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Offline JustJen

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #175 on: July 05, 2020, 06:46:25 PM »
The one way aisles at stores are kind of a joke. Even the employees don't follow them at my local grocery store.

The signs say "SHOP THIS WAY" not "WORK THIS WAY". There's a reason for that.
  ~ a.k.a. VFS in a past life :vfs:

Offline lordxizor

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #176 on: July 06, 2020, 09:48:21 AM »
The one way aisles at stores are kind of a joke. Even the employees don't follow them at my local grocery store.

The signs say "SHOP THIS WAY" not "WORK THIS WAY". There's a reason for that.
If the idea is to keep people distant from each other, the employees should follow it too.

Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #177 on: July 06, 2020, 09:51:18 AM »
There, that's a novel. Fuck you, COVID-19. Also, fuck cancer.

So sorry to read all of that. Must be horrible to have all those things piling up on one another. I wish you to get out nicely of this horrible 2020 and that everything fixable will be fixed, as hard as it might be!
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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #178 on: July 06, 2020, 01:32:29 PM »
Thanks guys. It's nice to vent with you all.

And people wear their fucking masks with their nose hanging out.

I really don't need to say more. I won't debate this. People who get it, get it, and those who don't, I don't care to hear from, simple as that really.
I'm so sorry that this is happening. I have believed since March that the sooner we learn to all wear masks in closed spaces, the better. It's July, we've had months of lockdowns, some countries more strict than others, inability to move freely, inability to socialize, to go back to work, if we had done that we would have been almost out of the thick of it, but I have a feeling that the thick of it has just begun. Either we're gonna do it properly, or we're gonna suffer and watch people die for months upon months with basically every country's health system crashing and burning right in front of our very eyes. That sounds very pessimistic when you consider the sheer number of absolute cretins out there who hear the word "mask" and start making excuses.

The heat is terrible here in the summer, and even without a mask it's hard to breathe and stay comfortable, but it would be harder to breathe if I got the mother fucking rony. The median salary in Serbia is under 300 dollars/month, so masks are kind of expensive for the average house budget. I consider them as essential as food, toilet paper and pads/tampons right now, and there has to be enough money left for them. If I can do it, so can someone in fucking New York.

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #179 on: July 07, 2020, 08:58:21 PM »
Oh no, I'm so sorry for your loss Mora.  What a terrible experience.  All I can say is to keep your chin up and power through, this will only make you stronger. 

Jen, I'm sorry for what you are going through as well.  Fuck cancer. I hope you are able to power through this as well.

The world is just so damn depressing right now, it's hard to look for positives but it's all we can do.

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #180 on: July 08, 2020, 04:45:47 AM »
The one way aisles at stores are kind of a joke. Even the employees don't follow them at my local grocery store.

The signs say "SHOP THIS WAY" not "WORK THIS WAY". There's a reason for that.
If the idea is to keep people distant from each other, the employees should follow it too.

Well, that's part of it. However the executive order in NY states to wear masks anytime one is in public, particularly when unable to keep six feet distance from one another. Walmart itself mandates all customers and employees wear masks at all times [since we often realistically cannot keep six feet distance from one another].

 Our announcements on the radio specifically state that this rule is to "make it easier for our employees to do enhanced cleaning" etc, which is exactly right - we are not open 24 hours anymore and most of our stores never will be again - that's a shift we've been pushing for in corporate apparently for some time - and overnight people are not stocking anymore, they're disinfecting. So we have to stock during the day while people shop, and when they go both ways then our stockers taking up one "lane" in each aisle turns into people thinking we are "blocking half the aisle" when in fact if they follow the directions and shop single file, we have our required space to stock the items that they are there to get.

Unfortunately so many people are acting so entitled to ignore our requests and instructions that they've made it oftentimes impossible for our stock people to do their job for large chunks of time, becuase htey have to just stand off to the side and wait for people to randomly wander through. Often the customers will try to squeeze into small spaces and then glare at employees who are only there through this because we need a paycheck because we didn't have jobs when this all started that would get us unemployment that is literally more than twice our paycheck each week, which is what these people are in there spending on big screen TVs,  video games, and junk food from doors-open to doors-close.

Which is fine - that's a bigger MyShare payout we'll get each quarter as employees (Walmart is the best company I've ever worked for - we get quarterly bonuses based on company sales/stocks; we get quarterly bonuses on top of that just because of Covid - not big ones but any extra $150/$250 I find in a paycheck is welcome; we get the "$1 per day degree program" where walmart picks up the rest of the college cost; we get the "free microsoft certifications" for people who want to eventually go into the software/coding side of the company -- al things I'll be taking advantage of/am taking advantage of). But if they could do it WHILE following instructions so we can get more products on the shelves for their buying needs, that'd be great, mkay

People who are concerned about contracting covid-19 at walmart are strongly encouraged to use our online grocery pickup service or the online grocery ordering plus delivery service. That is my job - e-commerce fulfillment in the grocery section. You can stay in your car, not roll down your window at all, just pop your trunk and we do the rest. But if you CHOOSE to come inside, then please follow the rules and directions and help us to help you to have the essentials you require.

thanks, we appreciate you!

