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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #840 on: October 21, 2022, 10:05:56 PM »

That Dim Gray album is going to be a strong contender for my album of the year. The singer is remarkable, and definitely brings a lot of emotion to the songs. Glad you liked it, and I’d be interested to know your thoughts if you check out the full album.

Offline Lethean

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #841 on: October 21, 2022, 10:55:35 PM »
I just saw Wardruna tonight.  Einar Selvik is in Wardruna.  I was hoping that would somehow mean I'd come back to good (or I guess any) results.  And it worked! :)

Wardruna was awesome btw.

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #842 on: October 22, 2022, 10:05:11 AM »
Sacul, I imagine this is a disappointment
Can't be disappointed if I was expecting nothing to begin with :neverusethis:

But seriously, thanks for having me! I knew I wouldn't get too far so I tried while I could. Def give A Beginner's Mind a listen, wonderful album.

Online HOF

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #843 on: October 22, 2022, 02:00:08 PM »
Sent for the next round!

Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #844 on: October 22, 2022, 02:54:43 PM »
So, how do I actually feel about this atmosphere? There’s definitely a mournful aspect to it, but I don’t find it to be altogether bleak...I know some people really like a great atmosphere for its own sake in music, but while that’s something I can appreciate, I’ve found I need something more that I find interesting.

I have a growing list of stuff I should only send if I want to tank future rounds, music that is both bleak and atmosphere-focused.   :lol

Carpenter Brut is my favorite artist of the whole round (other than my own), and I'd have preferred a different set of songs, but I don't know if they'd have fared any better. 

Wardruna was awesome btw.

I've listened to a little bit of their stuff, but need to hear more.  Some artists I really love cite them as a heavy influence, so I owe it to them. 

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #845 on: October 23, 2022, 05:19:44 AM »
Aahw! At least I got second place in the last round, they almost did me well enough to advance. Thanks for having me :)
Hey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
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Offline senecadawg2

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #846 on: October 23, 2022, 12:36:51 PM »

Glad you enjoyed Myrath. It felt like a safe choice; if anything, part of me wondered whether it might be a touch too safe. I also want to shout out Sufjan Stevens's Carrie & Lowell, since you mentioned exploring him further. That album is one of my all time favorites. I really can't recommend it highly enough.

I think I know what artist I'll be sending next, but I'll hold off on sending until the rest of the results and next groups are determined.
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Offline 425

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #847 on: October 26, 2022, 10:36:35 PM »

Glad you enjoyed Myrath. It felt like a safe choice; if anything, part of me wondered whether it might be a touch too safe. I also want to shout out Sufjan Stevens's Carrie & Lowell, since you mentioned exploring him further. That album is one of my all time favorites. I really can't recommend it highly enough.

I think I know what artist I'll be sending next, but I'll hold off on sending until the rest of the results and next groups are determined.

I don't want to say there's no such thing as too safe, but I'll just say that I'm not one of those people who experiences a need to constantly expand into styles of music that are radically different from ones I know. There are a lot of names I hear about that are right in my wheelhouse, and I appreciate roulette submissions as a way of helping me identify which of those I consider worthy of investing more time.

I did listen to Carrie & Lowell once or twice when it came out. I remember thinking it was quite good but quite emotionally intense.

Sacul, I imagine this is a disappointment
Can't be disappointed if I was expecting nothing to begin with :neverusethis:

But seriously, thanks for having me! I knew I wouldn't get too far so I tried while I could. Def give A Beginner's Mind a listen, wonderful album.

You're welcome! Thanks for the recommendation!

Aahw! At least I got second place in the last round, they almost did me well enough to advance. Thanks for having me :)

You're welcome! It was such a close call.


That Dim Gray album is going to be a strong contender for my album of the year. The singer is remarkable, and definitely brings a lot of emotion to the songs. Glad you liked it, and I’d be interested to know your thoughts if you check out the full album.

I'll let you know if I end up checking it out!

Sorry Elite. :lol

 :lol This is pretty much what I was thinking writing it up!

Here are two more pools, D and E. Fingers crossed that I can do the rest tomorrow!

Pool D:

kingshmegland: Anubis - White Ashes / Homeless / Dead Trees

I think my first impression nailed how I still feel about these songs. This band is not doing anything that I point to and say “that one part or aspect was highly impressive,” but the whole picture is really, really good, and definitely greater than the sum of its parts. On all three songs, they just create a nice mood and flow nicely and cohesively from one very good part to another.

