Author Topic: Welcome To BuddyhunterKart! (Roulette v6) - ROUND 4 COMPARISONS  (Read 8742 times)

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Re: Welcome To BuddyhunterKart! (Roulette v6) - ROUND 1 FIRST IMPRESSIONS
« Reply #210 on: May 16, 2024, 07:47:51 AM »
Electronic dice, got it.

Offline King Puppies and the Acid Guppies

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Re: Welcome To BuddyhunterKart! (Roulette v6) - ROUND 1 FIRST IMPRESSIONS
« Reply #211 on: May 16, 2024, 01:08:08 PM »
Buddy, how are you working at the items we receive in a random fashion, and the probability of hits and misses for items. My mental image is this...

Buddy plays a whole game of Cones of Dunshire to determine what item each person gets. :lol
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
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Re: Welcome To BuddyhunterKart! (Roulette v6) - ROUND 1 FIRST IMPRESSIONS
« Reply #212 on: May 16, 2024, 01:39:17 PM »
What on earth is Cones Of Dunshire? :lol
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Online twosuitsluke

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Re: Welcome To BuddyhunterKart! (Roulette v6) - ROUND 1 FIRST IMPRESSIONS
« Reply #213 on: May 16, 2024, 02:50:10 PM »
*Me in the final round...

"Tim, you're forgetting about the essence of the game..."

Online Buddyhunter1

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Re: Welcome To BuddyhunterKart! (Roulette v6) - ROUND 1 RESULTS
« Reply #214 on: May 16, 2024, 08:07:24 PM »


1st Place: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies (+15 Points)
dredg - Ode To The Sun

First Impression: Alright, this band’s been sent to me before, not expecting too much he- oh damn.

Well this was a nice surprise. I’ve heard some dredg songs in the past, and they’ve been pleasant but not particularly memorable or impactful. But as soon as the guitars came in here, I knew this was different. There’s a ton of emotion conveyed through the chord progression and vocals in the verses, and the powerful chorus compliments them quite well. The mood is bright and warm, but also unmistakably melancholy, which is one of the most beautiful combinations to me. Hits right in the feels, and the tasteful post-rock style guitars are a nice touch to the whole package. Looks like I’m overdue on checking this album out.

2nd Place: King Postwhore (+14 Points)
Quantum - Moths & Leaves

First Impression: A little spooky, a little jazzy, pretty fun.

This one starts off slow but gets better and better as it goes on. It opens with a very moody intro, with a nice creepy chord progression and some subtle organ in the background. This then breaks into a pretty fast-paced verse with a nice riff that kind of reminds me of some post-hardcore adjacent prog acts like In The Presence Of Wolves or The Mars Volta. If there’s one weakness of this song it’s probably the vocalist - he does an okay job but he doesn’t have much personality or presence. Maybe he gets to shine more on some other songs. Really though, it’s the second half of this song that’s responsible for it ranking so high. After the guitar solo there’s this sudden jazz breakdown with a horn section, which would be gimmicky on its own, but the way it swells and transitions into the following shreddy passage is just smooth as hell, and the horns add a satisfying layer to the climactic final verse. An awesome ending to a fun and not overly-derivative prog rock song - I’m liking it for sure.

3rd Place: Crow (+13 Points)
Hudson Mohawke - Bicstan

First Impression: Maybe I’m just thinking of that Reddit post too much, but this does put a smile on my face.

As wacky as this is, the appeal of it is pretty damn simple - my brain loves it when those drums and synth bass go really really fast. That main rhythm is also just janky and off-kilter enough to be simultaneously catchy and interesting. Electronic music usually fares the best for me when it’s either super atmospheric or super energetic, and this song definitely hits the latter. It kind of reminds me of the Aphex Twin songs I got in my last roulette, especially in the middle section, and in hindsight I rated one of those songs (Come To Daddy) way too low. It’s not as satisfyingly visceral as that song, or the catchiest or most energetic electronic song I’ve heard, but it does all of those things well enough and is just a really fun listen at the end of the day. Still probably wouldn’t have sex to it, though. I have no idea what to expect from the rest of the album, but I’ll definitely check it out at some point.

4th Place: LithoJazzoSphere (+12 Points)
Volkor X - This Is Our Planet Now

First Impression: Surprisingly tasty instrumentation. Goes decently hard, but will it be hard enough?