(I didn't have a job until med-april. I joined at the height of the pandemic in my own county, during a time when our store had employees testing positive. We hired an entire second staff as temps, because nearly everyone was out on either mandated quarantine, or optional leave of absence. I'm thankful for the job, but as a person with two autoimmune disorders among other things, I would be even more thankful if people would stop acting entited to ignore directional markers and just care a bit more about their fellow humans.

all that said, most of us do follow the one-ways even though they're not for us. The stock guys really can't. Those pallets can't be taken around that many tight corners, they really require a straight-shot down main aisles as much as possible. But since I can take the corners, I do. thanks for the discussion.)
« Last Edit: July 08, 2020, 04:54:41 AM by JustJen »
  ~ a.k.a. VFS in a past life :vfs:

Offline lordxizor

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #181 on: July 08, 2020, 07:06:54 AM »
Thanks for sharing, it's nice to get that perspective. I was referring more to employees who are not stocking anything or doing anything other than just walking across the store. I regularly see them go the wrong way when they could go one aisle over and go the right way. It's hard to take it seriously when they clearly don't. that said, I try, but I often forget since I'm not looking at the floor when I'm shopping.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2020, 07:18:52 AM by lordxizor »

Offline Orbert

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #182 on: July 08, 2020, 07:34:17 AM »
John contacted us last night to announce that he's ending the band.  The best fucking band I've ever been in has lost a guitarist and a singer to COVID-19, and we'd managed to cobble together a band with some alternates, but last night our drummer announced that he won't be attending practices for the few gigs we have.  Playing in a cover band isn't worth his life.  I don't blame him.  I don't blame our singer for not choosing to risk her life, I sure as hell don't blame our guitarist for catching the fucking virus, and I don't blame John for deciding that this just isn't worth it any more.

I just checked.  I started this thread three months ago, to the day.  Almost to the minute I got the text from John.  Funny how that works.

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #183 on: July 08, 2020, 07:48:26 AM »
Orbert, I've come to really "enjoy" (not the right word) your story and your updates.  I only wish that my work travel brought me closer to your geography, so I could have supported you more tangibly.   In any event, I'm sorry for that, and hold out some hope that there are silver linings to your current dark clouds. 

It's just me, though, and I can't imagine from all I've read that John will let this sit for long.  There WILL be opportunity again for gigging bands (I actually think that the demand will be high at first; attracting people to bars), and maybe you can be a part of that.

Online cramx3

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #184 on: July 08, 2020, 08:09:57 AM »
That sucks Orbert, but you are right that a cover band just isn't worth risking life if people feel that way.  Having said that, live finds a way and I wouldn't be surprised to see you in a new band or reformed same band in some time when things start to go back to normal.

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #185 on: July 08, 2020, 09:39:56 AM »
I hope to eventually get back into the game someday.  Right now, the whole world feels like it's half on hold, and the other half is just fucked up anyway.

Also, the prospect of building another band from the ground up is not attractive at all, and it's just worse because of the current climate.  Eventually, one way or another, our species will achieve herd immunity.  Either they develop a vaccine and enough people take it, or people die in huge numbers and the world looks like it does in post-apocalyptic sci-fi movies.  So many of those movies are set in the future, after some disease has wiped out most of mankind.  I just never thought I'd live to see it.  And I hope to live through it.

Offline Lethean

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #186 on: July 08, 2020, 10:03:15 AM »
Mora, so sorry for your loss.  I hope you make it home soon.

Orbert, maybe you guys can reform once things get back to normal.  It might be quite a while, but it could be something for you each to look forward to.

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #187 on: July 08, 2020, 10:11:16 AM »
I hope to eventually get back into the game someday.  Right now, the whole world feels like it's half on hold, and the other half is just fucked up anyway.

Also, the prospect of building another band from the ground up is not attractive at all, and it's just worse because of the current climate.  Eventually, one way or another, our species will achieve herd immunity.  Either they develop a vaccine and enough people take it, or people die in huge numbers and the world looks like it does in post-apocalyptic sci-fi movies.  So many of those movies are set in the future, after some disease has wiped out most of mankind.  I just never thought I'd live to see it.  And I hope to live through it.