Of the three songs, my favorite is definitely Dead Trees. The “Night after night” chorus brings a nice burst of energy whenever it comes in, and I really like that melody.  And then there’s a really good buildup in the second half of the song. This is one of the top songs of the round.

This whole submission feels like it has the potential to be a massive grower. This is a band that I’m definitely interested in spending a more extended stretch of time with.

Stadler: Jellyfish - The King Is Half-Undressed / I Wanna Stay Home / He’s My Best Friend

I stand by my impression: I think the songwriting here is really good. All three of these songs are catchy, but the first two in particular also have some depth to them. I definitely enjoy both of those songs, particularly The King Is Half-Undressed. The third one has more of a tongue-in-cheek humorous vibe in both the music and lyrics. I think it carries it off pretty well, though this sort of approach is generally not my thing.

I would say I enjoyed these submissions enough to interest me in hearing more from this band. I’m not absolutely blown away, but I always enjoyed listening to them.

Vmadera00: Public Service Broadcasting - If War Should Come / Gagarin / E.V.A.

I find the concept here—prog-adjacent instrumental music with a lot of samples from radio broadcasts about historic events—completely fascinating. I like reading about and listening to podcasts about history, so this feeds into a real interest of mine.

But if it was just that, it would be an interesting novelty. Beyond the distinctive concept, I think the music is really quite good in its own right. If War Should Come has a strong buildup, Gagarin is infectiously groovy, and E.V.A. has an atmosphere that is really well-calibrated to the samples. I really like the part where the music just slows way down at the point when the spacewalk begins.

I had a great time with all of these songs. I thought the music and samples complemented each other well, and both were really interesting to me.


This is a really tough choice. I like all three submissions here at least pretty well; all would be in the top half of all entries for this round. I think, on the whole, my least favorite of the three will end up being Jellyfish. I liked all these songs, but the mood of them didn’t speak to me quite as much as the other two. The choice between Public Service Broadcasting and Anubis is really close, since I find both artists quite appealing and enjoyed all three songs from both. In the end, I think the deciding factor is that Dead Trees was my favorite song from either artist. So by a narrow margin, I’m going to give the round win to Anubis.

kingshmegland/Anubis: 3 points
Vmadera00/Public Service Broadcasting: 2 points
Stadler/Jellyfish: 1 point

kingshmegland: 9 points
Vmadera00: 5 points
Stadler: 4 points

King goes perfect on the first three rounds and advances to round 4, along with Vmadera!

Stadler is eliminated. This is a tough one for me to see, not only because it was on a really strong and really close round, but because I feel like Stadler and I see eye-to-eye on a lot of how we approach music and on what we like about some of our favorite artists (Iron Maiden and Neal Morse most notably). We just haven’t connected as well in my roulettes, for some reason or another. I still really appreciate you playing and introducing me to a wide variety of artists in these three rounds!

Pool E:

LithoJazzoSphere: Destiny Potato - Sordid Pink (Changes) / Indifferent / Lost Dream / House of Lies

So, I’m actually pretty familiar with some of David Maxim Micic’s solo stuff. I listened to Bilo 3.0 plenty of times a few years ago, thanks to really liking several of the songs on that album—mainly, Wrinkle Maze and Daydreamers. I also listened to Ego and Eco a few times each, but I never got around to the rest of his catalog or any Destiny Potato at all. That’s mainly because of my limited interest in djent and in instrumental music. I also was not particularly a fan of the vocal style one of his collaborators used at times—I’m referring to the female vocalist on Smile.

Well, years later, coming to Destiny Potato for the first time, I’m not only enjoying it, but finding more of the elements I liked from DMM and fewer of those that were less interesting to me. Here we definitely get vocal-centric songs with a pretty epic sound and a structure focused on powerful clean female vocals. This draws me to the short Sabbath cover and the first two pieces following it. House of Lies is a beautiful little song in its own right—a pretty emotional piece that starts out as a piano ballad and launches into a strong heavier section to close.

It’s pretty clear that I was wrong to sleep on Destiny Potato so long. It’s more of the side I like from an artist I previously enjoyed.

soupytwist: Twin Temple - The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It / I’m Wicked / Sex Magick

This music is certainly well done. I find it interesting in certain ways, and it’s definitely quite catchy at times. But I think it’s ultimately a miss just on considerations of personal taste alone. I mean, it’s going for something rather quirky: “Satanic doo-wop.” For those who are interested in that musical style and/or particularly like more-or-less playful presentations of Satan in music, I can imagine this being a real hit.

