Author Topic: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread  (Read 650875 times)

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Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6965 on: May 10, 2019, 09:28:32 AM »
I don't think George Martin is to blame for the quality of the show - the saga wasn't finished yet when they started adapting it. They had to have a contingency plan. "Oh, but I will eventually finish The Winds of Winter"... how could they be sure? what if he delayed it? what if he got ran over by a car?

Also, even though I didn't read the books, I've read enough about the books to know that A Feast for Crows and A Dance of Dragons weren't even properly adapted yet, with many characters being dropped and storylines altered. So when they had the books they changed things up anyway.

For me my thoughts on the show are more or less these:

Season 1 - 4: excellent.
Season 5: Weaker but still in line with the previous work, with the gigantic peak of Hardhome, and a major screwup with Dorne.
Season 6: Return to form.
Season 7: Felt a bit weird knowing it was shorter, but it was good. Pivotal moment (Dany loses the dragon to the Night King) ruined by many Hollywood cliches.
Season 8: As with Beyond the Wall, major attention to shocking, retweetable moments at the severe expense of the plot and the plausibility. Actual quotes from people involved: "Arya essentially jumps out of nowhere" and "Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet".

We'll see how it goes in the final two episodes.

It's a pity the writing took a bit of questionable detours and shortcuts because the rest is excellent as always: the music, the settings, the cast, everything is top notch as it can possibly be. It's the story that delivered poorly what evidently were bullet points on a list, without the proper job to lead there being done.

I hope the battle will be exciting next episode; I'd love for something unepected and clever, like, dunno, Dany taking Greyworm aside and thinking with him a battle plan, in a "Screw the others, I'm pissed, you're pissed, let's avenge Missandei and get King's Landing once and for all" mindset.

I hope we don't see the Second Sons of Dario making a surprise arrival at the very possible last second before a defeat.
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6966 on: May 10, 2019, 09:31:50 AM »

I really, really hope GRR Martin gets to finish the books or at least leaves enough material/guidelines for a competent writer to finish it up.

I know GRR gave the series' writers guidelines, but seeing him promote other shows and stating he "doesn't have time to watch Game of Thrones" and not promote the climax to the series based on his own work says enough for me.

To anyone who thinks the show has gone way downhill, Martin should get 100% of the blame, for not finishing the books before now and giving them the material to work with to finish the story in the best way possible.

While I agree that the show isn't as great as it was in the early seasons, it is still really good and I am enjoying it like crazy.  Sure, there are flaws, but I feel that many are picking nits just because the story isn't going how they wanted it to.

Martin should absolutely not get 100% of the blame. No way. Yes, they agreed to do the show under the assumption Martin would have the last 2 books out before they reached that point in the show, but the writing of the last few episodes and the decision to rush the seasons is NOT Martin's fault at all, that's entirely on D&D and the other writers. I'm still enjoying it but I fiercely believe Martin does not deserve the majority of blame for where the show has gone in the last couple seasons.

Speaking of Martin, he said one character has gotten WAY too much screen time in the last couple seasons. I wonder who he's talking about. Could be Tyrion, Varys, maybe even Arya.

I would t say ‘100%’ .....but he shares the blame with D&D. I would think that he still has say in what makes  it to the screen so he may not be completely responsible for what we’re seeing but he’s certainly culpable as well. To Kev’s point.....dude has had plenty of time to finish his books. IMO he’s been waiting to see the reactions to adjust his books accordingly.

When the shows over he can say....”Hey, loved the show and all but ‘my true’ telling of the story has significant have to read it to find out.

I say all of this to only again reiterate I’ve enjoyed this final season.
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Offline Chino

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6967 on: May 10, 2019, 09:38:46 AM »
Imagine if he has finished them in secret and announces them the Monday following the finale as a huge publicity stunt  :lol 

I've read that he's told HBO about main plot points he intended on incorporating into the future books that he wanted HBO to include... Hodor's death for example.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6968 on: May 10, 2019, 09:39:54 AM »
Oh, I totally agree, if he had finished Winds of Winter years ago like he planned the show could've steered back on course, even without ADOS. On the other hand the books are the definitive story and I don't (entirely) blame him for wanting to take his time or even wanting to wait for the show to finish bastardizing some of the plot threads to get focus back onto his books. It's kind of a mess all around.

