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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 WEIRDPARISONS!
« Reply #1295 on: June 30, 2023, 03:07:11 PM »
Round 6 Results
Round 1 Playlist

Luke: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard – Han-Tyumi and the Murder of the Universe

Right, this sure is a swing and a miss, innit? Really funny how the two longest songs of the entire roulette are the two lowest-scoring songs as well. And the only two I’ve had to call early because I just, cannot, sit through this one more than three times, my dude. It’s just…

Okay, well, I’m not sure it was wise to send a song with so much… non-song, to it. Of the six tracks here, only two of them feel like… proper songs. The intro is, well, the intro, tracks 3 & 4 are basically an interlude, and track 6… well, it has more “song” to it but it’s basically just a long, rambly outro.

Which is, one of the big things. I don’t like spoken word. I don’t like “guys just going on” as a major facet to my music. It’s annoying and it always feels disconnected from the actual, like, music going on underneath it – if there is any to begin with. And then having that, but it’s text-to-speech and not even an actual dude talking… it’s unpleasant :lol

SPEAKING OF UNPLEASANT. Yeah, uhh, the more I read the lyrics to this the less I wish I had, ‘cause this kind of gross-out stuff just, does NOT do it for me. The puking and heaving sounds are especially unwarranted. I am very viscerally uncomfortable just listening to this. I will never like content like this and there’s no use trying to get me to like it.

I uhh. Some of the music is kinda neat? I’m not inherently opposed to King Gizzard’s sound, even if it’s not super my thing, it’s still generally fun enough? I’ve listened to Nonagon Infinity and Polygondwanaland before (and Infest the Rat’s Nest but not by choice, that one sucked :lol).

The music being decent is basically the only reason it’s getting as high of a score as it is, if you can believe, but if you’re gonna send me six tracks, the longest submission so far, and I’d only ever choose to listen to maaaaybe one of them ever again… yeah, this is a hell of a misstep, sorry :lol


Vmadera: Sufi's Life – Love Vibration

It feels like in every round so far, I’ve gotten that one song that serves the purpose of being a nice interlude from the chaos surrounding it – yes, even the heavy round had one, hello Floex – and how I feel about that song is kinda colored by how I feel about the rest of the round. Unfortunate for Sufi’s Life, this round was just, hella strong and interesting which makes this, weirdly, kinda normal song not really stand out?

Like, it’s really pleasant, vibes for miles, but it’s surprisingly… ignorable? It’s very background music-y. Like, play this under a tropical vacation scam commercial and it’d fit right in, right? It’s got a cool groove that’s melodically and rhythmically interesting but it’s got basically nothing but that one groove. Maybe tiny flourishes on top of it but that’s… it.

It’s chill and smooth and all that but there’s just… nothing here, no substance beyond the vibes. Which, if it were 4 or 5 minutes long then, maybe, fine, I wouldn’t be too bothered by it, but this is 8 whole minutes, one of the longer tunes this round! I don’t dislike it, it’s still borderline good just because of how damn good it does sound, but it got a bit tiresome for me the more I listened to it.


Faizoff: Faith No More – Mouth to Mouth

Okay, I wanna start out by saying that I don’t really have any grudge against Mike Patton, that impression was mostly a joke, I do like… one Faith No More song (Epic) a good bit and Mr. Bungle are fine, not for me, but. Nah, mostly I just don’t, really, like Patton’s voice. That’s just straight up personal taste and there’s not much to be done about it! And yeah, he’s not great on the verses here but on the hook he’s, fine?

This song also definitely benefitted from being the song I listened to right after Han-Tyumi on my second and third listens, because going from… that, to a pretty normal if not exceptional gruff guy butt rock song is like going from eating burnt toast to eating delicious chocolate cake. Real grass is greener situation here.

The song isn’t really, that weird besides that one little lick that plays throughout, but Patton’s always gonna make things just that little bit weirder by his presence alone. And the hook is fun, the riffs are fun, it’s all… rock solid without ever being overbearing… I’ll say this. I liked it more than I expected to, yeah!