But those just aren’t interests of mine. I could see myself getting into the musical style itself, potentially, but it’s not a style that I feel quite goes with Satanism, personally. And Satanic elements in music are generally just uninteresting to me. The exception is the Paradise-Lost-style depiction of Satan as a complex and partly sympathetic literary character, but when it’s more about witchcraft and pentagrams and maybe being a bit provocative, I just find it kind of boring.

So, this is a sort of out-there submission, which I assume you decided to chance because the elimination for this pool is already confirmed. I found it interesting to listen to, and really well-done. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t really connect with my personal interests, and is unlikely to be something I want to come back to and listen to more of, which is definitely a significant part of judging criteria here.

I’ll also say that I’m not big on the backing vocals. There’s something that is just a little annoying to me, actually, about the “Ave Satanas” parts on Sex Magick and the “Beelzebub” parts on The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It.

Tomislav95: Rishloo - Landmines / Just a Ride

Bold move sending me a band that makes sort-of-bleak prog metal after the first two rounds of this roulette. But while I haven’t been converted into Rishloo fan, I do find this music more interesting than most prog metal in this general style or sound palette.

On Landmines, I like the dynamics, and find the “Move beyond these ordinary ways” part pretty interesting. And Just a Ride has a number of compelling vocal melodies. I can actually see myself wanting to explore this band further because they’re not oppressively dark and their songwriting is pretty interesting to me.


I feel like this one is pretty straightforward. Destiny Potato was definitely my favorite of the round, being a type of music that I enjoy and including some songs that I really connected to and liked quite well. Rishloo comes in second. It interested me and made me want to experiment with more, but didn’t connect with me on as personal a level as Destiny Potato. Twin Temple, though it was very well-done, ends up in third because it’s just not something that’s likely to be interesting to me.

LithoJazzoSphere/Destiny Potato: 3 points
Tomislav95/Rishloo: 2 points
soupytwist/Twin Temple: 1 point

LithoJazzoSphere: 8 points
soupytwist: 6 points
Tomislav95: 4 points

As we already knew, Litho and soupy will proceed to the next round, while Tomislav will be eliminated. Tomislav, sorry to see you go, but I think you did get my interest piqued with both Kingcrow and Rishloo, so I’m glad to have had you here.
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Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Results 3 and 4 of 6
« Reply #848 on: October 26, 2022, 11:16:57 PM »
Excellent.  When I saw DMM on your list but not DP, I wondered what had gone wrong.  I found your writeup for "Smile" and couldn't let that stand.  That track is definitely the most out there thing she's done (I love it personally, but can see how it's an acquired taste), but as you've now heard, Aleksandra has many more facets than just the abrasive and harrowing ones.  I'd encourage you at some point to check out her solo EP Crossroads, which David also has some involvement with, though more in the background.  It's less djenty and metallic, but has so many infectious pop hooks.  She also has a lot of guest spots with other bands and some nice covers on Youtube if you want to go even deeper down the rabbit hole.  I consider her one of the preeminent vocalists today, and the two of them one of the best musical tandems around.  Destiny Potato/Sordid Pink themselves have all kinds of fun alternate versions of songs and such if you explore around besides the two albums, or just ask me later, some of them take some digging to get to. 
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 04:40:25 AM by LithoJazzoSphere »

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #849 on: October 27, 2022, 04:01:48 AM »

soupytwist: Twin Temple - The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It / I’m Wicked / Sex Magick

This music is certainly well done. I find it interesting in certain ways, and it’s definitely quite catchy at times. But I think it’s ultimately a miss just on considerations of personal taste alone. I mean, it’s going for something rather quirky: “Satanic doo-wop.” For those who are interested in that musical style and/or particularly like more-or-less playful presentations of Satan in music, I can imagine this being a real hit.

But those just aren’t interests of mine. I could see myself getting into the musical style itself, potentially, but it’s not a style that I feel quite goes with Satanism, personally. And Satanic elements in music are generally just uninteresting to me. The exception is the Paradise-Lost-style depiction of Satan as a complex and partly sympathetic literary character, but when it’s more about witchcraft and pentagrams and maybe being a bit provocative, I just find it kind of boring.