I'm hoping WoW has been finished for a while and that an announcement will accompany the end of the series. I've decided to start reading the books once the show is over, though. I can't wait any longer, and I also want to read the books telling the history of the world and the Targaryens and all that good stuff.
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Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6969 on: May 10, 2019, 09:43:02 AM »
I will never read the books unless they're finished. I will not invest that much time into reading a story that I already know (especially the first three books which were faithful adaptations) if I don't know it will have a conclusion.

Also, while I watch all shows in original language, I've always and only read books in my language (italian), and the translations are a bit meh from skipping through pages at book stores, so after years of knowing the story with the actual names, I won't change to the italian names. I guess I could read the books in english, I'm skilled enough with the language for it, but... dunno, it's just an habit, I've always read book in italian and I'm afraid that if I start now to switch to english, I'll want to re-read all the books I ever read in their original language also  :D
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Offline The Walrus

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6970 on: May 10, 2019, 09:46:08 AM »
What are some of the names in Italian? They don't just call it the Italian version of King's Landing or Winterfell? Or is that what you mean, you know them as [insert English name here] and don't want to get used to the Italian equivalent?
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Offline cramx3

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6971 on: May 10, 2019, 09:48:19 AM »
If the books were to end, I'd probably read it all again.  They are that good, but I have no hope for the books to be finished and just don't see myself picking up the books again.  I've lost faith in GRRM.

Offline Adami

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6972 on: May 10, 2019, 09:50:14 AM »
While I agree that the show isn't as great as it was in the early seasons, it is still really good and I am enjoying it like crazy.  Sure, there are flaws, but I feel that many are picking nits just because the story isn't going how they wanted it to.

Maybe some, but I also think that's a convenient way to dismiss complaints you don't agree with.

I have no idea how this show should go. I didn't want it go any specific way. I'm just calling out what I see as lazy bad writing.

Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6973 on: May 10, 2019, 09:52:50 AM »
What are some of the names in Italian? They don't just call it the Italian version of King's Landing or Winterfell? Or is that what you mean, you know them as [insert English name here] and don't want to get used to the Italian equivalent?

What are some of the names in Italian? They don't just call it the Italian version of King's Landing or Winterfell? Or is that what you mean, you know them as [insert English name here] and don't want to get used to the Italian equivalent?

A bit of both. King's Landing is Approdo del Re, which is literally King's Landing translated. But for example Kingslayer became a very odd choice, Sterminatore di Re - translated back is "Exterminator of kings". Which seems overkill for someone who killed A king. There is a word for Kingslayer, which is Regicida, which isn't even bad, dunno why they went for "Exterminator of kings". Jaimie Lannister, the exterminator of kings, feels tiring even pronuncing it.

It's also a bit of the language barrier that makes foreign names sound cooler than they are - I know that King's Landing literally means "the place where the king has landed", but in my own language the simplicity of it is more striking.

I'm sure to you all foreign people some italian words would sound cool and intriguing while they'd be very mundane to me.
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Offline The Walrus

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6974 on: May 10, 2019, 09:57:55 AM »
Not gonna lie... I do love a lot of the Italian in Rhapsody songs :metardica:
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Offline MoraWintersoul

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6975 on: May 10, 2019, 10:20:24 AM »
Oh  man, really? Bummer.
Ironically, I think what did me in were my tempered expectations. I didn't expect it to be as good as the books, or the seasons 1-4, I expected it to be as good as seasons 5-7: some missed opportunities and plots that go nowhere, but overall getting you to the things you wanna see. Good battles, at least. Good convos between characters, some of the time.