Another electronic song, and another round highlight, so I’d say we’re off to a pretty good start. It does have a lot of guitar for an electronic song though, along with some pounding drums and slap bass, which gives everything a really cool, satisfying sound (it kind of reminds me of the first Boucle Infinite EP - that's a good synthwave release with some guitar and post-rock style passages). The composition is a little repetitive, but the chorus prevents things from getting too stale, and the focus seems to be more on the great production and how the song gets more and more layered throughout its runtime. The guitar solo in the second half is the clear highlight here, and by the end of the song the sound is so layered and massive that I can’t help but enjoy myself, even if the melodies themselves aren’t super special or captivating on their own. It’s not quite as dark or intense as my favorite kinds of synthwave, but hey, if it’s good it’s good.

5th Place: lonestar (+11 Points)
Anciients - Following The Voice

First Impression: Decently blistering.

I got another song from this album (Ibex Eye) in an old roulette. It got first place in the round it was sent in, though in hindsight that was a bit too generous of me, because there’s no way in hell it’s better than the two Thank You Scientist songs I also got that round. It’s still a good song though, and I’m enjoying this one too. It’s definitely not the most unique sound out there, but it’s got a great energy to it and a driving groove. The guitar tone is nice and sharp and there are some pretty killer riffs here, especially the one that plays after the chorus and under the first part of the guitar solo. The harmonized, Iron Maiden-esque lead guitars after the solo are also super fun. The mix is a little on the muddy side and the clean vocals are maybe a bit too smooth for how gritty the instrumentation is, but neither of those things ruin the song. The more dissonant final stretch does lose me a bit though - it’s not too abrasive for me or anything, but this song mostly appeals to me for its energy and groove, and those things get mostly lost in the last couple minutes. It’s a bit of a sour end to an otherwise enjoyable song. But hey, I’ll still probably check this album out now that I’ve heard two pretty solid songs from it.

6th Place: twosuitsluke (+10 Points)
The Ongoing Concept - Amends

First Impression: The intro reminds me of Imagine Dragons. Thankfully the rest of the song does not.

Out of all the songs this round, this one’s probably the most inconsistent in that despite only being a few minutes long, it constantly flip-flops between parts that I think are fucking awesome and parts that don’t do as much for me. Some sections feel like they’re channeling a particular kind of 2010s sing-songy pop rock that I don’t really vibe with, particularly the intro and the “you will never be my lover” break towards the end. It’s funny that you guessed that your first impression was me not liking the verses but liking everything else, because it’s kind of the opposite. The parts with blaring guitars and punchy drums are easily the best parts of the song, and I definitely prefer the vocalist when he’s screaming his head off instead of singing. If all of the song were like that, it would probably be a contender for the best song of the round. Another complaint is that the production feels way too busy at certain points - the part where the screams first come in has a bunch of different layers going on at once that don’t work that well together and feel like they’re fighting each other for space, and while I appreciate the usage of horns in the song, they get pretty buried in the mix. All that being said, even though I have my criticisms, this song does have a ton of infectious energy and provides a nice, short hit of dopamine while it’s on. Hopefully this gives you enough direction on which elements to dial in on if you plan on sending more post-hardcore later on!

7th Place: Metro (+9 Points)
Coheed And Cambria - No World For Tomorrow

First Impression: Some groovy parts, but not as melodically gratifying as the equivalent songs from their previous two albums.

Another roulette, another Coheed song. To reiterate, the two songs I’m referring to in my first impression are In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3 and Welcome Home, and while I do like this song, it doesn’t quite meet or surpass the quality of those two. There’s nothing here as catchy or satisfying as that awesome “man your battle stations” refrain in In Keeping Secrets, and the more I hear from this band, the more I’m starting to think that the epic levels of grandiosity on Welcome Home were a bit of a fluke. One thing this does have over those other songs is that it’s considerably groovier - all of the musicians seem to have a lot of chemistry together, and there’s some really nice 6/8 riffs here, especially the one that kicks the song off and turns up again before the final chorus. The chorus is a bit more straightforward by comparison, and the sudden burst of gang vocals feels like it injects a bunch of energy into the song only for it to immediately go back down afterwards. I’m also not that into the slow, chuggy bit towards the end - the guitars and vocals aren’t heavy enough to do it justice and it just ends up sounding pretty limp as a result. So yeah, I thought this was decent enough, but I did make a more concerted effort to get into this band a few years ago that didn’t really bear fruit, and this song isn’t really changing my mind. They might just not be for me.

