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Offline MinistroRaven

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Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - SPOILERS
« on: April 11, 2023, 07:13:42 AM »
« Last Edit: November 13, 2023, 10:27:51 AM by MinistroRaven »

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2023, 07:37:52 AM »
Looks fun for sure  :tup

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2023, 07:38:24 AM »
Can't tell much from the teaser. Could be fun, could be awful. With Marvel's recent history, I'll remain skeptical.

Offline DoctorAction

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2023, 09:41:18 AM »
I like the look of that.  :)
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2023, 11:02:05 AM »
Seems like it leaned hard into the Ms. Marvel vibe.  Which is, I think, a good thing.
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2023, 11:28:33 AM »
I'm loving Kamala's manic, chaotic energy in this. I think she will liven things up a bit for both Monica and Carol, in the best (and worst) ways possible!

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2023, 10:45:29 PM »

New trailer just dropped!

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Offline jammindude

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2023, 11:11:53 PM »
I know I’m too forgiving, but I think that looks completely bad ass!
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2023, 08:17:35 AM »
Badass indeed

Offline gmillerdrake

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2023, 12:57:52 PM »
From Bosk and I's conversation in the Marvel/Jonathan Majors Thread:

That role isn't really all that important anyway despite it trying to be pimped and touted a such.

I'm not following you here.  How is it not important?  It's central to the overall main plotline of phases 4-6, culminating in the next two Avengers films.  Can you elaborate?

Maybe 'important' is the wrong word. Actually, it is the wrong word. Let me rephrase and explain where I'm coming from.

I've admitted that I'm not nearly as versed a Marvel connoisseur as several of you on the forum maybe that is the immediate disconnect between me and a few of you when viewing/consuming this Marvel content. That being said, Marvel did a great job in that whole first phase or whatever you call it in making that Thanos/Infinity stone saga compelling and something I really wanted to watch unfold. It was told in a really cool way with some great acting that produced endearing characters.

So...I'll replace the word 'important' with 'compelling'. Because to me....the average Marvel viewer....all of these second phase characters and the underlying storyline is just not compelling. On any level. The characters aren't as compelling, the actors in the roles don't invoke any real emotion.....and the underlying storyline is pretty weak. That's all in the fact of what it's trying to follow and I think Marvel is suffering from doing the first phase stuff too good. It's impossible to follow.

 It's like S2 of 'True Detective'  Had it been S1 everyone would probably say what a great job Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell did and what a cool story it was. BUT....they had to follow the incredible awesomeness of S1's story and acting of Woody and Matthew so it was weaker just for that factor.

I just haven't seen ANY of the post Infinity War Marvel content as very good. It's all been average....across the board....writing, acting and story.

Bosk's response:

OK, I follow you.  And we can probably more appropriately discuss that in the main Marvel thread, but briefly:  I agree that it's impossible to follow phases 1-3 due to how well done that all was, on so many unprecedented levels.  I think there are a lot of fans who can be objective enough to fully admit that and still enjoy whatever comes next, knowing it will never rise to those heights.  A lot of us, myself included, just wanted something that was consistent, and had the same level of quality as the earlier work, even if the storyline wasn't ever going to be as compelling.  And I think what they are building toward in terms of the Kang saga could be very satisfying in that regard.  But the three biggest problems I see are:  (1) there are too many disparate story threads going in too many different directions for it to feel connected (and some of them really aren't--e.g., the Wakanda/Talokan thread in Wakanda Forever doesn't appear connected to any of the multiverse stuff, and is one of the better entries in recent times; the armor wars and Captain America threads also don't appear related to the multiverse and appear to be their own thing; same with Secret Wars; same with Moon Knight, Werewolf by Night, and some other properties); (2) there are too many characters, and given the number of films and shows, we get stretches of time in between appearances from a lot of characters that keep us from really feeling connected to them emotionally like we did with the main characters of phases 1-3; and (3) the storylines have just been sloppily executed in many cases, both individually, and in terms of connectivity to the overall MCU.  It's a shame because I think all of these problems could have been avoided, and the overall Marvel "product" did not have to suffer the way it has.

I think you hit the nail on the head here with the too many characters thing. Even though phase 1-3 had a host of characters they were given the chance to develop in a way where you actually cared about them. That attention hasn't been given to any of these phase 4-6 characters. It's been a quantity over quality approach that has really diluted the empathy to give a crap about any of these characters. Even Loki....who was intriguing and mysterious in 1-3 is now just a run of the mill character with near zero compelling features. He's been reduced to a pretty boring version of himself.