I don't really think in terms of "arcs" and "payoff" in terms of Game of Thrones because I read the books and there are plenty of arcs that crash and burn, and asking for something to pay off is asking for trouble  :lol I also had no expectations in terms of my fave characters getting good endings, and even though I hoped the show would resolve a few magical mysteries, at least that hope was killed in one fell swoop in episode 3. Thanks Arya, you gave my hopes the gift of death.

What I didn't expect to see was this:

1) Obliviousness. They level up and level down characters as it suits them. Bran is all-seeing and they don't even bother trying to show us someone trying to get something out of him and failing, instead they just hope the audience will forget that the source of all information is in the room and that he was targeted because he is the source of all information. They do nothing with their powerful assassin. They find a line a few years back where Melisandre says Arya will end blue eyes and pretend it was a clever bit of foreshadowing when actually that's not even how the line goes (blue eyes is in the middle). They mention the Iron Fleet, a few minutes later Dany just forgets about it. Who knows what will happen in the next few episodes that will negate something that happened in the last episode, that's just how we roll right now.

2) The death of the world. Fans of the Game of Thrones-part of the story will often say how their favorite part of the story is intrigues and all the players. Where are the players? Not only are the peasants gone (they only appear as Cersei's meat shield, but if their opinion mattered one bit, they would have revolted when she blew up the Sept), so are all the minor lords! All scenes are main cast + faceless soldiers. They literally put a joke in, wondering who the current lord of Storm's End is. They literally tell us Dorne has a new prince now (who???) and he will back Dany (what???). Not only are there seemingly only two or three places in the entire universe, they couldn't even be bothered to film King's Landing at the iconic location of King's Landing. It doesn't even look like the real thing.

3) Surprise, we got you!!! over and over. Honestly, I've come around on Dany's character journey, even though I hoped for all other endings for her, but you just know they only made the palpable threat of her turning mad two episodes before the end because she has a fanbase and they want to keep them watching even if they actually set up her villain-ness. And in the end if she pulls herself off the ledge, it's another SURPRISE, WE SUBVERTED YOUR EXPECTATIONS moment. Emilia almost killed herself working her ass off for this show, and her character gets to be a plot device. Nice.

I don't need to be surprised by characters' decisions or their abilities. I need to be surprised by seeing how these abilities and decisions interact in the space of the show.

3) The supposedly most epic battle of all time is worse than every other battle ever portrayed on GoT. Not just because you can't see, but because it doesn't make sense. We see Dothraki lights go out, next episode conveniently exactly half of them remained. In the previous battles we could see Jon struggling not to get suffocated by bodies, this battle, he gets into 873502 life or death situations with living enemies, magic cut, and suddenly he's still standing. And he's not the only one. No consequences, no logic.

What I expected, but still disappointed me:
1) Sexism. I hate how everyone is saying they tried really hard to suck up to feminists by making Jon useless and Arya gets the kill, because things are happening here that make me scratch my head. George is to blame for this one, by putting all the Nissa Nissa stuff in these books, so now everyone has a hard on for male lovers sacrificing loved ones, but seriously, now we have two Mad Queens and everyone is looking at Jaime and Jon to placate or kill them or otherwise throw them off their game? Missandei gets literally fridged to make Dany angry? At least Sansa going catty at the sight of another strong female character who has power and demands is in character, and funny., even though it's not very feminist. Missandei being the story's meat isn't.

2) They didn't use all the things that were laid out for them. Loads of things that George wrote and the fans theorized aren't cinematic at all, but some of them are. They needed a late game terrifying human villain and I was sure (and the actor was sure, hyping his role as "Ramsay Bolton on steroids") Euron was gonna be the one. Nope, Cersei is just super smart now and somehow still on the throne. He's a silly pirate and, I guess, an excellent marksman. When they introduced the idea that you have to kill the Night King to make the rest of The Others go away, I thought for sure they were setting up a final duel via the Old Way. When they established NK was interested in getting a kill himself, I thought for sure that would happen. Nope, surprise Arya. Hell, have Jon or anyone else from the North duel him and lose and then have Arya collect the kill, highlighting the supremacy of the new way of fighting to the Old Way. Nope.