8th Place: ReaperKK (+8 Points)
Animals As Leaders - Tooth And Claw

First Impression: A band I haven't banned, but it’s hard not to be familiar with them. This certainly sounds like them, all right.

I’ve known about Animals As Leaders for a long time now; I feel like it’s pretty much impossible to ignore them if you’re a fan of progressive metal, unless you’re Tim levels of living under a rock. Hell, they opened for Dream Theater last year! So yeah, while I’ve always admired their technical proficiency, and seeing them live was pretty fun, I’ve never really dived into their albums because they just didn’t interest me that much. I’ll be honest, most guitar-focused instrumental rock/metal bores me to tears, especially if it’s a whole album of that. With that in mind, I liked this song a bit more than I expected to, though nothing about it really surprised me or caught me off guard. The performances are extremely tight and punchy, as I would expect from these guys, and the song has a decent momentum to it, switching riffs and tempos enough to not get too boring. But like most of the other music I’ve sampled from them, it’s pretty lacking in hooks or memorable ideas, and most of the ones that do stick out to me show up super early into the song - I like the harmonized guitar lick 22 seconds in and that chuggy riff 39 seconds in. Other than that, it’s pretty typical, inoffensive djentery. I like it, but I feel like the more I listen to it the more bored I’ll get of it.

9th Place: Sacul (+7 Points)
Chelsea Wolfe - House Of Self-Undoing

First Impression: This should absolutely be my jam, but I think it needs to grow on me.

Unfortunately, I think I wanted to like this song more than I ended up doing so. It’s got a cool, dark atmosphere for sure, but that seems to be where the appeal starts and ends for me. As a song, it’s just not grabbing me much. I’m assuming the main draw for most people is Chelsea’s vocals, but I’m honestly not connecting with them that much; they’re just too wispy and detached to me, and unlike on her collab album with Converge, there’s no one else for her to compliment or bounce off of. Yeah, her smoky delivery fits the mood, but it leaves me without much to latch onto, since the song is pretty simple from a compositional standpoint. There are some little details I enjoy - I like the short synth breaks with the descending notes, and the nice little guitar melody at the end of each chorus. I think I would have liked more synths here; I’m guessing other songs on this album have a larger emphasis on electronics? Either way, I’m left feeling mostly indifferent to this one. It’s certainly not bad, but it’s not something I’ll likely feel the need to come back to.

10th Place: Ariich (+6 Points)
Arcane Roots - Off The Floor

First Impression: Felt like an appetizer.

This could certainly be a case of right artist, wrong song. The instrumentation is definitely nice - it’s got an interesting mix of indie rock with some more futuristic, punchy elements that almost remind me of modern progressive metal. The problem is, I feel like I’ve only gotten a slight taste of that sound, rather than a proper introduction to it. This song’s just too damn short for how much of it is build up or ambiance. The build up and release is kind of satisfying, but it’s done too quickly - once the song finally kicks into full gear halfway through, there’s barely a little over a minute left before it’s all over. Maybe that could work if that small stretch was absolutely amazing, but it’s just not at the level to make up for the brevity for me. Maybe it works better in the context of the album, but that’s not what I’m ranking these songs by. I need more! I (don’t) have a family to feed here!

11th Place: TAC (+5 Points)
Nomy - Dark Skies

First Impression: Man I don’t like those verses. The rest of the song kind of makes up for them though.

This is a very simple song, which isn’t inherently a bad thing, but it becomes a problem when the few elements that are here don’t connect with me that much. The verses have this, for lack of a better term, butt rock attitude to them that I don’t really vibe with, the production is pretty flat, and the vocals are alright but don’t have much to them beyond a somewhat gruff but melodic delivery. The riffs are extremely simple, which can work when they’re supporting something else more interesting, but in this case it’s basically just the vocals. I will admit though, the song is certainly catchy, and the chorus has a nice bright melody to it. The key shift at the end is quite predictable but it does result in some more impassioned vocals - I think I like this guy more when he’s screaming his head off more than when he’s doing his more restrained, tough guy delivery. At the end of the day though, I usually want something more from a song than just being catchy, and I’m not really getting that here, unfortunately.

12th Place: Elite (+4 Points)
Twelve Foot Ninja - Dig For Bones

First Impression: I think I’d enjoy this group more if they used their off-kilter instrumentation throughout entire songs instead of relegating it to one-off incidental bits.

If the first impression didn’t make this clear, this is another band I’m at least somewhat familiar with. I remember watching several of their music videos from their first album and finding them quite funny and enjoyable, especially the one for Ain’t That A Bitch. I even re-did the sound effects for the scene where that guy beats up the internet troll in his bedroom for a college audio class (and got a very good grade for it). That said, I never seriously checked their music out because it just didn’t impress me that much. Their formula seems to be switching between mid-tempo, somewhat djenty alternative metal and brief sections of some other completely unrelated music style, seemingly just to be quirky or for shits and giggles. They pull off these sections decently enough that I’m left feeling like they’re wasting a ton of potential by not incorporating elements of them throughout entire songs, because man do these metal sections need something more to them than these plodding, incredibly simple riffs. I guess there’s some alright vocal melodies here - I do like the “dig for bones, lick your wounds” bit. Some of the riffs are… vaguely groovy. There’s a part that sounds like Sega Genesis music. That’s pretty much all the compliments I can muster here, unfortunately. There’s not even a music video for this one…

Newly banned artists:
- Anciients
- Animals As Leaders
- Coheed And Cambria
- dredg
- Hudson Mohawke
- Twelve Foot Ninja
- Volkor X


1: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies - 15
2: King Postwhore - 14
3: Crow - 13
4: LithoJazzoSphere -12
5: lonestar -11
6: twosuitsluke - 10
7: Metro - 9
8: ReaperKK - 8
9: Sacul - 7
10: Ariich - 6
11: TAC - 5
12: Elite - 4

I need a break, but I'll be back in an hour or so with the ROUND 2 ITEMS.

 :corn :corn :corn

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Re: Welcome To BuddyhunterKart! (Roulette v6) - ROUND 1 RESULTS
« Reply #215 on: May 16, 2024, 08:09:12 PM »
Butt rock? :lol
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline King Postwhore

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Re: Welcome To BuddyhunterKart! (Roulette v6) - ROUND 1 RESULTS
« Reply #216 on: May 16, 2024, 08:15:38 PM »
Fuck yeah!!
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Re: Welcome To BuddyhunterKart! (Roulette v6) - ROUND 1 RESULTS
« Reply #217 on: May 16, 2024, 08:18:16 PM »
Well crap, yeah the rest of the album is way more electronic, I'd give it a try at least, I personally love it.

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Online Buddyhunter1

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Alright, time for the first round of items! Remember, these were chosen randomly, so no complaining if you didn't get what you want!

King Puppies and the Acid Guppies (1st): Coin

King Postwhore (2nd): Star

Crow (3rd): Green Shell

LithoJazzoSphere (4th): Triple Mushroom

lonestar (5th): Mushroom

twosuitsluke (6th): Bob-omb

Metro (7th): Triple Green Shell

ReaperKK (8th): Triple Mushroom

Sacul (9th): Lightning

Ariich (10th): Triple Mushroom

TAC (11th): Bullet Bill

Elite (12th): Bullet Bill

Interesting. A few extremely rare pulls for certain standings. :corn And no Red Shells, surprisingly! I'm sure there will still be plenty of those in the rounds to come. Remember, private message me your item actions, and submit for Round 2! The theme for this round is heavier, intense, or chaotic songs. They don't have to be metal, if you get creative!

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But you just gave me my action item.  I have to PM you that you gave me a bullet?
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Online Buddyhunter1

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But you just gave me my action item.  I have to PM you that you gave me a bullet?

You tell me if you're going to use it (Bullet Bills only have one use action) or keep it for the next round.

Honestly for items that only have one use action and don't require a specific target I'll just assume you're going to use it, but you need to PM me your song anyways, so might as well confirm it while you're there. :P

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if you wanna know what the hudson mohawke album is like, bicstan is immediately followed up by:
1. an incredibly lush and dreamy ambient track
2. two "masterpieces" (complimentary?/derogatory?)
3. a really bright and melodic dance track that's really fun in a completely different way from bicstan

and that's just a small slice of the album. it's, uhh. something  :lol
anyways i'll send my round 2 item/song in a sec, have it picked out already but wanna give it another spin anyways 'cause. it's cool  :lol

also, fun fact: i got that aphex twin song for my most recent video and it was. fine i guess. not really my thing  :corn

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other misc. comments after reading writeups for songs i know:
yeah those coheed songs are unquestionably better  :lol i like NWFT a lot but you just namechecked two top 5 coheed tunes and i can't argue with that
idk what TYS songs you ranked below Ibex Eye but Ibex Eye is pretty great and not all TYS songs are as great as it. if it's anything from Maps or most things from Stranger Heads I'd prob agree tho, Terraformer has come to feel like a bit of a step down from those two over the years but still really good
the arcane roots album is very much better as a whole than most any of its individual tracks, half the world is fantastic though but it's. not an opener :lol off the floor is usually the one i show to normie non-metal friends bcuz it's pretty accessible and they usually end up liking it so i get the intention at least

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Glad you liked it, that whole album is very solid.

I'm gonna eat my mushroom, go trip some balls and see if it gives me some inspiration....

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Hmnnn interesting, let's see if I can find something you'll actually dig now and fits the theme ;D

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Naturally, even when ariich gets a low score, he also gets a triple mushroom :lol
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

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Dude is incapable of shitting the bed... except in my roulette lol

Online Buddyhunter1

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idk what TYS songs you ranked below Ibex Eye but Ibex Eye is pretty great and not all TYS songs are as great as it.

They were Caverns and Mr. Invisible (you sent Caverns), possibly the two best TYS songs while also being the first two I ever heard. :lol

Online Buddyhunter1

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Naturally, even when ariich gets a low score, he also gets a triple mushroom :lol

Getting one in 10th place isn't that special. What's impressive is Litho getting one in 4th place with a 3% chance to do so. :lol

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They were Caverns and Mr. Invisible (you sent Caverns), possibly the two best TYS songs while also being the first two I ever heard. :lol
yeah those two are dope :metal

Offline King Puppies and the Acid Guppies

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They were Caverns and Mr. Invisible (you sent Caverns), possibly the two best TYS songs while also being the first two I ever heard. :lol
Did I send you Mr. Invisible in your last roulette? That's usually my go to song from Thank You Scientist for sending in roulettes.

I suppose I could just look at your handy-dandy spreadsheet  :lol
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
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Online Buddyhunter1

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Did I send you Mr. Invisible in your last roulette? That's usually my go to song from Thank You Scientist for sending in roulettes.

Nah, this was all the way back in like, 2016.

Online twosuitsluke

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Sent my song and victim.

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Was debating between NWFT and Gravty's Union. Went with NWFT as it is an opening song. Oh well. This is fine. Everything is fine.

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Off to a solid start with some strong competition.  Those dredg, Chelsea Wolfe, and AAL songs are among my favorites of their's.  That Arcane Roots song was sent to me in my roulette with another of their songs and I personally preferred "Off the Floor", though it does go by too quickly. 

9th Place: Sacul (+7 Points)
Chelsea Wolfe - House Of Self-Undoing

I’m assuming the main draw for most people is Chelsea’s vocals, but I’m honestly not connecting with them that much; they’re just too wispy and detached to me, and unlike on her collab album with Converge, there’s no one else for her to compliment or bounce off of.

Chelsea's voice does tend to be pretty slathered in effects on most things other than on her debut Mistake In Parting, though it could grow on you, and she does a fair amount of collaborations, so there's more to be mined there if you get curious later. 

4th Place: LithoJazzoSphere (+12 Points)
Volkor X - This Is Our Planet Now

First Impression: Surprisingly tasty instrumentation. Goes decently hard, but will it be hard enough?

Another electronic song, and another round highlight, so I’d say we’re off to a pretty good start. It does have a lot of guitar for an electronic song though, along with some pounding drums and slap bass, which gives everything a really cool, satisfying sound (it kind of reminds me of the first Boucle Infinite EP - that's a good synthwave release with some guitar and post-rock style passages). The composition is a little repetitive, but the chorus prevents things from getting too stale, and the focus seems to be more on the great production and how the song gets more and more layered throughout its runtime. The guitar solo in the second half is the clear highlight here, and by the end of the song the sound is so layered and massive that I can’t help but enjoy myself, even if the melodies themselves aren’t super special or captivating on their own. It’s not quite as dark or intense as my favorite kinds of synthwave, but hey, if it’s good it’s good.

