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Offline skydivingninja

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #315 on: January 03, 2011, 08:10:07 PM »
So I'm going to start watching this series.  First episode I've seen was called "Blink," about the weeping stone angels that came to life whenever no one was looking at them.  Kind of low budget, but a very cool premise.  I've DVR'd a few more upcoming episodes.  I want to see some Matt Smith episodes (because I am convinced that Matt Smith is RobWebster, even though I know he's not), but BBC America is being stupid.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #316 on: January 03, 2011, 09:21:19 PM »
So I'm going to start watching this series.  First episode I've seen was called "Blink," about the weeping stone angels that came to life whenever no one was looking at them.  Kind of low budget, but a very cool premise.  I've DVR'd a few more upcoming episodes.  I want to see some Matt Smith episodes (because I am convinced that Matt Smith is RobWebster, even though I know he's not), but BBC America is being stupid.

Blink is an absolute classic; one of the best of the new series. Definitely start with "The Eleventh Hour", the season so far has been top notch. I even enjoyed the "The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood" double episode that everyone else seems to think is mediocre.

Also, that was probably the best Christmas special they've ever done.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #317 on: January 04, 2011, 07:57:31 AM »
For anyone who hasnt seen the trailer for series 6 yet:

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Oh Christ the Ood are back.

Other than that looks absolutely awesome. :caffeine:
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #318 on: January 04, 2011, 08:47:06 AM »
Can't believe Rob hasn't posted yet. :lol

@Matt: Interesting that you said low-budget, I think American networks must have a lot more money because for a British TV show DW's budget really isn't low at all. Compared to Hollywood it's very low though, naturally.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #319 on: January 04, 2011, 10:03:58 AM »
Can't believe Rob hasn't posted yet. :lol

@Matt: Interesting that you said low-budget, I think American networks must have a lot more money because for a British TV show DW's budget really isn't low at all. Compared to Hollywood it's very low though, naturally.

I know he refers more to cinema than to TV, but I think Eddie Izzard encapsulates this point quite nicely:
Quote from: bosk1
As frequently happens, Super Dude nailed it.

Offline skydivingninja

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #320 on: January 04, 2011, 11:55:26 AM »
Not sure what it is, maybe its not really low-budget per se, but compare the way Doctor Who looks to how, say, Heroes looks.  Whatever camera they use is completely different (don't know much about this, but there's just SOMEthing...), or maybe its because its been a while since Star Trek and I'm not used to a modern show doing its own alien costumes :P

Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #321 on: January 04, 2011, 12:00:00 PM »
Can't believe Rob hasn't posted yet. :lol
Ha. I'm a bit torn, because I know I'll just spaff about the trailer, which feels like it'd be doing the Christmas ep a disservice - because it genuinely was the best Christmas special bar TEOT.

Plus, I'm in no hurry to wish away the next few months for personal reasons, so part of me doesn't want to talk about the trailer, either.

But I'm very, very optimistic about the next series. Ood, tally-marks, Matt Smith as a bearded prisoner and the creepy thing at the end of the trailer? Phenomenal. And I absolutely adored ACC. I've watched it three times, now, and it's wonderful. Not only is it christmassier than the other specials, but also cleverer, AND it's got a bit more soul to it.

'Parrently we first get introduced to the Silence in the first two parter. I reckon it might be the grey-type thing in the blurry shot.

So I'm going to start watching this series.  First episode I've seen was called "Blink," about the weeping stone angels that came to life whenever no one was looking at them.  Kind of low budget, but a very cool premise.  I've DVR'd a few more upcoming episodes.  I want to see some Matt Smith episodes (because I am convinced that Matt Smith is RobWebster, even though I know he's not), but BBC America is being stupid.
Matt Smith's first series is almost certainly the best place to start. The Eleventh Hour is not only a perfect place to start from - it's designed to get new viewers up to speed - but probably one of the strongest episodes of the show's run.