If that is going to happen, I don't think it will be from covid19.  But yea, things will be different and tough to restart, but I got to imagine, people will want to restart things once this pandemic comes to an end.

Offline Orbert

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #188 on: July 08, 2020, 11:14:30 AM »
I just got off the phone with John.  It seems that our singers (one regular, one alt) and lead guitarist (alt, who is married to our regular singer) don't want this to end without a fight.  They've found "5 to 7 drummers" who would be willing to play with us, all either in bands that aren't gigging right now or out of work because bands aren't gigging right now.  John sounded very encouraged that others are willing to fight for the band, as he felt he was doing all of this himself, which led to the decision last night.  Things look different today.  But he called me, because unless I'm in, there's no point.  Apparently replacing me was the one thing he couldn't see doing.  So I guess that's a good thing.

I'm still not 100% sure about all this.  With all things, there is risk, but you play the cards you're dealt, right?

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #189 on: July 08, 2020, 01:24:49 PM »
I just got off the phone with John.  It seems that our singers (one regular, one alt) and lead guitarist (alt, who is married to our regular singer) don't want this to end without a fight.  They've found "5 to 7 drummers" who would be willing to play with us, all either in bands that aren't gigging right now or out of work because bands aren't gigging right now.  John sounded very encouraged that others are willing to fight for the band, as he felt he was doing all of this himself, which led to the decision last night.  Things look different today.  But he called me, because unless I'm in, there's no point.  Apparently replacing me was the one thing he couldn't see doing.  So I guess that's a good thing.

I'm still not 100% sure about all this.  With all things, there is risk, but you play the cards you're dealt, right?

?  Having read your other posts, I can't quite see the reluctance.  What's it hurt to see how it sounds?    If you're worried about COVID, there can be precautions; distancing, and unless you're a singer, you can wear a mask.

Obviously your call, but that sounded like good news for a moment there (and I'd be proud AF if a bandmember told me "you're the guy we can't replace".   I'd ask him to put that in writing. ;))

Offline Orbert

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #190 on: July 08, 2020, 02:15:12 PM »
My reluctance is the same as I had before; the idea of spending extended time in a room with people who may or may not have been exposed in the past 5-14 days but aren't yet showing symptoms.  John opened up more of his basement so we can all stand around more than six feet apart, but if we're breathing the same air for two hours, the distance between us becomes irrelevant.

I don't have any reluctance about going with a new drummer.  I'd still rather be in a band than not be in a band.  But when John texted everyone last night saying that he was ending the band, a part of me was relieved, the part that was concerned about exposure.  I'm 58, with a heart condition and a history of asthma.  I don't have to do this; I choose to.  But if I get exposed, I'm likely done for, and I don't want my final thoughts to include "Well, I hope it was worth it" because it wouldn't be.

Offline Lethean

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #191 on: July 08, 2020, 02:24:34 PM »
I totally get that.  And I've read/heard several health people saying that the six feet is kind of arbitrary and not really far enough.  Are live shows happening where you live right now?  Maybe you can delay getting together and take a wait and see approach? 

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #192 on: July 08, 2020, 02:27:24 PM »
Yeah, I undertand that completely (seriously).

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #193 on: July 08, 2020, 02:56:04 PM »
Outdoor venues have been open for a while now, and are currently the only ones I'll consider.  The two gigs we have on the books are both outdoors.  The stages of both are separated from the audience space, and I'm in the back corner of the stage as well.  So there's still some risk, but it's pretty minimal.

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #194 on: July 08, 2020, 03:43:37 PM »
I hope you can find a way to make it work, Orbert, as I think anyone who follows your posts here knows how much you love to play music.

COVID can still f right off.

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #195 on: July 08, 2020, 04:04:43 PM »
I just got off the phone with John.  It seems that our singers (one regular, one alt) and lead guitarist (alt, who is married to our regular singer) don't want this to end without a fight.  They've found "5 to 7 drummers" who would be willing to play with us, all either in bands that aren't gigging right now or out of work because bands aren't gigging right now.  John sounded very encouraged that others are willing to fight for the band, as he felt he was doing all of this himself, which led to the decision last night.  Things look different today.  But he called me, because unless I'm in, there's no point.  Apparently replacing me was the one thing he couldn't see doing.  So I guess that's a good thing.

I'm still not 100% sure about all this.  With all things, there is risk, but you play the cards you're dealt, right?

Regardless of the final outcome - your worries are very understandable and the decision isn't easy - it sounds your band is coming out of this CoVid situation very much alive and full of spirit, with you basically declared as its centerpiece. I'd take that as a win (believe me, I can perfectly understand your frustration about not being able to rehearse and perform) and a clear signal the band, once we leave this horrendous present behind, has certainly a future.