So, this is a sort of out-there submission, which I assume you decided to chance because the elimination for this pool is already confirmed. I found it interesting to listen to, and really well-done. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t really connect with my personal interests, and is unlikely to be something I want to come back to and listen to more of, which is definitely a significant part of judging criteria here.

I’ll also say that I’m not big on the backing vocals. There’s something that is just a little annoying to me, actually, about the “Ave Satanas” parts on Sex Magick and the “Beelzebub” parts on The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It.

Pretty much.  As it was a free hit as such I wanted to send something unique.

Quick question is round two sticking to the same rules as round one? Just want to check before I send my submission.

Congrats Litho - we may meet again!

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Results 3 and 4 of 6
« Reply #850 on: October 27, 2022, 04:07:29 AM »
Bring on the final scores...

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Results 3 and 4 of 6
« Reply #851 on: October 27, 2022, 04:24:06 AM »
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Wow, he actually posted some results? For real?
« Reply #852 on: October 27, 2022, 08:36:53 AM »

Stadler is eliminated. This is a tough one for me to see, not only because it was on a really strong and really close round, but because I feel like Stadler and I see eye-to-eye on a lot of how we approach music and on what we like about some of our favorite artists (Iron Maiden and Neal Morse most notably). We just haven’t connected as well in my roulettes, for some reason or another. I still really appreciate you playing and introducing me to a wide variety of artists in these three rounds!

Wait, what???  :) Haha.

I think it's harder when we ARE so similar.  I tried to really find something that wasn't "Iron Maiden-lite" or something like that, and that runs with risk.  It's still fun!  Thanks!

And I'll be lurking to make fun of the usual suspects!  :)

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Results 3 and 4 of 6
« Reply #853 on: November 01, 2022, 08:28:00 PM »
Excellent.  When I saw DMM on your list but not DP, I wondered what had gone wrong.  I found your writeup for "Smile" and couldn't let that stand.  That track is definitely the most out there thing she's done (I love it personally, but can see how it's an acquired taste), but as you've now heard, Aleksandra has many more facets than just the abrasive and harrowing ones.  I'd encourage you at some point to check out her solo EP Crossroads, which David also has some involvement with, though more in the background.  It's less djenty and metallic, but has so many infectious pop hooks.  She also has a lot of guest spots with other bands and some nice covers on Youtube if you want to go even deeper down the rabbit hole.  I consider her one of the preeminent vocalists today, and the two of them one of the best musical tandems around.  Destiny Potato/Sordid Pink themselves have all kinds of fun alternate versions of songs and such if you explore around besides the two albums, or just ask me later, some of them take some digging to get to. 

I appreciate you calling me in on that and getting me to give them another chance. I don't remember writing about Smile anywhere, although I definitely believe I did at some point, so that's some impressive forum sleuthing!

Stadler is eliminated. This is a tough one for me to see, not only because it was on a really strong and really close round, but because I feel like Stadler and I see eye-to-eye on a lot of how we approach music and on what we like about some of our favorite artists (Iron Maiden and Neal Morse most notably). We just haven’t connected as well in my roulettes, for some reason or another. I still really appreciate you playing and introducing me to a wide variety of artists in these three rounds!

Wait, what???  :) Haha.

I think it's harder when we ARE so similar.  I tried to really find something that wasn't "Iron Maiden-lite" or something like that, and that runs with risk.  It's still fun!  Thanks!

And I'll be lurking to make fun of the usual suspects!  :)

I can see that, especially given your desire to take some risks. Always fun to have you along!

Really sorry about another delay, folks! I had plenty of time to listen but not much time to write. Here are the final writeups and the pools for round 4! I certainly intend to hold myself to a far more reasonable timeline for the next several rounds. I think it will be easier working with three groups of four rather than six groups of three.

Pool B:

ReaperKK: From Monument to Masses - A Sixth Trumpet / An Ounce of Prevention

I have a mixed history with post rock. It’s a type of music that I enjoy listening to when it’s on, but rarely find to be that memorable for me. All the post rock bands I’ve tried have been ones that I’ve enjoyed at the time, but rarely found myself returning to.

I don’t know that this will be any different, but I will say that A Sixth Trumpet is a strong instrumental song. It goes through a lot of interesting and memorable sections and has a pretty good atmosphere.

