
lonestar: Nemophila – _i__t __i__t

Guessed letters: YO TAC, I MADE KEBABS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: HOF on July 07, 2023, 10:09:53 AM
Year Of The Goat?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 10:10:19 AM
Year Of The Goat?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: HOF on July 07, 2023, 10:10:46 AM
Adrian Smith?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 10:11:31 AM
Orbit Culture
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: faizoff on July 07, 2023, 10:11:50 AM
Adrian Smith?
I would've thought that but there's two A's in the first name. Unless ariich forgot the 2nd one.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 10:15:30 AM
It’s Friday afternoon, I’ve finished work, cracked a beer and submitted my EP. It’s a good day, plus the sun is shining.

Trust me when I say that submitting my EP was more work, and gave me more satisfaction, than my actual job today. I feel like a weight has lifted!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 10:40:31 AM
Original Broadway Cast Of Hamilton

Dammit. Cockblocked! :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: lonestar on July 07, 2023, 11:04:29 AM
You'll be Back
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 11:39:21 AM
Lonestar sent Nemophila.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: nick_z on July 07, 2023, 11:49:17 AM
Imagine Dragons’ song is Thunder
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 07, 2023, 11:55:44 AM
The Royal Guardsmen - "Snoopy Vs. the Red Baron". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 11:56:28 AM
The Royal Guardsmen - "Snoopy Vs. the Red Baron".

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 07, 2023, 11:57:58 AM
I like how there's basically two schools of thought here: "what would a 5 year old boy like?" and "how can we indoctrinate Ariich's son?" :lol

(I am very much in the latter group fwiw)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Glasser on July 07, 2023, 11:59:48 AM
What's this hangman? I haven't been feeling well so I'm a bit scattered. Bonus round???

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 07, 2023, 12:04:47 PM
The Comet Is Coming could be Buddy. 

I like how there's basically two schools of thought here: "what would a 5 year old boy like?" and "how can we indoctrinate Ariich's son?" :lol

(I am very much in the latter group fwiw)

I know, right?  Although I went a third route and picked something I thought was cool enough for both to enjoy and bond over. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 07, 2023, 12:14:09 PM
The Comet Is Coming could be Buddy. 

It surprisingly is not. Could be Sacul or Tomislav.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ReaperKK on July 07, 2023, 12:19:56 PM
Imagine Dragons’ song is Thunder

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 07, 2023, 12:20:08 PM
I love that we have Imagine Dragons and "Chasing the Dragon" both in the round. 

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 07, 2023, 12:24:20 PM
Alien Ant Farm might be Reaper. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: nick_z on July 07, 2023, 12:29:03 PM
Imagine Dragons’ song is Thunder


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 07, 2023, 12:30:39 PM
That's TAC, Tomi, Crow and I after hearing KGLW.   :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: lonestar on July 07, 2023, 12:41:10 PM
Lonestar sent Nemophila.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Crow on July 07, 2023, 12:46:04 PM
i really hate that imagine dragons song too, don't worry  :lol
as someone who will often stick up for the band (they're overhated), not that one  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 01:09:51 PM
Ask For Help
The King Of Rock n Roll

Orbit Culture-North Star Of Nija
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 07, 2023, 01:12:00 PM
That's TAC, Tomi, Crow and I after hearing KGLW.   :biggrin:

Vomit Coffin ⚰️
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Lonk on July 07, 2023, 01:26:34 PM
What's this hangman? I haven't been feeling well so I'm a bit scattered. Bonus round???

We sent songs for Aarich's 5 year old kid. The scoring scale has not been set yet, so we might be a thumbs down or a billion points.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: nick_z on July 07, 2023, 01:27:45 PM
i really hate that imagine dragons song too, don't worry  :lol
as someone who will often stick up for the band (they're overhated), not that one  :corn

Generally agree with this...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 02:27:05 PM
What's this hangman? I haven't been feeling well so I'm a bit scattered. Bonus round???

We sent songs for Aarich's 5 year old kid. The scoring scale has not been set yet, so we might be a thumbs down or a billion points.

Basically this although it generously assumes there will even be a coherent scoring scale. :lol

Hangman updated - artists and songs mostly right but not so hot on who sent what.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 02:42:36 PM
Okay, this I can do if I’m able to send weird stuff, which certainly seems possible based on the banned list. Your roulettes are always fun, so if you’ll have me, I’ll send on time as well (TAC can vouch for me :biggrin: )

I was very proud of you. Don't let me down here. I'll be watching. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: jingle.boy on July 07, 2023, 03:14:23 PM
What's this hangman? I haven't been feeling well so I'm a bit scattered. Bonus round???

We sent songs for Aarich's 5 year old kid. The scoring scale has not been set yet, so we might be a thumbs down or a billion points.

I’m just hoping to avoid a “poopy pants”
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: King Postwhore on July 07, 2023, 03:15:36 PM
Or stinky poo!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Sacul on July 07, 2023, 03:18:32 PM
Okay, this I can do if I’m able to send weird stuff, which certainly seems possible based on the banned list. Your roulettes are always fun, so if you’ll have me, I’ll send on time as well (TAC can vouch for me :biggrin: )

I was very proud of you. Don't let me down here. I'll be watching. ;D
Things that haven't aged well
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 07, 2023, 03:50:22 PM
April Smith - "Colors". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 04:09:02 PM
Only one artist left and a few songs.

Reaper: Kings of Convenience – Ask For Help
??: Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton – You'll Be Back
??: April Smith – Colors
??: The Comet Is Coming – Super Zodiac
??: Edge of Paradise – Di_ita_ _a_adise
??: Kishi Bashi – __i_so__i_e I_ It! C_emica_i_e _it_ It!
??: Year Of The Goat – Avaritia
Crow: Bent Knee – Queer Gods
??: Ensiferum – Iron
??: Orbit Culture – North Star of Nija
??: JoJo Siwa – D.R.E.A.M.
??: Rush – The Spirit of Radio
??: Imagine Dragons – Thunder
??: The Wiggles – Si_ Mo_t_s i_ a _eaky Boat
Stadler: The Royal Guardsmen – Snoopy vs The Red Baron
??: ____cky Mo___e_s – __e_di__ So_ce_ess
??: Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock N Roll
??: Pokemon – Pokemon Theme
??: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon
??: Alien Ant Farm – Smooth Criminal
lonestar: Nemophila – _i__t __i__t

Guessed letters: YO TAC, I MADE KEBABS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: faizoff on July 07, 2023, 04:12:13 PM
 Edge of Paradise – Di_ita_ _a_adise

Digital Paradise?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 07, 2023, 04:16:38 PM
Didn't Luke already admit to sending the Pokemon theme? 

Orbit Culture - wolfking

Rush - king

Ensiferum - nick

April Smith - soupy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: TAC on July 07, 2023, 04:20:11 PM
Is that Micky Mouses with extra letters??
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 07, 2023, 04:21:09 PM
Whoa, it does look like that, doesn't it?   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: Stadler on July 07, 2023, 05:10:06 PM
I'm dragging on the EP, but I have it in rough form.  I'll send it later tonight or first thing tomorrow my time.  Sorry about the delay........
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EPs! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2023, 11:46:40 PM
Didn't Luke already admit to sending the Pokemon theme? 
So he did. :lol

Orbit Culture - wolfking

Rush - king

Ensiferum - nick

April Smith - soupy
Yes to wolf and soupy, no to the other two. I feel like Rush shouldn't be too difficult in light of previous roulettes.

Is that Micky Mouses with extra letters??
Muuucky Moussess?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 02:10:41 PM
Here's the completed hangman. After lunch today, while his baby sister was having her nap, Caelan and I sat in front of the TV and got through more than half the songs. I'll post the first part of results shortly. I think we should be able to get through the rest tomorrow. :biggrin:

Reaper: Kings of Convenience – Ask For Help
faizoff: Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton – You'll Be Back
soupy: April Smith – Colors
romdrums: The Comet Is Coming – Super Zodiac
nick_z: Edge of Paradise – Digital Paradise
Sacul: Kishi Bashi – Philsophize In It! Chemicalize With It!
Buddy: Year Of The Goat – Avaritia
Crow: Bent Knee – Queer Gods
Evermind: Ensiferum – Iron
wolfking: Orbit Culture – North Star of Nija
Vmadera: JoJo Siwa – D.R.E.A.M.
Puppies: Rush – The Spirit of Radio
King: Imagine Dragons – Thunder
jingle: The Wiggles – Six Months in a Leaky Boat
Stadler: The Royal Guardsmen – Snoopy vs The Red Baron
Litho: Unlucky Morpheus – Unending Sorceress
HOF: Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock N Roll
luke: Pokemon – Pokemon Theme
seneca: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon
TAC: Alien Ant Farm – Smooth Criminal
lonestar: Nemophila – Night Flight
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus hangman
Post by: Crow on July 08, 2023, 02:14:09 PM
hell yeah i need validation from a child to feel fulfilled with my life  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus hangman
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 02:16:20 PM
hell yeah i need validation from a child to feel fulfilled with my life  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 02:21:05 PM
BONUS ROUND - Caelan’s results, part 1

Alright so a few things.

Caelan liked every song, so well done and thank you to everyone - it was really quite fun sitting with him and listening to/watching each song. Most I didn’t know myself and so it was a bit of discovery for both of us. I'm sure it'll be the same for both of us.

We used the music video for every song that had one, which was most, but he also enjoyed seeing the album art for those that didn’t have one. A lot of his comments about what he liked related to the video/art, but he did react to the music too.

The “write-ups” are basically verbatim what he said, generally in response to questions I asked him like “what did you like about the music?” or “was there anything fun about the video?”. I’ve added a few comments of my own in square brackets to help translate. :lol

His scores are hilariously arbitrary and fickle and he has no real sense of scale. :lol He went in hard at 1 trillion for his favourite after the first few, and then had no choice but to up the ante each time he liked one more.

Crow: Bent Knee – Queer Gods
Looks like sweets. Like sweet people. The sweet people are dancing! That song was quite good. My favourite was the sweet people dancing.

Score: 10

lonestar: Nemophila – Night Flight
I liked when the man was showing his muscles off and when he ripped his shirt off like the Hulk! The song was good, it was loud [translation: energetic].

Score: 20

King: Imagine Dragons – Thunder
I liked it because it was tuneful and because they said about lightning [by pure chance we'd just had a thunderstorm!]. I liked the aliens! I like how they weren't all boys and there was a girl as well. The dancing was weird.

Score: 29

Vmadera: JoJo Siwa – D.R.E.A.M.
I liked when the girl went through the screen! I liked the bit where she sings D E E E M [in his defence, she sings it fast]. It was fun!

Score: 40

Puppies: Rush – The Spirit of Radio
I liked the lady with the hands clapping! [I explained that it was in fact a man :lol] The music was strong. That's it.

Score: 50

faizoff: Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton – You'll Be Back
The song was bouncy and I liked it when he said I will kill your friends and family HAHAHAHAHA. [he literally did an evil villain cackle at this point]

Score: 100

nick_z: Edge of Paradise – Digital Paradise
Really really good. I liked the girl because she had a nice voice a bit like Sharon [den Adel from Within Temptation, one of his favourites]

Score: 1,000,000

soupy: April Smith – Colors
I like the singing, it was nice. It was tuneful, kind of like slow and fast. I like the cover!

Score: 1,000,008

Litho: Unlucky Morpheus – Unending Sorceress
That's the best song. I liked the screaming and the lady who was singing. I liked when they were playing in front of the moon! The video was fast!

Score: 1 trillion

Evermind: Ensiferum – Iron
Actually that was my favourite. I liked the screaming and it had a slow bit and the fast bit as well. I liked it really a lot!

Score: 4 trillion

HOF: Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock N Roll
Actually that was the best because it had hot dogs dancing! I liked when the man jumped into the water.

Score: 5 trillion

seneca: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon
No this is the best one! I like the sign at the top [on the album cover] and I like when they were saying they were looking everywhere for a dragon.

Score: 9 trillion


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 08, 2023, 02:25:08 PM
I scored better than Imagine Dragons, so I'm ok with this  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: nick_z on July 08, 2023, 02:28:19 PM
My absolute favorite thing is the 1,000,008 score. That's absolutely brilliant  :lol

Loved reading this. Say hi to Caelan from all of us  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 02:29:20 PM
I scored better than Imagine Dragons, so I'm ok with this  :lol
I wasn't sure what he'd think of Rush but he really enjoyed the song. When we watched that one the score he gave it was one of the highest at that point. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 02:29:58 PM
My absolute favorite thing is the 1,000,008 score. That's absolutely brilliant  :lol
I know right? He never explained it. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 08, 2023, 02:31:20 PM

Caelan making a mix tape of this round in the future, probably
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 02:34:15 PM
Caelan making a mix tape of this round in the future, probably
You might be interested to know that when I was exiting out of the Youtube playlist, he suddenly yelled "HEY I SAW PIKACHU". I think he's excited for your one.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 08, 2023, 02:34:41 PM
Let's see, if nine trillion is the ceiling and we need to convert that to a 10 point scale, 10 divided by nine trillion is 1.1111111e-12... I'm pretty sure that means Crow got the lowest score in the history of roulettes. :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 02:36:11 PM
Let's see, if nine trillion is the ceiling and we need to convert that to a 10 point scale, 10 divided by nine trillion is 1.1111111e-12... I'm pretty sure that means Crow got the lowest score in the history of roulettes. :biggrin:
Bold of you to assume 9 trillion is the ceiling, we still have 9 songs to go...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 08, 2023, 02:44:46 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: Crow on July 08, 2023, 02:48:22 PM
i've never gotten a 10 from ariich before!  :hat
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 08, 2023, 02:49:11 PM
Sent the better J-metal band.  (https://i.imgur.com/34ebIyT.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: King Postwhore on July 08, 2023, 02:49:57 PM
He's the best. Thank you Caelan!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 08, 2023, 02:51:57 PM
BTW, is there a playlist for this round? 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: lonestar on July 08, 2023, 03:00:28 PM
Sent the better J-metal band.  (https://i.imgur.com/34ebIyT.gif)

I'm more hurt by that than finishing second to the bottom, but hey at least I beat Crow.

At least it was Unlucky Morpheus that beat Nemophila, it's fitting since they, along with Dream Theater, are the Drummer's favorite band.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 03:04:12 PM
BTW, is there a playlist for this round? 
In fact there are two!

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1khY5vRJFVWl7Ss26tKJr8?si=c234663281584d19
Youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyX5ePHFJiNRbLyq68gke3bbXzK7unge
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 03:27:11 PM
Sent the better J-metal band.  (https://i.imgur.com/34ebIyT.gif)

I'm more hurt by that than finishing second to the bottom, but hey at least I beat Crow.

At least it was Unlucky Morpheus that beat Nemophila, it's fitting since they, along with Dream Theater, are the Drummer's favorite band.
It was the more symphonic metal stylings that did it for him I think. But like I said, he liked every song.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: TAC on July 08, 2023, 03:33:30 PM
Note to self: Send dancing food.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: senecadawg2 on July 08, 2023, 03:40:34 PM
Hell yeah  :lol :metal

Caelan has great taste—you should've put him in charge of the scores for the whole roulette
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 03:40:51 PM
Note to self: Send dancing food.
Yes I did query whether there was anything else he liked so much about the song but apparently dancing hot dogs is enough to earn 5 trillion points. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 03:41:20 PM
Hell yeah  :lol :metal

Caelan has great taste—you should've put him in charge of the scores for the whole roulette

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: lonestar on July 08, 2023, 03:50:22 PM
Sent the better J-metal band.  (https://i.imgur.com/34ebIyT.gif)

I'm more hurt by that than finishing second to the bottom, but hey at least I beat Crow.

At least it was Unlucky Morpheus that beat Nemophila, it's fitting since they, along with Dream Theater, are the Drummer's favorite band.
It was the more symphonic metal stylings that did it for him I think. But like I said, he liked every song.

Not to mention with five stunning women in workout gear giving their best sexy faces, and his highlight is the dude ripping off his shirt like the Hulk.

Oh to be 5 again  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: HOF on July 08, 2023, 04:07:08 PM
Heck yeah, hard to beat dancing hot dogs! I guess it takes looking for dragons to top that.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 08, 2023, 04:07:20 PM
Hell yeah  :lol :metal

Caelan has great taste—you should've put him in charge of the scores for the whole roulette

Apparently Caelan is doomed if he ever plays in Crow's roulette. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: Crow on July 08, 2023, 04:11:25 PM
he gave me a 10 tho  :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 08, 2023, 04:13:03 PM
144 submissions before today, highest score in the roulette yet, still not enough!   :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: soupytwist on July 08, 2023, 04:25:47 PM

Yeah.  I'm way more happy with the 8 than the 1,000,000 to be honest.
Pass on my thanks!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: soupytwist on July 08, 2023, 04:34:31 PM
Are you going to score them too Ariich - just for fun?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: Sacul on July 08, 2023, 04:34:42 PM
Quite curious what he'll make of the rest of the songs, kid has great taste and even better scoring system than Scar :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: jingle.boy on July 08, 2023, 04:34:52 PM
Curious, was that the order you guys watched the songs?  Like, every score just kept getting progressively larger?  If so, play mine last.  :yarr
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: ariich on July 08, 2023, 04:38:14 PM
Curious, was that the order you guys watched the songs?  Like, every score just kept getting progressively larger?  If so, play mine last.  :yarr
:lol No that would have been hilarious. The order we're watching is the one from the Spotify/YouTube playlists.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: TAC on July 08, 2023, 05:25:49 PM
I like the boy's commitment to delivering the results on time.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 08, 2023, 05:37:53 PM
I like the boy's commitment to delivering the results on time.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 08, 2023, 05:47:38 PM
I like the boy's commitment to delivering the results on time.

I'm more impressed at his profundity and depth of analysis.  I totally missed that my band was playing in front of the moon.   :facepalm:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: faizoff on July 08, 2023, 06:34:46 PM
Damn even a 100 is nowhere near the top. My daughter had the same reaction and laughter with that track.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: King Postwhore on July 08, 2023, 06:52:31 PM
I like the boy's commitment to delivering the results on time.

I needed a laugh. Thank you.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: TAC on July 08, 2023, 06:55:16 PM
I like the boy's commitment to delivering the results on time.

I needed a laugh. Thank you.

Anytime! :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: Evermind on July 08, 2023, 11:02:25 PM
1000008 :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 07:25:10 AM
BONUS ROUND - Caelan’s results, part 2

And here are the rest! By some margin the widest range of scores in roulette history. :lol

Reaper: Kings of Convenience – Ask For Help
It was a bit quiet. It was a bit like doing the same thing over and over. [harsh :lol] It was OK.

Score: 1

Stadler: The Royal Guardsmen – Snoopy vs The Red Baron
I liked the planes and the brrrr noise they made. And I liked the clapping at the end. The song was nice and funny.

Score: 13

Sacul: Kishi Bashi – Philsophize In It! Chemicalize With It!
Ooh it's a bit scary..? Look at all the flying dots! [he then proceeded to try and blow them away]. It worked, they broke apart! The song was fantastic.

Score: 19

jingle: The Wiggles – Six Months in a Leaky Boat
I like the ship and the pirate. The pretend pirate! I like the little children coming… actually they were teenagers. The song was quite good.

Score: 30

TAC: Alien Ant Farm – Smooth Criminal
That was good! I liked the monkey. It was a bit busy and it was funny!

Score: 98

romdrums: The Comet Is Coming – Super Zodiac
I liked the slow… not really singing, what was it? [I explained it was saxophone] It was tuneful even though nobody was singing, it was nice.

Score: 99

Buddy: Year Of The Goat – Avaritia
I liked all the fire. I liked the girl doing the dancing and the man with the cowboy hat [the singer :lol]. And I liked the singing.

Score: 101

wolfking: Orbit Culture – North Star of Nija
Why is there a man walking around? [I explained that he was the cameraman] There's a creepy statue! It's so scary haha. There it is again! I like the statue. There's the camera guy again, he's still walking around! I liked it, it was loud!

Score: 8 trillion

luke: Pokemon – Pokemon Theme
That was the best! I like Pokemon and I liked the characters. I think there was all of them. It was cool. [Have you heard that song before?] No!

Score: 10 trillion


Final standings for Caelan’s 1-round roulette:

 1. Luke     = 10,000,000,000,000
 2. seneca   = 9,000,000,000,000
 3. wolfking = 8,000,000,000,000
 4. HOF      = 5,000,000,000,000
 5. Evermind = 4,000,000,000,000
 6. Litho    = 1,000,000,000,000
 7. Soupy    = 1,000,008
 8. nick_z   = 1,000,000
 9. Buddy    = 101
10. Faizoff  = 100
11. romdrums = 99
12. TAC      = 98
13. Puppies  = 50
14. Vmadera  = 40
15. jingle   = 30
16. King     = 29
17. Lonestar = 20
18. Sacul    = 19
19. Stadler  = 13
20. Crow     = 10
21. Reaper   = 1


(Yes he's very tall for his age)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: faizoff on July 09, 2023, 07:27:51 AM
Haha love these scores. Glad he had fun with them.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: lonestar on July 09, 2023, 07:36:30 AM
How the fuck was Pokémon not on the ban list?

Your kid lives a sheltered life Rich.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: ReaperKK on July 09, 2023, 07:43:20 AM
Wow, I got wrecked :lol

Congrats to Luke for having enough points to win every roulette until the end of time!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: Evermind on July 09, 2023, 07:50:26 AM
Sending the Pokemon was cheating for sure :lol No complaints about losing to Nelson, HOF and Kade.

I'm still laughing at 1,000,008 :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 09, 2023, 08:14:49 AM
Hell Yeah! You guys can moan all you want but any one of you could’ve sent Pokémon  :lol 

It was easy once I appealed to my inner 5 year old. I vividly remember being that age and being OBSESSED with Thundercats! The Thundercats theme tune is equally epic and a huge part of why I loved it I’m sure. I actually contemplated sending that as well. I mean the Pokémon Theme is a song in it’s own right, and it’s not like I sent the Paw Patrol theme or anything.

I guess my Vegeta meme prediction came true. Can’t wait for Caelan to start running his own roulettes in like 2030 or something.

Give him a big high five from all of us Rich, he exceeded expectations! What a dude.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 09, 2023, 08:18:51 AM
That's awesome! Glad he had so much fun with these.  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 08:57:06 AM
He liked the monkey? I didn’t realize Glasser was in the video.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: Sacul on July 09, 2023, 11:05:27 AM
Kid's got a bright future ahead of him, congrats ariich :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: King Postwhore on July 09, 2023, 11:25:47 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - SEND EP Elite! + bonus RESULTS pt 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 09, 2023, 11:56:06 AM
kid has great taste and even better scoring system than Scar :metal

Wow, this is so true  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: HOF on July 09, 2023, 12:20:58 PM
Thought I was doing pretty good with 5 trillion, but I still got doubles up by Luke!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 09, 2023, 01:19:37 PM
Congrats Luke!  (https://i.imgur.com/zYFTuOQ.gif)

By the way, I haven't forgotten about the optional bonus round where you send me a song and it gets rated and reviewed by my 5-year-old son. I need to go to bed soon so I'll post about that tomorrow, but it should be a good bit of fun while the EP round runs on as it'll inevitably take a bit longer for this final round!

Now there's a round that Luke can win. ;D

Truly a seer!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 01:22:26 PM
That's a great pic Rich. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:07:01 PM
Love you guys. :lol :heart

How the fuck was Pokémon not on the ban list?

Your kid lives a sheltered life Rich.  :lol
:lol I mean he knows Pokémon and has seen a few episodes of some version on Netflix, but never seen the original anime/cartoons and not heard that theme song. He's more into superheroes, Ninjago and Transformers.

Wow, I got wrecked :lol
:lol Yeah I'm sorry about that. It was the only song he said anything even slightly negative about. Not aimed at restless 5-year-olds I guess! Now maybe if it had a music video with dancing food in it... :P

I'm still laughing at 1,000,008 :rollin
His scores are so arbitrary. :lol I loved how he said the Kishi Bashi song was "fantastic" but then gave it 19. I checked with him and he has adamant that it was indeed fantastic and that 19 was indeed the correct score. :lol

and it’s not like I sent the Paw Patrol theme or anything.
The Paw Patrol theme tune is great. :lol But yeah I'd probably have had to reject, forgot about that one but he watched tons of Paw Patrol a year or two ago.

Give him a big high five from all of us Rich, he exceeded expectations! What a dude.
Yeah I told him how people had enjoyed it and how you said he was a dude and he was delighted. :lol

That's a great pic Rich. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 02:09:46 PM
Alright Rich. Enough with the cuteness. Let's get down to the business of hanging a man!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:17:39 PM
Alright Rich. Enough with the cuteness. Let's get down to the business of hanging a man!
Yes indeed. We'll start with hangman for the titles, then I'll post first impressions, and then we'll crack on with the epic main hangman.

Incidentally, Elite says he likely won't be sending an EP unfortunately. Sounds like he's been crazy busy and not had time or headspace to make one. I've let him know he's very welcome to send one a bit later and it doesn't need to be anything fancy - just a collection of songs from two similar bands would be fine and is what others have sent - but I obviously understand if not.

So I'll get EP titles hangman up shortly!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 09, 2023, 02:24:21 PM
God I love DTF, and all you guys. Literally bringing families closer together  :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:25:52 PM
Alright let's goooooooooooooo.

EP titles hangman!

??: ____e_
??: _ [redacted] _____e_
??: ________e
??: __ ____ _____
??: _________t___, ____ T_e ____e __ _e ____te_ ____ ___ ___t__t ____
??: _____
??: _______ ____et ___e_
??: ___e_/_______
??: ____ __tte_ / _t__ ____t
??: _ _____e_ __ ___e_
??: __ee_e ____!
??: _______: ____e_ __ t_e ___t_
??: ___ ____ _____ _e_t_ __e __e_t
??: T_e ___t __ _e
??: T_e ___ __ t_e ____e
??: _e_e__e_ t__t _e_t_ __ __t t_e E__, __t ____ _ T_____t___
??: ____ T_e ____: T_e ___e__ T_____
??: ____ _ee_ t_ _____
??: T_e _t___ __ t_e ____t
??: __ T__e ___te___e_e ____ E_e_ _e _____ete - __ E_
??: T_e _____e__e_t ___t_____ T____
??: _e__e_ ______ _____
??: __e_____ T______ t_e _e__t_______ ____

Guessed letters: TE
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: nick_z on July 09, 2023, 02:27:40 PM
The pic is indeed great…he sure looks like a happy kid :)

And I couldn’t agree more on Luke’s sentiment about DTF. I mean, I’m newer than most here, but it’s such a nice community to be part of…
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 02:31:01 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 09, 2023, 02:31:15 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:35:21 PM
New page already. :lol I'll let you have a good few letters to start with as by their nature these made-up EP titles won't be as easy to guess.

??: ____en
??: A [redacted] Sam__er
??: Arrogance
??: _n ___r R___s
??: __sa____nt_ng, Sa__ T_e __rse as _e ___ate_ _r_m __s __stant ____
??: _r__n
??: S_n_ran S_nset S__es
??: ___er/_a__a_s
??: Dark Matter / Star Light
??: A ___rne_ __ M_ses
??: Cheese Ahoy!
??: ______a: Maiden of the North
??: god damn ____a death are great
??: The _ast of Me
??: The Arc of the Curve
??: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
??: ____ T_e ____: T_e __ne__ Tam__n
??: _r_m _ee_ t_ ___ss
??: T_e St___ __ t_e N_g_t
??: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
??: The __m_nes_ent Nocturnal Tango
??: Genres A_r_ss _a_an
??: _rea__ng T_r__g_ t_e Re_at__ns___ _a_n

Guessed letters: TEANGRMS
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 09, 2023, 02:36:37 PM
I can’t even remember what I titled my EP.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:38:13 PM
I can’t even remember what I titled my EP.
Well pick a letter and maybe you'll find out. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 02:39:43 PM
Let's have an A and an N.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:41:19 PM
Very well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 02:42:16 PM
Is the [redacted] a participant's name, a band name, or a swearword?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 02:43:10 PM

??: __ee_e A___!

Cheese Army! sent by Glasser!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 02:44:48 PM
The (something) Nocturnal Tango.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:45:41 PM
Is the [redacted] a participant's name, a band name, or a swearword?
It's a musician's name. Redacted so as to not give away the song hangman to come later.

??: __ee_e A___!

Cheese Army! sent by Glasser!
Cheese yes, Army no, and not from Tom.

I'll solve partials like this - again it could take forever otherwise. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 09, 2023, 02:46:25 PM
I can’t even remember what I titled my EP.
Well pick a letter and maybe you'll find out. :P

Ok, I can see it’s because I didn’t officially title it, but you used the PM title. That works  :tup

How bout a G?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 02:47:45 PM
Remember that Death Is Not The End, It's Only A Transition
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:48:28 PM
Remember that Death Is Not The End, It's Only A Transition
Nice one. :tup

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - bonus RESULTS pt 2
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 09, 2023, 02:49:04 PM
The pic is indeed great…he sure looks like a happy kid :)

And I couldn’t agree more on Luke’s sentiment about DTF. I mean, I’m newer than most here, but it’s such a nice community to be part of…

Not to get all mushy, but it’s the best community I’ve ever been a part of.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 02:49:17 PM

I'll solve partials like this - again it could take forever otherwise. :lol

Probably still finish before Litho's. ;D

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:51:11 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 02:53:57 PM

The Arc Of The Curve-Litho
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 02:55:51 PM
Wrong senders but yes to both titles.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 09, 2023, 03:02:08 PM
Cheese Ahoy!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:03:45 PM
Cheese Ahoy!
Nailed it!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:04:18 PM
Cheese Ahoy!


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:06:42 PM

??: N_ Tr_e _a_ter__e_e ____ E_er _e _____ete - An E_

An EP  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:08:35 PM

??: N_ Tr_e _a_ter__e_e ____ E_er _e _____ete - An E_

An EP  ;D
Incredible, how did you decipher it?! :lol

Cheese Ahoy is not Chad.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:09:44 PM

??: N_ Tr_e _a_ter__e_e ____ E_er _e _____ete - An E_

An EP  ;D
Incredible, how did you decipher it?! :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:11:05 PM

??: g__ _amn ____a _eat_ are great

Crow-god damn something something (death?) are great
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:12:09 PM

Cheese Ahoy is not Chad.

He's still cheesy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:13:12 PM

??: g__ _amn ____a _eat_ are great

Crow-god damn something something (death?) are great
Not Crow, but yes to the rest.

Incidentally there are two titles in all lower-case and neither is Crow.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 09, 2023, 03:15:05 PM
No True Masterpiece something Ever Something
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:15:36 PM

Incidentally there are two titles in all lower-case and neither is Crow.

Well Crow's laptop doesn't seem to have a shift button so I just figured...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 09, 2023, 03:16:45 PM
No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:17:13 PM
Dark Matter/Star Light
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:18:18 PM
The Past Of Me
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:21:30 PM
The Past Of Me
So close! I'd say think of a popular recent TV drama but uhh.... it's you? :lol

The others are right.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:22:23 PM

??: ______a: Ma__en __ t_e N_rt_

Grandma: Maiden Of The North
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 09, 2023, 03:23:06 PM

Incidentally there are two titles in all lower-case and neither is Crow.

Well Crow's laptop doesn't seem to have a shift button so I just figured...

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 09, 2023, 03:24:56 PM
The Past Of Me
So close! I'd say think of a popular recent TV drama but uhh.... it's you? :lol

"The Last of Me". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:25:33 PM

??: ______a: Ma__en __ t_e N_rt_

Grandma: Maiden Of The North

The bit after the colon is correct at least.

Anyway I'm going to bed fairly soon so I've added the hangman staple of S for you. Interested to see how much more you guys can get now with these letters.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:26:26 PM
Yep Litho. And new page!

??: ____en
??: A [redacted] Sampler
??: Arrogance
??: _n __ur R___s
??: __sa____nt_ng, Sa__ T_e __rse as _e ___ate_ _r_m __s __stant ____
??: _r__n
??: Sonoran Sunset Skies
??: ___er/_a__a_s
??: Dark Matter / Star Light
??: A __urne_ __ Muses
??: Cheese Ahoy!
??: ______a: Maiden of the North
??: god damn pizza death are great
??: The Last of Me
??: The Arc of the Curve
??: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
??: _r_m _ee_ t_ ___ss
??: The Still of the Night
??: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
??: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
lonestar: Genres Across Japan
??: _rea__ng Through the Relationship Pain

Guessed letters: TEANGRMSU
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 09, 2023, 03:28:15 PM
"Genres Across Japan".  Do I need to say who it is?   :biggrin:

"A [redacted] Sampler". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: Sacul on July 09, 2023, 03:28:54 PM

gimme U
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: lonestar on July 09, 2023, 03:29:34 PM
"Genres Across Japan".  Do I need to say who it is?   :biggrin:
"A [redacted] Sampler".

Probably the guy who's in line for a Japanese metal show...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:30:21 PM
The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
The Still Of The Night

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 09, 2023, 03:31:29 PM
"The Still of the Night" could be Stadler. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:31:50 PM
"The Still of the Night" could be Stadler. 
Could be, but isn't.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:33:32 PM

??: _u__ T_e ____: T_e __ne__ Tam__n

(something) The Flow: The (something) Tampon
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:34:45 PM
Sonoran Sunset Skies
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:36:05 PM

??: _u__ T_e ____: T_e __ne__ Tam__n

(something) The Flow: The (something) Tampon
How on earth did you guess Flow? :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:37:05 PM
Dreading Through The Relationship Pain
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:37:37 PM

??: _u__ T_e ____: T_e __ne__ Tam__n

(something) The Flow: The (something) Tampon
How on earth did you guess Flow? :lol

Worked my way back from Tampon. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:38:13 PM
The Last Of Me has to Kinger. Probably one of his shows.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:40:42 PM
Dreading Through The Relationship Pain
Not dreading.

The Last Of Me has to Kinger. Probably one of his shows.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:43:53 PM
Is it the Lonely Tampon...is this Glasser?

Is it Duck the Flow?
Buck the Flow
Fuck the Flow?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: nick_z on July 09, 2023, 03:46:18 PM
god damn pizza death are great - Glasser?  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:46:49 PM
god damn pizza death are great - Glasser?  :biggrin:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: nick_z on July 09, 2023, 03:47:52 PM

??: _u__ T_e ____: T_e __ne__ Tam__n

(something) The Flow: The (something) Tampon
How on earth did you guess Flow? :lol

Worked my way back from Tampon. :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2023, 03:55:30 PM
Is it the Lonely Tampon...is this Glasser?

Is it Duck the Flow?
Buck the Flow
Fuck the Flow?

god damn pizza death are great - Glasser?  :biggrin:
Correct title, but Glasser is the lonely tampon.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 03:59:18 PM
Correct title, but Glasser is the lonely tampon.

You need to make that his Personal Text.  :lol

The Lonely Tampon

And Pizza Death is Luke
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 09, 2023, 03:59:49 PM
Ariich, I sent you a PM. :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 04:17:10 PM

??: __sa____nt_ng, Sa__ T_e __rse as _e ___ate_ _r_m __s __stant ____

(Something), Says The Horse As He (Somethinged) From His Distant (Something)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 04:20:18 PM
From Feet To Floss
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: Sacul on July 09, 2023, 07:08:38 PM
From Feet To Floss
didn't know you were into those things, old man ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 09, 2023, 07:10:11 PM
From Feet To Floss
didn't know you were into those things, old man ;D

See what you have to look forward to. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 01:15:55 AM
How about another letter or two?

??: _i__en
??: A [redacted] Sampler
??: Arrogance
??: On _our Ro__s
??: _isa__ointing, Said The Horse as He F_oate_ From His Distant _o__
??: _ro_n
??: Sonoran Sunset Skies
??: _o_er/_a__a_s
??: Dark Matter / Star Light
??: A Journey of Muses
??: Cheese Ahoy!
??: _o__o_a: Maiden of the North
luke: god damn pizza death are great
??: The Last of Me
??: The Arc of the Curve
??: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
??: from _ee_ to __iss
??: The Still of the Night
??: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
??: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
lonestar: Genres Across Japan
??: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain

Guessed letters: TEANGRMSUO2FI
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: Crow on July 10, 2023, 01:49:37 AM
give me the O and also the 2
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 01:52:23 AM
Ok but there are no numerical digits at all. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: Crow on July 10, 2023, 02:39:00 AM
A Journey of Muses
Breaking Through the etc.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 02:42:50 AM

A Journey of Muses
Breaking Through the etc.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: nick_z on July 10, 2023, 06:56:38 AM
How about an F?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 06:59:49 AM
How about an F?
Sure, although I don't think it's helped much. :lol

EDIT: What the hell, to keep things moving I've added in the final vowel as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: nick_z on July 10, 2023, 07:09:06 AM
How about an F?
Sure, although I don't think it's helped much. :lol

not much, no  :lol but maybe a bit

Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant (something)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 07:10:26 AM
??: On _our Ro__s
On Your Rolls ?

??: __sa__o_nt_ng, Said The Horse as He F_oate_ From His Distant _o__

Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant hold?

??: _ro_n
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 07:15:27 AM
??: On _our Ro__s
On Your Rolls ?
Sort of the opposite? :lol

??: __sa__o_nt_ng, Said The Horse as He F_oate_ From His Distant _o__

Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant hold?
Close enough. :lol

??: _ro_n
Ok I'll give the W but it's neither Crown nor Brown... :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 07:15:31 AM
??: _idden
??: A [redacted] Sampler
??: Arrogance
??: On Your Ro__s
??: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
??: Drown
??: Sonoran Sunset Skies
??: _o_er/_a__ads
??: Dark Matter / Star Light
??: A Journey of Muses
??: Cheese Ahoy!
??: _o__o_a: Maiden of the North
luke: god damn pizza death are great
??: The Last of Me
??: The Arc of the Curve
??: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
??: from _eed to __iss
??: The Still of the Night
??: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
??: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
lonestar: Genres Across Japan
??: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain

Guessed letters: TEANGRMSUO2FID
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: nick_z on July 10, 2023, 07:22:37 AM
Crown, then?  :)

EDIT: sorry, you just said it wasn't ...


On Your Rocks
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 07:22:55 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 07:25:27 AM
Crown, then?  :)
Ok I'll give the W but it's neither Crown nor Brown... :P

Can't believe we've got this far without the D.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 07:26:38 AM
ok then

??: On _our Ro__s
On Your Roids ?

??: _ro_n
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 07:31:36 AM
From heed to bliss?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 10, 2023, 07:39:55 AM
I feel like I don't even post on DTF.  I have no idea who could have sent any of these.  A number of them I'm sure will retrospectively make much more sense when song lists are revealed. 

"Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body" sounds like an unreleased track from Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra.  But it would be more like, "Disappointing!  Bespoke the Horse!, as He Floated From His Distant Body With Tufts of Smoke Billowing in the Distance!" 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: nick_z on July 10, 2023, 07:52:27 AM
Crown, then?  :)
Ok I'll give the W but it's neither Crown nor Brown... :P

Sorry, Rich...yes, I had missed it and edited my post ...couple more guesses in there...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 08:30:56 AM
:lol No worries.

Ok I think you guys have got close enough, here are all the titles - let's make some guesses at who sent what!

??: Hidden
??: A [redacted] Sampler
??: Arrogance
??: On Your Rocks
??: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
??: Drown
??: Sonoran Sunset Skies
jingle: Power|Ballads
??: Dark Matter / Star Light
??: A Journey of Muses
??: Cheese Ahoy!
Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
luke: god damn pizza death are great
??: The Last of Me
??: The Arc of the Curve
??: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
Sacul: from weed to bliss
??: The Still of the Night
??: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
??: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
lonestar: Genres Across Japan
??: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: nick_z on July 10, 2023, 08:36:56 AM
Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body: Crow?

Pohjola: Maiden of the North: Tim?

On Your Rocks: Stadler?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 08:44:19 AM
Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body: Crow?

Pohjola: Maiden of the North: Tim?

On Your Rocks: Stadler?
0 for 3, but Pohjola is somewhat close. Feel like that one is potentially one of the easier ones to guess.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 08:47:13 AM
Power Ballads had to be Chad.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 08:52:09 AM
Power Ballads had to be Chad.
Of course. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: nick_z on July 10, 2023, 09:00:03 AM
Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body: Crow?

Pohjola: Maiden of the North: Tim?

On Your Rocks: Stadler?
0 for 3

I'm SO good at this  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 10, 2023, 09:02:12 AM
Power Ballads had to be Chad.
Of course. :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: Evermind on July 10, 2023, 09:12:42 AM
from weed to bliss - Sacul probably
Sonoran Sunset Skies sounds like Nelson but honestly I have no idea
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 09:13:30 AM
Is Pojulha Ruslan?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: Evermind on July 10, 2023, 09:14:42 AM
Hell no :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 09:15:16 AM
from weed to bliss - Sacul probably

Sonoran Sunset Skies sounds like Nelson but honestly I have no idea
It does a bit, but no it's someone else.

Is Pojulha Ruslan?
No. If you google it "with the correct spelling" it might offer a clue.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: Evermind on July 10, 2023, 09:16:11 AM
Is Luoto in this roulette? He might be the Pohjola thing as I think it's Finnish.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 09:17:22 AM
Is Luoto in this roulette? He might be the Pohjola thing as I think it's Finnish.
Got there in the end!

I realise that there are so many of you, it's hard to remember who is actually playing. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: Evermind on July 10, 2023, 09:29:14 AM
Let's see:

The Last of Me - Kade
Drown - Crow
A [redacted] Sampler - Stadler or King
I'll try the Luminescent Nocturnal Tango for Nelson then
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP titles hangman!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 09:45:36 AM
I'll put you guys out of your misery. :lol In fairness there's no reason you should be able to guess any of the rest except maybe Cheese Ahoy! The other guessable ones you've already got.

Here's the lot, and I'll post first impressions shortly.

Puppies: Hidden
romdrums: A [redacted] Sampler
Evermind: Arrogance
seneca: On Your Rocks
HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
TAC: Drown
Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
jingle: Power|Ballads
Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
nick_z: A Journey of Muses
soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
luke: god damn pizza death are great
faizoff: The Last of Me
Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
Sacul: from weed to bliss
Vmadera: The Still of the Night
Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
lonestar: Genres Across Japan
King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 09:51:25 AM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!

Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light
  - This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
  - The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.
  - The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
  - This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
  - Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
  - Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
  - Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
  - The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
  - I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
  - For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North
  - Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
  - There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden
  - I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
  - There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.
  - The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.
  - The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.

Sacul – from weed to bliss
  - This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
  - There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.

seneca – On Your Rocks
  - Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
  - Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
  - Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
  - I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve
  - To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
  - The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.

TAC – Drown
  - This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night
  - For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
  - Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
  - This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.
  - Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Evermind on July 10, 2023, 09:55:18 AM
I feel like three guesses for one impression is fair so let's begin with

2, 16, 20, 23, 27, 37
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 10, 2023, 09:57:43 AM
Just judging by the titles, looks like Litho and I were the only ones who tried working the theme of the roulette into the theme of the EP. Slackers!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Evermind on July 10, 2023, 09:59:52 AM
Just judging by the titles, looks like Litho and I were the only ones who tried working the theme of the roulette into the theme of the EP. Slackers!

I did it too except I just went light to dark :lol

I also did female vocals -> male vocals -> female vocals -> male vocals etc. but I don't think that counts.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on July 10, 2023, 10:10:39 AM
I'll take a shot at 44 first...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: HOF on July 10, 2023, 10:18:27 AM
25 and 37?

That’s a lot of impressions to read through, LOL!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Lonk on July 10, 2023, 10:20:28 AM
well, 4 is me for sure  :lol

The second one might be 20
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Sacul on July 10, 2023, 10:28:01 AM
Let's see... 7, 14, 16, 28?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 10:33:13 AM
14 & 36?

This is going to be a bitch to guess lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 10, 2023, 10:35:21 AM
12 for my first crack at it. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: romdrums on July 10, 2023, 10:39:37 AM
1, 15, 35, 42.  Feels like I'm picking lottery numbers!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 10:42:11 AM
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 10, 2023, 10:50:36 AM
Yeah I ain't reading all that, I'm gonna wait for like 75% of the list to be solved. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 10:54:21 AM
I feel like three guesses for one impression is fair so let's begin with

2, 16, 20, 23, 27, 37
12 for my first crack at it. 

Just judging by the titles, looks like Litho and I were the only ones who tried working the theme of the roulette into the theme of the EP. Slackers!
Not the only ones in fact, there were a few of you. :lol

14 & 36?

This is going to be a bitch to guess lol
14 yes, but 36 no.

1, 15, 35, 42.  Feels like I'm picking lottery numbers!
42 is one of them, yep.

I'll take a shot at 44 first...
25 and 37?
well, 4 is me for sure  :lol

The second one might be 20
Let's see... 7, 14, 16, 28?
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
All nope, surprisingly enough.

That’s a lot of impressions to read through, LOL!
This is true. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 10:54:59 AM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!

1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
2. I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
4. Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
7. This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
9. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
11. For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.
13. That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.
15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
17. I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.
18. There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
19. I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.
21. Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.
22. The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
23. The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
30. This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
32. There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
36. Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.
37. You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
38. One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
40. I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.
41. For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.
44. I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.
45. This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
46. This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.

Evermind – Arrogance
 - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
 - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
 - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
 - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
 - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Evermind on July 10, 2023, 10:57:31 AM
I hoped for #2 but I'll take these too!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 11:03:58 AM
Ok 8, 9 or 17?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: HOF on July 10, 2023, 11:22:01 AM
29 and/or 30?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Crow on July 10, 2023, 11:41:26 AM
45. This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
13. That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.
what if instead of doing the whole thing i just go thru with these two that obviously belong together
i could be wrong tho 'cause i'm hoping for more positive impressions than this  :lol

my EP doesn't have enough whahibrido pickingant for this roulette, i think
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on July 10, 2023, 11:44:16 AM
Because I'm usually, you know, spot on  :biggrin: I'm gonna be bold and go with two guesses only, instead of casting a wider net

11. For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.
23. The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 12:19:14 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 12:48:01 PM

Ok 8, 9 or 17?
29 and/or 30?
Still no. :P

45. This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
13. That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.
what if instead of doing the whole thing i just go thru with these two that obviously belong together
Spot on.

Because I'm usually, you know, spot on  :biggrin: I'm gonna be bold and go with two guesses only, instead of casting a wider net

11. For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.
23. The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.
23 is right, but not 11.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 12:48:16 PM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!

1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
2. I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
4. Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
7. This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
9. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
11. For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.
15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
17. I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.
18. There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
19. I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.
21. Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.
22. The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
30. This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
32. There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
36. Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.
37. You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
38. One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
40. I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.
41. For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.
44. I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.
46. This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.

Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
 - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
 - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
 - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
 - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
 - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body

jingle – Power|Ballads

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
 - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango

lonestar – Genres Across Japan

luke – god damn pizza death are great

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
 - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
 - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss

seneca – On Your Rocks

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown

Vmadera – The Still of the Night

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on July 10, 2023, 12:52:37 PM
Let's guess.... 30,35,38, or 46?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Crow on July 10, 2023, 12:52:57 PM
you're, unfortunately, wrong as i love all the songs on it a lot  :lol but i was worried it'd start a bit too normal for you but w/e they'll grow on you
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 12:57:29 PM
As no one picked up on my guess being a reference, I’ll add my actual guess…

8, 9, 19, 33 & 41
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Lonk on July 10, 2023, 01:03:06 PM
36 and 46?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 01:04:06 PM
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

As no one picked up on my guess being a reference,

I picked up on it. :biggrin:  Forgot to comment.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Crow on July 10, 2023, 01:06:22 PM
is it a king gizzard reference :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 01:42:55 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 01:47:40 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 10, 2023, 01:56:01 PM
Just judging by the titles, looks like Litho and I were the only ones who tried working the theme of the roulette into the theme of the EP. Slackers!

Wrong. I did a milder version of light/heavierdark series of alternating tracks.

How’s about striking out the correctly guessed impressions for those of us with shorter attention spans?

(Politely) Asking for a friend.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: HOF on July 10, 2023, 01:56:17 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Stadler on July 10, 2023, 01:58:42 PM
For me? 

19. I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 01:59:52 PM
Just judging by the titles, looks like Litho and I were the only ones who tried working the theme of the roulette into the theme of the EP. Slackers!

That’s slick. I didn’t think of that.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: HOF on July 10, 2023, 02:04:10 PM
Just judging by the titles, looks like Litho and I were the only ones who tried working the theme of the roulette into the theme of the EP. Slackers!

That’s slick. I didn’t think of that.

Mine actually did too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 02:11:06 PM
Let's guess.... 30,35,38, or 46?
38 is right, but not the others.

you're, unfortunately, wrong as i love all the songs on it a lot  :lol but i was worried it'd start a bit too normal for you but w/e they'll grow on you
Well the start is only 1 song out of 5 so even if it doesn't grow on me much, the rest has a lot of potential.

8, 9, 19, 33 & 41
Yes to 41, but not the others.

36 and 46?
19. I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.
Keep trying, guys...

How’s about striking out the correctly guessed impressions for those of us with shorter attention spans?
I'm transferring them down into each person's list once they're correctly guessed! You're right about the short attention span though. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 02:11:22 PM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!

1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
2. I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
4. Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
7. This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
9. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
11. For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.
15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
17. I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.
18. There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
19. I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.
21. Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.
22. The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
30. This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
32. There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
40. I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.
44. I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.
46. This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.

Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss

seneca – On Your Rocks

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown

Vmadera – The Still of the Night

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 10, 2023, 02:12:36 PM
I had some time on my hands …. Didn’t check this against correctly guessed impressions

8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
36. Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.
37. You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 02:15:17 PM
36. Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.
37. You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.

Updated in the quoted post above as it's so recent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 02:18:22 PM
10, 11, 34, 39
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Crow on July 10, 2023, 02:26:23 PM
you're, unfortunately, wrong as i love all the songs on it a lot  :lol but i was worried it'd start a bit too normal for you but w/e they'll grow on you
Well the start is only 1 song out of 5 so even if it doesn't grow on me much, the rest has a lot of potential.
so if the one song that i sent hadn't been banned and i didn't swap it out for that one i would've been golden, got it  :lol
is it too late to make another swap  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 02:31:06 PM
Rich, any chance you can make it clearer which ones are yet to be guessed? Not easy with 46 of the fuckers!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Crow on July 10, 2023, 02:34:26 PM
he's removing the ones that have already been guessed and moving them down under the names  :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: romdrums on July 10, 2023, 02:36:48 PM
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

As no one picked up on my guess being a reference,

I picked up on it. :biggrin:  Forgot to comment.

I was locked in on it, but it seems a lot of the others were simply lost.  ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 02:37:09 PM
Rich, any chance you can make it clearer which ones are yet to be guessed? Not easy with 46 of the fuckers!
How’s about striking out the correctly guessed impressions for those of us with shorter attention spans?
I'm transferring them down into each person's list once they're correctly guessed! You're right about the short attention span though. :neverusethis:
Anyone else fancy asking the same question? :P

10, 11, 34, 39
No. :lol

is it too late to make another swap  :corn
Yes. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 02:42:14 PM
New page, and I've made it clearer which ones are guessed and unguessed for the Lukes and Chads of the world. :P

EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!


1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
2. I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
4. Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
7. This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
9. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
11. For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.
15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
17. I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.
18. There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
19. I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.
21. Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.
22. The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
30. This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
32. There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.
46. This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.


Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss

seneca – On Your Rocks

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 10, 2023, 02:43:42 PM
Rich, any chance you can make it clearer which ones are yet to be guessed? Not easy with 46 of the fuckers!
How’s about striking out the correctly guessed impressions for those of us with shorter attention spans?
I'm transferring them down into each person's list once they're correctly guessed! You're right about the short attention span though. :neverusethis:
Anyone else fancy asking the same question? :P

Sometimes you have to remember that roulette participants have goldfish memories.   :cow:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ReaperKK on July 10, 2023, 02:45:02 PM
43 and 44 for me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 02:46:29 PM
0-12. :facepalm:

5, 15, 32, 40

Also, how do I know which impressions have been picked or not?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 10, 2023, 02:47:45 PM
Just judging by the titles, looks like Litho and I were the only ones who tried working the theme of the roulette into the theme of the EP. Slackers!

That’s slick. I didn’t think of that.

It seemed like really low-hanging fruit, but it fit the batch of songs I'd been itching to send and the title I almost instantly came up with so well that I couldn't resist. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 02:48:50 PM
43 and 44 for me.
44 is right but not 43!

0-12. :facepalm:

5, 15, 32, 40
Getting somewhere now, 40 is right!

Also, how do I know which impressions have been picked or not?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 02:51:35 PM
he's removing the ones that have already been guessed and moving them down under the names  :P

I had a suspicion he may have been doing that but as I started reading down I stopped at 10 and assumed they were all still there. Just turns out nothing from the first 10 has been guessed yet  :facepalm:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 02:54:00 PM
19, 25, or hopefully not 9
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 02:55:10 PM
It better be 2!

If not, 29 or 30?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 02:56:13 PM
19, 25, or hopefully not 9
I'm wondering how many more you can guess before you find your other one. :lol In fairness it is, on its own, a pretty generic first impression. When I wrote the impressions the two parts were together but I guess some don't really say anything in isolation.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 02:57:44 PM
It better be 2!
No you already have one about the narrative/structure. Pretty sure everyone has at least one that's about the music itself.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 02:58:38 PM
As above, 29 or 30 then?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 02:59:08 PM
8 or 29?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:01:38 PM
As above, 29 or 30 then?
8 or 29?
It's like you two are deliberately choosing wrong ones. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 10, 2023, 03:02:15 PM
Hoping for #29, #30, #39, but could be #19.  And hopefully not #1.   :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 03:04:25 PM
I've updated my worksheet with my wrong guesses  :lol

EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!

1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
2. I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
4. Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
7. This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.

8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
9. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
11. For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
17. I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.
18. There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
19. I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.
21. Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.
22. The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.

25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
30. This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
32. There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do. 
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.
46. This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.

35 or 46?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 10, 2023, 03:04:35 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: soupytwist on July 10, 2023, 03:04:40 PM
4  :o
9 :yarr
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 03:05:26 PM
As above, 29 or 30 then?
8 or 29?
It's like you two are deliberately choosing wrong ones. :P

It’s like YOU are deliberately giving first impressions that don’t do our EPs justice  :lol

Come on then, 11?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: soupytwist on July 10, 2023, 03:10:15 PM
33 maybe.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:10:30 PM
Hoping for #29, #30, #39, but could be #19.  And hopefully not #1.   :rollin
:rollin That would have been cruel. Thankfully not. 19 is correct but not the others.

I've updated my worksheet with my wrong guesses  :lol


35 or 46?
Good lord that was a lot of wrong guesses. :lol Yes it's 46.

No sir.

4  :o
9 :yarr
4, yes. 9, you'll be glad to hear, no.

It’s like YOU are deliberately giving first impressions that don’t do our EPs justice  :lol

Come on then, 11?
:lol Yep.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:10:51 PM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!


1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
2. I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
7. This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
9. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
17. I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.
18. There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
21. Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.
22. The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
30. This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
32. There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.


Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
  - I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
  - For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss

seneca – On Your Rocks

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
  - Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown
  - This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:11:53 PM
9's gone phew.

4 and 33.
9 isn't gone, that was Tim crossing out the ones he'd incorrectly guessed for himself. :lol But it's not 9, or 33 either.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 03:14:28 PM
Rich, the nice surprises were the short transition tracks right?  :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: soupytwist on July 10, 2023, 03:14:59 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:16:59 PM
Rich, the nice surprises were the short transition tracks right?  :rollin
I look forward to your reaction when I do top and bottom tracks (instead of comparisons) and your top track is one of those. :neverusethis:

Everyone who did a narrative wants that one, but no.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 03:17:42 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Stadler on July 10, 2023, 03:19:55 PM
26 and 35 for me?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 03:21:27 PM
Rich, the nice surprises were the short transition tracks right?  :rollin
I look forward to your reaction when I do top and bottom tracks (instead of comparisons) and your top track is one of those. :neverusethis:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:21:36 PM
26 and 35 for me?
No but tonally you're both along the right lines.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:22:42 PM
Rich, the nice surprises were the short transition tracks right?  :rollin
I look forward to your reaction when I do top and bottom tracks (instead of comparisons) and your top track is one of those. :neverusethis:

:lol Great gif.

In fact I'm assuming I'm treating those as interludes rather than counting towards the music quality score... :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 03:22:59 PM
so 29 or 31 then?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 03:25:04 PM
Rich, the nice surprises were the short transition tracks right?  :rollin
I look forward to your reaction when I do top and bottom tracks (instead of comparisons) and your top track is one of those. :neverusethis:

:lol Great gif.

In fact I'm assuming I'm treating those as interludes rather than counting towards the music quality score... :P

Yea, they don’t count, unless they score a 10/10, then they count.

Also, I know 2 isn’t mine, but I’m going to assume #2 applies to me anyway. I spent a fair bit of time on my story so I’m gonna tell myself I get #2.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:26:39 PM
so 29 or 31 then?
I said tonally along the right lines, not close in number. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:27:50 PM
Also, I know 2 isn’t mine, but I’m going to assume #2 applies to me anyway. I spent a fair bit of time on my story so I’m gonna tell myself I get #2.
Those 10 trillion points are going to your head.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: soupytwist on July 10, 2023, 03:29:32 PM
Last guess for the night 17 or 24
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:31:04 PM
Last guess for the night 17 or 24
Yay, 17 it is!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:31:13 PM
New page!

EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!


1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
2. I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
7. This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
9. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
18. There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
21. Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.
22. The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
30. This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
32. There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.


Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
  - I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
  - For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss

seneca – On Your Rocks

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
  - Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
  - I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown
  - This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: soupytwist on July 10, 2023, 03:32:45 PM
Just tell me shit Boat was worth it :o
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:33:41 PM
Giving away one of your songs, but yes you were clearly very committed to that one. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Sacul on July 10, 2023, 03:34:42 PM
5 or 9?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 03:35:24 PM
Wolfking is 22, 32 or 35.

Lonestar's other one could be 33.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:36:23 PM
5 or 9?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 10, 2023, 03:37:21 PM
Rich, you missed my guess right above your post.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 03:37:57 PM
Wolfking is 22, 32 or 35.

Lonestar's other one could be 33.
Maintaining your incredible record by getting everything wrong. :lol

In fairness, guessing other people's is harder this round because we've only had titles but not done songs or artists yet.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 03:41:00 PM
21,24,25 or 34.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Sacul on July 10, 2023, 03:41:08 PM
29, 35, 43
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 10, 2023, 03:41:15 PM
Also, I know 2 isn’t mine, but I’m going to assume #2 applies to me anyway. I spent a fair bit of time on my story so I’m gonna tell myself I get #2.
Those 10 trillion points are going to your head.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 04:04:29 PM
21,24,25 or 34.
29, 35, 43
Still no. :lol

And I'm off to bed now but look forward to continuing this tomorrow.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 10, 2023, 04:06:40 PM
39, 34, 16
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on July 10, 2023, 04:08:09 PM
Interesting.. I know one of them, wondering which of the other artists got ya.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 10, 2023, 06:39:30 PM
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 10, 2023, 06:39:58 PM

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: senecadawg2 on July 10, 2023, 07:38:52 PM
I'll take a stab at 35, 21, and 7
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 10, 2023, 08:23:56 PM
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 :neverusethis:


4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Sacul on July 10, 2023, 08:50:54 PM
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 10, 2023, 09:31:35 PM
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 :neverusethis:


4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
Eh, I was at work with bad internet signal, so I just skimmed the thread before posting :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 11:20:41 PM
39, 34, 16
You waited and yet still... no. :lol

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 :neverusethis:
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42  ;D
Funnily enough... both no. :P

I'll take a stab at 35, 21, and 7
21 is right! Not the others though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2023, 11:20:57 PM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!


1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
7. This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
9. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
18. There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
22. The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
30. This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.


Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
  - I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
  - For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden
  - I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
  - There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss

seneca – On Your Rocks
  - Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
  - Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
  - I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown
  - This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 10, 2023, 11:39:48 PM
OK, serious guess time...

2, 5, 7, 32, 33?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 11, 2023, 12:18:15 AM
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 :neverusethis:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 12:23:55 AM
OK, serious guess time...

2, 5, 7, 32, 33?
It is indeed 2 and 32. Updated, including in the quote post above.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 11, 2023, 12:50:29 AM
OK, serious guess time...

2, 5, 7, 32, 33?
It is indeed 2 and 32. Updated, including in the quote post above.
I'll take that! I just realized that apparently I'm incapable of writing a happy story for my EPs  :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 11, 2023, 12:51:41 AM
Any word from Elite?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 03:23:38 AM
I just realized that apparently I'm incapable of writing a happy story for my EPs  :P
You just realised that? :lol I get it though. One of the things I loved about your last themed EP roulette is that it allowed me to explore a range of tones and endings. Although even the more happy/hopeful endings still had a bittersweet angle to them. :lol

Any word from Elite?
No, I noticed him lurking in this thread I think yesterday? But not heard back from him unfortunately, so I think we just proceed as is for the timebeing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Crow on July 11, 2023, 03:25:07 AM
1, 3, 7, 5, never 4, never 9
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Lonk on July 11, 2023, 06:07:55 AM
I keep striking out, this is reminding me of my high school days... :lol


26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 11, 2023, 06:20:08 AM
Let's try #22 and #7.  The latter seems like it should be wolfking, but you might have a broader meaning of "intense". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 06:35:18 AM
I keep striking out, this is reminding me of my high school days... :lol


26. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.

26 is right! But not the others.

Let's try #22 and #7.  The latter seems like it should be wolfking, but you might have a broader meaning of "intense". 
22 is indeed yours and 7 is indeed Kade's, even without knowing what he sent! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 06:35:26 AM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!


1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
9. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
18. There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
30. This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.


Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
  - The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
  - I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
  - For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden
  - I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
  - There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss

seneca – On Your Rocks
  - Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
  - Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
  - I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown
  - This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night
  - Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
  - This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 11, 2023, 06:52:09 AM
Ok, I have theories and possible explanations for that depending upon who you're being reminded of, but it's obviously too early to reveal yet.  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 11, 2023, 06:58:58 AM
Still wondering who is going to get the dreaded #9.  Karn Evil #9 one might say.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on July 11, 2023, 07:00:25 AM
15 or 29?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 11, 2023, 07:01:05 AM
18 or 28?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Stadler on July 11, 2023, 07:04:11 AM
15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 11, 2023, 07:04:44 AM
Still wondering who is going to get the dreaded #9.

I really did my very best, but apparently the songs weren’t weak enough.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 11, 2023, 07:16:21 AM
Still wondering who is going to get the dreaded #9.

I really did my very best, but apparently the songs weren’t weak enough.

I guess from here on out I should lean into being bottom of all roulettes!

You're failing at failing!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 11, 2023, 07:23:44 AM
I sent Pizza Death and everything!

Like Rich said, I’m riding the wave of that 10 trillion score, what can I say.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 07:30:11 AM
15 or 29?
Yep, 15.

18 or 28?
Yep, 18.

15. No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
Still no. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 07:30:30 AM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!


1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
33. This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.


Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light
  - This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
  - Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
  - The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
  - I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
  - For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden
  - I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
  - There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss

seneca – On Your Rocks
  - Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
  - Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
  - I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown
  - This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night
  - Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
  - This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on July 11, 2023, 07:35:45 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 11, 2023, 07:36:34 AM
Still wondering who is going to get the dreaded #9.  Karn Evil #9 one might say.
Pretty sure #9 is Glasser.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on July 11, 2023, 07:48:59 AM
It wouldn’t be super-great, but maybe 28 for my second impression?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 11, 2023, 07:54:00 AM
Nick isn't #5?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 07:59:05 AM
Still wondering who is going to get the dreaded #9.  Karn Evil #9 one might say.
Pretty sure #9 is Glasser.
How did you guess? :lol

Nick is neither 28 nor 5.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 11, 2023, 08:07:26 AM
30, 34? Those are basically the same impression. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 08:23:56 AM
30, 34? Those are basically the same impression. :lol
Indeed, so only one is yours (30).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 11, 2023, 08:31:48 AM
43 or 31?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: HOF on July 11, 2023, 08:34:33 AM
25 and 28? Don’t remember what I’ve guessed already LOL.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on July 11, 2023, 08:37:38 AM
So how about 34 for me, then? ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 08:58:08 AM
43 or 31?
No, yours may not be super obvious.

25 and 28? Don’t remember what I’ve guessed already LOL.
No and it's quite possible you guessed those already. I can't remember either, there are just too many impressions. :lol

So how about 34 for me, then? ;)
Still no.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 11, 2023, 09:06:57 AM
there are just too many impressions. :lol

Mate, I think with 24 participants one impression each would’ve been enough  :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 11, 2023, 09:15:14 AM
Rich just wants to see our heads explode.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on July 11, 2023, 09:16:50 AM
9 for sure.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 09:17:56 AM
there are just too many impressions. :lol

Mate, I think with 24 participants one impression each would’ve been enough  :rollin
I dunno, twice as much music = twice as many impressions. :P

I did this for my v6 EPs too and I like it. I'd be writing longer impressions either way because there's more to react to, with multiple artists, flow, themes, narratives etc. Doing them all as 2 parts and splitting them up is just quite a fun way to do it I think.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 09:18:47 AM
9 for sure.  :lol
Yeah someone else already guessed that for you based on your title. :lol

But which other impression is yours too?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on July 11, 2023, 09:24:31 AM
9 for sure.  :lol
Yeah someone else already guessed that for you based on your title. :lol

But which other impression is yours too?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on July 11, 2023, 09:29:42 AM
Major props to Luke on Pizza Death! I'm guessing this is their roulette debut?!  :tup :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 09:31:08 AM
9 for sure.  :lol
Yeah someone else already guessed that for you based on your title. :lol

But which other impression is yours too?

Yes indeed.

Well you did want to go down in roulette history. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 09:31:15 AM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!


1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
5. Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.
43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.


Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light
  - This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
  - This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
  - Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
  - The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
  - I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
  - For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden
  - I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
  - There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss

seneca – On Your Rocks
  - Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
  - Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
  - I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown
  - This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night
  - Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
  - This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 11, 2023, 09:31:47 AM
Major props to Luke on Pizza Death! I'm guessing this is their roulette debut?!  :tup :metal

You mean you didn’t send them?! God damn it Tom  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: romdrums on July 11, 2023, 09:33:12 AM
The more I read these, I think 8, 10, or 28 might be my other impression.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on July 11, 2023, 09:35:19 AM
Major props to Luke on Pizza Death! I'm guessing this is their roulette debut?!  :tup :metal

You mean you didn’t send them?! God damn it Tom  :lol

I went with the Flow!  :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 11, 2023, 09:36:23 AM
Major props to Luke on Pizza Death! I'm guessing this is their roulette debut?!  :tup :metal

You mean you didn’t send them?! God damn it Tom  :lol

I went with the Flow!  :rollin

Menstruating Nuns confirmed
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Glasser on July 11, 2023, 09:36:41 AM
9 for sure.  :lol
Yeah someone else already guessed that for you based on your title. :lol

But which other impression is yours too?

Yes indeed.

Well you did want to go down in roulette history. :lol

Indeed! I just realized I should've sent Conception song "Flow".  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 09:37:47 AM
The more I read these, I think 8, 10, or 28 might be my other impression.
Maybe if you keep reading them even more, you might eventually get there. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on July 11, 2023, 10:16:05 AM
oh snap
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Sacul on July 11, 2023, 10:35:18 AM
1, 5, 10?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: HOF on July 11, 2023, 10:46:56 AM
Alright, so I have guessed 25 twice, LOL. Being a little more methodical, how about two of these?

10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.

31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.

34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.

43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 11, 2023, 10:53:38 AM
Alright, so I have guessed 25 twice, LOL. Being a little more methodical, how about two of these?

10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.

31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.

34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.

43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.

Oh just put him out of his misery, Rich
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 02:30:32 PM
1, 5, 10?
10 is one of them!

Alright, so I have guessed 25 twice, LOL. Being a little more methodical, how about two of these?

10. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.

31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.

34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.

43. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.

Oh just put him out of his misery, Rich
:lol He's not made as many wrong guesses as Tim, I think.

And he's now got one right, which is 43! But still not the other one. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 02:30:42 PM
EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!


1. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.
3. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.
6. Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
16. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.
24. This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
29. I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
31. For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.
35. Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
39. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.


Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light
  - This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
  - This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
  - Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
  - Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
  - The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
  - I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
  - For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North
  - Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden
  - I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
  - There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.

Sacul – from weed to bliss
  - There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.

seneca – On Your Rocks
  - Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
  - Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
  - I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve

TAC – Drown
  - This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night
  - Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
  - This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 11, 2023, 02:35:40 PM
Gloomy one is Luoto?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 11, 2023, 02:40:18 PM
That would have been my second guess, not having heard a note of his EP either.  (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Crow on July 11, 2023, 02:40:21 PM
it looks like soupy also sent pizza death given the EP title and impression
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 11, 2023, 02:41:39 PM
6 Lizard Wizards and 3 Pizza Deaths!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 11, 2023, 02:44:00 PM
Gloomy one is Luoto?
That would have been my second guess, not having heard a note of his EP either.  (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)
:lol Yeah, not exactly a surprise.

it looks like soupy also sent pizza death given the EP title and impression

As it happens I had a cheesy pizza for dinner tonight and it was yum.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Lonk on July 11, 2023, 02:47:07 PM
8. To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
25. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.
28. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.
34. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.

Ok, my last guesses at this point lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ReaperKK on July 11, 2023, 05:59:28 PM
24 or 25 for my other one?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on July 11, 2023, 06:09:47 PM
29 or 39?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: HOF on July 11, 2023, 06:14:24 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 11, 2023, 06:16:27 PM
Alright let's Crow strategy this, I want to get to hangman. :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 11, 2023, 06:19:23 PM
Buddy, when are you hosting a roulette?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: wolfking on July 11, 2023, 06:21:33 PM
29 or 35?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 11, 2023, 06:35:55 PM
Buddy, when are you hosting a roulette?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 11, 2023, 06:36:04 PM
Buddy, when are you hosting a roulette?

I'll definitely do one again but they are a good amount of effort for me so I haven't really been in a rush. I also occasionally do audio-related stuff for work which makes it impossible to listen to stuff during those days, but that work should be over by the end of the year so I'll probably do one next year at the latest. It also won't be electronic-only again, I promise. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 04:44:01 AM
Alright you've come close enough so here's the lot! Song hangman soon.

EP final first impressions

Just like in my v6, you get two impressions each! CHAOS!

Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light
  - This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
  - The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
  - This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you.
  - That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Evermind – Arrogance
  - This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that.
  - The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.
  - The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
  - This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality.
  - Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
  - Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do.
  - Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.

jingle – Power|Ballads
  - You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it.
  - Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
  - There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this.
  - Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
  - The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting.
  - I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
  - No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks.
  - One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
  - For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works.
  - For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North
  - Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging.
  - There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
  - I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent.
  - The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Puppies – Hidden
  - I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here.
  - There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
  - I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard.
  - The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.

romdrums – A [redacted] Sampler
  - The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected.
  - The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.

Sacul – from weed to bliss
  - This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
  - There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.

seneca – On Your Rocks
  - Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people?
  - Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
  - Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol
  - I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve
  - To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further.
  - The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.

TAC – Drown
  - This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly.
  - I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night
  - For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable.
  - Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
  - This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs.
  - Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 12, 2023, 04:58:00 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 05:36:27 AM
I don't think he knows about second impressions, Pip.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: nick_z on July 12, 2023, 05:36:52 AM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 12, 2023, 06:55:50 AM
faizoff – The Last of Me
  - This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores.
  - The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.

Interesting impression on the 2nd one. I suppose it's a weird turn, when I listened to it start to finish, it sorta made sense. Curious which artist you've been sleeping on.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Stadler on July 12, 2023, 07:30:07 AM
Huh; I'll take that!  I never would have guessed those as mine, so that's cool! 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 12, 2023, 07:34:33 AM
Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light
  - This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive.
  - The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.

Yeah, not that I disagree but that was one of the last ones I would have guessed because of how little vocals are on the EP, and how the last song recently got dragged for the vocals in another roulette. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: Sacul on July 12, 2023, 07:50:24 AM
Sacul – from weed to bliss
  - This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
  - There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 12, 2023, 07:50:40 AM
Huh; I'll take that!  I never would have guessed those as mine, so that's cool!

