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Offline bosk1

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3290 on: July 26, 2019, 11:32:49 AM »
I don't disagree with you about how cool that is.  But they've actually done that quite a bit.
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3291 on: July 26, 2019, 11:59:26 AM »
I don't disagree with you about how cool that is.  But they've actually done that quite a bit.

The scene in Thor(?) just sprang to mind where they showed footage of Hulk on the news. Maybe it was Avengers, but I mean cameos of characters that otherwise have no part in the story. Just quick 30 second scenes. Again, it would really only work as news stories. Character A is watching TV and there's an update on a trial and you see Matt Murdock.  I know they've mentioned other heroes by name, but we should see them. Isn't Far From Home the first movie to actually question where the other heroes are during a major crisis? Where were they when dark elves were invading? "The vigilante Daredevil strikes again", and they show the DD in flames. Stuff like that. Or for a name drop, so and so needs a lawyer, and someone suggests "a blind lawyer in Hell's Kitchen".  I've only seen some of the MCU movies once, so maybe for those ones I've forgotten scenes like that. Before it Hawkeye perching in Thor, but now we have so many more heroes, and lot of them live in the same state. We should see you know who from that recent mid credits scene a lot more now.

Offline gzarruk

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3292 on: August 02, 2019, 08:48:06 AM »
For those who care (Adami :P), they announced a crossover episode between Runaways and Cloak & Dagger for season 3.
It sounds like, "ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk." Instead of the more pleasing kick drum sound of, "gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk."

Offline bosk1

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3293 on: August 05, 2019, 09:36:11 AM »
So...Agents of SHIELD season finale?


This was a...good finale to a good season.  There were elements that, IMO, could have made it great.  But also some missteps that I felt brought it down a bit--things that I felt did not emotionally resonate like they should have.  Then again, I have had a lot going on and may have been more distracted during viewing than normal.  But still.  A few stray comments:

-Agent May.   :omg:  "What, you didn't see that coming?"  Nope!  How could I?  I thought the "death doesn't matter here" was going to be a contrived way of having her somehow survive being run through, and it was kind of an eyeroll "stakes don't matter" moment.  I thought for sure they were going to have her somehow pull through.  Under the circumstances, purely from a plot standpoint, I'm glad she didn't.  But, man!, will she be missed!   :'( 

-Related to that...okay, the original team, if I'm not forgetting somebody, was 6 people:  Coulson, May, Fitz, Simmons, Daisy, and Ward.  Half of them are dead.  Half.  How crazy is that?  Yeah, we have an incarnation of "Coulson," sort of.  But it isn't really Coulson (although I have no doubt that next season will play with the idea of "well, what is 'real' Coulson anyway, and is this version any less 'real?'" even more than this season did).  And I guess I make a distinction with Fitz because, although one version of him died and we now, arguably, have a different version, it's still "real" Fitz.  But, again, we've lost HALF of the original team from the start of this thing!   :omg:

-Speaking of Fitz and Simmons...yeah, they NEVER catch a break.  That's well established as a "thing" in this series.  It's kinda like Spiderman/Peter Parker never really catching a break and never really getting a happy ending has been a thing in the comics, and the end of FFH delivered HUGELY on that.  But what exactly does “change the natural course of your lives forever” actually mean?  I felt like this was supposed to have been a huge gut punch moment, and it wasn't.  I guess it's hard to keep the emotional stakes so high when they have already been through so much as a couple.  But I just felt like this fell FAR flat of what it was supposed to be.  In any case, their overall storyline arc this season was, as always, deep and incredibly fun.   

-Nothing good ever comes from being in ancient temples.  Nothing.

-Piper got progressively less annoying, which is good.  But I still feel like she is unnecessary.  ...from a viewer standpoint, that is; from a team/tactical standpoint, they obviously need to replace big pieces that are removed from the board.  Luckily, even with SHIELD getting decimated so many times over past seasons, they still find ways to have enough red shirts to make the SHIELD machine go.