Could go on and on. Man, I'm so down. At least the acting and the music are on point.

Don't try to BS her about Kevin Moore facts, she will obscure quote you in the face.

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Offline The Walrus

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6976 on: May 10, 2019, 11:22:56 AM »
I don't know about sexism, that's a huge topic on its own right there, but otherwise I think that is a fantastic post, most of which I agree with. Good stuff. What does it mean to 'fridge' someone?
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Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6977 on: May 10, 2019, 12:17:37 PM »
Since Mora talked about Cersei being smart now, I assume that maybe George Martin referred to her character overstaying her welcome.

In the show Cersei is dumb, petty and vindicative, Tywin said it brilliantly: "It's not that I don't trust you because you are a woman, I don't trust you because you are not as smart as you think you are". It is my understanding that in the book Cersei is even worse, even dumber and even drunker, and probably George Martin doesn't see her coming out on top and never missing a beat. I believe that the fantastic job made by Lena Headey made impossible for the producers to get rid of her character and they felt they kinda had to stick with her until the end and make her the "final boss".
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Offline ErHaO

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6978 on: May 10, 2019, 12:45:19 PM »

I really, really hope GRR Martin gets to finish the books or at least leaves enough material/guidelines for a competent writer to finish it up.

I know GRR gave the series' writers guidelines, but seeing him promote other shows and stating he "doesn't have time to watch Game of Thrones" and not promote the climax to the series based on his own work says enough for me.

To anyone who thinks the show has gone way downhill, Martin should get 100% of the blame, for not finishing the books before now and giving them the material to work with to finish the story in the best way possible.

While I agree that the show isn't as great as it was in the early seasons, it is still really good and I am enjoying it like crazy.  Sure, there are flaws, but I feel that many are picking nits just because the story isn't going how they wanted it to.

I disagree that this is on GRR Martin. Sure, there was a noticable shift when the writers of the series ran out of book material, but they did a commendable job. It being different is not inherently worse. He gave them some guidelines and from there on the quality is the responsibility of those who are making it. And in my opinion it is severely dipping in quality now.

Sure, season 5-7 had some lesser moments, but I consider them good, with all those seasons having some of the best moments in the series. The ending of season 7 (beyond the wall especially) and season 8 is where my problems lie and I am far from a book purist.

I don't care that this is a tv-series. There are hundreds of okayish blockbusters with nice action setpieces to watch if that is what I am searching for. And those have less downtime. And those moments have been the highlights this season, save for a couple of great scenes like the knighting of Brienne.

That said, I am glad some are enjoying this.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6979 on: May 10, 2019, 12:55:49 PM »
That said, I am glad some are enjoying this.

Totally and even with my own negativity about this season, I still very much enjoy it and am super excited to watch this next episode.  The show will likely go down as maybe my all time favorite regardless of how this season plays out.  One "rushed" season doesn't ruin all the awesomeness from the past seasons nor does the rushness make me automatically dislike the show, I just have my issues with it while still loving it.

Offline MoraWintersoul

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6980 on: May 10, 2019, 01:16:54 PM »
What does it mean to 'fridge' someone?
Fridging is when you give the main character the reason to go after a goal (like killing a bad guy) by killing off a side character who's important to him. The reason why I put it in the sexist section is because it usually involves a lovely wife who only exists to be killed off by Mr. Badman and give Righteous Mr Goodman rage. I get it, Missandei is pretty useless in this fight heavy season as a peaceful translator, by why not kill her in one of the big battles? Too few people of importance have died in the first battle anyway, and Dany's dragon was the big casualty of this episode. This way it played out like an 80's action film. Goodman will encounter Badman and make a moral request, but oh no! Badman doesn't care! Badman has Goodman's pretty friend as hostage! Oh no, she died!