Yeah, I'd take those impressions (assuming you did good in round 2 :lol).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 09:12:39 AM
Sacul – from weed to bliss
  - This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in.
  - There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.

Baked, apparently.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: romdrums on July 12, 2023, 09:15:35 AM


What about impressionsies?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 09:35:37 AM
Right gang, do you want song hangman in batches or do you want ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SONGS ALL AT ONCE
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 12, 2023, 09:37:36 AM
umm yeah small batches is my speed. Otherwise it's endless scrolling for each page.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 12, 2023, 09:40:56 AM
umm yeah small batches is my speed. Otherwise it's endless scrolling for each page.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 09:41:34 AM
Right gang, do you want song hangman in batches or do you want ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SONGS ALL AT ONCE

Doesn’t matter, whatever’s easiest for you, but can you start us off with some letters?
Maybe R-I-C-H….something like that?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: faizoff on July 12, 2023, 09:59:11 AM
umm yeah small batches is my speed. Otherwise it's endless scrolling for each page.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP first impressions!
Post by: lonestar on July 12, 2023, 10:01:39 AM
All at once, let's bring Tim's work production down to less than nothing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 10:10:24 AM
Alright, artists split into 3 batches, 50 songs each.

Part 1 let's gooooooooooooooooo

EP hangman part 1
Ignore the 0s, they'll be replaced by track numbers once added to the correct EP.

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – T_e ____e I_ Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – T_e F_ame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – ____ _ffe__e_
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tea_ t_e _a___ D___ (__ Mem__ie_)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Di_ta_t __die_

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – T_ic_ _f t_e T_ade

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – T_a_at_____ia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – ____a__
    5: Mary’s Blood – ___a_e_
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer

    0: _ame_ _e_t__ ___a_d – T_e __te
    0: Derek Sherinian – _c___i__
    0: A_e_t__m – __m_ie_ Ate m_ _i_ate __i_
    0: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    0: ___i__e _ec_ – _a_a_a_i D___
    0: Car Seat Headrest – T_i_ Fa_ta__ (T___e ____)
    0: _a__c_ ____ect – A__e_
    0: _ii_ate – _____ai__a
    0: _e__a_d C__e_ – ___a__e
    0: ___ga_e_ – C_t_e_ea_
    0: Mic_ae_ _e__e_ – __ee__a__e_
    0: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    0: _ea__ _am – Am__g t_e _a_e_
    0: A__ti_i_ – __i_e
    0: Derek Sherinian – _e_e_ _ea_
    0: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    0: Deadlock – ____d_act
    0: Mic_ae_ _e__e_ – ___e G_a_it_
    0: A_e_t__m – __it __at
    0: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    0: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    0: _e__a_d C__e_ – _tee_ ____ _a_
    0: _._.D. – __eme__t__a_ __i_ce__ ___e_
    0: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    0: Mic_ae_ _e__e_ – T_e F_ee __i_it
    0: _e_d_i_ _ama_ & __A – A__ T_e _ta__
    0: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    0: Mic_ae_ _e__e_ – ___t __ ______e
    0: Fen – The Dying Stars
    0: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    0: ___ga_e_ – T__e____d
    0: _ame_ _e_t__ ___a_d – __a_ _i_it_
    0: ___c__a – ___a_i_
    0: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream
    0: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    0: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

Guessed letters: TIMEGFDCA
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: faizoff on July 12, 2023, 10:14:39 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 12, 2023, 10:17:48 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: nick_z on July 12, 2023, 10:35:48 AM
McStine & Minnemann…HOF?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 12, 2023, 10:38:42 AM
McStine & Minnemann…HOF?

Beat me to it.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Sacul on July 12, 2023, 10:54:23 AM
gimme the D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Crow on July 12, 2023, 11:05:22 AM
i'l take C for Crow  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 11:15:19 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: lonestar on July 12, 2023, 11:19:22 AM
So are all of an individual players bands on this, or is it strictly by artists and the bands on an EP can be spread about the three drops of hangman? Cause I see one of my bands but not the others... I can't even imagine running this size roulette, I fucked up twice on my little one :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 12, 2023, 11:23:57 AM
Magic Pie
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: romdrums on July 12, 2023, 11:24:46 AM
I see Derek Sherinian and A Perfect Circle

How about an L

EDIT: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 12, 2023, 11:33:00 AM
EDIT: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - Immigrant Song, probably Sacul
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Evermind on July 12, 2023, 11:39:15 AM
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Is APC Puppies?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 12, 2023, 11:50:11 AM
Magenta Mountain

Do we even need to say who? :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 12, 2023, 12:00:10 PM
Magenta Mountain

Do we even need to say who? :P

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 12:01:17 PM
Magic Pie is Kinger

The Great Escape


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 12:04:36 PM
My Morning Jacket
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 12, 2023, 12:06:30 PM
Magenta Mountain

Do we even need to say who? :P


King Luke Two Suits Slizzy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Lonk on July 12, 2023, 12:06:45 PM
Michael something
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 12:08:26 PM
Dying Breed
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 12, 2023, 12:52:40 PM
My Morning Jacket - One Big Holiday
Derek Sherinian
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 01:54:06 PM
Terra Atlantica-
Mermaid's Isle
Guns And Drums

Fen song is The Dying Stars

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 02:08:03 PM
Is APC Puppies?
No but I think everything else was right, updated above.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 02:12:56 PM
Car Seat Headrest
Josh Ritter-Miles Away and All Some Kind Of Dream
Mary's Blood-World's End and Unravel sent by Lonestar

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Lonk on July 12, 2023, 02:13:08 PM
Little Lilith - Ladybug (Lonestar)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: nick_z on July 12, 2023, 02:21:44 PM
Armageddon song is Equalizer…Wolfking?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 02:23:35 PM
Patterson Hood-Come Back Little Star sent by Buddy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 12, 2023, 02:25:37 PM
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Is APC Puppies?
They are definitely a puppies-core band, but I wouldn't send that song or anything from that album for that matter.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 02:28:04 PM
Patterson Hood-Come Back Little Star sent by Buddy
Not Buddy, but right song.

RIGHT I think I'm all caught up.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 02:29:28 PM
Unravel is NOT one of the Mary's Blood songs?

I Think The Horse Is Dead
The Frame
Trick Of The Trade
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 02:31:48 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 02:32:58 PM
Unravel is NOT one of the Mary's Blood songs?
You keep updating your posts, it's hard to keep up! :P

I'll update shortly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 02:34:32 PM
Ooh new page!

EP hangman part 1
Ignore the 0s, they'll be replaced by track numbers once added to the correct EP.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
Evermind: Arrogance
faizoff: The Last of Me
Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
jingle: Power|Ballads
Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
nick_z: A Journey of Muses
Puppies: Hidden
Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
rodrums: A [redacted] Sampler
Sacul: from weed to bliss
Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
TAC: Drown
Vmadera: The Still of the Night

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – __ur _ffen_e_
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear t_e _a___ D__n (N_ Mem_rie_)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Di_tant __die_

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – T_anat_____ia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – _u__a__
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer

    0: _ame_ Ne_t_n ___ard – T_e __te
    0: Derek Sherinian – _c_r_i_n
    0: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    0: _r_i__e _ec_ – _a_a_ari D__n
    0: Car Seat Headrest – T_in Fanta__ (T___e ____)
    0: _ar_c_ _r__ect – A__e_
    0: _ii_ate – _uru_ai__a
    0: _unga_er – C_t_erean
    0: Mic_ae_ _e__e_ – __ee__a__er
    0: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    0: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    0: Ar_ti_ir – __ine
    0: Derek Sherinian – _e_en _ea_
    0: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    0: Deadlock – ____d_act
    0: Mic_ae_ _e__e_ – __ue Gra_it_
    0: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    0: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    0: _._.D. – _remen_trua_ _rince__ __ue_
    0: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    0: Mic_ae_ _e__e_ – T_e Free __irit
    0: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    0: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    0: Mic_ae_ _e__e_ – ___t _n _ur___e
    0: Fen – The Dying Stars
    0: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    0: _unga_er – T_re____d
    0: _ame_ Ne_t_n ___ard – N_a_ _i_it_
    0: Obscura – ___ari_
    0: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream
    0: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    0: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

Guessed letters: TIMEGFDCARNU
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: wolfking on July 12, 2023, 02:42:14 PM
Kendrick Lamar
Leonard Cohen
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 02:46:28 PM
Kendrick Lamar
A collaboration but close enough.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Lonk on July 12, 2023, 02:48:14 PM
Pearl Jam - Amongst the Waves
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Crow on July 12, 2023, 02:49:29 PM
Kendrick Lamar
A collaboration but close enough.
All the Stars
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 02:53:03 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 12, 2023, 02:56:32 PM
Kendrick Lamar
Leonard Cohen
At least someone is setting the bar low for the rest of us :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: nick_z on July 12, 2023, 02:59:32 PM
Alestorm Zombies ate my pirate ship
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Sacul on July 12, 2023, 03:00:50 PM
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - Immigrant Song, probably Sacul
Not me, haven't even listened to that soundtrack in years tbh :P

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 03:05:53 PM
Alestorm Zombies ate my pirate ship
Yes and one other.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Sacul on July 12, 2023, 03:08:59 PM
Did king send the reznor track?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 03:10:28 PM
Did king send the reznor track?
He did not.

EDIT: Also to be clear, I've only included at the top the 5 people who have been correctly guessed as sending at least one song. The rest of the songs could be them or any other player.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: nick_z on July 12, 2023, 03:16:01 PM
Alestorm Zombies ate my pirate ship
Yes and one other.

Ah that’s right! Should be shit boat?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 03:21:11 PM
Alestorm Zombies ate my pirate ship
Yes and one other.

Ah that’s right! Should be shit boat?
Yes indeed. :lol

Also I've added all the EP titles that aren't yet connected to a song into the same post so that it's all in one place - some of the titles might prompt some guesses as to who sent what.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 12, 2023, 03:23:41 PM
Obscura, nice
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: nick_z on July 12, 2023, 03:24:41 PM
Did Soupy send Alestorm? :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 03:32:14 PM
Did Soupy send Alestorm? :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: nick_z on July 12, 2023, 03:40:05 PM
Leonard Cohen’ songs are Suzanne and Steer Your Way.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Sacul on July 12, 2023, 03:42:32 PM
Or maybe seneca?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 03:52:52 PM
seneca indeed.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 03:57:28 PM
Orville Peck-Kalahari Down...sent by Crow

Did Stads send Pearl Jam?
Did Kade send Fen?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 04:03:40 PM
Michael Kelsey
The Free Spirit
Blue Gravity
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 04:05:11 PM
S.O.D.-Premenstrual Princess Blues.....sent by Glasser
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 04:25:32 PM

Puppies or Wolfking
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 12, 2023, 04:28:53 PM
James Newton Howard-Seneca?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 12, 2023, 04:30:30 PM
So basically the 150 songs are in a completely randomized order, and someone's EP could be scattered over all three sets?  ariich you're probably going to have tell me if there's an easier way to do that and keep things straight since I'm going to be doing this same thing in a few weeks. 

I see Arstidir (Árstíðir), probably Evermind. 

Kendrick is probably Sacul.  That's an amazing song, though honestly more for SZA's parts. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: wolfking on July 12, 2023, 06:29:48 PM

Puppies or Wolfking

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Sacul on July 12, 2023, 09:54:45 PM
Kendrick is probably Sacul.  That's an amazing song, though honestly more for SZA's parts.
I already sent Kendrick on the first rounds, and surprisingly, I haven't listened to that collab track yet :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Crow on July 12, 2023, 09:57:01 PM
all the stars was a pretty big pop hit back when the black panther movie dropped  :lol
...it's okay! never loved it myself, both artists are capable of better so
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Sacul on July 12, 2023, 10:04:27 PM
Maybe in eagleland, listening to it right now and I don't recognize it :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2023, 11:17:32 PM
Ok, updated with all correct guesses, which is most!

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
faizoff: The Last of Me
jingle: Power|Ballads
Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
nick_z: A Journey of Muses
Puppies: Hidden
Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
rodrums: A [redacted] Sampler
Sacul: from weed to bliss
Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
TAC: Drown
Vmadera: The Still of the Night

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – __ine

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – __ur _ffen_e_
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear t_e _a___ D__n (N_ Mem_rie_)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Di_tant __die_

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – T_anat_____ia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – _u__a__
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: James Newton Howard – T_e __te
    0: Derek Sherinian – _c_r_i_n
    0: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    0: Car Seat Headrest – T_in Fanta__ (T___e ____)
    0: _ar_c_ _r__ect – A__e_
    0: _ii_ate – _uru_ai__a
    0: _unga_er – C_t_erean
    0: Michael Kelsey – __ee__a__er
    0: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    0: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    0: Derek Sherinian – _e_en _ea_
    0: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    0: Deadlock – ____d_act
    0: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    0: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    0: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    0: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    0: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit
    0: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    0: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    0: Michael Kelsey – ___t _n _ur___e
    0: Fen – The Dying Stars
    0: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    0: _unga_er – T_re____d
    0: James Newton Howard – N_a_ _i_it_
    0: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream
    0: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    0: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

Guessed letters: TIMEGFDCARNU
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 12:29:24 AM
So basically the 150 songs are in a completely randomized order, and someone's EP could be scattered over all three sets?  ariich you're probably going to have tell me if there's an easier way to do that and keep things straight since I'm going to be doing this same thing in a few weeks.
So I don't have a particularly streamlined way of doing this as it's inherently more complicated. I have an EP version of the spreadsheet which I could add to the template, but even then it requires more manual work from me. I'd be happy to talk you through it but I might see if I can make more tweaks to automate it better.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 04:10:56 AM
Did Soupy send Terra Atlantica?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: nick_z on July 13, 2023, 04:44:21 AM
Did Stadler send Pearl Jam?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 05:33:54 AM
Did Stadler send Pearl Jam?

I asked that yesterday. Apparently not.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Stadler on July 13, 2023, 06:33:32 AM
Did Stadler send Pearl Jam?

I asked that yesterday. Apparently not.

I did not.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 06:51:50 AM
Did Soupy send Terra Atlantica?
He did indeed!

Getting on pretty well with this batch, I've added another obvious letter to help you solve the rest and let's try and make more progress matching artists to EPs too.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
faizoff: The Last of Me
jingle: Power|Ballads
Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
nick_z: A Journey of Muses
Puppies: Hidden
Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
rodrums: A [redacted] Sampler
Sacul: from weed to bliss
Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
TAC: Drown
Vmadera: The Still of the Night

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – S_ine

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – _our Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear t_e _a__s Do_n (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant _odies

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – T_anato__o_ia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – _u__a__
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: James Newton Howard – T_e _ote
    0: Derek Sherinian – Scor_ion
    0: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    0: Car Seat Headrest – T_in Fantas_ (T_ose _o_s)
    0: _aroc_ _ro_ect – As_es
    0: _ii_ate – Suru_ai__a
    0: Sunga_er – C_t_erean
    0: Michael Kelsey – S_ee__a__er
    0: Derek Sherinian – Se_en Seas
    0: Deadlock – __ood_act
    0: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    0: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    0: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    0: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    0: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit
    0: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    0: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    0: Michael Kelsey – _ost On _ur_ose
    0: Fen – The Dying Stars
    0: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    0: Sunga_er – T_res_o_d
    0: James Newton Howard – Noa_ _isits
    0: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream
    0: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song

Guessed letters: TIMEGFDCARNUSO
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Lonk on July 13, 2023, 06:59:33 AM
Maybe King sent Pearl Jam?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 07:10:23 AM
Maybe King sent Pearl Jam?
Nope. Song title might be more useful than the band for that one.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: romdrums on July 13, 2023, 07:11:32 AM
Let's see an O.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: jingle.boy on July 13, 2023, 07:16:11 AM
Other than Sherinian and Pearl Jam, I've literally never heard of any of these remaining artists.

Did HOF send Michael Kelsey?  It would fit the 'alternating' theme.

Going by the hint of song titles ... Soupy sent Pearl Jam and Sherinian (one song titled, Scorpion)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 07:30:47 AM
Soupy did indeed sent Pearl Jam but not Sherinian, and Kelsey wasn't HOF.

I suppose first impressions might also give a clue in some cases as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: lonestar on July 13, 2023, 07:35:23 AM
Let's get a L
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 13, 2023, 07:38:22 AM
Did Sacul or Crow send Car Seat Headrest?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 07:45:00 AM
Barock Project
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 07:45:22 AM
Did Buddy send Kendrick Lamar AND Fen????
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 13, 2023, 07:45:43 AM
Barock Project
That's probably King.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 07:47:45 AM
Noah Visits
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 13, 2023, 07:48:57 AM
Wait, is Kingshmegland even in this roulette?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: King Postwhore on July 13, 2023, 07:50:14 AM
I am.  My songs should be obvious. If they are there in this part......
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 07:55:21 AM
Wait, is Kingshmegland even in this roulette?

Everyone who has ever participated in a roulette is in this one!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 08:06:00 AM
Wait, is Kingshmegland even in this roulette?

Everyone who has ever participated in a roulette is in this one!

 :lol :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 08:27:25 AM
Ok I've solved the final artist from this batch for you, as there's no realistic way you'd have guessed it if you don't know them already.

Still got some song titles to solve and EPs to match them to. I'll look to get the second batch up this evening hopefully.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
faizoff: The Last of Me
jingle: Power|Ballads
Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
nick_z: A Journey of Muses
Puppies: Hidden
Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
rodrums: A [redacted] Sampler
Sacul: from weed to bliss
Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
TAC: Drown
Vmadera: The Still of the Night

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    5: Car Seat Headrest – T_in Fantas_ (T_ose _o_s)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – S_ine

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – _our Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear t_e _alls Do_n (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant _odies

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – As_es

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – T_anato__o_ia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – Lulla__
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: James Newton Howard – T_e _ote
    0: Derek Sherinian – Scor_ion
    0: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    0: Viikate – Suru_ai__a
    0: Sungazer – C_t_erean
    0: Michael Kelsey – Slee__al_er
    0: Derek Sherinian – Se_en Seas
    0: Deadlock – _lood_act
    0: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    0: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    0: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    0: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    0: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit
    0: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    0: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    0: Michael Kelsey – Lost On _ur_ose
    0: Fen – The Dying Stars
    0: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    0: Sungazer – T_res_old
    0: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    0: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream
    0: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song

Guessed letters: TIMEGFDCARNUSOL
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 13, 2023, 08:45:37 AM
Twin Fantasy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: lonestar on July 13, 2023, 08:48:47 AM
Seven Seas
Lost on Purpose
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Glasser on July 13, 2023, 02:14:13 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Lonk on July 13, 2023, 02:35:06 PM
Buddy sent Lamar, Michael Kelsey and Patterson Hood?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 13, 2023, 02:36:37 PM
Every guess for me so far has included at least one artist I haven't even heard of. :lol

I do have two songs here though, and they should be incredibly obvious for at least one person (not including Ariich, obviously).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: Lonk on July 13, 2023, 02:40:31 PM
Well, since your EP title is Dark Matter/Star Light, I figured the two songs with Stars in the title and one with Gravity might be you, can't blame me  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 1
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 02:46:13 PM
Every guess for me so far has included at least one artist I haven't even heard of. :lol

I do have two songs here though, and they should be incredibly obvious for at least one person (not including Ariich, obviously).
In fact it should have been 3 from that same artist, not sure how I got one in a different batch. So it will be 51 songs in this batch, 50 in part 2 and 49 in part 3, plus if Elite finds time to make one at the weekend I could add his in to part 3. :)

Anyway I'm going to solve and match all the songs from part 1 to keep things moving, part 2 coming right up!

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 02:47:22 PM
EP hangman part 2
Ignore the 0s, they'll be replaced by track numbers once added to the correct EP.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – Shine

faizoff: The Last of Me
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies

jingle: Power|Ballads

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – ____a D_at_
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – ____ __ t__ A_c____

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa

nick_z: A Journey of Muses

Puppies: Hidden
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A [redacted] Sampler
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion

Sacul: from weed to bliss

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve

TAC: Drown

Vmadera: The Still of the Night

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: _a_d____ – __ t__ _a_d_ __ T___
    0: _____ ________ – __d______t_
    0: A_d___ __ – _______d_ ____
    0: _a__a_t – _ _a_ __d
    0: __a_ Ada__ – __ __ ____t Ca_____a
    0: _______c – ___ _ ___ ___
    0: __a____ t__ ___ – T____ ___ _a_d_
    0: _________ __c____ – _t_______ (_a_ _____d)
    0: T__ C___t __ C_____ – A____ __ Da______
    0: _________ __c____ – _t_c__ a_d _t____
    0: _____ – _____ _ac____
    0: ______d – ___ ___a__ _____at__
    0: C_____t_ – ____t___
    0: _____ ________ – C__c__ _____
    0: T__ _at______ – _at______
    0: _a_a_a – ______a (__a _): A_att____d__ _a___
    0: __ __d____ – __________ (__c___t_a_)
    0: T__ __c____ – ____ t_ t__ _____
    0: T__ C___t __ C_____ – ____d __ T__ _a_t
    0: ____ – ____ ____ t__ ____
    0: ___a_ T___d__ – T___ _ac____
    0: _______ – _______
    0: ___d_ __ D____at___ – A_d __ t__ _ta__ A__ _ad_d A_a_
    0: __t___’_ Ca__ – C_______a
    0: _______ ____t_d – ____t_d_ __ A____a_ _____
    0: T__ _at______ – ____t___
    0: _a__ ____ – __ T___ _a_t_____c_ ____ ____ __ C_____t_
    0: __c__t __a__ – _acc_a____ D__a_
    0: ____c__ _____tt – T__ T____a___t
    0: __ac_ __a_ – ____ _t __
    0: _____ – _d_____
    0: ____ – _____t_ __ ______
    0: _______a – _a____a
    0: D____ _a_t__ – ___ _____ (____)
    0: _a__ ____ – ___
    0: T__ _t___ _____ – T_a__
    0: ___a_ ___d____ & T__ _t___ __d_ – __tt__ _a_
    0: _a_d____ – __-__
    0: __t___’_ Ca__ – __t __ ____ ____
    0: _a__ ____ – _____ ___a_d
    0: C____ – ____ D_c_
    0: _____ ________ – __
    0: A_d___ __ – _a_a___
    0: __ac_t__ ____ – _t ___'t _a_t
    0: _a_a_a – ______a (__a _): ____ta__a_
    0: ____t__ – T__ D_______
    0: _a_d____ – ___t__ ____ a __d Ca_
    0: ________ – _c_a__

Guessed letters: TACD
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 02:54:28 PM
I just spent 10 minutes listening to the songs trying to figure who sent what. I was about to post blast, and then bam! New hangman! :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 02:57:04 PM
:lol Sorry about that Tim. By way of apology, I dedicate the first three letters to you.

Updated above.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 13, 2023, 03:00:58 PM
Two Pizza Death songs, finally. :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 03:04:45 PM
Two Pizza Death songs, finally. :lol

I've added them to Luke's EP but the titles still need to be solved.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 03:10:05 PM

    0: T__ C___t __ C_____ – A____ __ _a______

    0: T__ C___t __ C_____ – _____ __ T__ _a_t

Now can we have The Count Of Chocula??
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 03:15:42 PM
:lol Still no. But can you remember (or go back and check) who it actually was?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 03:17:12 PM
Two Pizza Death songs, finally. :lol

I've added them to Luke's EP but the titles still need to be solved.

I mean, if Tom hadn’t outed himself it could’ve been two of us who could’ve sent them. Guess he’s too much of a coward.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 03:17:59 PM
:lol Still no. But can you remember (or go back and check) who it actually was?

I thought it was the Bonus Round. It wasn't. :lol
I'll have to keep looking.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 03:19:37 PM
:lol Still no. But can you remember (or go back and check) who it actually was?

I thought it was the Bonus Round. It wasn't. :lol
I'll have to keep looking.
Yeah it was a song in the bonus round. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 03:22:21 PM
The Comet Is Coming!!!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 03:25:01 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 03:26:49 PM
New page!

EP hangman part 2
Ignore the 0s, they'll be replaced by track numbers once added to the correct EP.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    7: So Hideous – _e__n___s_ (__c_est_a_)

faizoff: The Last of Me
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies

jingle: Power|Ballads

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – T_ese ___ _ands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa

nick_z: A Journey of Muses

Puppies: Hidden
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A [redacted] Sampler
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    2: Kyuss – _d_sse_
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve

TAC: Drown

Vmadera: The Still of the Night

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: _a_d__ne – _n t_e _ands __ T_me
    0: S_m_n _______s – _nde____nt_
    0: And_e_ __ – E_e____d_ S_ns
    0: _a__ant – _ Sa_ _ed
    0: __an Adams – __ M_ S_eet Ca____na
    0: _e__s_nc – N__ _ See ___
    0: Silversun Pickups – St___ness (_a_ _e__nd)
    0: The Comet Is Coming – An_e_ __ Da__ness
    0: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    0: S___eed – E__ ___ass _ene_at__
    0: C___ents – M_nste_s
    0: S_m_n _______s – C__c_e Se_en
    0: T_e _at_e__n_ – Sat__n_ne
    0: _ama_a – ______a (_sa _): A_att_m__den _a___
    0: T_m __c__e_ – S_n_ t_ t_e S__en
    0: The Comet Is Coming – ____d __ T_e _ast
    0: __s_ – __e_ ___m t_e ____
    0: ___a_ T__nde_ – T_me Mac__ne
    0: S______ – _______
    0: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    0: M_t_e_’s Ca_e – C__e_n__a
    0: ______n __n_ted – E_ent_de __ A__sma_ ___e_
    0: T_e _at_e__n_ – M_nste_s
    0: _a__ __n_ – N_ T__e Maste___ece ____ E_e_ _e C_m__ete
    0: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    0: S_ence_ E____tt – T_e T___nament
    0: __ac_ __a_ – S___ _t _n
    0: __s_ – S_nsets _n Em___e
    0: _e_m___a – Ma_sema
    0: D____ _a_t_n – _MS ___es (___e)
    0: _a__ __n_ – ___
    0: T_e St_ne __ses – Tea_s
    0: __nas __nd_e__ & T_e _t_e_ S_de – __tt_e Man
    0: _a_d__ne – __-__
    0: M_t_e_’s Ca_e – __t _n ____ ____
    0: _a__ __n_ – ___en _s_and
    0: C__en – ___n D_c_
    0: S_m_n _______s – __
    0: And_e_ __ – _a_a__n
    0: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    0: _ama_a – ______a (_sa _): _e__ta__as
    0: E__stem – T_e D___n_n_
    0: _a_d__ne – ___t_m ___m a _ed Ca_
    0: M__n____ – _ceans

Guessed letters: TACDSEMN
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 03:28:51 PM
Sentenced? Nick probably but maybe Wolfy
So Hideous. Buddy or Evermind.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 13, 2023, 03:34:16 PM
How about an E?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 03:35:28 PM
Is The Comet Romdrums again

So Hideous could also be Puppies. He was talking about them last week.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 13, 2023, 03:37:10 PM
Sentenced? Nick probably but maybe Wolfy
So Hideous. Buddy or Evermind.

Seems too short for the word Sentenced? Not sure, I’m on my phone ;)

Anyway, if it is, it’s not me. (But they are - were - indeed fantastic)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 13, 2023, 03:39:02 PM
Sungazer and So Hideous would be an... interesting combination. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 03:39:06 PM
How about Kyuss sent by Sacul?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 13, 2023, 03:41:17 PM
How about Kyuss sent by Sacul?

Green Machine!

A classic.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 03:44:19 PM
Blacktop Mojo-It Won't Last
Silversun Pickups-Sticks And Stones
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 03:49:06 PM
Sungazer and So Hideous would be an... interesting combination. :P

My EP has Magenta Mountain and Pizza Death for fucks sake!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 03:51:29 PM
Secret Shame-Saccharine Dream
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 03:52:57 PM
Swallow the Sun - Luoto
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 03:54:21 PM
Pizza Death
Rise Of The Anchovy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 13, 2023, 04:02:29 PM
Sungazer and So Hideous would be an... interesting combination. :P

My EP has Magenta Mountain and Pizza Death for fucks sake!

And I'm actually trying to score well. :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 13, 2023, 04:02:58 PM
These letters aren't helping at all.

M for moar!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 04:05:46 PM
Woods Of Desolation-And If All The Stars Faded Away-Buddy?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 04:07:06 PM
Sungazer and So Hideous would be an... interesting combination. :P

My EP has Magenta Mountain and Pizza Death for fucks sake!

And I'm actually trying to score well. :rollin

Yea, sorry you’re gonna fall short against my EP.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 04:09:01 PM
These letters aren't helping at all.
They're helping Tim! (other than the fact he thinks Buddy sent literally everything)

EDIT: also updated!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 13, 2023, 04:09:49 PM
These letters aren't helping at all.
They're helping Tim! (other than the fact he thinks Buddy sent literally everything)

I did. And they're all 8.1s. :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: faizoff on July 13, 2023, 04:10:09 PM
The stone roses
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 04:15:48 PM
Spencer Elliot-The Tournament

Ryan Adams-Oh My Sweet Carolina

Hardline-In The Hands Of Time-Chad

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 04:20:37 PM
Fish - Sunsets on Empire
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: lonestar on July 13, 2023, 04:33:00 PM
Fish - Sunsets on Empire

Fish wasn't banned? Definitely Stadler.

Edit: The other Fish track is View from the Hill
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 04:35:01 PM
Sybreed-Ego Bypass Generator-Nick?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Glasser on July 13, 2023, 04:40:01 PM
Two Pizza Death songs, finally. :lol

I've added them to Luke's EP but the titles still need to be solved.

I mean, if Tom hadn’t outed himself it could’ve been two of us who could’ve sent them. Guess he’s too much of a coward.

Ha! I shouldn't have outed myself, my bad. I didn't want to be obvious but I'm glad you repped them. If Rich wants, he can add the bonus tracks I sent him, that would be awesome! Rich?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 13, 2023, 04:42:54 PM
Don’t worry about outing yourself, you’ll just have to send them in the next roulette you join  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Glasser on July 13, 2023, 04:49:31 PM
Don’t worry about outing yourself, you’ll just have to send them in the next roulette you join  :tup

I absolutely love the new album! In your face old school fuck it all thrash!  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 04:55:31 PM
Simon Phillips V8-Romdrums
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 13, 2023, 06:12:42 PM
Sybreed-Ego Bypass Generator-Nick?

Not me...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 13, 2023, 06:17:36 PM
Currents - "Monsters."  rom?

Sybreed-Ego Bypass Generator-Nick?

Not me...

The Gathering - "Saturnine", "Monsters".  You.   :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 13, 2023, 07:08:32 PM
Currents - "Monsters."  rom?

Sybreed-Ego Bypass Generator-Nick?

Not me...

The Gathering - "Saturnine", "Monsters".  You.   :biggrin:

Only one of the two, actually  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 07:10:07 PM
    0: Hardline – In the Hands Of Time
    0: S_m_n _______s – _nde____nt_
    0: And_e_ __ – E_e____d_ S_ns
    0: Warrant – I Saw Red
    0: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    0: _e__s_nc – N__ _ See ___
    0: Silversun Pickups – St___ness (_a_ _e__nd)
    0: The Comet Is Coming – An_e_ __ Da__ness
    0: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    0: Sybreed – Ego  Bypassass Generator
    0: Currents – Monsters
    0: S_m_n _______s – C__c_e Se_en
    0: The Gathering – Saturnine
    0: _ama_a – ______a (_sa _): A_att_m__den _a___
    0: T_m __c__e_ – S_n_ t_ t_e S__en
    0: The Comet Is Coming – ____d __ T_e _ast
    0: Fish – View From the Hill
    0: ___a_ T__nde_ – Time Machine
    0: S______ – _______
    0: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    0: M_t_e_’s Ca_e – C__e_n__a
    0: ______n __n_ted – E_ent_de __ A__sma_ ___e_
    0: The Gathering – Monsters
    0: _a__ __n_ – N_ T__e Maste___ece ____ E_e_ _e C_m__ete
    0: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    0: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    0: __ac_ __a_ – S___ _t _n
    0: Fish – Sunsets On Empire
    0: _e_m___a – Ma_sema
    0: D____ _a_t_n – _MS ___es (___e)
    0: _a__ __n_ – ___
    0: T_e St_ne __ses – Tea_s
    0: __nas __nd_e__ & T_e _t_e_ S_de – __tt_e Man
    0: _a_d__ne – __-__
    0: M_t_e_’s Ca_e – __t _n ____ ____
    0: _a__ __n_ – ___en _s_and
    0: C__en – ___n D_c_
    0: S_m_n _______s – __
    0: And_e_ __ – _a_a__n
    0: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    0: _ama_a – ______a (_sa _): _e__ta__as
    0: E__stem – T_e D___n_n_
    0: _a_d__ne – ___t_m ___m a _ed Ca_
    0: M__n____ – _ceans

Guessed letters: TACDSEMN

OK, I think we're updated.  ;D

I cannot confirm the Simon Phillips pick.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 13, 2023, 07:10:14 PM
The other Kyuss song is Odyssey
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 07:14:03 PM
New page!!

    0: Hardline – In the Hands Of Time
    0: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    0: Andrew WK – Everybody Sins
    0: Warrant – I Saw Red
    0: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    0: _e__s_nc – N__ _ See ___
    0: Silversun Pickups – St___ness (_a_ _e__nd)
    0: The Comet Is Coming – An_e_ __ Da__ness
    0: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    0: Sybreed – Ego  Bypassass Generator
    0: Currents – Monsters
    0: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven
    0: The Gathering – Saturnine
    0: _ama_a – ______a (_sa _): A_att_m__den _a___
    0: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    0: The Comet Is Coming – ____d __ T_e _ast
    0: Fish – View From the Hill
    0: ___a_ T__nde_ – Time Machine
    0: S______ – _______
    0: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    0: Mother’s Cake – C__e_n__a
    0: ______n __n_ted – E_ent_de __ A__sma_ ___e_
    0: The Gathering – Monsters
    0: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    0: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    0: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    0: __ac_ __a_ – S___ _t _n
    0: Fish – Sunsets On Empire
    0: _e_m___a – Ma_sema
    0: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (Live)
    0: _a__ __n_ – ___
    0: The Stone Roses – Tears
    0: __nas __nd_e__ & T_e _t_e_ S_de – __tt_e Man
    0: _a_d__ne – __-__
    0: Mother’s Cake – __t _n ____ ____
    0: _a__ __n_ – ___en _s_and
    0: Coven – Iron Dick
    0: Simon Phillips – __
    0: Andrew WK – Babalon
    0: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    0: _ama_a – ______a (_sa _): _e__ta__as
    0: E__stem – T_e D___n_n_
    0: _a_d__ne – ___t_m ___m a _ed Ca_
    0: M__n____ – _ceans

Guessed letters: TACDSEMN

OK, I think we're updated.  ;D

I cannot confirm the Simon Phillips pick of V8.
Simon Phillips-Circle Seven
Tim Buckley-Song To The Siren

PMS Blues has to be Glasser!
Coven-Iron Dick-Glasser?
Warrant-I Saw Red...probably Chad
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 13, 2023, 07:22:35 PM
The Stone Roses - Tears

Mother's Cake

Kaki King - No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete (I would imagine it's Reaper?  :))
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 07:27:25 PM
Updated ;D

If I were stating a band, Mother's Cake would be the last thing I'd name it. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: wolfking on July 13, 2023, 07:42:50 PM
The Hardline is Chad without question.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: wolfking on July 13, 2023, 07:43:34 PM
Hardline-In The Hands Of Time-Chad

Should read the thread first. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 13, 2023, 07:47:02 PM
The Hardline is Chad without question.

I see Warrant too, and that's probably him as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 13, 2023, 08:36:15 PM
Updated ;D

Tim, are you de facto taking over Rich's roulette?  :lol Like, a coup of sorts, while he sleeps?  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 13, 2023, 08:41:49 PM
He's already in roulette hosting withdrawal.  (https://i.imgur.com/FWGKiks.gif)

You know, if Soundscape's wife isn't ready yet when my roulette goes into the final round in a few weeks Tim could start V7 of his own.  :p
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 11:53:26 PM
Thanks Tim for all your hard work! :lol

EP hangman part 2
Ignore the 0s, they'll be replaced by track numbers once added to the correct EP.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    7: So Hideous – Rel_n___s_ (Orc_estral)

faizoff: The Last of Me
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies

jingle: Power|Ballads
    5: Hardline – R__t_m _rom a Red Car
    6: Hardline – __-__
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew WK – Babalon
    7: Andrew WK – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown

Vmadera: The Still of the Night

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    0: _eros_nc – No_ _ See _o_
    0: Silversun Pickups – St_llness (_a_ _e_ond)
    0: The Comet Is Coming – An_el O_ Dar_ness
    0: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    0: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    0: Currents – Monsters
    0: _amara – _o__ola (Osa _): A_attom__den _a___
    0: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    0: The Comet Is Coming – _lood O_ T_e _ast
    0: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    0: So_l_l_ – _l_____
    0: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    0: Mother’s Cake – C__erno_a
    0: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    0: The Gathering – Monsters
    0: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    0: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    0: _erm_l_a – Ma_sema
    0: _a__ __n_ – _o_
    0: The Stone Roses – Tears
    0: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    0: Mother’s Cake – __t on _o_r __rl
    0: _a__ __n_ – _o_en _sland
    0: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    0: _amara – _o__ola (Osa _): _er_ta__as
    0: E__stem – T_e Dro_n_n_
    0: Moonloop – Oceans

Guessed letters: TACDSEMNLOR
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2023, 11:53:59 PM
Warrant is not Chad. The song title might offer a clue on that one.

EDIT: And romdrums' EP is the first to be completed so I've un-redacted the title!

And there are two EPs with no songs yet linked but I can confirm each has at least one artists in this batch.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Glasser on July 14, 2023, 12:00:49 AM
Does HOF have any Caligula's Horse tunes on his ep?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 03:12:18 AM
He doesn't, and they would definitely be banned as I love them and know all their stuff already.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: faizoff on July 14, 2023, 05:29:48 AM
Is Glasser I saw red?  :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: faizoff on July 14, 2023, 05:50:42 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 14, 2023, 05:56:30 AM
Is Glasser I saw red?  :rollin

True commitment to the theme  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 06:13:49 AM
Is Glasser I saw red?  :rollin

True commitment to the theme  :lol
:lol Indeed. The lyrics are hilarious in that context.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 14, 2023, 06:24:18 AM
Swallow the Sun's song is These Low Lands
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 14, 2023, 06:29:53 AM
Is Glasser I saw red?  :rollin

True commitment to the theme  :lol
:lol Indeed. The lyrics are hilarious in that context.

Sounds like a strong EP for his first one. He’ll be hooked on roulettes in no time.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 14, 2023, 07:12:16 AM
Luke sent Andrew WK?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 14, 2023, 07:25:52 AM
Luke sent Andrew WK?


What do you reckon?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 14, 2023, 07:46:37 AM
Luke sent Andrew WK?


What do you reckon?

Brilliant  :lol

And there are two EPs with no songs yet linked but I can confirm each has at least one artists in this batch.

Did Tim send Woods of Desolation?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 09:30:34 AM
Did Vmadera send The Comet is coming?

Also an L please.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 10:06:30 AM
Did Tim send Woods of Desolation?
Did Vmadera send The Comet is coming?
Both nope!

Apart from those, all updated.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 14, 2023, 10:09:06 AM
Royal Thunder. 

Horizon Ignited - "Eventide of Abysmal Grief". 

Black Flag - "Slip It In" - Glasser?

Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side - "Little Man". 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 14, 2023, 10:25:31 AM

Horizon Ignited - "Eventide of Abysmal Grief". 

Horizon Ignited sent by Wolfking?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Luoto on July 14, 2023, 12:22:46 PM
Give 'em the O

(Although I just realized there's Moonloop - Oceans :lol)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 12:35:20 PM
I need an R
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Sacul on July 14, 2023, 12:59:26 PM
Buddy sent The Comet is Coming. Songs are Angel of Darkness and Blood of the Past, very nice :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 12:59:59 PM

Horizon Ignited - "Eventide of Abysmal Grief". 

Horizon Ignited sent by Wolfking?
Not Kade.

All updated, still no songs linked to Nick, Tim or Victor!

EDIT: Just missed Sacul's post, will update now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 01:02:04 PM
Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    7: So Hideous – Rel_n___s_ (Orc_estral)

faizoff: The Last of Me
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies

jingle: Power|Ballads
    5: Hardline – R__t_m _rom a Red Car
    6: Hardline – __-__
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew WK – Babalon
    7: Andrew WK – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown

Vmadera: The Still of the Night

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    0: _eros_nc – No_ _ See _o_
    0: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    0: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    0: Currents – Monsters
    0: _amara – _o__ola (Osa _): A_attom__den _a___
    0: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    0: The Comet Is Coming – _lood O_ T_e _ast
    0: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    0: So_l_l_ – _l_____
    0: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    0: Mother’s Cake – C__erno_a
    0: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    0: The Gathering – Monsters
    0: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    0: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    0: _erm_l_a – Ma_sema
    0: _a__ __n_ – _o_
    0: The Stone Roses – Tears
    0: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    0: Mother’s Cake – __t on _o_r __rl
    0: _a__ __n_ – _o_en _sland
    0: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    0: _amara – _o__ola (Osa _): _er_ta__as
    0: E__stem – T_e Dro_n_n_
    0: Moonloop – Oceans

Guessed letters: TACDSEMNLOR
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Crow on July 14, 2023, 01:03:33 PM
Now I See You
Blood of the Past
Existem - The Drowning sent by TAC
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 14, 2023, 01:03:47 PM
Moonloop is Tim right?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 14, 2023, 01:05:32 PM

All updated, still no songs linked to Nick, Tim or Victor!

Well, one was linked to me  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: faizoff on July 14, 2023, 01:12:06 PM

Ahem my request for an 'i' earlier. nudge nudge.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: faizoff on July 14, 2023, 01:20:46 PM
T_e Dro_n_n_

The Drowning?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 01:55:42 PM
Vermilia-Maisema-Is this Luoto?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 01:58:31 PM
Hit On Your Girl

Mother's Cake has to be Sacul
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 02:08:22 PM
Soulfly and the Stone Roses are Vmadera?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 02:09:25 PM
Is Secret Shame Buddy?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 02:15:08 PM

All updated, still no songs linked to Nick, Tim or Victor!

Well, one was linked to me  :)
Oops, I was being dumb. :lol

Mother's Cake has to be Sacul
And yet it isn't.

Soulfly and the Stone Roses are Vmadera?
Stone Roses yes, but not Soulfly.

And Secret Shame is not Buddy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 02:15:29 PM
EP hangman part 2
Ignore the 0s, they'll be replaced by track numbers once added to the correct EP.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    7: So Hideous – Relin__is_ (Orc_estral)

faizoff: The Last of Me
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies

jingle: Power|Ballads
    5: Hardline – R__t_m _rom a Red Car
    6: Hardline – __-__
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    3: Mother’s Cake – Cybernova
    4: Mother’s Cake – Hit on Your Girl
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew WK – Babalon
    7: Andrew WK – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa
    3: Vermilia – Maisema

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    1: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    3: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    4: Kaki King – _o_en Island
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    6: Kaki King – Joi
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown
    1: Moonloop – Oceans
    3: Existem – The Drowning

Vmadera: The Still of the Night
    5: The Stone Roses – Tears

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    0: _eros_nc – Now I See You
    0: Silversun Pickups – Stillness (_a_ _e_ond)
    0: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    0: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    0: Currents – Monsters
    0: _amara – _o__ola (Osa _): A_attom__den _ai__
    0: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    0: Soulfly – _l__i__
    0: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    0: The Gathering – Monsters
    0: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    0: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    0: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    0: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    0: _amara – _o__ola (Osa _): _eritai_as

Guessed letters: TACDSEMNLORI
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 02:17:20 PM
Soulfly could be Reaper then?

Mother's Cake is baked as hell....Maybe Luke then?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 14, 2023, 02:19:06 PM

All updated, still no songs linked to Nick, Tim or Victor!

Well, one was linked to me  :)
Oops, I was being dumb. :lol

Nah...it's such a massive amount of songs/EPs/people, I don't even know how you are doing it  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 14, 2023, 02:21:25 PM
To save Tim some time, my last song is in the next batch. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 02:22:59 PM
To save Tim some time, my last song is in the next batch. :lol

Mine too!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 02:23:13 PM
Soulfly could be Reaper then?
Soulfly is, like, the opposite to Reaper's EP. :lol

Mother's Cake is baked as hell....Maybe Luke then?

To save Tim some time, my last song is in the next batch. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Lonk on July 14, 2023, 02:25:23 PM
Tim Buckley sent by TAC?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 02:32:44 PM
Kaki King-Joi-Reaper ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 14, 2023, 02:38:07 PM
Tim Buckley sent by TAC?
That seems unlikely.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 02:40:23 PM
Tim Buckley sent by TAC?
That seems unlikely.

I've never heard of him.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 02:44:59 PM
Kaki King-Joi-Reaper ;D
Oh yeah sorry, I forgot to move the other Kaki King tracks up to Reaper's EP.

Tim Buckley sent by TAC?
That seems unlikely.
Dunno what you mean, it's a perfect tonal fit alongside Moonloop and Existem. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 14, 2023, 02:59:30 PM
Silversun Pickups sent by Sacul?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 03:02:52 PM
Is Royal Thunder Nick?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 14, 2023, 03:06:20 PM
I still can't believe no one has matched the obvious one to my EP  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Crow on July 14, 2023, 03:08:45 PM
I still can't believe no one has matched the obvious one to my EP  :lol
sure, puppies sent woods of desolation, there, is that what you want, is that what you're looking for?  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 14, 2023, 03:12:10 PM
I still can't believe no one has matched the obvious one to my EP  :lol
sure, puppies sent woods of desolation, there, is that what you want, is that what you're looking for?  :corn
About time!  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Crow on July 14, 2023, 03:21:20 PM
which one did i send tho? which of these songs is on my EP? huh? HUH?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 03:54:37 PM
Silversun Pickups sent by Sacul?

Is Royal Thunder Nick?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 14, 2023, 03:55:40 PM
Is Royal Thunder Nick?

That would be correct!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 14, 2023, 04:10:27 PM
Ryan Adams is not Stadler or Chad?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2023, 04:13:38 PM
Ryan Adams is not Stadler or Chad?
Indeed not.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 14, 2023, 04:22:41 PM
Ryan Adams is not Stadler or Chad?

Is he the evil twin of Bryan Adams?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 14, 2023, 09:33:31 PM
That's Amy Adams. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2023, 07:07:15 AM
Alright I've solved the rest of the songs and artists for you, last chance to match some more of this batch.

EP hangman part 2
Ignore the 0s, they'll be replaced by track numbers once added to the correct EP.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    7: So Hideous – Relinquish (Orchestral) [outro]

faizoff: The Last of Me
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies

jingle: Power|Ballads
    5: Hardline – Rhythm From a Red Car
    6: Hardline – 31-91
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    3: Mother’s Cake – Cybernova
    4: Mother’s Cake – Hit on Your Girl
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew WK – Babalon
    7: Andrew WK – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa
    3: Vermilia – Maisema

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    1: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    3: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    4: Kaki King – Bowen Island
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    6: Kaki King – Joi
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown
    1: Moonloop – Oceans
    3: Existem – The Drowning

Vmadera: The Still of the Night
    5: The Stone Roses – Tears

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    0: Xerosync – Now I See You
    0: Silversun Pickups – Stillness (Way Beyond)
    0: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    0: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    0: Currents – Monsters
    0: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku
    0: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    0: Soulfly – Flyhigh
    0: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    0: The Gathering – Monsters
    0: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    0: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    0: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    0: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    0: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 1): Veritaivas

Guessed letters: TACDSEMNLORI
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 15, 2023, 07:20:10 AM
Did two different people send The Gathering?

Victor sent Jonas Lindberg, and Horizon Ignited
Luoto sent Tim Buckley
Crow sent Kamara
Seneca sent Xerosync
Buddy sent Soulfly
Lucas sent Secret Shame, and Blacktop Mojo

Something is bound to be right there.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2023, 07:25:54 AM
Did two different people send The Gathering?
Yes indeed.

Victor sent Jonas Lindberg, and Horizon Ignited
Luoto sent Tim Buckley
Crow sent Kamara
Seneca sent Xerosync
Buddy sent Soulfly
Lucas sent Secret Shame, and Blacktop Mojo

Something is bound to be right there.
And yet... :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Evermind on July 15, 2023, 07:43:11 AM
Pohjola stuff is Luoto I guess?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 15, 2023, 07:45:16 AM
Did two different people send The Gathering?
Yes indeed.

Victor sent Jonas Lindberg, and Horizon Ignited
Luoto sent Tim Buckley
Crow sent Kamara
Seneca sent Xerosync
Buddy sent Soulfly
Lucas sent Secret Shame, and Blacktop Mojo

Something is bound to be right there.
And yet... :P

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 15, 2023, 08:03:15 AM
Gotta limit your time around Tim, that stuff is contagious!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: faizoff on July 15, 2023, 08:31:23 AM
Did Stadler send Ryan Adams?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 15, 2023, 08:50:11 AM
Silversun Pickups might be Vmad. 

The two tracks entitled "Monsters" could be on the same EP.  Possibly soupy?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Lonk on July 15, 2023, 08:57:52 AM
Silversun Pickups might be Vmad. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Evermind on July 15, 2023, 09:14:39 AM
The two tracks entitled "Monsters" could be on the same EP.

Definitely could be :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 09:21:39 AM
Did Luoto send Kamara? Or Evermind?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: nick_z on July 15, 2023, 09:22:00 AM
The two tracks entitled "Monsters" could be on the same EP.

Definitely could be :)

I'm taking this as a hint  :biggrin:

 Evermind sent:

Currents - Monsters
The Gathering - Monsters
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Evermind on July 15, 2023, 09:22:57 AM
The two tracks entitled "Monsters" could be on the same EP.

Definitely could be :)

I'm taking this as a hint  :biggrin:

 Evermind sent:

Currents - Monsters
The Gathering - Monsters


Sure did. :) My EP is about humans ravaging the Earth and these two tracks basically show both perspectives except it's a bit more complicated than that.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Luoto on July 15, 2023, 10:49:43 AM
Pohjola stuff is Luoto I guess?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Sacul on July 15, 2023, 11:27:58 AM
Mother's Cake has to be Sacul
Lucas sent Secret Shame, and Blacktop Mojo
I don't know how you guys keep associating obscure bands I've never even heard of to me :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: Crow on July 15, 2023, 11:41:39 AM
Dacul sent Dream Theatre
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 2!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 12:16:51 PM
Mother's Cake has to be Sacul
Lucas sent Secret Shame, and Blacktop Mojo
I don't know how you guys keep associating obscure bands I've never even heard of to me :lol

Well, I've never heard of them either, but I checked out Mother's Cake and they were baked AF, so since "Weed" is in your EP title, I made the connection.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2023, 01:36:56 PM
Alrighty I think you guys have done pretty well, so that's batch 2 fully solved and matched, time for...

EP hangman part 3
Ignore the 0s, they'll be replaced by track numbers once added to the correct EP.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    5: The Gathering – Monsters
    6: Currents – Monsters
    7: So Hideous – Relinquish (Orchestral) [outro]

faizoff: The Last of Me
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    6: Soulfly – Flyhigh

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies

jingle: Power|Ballads
    5: Hardline – Rhythm From a Red Car
    6: Hardline – 31-91
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    1: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    2: Xerosync – Now I See You
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    6: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    3: Mother’s Cake – Cybernova
    4: Mother’s Cake – Hit on Your Girl
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew WK – Babalon
    7: Andrew WK – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa
    3: Vermilia – Maisema
    4: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 1): Veritaivas
    5: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    1: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    3: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    3: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    3: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    4: Kaki King – Bowen Island
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    6: Kaki King – Joi
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    1: Sleep – Dragonaut
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    2: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    4: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    2: Visions of Atlantis – Legion of the Seas
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape
    9: Vision of Atlantis – Ret_r_ t_ _e__ria

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown
    1: Moonloop – Oceans
    2: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    3: Existem – The Drowning

Vmadera: The Still of the Night
    2: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    3: Silversun Pickups – Stillness (Way Beyond)
    4: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    5: The Stone Roses – Tears

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    1: At the Gates – Under a Serpent Sun
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: Es_teri_ – _e_eat_ T_is _a_e
    0: _i-sa-X _a__ – ____i__ __ T_ ___
    0: __ris – ___a_ __ T_e S_ree_
    0: _at_e__a__er – T_ T_e Sea
    0: _r_it ___t_re – __rt_ Star __ _i_a
    0: __ris – _e____
    0: S__r_i__s – _e’__ __r_ t_e S__
    0: ____es _rai_e Ass__iati__ – ___r _eart _i__ _i__ T_e _a_
    0: _a___s _ar_ss__’s _ree _a__ – Str___er
    0: _ea__a__ – A_aritia
    0: A___sti_ _a_s – _esert _a__
    0: ___R – _r_ita_ _a____i_ati__s
    0: Sara_ _ar_s_ – R__ A_a_
    0: __is__ – T_eatre __ t_e S___
    0: _ie__ __si_ – (I _ee_ T_i__i__ A___t) A _e_ T_i__
    0: S__r_i__s – _e _i__ Rise A_ai_
    0: Tr____ S_ars – E_er_t_i__ _isa__eari__
    0: __ris – _are_e__
    0: _a___s _ar_ss__’s _ree _a__ – __t __ Sa_i__r
    0: _a_a__ra – _ra_e _e_ __r__
    0: __is__ – Stri_e __ T_e _a__
    0: S____ I_eas – _ar_ __issa___ A__e_t
    0: Se_ti___es_ – A _esert T_r__e
    0: __ris – I_its_
    0: _a_a__ra – __r_ers
    0: S__r_i__s – ___i__ ___ S___a_ __r_i__
    0: _ar___ix __si_ S_ste_s – _a_ate__t
    0: Ar__i_ist – T_i__ __ ___se E__s i_ t_e ____ __i_ __ S_a_e
    0: _i-sa-X _a__ – __e __re __a__e is E_____
    0: S____ I_eas – Ar_e__iate_ Series __ _i_i_is_e_ _t_ ___r_s __ a _ar_
    0: _ie__ __si_ – _isa___i_te_
    0: _a__er __rte_ – R_st __ea_si__
    0: _ie__ __si_ – _i__ts __
    0: _at __r _as_es – ____ A__ ____
    0: _ea__a__ – Str__e (Ra_i_ E_it)
    0: ____s_a_e – A _rea__ess S____er
    0: _at __r _as_es – _a_ie_
    0: _i__tra_e – _er_
    0: _i-sa-X _a__ – __st _e __ Treas_re
    0: _a__ _a_ar_ – _i__t _ies
    0: _a__ _r_a_ – _a__s
    0: _i__tra_e – T_e ____s __ t_e ____es
    0: _ie__ __si_ – _eas_re
    0: S__r_i__s – _a__i__ I_ ___e
    0: _ie__ __si_ – _et’s _rite a ____

Guessed letters: SEX TIARA
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 15, 2023, 01:39:37 PM
How about an S?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: lonestar on July 15, 2023, 01:43:54 PM
And an E!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2023, 01:50:11 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 15, 2023, 01:53:33 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 01:55:22 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2023, 01:56:47 PM
Oh you. :neverusethis:

As it happens it is actually quite helpful for one of the artists in this batch.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 15, 2023, 01:57:47 PM
No Planet X, looks like. :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 15, 2023, 02:04:24 PM
At The Gates - Under A Serpent Sun

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: lonestar on July 15, 2023, 02:04:48 PM
We got to get to sexting obviously...so an I?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 02:11:07 PM
Visions Of Atlantis-Legion Of The Seas-Soupy?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 02:11:44 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 15, 2023, 02:15:41 PM
Sleep - Dragonaut

If that's right, it has to be Sacul  :)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2023, 02:19:23 PM
Visions Of Atlantis-Legion Of The Seas-Soupy?
Yep, and the other song of theirs.

Ah you broke it!

All updated.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: HOF on July 15, 2023, 02:26:22 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Crow on July 15, 2023, 02:30:38 PM
whatever the _i-sa-x band is it's lonestar's. huge "japanese rock band" energy off those kind of names  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 02:34:34 PM
What did I break??
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 02:36:07 PM
Field Music-Let's Write A Book

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 02:39:27 PM
Esoteric-Beneath This Face-Litho? Puppies?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 15, 2023, 02:40:29 PM
Esoteric-Beneath This Face-Litho? Puppies?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 15, 2023, 02:40:41 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 02:48:43 PM
Sara Jarosz-Ran Away
Thinking Reaper or Sacul...?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 02:50:13 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 15, 2023, 02:51:28 PM
What did I break??

You broke sexting  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 02:52:37 PM
Poison-Theater Of The Soul
Poison-Strike Up The Band


What did I break??

You broke sexting  :biggrin:

I've never done it before.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 03:18:23 PM
Scorpions-We Will Rise Again-Stadler or Chad

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 03:22:50 PM
Need an update Rich before you go to bed! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2023, 03:39:47 PM
Scorpions-We Will Rise Again-Stadler or Chad
Funnily enough, the other Scorpions songs are all Stadler, but not that one. :lol

I'll post an update shortly.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2023, 03:43:50 PM
EP hangman part 3
Ignore the 0s, they'll be replaced by track numbers once added to the correct EP.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    5: The Gathering – Monsters
    6: Currents – Monsters
    7: So Hideous – Relinquish (Orchestral) [outro]

faizoff: The Last of Me
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    6: Soulfly – Flyhigh

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies

jingle: Power|Ballads
    1: Poison – Strike Up The Band
    2: Poison – Theatre of the Soul
    3: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Not My Saviour
    4: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Str___er
    5: Hardline – Rhythm From a Red Car
    6: Hardline – 31-91
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    1: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    2: Xerosync – Now I See You
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    6: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    3: Li-sa-X Band – __e __re C_a_ce is E_____
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    6: Li-sa-X Band – __st _e _y Treas_re
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End
    8: Li-sa-X Band – L___i__ __ T_ Y__

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    3: Mother’s Cake – Cybernova
    4: Mother’s Cake – Hit on Your Girl
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew W.K. – Babalon
    7: Andrew W.K. – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa
    3: Vermilia – Maisema
    4: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 1): Veritaivas
    5: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    1: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    3: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    3: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars
    5: Esoteric – Beneath This Face

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    3: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    4: Kaki King – Bowen Island
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    6: Kaki King – Joi
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    1: Sleep – Dragonaut
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine
    4: Boris – ___a_ __ T_e Scree_
    5: Boris – I_its_
    6: Boris – _el__y
    7: Boris – _are_ell

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    2: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    4: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    2: Visions of Atlantis – Legion of the Seas
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape
    9: Vision of Atlantis – Ret_r_ t_ Le__ria

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    1: Scorpions – Loving You Sunday Morning
    2: Scorpions – Falling In Love
    3: Scorpions – We’ll Burn the Sky
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown
    1: Moonloop – Oceans
    2: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    3: Existem – The Drowning

Vmadera: The Still of the Night
    2: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    3: Silversun Pickups – Stillness (Way Beyond)
    4: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    5: The Stone Roses – Tears

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    1: At the Gates – Under a Serpent Sun
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris

    0: _at_e__a__er – T_ T_e Sea
    0: _r_it C_lt_re – __rt_ Star __ _i_a
    0: ____es _rai_e Ass_ciati__ – Y__r _eart _ill _i__ T_e _ay
    0: _ea__a__ – A_aritia
    0: Ac__stic La_s – _esert _al_
    0: _Y_R – _r_ital _all_ci_ati__s
    0: Sarah Jarosz – Run Away
    0: Field Music – (I _ee_ T_i__i__ A___t) A _e_ T_i__
    0: Scorpions – We Will Rise Again
    0: Tr___y Scars – E_eryt_i__ _isa__eari__
    0: _ala__ra – _ra_e _e_ __rl_
    0: S____ I_eas – _ar_ _lissa___ Acce_t
    0: Se_tic_les_ – A _esert T_r__e
    0: _ala__ra – __r_ers
    0: _ar___ix __sic Syste_s – _alatec_t
    0: Arc_i_ist – Tyi__ __ L__se E__s i_ t_e C_l_ __i_ __ S_ace
    0: S____ I_eas – Ar_e__iate_ Series __ _i_i_is_e_ _t_ C__r_s __ a _ar_
    0: Field Music – _isa___i_te_
    0: _a__er __rte_ – R_st Clea_si__
    0: Field Music – Li__ts __
    0: _at __r Las_es – ____ A__ ____
    0: _ea__a__ – Str__e (Ra_i_ E_it)
    0: ____s_a_e – A _rea_less Sl___er
    0: _at __r Las_es – _a_iel
    0: _i__tra_e – _er_
    0: _a__ Ca_ar_ – _i__t Lies
    0: _ac_ _rya_ – _a__s
    0: _i__tra_e – T_e ___ls __ t_e __l_es
    0: Field Music – _eas_re
    0: Field Music – Let’s Write a Book

Guessed letters: TAC, SEXY LIAR
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 03:46:55 PM
Oh, I see We'll Burn The Sky. That's my favorite Scorps tune!
Also, Falling In Love and Loving You Sunday Morning
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 15, 2023, 03:49:29 PM
Oh, I see We'll Burn The Sky. That's my favorite Scorps tune!
Yeah, that's a great song, and album! Although I think Sails of Charon just edges it out, barely. :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Luoto on July 15, 2023, 03:50:00 PM
Magnus Karlsson's Free Fall
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 15, 2023, 03:51:27 PM
Magnus Karlsson's Free Fall

Not My Saviour...Thinking Chad but probably Nick.

I'd normally assume Wolfking, but not in this EP.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2023, 03:56:13 PM
Alright, updated above, last time for tonight as I'm heading to bed now! :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 15, 2023, 05:30:37 PM
Magnus Karlsson's Free Fall

Not My Saviour...Thinking Chad but probably Nick.

I'd normally assume Wolfking, but not in this EP.

Not me!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: wolfking on July 16, 2023, 04:33:31 AM
Magnus Karlsson's Free Fall

Not My Saviour...Thinking Chad but probably Nick.

I'd normally assume Wolfking, but not in this EP.

One if Chad's fav Karlsson songs.  He's sent it before too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 16, 2023, 05:18:57 AM
Magnus Karlsson's Free Fall

Not My Saviour...Thinking Chad but probably Nick.

I'd normally assume Wolfking, but not in this EP.

One if Chad's fav Karlsson songs.  He's sent it before too.

Multiple times. Probably my fave song from the FreeFall albums.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 06:51:48 AM
Added a couple more letters for you.

Guessed letters: TAC, SEXY LIAR
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 16, 2023, 06:53:13 AM
Added a couple more letters for you.

Guessed letters: TAC, SEXY LIAR

Tim should sig that.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 16, 2023, 07:34:49 AM
Field Music must be HOF - he’s the only one with that many unsolved songs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 08:00:05 AM
Field Music must be HOF - he’s the only one with that many unsolved songs.

Yep, was thinking the same thing
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 08:29:40 AM
Deadmau5 - Avaritia

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: romdrums on July 16, 2023, 08:52:27 AM
Downes Braide Association- Your Heart Will Find The Way. 
To The Sea

How about an N.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 08:57:55 AM
Septicflesh song is A Desert Throne - Wolfking?

Archivist - Tying Up Loose Ends in the Cold Void of Space - Puppies?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 08:59:01 AM
Added a couple more letters for you.

Guessed letters: TAC, SEXY LIAR

Tim should sig that.

I am TAC.
I am sexy.
I don’t lie.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 16, 2023, 09:36:17 AM
Trophy Scars, Everything Disappearing, Crow
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 01:55:57 PM

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    4: Trophy Scars – Everything Disappearing
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    5: The Gathering – Monsters
    6: Currents – Monsters
    7: So Hideous – Relinquish (Orchestral) [outro]

faizoff: The Last of Me
    1: Deadmau5 – Avaritia
    2: Deadmau5 – Str__e (Ra_i_ E_it)
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    6: Soulfly – Flyhigh

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    2: Field Music – _eas_re
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    4: Field Music – _isa___inte_
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    6: Field Music – Let’s Write a Book
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    8: Field Music – Li__ts __
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies
    10: Field Music – (I _ee_ T_in_in_ A___t) A Ne_ T_in_

jingle: Power|Ballads
    1: Poison – Strike Up The Band
    2: Poison – Theatre of the Soul
    3: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Not My Saviour
    4: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Str_n_er
    5: Hardline – Rhythm From a Red Car
    6: Hardline – 31-91
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    1: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    2: Xerosync – Now I See You
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    6: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    3: Li-sa-X Band – _ne __re C_ance is En____
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    6: Li-sa-X Band – __st _e _y Treas_re
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End
    8: Li-sa-X Band – L___in_ __ T_ Y__

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    3: Mother’s Cake – Cybernova
    4: Mother’s Cake – Hit on Your Girl
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew W.K. – Babalon
    7: Andrew W.K. – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa
    3: Vermilia – Maisema
    4: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 1): Veritaivas
    5: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    1: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    3: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    2: Archivist – Tying Up Loose Ends in the Cold Void of Space
    3: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars
    5: Esoteric – Beneath This Face

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    3: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    4: Kaki King – Bowen Island
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    6: Kaki King – Joi
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    1: Sleep – Dragonaut
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine
    4: Boris – ___an _n T_e Screen
    5: Boris – I_its_
    6: Boris – _el__y
    7: Boris – _are_ell

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    2: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    4: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    2: Visions of Atlantis – Legion of the Seas
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape
    9: Vision of Atlantis – Ret_rn t_ Le__ria

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    1: Scorpions – Loving You Sunday Morning
    2: Scorpions – Falling In Love
    3: Scorpions – We’ll Burn the Sky
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown
    1: Moonloop – Oceans
    2: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    3: Existem – The Drowning

Vmadera: The Still of the Night
    1: Band Camaro – Night Lies
    2: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    3: Silversun Pickups – Stillness (Way Beyond)
    4: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    5: The Stone Roses – Tears

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    1: At the Gates – Under a Serpent Sun
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris
    5: Septicflesh – A Desert Throne

    0: _at_en_a__er – To The Sea
    0: Orbit Culture – North Star of Nija
    0: Downes Braide Association – Your Heart Will Find The Way
    0: Ac__stic La_s – _esert _al_
    0: _Y_R – _r_ital _all_cinati_ns
    0: Sarah Jarosz – Run Away
    0: Scorpions – We Will Rise Again
    0: _alan_ra – _ra_e Ne_ __rl_
    0: S__n_ I_eas – _ar_ _lissan__ Accent
    0: _alan_ra – __r_ers
    0: _ar__nix __sic Syste_s – _alatec_t
    0: S__n_ I_eas – Ar_e__iate_ Series __ _i_inis_e_ _t_ C__r_s _n a _ar_
    0: Madder Mortem – Rust Cleansing
    0: Bat For Lashes – Moon And Moon
    0: ___ns_a_e – A _rea_less Sl___er
    0: Bat For Lashes – Daniel
    0: Ni__tra_e – _er_
    0: _ac_ _ryan – _a_ns
    0: Ni__tra_e – T_e ___ls __ t_e __l_es

Guessed letters: TACSEXYLIARN
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 01:59:22 PM
Orbit Culture-North Star Of Nija...Buddy or Evermind?
Madder Mortem-Rust Cleansing-Litho
Scorps-We Will Rise Again-Nick?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 02:06:57 PM
Bat For Lashes-Daniel
Bat For Lashes-Moon and Moon

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 02:14:32 PM
Senders all wrong, but songs and artists updated.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 02:35:57 PM
Senders all wrong, but songs and artists updated.

All wrong?? :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 02:37:10 PM
Incidentally, I'll hopefully be in a position to post favourite and least favourite songs from each EP (instead of comparisons, as comparisons don't really work for the EPs which are scored differently) tomorrow, or if not then definitely Tuesday. Then to start posting results on Wednesday or at the latest Thursday. :caffeine:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 16, 2023, 02:37:41 PM
Oh wow, someone sent Bang Camaro - Night Lies! That song rocks  :lol :metal

Probably Vmadera
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 02:37:55 PM
Senders all wrong, but songs and artists updated.

All wrong?? :lol

I mean, across those two posts you mentioned correct senders, just not for the correct songs. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 02:40:47 PM
Incidentally, I'll hopefully be in a position to post favourite and least favourite songs from each EP

What if...for example, someone sent a four song EP and you had four favorites? ;D

Senders all wrong, but songs and artists updated.

All wrong?? :lol

I mean, across those two posts you mentioned correct senders, just not for the correct songs. :P

 :facepalm: :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 16, 2023, 02:43:10 PM
Incidentally, I'll hopefully be in a position to post favourite and least favourite songs from each EP

What if...for example, someone sent a four song EP and you had four favorites? ;D

I don't think you need to worry about that :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 02:44:42 PM
Incidentally, I'll hopefully be in a position to post favourite and least favourite songs from each EP

What if...for example, someone sent a four song EP and you had four favorites? ;D

I don't think you need to worry about that :biggrin:


Well...it was just an example. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 02:45:23 PM
Incidentally, I'll hopefully be in a position to post favourite and least favourite songs from each EP

What if...for example, someone sent a four song EP and you had four favorites? ;D
Everyone gets one of each. :P

But yes sometimes it's been hard to choose which was my favourite, or indeed my least favourite... I'm using my current listens to make those decisions where I've not been able to already.

Oh wow, someone sent Bang Camaro - Night Lies! That song rocks  :lol :metal

Probably Vmadera
Yes indeed, will update shortly. (EDIT: Done!)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Sacul on July 16, 2023, 02:48:17 PM
Bat for lashes... Litho? or nick_z?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 02:51:09 PM

Senders all wrong, but songs and artists updated.

All wrong?? :lol

I mean, across those two posts you mentioned correct senders, just not for the correct songs. :P

 :facepalm: :lol


Orbit Culture-North Star Of Nija...Buddy or Evermind?
Madder Mortem-Rust Cleansing-Litho
Scorps-We Will Rise Again-Nick?

...here, for example  :biggrin:

...if you look at the EP title, that might provide a (general) hint...

(sorry, Rich, if I am overstepping  ;))
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 02:51:47 PM
Bat for lashes... Litho? or nick_z?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 16, 2023, 02:52:21 PM
Bat for lashes... Litho? or nick_z?

Pretty sure it’s Nick
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 02:53:54 PM
VYGR-Orbital Hallucinations-Evermind?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 02:57:27 PM
Kalandra-Borders and Brave New World Nick or Evermind?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 03:01:46 PM
That's more like it!