-Flint.  Hmm...not sure how I feel about this.  I kinda felt like this was a cheap, quick way to get to the end of the Izel/monolith arc.  I don't feel like the way the lore was set up should have supported that a person/thing created by somebody's mind(s) should be able to literally have the power to do what Flint did.  But whatever.  I guess I can suspend belief on that.  It just seems like a bit of a chore to do so.  And I think the writers sort of acknowledged that by keeping the pace so frenetic that you didn't really have time to think about it too deeply as it was going down.  But I'm not sure how I feel about him actually showing up and being around going forward.  Seems like some fan service in an area that nobody actually wanted.  I guess we'll how well his character fits in going forward. 

-Chronicoms...hmm...I liked it when I thought they were basically all a race of anthropologists.  Part of me is still trying to reject the idea of the hunter caste.  And SHIELD is the only thing that can stop them?  Well, notwithstanding the conflict between MCU film vs. MCU tv, they still both exist and purport to be in the same universe, so I kinda feel like they owe it to the viewers to come up with SOME kind of contrived explanation as to why some of the others supers aren't a legitimate "threat" to the chronicoms.  I'm just not sure of this whole chronicom storyline.  But then again, every season so far has ended up turning out to be pretty good, so I guess I shouldn't doubt.

-More Ghostrider?  Please?  I don't particularly care for the character, in general.  But I feel like they really made him work well in the AOS universe, and the Ghostrider teases they have been dropping really make me hopeful for a return.

-Gripe of the day:  Well, first, a preamble to the gripe of the day:  This applies to ALL tv shows and movies alike, so I'm NOT singling out AOS here.  Okay, with that out of the way, here is our gripe of the day:  NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE SOLVED AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND!  YES, IT CAN BUILD TENSION, BUT IT CAN ALSO COME ACROSS AS LAME AND DISINGENUOUS!  Yoyo did NOT need to have a shrike fly down her throat and be mere seconds away from shrike-zombification when Izel died.  The transformation was already underway.  Her body would have been too wrecked for her to survive.  I hate stuff like this. I really do.  And related gripe:  I hate the stupid "maybe if we kill the queen, the hive mind dies, and the overwhelming threat of innumerable drones just goes away because they all just die/deactivate" trope/plot device.  I always have.  It's stupid.  It didn't work in The Phantom Menace.  It didn't work in The Avengers and brought down an otherwise stellar film.  It almost kinda worked in Stranger Things 2 and 3.  But not really (although, for some reason, it pissed me off less).  And it didn't work here either.
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Offline Grappler

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3294 on: August 05, 2019, 06:12:14 PM »
I enjoyed it.  I dont think May is dead though.  Simmons showed up and out her in a cryo pod looking thing and made a comment that she should survive her injuries.

Offline gzarruk

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3295 on: August 05, 2019, 09:38:58 PM »
Too lazy to answer to all your points, Bosk, but I'll try to comment on most things you said. It was a short but very good season, I don't want it to go after the next season :'(

- Like Grappler said, May is going to survive. Simmons even said "she's going to be ok" and injected her with something. I really wasn't expecting any of the main characters to die if they're coming up with a big series finale next season. They're probably saving all the big casualties for next year.

- Speaking of all the main cast characters that are dead or just "gone", I hope they bring Bobbi and Hunter back for next season, they were amazing and had to write them off for a spin off show that never happened. They characters were great!

- Fitz and Simmons really deserve a happy ending for the next season :'(

- As you say, bringing Flint back was probably just a fan service move, but I think they can use him in cool ways moving forward. We'll see.

- The chronicoms arc was annoying for me as well. At first I thought they were going to solve that plotline when Fitz and Jemma managed to get back to Earth, but nope, they still appeared a few seconds every once in a while to remind the audience they still were a threat, but it just didn't work well tbh. That twist at the end was unexpected and unnecesary, it didn't have the impact it should've had because it felt so rushed. Still looking forward to next season, tho.

- Wasn't Ghost Rider confirmed for a spin off series in the next year(s)?

- I get you on the Yo Yo twist with the Shrike at the end, there was just no way she could've survived that, as the previous "shrike zombies" were all dead once they took full control of their bodies. Plot shielding (pun intended), I guess.
It sounds like, "ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk." Instead of the more pleasing kick drum sound of, "gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk."