In the show Cersei is dumb, petty and vindicative, Tywin said it brilliantly: "It's not that I don't trust you because you are a woman, I don't trust you because you are not as smart as you think you are". It is my understanding that in the book Cersei is even worse, even dumber and even drunker, and probably George Martin doesn't see her coming out on top and never missing a beat. I believe that the fantastic job made by Lena Headey made impossible for the producers to get rid of her character and they felt they kinda had to stick with her until the end and make her the "final boss".
That's pretty much exactly what happened - Martin was considering a five year skip and one of the reasons why he decided not to go in that direction was, IIRC, the unbelievability of Cersei holding onto power for that long. It's fine she appears smarter in the show, I love Lena's performance, but they had the perfect opportunity to prop up the stumbling queen by an early alliance with a smart, ruthless and magic-wielding Euron. In fact, magic Euron could make a lot of these complaints go away - say, by cloaking his fleet in mist and sneaking up on a dragon...

Don't try to BS her about Kevin Moore facts, she will obscure quote you in the face.

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Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6981 on: May 10, 2019, 01:33:18 PM »
Speaking of book Euron, I wish we would have gotten more of that representation. That is one hell of a character.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6982 on: May 10, 2019, 01:36:50 PM »
Euron is once hiccup I feel the writers and casters made.  The guy playing him basically comes off like a troll and a total lout. 

I cracked up the last scene when he and Cersei were doing like a half-embrace, I think when he was looking down at her stomach after she lied to him about carrying his baby, and Cersei looked completely disgusted by him. :lol :lol

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6983 on: May 10, 2019, 01:43:11 PM »
While book Euron is more interesting, I kind of am a rare one who enjoys show Euron.  I like his douchiness and I love how all he wants is to fuck the queen.  So simple and sadistic which is exactly what he is in the show and since we don't really know where his character goes in the book, I guess I can give the show a pass on portraying him differently here.  His book quest is also quite different and his dragon horn which is very important in the book isn't in the show at all, so they kind of just dropped any other dimension to his character besides just being a ruthless asshole, and somehow, I am OK with that here.

To compare, we don't really know what happens with the Dorne folks either, but the show botched them moreso than Euron IMO.

Offline New World Rushman

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6984 on: May 10, 2019, 01:45:30 PM »
That said, I am glad some are enjoying this.

Totally and even with my own negativity about this season, I still very much enjoy it and am super excited to watch this next episode.  The show will likely go down as maybe my all time favorite regardless of how this season plays out.  One "rushed" season doesn't ruin all the awesomeness from the past seasons nor does the rushness make me automatically dislike the show, I just have my issues with it while still loving it.
I was just thinking something similar. Although I don't have as many problems with the season as others, I guess I'm easily pleased, but I was comparing it to LOST; bad ending, but thinking back so many years later, I think of it as one of the greatest series of all time, the ending didn't spoil the ride.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6985 on: May 10, 2019, 01:52:52 PM »
That said, I am glad some are enjoying this.

Totally and even with my own negativity about this season, I still very much enjoy it and am super excited to watch this next episode.  The show will likely go down as maybe my all time favorite regardless of how this season plays out.  One "rushed" season doesn't ruin all the awesomeness from the past seasons nor does the rushness make me automatically dislike the show, I just have my issues with it while still loving it.
I was just thinking something similar. Although I don't have as many problems with the season as others, I guess I'm easily pleased, but I was comparing it to LOST; bad ending, but thinking back so many years later, I think of it as one of the greatest series of all time, the ending didn't spoil the ride.

I just finished a rewatch of Lost with my gf who had never watched.  It's funny because she enjoyed the last seasons more than anyone I can remember watching at the time, and even myself found I enjoyed the last two seasons and the ending way more than at the time.  And internally I keep comparing it to GOT in that, I thought the final season of Lost was still doing so much character and story development, my gf was even saying during the last season "how can they be adding more stories and characters when there is so much to end?" and yet they managed to actually do it.  It made me appreciate the ending of lost a lot more although the flash sideways stuff definitely still comes off as BS time killer for the season.  But the main storyline was still so good IMO.  Makes me wish GOT were still adding new intrigue to this season.