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    2: Zach Bryan – _a_ns
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    4: Trophy Scars – Everything Disappearing
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    1: Kalandra – Borders
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    3: Kalandra – Brave New World
    5: The Gathering – Monsters
    6: Currents – Monsters
    7: So Hideous – Relinquish (Orchestral) [outro]

faizoff: The Last of Me
    1: Deadmau5 – Avaritia
    2: Deadmau5 – Stro_e (Ra_io E_it)
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    6: Soulfly – Flyhigh

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    2: Field Music – _eas_re
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    4: Field Music – _isa__ointe_
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    6: Field Music – Let’s Write a Book
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    8: Field Music – Li__ts __
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies
    10: Field Music – (I _ee_ T_in_in_ A_o_t) A Ne_ T_in_

jingle: Power|Ballads
    1: Poison – Strike Up The Band
    2: Poison – Theatre of the Soul
    3: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Not My Saviour
    4: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Stron_er
    5: Hardline – Rhythm From a Red Car
    6: Hardline – 31-91
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    1: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    2: Xerosync – Now I See You
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    3: Nightrage – Hero
    4: Nightrage – The Howls of the Wolves
    6: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    3: Li-sa-X Band – One _ore C_ance is Eno___
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    6: Li-sa-X Band – __st _e _y Treas_re
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End
    8: Li-sa-X Band – Loo_in_ __ To Yo_

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    3: Mother’s Cake – Cybernova
    4: Mother’s Cake – Hit on Your Girl
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew W.K. – Babalon
    7: Andrew W.K. – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa
    3: Vermilia – Maisema
    4: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 1): Veritaivas
    5: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    1: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    3: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    4: Bat For Lashes – Moon And Moon
    5: Bat For Lashes – Daniel
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    2: Archivist – Tying Up Loose Ends in the Cold Void of Space
    3: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars
    5: Esoteric – Beneath This Face

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    3: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    4: Kaki King – Bowen Island
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    6: Kaki King – Joi
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    8: Acoustic Labs – Desert Walk
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    1: Sleep – Dragonaut
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine
    4: Boris – _o_an On T_e Screen
    5: Boris – I_its_
    6: Boris – _elo_y
    7: Boris – _are_ell

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    2: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    4: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    2: Visions of Atlantis – Legion of the Seas
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    7: Katzenjammer – To The Sea
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape
    9: Vision of Atlantis – Ret_rn to Le__ria

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    1: Scorpions – Loving You Sunday Morning
    2: Scorpions – Falling In Love
    3: Scorpions – We’ll Burn the Sky
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown
    1: Moonloop – Oceans
    2: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    3: Existem – The Drowning
    4: Moonshade – A Dreamless Slumber

Vmadera: The Still of the Night
    1: Band Camaro – Night Lies
    2: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    3: Silversun Pickups – Stillness (Way Beyond)
    4: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    5: The Stone Roses – Tears

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    1: At the Gates – Under a Serpent Sun
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris
    5: Septicflesh – A Desert Throne

    0: Orbit Culture – North Star of Nija
    0: Downes Braide Association – Your Heart Will Find The Way
    0: VYGR – Orbital Hallucinations
    0: Sarah Jarosz – Run Away
    0: Scorpions – We Will Rise Again
    0: Sound Ideas – Harp Glissando Accent
    0: _ar_onix __sic Syste_s – _alatec_t
    0: Sound Ideas – Ar_e__iate_ Series o_ _i_inis_e_ _t_ C_or_s on a _ar_
    0: Madder Mortem – Rust Cleansing

Guessed letters: TACSEXYLIARNO
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 03:07:04 PM
Acoustic Labs-Desert Walk-No clue who. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 03:07:31 PM
Katzenjammer – To The Sea - soupy?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 03:08:25 PM
Acoustic Labs-Desert Walk-No clue who. :lol

Reaper, maybe?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 03:11:49 PM
Moonshade - A Dreamless Slumber

Puppies or Tim?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 03:20:13 PM
All correct and updated. :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 03:40:03 PM
Sound Ideas - Harp Glissando Accent
Sound Ideas - something else  :biggrin:

Are these interludes in Litho's EP?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 03:40:58 PM
Jack Bryan-Crow?

Nightrage-The Howls Of The Wolves
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 03:52:35 PM
Sound Ideas - Harp Glissando Accent
Sound Ideas - something else  :biggrin:

Are these interludes in Litho's EP?
They're interludes in someone's EP. :lol

Jack Bryan-Crow?
Close enough. Jack, Zach.

Nightrage-The Howls Of The Wolves
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 03:55:42 PM
Did Wolfking send Madder Mortem?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 03:57:41 PM
So, if they are not Litho's...they have to be Luke's?!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 03:59:40 PM
Harmonics Music Systems??
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 04:13:57 PM
Rich, you better not go to bed without solving this first!!!! ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 04:28:15 PM
Rich, you better not go to bed without solving this first!!!! ;D

I think he might have  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 16, 2023, 04:29:27 PM
Madder Mortem must be Nick.

Has Orbit Culture been guessed for Kade?

There are two Sound Ideas tracks, and two spots left in Luke's, this can't be a coincidence, right?

Scorpions don't make sense anywhere in the remaining slots, leaving king's the most likely it would seem. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: wolfking on July 16, 2023, 04:33:25 PM
Did Wolfking send Madder Mortem?

Never heard of them.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 16, 2023, 04:33:29 PM
Madder Mortem must be Nick.

Has Orbit Culture been guessed for Kade?

There are two Sound Ideas tracks, and two spots left in Luke's, this can't be a coincidence, right?

Yep, that was my thinking. That's some transition from Pizza Death  :lol Love it.

And yes to Madder Mortem!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: wolfking on July 16, 2023, 04:33:48 PM
Madder Mortem must be Nick.

Has Orbit Culture been guessed for Kade?

There are two Sound Ideas tracks, and two spots left in Luke's, this can't be a coincidence, right?

Has now.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Crow on July 16, 2023, 04:39:15 PM
not that anyone else here would enjoy a mostly country-themed EP, but, mine's complete now so why not

File: https://mega.nz/file/PM1BwACb#ObvrGvBdj-guk05IvWgUSDC7WCDEkOPId2T7J_w2lzk
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1bq4pp0DIh4biPvAtQaHrj
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: TAC on July 16, 2023, 04:42:05 PM
Are we sharing EPs?
Ok here's mine..
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 16, 2023, 04:46:08 PM
not that anyone else here would enjoy a mostly country-themed EP

I like some country more than most here, but as to our tastes aligning there, who knows...  I will give it a listen though for sure. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Glasser on July 16, 2023, 05:53:21 PM
not that anyone else here would enjoy a mostly country-themed EP, but, mine's complete now so why not

File: https://mega.nz/file/PM1BwACb#ObvrGvBdj-guk05IvWgUSDC7WCDEkOPId2T7J_w2lzk
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1bq4pp0DIh4biPvAtQaHrj

I have Dolly Parton in mine.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Stadler on July 16, 2023, 06:19:39 PM
not that anyone else here would enjoy a mostly country-themed EP, but, mine's complete now so why not

File: https://mega.nz/file/PM1BwACb#ObvrGvBdj-guk05IvWgUSDC7WCDEkOPId2T7J_w2lzk
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1bq4pp0DIh4biPvAtQaHrj

Au contraire, mon frère.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 16, 2023, 11:23:58 PM
Harmonix Music Systems.....Sounds like a Buddy band. :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 11:38:50 PM
Rich, you better not go to bed without solving this first!!!! ;D

I think he might have  :lol
I had. :lol

not that anyone else here would enjoy a mostly country-themed EP, but, mine's complete now so why not

File: https://mega.nz/file/PM1BwACb#ObvrGvBdj-guk05IvWgUSDC7WCDEkOPId2T7J_w2lzk
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1bq4pp0DIh4biPvAtQaHrj

I have Dolly Parton in mine.  :biggrin:
You also have a song called "Iron Dick", so :P

Scorpions don't make sense anywhere in the remaining slots, leaving king's the most likely it would seem. 
And yet, no.

Just 4 tracks unmatched now, plus a few matched songs with titles unsolved.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2023, 11:38:53 PM
Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    5: Harmonix Music Systems – _alatec_t
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    2: Zach Bryan – _a_ns
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    4: Trophy Scars – Everything Disappearing
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    1: Kalandra – Borders
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    3: Kalandra – Brave New World
    5: The Gathering – Monsters
    6: Currents – Monsters
    7: So Hideous – Relinquish (Orchestral) [outro]

faizoff: The Last of Me
    1: Deadmau5 – Avaritia
    2: Deadmau5 – Stro_e (Ra_io E_it)
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    6: Soulfly – Flyhigh

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    2: Field Music – _eas_re
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    4: Field Music – _isa__ointe_
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    6: Field Music – Let’s Write a Book
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    8: Field Music – Li__ts __
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies
    10: Field Music – (I _ee_ T_in_in_ A_o_t) A Ne_ T_in_

jingle: Power|Ballads
    1: Poison – Strike Up The Band
    2: Poison – Theatre of the Soul
    3: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Not My Saviour
    4: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Stron_er
    5: Hardline – Rhythm From a Red Car
    6: Hardline – 31-91
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    1: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    2: Xerosync – Now I See You
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    3: Nightrage – Hero
    4: Nightrage – The Howls of the Wolves
    6: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    3: Li-sa-X Band – One _ore C_ance is Eno___
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    6: Li-sa-X Band – __st _e _y Treas_re
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End
    8: Li-sa-X Band – Loo_in_ __ To Yo_

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    2: Sound Ideas – Ar_e__iate_ Series o_ _i_inis_e_ _t_ C_or_s on a _ar_
    3: Mother’s Cake – Cybernova
    4: Mother’s Cake – Hit on Your Girl
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew W.K. – Babalon
    7: Andrew W.K. – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    9: Sound Ideas – Harp Glissando Accent
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa
    3: Vermilia – Maisema
    4: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 1): Veritaivas
    5: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    1: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    2: Madder Mortem – Rust Cleansing
    3: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    4: Bat For Lashes – Moon And Moon
    5: Bat For Lashes – Daniel
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    2: Archivist – Tying Up Loose Ends in the Cold Void of Space
    3: Woods of Desolation – And If the Stars All Faded Away
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars
    5: Esoteric – Beneath This Face

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    3: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    4: Kaki King – Bowen Island
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    6: Kaki King – Joi
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    8: Acoustic Labs – Desert Walk
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    1: Sleep – Dragonaut
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine
    4: Boris – _o_an On T_e Screen
    5: Boris – I_its_
    6: Boris – _elo_y
    7: Boris – _are_ell

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    2: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    4: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    2: Visions of Atlantis – Legion of the Seas
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    7: Katzenjammer – To The Sea
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape
    9: Vision of Atlantis – Ret_rn to Le__ria

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    1: Scorpions – Loving You Sunday Morning
    2: Scorpions – Falling In Love
    3: Scorpions – We’ll Burn the Sky
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown
    1: Moonloop – Oceans
    2: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    3: Existem – The Drowning
    4: Moonshade – A Dreamless Slumber

Vmadera: The Still of the Night
    1: Band Camaro – Night Lies
    2: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    3: Silversun Pickups – Stillness (Way Beyond)
    4: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    5: The Stone Roses – Tears

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    1: At the Gates – Under a Serpent Sun
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris
    4: Orbit Culture – North Star of Nija
    5: Septicflesh – A Desert Throne

    0: Downes Braide Association – Your Heart Will Find The Way
    0: VYGR – Orbital Hallucinations
    0: Sarah Jarosz – Run Away
    0: Scorpions – We Will Rise Again

Guessed letters: TACSEXYLIARNO
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: faizoff on July 17, 2023, 12:20:54 AM
Scorpions - Litho?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 01:05:14 AM
You guys are really struggling with that last Scorpions track. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: Glasser on July 17, 2023, 01:35:22 AM
Rich, you better not go to bed without solving this first!!!! ;D

I think he might have  :lol
I had. :lol

not that anyone else here would enjoy a mostly country-themed EP, but, mine's complete now so why not

File: https://mega.nz/file/PM1BwACb#ObvrGvBdj-guk05IvWgUSDC7WCDEkOPId2T7J_w2lzk
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1bq4pp0DIh4biPvAtQaHrj

I have Dolly Parton in mine.  :biggrin:
You also have a song called "Iron Dick", so :P

Scorpions don't make sense anywhere in the remaining slots, leaving king's the most likely it would seem. 
And yet, no.

Just 4 tracks unmatched now, plus a few matched songs with titles unsolved.

Iron Dick may have been written for Dolly.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 03:08:58 AM
Alright, here is the completed hangman. Pretty solid effort! Top and bottom tracks should definitely be later today.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    5: Harmonix Music Systems – Dalatecht
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    2: Zach Bryan – Dawns
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    4: Trophy Scars – Everything Disappearing
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    1: Kalandra – Borders
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    3: Kalandra – Brave New World
    4: Scorpions – We Will Rise Again
    5: The Gathering – Monsters
    6: Currents – Monsters
    7: So Hideous – Relinquish (Orchestral) [outro]

faizoff: The Last of Me
    1: Deadmau5 – Avaritia
    2: Deadmau5 – Strobe (Radio Edit)
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    6: Soulfly – Flyhigh

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    2: Field Music – Measure
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    4: Field Music – Disappointed
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    6: Field Music – Let’s Write a Book
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    8: Field Music – Lights Up
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies
    10: Field Music – (I Keep Thinking About) A New Thing

jingle: Power|Ballads
    1: Poison – Strike Up The Band
    2: Poison – Theatre of the Soul
    3: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Not My Saviour
    4: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Stronger
    5: Hardline – Rhythm From a Red Car
    6: Hardline – 31-91
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    1: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    2: Xerosync – Now I See You
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes
    5: Downes Braide Association – Your Heart Will Find The Way

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    3: Nightrage – Hero
    4: Nightrage – The Howls of the Wolves
    5: Sarah Jarosz – Run Away
    6: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    3: Li-sa-X Band – One More Chance is Enough
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    6: Li-sa-X Band – Just Be My Treasure
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End
    8: Li-sa-X Band – Looking Up To You

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    2: Sound Ideas – Arpeggiated Series of Diminished 7th Chords on a Harp [interlude]
    3: Mother’s Cake – Cybernova
    4: Mother’s Cake – Hit on Your Girl
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew W.K. – Babalon
    7: Andrew W.K. – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    9: Sound Ideas – Harp Glissando Accent [interlude]
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa
    3: Vermilia – Maisema
    4: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 1): Veritaivas
    5: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    1: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    2: Madder Mortem – Rust Cleansing
    3: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    4: Bat For Lashes – Moon And Moon
    5: Bat For Lashes – Daniel
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    1: VYGR – Orbital Hallucinations [intro]
    2: Archivist – Tying Up Loose Ends in the Cold Void of Space
    3: Woods of Desolation – And If All the Stars Faded Away
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars
    5: Esoteric – Beneath This Face

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    3: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    4: Kaki King – Bowen Island
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    6: Kaki King – Joi
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    8: Acoustic Labs – Desert Walk
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    1: Sleep – Dragonaut
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine
    4: Boris – Woman On The Screen
    5: Boris – Ibitsu
    6: Boris – Melody
    7: Boris – Farewell

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    2: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    4: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    2: Visions of Atlantis – Legion of the Seas
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    7: Katzenjammer – To The Sea
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape
    9: Visions of Atlantis – Return to Lemuria

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    1: Scorpions – Loving You Sunday Morning
    2: Scorpions – Falling In Love
    3: Scorpions – We’ll Burn the Sky
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown
    1: Moonloop – Oceans
    2: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    3: Existem – The Drowning
    4: Moonshade – A Dreamless Slumber

Vmadera: The Still of the Night
    1: Band Camaro – Night Lies
    2: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    3: Silversun Pickups – Stillness (Way Beyond)
    4: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    5: The Stone Roses – Tears

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    1: At the Gates – Under a Serpent Sun
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris
    4: Orbit Culture – North Star of Nija
    5: Septicflesh – A Desert Throne
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: wolfking on July 17, 2023, 03:46:03 AM
Extra points to Tom for his creativeness.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 05:29:07 AM
Extra points to Tom for his creativeness.  :lol
He's going to need them. :neverusethis:

When I mistakenly thought his EP wasn't long enough, he did send two more tracks, which I had to treat as "bonus tracks" because he would have ended up with too many artists if I'd included them. They were:

Steel Panther - She's On The Rag
Incinerating Prophecies - Bloody Pussy

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 05:32:11 AM
Incidentally, two other updates.

Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=e0e4776965714699
Nearly 12 hours of music. :lol I've included the individual tracks where people had edited an mp3 for their submission.


                         R1       R2       R3       R4       R5       R6    R7(EPs)
Number of tracks:
Average                 3.4      3.9      3.5      3.3      4.0      4.0        6.5
Most                      6        6        5        5        6        6         10
Fewest                    1        2        1        1        2        1          4
Total tracks             81       93       84       79       95       96        150

Submission length:
Average               17:27    17:33    18:19    17:14    17:41    17:50      30:34
Longest               19:51    19:47    20:07    20:07    20:01    19:58      35:01
Shortest              11:57    11:52    14:41    08:22    12:14    12:54      21:08
Total length        6:58:47  7:01:11  7:19:37  6:53:41  7:04:34  7:07:49   11:42:58
Ave. track length     05:10    04:32    05:14    05:14    04:28    04:27      04:41

Previous experience:
Number of artists        24       24       24       23       24       24         93
Artists I've heard        4        6        4        1        4        4         21
Artists I've rated        2        3        4        1        3        2         10

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: ReaperKK on July 17, 2023, 05:46:36 AM
Gonna spend the day spinning the playlist :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 17, 2023, 06:02:00 AM
Scorpions - Litho?

I love them, but they're not generally the sort of thing I'd send in a roulette. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman part 3!
Post by: nick_z on July 17, 2023, 08:07:56 AM

Nearly 12 hours of music. :lol

This is nuts  :biggrin:

Top and bottom tracks should definitely be later today.

Nice!  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 17, 2023, 08:12:41 AM
I'm trying to figure out the appropriate level of panic to have if he doesn't pick the tracks either I would pick or that I think he'll pick. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: faizoff on July 17, 2023, 08:17:33 AM
Good god 12 hours of music for one round sounds insane.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 17, 2023, 08:18:37 AM
It's less than half the music for two rounds combined though. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 08:21:12 AM
I'm trying to figure out the appropriate level of panic to have if he doesn't pick the tracks either I would pick or that I think he'll pick. 
Let's find out, shall we! :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 08:21:27 AM
EP tops and bottoms
This excludes intro/interlude/outro tracks.

Favourite: Sungazer - The Dark
Least favourite: The Comet Is Coming - Angel Of Darkness

Favourite: Orville Peck - Kalahari Down
Least favourite: My Morning Jacket - One Big Holiday

Favourite: Kalandra - Borders
Least favourite: The Gathering - Monsters

Favourite: Deadmau5 - Strobe
Least favourite: Soulfly - Flyhigh

Favourite: Dolly Parton - PMS Blues (live)
Least favourite: S.O.D. - Premenstrual Princess Blues

Favourite: Field Music - Disappointed
Least favourite: McStine & Minnemann - The Flame

Favourite: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall - Not My Saviour
Least favourite: Poison - Theatre of the Soul

Favourite: Magic Pie - Trick of the Trade
Least favourite: Xerosync - Now I See You

Favourite: Sarah Jarosz - Run Away
Least favourite: Sybreed - Ego Bypass Generator

Favourite: Li-sa-X Band - Looking Up To You
Least favourite: Mary’s Blood - Unravel

Favourite: Andrew W.K. - Babalon
Least favourite: Pizza Death - Pizza Death

Favourite: Kamara - Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku
Least favourite: Swallow the Sun - These Low Lands

Favourite: Bat For Lashes - Moon And Moon
Least favourite: Madder Morten - Rust Cleansing

Favourite: Archivist - Tying Up Loose Ends in the Cold Void of Space
Least favourite: Esoteric - Beneath This Face

Favourite: Spencer Elliott - The Tournament
Least favourite: Kaki King - Joi

Favourite: Simon Phillips - Undeviginti
Least favourite: Derek Sherinian - Dragonfly

Favourite: Sleep - Dragonaut
Least favourite: Boris - Farewell

Favourite: Leonard Cohen - Steer Your Way
Least favourite: Leonard Cohen - Suzanne

Favourite: Visions of Atlantis - Legion of the Seas
Least favourite: Pearl Jam - Among the Waves

Favourite: Scorpions - We’ll Burn the Sky
Least favourite: Fish - View From the Hill

Favourite: Horizon Ignited - Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
Least favourite: Moonloop - Oceans

Favourite: Blacktop Mojo - It Won't Last
Least favourite: The Stone Roses - Tears

Favourite: Septicflesh - A Desert Throne
Least favourite: Obscura - Solaris
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 17, 2023, 08:25:32 AM
Not surprising :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Evermind on July 17, 2023, 08:31:43 AM
Favourite: Kalandra - Borders

Yeah that tracks. As I told you (and Litho in his roulette) this track was the inspiration for the EP.

Favourite: Leonard Cohen - Steer Your Way

Yeah that also tracks. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: lonestar on July 17, 2023, 08:32:12 AM
Seriously, unravel was your least favorite? I fucking love that song.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 17, 2023, 08:37:30 AM
Hmm, that was unexpected, but I don't mind it.  I don't know what no one figuring out it belonged to my EP means though.  It's probably confusing to follow if you don't have the notes I gave to ariich, and even then it's still unconventional. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 17, 2023, 08:41:04 AM
Of course you like the little harp interludes more than Pizza Death  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 17, 2023, 08:42:38 AM
Ouch, "Dragonfly" is my favorite track on that album.  Poor rom.  Although it's entirely possible it's also his least favorite too.   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: soupytwist on July 17, 2023, 08:58:18 AM
Favourite: Alestorm : Shit Boat (obviously).
Least favourite: Pearl Jam - Among the Waves

Edited for you as you made a mistake.

I'm pretty happy with 'Among the Waves' being least favorite as you know that was a panic story piece replacement song and it doesn't really fit the EP thematically.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Sacul on July 17, 2023, 09:05:35 AM
Favourite: Sleep - Dragonaut
Least favourite: Boris - Farewell
Damn, you got that exactly the other way around ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 17, 2023, 09:07:13 AM
"Dragonaut" is the best Sleep song, so he most certainly got that right.   :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 17, 2023, 09:09:25 AM
I am hoping that the The Comet Is Coming tracks aren't significantly more disliked than the others, but we'll see... :corn

My ranking would probably be

Blood Of The Past
Angel Of Darkness
The Dark

I like all of them though, and I (seemingly correctly) assumed The Dark would be your jam. :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: TAC on July 17, 2023, 09:17:14 AM
Not surprised to see Oceans last. I agonized over it but I just couldn’t find another song that fit thematically.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Sacul on July 17, 2023, 09:20:38 AM
"Dragonaut" is the best Sleep song, so he most certainly got that right.   :corn
It's great, but Dopesmoker is just on another level imo.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: nick_z on July 17, 2023, 09:21:46 AM
Of course you like the little harp interludes more than Pizza Death  :lol

Gotta tell you, the fact you included harp interludes cracked me up  :biggrin:

Favourite: Bat For Lashes - Moon And Moon
Least favourite: Madder Morten - Rust Cleansing

Not shocked by your least favorite, maybe a bit surprised by the favorite (although I do find it to be a gorgeous, hauntingly beautiful song)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 17, 2023, 09:25:03 AM
"Two Planets" is my favorite song of her's. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Stadler on July 17, 2023, 09:26:05 AM
Does "Bat For Lashes" have a meaning, or is it just a nonsense term?

(As an aside, "band names" are a tricky business.  I'm not a fan of band names that mean nothing, except... when they're really cool, which makes no sense.)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: faizoff on July 17, 2023, 09:29:51 AM
Favourite: Deadmau5 - Strobe
Least favourite: Soulfly - Flyhigh

I sent the radio edit for Strobe the full 14 min version has a great long build up which IMO gives the full effect of that end section.

I did think the last song would fit in with the EP and I still think it kinda does but yes it does stick out a little bit.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: nick_z on July 17, 2023, 09:39:09 AM
Does "Bat For Lashes" have a meaning, or is it just a nonsense term?

(As an aside, "band names" are a tricky business.  I'm not a fan of band names that mean nothing, except... when they're really cool, which makes no sense.)

I believe I remember reading an interview of hers where she said it doesn't really mean anything, but I'm not 100% sure...by the way, I'm kinda with you on nonsense band names...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 17, 2023, 09:44:55 AM
"She has said the name Bat for Lashes "doesn't really mean anything [...] It conjured up Halloween-y images, and it sounded metal and feminine.”[13]"

Which is funny because she's not metal at all. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: nick_z on July 17, 2023, 10:02:40 AM
"She has said the name Bat for Lashes "doesn't really mean anything [...] It conjured up Halloween-y images, and it sounded metal and feminine.”[13]"

Which is funny because she's not metal at all.

Well, I guess I got that one right  :biggrin:

By the way, yes, Two Planets is a great tune as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 17, 2023, 10:19:28 AM
Of course you like the little harp interludes more than Pizza Death  :lol

Gotta tell you, the fact you included harp interludes cracked me up  :biggrin:

Had too keep up with Glasser’s level of ridiculousness now didn’t I.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: HOF on July 17, 2023, 11:02:13 AM

Favourite: Field Music - Disappointed
Least favourite: McStine & Minnemann - The Flame

Hey, I agree with both of these (moreso on The Flame).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Crow on July 17, 2023, 11:28:14 AM
pretty much exactly what i expected given the first impression, yeah  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 01:15:33 PM
Of course you like the little harp interludes more than Pizza Death  :lol
No, the tops and bottoms exclude intros, interludes and outros as the post says at the top. :P

Although there are a couple of songs this round that I do like less than the harps interludes. :lol

Favourite: Alestorm : Shit Boat (obviously).
Least favourite: Pearl Jam - Among the Waves

Edited for you as you made a mistake.
I mean, it has the best title of any song this round so I guess yeah.

Of course you like the little harp interludes more than Pizza Death  :lol

Gotta tell you, the fact you included harp interludes cracked me up  :biggrin:

Had too keep up with Glasser’s level of ridiculousness now didn’t I.
Not even close. :lol

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: senecadawg2 on July 17, 2023, 01:17:07 PM
Favourite: Leonard Cohen - Steer Your Way
Least favourite: Leonard Cohen - Suzanne

I love this
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 17, 2023, 01:26:03 PM
Of course you like the little harp interludes more than Pizza Death  :lol

Gotta tell you, the fact you included harp interludes cracked me up  :biggrin:

Had too keep up with Glasser’s level of ridiculousness now didn’t I.
Not even close. :lol


Was I at least second most ridiculous?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: TAC on July 17, 2023, 01:26:53 PM
Yeah, and that was before the EP round. ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 01:56:50 PM
Of course you like the little harp interludes more than Pizza Death  :lol

Gotta tell you, the fact you included harp interludes cracked me up  :biggrin:

Had too keep up with Glasser’s level of ridiculousness now didn’t I.
Not even close. :lol


Was I at least second most ridiculous?
Probably, yeah, with soupy in relatively normal third place. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 17, 2023, 02:03:48 PM
Of course you like the little harp interludes more than Pizza Death  :lol

Gotta tell you, the fact you included harp interludes cracked me up  :biggrin:

Had too keep up with Glasser’s level of ridiculousness now didn’t I.
Not even close. :lol


Was I at least second most ridiculous?
Probably, yeah, with soupy in relatively normal third place. :lol

Nice. I’ll take it.

Looking forward to hearing Glasser’s EP. In the future, when he’s running his own roulettes, we’ll look back and realise this is basically his ‘roulette origins story’  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: King Postwhore on July 17, 2023, 02:17:52 PM
Awe man. I love Xerosync - Now I See You.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 02:24:48 PM
Seriously, unravel was your least favorite? I fucking love that song.
Awe man. I love Xerosync - Now I See You.
Presumably you guys would have said this regardless of which one was my least favourite. Something has to come at the bottom! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: lonestar on July 17, 2023, 02:28:38 PM
Seriously, unravel was your least favorite? I fucking love that song.
Awe man. I love Xerosync - Now I See You.
Presumably you guys would have said this regardless of which one was my least favourite. Something has to come at the bottom! :lol

I get that.. I just really thought unravel would be at the top. I actually thought the Lilith tracks would end up low, maybe I underestimated your love for djent
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: jingle.boy on July 17, 2023, 02:41:14 PM
I’m completely ok with the my best and least best songs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Crow on July 17, 2023, 02:43:04 PM
fwiw my ranking of my EP goes 2 < 1 < 3 < 4 <5 but i love them all, so  :lol all 9's except maybe the zach bryan song which is a high 8.5. and car seat headrest which is a 9.5  :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 02:48:04 PM
Seriously, unravel was your least favorite? I fucking love that song.
Awe man. I love Xerosync - Now I See You.
Presumably you guys would have said this regardless of which one was my least favourite. Something has to come at the bottom! :lol

I get that.. I just really thought unravel would be at the top. I actually thought the Lilith tracks would end up low, maybe I underestimated your love for djent
I don't have anything fundamentally for or against djent, it's just a style of riffing that can be boring or can be awesome depending on how it's used, like any style really.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Crow on July 17, 2023, 03:21:38 PM
...modern haken has waaaay too much djent influence for me to handle so it's funny hearing that coming from you :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: King Postwhore on July 17, 2023, 03:27:06 PM
Seriously, unravel was your least favorite? I fucking love that song.
Awe man. I love Xerosync - Now I See You.
Presumably you guys would have said this regardless of which one was my least favourite. Something has to come at the bottom! :lol

I get that.. I just really thought unravel would be at the top. I actually thought the Lilith tracks would end up low, maybe I underestimated your love for djent

He stabeth at our hearts then walks over our corpses whiths mocking us.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2023, 03:57:31 PM
...modern haken has waaaay too much djent influence for me to handle so it's funny hearing that coming from you :lol
Evidently I like how they use the influence. :P When they use it anyway, which was a fair bit on Vector and Virus but not that much otherwise. I don't see it as something you could have too much or too little of, any more than any other style of riffing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: wolfking on July 17, 2023, 06:47:07 PM
Surprised at Septicflesh being the fav but that song is indeed a banger.  Not surprised at Obscura being least fav, those vocals are something else.  I love them though haha.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Crow on July 17, 2023, 06:55:50 PM
Least favourite: Pizza Death - Pizza Death

also i just noticed this  :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: Glasser on July 17, 2023, 08:27:04 PM
Extra points to Tom for his creativeness.  :lol

Thanks Kade! Check out my songs plus bonus tracks.  :rollin :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 17, 2023, 08:34:55 PM
Not really surprised by your take on the top and bottom tracks of my EP. I will admit Esoteric is an acquired taste. I love their sound. I just hope they didn't tank my score too bad.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP hangman complete
Post by: Glasser on July 17, 2023, 08:48:02 PM
Extra points to Tom for his creativeness.  :lol
He's going to need them. :neverusethis:

When I mistakenly thought his EP wasn't long enough, he did send two more tracks, which I had to treat as "bonus tracks" because he would have ended up with too many artists if I'd included them. They were:

Steel Panther - She's On The Rag
Incinerating Prophecies - Bloody Pussy


My ep should give me the win.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 18, 2023, 10:08:00 AM
Right, I’m diving into the playlist, wish me luck!

Frustratingly some of the songs are unavailable for me, but I’ll give it a good go anyway!

Edit: 2 songs in and yes, Blood of the Past is every bit as good as I remember it  :millahhhh
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 18, 2023, 10:14:55 AM
Right, I’m diving into the playlist, wish me luck!

Frustratingly some of the songs are unavailable for me, but I’ll give it a good go anyway!

Edit: 2 songs in and yes, Blood of the Past is every bit as good as I remember it  :millahhhh

One of the songs on my EP definitely isn't on Spotify, but here it is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wkYJLp9Sjo
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 18, 2023, 10:19:51 AM
Right, I’m diving into the playlist, wish me luck!

Frustratingly some of the songs are unavailable for me, but I’ll give it a good go anyway!

Edit: 2 songs in and yes, Blood of the Past is every bit as good as I remember it  :millahhhh

One of the songs on my EP definitely isn't on Spotify, but here it is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wkYJLp9Sjo

I’ll check it. Turns out I’ve listened to this Sungazer album as well.

Edit: I’m going to try and rank the EPs (if I make it through them all). After listening to one, Buddy is in the lead :neverusethis:

Edit 2: just finished Crow’s. Petition to have this as your new avatar Crow…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Crow on July 18, 2023, 12:05:11 PM
yee-caw pardner
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 18, 2023, 12:12:17 PM
yee-caw pardner

For someone who is not a fan of country, I was sat listening like…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 18, 2023, 12:29:00 PM
Here's a link to my EP
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Crow on July 18, 2023, 12:36:12 PM
you're gonna love the king gizzard country album dropping in 2025,  then
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 18, 2023, 12:38:51 PM
you're gonna love the king gizzard country album dropping in 2025,  then

I mean, they do already have Eyes Like the Sky, but yea  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 18, 2023, 12:47:04 PM
Glad to see Reaper and Luke listening to the whole lot, I think I'll delegate my write ups to you guys.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 18, 2023, 01:39:49 PM
Right, I’m diving into the playlist, wish me luck!

Frustratingly some of the songs are unavailable for me, but I’ll give it a good go anyway!

Edit: 2 songs in and yes, Blood of the Past is every bit as good as I remember it  :millahhhh
Yeah we're both in the UK so those will be ones that are either not on Spotify at all (2 tracks) or not available in the UK (1 track). The other 147 tracks should all be fine. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 18, 2023, 03:53:43 PM
Pack it up boys, I just finished listening to Glasser’s EP. No point even listening to the other EPs  :rollin

Congrats Glasser.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: TAC on July 18, 2023, 03:56:05 PM
It's that bloody good?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 18, 2023, 04:03:08 PM
It's that bloody good?

Is it the best music I’ve ever heard in my life? No. Is it a fun EP that has a ridiculous theme? You bloody betcha. You gotta respect an EP that can go from Black Flag to Dolly Parton.

I’ll rank the EPs I’ve got to so far…

1. Glasser
2. Buddy
3. Crow
4. Evermind
5. Faizoff

Maybe it’s more that the other EPs haven’t totally been up my street so far though.

Edit: Dammit Tim, just realised your comment was totally pun intended
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: King Postwhore on July 18, 2023, 04:17:56 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: TAC on July 18, 2023, 04:22:59 PM
It's that bloody good?

Edit: Dammit Tim, just realised your comment was totally pun intended

Perhaps I padded it too much.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 18, 2023, 04:23:41 PM
Since everyone else is doing it, here's mine.  It's the most cinematic melodeath album you'll ever hear, and plays on the juxtaposition of opposites, like both melodeath and this roulette itself do.

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6x7nsReJCjlUZxkMRu3Gvr (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6x7nsReJCjlUZxkMRu3Gvr)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 18, 2023, 04:42:41 PM
Here's the properly-edited version of mine. Mostly electronic jazz, TAC stay out. :lol

Dark Matter / Star Light

Drifting through space, surrounded by darkness, but also the light from millions of stars. Will you lose your way in the darkness, or find a path to the light?

(00:00) 1: Sungazer - Threshold
(04:13) 2: The Comet Is Coming - Blood Of The Past
(12:28) 3: Sungazer - The Dark
(16:04) 4: The Comet Is Coming - Angel Of Darkness
(23:00) 5: Harmonix Music Systems - Dalatecht
(26:52) 6: Sungazer - Cytherean

Total length: 31:21

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: nick_z on July 18, 2023, 04:57:41 PM
It's that bloody good?

Edit: Dammit Tim, just realised your comment was totally pun intended

Perhaps I padded it too much.

Oh, man  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: jingle.boy on July 18, 2023, 08:30:55 PM
It's that bloody good?

Edit: Dammit Tim, just realised your comment was totally pun intended

Perhaps I padded it too much.

Oh, man  :lol

Just go with the (Aunt) Flow
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Sacul on July 18, 2023, 11:04:35 PM
Here's mine, just a handful of songs that go from absolutey baked to ethereal bliss. I'll give the other EPs a try tomorrow.

from weed to bliss (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37oxA8fNQYlhN2OJB3K7Rh?si=0bf40a41e0a34287)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 02:22:47 AM
Ploughing on through the EPs, currently on Litho’s. Personal ranking so far?..

1. Glasser
2. King
3. Buddy
4. Crow
5. Jingle
6. Evermind
7. Faizoff
8. HOF

As all the cool kids are doing it, here’s a link to my EP…

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ)

This is actually the slightly tweaked EP, and not actually the one Rich is scoring. Basically Pizza Death released their latest album after I submitted my EP, but a song on the new album worked much better as the last song on the EP. It’s not going to make a great deal of difference to anyones overall enjoyment, but I prefer it  :lol

Lastly, Litho I’m currently listening to the At the Gates cover band, pretty good stuff.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Glasser on July 19, 2023, 03:15:36 AM
Ploughing on through the EPs, currently on Litho’s. Personal ranking so far?..

1. Glasser
2. King
3. Buddy
4. Crow
5. Jingle
6. Evermind
7. Faizoff
8. HOF

As all the cool kids are doing it, here’s a link to my EP…

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ)

This is actually the slightly tweaked EP, and not actually the one Rich is scoring. Basically Pizza Death released their latest album after I submitted my EP, but a song on the new album worked much better as the last song on the EP. It’s not going to make a great deal of difference to anyones overall enjoyment, but I prefer it  :lol

Lastly, Litho I’m currently listening to the At the Gates cover band, pretty good stuff.

Luke, check out the bonus tracks from mine!!!!!  :metal  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 03:20:43 AM
I already know the Steel Panther song but sure, I’ll check out the other too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Stadler on July 19, 2023, 07:17:16 AM
It's that bloody good?

Edit: Dammit Tim, just realised your comment was totally pun intended

Perhaps I padded it too much.

Oh, man  :lol

Just go with the (Aunt) Flow

Periodically, we have these pun trains and they are always funny.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: TAC on July 19, 2023, 07:31:59 AM
It's that bloody good?

Edit: Dammit Tim, just realised your comment was totally pun intended

Perhaps I padded it too much.

Oh, man  :lol

Just go with the (Aunt) Flow

Periodically, we have these pun trains and they are always funny.

Happens about once a month.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: lonestar on July 19, 2023, 08:14:09 AM
It's that bloody good?

Edit: Dammit Tim, just realised your comment was totally pun intended

Perhaps I padded it too much.

Oh, man  :lol

Just go with the (Aunt) Flow

Periodically, we have these pun trains and they are always funny.

Happens about once a month.

I was going to say something, but didn't want to cramp anyone's style
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: faizoff on July 19, 2023, 08:22:10 AM
Ploughing on through the EPs, currently on Litho’s. Personal ranking so far?..

1. Glasser
2. King
3. Buddy
4. Crow
5. Jingle
6. Evermind
7. Faizoff
8. HOF

As all the cool kids are doing it, here’s a link to my EP…

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ)

This is actually the slightly tweaked EP, and not actually the one Rich is scoring. Basically Pizza Death released their latest album after I submitted my EP, but a song on the new album worked much better as the last song on the EP. It’s not going to make a great deal of difference to anyones overall enjoyment, but I prefer it  :lol

Lastly, Litho I’m currently listening to the At the Gates cover band, pretty good stuff.

Kudos to you for listening to all the EPs, I really should too, I did that for the very first roulette I participated in but haven't since then. Just overwhelmed with the amount and variance of music you guys listen to.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: jingle.boy on July 19, 2023, 08:34:29 AM
It's that bloody good?

Edit: Dammit Tim, just realised your comment was totally pun intended

Perhaps I padded it too much.

Oh, man  :lol

Just go with the (Aunt) Flow

Periodically, we have these pun trains and they are always funny.

Happens about once a month.

I was going to say something, but didn't want to cramp anyone's style

We're all just raggin on each other.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: TAC on July 19, 2023, 08:35:38 AM
It's that bloody good?

Edit: Dammit Tim, just realised your comment was totally pun intended

Perhaps I padded it too much.

Oh, man  :lol

Just go with the (Aunt) Flow

Periodically, we have these pun trains and they are always funny.

Happens about once a month.

I was going to say something, but didn't want to cramp anyone's style

We're all just raggin on each other.

Is it time to pull the plug on this yet?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: King Postwhore on July 19, 2023, 08:38:04 AM
Men oh men, let's put a pause on this.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: TAC on July 19, 2023, 09:01:27 AM
Just pull the string.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 09:25:10 AM
Ploughing on through the EPs, currently on Litho’s. Personal ranking so far?..

1. Glasser
2. King
3. Buddy
4. Crow
5. Jingle
6. Evermind
7. Faizoff
8. HOF

As all the cool kids are doing it, here’s a link to my EP…

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ)

This is actually the slightly tweaked EP, and not actually the one Rich is scoring. Basically Pizza Death released their latest album after I submitted my EP, but a song on the new album worked much better as the last song on the EP. It’s not going to make a great deal of difference to anyones overall enjoyment, but I prefer it  :lol

Lastly, Litho I’m currently listening to the At the Gates cover band, pretty good stuff.

Kudos to you for listening to all the EPs, I really should too, I did that for the very first roulette I participated in but haven't since then. Just overwhelmed with the amount and variance of music you guys listen to.

I just couldn’t help myself. There are some tasty looking EPs here and I felt I owed it to you all to give them a listen, especially as I hope some of you will take the time to listen to mine.

Anywho, ranking now I’m up to Reaps (currently listening so not ranked yet)…

1. Me, obviously
2. Glasser
3. Litho
4. King
5. Buddy
6. Luoto
7. Puppies
8. Crow
9. Nick
10. Lonestar
11. Jingle
12. Evermind
13. Faizoff
14. HOF
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: HOF on July 19, 2023, 09:48:22 AM
Ploughing on through the EPs, currently on Litho’s. Personal ranking so far?..

1. Glasser
2. King
3. Buddy
4. Crow
5. Jingle
6. Evermind
7. Faizoff
8. HOF

As all the cool kids are doing it, here’s a link to my EP…

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=vjZKJ29gRGCaG8llpwwZYQ)

This is actually the slightly tweaked EP, and not actually the one Rich is scoring. Basically Pizza Death released their latest album after I submitted my EP, but a song on the new album worked much better as the last song on the EP. It’s not going to make a great deal of difference to anyones overall enjoyment, but I prefer it  :lol

Lastly, Litho I’m currently listening to the At the Gates cover band, pretty good stuff.

Kudos to you for listening to all the EPs, I really should too, I did that for the very first roulette I participated in but haven't since then. Just overwhelmed with the amount and variance of music you guys listen to.

I just couldn’t help myself. There are some tasty looking EPs here and I felt I owed it to you all to give them a listen, especially as I hope some of you will take the time to listen to mine.

Anywho, ranking now I’m up to Reaps (currently listening so not ranked yet)…

1. Me, obviously
2. Glasser
3. Litho
4. King
5. Buddy
6. Luoto
7. Puppies
8. Crow
9. Nick
10. Lonestar
11. Jingle
12. Evermind
13. Faizoff
14. HOF

Sinking like a stone!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 09:49:41 AM
My opinion means jack though, let’s be honest.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: jingle.boy on July 19, 2023, 10:06:08 AM
My opinion means jack though, let’s be honest.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Lonk on July 19, 2023, 10:10:54 AM
Sinking like a stone!
Wait until Luke gets to mine  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 10:23:13 AM
Sinking like a stone!
Wait until Luke gets to mine  :corn

Any songs about pizza or vomiting?

My opinion means jack though, let’s be honest.


There’s only one Jack worth being known as…



Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: King Postwhore on July 19, 2023, 10:24:21 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Evermind on July 19, 2023, 11:07:04 AM
If I had to send an EP to Luke I probably would've done something completely different than this one.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 11:10:07 AM
So, a better one then.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Evermind on July 19, 2023, 11:14:01 AM
So, a better one then.

Not necessarily, just different. :lol

I still think that my EP makes more sense with the narrative I provided for ariich. We'll see how it scores I guess.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 11:20:11 AM
Yea I’m messing. It’s not lost on me that these EPs are aimed at Rich’s tastes not mine.

Also with you on the narrative enhancing the EP. My narrative takes mine from a solid 4/10 to a cool 4.3/10.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 19, 2023, 11:33:42 AM
Lastly, Litho I’m currently listening to the At the Gates cover band, pretty good stuff.

Assuming you didn't look them up and you mean Nightrage, that's a really good guess!  The harsh vocals on that album actually are from Lindberg of At The Gates, so right on the mark.  And the drummer was in The Haunted with the Bjorler brothers of ATG, so he's also adjacent.  The Swedes make the best supergroups.  Same producer as In Flames' late 90s albums and sounds to me like what they could have sounded like if they kept on the same path rather than shifting directions in the 00s.  I'm guessing this could be what ariich picked up on too in his impression. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 11:50:54 AM
Lastly, Litho I’m currently listening to the At the Gates cover band, pretty good stuff.

Assuming you didn't look them up and you mean Nightrage, that's a really good guess!  The harsh vocals on that album actually are from Lindberg of At The Gates, so right on the mark.  And the drummer was in The Haunted with the Bjorler brothers of ATG, so he's also adjacent.  The Swedes make the best supergroups.  Same producer as In Flames' late 90s albums and sounds to me like what they could have sounded like if they kept on the same path rather than shifting directions in the 00s.  I'm guessing this could be what ariich picked up on too in his impression.

No I didn’t look them up, but I thought it must be a really good imitation as I’ve never heard of Nightrage. I’m quite surprised as At the Gates and The Haunted would both have albums in my top 100 (maybe 150). In the mid to late 00s I listened to The Haunted a LOT. I thought I was already pretty clued up with their side projects but obviously not. I’ll be checking this album out for sure  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 01:15:44 PM
Guess which EP I’m smashing now…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: TAC on July 19, 2023, 01:16:24 PM

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: soupytwist on July 19, 2023, 01:29:22 PM

There was a narrative I included when I sent it, but as it's total crap I'm not sure it'll enhance the listening experience  :yarr
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 19, 2023, 01:29:30 PM
I know "To the Sea" is a hoot, and I don't recall those Visions of Atlantis tracks offhand, but their last few albums are quite good. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 01:38:40 PM
There was a narrative I included when I sent it, but as it's total crap I'm not sure it'll enhance the listening experience  :yarr

Dude, I’m right there with you. Want to compare notes?

Mine included drug filled pizza, battles with mythical creatures, basement shows, weapons made of guitars, love, betrayal, a character who is in no way based off a DTF member and of course… Pizza Death  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: soupytwist on July 19, 2023, 01:41:06 PM
I know "To the Sea" is a hoot, and I don't recall those Visions of Atlantis tracks offhand, but their last few albums are quite good.

Yeah adding Clémentine Delauney took them from being a somewhat forgettable symphonic act to a B tier one.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2023, 01:51:43 PM
I know "To the Sea" is a hoot, and I don't recall those Visions of Atlantis tracks offhand, but their last few albums are quite good.

Yeah adding Clémentine Delauney took them from being a somewhat forgettable symphonic act to a B tier one.
I mean, don't big them up too much or anything.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 19, 2023, 02:16:01 PM
I know "To the Sea" is a hoot, and I don't recall those Visions of Atlantis tracks offhand, but their last few albums are quite good.

Yeah adding Clémentine Delauney took them from being a somewhat forgettable symphonic act to a B tier one.

Yeah, they struck gold there.  Though I'd say it's more B+, with some A- or higher individual songs. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: soupytwist on July 19, 2023, 03:20:30 PM
I know "To the Sea" is a hoot, and I don't recall those Visions of Atlantis tracks offhand, but their last few albums are quite good.

Yeah adding Clémentine Delauney took them from being a somewhat forgettable symphonic act to a B tier one.
I mean, don't big them up too much or anything.

26 letters of the alphabet and I've put em in the 2nd highest!  Before Clem they were definitely a R tier symphonic band along with the likes of Harmony Harlots, Sirens of the Swamp, Luna Badger and Wingera.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 19, 2023, 03:27:38 PM

I'm disappointed those aren't real bands. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: Glasser on July 19, 2023, 03:29:14 PM
There was a narrative I included when I sent it, but as it's total crap I'm not sure it'll enhance the listening experience  :yarr

Dude, I’m right there with you. Want to compare notes?

Mine included drug filled pizza, battles with mythical creatures, basement shows, weapons made of guitars, love, betrayal, a character who is in no way based off a DTF member and of course… Pizza Death  :metal

I put bath salts on my pizza, but that's a personal preference.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2023, 03:34:10 PM
So, I reckon I might be ready to post the first batch of results soon. Might even manage to get them ready before I go to bed but if not then definitely in the morning.

Results will be in batches of 3-4 at a time. It's likely going to take at least a couple more days to write them all alongside final listens but, like in my previous roulettes where I've had an EP or concept album final round, I don't want to make you just wait for ages. So batches it is!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: soupytwist on July 19, 2023, 03:39:23 PM
OK for shit and giggles I got Chatgpt to create a playlist.

So this is what I asked for......(directly lifted from Ariich's preferences)

Create a rock and metal playlist of 6 songs based on a theme for someone who likes..
- Strong melodies and harmonies (doesn’t necessarily need to be vocal melodies, and I’m absolutely fine with harsh vocals);
- Energy and dynamism/variety (which can include technicality);
- Strong production, of various types (e.g. punchy, deep, etc.);
- Atmosphere.
- Try to use less famous bands.

And here is the result....

Theme: Epic Journeys

Band: Caligula's Horse
Song: "The Tempest"
This progressive metal track combines intricate guitar work, captivating melodies, and emotive vocals. The song builds up gradually, creating a sense of anticipation and takes the listener on an epic musical journey.

Band: TesseracT
Song: "Nocturne"
TesseracT's blend of progressive and djent elements shines through in this song. The atmospheric soundscapes, powerful vocals, and intricate rhythms create a dynamic and immersive experience, making it perfect for an epic journey-themed playlist.

Band: Ne Obliviscaris
Song: "Pyrrhic"
Ne Obliviscaris is known for their unique blend of progressive metal and extreme elements. "Pyrrhic" features a symphonic backdrop, intense instrumentation, and a mix of clean and harsh vocals, resulting in a captivating and energetic composition.

Band: Haken
Song: "The Architect"
"The Architect" is a progressive metal masterpiece that showcases Haken's technical prowess and songwriting abilities. With its complex arrangements, melodic hooks, and atmospheric passages, it takes listeners on a sonic adventure that never fails to impress.

Band: Soen
Song: "Opal"
Soen's "Opal" is a mesmerizing blend of progressive rock and metal. It offers strong melodies, rich harmonies, and a powerful vocal performance. The song's atmospheric elements and dynamic shifts create an immersive experience, perfect for an epic journey-themed playlist.

Band: Leprous
Song: "The Price"
Leprous delivers a unique blend of progressive metal with avant-garde elements. "The Price" showcases the band's ability to create intricate, melodic compositions with a dark and atmospheric edge. It offers a wide range of dynamics, captivating the listener from start to finish.

This playlist incorporates bands that may be less famous but are highly regarded within the progressive rock and metal community. Each song exhibits strong melodies and harmonies, energy, technicality, and atmospheric elements, making it an engaging and diverse collection for someone who appreciates those qualities.

So that's probably better than mine  :omg:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: HOF on July 19, 2023, 03:42:40 PM
Did you specifically ask it to include progressive metal? Otherwise I’m not sure how it came up with those bands based on the inputs.

Nevermind, I see you said “rock and metal,” though I’m still surprised it went straight for prog metal.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2023, 03:45:22 PM
Did you specifically ask it to include progressive metal? Otherwise I’m not sure how it came up with those bands based on the inputs.

Nevermind, I see you said “rock and metal,” though I’m still surprised it went straight for prog metal.
Probably driven by "can include technicality".

I mean, other than 5 of those 6 songs being banned, it's a good playlist though I don't know that it would have gotten a particularly good flow score. Also there are too many artists. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: soupytwist on July 19, 2023, 03:46:12 PM
Did you specifically ask it to include progressive metal? Otherwise I’m not sure how it came up with those bands based on the inputs.

Honestly that's what it came up with from Ariich's preferences - I only added 'use less famous bands' as it threw a lot of Maiden and Nightwish into the first couple of tries - what I posted was try 3.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - EP top and bottom tracks
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 19, 2023, 03:47:50 PM
Ooh, "Nocturne" is a winner.  Good job ChatGPT!  Although "powerful" isn't the word I'd use to describe Ash's voice.  But I should get it to play in my roulette.  (https://i.imgur.com/9Po5i1a.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2023, 03:49:57 PM

No EP as yet. :sadpanda: But I will be happy to update this if you send me one.

Roulette total = 7.8 + 8.0 + 7.5 + 7.2 + 7.9 + 8.4 + (n/a) = 46.8 after 6 rounds out of 7

Final position: Did not finish

If you find time to send me an EP then I'll happily update this post, but even if not then I still want to say thank you for playing the first 6 rounds and sending an interesting selection of music! I appreciate you trying to hit some overlap in tastes when it comes to jazz, even though you meet with mixed outcomes when doing so. But then again, your efforts to branch out led to your best and worst scores and ended up no better on average. :lol Wheel is the act I'm most excited to check out further, of course, but I'll check out the rest too. Thanks again for playing and hope things settle down for you soon!

Glasser – Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
1. Black Flag - Slip It In
2. S.O.D. - Premenstrual Princess Blues
3. Warrant - I Saw Red
4. Coven - Iron Dick
5. Dolly Parton - PMS Blues (live)

First impression: This was very entertaining and I can’t fault you for thematic coherence even if it was at the expense of quality. Novelty aside, this is an incredibly mixed bag with a couple of very good songs in amongst the weakest music I’ve possibly ever been sent in a roulette.

Favourite: Dolly Parton - PMS Blues (live)
Least favourite: S.O.D. - Premenstrual Princess Blues

Final opinion: Oh Tom, what did you do?! :lol You wanted to go down in roulette history, and I mean, what a way to go in your first ever roulette. The theme of this EP is highly entertaining and your use of some of the songs in this context - I Saw Red especially - is hilarious. But there are no points available for theme or story, only music quality and flow, for which this is kind of an epic fail.

Positives first. I've never really listened to much Dolly Parton, but I love this song. The music is fun, Dolly is incredibly charismatic, and the lyrics have a wonderful sarcastic wit to them. The Warrant is also very good; glam rock isn't an instant winner for me but the emotional sincerity here is nicely done and it's a very solid song.

I've obviously heard of Black Flag but I'm not sure I've heard them before, so I don’t know how representative this is. It's very messy, and I wasn't at all keen at first, but I've somewhat come around on most of it for the cool Queens of the Stone Age vibe it has. The sex scene at the end I could really do without though, and overall the song is still a bit average.

The other two songs are, unfortunately, the worst I've ever been sent. I even checked what I was sent in that round in my v2 roulette (11 years ago!) where I asked people to send me something so bad it was entertaining, with the worst songs getting the highest scores, and still I don’t think any were as bad as this. :lol Some of the thrash riffs are kind of passable on their own but still very mediocre and topped with horrible vocals and ridiculous lyrics. I picked out the S.O.D. as the worst only because the Coven has a somewhat fun guitar solo, but both are pretty equally awful. It takes a lot to send me something I actively dislike, so finding two at a time is an impressive feat. The quality range on this EP was so vast that I didn't know how to score it, so I had to settle for scoring each song and taking a weighted average (by song length).

Despite the thematic coherence lyrically, the flow isn't any better. Not only does it jump between mostly completely unrelated genres and moods, the production styles and volumes are so different as to make the listening experience actively and amusingly unpleasant. Like, why are the heaviest songs musically so quiet sonically? If I don't change volume between tracks, the Coven especially just sounds so weak and pathetic which contrasts hilariously with the lyrics. If this was deliberate then you, my friend, are a comic genius, but that doesn't mean I ever want to listen to it again. :lol

Music quality score: 6.6
Flow score: 2.0
EP total: 8.6

Roulette total = 8.1 + 8.1 + 8.8 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.9 + (6.6 + 2.0) = 57.9

Final position: 23rd

Oh Tom, what a finish to your first roulette. :lol Looking at your line on the graph, I don't think "rise and fall" is enough to describe your journey. More the “Rise and Total Collapse of Glasser”. You were doing so well up until the last couple of rounds. Solid submissions in each of the first 5 rounds with one real standout in the form of Nospūn, which briefly put you as high as 5th place and the album for which I’m particularly excited to listen to. But really you sent me something in every round - yes, even the EP - that I’m looking forward to exploring further.

faizoff – The Last of Me
1. Deadmau5 - Avaritia
2. Deadmau5 - Strobe (Radio Edit)
3. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - Immigrant Song
4. Kendrik Lamar & SZA - All The Stars
5. A Perfect Circle - So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
6. Soulfly - Flyhigh

First impression: This is a little different to anything else I’ve been sent, which is why I’ve loved having you in this roulette regardless of your scores. The EP takes a weird turn at the end but otherwise it’s good, and I may have been sleeping on one of the artists.

Favourite: Deadmau5 - Strobe
Least favourite: Soulfly - Flyhigh

Final opinion: Alright so this is a solid EP, mostly both very good musically and flowing well but taking a dip in both regards at the end.

Deadmau5 is very much the artist I've been sleeping on. I've known about him for many years, since before I really got into electronic music, and I'm sure I've heard a track or two but never explored further. I love both these tracks. I picked out Strobe as the favourite just because it has such a nice lushness to it, but I also love the slower build of Avaritia so it sounds like the full version of Strobe might be even better.

I'll have heard the Reznor/Ross version of Immigrant Song when I saw the film, but it's pretty cool. Doesn't blow me away but I like the vibe. The Lamar/SZA collaboration is better. Really great in fact, and I'm minded to agree with Litho that SZA's parts are the most interesting, very richly melodic and engaging.

A Perfect Circle have never really excited me, and I don't think this really changes my mind. But it's a solid enough song, with a nice chorus and some grand use of strings. The Soulfly is the same but more so. I remember them from my teens and early 20s and never had any interest in them, and this does nothing to change that. It's not unpleasant, there's just not really anything here that hits my tastes.

In terms of flow, most of the EP is pretty good. Some of the transitions between songs are slightly jarring, I think mainly due to quite different production styles, but this is largely compensated for by some consistent threads including poppy and electronic elements, and relatedly a sort of pulsating beat that permeates throughout. The APC song deviates slightly but still feels close enough in vibe. But the Soulfly song definitely feels like too much of a departure. There's a sort of steady beat I suppose, but most elements of the song and the sound are too different to the rest and it ends up being very disconnected.

Music quality score: 8.2
Flow score: 3.7
EP total: 11.9

Roulette total = 7.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 7.0 + 8.1 + 7.7 + (8.2 + 3.7) = 58.4

Final position: 22nd

Like I said in my first impression, I’ve loved having you in this roulette because of the interesting range of things you’ve sent me, even if you’ve ended up ranked low. Which really is just because when you’ve missed the mark, you’ve missed it by quite a long way. :lol But you’ve hit the mark more often than not. Very much so with Van She and Deadmau5, but you’ve also made me want to explore NIN and Coldplay more as well. Thanks for being involved and for being such a good sport!

Stadler – The Arc of the Curve
1. Scorpions - Loving You Sunday Morning
2. Scorpions - Falling In Love
3. Scorpions - We’ll Burn the Sky
4. Fish - View From the Hill
5. Fish - Sunsets on Empire

First impression: To varying degrees I’m familiar with these artists, and all but one of the songs have increased my interest in exploring further. The first few songs remind me of what you achieved in round 2.

Favourite: Scorpions - We’ll Burn the Sky
Least favourite: Fish - View From the Hill

Final opinion: Last time I did an EP round, yours was one the weakest. This time you've sent me one of the stronger ones. The music is pretty great throughout, it flows well and is enhanced by an engaging emotional narrative.

Evermind sent me a quieter and more acoustic selection of Scorpions songs in my fogey roulette. It scored well but none of the albums I followed up on quite hit the mark. You've very much rekindled my interest with three songs from their more rocking side. To varying extents I really like all three songs. Falling in Love is probably the least exciting - the chorus is pretty weak - but it's still an enjoyable song. The other two are excellent. Sunday Morning is deceptive - it starts pretty straightforward but develops into some really engaging ideas later in the song, and that development is interesting in itself. And We'll Burn the Sky is just fantastic. Great hooks and a lot of emotion and passion.

I've never been especially enthralled with any era of Marillion and so never felt compelled to explore any of Fish's other work. View From the Hill is nice, but pretty much along the lines I would have expected. Stylistically, Sunsets on Empire isn't much different, but it has an emotional resonance - possibly affected by the theme of your EP - that makes it much more compelling and definitely encourages me to give his stuff a try.

The EP flows very nicely. The only minor thing against it really is that the two halves are quite distinct stylistically, which is the only reason it doesn’t score even higher. But on the plus side, the loose narrative about the rise and fall of a relationship works great and helps gel it all together. Narrative isn't necessary to these EPs and indeed musical and sonic flow should be the priority, but you've done both and used the narrative to good effect to enhance something that already flowed smoothly.

Music quality score: 8.2
Flow score: 4.2
EP total: 12.4

Roulette total = 7.9 + 8.4 + 7.9 + 7.4 + 8.0 + 7.4 + (8.2 + 4.2) = 59.4

Final position: 21st

So you didn’t manage to get into the higher part of the table by sending the best submission of the roulette this time, like you did two years ago, but you’ve managed to maintain once again a solid record of increasing my interest in older artists. Not everything was a hit, but even those that didn’t reach the 8/10 mark had some great stuff in them - for example, it just so happens that I’ve started digging into a couple of those Black Sabbath albums and I think you may have finally found one that I actually love in the form of Headless Cross. But I’m most excited to check out Fleetwood Mac, that Whitesnake live album and more Scorpions albums that I missed last time. Thanks as ever!


Click the graphs to enlarge.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: Crow on July 19, 2023, 04:15:58 PM
 :rollin :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :rollin

confirmed: i scored at least a 8.9 total in this round  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 19, 2023, 04:16:38 PM
I don't even know if Faizoff knows this or not, but "All the Stars" has two different versions with some different vocal melodies and ad libs.  I prefer the version he used, but this one is worth hearing as well. 

https://open.spotify.com/track/66kQ7wr4d2LwwSjr7HXcyr (https://open.spotify.com/track/66kQ7wr4d2LwwSjr7HXcyr)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 04:18:17 PM
Honestly Rich, I don’t know how you do it. I started listening to the EPs 30 hours ago (alongside listening to some other stuff) and I still haven’t finished them all. How many listens did you even do?

Also, glad I made it out of the bottom 4, that’s a surprise. Also, also, Glasser’s EP was great!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: jingle.boy on July 19, 2023, 04:20:32 PM
Tom’s lines on the charts are spectacular!  Has anyone ever fallen more than 50% in one round?!?!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2023, 04:24:09 PM
Honestly Rich, I don’t know how you do it. I started listening to the EPs 30 hours ago (alongside listening to some other stuff) and I still haven’t finished them all. How many listens did you even do?
I posted round 6 results on 2nd July, which means I've been listening for nearly 2.5 weeks. Probably seems quicker because we also did the bonus round, which was kind of the point - Keep up the fun and the momentum while I crack on with digging in to the music.

Ive listened to all the EPs 5 times in full and am doing 6th listens (with bits of skipping here and there) while doing the writeups. No scores have changed so far on these final listens and my expectation is that if any change at all it'll be very minor. As always though I'll always be a few writeups ahead of what I'm posting so I know that ranks aren't changing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: HOF on July 19, 2023, 04:39:42 PM
Man, there were 24 of us in this roulette. I knew that sort of, but hadn’t internalized that number. Madness!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 19, 2023, 05:07:15 PM
Man, there were 24 of us in this roulette. I knew that sort of, but hadn’t internalized that number. Madness!

Yea, it really hit home when I was making my way through all the damn EPs!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: ReaperKK on July 19, 2023, 05:22:08 PM
Just caught up with the thread and the writeups. I don't know how you did it but my hats off to you Rich.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: faizoff on July 19, 2023, 06:13:22 PM
It was fun playing ariich! taking part in roulettes is a lot of fun. I don't know people's taste's here as well as some of the others, seems like some of you have been playing forever and know the tastes down to the T.

You're a real trooper for accommodating so many people and taking in all that music! Thanks for indulging in my tastes. My music compared to others is fairly mainstream even though a bit varied so it's always daunting to see so many artists listed here who I have no idea about.

I don't even know if Faizoff knows this or not, but "All the Stars" has two different versions with some different vocal melodies and ad libs.  I prefer the version he used, but this one is worth hearing as well. 

https://open.spotify.com/track/66kQ7wr4d2LwwSjr7HXcyr (https://open.spotify.com/track/66kQ7wr4d2LwwSjr7HXcyr)

I did not know this! Will listen to it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 19, 2023, 06:58:54 PM
Those line graphs are amazing  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: Sacul on July 19, 2023, 07:11:15 PM
Do we have a single place with all the EPs? I'd love to dive into them but can't be arsed to go through all of these messages and scrap links :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: TAC on July 19, 2023, 07:20:25 PM
It was fun playing ariich! taking part in roulettes is a lot of fun. I don't know people's taste's here as well as some of the others, seems like some of you have been playing forever and know the tastes down to the T.

What I've generally found in my roulettes is that the people in the top half send consistently good stuff. But it's the people in the bottom half that somehow manage to send the most memorable tracks completely out of the blue. lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: lonestar on July 19, 2023, 07:27:57 PM
Do we have a single place with all the EPs? I'd love to dive into them but can't be arsed to go through all of these messages and scrap links :P

Here's the only one that matters...

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5fpW8lg6PQmY2Phicv0SID?si=10df4eb360504380 (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5fpW8lg6PQmY2Phicv0SID?si=10df4eb360504380)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: Glasser on July 19, 2023, 07:38:43 PM
I knew I wasn't winning so I wanted to "entertain" myself and hopefully a few of you, I know Luke enjoyed it and that's great. I had a great time and I want to thank Rich for having me.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: jingle.boy on July 19, 2023, 08:13:49 PM
You know Tom, finishing last can be just as impressive as finishing first. Anyone can be middle of the pack, but it takes something special to be dead last out of 24 participants.  :hefdaddy
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 19, 2023, 08:48:29 PM
You know Tom, finishing last can be just as impressive as finishing first. Anyone can be middle of the pack, but it takes something special to be dead last out of 24 participants.  :hefdaddy
Especially to go from middle of the pack to dead last in one fell swoop.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 19, 2023, 10:51:19 PM
It was fun playing ariich! taking part in roulettes is a lot of fun. I don't know people's taste's here as well as some of the others, seems like some of you have been playing forever and know the tastes down to the T.

What I've generally found in my roulettes is that the people in the top half send consistently good stuff. But it's the people in the bottom half that somehow manage to send the most memorable tracks completely out of the blue. lol

I know!  Right?  (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)  I've had the same two people send me arguably the worst two, but also arguably the best two songs of my whole roulette. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 20, 2023, 12:16:18 AM
It was fun playing ariich! taking part in roulettes is a lot of fun. I don't know people's taste's here as well as some of the others, seems like some of you have been playing forever and know the tastes down to the T.

What I've generally found in my roulettes is that the people in the top half send consistently good stuff. But it's the people in the bottom half that somehow manage to send the most memorable tracks completely out of the blue. lol

I know!  Right?  (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)  I've had the same two people send me arguably the worst two, but also arguably the best two songs of my whole roulette.

You’re welcome
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: Glasser on July 20, 2023, 01:40:53 AM
You know Tom, finishing last can be just as impressive as finishing first. Anyone can be middle of the pack, but it takes something special to be dead last out of 24 participants.  :hefdaddy

Great point Chad! I knew exactly what I wanted to do in this round and mission accomplished.  :biggrin:   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 20, 2023, 02:23:09 AM
Do we have a single place with all the EPs? I'd love to dive into them but can't be arsed to go through all of these messages and scrap links :P

I got you boo

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA)

Ok, so I finally made it through all the EPs, phew.

Here’s my personal ranking with favourite songs. I’ve decided to check out a few albums after hearing all these…

Me - Everybody Sins

Pretty Damn Good:
Soupy - The Great Escape
Wolfking - Under a Serpent Sun
Glasser - Iron Dick
Litho - Hero
Sacul - Dragonaut
King - Ashes

Buddy - Blood of the Past
Luoto - These Low Lands
Puppies - Beneath Thos Face
Stadler - View From the Hill
Reaper - The Free Spirit
TAC - Oceans
Crow - Everything Disappearing

Nick - Time Machine
Vmadera - Tears
Seneca - Suzanne
Lonestar - Worlds End
Jingle - Not my Saviour
Evermind - Relinquish

Not For Me:
Faizoff - Flyhigh
Romdrums - Circle Seven
HOF - No particular favourite
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: Evermind on July 20, 2023, 04:13:37 AM
Luke - did you listen to Orchestral version of Relinquish? The album version has screams :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 20, 2023, 04:36:04 AM
Luke - did you listen to Orchestral version of Relinquish? The album version has screams :lol

It was the orchestral one I think. Whichever one is on Rich’s playlist.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: nick_z on July 20, 2023, 04:43:59 AM

Nick - Time Machine

Yeah, I sent this one in your roulette too, and I think you felt more or less the same way then :)

Haven’t gone through all the music, but I certainly have to agree with the ATG song Wolfking sent. That one is classic!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: jingle.boy on July 20, 2023, 04:59:48 AM
Jingle - Not my Saviour

This is why it was a good idea for me not to participate in your roulette. 

Good on ya for sampling them all.   :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 20, 2023, 05:14:26 AM
Just to be clear, my ranking is based on the EPs as a whole, with my person favourite song from each EP. In some cases the best song on the EP (Evermind, Nick and Vmadera) I enjoyed more than every other song on their EP, and if the rest of the EP was more like that one song the whole EP would’ve scored higher. As I said before though, this ain’t my roulette so my opinion means Jack.

@Jingle, I really quite liked your EP, it’s just the others were more to my tastes. I’d always welcome anyone and everyone into my roulette. Look at Glasser. Dead last but you can bet your sweet ass Rich is glad he joined!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: lonestar on July 20, 2023, 08:56:25 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: Sacul on July 20, 2023, 11:31:28 AM
Do we have a single place with all the EPs? I'd love to dive into them but can't be arsed to go through all of these messages and scrap links :P

I got you boo

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA)
Thanks! And glad you liked my EP, hope ariich appreciates it as much.

Now, let's begin listening to... almost 12 hours of music?  :| :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: Evermind on July 20, 2023, 12:26:50 PM
Do we have a single place with all the EPs? I'd love to dive into them but can't be arsed to go through all of these messages and scrap links :P

I got you boo

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA)
Thanks! And glad you liked my EP, hope ariich appreciates it as much.

Now, let's begin listening to... almost 12 hours of music?  :| :lol

With my EP just stop after the first three tracks I think.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: ariich on July 20, 2023, 12:49:55 PM

HOF – Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
1. McStine & Minnemann - The Horse Is Dead
2. Field Music - Measure
3. McStine & Minnemann - The Flame
4. Field Music - Disappointed
5. McStine & Minnemann - Your Offenses
6. Field Music - Let’s Write a Book
7. McStine & Minnemann - Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
8. Field Music - Lights Up
9. McStine & Minnemann - Distant Bodies
10. Field Music - (I Keep Thinking About) A New Thing

First impression: Pretty straightforward approach you took to this EP but I think it works effectively for what you wanted to do. Not sure I love every song, but there's lots of talent and creativity.

Favourite: Field Music - Disappointed
Least favourite: McStine & Minnemann - The Flame

Final opinion: This ended up being a solid EP for both quality and flow, but not that exciting for either. Interestingly enough, while my first reaction was that the “dark to light” theme felt pretty clear, on subsequent listens I didn’t really feel it that way. McStine & Minnemann are more rocking than Field Music sure, but not very dark or even heavy, and there’s quite a lot of overlap which in the end helped the EP feel reasonably coherent.

Even though they don’t come first, I’ll start with Field Music as they were the one that I liked from the start. Definitely an interesting and pretty unique band with a lot of creativity and interest in exploring different sounds. While a couple of the songs didn’t end up having a huge amount of staying power, even those are interesting and I really dig the variety in their music despite there being a coherence to their sound. And my favourites of theirs - the ones that both create a distinctive mood and have some great hooks, Disappointed and Lights Up - are the best on the EP. Definitely interested in checking these guys out.

McStine & Minnemann are a bit more of a mixed bag, but also have some great stuff. I wasn’t very impressed at first, but that may be a reflection of the EP’s structure and not necessarily picking out the variety in their music right away. The good stuff is very good. While it sounds a bit like a Steven Wilson rip-off, The Horse is Dead is my favourite because - like Wilson and his various bands - it pretty much nails that gloomy prog vibe. Your Offenses is also strong. Indeed, unlike Field Music, I’m preferring M&M when they play it safer. The other songs are all fine and I enjoy them well enough, but they don’t really entice me back.

The flow on this is odd. Overall it’s good. Like I said, the structure works fine and the areas of overlap between the two bands mean they’re not too jarring alongside each other. If anything, the thing that does very slightly jar is the differences between the M&M songs. I enjoy variety and even love the Field music songs partly for that reason, but in this case the songs just feel quite disconnected from each other without any theme, idea or style to hold them together.

Music quality score: 8.0
Flow score: 3.9
EP total: 11.9

Roulette total = 7.5 + 7.9 + 8.7 + 7.7 + 7.5 + 8.4 + (8.0 + 3.9) = 59.6

Final position: 20th

It’s been great having you back in this roulette. Your average score (taking only the quality score from the EP) ended up the same as last time, bang on 8.0. :lol But, if anything, the journey to get there was even more up and down, with more lower scoring entries and fewer in the middle, but also the two best things you’ve sent me in the form of Dim Gray and Sweet Billy Pilgrim who I can’t wait to dig into. Even though we’re not necessarily that well aligned in the sorts of melodic hooks that interest us, I appreciate you trying different things out and hitting a couple of successes in the process.

