Author Topic: nevermind  (Read 7176 times)

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Offline Aniland

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« on: August 25, 2011, 07:21:57 PM »
not a good thread from what I've been told
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 11:37:08 AM by Aniland »

Offline Zook

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So basically, he has a shitty opinion.

Offline Jamesman42

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That was a pretty well thought-out post. It wasn't a "LOL DT IS DISNEY MUSIC WANKERY" post, he stated his reasons and it was very opinionated. I don't agree with a lot of what he says (though I agree that SFAM was a failure in my opinion, but a majority of people love it so that says something), but he was very level-headed.

Offline ResultsMayVary

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So basically, he has a shitty opinion.
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Offline bosk1

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He hides behind a lot of words and musical knowledge, but basically his post seems to boil down to:  "I can't trash these guys because I like them.  But prog is just wanky, and I don't like it.  And DT disappoints me because here's some other stuff I really don't like, but it's obscure, so I'll sound cool if I mention it, and I don't think DT are as good as that."  If he doesn't like them, fine.  To each his own.  The cool thing about music, as well as lots of other forms of art, is that it is able to provoke such different reactions from different people.

But he goes on for quite awhile without really saying much more than what I just posted.
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Offline Implode

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Basically Dream Theater is not his style. Sad, but that's true for many people.

Offline Jaffa

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I can't speak for Dream Theater fans in general, but I don't have any problem with anything that post said.  I don't agree with any of it (except, in some cases and to some extent, JLB's vocals), but he spoke valid opinions.  And he also took the care to mention that they are great musicians, so it's not like the guy's delusional.  He just has some opinions that I disagree with.

Heck, I've seen more DT-insulting posts here on the DTF.

He hides behind a lot of words and musical knowledge, but basically his post seems to boil down to:  "I can't trash these guys because I like them.  But prog is just wanky, and I don't like it.  And DT disappoints me because here's some other stuff I really don't like, but it's obscure, so I'll sound cool if I mention it, and I don't think DT are as good as that."  If he doesn't like them, fine.  To each his own.  The cool thing about music, as well as lots of other forms of art, is that it is able to provoke such different reactions from different people.

But he goes on for quite awhile without really saying much more than what I just posted.

I don't think this is exactly a fair summary, myself.  First, he didn't say he couldn't trash the guys because he likes them, he said he couldn't trash Awake or Images and Words because he grew up listening to those albums and is therefore sentimentally attached.  And second of all, the 'obscure' albums he brought up were relevant to his point.  Especially the second one, where he was saying that he doesn't mind very technical music, he just likes more coherent structures for the technicality.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 07:39:05 PM by Jaffa »

Offline darkshade

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People who don't listen to other genre's of music besides metal, and the occasional hard rock, seem to not appreciate DT as much as more musically-rounded people (generally). C'mon, he compared Watchtower to Dream Theater (Watchtower is overly complex IMO)

Offline ReaPsTA

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Some of his points are fair.  I don't like most of their big instrumental sections, and I think the band has written a lot of music not suited for LaBrie, but it's obvious that he doesn't really like DT, which makes me wonder why he listens in the first place.

The biggest thing in his post I can't agree with is that Scenes was a failure.  I think it's overrated, but it accomplished everything it was supposed to artistically and commercially.  How is that a failure?

For what it's worth, he pointed out that Watchtower was a good band.  I'm not saying they're bad, but he fact he likes tech metal says a lot I think.

EDIT:  I'm reading the whole thread, which might have been a bad decision.  A lot of the posts are either ignorant, stupid, or both.

EDIT 2:  One thing someone said that is very fair though, almost nobody that isn't a DT fan comments on their songwriting.  And even then DT fans as a whole only seem to kinda care.  This is a big issue I've had that I'm hoping they cleaned up on ADTOE.