Offline ErHaO

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6986 on: May 10, 2019, 03:33:15 PM »
Every time Euron is on screen, I kind of get porn parody vibes to be honest  :lol

And this series as a whole for sure is amazing and a one of a kind experience. But I would be lying if I said that not sticking the landing is a big flaw in my view. Especially since it is the direct continuation and finalization of the storylines that got me invested in the first place. At least in Lost I always felt the characters remained interesting. Sure, the plot surrounding them eventually became bullshit, but the way the characters reacted to the situations thrown at them and how they interacted with each other was always engaging. My problem with Game of Thrones now is that I am losing the connection with some of the characters themselves, the emotional core of the series. Which is making me care a whole lot less.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6987 on: May 10, 2019, 03:42:46 PM »
Should've had Vince Gilligan do seasons 7 and 8
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Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6988 on: May 10, 2019, 03:43:19 PM »
I think for comparison we should go back to see fan theories about how an acclaimed show, for example Breaking Bad, would end, and see if they match up to the actual finale. Just to get a perspective if fanfiction and fan guessing can be good, or in the end we should trust the authors  :lol

And Mora, about the dragon ambush - there's no even need for a magical mist. It's WINTER by now. Have a natural mist, an attack from the Iron Fleet, Dany being all cocky "I got this", she dives in to burn the ships.... but Euron unveils the scorpion and fires at the dragon. But no, everything had to be a total and shocking surprise. Like I previously said - just let Jon kill the undead dragon in the Battle of Winterfell, which I believe he was actually going to do, give him a memorable moment.... but no, ALL the heroes HAVE to be one second away from utter defeat before the unexpected victory.
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6989 on: May 11, 2019, 08:51:18 AM »

I really, really hope GRR Martin gets to finish the books or at least leaves enough material/guidelines for a competent writer to finish it up.

I know GRR gave the series' writers guidelines, but seeing him promote other shows and stating he "doesn't have time to watch Game of Thrones" and not promote the climax to the series based on his own work says enough for me.

To anyone who thinks the show has gone way downhill, Martin should get 100% of the blame, for not finishing the books before now and giving them the material to work with to finish the story in the best way possible.

While I agree that the show isn't as great as it was in the early seasons, it is still really good and I am enjoying it like crazy.  Sure, there are flaws, but I feel that many are picking nits just because the story isn't going how they wanted it to.

Martin should absolutely not get 100% of the blame. No way. Yes, they agreed to do the show under the assumption Martin would have the last 2 books out before they reached that point in the show, but the writing of the last few episodes and the decision to rush the seasons is NOT Martin's fault at all, that's entirely on D&D and the other writers. I'm still enjoying it but I fiercely believe Martin does not deserve the majority of blame for where the show has gone in the last couple seasons.

Speaking of Martin, he said one character has gotten WAY too much screen time in the last couple seasons. I wonder who he's talking about. Could be Tyrion, Varys, maybe even Arya.

I agree, Martin shouldn't get the blame. It's clear now more than ever that it's really hard to write a story as intricate as GoT.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6990 on: May 11, 2019, 10:46:46 AM »
I can't wait to see how this battle plays out. By its very nature it has to have more 'meetings' and character drama than the Winterfell battle. My predictions for tomorrow night based on what we know from episode 4:

Dany and Drogon attack Euron's fleet. Drogon is possibly wounded but Euron gets roasted alive. Tyrion tells Dany of Varys's treason. Dany kills Varys somehow? Dany begins her attack on King's Landing and possibly blows the roof off the Red Keep like she saw in her vision of snow on the throne. Maybe one of the ballistas hits Drogon and she retreats... maybe Dany never gets to the throne room?

Jaime somehow gets to Cersei in the Red Keep and argues with Cersei before she orders The Mountain to kill him, there's a brief swordfight between The Mountain and Jaime. Cersei orders him to stop just before Jaime is beheaded/impaled/etc., but then The Hound appears and Cleganebowl occurs. The Mountain dies by The Hound injuring him enough to have his face shoved into one of the braziers, a callback to The Hound's childhood scarring, and both die from the battle. Jaime, bleeding out from the earlier fight, stabs Cersei as she's crying over his body. Both die. No idea what's up with the baby, I think that will end just like Bran's story, complete dead end.