Offline bosk1

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3296 on: August 06, 2019, 08:09:31 AM »
Oh, that's right.  We have a Maysicle.  Forgot about that.  :facepalm:
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3297 on: August 06, 2019, 10:19:59 AM »
Pro-tip: When something flies into your mouth and is trying to get down your throat, grabbing at your throat is not effective.  You have a full 2-3 seconds of the thing flapping on your face to grab it by the wings, throw it on the ground, and stomp on it.  I don't know if that would kill it, but it's better than grabbing at your throat like an idiot.

Speaking of Yo-Yo, why do they keep forgetting that she's super-fast?  There are zombies after you.  In the space of a single heartbeat, she could (1) run back to them, (2) punch them each in the face really hard with her robo-hands, (3) run back to where she was.  Repeat as necessary.  We know she can do this because we've seen her do it, multiple times.

Other than that, it was a hell of a ride.  I liked it.  Yeah, a few things that could've been done better, but overall it was quite good IMO.  Lots of fun, and set things up for next season very nicely.  "We had time."  That's gonna be interesting.

Yeah, I don't really care about the Chronicoms any more, but apparently they're the Big Bad Guys next season?  Who knows?

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3298 on: August 08, 2019, 12:08:44 PM »
The finale was OK, but I really enjoyed the season as a whole.  It was completely different and pretty batshit at times, which this show needed.

Looking forward to the final season.
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3299 on: August 08, 2019, 12:38:27 PM »
Oh yeah, the scene with Deke and his secret laboratory was hilarious.  No, it didn't make any sense, but I loved that he was developing stuff there with his crew of sycophants and was proudly showing it off while Fitz is whining about how it's all "stolen tech".  He introduces Fitz and Simmons as these people who "identify as my grandparents... just go with it, okay?"  Then he jumps out, Fitz and Simmons still aren't sure what just happened, and everyone else applauds and are like "He's so cool!"

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3300 on: August 09, 2019, 06:51:36 PM »
Bought the extended edition of Endgame...7+ hours of material  :lol :lol

Thinking of thoroughly wasting a day doing both movies back to back.

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3301 on: August 09, 2019, 08:34:29 PM »
Bought the extended edition of Endgame...7+ hours of material  :lol :lol

Thinking of thoroughly wasting a day doing both movies back to back.

Link to where you bough it?

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3302 on: August 09, 2019, 10:04:05 PM »
Bought the extended edition of Endgame...7+ hours of material  :lol :lol

Thinking of thoroughly wasting a day doing both movies back to back.

Link to where you bough it?


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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3303 on: August 10, 2019, 09:19:16 AM »
Bought the extended edition of Endgame...7+ hours of material  :lol :lol

Thinking of thoroughly wasting a day doing both movies back to back.

Link to where you bough it?


don't see it as extended

Offline Adami

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3304 on: August 10, 2019, 09:20:31 AM »
Things generally Lonestar’s presence.

Offline faizoff

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3305 on: August 10, 2019, 09:27:56 AM »
don't see it as extended

I think he was joking.
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3306 on: August 10, 2019, 09:50:00 AM »
Things generally Lonestar’s presence.


It's not a longer movie, but has 4 hours of extra material, deleted scenes, bloopers, and a full run through of the movie with the Russo's narrating. Sorry for misleading you.

Offline bosk1

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3308 on: August 14, 2019, 03:23:43 PM »
With a bit of distance now from Endgame (and it coming out now on home release), what do you guys think of Thor's total character arc up to this point?  Specifically, what do you think of where he was in Endgame?

I ask this question because of a video I saw yesterday where the vlogger was arguing that Marvel completely mishandled the end of his arc by "playing him for laughs" rather than handling his mental state with compassion.  The point was that he was suffering from depression, likely PTSD, and possibly other mental disorders, and that "playing him for laughs" is completely inconsistent with how incredibly Marvel had handled mental disorder as a major theme up to that point (see Tony's PTSD, for example). 

I disagree with that take.  I think that "playing him for laughs" kind of misses the point and makes comedy vs. compassion a false dichotomy.  I think they can both be present.  And in Thor's arc, they both were, and were handled well, IMO.  I think the fact that his mental state was handled completely differently than Tony's is, rather than being an inconsistency, a great way of showing how completely differently people can be impacted by similar events.  I also think that the way Rocket was all business and had no idea how to handle Thor with any sort of compassion (slapping him and telling him to just "snap out of it") was also a very real-world response.  Yeah, he had no idea how he should have helped Thor and the mission at that point in time.  And that's kind of the point--most people don't.  He shouldn't have any idea how to appropriately respond to an Asgardian's severe emotional trauma.  And he didn't. 

Overall, I thought Thor's arc was pretty satisfying.  There were times when he was really hard to relate to.  And yet, by the end of it all, he was easily one of the more relatable characters.
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3309 on: August 14, 2019, 06:50:03 PM »
I think what they did with Thor was appropriate for the character.

Thor has been know to be an egotistic drinker. He always finds a way to win his battles and if you see him through out the movies he’s in, he humbles down a little as time goes on. However in the last 2 movies we saw him before endgame, his father died, his weapon got destroyed, his home got destroyed, half of his people got killed and then half the universe died and he had a chances to stop that.

He did not know what to do with himself after losing the way he did. I think it’s fitting he just turned to beer and food and let himself go. And Yes there was comedy in it but I think it was tasteful and not offensive.
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3310 on: August 14, 2019, 07:52:47 PM »
There were maybe one or two jokes at his expense that were maybe a little too much, but I thought they mostly handled it well.

Offline gzarruk

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3311 on: August 14, 2019, 09:23:29 PM »
I think what they did with Thor was appropriate for the character.

Thor has been know to be an egotistic drinker. He always finds a way to win his battles and if you see him through out the movies he’s in, he humbles down a little as time goes on. However in the last 2 movies we saw him before endgame, his father died, his weapon got destroyed, his home got destroyed, half of his people got killed and then half the universe died and he had a chances to stop that.

He did not know what to do with himself after losing the way he did. I think it’s fitting he just turned to beer and food and let himself go. And Yes there was comedy in it but I think it was tasteful and not offensive.

He also found out his father hid the truth about Hela, lost an eye and Thanos killed his brother. That's A LOT to take in.

I think they handled his crisis quite well, but I don't like the future direction they're taking with the Thor franchise, as supposedly Jane Foster is going to become the "new" Thor, and now Valkyrie is the "queen" of Asgard, as opposed to Thor being the ruler, now that Odin is gone (it's that way in the comics). I feel like they got to the perfect version of Thor when he "came back" to fight Thanos at the end of Endgame, only to throw that away and make him go with the Guardians, which will be really fun, of course, but I feel like they'll steal the thunder (pun definitely intended) from each other. And all of this reminds me how I'm not too excited about Marvel Phase 4 in general :-\
It sounds like, "ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk." Instead of the more pleasing kick drum sound of, "gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk."

Offline bosk1

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3312 on: August 15, 2019, 08:13:38 AM »
Yeah, I think him losing Loki would actually be a much bigger deal than it might seem on the surface as well.  It's been pretty clear since the beginning that, despite all the really bad stuff Loki has done, Thor still loves him and has, often to his own detriment, looked for the good in Loki.  And at least as far as appearances go, it certainly looked like Loki had tried to do the right thing when he sacrificed himself at the beginning of Endgame.  Losing Loki for good (or so it appears) would have been major, on top of all the already-bad stuff.

And all of this reminds me how I'm not too excited about Marvel Phase 4 in general :-\

You know, I keep going through this cycle where I feel the same way.  And then I am inevitably reminded of a few moments in the MCU where I felt that way in the past, only to be blown away by what they did.  Guardians of the Galaxy?  Eesh.  What a misstep.  How could they possibly recover from such a bad idea?  Oh, wait, this is AWESOME!  Probably the biggest surprise in the MCU so far.  I don't think ANY fan really wanted the movie to be made.  And it ended up being one of their best.  Doctor Strange?  No interest.  Yeah, I know he's a fan favorite.  But I'm only speaking for myself.  Ended up being awesome.  Black Panther?  Same.  Even after his appearance in Civil War.  And while not "awesome," it ended up being pretty good too.  They have had some missteps along the way.  But as a whole, they've kept it interesting quite a few times when I thought they had gone off the rails in a direction I had no interest in.

On an unrelated side note, I thought of something last night, and wanted to get it in writing before I forget just in case it ends up being true.  I can't help but wonder whether in the Eternals movie, we will either see of have an allusion to Thanos being born.  Since his parents were eternals in the comics, a tie-in would not surprise me. 

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3313 on: August 15, 2019, 08:17:54 AM »
Bosk, that's an awesome idea. I would love to see them do that, to show that phases 1-3 aren't totally forgotten in the future, and that it all still has some connective tissue.

Now that phase 3 is officially done, I'm feeling a bit of Marvel fatigue, but only because we just wrapped up 10 years of anticipation and speculation. I'm taking a breather from all things Marvel until next year and by then hopefully my hype levels will be recharged, 'cause I'm still really excited for phase 4 (specifically Dr. Strange) - but it's still a long ways off.
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3314 on: August 15, 2019, 10:03:54 AM »
What I love is that some people are actually surprised and offended that they didn't just immediately reintroduce a new Avengers team or announce one in Phase 4. All the while I'm thinking..."You DO realize this was years upon years upon years in the making...right...? No? Okay".

I am much happier with the announcement that there's no mention of any Avengers this phase and the fact that they call Phase 4 a kind of "new beginnings/introductions" is fantastic and is proof that they really do care about how they develop these characters. Before they basically cash in on a massive team up movie with a big bad.

I know almost nothing about the upcoming movie's characters barring the ones already introduced but that has me more intrigued.

We just see Thanos as a baby and his first word is "inevitable".


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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3315 on: August 15, 2019, 10:34:52 AM »
I am much happier with the announcement that there's no mention of any Avengers this phase and the fact that they call Phase 4 a kind of "new beginnings/introductions" is fantastic and is proof that they really do care about how they develop these characters. Before they basically cash in on a massive team up movie with a big bad.

Yeah.  From the upcoming release schedule, it kinda feels like they are just going to let the effects of phase 3 just sit for awhile, which I think is great.  Just leave it alone and don't worry about moving forward.  Endgame was such a huge climax, and FFH was a great epilogue.  It looks like the next two films are completely leaving that story alone altogether, since Black Widow is a straight up prequel and the Eternals is supposed to take place thousands of years in the past. 

It isn't until 2021 that it looks like we will start to pick up the present-day MCU and the storylines we are more familiar with until next year.  And even then, it doesn't appear that we are just diving right in and picking up where things left off.  Shang-Chi will probably lightly touch on recent MCU events.  But there's no reason it needs to tackle anything head-on.  I think with the Ten Rings and the potential magic end of that, it is going to dove-tail more with Dr. Strange's side of the MCU, which will tie in with the 2021 Dr. Strange film.  And then I think Thor will start to gradually bring things back toward the end of that phase.

Again, I think leaving the recent events be is appropriate and feels right.  And even aside from the emotional weight of the phase 1-3 arc, I think it's smart for other practical reasons as well.  I mean, they have a 5-year time gap to account for now.  They also have other weird loose ends.  Just letting all that sit for awhile kind of allows them to sidestep a lot of that and not have to deal with it, rather than trying to tackle it and going farther down the rabbit hole of dealing with the time gap, reintegrating all the people who disappeared and are now back, etc.  If we just pick up a couple of years down the road, not as big a deal.

"The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie."

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3316 on: August 15, 2019, 11:08:07 AM »
Right, there's going to have to be probably an entire movie and/or an entire arc of a movie dedicated to explaining how things are now, how things progressed and how we rebuilt knowing that there's forces in the universe that can literally wipe the human race out. Going forward, that'll be the status quo and that's not an easy thing to establish in a franchise.