And it’s waaaaay better than the first thing you sent me :lol


HOF: Talking Heads – This Must Be the Place (Naïve Melody)

Talking Heads have always been that “weird group who makes weird pop/rock tunes” to me, which is probably colored most by Psycho Killer and Once in a Lifetime, both of which are… very unhinged songs. And I’ve also gotten the sense that they blew their entire load with the latter or made some kind of deal with the devil to make one of the coolest weird pop smashes of all time because god is that song an earworm.

This isn’t as hook-y as Once in a Lifetime, but it’s also… not as weird? It’s funny that this and the Journey song are in the same round because while that’s a weird swing for a very normal band, this is a shockingly normal song from an incredibly weird band. And maybe that’s for the best! I’m more into it than most everything else I’ve heard from them, so.

It’s also surprisingly… cute? Just a quaint little love song about being in love with the one you love. Very straightforward melodies, the chirpy flute throughout is kinda charming, it’s just, good vibes all around. I still wouldn’t say it’s a sound I’m ever gonna go for, but, I dunno, enjoyed this one a lot more than I was expecting to.


Stadler: Alice Cooper – Fields of Regret

Speaking of coincidences, it’s funny that two different people sent “early installment weirdness” from two big-name classic rock bands this round. This one’s definitely the “weirder” one, though they’re both equally weird in terms of the bands who made them, but… and this is, I think, the oldest song I’ve been sent in this roulette so far? Maybe the oldest song I’ve been sent in any roulette, I dunno.

But yeah, uhh, it’s really friggin’ obvious that a madman like Zappa worked on this because you get this already kinda off-kilter verse/chorus pattern and then the song just, spends several minutes having an absolute psychedelic freakout, chaotic guitars going all over the place and just making a ton of noise. It’s a fun kind of weird.

Of course, psychedelia is always a bit of a hard sell for me as I’m, not, a drug user, at all, so I’m not nearly tripped out enough to get maximum enjoyment out of this, and it’s definitely a bit dry emotionally – yes, even for this round of all things – but it’s still a really fun listen and I do love me some weird guitars so, yeah, I have a good time with this one.


Buddy: betcover!! – Mother Ship

Out of every song this round, I feel like this is the one I’ve “gotten” the least, in that I’m… still not quite sure what to make of it. It starts out as kinda just a jazzy piano pop tune, then it gets more rock as it goes on – maybe not J-Rock, though I do still kiiiind of hear it melodically in some places – but it’s a bit of a slow burn of a song, all things considered.

And then it just, suddenly, gets really unhinged out of nowhere. Chunky riffs, abrasive piano hits, guitar scraping sounds… it’s a weird little moment that’s over as soon as it starts and then it’s back to the grind, boys! I wish that kind of moment was more dominant throughout ‘cause like, it’s what catches my interest more than any of the smoother stuff here!

I dunno, I’m kinda just… stumped, with this one, the same way I was with Eisley last round. It’s obviously, y’know, good, but there’s not a ton to say about it, and it’s not particularly strong in any way, either? Just a pleasant listen with like, one or two weird spots.


Tomi: Moron Police – Steve Jobs is Dead, But I'm Not

I want it on record that I made the Mr. Bungle x Primus comparison before I was sent an actual Faith No More song. Which this is better than. But I stand by that comparison because I hear the Patton-isms all over this. In the riffs, in the guitar noodling, even in the vocals. It’s definitely closer to the former than the latter though, yeah.

And you’re probably gonna be a little mad at how low this is compared to the other Moron Police song here, but… this is, cool, but it’s just… well, I mean, I’m not wild for Patton-isms, as I’ve probably already made clear :lol I also think the vocal mixing is just, flat awful – why even bother having vocals or a hook when you can hardly hear them – but, ehh.

Like, don’t get me wrong, this is cool as hell and there’s some really cool moments – the out-of-nowhere banjo breakdown, the cleaner, anthemic bits in the middle that slam into the last chorus – that’s some good payoff, man, and it lets the melodies actually shine – and there’s so many hard swerves to keep you on your toes throughout without ever feeling incohesive, it’s just… the pure sound itself is keeping me back from loving it more, but it’s quite good!