Blink was the budget-saver episode. For what it's worth, Matt Smith's series (not to keep harping on about it) looks a LOT more cinematic. It's actually on a lower budget, but it's astonishingly lavish. Let me find a clip... I'll edit this in a sec.


Enjoy! Series 1-4 are often good looking, but series 5 is BEAUTIFUL.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #322 on: January 04, 2011, 01:34:31 PM »
Totally agree, series 5 is definitely the best looking. And you're right about Blink, it was a Doctor-lite episode so obviously a budget-saver.

But yeah, generally effects-wise it suffers from two issues: 1) BBC doesn't have as much money as the major US networks as we're a much smaller country, and 2) Doctor Who is generally quite ambitious in its range of stories, locations, etc. Most shows can use stock footage to some extent, whereas DW has different scenery, characters and every thing almost every episode. So they have to be smart to make the modest budget stretch, which they did a better job than ever of in series 5!

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #323 on: January 04, 2011, 04:08:58 PM »
Just watched the trailer again, and I'm convinced that the really creepy clips (Amy with the markings on her face, and whatever the hell that thing is right at the end) are from Neil Gaiman's episode. They are just so his kind of thing!

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Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #324 on: January 04, 2011, 04:34:55 PM »
I know precisely which episode they're from, but I don't know if revealing it might be a bit of a spoiler.'s episode 2. The one with the SILENCE. Which makes me even MORE excited, if anything, because the Silence are the big bad, this series - and if they're that level of creepy, that's fantastic.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #325 on: January 05, 2011, 02:05:50 PM »

I just realized, re-watching the trailer, that Matt Smith should NEVER EVER grow a beard.

But god damn that trailer makes me so excited.
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Offline skydivingninja

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #326 on: January 05, 2011, 02:08:27 PM »
So BBCA is playing what looks like a 3-parter that features the Master, who as I understand it, is kind of the Doctor's archenemy.  The joker to his Batman?  Third part comes on in an hour, and I must say I'm looking very forward to seeing how they'll beat him.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #327 on: January 05, 2011, 02:23:17 PM »
Basically, yeah!

The Master is another Time Lord. Him and the Doctor are the two last survivors of their species.

That's actually the first appearance of the Master in the revived series, so you should already be up to speed if you've caught the first two parts.

'San exciting ride! Although I don't think part 3 quite reached the lofty heights of the first two parts, for me. Utopia and The Sound of Drums were bliss. Last of the Time Lords is mainly fantastic too, but there were a couple of parts I wasn't quite as keen on. Same applies to Journey's End, actually - the following series' finale. Unabridled excellence all round other than that, though.

Assuming they're repeating the whole show, though, you've got a LOT to look forward to. Voyage of the Damned didn't quite do it for me, but series 4 is David Tennant's strongest year by far, the specials are all fantastic, and then you've got the sublime series 5. I envy you a bit of a lot.


I just realized, re-watching the trailer, that Matt Smith should NEVER EVER grow a beard.

You'd think so, but quite a few of my friends have said they reckon he looks really hot with it.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #328 on: January 05, 2011, 02:35:13 PM »
Utopia is an amazing episode, one of my favourites!

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Offline skydivingninja

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #329 on: January 06, 2011, 03:51:28 PM »
Well, the third part, "Last of the Time Lords" was yesterday.  It was just as good, except for the part where millions of people thinking "Doctor" at the same time cause the Doctor to go back to his young self and get those superpowers because of the psychic satellites.  I'm fine with pseudo science, but that didn't make any sense to me.  The end of the episode had me  :rollin .

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #330 on: January 06, 2011, 05:08:53 PM »
Yeah! That's the bit I'm not fond of.

It does make a bit of sense. The Archangel network was working through hypnosis, so it's already tuned into a mind control type thing - and the Doctor had an entire year to wire himself up to it. Within the context of the show it makes sense. But the visual's just a bit too ridiculous for me. I'm all about escapism but my suspension of disbelief doesn't quite stretch that far.

Journey's End, the fourth series finale, is - similarly - a little bit contrived. Although less so. It all makes sense, just a little bit "lucky." And a little too easy when everything gets resolved.

Grand show though, by and large. Very, very good. And yeah, love the ending.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #331 on: January 06, 2011, 05:21:53 PM »
Well, the third part, "Last of the Time Lords" was yesterday.  It was just as good, except for the part where millions of people thinking "Doctor" at the same time cause the Doctor to go back to his young self and get those superpowers because of the psychic satellites.  I'm fine with pseudo science, but that didn't make any sense to me.  The end of the episode had me  :rollin .
Before you watch any more: don't expect proper science fiction from Doctor Who. A lot of people (myself included) don't really consider it science-fiction and prefer to think of it as a fairytale story more than anything else. There are sci-fi elements, but these are varied, often whimsical, and most of all are there to support the story. Which is exactly why I still really like the end of Series 3 (the ones you've just watched), the ideas behind the story are great, even if the science is silly.

And believe me, DW gets a lot sillier than that at times. The important thing is to enjoy it, and not take it too seriously.

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Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #332 on: January 06, 2011, 05:51:10 PM »
Well, the third part, "Last of the Time Lords" was yesterday.  It was just as good, except for the part where millions of people thinking "Doctor" at the same time cause the Doctor to go back to his young self and get those superpowers because of the psychic satellites.  I'm fine with pseudo science, but that didn't make any sense to me.  The end of the episode had me  :rollin .
Before you watch any more: don't expect proper science fiction from Doctor Who. A lot of people (myself included) don't really consider it science-fiction and prefer to think of it as a fairytale story more than anything else. There are sci-fi elements, but these are varied, often whimsical, and most of all are there to support the story. Which is exactly why I still really like the end of Series 3 (the ones you've just watched), the ideas behind the story are great, even if the science is silly.
I'd agree with this.

Doctor Who is absolutely not hard sci-fi. It's a fantastic neverending story given a cool time-travel framework.

It's fun, exciting, vibrant, and often very, very clever - but it's not this horrendous thing bogged down with continuity. It's the opposite of Lost or Battlestar Galactica or Inception. It's Ghostbusters-science. The Weeping Angels you saw a couple of episodes back - "quantum-locked!" They cease to exist the second you look at them. That doesn't make any sense - how would a creature like that even evolve? But you go with it because it's brilliant.

It's everything that's brilliant about films like Ghostbusters or Indiana Jones or Back to the Future, rolled into a massive, joyous ball.

Doctor Who never lets the facts get in the way of a good story. Yet, for what it's worth, the best ones are nonetheless among the cleverest TV I've seen. The time-travel paradox in Blink is FANTASTIC. And the series 5 finale? So, SO clever. Same goes for the most recent christmas special, in fact.

There are a handful of episodes that don't quiiiite hit the spot - sure, the resolutions to Last of the Time Lords, New Earth, Evolution of the Daleks etc. make me go "alright, what?" but I can't watch episodes like Blink, The Big Bang and A Christmas Carol without sitting there marvelling at the TV, mouth agape. Stellar television.

This is a show which uses time-travel paradoxes, quantum mechanics and interstellar travel as plot points. But it also features a planet orbiting a black hole, a race of telepathic aliens, and a living statue that comes out of a TV.

Never let the facts get in the way of a fantastic story.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #333 on: January 06, 2011, 06:34:35 PM »
Yeah, I could tell its not hard sci-fi, I wasn't expecting THAT.  I would've liked an explanation of how hooking yourself up to the psychic/hypnosis satellite network, combined with everyone thinking your name makes you young and super powerful?  Not enough of an explanation, but maybe I'm too used to Star Trek.

Don't get me wrong brits, I'm enjoying it a lot!

EDIT: just got Season 5.  Jesus, does the Doctor have a superpower that makes anything with a vagina eager to jump his 907-year-old bone?
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 08:41:57 PM by skydivingninja »

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #334 on: January 31, 2011, 01:52:45 PM »
As far as science and logic is concerned in DW, it's easier to just roll with it.
I only like ablums that I can xanascholithoun.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #335 on: January 31, 2011, 01:58:31 PM »
I feel immense guilt and shame because I still have not watched the Christmas Special.  :-\
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #336 on: January 31, 2011, 02:23:49 PM »
Yeah, I could tell its not hard sci-fi, I wasn't expecting THAT.  I would've liked an explanation of how hooking yourself up to the psychic/hypnosis satellite network, combined with everyone thinking your name makes you young and super powerful?  Not enough of an explanation, but maybe I'm too used to Star Trek.

Don't get me wrong brits, I'm enjoying it a lot!

EDIT: just got Season 5.  Jesus, does the Doctor have a superpower that makes anything with a vagina eager to jump his 907-year-old bone?
Ha! I never caught that.

I think showing them the universe has that effect.

Mind you - Karen Gillan isn't just anything with a vagina. How's it all been going? Which episodes have you caught now?
I feel immense guilt and shame because I still have not watched the Christmas Special.  :-\

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #337 on: January 31, 2011, 02:26:23 PM »
I feel immense guilt and shame because I still have not watched the Christmas Special.  :-\
You fail as a person.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #338 on: February 23, 2011, 06:11:53 AM »
I feel immense guilt and shame because I still have not watched the Christmas Special.  :-\
You fail as a person.


And it was awesome. Really reminded me about why I love the Fifth Doctor. The episode had such a perfect sense of fun and wonder about it. Great special, probably the best Christmas one yet. Now I'm so PUMPED for Series 6.
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #339 on: February 23, 2011, 08:15:13 AM »
Fifth Doctor? Surely you mean either eleventh Doctor or fifth series! :lol

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #340 on: February 23, 2011, 08:18:41 AM »
Fifth Doctor? Surely you mean either eleventh Doctor or fifth series! :lol

Right. Silly me. :facepalm:

Anyways, what are your thoughts on the Special? I think Matt really shines in it.
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #341 on: February 23, 2011, 08:26:19 AM »

Series 5 was absolutely glorious - my favourite yet - but you can tell that this is the first episode which is written specifically for Matt Smith. And he shines in it. He knows exactly how Matt Smith talks and moves and thinks, now, and so he can write scenes with the Doctor sliding down the chimney and jumping up and down on the bed and knows that he's got an actor who will revel in it.

And the performance is absolutely elevated by that.

Not to mention. Michael Gambon! Real life Dumbledore! And flying sharks! And the entire thing looks gorgeous. Like if Tim Burton directed the Muppet Christmas Carol. Wonderful episode. Ohhh, and the twist. The Ghost of Christmas Future is wonderful.

I will say that it does drag on a little on future watches, just because you know all the twists, and it's so much less action driven than most episodes - but it's a glorious little slice of Doctor Who, and among the very best Christmas specials. Second only to the End of Time, even.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #342 on: February 23, 2011, 08:30:13 AM »
I think what I liked so much about the episode was the sense of spirit Matt injected into the whole thing. You can tell he is having a ton of fun, and it makes the entire show shine with youthful enthusiasm and good cheer. Seriously, casting Matt is probably the best move the series has done since the re-boot.
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #343 on: February 23, 2011, 10:17:04 AM »
Yeah he's my favourite Doctor, like you say his energy and enthusiasm is so much fun!

Just saw this sad news on BBC: Nicholas Courtney, who played the Brig for years in the Classic Who era and also reprised the role in an episode of the Sarah Jane Adventures, has passed away. :(

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Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #344 on: February 23, 2011, 10:39:59 AM »
I think what I liked so much about the episode was the sense of spirit Matt injected into the whole thing. You can tell he is having a ton of fun, and it makes the entire show shine with youthful enthusiasm and good cheer. Seriously, casting Matt is probably the best move the series has done since the re-boot.
Absolutely. The man's a blessing. I never thought I'd be more fond of a Doctor than I was of David Tennant, but DT barely feels like the real Doctor to me any more. I adore him and thought he was wonderful on the show - but Matt is something else.

The best of a string of really, really good actors. Doctor Who are blessed with an excellent casting department.

More excitingly, though, what did you think of the trailer?! I see you've quoted it in your sig, that's gotta be a good sign.

Just saw this sad news on BBC: Nicholas Courtney, who played the Brig for years in the Classic Who era and also reprised the role in an episode of the Sarah Jane Adventures, has passed away. :(
I've never seen him in anything, so it's a little bit of an odd one for me. I'm feeling the significance of the loss, but I sadly don't have that personal investment. I've never quite "got into" Classic Who, but I might check out the Daemons as a sort of tribute. RIP Nick, by all reports a fine gentleman and a wonderful ambassador for the show.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #345 on: February 23, 2011, 10:55:20 AM »
I really like the trailer. It looks like a slightly grittier version of the Doctor, a little more serious. Words cannot describe how excited I am for the new season.

Two things do jump to mind though:
a) One of my issues with the later seasons of the Tennant years was that there were too many recurring characters, which would show up for two seconds and then vanish. It was almost like fan bait, and maybe it's just me but I didn't like it. That's why I love Series 5, so fresh, new, no recurring or returning people (except River, but that one I can let slide, and the Angels, but they're too awesome not to have back). In the Series 6 trailer though there is a short shot of the Ood, which I wasn't a big fan of. We'll see if they use them properly.

b) Matt looks dirty as hell with that beard.

Other than that, spectacular.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #346 on: February 23, 2011, 11:04:17 AM »
Aye, I'd agree with a). I don't like how they kept on bringing people back - it was alright for a cheeky thrill now and then, but it meant that each character got about three different "closures," which seemed a bit gratuitous. It made the narrative just a wee bit jerkier. And no, I don't mind River either. Nor Captain Jack, at that - because both were clearly earmarked as recurring characters. Martha sort of became one, and I think her return in The Sontaran Stratagem was a lot better done than her return in The Stolen Earth, say. Although the Stolen Earth was like a brilliant sugar rush throughout, so I'm not complaining.

Love the Ood though. They were my favourites right from second I saw the Impossible Planet. Really excited to see a Moffat-penned Ood episode. And they've got green eyes! Eyes of green! Which are eyes! With green! What's going on there?! I like the Ood as they're the first sort of "iconic" recurring villain that the new series have produced. They're RTD's Daleks. The law of diminishing returns operates to a certain extent - Planet of the Ood wasn't as good as the sublime Impossible Planet, the appearance in The Waters of Mars was chilling but ultimately meaningless, and they were just there in The End of Time, but they're a brilliant design and a brilliant concept, and I really relish seeing them. (Also, I like how they're in each even-numbered series. That's a nice touch.)

The thing that's exciting me most, though, is the Silence. Apparently we're introduced to them quite early on in the series, and according to Matt Smith they're scarier than the Weeping Angels. I can't wait.

Do wonder if the Weeping Angels will be back, on that note. I'd possibly hold off on them for a couple of years, though. Maybe have them as the big bad in Matt Smith's last series - form a nice Weeping Angel trilogy. They've had two corkers so far, a third would be grand. Could make it a three-parter, too, so their stories get progressively longer. If they continue to be used this well, they'll definitely be Moffat's Daleks. I think they might be already, even.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #347 on: February 23, 2011, 11:13:33 AM »
I think recurring characters and villains is one of the best things about the show; they give it a sense of consistency. Otherwise it's just a bunch of separate stories with no connection other than the Doctor.

I think it was either Moffat or Gatiss who confirmed that there are no returning monsters in Series 6, they're all new, which is exciting! But I like other characters coming back every now and then. Would love to see Jack back at some point!

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #348 on: February 23, 2011, 11:24:41 AM »
I can't beleive I forgot about Captain Jack  :facepalm: I love him, so funny and such a great character. Although I watched the first half of Torchwood season 1 and wasn't really all that impressed.

And you're right about holding off on the Weeping Angels. Part of what made them to creepy the first and second time around is that you had NO IDEA what could happen, since they were so mysterious. They were scary, powerful and brilliantly executed, but if they keep using them than they will lose that punch. Plus, the writers would keep having to think of really contrived reasons to bring them back (much like the Daleks are now). I saw keep them in pocket for a little while, let them fade from memory a bit, then WHAM, just when we least expect it, spring them on us.

On the note of recurring characters, possibly my least favorite character in the entire modern re-boot has got to be Mickey. He's got no reason to be there, especially in the End of Time when he and Martha are married. Or was that an alternate dimension? I don't remember.

As for the Ood, they were well done in the Impossible Planet, but the more we saw of them the more I thought they were being shoehorned into different roles for which they we'rent really suited. But if they pull it off as well as you hope they will in series 6, it could work.

What I'm really excited for is the Gaiman episode. He's a master of the creepy and yet hilarious, a perfect fit for the Doctor. Can't wait to see what he's got written.

I'd also like to see Rory and Amy rise to the occasion. They're both great characters, and could have some really great moments. Since the Christmas Special was Doctor centric, I'd like to see at least one episode where Amy and Rory have a really heroic moment.

Just some thoughts.
Everything can, should and will be progressive.

"The only thing that is certain is that nothing is certain" - Montaigne.

I'm going to need a SWAT team ready to mobilize, street over maps covering all of Florida, a pot of coffee, twelve Jammie Dodgers and a Fez - Eleventh Doctor

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  • Posts: 5021
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #349 on: February 23, 2011, 11:29:08 AM »
I think recurring characters and villains is one of the best things about the show; they give it a sense of consistency. Otherwise it's just a bunch of separate stories with no connection other than the Doctor.

I think it was either Moffat or Gatiss who confirmed that there are no returning monsters in Series 6, they're all new, which is exciting! But I like other characters coming back every now and then. Would love to see Jack back at some point!
I've got no aversion to recurring characters as a concept - quite like it. Love the idea of all these separate lives intertwining, and it turns what could be a fairly linear TV show (well, as linear as a TV show about time travel can get!) into this massive universe of wonderful people doing wonderful things all across time and space. I'm just being a wee bit narratively picky. Rose got a fair handful of "grand finales." Almost feels like a couple too many climaxes? It's just a nitpick. There are pros and cons to it.

It's one of those things I can look at both through my superfan "OMG ITS CAPTAIN JACK!" lenses and through my "literary deconstruction let's write an essay" lenses, so if someone presents a pro I'll usually second it quite chirpily but I'll join in with constructive criticism, too.

It's a wonder my arse isn't worlds sorer, given all this fence-sitting I've been getting up to.

Incidentally, have either of you seen ? I don't generally follow blogs, but he's been going from the very beginning with no spoilers whatsoever, and he reports back after each episode, which he watches each weekday. He totally gets Doctor Who, it's an absolute joy. He's up to the Sontaran Stratagem, now, and he was surprised enough when Martha showed up. The Stolen Earth is going to turn his brains to mush. He doesn't even know when David regenerates! Can't wait for him to get to that bit.

Space Invader: I've got a gig to play in a bit (and some food to eat and an article to write and a radio show to broadcast beforehand!) but that's a dead interesting post. Will respond as soon as I've got a spare second. Well up for a thorough analysis of some Doctor Who. :hat