No idea on anything else... just don't give Arya a big kill. But then why else is she moving south... sigh.
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6991 on: May 11, 2019, 11:01:50 AM »
Looks like the Houston Rockets mascot knows who his queen is:

 :hat :hat

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6992 on: May 11, 2019, 11:07:08 AM »
I look forward to the battle too! I'll forgive them the two big tactical blunders for the sake of a shocking moment if they'll show me a clever plan for Dany and a nice convergence of the storylines of the other people involved.

I hope for a clever and cunning way to disable both the golden company and the scorpions on the walls of King's Landing - dunno, Daario comes to the rescue with the second sons and also Dorne joins in the battle, Dany can't do anything because the golden company has a ballista, but Daario manages to destroy it and then Dany torches every one of them.

Greyworm could lead a sneaky attack on the walls - they kill all the people manouvering the scorpions, and Dany once again destroys them, so the can arrive at the Red keep.

Yara has to be there somehow, she'll be one to get Euron, but I wonder how they'll defeat his navy if he has those huge bolts ships-destroying.

Cersei still has some wildfire somewhere - it might be too obvious to have Jaimie once again kill a king to prevent the destruction of King's landing, but in a way or the other he'll end her.

Cleaganbowl of course will occour, because fans reasons.

Don't know what the role of Jon and the Northern army will be, maybe they'll be too involved in the battle against the Golden company, maybe he could be the one to disable their scorpion (I'm not saying the Golden company DOES have a scorpion - I'm just thinking it would be cool if they had, and if a suicide squad would do their best to disable it so that Dany can turn up the Dracarys mode to 11).
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6993 on: May 11, 2019, 11:17:17 AM »
Yeah I really have no idea what Jon is going to do, or Davos, what is he doing there? Yara being the one to take out Euron is cool, I hadn't even thought of that.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Offline ErHaO

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6994 on: May 11, 2019, 12:15:12 PM »
My problem with Cleganebowl is that the Mountain is basically a barely human kind of brain-dead husk now. It would've been so satifying seeing The Hound take his brother and me being convinced his brother is mentally aware of it.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6995 on: May 11, 2019, 12:47:05 PM »
There was a scene with Jaimie wondering how much he understands, taunting his intelligence, and Qyburn replies that he understands enough, with the Mountain turning angrily at Jaimie when he said that even before that he didn't really understand full sentences anyway. And he perfectly understands Cersei's orders. So let's just assume he's gonna indeed recognize his brother when he's facing him.

Oh, and I never really thought about it until now - we just HAVE to see his helmet thrown away and look him in the disfigured, zombie face right? if he's gonna die wearing a helmet it's gonna be an opportunity missed.
I use my sig to pimp some bands from Italy! Check out Elvenking (Power / Folk metal), Folkstone (Rock / Medieval metal), Arcana Opera (Gothic/Noir/Heavy metal) and the beautiful voice of Elisa!

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6996 on: May 11, 2019, 12:49:03 PM »
When they had the meeting with the boxed walker, the Mountain walked forward when the Hound did. So I assume he very much recognizes him. I doubt he was doing it just to protect Cersei when the Hound was pretty far away still.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6997 on: May 11, 2019, 01:12:23 PM »
Oh man, yeah. Was it season 6 when Cersei got her revenge on Septa Unella? The Mountain walked in and we saw him remove his helmet in the shadows. I've been dying to see how gruesome he looks.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6998 on: May 11, 2019, 01:54:34 PM »
Hmmm, yeah, that is true. I hope they will portray him as more of a character than he has been for a couple of seasons. And I am certain they will show him without helmet. The confrontation is one of the things they have been building up for a good while now, they are not going to Aryafy this one as it is a very specific personal battle.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #6999 on: May 11, 2019, 02:34:27 PM »
I hope they decide to screw with everyone.

Have tons of personal battles ABOUT to happen, and then Arya comes in and kills the bad one every single time.