Lonestar: Tardigrade Inferno – Hypnosis

Y’know, barring the Journey song that is basically cheating, this is probably the least weird song here, in the arbitrary way that I define weird. Only other song in the conversation is Sufi’s Life, which… maybe, maybe. Both of them kind of have the same issue for me where, like… the sound on its surface is unusual and intriguing, but there’s not much under the hood – this song basically doesn’t change at all under its runtime.

Also, the Haken comparison I made before isn’t quite right, this is actually a lot closer to the herky jerky vibe of Devin Townsend’s Juular. Just, you know, with evil clown organ instead of weird cartoony chanting. Which I know makes it sound weird, but like I said – it doesn’t take wild swings with that sound, it is kinda just what it is. And it’s fun the whole way through, so!

Like, the vocals have a lot of sass and bite to them, the riffs are pretty cool and sharp, it establishes a solid groove, it’s all around a good song and definitely up my alley in terms of sound, it’s just… a bit unsurprising, ironically enough? I expect this to go all Unexpect on me and it just, never does. It’s just, a cool prog metal tune with one weird element sprinkled on top.


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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 WEIRDPARISONS!
« Reply #1296 on: June 30, 2023, 03:07:45 PM »
Reaper: Junebug & Ben Babbitt – Too Late To Love You

I’m gonna rant about Kentucky Route Zero for a moment because I hated that game :lol It’s, like… you know that “small fiction” twitter account and/or format? It’s, that, for an entire game. A ton of writing with no actual plot, an “experience” with no core to it, an air of pretention that thinks it’s so much smarter and artsier than it actually is… could not stand it. The music, though, was pretty good!

Granted, I mostly remember the folksy Americana side of the OST more than… this weird, ambient pop tune, and looking up where this plays in-game… ohhh, THAT scene. The really tedious one where there’s literally nothing else actually going on and the song has to carry the entire scene by itself, which it simply isn’t good or interesting enough to do so. Which is a shame because it is a disservice to what is, at its core, a pretty cool pop song?

I mean, it’s a bit long for what it is, even still, but the eerie atmosphere, the almost alien vocals, and the sharp, crystalline synths blend together to create, some kind of otherworldly experience, there’s a vibe to it I can really appreciate and some strong melodies that keep it stuck in my head… maybe the whole thing’s a bit too washed out in reverb but, ehh, I still dig it on the whole. Grew on me the more I listened to it, honestly.

…doesn’t excuse the game from sucking, though.


Litho: Akercocke – Shelter From the Sand

We’ve got a very “tale of two halves” type of song going on here, because the first half is… basically exactly what I expected from this band. Dissonant, ugly death metal that’s very riff driven, paired with strained and kinda creepy vocals. Not that distinct from the Voices album I do know, but maybe a bit more… fast-paced than it? It’s at least a pretty good take on that sound, I like it fine enough.

And then near the 5 minute mark… weird stuff starts happening. An out of nowhere almost folksy bit, a complete breakdown for an emotional, piano-driven moment, and then the song comes back after that with a moodier, way more prog metal feel than before? It’s like the entire song unfolds from that point onwards, there’s a lot more dimension to it than I’d expect.

If the song was just that back half it’d probably be scoring a half point higher, I feel like I’m averaging out a 7 and an 8 here more than anything, but I also concede that the back half wouldn’t be as cool or climactic if it didn’t have a whole five minutes of ugly to break away from, and I do still like the harsher parts of this a good bit on their own, anyways, so. Yeah, cool tune!


TAC: Pin Up Went Down – Nearly Dead Bat Make-Up

So apparently this is some kind of tribute song to KISS? I think? Which is very funny, considering it sounds like… this. Like, wow, this is all over the place. Kinda like if that Reliqa song was on overdrive and also not beholden to lame 2010’s metalcore tropes – no, it’s lame 00’s metalcore tropes instead! (complimentary)

Also like Fjokra in the sense that it’s a ton of, stuff, going on all the time – metalcore riffing, weird groovy guitars, creepy child voices, just, utter chaos all around – though this one doesn’t have that one realty memorable part that makes it stick in my brain (and it is also just, lamer overall), but it’s still a really good time, so, y’know.

It’s the kind of song that makes a really strong first impression and the more you listen to it, the less… overwhelming, it gets, but that doesn’t preclude it from still being, like, pretty dang cool. I do still think the lameness is… a bit overbearing, though not as much with Reliqa and it’s just, good to rock along to even besides its unhinged moments. I dunno, it’s just fun!


Puppies: Grimes – My Name is Dark - Art Mix

See, I thought Grimes was like… one of those artsy pop girls, or even hyperpop… not, uhh, making what I can only describe as an avant-garde Linkin Park song. It’s not even really that avant-garde, it’s actually one of the more straightforward songs here besides the vocals, honestly… and the screaming :lol But, it’s definitely unusual.

Also, it gets the runner up for catchiest song this round, mostly for “the boys are such a bore, the girls are such a bore”. Killer melody right there, even delivered in a chipmunk voice, man. Really, the pitched-up vocals almost sound… ominous, here. Layered and reverbed, pushed to the back in the grimy (hah) chorus, and yet despite all that a really strong emerges for just a moment there.

I dunno if the lyrics do much for me, admittedly, or if I really feel this on an emotional level, but… it’s kinda just a jam, y’know? The guitars gradually getting louder and buzzier as it goes on is a cool touch, too. Not… a ton to say about this one, it’s just… cool, man.


Seneca: Journey – Of a Lifetime

I’ve already alluded to this song in two other write-ups this round, so here it finally is. Cheating incarnate. Yes, this is definitely weird compared to literally every other Journey song I’ve ever heard but it’s also, uhh… a Pink Floyd-y song that Journey just so happened to make. There’s probably a better comparison point but I’m not inundated with 70’s prog rock so I wouldn’t know it, whatever.

I think that to some extent the natural advantage of “good song from famous band” is cancelled out by it being by a good margin the least “weird” and subsequently “interesting” song here, but like… god, is it a good song, man. That repeated guitar lead that has so many little variations, the constant gradual swell of the organs, the restrained but effective drumming… it’s all just, mmm, the good stuff.

I mean, it does take a bit to get to the good good parts towards the end, and it’s not as instantly compelling as some of the other tunes here, but like… frick man, who am I to deny a good build and payoff, especially when it sounds this damn good? The full band really comes in, the drums pick up the pace, those guitars start soaring, and I just pop the hell off, because how could I not? You win the biggest asterisk of the entire roulette with this one.


Dacul: Clarence Clarity – Those Who Can't, Cheat

This one threw me for a hell of a loop on first listen because, like, I can’t say I’ve ever heard anything quite like it. Glitchy pop that’s also kind of funk, and kind of R&B, and kind of electronic? And then there’s that one, like, Arabic part randomly? It’s… a lot to take in and very offputting in its quirkiness.

Also, it’s secretly the most sinister earworm of this entire set, goddamn is this thing catchy! Goddamn is the groove strong as hell, I just wanna jam along to it the entire way through, man. It’s also interesting to put in perspective with the other Clarence Clarity tune here ‘cause, like, this one’s a lot more straightforward and accessible but they both have a lot in common in terms of sound, and also the way the build.

That’s the other big thing that makes this work, there is this constant build – in a lot of subtle ways, the synths roaring louder with each successive chorus, the bass groove getting thicker, more layers of vocals coming in, even a guitar poking its head in there, it’s kind of overstimulating by the end but in a really exhilarating way. Frankly I’m worried I’m underrating this one even now, this is DEFINITELY gonna be the first album I check out after the roulette if these two songs are any indication.


Ariich: Clarence Clarity – Will to Believe

I actually dunno which of the two Clarence Clarity songs I prefer here ‘cause they’re weird and offputting in similar ways, but like… this one is even moreso. The entire, like, first minute and a half is abrasive, percussive, and utterly tuneless, and even the groove is off-kilter and kinda seasick, it’s not… something I tend to go for and it sure does take its time going somewhere.

And then it just blossoms into, like, this glorious, triumphant chorus that it just keeps building and building upon and beating into the ground for the rest of its runtime and it’s… strangely beautiful, in a way the other one isn’t? I can jam along to the other one, but it doesn’t make me… feel in the same way as this one, y’know?