Reaper – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
1. Michael Kelsey - Blue Gravity
2. Michael Kelsey - Lost On Purpose
3. Spencer Elliott - The Tournament
4. Kaki King - Bowen Island
5. Michael Kelsey - Sleepwalker
6. Kaki King - Joi
7. Kaki King - No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
8. Acoustic Labs - Desert Walk
9. Michael Kelsey - The Free Spirit

First impression: I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with guitar noodling, but this might be among the nicest I’ve heard. The style might have got a little samey, but there’s enough nuance between the different artists to keep it interesting.

Favourite: Spencer Elliott - The Tournament
Least favourite: Kaki King - Joi

Final opinion: I feel like I and others have been pretty clear in this roulette about the fact that acoustic guitar (and to be honest even electric guitar) noodling is not something that tends to excite me, and is therefore something I’m pretty picky about. So an entire EP of it was a pretty bold choice. That said, some of this is really nice and I want to explore further.

My favourite is easily the one Spencer Elliot song you sent. I don’t know if this is perhaps not very representative and that’s why you only included one track from him, but it has so much elegance and class and creates a wonderful vibe. The music itself is incredibly attractive and energetic, and his playing is versatile and engaging - hammering out the big main riff but then smoothly segueing into delicate runs. Lovely stuff.

The Michael Kelsey tracks are nice, probably on a par with the Phil Keaggy that Litho sent me in round 2 with some great moments (Sleepwalker in particular is really gorgeous) but other material that’s pleasant but doesn’t really grab me. Meanwhile, the Acoustic Labs track is attractive enough if a bit minimalist for my tastes.

Kaki King is the artist here that I’m least convinced by, and that hasn’t really changed with further listens to the EP. It’s kind of frustrating because there’s a wonderful atmosphere to the sound production in some tracks - Bowen Island especially creates a lush equatorial island sort of vibe. But I’m just not really finding anything in the music itself that appeals to me much.

Flow-wise, this is a solid 4 out of 5, nothing more and nothing less. It’s essentially a collection of tracks that fit very well together in genre, style and sound. I don’t really get any sense of journey or narrative over the runtime of the EP. I don’t mean a story narrative, but the EPs where I score flow higher than 4.0 (including in previous roulettes) are those that have either an emotional arc of some kind or otherwise develop in terms of style and sound such that as a listener I’m taken on a bit of a journey. This doesn’t do that, but as a collection of coherent tracks, I can’t fault it.

Music quality score: 7.9
Flow score: 4.0
EP total: 11.9

Roulette total = 7.6 + 8.1 + 7.7 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 + (7.9 + 4.0) = 59.7

Final position: 19th

Well I can’t fault you for being consistent! Your average score was almost exactly 8.0 (and accordingly your EP flow score was exactly 4.0/5) and you never strayed far from it in any round, ending up with one of the narrower score ranges in the roulette. Ranking on the lower end is simply a reflection of how competitive my roulettes are and those couple of early rounds that didn’t really hit the mark. But regardless, you sent me a lot of music that I liked and want to dig into, including angles not covered much by any of the many other players, which is ultimately what these things are all about.

Vmadera – The Still of the Night
1. Bang Camaro - Night Lies
2. Blacktop Mojo - It Won't Last
3. Silversun Pickups - Stillness (Way Beyond)
4. Silversun Pickups - Sticks and Stones
5. The Stone Roses - Tears

First impression: For all the varied music I’ve been sent in this roulette, this selection still feels kind of unique and enjoyable. Not as cheesy as I might have expected - indeed it’s generally tasteful and interesting.

Favourite: Blacktop Mojo - It Won't Last
Least favourite: The Stone Roses - Tears

Final opinion: I feel like you greatly overstated how cheesy this EP is. I mean, sure the narrative you built around it is pretty cliche, but that’s a little different. I was expecting something corny and/or sappy, but what I got was an interesting set of songs covering different styles but fitting together well.

The EP starts and ends with the songs that are the most - for want of a better word - normal, so I’ll start there. The Bang Camaro is very solid catchy, poppy hard rock. Nothing that really pushes the boat out, but it has fun riffing, nice guitar works and some pretty great hooks. Definitely a strong start to the EP. Stone Roses, on the other hand, are a band that have never really interested me and are easily the weakest here. The song is quite enjoyable once it gets going - the backing music is actually really nice, particularly in how up front the acoustic guitars are and I did the tasteful guitar solo. But the vocals are so whiny and out of tune as to weaken the overall effect.

The middle of this EP is where it really shines. The Blacktop Mojo song is the easy favourite, just a great, bluesy noir vibe, lovely melancholy melodies, slick delivery and a really nice, full sound. The downside of only having one song from them is that I’ve no idea how representative this is (which is why I structure my roulettes the way I do), but this song at least is fantastic.

Silversun Pickups are one of those names I’ve seen many times over many years but never knowingly listened to and didn’t even really know what to expect. These two songs are great. Stillness is slow and moody, really builds up an atmosphere and then the way it develops into the next song is really engaging. Sticks and Stones then maintains that vibe but in a more rhythmic, percussive way. The songs are great both individually and in the way they work together.

And I would say that’s the case for how this EP flows as a whole. The variety of styles on display could have felt like a slightly random assortment, and the Stone Roses does still stick out a bit as having quite a different - more dated - sound. But the sequencing flows smoothly and, cliche though it may be, the narrative gives it a very nice emotional arc.

Music quality score: 8.3
Flow score: 4.1
EP total: 12.4

Roulette total = 8.0 + 8.0 + 7.3 + 8.3 + 7.9 + 8.2 + (8.3 + 4.1) = 60.1

Final position: 18th

Not a bad showing at all for your first time in one of my roulettes. The first half was weaker in terms of scores as you found your feet, and round 3 in particular was a misstep that ended up keeping you in the bottom half. But from that point onwards pretty much everything else you sent me hit my tastes much better and you clawed back a respectable ranking in the end, especially in such a strong and competitive roulette. I’m particularly looking forward to digging into Fit For an Autopsy, Blacktop Mojo, Silversun Pickups and Volbeat’s more recent material!


Click the graphs to enlarge.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: King Postwhore on July 20, 2023, 12:51:32 PM
I'm surprised I wasn't in this group.  Maybe the flow of my EP bumped it up?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 1 (21-24)
Post by: Sacul on July 20, 2023, 12:58:44 PM
Do we have a single place with all the EPs? I'd love to dive into them but can't be arsed to go through all of these messages and scrap links :P

I got you boo

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA)
Thanks! And glad you liked my EP, hope ariich appreciates it as much.

Now, let's begin listening to... almost 12 hours of music?  :| :lol

With my EP just stop after the first three tracks I think.
I don't know when an EP begins and ends on that massive playlist tbh, guess I'll just have to pay much attention :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: ariich on July 20, 2023, 01:01:01 PM
Do we have a single place with all the EPs? I'd love to dive into them but can't be arsed to go through all of these messages and scrap links :P

I got you boo

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YBgQQDw6cG486lpjsNQvx?si=rzjTkm8nQkKjjliCoCTvVA)
Thanks! And glad you liked my EP, hope ariich appreciates it as much.

Now, let's begin listening to... almost 12 hours of music?  :| :lol

With my EP just stop after the first three tracks I think.
I don't know when an EP begins and ends on that massive playlist tbh, guess I'll just have to pay much attention :lol
The playlist is in order:

Alright, here is the completed hangman. Pretty solid effort! Top and bottom tracks should definitely be later today.

Buddy: Dark Matter / Star Light
    1: Sungazer – Threshold
    2: The Comet Is Coming – Blood Of The Past
    3: Sungazer – The Dark
    4: The Comet Is Coming – Angel Of Darkness
    5: Harmonix Music Systems – Dalatecht
    6: Sungazer – Cytherean

Crow: Sonoran Sunset Skies
    1: My Morning Jacket – One Big Holiday
    2: Zach Bryan – Dawns
    3: Orville Peck – Kalahari Down
    4: Trophy Scars – Everything Disappearing
    5: Car Seat Headrest – Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Evermind: Arrogance
    1: Kalandra – Borders
    2: Arstiðir – Shine
    3: Kalandra – Brave New World
    4: Scorpions – We Will Rise Again
    5: The Gathering – Monsters
    6: Currents – Monsters
    7: So Hideous – Relinquish (Orchestral) [outro]

faizoff: The Last of Me
    1: Deadmau5 – Avaritia
    2: Deadmau5 – Strobe (Radio Edit)
    3: Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – Immigrant Song
    4: Kendrik Lamar & SZA – All The Stars
    5: A Perfect Circle – So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
    6: Soulfly – Flyhigh

Glasser: Fuck The Flow: The Lonely Tampon
    1: Black Flag – Slip It In
    2: S.O.D. – Premenstrual Princess Blues
    3: Warrant – I Saw Red
    4: Coven – Iron Dick
    5: Dolly Parton – PMS Blues (live)

HOF: Disappointing, Said The Horse as He Floated From His Distant Body
    1: McStine & Minnemann – The Horse Is Dead
    2: Field Music – Measure
    3: McStine & Minnemann – The Flame
    4: Field Music – Disappointed
    5: McStine & Minnemann – Your Offenses
    6: Field Music – Let’s Write a Book
    7: McStine & Minnemann – Tear the Walls Down (No Memories)
    8: Field Music – Lights Up
    9: McStine & Minnemann – Distant Bodies
    10: Field Music – (I Keep Thinking About) A New Thing

jingle: Power|Ballads
    1: Poison – Strike Up The Band
    2: Poison – Theatre of the Soul
    3: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Not My Saviour
    4: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall – Stronger
    5: Hardline – Rhythm From a Red Car
    6: Hardline – 31-91
    7: Hardline – In the Hands of Time

King: Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
    1: Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side – Little Man
    2: Xerosync – Now I See You
    3: Magic Pie – Trick of the Trade
    4: Barock Project – Ashes
    5: Downes Braide Association – Your Heart Will Find The Way

Litho: The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
    1: James Newton Howard – Noah Visits
    2: Deadlock – Dying Breed
    3: Nightrage – Hero
    4: Nightrage – The Howls of the Wolves
    5: Sarah Jarosz – Run Away
    6: Sybreed – Ego Bypass Generator
    7: Deadlock – Bloodpact
    8: James Newton Howard – The Vote

lonestar: Genres Across Japan
    1: Little Lilith – ThanatoPhobia
    2: Little Lilith – LadyBug
    3: Li-sa-X Band – One More Chance is Enough
    4: Little Lilith – Lullaby
    5: Mary’s Blood – Unravel
    6: Li-sa-X Band – Just Be My Treasure
    7: Mary’s Blood – World’s End
    8: Li-sa-X Band – Looking Up To You

luke: god damn pizza death are great
    1: Pizza Death – Pizza Death
    2: Sound Ideas – Arpeggiated Series of Diminished 7th Chords on a Harp [interlude]
    3: Mother’s Cake – Cybernova
    4: Mother’s Cake – Hit on Your Girl
    5: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Magenta Mountain
    6: Andrew W.K. – Babalon
    7: Andrew W.K. – Everybody Sins
    8: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Ambergris
    9: Sound Ideas – Harp Glissando Accent [interlude]
    10: Pizza Death – Rise of the Anchovy

Luoto: Pohjola: Maiden of the North
    1: Swallow the Sun – These Low Lands
    2: Viikate – Suruvaippa
    3: Vermilia – Maisema
    4: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 1): Veritaivas
    5: Kamara – Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku

nick_z: A Journey of Muses
    1: Royal Thunder – Time Machine
    2: Madder Mortem – Rust Cleansing
    3: Secret Shame – Saccharine Dream
    4: Bat For Lashes – Moon And Moon
    5: Bat For Lashes – Daniel
    6: The Gathering – Saturnine

Puppies: Hidden
    1: VYGR – Orbital Hallucinations [intro]
    2: Archivist – Tying Up Loose Ends in the Cold Void of Space
    3: Woods of Desolation – And If All the Stars Faded Away
    4: Fen – The Dying Stars
    5: Esoteric – Beneath This Face

Reaper: No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete - An EP
    1: Michael Kelsey – Blue Gravity
    2: Michael Kelsey – Lost On Purpose
    3: Spencer Elliott – The Tournament
    4: Kaki King – Bowen Island
    5: Michael Kelsey – Sleepwalker
    6: Kaki King – Joi
    7: Kaki King – No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
    8: Acoustic Labs – Desert Walk
    9: Michael Kelsey – The Free Spirit

rodrums: A Simon Phillips Sampler
    1: Simon Phillips – V8
    2: Derek Sherinian – Dragonfly
    3: Derek Sherinian – Seven Seas
    4: Simon Phillips – Undeviginti
    5: Derek Sherinian – Scorpion
    6: Simon Phillips – Circle Seven

Sacul: from weed to bliss
    1: Sleep – Dragonaut
    2: Kyuss – Odyssey
    3: Kyuss – Green Machine
    4: Boris – Woman On The Screen
    5: Boris – Ibitsu
    6: Boris – Melody
    7: Boris – Farewell

seneca: On Your Rocks
    1: Leonard Cohen – Suzanne
    2: Tim Buckley – Song to the Siren
    3: Josh Ritter – Miles Away
    4: Ryan Adams – Oh My Sweet Carolina
    5: Patterson Hood – Come Back Little Star
    6: Leonard Cohen – Steer Your Way
    7: Josh Ritter – All Some Kind of Dream

soupy: Cheese Ahoy!
    1: Terra Atlantica – Guns and Drums
    2: Visions of Atlantis – Legion of the Seas
    3: Terra Atlantica – Mermaids Isle
    4: Alestorm – Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
    5: Pearl Jam – Among the Waves
    6: Alestorm – Shit Boat
    7: Katzenjammer – To The Sea
    8: Terra Atlantica – The Great Escape
    9: Visions of Atlantis – Return to Lemuria

Stadler: The Arc of the Curve
    1: Scorpions – Loving You Sunday Morning
    2: Scorpions – Falling In Love
    3: Scorpions – We’ll Burn the Sky
    4: Fish – View From the Hill
    5: Fish – Sunsets on Empire

TAC: Drown
    1: Moonloop – Oceans
    2: Horizon Ignited – Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
    3: Existem – The Drowning
    4: Moonshade – A Dreamless Slumber

Vmadera: The Still of the Night
    1: Band Camaro – Night Lies
    2: Blacktop Mojo – It Won't Last
    3: Silversun Pickups – Stillness (Way Beyond)
    4: Silversun Pickups – Sticks and Stones
    5: The Stone Roses – Tears

wolfking: Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
    1: At the Gates – Under a Serpent Sun
    2: Armageddon – Equalizer
    3: Obscura – Solaris
    4: Orbit Culture – North Star of Nija
    5: Septicflesh – A Desert Throne
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 20, 2023, 01:02:01 PM
How am I not out yet?  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: TAC on July 20, 2023, 01:03:01 PM
How am I not out yet?  :lol

Cuz you're awesome?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: lonestar on July 20, 2023, 01:14:49 PM
Unless my EP scored very, very high, I should be in the next batch.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: ariich on July 20, 2023, 01:31:25 PM
I'm enjoying all this speculation. :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: Sacul on July 20, 2023, 01:34:07 PM
Thanks rich! Ok just finished listening to Buddy's EP, and am midway through Crow's, so I'd rank them as:

1. Buddy
2. Crow

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: Glasser on July 20, 2023, 01:46:09 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 20, 2023, 01:49:08 PM
How am I not out yet?  :lol

Cuz you're awesome?

Rich be handing out trillions again.

Unless my EP scored very, very high, I should be in the next batch.

You and me both.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: HOF on July 20, 2023, 01:56:52 PM
20th in Ariich’s roulette, but 4th in Ariich’s kid’s roulette, so ultimately it all evens out.

I’m glad you liked a few things I sent, and I think you’ll enjoy digging into both Dim Grey (though they only have one other album) and especially Sweet Billy Pilgrim.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: Lonk on July 20, 2023, 01:58:02 PM
Vmadera – The Still of the Night
1. Bang Camaro - Night Lies
2. Blacktop Mojo - It Won't Last
3. Silversun Pickups - Stillness (Way Beyond)
4. Silversun Pickups - Sticks and Stones
5. The Stone Roses - Tears

And I would say that’s the case for how this EP flows as a whole. The variety of styles on display could have felt like a slightly random assortment, and the Stone Roses does still stick out a bit as having quite a different - more dated - sound. But the sequencing flows smoothly and, cliche though it may be, the narrative gives it a very nice emotional arc.

Thanks for having me  :metal I changed the EP 3 times before landing on this set of songs  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: Stadler on July 20, 2023, 02:01:40 PM
Lovin' it! Ariich, nice job, thanks for listening to my music.  This was fun!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: TAC on July 20, 2023, 02:06:05 PM
thanks for listening to my music. 

He heard what it can do.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: jingle.boy on July 20, 2023, 02:28:06 PM
thanks for listening to my music. 

He heard what it can do.

It was quite the gift.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: Sacul on July 20, 2023, 06:34:00 PM
Some cool stuff here, let's see, so far I'd say...

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 20, 2023, 11:00:44 PM
Well, at least I know I didn't completely tank my EP submission  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: jingle.boy on July 21, 2023, 05:44:54 AM
Well, at least I know I didn't completely tank my EP submission  :corn

So you incompletely tanked it?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 21, 2023, 06:47:29 AM
It was fun playing ariich! taking part in roulettes is a lot of fun. I don't know people's taste's here as well as some of the others, seems like some of you have been playing forever and know the tastes down to the T.

What I've generally found in my roulettes is that the people in the top half send consistently good stuff. But it's the people in the bottom half that somehow manage to send the most memorable tracks completely out of the blue. lol

I know!  Right?  (https://i.imgur.com/ami5DrG.gif)  I've had the same two people send me arguably the worst two, but also arguably the best two songs of my whole roulette.

You’re welcome

Definitely some of the most memorable, but not nearly the widest spread of quality. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: Stadler on July 21, 2023, 07:10:27 AM
Some cool stuff here, let's see, so far I'd say...

  • faizoff
  • Buddy
  • Evermind
  • Crow

You spelled "Stadler" wrong.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: Sacul on July 21, 2023, 07:25:55 AM
I'm going in order and your EP is near the end :P

But I'd probably just rank it as position 1,000,008 ;D

I'm on Glasser's rn, and boi oh boi, it's quite the experience :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 21, 2023, 07:35:46 AM
Well, at least I know I didn't completely tank my EP submission  :corn

So you incompletely tanked it?
This is a possibility. The jury is still out, though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: Sacul on July 21, 2023, 08:15:58 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: ariich on July 21, 2023, 08:31:05 AM

King – Breaking Through the Relationship Pain
1. Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side - Little Man
2. Xerosync - Now I See You
3. Magic Pie - Trick of the Trade
4. Barock Project - Ashes
5. Downes Braide Association - Your Heart Will Find The Way

First impression: There's a pleasingly hopeful tone to a lot of this. Seems like a nice mix of upbeat prog - nothing too challenging but all enjoyable.

Favourite: Magic Pie - Trick of the Trade
Least favourite: Xerosync - Now I See You

Final opinion: Some EPs were hard to choose either a favourite or a least favourite for. This one stands out as the hardest to pick both for because the quality is just so consistent. While the styles covered are not quite the same, you really tapped into my love of Moon Safari - prog that’s upbeat and pretty but has a sincere and emotive undercurrent to it.

Jonas Lindberg starts things off very strongly and a great encapsulation of the qualities that run through this whole EP. It’s very warm and heartfelt in composition and delivery, and quite lovely to listen to. Great introduction.

Xerosync is bottom of the pack but there is nothing whatsoever wrong with it. It’s a solid bit of prog, with a nice chorus and a pretty engaging (if short) quieter bridge section. But something has to come bottom, and this is the only one that doesn’t really extend beyond “solid” in a way that particularly excites me.

Magic Pie and Barock Project were the hardest ones to choose between for my favourite. They both fit well with the vibe of the EP, but instil a more dramatic flair which works really well both in itself and as part of the emotional arc of the EP. Trick of the Trade won out in the end because the chorus really is just so great. But Ashes also has a gorgeous moody vibe at times that is right up my alley, as well as some fun instrumental work.

And finally, I wasn’t sure what to expect of Downes Braide Association as, apart from one Asia album, I’ve never got particularly into Geoff Downes’ other work. But this is a great song. The AOR vibe is entirely what I would have expected, but it has such a nice gentle groove to it, and there’s a lovely balance of melancholy with again that hopeful tone that hits a nice sweet spot.

As well as being full of good music, this EP also flows great which is not easy when each song is from a different artist. But despite some differences in style, the commonalities that link them together are dominant and make it feel coherent, and the emotional arc in both the music and lyrics works very well. A really great EP to listen through.

Music quality score: 8.4
Flow score: 4.4
EP total: 12.8

Roulette total = 7.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.8 + 7.7 + 8.4 + (8.4 + 4.4) = 60.4

Final position: 16th (joint)

You came bottom of my last roulette and didn’t have a great start to this one, but you quickly got back on track and ended up finishing on a real high. Those A.C.T. albums and basically all the artists from your EP I’m excited to dig into, you really did nail those last two rounds. But also the Avett Brothers and Our Lady Peace I’m looking forward to as well. Thanks for always being in these roulettes, sending me good music and being a lot of fun to have on board!

Sacul – from weed to bliss
1. Sleep - Dragonaut
2. Kyuss - Odyssey
3. Kyuss - Green Machine
4. Boris - Woman On The Screen
5. Boris - Ibitsu
6. Boris - Melody
7. Boris - Farewell

First impression: This is all pretty cool but I feel like, to get the most out of it, you need to be in a particular mood I’m unlikely to be in. There’s a nice groove throughout though, and it all feels very coherent.

Favourite: Sleep - Dragonaut
Least favourite: Boris - Farewell

Final opinion: As you know, I’m very open to different genres and sounds, but some styles naturally speak to me more than others. Neither stoner rock nor noise rock have a sound that particularly appeals to me, but I can definitely dig them with the right balance of groove and good hooks. This EP starts solid, but kind of gradually deteriorates over the course of its runtime. :lol

Sleep is the artist here that I’m most keen to check out more of. There’s not much in the way of interesting vocal melodies maybe, but the song is carried by the general groove and the main riff which is extremely cool. There’s also a great moment in the latter part of the song where the bass takes over, which I dig.

Kyuss also interest me. I wouldn’t say I love these two songs, and I’m not wholly sold on the thrash-influenced riffs, but I can see the appeal. I like the way they maintain the groove from the first song but instil a bit more energy and dynamism.

Boris is where this EP loses me a bit, though. There are good moments, for sure. The opening riff of Woman On The Screen kicks off with a ton of energy, Ibitsu has an enjoyable punky vibe, Melody is a pretty solid song all round, and even Farewell has some nice atmospheric moments. But, with the exception of Melody, these songs all sound quite messy to me, and with vocals that I find either uninteresting in terms of melodies or, in the case of Farewell, frustratingly out of tune. Unless you’re someone who is generally really into this style then I feel like you would need to be pretty stoned to get into this, and as someone who doesn’t do drugs myself, I’m unlikely to be in the right frame of mind.

On the whole, these songs fit quite well together and there’s a coherence of vibe, but I’ve not ended up enjoying the flow as I would have liked. I think partly it's a feature of the music moving further and further away from my tastes as it goes, but also there are big shifts in volume and sonic style (especially from Kyuss to Boris) that a little jarring.

Music quality score: 7.6
Flow score: 3.8
EP total: 11.4

Roulette total = 8.3 + 8.9 + 8.0 + 7.8 + 7.9 + 8.1 + (7.6 + 3.8) = 60.4

Final position: 16th (joint)

Certainly not a bad place to rank in general terms, but probably not what you were hoping for when you were joint 1st in round 2! You really nailed those first two rounds and I’m excited to dig into both Sohn (who was one of the very best submissions of the entire roulette, and fits well with other music I listen to already) and Kendrick Lamar (which will materially expand the amount of hip hop I have in my collection). The rest didn’t hit the mark in the same way, but it was all good still and The Microphones especially I’m looking forward to exploring as well.

romdrums – A Simon Phillips Sampler
1. Simon Phillips - V8
2. Derek Sherinian - Dragonfly
3. Derek Sherinian - Seven Seas
4. Simon Phillips - Undeviginti
5. Derek Sherinian - Scorpion
6. Simon Phillips - Circle Seven

First impression: The aspect you wanted me to concentrate on is as excellent as I expected. The music is very cool although I feel like it never really reaches a focal point, melodically speaking.

Favourite: Simon Phillips - Undeviginti
Least favourite: Derek Sherinian - Dragonfly

Final opinion: This will hardly come as a shock, but unless I’m seeing a band live, in person, then I tend to be a little picky when it comes to jazz and fusion. Simon Phillips is a great drummer, and indeed I’ve seen him on stage as part of Hiromi’s Trio Project, which is her best era (in my opinion) and was one of the best jazz gigs I’ve ever been to. This EP is an excellent showcase for his playing and demonstrates what a capable composer he is, but it doesn’t quite manage to excite me overall.

On the whole the tracks from his solo Protocol project are the ones I find most engaging. V8 and Undeviginti, especially, have an upbeat, energetic richness to them that’s very enjoyable. The expansive instrumental work in Undeviginti especially is great, including some really nice saxophone and a pretty memorable main motif which the other tracks have less of. Circle Seven has some great moments too, but bits of it meander a little, which isn’t a size of jazz and fusion that appeals to me hugely unless it’s done in a particularly interesting way.

The Sherinian tracks, while I’m not so into them, are still a nice surprise. I don’t find him a particularly exciting songwriter and this doesn’t really shift my view on that, but I hadn’t realised he went full on fusion in his solo work. Or are these just a handful of fusion tracks otherwise surrounded by prog and metal? I suppose Seven Seas does build into full-on prog territory. Either way, they’re pretty cool. His style of hammering the keys works well for the style, and Phillips’ drumming adds nicely to the sound as well. I enjoy it all, I just find that other than the second half of Seven Seas, it never really comes back to any particularly memorable hooks.

The EP flows pretty well, covering a coherent style with some slight branching out but nothing that strays too far from the core sound. It’s one of those that feels like simply a collection of songs that fit well together - just with the score knocked down very slightly because of the quite big volume shifts between tracks interrupting the flow a bit at times.

Music quality score: 7.8
Flow score: 3.9
EP total: 11.7

Roulette total = 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.0 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.2 + (7.8 + 3.9) = 60.8

Final position: 15th

I think this has been your most consistent performance - and narrowest range of scores - in any of my roulettes. Never managed to get above the median, but never fell far below it either. I enjoyed everything - Imogen Heap was the big standout and I feel silly for not having checked her out sooner. But Monobody and Obsidious I’m also really looking forward to digging into, and I’ll check the rest out too as nothing you sent was really a dud.

luke – god damn pizza death are great
1. Pizza Death - Pizza Death
2. Sound Ideas - Arpeggiated Series of Diminished 7th Chords on a Harp [interlude]
3. Mother’s Cake - Cybernova
4. Mother’s Cake - Hit on Your Girl
5. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Magenta Mountain
6. Andrew W.K. - Babalon
7. Andrew W.K. - Everybody Sins
8. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Ambergris
9. Sound Ideas - Harp Glissando Accent [interlude]
10. Pizza Death - Rise of the Anchovy

First impression: For something so silly in concept, I can’t help but appreciate how surprisingly well it works. For better or worse, most of the music is very much along the lines I expected, but there are some nice surprises too.

Favourite: Andrew W.K. - Babalon
Least favourite: Pizza Death - Pizza Death

Final opinion: While not as ludicrous as Glasser’s legendary EP, this is still one of the more ridiculous ones in concept. The difference, which works in its favour, is that the absurdity is concentrated at the edges, while the core of the EP is full of good music that flows well. As a result, it’s a genuinely enjoyable and entertaining EP to listen to.

Pizza Death is pretty much exactly what I expected. :lol As a novelty act, they’re hilarious and a lot of fun, but at the end of the day it’s pretty generic and tuneless thrash metal that just happens to be about pizza. Thankfully, the songs are incredibly short so they don’t affect the overally quality much, and the way they bookend things along with the dreamy harp interludes is pretty great for the narrative that you’ve built around the EP.

I’ve heard Mother’s Cake before, but I don’t remember them being this damn funky. Cybernova doesn’t do a whole lot, but it’s an effective atmospheric build up to Hit On Your Girl which is really great. Proper funk prog, a bit bonkers, a ton of fun and with some great hooks.

And then we have more King Gizzard! I think it’s the first time I’ve ever had one person send me the same artist twice in one roulette, and of course it had to be you with the Lizard Wizard. I definitely don’t think you’ve found a second KG album for me to love, but I’ve been surprised at how well these two work as bridging songs, providing a breather between the more energetic material. Very pleasant.

And finally, Andrew W.K. I had absolutely no idea how epic his music has gotten. Literally the only thing I remember was all his hits from I Get Wet which were immensely popular, a lot of fun but very much “party rock”. And there’s for sure still a sense of fun, but damn these songs both have such a huge sound and grand epic vibe. It was hard to choose a favourite, as they’re both pretty equally great.

I’m not sure I can really explain why, but I thoroughly enjoy how this EP flows. Without your narrative it probably would have felt a little random, but with the narrative in mind, it just works really well. Even down to using the harp interludes to enter and leave the drug-fuelled hallucination dream sequence that is the core of the EP was genius, and that central core itself flows well. Despite the pretty different styles, none of the transitions feel jarring, and the tone develops throughout in a surprisingly compelling way. Just a really fun experience all round.

Music quality score: 8.2
Flow score: 4.2
EP total: 12.4

Roulette total = 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.5 + 7.8 + (8.2 + 4.2) = 60.9

Final position: 14th

Your scores have basically been an almost perfect zig-zag, consistently switching back and forth between green up arrows and red down arrows and never jumping by less than 0.3 in either direction. The sub-8 scores ultimately kept you in the bottom half, but a strong EP brought you back close to the median. Even those ones I’m interested in checking out, but it’s the >8.0 scoring entries that I’m far more excited by, especially catching up on what I’ve apparently been missing out on from Billy Talent, Andrew W.K. and Mother’s Cake. And I guess Pizza Death. :lol


Click the graphs to enlarge.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: Sacul on July 21, 2023, 08:40:18 AM
That's fair, kinda expected you to dig Boris more, but then I haven't had good luck with them on this forum, so it was worth trying at least. People get amazed I love this stoner stuff, or electronic parties, while being completely sober - like they can't comprehend just enjoying a hard hitting riff or beat all over your body without taking psychedelics or something, it's so sad. Anyway, check out Sleep, they have few albums but they're all great, in particular Dopesmoker - let me know if you ever get around to it, I'd be curious to see your reaction to it ;D

Congrats ariich (for letting me play here, you're welcome)!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: ariich on July 21, 2023, 08:48:27 AM
People get amazed I love this stoner stuff, or electronic parties, while being completely sober - like they can't comprehend just enjoying a hard hitting riff or beat all over your body without taking psychedelics or something, it's so sad.
Oh in general I totally get it, just not so much with Boris. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: lonestar on July 21, 2023, 08:54:27 AM

Damn, I must've done really well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: Sacul on July 21, 2023, 08:57:49 AM

Damn, I must've done really well.
Currently listening to your EP, I feel ariich would like it way more than I do :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: faizoff on July 21, 2023, 09:01:14 AM
  • Sacul
  • faizoff
  • Buddy
  • Evermind
  • HOF
  • Crow
  • Kinger
  • jingle.boi
  • Glasser

Dang very cool appreciate you and everyone else listening to my EP. I'm going to make a conscious effort to check out some of these other EPs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 21, 2023, 09:04:16 AM
I’ll take 15th! It’s better than I had hoped. Also glad you loved the EP. Yes it featured two bands you weren’t too thrilled about but I am so happy you liked the Andrew WK album. His work, post I Get Wet, is pretty hit and miss to be honest, but the last album was honestly so damn good. It is like some synthy, sci fi, Meatloaf record or something! And I LOVE IT.

I felt kinda confident you’d like it, but not as much as you did maybe. Make sure you check out God Is Partying. Actually check out Cyberfunk! by Mother’s Cake as well, it’s pretty funky, obviously.

Once we’re done I’ll share my story for my EP.

Now, just waiting to hear Sacul’s opinion on it  :corn

As always, thanks for having me, it’s been a fun roulette and one that will go down in history as the largest yet inexplicably run to a tight time schedule.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: TAC on July 21, 2023, 09:07:07 AM
I love how the From Weed To Bliss results ends with “joint”.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 2 (18-20)
Post by: Stadler on July 21, 2023, 09:16:25 AM
I'm going in order and your EP is near the end :P

But I'd probably just rank it as position 1,000,008 ;D

I'm on Glasser's rn, and boi oh boi, it's quite the experience :lol

Haha, I'm just busting on you, friend.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: ariich on July 21, 2023, 09:20:04 AM
I’ll take 15th! It’s better than I had hoped. Also glad you loved the EP. Yes it featured two bands you weren’t too thrilled about but I am so happy you liked the Andrew WK album. His work, post I Get Wet, is pretty hit and miss to be honest, but the last album was honestly so damn good. It is like some synthy, sci fi, Meatloaf record or something! And I LOVE IT.
That sounds amazing, can't wait to hear it. :lol

Once we’re done I’ll share my story for my EP.
Feel free to share it whenever you want, no need to hold it back!

I love how the From Weed To Bliss results ends with “joint”.  :lol

Not intentional.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: lonestar on July 21, 2023, 09:22:01 AM

Damn, I must've done really well.
Currently listening to your EP, I feel ariich would like it way more than I do :lol

*mentally lowers Sacul's score*
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: Sacul on July 21, 2023, 09:24:08 AM
Now, just waiting to hear Sacul’s opinion on it  :corn
Currently listening to yours, I'll keep you updated ;D


Damn, I must've done really well.
Currently listening to your EP, I feel ariich would like it way more than I do :lol

*mentally raises Sacul's score to 1 trillion points*
woah thanks chief, sorry luke :hefdaddy :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 21, 2023, 09:38:23 AM
1 trillion is chump change. Come at me when you score 10 trillion.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: lonestar on July 21, 2023, 09:40:46 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: Sacul on July 21, 2023, 09:42:51 AM

So far your EP is a mixed bag, has some of the best songs of the round, but some tracks are just mid. Let's see how it ends up.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 21, 2023, 09:43:21 AM
You’re mid  :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: Sacul on July 21, 2023, 09:48:06 AM
You’re midget
woah is 1.65m considered midget in 2023 rly?? so rude and short-people-phobic, im cancelling you on dreamtheaterforums.org smh my head
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: ariich on July 21, 2023, 09:56:42 AM
You’re midget
woah is 1.65m considered midget in 2023 rly?? so rude and short-people-phobic, im cancelling you on dreamtheaterforums.org smh my head
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: King Postwhore on July 21, 2023, 09:59:51 AM
I love how the From Weed To Bliss results ends with “joint”.  :lol


Rich, thanks for having me.  A.C.T. newer work is quite exciting.  They have a very dramatic flair I like.  The Last album from Barock Project is excellent as well. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 21, 2023, 10:01:46 AM
King, that Barock Project track was truly awesome. I’ve queued up the album in one of my playlists.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: King Postwhore on July 21, 2023, 10:04:09 AM
King, that Barock Project track was truly awesome. I’ve queued up the album in one of my playlists.

Their last 2 albums are fantastic.  I saw them at RoSfest and they blew my doors off, live.  As a matter of fact, yesterday, the keyboardist and the lead singer posted a pic of them on the stage.  I made a joke I was the small dot in the back.  The lead singer chuckled at me.  That was an excellent weekend of music.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: Crow on July 21, 2023, 11:16:51 AM
congrats ariich!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 21, 2023, 12:27:30 PM
1 trillion is chump change. Come at me when you score 10 trillion.

You're at 110 trillion+ in all roulettes combined, everyone else is just playing for 2nd place now. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: TAC on July 21, 2023, 12:56:27 PM
You’re midget
woah is 1.65m considered midget in 2023 rly??

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: ariich on July 21, 2023, 03:08:51 PM

jingle – Power|Ballads
1. Poison - Strike Up The Band
2. Poison - Theatre of the Soul
3. Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall - Not My Saviour
4. Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall - Stronger
5. Hardline - Rhythm From a Red Car
6. Hardline - 31-91
7. Hardline - In the Hands of Time

First impression: You’re not the only one to go with a heavy and light theme, but I do really like your take on it. Most of the music is not a style that generally tends to excite me, but these songs are enjoyable enough.

Favourite: Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall - Not My Saviour
Least favourite: Poison - Theatre of the Soul

Final opinion: A solid EP, and I like the way you tackled the ‘dark to light’ theme by choosing three artists and switching between more rocking songs and slower ones.

We start with Poison, who are the band that interests me least here, but the songs are still pretty good. Strike Up the Band especially has a fun, charismatic energy to it and a nice hook in the chorus. There are many slower songs that I love (including some very high scoring ones in my roulettes) but I tend to be more drawn to the more emotive and/or unusual side of the style. Theatre of the Soul hints at that briefly in its heartfelt pre-chorus, but otherwise it's a bit middle-of-the-road for my tastes.

We then move onto Magnus Karlsson’s brand of more modern hard rock/power metal. Slightly on the cheesy side, perhaps, but both really nice songs with very memorable melodies. The chorus of Not My Saviour, especially, is super catchy, while Stronger hits more of the emotive notes that I like in a ballad.

And finally Hardline, who I’m not sure I’d even heard of before. Pretty straightforward classic rock in style, and so it was never likely to blow me away, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how much I dig all three songs anyway. As much slick energy and charisma as the Poison tunes, but with much stronger hooks. Rhythm in a Red Car gets in my head each time I hear it, 31-91 is a gorgeous acoustic guitar interlude (see, this is how to do acoustic noodling!), and In The Hands of Time finishes on a grand note.

Like I said, I really enjoy your take on the theme. I would have scored it higher for flow, but there’s too big a difference in style, production and overall volume between Magnus Karlsson and the older bands for it to work as a smooth listen. As a concept, I feel you would have done better to pick either classic rock or more modern power-ish metal, although of course your quality score would then have depended on what artists you substituted in.

Music quality score: 8.1
Flow score: 3.9
EP total: 12.0

Roulette total = 8.2 + 7.7 + 8.6 + 8.4 + 8.1 + 8.2 + (8.1 + 3.9) = 61.2

Final position: 11th (joint)

As you can see from the graphs, especially the points one, you were the very definition of “middle of the pack” in this roulette. In 5 out of 7 rounds, YOU were the median that everyone else’s scores were being compared against. :lol That’s no bad thing in such a competitive roulette. I feel like my fogey roulette has prompted you to send more classic rock again, while also helping me be more open to it as well, which I think is a good thing for both of us. Thanks for playing once again, and thanks especially for Nuclear Power Trio and Triosphere!

seneca – On Your Rocks
1. Leonard Cohen - Suzanne
2. Tim Buckley - Song to the Siren
3. Josh Ritter - Miles Away
4. Ryan Adams - Oh My Sweet Carolina
5. Patterson Hood - Come Back Little Star
6. Leonard Cohen - Steer Your Way
7. Josh Ritter - All Some Kind of Dream

First impression: Two of these singers sound so similar, are you sure they're separate people? Not sure I loved every song, but there's some lovely stuff and a real warmth throughout.

Favourite: Leonard Cohen - Steer Your Way
Least favourite: Leonard Cohen - Suzanne

Final opinion: An elegant collection of country and country-adjacent songs, all of which are pleasant and some of which are excellent.

As you’ve noticed already, Leonard Cohen offers both my favourite and my least favourite songs here. :lol I suppose they’re both from very different time periods - almost the exact opposite ends of his long career - and are quite different in sound and tone. I’ll mention Tim Buckley here as well, because really those first two songs have a lot in common (even the vocals sound really similar) and to be honest they don’t interest me all that much. But Steer Your Way is fantastic. So dark and evocative. I’ve heard a few Cohen songs before and never felt hugely compelled to dig in, but I’m now very intrigued by his later material.

Josh Ritter is more clearly in a modern folk/country kind of style, and both his songs here are really nice. I don’t have a great deal to say about him other than I like the songs a lot. The writing, the sound and the vocals are all very tasteful and heartfelt.

Ryan Adams I’ve heard of, of course, but I don’t think I’ve ever listened to. I’ve no idea how much this represents his music in general - I gather he also explores more folk rock territory from what I’ve seen about him in the past - but it’s a really lovely song. Very delicate and emotive. The Patterson Hood song is kind of similar - I don’t find his voice quite so engaging, but the song has a real warmth to it and is an incredibly pleasant listen.

The flow is good on the whole. Nothing special really, just a collection of songs in a similar genre and with several common threads running through. The differences in styles and eras very slightly disrupt a smooth listen, but the impact of that is minimised by the general consistency of tone.

Music quality score: 8.2
Flow score: 3.9
EP total: 12.1

Roulette total = 7.6 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.6 + 8.3 + 8.5 + (8.2 + 3.9) = 61.2

Final position: 11th (joint)

You didn’t have the strongest start in this roulette, but you sure worked hard to pull yourself back up. In fact, after round 3, you have the 5th highest total score for the rest of the roulette. Some of the indie and country was at least as good - if not even better - than what you sent me back in my v5 album roulette, but it was also nice to see you branch out into some other styles too and get a sense of your tastes more widely, with Dan Swanö’s solo stuff being particularly exciting. It was great to have you back this time, thanks for being involved!

soupy – Cheese Ahoy!
1. Terra Atlantica - Guns and Drums
2. Visions of Atlantis - Legion of the Seas
3. Terra Atlantica - Mermaids Isle
4. Alestorm - Zombies Ate my Pirate Ship
5. Pearl Jam - Among the Waves
6. Alestorm - Shit Boat
7. Katzenjammer - To The Sea
8. Terra Atlantica - The Great Escape
9. Visions of Atlantis - Return to Lemuria

First impression: Yeah ok this is definitely cheesy. :lol I’m not sure any of these artists are likely to be entirely my thing, but it’s a lot of fun for what it is.

Favourite: Visions of Atlantis - Legion of the Seas
Least favourite: Pearl Jam - Among the Waves

Final opinion: We’re going on an adventure! On a boat! The narrative is a bit of silly fun, but musically it turned out surprisingly well. It's very enjoyable, fits the theme perfectly, and even has some genuinely great moments in it.

Terra Atlantica are probably a little on the cheesy end of power metal for me, on the whole, and the pirate/sailor angle nudges it further still in that direction. To be honest, the thing I’m least keen on is the frequent sections that are just power metal covers of other music. So corny. :lol But in the end, the songs are still very enjoyable. Guns and Drums is a bit of fun and very much sets up the EP. The two substantive songs are nothing mind-blowing, but good fun and with nice, easy hooks, and the last few minutes of The Great Escape are actually rather excellent.

When it comes to the power/pirate metal side of this EP, Visions of Atlantis are the band I'm most interested in. Return to Lemuria is perhaps a little cheesy and has some slightly bland moments, but it works well enough as a closer and like The Great Escape it does have some great parts like the guitar and keys solos. But Legion of the Seas is my favourite song here; still cheesy for sure, but a genuinely great bit of power metal with a mega catchy chorus.

Alestorm are generally a pretty hilarious band. I've heard and rated their first few albums and somewhat enjoy them (I even own one of them) but definitely see them as a novelty act. Surprisingly though, Zombies Ate My Pirate Ship is one of the best things I've heard from them. The lyrics are absurd of course, but the music is actually solid symphonic metal and the female guest vocals work great. Shit Boat is… well it's exactly what I expected, but it's hilarious and a lot of fun.

I've never really dug into Pearl Jam and this is not going to prompt me to do so. Just not a style that interests me without strong melodic hooks, of which there are approximately zero.

And finally, Katzenjammer! This song could easily have been my favourite, it was very close. What a wonderfully catchy and entertaining bit of Scandinavian folk music with lovely vocal harmonising.

Flow-wise, this EP is really good. The Pearl Jam kind of sticks out like a sore thumb but the rest has a commonality of production style and nautical vibe such that it all fits together well, and the narrative of the EP gives it all an enjoyable arc and smooth flow.

Music quality score: 8.0
Flow score: 4.0
EP total: 12.0

Roulette total = 8.4 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.0 + (8.0 + 4.0) = 61.2

Final position: 11th (joint)

Like Chad, you never really strayed far from the median in this roulette and ended up bang on it in the last two rounds. You stuck to your guns (and drums) with quite a lot of power and symphonic metal, with pretty great success! Seven Spires I’m most excited about and indeed I’ve just checked out Gods of Debauchery and it’s a hell of an album. But lots of the other metal you sent was ludicrously catchy as well. It wasn’t just the metal though, The Pierces did great on the lighter side. Thanks for playing and covering a niche not that well represented by the other players!


Click the graphs to enlarge.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: jingle.boy on July 21, 2023, 03:18:28 PM
I was going to go with 3 bands from the 80s/90s (Skid Row was going to be the third), but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to throw in some Magnus.

Glad you found a few gems.  FWIW, that Hardline debut has both Neal Schon and Dean Castronovo providing the guitar and drum work, and the solo from In The Hands of Time is perhaps my fave Neal Schon solo of all time.

Happy to have maintained the middle-of-the-pack pace throughout.  Steady Eddie!

lonestar really did crush it this round!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: lonestar on July 21, 2023, 03:41:43 PM
Holy shit I leaped 6 spots to a top 10 finish?  :omg: :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: ariich on July 21, 2023, 03:45:02 PM
Holy shit I leaped 6 spots to a top 10 finish?  :omg: :metal
I think you'll enjoy seeing the graphs once your results are posted - I like having both the rank graph and the points one because it really shows how movements in points can be small or large but rankings don't always move correspondingly!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: Crow on July 21, 2023, 03:51:19 PM
at least a 10.8! woo!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: Sacul on July 21, 2023, 04:52:36 PM
Oops forgot to update it, let's see...

luke, your EP had some fun tracks (Pizza Death), some mid tracks (Andre W.K. and the first Mother's Cake song), and some awesome tracks (King Gizz, and the second Mother's Cake song). So I guess that's a few trillion + 8 points, well done.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 21, 2023, 05:19:31 PM
I’ll take it, woooooo
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: lonestar on July 21, 2023, 06:16:17 PM
Oops forgot to update it, let's see...

  • Sacul
  • king pizza and the luke wizard
  • faizoff
  • Buddy
  • Evermind
  • HOF
  • Crow
  • Kinger
  • jingle.boi
  • Glasser

luke, your EP had some fun tracks (Pizza Death), some mid tracks (Andre W.K. and the first Mother's Cake song), and some awesome tracks (King Gizz, and the second Mother's Cake song). So I guess that's a few trillion + 8 points, well done.

Mine wasn't even worth listing? :(
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: nick_z on July 21, 2023, 06:26:43 PM
Oops forgot to update it, let's see...

  • Sacul
  • king pizza and the luke wizard
  • faizoff
  • Buddy
  • Evermind
  • HOF
  • Crow
  • Kinger
  • jingle.boi
  • Glasser

luke, your EP had some fun tracks (Pizza Death), some mid tracks (Andre W.K. and the first Mother's Cake song), and some awesome tracks (King Gizz, and the second Mother's Cake song). So I guess that's a few trillion + 8 points, well done.

Mine wasn't even worth listing? :(

I think Sacul is going by the EP's playlist order, which is alphabetical by username, so he hasn't gotten to yours yet  :)

EDIT: actually, I'm wrong, he should have by now, if he's done luke  :biggrin: Not sure, then...Litho's isn't listed either, sooo....who knows...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 21, 2023, 06:31:53 PM
Oops forgot to update it, let's see...

  • Sacul
  • king pizza and the luke wizard
  • faizoff
  • Buddy
  • Evermind
  • HOF
  • Crow
  • Kinger
  • jingle.boi
  • Glasser

luke, your EP had some fun tracks (Pizza Death), some mid tracks (Andre W.K. and the first Mother's Cake song), and some awesome tracks (King Gizz, and the second Mother's Cake song). So I guess that's a few trillion + 8 points, well done.

Mine wasn't even worth listing? :(

I think Sacul is going by the EP's playlist order, which is alphabetical by username, so he hasn't gotten to yours yet  :)

EDIT: actually, I'm wrong, he should have by now, if he's done luke  :biggrin: Not sure, then...Litho's isn't listed either, sooo....who knows...
They were just that bad, apparently.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: Sacul on July 21, 2023, 08:24:51 PM
lmao I forgot to add them, despite having an actual table with rankings myself :lol. Here they are:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 22, 2023, 03:59:13 AM
I’ll take 15th! It’s better than I had hoped. Also glad you loved the EP. Yes it featured two bands you weren’t too thrilled about but I am so happy you liked the Andrew WK album. His work, post I Get Wet, is pretty hit and miss to be honest, but the last album was honestly so damn good. It is like some synthy, sci fi, Meatloaf record or something! And I LOVE IT.
That sounds amazing, can't wait to hear it. :lol

Once we’re done I’ll share my story for my EP.
Feel free to share it whenever you want, no need to hold it back!

Yea dude, I hope you like the latest Andrew WK, someone else on here needs to!

I’ll hold fire with posting my EP story until the roulette is over I think.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 4 (11-13)
Post by: ReaperKK on July 22, 2023, 06:52:39 AM
I've been on the edge of my seat with these writeups, I also still have to catch up on the eps :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: ariich on July 22, 2023, 06:57:27 AM

lonestar – Genres Across Japan
1. Little Lilith - ThanatoPhobia
2. Little Lilith - LadyBug
3. Li-sa-X Band - One More Chance is Enough
4. Little Lilith - Lullaby
5. Mary’s Blood - Unravel
6. Li-sa-X Band - Just Be My Treasure
7. Mary’s Blood - World’s End
8. Li-sa-X Band - Looking Up To You

First impression: No surprises here, but lots of great stuff with top notch playing and nice hooks. One or two of the artists could be among the best you've sent in the roulette.

Favourite: Li-sa-X Band - Looking Up To You
Least favourite: Mary’s Blood - Unravel

Final opinion: You’ve somehow managed to send equal or better stuff with every round in this roulette, which is an impressive feat. This EP is remarkably consistent. I have a clear ranking of favourites but really all three artists are varying degrees of excellent.

I’ll actually go in reverse order of favourites here and start with Mary’s Blood. To be clear, I like both songs a lot. Of the j-metal bands I’m familiar with, they remind me most of Lovebites, with the strong western power metal influence in the music. Unravel only ended up bottom of the pack because something had to be there, and the melodic hooks don’t capture me as much as the other songs, but there are lots of nice flourishes in the composition and production that make it a pretty great song still. World’s End is more straightforward power metal but it has a strong chorus and some great playing.

As you said in your PM, Little Lillith are j-jent. :lol As I’ve said plenty of times, I don’t get what all the tussle is over djent - it’s primarily a style of riff. Like any style of riff, it gets boring if that’s all the music is, and I do appreciate that when it rose in popularity there was a whole movement of artists who did that and nothing else. But a bunch of boring musicians obviously doesn’t confer any qualities on the style itself and what other artists do with it. Anyway, rant over. These songs are great! Really poppy and catchy stuff mixed in with the crunchy rhythmic riffs, which is a combination I tend to find really enjoyable and these girls do it well. LadyBug has some less interesting moments in the verses, but then the metalcore stuff brings a really enjoyable intensity.

And finally, the best artist you’ve sent all roulette, Li-sa-X. I’m aware of her from a guest solo she did on Andy Gillion’s Arcade Metal album, so I knew she was an incredible player, but the quality of the songwriting here is a wonderful surprise. I also love the singer, so it’s a shame that she left and the group disbanded after only a couple of singles. I read that the other two formed a new band with another singer, so hopefully that goes somewhere, everything about these songs is just really great - the riffs, the hooks, the performances. I guess I’ll have to just make do with a makeshift four-song EP.

Flow-wise, this is pretty much exactly like Reaper’s EP - a collection of tracks that fit very well together in genre, style and sound. They feel very much like a coherent, curated collection of songs, they just don’t really do anything more beyond that other than the emotive style of Looking Up To You working very nicely as a closer.

Music quality score: 8.4
Flow score: 4.0
EP total: 12.4

Roulette total = 7.8 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + (8.4 + 4.0) = 61.3

Final position: 10th

I’ll be honest, I was a little sceptical when you set out to only send - broadly speaking - one type of artist for the whole roulette. I obviously loved some all-women Japanese bands already, but others I’d heard hadn’t hit the mark and I didn’t feel sighted on how many there might be that aligned with my tastes. The first couple of rounds didn’t fill me with confidence either, decent though they were. But expectations never materially affect my judgement, and damn if it didn’t pay off in the end. Sending better and better stuff with each round has seen you steadily climb the rankings and finally jump into the top half right at the finish. As you’ll see from the points graph, you were sat at the bottom of a cluster of people, most of whom you overtook, which is what allowed you to jump up 6 places. :lol Anyway, really looking forward to digging into all of this!

wolfking – Remember that Death is Not the End, but Only a Transition
1. At the Gates - Under a Serpent Sun
2. Armageddon - Equalizer
3. Obscura - Solaris
4. Orbit Culture - North Star of Nija
5. Septicflesh - A Desert Throne

First impression: This is all very much what I’d expect to get from you, and it’s a solid selection of fairly intense songs. Two of these bands I really feel like I should have heard before.

Favourite: Septicflesh - A Desert Throne
Least favourite: Obscura - Solaris

Final opinion: This was one of the least surprising EPs but it’s a solid one. All the songs are good, some are great, and the styles are consistent with only a few differences in production getting in the way of it flowing smoothly.

At the Gates are a band I feel I must surely have heard before. They’re an iconic part of that 90s Gothenburg melodeath movement but for some reason I’m not at all familiar with their stuff. The song is solid, but not among my favourites I’ve heard from that era. Then again, it wasn’t until the second half of the 90s that In Flames and Dark Tranquillity - the other essential bands from the movement - started producing music that hit the mark for me, so this still makes me want to explore more.

The Armageddon song is more of a modern take on melodic death metal, probably on a par overall with At the Gates. On the one hand, the heavy riffing is less interesting, but the clean vocals and soaring lead lines compensate effectively.

Obscura is another band I’m surprised I’ve never checked out, considering I’ve been sent no fewer than three off-shoot bands/solo projects in my roulettes. :lol This is pretty much along the lines I expected, and it’s pretty good - ferocious, fast and played with incredible skill. But it definitely falls into the same trap as most technical death metal which is insufficient focus on interesting melodic hooks for me.

The Orbit Culture song I heard (or at least the in-studio live video of it) in Caelan’s bonus round, and it’s really good. Their style is hard to pin down, in this song at least - on RYM they’re described as a mix of melodic death metal and groove metal, and I think that’s probably what it is. Reminds me a bit of Diablo in that regard. Anyway it’s a cool song.

And then saving the best for last, we move on to Septicflesh. Despite the rather unpleasant name, this is right up my alley when it comes to MDM. Heavy, grand, brooding and doomy. The strings really expand the sound and drive the melodic hooks. Epic stuff!

Flow-wise, there are differences in the specific style/sub-genre of each song, but enough commonality that it all works well together and nothing feels out of place. As I said, the only thing that stops this getting a 4/5 lonestar and Reaper’s EPs is that there are some big shifts in production style and volume that disrupt the listening experience a little.

Music quality score: 8.1
Flow score: 3.8
EP total: 11.9

Roulette total = 8.6 + 8.1 + 8.4 + 8.5 + 8.4 + 7.8 + (8.1 + 3.8) = 61.7

Final position: 9th

Shame you took a dip in the last two rounds because up to that point you were sending me so much top-notch stuff, more consistently great than in my previous roulettes and even giving you a shot at the title. You may not have finished on a high, but at least the EP had some cracking stuff in it too. I’ve actually in the past few weeks worked my way through most of Keep of Kalessin’s stuff and damn it’s just great. I’ll check out every other artist you sent me too, but the ones I’m most looking forward to are Brymir, Wolfheart, Blessed By A Broken Heart and Septicflesh. Great to have you on board once again! :metal

Buddy – Dark Matter / Star Light
1. Sungazer - Threshold
2. The Comet Is Coming - Blood Of The Past
3. Sungazer - The Dark
4. The Comet Is Coming - Angel Of Darkness
5. Harmonix Music Systems - Dalatecht
6. Sungazer - Cytherean

First impression: This felt varied, fusing together two or three distinct genres, but still really cohesive. The inclusion of vocals (and good ones at that) in styles that don’t always have them helps keep it pretty engaging.

Favourite: Sungazer - The Dark
Least favourite: The Comet Is Coming - Angel Of Darkness

Final opinion: Evidently you have a knack for making me really top-notch EPs. It’s a fantastic fusion of jazz and electronica, with some poppy infusions here and there as well to help give it some clear melodic hooks. Sungazer leans more electronic while The Comet is Coming is more jazz, but there is enough overlap of elements of their sounds to strike a great balance between varied and coherent.

Sungazer are for sure my favourite here, all three tracks are just great. Threshold is very jazztronica and it’s excellent, a really great sound and fusion of styles and it sets the tone for the rest of the EP masterfully. The Dark is, yeah, unsurprisingly my favourite of the lot - short and simple, but poppy, catchy, warm and immersive, and she has a great voice. And then Cytherean is the most jazzy of their tracks here, and really helps bring together the different styles covered on the EP. The more mellow vibes are very lush and work great as a closing track.

The Comet is Coming are an interesting band. Obviously I heard another song from them in the bonus round which was pretty cool. Of the three, Blood of the Past is a firm favourite and a really great track. The synths do suggest some electronic influences, but underneath it’s fairly straight up jazz fusion and it’s pretty great. Angel of Darkness doesn’t grab me in the same way. The sound is neat still, but the main motifs the saxophone plays gets kind of grating after a while.

Dalatecht seems to be from a video game soundtrack? I can’t work out if Harmonix Music Systems is even the name of the artist, but anyway it’s a lot of fun. Sort of over-the-top grand and epic at the start, and really enjoyable, and then developing into some poppy electronica in the second half with nice sounds and catchy vocal lines.

In terms of flow, this EP is excellent. Despite some differences in style (the most noticeable being the grandiose stuff at the start of Dalatecht), the tracks generally fit together really well, the ordering works great and the way you edited them into a single file provides very smooth transitions between tracks, making this a great listen.

Music quality score: 8.4
Flow score: 4.3
EP total: 12.7

Roulette total = 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.0 + 8.1 + (8.4 + 4.3) = 62.1

Final position: 7th (joint)

You may not have the highest score but you were the most consistent. Including the EP quality score, all your rounds were within a 0.4 point range, narrower than any other player, and never falling below 8 this time! You seem to do a better job than anyone else of hitting my tastes when it comes to electronic music, which I’m grateful for, but the other styles you covered were all successful too. As a result I'm keen to explore at least something from every artist you sent me.

Litho – The Luminescent Nocturnal Tango
1. James Newton Howard - Noah Visits
2. Deadlock - Dying Breed
3. Nightrage - Hero
4. Nightrage - The Howls of the Wolves
5. Sarah Jarosz - Run Away
6. Sybreed - Ego Bypass Generator
7. Deadlock - Bloodpact
8. James Newton Howard - The Vote

First impression: The songs all sound good to great, though some of the heavier ones seemed so similar to other bands it was a little distracting. I’m not yet sure how well it all fits together, as there are some big shifts in mood and style.

Favourite: Sarah Jarosz - Run Away
Least favourite: Sybreed - Ego Bypass Generator

Final opinion: There’s a lot of great music on this EP, both from the melodeath side and from the lighter side. All three metal bands remind me to varying degrees of something else, but that’s not generally a problem. It flows fairly well but while I totally get what you were doing with it, I think I like the idea more than the execution.

The two pieces by James Newton Howard from the film score of The Village that bookend this EP are really nice. Noah works well as a short opener, implying a dramatic element in what is to come. As a closer for what is predominantly a metal EP, The Vote perhaps goes on a little long. I don’t really listen to soundtracks for things I don’t know quite well already (I saw The Village when it came out but recall nothing about the music) and so it’s missing that connection to any narrative. But as a piece of music it’s pretty lovely.

Deadlock are probably my favourite of the metal bands here, and it was a good call to include two full songs from them. Because of Christian Älvestam’s immediately recognisable vocals in Dying Breed, there’s an obvious comparison to Scar Symmetry. But that’s only because it’s actually the same guy, so definitely not an issue, and his sections are great anyway. In general, the music is rich and melodic and both the growls and the female singer are top notch.

Nightrage are also strong. Hero definitely sounds a lot like early In Flames, which is a little distracting because the sound is so iconic, and then there’s a guest appearance from Tom Englund and suddenly it sounds (slightly) like Evergrey. :lol But despite the lack of originality, it’s still a very solid song, and the acoustic interlude that follows is nice too.

We then step away from the melodeath into some bluesy acoustic folk in the form of Sarah Jarosz. I’m not convinced it quite works in terms of flow, but it’s definitely been good for your quality score as it’s my favourite song here. I can absolutely see the comparison to Monica Heldal - different voice, but big similarities in the composition, melodies and general vibe, and it’s really lovely for all the same reasons.

And finally to our last metal band, Sybreed. There’s actually plenty I like here. The comparison that jumped out to me from the start was Soilwork, especially in the verses and some of the guitar work. The thing that holds it back as the weakest of a generally strong bunch is the chorus. Compared with Soilwork’s big hooks and soaring choruses, the melodies here are pretty uninteresting. But it’s still a decent song overall.

I wasn’t sure about the flow at first, but I’ve mostly come around on it. I like your approach to the ‘light to dark, dark to light’ theme, actually following the lyrics so that you have two darks and two lights in a row, and so on. And most of the transitions work ok in themselves. But I think the differences in instrumentation and style are a little too big to quite work for me - the Sarah Jarosz song is gorgeous but is pretty minimalist and bluesy and doesn’t really fit great in amongst the melodeath. Similarly, the bookends work ok but the closer does go on fairly long. Not huge issues and definitely still a good listen, but they do knock the flow score down a notch or two.

Music quality score: 8.3
Flow score: 3.8
EP total: 12.1

Roulette total = 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.4 + 8.4 + 8.8 + 8.3 + (8.3 + 3.8) = 62.1

Final position: 7th (joint)

With the exception of a relative misstep in round 2, you just sent me hit after hit in this roulette. Even including round 2, you still got an average score on a par with the very best first-timers in my roulettes. I really appreciate the time and thought you put into trying to decipher and meet my musical interests (you probably have as much handle on it as I do at this point :lol). I’m most excited about Haerts, but really I’m looking forward to digging into pretty much everything It’s been fantastic having you on board, and in general getting to know each other musically over the course of our respective roulettes.


Click the graphs to enlarge.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: lonestar on July 22, 2023, 07:20:56 AM
Yeah, it's a shame that Lisa X didn't continue in that form, Rina is such a good singer. She hasn't signed onto anything new either, I follow her socials and she just post little vids of herself singing. Their new act, Koiai with Kotono on vox is much more poppy so far, they're recording now I do believe so we'll see how it pans out, she is a tremendous singer as well, most recently appearing with Ironbunny (who you almost got in this roulette lol). Mary's  Blood has a massive discography spanning 10 years, lots of good power metal there, and lots of Saki just fucking shredding. Little Lillith is fairly new, just two full albums, one that just dropped and is pretty solid.

Funny side story, I got a bud who's on a metal vacation in Japan right now. and aside from the bands that are defunct and the Korean band, he literally saw every band I sent you (Saiseiga, Band Maid, Hanabie, AG, TRiDENT, and Little Lillith) on top of Nemophila, Lovebites, and Gacharic Spin. I really hate him but at least he is hooking me up with a few shirts and a GS signed program(be jealous.....). It was like I'd send you a band, then he'd post seeing them live and I'm just all 'motherfucker....'

Anyhoo, I was glad I took up this challenge, it gave me time to dig deeper into some bands that I really hadn't, and to further appreciate them. Pretty proud of my finish, even though not only did I only send Japanese artist with one Korean band, but any session musicians aside (not sure of AG's band or who does bass/drums for Lisa), there are only two males in all the bands I sent. I'm always a big fan of promoting female musicians whenever I can, and I think the talent pool of the Japanese is way, way too fucking deep to be denied.

Glad you enjoyed the lot of what I sent, and thanks for taking on this enormous task with such vigor. You shame all other roulette runners with your commitment man.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: jingle.boy on July 22, 2023, 07:24:34 AM
In looking at the graph, I realize that I coulda been a contender if not for the score for Rik Emmett!

thanks for taking on this enormous task with such vigor. You shame all other roulette runners with your commitment man.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: Evermind on July 22, 2023, 07:53:27 AM
Hopefully I'm not in the next batch :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 22, 2023, 08:32:28 AM
Hah, this came out a bit longer than I expected, but you know, it's me...

I did some math last night, and I had a suspicion I might fall down into this group.  But at least it's at the top of it.  If I had gotten slightly closer to the top towards the end or had maintained a higher position earlier on I might have tried to do something different with the EP, but I had grown too attached to it by then.  It was essentially created from a number of artists popping out in my tentative list that I wanted you to hear or seemed like they might work with the limited amount I can decipher of your taste - Jarosz obviously from you sending Heldal in my roulette (and with Puppies trying to send that exact same song in mine he should probably listen to it as well, the vibe hopefully can't just be a coincidence).  And also, melodeath-ish albums will sometimes have a song a bit like that, In Flames' "Everlost (Part II)", Opeth's "Coil", the first couple minutes of Dark Tranquillity's "Insanity's Crescendo", etc. 

So it was a matter of how can I fit together the wild differences of some film score cinematic classical, a variety of 00s-era melodeath, and a mellow folky tune, and I had the epiphany of tying it into the overall roulette theme.  So I'm pretty happy with how I managed to sequence it as best as I could, though I knew the flow was risky and could have potentially scored even lower.  It's probably the reverse way to come up with flow, so that part is better than I feared. 

I wanted to have "The Vote" partly because it's my favorite piece on the score, and partially because I didn't want it to feel like just a tacked-on intro/outro - I wanted James' composition and Hilary's playing to be just as much a part of the submission as everything else.  I like when melodeath bands can incorporate acoustics, violins and such into their music, and also electronics, which are quite different worlds, so I tried to merge them as best as I could. 

It's also interesting that you considered the Nightrage -> Jarosz flow as the worst, since I thought the former going acoustic transitioned them reasonably well, and the folk -> electronics shift to Sybreed would be more jarring (plus the impression hinting that they were contrasting as best/worst cuts) in spite of the fade-out/fade-in of each track and them being in the same key smoothing it out a bit. 

It's fascinating that you didn't like the chorus of "Ego Bypass Generator" - their hooky choruses are often considered one of the highlights of their music.  I guess that one just fell flat.  Maybe they won't hit for you like Insomnium so far hasn't totally connected for me, but if you have time at some point, definitely give that album a spin, or I can point out some of their other standout tracks. 

I'm annoyed that I've missed out on the first seven of these, but glad to finally be part of one, it's been a delight.  Once the roulette is over I have a couple other things I'll send, an alternate for round 5 I axed after the Keaggy disaster, and an alternate for round 6 that I'll mention more about when I send it. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 22, 2023, 09:26:54 AM
Suck it Litho, I told you Cytherean was great. :neverusethis:

Thanks for having me! It says a lot about how well I did in one of your earlier roulettes that all 8s still feels like underperforming a bit. :lol But I'm very much looking forward to hearing your thoughts on each of the bands you check out!

Dalatecht is from the soundtrack to Amplitude, which you can't really download or stream anywhere legitimately. But someone posted a download link on Reddit with the whole thing (a disgruntled former employee, I hypothesize :lol) and I managed to grab it. I think you'd like it a lot, yeah it's a soundtrack but it's basically structured like a concept album. Hit me up if you want me to send it to you.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 22, 2023, 09:30:23 AM
Seems I need to give Sarah Jarosz a listen.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 22, 2023, 09:34:38 AM
Suck it Litho, I told you Cytherean was great. :neverusethis:

Turning Adam Neely into Han-Tyumi cancels out the jazziness.  :p
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on July 22, 2023, 09:36:11 AM
Suck it Litho, I told you Cytherean was great. :neverusethis:

Turning Adam Neely into Han-Tyumi cancels out the jazziness.  :p

You need to work on your cyborgphobia. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 22, 2023, 09:49:57 AM
I'm picky about synthetic vocals like Crow is about black metal and ariich is about instrumental guitar music.  ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 3 (14-17)
Post by: nick_z on July 22, 2023, 10:46:56 AM
You’re midget
woah is 1.65m considered midget in 2023 rly??


I.e. the only measurement system that makes sense  :biggrin:

Incidentally - since we are quoting Sacul - I want to reiterate how freakin' fantastic Kyuss' Green Machine is. Been in love with that song since I first saw the video on tv back in 1992. When the drums come in to propel that riff, man. It's one of those moments.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: Crow on July 22, 2023, 12:03:22 PM
well we're reaching the point where i know my EP wasn't a total flop, at least  :corn

i am in suspense
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: wolfking on July 22, 2023, 07:57:53 PM
Yeah, couldn't hold the quality unfortunately.  I thought Kreator would have been up there too but that's where it started to fall apart and I guess I knew from that round it was over so probably didn't put as much in it from there to be honest Rich.  To be fair, haven't been on here as much anyway to due life shit.

Glad you are checking out KOK though, I'm doing the same so mission accomplished I guess.  Wonderful band.  Armada is incredible if you haven't gotten onto that one.

For Brymir, their last one, Voices in the Sky is excellent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 22, 2023, 08:59:20 PM
Glad you are checking out KOK though, I'm doing the same so mission accomplished I guess.  Wonderful band.  Armada is incredible if you haven't gotten onto that one.
Armada and Kolossus is where it's at for me. The band kind of lost the plot after those albums.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: Crow on July 22, 2023, 09:01:22 PM
Glad you are checking out KOK though
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: wolfking on July 23, 2023, 04:35:02 AM
Glad you are checking out KOK though, I'm doing the same so mission accomplished I guess.  Wonderful band.  Armada is incredible if you haven't gotten onto that one.
Armada and Kolossus is where it's at for me. The band kind of lost the plot after those albums.

Gotta dive into the others but the new one is pretty good too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 08:21:44 AM
Yeah the new album is amazing, currently my favourite. Armada and Kolossus are the next best for sure but I think everything in between is also excellent.

I've had a lot on this weekend but I hope to be able to get the last two batches of results up tonight. I'll keep you updated if not!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: Evermind on July 23, 2023, 08:24:07 AM
Looking forward to read the results in the morning!

Congrats ariich!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: Evermind on July 23, 2023, 08:30:39 AM
By the way here's the narrative I sent to ariich in case anyone's interested (there was more in my PM but this is the official part):


Years ago, a tenuous Pact between the Earth and humanity was finally reached after a prolonged time of mutual hatred and struggle for survival. With technological progress running rampant and amok, the Earth was driven to her breaking point. Yet now, and ever since humans have amended their ways, their relationship, while still strained, has turned the corner. Time is a great healer, as they say.

But one day, the history was bound to repeat itself.

There is a young woman, Lys, who acted as an ambassador for Earth all these years, and the title is hers by right. While you may find her serene and content, she is far from it—she is aware of every single tremble of leaves on the wind, every single wave of the seas raging while the inevitable storms come, every volcano grumbling uneasily, containing the eruptions as long as the Earth adheres to the Pact. It became easier for her as of late, now that the blinding hatred of humanity has been continuously ebbing away. Mother Earth doesn't know mercy or love as we know and experience it, but it does know hatred and pride and grudging respect.

There is an old man, Ophiar, who acted as an ambassador for humans back in the days, and is now on his death's door. He was behind the most of the Pact—he pushed for the remaining humans to abandon the cities, the factories, and the wonders they built, and go back to the old days of living in the wilderness. He is one of the few who still remembers the extinction war against the very nature, and knows better to dig up the old secrets and histories. His days on Earth are numbered, and the Earth herself will weep when his time comes.

There is an ambitious man, Nathan, who was born long after the Pact was made. Raised on the cautionary tales about the past, he dreams about returning the humanity its former glory. When there are no more voices left in the world to warn the young off that dangerous path to inevitable doom, he will attempt to seize the opportunity to unite the settlements and lead humanity to a better future as the new ambassador. After all, the secrets long buried in the cracked and broken and abandoned cities are all still there, ripe for the taking.