EDIT 3:  I don't get the mentality of someone who goes on the internet to bitch about Dream Theater.  If I make some kind of angry and bitter post about the Star Wars prequels, it's because I find their very existence demeaning to the originals, which are movies I really enjoy.  The most common line of thought DT-haters seem to have is "I used to like them, but now I see the light."  This is the same argument made by any person who ever liked a band and then decided they didn't.  It's not special.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 07:54:55 PM by ReaPsTA »
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Offline Perpetual Change

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For what it's worth, he pointed out that Watchtower was a good band.  I'm not saying they're bad, but he fact he likes tech metal says a lot I think.

"Hardcore" metal fans (I'm using the term to denote level of interest, rather than genre) typically don't like Dream Theater very much. Especially those who come from the whole thrash + extreme side, rather than the power/prog side.

In a way, I think Mike Portnoy was always kinda self-conscious about that. But it's nothing really new.

Offline j

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The guy has some legitimate criticisms, and some misplaced ones.


Offline darkshade

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What I don't understand is people like that who do not generally enjoy the band will go out of their way and spend their own time explaining why they do not enjoy a band's overall music.

I don't like Radiohead, but Ive almost never spent time exclaiming the fact that I don't enjoy them; aside from this sentence.

Offline Blazinarps

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Basically Dream Theater is not his style. Sad, but that's true for many people.

The thing is, is that it isn't sad that he doesn't like them. It's just his opinion. If a Justin Bieber fan told you it was sad you didn't like j.b., you would think it's ridiculous. Not everyone has to like DT. Not everyone has to like JB.

Offline atalkingfish

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Come on guys.

I think he has fantastic reasons for disliking the band. And it's not like he's not giving DT the chance, he obviously did, but not any one band is good for everyone. And given the reasons I've seen for most people disliking Dream Theater (I don't like the beat, I can't dance to it), I'd say it's an extraordinarily valid opinion.

Do I think he's missing some of the best parts of Dream Theater? Maybe
Is that a huge problem or personal flaw on his part? Not at all
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Offline reo73

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I see this type of post a lot on another guitar board I frequent.  Whenever music gets "technical" and let's be honest here, there is plenty that DT writes that is technical for the sake of being technical, especially in recent material, it will be very polarizing to listeners.  Some people eat it up and others absolutely despise it.  The weird thing about this guy's post is he seems to be into technical music, but for some reason DT just rubs him the wrong way which is fair enough.

I do find it curious though that if you ask most fans of metal music that have not necessarily been DT fans they will all say the same thing...."I like their early stuff but don't really get into their current stuff."  Even the editor of Premier Guitar, who is totally a rockabilly and classic rock kind of guy, quoted Awake as one of his guilty pleasure albums because of the songwriting and skills.  I attribute this to the fact that they really were fresh back in the 90s, but somewhere along the way they became old news in metal genres and their sound evolved into something that doesn't necessarily stand out from the crowd other than the technical aspects.

As i think about what has mostly changed over the years I think it boils down to this.  They used to let songs breath and groove a lot more.  I know this because there is a lot of early DT that I can play on guitar but the recent stuff is filled with a lot more musical clutter that I don't even try to learn.  Take PMU for example compared to OTBOA.  Both are the same form, and are heavy and somewhat foreboding in their mood but PMU has a lot less going on in the way it is played on the guitar.  When songs breath they are much more palatable to the average listener.

Offline WildeSilas

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I call bullshit. The guy was polite but this was basically a pseudo-intellectual means of comparing a band he doesn't like to a more obscure band he does like, couched in some ridiculous and subjective expectations about song structure that completely misses both the spirit and the purpose of progressive music to begin with.

Also: Tales From Topogtaphic Oceans a failure? Get. The. Fuck. All. The. Way. Out. I weep for this man.
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Offline skydivingninja

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I can see his criticisms about JLB not fitting in well with some of the songs, but SFAM has some of their best songwriting and instrumental sections, and can't really be considered a "failure."  I mean, if he thinks it is, of course its his opinion.  I can see how he doesn't like the JR/JP style of shred.  That's fine, whatever.