It doesn't feel like there was much thought given to how exactly they were going to pull off 4-6 other than 'let's throw a bunch of these cool characters at them'. The characters can 'seem' cool all they want but unless you invest the time to build them they're nothing special at all. None of these phase 4-6 characters invoke any emotional response from me in any of these films or shows. And the writing has taken a nose dive compared to the thought and care that was once put into it all.
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2023, 01:59:35 PM »
I disagree about Loki specifically, but not the overall point.  It's a twofold problem, IMO.  (1) Too many characters and (2) not enough time spent developing them.  And the latter has too sub-problems:  (2a) Since there are so many characters and, as a result, too many films/TV shows trying to service them all, we go TOO long between iterations of characters to keep any sort of connection with them (e.g. Moon Knight--FANTASTIC series, but it's been too long since we've seen him, and no immediate plans for him to show up again; or Shang Chi--solid film in most respects, and pretty likeable, well-written character, but where has he been, and will I care once he resurfaces, since I've not had any connection with him or his world for years now?); and (2b) A lot of them just aren't written well, whether it's just poor writing (e.g. She-Hulk) or not enough writing to develop them yet (e.g. Echo or Ironheart; I don't dislike either as characters, but they haven't  been around long enough for me to care enough about them to see them in their own series). 

There's a good video from Full Fat that came out a few months ago that discusses some of these issues quite well:  I don't necessarily agree with every single point of his, but he hits the nail on the head repeatedly throughout that 22:14.
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2023, 03:43:56 PM »
With regard to The Marvels, I really hope it's good.  Captain Marvel was a HUGE disappointment, and there seems to be a lot of recent trepidation about this installment as well.  I keep telling myself to just trust that the trailer footage looks AMAZING.  ...but then a little voice creeps in and says, "Yeah, but so was the trailer footage for Love and Thunder."  So I don't know.  I have very high hopes, but low expectations.  Anywhere toward the former end of that spectrum would be fine. 

And it looks like this film and Loki are targeted at starting to tie a good chunk of the phase 4-6 storyline together finally, which is much needed.  To tie that into and expand the discussion in my previous post, the lack of focus has been such an issue, and to me, the argument that "this is just the same as phase 1 where we were just being introduced to all kinds of new characters, so just think of this as a reset to do that again and lay the groundwork for the NEXT big thing" doesn't fly.  For one thing, phase 1 had to have a lot of world/universe building because the world/universe was new.  It isn't now.  This just feels gratuitous, meandering, and poorly thought out.  Second, there was still a focus to phase 1 that hasn't been present in phase 4, and feels like it is just slightly starting to happen now in phase 5.  So let's take a quick look back and compare:

Phase 1:  Introducing the original 6 Avengers, doing lots of character building for the main ones, and building toward the team-up in Avengers.  This worked because we were told about the team up from the end credits in the very first film.  We were building toward something concrete, even if we didn't know who the characters would be and we had to take the time to introduce and get to know them. 

Phase 2:  Phase 2 did meander a bit.  But it still had two unifying themes.  First, we were dealing with the aftermath of the battle of New York.  Second, we were introduced to the threat of Thanos, if ever so briefly, and in the very second film of this phase, we knew we were dealing with infinity stones.  Marvel built this storyline by taking the time to further develop our original characters and being careful to be sparing and deliberate about introducing new ones (major ones anyway; of course we are going to get a bunch of minor characters in film).  Ultron may have seemed like a bit of a detour and an underwhelming climax to phase 2 (I didn't feel it was underwhelming, but I get that some did), but it was clearly a big building block of the overall narrative. 

Phase 3:  Lots of characters, new and old, and was clearly building, step by step, to Infinity War and Endgame, the culmination of all three phases.