That's all I've got, as well as rooting for you because your passion for ensemble music jumps out of every sentence of yours I've ever read.

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #196 on: July 09, 2020, 06:41:17 AM »
I just read the last few days worth of posts.  Mora and Jen, I'm so sorry.  I can't imagine what you are going through right now.  And Orbert, keep trying, maybe something will work out.

May God be with all of us right now.

In my state things are pretty much working as normal, and you'd think everyone has forgotten about Covid-19.  But then I read stories like these and reality comes swinging back.
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Offline dparrott

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #197 on: July 14, 2020, 08:02:59 PM »
Now college football is in danger of being postponed or cancelled.  Great.  Conferences are starting to cancel fall sports.  That's gonna cost a bunch.
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Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #198 on: July 14, 2020, 08:55:53 PM »
Dating sucks now.

Most of my normal go to places are either still closed or limited in being able to go there. A lot of people are hesitant to meet in person more now than ever. And even meeting in person there's that awkward urge to avoid physical contact, which is the exact opposite reason of why I date people. What a world   :lol

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #199 on: July 14, 2020, 09:08:08 PM »
Dating sucks now.

Some married couples who are stuck together round the clock either because they are unemployed or working from home would say being married isn't all rainbows and gumdrops now either  :lol
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Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #200 on: July 15, 2020, 05:11:12 AM »
Yeah, stuff sucks all around. Divorce rates have been going up. Familiarity definitely breeds contempt.

Offline lordxizor

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #201 on: July 15, 2020, 06:04:23 AM »
Dating sucks now.

Some married couples who are stuck together round the clock either because they are unemployed or working from home would say being married isn't all rainbows and gumdrops now either  :lol
This is one thing about Covid that I think has been a blessing for us. Me being home has been great for our family and our marriage. We're actually in a better place today than we were 6 months ago. Not just because of me being home, but some other stuff I've been working on as well, but I feel like we're one of the rare couples that is doing great with all the togetherness. That said, I miss getting out and doing stuff on my own.

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #202 on: July 15, 2020, 07:45:45 AM »
Not my life, but COVID is making my sister's life quite difficult. She's a nurse down in SC, and her hospital is flooded with patients. They don't have the resources they need to adequately treat people, and there's a lot of anxiety going around. Many nurses - my sister included - are having to take sleep aids and such because they're not able to "turn off" outside of work... My thoughts go out to all of the front-line workers on this thing (in addition to the patients themselves, of course).
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Offline dparrott

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #203 on: July 15, 2020, 12:31:41 PM »
This is one thing about Covid that I think has been a blessing for us. Me being home has been great for our family and our marriage. We're actually in a better place today than we were 6 months ago. Not just because of me being home, but some other stuff I've been working on as well, but I feel like we're one of the rare couples that is doing great with all the togetherness. That said, I miss getting out and doing stuff on my own.
It's been a blessing in disguise for us.  I'm still on unemployment, which has allowed us to pack and move in with my in-laws.  No more paying high rent!  I get to help them and my wife around the house. 
"I don't know nuttin about nuttin" - Marshawn Lynch

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #204 on: July 15, 2020, 04:31:10 PM »
Not my life, but COVID is making my sister's life quite difficult. She's a nurse down in SC, and her hospital is flooded with patients. They don't have the resources they need to adequately treat people, and there's a lot of anxiety going around. Many nurses - my sister included - are having to take sleep aids and such because they're not able to "turn off" outside of work... My thoughts go out to all of the front-line workers on this thing (in addition to the patients themselves, of course).

You know what I just realized after reading this.

Were the Healthcare workers, ever briefed or even considered, at university, about the possibility of a pandemic overload? If one thing needs to be addressed, it's this when people become nurses. It would help them be aware it could happen, and would prepare themselves mentally.

I'm also so glad, it's not as worse as it could've been.
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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #205 on: July 16, 2020, 07:16:24 AM »
But some of this is metaphorically like "touching the hot stove" or "having your heart broken".   You never really know what it's all about until you experience it and live through it.  I remember being in a seminar at business school and an Air Force Major General was talking with us, and after at the Q&A, 9/11 came up (it was less than a year after) and he conceded in a moment of candor that even with specific concentrated training there is always the factor of "the moment" to consider.   

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Re: Bitch and whine about how COVID-19 is effing up your life
« Reply #206 on: July 16, 2020, 08:54:53 AM »
Yea totally.  I don't think a teacher can prepare you for moments like this.  Maybe they can do things better to be prepared, but when you see a frontline doctor commit suicide from feeling helpless, it kind of shows that this situation is bigger than anything you can just train for.  It goes beyond just doing the job too, the mental health of these workers is important too.