And then there is the Earth herself, wiser and far less patient than the last time. She is not going to endure years of constant abuse again. Yet as the humanity sets their eyes on the potential glory, and the black smoke from the factories once again threatens to cloud the sun, moon and stars, there is one last attempt to be made, out of respect. The ambassadors will meet, and try to come to an agreement, and if it can't be reached...

Well, if Mother Earth has to burn, this time she will burn on her terms.

1. Kalandra - Borders [Lys]
2. Árstíðir - Shine [Ophiar]
3. Kalandra - Brave New World [Lys]
4. Scorpions - We Will Rise Again [Nathan]
5. The Gathering - Monsters [Lys]
6. Currents - Monsters [Nathan]
7. So Hideous - Relinquish (Orchestral) [Mother Earth - Outro]


Total length: 32:56
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 5 (7-10)
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 23, 2023, 10:55:49 AM
Damn it Ruslan, you’re gonna make my narrative look even more amateur than it already is!

Really cool story though dude, I might give the EP another listen with it in mind.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 01:37:45 PM

nick_z – A Journey of Muses
1. Royal Thunder - Time Machine
2. Madder Mortem - Rust Cleansing
3. Secret Shame - Saccharine Dream
4. Bat For Lashes - Moon And Moon
5. Bat For Lashes - Daniel
6. The Gathering - Saturnine

First impression: I like the way this covers different styles but has a consistent tone to it, which helps it feel coherent. The songs all seem pretty strong in a moody sort of way, with one artist in particular standing out immediately.

Favourite: Bat For Lashes - Moon And Moon
Least favourite: Secret Shame - Saccharine Dream

Final opinion: So the brief you set yourself here was a selection of artists with great female vocals that are a little unusual for their genres. Like I said in my first impressions, there are different styles covered but it's a very coherent selection and all the singers are fantastic.

We start with Royal Thunder, and really this is a very close second favourite behind Bat for Lashes. Her voice is amazing, with a dark and brooding tone but absolutely belting it out when she needs to. And the song is similarly excellent - nothing special at the start (although still really good) but wonderful in the way it develops, and by the end it has a very immersive sound.

You may have noticed that the Madder Mortem song is no longer my least favourite. On this final listen, the song has finally (somewhat) clicked! There are still moments that don’t quite grab me melodically, particularly the chorus which I find a little weak. But otherwise, there's plenty to like about it including great vocals, some nice crunchy riffing and essentially two really engaging bridge sections.

Secret Shame then are the ones to now take the bottom spot. There’s a slightly more chilled out, almost poppy tone here with some post-rock/post-punk influences. It’s very pleasant, but it starts fairly nondescript and while it does become quite engaging once it gets going, it never really develops into anything I find hugely exciting.

Bat for Lashes is my favourite of the bunch, and another of those artists I feel like I should have heard before (there have been a few of those in this roulette!). Moon and Moon especially is just so haunting and beautiful. Daniel isn’t quite so rich melodically, but it does more in the way of production and arrangement - some interesting sounds and flourishes - to be rich in other ways instead.

And finally, The Gathering. Not the only stuff of theirs I’ve been sent in a roulette, or indeed even in this round. I’ve always liked Anneke as a singer, but my previous experience with The Gathering has not been that exciting. I don’t know that this is vastly different, but the main themes in the song - especially the chorus - are really engaging. I guess I should explore them a bit further this time.

The flow on this EP is really good. There isn’t really a discernible emotional arc here - like Reaper and lonestar, it’s more a collection of songs that fits together well. Differences in style might have made some songs feel disconnected, but the consistency of tone keeps it feeling coherent and the ordering works well to help it all flow smoothly.

Music quality score: 8.3
Flow score: 4.0
EP total: 12.3

Roulette total = 8.2 + 8.5 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.5 + 8.0 + (8.3 + 4.0) = 62.2

Final position: 6th

Like Litho, you're one of my highest scoring first-timers in recent roulettes - in fact your average score is pretty much identical and you only ended up higher because of the flow of your EP. Not a single score below 8 either! Which means of course that I'm looking forward to checking out everything you sent me! It was a great mix you sent too - before this roulette I'd mostly interacted with you in extreme metal related threads, so it's been fantastic to get a sense of your tastes in general. Thanks for playing and I hope you'll join again next time I do one of these!

TAC – Drown
1. Moonloop - Oceans
2. Horizon Ignited - Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
3. Existem - The Drowning
4. Moonshade - A Dreamless Slumber

First impression: This EP is structurally simple, which helps it flow pretty smoothly. I hear a surprising amount of early Haken in the first song, while the rest is more the sort of thing I’d normally expect from you.

Favourite: Horizon Ignited - Eventide Of Abysmal Grief
Least favourite: Moonloop - Oceans

Final opinion: You took a very similar approach here to the last time I did an EP round - four songs by four metal bands - and again you’ve done a pretty great job with it. The quality is maybe not quite as high on average this time - nothing as special as Enshine here - but it’s still strong and this one flows even better I think.

Starting with Moonloop and good lord these guys sound so much like early Haken. :lol Even the sections with the growls are not dissimilar to some of the stuff on their demo. Anyway it’s a good song but I wouldn’t say a great one. There are some strong ideas here and there, but it’s all pretty messy and there aren’t really any interesting focal points, like good melodies that I can latch onto. Definitely reminds me of the Darkaeon song from the last EP you sent me.

Thankfully everything else is much stronger. The Horizon Ignited and Moonshade songs are both really top-notch melodic death metal. Slick and engaging guitar work, a big sound and great use of clean vocals alongside the growls to really maintain a strong melodic focus. I don’t know that either song is hugely original, but they’re both really good at what they do. And the Moonshade definitely has an Insomnium vibe about it, which you know I’m a sucker for.

In between those two is some prog metal in the form of Existem. This is definitely stronger than the Moonloop when it comes to prog metal. The riffing is tight, the song’s structure is well-composed, and it has some great melodic hooks throughout. The moments of harsh vocals also help to connect this song to the others.

On which note, this EP mostly flows really great. Despite essentially switching between prog metal and melodic death metal, there is enough consistency of tone and arrangement - such as the mix of clean and harsh vocals in every song - that everything fits together nicely. It’s also supported pretty well by the narrative you provided, although actually I think even without that there’s an emotional arc in the music itself, and the way the heavy instrumentation fades out in A Dreamless Slumber to finish on a delicate note is a great way to end it. The only reason this didn’t score higher for flow is that the Moonloop song does sound a bit disconnected from the rest.

Music quality score: 8.3
Flow score: 4.1
EP total: 12.4

Roulette total = 8.2 + 8.7 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + (8.3 + 4.1) = 62.4

Final position: 5th

It's amazing to think that back in my album roulette era you used to struggle, considering you've now finished top 5 in all three of my up-to-20-minute-submissions roulettes. It only takes a quick glance at your scores to see how remarkably consistent you were this time around. The only difference between you and those placed above you is they had more in the way of particularly high scores and/or even better EP flow. Thanks once again for always being such a great part of my roulettes and for giving me too much music to want to dig into.

Luoto – Pohjola: Maiden of the North
1. Swallow the Sun - These Low Lands
2. Viikate - Suruvaippa
3. Vermilia - Maisema
4. Kamara - Pohjola (Osa 1): Veritaivas
5. Kamara - Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku

First impression: Gloomy but ethereal and rather engaging. There’s a nice bit of variety here in terms of energy but it flows smoothly.

Favourite: Kamara - Pohjola (Osa 2): Ajattomuuden kaiku
Least favourite: Swallow the Sun - These Low Lands

Final opinion: Apparently you have a knack for making EPs that I love. There’s a variety of styles here, and some of the artists I even find quite difficult to place in terms of genre, but just like last time you’ve created something with no particular narrative that nevertheless takes me on a wonderfully immersive journey.

Swallow the Sun is the only artist here that I know already, but this is a cover so I guess it’s a little different. The pace is a little plodding, which is exactly what I’d expect from this band, but musically it’s very rich and probably more to my tastes than what I’ve heard from them before. It’s the weakest of a very strong set of songs, and it’s still very good.

The Viikate song kicks off the Finnish-language series that makes up the rest of the EP. It’s very moody and mellow folk-inspired stuff and rather lovely. Despite loving a lot of Finnish music, I’ve heard very little that’s in the native language. It works so well here, really adding to the atmosphere of the song.

The transition into the Vermilia song is perfect, maintaining the gloomy folk mood but developing it into something more expansive, starting delicate and working up through folk rock right up to folk/black metal in the latter parts. It’s another great and very immersive song.

And finally the two-parter from Kamara, again all in Finnish. This stuff is absolutely fantastic. I don’t really know how to define it other than it clearly being some sort of extreme metal. Across the two songs they seem to cover folk metal, melodic death metal and even some classic thrash/heavy metal influences in spots. It’s just really punchy and dynamic, and I love it. For something that sounds so accomplished, it surprises me to see only two ratings for this album on RYM.

Just like last time, you didn’t need a narrative or an edited mp3 to send me one of the best flowing EPs of the round. The songs all fit together very well in style and in concept, the transitions between each are very smooth and logical, and there’s a gorgeous emotional arc to the whole EP.

Music quality score: 8.5
Flow score: 4.5
EP total: 13.0

Roulette total = 8.3 + 8.7 + 8.0 + 8.6 + 8.2 + 7.9 + (8.5 + 4.5) = 62.7

Final position: 4th

It's been great having you back after you skipped my fogey roulette! Your ability to find metal that I haven't heard but end up loving - both from gaps in my collection and from genuinely obscure bands - is pretty amazing. Despite a couple of slight dips in score, the rest was so consistent with a fair few peaks that you still worked your way to a 4th place finish. I'm most excited about Rioghan, Kalmah and most of the EP artists, but pretty interested in all of it really!


These graphs - and the points one especially - show just how closely the three of you followed each other around in this roulette!

Click the graphs to enlarge.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 23, 2023, 01:41:25 PM
Well, at least I didn't fall off the podium :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 23, 2023, 01:43:23 PM
I still think I probably fell just short of Ruslan and Crow. They are both EP pros. :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: TAC on July 23, 2023, 01:49:38 PM
Top 5 :metal

I'll take it.

Great job Ariich. You put down a lot of music.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 01:55:36 PM
Catching up on a bunch of stuff now that I'm finally back from a day out. Kids are in bed so once I've cleared everything up and made lunches for tomorrow, I should be good to finish the final results.

In looking at the graph, I realize that I coulda been a contender if not for the score for Rik Emmett!
A lot of people in the top half of the table have something very similar! :lol

thanks for taking on this enormous task with such vigor. You shame all other roulette runners with your commitment man.

You guys. :heart


Hopefully I'm not in the next batch :lol
Good news!


So it was a matter of how can I fit together the wild differences of some film score cinematic classical, a variety of 00s-era melodeath, and a mellow folky tune, and I had the epiphany of tying it into the overall roulette theme.  So I'm pretty happy with how I managed to sequence it as best as I could, though I knew the flow was risky and could have potentially scored even lower.  It's probably the reverse way to come up with flow, so that part is better than I feared. 
Yeah for sure, it wasn't perfect but I thought it worked ok!

It's also interesting that you considered the Nightrage -> Jarosz flow as the worst, since I thought the former going acoustic transitioned them reasonably well, and the folk -> electronics shift to Sybreed would be more jarring (plus the impression hinting that they were contrasting as best/worst cuts) in spite of the fade-out/fade-in of each track and them being in the same key smoothing it out a bit.
I probably wasn't clear enough in my explanation but I didn't mean it was specifically the transition into Jarosz that wasn't great for flow, but more the placement of Jarosz within the middle of the EP generally. As you say, in terms of specifics the transition out is the more sudden one.

It's fascinating that you didn't like the chorus of "Ego Bypass Generator" - their hooky choruses are often considered one of the highlights of their music.  I guess that one just fell flat.  Maybe they won't hit for you like Insomnium so far hasn't totally connected for me, but if you have time at some point, definitely give that album a spin, or I can point out some of their other standout tracks.
I liked the sound so I'll definitely check out at least an album. As you say, maybe it's just that one that didn't work for me - it's also the case with some Soilwork songs even though I love a lot of their choruses. I'd normally go for the album that the song I was sent comes from, but if you have an alternative recommendation I'm all ears.

I'm annoyed that I've missed out on the first seven of these, but glad to finally be part of one, it's been a delight.  Once the roulette is over I have a couple other things I'll send, an alternate for round 5 I axed after the Keaggy disaster, and an alternate for round 6 that I'll mention more about when I send it. 
So glad you've enjoyed it, and that sounds great for post-roulette submissions - send them my way and I'll listen and report back. I definitely plan to post follow-ups this time, something I ended up not managing to get back to after my fogey roulette.


Thanks for having me! It says a lot about how well I did in one of your earlier roulettes that all 8s still feels like underperforming a bit. :lol But I'm very much looking forward to hearing your thoughts on each of the bands you check out!
I know what you mean. :lol I think on that occasion is was (almost) all 8s with some of them being high 8s. It was the latter part you didn't quite manage this time.

Dalatecht is from the soundtrack to Amplitude, which you can't really download or stream anywhere legitimately. But someone posted a download link on Reddit with the whole thing (a disgruntled former employee, I hypothesize :lol) and I managed to grab it. I think you'd like it a lot, yeah it's a soundtrack but it's basically structured like a concept album. Hit me up if you want me to send it to you.
Sounds interesting, I'll see if I can find it but may be in touch if not!


Yeah, couldn't hold the quality unfortunately.  I thought Kreator would have been up there too but that's where it started to fall apart and I guess I knew from that round it was over so probably didn't put as much in it from there to be honest Rich.  To be fair, haven't been on here as much anyway to due life shit.
Wasn't aware of that, but thanks for still sending me lots of great metal and always doing it on time!


Congrats ariich!
Yeah I do always feel like the real winner in my own roulettes. :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: Crow on July 23, 2023, 02:12:47 PM
oh it's ON like diddy kong
let's see if my tiny lead holds up over the other EPs also being obviously very good (i haven't listened to them but obviously ariich liked them a lot, they had to have scored at least 12.6/7 to still be here so  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 02:17:20 PM
Can confirm that all three EPs are excellent.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: nick_z on July 23, 2023, 02:39:17 PM
nick_z – A Journey of Muses

Like Litho, you're one of my highest scoring first-timers in recent roulettes - in fact your average score is pretty much identical and you only ended up higher because of the flow of your EP. Not a single score below 8 either! Which means of course that I'm looking forward to checking out everything you sent me! It was a great mix you sent too - before this roulette I'd mostly interacted with you in extreme metal related threads, so it's been fantastic to get a sense of your tastes in general. Thanks for playing and I hope you'll join again next time I do one of these!

It's been an absolute pleasure participating - thank you for having me and for being such a gracious host  :)

Funnily enough, I certainly wouldn't say extreme metal is my bread and butter. I do however like to listen to all sorts of genres, from pop to harsher stuff, and I certainly enjoy my fair share of death metal-related bands.

Not surprisingly, given where we are, my all-time top bands happen to be in the hard rock/metal realm...Rush and Dream Theater, then Paradise Lost and Iron Maiden following with, well, a bunch of others - Queensryche, Katatonia, Amorphis and some first-loves like Metallica that won't ever fade no matter how far their glory days are. But there are so many bands/artists waiting to be discovered. I'm always on the hunt  :)
I obviously love prog and, as you might have noticed, I have a particularly soft spot for melancholic moods in music, no matter what form they come through.

As for The Gathering: at the very least, you should check out their first two albums with Anneke, Mandylion and Nighttime Birds. In fact, there were a couple of tunes in the running for the EP from Mandylion. That album was such a revelation when it came out - Anneke's amazing performance on it was certainly a big component, but the whole thing is, to this day, so unique.

Anyway - thanks again, this was a ton of fun!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: TAC on July 23, 2023, 02:42:11 PM
Nick, I'm expecting you in my next roulette.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 23, 2023, 03:02:07 PM
Nick, I'm expecting you in my next roulette.
I'm expecting him to run a roulette. Soon! :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: Luoto on July 23, 2023, 03:02:45 PM
High note finish, let's go :metal

That Viikate song is actually on the lighter end of their material. They're a unique blend of hard rock, a low baritone vocalist and those 60's style twangy lead guitars. And that particular Kamara album has some of the best metal that's sung in Finnish, though I don't quite consider it excellent as a whole. They have a great knack of throwing black metal into that mix.

And I almost forgot... bonus Tomi Joutsen on These Low Lands. I forgot he's a guest on it when looking it up :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 23, 2023, 03:04:09 PM
High note finish, let's go :metal

That Viikate song is actually on the lighter end of their material. They're a unique blend of hard rock, a low baritone vocalist and those 60's style twangy lead guitars. And that particular Kamara album has some of the best metal that's sung in Finnish, though I don't quite consider it excellent as a whole. They have a great knack of throwing black metal into that mix.
You had me at Finnish and Black Metal :lol :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 04:13:06 PM
FINAL RESULTS, part 7 of 7

Puppies – Hidden
1. VYGR - Orbital Hallucinations [intro]
2. Archivist - Tying Up Loose Ends in the Cold Void of Space
3. Woods of Desolation - And If All the Stars Faded Away
4. Fen - The Dying Stars
5. Esoteric - Beneath This Face

First impression: I almost wish I could award points for story because you’ve absolutely nailed how the music supports the narrative here. There are some wonderful moments in the music, but it’s intense and some of the vocals aren’t my favourite.

Favourite: Archivist - Tying Up Loose Ends in the Cold Void of Space
Least favourite: Esoteric - Beneath This Face

Final opinion: This is a fantastic EP that probably would have been the best of the round had the last song been more interesting. The narrative is great (bleak as hell, but compelling) and tied into the style and tone of the music. But more importantly (for scores, anyway) the music itself is great and flows smoothly.

The VYGR tracks is just an atmospheric intro, so I’ll jump straight to Archivist. Funny enough, the EP basically gets a bit less good with each song, but because it starts so great, that’s not in itself a bad thing. I wasn’t too keen on the vocals in the Archivist song at first - the harshes are pretty intense and the cleans are kind of weak, but they work well enough for the song and the song is so good. Just really grand, epic and immersive and with several really lush sections.

The Woods of Desolation song is a relatively short one and it sort of continues the heavy side of the Archivist, with broadly speaking the same qualities that make it appealing. It’s intense and grand and melodic and immersive.

Fen are a band that I have heard before and found decent but not been hugely taken by. In fact it was you who included a song of theirs in your concept album in my v5 roulette. I checked out that album but I didn’t love it. This song sounds more my thing! Again it has many of the qualities of the previous two tracks, if not quite so lush, but there’s more of a wistful, introspective feel to it and it helps move on the emotional arc of the EP.

And then finally to Esoteric. The song works perfectly for your narrative, in terms of both the universe and the character’s mental state breaking down, but in itself it’s not entirely my thing. It’s melodically pretty dense, which can work in short bursts but this is a long song and it kind of drags on.

Flow-wise, this is one of the best of the round. While the music gets less to my taste as the EP goes on, that’s in part because it becomes less richly melodic and more dense and intense, reflecting what’s going on in the narrative. Combine that with high quality editing of the mp3 for some really smooth transitions between tracks and it really is a great listen.

Music quality score: 8.4
Flow score: 4.5
EP total: 12.9

Roulette total = 7.9 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 9.0 + 8.8 + (8.4 + 4.5) = 63.0

Final position: 2nd (joint)

16th after round 1, 14th after round 4 and somehow finished 2nd. That was a hell of a comeback in the last few rounds, almost causing one of the biggest upsets in roulette history. Even those two weaker rounds I’m pretty interested in, but everything else (except Esoteric probably) I’m really excited to explore. Thanks for always trying out different things on me, even if they don’t all work out they expose me to interesting music I wouldn’t otherwise hear, and when they do hit the mark, boy do they hit the mark.

Evermind – Arrogance
1. Kalandra - Borders
2. Árstíðir - Shine
3. Kalandra - Brave New World
4. Scorpions - We Will Rise Again
5. The Gathering - Monsters
6. Currents - Monsters
7. So Hideous - Relinquish (Orchestral) [outro]

First impression: This EP has a long slow build in the first half but it’s very engaging and the narrative is part of that. The artists I haven’t heard before are my favourites here, but you’ve also made good use of those I have.

Favourite: Kalandra - Borders
Least favourite: The Gathering - Monsters

Final opinion: Oh man, the first half of this EP is so ludicrously good that it’s a real shame the second half doesn’t quite stack up. That said, it’s still a really great EP overall - one of the best of the round and a big step up from what you sent in my v6 roulette. Just like what Puppies sent, the narrative is amazing and really evocative - unfortunately, there are no points for the story!

We start with one of my absolute favourite artists of the entire roulette, Kalandra. I would have questioned why you didn’t send them in a regular round, but I can see that they were the inspiration for this whole EP and it was indeed inspired. The music is just so rich and beautiful, gorgeously melancholy and yet hopeful and vibrant. What it represents in the story fits perfectly with the sound and the music and I just can’t get enough of these songs.

The Árstíðir song that comes between them was a real grower, and is also wonderful. I’ve heard an album of theirs before and I don’t remember it being anywhere near this lush and emotionally engaging. Very moody and sorrowful. Again a great fit for the character it represents, and the way it works with the Kalandra songs that sit either side of it is amazing.

The second act, as it were, takes quite a turn in style, and we have two more artists who, firstly, I’ve heard before and, secondly, I was also sent by someone else in this round. :lol Just like the ones Stadler sent, this Scorpions song has made me want to try again with the band. It’s not mind-blowing - a definite step down from the first half of the EP - but it’s a solid piece of emotional hard rock. Similarly, The Gathering song, while the weakest on the EP, is similar to the one Nick sent in being more interesting than what I’ve heard from them before.

And then with the biggest shift of all, we come to some full-on metalcore. Regardless of the way this flows (which I’ll come onto shortly), in itself this is a pretty great song. Intense but very melodic, with some big soaring tuneful sections that are right up my alley.

And finally the outro which is an orchestral arrangement of a So Hideous song. As an outro (being in addition to the 5 main artists for the EP) you included this for flow and narrative and it doesn’t affect your quality score, which is probably a good thing as, while it’s effective in what it represents in the story, it’s not that exciting and does drag on quite long.

The flow of this EP pretty much runs parallel to the quality of the music. The first half is so good - it’s a slow build but the way it develops is stunning, and the narrative, while not essential, is the icing on the cake. The second half doesn’t work quite so well. It’s still good and I think your story really helps because the shift in sound from primarily organic sounds to electronic/industrial ones makes complete sense, as do the quite big movements in musical style. I can’t fault it from the perspective of the music matching the narrative, but compared with the highest flow scores of the round, this falls slightly short because the changes in style are just a little too big.

Music quality score: 8.6
Flow score: 4.2
EP total: 12.8

Roulette total = 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.7 + (8.6 + 4.2) = 63.0

Final position: 2nd (joint)

How many of my roulettes can you almost win?! That’s now three full roulettes without a single score lower than 8.1. I can’t take the blame for screwing you over with nonsensical rules this time though. :lol For most of the roulette you were tracking along with Buddy comfortably in the top half of the table, always an 8.2 or higher, but not looking likely to retain your title. And then suddenly an incredible push in the last two rounds. Honestly, the first time I was listening through and got halfway into your EP I thought you might have somehow pulled it off. But it was gracious of you to let someone else take it this time. Thank you so much for always sending me so much great music!

Crow – Sonoran Sunset Skies
1. My Morning Jacket - One Big Holiday
2. Zach Bryan - Dawns
3. Orville Peck - Kalahari Down
4. Trophy Scars - Everything Disappearing
5. Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

First impression: This started rather more middle-of-the-road than I might have expected from you. That said, it picks up a lot and there’s an emotional warmth that threads through the whole EP.

Favourite: Orville Peck - Kalahari Down
Least favourite: My Morning Jacket - One Big Holiday

Final opinion: I mean, you cut this pretty fine but yes, you did it! This isn’t quite up there with the very best EPs of the round but it’s still really damn good and every song on it was a grower, except for Kalahari Down which I loved immediately.

I completely agree with you that the EP starts with the two weakest songs, but they’re still very good. My Morning Jacket are one of those bands whose name I’m very familiar with but who I’ve never heard. I stand by my first impression, but the song did grow on me a fair bit. Mainly it’s the guitar motifs that are really engaging and have a very emotive tone to them. The thing that holds the song back for me is the vocals - they’re fairly weak, and the verses especially are a bit uninteresting. The Zach Bryan is a bit of a step up - nothing quite so engaging as the guitar work from the previous song, but the vocal melodies and delivery are much more compelling and the indie folk vibe.

Orville Peck seems like such an interesting and unusual character. The music here is predominantly very classic and old fashioned - barely any indication that he’s a young, modern musician other than, perhaps, some of the subtle nuances in the sound production. But the song is just wonderful - incredibly elegant and rich and his voice is so warm and intriguing. Really lovely stuff.

The Trophy Scars song was the biggest grower of the EP and to be honest one of the biggest of the entire round. It starts fine - the acoustic guitar line kind of reminds of the Blue EP from the Dear Hunter’s Color Spectrum - but it’s the way the song builds and develops that is kind of mesmerising, and especially the last few minutes are just so emotionally intense and engaging. The strings, the yells and the slightly haunting female vocals all just come together so wonderfully and turn it into a completely different song from where it started.

And finally, Car Seat Headrest. Closer in quality to the first two songs really, lacking a bit of punch and energy at times maybe but it has a very wistful mood and emotion to it and it gets quite affecting once it picks up halfway through.

Which seems like a good time to talk about flow, because that last song works great as a closer and exemplifies what’s great about this EP flows. I know there wasn’t a specific narrative (I got the impression from your EP that you didn’t even have a loose story in mind) but more an emotional arc, and it really does work very well. There aren’t really segues between tracks, but the editing still helps the transitions feel smooth and despite the EP covering a few different types of country-adjacent music it all fits together nicely.

Music quality score: 8.4
Flow score: 4.3
EP total: 12.7

Roulette total = 8.8 + 8.4 + 8.6 + 8.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 + (8.4 + 4.3) = 63.2

Final position: WINNER

I checked, and over the course of my 8 roulettes (so far) you have been my most regular customer, having sent me more music than anyone else - 42 actual roulette rounds, not including post-roulette stuff you’ve sent me, compared with the next highest of 34 rounds from jingle and Puppies. In a way it sort of feels right that you finally win one. It finished very close in the end - Puppies and Evermind really made a strong push in the last two rounds, but fortunately your early lead was so commanding as to be able to hold them back. Your rank graph is amusingly dull, but the points one shows how others sort of took it in turns to compete but none managed to maintain it to actually challenge you in the end. Thanks for all the music you’ve sent me over the years and for the consistently great stuff in this roulette, can’t wait to dig into it all!


Click the graphs to enlarge.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 04:13:11 PM
Final results:

 1. Crow     = 8.8 + 8.4 + 8.6 + 8.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 + (8.4 + 4.3) = 63.2
 2. Evermind = 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.2 + 8.7 + (8.6 + 4.2) = 63.0
 2. Puppies  = 7.9 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 9.0 + 8.8 + (8.4 + 4.5) = 63.0
 4. Luoto    = 8.3 + 8.7 + 8.0 + 8.6 + 8.2 + 7.9 + (8.5 + 4.5) = 62.7
 5. TAC      = 8.2 + 8.7 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + (8.3 + 4.1) = 62.4
 6. nick_z   = 8.2 + 8.5 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.5 + 8.0 + (8.3 + 4.0) = 62.2
 7. Buddy    = 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.3 + 8.0 + 8.1 + (8.4 + 4.3) = 62.1
 7. Litho    = 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.4 + 8.4 + 8.8 + 8.3 + (8.3 + 3.8) = 62.1
 9. wolfking = 8.6 + 8.1 + 8.4 + 8.5 + 8.4 + 7.8 + (8.1 + 3.8) = 61.7
10. lonestar = 7.8 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.4 + (8.4 + 4.0) = 61.3
11. soupy    = 8.4 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 8.4 + 8.3 + 8.0 + (8.0 + 4.0) = 61.2
11. jingle   = 8.2 + 7.7 + 8.6 + 8.4 + 8.1 + 8.2 + (8.1 + 3.9) = 61.2
11. seneca   = 7.6 + 8.3 + 7.8 + 8.6 + 8.3 + 8.5 + (8.2 + 3.9) = 61.2
14. luke     = 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 7.9 + 8.5 + 7.8 + (8.2 + 4.2) = 60.9
15. romdrums = 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.0 + 8.3 + 8.4 + 8.2 + (7.8 + 3.9) = 60.8
16. Sacul    = 8.3 + 8.9 + 8.0 + 7.8 + 7.9 + 8.1 + (7.6 + 3.8) = 60.4
16. King     = 7.3 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.8 + 7.7 + 8.4 + (8.4 + 4.4) = 60.4
18. Vmadera  = 8.0 + 8.0 + 7.3 + 8.3 + 7.9 + 8.2 + (8.3 + 4.1) = 60.1
19. Reaper   = 7.6 + 8.1 + 7.7 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.2 + (7.9 + 4.0) = 59.7
20. HOF      = 7.5 + 7.9 + 8.7 + 7.7 + 7.5 + 8.4 + (8.0 + 3.9) = 59.6
21. Stadler  = 7.9 + 8.4 + 7.9 + 7.4 + 8.0 + 7.4 + (8.2 + 4.2) = 59.4
22. faizoff  = 7.2 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 7.0 + 8.1 + 7.7 + (8.2 + 3.7) = 58.4
23. Glasser  = 8.1 + 8.1 + 8.8 + 8.2 + 8.2 + 7.9 + (6.6 + 2.0) = 57.9
DNF Elite    = 7.8 + 8.0 + 7.5 + 7.2 + 7.9 + 8.4 = 46.8 after 6 rounds

Click the graphs to enlarge.


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: lonestar on July 23, 2023, 04:16:14 PM
Wow...I'm totally shocked.

Congrats crow, and thanks again Rich for running this, it's been a hell of a lot of fun.

I have no idea how you manage to not only listen to all that music, but also do the sheets and graphs and shit...I got 1 spreadsheet going to track people and songs and score and I'm borderline baffled, I'm way more at home with dead animals.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 23, 2023, 04:18:37 PM
Congrats Crow!

Rich, I had a blast and got a big list of new bands to check out. Thank you.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 04:19:40 PM
I have no idea how you manage to not only listen to all that music, but also do the sheets and graphs and shit...I got 1 spreadsheet going to track people and songs and score and I'm borderline baffled, I'm way more at home with dead animals.
Well, I'm generally pretty capable with spreadsheets, which helps, but also I've built up and developed my approach to the spreadsheets over the past 3 or 4 roulettes such that a lot of it is semi-automated now, I just put in the scores and then sort things in the right way and occasionally update formulae. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 04:20:00 PM
Rich, I had a blast and got a big list of new bands to check out. Thank you.
Mine is bigger. :eyebrows:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 23, 2023, 04:23:03 PM
Yeah but you finish too quickly.

Tee Hee.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: TAC on July 23, 2023, 04:23:42 PM
Wow...I'm totally shocked.


Congrats Crow!!!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 04:24:25 PM
Yeah but you finish too quickly.

Tee Hee.

Still not quickly enough for Tim...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: lonestar on July 23, 2023, 04:28:30 PM
I have no idea how you manage to not only listen to all that music, but also do the sheets and graphs and shit...I got 1 spreadsheet going to track people and songs and score and I'm borderline baffled, I'm way more at home with dead animals.
Well, I'm generally pretty capable with spreadsheets, which helps, but also I've built up and developed my approach to the spreadsheets over the past 3 or 4 roulettes such that a lot of it is semi-automated now, I just put in the scores and then sort things in the right way and occasionally update formulae. :P

Even your description made me feel stupid. :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 23, 2023, 04:29:04 PM
Tim has important roulette graphs to work on. He slots 10 minutes for intimacy. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 04:29:22 PM
I have no idea how you manage to not only listen to all that music, but also do the sheets and graphs and shit...I got 1 spreadsheet going to track people and songs and score and I'm borderline baffled, I'm way more at home with dead animals.
Well, I'm generally pretty capable with spreadsheets, which helps, but also I've built up and developed my approach to the spreadsheets over the past 3 or 4 roulettes such that a lot of it is semi-automated now, I just put in the scores and then sort things in the right way and occasionally update formulae. :P

Even your description made me feel stupid. :rollin

Love you, chef.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 23, 2023, 04:30:33 PM
So close. So does this mean Ruslan and I need to fight to the death for sole ownership of 2nd place? :biggrin:

On the more serious side. I almost made one of the greatest roulette come from behind victories ever. Going from 14th place in round round 4 to joint 2nd.

Anyways, congrats Crow!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2023, 04:32:25 PM
So close. So does this mean Ruslan and I need to fight to the death for sole ownership of 2nd place? :biggrin:
I mean I don't think it's a legal requirement or anything, but I'm not going to stand in your way!

On the more serious side. I almost made one of the greatest roulette come from behind victories ever. Going from 14th place in round round 4 to joint 2nd.
It was indeed hella epic.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 23, 2023, 04:33:42 PM
Oh and also

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 23, 2023, 04:36:27 PM
On the more serious side. I almost made one of the greatest roulette come from behind victories ever. Going from 14th place in round round 4 to joint 2nd.
It was indeed hella epic.
Now I need to know if the other EP I sent you would have got me the win.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 23, 2023, 04:36:36 PM
Congrats Crow!  You soared in this one.


I'd normally go for the album that the song I was sent comes from, but if you have an alternative recommendation I'm all ears.

Yeah, I'd go with Antares or The Pulse of Awakening, I think they're the strongest albums melodically. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: nick_z on July 23, 2023, 04:43:27 PM
Congrats, Crow! Basically, you sprinted and never looked back for this one  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: jingle.boy on July 23, 2023, 05:26:51 PM
Wow. I’ve been in 34 rounds?  And I even got eliminated in 2 because f your roulettes!

Congrats blackbird. Solid work performance.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: Crow on July 23, 2023, 05:55:19 PM
aside from dacul kissing me briefly towards the start, my lines are so lonely  :lol
but hey i'm glad to have finally won one of these :2metal:
and yeah if i had had the kevin devine song on here instead i think this EP would've been a perfect banger start to finish but at least my compromise didn't hurt me too much in the end  :lol
can't wait to congrats ariich in my roulette in a few days. as far as you know  :hat

also it's funny that birds in row is probably my overall least favorite submission of this entire roulette (except maaaaybe gospel?) yet turned out my highest scoring one - and like, don't get me wrong, i do still love the hell out of it, so  :lol definitely recommend that album as well as victory over the sun, gang of youths, and really any of vylet pony's last three albums, the orville peck album's good too tho it wasn't my thing on the whole but, god, that one song, man.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: lonestar on July 23, 2023, 05:55:31 PM
I have no idea how you manage to not only listen to all that music, but also do the sheets and graphs and shit...I got 1 spreadsheet going to track people and songs and score and I'm borderline baffled, I'm way more at home with dead animals.
Well, I'm generally pretty capable with spreadsheets, which helps, but also I've built up and developed my approach to the spreadsheets over the past 3 or 4 roulettes such that a lot of it is semi-automated now, I just put in the scores and then sort things in the right way and occasionally update formulae. :P

Even your description made me feel stupid. :rollin

Love you, chef.

Right back atcha  :-*
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: Evermind on July 23, 2023, 08:53:33 PM
I'll take the second place! I agree, the second half of the EP could've been better. The shift from organic to industrial was obviously intentional but I couldn't quite make it smoother.

Yeah, I was saving Kalandra for the EP round, otherwise you would've gotten them in the first light round probably. Their debut album, The Line, is excellent.

Arstidir - you pretty much heard their worst album in my opinion  :lol I really like Hvel and their debut album. If I didn't plan on using this particular song for the story, I would've also sent them earlier.

Currents - I whipped them out as I realized Black Peaks were banned. The Way It Ends or their latest, The Death We Seek, is a good place to start.

Congrats Crow!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: faizoff on July 23, 2023, 09:21:24 PM
Congrats crow! Thanks again arrich for running this massive roulette and indulging my tastes. I'm just overwhelmed thinking of all the music you had to listen to with an objective ear and sit down to make observations and provide results. You ran this super efficiently and if I ever run a roulette I seriously doubt I can come anywhere near close.

Thanks everyone for checking out my song submissions, I do want to listen to everyone's submissions. Hopefully in the coming weeks.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 24, 2023, 12:32:52 AM
Oh and also

:lol Great film. But no I'm afraid you don't get another shot. :P

Now I need to know if the other EP I sent you would have got me the win.  :biggrin:
It'll definitely in my post-roulette listening, so I'll report back, but are you sure you really want to know? :lol

Yeah, I'd go with Antares or The Pulse of Awakening, I think they're the strongest albums melodically. 
I'll try and remember to come back to this post when I get to EP artists in like 6 months. SO MUCH MUSIC. :lol

I'll take the second place! I agree, the second half of the EP could've been better. The shift from organic to industrial was obviously intentional but I couldn't quite make it smoother.
Yeah I know the feeling. Also I think your idea was almost too big to quite squeeze into 35 minutes. But anyway it was still a great EP!

Arstidir - you pretty much heard their worst album in my opinion  :lol I really like Hvel and their debut album. If I didn't plan on using this particular song for the story, I would've also sent them earlier.
Well that's exciting to hear. A good example of why I like to only ban albums I already know rather than whole artists.

I love this roulette community, you all rock. :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 24, 2023, 03:59:10 AM
Now that the roulette is over it’s high time I share my EP story. Beware all ye who enter…

So here it is, the most work I’ve ever put into an EP story. It’s ridiculous but hopefully you get a kick out of it and it increases your enjoyment of the actual music…

Have you ever had pizza so good that it transports you to another plane of existence? Our protagonist just so happens to take such a journey after eating the best damn pizza he’d ever had, whilst at a Pizza Death show.

The combination of a stuffed crust, full of psychedelics, and riffs that cause you to pledge allegiance to the pizza gods, transported our hero. Who is our hero you ask? His name is Blasser, and in his head he very much looks like this…

*Disclaimer, any character's resemblance to real, living persons is purely coincidence.


Upon tasting this delight, and feasting his ears on the greasy riffs our hero ascends to a world of love, and pizza and reflection on their very existence.

Riding the Cybernova, pizza guitar strapped to his back, Blasser searches for someone to share this experience with. He is in a state of cheesy ecstasy and his love is overflowing. In the distance he sees a silhouette of a female form and starts to serenade her. She nears a distant mountain and ascends it, beckoning him on. He longs to share his experience with another and slinging his pizza guitar over his back he climbs. The mountain is a magenta mirage and as he climbs he questions how real it is, and a distant memory bubbles to the surface. Was he once somewhere else, a dank basement show, with strange instruments and stronger smells? What does “thrash” mean and why are these invasive thoughts obstructing his pursuit up the mountain to his destiny.

As he crests the mountain he sees her, truly sees her. His state of mind splinters and cracks. Wait, is this real, is she the one I was following? The deity before him is none other than The Scarlet Woman, the Babalon herself, astride her beast. She his lured him here to feed of his endorphin filled state.


Blasser soon realises this fight is for his life, his sanity, and his pizza. The only weapon he has is the pizza guitar he somehow manifested upon arriving in this strange place. Is this real, or was what came before real. “I need to find a constant to hold onto” he thinks, something linking these parallel worlds. He has no time to follow this train of thought however as Babalon’s beast charges him.

With each attack Blasser barely dodges or deflects, pizza axe spinning wildly, knowing he can’t hold on for much longer. Time seems to slow and his vision blurs. Simultaneously he can see the fight for his life with the Babalon, and the greatest band of all time converge. There is a flicker of understanding, of a way out, a way to win. If he can only grasp it with his greasy fingers.

Babalon taunts him “The only way to defeat me is through purity and virtue”. Blasser stares in despair. He has never been pure or virtuous, how can he ever win? He feels the fight in him start to slip away. He knows he is moments from death.

As his mind admits defeat he again sees a convergence of realities. That band is there once again, in front of one set of eyes. He doesn’t know which one he is. Which is reality. One thing is clear though, Pizza Death fucking rule, and they are neither pure nor virtuous. In his final moments he accepts who he is as a final attack from Babalon is about to obliterate. “Everybody sins” Blasser thinks to himself “and damn it, that’s ok”. In that moment something shifts and Babalon’s attacks are rendered ineffective. She shrieks in frustration and anger.

Blasser sees clearly. Everybody sins and this is what makes us human. “You are a liar and a deceiver” he bellows. As he fights back he feels like his strength is being amplified in some way, like the strength of everyone who’s ever been downtrodden is bolstering him in this fight.

He realises that he is going to win, he was always going to win. With a final swing of his pizza guitar he beheads the mighty Babalon.

Falling to his knees he knows now that this world is false, and his reality is that dark basement show. But how to get back? Will I have an intact mind to return to? The visions converge once more and he solidifies his thoughts on the power of being a sinner. As he feels himself slide back to that reality, or that reality reclaim his very being, everything seems to make no sense and perfect sense at the same time. He decides to enjoy the ride and rest easy knowing his fight is over, for now.

Finally he is home, with his buddies, his mind still intact and what he can only describe as a higher power. He has an understanding of what makes this universe tick and the beauty in the chaos. “That was a hell of a trippy pizza, and one hell of a show” I guess Pizza Death really are the best band on the planet,  and god damn it Rise of the Anchovy is a great song!

And here’s the EP playlist…

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=t4Fx4TRyQfaWy1pDGAcxXw (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4OWZT2vRfRs6w1hLIGk7fo?si=t4Fx4TRyQfaWy1pDGAcxXw)

Congrats Crow and thanks again for having me Rich, this one has been a blast.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 24, 2023, 07:38:47 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results, part 6 (4-6)
Post by: nick_z on July 24, 2023, 08:48:15 AM

It's been an absolute pleasure participating - thank you for having me and for being such a gracious host  :)

As for The Gathering: at the very least, you should check out their first two albums with Anneke, Mandylion and Nighttime Birds. In fact, there were a couple of tunes in the running for the EP from Mandylion. That album was such a revelation when it came out - Anneke's amazing performance on it was certainly a big component, but the whole thing is, to this day, so unique.

Anyway - thanks again, this was a ton of fun!

And finally, The Gathering. Not the only stuff of theirs I’ve been sent in a roulette, or indeed even in this round. I’ve always liked Anneke as a singer, but my previous experience with The Gathering has not been that exciting. I don’t know that this is vastly different, but the main themes in the song - especially the chorus - are really engaging. I guess I should explore them a bit further this time.

Incidentally, as I was looking back at the write-up: If I remember correctly from your RYM, the only thing you've heard from The Gathering (on your own, I mean) is How to Measure a Planet, right? That one, when it came out, was quite a departure for the band. A double album with much mellower, trippier songs (not to mention the super-long title-track, with a bunch of clearly improvised parts). While I like it a fair bit, I wouldn't say it's my go-to for the band...at least not on a frequent basis. If_Then_Else was the album that followed (Saturnine is on it) and that was a bit of a walk-back from the band - at the time, it felt like they came out with a relatively harder-hitting record even though it wasn't fully in their hearts (although, again, Saturnine is probably one of their best tunes).

Then...well, they truly started doing what they wanted  ;) I believe they started releasing albums on their own label - both Souvenirs and Home (the last two records with Anneke) continue on that more mellow vein, and they are very, very good.

But, as I said above, you should really give Mandylion a try, as it might surprise you (given your experience with the band so far). At the time, it was lumped with other "gothic metal" bands, but even then their sound was different.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 24, 2023, 08:55:28 AM
Yeah, The Gathering is not a band you can really get a good sense of from any one particular album.  They're all quite different, and that doesn't even mention the earliest or later albums, which hardly even sound like the same band if you hear them together.  Mandylion and Nighttime Birds are definitely my favorites though, there were nothing like them at the time, and not nearly enough artists latched onto them afterwards. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 24, 2023, 10:05:42 AM
@Luke & Ruslan's stories:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 24, 2023, 10:17:46 AM
@Luke & Ruslan's stories:


More like…

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 24, 2023, 10:22:42 AM
Everyone else listening to it was more like:

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 24, 2023, 10:30:00 AM
Everyone else listening to it was more like:


As long as they all entered into it with pizza.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: Evermind on July 24, 2023, 10:41:00 AM
@Luke & Ruslan's stories:


I'm not sure if that's good or bad :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: Lonk on July 24, 2023, 01:54:20 PM
Everyone else listening to it was more like:

That episode!  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: soupytwist on July 25, 2023, 04:08:25 AM
Congrats Crow and Thanks Ariich.

Happy with 11th, no idea why I ended up going so cheesy in this roulette - but it worked OK  ;D
Glad you enjoyed 'Gods of Debauchery', tis a great album - their previous one 'Emerald Seas' is also as good.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: Sacul on July 25, 2023, 09:12:27 AM
Congrats Crow! Thanks for running this ariich, it was awesome.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 25, 2023, 01:03:43 PM
Happy with 11th, no idea why I ended up going so cheesy in this roulette - but it worked OK  ;D
Round description: "Heavy"

Soupy: "Cheesy you say? Cheesy it is!"

Glad you enjoyed 'Gods of Debauchery', tis a great album - their previous one 'Emerald Seas' is also as good.
It is indeed. Their debut is also great, only a small step below the latest two. Great band, thank you for sending them!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: twosuitsluke on July 25, 2023, 01:05:46 PM
Happy with 11th, no idea why I ended up going so cheesy in this roulette - but it worked OK  ;D
Round description: "Heavy"

Soupy: "Cheesy you say? Cheesy it is!"

Probably all the talk of pizza.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 29, 2023, 03:02:13 PM
Thanks to those who have sent me a few post-roulette things to check out (including Crow who sent me literally a full roulette's worth!). Got a bit of listening in last week but am away on holiday now so probably no updates for a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: Crow on July 29, 2023, 03:03:05 PM
(including Crow who sent me literally a full roulette's worth!).

i have so much music all the time. i have like, twenty five or so albums lined up just from my roulette to check out now aaaaa
edit: just checked, it's 26 not including the like, 4 or 5 i've already checked out
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on July 29, 2023, 03:11:10 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: lonestar on July 30, 2023, 11:30:38 AM
Rich's next roulette...

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 30, 2023, 11:37:28 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on July 30, 2023, 11:38:21 AM
You linked to the wrong graph, that's to the current one. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: King Postwhore on July 30, 2023, 11:47:03 AM
I'm here for the graphs.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Final results - we have a winner!
Post by: ariich on July 30, 2023, 01:26:08 PM
How many rounds do you think I'm going to do?! :P

The number of lines looks pretty accurate though. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: ariich on August 19, 2023, 07:17:15 AM
Post-roulette results, part 1

Now I'm back from holiday and things are somewhat back to normal, I've been able to get some time to listen to music again. Along with getting back to listening to some old favourites plus new albums coming out, I've started checking out some of the round 1 artists and, finally, digging into the post-roulette things a few of you sent me.

I basically got a full roulette's worth of music from Crow and more than that from the combination of Litho, lonestar and Puppies. The latter three sent first and I've dug into all of them, so that's what I've started with. Crow, I'll start listening to your ones now and report back on those before I get that much further with digging into round 1 artists (and yes I'll report back this time - something I never got round to doing after my v7 because of LIFE CHAOS).

Tardigrade Inferno – Mastermind (2019)

Final opinion: This album (and indeed this band) is wonderfully mad. The melodic hooks aren't always super exciting but the dark quirky cabaret metal style is something I normally enjoy and this is a highly entertaining version of it. And to be honest, the fact that some of the chorus are a little more straightforward probably works in its favour overall because for all the quirkiness, it's still (to my tastes anyway) pretty accessible and immediately easy to get into. The singer is of course the highlight, what a great and versatile voice she has, full of energy and character. But the rest of the production is slick too. Very cool stuff.

Score: 8.2

Ok Goodnight – The Fox and the Bird (2023)

Final opinion: Another full album from you. This one didn't hit me as much on first listen but I ended up liking it even more. On both counts it's partly because it's so indefinable. Is it prog rock? Prog metal? Post hardcore? Alt rock? The answer to all of those seems to be not really. It's also not that obvious melodically - the hooks don't immediately jump out in a catchy way and to be honest I still wouldn't say most of them are particularly memorable. So it took me a couple of listens to get a sense of what it is. But despite all that, I've thoroughly enjoyed every listen, and its unique blend of styles helps it feel very creative and fresh. And the more I listen, the more compelling I find it. Just a really interesting and engaging album.

Score: 8.3

Litho – Vertical Horizon
1. Broken Over You
2. One of You
3. The Man Who Would Be Santa (live)
4. Shackled
5. Answer Me
6. Even Now
7. Wash Away (live)

Final opinion: This is a little different to anything you sent in the roulette proper. Somewhat poppy alternative rock with a very 90s/early 00s American sound (although I recognise some of the songs are more recent). Melodically and stylistically, it's reasonably straightforward, but what sells it is the emotional warmth that pervades through all these songs. My favourites are the most emotional songs - Broken Over You and Even Now. But even the slightly grungier songs like One of You have an elegant sincerity to them. In that sense the band remind me of Alter Bridge, just without the heavier riffing. Not sure the live recordings do all that much for me - I don't tend to go for live audio in general unless there's something unique or special about it - but I appreciate the inclusion to allow me to see different sides of the band.

Score: 8.2

Litho – Chris Thile
1. Sonata No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001: IV. Presto
2. Empire Falls
3. I'm Nowhere and You're Everything
4. Gator Strut (live)

Final opinion: One more try at the acoustic noodling again, huh? :lol Only for half the submission this time though, and the variety on display here is definitely more my cup of tea than the narrower selection of Keaggy tracks you sent me. Let's start with the noodling. I'm going to out myself as a pleb now, but I've never been much of a fan of Bach. That's not to say there aren't some works I've liked a lot, certainly those with a more dramatic edge like some of his organ works. But for as clever as he was as a composer, I just find most of his works a bit cold and uninteresting to listen to. This guitar arrangement is pretty cool but doesn't really change my mind. Whereas the live recording of Gator Strut is a ton of fun. Both players have a great deal of skill and charisma, the way they play off each other is really enjoyable, and the tune itself has a kind of dark groove to it that's right up my alley. As to the two songs on here, I'm Nowhere is an easy favourite of the whole bunch, really slick and engaging and with a similar groovy edge. Empire Falls seems to be more in an alt rock space and it's a nice song, if not one that hugely grabs me.

Score: 8.0

Puppies – Out of the Wasteland Barren and Empty (EP)
1. Dark Forest - Aurora Borealis [intro]
2. Finsterforst - Das große Erwachen
3. Dark Forest - Thurisaz
4. Falkenbach - ...as Long as Winds Will Blow...
5. Mistur - Attende

Favourite: Mistur - Attende
Least favourite: Dark Forest - Thurisaz

Final opinion: The fact that you made two entirely separate EPs of almost identical quality is really rather impressive. I’ll start with flow because that’s something you always excel at and this is, unsurprisingly, no different. The transitions between songs are all smooth - slightly different production style between tracks 3 and 4 was a little noticeable but it works well enough and the rest are excellent. You didn’t send me a story for this one so all I have is a vague sense of narrative. There aren’t any points for story anyway, but in terms of flow, I’m not sure there’s quite such a compelling emotional arc in the music as in the EP you went with for the roulette itself. However, this is well compensated by the fact that the music and general style is incredibly coherent throughout, such that it’s a very smooth and convincing listen.

On to the music, then. After a short and effective intro, the first substantive song is by Finsterforst. Definitely straight up folk metal. Reminds me a little of the folksier end of Moonsorrow’s stuff, blending intensity in the vocals and the speed of the music with a quite upbeat melodic approach at times and lots of authentic folk instrumentation (lots of accordion and flute in particular). Doesn’t have the same rich and emotive melancholy maybe, but it’s still great and nicely varied over its 12 minutes, definitely taking the listener on a journey.

Smooth segue then into a shorter song by Dark Forest. This is solid enough, again very much folk metal, this time with a slightly more ethereal vibe in the synths. It’s fine, but pretty unremarkable. The instrumentation is nice, but the riffs and vocals are a little… generic maybe? I don’t like using that word but I just find this quite functional really. But not bad though.

Another short song, this time by Falkenbach. It’s on the mellower end and yeah it’s pretty middle of the road folk metal, but it’s very nice for what it is. The main motif is enjoyable, and melodically and harmonically the music has that juxtaposition of being both upbeat and oddly melancholy at the same time that I do rather like.

And then closing with another big epic, this time by Mistur. Stylistically pretty similar to the first song - see my comments above about flow and coherence being really good - but with a slightly darker edge in the first half and grander vibe in the second. Works great as a closer, and probably just edges the Finsterforst song out as my favourite of the bunch.

When I compare this to your other EP, I probably like this more consistently from start to finish, but it doesn’t have the same highs. So when it comes to a score, it’s close, but this one sits slightly below.

Music quality score: 8.3
Flow score: 4.5
EP total: 12.8

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: lonestar on August 19, 2023, 07:48:02 AM
Awesome man... Tardigrade is such a fun, unique band for sure. And OK Goodnight is still a strong front-runner for my AOTY, the only one on the horizon I can see topping it is Tesseract. Just a great concept album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: Glasser on August 19, 2023, 11:08:10 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: TAC on August 19, 2023, 11:16:38 AM
Did I miss a round?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: Glasser on August 19, 2023, 03:59:22 PM
Did I miss a round?

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: Crow on August 19, 2023, 06:41:40 PM
about to give the OK Goodnight album another spin soon but this review is reaffirming my suspicion that it's an album that's gonna need a few spins to sink in, yeah  :lol there was a lot going on there
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: lonestar on August 19, 2023, 06:50:52 PM
about to give the OK Goodnight album another spin soon but this review is reaffirming my suspicion that it's an album that's gonna need a few spins to sink in, yeah  :lol there was a lot going on there

I think it took me a solid three or four before it elevated from "hmm this is intriguing" to "omg AOTY"
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on August 19, 2023, 07:54:19 PM
In that sense the band remind me of Alter Bridge, just without the heavier riffing.

I'm always fascinated when people make comparisons of music I send to artists I've never thought to associate with them.  This had never occurred to me, and I'm not sure I see it off the bat, but next time I listen to either I'll have to ponder this more. 

Not sure the live recordings do all that much for me - I don't tend to go for live audio in general unless there's something unique or special about it - but I appreciate the inclusion to allow me to see different sides of the band

Yeah, I'm generally not that into live recordings either, but to me they are one of the exceptions.  It's definitely worth checking out the studio versions of those songs to compare.  Good songs either way, but I think they really take on a new life live, particularly when Matt lets loose more guitar-wise than their radio rock/pop side typically allows him to. 

Final opinion: One more try at the acoustic noodling again, huh? :lol

Yep!  Seems you enjoyed it more than I was worried you might, but it looks like it would have still scored lower than any of my later entries, so I made the right call in cutting it. 

Only for half the submission this time though, and the variety on display here is definitely more my cup of tea than the narrower selection of Keaggy tracks you sent me.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna make a Keaggy EP of sorts to send you after your next roulette that shows off more of his range.   :justjen

This guitar arrangement is pretty cool but doesn't really change my mind.

Mandolin, actually.   :P

Whereas the live recording of Gator Strut is a ton of fun. Both players have a great deal of skill and charisma, the way they play off each other is really enjoyable, and the tune itself has a kind of dark groove to it that's right up my alley.

Yeah, I almost sent this song to Luke at one point, but chickened out (technically twice in two separate roulettes now I guess  :facepalm: ).  I don't even know what genre you'd call it, never heard anything else quite like it. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on August 19, 2023, 08:39:32 PM
Rich's next roulette...


How many rounds do you think I'm going to do?! :P

I'm pretty sure this is what happens when you overlay the graphs for our roulettes together.   :rollin
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on August 20, 2023, 12:31:36 AM
Litho – Vertical Horizon
1. Broken Over You
2. One of You
3. The Man Who Would Be Santa (live)
4. Shackled
5. Answer Me
6. Even Now
7. Wash Away (live)

Final opinion: This is a little different to anything you sent in the roulette proper. Somewhat poppy alternative rock with a very 90s/early 00s American sound (although I recognise some of the songs are more recent). Melodically and stylistically, it's reasonably straightforward, but what sells it is the emotional warmth that pervades through all these songs. My favourites are the most emotional songs - Broken Over You and Even Now. But even the slightly grungier songs like One of You have an elegant sincerity to them. In that sense the band remind me of Alter Bridge, just without the heavier riffing. Not sure the live recordings do all that much for me - I don't tend to go for live audio in general unless there's something unique or special about it - but I appreciate the inclusion to allow me to see different sides of the band.

Score: 8.2
I don't know if Litho mentioned this when he sent these songs, but Even Now was written by Neil Peart and he played the drums on the track. The whole Burning the Days album is amazing!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: nick_z on August 20, 2023, 09:59:32 AM
Litho – Vertical Horizon
1. Broken Over You
2. One of You
3. The Man Who Would Be Santa (live)
4. Shackled
5. Answer Me
6. Even Now
7. Wash Away (live)

Final opinion: This is a little different to anything you sent in the roulette proper. Somewhat poppy alternative rock with a very 90s/early 00s American sound (although I recognise some of the songs are more recent). Melodically and stylistically, it's reasonably straightforward, but what sells it is the emotional warmth that pervades through all these songs. My favourites are the most emotional songs - Broken Over You and Even Now. But even the slightly grungier songs like One of You have an elegant sincerity to them. In that sense the band remind me of Alter Bridge, just without the heavier riffing. Not sure the live recordings do all that much for me - I don't tend to go for live audio in general unless there's something unique or special about it - but I appreciate the inclusion to allow me to see different sides of the band.

Score: 8.2
I don't know if Litho mentioned this when he sent these songs, but Even Now was written by Neil Peart and he played the drums on the track. The whole Burning the Days album is amazing!

Yes, indeed! It might overall be my favorite Vertical Horizon album (I mean, not just because of Neil Peart's involvement  ;))
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results, part 1
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on August 20, 2023, 07:51:37 PM
I did mention that he drums on it (he's also on a few others on that one and the next, but it's quite restrained for his standards), but not the writing credit (technically a co-write with Matt).  Although they were a great band long before the Rush connection.  That particular track has one of my favorite solos of Matt's though, marvelous tone and phrasing there. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results pt 2: Alt-Crow
Post by: ariich on August 29, 2023, 02:10:50 PM
Post-roulette results, part 2: Crow's Alternate Universe

Crow – Aethereus
1. Endless Cycle of Rebirth
2. Upon Infinite Seas

Final opinion: Well now, this is more intense than anything you (or almost anyone else) sent in the actual roulette. In my reviews of a few other submissions, especially in round 4, I wrote about how I often find tech death quite cold and disengaging if there's not a strong enough sense of melody. This is somewhere on the cusp. There are some great moments, especially the more melodic parts of Endless Cycle of Rebirth which are really huge and immersive. And of course the general talent, forecity and big sound are undeniable. But ultimately the balance tips slightly away from what I find most engaging in the style. Upon Infinite Seas especially drags on for quite a long time before it reaches something I find musically interesting.

Score: 7.8

Crow – McKinley Dixon
1. Chain Sooo Heavy
2. Never Will Know
3. Make a Poet Black
4. Beloved! Paradise! Jazz?

Final opinion: I wasn't too sure about this at first, but it grew on me quite a lot. Hip hop isn't a huge genre for me anyway, and this didn't seem like it really hit what I was looking for. But part of that, I think, is that it's a little unusual and experimental, and that's what has ended up making it pretty compelling. It also feels very sincere and authentic in the lyrics and the way they interlink with the music, which similarly became clearer on subsequent listens. Combine that with some nice groove and great jazz and soul influences - which I liked from the start - and we have something pretty cool actually. Although I'm still struggling to stop my brain from hearing "paradise jazz" as "very nice guy" which is kind of distracting in what is otherwise a really good song. :lol

Score: 8.0

Crow – Shamir
1. Gay Agenda
2. Cisgender
3. Abomination
4. Caught Up
5. Marriage

Final opinion: Other than the EP, this was probably my favourite submission when I went through first listens. It's accessible, tuneful pop with some nice little unusual flourishes here and there, and lyrically it seems to be a very open exploration of Shamir, his identity and things that are important to him. All things that very much appeal to me. It hasn't quite held up as much as I'd have liked though, unfortunately. As much as I like those qualities, the music is a bit… normal? It's tuneful enough but there's not much in the way of particularly engaging hooks. And it all feels a bit middle of the road and lacking in energy.

Score: 7.8

Crow – Ashenspire
1. The Law of Asbestos
2. Plattenbau Persephone Praxis
3. Tragic Heroin

Final opinion: Avant-garde metal is always risky (probably even with people who like the genre, to be fair) and this one, while interesting, doesn't quite hit the mark. It starts really well. The moody atmosphere and orchestral instrumentation are incredibly compelling and build up some great tension. But once the band comes in after 2 minutes, it quickly loses me. With music this unusual and discordant, I generally need some kind of anchor (melodic, ideally, but groove and rhythm can sometimes do it) to hold my interest, whereas this more freeform yelling is kind of… not my thing. Although I do have a soft spot for the Scottish accent. :lol The first song does build up again later on to something pretty epic though. And this trend pretty much continues through the rest of the songs. An interesting sound with some great moments, but having to sit through too much drudgery to get there.

Score: 7.6

Crow – Beyoncé
1. I’m That Girl
2. Alien Superstar
3. Don’t Hurt Yourself
4. Church Girl
5. Freedom

Final opinion: Beyonce is obviously a huge star, but oddly enough, other than a couple of her biggest hits, I've never really given her stuff a listen. There are aspects of these songs that are quite a pleasant surprise - there's a great downtempo vibe in places, with nice use of synths and some little experimentations in the production that I dig. Alien Superstar, in particular, is excellent in these regards. Don't Hurt Yourself also has a pretty great indie punk energy to it and some memorable vocal lines. The other three songs though, I feel similar to the Shamir submission in that it's all a bit straightforward and lacking in interesting hooks. And Church Girl is kind of annoying. :lol

Score: 7.7

Crow – Dispirited Spirits
1. Ships Sailing Space
2. Bring Down the Sky
3. Methanol Fire

Final opinion: This ticks a lot of my boxes, but - and I realise I'm sounding like a broken record now - the hooks aren't really there to hold it all together. There's lots to like though, and I'll for sure give the album a listen. It's a sort of indie-ish art rock style and it's pretty creative compositionally, if not so much in terms of arrangement and sound which are more straightforward. There's quite a nice emotionality to it, and some big swells that are right up my street - the climax in Bring Down the Sky, especially, is pretty wonderful and one of the best moments among your post roulette submissions. But for as great as that song is, the other two aren't nearly as interesting.

Score: 7.9

Crow – B L I S S C O R E (EP)
1. SOOOO - Happppy song
2. Jane Remover - kodak moment
3. Hakushi Hasegawa - Look at me
4. Jane Remover - can you tell?
5. Hakushi Hasegawa - Desert
6. death’s dynamic shroud - Rare Angel
7. death’s dynamic shroud - Perfect Angel

Favourite: SOOOO - Happppy song
Least favourite: Hakushi Hasegawa - Look at me

Final opinion: While alt-Crow’s other submissions have all been reasonably solid, this is the only one that matches up to what you sent in the roulette proper. And even then it doesn’t score quite as well as your EP. It’s a great selection of slightly mad electronica/glitch-pop, with lots of overlap of style but enough difference to keep things varied and interesting.

You initially sent that SOOO song on its own before sending an entire roulette’s worth of music. :lol And as it happens it remains possibly my favourite of the lot. I can totally see why you enjoy the Clarence Clarity songs Lucas and I sent in your roulette. If anything this is even more off-the-wall, but it’s terrific and there’s enough sense of melody to not get too much.

The Jane Remover songs are pretty great as well. Kind of in the same broad vein, but it’s not as wacky and there’s a slightly more emotional pop styling underlying it all, which is rather nice.

The Hakushi Hasegawa stuff is maybe bordering on a little too weird? The underlying music is basically pure jazz really, but overlaid with all this glitchy electronics. Don’t get me wrong I definitely enjoy it still, but like in the first song especially, the first half is pretty cool jazz but not that melodically engaging, and then the second half just goes insane but the glitchy sounds just go on too long. The second song balances these features slightly better.

And then onto death’s dynamic shroud, who would have been banned in the main roulette because Buddy sent them, but for this post-roulette submission it’s fine and clearly they have a pretty vast catalogue. While it’s two separate songs, it feels like they really go together, and between them they cover many of the same qualities as the rest of the EP. Nice stuff, if not mind-blowing.

Flow-wise, this doesn’t have the same sense of an emotional arc as your EP in the actual roulette, but it’s still great. It’s essentially a collection of songs that fit well together, but it gets a small extra boost because there’s a great balance of shared qualities and differences that make it not just coherent but also varied and interesting to listen to, and the sequencing and pacing is excellent.

Music quality score: 8.2
Flow score: 4.1
EP total: 12.3

Alt-roulette total = 7.8 + 8.0 + 7.8 + 7.6 + 7.7 + 7.9 + (8.2 + 4.1) = 59.1

Alt-final position: 21st

This is a nice illustration of the good judgement you exhibited in the roulette, by not sending me any of these things! :lol Not that I disliked any of them, and none scored particularly low, which is why you wouldn’t have quite come at the bottom in the roulette. But most of them failed to really hit the mark and even the better ones weren’t that special. The EP was easily the most exciting - SOOO I’ve already checked out and I love that mini-EP, and I’m really looking forward to checking out Jane Remover as well. I’ll probably dig into the rest of what you sent too, but McKinley Dixon and death’s dynamic shroud are the ones I’m particularly interested in.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results pt 2: Alt-Crow
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on August 29, 2023, 02:24:08 PM
7. death’s dynamic shroud - Perfect Angel

Ah yes, great "your computer has encountered a fatal error" music. :hat
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results pt 2: Alt-Crow
Post by: Crow on August 29, 2023, 02:52:20 PM
7. death’s dynamic shroud - Perfect Angel

Ah yes, great "your computer has encountered a fatal error" music. :hat
that's pretty much the entire EP i sent, yes  :lol

in hindsight had i heard as much hakushi hasegawa as i have now i almost certainly would've sent them as an alt-round instead of part of the EP, i'm a little bit obsessed
but also, their music is, like that, so

and yeah whew even with scores pretty consistently hitting the 7.6-8 range that would've been a way worse roulette performance, huh :corn these are all interesting things i figured you wouldn't gel with quite as much so it's good to get out every single last one of my assumptions now so i can start fresh next time :metal

that being said i bequeath you to at least check out the newest hakushi hasegawa song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV-Ww7lTyC0) which is both kinda like and quite a bit different from the ones i sent you
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results pt 2: Alt-Crow
Post by: ariich on August 30, 2023, 02:46:55 AM
7. death’s dynamic shroud - Perfect Angel

Ah yes, great "your computer has encountered a fatal error" music. :hat
that's pretty much the entire EP i sent, yes  :lol
Pretty much. It's great. :lol

in hindsight had i heard as much hakushi hasegawa as i have now i almost certainly would've sent them as an alt-round instead of part of the EP, i'm a little bit obsessed
but also, their music is, like that, so

that being said i bequeath you to at least check out the newest hakushi hasegawa song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV-Ww7lTyC0) which is both kinda like and quite a bit different from the ones i sent you
Yeah I'll check them out for sure, and I'll make sure I include the new song. As you know I'm very much an album listener and I don't really have a feel for what a whole album of their stuff will be like based on these two songs.

and yeah whew even with scores pretty consistently hitting the 7.6-8 range that would've been a way worse roulette performance, huh :corn these are all interesting things i figured you wouldn't gel with quite as much so it's good to get out every single last one of my assumptions now so i can start fresh next time :metal
Yeah like I said, your judgement in the roulette was consistently good which I think is what made the difference and got you the win this time!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results pt 2: Alt-Crow
Post by: ariich on August 30, 2023, 02:49:35 AM
That's it for post-roulette submissions this time, but I will post occasional brief updates on my experiences of checking out the artists you all sent me. Not decided on the EP artists yet because there are just so many of them, for the round 1-6 artists I think I'll probably at least check out one full release by each one. Even the ones that scored the lowest I didn't dislike (Glasser saved that for the EP) so might as well give them a try.

It's obviously a ton of music for me to work through so it'll take me a good few months probably. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results pt 2: Alt-Crow
Post by: Evermind on August 30, 2023, 03:51:28 AM
(Glasser saved that for the EP)

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results pt 2: Alt-Crow
Post by: Crow on August 30, 2023, 12:41:32 PM
Yeah I'll check them out for sure, and I'll make sure I include the new song. As you know I'm very much an album listener and I don't really have a feel for what a whole album of their stuff will be like based on these two songs.
you'll be delighted to know that the one you liked less isn't on the album and that the entire album has no two tracks that sound quite alike, it's. a ride  :lol
i'm definitely not a little obsessed with it rn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette results pt 2: Alt-Crow
Post by: Glasser on August 30, 2023, 02:53:52 PM
(Glasser saved that for the EP)


Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on September 14, 2023, 04:35:43 AM
Finally finished working my way through all the round 1 artists. Was thinking I'd post updates in batches but I never got round to it so I guess I'll just post about all of them now. :lol

In summary, quite a few keepers, some pleasant surprises, a couple of mild disappointments, but generally lots of great stuff.

Buddy: Obscure Sphinx
This band is such pure Buddycore. :lol Nothing else seems quite as special as Presence of Goddess, but Void Mother as a whole is still pretty great. I've tried their other two albums but they're not quite doing it for me. The sound and style is still there, but while Void Mother builds this fantastic tension, the other two feel a little more plodding at times.

Crow: Birds in Row
Yep Gris Klein is exactly what I wanted it to be, fantastic album. Very much an extension of the songs you sent. Features I wouldn't normally go for just work here and it's such a cathartic and engaging listen. The previous album is pretty great too. Tried out the first album and one of their EPs too, some good stuff but a bit monotone for my tastes (especially when that one tone is "shouty").

Elite: Panzerballet
I gave Tank Goodness a good couple of listens as it has my favourite (and the best sounding) of the songs you sent, and it's a pretty cool album. Their style definitely benefits from the slick, punchy sound on this one. Very enjoyable, but still ends up feeling a bit of a novelty that doesn't really draw me back in to listen again.

Evermind: Avatarium
Great stuff, their first two albums (which you sent songs from) are excellent and the third is also great, in some ways maybe even my favourite at this point. The most recent two are nice as well, but lacking a bit of punch and energy other than a couple of songs.

faizoff: Metal Church
I gave The Dark a try as the most interesting sounding of what you sent me, and yeah it's pretty much what I expected. It's OK but not really my thing, and I'm glad thrash metal went in more melodic and generally interesting directions.

Glasser: The Omega Experiment
Submissions that score in the low 8s can go in different directions when I check out full albums. Pleased to say this is on the very positive end. I liked what you sent but it couldn't have fully represented the album which is pretty expansive and really good fun prog metal. Definitely one where the sum is greater than the parts.

HOF: Caroline's Spine
Went with Work It Out as, despite being apparently less popular (according to RYM anyway), the song you sent from it was most aligned to my tastes. Pretty much exactly what I expected but yeah it's some nice alt rock and I like the emotional angle present in a few of the songs. Doesn't blow me away but am enjoyable listen.

jingle: Vandroya
Nice stuff on the whole, more on the power metal end of things but with some nice prog metal influences thrown in. One has a couple of excellent songs on it) including the one you sent) but doesn't quite grab me overall, some of it I find a little melodically uninteresting. Beyond the Human Mind doesn't quite the same highs but I find it much more consistently enjoyable.