But saying they took the most pompous aspects of prog and ran with them?  I can't see how that's a fair criticism, not to mention it shouldn't really affect the music at all.  First you have to have a scale of what's too pompous, but more importantly Dream Theater are probably the least pompous prog band in existence.  While Fripp will stop his show if people take photos and Yes asked people not to come in during songs as if they were playing Mozart, Dream Theater have been very humble, their lyrics are usually very down-to-earth (or at least explore issues that aren't as lofty as the meaning of life), and they seem to have fun making rock music.  When it comes to prog they are the most down-to-earth people in the genre.  

Plus, he keeps name-dropping what seem to be a lot of technical metal bands, and its just clear that DT isn't the kind of stuff he likes and he shouldn't mention it whenever he can so that people who do enjoy the music can talk about it and not feel like someone's raining on their parade.

@WadeSilas: I can understand why he made the comparison though.  Tales is, from what I can tell, usually considered a subpar Yes album.  Of course, the comparison doesn't make sense since SFAM is considered one of DT's best by most of the fanbase, but I can see why he chose a poorly-received album from another big prog band to compare it to in order to make his point.

Offline ElliottTamer

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I can't speak for Dream Theater fans in general, but I don't have any problem with anything that post said.  I don't agree with any of it (except, in some cases and to some extent, JLB's vocals), but he spoke valid opinions.  And he also took the care to mention that they are great musicians, so it's not like the guy's delusional.  He just has some opinions that I disagree with.

Heck, I've seen more DT-insulting posts here on the DTF.

He hides behind a lot of words and musical knowledge, but basically his post seems to boil down to:  "I can't trash these guys because I like them.  But prog is just wanky, and I don't like it.  And DT disappoints me because here's some other stuff I really don't like, but it's obscure, so I'll sound cool if I mention it, and I don't think DT are as good as that."  If he doesn't like them, fine.  To each his own.  The cool thing about music, as well as lots of other forms of art, is that it is able to provoke such different reactions from different people.

But he goes on for quite awhile without really saying much more than what I just posted.

I don't think this is exactly a fair summary, myself.  First, he didn't say he couldn't trash the guys because he likes them, he said he couldn't trash Awake or Images and Words because he grew up listening to those albums and is therefore sentimentally attached.  And second of all, the 'obscure' albums he brought up were relevant to his point.  Especially the second one, where he was saying that he doesn't mind very technical music, he just likes more coherent structures for the technicality.

I actually agree with bosk1, for the simply reason that his arguments, though possibly valid are not explained. What does "coherent structure" even mean, musically speaking?
I mean, take this quote: "The thing is about Dream Theater is that, at times it really feels like they took the worst, most pompous aspects of old progressive rock and metal bands and just ran with it." Does he ever explain which aspects he is talking about? Or why they are pompous? Or what pompous means when used in relation to songwriting?

Or take this quote: "A lot has been said about their lengthy solo passages; they often feel remarkably self-indulgent and frankly, i've never thought that Petrucci or Rudess were ever that interesting from a melodic standpoint. Petrucci actually has some good moments on those two albums I cited in my first paragraph, but half of the time he basically runs scales without really doing much of anything noteworthy to me". I'm not the most knowledgeable person, musically speaking, but how can something be simultaneously self-indulgent and not noteworthy? If it is a display of musical prowess, it may be self-indulgent, but also probably noteworthy. If it is just a few scales together, it may not be noteworthy, but does not seem to me to be self-indulgent.

He mentions that "a lack of overall musical cohesion and taste. (in terms of structure and focus)" is the biggest flaw of Metropolis Pt.2, but how do you define musical cohesion? Even if you could define it satisfactorily, is it not the nature of progressive music to develop and change and thus be incoherent? Not to mention that taste is not a universal parameter, but very much a personal one.

Another problem of his is that "With Dream Theater, in all honesty most of their solos feel very interchangable; you could nearly splice in a lead from a different song and i'd have a hard time noticing intially. (and that is coming from somebody who listens to a lot of progressively minded artists in metal and rock)". I know that I would certainly notice, even though I'm sure that I wouldn't upon first (or second) listening to Watchtower's Energetic Disassembly notice anything different if they did that. It's really about how well you know the music. There were a lot of parts of On the Backs of Angels that took me a while to notice as part of the song, but once I did I could not imagine their being changed.