An Ounce of Prevention is a little more of a mixed bag for me, though still essentially good. There are fewer sections that stand out to me as particularly good, although there are still some strong moments. I also am really not a fan of the sample that completely interrupts the music about five minutes in. Don’t really like the message, but more importantly it just completely takes me out of the song.

twosuitsluke: Rx Bandits - In Her Drawer / Stargazer / Meow! Meow! Space Tiger

As the impression notes, this is a style that has mixed results in connecting with me. And I have to say, my first impression here was lukewarm. That said, these songs have grown on me to a pretty significant degree. Stargazer is of particular interest to me, with a pretty strong chorus and some good riffing.

I also like much of the other two songs. The chorus of In Her Drawer and the bridge section of Meow! Meow! Space Tiger are particularly noteworthy moments. Parts of these songs are still less interesting to me, but they’re pretty enjoyable on the whole.

wolfking: Vanishing Point - The Fall / Dead Elysium

This style of prog metal is a pretty comfortable sound for me, and the question of whether I come away thinking it’s decent or whether I have some more abiding interest is mainly dependent on whether I experience a strong connection with at least some of the songs. That can be just really being struck by the songwriting or vocals, or having something of an emotional connection.

The latter is what happened here with The Fall. Something about the combination of the sound and lyrics of this song connects well with me. I like the sense of commitment to struggle through adversity that this one conveys.

Dead Elysium doesn’t have the same emotional connection for me, but I think it might ultimately be the more interesting of the two from a songwriting perspective, as a somewhat proggier piece. It’s a nice complement to The Fall because it gives me the sense that this band has some interesting variety.


This is a suspenseful pool because all three participants were tied coming into this round, meaning that last place here is eliminated.

The easiest choice here was to pick Vanishing Point as my favorite submission of the round. These songs were a style I enjoy and really appealed to me as instances of that style.

Choosing second and third is more difficult. I liked both submissions, but did not fall in love with either. Both had their strong moments along with parts that were uninteresting to me. I think Stargazer pushes me to favor of Rx Bandits. That’s my favorite song of the five from these two artists. Though I like A Sixth Trumpet quite a bit as well, Stargazer has made a stronger impression on me. It’s just more memorable to me, personally, which probably comes down to my continue to have limited success with post rock. Both other Rx Bandits songs stand as solid, but not outstanding, to me. An Ounce of Prevention is one that I like most of when I put it on, but that middle sample that cuts the song in two kind of pushes me away.

wolfking/Vanishing Point: 3 points
twosuitsluke/Rx Bandits: 2 points
ReaperKK/From Monuments to Masses: 1 point

wolfking: 7 points
twosuitsluke: 6 points
ReaperKK: 5 points

Wolfking and Luke advance to Round 4. ReaperKK just misses the cut by a very close decision. Sorry to see you go, Reaper! I really enjoyed the Ola submission and thought your approach of largely sending instrumental music was pretty interesting. Thanks for playing!

Pool F:

Cyril: Glass Beach - Bedroom Community / Cold Weather / Orchids

So maybe these are not strange vocals on the Cyril scale, but I am not really a fan of them. It’s just a really rough, unrefined style that doesn’t connect with me. I think it’s both the actual performance and the way the parts are written: for my tastes, too jagged too often and with too many syllables crammed into a line for no particular reason, particularly on Bedroom Community.

The actual music has some elements I definitely like. The melody itself that repeats a few times in Bedroom Community made a good impression. I like the construction of the guitar parts under the verses in Cold Weather. And the guitar melody on Orchids has a surprisingly epic feel to it. But I think my appreciation of this is more appreciation of particular parts, not a real connection to these songs as a whole.

romdrums: Valis Ablaze - Neon Dreaming / Hollow Heart / States of Decay

This band is definitely playing around with the djent sound palette, which is hit-or-miss for me. When it’s pure djent, I generally find that uninteresting, but there are bands who do interesting things with it, making melodic and emotional music that connects with me.

Valis Ablaze falls into this category. The singer plays a crucial role in making this possible. He gives a really passionate performance singing some big melodies over the djentier parts. I think that makes the djent interesting—having these melodies soar over it, as on Hollow Heart.

The real standout song here, though, is States of Decay, because this starts as a softer piece before errupting into a second half that contains both heavier moments and ethereal-sounding ones.

TAC: Waken Eyes - Palisades / Across the Horizon

The impression almost says it all. These songs are both epic in all the ways I like. Big melodies, a lot of different sections that flow together well, lengthy instrumental/solo sections… it’s all here. This is especially noticeable throughout Palisades, which feels quite grand, but the finale of Across the Horizon is quite good in its own right.

I don’t know, I feel like I don’t have a lot to say for this one, but it checks all the boxes for me in being a strong example of a style of music that I really enjoy. I’m looking forward to spending more time with it.


This is another one that seems to fall out quite naturally from my views on the three submissions individually. Waken Eyes connected with me really well, checking pretty much every single box, and thus gets first place. Valis Ablaze also made a strong impression, but was more of a double than a home run, so it comes in second. Glass Beach, meanwhile, had its moments, but didn’t really land, so it finishes third.

TAC/Waken Eyes: 3 points
romdrums/Valis Ablze: 2 points
Cyril/Glass Beach: 1 point

TAC: 8 points
Cyril: 5 points
romdrums: 5 points

TAC advances to round 4. To decide between Cyril and romdrums, we’ll need a tiebreaker, which will be my overall ranking of their six submissions. I’d rank these as follows: CHVRCHES was my favorite submission from either contestant. I think Valis Ablaze comes in at second place, and Toto takes third. I really liked that Toto submission and was sorry I had to put it in last place in the first round. The final three are all close, but honestly Aurora has had a lot more staying power in my mind than I’d anticipated, so I’ll give it fourth place. I think I would probably choose Vylet Pony over Glass Beach because of the strength of Bonnie, but as they’re both Cyril’s submissions, which of them is in fifth and which in sixth doesn’t affect the final outcome:

1. CHVRCHES (Cyril)
2. Valis Ablaze (romdrums)
3. Toto (romdrums)
4. The Intersphere (romdrums)
5. Vylet Pony (Cyril)
6. Glass Beach (Cyril)

That’s an average score of 3 for romdrums and 4 for Cyril, which, as you probably guessed, means that romdrums takes second in Pool F and will advance to the fourth round. Cyril is eliminated. Sorry to see you go; I always enjoy having you in these and find it fascinating what you decide to send me, even if it not all of it works for me. I can understand the frustration of it being hard to predict exactly what is going to work for me; in more electronic styles of music I can really be hit or miss for reasons that might not fully make sense to more involved fans of the genres. Thanks for playing as always!

Round 4 Pools:

Now we need to set up a new set of pools for rounds 4-6. The same rules will apply—send fifteen minutes or less of music from a single artist, and you will be ranked relative to other participants in your pool. The difference is that we will have three new pools with four participants each, rather than the three participant pools we've had up to this point. This means that the top scorer of each round will receive 4 points, second place 3, third place 2, and last place 1.

The pools are going to be seeded based on each participant's total score from the first three rounds. Here are those scores for our remaining participants:

kingshmegland: 9
HOF: 8
LithoJazzoSphere: 8
TAC: 8
Lethean: 7
senecadawg2: 7
wolfking: 7
soupytwist: 6
twosuitsluke: 6
Buddyhunter1: 5
romdrums: 5
Vmadera00: 5

Trying to make these favorable to the top-scoring participant while somewhat fair, and using RNG to choose who goes where when participants have equal scores, I've come up with these new pools:

Pool X:

Pool Y:

Pool Z:

As the top scorer, king has to face off against someone who scored 7, someone who scored 6, and someone who scored 5. Those who scored 8 either have to face someone else who scored 8, along with someone who scored 6 and someone who scored 5, or two people who scored 7 and someone who scored 5. Each group contains a total first pool score of 27.

However, please remember that all scores reset to zero to begin this second set of pools! The advantage of doing well in the first set of rounds is that you get paired with opponents who did not do as well, but you don't keep your point advantage.

Looking forward to seeing what you all have to offer in this new phase!
And if spirit's a sign,
Then it's only a matter of time

Offline Crow

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Results 3 and 4 of 6
« Reply #854 on: November 01, 2022, 08:29:01 PM »
yeah, you just didn't want to listen to more bent knee, i get it  :corn

Offline 425

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #855 on: November 01, 2022, 08:31:05 PM »
I knew that was coming :lol

I'll listen to exactly one Bent Knee song of your choosing tonight. Choose wisely.
And if spirit's a sign,
Then it's only a matter of time

Offline TAC

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #856 on: November 01, 2022, 08:34:14 PM »
Nice. I'll send something by end of day tomorrow.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline ReaperKK

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #857 on: November 01, 2022, 08:47:03 PM »
Thanks for having me! I'll be following this thread closely!

Offline Crow

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #858 on: November 01, 2022, 08:50:55 PM »
i forget what songs i sent you but unfortunately, spotify has decided to do a nonexistence atm so oop

Offline Buddyhunter1

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #859 on: November 01, 2022, 09:04:54 PM »
Aaaand sent!

Offline wolfking

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #860 on: November 01, 2022, 10:14:14 PM »
Nice to see my Aussie boys getting the job done for me.  :metal
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline Crow

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #861 on: November 01, 2022, 10:17:00 PM »
425 instead of listening to my bent knee submission which you'll probably hate go check out my round 5 and 6 submissions which you'll probably like idk

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #862 on: November 02, 2022, 12:19:27 AM »
Well that was close  :|  scraped through and ended up with my homeboys for the next round.

Is it the top two that progress from this next stage? Also how long have I got to send as I haven't even thought about it yet.

Offline soupytwist

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Results 3 and 4 of 6
« Reply #863 on: November 02, 2022, 02:54:22 AM »
Pool X:

In typical Game of Thrones/House of Dragon style I'll be hailing the King(shegland) of the first round while plotting and scheming to taking him down.


Offline King Postwhore

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #864 on: November 02, 2022, 03:52:11 AM »
I'll send Tim to old man you to death.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #865 on: November 02, 2022, 05:42:15 AM »
Sent for round 4.  Time to sharpen the knives... 

425, are you still going to rank the submissions from the last round and list the top few songs? 

Pool X:

In typical Game of Thrones/House of Dragon style I'll be hailing the King(shegland) of the first round while plotting and scheming to taking him down.


Have you been paying enough attention to realize it won't have a happy ending?  ;)

Offline TAC

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #866 on: November 02, 2022, 08:01:24 AM »
I'll send Tim to old man you to death.

Yoda is my favorite character in game of thrones.

Oh, and I have sent!!!!!
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline 425

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #867 on: November 02, 2022, 09:32:31 AM »
Well that was close  :|  scraped through and ended up with my homeboys for the next round.

Is it the top two that progress from this next stage? Also how long have I got to send as I haven't even thought about it yet.

It's top two from each pool, yes! Things are getting a little tougher now that y'all have made it through the first round.

I'm not going to put a hard deadline on sending, but the sooner you do it the sooner I'll start listening to your pool and the happier they'll probably be with us, so there's that. It's not a problem with me though if it takes a couple of days.

Sent for round 4.  Time to sharpen the knives... 

425, are you still going to rank the submissions from the last round and list the top few songs? 

Yeah, I'll try to do that this evening.
And if spirit's a sign,
Then it's only a matter of time

Offline senecadawg2

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #868 on: November 02, 2022, 11:19:50 AM »
Quote from: black_floyd
Oh seneca, how you've warmed my heart this evening.

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #869 on: November 02, 2022, 12:20:22 PM »
the sooner you do it the sooner I'll start listening to your pool and the happier they'll probably be

You think I'm considering the happiness of my rivals?!?!?

Offline Lonk

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #870 on: November 03, 2022, 09:38:56 AM »
Vmadera has evolved into Lonk

Offline soupytwist

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #871 on: November 03, 2022, 09:57:47 AM »
I'm going on Holiday for a couple of weeks from the 12th and back on the 27th.   I'm I ok to send my submissions for round 5 & 6 early? 

Offline 425

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #872 on: November 03, 2022, 10:20:26 AM »
Yes, you can go ahead and send all three rounds at once, if you want. Some of us call that "doing the Cyril."
And if spirit's a sign,
Then it's only a matter of time

Offline Crow

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #873 on: November 03, 2022, 10:38:21 AM »
Yes, you can go ahead and send all three rounds at once, if you want. Some of us call that "doing the Cyril."
losing because of this is also "doing the Cyril" :neverusethis:

Offline romdrums

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Re: 425's Roulette v5: Reef in a sail at the edge of the world (All R3 results)
« Reply #874 on: November 03, 2022, 01:08:27 PM »
I'll have something sent by the weekend.  Honestly, I didn't think I'd make it out of the prelims, so kinda scrambling!
Though we live in trying times, we're the ones who have to try. -Neil Peart, 1952-2020.

There is a fundamental difference between filtered facts and firehosed opinions. -Stadler.