King: The Native Howl
Yeah definitely a bit of a novelty act this one. I gave a listen to Out of the Garden and Into the Darkness, which is a long album and it was a bit of a chore to get through. I can see them being a lot of fun live but in record it doesn't do much for me. If anything I find it most enjoyable when they just go straight up bluegrass rather than making it too "thrashy" sounding. :lol

Litho: Draconian
The quality of the songs you sent is pretty consistently maintained throughout this band's discography, which I spent a good bit of time getting to know. The debut is a bit rough around the edges, and their 2006 album Burning Halo is a mish mash of different things and doesn't really work that well. But all their other albums get a solid 4 stars from me, very engaging and melancholic doom metal.

lonestar: Saiseiga
You'd have scored higher if you just stuck with their second album Nostalgia. It's great, lots of energy and memorable hooks. The first album is decent still - The talent was obviously there, the songs just aren't as enjoyable. You sent the right band, just not (all) the right songs.

luke: Deafheaven
Yeah I don't understand why Ordinary Corrupt Human Love is less popular among fans but I'm with you, it's clearly the best thing they've done. As I said earlier in the thread, I'd recently given Sunbather another shot and while it was better that I'd remembered, it didn't really work for me as the contrasting elements just didn't hold together well. I've also tried New Bermuda and feel the same way, while Infinite Granite is a nice idea in theory but ends up a little boring. OCHL is the only one that gets the balance right for me.

Luoto: Slow Fall
Another one of those bands whose first album shows promise that is then realised in the follow-up. Beneath the Endless Rains is a pretty good album but you definitely sent me the two best songs on it, and some of the rest isn’t that interesting. Since this round they released the second album and it’s really top-notch MDM, once again continuing your trend of sending me great lesser-known stuff from the genre.

nick_z: Lacrimas Profundere
Yeah this was a good shout. Bleeding the Stars is excellent, and the newest album is similarly great, just a really good blend of gothic metal and melodic death/doom metal. I did try the two albums before and there was some good stuff but they didn’t really grab me nearly as much. I also tried a couple of their older “classic” albums (Memorandum and Burning: A Wish) and felt the same way. Still, they’re on a good run now so I’m interested to see what they do next.

Puppies: Altar of Plagues
I gave Mammal a good go and ultimately feel exactly the same about the album as a whole as I did about the song you sent from it. It’s good, but never quite hits enough of my tastes and interests to really grab me or make me want to return to it.

Reaper: Moon Tooth
You mostly sent songs from Chromaparagon and while I didn’t love them, the groove and general sound was interesting so that’s the album I tried out. And yeah it’s good stuff, actually a couple of the songs I maybe even like more than most of the ones you sent, but overall I feel pretty similar to your submission - nice groove and great playing but melodic hooks not really working for me.

romdrums: Sermon
I said above that low-8 scoring submissions can go in different ways when I check out full albums, and this is one that doesn’t hold up quite so well. Your selection definitely covers all the best songs from Of Golden Verse and it’s a good album, but there isn’t really much to excite me in it and I find myself getting a little bored by the end.

Sacul: Kendrick Lamar
Delighted to add a bit more hip-hop to my collection. He clearly has a lot of great ideas, although to be honest most of his albums meander around a lot. The one that really stands out to me as a good match for my tastes is Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers - genuinely love the variety of ideas and consistent quality. To Pimp a Butterfly and Good kid, m.A.A.d city both have some cracking tunes on as well, but also a lot of stuff that doesn’t interest me at all. I also gave a couple of listens to DAMN. but nothing on it really did anything for me.

seneca: Mount Eerie
I decided to give A Crow Looked at Me a proper go and, you know what, I liked it more than I thought I would. Not enough to rate it 4 stars - it’s still a bit monotone and largely lacking in melodic richness for my tastes - but the second half of the album does have a couple of more musically engaging moments and as a whole work the emotionality of it is a little more immersive. Not one I particularly plan to return to but I’m glad you sent it to me.

soupy: Seven Spires
You know, I think this might have ended up my favourite artist of the first round. Both their latest two albums are on my regular rotation now and I’ve rated them 4.5 stars. There’s something about both albums that’s verging on being too ridiculous and over the top - both in the music and her vocals - but, by virtue of not quite going that far, ends up adding a level of excitement and immersion. So many great and incredibly enjoyable songs.

Stadler: Black Sabbath
Congratulations, you managed to find me a Black Sabbath album that I rate 4 stars! I started with Headless Cross as it has the best song from your submission, and to my surprise I really liked the whole album. Like I said with your submission, he’s probably the least distinctive singer Sabbath have had, and yet he’s probably my favourite, plus this album  just has loads of good hooks and riffs and a great overall sound. I also tried the other two albums you sent a song from (Forbidden and Cross Purposes) which were enjoyable but much more aligned with everything else I’ve heard from Sabbath - the odd good song but not that exciting overall.

TAC: Circus of Fools
Digging this band. They have a really enjoyable, theatrical, gothic vibe, very dynamic and kind of fun. The last two full releases (REX and A Broadcast From GEN .0) are excellent. Contracult also has some great stuff on it, but some filler as well. Tried one of the earlier albums and it was much weaker, but still, they’re on a good run at the moment.

Vmadera: Once Human
I gave Scar Weaver a good few listens and it’s a solid album, but the ratio of intensity and melody doesn’t quite hit the right spot for me. Or rather, I enjoy the intensity and don’t need any less of it, but there’s not enough engaging melody to balance it out - much of it is quite harmonically dense and not very accessible. Cold Arrival is still a fantastic song but the rest I have little desire to return to.

wolfking: Keep of Kalessin
I’d already explored their stuff by the time the roulette had finished, but to reiterate: great band. All their albums from Armada (2006) onwards are excellent. Not a great deal of variety between them, but a subtle evolution over time, to the point where actually their latest album Katharsis is probably my favourite - has a bigger sense of melody and grandiosity that’s right up my alley. Tried a couple of the earliest releases and they were decent but not so much my cup of tea.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on September 14, 2023, 04:38:44 AM
I completely agree about OCHL. Nothing the band has released has come close to this album, for me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on September 14, 2023, 06:17:26 AM
Nostalgia had just been released, I was still working my way through it :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: HOF on September 14, 2023, 06:38:01 AM
Work It Out is a more recent, digital only release with a reworked lineup of the band. The earlier albums are probably more known and liked by fans. Attention Please is probably my favorite all the way through, but I thought Work It Out was a nice revival of the band.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on September 14, 2023, 06:45:37 AM
As I always said - the round one reappraisal result is where the real winner of the roulette is crowned.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on September 14, 2023, 07:58:44 AM
Fair enough, their best album is White Tomb. All the others pale in comparison.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on September 14, 2023, 10:16:46 AM
Buddy: Obscure Sphinx
This band is such pure Buddycore. :lol Nothing else seems quite as special as Presence of Goddess, but Void Mother as a whole is still pretty great. I've tried their other two albums but they're not quite doing it for me. The sound and style is still there, but while Void Mother builds this fantastic tension, the other two feel a little more plodding at times.

Sacul sent them to me, in all fairness. :biggrin: Void Mother is such a great album. I agree that Presence Of Goddess is the best song but that's not saying much, there's some other excellent songs on there too like Lunar Caustic and Waiting For The Bodies...

I was originally really disappointed in their follow-up album but it grew on me after a while. I was expecting it to be as big and heavy as Void Mother, but I eventually realized it's trying to be a more sparse, desolate-sounding album, which I think it does well enough.

Still waiting for that fourth album...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on September 14, 2023, 10:19:58 AM
I completely agree about OCHL. Nothing the band has released has come close to this album, for me.

Honeycomb, Canary Yellow and Glint are all excellent. But the rest of the songs drag down the album below Sunbather and New Bermuda for me, especially You Without End, which I think is kinda dogshit. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on September 14, 2023, 10:45:59 AM
Yes The Omega Experiment needs to be heard in it's entirety. I did my best trying to represent it with a few tunes.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on September 14, 2023, 10:59:40 AM
I getcha Rich.  I agree. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on September 14, 2023, 11:10:21 AM
I completely agree about OCHL. Nothing the band has released has come close to this album, for me.

Honeycomb, Canary Yellow and Glint are all excellent. But the rest of the songs drag down the album below Sunbather and New Bermuda for me, especially You Without End, which I think is kinda dogshit. :lol

Respectfully, you suck.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on September 14, 2023, 11:45:02 AM
Litho: Draconian
The quality of the songs you sent is pretty consistently maintained throughout this band's discography, which I spent a good bit of time getting to know. The debut is a bit rough around the edges, and their 2006 album Burning Halo is a mish mash of different things and doesn't really work that well. But all their other albums get a solid 4 stars from me, very engaging and melancholic doom metal.

The Burning Halo is definitely not as cohesive.  It's a mixture of re-recordings of older songs, some newer ones at the time, and some covers.  It's something I would suggest people newer to them skip at first and get into later.  To be honest I don't listen to the pre-Turning Season Within albums nearly as much.  By any chance did you pay more attention to "The Wretched Tide" on Sovran?  That's the one I felt worst about having to leave off even with your 20-minute time limit. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on September 14, 2023, 01:55:06 PM
The Burning Halo is definitely not as cohesive.  It's a mixture of re-recordings of older songs, some newer ones at the time, and some covers.  It's something I would suggest people newer to them skip at first and get into later.
Yeah I get that. It's not bad, but when their other albums are better I don't think I'll have much need for it.

To be honest I don't listen to the pre-Turning Season Within albums nearly as much.
I'm obviously fairly new to all of them, but yeah Turning onwards is consistently great. That said, Arcane Rain Fell is excellent as well based on the three listens I've given it.

By any chance did you pay more attention to "The Wretched Tide" on Sovran?  That's the one I felt worst about having to leave off even with your 20-minute time limit. 
Yeah it's a good one - really nice chorus - but I don't know that it stands out all that much because the whole album is great, probably my favourite.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on September 14, 2023, 01:59:37 PM
As I always said - the round one reappraisal result is where the real winner of the roulette is crowned.
I mean, in the long term, yes. :lol That was why I originally did album roulettes for v3-v5, but there's no way I could accommodate 24 of you if I was doing that. :lol

I was originally really disappointed in their follow-up album but it grew on me after a while. I was expecting it to be as big and heavy as Void Mother, but I eventually realized it's trying to be a more sparse, desolate-sounding album, which I think it does well enough.
Yeah I have no issue with the sound, I quite like the vibe, and I took a good few listens to make up my mind on the album. I think too much of it just moves a bit too slowly for me.

Yes The Omega Experiment needs to be heard in it's entirety. I did my best trying to represent it with a few tunes.
Yeah you did a very respectable job of it (especially if your first ever roulette round!). I don't think any particular selection would have been able to fully represent the album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on September 14, 2023, 02:09:45 PM
yeah i've listened to the previous birds in row album and while it's good it's nowhere near as compelling as gris klein imo
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on September 14, 2023, 02:15:24 PM
I picked up a pack of the first 6 KOK albums the other day.  Amarda and Kolossus is where it's at for me.  Didn't dig the first two either.  Haven't checked Reptillian yet and Epistemology was pretty interesting.  The new one is definitely very enjoyable too.  Can see how it's your fav.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Sacul on September 14, 2023, 02:28:21 PM
Glad you liked some of the Kendrick songs at least, I think To Pimp a Butterfly is definitely a grower, such a cinematic record.

Buddy: Obscure Sphinx
This band is such pure Buddycore. :lol Nothing else seems quite as special as Presence of Goddess, but Void Mother as a whole is still pretty great. I've tried their other two albums but they're not quite doing it for me. The sound and style is still there, but while Void Mother builds this fantastic tension, the other two feel a little more plodding at times.

Sacul sent them to me, in all fairness. :biggrin: Void Mother is such a great album. I agree that Presence Of Goddess is the best song but that's not saying much, there's some other excellent songs on there too like Lunar Caustic and Waiting For The Bodies...

I was originally really disappointed in their follow-up album but it grew on me after a while. I was expecting it to be as big and heavy as Void Mother, but I eventually realized it's trying to be a more sparse, desolate-sounding album, which I think it does well enough.

Still waiting for that fourth album...
Such a great album indeed, I think I haven't given their other records much of a listen, but I might go remedy that soon :bangyerhead:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ReaperKK on September 14, 2023, 03:15:03 PM
I agree with you on the Moon Tooth bit. I actually liked there later albums a lot more because their songs had a lot more melody, it was only after a while did I go back and really click with their debut.

Mr. Morale is such a killer album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Sacul on September 14, 2023, 03:39:38 PM
I love the song Mother I Sober, but that's about it, I didn't really get into that record tbh.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on September 14, 2023, 05:14:16 PM
That said, Arcane Rain Fell is excellent as well based on the three listens I've given it.

That tends to be one of their most popular ones (and has the highest RYM rating).  It's great, but is a bit too similar to the 90s tree of influences they come from for me.  Turning Season Within-Sovran have more melodeath influences and Katatonia-esque aspects.  Under a Godless Veil tries to turn the clock back a bit (including bringing back the original band font) and sounds somewhat in-between the eras. 

Yeah it's a good one - really nice chorus - but I don't know that it stands out all that much because the whole album is great, probably my favourite.

Ah, ok.  It's also mine, and will feature when I do my top 50 later. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: nick_z on September 14, 2023, 05:53:38 PM
nick_z: Lacrimas Profundere
Yeah this was a good shout. Bleeding the Stars is excellent, and the newest album is similarly great, just a really good blend of gothic metal and melodic death/doom metal. I did try the two albums before and there was some good stuff but they didn’t really grab me nearly as much. I also tried a couple of their older “classic” albums (Memorandum and Burning: A Wish) and felt the same way. Still, they’re on a good run now so I’m interested to see what they do next.

Agree with all of this. Despite the fact that I have always been a fan of the genre and this band has been at it for a long time, for some reason I've never quite warmed to much of their output. Listened to the occasional song/record here and there over the years, but not much more than that. But Bleeding the Starts really hit the spot. I mean, there's nothing terribly new on it, but it has excellent mixture of melody, melancholy and heaviness, and some interesting songwriting ideas amid the more straightforward songs. Very good vocals too, which is not always a given in gothic metal-adjacent records.

Glad you enjoyed it too!

That said, Arcane Rain Fell is excellent as well based on the three listens I've given it.

That tends to be one of their most popular ones (and has the highest RYM rating).  It's great, but is a bit too similar to the 90s tree of influences they come from for me.  Turning Season Within-Sovran have more melodeath influences and Katatonia-esque aspects.  Under a Godless Veil tries to turn the clock back a bit (including bringing back the original band font) and sounds somewhat in-between the eras. 

Yeah it's a good one - really nice chorus - but I don't know that it stands out all that much because the whole album is great, probably my favourite.

Ah, ok.  It's also mine, and will feature when I do my top 50 later. 

Count me in as preferring the output from Turning Season Within on...although I actually revisited Arcane Rain Fell a couple of days ago, and I very much enjoyed it. Songs like The Apostasy Canticle, Heaven Laid in Tears and The Abhorrent Rays (this one has some old-school Katatonia influence!) are excellent. The long closer is good (some parts are great), but maybe not fully justifying its 15-minute runtime...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on October 18, 2023, 06:37:42 AM
I love the song Mother I Sober, but that's about it, I didn't really get into that record tbh.
Well it all worked out well anyway - I liked the stuff you love and loved the stuff you were less into. :lol

Anyway, where are the updates on round 2 artists I hear you all asking?

Buddy (round 2) and Crow (post-roulette EP): death's dynamic shroud
Transcendence Bot is a fanclub release but seemed like the obvious starting point, so I gave it a couple of listens on Youtube. And yeah you basically sent me the best tracks from it, in that they’re the only ones I really like much. :lol Over Again is almost another great one - the big harmonies in the chorus would have been so good - but it uses way too much of that out-of-tune styling that’s popular in some electronic music and which I do not really like. I also tried Darklife which Crow sent me post-roulette songs from, and similarly it’s a mixed bag - some really good stuff but quite a lot that doesn’t really grab me.

Crow: Gang of Youths
Another hit - that’s two for two so far. Angel in Realtime is my favourite - consistently great throughout - but Go Farther in Lightness also has a ton of great stuff too. Some of the songs feel more depressive individually, but across the albums there’s a real warmth and thoughtfulness with which the issues are addressed. I’ve also come around on their Let Me Be Clear EP which is very nice too. Tried the debut and it has many of the same qualities but just doesn’t really hook me in emotionally in the same way.

Elite: Chano Dominguez
So yeah, Estándares is a nice bit of flamenco jazz with some nice elegant arrangements and smooth playing. Doesn’t excite me that much and while I could enjoy pretty much any small selection of songs from this album, it doesn’t really hold my interest.

Evermind: The Wishing Tree
Pretty much what I said about the selection of songs you sent - Ostara is really straightforward and doesn’t really have much about it that would normally excite me, and yet I just find it such a pleasant and lovely listen. Their first album (from 13 years earlier) is nice too, but not as engaging and more what I would normally have expected my reaction to be.

faizoff: Nine Inch Nails
Yeah I suspect Nine Inch Nails may be one of those groups who - The Fragile aside - I really love the odd song from but can’t really get into other albums by. Both Hesitation Marks and the Add Violence EP have some great stuff on them, especially the songs you sent, but also a lot of stuff I have little interest in or even, occasionally, that I find grating.

Glasser: Legacy Pilots
Despite scoring the same as The Omega Experiment in the roulette, this hasn’t translated so well into a full album hitting my interests. There’s good stuff on Helix for sure but you definitely sent among the best stuff on the album. Some of it feels a little middle-of-the-road neo prog, and where it does experiment more (like the multi-track suites) I find it dragging somewhat. A good album, but not a great one.

HOF: The Pearlfishers
The Strange Underworld of the Tall Poppies had my favourites from the selection you sent, so that’s what I went with. I didn’t quite end up giving it 4 stars but it was close - I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the few listens I gave it. As I indicated in the roulette itself, the vocal style is not one I tend to gravitate towards, but - on this album at least - it’s done well, and there’s an enjoyable warmth and variety to the music that’s rather nice.

jingle: Rik Emmett
Absolutely seems to be his main “hit” so I gave it a couple of listens and it was pretty enjoyable, maybe more so than I expected. I can see you went with a lighter selection for the round theme, but there was quite a nice variety with a little more Triumph-esque hard rock crunch in some songs. I was also curious about Handiwork so gave that a few listens and - as noodley acoustic guitars go - it was similarly enjoyable with a few really nice tracks.

King: The Avett Brothers
This is one of the good successes of the round, for sure. It scored a solid 8.2 but that can go different ways when translating to full albums. Thankfully I’ve found myself really digging their run of four albums from 2009’s I and Love and You to 2016’s True Sadness. Some of it is pretty sappy, corny folk-pop/pop-folk but they have a lot of memorable hooks and emotional warmth. The latest album is quite a big step down I think, bar a few songs (the music is alright but some of the lyrics are distractingly weak), and I’m similarly not really into the rawer earlier material, but those four albums are great.

Litho: Phil Keaggy
I went with giving Beyond Nature a try and, you know, I came so close to giving it 4 stars. The vibe is consistent throughout and yes there’s a fair bit of acoustic guitar noodling, but it’s all pleasant and the album does have a broader sound palette that’s very nice. There are some moments - particularly a couple that have a more folksy emotive feel - that are pretty gorgeous. But ultimately the thing that just held it back is that there are too many moments where it feels - to me - incomplete without vocals.

lonestar: Band-Maid
Yeah I have to be honest I just don’t really get why this band is one of the biggest Japanese rock/metal bands. I gave that acoustic fanclub album a listen and yeah it definitely suffers from the slightly half-hearted arrangements I described in the roulette, but not all the songs have such good choruses as the ones you sent. I also gave another regular album a try, this time, Conqueror, and same as my previous experiences it’s all very competent and there are some good tunes but just not enough of them.

Luke (round 2 and EP): King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
In a single roulette you managed to triple the number of times I’ve been sent the Gizz. :lol And yeah, you’ve not changed my mind about them. Polygondwanaland is still a great album (thanks Buddy) but I can add Omnium Gatherum and Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms and Lava to my list of now six other albums I’ve liked but not loved. I’m well aware this still leaves another few dozen albums I’ve not heard, and I’m under no illusion that you’ve given up. :P

Luoto: Rioghan
Yep, Different Kinds of Losses is excellent. I loved the songs you sent from it and I feel pretty much exactly the same way about the album as a whole. There are maybe a couple of songs that are slightly less engaging but the rest is great - really emotionally immersive and her vocals are so compelling. The Blackened Sky EP is pretty good too, if not as substantial.

nick_z: Meer
No surprise at all that Playing House is a top notch album. I don’t really have anything to add to what I said about the selection you sent - it all applies in full to the whole album. I gave their debut a go as well as it was nice too, but not as rich and vibrant.

Puppies: Amesoeurs
Just the one album from this short-lived band. You may recall in the roulette I was a little unsure at first but the songs you sent grew on me loads. I guess that experience primed me for the full album - despite it going into some heavier territories - because I liked it loads from the start. A slightly odd mix of styles and influences for sure and I’m not wholly convinced they sit together all that comfortably but it doesn’t really matter when the music is of such consistent quality.

Reaper: Jakub Zytecki
Yeah this turned out pretty much the way I thought it might. The guy is very talented - he’s a good player, but does enough with his compositions and production that it’s not all about guitar anyway. I delved into both the album and the EP that you sent tracks from and they’re nice. Your selection was among the best tracks but there are other nice ones too. Neither fully holds my attention but for the style it’s solid stuff.

romdrums: Monobody
Comma is a nice album but it’s not held up as much as I’d hoped it would based on the tracks you sent me. The style is still really cool - I dig the mix of Kindo-esque jazz-indie with more traditional fusion stylings. I mentioned in the roulette that it lacked certain features I might have liked (accessible hooks and/or harmonic and tonal variety) but did ok without them and that was true for the smaller selection, but when widening out to the whole album the gap is more noticeable.

Sacul: Sohn
Ok yeah Tremors is an excellent album. You definitely sent me some of the best songs from it, but it’s all good stuff very much along the lines I described in my writeup for the roulette. The two albums he’s done since aren’t nearly as compelling - a couple of great moments on the newest album Trust but for the most part he seems to have lapsed into being another James Blake clone. But at least Tremors is great.

seneca: The Killers
Yep, I love Pressure Machine for all the same reasons I loved the songs you sent. My previous knowledge of The Killers had been singles from their first two albums (when they were at their biggest) but this is just a really rich and mature album with some great hooks. I went back and gave those first two albums proper listens and there are actually a few really good songs there too, but also a lot of filler. Similar with Imploding the Mirage. Didn’t bother with their middle albums as even their fans don’t seem to like them that much.

soupy: Lana Del Rey
A very pleasant surprise here, you’re so far maintaining a track record of me liking albums even more than the songs you sent. In this case it’s mainly in the form of Ultraviolence, which is a really great album. Great vibe and sound, and a lot of memorable melodies. I tried Born to Die and Ocean Blvd as well, and also Norman Fucking Rockwell which seems to be her most popular work. All three were good but none quite stacked up.

Stadler: Whitesnake
It’s bizarre how good this live acoustic Tokyo recording is. I’ve now learned it was originally released back in 1997 as Starkers in Tokyo, and yeah it’s just great. Basically every song works surprisingly well as stripped back, delicate acoustic songs and Coverdale’s voice is smooth as hell. I tried the main “Unzipped” acoustic complication and it was alright but pretty bland by comparison. I also took a punt on their self-titled album and liked it more than I might have expected, but still not entirely my thing. Still, Starkers in Tokyo is a keeper.

TAC: Lumsk
I think you probably get the award for my favourite artist from round 2. Fremmede Toner especially is, I think, my favourite album from the round. It’s just so rich and vibrant, with a mix of dark and light and lots of lush melodies and harmonies. Would love to see if they continue in this direction. The albums from their earlier incarnation are more mixed but Troll is another pretty great one.

Vmadera: The Cyberiam
Another pleasant surprise here. You only scraped an 8.0 in the roulette which I stand by, but a bit like Glasser with The Omega Experiment in round 1, a couple of songs can only provide part of the picture. Both their albums, and indeed their EP too, are excellent prog rock with decent variety of sounds and tone. Very nice.

wolfking: Elegy
State of Mind is pretty much what I expected really, based on the songs you sent. It’s pretty good and definitely my favourite thing I’ve heard from Ian Parry, but you chose the songs well and the album as a whole doesn’t really grab me. Glad to have checked it out though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on October 18, 2023, 06:41:01 AM
Rich is definitely not a Madiac.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on October 18, 2023, 06:49:22 AM
Interesting, I increasingly feel like the most vocal-oriented person on DTF, but it might actually be you.   :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on October 18, 2023, 07:04:32 AM
Interesting, I increasingly feel like the most vocal-oriented person on DTF, but it might actually be you.   :biggrin:
Possibly. :lol There's plenty of instrumental (or non-vocal electronic) music I love but yeah I can be picky about it. I guess in vocal music, I definitely see vocals as - usually - a focal point. Not always of course, but it often helps bring things together. Absolutely fine to not have vocals as long as something else is filling that role. Might be production (e.g. in electronic music), might be the instrumental work and melodies therein. What tends to put me off a bit is when instrumental music sounds to me like it should be underpinning a vocal line in a verse or chorus - e.g. simple strumming or simple riffs - but without the vocal line.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Sacul on October 18, 2023, 07:12:21 AM
Yeah I agree, Tremors is great but haven't been into the rest of his work. Glad you're checking stuff out, keep at it :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: HOF on October 18, 2023, 07:17:32 AM

HOF: The Pearlfishers
The Strange Underworld of the Tall Poppies had my favourites from the selection you sent, so that’s what I went with. I didn’t quite end up giving it 4 stars but it was close - I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the few listens I gave it. As I indicated in the roulette itself, the vocal style is not one I tend to gravitate towards, but - on this album at least - it’s done well, and there’s an enjoyable warmth and variety to the music that’s rather nice.

This would have been the album I’d have recommended you check out, so glad you picked it/liked it!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on October 18, 2023, 07:24:19 AM
I'm quite impressed that you're seeming to go through something from every single artist in a round.  I'll later on be going through more of the higher-scoring ones in mine, but I don't think I'll have the patience to get to the lowest-ranked ones.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on October 18, 2023, 07:26:44 AM
In a single roulette you managed to triple the number of times I’ve been sent the Gizz.  And yeah, you’ve not changed my mind about them. Polygondwanaland is still a great album (thanks Buddy) but I can add Omnium Gatherum and Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms and Lava to my list of now six other albums I’ve liked but not loved. I’m well aware this still leaves another few dozen albums I’ve not heard, and I’m under no illusion that you’ve given up.

Give up?! You know me too well.

This is basically me and the rest of the forum now, when talking about the Gizz...

(https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meaef7npWc1qaldqoo8_r1_250.gif) (https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meaef7npWc1qaldqoo9_r1_250.gif)

You'll be happy to know I'm converting more people every week, and the new plug.dj sessions are really helping.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on October 18, 2023, 07:35:10 AM
Disappointing for DDS, but I see those Blanck Mass ratings. ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on October 18, 2023, 07:44:05 AM
I'm quite impressed that you're seeming to go through something from every single artist in a round.  I'll later on be going through more of the higher-scoring ones in mine, but I don't think I'll have the patience to get to the lowest-ranked ones.
Yeah I decided to give it a go.

I did it for my v7 fogey roulette, which was a little more manageable because it had slightly fewer rounds and players. And in that case the point of the roulette was to broaden my exposure to older artists so it made sense to at least check out an album by every artist I was sent. Plus, I'm primarily an album listener, so it's good to hear songs in context.

For this roulette, my initial thinking was that I'd do the same as my v6, which was check out every artist that scored 8.0 or more and then a selection of those that scored less but seemed interesting and/or promising in some way. But in the end I decided that a. sampling everything from my v7 was really quite nice and led to some pleasant surprises, and b. I'd be checking out most artists anyway, so for the remaining few I wouldn't have checked out, it's really not much extra effort to give one album a couple of listens and see what I think.

I don't think I'll apply that to the EP round though, as there are so many artists and some were just one short song. Most, probably, but I don't intend to check them all out.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on October 18, 2023, 07:44:38 AM
Disappointing for DDS, but I see those Blanck Mass ratings. ;)
Yes round 3 is going rather better for you, despite them getting identical scores in the roulette. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: senecadawg2 on October 18, 2023, 08:11:28 AM
I'm glad to see you enjoyed Pressure Machine. I agree that most of The Killers output isn't really worth the time, although I make another exception for Sam's Town.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on October 18, 2023, 08:47:00 AM

soupy: Lana Del Rey
A very pleasant surprise here, you’re so far maintaining a track record of me liking albums even more than the songs you sent. In this case it’s mainly in the form of Ultraviolence, which is a really great album. Great vibe and sound, and a lot of memorable melodies. I tried Born to Die and Ocean Blvd as well, and also Norman Fucking Rockwell which seems to be her most popular work. All three were good but none quite stacked up.

If that's your favorite then maybe try Blue Bannisters, that album is sort of seen as a collection of older songs with several coming from around the Ultraviolence era.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on October 18, 2023, 09:11:50 AM
"Nectar of the Gods" is the song that started to sell me on her.  No one says "fucking" more soothingly than her.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on October 19, 2023, 12:39:14 AM

soupy: Lana Del Rey
A very pleasant surprise here, you’re so far maintaining a track record of me liking albums even more than the songs you sent. In this case it’s mainly in the form of Ultraviolence, which is a really great album. Great vibe and sound, and a lot of memorable melodies. I tried Born to Die and Ocean Blvd as well, and also Norman Fucking Rockwell which seems to be her most popular work. All three were good but none quite stacked up.

If that's your favorite then maybe try Blue Bannisters, that album is sort of seen as a collection of older songs with several coming from around the Ultraviolence era.
Inspired suggestion, thanks. You're spot on. Maybe not quite up to the consistency of Ultraviolence but still really great and with the same qualities that appeal to me about it - the sound, the sense of melancholy, the melodic approach, all up my street. And suddenly out of nowhere a really energetic interlude that's pure Submotion Orchestra. Sounds totally out of place on the album but I bloody love Submotion Orchestra so I'm cool with it. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on October 19, 2023, 03:00:41 AM

soupy: Lana Del Rey
A very pleasant surprise here, you’re so far maintaining a track record of me liking albums even more than the songs you sent. In this case it’s mainly in the form of Ultraviolence, which is a really great album. Great vibe and sound, and a lot of memorable melodies. I tried Born to Die and Ocean Blvd as well, and also Norman Fucking Rockwell which seems to be her most popular work. All three were good but none quite stacked up.

If that's your favorite then maybe try Blue Bannisters, that album is sort of seen as a collection of older songs with several coming from around the Ultraviolence era.
Inspired suggestion, thanks. You're spot on. Maybe not quite up to the consistency of Ultraviolence but still really great and with the same qualities that appeal to me about it - the sound, the sense of melancholy, the melodic approach, all up my street. And suddenly out of nowhere a really energetic interlude that's pure Submotion Orchestra. Sounds totally out of place on the album but I bloody love Submotion Orchestra so I'm cool with it. :lol

So can you upscale my score now  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on October 19, 2023, 03:51:53 AM
the last two gang of youths albums are the only ones i know but they're both really good, yeah
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: nick_z on October 19, 2023, 05:29:46 AM

Anyway, where are the updates on round 2 artists I hear you all asking?

nick_z: Meer
No surprise at all that Playing House is a top notch album. I don’t really have anything to add to what I said about the selection you sent - it all applies in full to the whole album. I gave their debut a go as well as it was nice too, but not as rich and vibrant.

Glad you enjoyed the album. It was, quite literally, my out-of-nowhere surprise of 2021. Rich and vibrant is a good way to describe it, and I agree it was a step up from the debut (which I of course subsequently checked out)

Very curious to see what they cook up next (assuming, and hoping, they do)

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on November 28, 2023, 02:45:14 PM
Disappointing for DDS, but I see those Blanck Mass ratings. ;)
Yes round 3 is going rather better for you, despite them getting identical scores in the roulette. :lol
As promised, and with apologies for taking a while over this one (I blame Crow... Vylet Pony has so much music!), here's the results of my exploring the round 3 artists. Thanks as always to everyone for sending me so much good and interesting stuff!

Buddy: Blanck Mass
Despite getting an identical score to death's dynamic shroud, this went in the opposite direction. The tracks you chose made sense for the roulette but I don't know if they're even my favourites, the whole of World Eater is just so good. Same with Animated Violence Mild, which is in much the same vein although with some nice distinguishers. I had a look back at our posts at the time and forgot that those were the two albums you highlighted as well, so it seems we're on the same page here. The other albums are all quite good but I didn't find them nearly as interesting. But those two albums are among my favourites from the round.

Crow: Vylet Pony
Good golly Vylet has made a lot of music. :lol You really sent me down a rabbit hole with this. I started with her latest three - you sent me songs from the last two, and the one before, Cutiemarks, seemed to be her breakout album. And yeah all three are really great - having explored some of her earlier works now, it's clear her writing is more focused and consistent now. The stuff before is inconsistent, but there's still some damn great stuff. The other album I love as a whole is Homeward. About half of Fairytales also excellent, but man she really didn't know how to trim the filler until recently. I sampled a few other albums and there were a handful of strong tunes on each. Anyway just really digging the music in general. The whole MLP fan community isn't something I'm interested in, but it provides a nice backdrop for her stuff.

Elite: Wes Montgomery
As you know I was fairly familiar with Wes already, having heard a couple of his albums myself in the past and you sent me a few tunes of his last time as well. I do enjoy live jazz but, like the selection from it that you sent, this album doesn't really have the dynamic energy I was hoping for. It's good for sure and his playing was as super cool as ever but it just doesn't excite me much unfortunately.

Evermind: Lords of Black
I've given a good few listens to each of their five albums and they're all solid - two of them (II and Icons) just about reach the 4 star mark for me. The style is fairly straightforward power (ish) metal, and so really requires good hooks and energy to grab me, and those two albums hit my tastes nicely in that regard. Some really catchy stuff and generally very enjoyable. The singer's slightly gravelly voice helps give the sound a slight edge too. The other three all sit slightly below that mark - some good songs but not consistent enough to hold my interest.

faizoff: Van She
I like these guys, but generally the whole albums haven't quite lived up to the selection of songs you sent. I gave a good few listens to both V and Idea of Happiness, and enjoyed both but neither quite did it for me. The sound is very cool, kind of indie pop with varying degrees of electronic elements and occasionally something a little more rock oriented. It's a good mix, and some songs are pretty great but not enough of them to make whole albums sufficiently engaging.

Glasser: Nospūn
Opus has ended up being one of my favourite albums from the roulette, and a mighty fine debut. Like many debuts, they definitely wear their influences on their sleeves. I mentioned this in another thread I think (or was it on Reddit?) but along with the obvious DT and Haken influences at times, there are also elements of more cinematic prog metal bands like Native Construct and Beyond the Bridge. But while the influences are obvious, I like that the band doesn't rely too much on them and still made an album really dynamic and engaging.

HOF: Dim Gray
The songs you sent were comfortably the highest score you’ve gotten from me (so far!) and the quality and creativity on Firmament just doesn’t let up. Not much to add to what I said originally about your submission - the music is gorgeous, interesting and emotive. It also works great as an album, elevating another level up. I’m digging their debut Flown as well - it’s not quite as special but it’s still great stuff.

jingle: Nuclear Power Trio
You already know this because you sent me the entire EP, but I love it. And because once the round was over I already knew their entire catalogue, I kept up with what they were doing and checked out their full length as soon as it came out. And I love that too! I also like that they made use of the longer run time with a bit of variety of styles and influences. It’s not often I really get into instrumental rock but these guys just have so much energy, dynamism and great sense of melody.

King: Our Lady Peace
The bands you sent me have so far gone one way or the other, and unfortunately these guys haven’t held up quite as well as the selection you sent. I did end up giving a good go at all four of the albums you sent me songs from, as they have a good sound and a few great songs. But none of the albums felt consistently interesting enough to really grab and hold my attention.

Litho: Dejafuse
Ok so my journey with this album has basically been exactly the same as it was with the songs you sent from it. First couple of listens I liked it, but beyond the songs I already knew I didn’t feel wowed by it. But once again everything just grew on me loads. The whole thing is pretty great, but in addition to Blanque Cheque the other one that’s ended up being a favourite - despite it mostly being instrumental noodling - was Continuum. Go figure.

lonestar: Rolling Quartz
Not really a surprise considering you sent most of their EP already but yeah I enjoy it a lot, for all the reasons I liked the songs you sent. Blaze is also a really fun song. I checked out all the other singles available on Spotify but none were that interesting - seems you picked the best set!

Luke: Coheed and Cambria
You did it again! Just like with Deafheaven (though not King Gizzard I’m afraid), you have managed to turn me on to an album by a band I’ve tried before with no success. I mentioned this in the Coheed thread, but Vaxis II is such a massive step up in how much I like it. I tried Vaxis I as well and while it’s maybe a little more engaging than the previous albums I’ve heard from them, there’s still something awkward about the melodies and songwriting. But Vaxis II is so catchy and smooth flowing. Hope this is a new direction for them (melodically, not stylistically) rather than just a one-off!

Luoto: Cain's Offering
You know, I came quite close to giving Stormcrow 4 stars but never quite got there. Their debut feels pretty solid 3.5 star territory for me - enjoyable but fairly middle of the road power metal for my tastes. Stormcrow was definitely an improvement - I love the over-the-top symphonic stylings which really give it a very enjoyable grand feel. And a few songs have strong hooks as well, but I don’t feel it’s quite enough of them.

nick_z: Eneferens
Wasn’t at all surprised by this, but The Bleakness of Our Constant is indeed an excellent album. Definitely one of the stronger one-man-bands out there. I sampled his two earlier albums as well (one fully, one only very briefly) and they really weren’t up to scratch. Less atmosphere, less melody, less crunch in the heavy sections even. Bleakness was back in 2018 so I wonder if he’ll make any more music - I hope so!

Puppies: Echolyn
This was a fairly bold submission considering I’d rated their previous album only 3 stars, but it did pretty well for you. And I’m pleased to say that the self-titled album as a whole stacks up too. Not everything is a hit, but in general the album is rich and vibrant and has some great emotional moments. Tried their latest too which was also better than what I’ve heard from them before, but not on the same level as the self-titled.

Reaper: From Monument to Masses
I gave a good couple of listens to On Little Known Frequencies, and it was very much what I expected. Not bad by any means, perfectly sold post-rock. But basically I feel the same way I did about the tracks you sent. Even more so perhaps, as nothing else interested me as much as that section in the middle Checksum.

romdrums: Jaga Jazzist
Well now, Starfire turned out to be a pleasant surprise. You may recall in the roulette that I found the first few minutes of the title track a bit slow but loved it when it kicked in. As the opening track of the album, that slow start completely makes sense, and in general the album is just really engaging and enjoyable synth-heavy prog/jazz fusion. Melodically interesting and rhythmically intricate. I tried a few other albums too (What We Must, One-Armed Bandit and Pyramid) and they all have things I like about them but none quite does it for me.

Sacul: The Black Queen
This is another artist that was pretty much what I expected. Fever Daydream is a good album, with nice mix of different synthpop styles that keeps it pretty interesting. I think you picked a good selection from it - some of the album was a little more run of the mill, but it’s all nice stuff.

seneca: Emma Ruth Rundle
So Engine of Hell was exactly along the lines I’d expected, which is to say that I like it but it doesn’t hold my interest that well - just like the songs you sent from it. But because I find her interesting and you and Litho bigged up Some Heavy Ocean, I figured I’d give that a listen to. It was a bit more my cup of tea - more sonic and tonal variety and interesting to listen to. Hasn’t so far hit the 8/10 mark for me - something about her vocal melodies doesn’t quite capture me - but I’m willing to give it some more listens and see if it grows some more.

soupy: Fellowship
Why do I enjoy this so much? My experience with your submission is exactly the same with the full album. It’s far too cheesy for me. Surely? I mean come on. Why are these songs so catchy and fun? TIME FOR AN ADVENTURE. I honestly can’t explain it but for some reason I love this album.

Stadler: Asia
As you know I was pretty familiar with Asia already, having checked out a bunch of albums from across the years - already a big fan of Silent Nation but not so keen on earlier material. The songs you sent me went down really well and I did wonder if you’d pull the same thing you did with Sabbath but alas not quite this time. Don’t get me wrong, Alpha is a solid album and probably my second favourite I’ve heard behind Silent Nation - about half the album is strong and a couple of songs are really great, but the rest leave me a little bored. I remember there being a song or two on their debut I liked as well, so I should probably put together my own little best-of from their earlier works.

TAC: Castleway
As safe a bet as folk metal might seem with me, this album hasn’t worked out as well as I’d have hoped. The songs you sent are really good, especially A Shivering Sea. In fact there’s a general correlation on here between how serious/poetic the titles are and how much I enjoy the songs. Not sure exactly what the root of that is, but songs like Chicken Run: A True Viking Story and Goblin Goblin Goblin feel tonally off and possibly reflect the band’s mindset when writing them. Anyway it’s an enjoyable album though not one I feel particularly compelled to return to.

Vmadera: Prototype
I decided to give Catalyst a couple of listens and, you know what, I liked it more than I expected. Not quite enough to reach the 8/10 mark maybe - the vocal melodies just don’t quite hit the mark for me - but the prog thrash sound is cool and the sound palette is a little more expansive than the songs you sent. I wouldn’t say I love it, but I do kind of dig it more than I might have thought for something that came last in the round.

wolfking: Brymir
Damn, this band is really great. I described it during the roulette as the most melodic thing you’d ever sent me (up to that point anyway), and I stand by that certainly for the selection of songs you sent and indeed a whole bunch of others too. Especially on their latest album Voices in the Sky, which is superb. But all three of their other albums are excellent too. There’s more in the way of dark or melodically dense stuff dotted throughout but it’s all good and there are always these big, melodic, epic as hell moments to really immerse me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on November 28, 2023, 02:49:06 PM
Two RQ songs I'd check out if I were you aren't on Spotify... The first is a cover of what I do believe is the Korean version of a crooner, he's the dude at the end of the video, and is singer Jayoung's strongest performance of a shit ton of strong performances... The second is a fucking brilliant mashup of a Blackpink song and a BTS song...

https://youtu.be/L_YooJt_ewU?si=SVAjHdNPVxUxTKEl (https://youtu.be/L_YooJt_ewU?si=SVAjHdNPVxUxTKEl)

https://youtu.be/geSy4yOLfl8?si=4uwqTTtN8bEnot0G (https://youtu.be/geSy4yOLfl8?si=4uwqTTtN8bEnot0G)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on November 28, 2023, 02:50:57 PM
Dude, Coheed being catchy and smooth is not a one off, it's their damn MO! Glad you liked it though, it is phenomenonal and an album that means a lot to me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on November 28, 2023, 02:56:46 PM
Litho: Dejafuse
Ok so my journey with this album has basically been exactly the same as it was with the songs you sent from it. First couple of listens I liked it, but beyond the songs I already knew I didn’t feel wowed by it. But once again everything just grew on me loads. The whole thing is pretty great, but in addition to Blanque Cheque the other one that’s ended up being a favourite - despite it mostly being instrumental noodling - was Continuum. Go figure.

I was wondering if at some point you'd have to PM me about the rest of the album, since it seems difficult to obtain now, but it looks like you figured something out (I noticed your rating for it a week or two ago).  I actually contemplated "Continuum" for variety beforehand, though after round 2 that idea went right out the window.   ;D   Even with 20 minutes there wasn't quite enough time anyway, and if I put one more I'd likely have gone with "2faced" or "More", which are probably the heaviest two on the album.  Definitely curious if you get to round 6 for you to hear Nienke in the context of Autumn (particularly on My New Time, which I didn't send anything from) now that you're more familiar with this album. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Lonk on November 28, 2023, 03:00:54 PM

Vmadera: Prototype
I decided to give Catalyst a couple of listens and, you know what, I liked it more than I expected. Not quite enough to reach the 8/10 mark maybe - the vocal melodies just don’t quite hit the mark for me - but the prog thrash sound is cool and the sound palette is a little more expansive than the songs you sent. I wouldn’t say I love it, but I do kind of dig it more than I might have thought for something that came last in the round.

Yeah, after the vocals were pointed out to me, I noticed how....weak they are, for lack of better term. But at least for me, the rest of the instruments and the writing kind of makes up for it
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on November 28, 2023, 03:07:18 PM
Two RQ songs I'd check out if I were you aren't on Spotify... The first is a cover of what I do believe is the Korean version of a crooner, he's the dude at the end of the video, and is singer Jayoung's strongest performance of a shit ton of strong performances... The second is a fucking brilliant mashup of a Blackpink song and a BTS song...

https://youtu.be/L_YooJt_ewU?si=SVAjHdNPVxUxTKEl (https://youtu.be/L_YooJt_ewU?si=SVAjHdNPVxUxTKEl)

https://youtu.be/geSy4yOLfl8?si=4uwqTTtN8bEnot0G (https://youtu.be/geSy4yOLfl8?si=4uwqTTtN8bEnot0G)
Both pretty cool, although as covers they don't mean much to me, being unfamiliar with any of the originals. I agree about her vocal performance in Reminiscence though, great stuff - and the pop/rap stuff in Pink Drop is fun as well.

Dude, Coheed being catchy and smooth is not a one off, it's their damn MO!
That's just the thing though, I've never found that at all. I've always found their melodies and songwriting a little awkward. But not on this album.

Litho: Dejafuse
Ok so my journey with this album has basically been exactly the same as it was with the songs you sent from it. First couple of listens I liked it, but beyond the songs I already knew I didn’t feel wowed by it. But once again everything just grew on me loads. The whole thing is pretty great, but in addition to Blanque Cheque the other one that’s ended up being a favourite - despite it mostly being instrumental noodling - was Continuum. Go figure.

I was wondering if at some point you'd have to PM me about the rest of the album, since it seems difficult to obtain now, but it looks like you figured something out (I noticed your rating for it a week or two ago).  I actually contemplated "Continuum" for variety beforehand, though after round 2 that idea went right out the window.   ;D   Even with 20 minutes there wasn't quite enough time anyway, and if I put one more I'd likely have gone with "2faced" or "More", which are probably the heaviest two on the album.  Definitely curious if you get to round 6 for you to hear Nienke in the context of Autumn (particularly on My New Time, which I didn't send anything from) now that you're more familiar with this album. 
Yeah I did wonder about asking you, but I managed to find it in the end. Good to hear you're occasionally stalking my RYM. :lol

I can see how one of the heavier/crunchier tracks could have worked to broaden out the submission a little. More is excellent. 2faced is pretty good though to be honest not one of my favourites.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on November 28, 2023, 03:09:18 PM

Vmadera: Prototype
I decided to give Catalyst a couple of listens and, you know what, I liked it more than I expected. Not quite enough to reach the 8/10 mark maybe - the vocal melodies just don’t quite hit the mark for me - but the prog thrash sound is cool and the sound palette is a little more expansive than the songs you sent. I wouldn’t say I love it, but I do kind of dig it more than I might have thought for something that came last in the round.

Yeah, after the vocals were pointed out to me, I noticed how....weak they are, for lack of better term. But at least for me, the rest of the instruments and the writing kind of makes up for it
Yeah it's nice stuff. Even though I didn't love it overall, it's kind of thing I'm happy I checked out and makes me glad I'm trying at least something out from every artist, even those that come last in a given round. Some nice surprises.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: HOF on November 28, 2023, 03:12:50 PM

HOF: Dim Gray
The songs you sent were comfortably the highest score you’ve gotten from me (so far!) and the quality and creativity on Firmament just doesn’t let up. Not much to add to what I said originally about your submission - the music is gorgeous, interesting and emotive. It also works great as an album, elevating another level up. I’m digging their debut Flown as well - it’s not quite as special but it’s still great stuff.


Really excited to see where these guys go in the future. Great young band.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on November 28, 2023, 09:20:59 PM
When I submitted Nospūn it was just released and it's now one of my favorite albums of the year.  :tup
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on November 28, 2023, 09:29:03 PM
i haven't actually gone further back in vylet's catalogue than fairytails yet (which is THREE HOURS LONG AND I SAT THROUGH IT TWICE SO) but i probably will at, some point, there's just, so much music hhh

but yeah her last three albums are all real good. i actually have a pretty in-depth video on cutiemarks specifically (https://youtu.be/d-r0rzKVYdg) so  :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on November 28, 2023, 09:46:57 PM
Yes!  Brymir are an excellent band with lots of great influences.  Voices is indeed their best album IMO.  Great discovery, I must say.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on November 29, 2023, 04:27:24 AM
soupy: Fellowship
Why do I enjoy this so much? My experience with your submission is exactly the same with the full album. It’s far too cheesy for me. Surely? I mean come on. Why are these songs so catchy and fun? TIME FOR AN ADVENTURE. I honestly can’t explain it but for some reason I love this album.

Because it's Serotonin in music form!

I'm glad you've enjoyed the album, and amused at your bafflement as to why!  Haha.  I think it's maybe because it gets the balance of cheesiness and earnestness just about perfect.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on November 29, 2023, 08:30:50 AM
Despite getting an identical score to death's dynamic shroud, this went in the opposite direction. The tracks you chose made sense for the roulette but I don't know if they're even my favourites, the whole of World Eater is just so good. Same with Animated Violence Mild, which is in much the same vein although with some nice distinguishers.

Interesting, Rhesus Negative and Hive Mind are definitely my two favorites from World Eater, but I also really like Please and Silent Treatment. You more into those?

And yeah the first four songs on Animated Violence Mild (ignoring the intro) are fucking bangers. Wish it ended a bit stronger, though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on November 29, 2023, 09:08:37 AM
i haven't actually gone further back in vylet's catalogue than fairytails yet (which is THREE HOURS LONG AND I SAT THROUGH IT TWICE SO) but i probably will at, some point, there's just, so much music hhh
I know right. I love Homeward too. Before that there's plenty of good stuff but for my tastes quite a bit of filler. Like, some tracks just do the chilled thing but lack energy, some just do the brostep thing but lack melody.

but yeah her last three albums are all real good. i actually have a pretty in-depth video on cutiemarks specifically (https://youtu.be/d-r0rzKVYdg) so  :corn
I'll give that a watch at some point. :tup

Yes!  Brymir are an excellent band with lots of great influences.  Voices is indeed their best album IMO.  Great discovery, I must say.

I'm glad you've enjoyed the album, and amused at your bafflement as to why!  Haha.  I think it's maybe because it gets the balance of cheesiness and earnestness just about perfect.
I think there might be something in that. Like, the music is light and fun and cheesy, but it's not goofy. They don't seem to take themselves too seriously, but they do enjoy themselves. It's a nice balance.

Despite getting an identical score to death's dynamic shroud, this went in the opposite direction. The tracks you chose made sense for the roulette but I don't know if they're even my favourites, the whole of World Eater is just so good. Same with Animated Violence Mild, which is in much the same vein although with some nice distinguishers.

Interesting, Rhesus Negative and Hive Mind are definitely my two favorites from World Eater, but I also really like Please and Silent Treatment. You more into those?
I more meant that they didn't necessarily stand out, rather than they're explicitly not my favourites, if that makes sense. But yeah Silent Treatment is up there definitely, great tune.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Sacul on November 29, 2023, 10:54:12 AM
Glad you dug the Black Queen album, I personally love it but I can see that some parts aren't super original tbh.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 30, 2023, 06:11:33 AM
It was a foregone conclusion that Wet Ass Plutonium would be to your liking.  I mean honestly... anyone who likes/appreciates A Clear and Present Rager is just getting more of the same, yet better in W.A.P.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ReaperKK on November 30, 2023, 06:22:00 AM
Totally understand that write-up on From Monument To Masses. I agree with some of your opinion on post-rock, I think that's why I like FMTM is because it feels a lot more digestible than say Explosions In The Sky.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: nick_z on November 30, 2023, 08:36:24 PM
nick_z: Eneferens
Wasn’t at all surprised by this, but The Bleakness of Our Constant is indeed an excellent album. Definitely one of the stronger one-man-bands out there. I sampled his two earlier albums as well (one fully, one only very briefly) and they really weren’t up to scratch. Less atmosphere, less melody, less crunch in the heavy sections even. Bleakness was back in 2018 so I wonder if he’ll make any more music - I hope so!

Nice! And I agree about the assessment of the latest vs. the previous records. Hopefully we'll hear more from him!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on December 13, 2023, 02:04:03 PM
nick_z: Eneferens
Wasn’t at all surprised by this, but The Bleakness of Our Constant is indeed an excellent album. Definitely one of the stronger one-man-bands out there. I sampled his two earlier albums as well (one fully, one only very briefly) and they really weren’t up to scratch. Less atmosphere, less melody, less crunch in the heavy sections even. Bleakness was back in 2018 so I wonder if he’ll make any more music - I hope so!

Nice! And I agree about the assessment of the latest vs. the previous records. Hopefully we'll hear more from him!
Definitely, but it has been a few years now so who knows.

Anyway I've been getting better at making a few notes as I go through so this time I'm posting the first half of the round 4 artists. The rest will come... whenever I get through them. :P

Buddy & Evermind: Rivers of Nihil
Between you guys, you sent me half of Where Owls Know My Name. Considering you scored 8.3 and 8.4 respectively, it will surprise nobody that I really like the album a lot. In general what I’ve been finding with their stuff is that it really grows on me with a few listens. I found that with your submissions, then with the rest of the album, and then the same with The Work and Monarchy as well. Monarchy took slightly longer - I initially found more of the melody and atmosphere in the second half while the first half was quite full-on, and it felt a little unbalanced - but I got there and it’s top notch, and Suntold is such an epic closer. Their debut is the only one that I can’t get into.

Crow: Gospel
Yep Loser is as excellent as expected. You sent me the first half of the album and for sure that's the stronger half, every song is great, but the second half is really strong too. Still feels a little noisier and shoutier than I'd normally go for but it's very compelling stuff. Their debut is similar style and it's good, but less compelling. The intensity and sense of frustration is there, but there's less in the way of engaging melody and emotion.

Elite: Imperial Triumphant
OK so I appreciate you really going for it on the heavy theme, but this is just too dense and out there for me. There's the odd moment that I dig - Tower of Glory, City of Shame especially has some cool stuff in it, including a very effective intro, and there are some interesting jazzy influences at times (I'm surprised you didn't send me In the Pleasure of Their Company) - such that I wouldn't say I dislike the album overall. But those moments are too few and far between and the whole experience is just a bit relentless.

faizoff: Meshuggah
Based on the selection you sent and my previous experience with Meshuggah, ObZen is exactly what I expected. Which is to say that it's the best thing I've heard from them, and I'd even just about say that it's quite good. It's tight, intense and has a pretty engaging metal groove in the riffing. But the lack of melody (not necessarily in the vocals but even in the music) is always going to be a sticking point with their stuff, I think. There are a few moments that are a little more atmospheric across the album, but not really enough to compensate. That combined with the fact that the album is so samey in sound and intensity means I get incredibly bored of it by the end.

Glasser: Anima Tempo
You know, you were a little unlucky with the timing for this one because Chaos Paradox wasn’t quite out yet. And so while you sent a single from it along with a song from their debut, I think you’d have scored a little higher if the new album had been out and you’d only sent songs from it. It’s pretty consistently excellent and there’s a range of influences in there - some djenty stuff for sure but also tech death influences as well, along with more traditional prog metal too. Great album. Caged in Memories is still good and a solid debut, but it’s definitely not as interesting.

HOF: Marathon
Yeah this is some nice neo-prog that doesn’t necessarily excite me but it’s definitely a good album. I understand why you sent it for the heavy theme - as neo-prog goes it’s quite riffy - but if anything some of my favourite moments on the album are the mellower and more melancholy ones. Open Field especially (which you included but I think stands out a little more within the album) is lovely and probably my favourite on there. There are similar moments in some of the other songs (like Patterns of the Landscape) that are very nice too.

jingle: Triosphere
Yeah this is great stuff. All three albums are pretty much what I expected, which is no bad thing. Onwards is the most straightforward and took the longest to grab me, but it’s a cool blend of power metal and traditional hard rock and is sold by some solid hooks and her big voice. The two albums since have amped up some of the more proggy and symphonic elements which suits my tastes nicely - I definitely dig the grand vibe from those albums and the hooks are if anything even stronger.

King: Sevendust
I checked out two of the albums you sent songs from - Seasons and Chapter Vii - and overall they're pretty much what I expected really. Maybe a little less nu metal and more alternative metal in sound, especially on Chapter VII. Like many of their contemporaries, there's quite a bit of filler on both albums. But there are some really good songs too. Seasons starts very strongly for example, the first two tracks are excellent, it's just that the album gets a little samey after a while. Nice stuff though and good to fill in this odd gap in my knowledge of music from my formative rock and metal years!

Litho: Mercenary
From 11 Dreams onwards, this band has been ridiculously consistent. Even Metamorphosis which seems to be less popular among fans - possibly because of its slight metalcore influence - is excellent. Now that I’ve heard more of their stuff, I can definitely hear very strongly the Scar Symmetry comparison you made, although I agree there’s a slightly different vibe for the most part. I can also hear a bit of Soilwork at times, and yeah In Flames too especially in the earlier albums. All really great stuff though, thanks for introducing me to them!

lonestar: Hanabie
Similar to Saiseiga, this is another band that got even better with their second album, although I like Hanabie’s debut a little more than Saiseiga’s. Pretty much what I said in my original write-up really - I really dig the genre-bending here between pretty intense metalcore and cutesy pop. The first album is still great but the fusion isn’t that pervasive and I do still feel most of the songs are straight-up metalcore with the odd poppy intro or bridge. The second album definitely has more overlap and it’s a ton of fun. Great stuff.

Luke: Worm
I gave Bluenothing a good go and it was pretty much what I expected really. I quite liked it but it’s definitely a mixed bag. In some ways it works quite well as an EP - with that final song in the middle, it has a certain feel and mood to it, within which the songs make sense. On the other hand, that last song isn’t nearly as good as Shadowside Kingdom which is still the best thing here. Anyway it’s pretty cool but not the sort of thing I feel compelled to come back to.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on December 13, 2023, 02:23:22 PM
Litho: Mercenary
Even Metamorphosis which seems to be less popular among fans - possibly because of its slight metalcore influence

The rating disparity there has always puzzled me.  The metalcore influence had already started to come in on Architect of Lies when Rene joined as doing co-lead vocals.  It's more obvious when he's the sole lead vocalist on Metamorphasis, but that's true of the next two as well.  I still chalk it up to an initial backlash against half the band quitting, I personally don't see a huge difference in quality or style between the last three. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: HOF on December 13, 2023, 02:35:18 PM

HOF: Marathon
Yeah this is some nice neo-prog that doesn’t necessarily excite me but it’s definitely a good album. I understand why you sent it for the heavy theme - as neo-prog goes it’s quite riffy - but if anything some of my favourite moments on the album are the mellower and more melancholy ones. Open Field especially (which you included but I think stands out a little more within the album) is lovely and probably my favourite on there. There are similar moments in some of the other songs (like Patterns of the Landscape) that are very nice too.

Feels like back in its day it would have appealed to fans of DT, Fates Warning, and Marillion, but I don't think it made much noise outside of the Netherlands.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on December 13, 2023, 02:41:54 PM
Reborn Superstar is such a fantastic album, probably my #4 for the year. And their love show was insane, one of the most brutal shows I've been to, the whole floor of the Whisky was going all out. Also, the singer dove off the stage right into my arms...

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on December 13, 2023, 03:05:34 PM
Monarchy took slightly longer - I initially found more of the melody and atmosphere in the second half while the first half was quite full-on, and it felt a little unbalanced - but I got there and it’s top notch, and Suntold is such an epic closer.

Interesting, I should give it another try at some point. I think I've put it on a couple times but never finished it - if it's a back-heavy album then maybe I've been missing out!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on December 13, 2023, 03:07:56 PM

All three Triosphere albums are indeed bangers, and Ida's voice is exactly as you describe - powerful.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on December 13, 2023, 03:56:55 PM
Litho: Mercenary
Even Metamorphosis which seems to be less popular among fans - possibly because of its slight metalcore influence

The rating disparity there has always puzzled me.  The metalcore influence had already started to come in on Architect of Lies when Rene joined as doing co-lead vocals.  It's more obvious when he's the sole lead vocalist on Metamorphasis, but that's true of the next two as well.  I still chalk it up to an initial backlash against half the band quitting, I personally don't see a huge difference in quality or style between the last three. 
Yeah for sure. I mean, I noticed a slight shift, but it wasn't that big. And true with the next two although the sound is slightly slicker which might have helped. Anyway I like it all so whatever. :lol

Monarchy took slightly longer - I initially found more of the melody and atmosphere in the second half while the first half was quite full-on, and it felt a little unbalanced - but I got there and it’s top notch, and Suntold is such an epic closer.

Interesting, I should give it another try at some point. I think I've put it on a couple times but never finished it - if it's a back-heavy album then maybe I've been missing out!
Yeah I thought that was going to be the case for me too. I always like to finish an album though, unless I'm really just not into the whole sound at all. And each time I did I enjoyed the stuff towards the end enough to give it another shot and after a while it clicked. I still much prefer the second half to the first half though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: TAC on December 13, 2023, 03:59:05 PM
I must not have sent anything that round.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on December 13, 2023, 04:01:34 PM
I must not have sent anything that round.  :lol
That was only the first half, you're second half in alphabetical order. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on December 13, 2023, 04:58:59 PM
As long as you dig the new Anima Tempo the score doesn't matter. I enjoy turning people on to stuff and I love getting recommendations as well.  :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on December 13, 2023, 06:45:38 PM
Rich, seeing Sevendust live this fall made me dive deep into them again. It was 22 years since I saw them live.   
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on December 14, 2023, 03:19:39 AM
As long as you dig the new Anima Tempo the score doesn't matter. I enjoy turning people on to stuff and I love getting recommendations as well.  :metal

Rich, seeing Sevendust live this fall made me dive deep into them again. It was 22 years since I saw them live.   
That's really cool, I've had similar recent experiences digging back into artists I hadn't been into for years.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on December 16, 2023, 05:36:25 PM
Rich, seeing Sevendust live this fall made me dive deep into them again. It was 22 years since I saw them live.

They are amazing live! I saw them over 20 years ago and the place was nuts. I literally had to go stand in the back because the pit was insane. " Home" is still my favorite album although "Animosity" is a very close second.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on December 16, 2023, 08:06:41 PM
jingle: Triosphere
Onwards is the most straightforward

Interesting that the album with the 13 minute epic is the "straightforward" one.   ;D   You probably mean the other tracks though mostly.  The bigger difference I notice is the more unrefined production, which is what drew more of the old-school USPM fans to them in the first place. 

King: Sevendust
overall they're pretty much what I expected really. Maybe a little less nu metal and more alternative metal in sound...Seasons starts very strongly for example, the first two tracks are excellent, it's just that the album gets a little samey after a while.

This is a little painful to read.  He probably should have sent something from Animosity, which I consider their best and most varied album (I think Nick agrees?) but even on Seasons there aren't many bands of their broad style that can pull off something as aggressive as "Suffocate", something as mellow and pretty as "Skeleton Song", and also something as melodic and groovy as "Broken Down".  Interestingly, if you liked the first two tracks, you liked "Enemy", which is one of their more nu-metally songs as a single and had them lumped in that genre (though I think it's still a good song). 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on December 16, 2023, 08:23:47 PM
Animosity is my favorite album and the 1st time I saw them live.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on January 03, 2024, 05:57:39 AM
Behold the rest of the round 4 artists!

Luoto: Kalmah
I mean, yeah this was a pretty safe bet and an odd gap in my collection. As a long-time fan of Bodom (their early albums and final one at least) and a lot of other Finnish melodic death metal, the general style here is definitely something I enjoy. I wouldn’t say every album feels that strong, and I did end up checking them all out. The first two are weaker - Bodom-esque but without the rich melody that made those interesting. Swampsong is much stronger melodically, and then Black Waltz steps up again in terms of sound production. Next couple of albums don’t quite work for me - 12 Gauge seems popular according to RYM but something about it just feels a little off to me - but then the latest three albums have all been top notch again. Probably a bit early to pick out favourites, but the stuff that’s speaking to me most so far is when they go a little more grand and/or symphonic.

nick_z: Descend
Ok I can hear more of the Opeth comparisons now. On The Deviant I still don’t think it’s that dominant, indeed there are some metalcore influences in there too, with moments that remind me a lot of BTBAM if less frenetic. But yeah I can hear more Opeth in their sound across the album, and especially on their earlier albums which to be honest aren’t as interesting - more derivative and less melodically engaging. The Deviant is excellent though, a great mix of influences to produce something coherent and compelling, and perhaps not as rich and atmospheric as Opeth but still great.

Puppies: Lykathea Aflame
This isn’t really doing it for me unfortunately. Everything I said about your submission applies to the whole album - I enjoy some of the more melodic bits but the unintelligible grunting isn’t my thing and the juxtaposition of such an intense sound with a melodically bright and upbeat tone feels jarring. I’m not against the idea in principle but I don’t find the two blending together well here. A 3-song submission was interesting and engaging enough to enjoy but a full 60+ minutes does start to wear after a while. The atmospheric 10 minute closer was a nice way to finish though.

Reaper: The Paper Sons
So you sent me half this short album, and it’s probably the stronger half overall, but there’s nothing here I dislike. I realise now that this was their debut and it looks like they released an even shorter EP later that year, but haven’t made any more music since. Which is a shame, I wouldn’t say I love this album but it’s nice - alternative rock with some slightly post-hardcore influences here and there. Fall Apart is still the best song here. Definitely a strong debut and it’s a shame they never (so far anyway) expanded on the promise they showed here.

romdrums: Obsidious
Just the one album from these guys, and it’s excellent. Everything I said about your submission applies to the whole album. The tech death side of the music is done really well - tight riffing, great playing, big sound - and the big melodic choruses and prog metal side of things makes it all incredibly engaging and enjoyable to listen to. If anything I think I like the album as a whole even more than the selection you sent from it. Currently I’m giving it a 4 star rating but it’s at the higher end of that. I could potentially see it creeping up to 4.5 as I continue getting to know it better.

Sacul: Have A Nice Life
I’ve given Deathconsciousness a good go and on the whole I like it pretty much the same as I did the selection from it, although within that there have been some interesting dynamics. On one hand, a couple of the songs you sent are among the strongest on the album. Some of the others really do drag on a lot (and the album is way too long) and some just don’t interest me much, especially in the middle of the album. That said, there’s something about the vibe - the moody bleakness - that’s quite compelling. Songs like The Big Gloom and Hunter aren’t really my thing for the most part, but in context they actually work very well. Same with Bloodhail which I like more as part of the album. I don’t love it, but I find it really interesting and that’s one of the things I love about the variety of stuff I get sent in roulettes.

seneca: Dan Swanö
Not sure why I didn’t check Moontower out sooner. I guess he’s been so prolific in other bands that it was a little too overwhelming to know where to explore, so I’ve just waited for recommendations. Great choice for the first metal you’ve ever sent me, it’s an excellent album. The songs you sent are probably the best on here - especially Sun of the Night and Uncreation - but the rest is varying degrees of great too. Just like I found with your submission, the lack of clean vocals doesn’t even really register despite me knowing well (and loving) his voice. The blend of death metal and classic prog influences somehow works really well. Love it.

soupy: Dynazty
Incredibly consistent band. Especially from Renatus onwards, they’ve had this great mix of crunchy hard rock and cheesy epic symphonic metal. It’s terrific fun, and almost every song has a fantastic, catchy chorus. Honestly, none of these albums really stands out that much as they’re all great. The earlier stuff is more straight up hard rock. Sultans of Sin is cheesy as hell but also very good - can see them getting to these big, memorable hooks. Knock You Down was a bit more middle of the road, and the debut I only dipped into briefly and it didn’t grab me. But still that’s six albums in a row I really like.

Stadler: Mother Love Bone
I checked out the Shine EP, and yeah it was pretty much what I expected based on Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns. Which is to say that I quite like it, and there are elements throughout the four songs that appeal to me. I enjoy the groovy guitar work in Thru Fade Away, the bluesy energy of Mindshaker Meltdown and Half Ass Monkey Boy, and the first and last couple of minutes of the closer. But, as with your submission, there’s not much that really excites me and there’s something about the vocal lines that I just find pretty uninteresting.

TAC: Atropas
Black Gold is a very cool album. This band seems to be pretty obscure - only a handful of ratings on RYM for their first two albums, and Black Gold wasn’t even on there despite coming out four years ago (I’ve added it now). As I said in the roulette, definitely more metalcore than I’d expected from you. Even toys with post-hardcore at times, including that pretty epic cover of Thrice’s The Earth Will Shake. But there are moments here and there of melodic death metal too. It’s an interesting and enjoyable mix, and a strong album. I gave the album before, From Ashes, a go too, and that wasn’t nearly as good. A couple of good songs, but more straightforward and not very melodically interesting. Dipped briefly into their debut too and that sounded similar.

Vmadera: Fit for An Autopsy
This band is… quite intense. :lol I started with the two albums you sent me songs, and I wasn’t too sure at first. The first one I listened to was Oh What The Future Holds, their latest, and yeah the sound is huge but a lot of the songs didn’t really do it for me. On further listens it grew on me somewhat, but I still wouldn’t say I love it. The two songs you sent are great, along with Collateral Damage, but most of the rest is nothing special and it’s just very relentless. The Great Collapse, on the other hand, is excellent. Still relentless, but a little more open and varied tonally, and more of the songs have something big and melodic to hook onto. The Sea is Tragic Beasts is similar, and might even be my favourite. That’s two albums I’m adding to my very small deathcore collection! I carried on working backwards to Absolute Hope and it was very similar to the latest - three great songs and the rest not doing that much for me. I dipped a little into the album before, Hellbound, but it sounded pretty weak and monotonous so I stopped there.

wolfking: Wolfheart
Yeah I’ve no idea what I was thinking with my first impression for this band. As I said in another thread, probably my wrongest first impression ever. All six of their albums are excellent. Nothing very original about any of their stuff, but there’s a good mix of different melodic death metal influences and styles (some melancholy Insomnium here, some riffy In Flames there, and so on) and it’s all executed really well. My favourites are easily Shadow World (which you didn’t even send me anything from) and Constellation of the Black Light (which includes my favourite of the songs you sent), which are my favourite albums to come out of this round. But it’s all great stuff. Just surprised that Luoto has never sent them to me!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Lonk on January 03, 2024, 06:07:26 AM
Vmadera: Fit for An Autopsy
This band is… quite intense. :lol I started with the two albums you sent me songs, and I wasn’t too sure at first. The first one I listened to was Oh What The Future Holds, their latest, and yeah the sound is huge but a lot of the songs didn’t really do it for me. On further listens it grew on me somewhat, but I still wouldn’t say I love it. The two songs you sent are great, along with Collateral Damage, but most of the rest is nothing special and it’s just very relentless. The Great Collapse, on the other hand, is excellent. Still relentless, but a little more open and varied tonally, and more of the songs have something big and melodic to hook onto. The Sea is Tragic Beasts is similar, and might even be my favourite. That’s two albums I’m adding to my very small deathcore collection! I carried on working backwards to Absolute Hope and it was very similar to the latest - three great songs and the rest not doing that much for me. I dipped a little into the album before, Hellbound, but it sounded pretty weak and monotonous so I stopped there.

Yeah, that's about what I get out of this band, a couple of great songs from each album, which is all i can ask for given the genre and style honestly  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: TAC on January 03, 2024, 06:12:36 AM

TAC: Atropas
Black Gold is a very cool album. This band seems to be pretty obscure - only a handful of ratings on RYM for their first two albums, and Black Gold wasn’t even on there despite coming out four years ago (I’ve added it now). As I said in the roulette, definitely more metalcore than I’d expected from you. Even toys with post-hardcore at times, including that pretty epic cover of Thrice’s The Earth Will Shake. But there are moments here and there of melodic death metal too. It’s an interesting and enjoyable mix, and a strong album. I gave the album before, From Ashes, a go too, and that wasn’t nearly as good. A couple of good songs, but more straightforward and not very melodically interesting. Dipped briefly into their debut too and that sounded similar.

So, Antropas is a perfect example of one of those albums that I would sample on a Friday New Release Day afternoon. I must've dropped the needle and heard something I liked, and Saved it. Many of these albums I don't really get back to, except for roulettes. I know Crow, who was running a roulette at the same time, likes songs in the 8-10 minute range, so I listened to Snow, and thought it would work. Yeah, I generally don't love the screamo vocals, but they were tolerable enough for me. I played it a number of times and felt like I could personally vouch for it, so I sent it and Crow liked it a lot.

So I thought I'd use it in yours as well, but then I had to find another song I was satisfied with. I think I went with Vacuum. I don't love the album, personally, but I've gone back to Snow a number of times and I think it's a great song despite a couple of rough vocal patches.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Sacul on January 03, 2024, 06:53:50 AM
That's fair, I don't feel it drags at all, but I can see that being the case if you're not in that bleak mood. Curious about your thoughts on the last track, Earthmover - it's one of my favorite songs ever, and amongst the best album closers imo.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on January 04, 2024, 01:51:31 AM

TAC: Atropas
Black Gold is a very cool album. This band seems to be pretty obscure - only a handful of ratings on RYM for their first two albums, and Black Gold wasn’t even on there despite coming out four years ago (I’ve added it now). As I said in the roulette, definitely more metalcore than I’d expected from you. Even toys with post-hardcore at times, including that pretty epic cover of Thrice’s The Earth Will Shake. But there are moments here and there of melodic death metal too. It’s an interesting and enjoyable mix, and a strong album. I gave the album before, From Ashes, a go too, and that wasn’t nearly as good. A couple of good songs, but more straightforward and not very melodically interesting. Dipped briefly into their debut too and that sounded similar.

So, Antropas is a perfect example of one of those albums that I would sample on a Friday New Release Day afternoon. I must've dropped the needle and heard something I liked, and Saved it. Many of these albums I don't really get back to, except for roulettes. I know Crow, who was running a roulette at the same time, likes songs in the 8-10 minute range, so I listened to Snow, and thought it would work. Yeah, I generally don't love the screamo vocals, but they were tolerable enough for me. I played it a number of times and felt like I could personally vouch for it, so I sent it and Crow liked it a lot.

So I thought I'd use it in yours as well, but then I had to find another song I was satisfied with. I think I went with Vacuum. I don't love the album, personally, but I've gone back to Snow a number of times and I think it's a great song despite a couple of rough vocal patches.

Interesting, you did a good job of tapping into my tastes and I seem to have ended up liking that album more than you. :lol

That's fair, I don't feel it drags at all, but I can see that being the case if you're not in that bleak mood. Curious about your thoughts on the last track, Earthmover - it's one of my favorite songs ever, and amongst the best album closers imo.
Yeah it's a good closer. In general the album starts and ends well, it's mostly in the middle that I found it dragging.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on January 04, 2024, 02:16:22 AM
Wolfheart is just reliable melodic death metal.  Im not sure if I can pinpoint a fav album.  They are just strong ànd solid across the board.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on January 04, 2024, 02:18:55 AM
Re : Dynazty

You actually went further into their Discography than me.  I've only gone back as far as 'Renatus' and no further as a found that album weaker.  But Titanic Mass onwards are all very solid.  Never be one of my very favorites bands, but as you said very consistent though those 4 albums.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on January 04, 2024, 02:25:39 AM
Re : Dynazty

You actually went further into their Discography than me.  I've only gone back as far as 'Renatus' and no further as a found that album weaker.  But Titanic Mass onwards are all very solid.  Never be one of my very favorites bands, but as you said very consistent though those 4 albums.

They lost me after Renatus too but I really like the Dark Delight.  That one is indeed worth a listen.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on January 04, 2024, 05:04:31 AM
Yeah... the last 3 albums have been very same-y, but in the way that a pepperoni pizza is very same-y - it's still pretty damned fine.  The run of SoS/Renatus/Titanic Mass is where it's at for me.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: nick_z on January 04, 2024, 09:08:42 AM
nick_z: Descend
Ok I can hear more of the Opeth comparisons now. On The Deviant I still don’t think it’s that dominant, indeed there are some metalcore influences in there too, with moments that remind me a lot of BTBAM if less frenetic. But yeah I can hear more Opeth in their sound across the album, and especially on their earlier albums which to be honest aren’t as interesting - more derivative and less melodically engaging. The Deviant is excellent though, a great mix of influences to produce something coherent and compelling, and perhaps not as rich and atmospheric as Opeth but still great.


Yeah, the album (and the band!) was quite a nice surprise that year...I had no prior knowledge, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I like that it's dynamic, and it's not afraid to take its time to develop ideas and play with different moods. In a way, that's exactly what Opeth does  ;) Good point on the metalcore influences, I didn't necessarily think of that, but even the main guitar lick in Blood Moon (one of my favorite things on the album, period!) could generally be placed in that category.

Haven't checked out their other stuff yet...
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on January 17, 2024, 02:13:20 PM
First half of the round 5 artists!

Buddy: Della Zyr
I still have pretty mixed feelings on this artist, but I’ve definitely come around on her debut Vitamins and Apprehension (which for some reason is classified as an album whereas the follow-up is classified as an EP despite being a minute longer). The song from it was the one I was most interested in from your submission largely because the production was clearer and frankly more my thing, and that applies to the album. Shoegaze isn’t really a big genre for me but this album works - it’s undeniably pretty and the sound is very immersive. Nebulous You on the other hand is a bit lo-fi for my tastes, though I do still quite like it. Concerto is a really good song, and the title track has some nice bits. It’s a pleasant enough listen, I just find the sound a bit thin and the melodies aren’t as interesting as on the debut.

Crow: Black Country, New Road
Another one that hits the mark (at least in Ants From Up There), continuing to justify your victory. Much like the two songs I already knew, the album as a whole was a real grower. Some of it is quite dense and a little experimental, which aren’t bad qualities at all but can make music less immediate. And as I said before the vocal style isn’t something I’d normally go for. But a lot of the music is very attractive and emotive - enough to hook me in from the start and even more so to balance out the album now that I’ve got to know it better. Their first album is… quite a bit less good, in my opinion. The instrumental intro is great, and the second half of Sunglasses is pretty compelling, if a bit repetitive. But the rest ranges from a little on the dull side to, at times, actually kind of annoying to listen to. :lol

Elite: Kurt Rosenwinkel
I went with Reflections as the album to check out as it had the best coverage of the songs you sent, and my feelings towards it were very much the same as for your submission. It’s perhaps not hugely exciting, but it is incredibly attractive and laid back. My interest would typically be quite limited for something this muted, but it has a pleasant elegance to it. It’s jazzy but not overly taxing, and the combination of this with the laid back style makes some very easy listening. Probably not something I’d put on for a dedicated listen, but definitely the kind of thing that would be excellent music for, say, a dinner party.

Evermind: Galahad
Empires Never Last is, for sure, a strong bit of neo-prog. Like much of the genre, it’s not especially complex or intricate, but it has solid hooks and a good emotional edge that make it very engaging. There are also nice surprises, like the intro which is definitely a standout in some ways. I tried a few other albums based partly on RYM ratings, and I can see why that album has by far the most. Battle Scars was also good, and I almost liked it enough to want to get it, but while half of it is pretty great, the other half is a bit meh. Even more so with Beyond the Realms of Euphoria - …And Secret Worlds is fantastic but most of the album lacks something. I gave a good couple of listens to Year Zero and their latest too but nothing really stood out on either. Still, one great album and a few other great songs is not bad!

faizoff: Coldplay
I gave a good go at the two latest albums, which were the ones you sent songs from. While I didn’t love either overall, I definitely find their sound more interesting these days which seems to be against much popular consensus. I said in the roulette that I never thought they wrote interesting vocal melodies, but I find their overall sound more interesting and varied now. And there are a few good tunes on each. Coloratura is the obvious standout, but a couple of the weird emoji-titled songs are cool too, the heart one is an interesting choral piece while the infinity one has a great build up. It’s similar with a handful of songs on Everyday Life. So I’ll add those songs to my “best of” playlist for sure, but don’t see myself wanting to get the albums.

Glasser: Mr. Reality
Just the one album from these guys and it’s not exactly easy to find (as in, literally impossible), but I managed to find all the songs on Youtube so I made a playlist there. Really nice album, pretty straightforward rock with lots of use of acoustic guitars and vocal harmonies. The latter especially really makes the album what it is - they take what are generally pretty simple songs and give them a rich, vibrant feel. The songs you sent are probably among the best, but really the whole album is just great, with strong hooks and an upbeat feel.

HOF: The Clientele
While it doesn’t have my favourite of the songs you sent, I decided to give Strange Geometry a go because, of all the albums you sent something from, it seems to be their most popular. And it’s rather nice, if not really elevated above what I thought of your submission (a little more jangly than I tend to like). I do think Impossible was an odd choice, at least as far as my tastes are concerned. As I said at the time, I’m not keen on the off-key vocal stylings. But thankfully there’s little of that on the album and it’s mostly along the lines of the songs I preferred. Standouts are probably My Own Face Inside the Trees, When I Came Home From the Party, and oddly enough Losing Haringey (having grown up in north London myself).

jingle: Robert Plant
Robert Plant (and indeed Led Zep) have never quite captured my interest beyond the first folk album Plant did with Alison Krauss, and perhaps one or two Zeppelin songs. I don’t know that my mind is massively changed, but you sent me songs from two of his 90s albums (Magic Nirvana and Fate of Nations) so I checked them both out and they’re definitely not bad. As albums, I don’t know that enough of the songs hit my tastes, but more than anything else I’ve heard from his solo stuff, there’s a bunch of songs on each album that are really good, including the ones you sent me. I might make my own “best of” playlist at some point.

King: Joe Jackson
Hmm yeah my feelings on the songs you sent pretty much apply to the two albums of his that I checked out. Oddly enough, while I probably liked Be My Number Two the most from your submission, with its heartfelt warmth, the album it’s from - Body and Soul - really didn’t interest me at all. It’s like, aspects of the style are things I enjoy - the horns, the “funkiness”, but I just found that so little of the album has melodic hooks that really interest me, and I still find his voice pretty bland. His debut, Look Sharp, on the other hand, was a lot better and quite a nice surprise. Not a mindblowing album maybe, but a fun one for sure.

Litho: Haerts
Yeah, I love this group. Everything I said in my original write-up still applies, except overall I get less of a Susanne Sundfør vibe, especially after the debut. I think you’d leaned into certain aspects of their music that particularly hit my tastes and happened to remind me of her stuff, but there’s more variety of tone and style, which is no bad thing. The debut is definitely my favourite, pretty much every song I just find so lush and immersive, and it has that wonderful balance of poppy energy tinged with melancholy. The hooks are great too, some songs just felt really familiar - Wings, for example, I was convinced on first listen it was one you’d sent me. :lol The other two albums I’m finding maybe a smidge less consistently rich, but they’re both great still and have some cracking songs.

lonestar: Atarashii Gakko!
This is quite a bonkers band. They seem to reinvent themselves with each album or two. The EP you mostly sent songs from (which was their latest at the time of the roulette) is sort of experimental J-rock with some poppy infusions, and terrific fun. The latest EP, Maningen, is more straight up pop still with experimentation and great hooks. The EP before - Snacktime - is… not so good. :lol Pineapple Kryptonite is great fun but the rest is weirdly unmelodic and hard to get into, and I don’t see it growing on me. And then back to their first two full length albums which are more jazz-rock really, less poppy and less experimental in sound but quite intricate musically and again lots of great stuff. Really enjoying this band - not as special as Gacharic Spin but they definitely have some similar qualities that appeal to me!

Luke: Billy Talent
Not entirely sure how these guys passed me by the first time around, but I suspect it’s because they were a little later than, say, Green Day or the other pop punk/indie/alt rock bands I got into in my teens. By the time Billy Talent came around, I was more focused, as far as I can recall, on prog and power metal and a bit of thrash. Anyway, really good band. II is definitely their best, just such dynamic energy, great hooks and the right amount of theatricality to really hit my tastes. I knew a few of the songs already from your submission but loved most of the rest right away. I, III and Dead Silence I was less sure about at first - I is a little raw and the other two moved a little more into straightforward pop punk territory - but they all grew on me loads and have plenty of great songs. The latest two aren’t growing on me in the same way. In theory, they’re a similar style to the two before, but they’re not as catchy and, bar one or two great songs, don’t prompt much of an emotional reaction.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on January 17, 2024, 02:18:08 PM
I'd bet good money you're probably the only other person on this board that'd appreciate Pineapple Kryptonite as much as I do. Such a fun tune.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on January 17, 2024, 02:18:47 PM
yeah i didn't really care for the first BCNR album either and i was convinced i wasn't gonna like the second bcuz of that but it was quite a bit different & better
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Lonk on January 17, 2024, 02:24:06 PM
I'd bet good money you're probably the only other person on this board that'd appreciate Pineapple Kryptonite as much as I do. Such a fun tune.

*Goes listen to the track*

that music video was...interesting and fun  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on January 17, 2024, 02:34:16 PM
I like Sundfør of course, but I don't think I was particularly aware of you being a fan, so I guess that turns out to be a coincidence.  Honestly I was thinking more generally that the love needs to be spread around more, that there are other great synthpop groups than just say, CHVRCHES, who usually seem to do well in roulettes and inexplicably appeal to prog fans, although are curiously absent from your RYM.  So maybe they need to be one for next time, assuming Crow doesn't send them first again.   :facepalm:

"Wings" isn't quite in my upper echelon of favorites of Haerts, but it's a nice one as well.  That's a fun thing about people checking out other material from artists, to see them discover songs they perhaps like even better than ones you sent.  That happened with Heldal and Submotion Orchestra from your's that I can think of right offhand, for example. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on January 17, 2024, 03:10:03 PM
yeah i didn't really care for the first BCNR album either and i was convinced i wasn't gonna like the second bcuz of that but it was quite a bit different & better
Yeah undoubtedly.

Read a bit about them and it's a bit weird that, since the lead singer (who I gather was also the primary lyricist) left for mental health the band are not playing any of their previous songs at all live. So they got known, got lots of critical acclaim, and then did a tour (as support act) but only play new unheard material which they eventually released a recording of. I'll give it a listen at some point but what a strange situation.

I'd bet good money you're probably the only other person on this board that'd appreciate Pineapple Kryptonite as much as I do. Such a fun tune.

*Goes listen to the track*

that music video was...interesting and fun  :lol
:lol Yeah it's a weird one for sure.

I like Sundfør of course, but I don't think I was particularly aware of you being a fan, so I guess that turns out to be a coincidence.  Honestly I was thinking more generally that the love needs to be spread around more, that there are other great synthpop groups than just say, CHVRCHES, who usually seem to do well in roulettes and inexplicably appeal to prog fans, although are curiously absent from your RYM.  So maybe they need to be one for next time, assuming Crow doesn't send them first again.   :facepalm:
Yeah I don't know if I've ever listened to any CHVRCHES. Definitely an option for my next roulette, whenever that might be.

"Wings" isn't quite in my upper echelon of favorites of Haerts, but it's a nice one as well.  That's a fun thing about people checking out other material from artists, to see them discover songs they perhaps like even better than ones you sent.  That happened with Heldal and Submotion Orchestra from your's that I can think of right offhand, for example. 
All very true, although I didn't mean to imply that Wings was my favourite that I liked more than what you'd sent. I do love it, but perhaps on a par. I offered it as an example of how engaging and familiar sounding much of that album is, such that I thought I'd heard Wings from your submission but hadn't.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: HOF on January 17, 2024, 03:24:05 PM

HOF: The Clientele
While it doesn’t have my favourite of the songs you sent, I decided to give Strange Geometry a go because, of all the albums you sent something from, it seems to be their most popular. And it’s rather nice, if not really elevated above what I thought of your submission (a little more jangly than I tend to like). I do think Impossible was an odd choice, at least as far as my tastes are concerned. As I said at the time, I’m not keen on the off-key vocal stylings. But thankfully there’s little of that on the album and it’s mostly along the lines of the songs I preferred. Standouts are probably My Own Face Inside the Trees, When I Came Home From the Party, and oddly enough Losing Haringey (having grown up in north London myself).

Yeah, I imagine The Clientele are just not going to be for you. I think there is only one album of theirs I would rank above Strange Geometry, and then only just barely. They have a number of tracks in the vein of Losing Haringey though if that spoken word type of approach interests you (and it wasn't just the reference to the locality).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on January 17, 2024, 03:31:06 PM
They have a number of tracks in the vein of Losing Haringey though if that spoken word type of approach interests you (and it wasn't just the reference to the locality).
In this case I think it was a bit of both. I've heard spoken word stuff I don't like at all, like some artists who just mumble about nothing very interesting, but sometimes it can really resonate with me. I love Public Service Broadcasting for example - their use of spoken word samples is very evocative and well matched to the music. With Losing Haringey, the locality helped for sure but there was still something intriguing about it as well that I enjoyed. So by all means do suggest others and I'd be happy to check them out.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on January 17, 2024, 04:31:13 PM
Re: Bobby Plant... it's as good as I could have hoped for.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on January 17, 2024, 04:38:08 PM
Rich try Joe Jackson Night & Day. I bet you'd like it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on January 17, 2024, 05:27:04 PM
Fun fact about Pineapple Kryptonite... Both the song and video were produced in collaboration with Money Mark of Beastie Boys fame.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on January 17, 2024, 05:27:41 PM
Fun fact about Pineapple Kryptonite... Both the song and video were produced in collaboration with Money Mark of Beastie Boys fame.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on January 17, 2024, 05:53:29 PM
Fun fact about Pineapple Kryptonite... Both the song and video were produced in collaboration with Money Mark of Beastie Boys fame.


Yup, he's even in the video
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on January 17, 2024, 06:03:15 PM
Damn. I will YouTube it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on January 17, 2024, 06:04:10 PM
He's driving the car I do believe

Just  checked, he's the hitchhiker
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on January 17, 2024, 07:48:03 PM
Rich, Mr. Reality is oop but I have the CD if you would like a ripp? Its out of print so I assume it's ok to offer you a copy? Let me know, my pleasure. On another note please have a look at the trades thread.. Maybe you can help me? There's a dude on RYM that has the cd, user is "Metalhaven"....
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Evermind on January 17, 2024, 08:54:57 PM
Agreed, Empires Never Last is where it's at with Galahad.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on January 18, 2024, 06:24:29 AM
Agreed, Empires Never Last is where it's at with Galahad.

Can confirm.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on January 21, 2024, 01:45:08 PM
Rich, Mr. Reality is oop but I have the CD if you would like a ripp? Its out of print so I assume it's ok to offer you a copy? Let me know, my pleasure. On another note please have a look at the trades thread.. Maybe you can help me? There's a dude on RYM that has the cd, user is "Metalhaven"....
That's very kind of you - and yes I don't have an issue when it comes to things that are literally impossible to buy or even stream anywhere. I ended up ripping the Youtube playlist. Quality seems good enough I think.

Which trades thread do you mean? I'm not really up on trade stuff to be honest.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on January 26, 2024, 03:06:26 PM
A few more from round 5 - an extremely strong set, with one slight exception. I'll try and do batches of six from now on if I can!

Luoto: Sisare
I’ll be honest, when I came to check out Leaving the Land, I couldn’t really remember anything about it from the roulette other than it was a rare non-metal submission of yours. :lol In my defence it was months ago and there was a lot of music! I can sort of see why it happened as there’s not too much that’s distinctive about it, but damn is it some nice stuff. Moody, melancholy prog with elegant guitar work. Kind of reminds me of bands like Soen and Katatonia, without really going as “metal” as those bands occasionally get. Great album. The debut is ok, but much weaker. The elements of the sound are there but they don’t really hang together too well, and the songwriting is pretty bland.

nick_z: Kent
Interesting band, and odd that I’d never even heard of them considering how huge they apparently are in Sweden. Unsurprisingly I really like their stuff. The three albums you sent songs from are undoubtedly the strongest. There’s a sense of energy, melody and emotion on them that’s just really engaging. Definitely aligned with British indie from a similar era, but imbued with a bit more warmth which is fab. Hagnesta Hill and Du & Jag Döden definitely the favourites (and I do prefer listening to the English version of the former), but Vapen & Ammunition grew on me loads too. I went a couple of albums either side of that 3-album run as well, and they were all good but none grew on me in quite the same way. The earlier stuff is a little less refined and the hooks aren’t as strong. The later stuff moved into more of a synthpop vibe which could have absolutely been up my alley (see my review of Haerts, for example), but I don’t feel it really fit their writing style.

Puppies: Kiss Kiss
Man, The Meek Shall Inherit What's Left is such a trip and might be a contender for my favourite album to come out of this round (along with Haerts’ debut, although I still have a few more artists to check out as well). Everything I said about your submission applies to the album as a whole. A vibrant and slightly chaotic fusion of a bunch of different (generally related) genres and styles with an emotional darkness to it that’s incredibly compelling. Definitely worthy of winning the round and indeed achieving the best score in the roulette. Their debut was great too; hasn’t captured me quite as much so far, but all the same elements are there and it’s also excellent. Shame they only made two albums.

Reaper: KOAN Sound
You prompted me to revisit some of this duo’s stuff that I’d already heard, and I think I was sleeping on them a bit. I already liked the Dynasty EP, but the couple of other releases I’d heard hadn’t quite done it for me and I’d stopped exploring. I checked out the two EPs you sent tracks from, and loved Intervals Above. Silk Wave wasn’t an interesting overall, although Grounded is a very catchy tune. I then revisited the Sanctuary EP and I’ve honestly no idea why I wasn’t so keen on it before because it’s great. Possibly I was getting into the dubstep stylings more at the time and the atmospheric approach on it had appealed less. Anyway I discovered a couple of their other earlier EPs (Funky Blaster and Adventures of Mr Fox) plus a handful of other individual tracks that I also really dig. Neither of their LPs interests me as much, but a bunch of great EPs is still a pleasing find.

romdrums: Imogen Heap
I really liked all the songs you sent me, so I just dived into all three albums they came from and they’re all excellent. Speak For Yourself was immediately appealing and probably remains my favourite, it just has such a wonderful richness and creativity throughout. Hide and Seek is probably my favourite song of hers so far. Ellipse and Spark needed a couple of listens but they really grew on me too, great stuff. All three albums definitely benefit from listening on headphones or otherwise in a quiet setting, there’s a lot of nuance in the composition and production. Her debut is alright but less interesting - the creativity and experimentation was there but it feels less grounded and engaging, without too much in the way of good melodic hooks.

Sacul: George Clanton
So yeah there’s some cool stuff here, but also stuff that’s not really to my tastes. I’ll start with his collaboration with Nick Hexum first, as that contained my favourite track from your submission. This is generally very good stuff - it has the vaporwave vibe but the production is slick and the music is pretty interesting for the most part. Out of the Blue is probably the best track on here and not everything is exciting, but a nice album I wouldn’t object to returning to again. For his solo material I gave Slide a go, and it wasn’t really my thing. The songs you sent were among the best and I wouldn’t say I loved those - as I said at the time, a little too much going out of tune, and that sort of thing is even more prominent in some of the other tracks. Not bad, just not really my thing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on January 26, 2024, 03:19:02 PM
romdrums: Imogen Heap
Her debut is alright but less interesting - the creativity and experimentation was there but it feels less grounded and engaging, without too much in the way of good melodic hooks.

That one is kind of jarring coming from the later albums.  More in an Alanis Morissette or aggressive Tori Amos sort of vibe.  But "Come Here Boy" and "Angry Angel" were ones I couldn't get out of my head when I first heard it. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Sacul on January 26, 2024, 09:13:59 PM
That's fair, those albums certainly have some elements that can be a little annoying but I love them anyway.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on January 27, 2024, 12:42:57 AM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on January 27, 2024, 03:37:44 AM
It was a shame Kent only made two of their albums in English, I do like the Swedish albums a lot but they are harder to love when you don't understand them.  Obviously I'm aware of how selfish and little Englander that sounds  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on January 27, 2024, 05:57:15 AM

The 2nd sig is amazing   :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on January 27, 2024, 07:01:53 AM
It was a shame Kent only made two of their albums in English, I do like the Swedish albums a lot but they are harder to love when you don't understand them.

One of my favorite things about lyrics being low on my list of priorities, it opens up so many possibilities. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ReaperKK on January 27, 2024, 08:20:39 AM
I'm not sure when you checked out KOAN but they released a standalone album called "Led By Ancient Light" https://open.spotify.com/album/7kh3mjpP4qo8wU9b33LGfF?si=aBnu4CB3T7mmysulgNvKog

A really interested sounding record and it feels like it's a different step and styling from their older work.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: nick_z on January 28, 2024, 02:19:22 PM

nick_z: Kent
Interesting band, and odd that I’d never even heard of them considering how huge they apparently are in Sweden. Unsurprisingly I really like their stuff. The three albums you sent songs from are undoubtedly the strongest. There’s a sense of energy, melody and emotion on them that’s just really engaging. Definitely aligned with British indie from a similar era, but imbued with a bit more warmth which is fab. Hagnesta Hill and Du & Jag Döden definitely the favourites (and I do prefer listening to the English version of the former), but Vapen & Ammunition grew on me loads too. I went a couple of albums either side of that 3-album run as well, and they were all good but none grew on me in quite the same way. The earlier stuff is a little less refined and the hooks aren’t as strong. The later stuff moved into more of a synthpop vibe which could have absolutely been up my alley (see my review of Haerts, for example), but I don’t feel it really fit their writing style.

As (I think) I mentioned to you before, my story with the band  is a bit weird...I first heard about them with their Hagnesta Hill album, as it had some recognition in the rest of Europe when it came out and around that time I enjoyed that sound a fair bit. I didn't really follow anything else they did after that (or knew what they'd done before) for a while - until I randomly came across an interview with the guys from Katatonia where they mentioned they were big fans of the band. I don't remember exactly when that was, but shortly thereafter I found a used copy of Du & jag döden, which I snatched. The opener of that album, which I sent you, is such a wonderful melancholic pop song. Overall, that whole album is the one the fits the best with my musical taste, that way.

Anyway - I fully agree with your assessment...glad that our tastes aligned in terms of the albums I sent songs from  ;)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on January 29, 2024, 07:46:48 AM

nick_z: Kent
Interesting band, and odd that I’d never even heard of them considering how huge they apparently are in Sweden. Unsurprisingly I really like their stuff. The three albums you sent songs from are undoubtedly the strongest. There’s a sense of energy, melody and emotion on them that’s just really engaging. Definitely aligned with British indie from a similar era, but imbued with a bit more warmth which is fab. Hagnesta Hill and Du & Jag Döden definitely the favourites (and I do prefer listening to the English version of the former), but Vapen & Ammunition grew on me loads too. I went a couple of albums either side of that 3-album run as well, and they were all good but none grew on me in quite the same way. The earlier stuff is a little less refined and the hooks aren’t as strong. The later stuff moved into more of a synthpop vibe which could have absolutely been up my alley (see my review of Haerts, for example), but I don’t feel it really fit their writing style.

As (I think) I mentioned to you before, my story with the band  is a bit weird...I first heard about them with their Hagnesta Hill album, as it had some recognition in the rest of Europe when it came out and around that time I enjoyed that sound a fair bit. I didn't really follow anything else they did after that (or knew what they'd done before) for a while - until I randomly came across an interview with the guys from Katatonia where they mentioned they were big fans of the band. I don't remember exactly when that was, but shortly thereafter I found a used copy of Du & jag döden, which I snatched. The opener of that album, which I sent you, is such a wonderful melancholic pop song. Overall, that whole album is the one the fits the best with my musical taste, that way.

Anyway - I fully agree with your assessment...glad that our tastes aligned in terms of the albums I sent songs from  ;)

Also worth noting the lead singer of Kent (Joakim Berg) has two writing credits on the latest Ghost album Impera (Kaisarion & Respite on the Spitalfields)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: nick_z on January 29, 2024, 07:58:24 AM

Also weren't noting the lead singer of Kent (Joakim Berg) has two writing credits on the latest Ghost album Impera (Kaisarion & Respite on the Spitalfields)

Oh wow, I did NOT know that! Those are fantastic songs, by the way.

Thanks for the info, that is very cool to know…there sure are some talented songwriters in Sweden…
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 04, 2024, 06:37:24 AM
romdrums: Imogen Heap
Her debut is alright but less interesting - the creativity and experimentation was there but it feels less grounded and engaging, without too much in the way of good melodic hooks.

That one is kind of jarring coming from the later albums.  More in an Alanis Morissette or aggressive Tori Amos sort of vibe.  But "Come Here Boy" and "Angry Angel" were ones I couldn't get out of my head when I first heard it. 
Yeah not a bad album by any means, and with some very good moments. Just feels a bit embryonic and I prefer everything after once she'd refined her sound and style a little.

It was a shame Kent only made two of their albums in English, I do like the Swedish albums a lot but they are harder to love when you don't understand them.  Obviously I'm aware of how selfish and little Englander that sounds  ;D
The ones that don't have English versions I'm not finding any harder to love. Indeed Du & Jag Döden might inch out as my favourite. It's more that, where there is an English version, I liked both roughly equally but found the English one slightly easier to get into - knowing the language simply helps make the vocal lines more memorable.

I'm not sure when you checked out KOAN but they released a standalone album called "Led By Ancient Light" https://open.spotify.com/album/7kh3mjpP4qo8wU9b33LGfF?si=aBnu4CB3T7mmysulgNvKog

A really interested sounding record and it feels like it's a different step and styling from their older work.
Yeah one of their recent EPs was in that vein too. Big step up in terms of production and sound design, but it does feel like they're focusing on that at the expense of the music itself. While I appreciate it and I do think it's an interesting sound, I don't love the overall product. If they can combine the two qualities, that would be incredible.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 04, 2024, 06:38:34 AM
ANYWAY here's the rest of the round 5 artists. Turned out a pretty cool round overall!

seneca: Unleash the Archers
Ok yeah, their last two albums are really good. I see them as mainly power metal, but with a good dose of more traditional heavy metal and elements of melodic death metal at times. Brittany Slayes has a fantastic voice and definitely gives the songs a lot of energy and charisma, but also there are just a lot of really enjoyable, catchy songs throughout both albums. Big sound, big melodies, big voice, great stuff. I checked out the two previous albums and, other than her voice, it’s almost a different band. There’s all the metal riffing and energy but there’s very little in the way of memorable hooks and they’re generally just not very interesting compositionally. Time Stands Still is weirdly thin sounding as well. I found both quite a chore to get through. Anyway looks like they’ve found their style and skill now so hopefully this means positive things for the future!

soupy: The Pierces
Unsurprisingly I started with You & I, being the album you mostly sent me songs from. It’s a great album, pop that’s simultaneously upbeat and a little cynical, with a really nice infusion of folk and soft rock. Lots of great, catchy hooks all over the album. Creation, their last one, is really nice too, maybe not quite as consistent but still with lots of great stuff. The earlier albums are nice, but haven’t really grabbed me other than a handful of songs on each. I like the quirkiness on Thirteen Tales, but not many of the songs are actually very interesting melodically unfortunately. Their first two and much more straightforward and perfectly pleasant, but again only a few songs are very engaging, the rest is all a bit middle of the road.

Stadler: Fleetwood Mac
While you didn't challenge for the title this time, you did a great job of increasing my interest in some classic acts I had limited experience with, and here's another good example. I went with the three albums you sent songs from, being the first three of the rebooted Buckingham/Nicks era, and there's some good stuff here. The self-titled is attractive, though suffers a bit from being a little too understated for my tastes. I could see some songs working great live, but on record they lack energy. Rumours though, I can see why it's their most popular. The energy is ramped and it's full of interesting and enjoyable songs. Great album. Tusk isn't really doing it for me unfortunately - the experimentation is cool I guess, but the album is very long and none of the 20 songs actually interest me much. Because I liked Rumours so much, I thought I'd check out their next highest rated albums on RYM, then

TAC: Dark The Suns
Sheesh, you really stretched the “light” theme in this round, didn’t you Tim? :lol As far as the music goes though, no surprise at all that it’s right up my alley. It’s melodic death metal with a gothic vibe, incredibly pretty melodically with a heavy dose of melancholy, and with lovely use of piano that’s very prominent in both the composition and the production. The general style isn’t at all original, but the way they use piano does give it a distinct flavour that’s really nice. Of their five albums, the only one that’s not really working for me is Sleepwalking in a Nightmare - the sound is quite thin and the writing is kind of… awkward? Not sure what was going on with that one. But the two before, and the two they’ve done since coming back are all very solid and really nice stuff.

Vmadera: Angel Vivaldi
I decided to try out two of the EPs you sent songs from to get a decent sense of his stuff. I hadn’t appreciated the range of influences in his stuff - there’s prog metal for sure, but also some power metal and melodeath as well. Both EPs are good, but I definitely found the same issue I often have with instrumental rock/metal, which is that it feels like it’s lacking something. The title Away With Words (I tried out part 1) is clever, but does kind of fit the vibe that these were written the same as vocal songs, just without the vocals. I don’t mind if the music either involves something exciting compositionally or has catchy hooks melodically, but for the most part neither really applies here. That said, each of the two EPs (I also tried The Speed of Dark) does have one slower track that bucks the trend. Sea of Heartbreak especially, but also . . . . ., they both have a gorgeous sound, lovely chord progressions and, like the rest, some great playing, and the emotional swells provide an engaging focal point that the rest lack.

wolfking: Blessed By A Broken Heart
Exactly as I expected, Feel the Power is an absolute blast of an album. To go back a bit though, this band have evidently got much better with each album. I ended up giving a partial listen to their debut (on Youtube as it’s not available on Spotify) out of curiosity, as its rating on RYM is incredibly low. Didn’t get far and didn’t feel motivated to listen enough to rate it properly, but it sounded truly awful. :lol Pedal to the Metal was a big step up and had many of the features of Feel the Power (including the vocalist), though they don’t really fuse together that well. Feel the Power is where they finally found their sound. The fusion of 80s glam metal and metalcore works so well on here - the songs are full of energy and intensity, but they are fun and cheesy and full of some insanely catchy hooks. I read that the singer has returned to the band, so I wonder if they’ll get back to making more music like this!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on February 04, 2024, 07:15:45 AM
Blessed By A Broken Heart did release a couple of singles last year.  They were ok.  Feel the Power is a killer album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: TAC on February 04, 2024, 07:18:57 AM
TAC: Dark The Suns
Sheesh, you really stretched the “light” theme in this round, didn’t you Tim? :lol As far as the music goes though, no surprise at all that it’s right up my alley. It’s melodic death metal with a gothic vibe, incredibly pretty melodically with a heavy dose of melancholy, and with lovely use of piano that’s very prominent in both the composition and the production. The general style isn’t at all original, but the way they use piano does give it a distinct flavour that’s really nice. Of their five albums, the only one that’s not really working for me is Sleepwalking in a Nightmare - the sound is quite thin and the writing is kind of… awkward? Not sure what was going on with that one. But the two before, and the two they’ve done since coming back are all very solid and really nice stuff.

I can't say I love everything they've done, but I have a playlist of 8-10 songs that I absolutely love. I didn't love their latest album as the vocals were a tad too guttural for me. But the piano with the heavy riffs makes a really nice combination, and as long as I can agree with the vocals, it's something that I quite enjoy.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on February 04, 2024, 09:41:41 AM
TAC and wolking are the types to bring a bazooka to a knife fight. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on February 04, 2024, 07:26:51 PM
TAC and wolking are the types to bring a bazooka to a knife fight.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on February 04, 2024, 07:27:47 PM
Blessed By A Broken Heart did release a couple of singles last year.  They were ok.  Feel the Power is a killer album.

I thought the songs were pretty good.

Feel the Power still holds up.  Always a wonderful listen.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on February 04, 2024, 07:41:26 PM
TAC and wolking are the types to bring a bazooka to a knife fight.


Your "light" music had harsh vocals, double bass, and shred guitar.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on February 04, 2024, 07:43:45 PM
TAC and wolking are the types to bring a bazooka to a knife fight.


Your "light" music had harsh vocals, double bass, and shred guitar.  :lol

Exactly........light music.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 04, 2024, 11:44:37 PM

In Kade's defense, one of his light submissions had no harsh vocals at all and the other was mostly clean vocals. That's a pretty good effort.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on February 05, 2024, 01:11:43 AM

soupy: The Pierces
Unsurprisingly I started with You & I, being the album you mostly sent me songs from. It’s a great album, pop that’s simultaneously upbeat and a little cynical, with a really nice infusion of folk and soft rock. Lots of great, catchy hooks all over the album. Creation, their last one, is really nice too, maybe not quite as consistent but still with lots of great stuff. The earlier albums are nice, but haven’t really grabbed me other than a handful of songs on each. I like the quirkiness on Thirteen Tales, but not many of the songs are actually very interesting melodically unfortunately. Their first two and much more straightforward and perfectly pleasant, but again only a few songs are very engaging, the rest is all a bit middle of the road.

That's pretty much where I am too.  Maybe I put Thirteen Tales over Creation - but You and I is definitely their best.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on February 05, 2024, 02:46:31 AM

In Kade's defense, one of his light submissions had no harsh vocals at all and the other was mostly clean vocals. That's a pretty good effort.

Thank you Rich!  I indeed made an effort on that front.  ;D
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on February 07, 2024, 02:59:27 PM
I see that 3.5 stars for Heavy Pendulum. Clearly you haven't listened to it enough. :loser:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 07, 2024, 03:13:30 PM
I see that 3.5 stars for Heavy Pendulum. Clearly you haven't listened to it enough. :loser:
RYM-stalking huh? :P

Might as well post the first three from round 6!

Buddy: Cave In
Alright look, this album is too long. :lol I like it, but it’s a bit samey and does kinda drag. There isn’t really any tonal variety at all, and not that much variety of style either. Those in themselves aren’t problems when an album is either short and punchy, or full of bangers, but neither is the case here. There are a few pretty great songs though - the essentials are Floating Skulls, Heavy Pendulum and Wavering Angel. But there are some others that are pretty good as well. Honestly you can cut maybe half an hour off this album, it would be great and you wouldn’t really lose anything. As an album listener I almost never make abridged versions of albums - either I like an album enough as created by the artist to want to own/return to it, or I don’t and I might just keep a song or two (or none). But after giving the full album a few goes, I tried an abridged version in Spotify a couple of times and it was so much much better. I think this is probably one of those rare occasions where that’s what I’ll do.

Crow: Victory Over the Sun
Sheesh this album is intense. I’m glad that overall I came to love Thorn Woos the Wound. It just about gets the balance right so that the discordant stuff isn’t too overbearing, and the parts of the songs that are chordant and melodic are pretty glorious and immersive. The rest of the album isn’t holding up as well. I’ve given it a good number of listens as that’s what helped with Thorn, but really the only other song that’s grown on me a fair bit is Madeline Becoming Judy. It doesn’t have the same big emotional swells as Thorn, but has some interesting and cool use of synths in the melodic sections that provides quite an enjoyable and unique effect. The Gold of Having Nothing and Black Heralds are harder work though and don’t really have anything for me to hook onto. And as I’m sure comes as no surprise to you, WHEEL is not my thing at all. :lol The variety and high points mean I’d probably say I like the album overall, but I can’t say I love it.

Elite: Wheel
It took you several rounds, but you eventually moved to sending stuff in styles where our tastes are better aligned. Even though I’m pretty lukewarm on Tool for the most part (except for Lateralus, which is superb), as I said in the roulette itself these guys seem to do a better - or rather, more consistently good - job of the same style. Jumping back to their start, the first EP, The Path, is pretty good for sure, if a little derivative with none of the songs particularly exciting. I initially thought this was the case for the next EP, The Divide, as well, but that grew on me loads. The songs are bigger, more engaging and have some strong melodic and emotional hooks. And really that’s carried on since, with some subtle shifts in style with each release. Moving Backwards is their best, for sure, but everything else they’ve done since has also been great.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on February 07, 2024, 03:43:28 PM
There isn’t really any tonal variety at all, and not that much variety of style either.

Huh? What? Are you listening to the right album? If the heavy, energetic songs are the album's base sound, then you've still got plenty of variance from that with the slow burners like Blinded By A Blaze and Nightmare Eyes, and the cleaner, more melodic songs like the title track, Reckoning, and Wavering Angel, the latter of which is 12 damn minutes. Yeah it's a long album but saying it has no variety is a fucking bizarre take. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on February 07, 2024, 03:57:19 PM
WHEEL is not my thing at all. :lol
Elite: Wheel


also yeah madeline becoming judy is my second fave, i love wheel for how brutalist and completely contrasting it is from thorn but thorn is my bestie for sure
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 07, 2024, 04:04:03 PM
There isn’t really any tonal variety at all, and not that much variety of style either.

Huh? What? Are you listening to the right album? If the heavy, energetic songs are the album's base sound, then you've still got plenty of variance from that with the slow burners like Blinded By A Blaze and Nightmare Eyes, and the cleaner, more melodic songs like the title track, Reckoning, and Wavering Angel, the latter of which is 12 damn minutes. Yeah it's a long album but saying it has no variety is a fucking bizarre take. :lol
Yeah I'm not really talking about heaviness/energy levels. As I say, there is some variety of style (including energy levels), though I'd generally have a preference for a little more. It's the tone I find always the same. Even Reckoning, which is a very welcome change of pace, prompts pretty much the same emotional reaction in me as the rest.

Again though, that's not necessarily a bad thing if the quality is consistently high. I think it's the combination of factors. Take Blinded By A Blaze, for example. I just don't find it very interesting in itself, but it also doesn't really add anything to the album as a whole. There's a few songs like that - less than half the album, but enough to make the overall experience drag.

I'd have liked to enjoy it more because the stuff I like I really do dig. I think that's why it's one of those very rare occasions where I'm happier with my abridged playlist instead, which I listened to again today and really did work quite well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 07, 2024, 04:04:21 PM
WHEEL is not my thing at all. :lol
Elite: Wheel

:lol Yes I did notice that as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on February 07, 2024, 04:10:52 PM
I see that 3.5 stars for Heavy Pendulum. Clearly you haven't listened to it enough. :loser:
RYM-stalking huh? :P

I check your latest ratings several times a month to see if you've gotten to mine yet too.  (https://i.imgur.com/jYPvjM1.gif)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 12, 2024, 02:14:20 PM
I quite like these smaller, more regular updates, so here's a few more from round 6.

Evermind: Birdy
This lady has made some incredibly gorgeous music. I can see why you mostly sent songs from Young Heart - that album is definitely my favourite - but I also really like how she does something a little different with each album. Her debut was fairly straightforward and it’s nice, if not that exciting. Fire Within is similar in its singer-songwriter style, but steps up in terms of melody and emotion, all to the benefit. Beautiful Lies brings some new sounds as well as more of a champer pop vibe, and again has some lovely songs. Then Young Heart goes all indie folk, and absolutely drips with emotion - just such an immersive album - good potential to be my favourite from the round. I dig the synthpop stylings she then brought in on Portraits, although I’m not sold on the music itself yet - most of the album feels a little lacking in good hooks.

faizoff: Run The Jewels
I figured it made sense to check out RTJ4, as the album you mostly sent songs from, even though it has Ooh La La on it. :lol Having had a break from it, I didn’t find it quite so annoying this time, but I wouldn’t say it’s grown on me that much. The album as a whole is pretty much what I expected and I rate pretty similarly to the selection you sent. It’s pretty cool though. That mix of groove and tension I mentioned in your submission is prominent, and quite engaging, and there’s the odd quieter moment here and there that adds a bit of variety to the sound. Pretty good, but ultimately not really what grabs me when it comes to hip hop.

Glasser: Bastian Per
Like with Faizoff’s RTJ, this was very much what I expected really. Competent prog but mostly a bit vanilla and middle of the road for my tastes. There’s some nice stuff on here though, especially on the second half of the album - those moments that do something a little different to catch my interest. I still like the theatrical side of The Mystery Behind and the emotion of The Safe Place. Greatness Delirium is a fantastic short instrumental with a ton of groove, probably my favourite track on the album, and it leads nicely into Way Back Home which is mostly pretty great too. The rest of the album is decent - good enough to enjoy but not really enough to excite.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 22, 2024, 01:40:44 PM
Have four updates this time!

HOF: Sweet Billy Pilgrim
In terms of my opinion on this band - or at least the three albums you sent me songs from - I don’t have a lot to add to what I said in the roulette. These three albums are great. Motorcade Amnesiacs is easily my favourite. It’s creative in a cerebral sort of way, with a great mix of styles and tones, but also has a fair bit of emotional resonance to make it very engaging. The two albums since focus on one over the other. At first I found Wapentak a little straightforward and narrow in scope, but there’s a real warmth to it that revealed itself on later listens. It’s odd that these later albums are so obscure - almost no RYM ratings for the latest two, for example - but the earlier ones seem better known. I tried a couple and they didn’t really work for me. Crown and Treaty is nice but not much really resonated with me. Twice Born Men was interesting in ways, but the “slowcore” style that dominates it isn’t really my thing.

jingle: Sass Jordan
Well this lady for sure has a great voice. Very versatile and charismatic. I’ve not so far found an album that I love overall, but I am finding quite a few great songs dotted throughout what I’ve heard. I also quite like the fact that she changes up her style from album to album. I started with her first three albums, being the ones you sent me songs from. Her debut sounds very of its time (late 80s) and maybe a little dated, but it has a few cool songs, especially in the first half. Racine is a very solid all-rounder. Rats is interesting, a little bluesier but also a slightly grungy vibe to the sound. Not all of it grabs me but songs like Slave and High Road Easy are great and I like the more punchy sound on this one. I didn’t listen to any other albums enough to rate them, but I dipped in and generally found the same thing, even as her style continued to change.

King: A.C.T
That was a great shout sending me songs from Circus Pandemonium and the Heatwave EP, even though I’d previously rated Last Epic (which seems to generally be their favourite) 3.5 stars. Both releases are really great. There’s a charismatic theatricality to their music combined with some catchy melodies and occasional grand immersive moments that just make the overall effect really enjoyable. I did give Last Epic another go but haven’t changed my mind about that one - the theatricality is there but I just don’t find it very smoothly fused with the core prog sound, something just feels slightly off. That said, I’d forgotten what a cracking song Mr Landlord is. I also tried Silence and the other two recent EPs they released - they’re all pretty good but none has the same charm as the ones you sent me songs from. Falling comes closest - it has a nice sound and great use of synths. But most of the EP is a little too safe and, apart from Breathe (which is fab), lacking in good hooks.

Litho: Autumn
I don’t know that I have much to add to what I said in the roulette. Great band. Really loving Altitude especially (that closer!) but Stacking Smoke and My New Time are also excellent. It’s not especially complex or intricate music for the most part, but they create quite an evocative mood, write some strong melodies, and have had two great singers who create a very immersive sound. I quite like Summer’s End and Cold Comfort as well, though neither album is grabbing me as much as those other three. The debut is… really quite weak by comparison. :lol One of the biggest steps up in quality I’ve encountered between a debut and sophomore album. I’m aware this is one of your favourite bands, so thank you for bringing me on board!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: HOF on February 22, 2024, 02:07:33 PM
Have four updates this time!

HOF: Sweet Billy Pilgrim
In terms of my opinion on this band - or at least the three albums you sent me songs from - I don’t have a lot to add to what I said in the roulette. These three albums are great. Motorcade Amnesiacs is easily my favourite. It’s creative in a cerebral sort of way, with a great mix of styles and tones, but also has a fair bit of emotional resonance to make it very engaging. The two albums since focus on one over the other. At first I found Wapentak a little straightforward and narrow in scope, but there’s a real warmth to it that revealed itself on later listens. It’s odd that these later albums are so obscure - almost no RYM ratings for the latest two, for example - but the earlier ones seem better known. I tried a couple and they didn’t really work for me. Crown and Treaty is nice but not much really resonated with me. Twice Born Men was interesting in ways, but the “slowcore” style that dominates it isn’t really my thing.

Nice! Motorcade Amnesiacs is easily one of my favorite albums of the last 10 years. It's just full of all kinds of goodness. Wapentak is a bit more stripped back and rootsy, as they went to being just a duo at that point. Twice Born Men is definitely not as immediate and has a low-budget nature that might be a little harder to tap into. But it's one that I consistently come back to and get really engrossed in. It's worth giving a few more spins if you didn't connect with it right away.

The earlier albums had some label support behind them, and they had a little buzz from some indie magazines early on. The more recent stuff has been totally independent and not terribly well promoted. Can't remember if I sent you anything from their most recent album, Somapolis, but it's really great too. Probably their proggiest album yet and right up there with Motorcade Amnesiacs.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 22, 2024, 02:19:34 PM
Yeah Somapolis is great, sorry I forgot to mention it by name but as I said both the latest two albums I like a lot. I sort of see Wapentak as the "feely" album - stripped back but quite emotive - while Somapolis is the "thinky" album - very unusual and creative, and as you say quite proggy. Both good in different ways. I think the reason I like Motorcade most is how well it does both those things.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: HOF on February 22, 2024, 02:30:37 PM
Yeah Somapolis is great, sorry I forgot to mention it by name but as I said both the latest two albums I like a lot. I sort of see Wapentak as the "feely" album - stripped back but quite emotive - while Somapolis is the "thinky" album - very unusual and creative, and as you say quite proggy. Both good in different ways. I think the reason I like Motorcade most is how well it does both those things.

Yeah, Motorcade just does everything so well. Really wished Somapolis could have gotten some more buzz when it came out last year. It got delayed and then dropped towards the very end of the year. It's one that they clearly put a ton of work into making a really complete and detailed album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on February 24, 2024, 04:49:53 PM
Litho: Autumn
I don’t know that I have much to add to what I said in the roulette. Great band. Really loving Altitude especially (that closer!) but Stacking Smoke and My New Time are also excellent. It’s not especially complex or intricate music for the most part, but they create quite an evocative mood, write some strong melodies, and have had two great singers who create a very immersive sound. I quite like Summer’s End and Cold Comfort as well, though neither album is grabbing me as much as those other three. The debut is… really quite weak by comparison. :lol One of the biggest steps up in quality I’ve encountered between a debut and sophomore album. I’m aware this is one of your favourite bands, so thank you for bringing me on board!

Cold Comfort in particular I found to be the biggest grower over time.  I was underwhelmed with it on release, and it's still the weakest of the last four, but I think it really rewards additional plays.  They actually had a third (original) vocalist on their initial Samhain EP (and not counting the male growls on the first two full-lengths, their sound clearly wasn't as well-suited for those as other bands, so I'm glad they dropped them on My New Time).  Depending upon your production preferences that one is even a bit less polished, although they do take on some charm after awhile, with earlier versions of later songs.  I've never been able to locate the two in-between EPs (s/t and Spring Starts With Autumn). 

I also had noticed even before your roulette that you mildly/moderately liked Vetrar Draugurinn's The Night Sky.  They are in a ways a heavier and more doomy version of Autumn, with the same vocalist as the last three Autumn albums, but a different band.  It might be worth listening to Hinterlands and the I EP from them now that you have more of a foothold. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on February 24, 2024, 09:29:31 PM
100% completely fair and accurate assessment of Sass. Try this if you really want something bluesy from her.


JLB sang on the first Roswell Six album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 25, 2024, 01:37:44 PM
Litho: Autumn
I don’t know that I have much to add to what I said in the roulette. Great band. Really loving Altitude especially (that closer!) but Stacking Smoke and My New Time are also excellent. It’s not especially complex or intricate music for the most part, but they create quite an evocative mood, write some strong melodies, and have had two great singers who create a very immersive sound. I quite like Summer’s End and Cold Comfort as well, though neither album is grabbing me as much as those other three. The debut is… really quite weak by comparison. :lol One of the biggest steps up in quality I’ve encountered between a debut and sophomore album. I’m aware this is one of your favourite bands, so thank you for bringing me on board!

Cold Comfort in particular I found to be the biggest grower over time.  I was underwhelmed with it on release, and it's still the weakest of the last four, but I think it really rewards additional plays.  They actually had a third (original) vocalist on their initial Samhain EP (and not counting the male growls on the first two full-lengths, their sound clearly wasn't as well-suited for those as other bands, so I'm glad they dropped them on My New Time).  Depending upon your production preferences that one is even a bit less polished, although they do take on some charm after awhile, with earlier versions of later songs.  I've never been able to locate the two in-between EPs (s/t and Spring Starts With Autumn). 
Yeah the production on the debut is definitely a blocker for me, and even Summer's End - which sounds ok - lacks a little punch for my tastes. So I'm not particularly minded to seek out other early stuff of theirs. But I'm interested in your experience of Cold Comfort. I'll give it a few more listens to see if it grows on me.

I also had noticed even before your roulette that you mildly/moderately liked Vetrar Draugurinn's The Night Sky.  They are in a ways a heavier and more doomy version of Autumn, with the same vocalist as the last three Autumn albums, but a different band.  It might be worth listening to Hinterlands and the I EP from them now that you have more of a foothold. 
Interesting, yeah I guess I should give them another shot. Can't say I remember very much about that album, to be honest! :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 25, 2024, 01:41:00 PM
100% completely fair and accurate assessment of Sass. Try this if you really want something bluesy from her.


JLB sang on the first Roswell Six album.
Her voice was evidently holding out pretty well 25-30 years later. Nice song too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on February 26, 2024, 06:21:48 AM
100% completely fair and accurate assessment of Sass. Try this if you really want something bluesy from her.


JLB sang on the first Roswell Six album.
Her voice was evidently holding out pretty well 25-30 years later. Nice song too.

Her looks too.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on February 26, 2024, 09:21:56 PM
Yeah the production on the debut is definitely a blocker for me, and even Summer's End - which sounds ok - lacks a little punch for my tastes. So I'm not particularly minded to seek out other early stuff of theirs.

Yeah, I certainly wouldn't expect you to be (especially at this point).  That took years to get to that point for me, after I'd been squeezing every last drop out of the later albums.  I go back to the first two full lengths on occasion primarily because I really like Nienke's voice.  The last four are where it's really at for me.  They take their time these days, but a new album is in process and could come as early as later this year depending on how things go. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 27, 2024, 01:51:06 PM
A few more!

lonestar: TRiDENT
Loving this band. You really did just send better and better stuff over the course of this roulette. They only have the one full-length release, which is what you sent songs from, and it’s great. Pretty straightforward stylistically - hard rock with J-pop sensibilities - but it’s just so full of energy and catchy hooks it’s impossible not to enjoy. They’ve done a bunch of EPs and 3-track “singles” since then and these are all at least as good. One of them, D-X, I’m pretty sure is my favourite. If I have one thing I’d have preferred on Advance Generation it would have been a little more variety of sounds and styles, and that’s exactly what this EP offers. Some of the electro-rock and funky pop infusions especially are right up my street, all while still maintaining the energy and hooks that all their music has.

Luke: The Dirty Nil
You know, this is pretty enjoyable stuff. I stand by my rating overall - it doesn’t quite reach the 4 stars mark - but there are some cool songs. I went with the two albums you sent songs from. I gather from RYM that Free Rein to Passions is broadly in line with their usual style, while F*ck Art (censored simply for anyone reading who hasn’t switched off DTF’s word censoring!) is a simpler pop punk style. To be honest, I prefer the latter. The slightly more post-hardcore/garage punk of Free Rein is pretty cool but most of the songs are not really very interesting. F*ck Art is just a lot more fun, and has a few songs (like those two I mentioned from your submission that reminded me slightly of Frank Turner) that have a bit of an emotional hook, as well as a decent melodic one.

Luoto: Foscor
So, my feelings on the album as a whole are pretty much exactly the same as the selection you sent from it. It’s a cool sound that’s difficult to pin down, which makes it interesting to listen to. The whole moody vibe is quite engaging too, which I like. But melodically it’s very dense and it’s not really growing on me much other than a few segments of songs here and there. Altars is still the best thing on here and was nice to hear again in the context of the album, actually quite digging that song. But unfortunately nothing else on the album feels particularly essential to my listening.

nick_z: Saviour Machine
Their debut is pretty much what I expected really, based on the songs you sent which on the whole are among the better ones from it (though Killer is another standout, a very interesting song and the cacophony towards the end is kind of captivating). It has a great vibe and Clayton has a great voice, but it does feel a little dated coming to it now. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just don't find enough of the songs to be interesting enough. Some really good ones though, for sure. At your suggestion I tried their second album too, which I've also enjoyed. Definitely a bit more variety and some experimentation which does make the overall experience probably a bit more my thing, although not all the experimentations quite work for me. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on February 27, 2024, 01:56:23 PM
Luke: The Dirty Nil
You know, this is pretty enjoyable stuff. I stand by my rating overall - it doesn’t quite reach the 4 stars mark - but there are some cool songs. I went with the two albums you sent songs from. I gather from RYM that Free Rein to Passions is broadly in line with their usual style, while F*ck Art (censored simply for anyone reading who hasn’t switched off DTF’s word censoring!) is a simpler pop punk style. To be honest, I prefer the latter. The slightly more post-hardcore/garage punk of Free Rein is pretty cool but most of the songs are not really very interesting. F*ck Art is just a lot more fun, and has a few songs (like those two I mentioned from your submission that reminded me slightly of Frank Turner) that have a bit of an emotional hook, as well as a decent melodic one.

I can't really argue with any of that dude. Fuck Art is just a fun album and one that I can happily revisit any time. The album that proceeded it had a harder edge, and reminds me way more of The Flatliners, who are one of my favourite punk bands. I do like Nicer Guy from the latest record, but it just doesn't have as many good songs as FA.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on February 27, 2024, 02:04:13 PM
I'm still astounded at your perseverance in checking out virtually everything sent in the roulette.  With numerous albums for most artists and presumably multiple listens to many of these albums, it has to have consumed well over half of your listening time since finishing the roulette, maybe even 3/4?  I'm definitely curious to see how deep you go into the artists from the EPs, that's practically another roulette's worth of material on its own. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on February 27, 2024, 02:04:39 PM
I still have yet to dig into a lot of their stuff released since the full length, definitely need to. Their drummer is just off the hook good (honestly, all of the Jmetal drummers are top notch). I'm hoping they'll be the next band to follow in Nemophila and Hanabie's footsteps and branch out of Japan (along with Lovebites of course)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 27, 2024, 02:19:19 PM
I'm still astounded at your perseverance in checking out virtually everything sent in the roulette.
You and me both. :lol

With numerous albums for most artists and presumably multiple listens to many of these albums, it has to have consumed well over half of your listening time since finishing the roulette, maybe even 3/4?
Not as much as 3/4, definitely. Probably around half or maybe a little more. I really do enjoy it though, and I focus my listening on either the stuff I'm struggling to decide how much I like (because I feel it requires more listens to give a fair assessment), or the stuff I'm really liking a lot (because I'm liking it so much, obviously). With lower scoring artists from the roulette I'm generally just giving an album or at most two a couple of listens, and sometimes giving up after the first or part-way through the second if it's clearly not my thing. But there have been some nice surprises!

I'm definitely curious to see how how deep you go into the artists from the EPs, that's practically another roulette's worth of material on its own. 
Haha yeah very true. I don't expect to do every artist for that one, I'll be more selective. My v7 roulette was the first time I checked out every artist afterwards but that didn't have an EP round.

I still have yet to dig into a lot of their stuff released since the full length, definitely need to.
Yeah most of it is more of the same (not a bad thing), especially the first few EPs/singles after Advance Generation. I think a couple of them may have even be re-workings of older songs they'd done under a different name. D-X and the latest EP have a bit more variety of style/sound which I'm rather digging.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: nick_z on February 27, 2024, 07:49:42 PM

nick_z: Saviour Machine
Their debut is pretty much what I expected really, based on the songs you sent which on the whole are among the better ones from it (though Killer is another standout, a very interesting song and the cacophony towards the end is kind of captivating). It has a great vibe and Clayton has a great voice, but it does feel a little dated coming to it now. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just don't find enough of the songs to be interesting enough. Some really good ones though, for sure. At your suggestion I tried their second album too, which I've also enjoyed. Definitely a bit more variety and some experimentation which does make the overall experience probably a bit more my thing, although not all the experimentations quite work for me. :lol

Glad you had a chance to check out both the debut and II. The debut, for me, is truly one of those lightning-in-a-bottle kind of albums. It hits all the right notes. I can't get enough of songs like Carnival of Souls and Legion, but I love everything on it, really. I bought this back in '93, when I was discovering all sorts of new music and it was melodic, dark and dramatic at the same time. II is different and, yes, more experimental in a way. There's barely any rhythm guitar on it, but the lead work and the melodies are wonderful. I do agree it's a bit much overall, and the elements are not quite as balanced as before. Then, well, the band got a little too ambitious, I think, and embarked on this concept on the Apocalypse ("Legend"), spanning several albums (and never completed, because of Clayton's health issues). The concept itself took over the music, and everything became "heavy" and unwieldy. There are moments of brilliance scattered across the records, but they are not ones I revisit often.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on February 29, 2024, 04:49:16 AM
Not sure if you've already listened to my submission from this round - dEUS.   As I notice you tend to listen to the albums that the submissions come from - I'd probably say the two albums you'd enjoy most are 'Pocket Revolution' and 'Vantage Point' (none of my submissions came from these albums  :facepalm:).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 29, 2024, 01:43:52 PM
II is different and, yes, more experimental in a way. There's barely any rhythm guitar on it, but the lead work and the melodies are wonderful.
Interesting, I hadn't really picked up on that. Just goes to show that in the good stuff on there, nothing feels missing.

Not sure if you've already listened to my submission from this round - dEUS.   As I notice you tend to listen to the albums that the submissions come from - I'd probably say the two albums you'd enjoy most are 'Pocket Revolution' and 'Vantage Point' (none of my submissions came from these albums  :facepalm:).
Ah yes I definitely do, so that's good to know. On that basis I'll probably skip The Ideal Crash (as I wasn't too into the songs from that) but check out Keep You Close (as I really liked the title track from it) plus at least one of those other ones you recommend.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on February 29, 2024, 03:26:36 PM
More updates!

Puppies: Mandroid Echostar
Really excellent band. Now that I’ve properly explored their stuff, I can hear more of the Coheed influence, and increasingly so with each release. I guess touring with them may have had an impact on their own sound. But I do still think the more dominant comparison is Protest the Hero. The first two EPs (assuming Citadels counts as an EP) are both just so good. Punchy, dynamic, exciting. Tight riffing, proggy exploration and some really strong hooks. Coral Throne doesn’t seem quite so strong - the production is muddier and some of the songs are a little… middle of the road maybe? - but it’s still a very solid album overall with a few great songs on it. I understand the singer had an issue with his throat/voice a while back and that seems to have gotten in the way of making more music, but it looks as though things might gradually be happening again which is cool.

Reaper: Black Map
Ok so this band has some influences and styles that I hadn’t really picked up from the songs you sent me. The dredg connection and a similar proggy alternative rock style is fairly prominent, but it doesn’t totally dominate. In particular there are songs where there’s a crunchier stoner rock sort of vibe, especially on their debut. It’s quite a cool mix. I wouldn’t say I’ve loved any of the albums I’ve been listening to (And We Explore, In Droves and the Trace the Path EP) but I like them all and they all have some great songs on. In Droves especially I wasn’t far off from giving 4 stars, but on repeat listens I ended up finding a bit too much filler. Still, it’s a solid album and I’m glad I checked this band out.

romdrums: Stabbing Westward
This didn’t surprise me, but the earlier stuff I’ve checked out is pretty good while the more recent album they did is great. The songs are generally quite compositionally straightforward and don’t have a ton of variety, so my enjoyment is quite reliant on the sound and the melodic hooks. The sound is cool in the earlier stuff - Darkest Days is the one I mostly listened to but I also dipped into a few songs from their first couple - and there are some good songs, but I’m not finding enough. Chasing Ghosts is a big step up though, for my tastes. The industrial rock sound is still there, but I do quite like that it sounds a little clearer and less grungy and 90s. :lol But there’s also more in the way of strong melodies and energetic delivery. The first half of the album is especially strong. It starts getting a little samey after a while, but it’s not a particularly long album and the quality still stays high throughout.

Sacul: The Microphones
Yeah I think this album is definitely a bit too lo-fi for my tastes. Don’t get me wrong, there’s some great stuff on here. Like I said in the roulette, the stuff that works reminds me a lot of Neutral Milk Hotel and has a very captivating emotional intensity. Most of the good stuff is concentrated in the songs you sent me though - there are other pleasant moments but little that really grabs me. Those first two songs are so good, but it does start to lose me after that and ends up being fairly hard work to get through. Interesting, definitely, but not something I feel particularly compelled to return to other than those first two songs. Also, I apparently completely failed to notice that this is the same guy as Mount Eerie but he just changed the name of the project he was releasing music under. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on February 29, 2024, 03:31:55 PM
Mandroid Echostar is  :metal especially Citadels.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Sacul on March 01, 2024, 09:17:29 AM
Yeah I didn't expect you to like that album beyond those tracks, I personally like it a lot without loving it. I think you might enjoy his record Microphones in 2020, a very nice 1-song thing, with an amazing music video and wonderful lyrics.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 08, 2024, 02:08:27 PM
Mandroid Echostar is  :metal especially Citadels.

Yeah I didn't expect you to like that album beyond those tracks, I personally like it a lot without loving it. I think you might enjoy his record Microphones in 2020, a very nice 1-song thing, with an amazing music video and wonderful lyrics.
Interesting, I'll add it to my "to check out later" collection so I'll probably get to it at some point.

Anyway, a few more updates. Just one more update after this and then we're onto EP artists and possibly one or two of the artists from Caelan's bonus round that weren't otherwise sent to me!

seneca: Gregory Alan Isakov
No surprise at all that I love the two albums you sent songs from. There's a real sense of intimacy to the music and performance - the music is delicate and emotive, and his voice is soulful yet subtle. Really lovely stuff. The Weatherman is similarly strong for all the same reasons. His latest two haven't grabbed me as much though. Evening Machines shifted a bit more towards the indie and away from the folk, which I don't object to in principle but the writing and production here doesn't have the same intimate feeling. The latest returns to a simpler folky vibe again which is nice but a lot of the songs feel a little bland and middle of the road. Same sort of goes for his earlier album Songs for October, which is pleasant but not really hooking me in.

soupy: dEUS
I ended up checking out a bunch of albums by these guys - all the albums from The Instant Crash to Following Sea - and they’re pretty cool. I like how their sound has evolved over time. With the exception of Keep Me Close, none of the albums have really grabbed me as a whole, but there’s good stuff on all of them. The earlier ones especially remind me at times variously of early Radiohead and Soulwax, which is an odd combination that I’m not sure wholly works. The fun side doesn’t have the catchy hooks of Much Against Everyone’s Advice, but it does break up the melancholy vibe from the other side. Kind of the same with Vantage Point onwards, the sound is a little more experimental and has some cool ideas but the stuff I like most is very much the more emotional indie stuff. While I tend to have a preference for more variety, this is one of those situations where Keep Me Close actually benefits from a narrower focus on the side of their music I enjoy most, and as a result it creates a consistent vibe that hooks me in nicely.

Stadler: Aerosmith
The obvious album to check out was Toys in the Attic. Seems to be their biggest, I already knew a couple of songs, and one of the ones I quite liked from your submission came from it. And, you know, it's pretty good actually. Never had much interest in the band and I'm not totally sold, but the album was better than I'd maybe expected. About half of it I find a bit bland maybe, but it's OK. But it's when they did something more distinctive (at least at that point in their career) that I've found myself getting into it. The groove of Walk This Way (which is a huge hit for a reason), and the theatricality of You See Me Crying especially are very enjoyable, although I could do without the weird cat singing in the latter, what's that about?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 11, 2024, 09:17:32 AM
And the last of the round 6 artists!

TAC: Hwaino
My experience with this album - Ashes of the World Tree - is kind of similar to what happened with your submission. I wasn’t wholly convinced at first, mainly because some of the heavier sections feel a little thin in production, which also clashes with some of the quieter moments sounding more full, especially the intro track. But I quickly got over it and this is some really gorgeous music. I found it odd that RYM has him classified simply as post-rock, until I checked out his other albums and yeah there’s no metal to be found anywhere else. :lol But most of the other albums are beautiful too, really lush post-rock with a very natural organic feel. Not a style I get that into too often but I dig his stuff, and shifting into what I guess could be called blackgaze for Ashes works so well and does help that album stand out. His first EP isn’t as strong, and his latest is kind of modern classical and very ambient, and it’s pretty but not really my thing.

Vmadera aka Lonk: Volbeat
This seems to be very similar for me as my experience with Coheed, which is that I’ve never really been into what I’ve heard before but then they’re latest album has a sudden step up in the quality of the songwriting and melodic hooks. I did give Beyond Hell / Above Heaven another go, and haven’t changed my mind, it’s ok but just really not very interesting. I also tried another couple of their albums - their next most popular on RYM (Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood) and the one before the latest (Rewind · Replay · Rebound), and they’re better and have a few really good songs, but still a lot of filler that sounds like mid-tier pop punk with a rockabilly singer. Servant of the Mind is great though. Not really a change in style, but the album has a lot of energy and so many catchy hooks and is just a lot of fun. Hopefully they can maintain this quality now.

wolfking: Kreator
Decided to give a few listens to Gods of Violence, being the album you sent two songs from including my favourite from your submission. And you know what, I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. I don’t think it’ll reach 4 star territory - the main blocker is the vocal lines. He’s not a particularly engaging vocalist (either his “cleaner” pitched stuff or the harsher vocals) - he’s capable enough and has a lot of energy, but there’s a quality to his voice that’s kind of distracting. Wouldn’t matter much if the vocal lines were good, but they’re pretty bland. Instrumentally though this is a really enjoyable album with a few really quite good songs. Death Becomes My Light I already liked, but there’s some good stuff in the first half of the album too, especially Totalitarian Terror and to some extent Satan is Real which is good fun. Great guitar work throughout. So yeah, won’t become a favourite but glad I checked it out.

Before moving onto (most, but not all) EP artists, I think I'll check out a couple of the artists you guys sent Caelan for bonus round. Most I either knew already, also got sent to me in another round, or didn't interest me, but there's a few I'd like to explore.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on March 11, 2024, 09:19:43 AM
Are we getting updates for the bonus round artists? :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 11, 2024, 09:27:47 AM
Are we getting updates for the bonus round artists? :neverusethis:
I answered that at the end of my post. :P
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on March 11, 2024, 09:50:35 AM
Sorry, I saw none of my artists were there so I didn't read it. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Elite on March 11, 2024, 10:36:00 AM
I’m amazed that you’re still updating this thread and writing stuff about literally every artist you received. Kudos for your dedication! Also nice to read back on some stuff I sent what seems like a year ago :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on March 11, 2024, 10:37:17 AM
This one has me most curious since Mary's Blood has a sizeable discography and it's fairly diverse. Curious to see what threads he pulls.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on March 11, 2024, 10:44:48 AM
I don't even quite understand Unlucky Morpheus' discography, so I hope it's decipherable.  :lol  I need to fill in some ratings on their major releases, looks like I overlooked rating them. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 11, 2024, 10:45:13 AM
I’m amazed that you’re still updating this thread and writing stuff about literally every artist you received. Kudos for your dedication! Also nice to read back on some stuff I sent what seems like a year ago :biggrin:
Every artist for rounds 1-6, but that wouldn't be possible for the EPs. :lol

But yeah I'm glad I did it, even the stuff that hasn't stuck with me I'm glad I checked out whole albums and gave things a good chance and I've enjoyed most things.

This one has me most curious since Mary's Blood has a sizeable discography and it's fairly diverse. Curious to see what threads he pulls.
That'll be some way off. :lol

Currently on Unlucky Morpheus who Litho sent to Caelan. Was a little overwhelmed at first glance at the number of releases they have, but turns out most are video game music covers so I'll just focus on the original stuff.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 11, 2024, 10:47:13 AM
I don't even quite understand Unlucky Morpheus' discography, so I hope it's decipherable.  :lol  I need to fill in some ratings on their major releases, looks like I overlooked rating them. 
Our posts crossed, but yeah looks like most (and everything before about 2014) is video game covers which I'll probably ignore unless there's anything you think I should check out.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on March 11, 2024, 10:50:46 AM
I’m amazed that you’re still updating this thread and writing stuff about literally every artist you received. Kudos for your dedication! Also nice to read back on some stuff I sent what seems like a year ago :biggrin:
Every artist for rounds 1-6, but that wouldn't be possible for the EPs. :lol

I mean, it's definitely possible, but it would mean you wouldn't be running another roulette until 2026.  :p  If I didn't have so many competing listening interests I'd challenge you to an EP round listening race.  My final round EPs were longer and had no restrictions on number of artists allowed, but I also had fewer participants and some artists were duplicates of earlier rounds, so I'm not sure how that would shake out. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on March 11, 2024, 10:55:33 AM
I don't even quite understand Unlucky Morpheus' discography, so I hope it's decipherable.  :lol  I need to fill in some ratings on their major releases, looks like I overlooked rating them. 
Our posts crossed, but yeah looks like most (and everything before about 2014) is video game covers which I'll probably ignore unless there's anything you think I should check out.

To be honest I haven't even checked out very many of the video game covers.  The more normal covers are quite often good though, their violinist Jill is incredible and they've covered "The Dance of Eternity" among other things with more of an emphasis on her.  Here's a sample.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 11, 2024, 01:56:07 PM
I’m amazed that you’re still updating this thread and writing stuff about literally every artist you received. Kudos for your dedication! Also nice to read back on some stuff I sent what seems like a year ago :biggrin:
Every artist for rounds 1-6, but that wouldn't be possible for the EPs. :lol

I mean, it's definitely possible, but it would mean you wouldn't be running another roulette until 2026.  :p  If I didn't have so many competing listening interests I'd challenge you to an EP round listening race.  My final round EPs were longer and had no restrictions on number of artists allowed, but I also had fewer participants and some artists were duplicates of earlier rounds, so I'm not sure how that would shake out. 
Let's compare - I was sent 94 different artists. :lol

I don't even quite understand Unlucky Morpheus' discography, so I hope it's decipherable.  :lol  I need to fill in some ratings on their major releases, looks like I overlooked rating them. 
Our posts crossed, but yeah looks like most (and everything before about 2014) is video game covers which I'll probably ignore unless there's anything you think I should check out.

To be honest I haven't even checked out very many of the video game covers.  The more normal covers are quite often good though, their violinist Jill is incredible and they've covered "The Dance of Eternity" among other things with more of an emphasis on her.  Here's a sample.

Cool, I'll check it out.

This website looks quite helpful: https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Unlucky_Morpheus - the "Discography" section is all the releases covering themes from the Touhou video games, while the "Other works" section is the rest (the first of which also seems like a covers album but then it's pretty much all originals).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on March 11, 2024, 02:15:03 PM
I’m amazed that you’re still updating this thread and writing stuff about literally every artist you received. Kudos for your dedication! Also nice to read back on some stuff I sent what seems like a year ago :biggrin:
Every artist for rounds 1-6, but that wouldn't be possible for the EPs. :lol

I mean, it's definitely possible, but it would mean you wouldn't be running another roulette until 2026.  :p  If I didn't have so many competing listening interests I'd challenge you to an EP round listening race.  My final round EPs were longer and had no restrictions on number of artists allowed, but I also had fewer participants and some artists were duplicates of earlier rounds, so I'm not sure how that would shake out. 
Let's compare - I was sent 94 different artists. :lol

Wow, close!  I had 98 unique artists that weren't also used in earlier rounds.  So those are like 4-5 worth of your normal rounds. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 11, 2024, 02:18:05 PM
Almost exactly four rounds' worth, yeah. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Lonk on March 11, 2024, 02:20:59 PM
Yeah that sounds about right for Volbeat
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: nick_z on March 12, 2024, 08:29:47 AM

wolfking: Kreator
Decided to give a few listens to Gods of Violence, being the album you sent two songs from including my favourite from your submission. And you know what, I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. I don’t think it’ll reach 4 star territory - the main blocker is the vocal lines. He’s not a particularly engaging vocalist (either his “cleaner” pitched stuff or the harsher vocals) - he’s capable enough and has a lot of energy, but there’s a quality to his voice that’s kind of distracting. Wouldn’t matter much if the vocal lines were good, but they’re pretty bland. Instrumentally though this is a really enjoyable album with a few really quite good songs. Death Becomes My Light I already liked, but there’s some good stuff in the first half of the album too, especially Totalitarian Terror and to some extent Satan is Real which is good fun. Great guitar work throughout. So yeah, won’t become a favourite but glad I checked it out.

It might be a little silly, since it’s the one Kreator album that really does NOT sound like a Kreator album, but I would give their Endorama record a shot. It’s basically their interpretation of gothic metal, and given your tastes, you might enjoy it. It was, not surprisingly, not very well received, and it subsequently sparked their return to more traditionally heavy music. But I personally enjoy it a lot. It’s really well done, imo.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on March 12, 2024, 03:13:16 PM
I hope my e.p. is in constant rotation.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 12, 2024, 03:22:05 PM
I hope my e.p. is in constant rotation.  :lol
We will never speak of it again. :|

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on March 12, 2024, 03:32:39 PM
TAC suggested that Glasser missed out on a golden opportunity of adding Moonlight Sorcery's "The Secret of Streaming Blood", which I had sent to him, to it (it didn't come out until months later). 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 12, 2024, 03:33:39 PM

wolfking: Kreator
Decided to give a few listens to Gods of Violence, being the album you sent two songs from including my favourite from your submission. And you know what, I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. I don’t think it’ll reach 4 star territory - the main blocker is the vocal lines. He’s not a particularly engaging vocalist (either his “cleaner” pitched stuff or the harsher vocals) - he’s capable enough and has a lot of energy, but there’s a quality to his voice that’s kind of distracting. Wouldn’t matter much if the vocal lines were good, but they’re pretty bland. Instrumentally though this is a really enjoyable album with a few really quite good songs. Death Becomes My Light I already liked, but there’s some good stuff in the first half of the album too, especially Totalitarian Terror and to some extent Satan is Real which is good fun. Great guitar work throughout. So yeah, won’t become a favourite but glad I checked it out.

It might be a little silly, since it’s the one Kreator album that really does NOT sound like a Kreator album, but I would give their Endorama record a shot. It’s basically their interpretation of gothic metal, and given your tastes, you might enjoy it. It was, not surprisingly, not very well received, and it subsequently sparked their return to more traditionally heavy music. But I personally enjoy it a lot. It’s really well done, imo.

Sounds interesting, might add it to my "check out later" pile. Thanks for the suggestion!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 12, 2024, 03:34:33 PM
TAC suggested that Glasser missed out on a golden opportunity of adding Moonlight Sorcery's "The Secret of Streaming Blood", which I had sent to him, to it (it didn't come out until months later). 
:lol I've no doubt Tom would have included it if he could.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: TAC on March 12, 2024, 03:38:30 PM

TAC: Hwaino
My experience with this album - Ashes of the World Tree - is kind of similar to what happened with your submission. I wasn’t wholly convinced at first, mainly because some of the heavier sections feel a little thin in production, which also clashes with some of the quieter moments sounding more full, especially the intro track. But I quickly got over it and this is some really gorgeous music. I found it odd that RYM has him classified simply as post-rock, until I checked out his other albums and yeah there’s no metal to be found anywhere else. :lol But most of the other albums are beautiful too, really lush post-rock with a very natural organic feel. Not a style I get that into too often but I dig his stuff, and shifting into what I guess could be called blackgaze for Ashes works so well and does help that album stand out. His first EP isn’t as strong, and his latest is kind of modern classical and very ambient, and it’s pretty but not really my thing.

Yeah, I sampled Ashes when it came up on one of my new album tickers and I thought the cover was awesome. The vocals...man, they're pretty rough, and it's a pity they're that rough, because musically, this EP is fantastic. Under The Beasts Sun, with the female vocals, was a Top 3 song for me last year.

I was surprised to see the other albums were instrumental moody music.  I still listen to it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on March 12, 2024, 03:39:12 PM
TAC suggested that Glasser missed out on a golden opportunity of adding Moonlight Sorcery's "The Secret of Streaming Blood", which I had sent to him, to it (it didn't come out until months later). 
:lol I've no doubt Tom would have included it if he could.

Missed opportunity.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 14, 2024, 01:34:22 AM
Got lots of listening in this week, so here are the bonus round bands! If yours isn't here it means either:
 - I already know them quite well;
 - I don't know them but was not particularly interested in checking them out; or
 - They were also sent in the EP round so I'll check them out as part of that.

On the subject of the EP round, I picked out the artists I wanted to at least check something out by, and by chance it came out at exactly 69. :eyebrows: I'll be doing them alphabetically by band name, partly because some were sent by two players but also to spread things out more evenly.

Litho: Unlucky Morpheus
Obviously you sent this for Caelan, and as you know he enjoyed the song a lot, but you really tapped into my own tastes as well. I hadn’t appreciated from that song that much of their core sound is symphonic power metal - definitely hearing a lot of Lovebites in there - but what sets it apart really well is the epic gothic vibe in a lot of their music, and related to that the use of violin. The violinist is amazing, and in their recent output they make good use of her. The first album that wasn’t video game covers, Affected, is a little more run of the mill - a lot of fun but nothing that really stands out beyond a couple of songs. But from Vampir onwards it’s all pretty gold. I’ve dipped into some of the arrangements of Touhou game music too and the more recent output at least also includes some great stuff. Saireco Jealousy especially is as good as the original albums they’ve been doing. I’m not planning to dive into the older pre-2014 material because there’s just so much of it and what I’ve heard hasn’t sounded especially interesting - definitely a lot more rough around the edges.

nick_z: Edge of Paradise
This band seems to have a lot of elements I like, but it’s not quite holding together right. I gave The Unknown a try and I like it, but it doesn’t excite me much. It’s sort of pop symphonic metal, very accessible and easy to listen to, some synthy stuff (which some might term trance metal) and the singer seems to have a great voice with an incredible range. All good things and the songs are all pretty enjoyable. The production sounds very sterile though - she has this big voice but it sounds kind of thin, and the vocal lines for the most part just aren’t that interesting. There’s a few great songs despite that - the closer Bound to the Rhythm especially is so much fun - but on the whole the album feels very monotone.

soupy: April Smith (and the Great Picture Show)
Well now, this might be the biggest surprise of the whole roulette. :lol I wouldn’t say I loved Colors from Caelan’s bonus round but I enjoyed it as a bit of cute indie pop, so I thought it was worth checking the album out. And what an album it is! There are a few songs in a similar cute vein, which aren’t in themselves that exciting but do add variety to an album that’s otherwise rich in ideas and styles, a mix of modern indie and more retro influences, and really great singing. I particularly enjoy the theatrical rock of Terrible Things and Dixie Boy, as well as the dark cynicism of Drop Dead Gorgeous and Stop Wondering (among others). She did an album before this too, just under her own name, which is not as dynamic and compelling, but it’s also really good with many similar qualities.

Buddy: Year of the Goat
Another pleasant surprise right here. I liked Avaritia quite a bit from the one listen I gave it with Caelan, but I wasn’t blown away and didn’t really think much of it after that. But man this album is really good. Somewhat psychedelic hard rock that’s really easy to listen to and has a ton of melody. Reminds me a little of Ghost, in the way their image looks quite dark and heavy but the music is quite bright and very accessible and tuneful. The right selection of songs from this might have got your highest score this roulette, that’s how much I like it. :lol The Unspeakable is great too - takes a bit of time to get going but it’s really engaging once it does. The debut also sounds good, it hasn’t jumped out at me quite as much so far so I'll give it more listens but I'm giving it 4 stars for now and am fairly sure it'll stay there.

seneca: Dream Evil
I’ve included this despite already knowing it, just because Caelan enjoyed the song you sent so much so we’ve listened to the album together, and he loved it. :lol And the funny thing is that I’m enjoying it a lot more than I remember. Still not enough to rate it 4 stars, but I’ve bumped it up to 3.5. I guess I was down on power metal when I rated it before, and obviously it’s an absolute cheese-fest, but it’s a lot of fun and the opening track especially (which is what you sent) is incredibly catchy and enjoyable and it’s the one I still remember really well from when I originally heard it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on March 14, 2024, 02:40:33 AM

soupy: April Smith (and the Great Picture Show)
Well now, this might be the biggest surprise of the whole roulette. :lol I wouldn’t say I loved Colors from Caelan’s bonus round but I enjoyed it as a bit of cute indie pop, so I thought it was worth checking the album out. And what an album it is! There are a few songs in a similar cute vein, which aren’t in themselves that exciting but do add variety to an album that’s otherwise rich in ideas and styles, a mix of modern indie and more retro influences, and really great singing. I particularly enjoy the theatrical rock of Terrible Things and Dixie Boy, as well as the dark cynicism of Drop Dead Gorgeous and Stop Wondering (among others). She did an album before this too, just under her own name, which is not as dynamic and compelling, but it’s also really good with many similar qualities.

Yeah it's a good album, glad you took the time to listen, shame she seems to have disappeared since.  Also worth noting as you liked this, I'd urge you to checkout Katzenjammer (who had one song on my EP) very similar style but even more theatrical, their first album is the best.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Lonk on March 14, 2024, 07:20:31 AM
I had to go back to remind myself what I sent for the EP. Yeah, that could've been much better lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on March 14, 2024, 07:44:01 AM
Oh yeah, that Year Of The Goat album is great, just bordering on excellent for me. It took a while for me to warm up for it but I enjoy pretty much every song on it now. My favorite songs are probably Subortus, Ira, and Gula. I also think the lyrics on that album are really good. Like, most sacrilegious bands just lean into the hellish / satanic stuff because they're not smart enough to utilize all the cool biblical imagery and themes beyond that. But these guys? It's clear they've actually read the bible, and that they fucking hate it. :lol

I haven't listened to their other albums much, maybe I should get around to remedying that. I know I've checked out Angel's Necropolis and it didn't immediately impress me that much.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 14, 2024, 07:49:41 AM
Yeah it's a good album, glad you took the time to listen, shame she seems to have disappeared since. 
I found a Reddit thread where someone asked about her, and someone who knows her responded to say all was well, she'd started a family and something along the lines of wasn't against making more music but it wasn't an immediate priority.

Also worth noting as you liked this, I'd urge you to checkout Katzenjammer (who had one song on my EP) very similar style but even more theatrical, their first album is the best.
Oh yeah definitely, there was no question they were one of the artists to check out!

Oh yeah, that Year Of The Ghost album is great, just bordering on excellent for me. It took a while for me to warm up for it but I enjoy pretty much every song on it now. My favorite songs are probably Subortus, Ira, and Gula. I also think the lyrics on that album are really good. Like, most sacrilegious bands just lean into the hellish / satanic stuff because they're not smart enough to utilize all the cool biblical imagery and themes beyond that. But these guys? It's clear they've actually read the bible, and that they fucking hate it. :lol
Agree with all that, great stuff.

I haven't listened to their other albums much, maybe I should get around to remedying that. I know I've checked out Angel's Necropolis and it didn't immediately impress me that much.
Yeah Angel's Necropolis is definitely less immediate - lacks a bit of punch. Listening again right now though and it's a nice album, not as strong but still enjoyable.

The Unspeakable seems to be their least popular on RYM but I really like it. The first song is really long and probably meanders a little but I love it once it gets going, and on the whole it has the same punch and full production as Novis Orbis. That's based on 3 listens anyway. But yeah, you might well dig it.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on March 14, 2024, 07:52:03 AM
The Unspeakable seems to be their least popular on RYM but I really like it. The first song is really long and probably meanders a little but I love it once it gets going, and on the whole it has the same punch and full production as Novis Orbis. That's based on 3 listens anyway. But yeah, you might well dig it.

Cool, I don't think I've listened to that one at all so I'll check it out. :tup

And fuck with RYM thinks, they think the new Sleepytime Gorilla Museum album is their worst one. :loser:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on March 14, 2024, 08:54:21 AM
Figure you're skipping Nemophila cause you're familiar with them, did you ever check out the recent album? I think it's their best so far.

Edit: checked your RYM, you have. :metal
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 20, 2024, 04:27:46 PM
And fuck with RYM thinks
Can't argue with that. :lol

Figure you're skipping Nemophila cause you're familiar with them, did you ever check out the recent album? I think it's their best so far.

Edit: checked your RYM, you have. :metal
Yeah absolutely, you turned me on to them with a post-roulette submission after my previous roulette and I've been a fan since. :hat

Anyway I've made a start on EP artists!

Andrew W.K. (sent by Luke)
Yeah I really hadn’t kept up with this guy at all. Had no idea his style had shifted over the years, and I have to say I really like the fact that he just does whatever the hell he wants. I also had no idea he was married to Kat Dennings. Anyway, his latest album is excellent. I checked out a few other albums and none have been as good. His earlier party rock stuff is fun but not that interesting for the most part, although I Get Wet does have a handful of cracking tunes on it - I’d forgotten how fun they are. You're Not Alone is cool too, I definitely like the way he balances out the fun with a bit more maturity and sincerity as well now and there are some great songs on that one, although some filler too. But God is Partying is another step up and just a really consistently good album, I dig the epic hard rock and prog metal vibes he brought in along with so many great hooks.

Archivist (sent by Puppies)
The song you included from their self-titled debut was my favourite on your EP, and so it’s not surprising that I dig the album a lot. While the ferocity of the vocals is still not entirely my cup of tea, the overall sound still works and the music is fantastic throughout the whole album. Kind of hard to define as well, which makes it even more interesting. Their second album, Construct, isn’t nearly as interesting - in theory it has all the same elements, but the balance feels off, both sounding overly harsh but also dragging at the same time. The third album, Triumvirate, is stronger again, maybe not quite as consistently strong as the debut but still a very compelling listen.

Arstiðir (sent by Evermind)
I’m glad you included a song by these guys, because I loved it and it prompted me to properly explore their back catalogue having previously only heard Svefns og vöku skil (rating it 3.5 stars). I gave that another try too and haven’t really changed my mind on it, and indeed most of their albums I feel similarly about - very attractive music that doesn’t grab me very much. But two of their albums have hooked me in a lot more. Hvel especially is fantastic, it’s still in the same indie/chamber folk style but there’s a more palpable sense of melancholy, and a more immersive overall sound with some big emotional swells at times. The other one, which seems a little less popular for being a bit more chamber pop, is Nivalis. It’s simpler compositionally, but a lot of the songs have a similar emotionally engaging approach that’s right up my street.

At the Gates (sent by wolfking)
I didn’t love the song you included on your EP, but I wanted to check them out still because they’re a big part of the early Gothenburg melodeath scene and a big gap in my experience. Obviously I checked out Slaughter of the Soul as their biggest album and also the one your song came from. And yeah it’s a solid album actually. I don’t love it, but I definitely have a lot of appreciation for it as part of that scene that was so important to the development of melodeath. I just wish there were more moments that broke out into something more melodically engaging and immersive, like their contemporaries In Flames started doing from The Jester Race (which I appreciate came out a year later). But otherwise it’s pretty good.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on March 20, 2024, 04:33:14 PM
let me check what artists i put on my EP so i can see how long i have to wait  :lol

looks like... CMOTZ so mostly later in the alphabet, great  :corn
to be fair, uhh, most of the artists on that EP were just, ones i didn't have a ton of songs i loved from but had The One Song i really loved so i'm not all that invested in deep dives of most of 'em lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 20, 2024, 04:36:33 PM
let me check what artists i put on my EP so i can see how long i have to wait  :lol

looks like... CMOTZ so mostly later in the alphabet, great  :corn
to be fair, uhh, most of the artists on that EP were just, ones i didn't have a ton of songs i loved from but had The One Song i really loved so i'm not all that invested in deep dives of most of 'em lol
Yeah fair enough, obviously I might end up feeling the same with the first album I check out in which case they'll be quick updates anyway rather than deep dives. My Morning Jacket is the only one I'm not feeling compelled to check out at this stage.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on March 20, 2024, 05:38:04 PM
wolfking: Kreator
Decided to give a few listens to Gods of Violence, being the album you sent two songs from including my favourite from your submission. And you know what, I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. I don’t think it’ll reach 4 star territory - the main blocker is the vocal lines. He’s not a particularly engaging vocalist (either his “cleaner” pitched stuff or the harsher vocals) - he’s capable enough and has a lot of energy, but there’s a quality to his voice that’s kind of distracting. Wouldn’t matter much if the vocal lines were good, but they’re pretty bland. Instrumentally though this is a really enjoyable album with a few really quite good songs. Death Becomes My Light I already liked, but there’s some good stuff in the first half of the album too, especially Totalitarian Terror and to some extent Satan is Real which is good fun. Great guitar work throughout. So yeah, won’t become a favourite but glad I checked it out.

Missed this.  Yes, it's a very enjoyable album but I totally understand what you say in regards to the vocals.  It's the one thing that doesn't elevate Kreator higher again for me.  I do find this album incredibly melodic though with some ripping instrumentation. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Evermind on March 20, 2024, 10:13:32 PM
I also tend to gravitate towards Hvel these days.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ReaperKK on March 21, 2024, 06:06:15 AM
I need to give Andrew W.K. another chance. Admittedly I haven't heard anything by him in years and I didn't really care for the party stuff earlier.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on March 21, 2024, 06:45:05 AM
I need to give Andrew W.K. another chance. Admittedly I haven't heard anything by him in years and I didn't really care for the party stuff earlier.

The tune someone gave Indi in his roulette was pretty cool.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ReaperKK on March 21, 2024, 06:49:18 AM
I need to give Andrew W.K. another chance. Admittedly I haven't heard anything by him in years and I didn't really care for the party stuff earlier.

The tune someone gave Indi in his roulette was pretty cool.

I'll go give it a spin now!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on March 21, 2024, 06:54:08 AM
I need to give Andrew W.K. another chance. Admittedly I haven't heard anything by him in years and I didn't really care for the party stuff earlier.

The tune someone gave Indi in his roulette was pretty cool.

I'll go give it a spin now!

it was I Made It.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 21, 2024, 07:45:56 AM
Yeah that's on the latest album too, it really is such a step up from his previous stuff (that I've heard anyway). Has that balance of fun and sincerity that I tend to enjoy with a good dose of strong hooks.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on March 21, 2024, 11:36:44 AM
Yea, everyone needs to check out the new Andrew WK. Rich, I can't really disagree with anything you said. I loved Party Hard when it came out, but I never got the album at the time. I came back around to it in like '13 and downloaded all his previous albums. None of them compared to his debut, but I made sure to check out new releases.

Part of the reason I remained interested in him was his social media and blogs, in which he talked about the power of "partying". The guy clearly helped many people through dark times, has such a positive outlook on life, and is a really intelligent guy (especially with emotional intelligence I would say).

When God is Partying came out I was stunned. It's like some meatloaf inspired Sci fi/prog rock opera, and I LOVED it. Its such a huge step up from a backcatalogue that is patchy at best.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Indiscipline on March 21, 2024, 11:47:16 AM
Great composer and producer of grandiose and energetic moods. Should definitely find his Meatloaf and stop singing.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 27, 2024, 08:36:57 AM
More EP artists!

Bang Camaro (sent by Vmadera/Lonk)
I went with their second album, being the one you included a song from as well as their best rated on RYM. It’s an enjoyable album, pretty accessible straightforward hard rock. All the songs are pretty good but to be honest not much stands out - the tracks I enjoy most are Night Lies (which you sent me) and Can’t Stop the Night (which has a fun tempo to it), the rest all kind of blur together. Fun enough, but I’d have liked it if there was a little more variety and/or more in the way of catchy hooks.

Barock Project (sent by King)
I’d heard Detachment before, which I liked but didn’t wow me. I gave a good few listens to Seven Seas which you included a song from on your EP, a song that I liked a lot. And it’s again a good album but not one that really hooks me in. Ashes is still a really great song, and Cold Fog is really good too. Good hooks through both songs and a fantastic blend of melancholic quieter sections and dramatic proggy sections. The rest of the album is nice enough, with some of the softer stuff especially attractive, but I’m not really finding it very memorable or engaging, other than the last minute of Moving On which is terrific fun.

Bat For Lashes (sent by nick_z)
I’ve been listening to Two Suns, which you sent Two Songs from, and she has a pretty compelling art pop style but I’m not finding myself hugely getting into it beyond a handful of songs. The two you sent are really good, as are Pearl’s Dream and The Big Sleep which I kind of love as a short closer to the album. The rest is a mix of either pleasant but unexciting songs or unusual ones that don’t quite hit the mark. The production does also feel a little… muted perhaps? I do wonder if a fuller sound might have given some of these songs a bit more impact.

Blacktop Mojo (sent by Vmadera/Lonk)
It Won’t Last was my favourite song from your EP, so I was looking forward to checking out Under the Sun, and was not disappointed. From that song, I hadn’t picked up the fact that their style is largely a sort of post-grungey alternative rock, very Alter Bridge for a lot of it and at times reminiscent of other bands (some moments on this album kind of remind me of a male-fronted Halestorm). I’ve checked out the rest and the other albums don’t quite stack up. The first two are a bit more middle of the road, solid enough but lacking in strong hooks. The latest has more of a dynamic and varied approach, and it has a few great songs on it, but also quite a bit of filler. Whereas Under the Sun has the variety and a ton of strong hooks and it’s just a really enjoyable album.

Car Seat Headrest (sent by Crow)
So, Twin Fantasy (Those Boys) wasn’t my favourite from your EP, but I did really like the middle section and so I gave the full album a listen and it’s good, but also a bit of a mixed bag. It starts and ends well, with both the short intro and that song I already knew being some quite engaging and emotive indie rock. There’s some really good stuff in between too, but not quite enough of it I think. I’m a little picky anyway when it comes to the type of indie with mumbling and slightly off-key singing - some artists just make it work and that’s the case with a few songs here (I rather like the energy of Sober to Death and Cute Thing in particular, and the two big epics have some wonderful moments them but they also drag quite a bit).
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on March 27, 2024, 08:49:04 AM
If this is going alphabetically, I could get all my artists (Lisa-X, Little Lilith, Mary's Blood) in one drop lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on March 27, 2024, 08:55:43 AM
Barock Project has a new single out and a new album in May.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on March 27, 2024, 09:21:14 AM
No Pizza Death?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on March 27, 2024, 12:28:30 PM
If this is going alphabetically, I could get all my artists (Lisa-X, Little Lilith, Mary's Blood) in one drop lol
Hasn't noticed that but yeah, I'll likely splurge through those in two consecutive updates. :lol

No Pizza Death?
Failure to understand alphabetical order.

Even though I'm confident they won't be for me, I've got Pizza Death on my list to check out purely for curiosity. When I get there, should I listen to the debut or the recent one?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on March 27, 2024, 12:50:42 PM
Even though I'm confident they won't be for me, I've got Pizza Death on my list to check out purely for curiosity. When I get there, should I listen to the debut or the recent one?

You can listen to both albums in under 50 minutes, so do both! I recommend ordering in a really good pizza when you listen though, get the full experience.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on March 27, 2024, 01:07:28 PM
If he commits to the death part he's not going to get to at least one of my artists though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on March 27, 2024, 01:10:36 PM
they should release pizza murder (a murder of crows enjoying pizza together)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on March 27, 2024, 01:16:15 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Lonk on March 27, 2024, 01:21:38 PM
After the disappointing Grandma's Pizza I had last week, now I'm craving a good slice
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on April 19, 2024, 09:54:41 AM
Things slowed down as I was away for the Easter holidays, but back up and running now so here's a few more!

Currents (sent by Evermind)
This is some really good metalcore. I ended up diving into their entire catalogue as I was liking what I was hearing. Their debut is kind of… not very good. :lol Like, most of the same stylistic qualities are there and there are some good moments, but the sound is a little weak and the songwriting not that interesting. The rest has mostly been great. The EP they did, I Let the Devil In, isn’t entirely grabbing me so far, but the other three LPs are all excellent. Really big sound, intensely heavy at times but with lots of atmosphere and some very melodic epic stuff. Even though the song you had on your EP disrupted the flow a little, it was great in itself and I’m glad you included it.

Deadlock (sent by Litho)
Interesting band that blends a few different styles. The ones you’d sent felt largely in a melodeath style, but throughout their discography there are some big metalcore and symphonic metal influences as well, and each album is a little different. None of them are that consistently up my alley but they all have good stuff on. The two that have the best balance overall for my tastes are Manifesto and Bizarro World, which despite a few weaker tracks are both pretty great albums overall. Earth.Revolt is more straight up melodeath and it’s a good album, but I think they benefited from more of the clean vocals and variety of sound they started expanding on after that. The other albums are… a little messy maybe, but they’re all solid 7/10s and have a few really good songs.

deadmau5 (sent by faizoff)
I’d never really bothered to check out his stuff before, not sure why. It’s kind of a mixed bag but he’s made some really good stuff. Some of his material is pretty slow and at times it works - where the way he develops the layers can sometimes make it captivating - but other times it drags. And some of his stuff is more direct and straightforward, which can be fun when highly melodic or quite boring at other times. I’ve checked out most of his full albums and most have some great tracks on but not enough to really grab me. There are three albums that have stuck with me so far though. For Lack of a Better Name obviously has the benefit of Strobe, which you sent, but it’s also a strong album in general - the middle is a little weak but the start and end are really strong. >album title goes here< doesn’t seem to be very popular, but it’s just a really fun album (the only one of his in this style that actually works, IMO). And While(1<2) seems to be his most respected release and I can see why, it has so much good stuff on it, although I do prefer the continuous mix version because it all blends together much better and doesn’t drag on so long.

Derek Sherinian (sent by romdrums)
I gave a good few listens to Vortex, and while it was largely along the lines I expected, it was still quite a nice surprise. Before your EP, I hadn’t appreciated how prominently his stuff including elements of jazz fusion, at least recently (I’d heard bits and pieces of earlier output and it wasn’t the type of instrumental prog I tend to find very interesting). Much of the album is still very much instrumental prog, but it has a fusion vibe, a jazziness and a sense of… playfulness maybe? Still not sure I love it, but I enjoyed each listen more than I might have expected to and am glad I checked it out. Some top-notch guest performances on this album as well.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on April 19, 2024, 07:45:12 PM
Deadlock (sent by Litho)
Interesting band that blends a few different styles. The ones you’d sent felt largely in a melodeath style, but throughout their discography there are some big metalcore and symphonic metal influences as well, and each album is a little different. None of them are that consistently up my alley but they all have good stuff on. The two that have the best balance overall for my tastes are Manifesto and Bizarro World, which despite a few weaker tracks are both pretty great albums overall. Earth.Revolt is more straight up melodeath and it’s a good album, but I think they benefited from more of the clean vocals and variety of sound they started expanding on after that. The other albums are… a little messy maybe, but they’re all solid 7/10s and have a few really good songs.

I'd argue the trance metal influences are even more present, with bits of gothic metal here and there, but yeah, they're not really afraid of experimenting.  You should have seen the reaction to the hip-hop break and the saxophone solo on Manifesto when it came out.  :lol  I was confounded when some people seemed to think Amaranthe was a novel band, when Deadlock had done almost all of the same things already.  It looks like the main release you didn't get to (besides the super-early demos and such that are more for completionists) is The Arrival.  The ideas are more unrefined, but it ironically has one of their more "proggy" tracks if you want to sample it. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bTpdnp4GB0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bTpdnp4GB0)
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: nick_z on April 20, 2024, 06:37:37 AM

Bat For Lashes (sent by nick_z)
I’ve been listening to Two Suns, which you sent Two Songs from, and she has a pretty compelling art pop style but I’m not finding myself hugely getting into it beyond a handful of songs. The two you sent are really good, as are Pearl’s Dream and The Big Sleep which I kind of love as a short closer to the album. The rest is a mix of either pleasant but unexciting songs or unusual ones that don’t quite hit the mark. The production does also feel a little… muted perhaps? I do wonder if a fuller sound might have given some of these songs a bit more impact.

I had totally missed this update! Yes, I agree with pretty much everything you said about Two Suns. I overall enjoy it a fair bit, but it's true that there are some obvious highlights and the rest doesn't quite stick as much.  Moon and Moon truly is hauntingly beautiful, though.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Evermind on April 20, 2024, 08:45:12 AM
Things slowed down as I was away for the Easter holidays, but back up and running now so here's a few more!

Currents (sent by Evermind)
This is some really good metalcore. I ended up diving into their entire catalogue as I was liking what I was hearing. Their debut is kind of… not very good. :lol Like, most of the same stylistic qualities are there and there are some good moments, but the sound is a little weak and the songwriting not that interesting. The rest has mostly been great. The EP they did, I Let the Devil In, isn’t entirely grabbing me so far, but the other three LPs are all excellent. Really big sound, intensely heavy at times but with lots of atmosphere and some very melodic epic stuff. Even though the song you had on your EP disrupted the flow a little, it was great in itself and I’m glad you included it.

Yeah, as I said (I think I mentioned that to you) their latest two albums are the strongest in my opinion. Solid band and I'm not really into metalcore that much.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on April 23, 2024, 03:08:47 PM
I'd argue the trance metal influences are even more present, with bits of gothic metal here and there, but yeah, they're not really afraid of experimenting.
Yes definitely. I guess I see the metalcore and symphonic metal influences as more a contributor to their overall ongoing sound rather than necessarily many discrete sections that are overtly in those styles, whereas the other influences tends to appear in specific places, if that makes sense. 

You should have seen the reaction to the hip-hop break and the saxophone solo on Manifesto when it came out.  :lol 
I can only imagine. :lol Doesn't bother me at all though, I really like that song. :P

I might check out their debut at some point but I'm not making any particular plans to, happy to spend more time with the songs and albums of theirs that I'm enjoying.

Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on April 23, 2024, 03:09:26 PM
Anyway, updates!

Dolly Parton (sent by Glasser)
As you know, your EP wasn't the most inspiring for artists to check out, even if it did entertain me immensely. But hilarity aside, if there's a positive thing I took from it, it was finally checking out some Dolly Parton. I'd not really realised how good some of her songs are. I've spent a bit of time with the Heartsongs live album, which PMs Blues came from, and also with Jolene (being her biggest hit) as well as one of her many best of complications. I've not loved any of them in their entirety but they've all been enjoyable, I have a better sense of her style, voice and personality, and found a bunch of songs across them that I really like a lot. That includes the song Jolene which I've obviously heard lots before but never actually appreciated how damn good it is.

Downes Braide Association (sent by King)
You sent me a really lovely song from Halcyon Hymns so that was of course the album I’ve checked out. It’s… kind of an odd one really and yet also a little safe. I’m quite familiar with Geoff Downes from Asia, who I’ve quite liked but have never wholly grabbed me. Not heard of Chris Braide before but his credentials seem largely centred around film scores and pop music, and those influences are an interesting blend with Downes’ very traditional prog/AOR stylings. But despite some nice flourishes here and there, and the cinematic narration which to be honest is a little distracting and doesn’t quite work for me, it’s ultimately a pretty straightforward bit of prog rock. It’s nice, and a handful of songs are fantastic (the aforementioned Your Heart Will Find a Way of course, plus King of the Sunset and Hymn to Darkness - when they go soulful they make some absolutely gorgeous music). But the rest is a bit vanilla for me.

Existem (sent by TAC)
This is some really solid prog metal with a hint of melodeath in there. You included a song from their most recent EP, so that was the obvious starting point for me. Took a song or two to get into on first listen, but by the end of it I was sold, and repeat listens only opened it up further. There’s a hint of Haken in there definitely, but not in a derivative way and the melodeath influences give it its own flavour. I then worked backwards from there and the latest LP from 2018, Mantle, is also excellent and quite similar in a way, although made up of a larger number of shorter songs. The earlier material doesn’t seem quite so strong, although 2014’s Phoenix EP is one that’s grown on me and I’m digging quite a bit now. Feels like it was a shift in style to what they then refined with the two releases since. The album before though is pretty weak and on that basis I didn’t bother with their first EP.

Fen (sent by Puppies)
As you know I’ve heard another Fen album before (thanks to you), which I quite liked but I didn’t love. But the song included on your EP this time I liked a lot, so I decided to give them another shot and have given a few listens to Carrion Skies. And… I don’t think it’s really changed my mind much, though I do like it more than I remember liking Winter. There are some distinct sections of songs that I love. The second half of The Dying Stars is gorgeous, the middle section of Menhir - Supplicant is excellent too, and there’s some really good stuff in part 2 of Our Names Written in Embers. If more of the album made me feel the way those best bits did, I could see myself loving it, but too much of it just drones on a little for my tastes.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on April 23, 2024, 03:34:50 PM
Yes definitely. I guess I see the metalcore and symphonic metal influences as more a contributor to their overall ongoing sound rather than necessarily many discrete sections that are overtly in those styles, whereas the other influences tends to appear in specific places, if that makes sense.

It's both a shift over time and also more of a song-by-song basis.  Sabine started off as basically a session keyboard player who would contribute the occasional vocal part on the early albums.  Her keyboard playing is more standard piano/strings (I hear various European 90s gothic metal influences, along with later more dashes of traditional gothic rock like their Sisters of Mercy "Temple of Love" cover).  Sebastian (band leader/songwriter/lead guitarist/synth programming) found that they worked well together, but as she became a full member and took on more of a lead vocal role her keyboard work was more limited to specific tracks, and Sebastian kept expanding the electronic element of the band as his keyboard style is more in that arena. 

The metalcore influence is kind of similar, I definitely hear it more noticeably on their earlier material, but it dissipates over time and I hear way more 90s/early 00s In Flames and Soilwork-style influences than breakdowns and such.  00s melodic metalcore and the contemporary melodeath waves were always kind of parallel anyway, given "metalcore" more broadly can also mean so many other earlier and later variations that sound much different. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on April 23, 2024, 03:46:19 PM
have you heard winter, that's the only fen album that rlly did anything for me
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ReaperKK on April 24, 2024, 06:42:27 AM
Damn I completely forgot that Dolly was sent as part of this roulette
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on April 24, 2024, 02:25:37 PM
00s melodic metalcore and the contemporary melodeath waves were always kind of parallel anyway, given "metalcore" more broadly can also mean so many other earlier and later variations that sound much different. 
Yeah this is true. I don't get too het up about narrowly-defined genres because eventually it all becomes a little meaningless. :lol

have you heard winter, that's the only fen album that rlly did anything for me
Yeah that was the other one I heard but I had a pretty similar feeling about. Quite like the band but I think they're not quite for me really.

Damn I completely forgot that Dolly was sent as part of this roulette
I've no idea if Tom is even a fan or if PMS Blues was simply included to cap off the theme. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on April 26, 2024, 06:11:46 AM
Quicker update this time thanks to no deep dives into big discographies!

Field Music (sent by HOF)
Really interesting band this, if not as consistently engaging as I might have hoped, especially after the success of Sweet Billy Pilgrim who have some similarities. I like the sound and style these guys have, a sort of experimental indie with some infusions of a more classic prog sound here and there. The experimentation and general variety of ideas is fun too. It worked really well on your EP for two reasons - you picked some good songs, and it was in a small dose mixed in with something else. In a full release though, I realise that there’s not a great deal that hooks me in melodically. The big exception is Disappointed which I absolutely love, and a few other songs across both Commontime and Field Music (Measure), which were the albums I’ve given a try, are also very nice. But on Measure especially, it’s just such a long album and never really grounds itself in something more accessible or catchy in the way I’d like it to.

Fish (sent by Stadler)
Having never really got into any era of Marillion, I doubt I'd have bothered to check out any of Fish's stuff had you not included the title track from Sunsets on Empire (which I liked a lot both in itself and as part of the emotional arc of your EP). I've been listening to that album and it's good. There are some songs that, more than anything else Marillion-related I've heard, immerse me emotionally. These are mainly concentrated at the bookends though. The title track and the opener are both excellent in different ways, while Goldfish and Clowns is also very good and the closer works as an engaging coda. Everything in between is less interesting, unfortunately. There's some experimentation in sound at least, like the grungy industrial rock of What Colour is God, but it doesn't quite pay off, while other songs are too middle of the road for me.

Hardline (sent by jingle)
Well now, this is one of the nice surprises of the roulette. Not that I didn’t like the songs from their debut that you included in your EP, as you know I enjoyed them a lot, but with the style and sound being very vanilla I didn’t necessarily set high expectations for a whole album. And yeah stylistically there’s absolutely nothing new or unique about this, but it’s a damn good album anyway. Great energy and charisma, and lots of strong hooks. I’ve tried a couple of their subsequent albums (II and Danger Zone) and they’re not nearly as good. In the 10 years between the first two albums it seems they had a change of line-up and a slight shift in sound with a little more 90s alternative rock in there. There are some good songs definitely (mainly on Great Danger) but even those aren’t that exciting, and the rest are a little bland.

Harmonix Music Systems (sent by Buddy)
Managed to find this video game soundtrack on Youtube - doesn’t seem to be the highest quality upload but fine to get a sense of the music and sound design. There’s some very cool stuff on here but it’s a bit of a mixed bag. Really digging tracks like Perfect Brain, Break For Me and Dalatecht - great sounds, catchy hooks and some fun groove. Energize is another fun one, straightforward and using some pretty cliched sounds but very enjoyable. I also like that there’s lots of variety - I guess because it’s a soundtrack for a music-based video game? - but that’s also where it falls down a little because quite a few of the tracks just don’t really do anything for me at all. Anyway I’ll see if I can find a way to get downloads of the tracks I like as I’d like to be able to return to those ones.

Horizon Ignited (sent by TAC)
Good grief the In Flames influence is very up front here. :lol The band has a lot of potential that I’m not sure they’re fully realising yet. Each time I listen to the album it starts well. The performances are tight, the sound is clear and punchy, and as In Flames copies go they do a solid job, especially in the verses - you could have told me half these verses were actually by IF and I’d have believed you. But ultimately these songs have neither the melodic richness of earlier IF or the catchy hooks of the good bits of their more recent output. I like the idea of the clean vocals on this album, but his voice isn’t that interesting and neither are the melodies. If they can refine their sound and songwriting a bit, they could end up being a really strong melodeath band.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on April 26, 2024, 06:35:14 AM
Damn... I wish I'd counselled you on your Hardline attempt.  II is absolute trash.  And Great Danger is ... I'm not sure what that is.  Never heard of that album by them.  Do you mean Human Nature?  Danger Zone?

If I'd made a recommendation, it would've been Leaving the End Open.  Try the title track (it's only 5:45) (https://open.spotify.com/track/7s9QwOzJlieXPpQr9t1Ejd?si=8a4da4ad9f1c4619) for that if you want (care?) to try something more representative of them.

Their debut is strong because Neal Schon wrote and produced it ;D.  The brothers tried to do II on their own with some D-list session player helping with the writing and production, and it's tripe.  Leaving the End Open was on Frontiers (before Frontiers became a cookie cutter factory of mostly shit), and was a return to form.  Everything after that is pretty decent, but a victim of Frontier's quantity over quality approach to Melodic Rock.  They aren't really a band anymore, with constant turnover in the band to support Gioelli on the mic.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on April 26, 2024, 06:55:43 AM
Goldfish and Clowns is one of my favorite Fish solo tracks.  :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on April 26, 2024, 07:47:09 AM
Energize is a fucking banger yeah. Really the whole final third of the album (Supraspatial to Dalatecht, ignoring Wayfarer cuz that's basically a bonus) is awesome. If you do want higher quality versions of the songs, let me know! I was able to find them on Reddit, I'm almost certain uploaded by some disgruntled dev (the soundtrack never got a full official release) :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on April 26, 2024, 08:07:08 AM
Damn... I wish I'd counselled you on your Hardline attempt.  II is absolute trash.  And Great Danger is ... I'm not sure what that is.  Never heard of that album by them.  Do you mean Human Nature?  Danger Zone?
I do indeed mean Danger Zone, no idea what happened when I was writing that. :lol

If I'd made a recommendation, it would've been Leaving the End Open.  Try the title track (it's only 5:45) (https://open.spotify.com/track/7s9QwOzJlieXPpQr9t1Ejd?si=8a4da4ad9f1c4619) for that if you want (care?) to try something more representative of them.
Alright you've convinced me to give that album a try (I'd rather that than just one song anyway). I went with II simply because it was the next album after the one I liked a lot (and RYM rating wasn't much lower than the rest), and Danger Zone seemed to be quite well reviewed. Didn't actively skip over Leaving the End Open, so what the hell let's give it a try.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on April 26, 2024, 08:08:41 AM
Energize is a fucking banger yeah. Really the whole final third of the album (Supraspatial to Dalatecht, ignoring Wayfarer cuz that's basically a bonus) is awesome. If you do want higher quality versions of the songs, let me know! I was able to find them on Reddit, I'm almost certain uploaded by some disgruntled dev (the soundtrack never got a full official release) :lol
Yeah Wayfarer is the only track that I actually find actively annoying. :lol The run up to it is pretty strong though, yeah.

I might well take you up on that offer, seeing as there doesn't seem to be any other way to get these tracks. I'll give it one more listen and let you known which ones it would be good to have.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 08, 2024, 07:53:06 AM

Jonas Lindberg & The Other Side (sent by King)
I was starting to wonder if all the artists you included would be ones where I loved a few songs but no whole albums. Not that there’d be a problem with that - it would have demonstrated the good choice of songs on your EP. But nope, this one’s a keeper. Miles From Nowhere is a great album. Took a few listens to really get into it, but the melodies are lush and the upbeat vibe that permeates throughout is often tinged with a sense of nostalgia and/or melancholy, in a way that hits quite a sweet spot for me. Definitely reminds me a lot of Moon Safari in that way. Lovely album. The previous album, Pathfinder, is also nice if not as strong - it’s a little less refined despite some great moments, and it just doesn’t sound quite as good.

Josh Ritter (sent by seneca)
Ritter’s two songs were sort of in the middle of the pack on your EP, and I didn’t have a lot to say about them other than I liked them. I’ve been listening to Fever Breaks, and really my reaction is kind of the same. But when it’s a whole album, I do want something that grabs me a little more, which this never really does. It’s very pleasant folk rock, and a handful of songs are quite catchy and memorable. Though even those I wouldn’t say really excite me much. Each listen through the album has been perfectly nice but not really made me want to return to it.

Kalandra (sent by Evermind)
No surprise at all, but The Line is a fantastic album. The two songs you included on your EP leant very much into the atmospheric folk part of their sound, which is the part that adds a certain richness to their music and makes it something special. But that said, I’m really loving the balance of moods and styles across the album, including straight up prog rock at times. Their overall sound is fantastic and it really is just an amazing album. Their previous EP isn’t quite as special, but it’s still pretty great and has many of the same elements.

Kamara (sent by Luoto)
Interesting band this. I’m really digging Kahden maailman välissä, which is the album you included two songs from. As I said in my write-up for your EP, I dig the range of metal influences in here and the way they blend them together. A couple of weaker songs, but mostly strong stuff and the best tracks are amazing. The self-titled album they did after that was pretty good too, but not nearly as consistent. Some fantastic moments, but it doesn’t hang together as well, with otherwise good songs being brought down by some pretty weak sections. I also tried the previous album, Painajaismaa, and that was… less my thing. :lol I like the way their later albums incorporate thrash metal with other styles, but on this album, other than some good ideas here and there, a lot of it sounds like mid-tier thrash.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on May 08, 2024, 08:22:54 AM
Next up... Lisa X, Little Lilith, Mary's Blood  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 08, 2024, 08:55:41 AM
Next up... Lisa X, Little Lilith, Mary's Blood  :lol
Not far off, probably spread across the next two updates. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Luoto on May 08, 2024, 10:29:31 AM
Kamara (sent by Luoto)
Interesting band this. I’m really digging Kahden maailman välissä, which is the album you included two songs from. As I said in my write-up for your EP, I dig the range of metal influences in here and the way they blend them together. A couple of weaker songs, but mostly strong stuff and the best tracks are amazing. The self-titled album they did after that was pretty good too, but not nearly as consistent. Some fantastic moments, but it doesn’t hang together as well, with otherwise good songs being brought down by some pretty weak sections. I also tried the previous album, Painajaismaa, and that was… less my thing. :lol I like the way their later albums incorporate thrash metal with other styles, but on this album, other than some good ideas here and there, a lot of it sounds like mid-tier thrash.

I'd agree with you on KMM being their clear standout work. Their later output mainly has some standout songs such as "Vallan huoneissa" and "Kuvitelman lohtu". They seem to have dropped harsh vocals for good, and extreme metal influence is only occasionally heard in the guitars.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Evermind on May 08, 2024, 12:50:53 PM
Kalandra (sent by Evermind)
No surprise at all, but The Line is a fantastic album. The two songs you included on your EP leant very much into the atmospheric folk part of their sound, which is the part that adds a certain richness to their music and makes it something special. But that said, I’m really loving the balance of moods and styles across the album, including straight up prog rock at times. Their overall sound is fantastic and it really is just an amazing album.

Been waiting for this update and yeah, absolutely. I can't recommend it enough, definitely one of my favourite albums I recently discovered.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on May 08, 2024, 01:41:11 PM
Yeah, that album by Jonas is exactly like you described.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2024, 01:31:02 PM
Seems my opinions on those last few artists were well aligned with the people who sent them. Good times!

Today is actually a full year since this roulette started. :lol I had a feeling this would happen but I'm glad I've been digging into all these artists because I've discovered some real gems and even with those I haven't got into, they've not (individually) taken much of my time and I'm still glad I gave them a try.

Anyway, extra surprise update only a day after the last one! :O

Katzenjammer (sent by soupy)
What a wonderfully entertaining band. You only included one song on your EP as a sort of novelty, but it was a great one and I was always looking forward to this and they didn’t disappoint. Their debut album Le Pop is probably the best one, just so dynamic and pulling in an odd range of influences from various types of folk music, indie pop and theatrical cabaret stylings. Great compositions and performances. The other albums are really good too though. A Kiss Before You Go is quite similar and nearly as good, and then Rockland is a little more straightforward stylistically but still a really good pop album with enough quirk to make it feel fresh and distinctive.

Kendrik Lamar/various artists - Black Panther The Album (sent by faizoff)
Ok so I already checked out Kendrick from one of the earlier rounds, but didn’t think to include this album when doing so. I gather he had varying degrees of involvement in each track but wasn’t actually the main artist in many of them. And yeah, it’s quite a mixed bag. Generally those where he’s actually credited are the most interesting, though there are a couple of other tracks that are decent too (like Jorja Smith’s “I Am”). I also quite enjoy the collaboration with The Weeknd. But really the only great song on the album is the SZA collaboration All the Stars, which you included on your EP and which I still love.

Kyuss (sent by Sacul)
Wasn’t hugely awed by this band within your EP (better than Boris but not as interesting as Sleep) but I did quite enjoy the songs so I decided to give some listens to Welcome to Sky Valley. It’s not entirely my thing, but it’s pretty cool and I’ve been enjoying it more than I thought I might. I don’t find the melodic hooks that strong and so I sort of expected to find the stoner rock sound to wear a bit thin over a whole album, but actually it does have an oddly immersive vibe to it. Not something I feel particularly compelled to come back to, but still something I’ve enjoyed listening to.

Leonard Cohen (sent by seneca)
As you know from my EP write-up, I wasn’t especially interested in diving into his earlier work (based both on what I’ve heard before as well as the older song you included) but was very intrigued by his later, darker-toned output. You Want it Darker is quite a unique album. I’m sort of torn on it. On one hand, the mood it creates is amazing - I heard it on Steer Your Way from your EP but it absolutely permeates the whole album. On the other hand, a whole album of it gets… a bit much? After a while, his gravelly mumbling loses its novelty. The few songs that have more of a melodic richness to them - Treaty (and its Reprise), Travelling Light and Steer Your Way - have stuck with me and I find them quite captivating, but the rest all blend together and don't hold my interest quite so well.

Li-sa-X Band (sent by lonestar)
Well this band didn’t take very long to check out - they only made four songs and you included three of them on your EP. :lol For the avoidance of doubt, those three songs are still fantastic and the fourth is really good too, though the least good of the four so you made the right choice. That said, I figured I might as well check out a bit of her solo instrumental stuff too, to see what it was like, and the full-length she did (Will) was a pleasant surprise. As I may have mentioned one or eight times, I don’t tend to go for instrumental rock and metal often as it rarely has enough variety of sound or strength of melodic hooks. But, in the same way as Andy Gillion and Nuclear Power Trio, Li-sa-X bucks the trend with a really fun and enjoyable album full of great playing and catchy melodies.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on May 09, 2024, 01:35:07 PM
I thought I had mentioned it to you, her band changed name to Koiai, same two guitarist, different vocalist (Kotano of Ironbunny) and added the insanely talented Kanade Soto on drums. They got two eps out, Deep Indigo and Deep Love, both are solid, I prefer Deep Love, but definitely worth checking out. They both have that same pop vibe with a heavy leaning on guitar virtuosity.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2024, 01:36:38 PM
Sounds great, yeah I haven't checked them out yet but they're in a separate Spotify folder for stuff to check out later on. You mentioned that they shifted further in a poppy direction but I'm completely fine with that - if it has the good hooks and the great guitar work then I imagine I'll enjoy it!
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on May 09, 2024, 01:53:51 PM
Sounds great, yeah I haven't checked them out yet but they're in a separate Spotify folder for stuff to check out later on. You mentioned that they shifted further in a poppy direction but I'm completely fine with that - if it has the good hooks and the great guitar work then I imagine I'll enjoy it!

I think you will, they definitely lean more pop than a majority of the forum can handle, which is why I don't utilize them a lot here, but I won't deny blasting them in my car while singing along at full volume.....
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on May 10, 2024, 02:50:00 PM
I was thinking of officially releasing my ep.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 10, 2024, 02:52:45 PM
I was thinking of officially releasing my ep.  :lol

On blood splattered vinyl
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on May 10, 2024, 02:55:09 PM
On blood splattered vinyl

Yes! Maybe a Pizza Pie limited edition?  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 10, 2024, 03:03:47 PM
Give the people what they want.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Sacul on May 10, 2024, 03:07:42 PM
I love that Kyuss record but I agree it's not for everyone. Stoner rock does have that immersive quality to it, I wonder why :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2024, 02:47:11 AM
I love that Kyuss record but I agree it's not for everyone. Stoner rock does have that immersive quality to it, I wonder why :neverusethis:
I can't imagine. :lol

Anyway updates!

Little Lilith (sent by lonestar)
Ah yes, the j-jent band. :lol I'm rather liking their current output. The two latest EPs, which are the ones you sent songs from, are strong. The djenty riffing is pretty tight and nicely produced, and a lot of the songs have big poppy hooks that are catchy and very enjoyable. The EP before, Rebuild, showed promise and broadly had the same elements, but the hooks weren't as strong and it wasn't as slick. And the self-titled full-length they debuted with (which is on Spotify under a separate profile) is… not very good. :lol Assuming it actually is the same band, you wouldn't really know it, the sound and songwriting are both very weak. They really developed their sound and creativity between that and the more recent EPs.

Magic Pie (sent by King)
I've tried Magic Pie before, with their generally quite popular album Circus of Life. I recall it having a quirky element I enjoyed and generally being pretty good, but not mindblowing. And that's sort of the same with King for a Day as well, although the quirkiness is replaced with a slightly heavier prog metal vibe. There are some things about this more recent that I prefer. While at times the prog metal stylings are a little unsurprising and lacking in crunch, they do capture some great moments as well. And the opening song, which is the one you included on your EP, remains a fantastic song in more of a prog rock, Flower Kings/Moon Safari style that they kind of nail. Big emotive and immersive feels. So yeah a solid album but, opener aside, not one I'm likely to return to much.

Magnus Karlsson’s Free Fall (sent by jingle)
I don't think this reaches the coveted 4 star mark but in ways it's another pleasant surprise. The style is pretty middle of the road power/symphonic metal, a little obvious maybe, which I expected from the songs you sent, but the quality is pretty consistently high. The general sound is nicely done and while the verses are a little bland, there are loads of strong choruses. Each time I listen to the album I really enjoy the first few songs and think “maybe this is a great album after all”, but then I lose interest. I don't think there's much drop off in quality, and I could probably take any run of 3-4 songs and have a similar reaction. I think it's more a case of it, as an album, being a bit too samey and monotone, in an anthemic mid-tempo sort of way. There's only one or two actual power ballads but most of the other songs have a similar sort of vibe.

Mary’s Blood (sent by lonestar)
I’ve been listening to the two albums you sent songs from. Started with Revenant, as that’s all their own original music. My initial impression was very positive, I think helped by the album starting and ending well. But on further listening there’s a whole stretch in the middle of the album that’s really quite weak - the songs being either kind of boring or, in one or two cases, a little annoying. Generally they seem best with some of the power metal or poppy stuff - when they go more middle of the road hard rock, they don’t really have the charisma to pull it off. Re>Animator is quite enjoyable and the quality and vibe are definitely more consistent, despite it being a series of covers of unrelated anime music. That said, it doesn’t have much in the way of high points or memorable songs, other than Exterminate which is a really fun and catchy bit of symphonic metal.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on May 15, 2024, 04:11:35 AM
When I saw Magig Pie at Rosfest I was disappointed.   My wife and I were shocked. Kyros opened that night and blew them away.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: soupytwist on May 15, 2024, 04:27:09 AM

Katzenjammer (sent by soupy)
What a wonderfully entertaining band. You only included one song on your EP as a sort of novelty, but it was a great one and I was always looking forward to this and they didn’t disappoint. Their debut album Le Pop is probably the best one, just so dynamic and pulling in an odd range of influences from various types of folk music, indie pop and theatrical cabaret stylings. Great compositions and performances. The other albums are really good too though. A Kiss Before You Go is quite similar and nearly as good, and then Rockland is a little more straightforward stylistically but still a really good pop album with enough quirk to make it feel fresh and distinctive.

I agree with most of that.  I think Rockland was a bit of a letdown, and the band kind off called it a day pretty soon after it was released.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on May 15, 2024, 09:30:12 AM
I honestly didn't know they had a full length under a different profile, just searched and still couldnt find it.

Mary's Blood is fairly hit or miss for me despite having a shit ton of talent on the band, but when they hit they're awesome.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2024, 10:14:18 AM
I honestly didn't know they had a full length under a different profile, just searched and still couldnt find it.
I was only aware of it from RYM and the J-pop wiki site. It's under their Japanese name: https://open.spotify.com/artist/53fEUMdhyAXFx36BCYOfot?si=r0H4ju1xToycR1rz2d_bgA

EDIT: It's not on their own website though, which could mean either they don't recognise it anymore because they've moved on so much, or possibly it's not actually them but both RYM and J-pop wiki have assumed it is. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: lonestar on May 15, 2024, 10:35:16 AM
Just from testing a song or two I'd guess it isn't them, I mean it's way the fuck outside of their current sound. Holy fuck that girl is a horrible singer lol.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on May 15, 2024, 12:23:59 PM
When I saw Magig Pie at Rosfest I was disappointed.   My wife and I were shocked. Kyros opened that night and blew them away.

Disappointed to read this. I love Magic Pie.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2024, 12:42:23 PM
I'm never in any updates. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 15, 2024, 12:44:57 PM
I'm never in any updates. :lol

Same here mate. Think I've been in like, two?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Buddyhunter1 on May 15, 2024, 01:03:17 PM
I could have gotten two so far if Ariich ignored the "The" in The Comet Is Coming :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2024, 01:57:25 PM
Be fair, I only do 4-5 artists per update and there were 23 of you who sent me EPs! :lol

Tim, you sent me 4 artists and I've updated on 2 of them, with 1 more to come in the next update (I'm not bothering with Moonloop).

Luke, you also sent me 4 artists (excluding the harp interludes which, oddly enough, I'm not minded to check out :lol) and technically I've updated on 2 of them, although one of those was King Gizz and I did that earlier on because you sent them to twice in the same roulette. :P You have both the other artists still to come, one of them in the next update.

Ian, maybe I did ignore the "The" but am not interested in checking them out. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2024, 01:59:03 PM
Just from testing a song or two I'd guess it isn't them, I mean it's way the fuck outside of their current sound. Holy fuck that girl is a horrible singer lol.
That was exactly my reaction too. :lol

Possible it's an entirely different band, but there's a three year gap between that and the Rebuild EP, so it's definitely plausible that it's the same band that took some time to figure out their sound. The title of that EP would suggest as much too.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2024, 02:22:24 PM
Tim, you sent me 4 artists and I've updated on 2 of them, with 1 more to come in the next update (I'm not bothering with Moonloop).

Just joshing. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2024, 02:28:00 PM
I know. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on May 15, 2024, 02:30:57 PM
i mean i think one? of my artists has been covered so far, if that, so :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 15, 2024, 02:31:52 PM
I don't want to hear an argument backed up with your facts and reasoning.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on May 15, 2024, 03:04:59 PM
I'm never in any updates. :lol

You are on vacation bruh. You whinny silly ninny.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: TAC on May 15, 2024, 03:08:58 PM
You are on vacation bruh. You whinny silly ninny.

I’m still bitching though.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Postwhore on May 15, 2024, 05:29:52 PM
I expect nothing less.  :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on May 15, 2024, 05:39:13 PM
I'm never in any updates. :lol

I haven't been in an update since 3 pages ago.  :'(
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Luoto on May 17, 2024, 11:26:25 AM
Two of my EP artists start with V so it'll take a while before they come up :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on May 17, 2024, 12:40:09 PM
I don't remember who I sent in my EP... :corn
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on May 17, 2024, 06:35:19 PM
I don't remember who I sent in my EP... :corn

Dolly Parton, Coven, Black Flag?  :biggrin:
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 21, 2024, 01:44:13 PM
I haven't been in an update since 3 pages ago.  :'(
You'll have two in the next update! :)

i mean i think one? of my artists has been covered so far, if that, so :lol
Two now! And another to come in the next update.

McStine & Minnemann (sent by HOF)
Yeah this is pretty much along the lines I expected really. I’ve given some listens to both their albums, figured I should give them both a chance. It’s very intelligent music but it doesn’t really engage me emotionally. I don’t know much about McStine but much of what I’ve heard involving Minnemann has had a similar effect. Lots of talent and variety, and some very cool ideas at times, but a little… esoteric maybe? Your Offences and The Horse is Dead have stuck with me pretty well, but nothing else has stood out, even the other songs you included on your EP.

Michael Kelsey (sent by Reaper)
I decided to give Submerged some listens as the album you mostly included songs from. I gather from a quick dip into Lessons While Dreaming that some of his stuff is more singer-songwriter stuff, but despite really liking the track Sleepwalker, his vocals sounded pretty weak (off-puttingly so) and so I didn’t bother with that album. Submerged though, I found myself enjoying more than I expected given my general pickiness when it comes to acoustic guitar albums. Some of the tracks don’t really interest me at all, but the good ones really do capture a gorgeous mood, and the way he uses atmospheric effects to enhance that is quite lovely.

Moonshade (sent by TAC)
Excellent band. Both their albums are great. Their first, Sun Dethroned (which you included a song from), is the type of melodic death metal that I really dig when done well. It has the balance of aggression and melancholy that I love, in some ways like a slightly heavier Insomnium. Nice use of clean vocals here and there as well. The more recent album is great too and a little different - great use of female clean vocals to bring a slightly different sound, but still really high quality, rich music. I checked out one of their earlier EPs as well and it had some good moments but some quite weak ones too.

Mother’s Cake (sent by luke)
This band has been a nice surprise. Or their latest album has at least. The tracks you included on your EP definitely engaged my interest compared with what I'd heard from them before, and thankfully the rest of the album is great too. I gave another listen to their debut and haven't changed my mind, the proggy funk rock is a fun idea but the execution wasn't great. I've also given No Rhyme No Reason some listens and that's pretty cool (especially Enemy, which is a killer tune) but doesn't have the consistency that Cyberfunk has. The latest really is just full of excellent hooks and grooves.

My Morning Jacket (sent by Crow)
I ummed and ahhed a bit on whether to bother checking these guys out - I liked the song on your EP, but the weak vocals were quite a blocker for me. I ended up deciding to give It Still Moves a go, as I’ve been familiar with their name for a long time and so I figured it was worth checking them out. And yeah, it’s not really my cup of tea. Pleasant enough, with some quite compelling moments where there’s an emotional resonance to them. I still dig the guitar motifs in One Big Holiday, and Masterplan is another good’un (with more engaging vocals too). But a lot of the album is just really lacking in punch or good hooks for my tastes.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on May 21, 2024, 02:03:13 PM
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: twosuitsluke on May 21, 2024, 02:03:24 PM

The latest Mother's Cake is pretty damn good. I have fond memories of spinning that loads on the first glamping trip away I had with my wife, after my son was born :heart
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Crow on May 21, 2024, 02:18:32 PM
i mean yeah the rest of the album is pretty different from the one song i sent, it's nice and breezy and i liked it fine enough but it was very much a "take the one song and dip" album for me  :lol

i think that's true of most of the artists i submitted for the final round admittedly so
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 21, 2024, 02:30:32 PM
i think that's true of most of the artists i submitted for the final round admittedly so
Yeah I'm well aware that none of these artists may stick, but we'll see. :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: HOF on May 21, 2024, 02:51:55 PM

McStine & Minnemann (sent by HOF)
Yeah this is pretty much along the lines I expected really. I’ve given some listens to both their albums, figured I should give them both a chance. It’s very intelligent music but it doesn’t really engage me emotionally. I don’t know much about McStine but much of what I’ve heard involving Minnemann has had a similar effect. Lots of talent and variety, and some very cool ideas at times, but a little… esoteric maybe? Your Offences and The Horse is Dead have stuck with me pretty well, but nothing else has stood out, even the other songs you included on your EP.

I'd say this has been the general reaction when I've sent them in roulettes. The first album in particular I just think was a really nice, compact, proggy rock album with some fresh ideas and cool playing. The second is a bit more bloated and probably should have been half as long as it was, but I still like a lot of it. Esoteric is probably a good descriptor. 

If you were of a mind to explore something else with McStine but not Minnemann, The Fringe (McStine plus Nick D'Virgilio and Jonas Reingold) is a little more straight ahead. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: TAC on May 21, 2024, 03:29:39 PM
I made it!!!!  ;D :lol
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ReaperKK on May 23, 2024, 11:12:33 AM
I agree with Micheal Kelley's voice, I think he is a decent singer but I think it can be a miss at times. It's why I enjoy submerged as much as I do, it's his more experimental album.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: jingle.boy on May 24, 2024, 05:20:07 AM
Completely fair assessment of MK Freefall.

And Jonas Lindberg - that album is dope.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: Glasser on May 24, 2024, 09:45:46 AM
I made it!!!!  ;D :lol

Can I have a slice? ... You made pizza right?
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2024, 09:33:17 AM
Can I have a slice? ... You made pizza right?
On a related note, I'll be checking out Pizza Death shortly. :biggrin:

Until then, updates!

Nightrage (sent by Litho)
This hasn’t captured my interest as much as I would have liked, but there’s some good stuff. Obviously I went with their debut album, Sweet Vengeance. It’s the one you included tracks from, and is also their most commonly and highly rated album on RYM. It’s pretty good in an early-In-Flames-ish sort of way. Not that it’s a carbon copy or anything, but there’s clearly a very strong influence. The good moments are very good. The two tracks you sent are the standouts, for sure. Circle of Pain is also really good, but the way it fades out in the middle of a chorus is a real WTF. The track after that does the same. Anyway yeah some great songs, but the rest is a little unengaging. It has a cool early melodeath vibe, but melodically it doesn’t feel that rich or interesting to me.

Obscura (sent by wolfking)
Another pleasant surprise here, and I’m quite glad you included a song from their latest album. I’ve been considering checking them out for a while, having been introduced to no fewer than three side or solo projects from them, but I’m not sure I’d have done much of a deep dive if I’d heard any of their earlier works. Not that they’re bad, indeed it’s very skilled and intricate music, but having now also given some listens to Cosmogenesis, Akróasis and Diluvium, they all suffer from the problem I often have with tech death which is a lack of engaging melody. Not so on A Valediction though. The technicality and intensity is all there, but there’s a more melodeath - almost power metal at times - vibe in several songs and it just makes the whole thing that bit more accessible.

Orbit Culture (sent by wolfking)
Another hit, that’s two in a row. Nija and their latest, Descent, are top notch albums. It’s an odd mix of influences, which I noticed in the song you’d included on your EP. RYM places them as a mix of melodic death metal and groove metal, but I hear a bit of thrash in there among other things. In some songs it doesn’t quite work - particularly where they focus too much on heavy at the expense of atmosphere or melody, but on these two albums at least, the balance is good and the best songs really elevate the rest. The earlier releases haven’t hit the mark for me so much, although one song from the Redfog EP (The Newborn One) was really damn good.

Orville Peck (sent by Crow)
You know, I’ve ended up liking Bronco a lot, probably more than you from what you’ve said. Some of the songs are a little run of the mill, for sure, but even in most of those his voice is so engaging and charismatic as to make them enjoyable to listen to. But as well as Kalahari Down, there are a few songs that are really captivating. The one that really stands out to me is Let Me Drown, but there are other great ones too. I’ve also tried his debut album, Pony, and that is… considerably less my cup of tea. Just really samey and lacking in either energy or rich melodies. Even his vocals are quite muted and boring on this one.

Patterson Hood (sent by seneca)
You included a song from Heat Lightning Rumbles in the Distance, so that’s the album I’ve given some listens to. It’s pretty nice, but I can’t say it’s really grabbing me. One thing I do like about it is the lyrics. It feels like a very personal and thoughtful album, and very authentic. But, as has been the case with some artists you’ve sent me before, I need music that engages me too and I don’t think this album does that consistently enough. Come Back Little Star is still really good, and there are nice moments in Leaving Time and After the Damage. But most of the album fails to hook me in.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 27, 2024, 09:08:41 PM
Nightrage (sent by Litho)
This hasn’t captured my interest as much as I would have liked, but there’s some good stuff. Obviously I went with their debut album, Sweet Vengeance. It’s the one you included tracks from, and is also their most commonly and highly rated album on RYM. It’s pretty good in an early-In-Flames-ish sort of way. Not that it’s a carbon copy or anything, but there’s clearly a very strong influence. The good moments are very good. The two tracks you sent are the standouts, for sure. Circle of Pain is also really good, but the way it fades out in the middle of a chorus is a real WTF. The track after that does the same. Anyway yeah some great songs, but the rest is a little unengaging. It has a cool early melodeath vibe, but melodically it doesn’t feel that rich or interesting to me.

Hmm, it's unfortunate that this didn't go quite as well.  I'm always on the lookout for bands who can execute the better aspects of the late 90s/early 00s In Flames sound.  In terms of chronology, production, and style, Nightrage has always felt like they've been (especially on the first four albums) what IF would have sounded like if they stayed on that path rather than shifting directions as they did.  Dunno if this is a case of maybe you needing to hear more albums and sit with them longer for things to stand out more, vs. just me preferring this version of the MDM sound and you being more into the Insomnium version of it, to the extent that people not into this style could even tell them apart.  Interesting observation about the choruses, I'd never thought about it that way, but I guess I've heard them so many times I'm just used to them.  I think production-wise the idea behind it is that as it fades out it encourages your ear to keep it going after the fade ends, to increase memorability. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2024, 11:56:10 PM
Well, I'd probably leave it until the end but I've certainly no objection to also checking out some of their later stuff, if you can recommend an album or two. It's not uncommon for an artist's early work to be their most popular/recommended but for me to prefer later albums that have tighter production and/or songwriting.
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: LithoJazzoSphere on May 28, 2024, 05:58:54 AM
Well, I'd probably leave it until the end but I've certainly no objection to also checking out some of their later stuff, if you can recommend an album or two. It's not uncommon for an artist's early work to be their most popular/recommended but for me to prefer later albums that have tighter production and/or songwriting.

So I'd loosely summarize it this way:  Descent Into Chaos is similar to SV, but with fewer standout tracks, they ditched the acoustic interludes/codas (a negative for me), and rather than four tracks of Englund guest vocals we just get a single track of Mikael Stanne guesting.  Bonuses are that it still has Lindberg on vocals and Gus G. on lead guitars, both of whom I like, they were at that time a "supergroup" done right.  A New Disease Is Born is their most "different" and melodic metalcore-leaning (not really all that much though).  Wearing a Martyr's Crown according to RYM is one of their weakest, but would be my personal second favorite, I just really like some of the songs and the production.  Insidious is rather chock-full of guests and kind of fun, though perhaps less cohesive. 

Everything after that blends together for me.  I enjoy them when I put them on, but not as much stands out individually, and the production feels a bit thinner and less impactful to me generally.  It's continued to be a revolving door of supporting musicians that I don't find quite as compelling as those on the early albums.  But RYM says that '22 Abyss Rising is their second best album, so I suppose you could try that too, and/or wait for the newest one and check it out when it releases in a few days.  The singles make me suspect it's going to be part of the "pretty good but not quite superb" blur of the past dozen years or so though. 
Title: Re: ariich's DARK TO LIGHT roulette (v8) - Post-roulette updates (ongoing)
Post by: wolfking on May 28, 2024, 04:15:36 PM
Nice.  I haven't fully delved into all of Obscura's older stuff but agree, that latest album is a step up in terms of melodies and being a lot more catchy and memorable.  Wonderful album.

I'm still yet to check the new OC album.  Even though I sent them, I'm not a massive fan.  I did like Nija in small doses though.  I find their sound a little samey but the heaviness and groove elements are very good.