In this quote he once more fails to explain what he means: "I should also make a bit of a note - James Labrie isn't that great of a singer. I liked his vocals on Awake, but apparently he blew them out from vomiting thanks to food poisoning and he never fully recovered. He's not terrible, i've heard substantial more grating singers in general, but his vocal melodies also have a real bad tendancy to clash horrible with the music underneath. Train of Thought stands out massively in this record; his voice just isn't appropriate for what was (ostensibly) supposed to be a heavy album" Is there a necessary type of singer in a heavy album? How does his vocal melodies clash with the rest of the song? Any examples?

So while his point might be valid, they are (as most opinions, including my own, are) ultimately very subjective. He seems to me to be very much a genre-listener, which is once more something that flaws his arguments. He says some melodies from Metropolis Pt.2 are some of the most cloying he's ever heard in metal music. But the very word cloying is (once more) subjective, given that it means excessively sweet/exaggerated. Even worse, complains like that are pretty much invalid, it's like saying: "That instrumental track did not have enough singing"; or "That drama wasn't funny enough"; or "That puzzle-game didn't have enough action". I'm pretty sure DT did not desire to be very metal when they wrote Through Her Eyes or The Spirit Carries On...

Offline skydivingninja

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I think he actually explained his reasons for not liking James pretty well in comparison to the rest of his argument.  Its clear he prefers more rough, gritty singers since he liked his voice on Awake, and I do agree with him that ToT and JLB's voice didn't quite mesh well (except for ITNOG, which works amazingly well). 

Offline 7thHanyou

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I agree with him about instrumentals being interchangable.  Most of the quality bands I listen to have a really unique character to all their songs--Iron Maiden and Spock's Beard are example--but with Dream Theater, the mood just kind of runs together.  The past four--hell, five--albums have put forward some very similar musical ideas.

I am not a musician, so I just know what I hear--and a lot of it sounds the same.  Especially in the past two albums, what I've heard is a lot of jamming, not a lot of cohesive ideas to make songs unique.  This is largely not true of their earlier work, especially I&W and FII.  I don't know if I "blame" Rudess or just the band in general.  For what it's worth, most of Octavarium seemed substantially more cohesive, more melody-focused than the albums around it.  Even Scenes runs into this problem sometimes, but for some reason that doesn't hurt it too much.

What I don't understand is how they say LaBrie's voice doesn't match the music.  What is this even supposed to mean?  What would be a better match?  LaBrie is a classic-style metal vocalist through and through--it's fine if you find his voice annoying on its own merits but I've never understood criticisms that it doesn't "fit."  That's ridiculous.

Offline BlobVanDam

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"Hardcore" metal fans (I'm using the term to denote level of interest, rather than genre) typically don't like Dream Theater very much. Especially those who come from the whole thrash + extreme side, rather than the power/prog side.

To be fair, thrash fans are allergic to melodies and anything less than 200bpm.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline theseoafs

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There's nothing wrong with the post the OP quoted other than that he falls back on some of the phrases that every Dream Theater hater uses, presumably because they are included in the index of The Unabridged Dream Theater Hater's Survival Guide and Apologetic Reference: From Not Being as Progressive as They Say They Are to That One Solo Section Being a Little Out of Place, I Don't Remember Which©. Confusingly, all Dream Theater haters unanimously agree that after James LaBrie's food-poisoning incident, he suddenly turned into a bad singer. All you need to do is reference the bootlegs from the most recent tour to learn that although LaBrie's vocal condition is variable, on many nights he is just as strong as ever live. But his opinion is valid and he supported it quite well even for a person who doesn't listen to the band, and even though he gets a few of his references wrong (if you read the rest of the thread, which I don't suggest, you'll notice he mentions the "ragtime section in This Dying Soul". Uhh, what?). You don't have to like Dream Theater, and he doesn't. No crime was committed here. (Though I'm sure I'm not alone when I wonder what this guy's problem is. He basically hung around the thread since its beginning, all the while making little snide remarks about how lame the group is, obviously baiting the fans and waiting for someone to ask him why he disliked the band so he would have clearance to launch into a massive rant. If Dream Theater's music is really so inconsequential, why even bother?)

But some of the comments here are just plain awful. One wrote, in response to the question "why do they get so much hate?":

clearly not as much hate as they deserve.
New York did just legalize Dream Theater marriage, after all.

Oh my god. What? What does that even mean?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 11:38:45 PM by theseoafs »

Offline Aniland

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It's to my understanding that he was calling Dream Theater 'gay'.

Offline theseoafs

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Well, yeah, I understood that that's what the commenter was getting at. I follow the news, friend. My "what does that even mean" was less of an actual question and more of a desperate and vague cry for help in a world where people see fit to say things like this.

But seriously, that comment in particular has a whole set of implications that the commenter didn't even consider, including that gay marriage doesn't get as much hate as it deserves. That is an example of a comment which was not well thought-out. The comment quoted by the OP, again, was well thought-out and does not disparage the gay community or any other communities.

Offline blackngold29

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My thoughts are that:

1. This guy was more respectful than most who have disliked DT (ie, the poster who said DT gets hated on because LaBrie looks horrible with a goatee.)

2. He's got an opinion I disagree with... so whatever, no biggie.

3. I could never write an 800+ word essay on why I don't like a band.

4. He says SFAM has "a lack of overall musical cohesion and taste." Taste is an opinion, but the album has multiple motifs, recurring themes, and an overture. It's beyond me how that's not cohesive.

5. I disagree the their solos are "interchangeable" I would like to hear some taken out of one song and put into another.

5. I still don't know what "wankery" means.

Offline BlobVanDam

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3. I could never write an 800+ word essay on why I don't like a band.

I've never even written an 800+ word essay on a band I DO like. He must have nothing better to do than to complain.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline Metabog

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There are a lot of people who have this opinion about Dream Theater. Why do we care? I usually skip an article when the word "wankery", "self indulgent" or "pompous" appears, because I know whoever wrote this has the exact inverse opinion to mine, because I love all of those things, especially wankery.

This is the kid who listens to Tool, BTBAM, etc all day and always comments on how "DT is teh ghey", only now he's grown up (not ripping on those bands, but there are a lot of people like that who think they've discovered gold because they can listen to technical music without it being progressive like "stupid" Dream Theater with that singer who always shouts and all the solos).

There are certain fanbases that can't overlap. My room mate used to be a huge fan of A7X, BTBAM, Trivium and other 'modern' bands like that, and I tried to show her operatic metal singers (Gildenlow, Tate, early LaBrie) and she literally looked like she was going to throw up, and immediately began to comment on how "that's European crap, I hate that". Do you expect her to have a good opinion of Dream Theater? Lol.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 12:00:35 AM by Metabog »

Offline noxon

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I can completely understand why some people tend to be very vocal about their dislike or even hatered of certain bands. Remembering from when I was a kid, and how obnoxious I myself was when I found something I liked to be "superior" to that of what my peers liked, whether it be my love for mac computers, or exclaiming john petrucci as the best guitar player in the world - I have since realized that taste is such as subjective experience that it's inherently impossible to discuss it without either sounding like an arrogant fool, or being dishonest in your arguments. And the tendency has always been that "more technical advanced" fans have viewed "less technical stuff" as inferior or even downright dumb. Sitting on the other side of that table and just recieving "why don't you listen to DT when they're clearly superior musicians" is hard to ignore, and thus strong dislike is born...

Offline hefdaddy42

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Why do we care what someone else on some other forum thinks about DT?
Hef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

Offline Millais

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Well compared to the many ignorant people that slash Dream Theater he actually laid out some pretty firm reasons for why he doesn't like them. But by doing that he's basically saying he doesn't like Prog, you can just see it in the text. So yeah, although i don't agree with his opinions whatsoever, he's given them fair enough reasons from another perspective.

One thing i do agree with - how the melodies in previous albums haven't been extremely strong and it's just been passages of solos. Hmm kinda. Realistically, from the teaser snippets i think we'll see much more dominant and beautiful melodies in ADTOE so i'm not bothered  :tup

However, JLB talk isn't really justified and is just stupid.

Offline gabeh1018

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I think his opinion about JP is way off. I think he is one of the only guitarists out there combines melody and technical prowess very well and balances the two.  But we all know he has his fair share of solos that just showcase technicality, but at the same time I always feel he makes his solos interesting to the ear. or is that just me/

Offline The Presence of Frenemies

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I think the problem most people have with LaBrie's post-Awake vocals is that he sounds much more thin and forced in the high registers. Early on, he sounded effortless and majestic up there (most of IaW) or ridiculously powerful (LATM and other early live stuff). Compare, say, the ITNOG chorus to those sections. His voice just doesn't have as much depth there, and it's more strained. And, given that LaBrie is a tenor whose biggest (technical) virtue is his expansive high range, it would make little sense for him to not go up there at least some.

So it's sort of a paradox. His low singing is always good, but his high register is thin and a bit grating at times, but given his voice, it seems like a waste to just rein him in to exclusively lower registers.

The CiM DVD has a bunch of examples of what I'm talking about, too.

That's not to say that I personally dislike his singing or that the above is necessarily an airtight criticism--I don't and it's not. But there are certainly a lot of questionable moments from LaBrie in the post-Awake era that simply didn't previously happen, and there aren't as many mindblowing performances from him either.

Hope that makes some sense.

EDIT: Yeah, I never understand the criticisms of JP's soloing. Sure, there are some overly technical clunkers from him, but people who think he's all shred and no emotion just must not have heard 8V, TBOT, TMOLS, SDOIT, LTL, etc. etc. In fact, I really haven't heard many shreddy metal guitarists who have such a high frequency of truly emotional and tasteful solos. I mean, compared to the Yngwies and Michael Romeos of the world, JP is David Gilmour.
Yeah, I have no idea what the cakeless person in that analogy is meant to be eating. If he's got some sort of cake substitute, it should really have been worked into the narrative at some point. As it stands, the options are:

  • Hoard a cake just to stare blankly into its doughy edifice.
  • Make futile chewing motions with your mouth while starving to death.

Offline pogoowner

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Aside from the Watchtower portion, I think he makes some pretty decent points.

Offline BlobVanDam

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EDIT: Yeah, I never understand the criticisms of JP's soloing. Sure, there are some overly technical clunkers from him, but people who think he's all shred and no emotion just must not have heard 8V, TBOT, TMOLS, SDOIT, LTL, etc. etc. In fact, I really haven't heard many shreddy metal guitarists who have such a high frequency of truly emotional and tasteful solos. I mean, compared to the Yngwies and Michael Romeos of the world, JP is David Gilmour.

This is what sets JP way apart from the other popular shredders imo. I could point out a whole bunch of great solos that are thoroughly tasteful with emotion and melody. Goodnight Kiss, Octavarium, Voices, LitS, Anna Lee, Hollow Years, Peruvian Skies, These Walls, Repentance, TCOT outro, and more to come. Listen to Petrucci on G3 side by side with Vai and Satriani, and the difference in taste and style is night and day.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline nikatapi

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EDIT: Yeah, I never understand the criticisms of JP's soloing. Sure, there are some overly technical clunkers from him, but people who think he's all shred and no emotion just must not have heard 8V, TBOT, TMOLS, SDOIT, LTL, etc. etc. In fact, I really haven't heard many shreddy metal guitarists who have such a high frequency of truly emotional and tasteful solos. I mean, compared to the Yngwies and Michael Romeos of the world, JP is David Gilmour.

This is what sets JP way apart from the other popular shredders imo. I could point out a whole bunch of great solos that are thoroughly tasteful with emotion and melody. Goodnight Kiss, Octavarium, Voices, LitS, Anna Lee, Hollow Years, Peruvian Skies, These Walls, Repentance, TCOT outro, and more to come. Listen to Petrucci on G3 side by side with Vai and Satriani, and the difference in taste and style is night and day.

Do you think that Petrucci plays more tastefully than Vai and Satriani?