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Online LithoJazzoSphere

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Your Random Musical Thoughts
« on: August 09, 2022, 01:49:56 PM »
It seems like an ongoing thread like this should exist, that isn't necessarily tied to a specific genre, artist, album, or song (though it might be prompted by one).  Sometimes I get spontaneous ideas I want to talk about, but they don't necessarily fit into any existing thread, and maybe they don't seem quite noteworthy enough to merit their own thread (though perhaps some of them could).  So I figure it's time to give this a go and see if others feel similarly about the idea. 

Anyway, one for the moment is that it vexes me how spread out material can be from some artists.  In particular, some artists have tracks that to my knowledge are not on any other album or even an EP.  Sometimes I like these cuts more than most songs on their full albums.  I think this is only going to continue to grow worse with streaming and such, where units of individual consumption are smaller.  This is a separate idea from the importance of the album as a whole.  I just hate the idea that when I think about my favorite albums from artists, I can't factor in these individual fantastic songs.  Not counting EPs has already been challenging enough at times.  And some people don't count bonus tracks as part of the album proper, so that's another wrinkle.  It all adds to the aura of liking a particular artist, but we talk so much about favorite albums, it can be nettling. 

A more positive one is the joy of discovering that a song you've loved for a long time has a cool music video or well-shot live video that you previously didn't know existed. 
« Last Edit: September 02, 2022, 04:48:04 PM by LithoJazzoSphere »

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2022, 02:42:12 PM »
Re: songs not in albums, I agree that we will start seeing it more and more moving forward, but this isn't something new. It has been happening in other genres for a while.

I personally don't mind if a song is not included in an album or EP, but sometimes that makes it harder to "discover" I guess.
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Online LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2022, 09:33:06 PM »
Re: songs not in albums, I agree that we will start seeing it more and more moving forward, but this isn't something new. It has been happening in other genres for a while.

I personally don't mind if a song is not included in an album or EP, but sometimes that makes it harder to "discover" I guess.

Yeah, I know it's not new, it just seems to be getting more and more common.  My absolute favorites I don't worry about too much, I'm more likely to periodically revisit their B-sides and such anyway to mine additional depth from their discography.  It's the next tier or two of bands that might have amazing songs I've missed out on because I haven't scoured their catalogs.  I run across those songs on occasion and keep wondering what else I've overlooked.  It's endless FOMO. 

Offline Stadler

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2022, 08:32:10 AM »
I'm something of a completist, and I too often like b-sides and obscure songs as much or more than the conventional album tracks.  Nothing bugs me more than when there's a "comprehensive" re-release and some of those songs aren't on there (the Genesis Archive sets, Ozzy's release of Blizzard/Diary).   I applaud bands like Genesis (with the box sets) or Iron Maiden, where everything is out there. 

I'm not a HUGE fan of the material, but I've been hoping Noel Gallagher makes a compilation on CD of his recent digital EPs.

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2022, 08:54:46 AM »
I'm something of a completist, and I too often like b-sides and obscure songs as much or more than the conventional album tracks.  Nothing bugs me more than when there's a "comprehensive" re-release and some of those songs aren't on there (the Genesis Archive sets, Ozzy's release of Blizzard/Diary).   I applaud bands like Genesis (with the box sets) or Iron Maiden, where everything is out there.

See, I would put Iron Maiden in the category of bands where not everything is out there, if "out there" means readily available. Yes, they released a compilation of b-sides... as a limited release... 20 years ago.

As a general rule, not a fan of limited releases. Obviously not everything can be in print all the time. But when bands specifically limit the quantity of something they produce and guarantee that it's only available for a short period of time, I find that frustrating—especially when it's not just something "nice to have" for the most intense of die-hards (like, say, additional live shows featuring mainly songs that have gotten live releases elsewhere), but exclusive material that would be of interest to any fan.

I think it especially shows a lack of consideration for the fans of the future. When Eddie's Archive (Maiden) got its one and only limited release, I was... in first grade. So I've been a fan of the band for over 10 years, bought a ton of music and merchandise from them, bought concert tickets multiple times... and I cannot access the music on that release without paying an insane amount on the secondary market, streaming it on YouTube or pirating it. I just don't think there's a good justification for that.