His work in general is pretty firmly in the more purely electronic darksynth style, with twists and turns here and there, but he does work with other non-electronic musicians from time to time.  That piece is almost a trilogy of sorts working with the same guitarist for the title tracks, listen to "This Means War" and "The Loop" for the previous and successive iterations of it for more fun. 

Getting one in 10th place isn't that special. What's impressive is Litho getting one in 4th place with a 3% chance to do so. :lol

Well, I'm bound to send something way off the mark at some point, so I'm probably gonna need it to counteract that.   :cow:   In the meantime I just have another huge target on my back.  :lol

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Naturally, even when ariich gets a low score, he also gets a triple mushroom :lol
Well, that's literally just Mario Kart mechanics. The further behind you are, the greater chance of getting good power ups.

Dude is incapable of shitting the bed... except in my roulette lol
Didn't I come 2nd in your roulette? :P Though yes very much a case of cocking up one round, but I don't know why you'd think me incapable of that as I balls things up and ruin my chances very frequently. :lol

That Arcane Roots song was sent to me in my roulette with another of their songs and I personally preferred "Off the Floor", though it does go by too quickly. 
That's not something I really recognise (other than the fact that I love the song and would have been happy with more) - I think it's a really tight and well crafted track that works especially great as an introduction/opener which was why I went with it. But, you know, TastesTM and all that.

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
I be am boner inducing.

Offline ariich

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the arcane roots album is very much better as a whole than most any of its individual tracks, half the world is fantastic though but it's. not an opener :lol off the floor is usually the one i show to normie non-metal friends bcuz it's pretty accessible and they usually end up liking it so i get the intention at least
Well on the plus side, Off the Floor did badly enough that Half the World is available for the atmospheric round. :P

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
I be am boner inducing.

Online Evermind

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Well, that's literally just Mario Kart mechanics. The further behind you are, the greater chance of getting good power ups.

Yeah, that's fair, I suspected that when Buddy said there was a higher chance for you to get that than for Litho who's in the 4th place. I've never played Mario Kart.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Offline ariich

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Yeah, that's fair, I suspected that when Buddy said there was a higher chance for you to get that than for Litho who's in the 4th place. I've never played Mario Kart.
Yeah fair enough, Buddy did explain it somewhat in the OP but while it was clear to someone who's played the games, I can see how it might have been less so if you haven't.

Anyway out with the family today but have two artists I'm considering for this round so should be able to decide and send this evening.

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
I be am boner inducing.

Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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That's not something I really recognise (other than the fact that I love the song and would have been happy with more) - I think it's a really tight and well crafted track that works especially great as an introduction/opener which was why I went with it. But, you know, TastesTM and all that.

Well on the plus side, Off the Floor did badly enough that Half the World is available for the atmospheric round. :P

Ironically, "Half the World" was the other song I was sent, and it really was a tale of two songs.  That one felt too long for what it was, I think I talked about it feeling like most of the song was just turning the volume knob up and down on the same small handful of ideas. 

How is the nested-quote function still broken?  Someone should inform a mod.  :p

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It's not broken, I think someone from the mod/administration team said this is how it's going to be moving forward. You can do it manually still if you wish to.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Too much extra work unless it's really important though. 

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"You think this is funny?!"

"In a cosmic sort of way, yes."

"Well mister funny man... is this how you get your sick kicks?"

"Whaaat, it's just an ordinary black metal ba- OH MY GOODNESS."


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"You think this is funny?!"

"In a cosmic sort of way, yes."

"Well mister funny man... is this how you get your sick kicks?"

"Whaaat, it's just an ordinary black metal ba- OH MY GOODNESS."

Let me respond with this

Ugh, first of all there are no Nazi/National Socialist lyrics on that album, it's all Ukrainian Folklore. Second, the only reason someone (and remember anyone on RYM can just throw that tag up there) put that there was because of a liner note on an unofficial release of the album.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar