Author Topic: Sucal's daul roulette v6 - POST-ROULETTE UPDATE FOR R1!!!!!!  (Read 23575 times)

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - SOON (FOR REAL)!!!!1!
« Reply #455 on: January 01, 2024, 11:32:36 AM »
That's great to hear.  Dunno if you've changed your mind about the status of the roulette as a whole, but you could always keep going a round at a time as you're up for it.  Most of us aren't really going anywhere. 

Offline Sacul

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - SOON (FOR REAL)!!!!1!
« Reply #456 on: January 01, 2024, 12:34:37 PM »
Public Service Broadcasting - People Will Always Need Coal
First impression: Quite an interesting take on the subject matter

Always glad to see interesting takes on the themes! The spoken samples do drive the song forward, but I also love the synths and the strings here, they create a very immersive atmosphere. I like how cinematic it all feels, quite a journey, with calmer sections, and a climatic ending. Great tune.


Public Service Broadcasting - All Out
First impression: Lots of energy here, I like it

A more intense track, I love the contrast with the previous one, this being darker and harsher, but also with great dynamics. Excellent use of samples again, fitting very well and the instrumentation responding to what's being said just works. I'm bummed it ends quite abruptly but I guess it makes more sense in the context of the album.


Jane Remover - kodak moment
First impression: Very cool and interesting sound, but it's a bit too chaotic at times for me

This is the sort of contemporary sound that I dig a lot - lots of cool effects and electronic sounds, with some pianos mixed in. Maybe the vocals are a bit too processed for my liking, but they work quite well here. The middle section gets quite intense, but its grown on me over time, as I've come to better understand its flow. The little piano section that appears after that is lovely, kinda reminds me of the Omori OST.
So, although this song has no real structure to it, and it probably makes a lot more sense in the album context it comes from, I still enjoyed it a lot and kinda wished it was a little longer.


Vylet Pony - The Carrion Child
First impression: Quite better than what I'd have expected

I had heard of this album by some friends, but due to the Pony thing, I hadn't thought much of it. Well, what the hell is even this :lol. Chiptune-ish metal uhhh dubstep something? I don't really care, it's pretty good! It does have a great balance between quiet and loud moments and the singer is great. Love those synths too. Again, I feel this is too short, it ends when it was getting started! But, what was done was great.


Magdalena Bay - Dreamcatching
First impression: Different from what I was sent last time

Crow had sent me Chaeri, and I liked that song, but not enough to consider exploring this album further - it was a good pop tune, just not memorable enough for me. This one I like a bit more, has more of a unique sound and many different elements going on. Love the synths here, and the sense of progress throughout the track, it doesn't feel static, if that makes any sense. Took a bit to grow on me, but in the end, good choice, puppers.


CHVRCHES - Nightmares
First impression: Quite catchy, but maybe a bit too much

I'm familiar with the CHVRCHES roulette staples, but haven't explored more of their catalogue. This one sounds a bit different, with a intriguing production and many cool sounds. I like it quite a bit, but the thing that kinda bothers me is the chorus - it's too catchy and kinda repetitive, she sings "again" a bit too many times for my taste, but still works somehow.


Banco del Mutuo Soccorso - Non mi rompete
First impression: This is a scene I quite need to delve into it seems

Italian prog had always seemed cool from the outside, but I never delved into it back when I was a little proghead. Now that I'm sort of back in that, but a little wiser, I was curious about this entry. Quite an ingenious use of the theme, that's the reason why I've made them so open ended. So, song is quite lovely, and although I don't understand the lyrics (I trust you on their meaning), they sing lovely melodies. I like how it slowly adds intensity, and even a synth near the end. Very nice song, goes into my playlist now.


Janis Ian - Stars
First impression: Simple and heartfelt

This one I can understand what she's singing, and damn, what depressing lyrics :lol. I love the minimal instrumentation, just guitar and her voice, pouring lots of emotion in a very subtle way - reminds me of Beth Gibbons on her only solo album, Out of Season (it's on my top 10!). Although it's 7 minutes long, it doesn't feel like so, and although at times I felt maybe a mellotron or some subtle vocal harmonies could have been included, I don't really feel this track needs it.


First impression: Quite chill and atmospheric, I like it

At first I was quite reminded of the Portal 2 OST, and seeing this person make music for the Hotline Miami games doesn't surprise me at all. Love the synths here, vocals are pretty cool too. I like how it sort of builds up and adds more layers as it goes. Not much else to say, i quite enjoyed this and am looking forward to hearing what little else this person made.


KNOWER - Nightmare
First impression: Reminds me of PS1 video game music for racing games

This is, on the one hand, very interesting in how it's produced - sort of a minimalist approach, with no sound being too prominent on the mix, and even being a little quiet. On the other hand, it's a fun song, with cool tempo changes and quirky melodies. Drumming reminds me of the drum & bass music usually present in many PS1 games, even the synths too at times, they have that 90s vibe I love. The song is fairly simple in structure, maybe a bit repetitive for my taste tho, but it sort of works for the style they're going for. Kind of hard to rate this one, but...


Loathe - Is it Really You?
First impression: Not that memorable on a first listen at least

I quite like those synths and the atmosphere they're going for. Then the guitars kick in and I begin to see some of the parallels with Deftones, but there's just enough of their own sound to not sound like a copycat. The heavier parts with the computer voice are interesting, and gives this an interesting flavor. The chorus is probably the least memorable part of the tune for me tho, it's not as interesting or emotionally engaging as I was hoping for, but still enjoyable.


Loathe - I Let it in and it Took Everything...
First impression: I think I see the comparisons here

Those guitars at the beginning are pretty intriguing, such a cool tone they have. Then the rest of the band kicks in, and that super distorted part grabs me. I'm kinda reminded of Diamond Eyes at times here, but definitely more aggressive. It also becomes quite atmospheric but never losing that heaviness, almost drifting into djent sounds. I like the calmer parts too, I think they work better than in the other song. What I'd love to see is a bit more emotion on the vocals, more expressiveness, they feel a bit generic at times imo. But, all in all, pretty cool song.


Unidentified Flying Project - There Is A Dream
First impression: I swear that synth sample is also used on a Silent Hill game

At first I thought of Bark Psychosis, with the piano and the drums and that nice bass. I like how atmospheric and chill this song is, and that sax is a cool addition. I'm sort of reminded of IQ here and there too. A fairly simple but effective tune, it's always nice to hear some HOF-core.
And yeah that synth sample that appears at the beginning of the song and throughout it, it also appears on a Silent Hill game, I think the second one.


The Clientele - No Dreams Last Night
First impression: Not too different from what I had heard by them, but still nice

I remember the other song you sent me from these guys, it had a strong Beatles influence. This one doesn't, at least not that heavily, but the male singer reminds me of Bob Dylan for some reason. So, lovely little song, with some nice vocal harmonies, I kinda wished it was a bit longer and had more variation to it, but as it is, it's nice.


Cloakroom - Seedless Star
First impression: I like the heavy parts, the mellower ones not as much

This feels like a mix of Stoner and Shoegaze, which immediately has my attention. That guitar tone is great, and the atmosphere it creates on the heavy parts I dig. It's the mellower sections that are just alright, they sort of remind me of Slowdive but not as interesting. The interplay between both sections is nice and works well, but feels a bit too predictable to me. I like it better when it combines both tho. The section at the ending is interesting too, I like that piano that follows the main melody. Just wished it had been integrated into the rest of the track instead.


Editors - Munich
First impression: Kinda reminds me of some stuff I've been jamming

I was quite reminded of Él mató a un Policía Motorizado, seems these guys could have been a big influence on them. So, great song here, with very catchy melodies, great drumming, and lovely ethereal guitars. Not much more to say, I quite enjoyed this short track.


Shadow Ninja 2.0
Sleep Party People - Floating Blood Of Mine
First impression: Given the album cover, I kinda expected something a lot more derivative

Although it's probably not the most original Dream Pop song ever written, it's very well written and executed. I like the subtle synths, and the guitars during the chorus are very nice. Vocals are nicely layered and work quite well. The use of spoken samples is intriguing, and surprisingly fitting. Yeah this has grown quite a bit on me lately, it's just a lovely tune.


Heilung - Svanrand
First impression: This sort of dark Folk music is more miss than hit with me

Hmnnn yeah I've always struggled with this kind of uuhhh Northen European Folk? I know some people who are big fans of this stuff, and while the sound is cool, even with a bit of a modern flavor within, it's the songwriting that's just too boring to me. It's fairly repetitive, and kinda hypnotic, but not much else really. I just feel this goes nowhere interesting.


Yes - Wondrous Stories
First impression: Quite another facet of them I wasn't familiar with, I think

I'm not super familiar with Yes in general, I think I've only listened to Close to the Edge and Fragile long ago. And I got another song in the last round, which was fun and pop. This seems to be in between, with a very lush and layered atmosphere. It's a very simple track in structure, and does what it does quite well, but I'm not sure it's winning me over. Maybe it's just too British for me :P


Lorn - Dead Dogs
First impression: Given the name and album cover, I expected something else

Based on the cover alone, I kept expecting some absolutely brvtal blast beats and riffs to melt my face down and... I got some cool electronic music instead. It kinda reminds me of Floex, with the beats and the vocal harmonies going on. It's an interesting track, though it feels more like a part of a larger listening experience than an individual song. Still it's got an interesting sound that I enjoyed.


Fleetwood Mac - Dreams
First impression: Hmnnnn interesting I guess

Ok so this is from that famous album everybody has on vinyl for some reason, interesting. Not sure how the rest of the record sounds like, but this is a nice little song. Simple drumming and vocals that become layered as it goes, and simple structure too. I like it, maybe not enough to add it to my playlist as it feels kinda uneventful to me, but it's neat anyway.


The Doors - The Ghost Song
First impression: A tad different to what I remember by them

I dont recall much how the other The Doors songs I've listened to sound like, but they were probably different to this. Interesting to have this guy just talking above the rest of the band playing, and then... it kinda ends? And the guy comes back to thank the Lord after some silence. Uuhhh yeah not sure what that's all about :lol. It's a fine tune, kinda ended when it was getting interesting.


Michael Kelsey - Daydreamer
First impression: A bit different than last time

A full rock band rather than a guitar jamming on his guitar, cool. For some reason this felt like a late 90s effort rather than something from 2007. And I'm not sure how I feel about it, I've listened to it quite a bit, and I kinda struggle to find any memorable melodies, maybe because they're kinda dissonant. At least the song is fairly short.


Bellevue, Lola - Dreamy Haze
First impression: Quite chill and relaxing, if uneventful

Very relaxing and moody song, I wouldn't mind listening to an album like this if I were trying real hard to focus on studying or something that requires strong mental effort. As for actually listening to it, well... it's a finely produced tune, but I feel it only serves well as background music. I love the artwork tho.


Evanescence - Imaginary (synthesis)
First impression: Quite different from what I know them for

I only know them for their meme song, and never really cared to delve deeper into their work. So, this was quite an intriguing proposition, and something a bit unexpected - electronic, symphonic stuff with just her singing. Hmnnn I'll admit it's an interesting idea, and the execution is good, but the electronics don't feel particularly original, even for its time. The orchestra is great tho, and her singing is fine too. I dunno, it's a nice song, but I'm not connecting with it that much.


Caligula’s Horse - Firelight
First impression: I've never been a big fan of these guys

The mid 2010s were when I sort of began to expand out and dipped out of prog metal, right when this stuff was beginning to pop up. And I don't feel my opinion has changed much - this is just ok alt rock disguised as prog rock, with very unmemorable melodies and quite predictable passages. All of which just seems the opposite of "progressive" to me. I don't have much to say, I'm just not interested in that sort of style.


Sungazer - Drunk 
First impression: Music for other musicians to gush over

I think Buddy sent me one of their songs in a previous roulette and I feel this is no different - lots of interesting sounds, and the songwriting is intricate, but it feels impenetrable to me. Like, it's more of an appreciation piece for accomplished musicians than a song to listen to by regular people like me. Not that such things shouldn't exist, I'm just not the target audience here. This song is less offensive in that regard than the other one, but I also feel it... kinda goes nowhere. Surely it fits the drunk theme, but I'm just... kinda bored.


MonoNeon - I’m a Raggedy Bitch, but my Heart is Amazing
First impression: Not so sure what to make of it

Fairly short tune, it's got a nice vibe going on, I like the bass a lot, but as soon as it gets going, it just... ends? I guess this would fit better as an interlude in a themed EP or maybe it makes more sense in its original context, but I'm left wanting more tbh.


Seven Spires - Dreamchaser
First impression: I guess this must be great if you're a fan of the genre

Oh man, I'm sorry, I didn't clarify enough that Symphonic Metal bores me, and even mixing it up with Black Metal doesn't help either. I'm not a fan of cheese at all, and these melodies have it sprinkled all over them. I appreciate the mix between harsh and more melodic sections, but these aren't appealing to me. And the guitar solo is just ok. Overall it feels quite formulaic, and since I'm not a fan of these genres, I'm afraid this is more of a miss than a hit.


The Prize Fighter Inferno - Elm Street Loverboy
First impression: Kind of an interesting sound, but the songwriting... not so much

This has grown on me a bit I'll admit, I quite like the synths going on, but the lyrics are a bit hmnnnn and the melodies do remind me of Pop Punk for some reason. Dunno, it just feels very "'murican alt rock from the early 2010s'", a sound that I just don't vibe with as a South American I guess. It's a fine song, but just that. At least Claudio doesn't sound awful here.


twosuitsluke   16.25
Buddyhunter1   15.75
King Puppies and the Acid Guppies   15.75
Shadow Ninja 2.0   15.25
HOF   15.25
Indiscipline   15.25
ariich   15.25
Crow   15
Lizzo   13.75
romdrums   13.5
Elite   13.25
ReaperKK   13.25
faizoff   13.25
Vmadera00   12.25
soupytwist   11.75

Offline Sacul

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - SOON (FOR REAL)!!!!1!
« Reply #457 on: January 01, 2024, 12:36:10 PM »
That's great to hear.  Dunno if you've changed your mind about the status of the roulette as a whole, but you could always keep going a round at a time as you're up for it.  Most of us aren't really going anywhere.
I'll think about it, but the only way I could see this moving forward would be with some eliminations on each round from now on - I just can't handle this amount of music and having to write 30 things every time exhausts me.

Offline Buddyhunter1

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - SOON (FOR REAL)!!!!1!
« Reply #458 on: January 01, 2024, 12:43:37 PM »
That's great to hear.  Dunno if you've changed your mind about the status of the roulette as a whole, but you could always keep going a round at a time as you're up for it.  Most of us aren't really going anywhere.
I'll think about it, but the only way I could see this moving forward would be with some eliminations on each round from now on - I just can't handle this amount of music and having to write 30 things every time exhausts me.

Eliminate the bottom 12 and have Luke, Puppies and I duke it out for the rest of the roulette. :biggrin:

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #459 on: January 01, 2024, 12:48:20 PM »
Ha, first time the term “HOF-core” has been written here I’d guess. I’ve made it.

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - SOON (FOR REAL)!!!!1!
« Reply #460 on: January 01, 2024, 12:53:08 PM »
I just can't handle this amount of music and having to write 30 things every time exhausts me.
yeah 30 songs a round is insane, i could barely handle 16 in my own roulette  :lol

carrion child kinda ends where it does bcuz the next song is an 8-minute follow-up/climax of the entire album, but idk i've always liked this one more anyways  :lol
dead middle of the pack now, as it should be, woo

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #461 on: January 01, 2024, 12:55:11 PM »
Glad you liked the tunes and gladder you're in better spirits!

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #462 on: January 01, 2024, 12:55:30 PM »
You could also cut it down to just one song for the rest of the rounds.

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #463 on: January 01, 2024, 12:57:24 PM »
Or I could take the win now?

Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #464 on: January 01, 2024, 01:01:11 PM »
Or I could take the win now?

The longer it goes on the more you'll be tempted to send Gizz...

Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #465 on: January 01, 2024, 01:08:11 PM »
Cloakroom - Seedless Star...It's the mellower sections that are just alright, they sort of remind me of Slowdive but not as interesting.

Slowdive's best stuff is a high standard to beat, so I'll take that faint damnation as mild praise. 

The section at the ending is interesting too, I like that piano that follows the main melody. Just wished it had been integrated into the rest of the track instead.

I view it as a chilled coda recapping it.  I guess you could have put it in the middle, but it might have ruined the flow. 

Editors - Munich...I was quite reminded of Él mató a un Policía Motorizado, seems these guys could have been a big influence on them.

Hmm, I'll have to look into them.  Without hearing them my first suspicion is that they're more likely influenced by earlier and/or bigger post-punk/revival bands like Joy Division or Interpol, though I prefer the way Editors executes that sound. 

Interesting, I was moving up in the rankings, and one of my entries for next round was one I had slightly more confidence in than anything else so far.  I might send send it to you anyway even if you don't keep going with the roulette.  Or maybe just play it next time we're both in 
« Last Edit: January 01, 2024, 01:14:32 PM by LithoJazzoSphere »

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #466 on: January 01, 2024, 02:57:11 PM »
I'm glad Loathe kinda scratched an inch and glad you're doing a little better dude. I'm honestly happy with whatever you decide to do with the roulette, even if you just shelve it.

Take care of yourself first and foremost.

Offline Sacul

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #467 on: January 02, 2024, 04:52:43 PM »
I've been thinking about it and the only way I'd continue with this roulette is by eliminating the bottom 2 rankings after every round - doing so, the last round would end up with just the overall top 3 players. It'd apply right now tho, so Vmad and soupy would be the first to go sadly, as I don't think I can handle another 30 songs at once :sad:

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #468 on: January 02, 2024, 04:58:28 PM »
I've been thinking about it and the only way I'd continue with this roulette is by eliminating the bottom 2 rankings after every round - doing so, the last round would end up with just the overall top 3 players. It'd apply right now tho, so Vmad and soupy would be the first to go sadly, as I don't think I can handle another 30 songs at once :sad:

I'd be okay with this. I was gonna say TAC could volunteer to be eliminated so he doesn't have to play in an elimination roulette, but he was ahead of the curve this time. :neverusethis:

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #469 on: January 02, 2024, 05:25:12 PM »
I would say don't force it if you don't think you can continue. But I'm also perfectly fine being eliminated/bowing out, clearly I have no chance  :lol
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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #470 on: January 02, 2024, 06:14:42 PM »
I'm fine with getting dropped as well, this dtf countdown will take up some of my time as well as work. :)

Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #471 on: January 02, 2024, 06:41:16 PM »
Wait, there's a new DTF countdown?

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #472 on: January 02, 2024, 06:51:18 PM »
DT side, counting down the top 100 DT songs: here

We are past the submission date but if you want I can pm you the master song list if you think you can send me a list by Jan 4.

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #473 on: January 02, 2024, 06:59:33 PM »
Oh, I almost never look DT-side.  I knew about that one, but thought it was already over/didn't realize you were the one running it.  That makes sense then.  It would take me way too long to make a satisfactory list, so I'm sitting it out.  Honestly I'm less familiar with the Mangini albums than most here anyway, so I feel I wouldn't be giving those a fair shake even if I did make a list. 

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #474 on: January 02, 2024, 07:32:07 PM »
No worries! If you change your mind shoot me a pm

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #475 on: January 04, 2024, 01:46:18 AM »
Cool, really glad you liked both songs so much! They're an interesting band for sure, and that album has a particular emotional resonance.

I would say only keep the roulette going on whatever basis, if any, you'll be able to get enjoyment out the experience. I'm of course very happy to keep playing, but also no issue at all if you want to end it here or cull most of us.

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #476 on: January 04, 2024, 05:14:57 AM »
Glad you are in a better place.  As for this roulette, as I'm in last place I'll take myself out of it if you wish to continue with a smaller roster.

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #477 on: January 05, 2024, 09:00:25 AM »
Ok, thanks for your input everyone, I have decided to carry on with the roulette, with a reduced amount of players. So, Vmad and soupy, thanks for playing! I know this has been a short and somewhat frustrating roulette for you but maybe next time we'll match up better :smiley:

As for the rest, send me your submissions for round 3! :metal

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #478 on: January 05, 2024, 09:10:05 AM »
You should already have mine.

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #479 on: January 05, 2024, 10:39:19 AM »

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #480 on: January 05, 2024, 10:57:49 AM »
excited to get cut soon  :corn

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #481 on: January 05, 2024, 11:26:07 AM »
Ooh, give me a few hours and I can get my original playlist I sent you in order.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #482 on: January 05, 2024, 12:35:18 PM »
Already sent :corn

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #483 on: January 05, 2024, 01:09:15 PM »
Round 3 sent.

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - ROUND 2 RESULTS OMG I DID IT!!!!1!
« Reply #484 on: January 05, 2024, 01:21:57 PM »
Ok, thanks for your input everyone, I have decided to carry on with the roulette, with a reduced amount of players. So, Vmad and soupy, thanks for playing! I know this has been a short and somewhat frustrating roulette for you but maybe next time we'll match up better :smiley:

As for the rest, send me your submissions for round 3! :metal

No problem.  I'll keep a watching brief from the sidelines.

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #485 on: January 05, 2024, 01:51:05 PM »
I've got my playlist in order for Round 3, just ignore the other stuff on there for now  :P
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
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Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #486 on: January 05, 2024, 02:15:01 PM »
Let me get off the bus and I'll send.

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #487 on: January 05, 2024, 03:16:14 PM »

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
I be am boner inducing.

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #488 on: January 07, 2024, 05:30:10 PM »
Just missing on 3 entries now :corn

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Re: Sacul's dual roulette v6 - THE SPIRIT CARRIES ON - SEND FOR ROUND 3!!!!1!
« Reply #489 on: January 08, 2024, 05:39:51 AM »
Sorry one is me, will send ASAP.