And then the absurd noise breakdown happens and that’s what really pushes it over the top for me. It’s just completely out of nowhere, interrupts the build of the song, and is generally terrible. I love it :lol It’s weird because this takes a bit to get going, but then it’s easily the best song of the round when it gets there… and build and payoff is a thing I love, so… I dunno, call me back after I’ve spun this album another dozen times, I might have a more concrete answer then.


King: Moron Police – Captain Awkward

Aight so I’ve really been sleeping on this band, huh? Like, the other song didn’t really convince me, but it didn’t need to because this one was carrying all the weight just fine on its own. Like, from the very beginning, a super slick, jazzy organ line that busts straight into what I can only call one of the best anime opening themes I’ve ever heard. Like talk about getting you hyped the hell up.

And the song doesn’t ever really cool off from there, the frantic and unhinged verses, the strong chorus, the synth instrumental breakdown, it’s full of twists and turns and I love it. The only real miss for me is the weird slowdown in the middle, but on the other hand, they build off that momentary interruption of momentum so well that I barely care, the entire fight to get back to the energy from before is absolutely worth it.

This one hits that nice balance of “cool tune” and “damn there’s a lot going on here” that makes it work really damn well, and even if the lyrics are a bit… abstract, I dunno, I don’t really care? I’m still gonna have a hell of a good time with it regardless, so. Feel weird calling it the “best” song of the round ‘cause I find the two Clarence Clarity songs more interesting, but this one’s just… more colorful, more complete, more exhilarating, more fun! It’s just, excellent, man :lol


Ariich – 47
Tomislav – 45.5
Puppies – 45
King – 44
Seneca – 44
TAC – 44
Litho – 43.5
Buddy – 41.5
Stadler – 41.5
Vmadera – 41.5
Dacul – 41
HOF – 41
Lonestar – 41
Reaper – 40.5
Faizoff – 40
Luke – 39

Yeah, think I’m confident calling this the best round so far :lol

Round 7 is the 2023 round! Refer to this post for all banned 2023 albums, anything else that’s not already banned is otherwise fair game!

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1297 on: June 30, 2023, 03:21:10 PM »
Congrats, Luke! :metal

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1298 on: June 30, 2023, 03:22:44 PM »
Pretty sure this is my favourite write-up you've ever given me. :lol All the reactions are exactly what I get from it - the fact that it's so bonkers and yet somehow not too bonkers, held together with those great hooks, is exactly why I think he's so great.

This bit in particular:
And then the absurd noise breakdown happens and that’s what really pushes it over the top for me. It’s just completely out of nowhere, interrupts the build of the song, and is generally terrible. I love it :lol
Genuinely made me laugh out loud, and it's past 10pm here and there was a genuine risk I'd wake up one or both of my kids. :rollin

Anyway glad it was just the right amount of weird for you.

Also glad you liked the round-winning Moron Police song so much, even if it means I can't get a similar score in the final round. :P I really do think you'll like that album, and the EP they did after it. The earlier stuff is more comical and Patton-esque, and Boat on the Sea was such a gear shift but it's a wonderful album.

Anyway you have my replacements for rounds 7 and 8. :corn

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1299 on: June 30, 2023, 03:28:25 PM »
I just re-submitted for this round as well. Sticking with my final round song, though!

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1300 on: June 30, 2023, 03:33:01 PM »
I had to listen to those two Clarence Clarity songs again and yeah I think from now on every time I get to the noise breakdown I'm going to crack up. :lol

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1301 on: June 30, 2023, 03:33:59 PM »
Hell yeah, that album is certainly pretty out there yet sooo catchy and groovy at the same time. I didn't realize ariich had sent a song from there as well - I had some tracks ready for his roulette :lol

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1302 on: June 30, 2023, 03:35:49 PM »
Fair assessment, it's funny I got all hooked on the initially, but their sound really doesn't vary much across their discography. Hoping for some changes in their upcoming album. The singer is really fun, and they have hands down the best name and merch, so I'll stick with them.

You already got my 2023 submission.