It's a bit easier to establish if you then kind of backtrack and say "Hey, well you've got the Avengers that were hard at work and maybe failed here and there, but now we have THESE GUYS".


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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3317 on: August 15, 2019, 11:20:42 AM »
Right, there's going to have to be probably an entire movie and/or an entire arc of a movie dedicated to explaining how things are now, how things progressed and how we rebuilt knowing that there's forces in the universe that can literally wipe the human race out.

I actually don't think the films will do that.  I mean, yeah, it'll always be there as a sub-theme, I think.  But I'm guessing they will handle the heavy lifting of that in the TV shows they've got planned.  I think it's easier to deal with in that format.  And with Falcon/Winter Soldier, WandaVision, and Hawkeye each scheduled to have an entire series, I think they've got plenty of room for that. 
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3318 on: August 15, 2019, 01:05:59 PM »
That makes sense too.


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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3319 on: August 16, 2019, 04:46:32 PM »
With a bit of distance now from Endgame (and it coming out now on home release), what do you guys think of Thor's total character arc up to this point?  Specifically, what do you think of where he was in Endgame?

I ask this question because of a video I saw yesterday where the vlogger was arguing that Marvel completely mishandled the end of his arc by "playing him for laughs" rather than handling his mental state with compassion.  The point was that he was suffering from depression, likely PTSD, and possibly other mental disorders, and that "playing him for laughs" is completely inconsistent with how incredibly Marvel had handled mental disorder as a major theme up to that point (see Tony's PTSD, for example). 

I disagree with that take.  I think that "playing him for laughs" kind of misses the point and makes comedy vs. compassion a false dichotomy.  I think they can both be present.  And in Thor's arc, they both were, and were handled well, IMO.  I think the fact that his mental state was handled completely differently than Tony's is, rather than being an inconsistency, a great way of showing how completely differently people can be impacted by similar events.  I also think that the way Rocket was all business and had no idea how to handle Thor with any sort of compassion (slapping him and telling him to just "snap out of it") was also a very real-world response.  Yeah, he had no idea how he should have helped Thor and the mission at that point in time.  And that's kind of the point--most people don't.  He shouldn't have any idea how to appropriately respond to an Asgardian's severe emotional trauma.  And he didn't. 

Overall, I thought Thor's arc was pretty satisfying.  There were times when he was really hard to relate to.  And yet, by the end of it all, he was easily one of the more relatable characters.

I agree with your assessment.  Thor's story was pretty tragic, but with some moments of levity (and triumph).  I think some people just find "fat people" to be inherently funny, which is kind f*cked up.

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3320 on: August 16, 2019, 05:07:55 PM »
It's partly that ("fat people are funny") but also that this is Thor specifically.  Literally a god by some definitions, when you mention his name you get this image of 100% physical perfection, a really awesome guy.  Seeing him in such a state was a huge contrast to those expectations, an unparalleled fall from grace, and for many people, the default is to laugh.  The root of humor is deviation from expectations.

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3321 on: August 17, 2019, 11:07:40 PM »
The one thing I'd like to touch on (which is related to this topic) is that the MCU succeeded 100% in capturing the spirit of comic book story telling.

I'm watching Endgame right now, and as Thor is referencing how Jane "stuck her hand" into the ether and...yada yada yada.  I can almost see myself reading a comic book and seeing an asterisk beside Thor's quote that says "See Thor #113".    Anyone remember when comics used to do that?
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3322 on: August 18, 2019, 04:37:52 AM »
Absolutely.  They still do
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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3323 on: August 19, 2019, 06:49:55 AM »
I finally saw Endgame over the weekend.  I had read the plot/spoilers the day the movie came out, but that didn't affect my enjoyment of the movie one bit.  The scope of the film is just absolutely massive and it didn't even feel like 3 hours went by as I watched it.  I definitely need to watch it a few more times, but that is just a perfect culmination of the Marvel films.

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Re: Marvel's Movie/TV Universe v2 (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3324 on: August 20, 2019, 02:35:01 PM »
What in the actual fuck?

Spider man is no longer going to be a part of the MCU.
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