I have the same frustration with Coheed and Cambria. They did a concert series where they played each of their first four albums in full, and then released it on a CD/DVD box set... that was limited run, before I became a fan of the band. I would pay the band a profitable amount if they sold this set again, but I don't think they ever will because the implication of "limited edition" is "no re-release, ever." Instead I guess I just... probably never will own it, because I'm not paying the typical secondary market price.

Kind of the same with Cleaning out the Closet, although fanclub and limited edition are slightly different. Most of the DT fanclub releases fall for me into the category of "yeah, this might be nice to have, but even as a highly invested fan, I don't need it." But CotC is different, and by making that a limited fanclub release, they basically said "if you're not currently a fan right now in 1999, there are a bunch of rare and exclusive songs that you can never legally own without paying triple digits on eBay."

I think the idea behind limited edition is partly to do something special for the most devoted fans and partly a marketing tactic to boost demand and convince people to pay a higher price. But I suspect a lot of artists who do it end up leaving money on the table long-term, and they're keeping some of their music out of the hands of newer fans.
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Online LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2022, 10:51:23 AM »
An observation for today.  After making all kinds of lists off and on (my whole life really, but even more so since the pandemic, and in particular a spate of them in the last few months), I've been trying to create an ultimate 100 favorite songs list (loosely one per artist).  I started from around 1,800 candidates and whittled that down to 300 a few months ago.  Over the last few days I've done another round and got that down to 210 or so.  But now my brain is mush, and I'm at a complete roadblock to trimming further.  It's difficult to do even do tiers of them, and it's so hard to compare them, since they have such wildly different structures and aesthetics.  My work is saved, so I might just have to give it a rest and look at it with fresh eyes later (maybe weeks or months). 

Online SoundscapeMN

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2022, 11:25:55 AM »
why I suck at making Ranked lists of Songs, especially an all-time list.

Maybe the alternative is just make an ongoing, almost neverending/unlimited list, and don't rank them. Maybe order them chronologically or A-Z or something.

Online LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2022, 11:33:41 AM »
Yeah, ranking them is like the 9th circle of hell.  The 100 albums collage was hard enough, but once you get to the level of songs, you're comparing whether something you'd rate 99.xx is better than 99.yy, and I have to just start looking around for dice or a coin to absolve myself of responsibility for such granular distinctions.  Eek.  Most of the time I can do tiers, but by that point alphabetical is just easier. 

Offline Stadler

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2022, 02:58:41 PM »
I'm something of a completist, and I too often like b-sides and obscure songs as much or more than the conventional album tracks.  Nothing bugs me more than when there's a "comprehensive" re-release and some of those songs aren't on there (the Genesis Archive sets, Ozzy's release of Blizzard/Diary).   I applaud bands like Genesis (with the box sets) or Iron Maiden, where everything is out there.

See, I would put Iron Maiden in the category of bands where not everything is out there, if "out there" means readily available. Yes, they released a compilation of b-sides... as a limited release... 20 years ago.

If the criteria is 'readily available', you're probably more right than I am, though most everything can be had without paying TOO much.  It's just you'll have 30 individual CDs, not one compilation.  Yes, the B-sides comp was less than satisfying.  :)

Kind of the same with Cleaning out the Closet, although fanclub and limited edition are slightly different. Most of the DT fanclub releases fall for me into the category of "yeah, this might be nice to have, but even as a highly invested fan, I don't need it." But CotC is different, and by making that a limited fanclub release, they basically said "if you're not currently a fan right now in 1999, there are a bunch of rare and exclusive songs that you can never legally own without paying triple digits on eBay."

I have both, and for the most part, I think most of the Fan Club stuff - at least the studio stuff - is available, but again, maybe not in a one-stop compilation.  You have to have the Ytsejam stuff, and with the break in the action there for a couple years, that was hard to do.