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1303 on: June 30, 2023, 03:38:39 PM »
I totally understand why my boy Han-tyumi gets a coveted 4/10 (although I predicted 2/10) but I followed the theme and sent some of the weirdest shit I know. You may have surprised Pikachu face to learn I legitimately love The Han-tyumi and the Murder of the Universe Suite. Yes it’s weird as fuck, and yes it’s more cyborg narration than song, but the way it ties so much of the Gizzverse together, it transcends being just a song.

I personally find immense pleasure in quoting Han-tyumi, and over the last year I have listened to this album many, many times. It’s just peak Gizz to me, especially when experiencing it as the culmination of three very different narrative based proggy suites.

I only really fell for this album upon realising it draws a lot of their albums together and sucks you in to their world. Now every time I listen, it’s more of a journey into the mind of the band. I am a part of their world, whilst also trying to understand it and predict where it will go next. One the things I absolutely love about this band is that they are a full experience. To love the band is to embrace the music, the visual media, the fanbase, the ethos, the universe, the weirdo swarm, the goofy/cheesy nature. All of it basically.

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1304 on: June 30, 2023, 03:40:46 PM »
Shocked Alice Cooper did as well as it did.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1305 on: June 30, 2023, 03:43:21 PM »
Hey, glad you liked that one a little better than I expected! It's super catchy, and yeah less weird than most Talking Heads, but still an oddball type of song. That album is like 50% catchy and 50% too weird to listen to much.

Gonna see if I can get another 7 for round 7!

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1306 on: June 30, 2023, 03:45:52 PM »
Hell yeah, that album is certainly pretty out there yet sooo catchy and groovy at the same time. I didn't realize ariich had sent a song from there as well - I had some tracks ready for his roulette :lol

Yeah Train sent me a few songs in the first round of my v6 roulette, including both of the ones we sent. :lol Got an 8.9!

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1307 on: June 30, 2023, 03:50:22 PM »

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1308 on: June 30, 2023, 03:56:24 PM »
You're gonna find that same dichotomy in the rest of their music as well, some is very heavily-slanted towards the death metal end, and some leans way more into the proggish metal side, and the rest mixes and/or alternates them in various ways.  Give the title track to that album a listen sometime, it's my favorite song of theirs and a tad more on the prog side, even in the death parts.  I initially thought about sending it instead, but well, you were looking for weird, and the epic is definitely a bit weirder. 

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1309 on: June 30, 2023, 03:59:22 PM »
You may have surprised Pikachu face to learn I legitimately love The Han-tyumi and the Murder of the Universe Suite.
oh no it's totally luke-core and makes perfect sense coming from you, just
luke-core does not appear to be my thing  :lol

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1310 on: June 30, 2023, 04:08:35 PM »
You may have surprised Pikachu face to learn I legitimately love The Han-tyumi and the Murder of the Universe Suite.
oh no it's totally luke-core and makes perfect sense coming from you, just
luke-core does not appear to be my thing  :lol
Yea, and I was never under any illusions that this would be a Crow thing. If anything I hoped it would draw you into the lore of the band, but not via the actual music.

I guess from here on out I should lean into being bottom of all roulettes!

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1311 on: June 30, 2023, 04:12:26 PM »
the story of this song makes me wanna stay the hell away from king gizzard lore if it's anything at all like this one, so i fear you may have achieved the opposite effect  :lol

Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1312 on: June 30, 2023, 04:13:26 PM »
I dunno about you guys but really negative write-ups are the easiest and most fun to write for me. :lol Haven't had to do them very often, though.

Gah, they are not fun at all for me.  Interesting, yes, but I really hate disappointing people with low scores.   :(   Especially if it's a favorite band of theirs.   :sadpanda:   I have to balance writing strongly enough to convey what I don't like and would rather not receive more of, while not making enemies out of anyone, since we have to continue to be in the roulette together, or I might be also in their roulette, or could be in one in the next few months/years. 

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1313 on: June 30, 2023, 04:19:35 PM »
I dunno about you guys but really negative write-ups are the easiest and most fun to write for me. :lol Haven't had to do them very often, though.

Gah, they are not fun at all for me.  Interesting, yes, but I really hate disappointing people with low scores.   :(   Especially if it's a favorite band of theirs.   :sadpanda:   I have to balance writing strongly enough to convey what I don't like and would rather not receive more of, while not making enemies out of anyone, since we have to continue to be in the roulette together, or I might be also in their roulette, or could be in one in the next few months/years.