Phase 4:  Okay...we're dealing with the aftermath of the infinity saga.  That's fine and logical.  We should be dealing with that.  No problem so far.  We get introduced to the multiverse and to Kang.  Maybe these are two separate threads; maybe they aren't.  But okay, they will probably at least intersect.  And that's the road map for us moving forward for the next three phases.  Cool.  So far, so good.  BUT we have 17 different properties.  LOTS of them have new characters.  There is often little to no overlap in these characters' story arcs.  And there appear to be lots of different arcs that have nothing to do with one another OR to the multiverse or Kang.  So where are we going?  At least we're building toward something, right?  Well, the end of this phase came and went without any climactic point that felt like the phase was moving toward something.  We don't necessarily have to have an "Avengers" team up to wrap up a phase.  But each phase thus far worked because we were building toward something that at least had a unifying climax to most or all of what we saw earlier in that phase.  Not so here.  It was all just disjointed.  Most of these characters had no interaction with one another.  And we would go a LONG time without revisiting some (some have not been revisited at all yet).  And, again, all of that spread out over 17 properties with a longer total run time than phases 1-3 combined, which contributed even more to the disjointedness of it all. 

Phase 5:  Okay, yeah, more disjointedness so far.  I don't buy the narrative out there that Secret Wars was such a disjointed mess that it will have to just be retconned to not have happened.  But that said, I have a hard time seeing how it will fit in, or how they are going to deal with G'iah now being one of the most powerful beings in the universe and, being a shapeshifter, being able to hide in plain sight, while somehow still just being a minor character with no apparent future plans factoring into anything in the MCU.  :dunno:  And Guardians 3, while being really good, doesn't necessarily appear to have anything major to do with the major thread of the MCU, and is just about giving closure to some o.g. characters.  That's fine.  2 of the 4 phase 5 properties thus far (Ant Man and Loki) are clearly moving the ball downfield.  I finally feel like I know where some of this is all headed.  This feels more like phase 2 so far.  But we're not that far in.

So my assessment so far:  Phase 4 was an inexcusable mess, despite having some really good things (e.g., Wandavision, Moon Knight).  And while phase 5 is feeling more focused, it is building on the very flawed, messy foundation of phase 4, with no apparent plans or ability to resolve the problems above.  I hope it can somehow start to feel more cohesive and just cut ties with some of the phase 4 trash, but maybe not.  Even with building toward something cohesive, if the multiverse saga is just a means of saying that everything that ever had the Marvel logo attached to it is all "canon," then that just further dilutes the good and compounds the bad.  And I fear that is exactly where we are going. 
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Offline jammindude

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2023, 08:49:51 PM »
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2023, 07:00:24 AM »
Nice little nugget someone caught in the last trailer...

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2023, 07:02:36 AM »
The biggest issue I think personally is the TV Shows.  Not that they are bad (well some have been) but they should have been kept the storyline separate from the films.  I think The Marvels will suffer more from Kamala than it'll benefit - which is nothing against the character of Kamala, just the viewing numbers for the shows is generally a lot lower than the movies - so a lot of casual fans won't know who she is, and maybe turned off going to the cinema if they think they are missing key backstory.

I also think (and this is very much in hindsight) a FF4 movie very early in phase 4 would have helped - and making them very much the driving force/heart of the arc (in the same way Stark/Rodgers were in the previous arc).  I do agree with Bosk about introducing to many characters - but so many of them are bitty roles with whom we have no real idea when we will see them again or how they'll fit into the bigger picture (Kate Bishop, Moon Knight, Black Knight, Ironheart, America Chavez, She-Hulk, G'iah etc...).

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2023, 08:22:05 AM »
Nice little nugget someone caught in the last trailer...

Drawing a blank here. What is that?

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2023, 08:27:32 AM »
X-men logo...

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2023, 08:29:41 AM »
It's an X.  Think X-Men.

There was already some buzz about such a thing.  One of the earlier trailers had something to the effect of "See What Happens Next" in print on the screen, and all of the letters faded out one by one, with the X being the last letter on the screen.

Does that mean anything?  Maybe not.  But I doubt it means NOTHING.
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2023, 08:30:24 AM »
Duh!  :facepalm:

I did hear a radio ad for the movie, and one of the lines mentioned was....well let's just say interesting. I'm planning to catch the movie Saturday Morning.

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2023, 08:49:29 AM »
jingle.son already gave me a spoiler as it relates to this.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2023, 09:17:55 AM »
jingle.son already gave me a spoiler as it relates to this.

Where's the tiny type yo?

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2023, 09:28:41 AM »
There’s one leak going around that says:

The movie ends with an Incursion, and Monica Rambeau is trapped in another universe. She wakes up in a hospital, and Beast(played by Kelsey Grammer) is there.

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2023, 12:17:45 PM »
There’s one leak going around that says:

The movie ends with an Incursion, and Monica Rambeau is trapped in another universe. She wakes up in a hospital, and Beast(played by Kelsey Grammer) is there.

that was more details than jingle.son gave me, but yeah ... that.  And it was a recent re-shoot.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2023, 01:01:59 PM »
Just noticed the movie run time. A quick google search shows this will be the shortest run time for an MCU movie, I hope they utilize that time wisely  :corn

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2023, 01:13:25 PM »
There’s one leak going around that says:

The movie ends with an Incursion, and Monica Rambeau is trapped in another universe. She wakes up in a hospital, and Beast(played by Kelsey Grammer) is there.

The leaked I saw is different but still involves a Rambeau and a second one involves Kate Bishop
The leaked Post credit scene of Maria Rambeau as Captain Marvel in binary form at X-Mansion in upcoming Marvel Studios' The Marvels film!

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2023, 01:30:51 PM »
Just noticed the movie run time. A quick google search shows this will be the shortest run time for an MCU movie, I hope they utilize that time wisely  :corn

This is the first thing I’ve heard about the movie that dampened my excitement.  :-\
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2023, 01:40:16 PM »
Just noticed the movie run time. A quick google search shows this will be the shortest run time for an MCU movie, I hope they utilize that time wisely  :corn

This is the first thing I’ve heard about the movie that dampened my excitement.  :-\
Yeah, 1:45, which I assume counts credits and intro, that leaves with about 1:35 of actual movie time. Which isn't bad, but it can either make the plot feel rushed or disjointed, depending how much was deleted from the final cut.

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2023, 08:48:09 AM »
1:45 should be plenty of time for any Marvel film that isn't an Avengers film.
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2023, 10:32:57 AM »
Thinking about seeing this Saturday. Emagine just renovated a theater complex near me and installed a Super EMX screen which is 92-95 ft wide 48 to 53 ft tall. Been wanting to check that out and this might be the time to do it.
beul ni teh efac = Lube In The Face / That has to be wrong.  :lol / EDIT: Oh, it's Blue! I'm an idiot.
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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2023, 01:47:17 PM »
I'll be watching it today. In 1 hour and 25 minutes

My brother watched it earlier and he said:

I'm excited to say The Marvels is really something else! Iman Vellani totally rocks as Kamala Khan – she's even more into it than before. Brie Larson gets to do a whole lot more this time, and man, does she flex those acting muscles! The length of the movie hits the sweet spot, matching up with Nia DaCosta's vibe in directing. Everyone who pitched in seriously knocked it out of the park.

And, seriously, THAT POST-CREDIT SCENE!!! Mind-blowing!

Offline jammindude

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - Teaser trailer out now
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2023, 01:49:18 PM »
I'll be watching it today. In 1 hour and 25 minutes

My brother watched it earlier and he said:

I'm excited to say The Marvels is really something else! Iman Vellani totally rocks as Kamala Khan – she's even more into it than before. Brie Larson gets to do a whole lot more this time, and man, does she flex those acting muscles! The length of the movie hits the sweet spot, matching up with Nia DaCosta's vibe in directing. Everyone who pitched in seriously knocked it out of the park.

And, seriously, THAT POST-CREDIT SCENE!!! Mind-blowing!

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - OUT TODAY
« Reply #31 on: November 09, 2023, 02:56:56 PM »
I'll be catching it tomorrow. Very excited for sure.

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - OUT TODAY
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2023, 03:12:45 PM »
I am seated. Just waiting for it to start

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - OUT TODAY
« Reply #33 on: November 09, 2023, 05:42:24 PM »
Honestly, it's a blast from beginning to end, seriously fun from start to finish. Some folks are hung up on the leads being women or just throwing shade at the Marvel universe in general. Whatever, go check it out for yourself.
Kamala? Totally steals the show. The flick's got its issues, but hey, it's still pretty great. I'm down for a rewatch.
And yo, that scene after the credits? Insanely cool.

Offline jammindude

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Re: Marvel Studios' - The Marvels - OUT TODAY
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2023, 06:06:02 PM »
Honestly, it's a blast from beginning to end, seriously fun from start to finish. Some folks are hung up on the leads being women or just throwing shade at the Marvel universe in general. Whatever, go check it out for yourself.
Kamala? Totally steals the show. The flick's got its issues, but hey, it's still pretty great. I'm down for a rewatch.
And yo, that scene after the credits? Insanely cool.

This makes my heart so happy!
"Better the pride that resides in a citizen of the world.
Than the pride that divides when a colorful rag is unfurled." - Neil Peart

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