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2022, 09:17:36 PM »
Music Documentaries:

King Crimson
King's X
Led Zeppelin

the only 1 of these 3 documentaries I think will be available relatively soon is the King's X doc. The Crimson and Zeppelin docs are done, but have no distributor at this point. Both were finished years ago and screened at festivals within the last year, but still no word about a release date for either.

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2022, 12:33:35 AM »
Here's a few random musical quirks I have. When an album, any album, has a short intro but is tagged as its own separate track. It drives me absolutely nuts!!! I always felt it should be part of the next full track especially when it abruptly stops after about 50 seconds then continues at the start of the next track. And should all live albums have fades at the end of each track? I sometimes do it myself unless its a lossless format, in that case it will be seamless. But if I have an mp3 version of live stuff the quick pause drives me nuts. I just had to vent that out here.

Offline Stadler

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2022, 07:09:39 AM »
Here's a few random musical quirks I have. When an album, any album, has a short intro but is tagged as its own separate track. It drives me absolutely nuts!!! I always felt it should be part of the next full track especially when it abruptly stops after about 50 seconds then continues at the start of the next track. And should all live albums have fades at the end of each track? I sometimes do it myself unless its a lossless format, in that case it will be seamless. But if I have an mp3 version of live stuff the quick pause drives me nuts. I just had to vent that out here.

That last one raises an important point; see, I HATE live compilations. I like complete shows.  I'd rather have one night, in it's entirety (or at least a semblance of that, like Made In Japan) than the best version of each song from the tour, with fades in between (like Flight 666 or I think Exit Stage Left).

Offline Lonk

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2022, 07:49:53 AM »
Here's a few random musical quirks I have. When an album, any album, has a short intro but is tagged as its own separate track. It drives me absolutely nuts!!! I always felt it should be part of the next full track especially when it abruptly stops after about 50 seconds then continues at the start of the next track. And should all live albums have fades at the end of each track? I sometimes do it myself unless its a lossless format, in that case it will be seamless. But if I have an mp3 version of live stuff the quick pause drives me nuts. I just had to vent that out here.

I don't have a problem with the short intros if the next track can stand on its own without it. Coheed and Cambria do this fairly often, they add a 2-3 minute instrumental intro then jump right into the "opening track". I think it works, but I also get why some might not like it. Also, if it's less than a minute then yeah, just make it part of the next track.

I rarely ever listen to live albums, but I am with Stad, I prefer an uninterrupted recording from one night, not a compilation from the tour. If there are some mistakes here and there, so be it, I like those.
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Online LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2022, 11:31:01 AM »
Here's a few random musical quirks I have. When an album, any album, has a short intro but is tagged as its own separate track. It drives me absolutely nuts!!! I always felt it should be part of the next full track especially when it abruptly stops after about 50 seconds then continues at the start of the next track.

I don't really mind it.  There are a few of those that don't segue right into the next track, or are elsewhere on the album, but thematically connect to the song, so sometimes rather than having them as an intro I'll make a custom order where they're now a postlude.  Or sometimes both.  And while I often love them, some people just don't like them and want to get straight to the point, especially in repeat listens, so it makes it convenient for those people to skip right to the "meat" of the song. 

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2022, 11:57:41 AM »
Will Murder By Death's singer ever stop singing like Johnny Cash?.doubtful.

Online LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2022, 02:58:48 PM »
So I've been periodically working on a project with two playlists, for favorite death metal songs, and for favorite black metal songs.  I'm a super casual black metal fan, so that's been relatively easy, anything with a black-related tag on RYM is eligible, more or less, and I don't worry too much about separating out melodic black, atmospheric black, symphonic black, etc.  If it has those sort of tags and some combination of blast beats, shrieky vocals, tremolo-picked riffs and such, it's fair game.  A few iffy inclusions that are mostly post-rock with one harsh section, but eh, it's my list.  Also a lot of classic albums I haven't heard enough times or in so long that I don't recall any individual standout tracks, so that'll be something to fill in later on. 

Now the death metal project has become quite a morass, as I worried it would.  I have far more listening history with it, so breaking things out has become a real challenge.  I'm trying to keep this list separate from my melodic death lists, but finding a clear demarcation line is quite a task.  Fairly often my favorite tracks on regular death metal albums will be ones that have acoustic guitar passages, synth parts, clean vocal sections, guitar harmonies and such.  My ear is just naturally drawn to melodies.  They're generally not abundant enough on a given album to make it a melodeath or progressive death release, but on a song level, distinguishing melodic or prog death and normal death for the sake of list inclusion is kind of a nightmare. 

And that doesn't even get into all the blackened death and such where some tracks are pretty much right on the fence between the two lists. 
« Last Edit: September 02, 2022, 10:39:24 PM by LithoJazzoSphere »

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2022, 04:30:38 PM »
 PLEASE watch this video of Tom G. Warrior! Its his opinion but is he wrong???? Is modern music too sterile?  I love his view. Opinions on this video please!!!

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2022, 04:43:30 PM »
PLEASE watch this video of Tom G. Warrior! Its his opinion but is he wrong???? Is modern music too sterile?  I love his view. Opinions on this video please!!!

The interviewer looks like the dude from the Cloud Cult.

Tom sounds like an old curmudgeon.  Not you Glasser.. :lol but the guy in the video. ;D

I think production techniques definitely add to sterility, but there are so many bands today with great ideas and styles. I just think that the music you listened to growing up gets imprinted on your soul, and it becomes almost impossible to replace, no matter what you hear the rest of your life.
He also sounds...I don't know...bitter maybe? Celtic Frost worked HARD. And he's a lifer. It's as if he has some sort of resentment to today's musicians.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2022, 04:52:26 PM by TAC »
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2022, 01:03:30 AM »
PLEASE watch this video of Tom G. Warrior! Its his opinion but is he wrong???? Is modern music too sterile?  I love his view. Opinions on this video please!!!

Yeah, man. I'm with Tom. Today's metal, in the main, is completely boring and does nothing for me. No disrespect to anyone's tastes here but most modern metal is utterly pointless, empty music as far as I'm concerned. Sterile production, no energy, no originality in style or substance.

I got into metal in the mid 80s. There was so much FEEL and ENERGY and different vibes between the bands.

Very rarely, though, I do hear something I love (Voyager, for example - they've blended styles in a unique way) but heavy metal is nearly dead for me these days.
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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2022, 04:37:18 AM »
I partly agree but there are so many factors to consider.

The media we consume now, on all fronts, is completely oversaturated. To say that modern metal is sterile, as a sweeping sentence, is just untrue. I agree that the modern metal that is in the mainstream nowadays is, but there is just so much out there. You've gotta wade through a lot more mediocrity than maybe 30 or 40 years ago.

But, as Tommy said about the newer bands he likes, they are just recreating the sounds of the past. Tommy witnessed, and was at the forefront, of the birth of thrash, death and black metal. From there all the hundreds of sub genres formed. In 2022 there isn't really anything that can be done in metal that hasn't been done before.

The most innovative bands can really get is to just splice genres together, that haven't been mixed before. That stuff is out there, stuff that is groundbreaking to some extent. But it will be never as groundbreaking as literally forming thrash/death/black metal.

He mentioned the technicality of bands like Obscura.  All these splintered genres were formed by bands just trying to create something new. There are a million death metal bands now, so one way to set yourself apart is to take one element to the extreme. This could be the lyrics, vocal style, technical proficiency, bpm etc. It feels that is all bands really have now.

Tommy has been in some legendary bands and influenced so many bands. Would he be able to say the same if he was born in 1993, instead of 1963? Probably not.

Also, let's be honest, the metal that was in the mainstream was better than today. It was actually more integrated into popular culture, especially in the UK. You'd get bands like Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, all on Top of the Pops! Back then, the majority of the population knew these bands, even I'd they weren't into metal.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2022, 04:56:10 AM by twosuitsluke »

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2022, 08:30:03 AM »
I was listening to Dr. Feelgood and it feels so similar structurally to Welcome To The Jungle that I’m almost positive Crue used that song as a blueprint

Offline Stadler

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2022, 09:12:41 AM »
I don't know; music - ike most art - is cyclical.  I remember in the 80's having the discussion "Is music stale?  Is it sterile?" and we survived.  Every couple years or so, something comes along to shake things up a bit. It'll happen again, it always does.

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2022, 11:09:19 AM »
When and where will there be a Michael Nesmith tribute concert?

There certainly are people who could be involved

Ben Gibbard
Neko Case
Peter Buck and/or The Minus 5
Sara Watkins
Rivers Cuomo
Jeff Tweedy

Also Michael's son Jonathan Nesmith put up a terrific new tune the other day titled "No Maybe".
I'm highly curious to hear what he may do next.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2022, 08:19:52 PM by SoundscapeMN »

Online LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2022, 02:27:50 PM »
PLEASE watch this video of Tom G. Warrior! Its his opinion but is he wrong? ??? Is modern music too sterile?  I love his view. Opinions on this video please!!!

I love later Celtic Frost and Triptykon, but this sort of opinion, as he kind of admits, is just a typical cliche view of anyone who is a jaded music veteran, and probably doesn't pay as much attention to the scene anymore.  Honestly I think it's in ways better than it used to be, at a macro level.  His comments were more relevant in the 00s and early 10s when it was extremely common to have technical death metal and progressive metal bands who were just one-upping each other in terms of speed, intensity, and technical perfection, to the point where some of them couldn't even really play their material live properly.  That still exists, but there's also been a major trend of reviving older sounds and approaches, and reveling in grime and looseness.  There are so many different metal bands around, more than ever before, that virtually any sound you want to hear is being played by someone somewhere, you just have to spend time researching to find it.  Plus with the internet, you have access to virtually all the old stuff too if you think it was all better then. 

And honestly it's a bit on the extreme end of the prog/punk divide in terms of the value placed on precision, spontaneity and such.  I used to be much further on the end myself of valuing clarity, pristinity and so forth.  I've shifted more towards the middle over time, where there's a lot of music I love now that would have been too murky and imprecise for me a couple decades ago, but I still don't care about smashing guitars and toppling amp stacks, that's equally imbalanced in the opposite direction for my tastes. 

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2022, 07:44:53 PM »
I'm sorry, I hate to come back to this, but that guy came off as a total asshole. I like Into The Pandemoniun well enough, but it ain't like Celtic Frost was all that original either. They were about as (below) average of a band as there was, even back in the day.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2022, 07:55:40 PM »
PLEASE watch this video of Tom G. Warrior! Its his opinion but is he wrong???? Is modern music too sterile?  I love his view. Opinions on this video please!!!

Wow, I randomly stumbled across this vid a couple of weeks ago and watched it.  I liked his viewpoint to a certain degree, but I couldn't help but to feel that a lot of his opinion is because he simply doesn't have the chops to play and pull off the technical stuff.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2022, 08:02:08 PM »
PLEASE watch this video of Tom G. Warrior! Its his opinion but is he wrong???? Is modern music too sterile?  I love his view. Opinions on this video please!!!

Wow, I randomly stumbled across this vid a couple of weeks ago and watched it.  I liked his viewpoint to a certain degree, but I couldn't help but to feel that a lot of his opinion is because he simply doesn't have the chops to play and pull off the technical stuff.

So when I was in college, a friend of mine was a huge Metallica fan, and because Jason was in Flotsam, he had their first album. He was the guy that introduced me to F&J. Anyway, on 9/28/87, they were opening for Celtic Frost in Providence. Well, for some reason, CF didn't play, so we got a headline set from F&J, and that night I became a fan for life.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Online LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2022, 08:04:20 PM »
I'm sorry, I hate to come back to this, but that guy came off as a total asshole. I like Into The Pandemoniun well enough, but it ain't like Celtic Frost was all that original either. They were about as (below) average of a band as there was, even back in the day.

That's too far in the opposite direction to me.  They were one of the earlier pioneers of extreme metal, diversifying what Venom did to the point where it was hard to tell whether some of it was speed metal, thrash metal, black metal, doom metal, death metal, or even crust punk.  And then there is absolutely nothing remotely like Into the Pandemonium either at that point in time.  It anticipates all kinds of developments that wouldn't occur for years later into the 90s in avant-garde, symphonic, gothic, industrial, and other emerging styles of metal.  And then Monotheist and the Triptykon albums to me are just incredible music. 

Wow, I randomly stumbled across this vid a couple of weeks ago and watched it.  I liked his viewpoint to a certain degree, but I couldn't help but to feel that a lot of his opinion is because he simply doesn't have the chops to play and pull off the technical stuff.

This might be true to an extent, his chops were extremely limited back in the Hellhammer days, and I don't personally care for the rawness and sloppiness of it, but he made the most he could out of his limited ability at the time, and was incredibly influential to countless other bands.  He never became a virtuoso or even close, but he did improve over the years, and hired other talented performers when needed to execute more complicated ideas. 
« Last Edit: September 03, 2022, 08:10:26 PM by LithoJazzoSphere »

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2022, 08:09:53 PM »
PLEASE watch this video of Tom G. Warrior! Its his opinion but is he wrong???? Is modern music too sterile?  I love his view. Opinions on this video please!!!

Wow, I randomly stumbled across this vid a couple of weeks ago and watched it.  I liked his viewpoint to a certain degree, but I couldn't help but to feel that a lot of his opinion is because he simply doesn't have the chops to play and pull off the technical stuff.

So when I was in college, a friend of mine was a huge Metallica fan, and because Jason was in Flotsam, he had their first album. He was the guy that introduced me to F&J. Anyway, on 9/28/87, they were opening for Celtic Frost in Providence. Well, for some reason, CF didn't play, so we got a headline set from F&J, and that night I became a fan for life.

Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2022, 08:11:43 PM »
I'm sorry, I hate to come back to this, but that guy came off as a total asshole. I like Into The Pandemoniun well enough, but it ain't like Celtic Frost was all that original either. They were about as (below) average of a band as there was, even back in the day.

That's too far in the opposite direction to me.  They were one of the earlier pioneers of extreme metal, diversifying what Venom did to the point where it was hard to tell whether some of it was speed metal, thrash metal, black metal, doom metal, death metal, or even crust punk.  And then there is absolutely nothing remotely like Into the Pandemonium either in that point in time.  It anticipates all kinds of developments that wouldn't occur for years later into the 90s in avant-garde, symphonic, gothic, industrial, and other emerging styles of metal.  And then Monotheist and the Triptykon albums to me are just incredible music. 

Wow, I randomly stumbled across this vid a couple of weeks ago and watched it.  I liked his viewpoint to a certain degree, but I couldn't help but to feel that a lot of his opinion is because he simply doesn't have the chops to play and pull off the technical stuff.

This might be true to an extent, his chops were extremely limited back in the Hellhammer days, and I don't personally care for the rawness and sloppiness of it, but he made the most he could out of his limited ability at the time, and was incredibly influential to countless other bands.  He never became a virtuoso or even close, but he did improve over the years, and hired other talented performers when needed to execute more complicated ideas.

I still need to go back and check older CF, but Monotheist is incredible.  That's something unique and special IMO.  While my comment I feel still stands, I don't think listening to this album that they needed the chops.  For this album anyway, they had the creativity and vision to create a wonderful piece of art, and that's more where he's coming from, so that aspect I can understand where he is coming from.
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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2022, 08:14:55 PM »
I'm sorry, I hate to come back to this, but that guy came off as a total asshole. I like Into The Pandemoniun well enough, but it ain't like Celtic Frost was all that original either. They were about as (below) average of a band as there was, even back in the day.

That's too far in the opposite direction to me.  They were one of the earlier pioneers of extreme metal, diversifying what Venom did to the point where it was hard to tell whether some of it was speed metal, thrash metal, black metal, doom metal, death metal, or even crust punk.  And then there is absolutely nothing remotely like Into the Pandemonium either at that point in time.  It anticipates all kinds of developments that wouldn't occur for years later into the 90s in avant-garde, symphonic, gothic, industrial, and other emerging styles of metal. 

That's a very interesting synopsis. I'd have to chew on that a bit. They just never really impressed me.  Oddly, when I listen to their 80's stuff, it makes me think of Suicidal Tendencies, who I thought were way more interesting.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #31 on: September 03, 2022, 08:16:12 PM »
Monotheist isn't something that I would ever want to listen to ever again.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2022, 08:31:34 PM »
That's a very interesting synopsis. I'd have to chew on that a bit. They just never really impressed me.  Oddly, when I listen to their 80's stuff, it makes me think of Suicidal Tendencies, who I thought were way more interesting.

For what it's worth, I didn't really care about them much myself until the past decade or so.  Something about Monotheist kept drawing me back to it, and then I started reevaluating everything else from there.  It helps that I got really into doom somewhere around then.  I still don't care for Hellhammer, but I understand their historical importance.  But Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion have grown on me over time as well.  Suicidal Tendencies seems like a vastly different thing from what I remember with their crossover side and all the funk influence, but I haven't listened to them in a really long time. 

Online wolfking

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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2022, 08:52:56 PM »
That's a very interesting synopsis. I'd have to chew on that a bit. They just never really impressed me.  Oddly, when I listen to their 80's stuff, it makes me think of Suicidal Tendencies, who I thought were way more interesting.

For what it's worth, I didn't really care about them much myself until the past decade or so.  Something about Monotheist kept drawing me back to it, and then I started reevaluating everything else from there.  It helps that I got really into doom somewhere around then.  I still don't care for Hellhammer, but I understand their historical importance.  But Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion have grown on me over time as well.  Suicidal Tendencies seems like a vastly different thing from what I remember with their crossover side and all the funk influence, but I haven't listened to them in a really long time.

Yes!  It has that effect for sure.
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Re: Your Random Musical Thoughts
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2022, 10:51:09 AM »
PLEASE watch this video of Tom G. Warrior! Its his opinion but is he wrong???? Is modern music too sterile?  I love his view. Opinions on this video please!!!

I'm glad Tom at least admitted how difficult the question is, how disillusioned he is to the modern heavy metal scene which he does say could be attributed to his age, and that he is sorry for that. And lastly, that it is his opinion and that's it and he wishes it was different. What else more could you ask of a person who is giving you there answer and opinion of the question asked. There is nothing wrong with what he said at all.

In terms of the question asked...I don't know what the interviewer specifically asked because it was cut off. But, what really intrigued me was Tom mentioning being perfect, perfection in music. And with modern technology it's easier to achieve that perfection. To him, that perfection is not the goal of Heavy Music, to him the purpose of Heavy Music is the human passion, which includes the imperfection of music. HE does say he misses this in modern production, that air between the mic and the amp, the imperfections that were there when these past bands used to record albums. This is what he misses and means by being sterile.

It would've been way better too if the interviewer were to have asked..."How do you define Heavy Music?" I say this because he mentioned Scorpion Child when considering a modern band recreating things of the past, and yeah I agree with him if you use Scorpion Child as an example.

I also noticed he used some terms such as competition, olympics, playing ten thousand notes the fastest and the most perfect, in turn, making a game out of the guitar and music. Intriguing because this is where I wondered about, "How could one turn music into a sport?" Which what he mentions is how you turn it into a competition that creates some intense perfected music in every possible way, and to him that is not Heavy Music. That is a very fascinating concept in itself and I will stop myself here from trying to talk about this more... :lol

I think with him being as old as he is, I wonder how he is consuming music. Is he out there searching youtube, spotify, or the any other platforms for music to discover newer bands? I am sure if he did, he would discover that there are many, many, bands out there that are thrashing their guitars over their marshalls like he once used to do. I would even tell him to come here to Albuquerque and see our local Metal scene, which is heavily death/black/grindcore influenced.  :biggrin:

I also have never listened to Celtic Frost. But, I also do know how much of an influence they are within Heavy Metal.

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