If I have to rake a submission over the coals, I try and not make it overtly negative, but I try and keep it at least in jest, even if I'm serious.

I've been going through my roulettes to log the submissions, and it's given me a few laughs reading some of the writeups. I've gotten some shee-ite over the years. :lol
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline King Postwhore

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1314 on: June 30, 2023, 04:24:05 PM »
Oh hell yeah!!!  That album crow is that good.  I listened to this song a million times. It was so addictive.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1315 on: June 30, 2023, 04:24:34 PM »
I can only speak for myself, but I have absolutely no problems with a roulette host telling me they hated my submission. I mean, it literally just happened. It’s par for the course. I’d never hold it against anyone.

Except Litho

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1316 on: June 30, 2023, 06:27:00 PM »
Lol, I'm glad the music scored better than what the game would've scored. I'll have my 2023 submission in tomorrow!

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1317 on: June 30, 2023, 06:38:34 PM »
I only really fell for this album upon realising it draws a lot of their albums together and sucks you in to their world. Now every time I listen, it’s more of a journey into the mind of the band. I am a part of their world, whilst also trying to understand it and predict where it will go next. One the things I absolutely love about this band is that they are a full experience. To love the band is to embrace the music, the visual media, the fanbase, the ethos, the universe, the weirdo swarm, the goofy/cheesy nature. All of it basically.

I think they just make some good music sometimes. :rollin

That said while I understand it may not be everyone's thing I find the incredibly detailed and explicit depiction of the universe being destroyed by vomit fucking hilarious.

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1318 on: June 30, 2023, 07:20:05 PM »
I only really fell for this album upon realising it draws a lot of their albums together and sucks you in to their world. Now every time I listen, it’s more of a journey into the mind of the band. I am a part of their world, whilst also trying to understand it and predict where it will go next. One the things I absolutely love about this band is that they are a full experience. To love the band is to embrace the music, the visual media, the fanbase, the ethos, the universe, the weirdo swarm, the goofy/cheesy nature. All of it basically.

I think they just make some good music sometimes. :rollin

That said while I understand it may not be everyone's thing I find the incredibly detailed and explicit depiction of the universe being destroyed by vomit fucking hilarious.

Musically, I actually liked the robot voice spoken word. It was really cool. I mean, lyrically it was nonsense.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline senecadawg2

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 WEIRDPARISONS!
« Reply #1319 on: July 01, 2023, 10:33:06 AM »
Seneca: Journey – Of a Lifetime

You win the biggest asterisk of the entire roulette with this one.

I love it.
Quote from: black_floyd
Oh seneca, how you've warmed my heart this evening.

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1320 on: July 01, 2023, 03:42:59 PM »

Offline TAC

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1321 on: July 01, 2023, 03:44:13 PM »
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1322 on: July 01, 2023, 03:55:43 PM »
Don’t get too excited, I’m prepared to resend…

But, I’m also planning to send for Litho shortly  :tup

Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1323 on: July 01, 2023, 03:59:21 PM »
I've hired a bomb squad to check out the package first.   :laugh:

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1324 on: July 01, 2023, 04:02:30 PM »
I've hired a bomb squad to check out the package first.   :laugh:
Presumably if it's more King Gizzard, a controlled explosion will be required.

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
I be am boner inducing.

Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1325 on: July 01, 2023, 04:11:26 PM »
This was also live footage of me heading over to listen to the playlist last round.

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1326 on: July 01, 2023, 04:26:19 PM »
This was also live footage of me heading over to listen to the playlist last round.

You bloody loved it

Offline Crow

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1327 on: July 01, 2023, 04:57:40 PM »
luke does not have to resend, no

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1328 on: July 01, 2023, 05:06:37 PM »
Looks like I’m going to keep disappointing people.

Offline King Postwhore

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Re: Crow's Overdue Roulette v8 - ROUND 6 RESULTS!
« Reply #1329 on: July 01, 2023, 05:12:54 PM »
I've hired a bomb squad to check out the package first.   :laugh:

I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC