Author Topic: The Depressed/Angry Thread.  (Read 260233 times)

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Offline nightmare_cinema

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #700 on: March 30, 2011, 12:08:51 PM »
You can't try and tell me that you would be just as happy without your boyfriend though.

You know, now we're together, yes... being with him contributes to my happiness significantly. But I was just as happy before we got together, being single. I promise.
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Offline Kura

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #701 on: March 30, 2011, 01:04:45 PM »
:'( I found my long lost sister a couple of days ago, the person I knew existed but haven't been around since I was 1. She was in the local paper, just been given a four year prison sentence for arson... so now I gotta decide should I go try to establish contact with her, or let it go? Could be a whole new can of worms because she looks like a heroin addict/alcoholic at the least. I always thought I would try find her once my mum died but I didn't expect it to surface so quickly and easily!

I can't handle another addict in my life yet if that's the case, but on the other hand I'll always be wondering... what if? She's my sister, yet a woman I've never known and don't have a clue about. On one hand I want to get to know her, if she wants to, she seems like she is at such a low point in her life and I'm the kinda person who wants to be there for people. But personally I don't think I'm strong enough to deal with the consequences if they're bad, not atm. Thoughts?

I just read your longer post about your "rant" and I just want to say that I'm very sorry that you had to go through that. I personally think that you should not cut her out of your life, but this might seem like a bad time to go see her if you're still struggling with dealing with your mom and the feelings associated with that. I can see you're a strong person, but I think right now you have to be there for yourself and get yourself healthy and able to move on before you can help her. If anything right now she's in prison so she can't do any more damage to herself while you sort yourself out.

Offline ZBomber

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #702 on: March 30, 2011, 01:09:55 PM »
n_c, you got enough on your plate at the moment. You don't need to cut her out forever, but I think you need to take care of yourself at the moment. Not saying she is a bad person, but if she IS an addict she ill try to tale advantage of you, and... well, you shouldn't have to put up with that now.

Offline Kura

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #703 on: March 30, 2011, 01:14:28 PM »
You lonely guys should be a little grateful that you depend on no one. Currently I have a distance relationship. Yeah, it's only for fools, it's just for losers, I know, whatever. She had to go and now she's studying far away in a distant city -And country- and we hoped that she could come back in October/December of this year. A lot of things happened and she finally was left to choose between finishing her career next year and then coming back here, or come back this year but finish her career later. She chose the obvious option (First one). Now it seems she won't come back until January 2013, and not even that is sure. I'm happy for her (For real) and I know I must not be selfish, she has a future to fulfill and dreams to accomplish, but GOD FUCKING DAMMIT FORGIVE ME, IT HURTS LIKE HELL. I'm starting to think that between now and that distant time (Can a man wait that much? Two years...) there will be only pain and suffering, and she will get tired of me, and dump me for some guy who actually can do something for her and be with her. I'm starting to think I'm just not that important. She has a life over there. Why would a piece of steaming shit like me be more important for her than her friends and interests she can actually hug, kiss, and make her laugh? I'm just tying her life up and tiring everything she does. I do nothing but bother her with my existentialist bullshit and with my complex personality. I'm a bum in her life, a fucking obstacle. And I don't know what can make me think otherwise. I love her. I know I'm too young to say that but fuck it. That's it... I love her and I'll wait for her, but I fear that she will find someone else who can make her happy, a gentleman who can show her how important she is physically, and not a hopeless and helpless idiot, an immature and worthless mere shell of a human being like me, that can't do anything for her because I'm far away.

I know I'm being a crybaby here, that I need to cheer up and face this shit like a real man. But I need to discharge this sorrow somewhere, in a place where people barely know who I am. A place where people will read... And where she won't.

So that's pretty much everything I have to say.

I'm in a long distance relationship, too, but I don't think you should regard yourself like that. Obviously if she's willing to wait to even have a hug or a kiss it means she loves you. She chose career because she needs to get herself established, obviously. I know I'd do the same thing (and I am doing the same thing) as I see no point trying to move into living with a guy and his parents with no money and no income. I would go out and DO things instead of sitting and dwelling on the "what if what if what if" stuff that she might or might not do. If she really liked sex and touching and all that so much she wouldn't have a long-distance relationship to begin with. Girls like that say "sorry we gotta break up" after highschool ends just because they'd be going to different colleges 30 minutes away >_> (30 minutes is not long-distance, people!!)

I don't know your situation, but why not try and find an (extra?) part time job so you can save up and see her for Christmas/new years of this year? I'm sure that would make her really happy!

Offline nightmare_cinema

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #704 on: March 30, 2011, 03:17:36 PM »
I just read your longer post about your "rant" and I just want to say that I'm very sorry that you had to go through that. I personally think that you should not cut her out of your life, but this might seem like a bad time to go see her if you're still struggling with dealing with your mom and the feelings associated with that. I can see you're a strong person, but I think right now you have to be there for yourself and get yourself healthy and able to move on before you can help her. If anything right now she's in prison so she can't do any more damage to herself while you sort yourself out.

n_c, you got enough on your plate at the moment. You don't need to cut her out forever, but I think you need to take care of yourself at the moment. Not saying she is a bad person, but if she IS an addict she ill try to tale advantage of you, and... well, you shouldn't have to put up with that now.

Thanks for reading, guys. I think you're right, atm I'm leaning towards eventually making contact, but gonna give myself a year before I start trying. I do think I need to get myself straight first... I start a second bout of counselling/therapy tomorrow. The counsellor has no idea about what's been going on, first meeting, she'll probably ask what's up and I'll be like well... where do I start?! hehe. Plus a friend made a good point tonight, after a year in prison she'll be in a better place to hear from me than she is right now (she may hate me and not want to even talk... I feel okay about that possibility). Can't really risk leaving it much longer than a year though, with the British justice system you can be out in half of your given sentence if you behave and complete things on your sentence plan. But it's something to mull over until then :)
Every story needs to have an ending, we might as well give up all this pretending and clear the air...

Offline Ravenheart

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #705 on: March 30, 2011, 03:19:51 PM »
Every time I feel like I'm making progress, some little setback creeps up and reminds me that I haven't.

And it's exhausting to fake happiness to not be a nuisance to the people around me.

But I think I annoy mostly everyone I know anyway.

Offline nightmare_cinema

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #706 on: March 30, 2011, 03:21:45 PM »
What makes you think you annoy everyone you know?

Regarding the constant little setbacks, I hear you there. I often wonder if it's just the whole getting older thing, once you leave your teens and enter into being a self sufficient adult it seems life is a torrent of shit slightly and occasionally mitigated by something good/awesome happening. And everyone just has to learn how to bat away the crap as it comes at you while forging forward and trying to be successful and happy. But maybe that's just me.
Every story needs to have an ending, we might as well give up all this pretending and clear the air...

Offline Ravenheart

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #707 on: March 30, 2011, 03:25:46 PM »
What makes you think you annoy everyone you know?

Regarding the constant little setbacks, I hear you there. I often wonder if it's just the whole getting older thing, once you leave your teens and enter into being a self sufficient adult it seems life is a torrent of shit slightly and occasionally mitigated by something good/awesome happening. And everyone just has to learn how to bat away the crap as it comes at you while forging forward and trying to be successful and happy. But maybe that's just me.
I don't now. I feel like I try too hard to fit in, or that people are constantly judging me and laughing about me behind my back.

It's silly, because I'm a lot more social these days than when I was in grade and middle school, where I was bullied all the time and had a lot of other issues. It should be easy to get over it, but I guess I hold myself back.

As for getting older, I hate the idea of aging. I don't feel like I'm done with being a teenager (18), and I feel like I still have so much to sort out before I live on my own. It scares me knowing that the only person that will be looking out for me is myself after I move out of here. My friends can keep me happy, but we're all mostly going to different colleges after graduation. And even if I form new ones in college, I still hate the idea of growing distant from everyone  :-\

Offline nightmare_cinema

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #708 on: March 30, 2011, 03:29:46 PM »
I know what you mean. Do you find it's different with different groups though? I don't get shy but I can feel pretty awkward in certain situations. But in others I'm in my element. Do you KNOW people are laughing about you behind your back? Sounds like the experiences you had in grade/middle school have kept a hold of you. Have you ever had counselling?

Sometimes being thrown into something you're not ready for is the best way to cope and mature... however cool your new friends will be, they'll almost never be as good as your original friends! The whole transition from teenager living at home to adult moving out is hard for most people, at least you know everyone else will be in the same boat...
Every story needs to have an ending, we might as well give up all this pretending and clear the air...

Offline Ravenheart

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #709 on: March 30, 2011, 03:35:30 PM »
I know what you mean. Do you find it's different with different groups though? I don't get shy but I can feel pretty awkward in certain situations. But in others I'm in my element. Do you KNOW people are laughing about you behind your back? Sounds like the experiences you had in grade/middle school have kept a hold of you. Have you ever had counselling?

Sometimes being thrown into something you're not ready for is the best way to cope and mature... however cool your new friends will be, they'll almost never be as good as your original friends! The whole transition from teenager living at home to adult moving out is hard for most people, at least you know everyone else will be in the same boat...
I've taken a little bit of counseling, but it was mostly against my will and forced on me by my mother, who should honestly be locked up in an asylum. I'm not kidding or exaggerating.

I do think I've made a lot of progress, but it still holds me back sometimes. I can make pretty much anyone laugh by cracking a few sarcastic comments, but I still feel very insecure around people. But if I keep at it, I think I'll make more progress.

I've noticed I feel very desperate and insecure when I start getting feelings for a girl, even though I can hide it. lolniceguy

I'm glad I'm not alone in the fear of living on my own. I just laugh at kids my age who act like they can't wait for it, since most of them are extremely dysfunctional on their own.

Offline nightmare_cinema

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #710 on: March 30, 2011, 03:40:38 PM »
I know what you mean. Do you find it's different with different groups though? I don't get shy but I can feel pretty awkward in certain situations. But in others I'm in my element. Do you KNOW people are laughing about you behind your back? Sounds like the experiences you had in grade/middle school have kept a hold of you. Have you ever had counselling?

Sometimes being thrown into something you're not ready for is the best way to cope and mature... however cool your new friends will be, they'll almost never be as good as your original friends! The whole transition from teenager living at home to adult moving out is hard for most people, at least you know everyone else will be in the same boat...
I've taken a little bit of counseling, but it was mostly against my will and forced on me by my mother, who should honestly be locked up in an asylum. I'm not kidding or exaggerating.

I do think I've made a lot of progress, but it still holds me back sometimes. I can make pretty much anyone laugh by cracking a few sarcastic comments, but I still feel very insecure around people. But if I keep at it, I think I'll make more progress.

I've noticed I feel very desperate and insecure when I start getting feelings for a girl, even though I can hide it. lolniceguy

I'm glad I'm not alone in the fear of living on my own. I just laugh at kids my age who act like they can't wait for it, since most of them are extremely dysfunctional on their own.

*hugs* were you the guy in the thread who said they could empathise with having an alcoholic mother?

Are you moving out and into college accommodation? Because if so, that's nothing like living on your own... you tend to have your finances sorted out for you, some places provide meals, you have people in a similar situation around you and know what your focus is for the next couple of years at least.

What scares you about living alone? Is it the practical stuff (the cooking, cleaning, washing stuff, getting up on time, being organised) or some other stuff?
Every story needs to have an ending, we might as well give up all this pretending and clear the air...

Offline ClairvoyantCat

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #711 on: March 30, 2011, 03:42:58 PM »
Ravenheart, I have really gone through the same issues and I probably still do.  However, the whole fitting in thing, I've found, is really just something that you can't get depressed about, or it will only get worse.  Take it from, me, I tried way too hard to fit in, particularly in 7th grade, and did some really fucking stupid things.  Therefore, I had friends that weren't really good people to be around, because I attracted that kind of negative energy.  Really, I wasn't very happy about it, because I hated the kids I hung around and I hated myself for being a complete fuck just to fit in. 

If I met myself back then I would have fucking killed the little bastard. 

So I guess the lesson that I've half-learned (I still need to learn it in some ways) is that not focusing on drawing people in really will leave you better off in the long run.  I sort of started to gravitate to other people similar to myself through that, and now have a few good friends, which to me is much better than a lot.  People tend to draw together even in their disinterest for drawing people to them. 

Offline xShammas

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #712 on: March 30, 2011, 04:17:41 PM »
I feel the same way Ravenheart, it feels like I have to hide what's going on with me, and put up a charade. I can only really be open with a couple friends I have, but they live kind of far away, and I used to open with a girl, but she's not in my life really anymore. I've always felt that I had people I could hang out with and call "friends", but no one I'm really that close to and can actually be myself with. My dad was kind of abusive, and I don't talk to him anymore. I live with my mom, but she's borderline alcoholic, and she's a little crazy too. She's the most important thing to me though, and she's been having health issues and issues at work lately, so I'm pretty worried at the moment. The only difference between you and I is that I can't wait to move out, but I don't have the financial stability. I really want to go to school, but again the money is a problem.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #713 on: March 30, 2011, 04:19:04 PM »
But I think I annoy mostly everyone I know anyway.

This statement surprises me because I like you a lot and find that very hard to believe.

Offline LCArenas

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #714 on: March 30, 2011, 06:37:02 PM »
Every time I feel like I'm making progress, some little setback creeps up and reminds me that I haven't.

And it's exhausting to fake happiness to not be a nuisance to the people around me.

But I think I annoy mostly everyone I know anyway.
I've felt the same way. When I had that time, I always was worried about the people who thought I was annoying, but never the people who thought I was fun and that I made laugh. I can't be a good example, but when I tried to fit in, I always felt uncomfortable, always felt it was not my thing and ended up walking away. In University I struggled to find a group in which I felt comfortable, and the search was even painful, but I think that after a long time I have finally found them.

Offline Ravenheart

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #715 on: March 30, 2011, 06:58:20 PM »
Oh, wow. Sorry for the late responses, everyone. A 2-hour class in the middle of the day is never convenient  :yeahright

I know what you mean. Do you find it's different with different groups though? I don't get shy but I can feel pretty awkward in certain situations. But in others I'm in my element. Do you KNOW people are laughing about you behind your back? Sounds like the experiences you had in grade/middle school have kept a hold of you. Have you ever had counselling?

Sometimes being thrown into something you're not ready for is the best way to cope and mature... however cool your new friends will be, they'll almost never be as good as your original friends! The whole transition from teenager living at home to adult moving out is hard for most people, at least you know everyone else will be in the same boat...
I've taken a little bit of counseling, but it was mostly against my will and forced on me by my mother, who should honestly be locked up in an asylum. I'm not kidding or exaggerating.

I do think I've made a lot of progress, but it still holds me back sometimes. I can make pretty much anyone laugh by cracking a few sarcastic comments, but I still feel very insecure around people. But if I keep at it, I think I'll make more progress.

I've noticed I feel very desperate and insecure when I start getting feelings for a girl, even though I can hide it. lolniceguy

I'm glad I'm not alone in the fear of living on my own. I just laugh at kids my age who act like they can't wait for it, since most of them are extremely dysfunctional on their own.

*hugs* were you the guy in the thread who said they could empathise with having an alcoholic mother?

Are you moving out and into college accommodation? Because if so, that's nothing like living on your own... you tend to have your finances sorted out for you, some places provide meals, you have people in a similar situation around you and know what your focus is for the next couple of years at least.

What scares you about living alone? Is it the practical stuff (the cooking, cleaning, washing stuff, getting up on time, being organised) or some other stuff?
Yeah, that was me. She'd pass out on the couch every day and night for about 3 years. Then she attended AA and only delved deeper into insanity.

I might be moving out for college, not sure yet. The part that scares me about living alone is just the idea that I might come across some horrible obstacle that I don't know how to cross, and there might not be anyone there to help me  :P

Ravenheart, I have really gone through the same issues and I probably still do.  However, the whole fitting in thing, I've found, is really just something that you can't get depressed about, or it will only get worse.  Take it from, me, I tried way too hard to fit in, particularly in 7th grade, and did some really fucking stupid things.  Therefore, I had friends that weren't really good people to be around, because I attracted that kind of negative energy.  Really, I wasn't very happy about it, because I hated the kids I hung around and I hated myself for being a complete fuck just to fit in. 

If I met myself back then I would have fucking killed the little bastard. 

So I guess the lesson that I've half-learned (I still need to learn it in some ways) is that not focusing on drawing people in really will leave you better off in the long run.  I sort of started to gravitate to other people similar to myself through that, and now have a few good friends, which to me is much better than a lot.  People tend to draw together even in their disinterest for drawing people to them. 

Heh, I was the same way during 7th and 8th grade, except that the people I wanted to like me didn't like me at all  :P

I've made some big improvements. I have a group of people I hang out with weekly outside of school, both male and female. It has helped my self-esteem a lot. What I've learned is that my anxiety and depression don't react to reason most of the time. They just act. It sucks, but it's a goal I try to work on.

I feel the same way Ravenheart, it feels like I have to hide what's going on with me, and put up a charade. I can only really be open with a couple friends I have, but they live kind of far away, and I used to open with a girl, but she's not in my life really anymore. I've always felt that I had people I could hang out with and call "friends", but no one I'm really that close to and can actually be myself with. My dad was kind of abusive, and I don't talk to him anymore. I live with my mom, but she's borderline alcoholic, and she's a little crazy too. She's the most important thing to me though, and she's been having health issues and issues at work lately, so I'm pretty worried at the moment. The only difference between you and I is that I can't wait to move out, but I don't have the financial stability. I really want to go to school, but again the money is a problem.
I know what you mean. Having someone to confide in is important. When you have friends that can't help you, it makes the outlook bleak.

I'm sorry about your mom. But the important thing is, you got away from your dad and have your priorities straight, and you recognize the parent who you can live with. I think if you find someone to move in with and share rent, you'll be able to better live on your own.

But I think I annoy mostly everyone I know anyway.

This statement surprises me because I like you a lot and find that very hard to believe.
Well thanks! :) I like you, too. I've been bullied a lot in my life (not anymore), and it just takes a toll on my self-esteem. I tend to worry too much, and I recognize that.

Every time I feel like I'm making progress, some little setback creeps up and reminds me that I haven't.

And it's exhausting to fake happiness to not be a nuisance to the people around me.

But I think I annoy mostly everyone I know anyway.
I've felt the same way. When I had that time, I always was worried about the people who thought I was annoying, but never the people who thought I was fun and that I made laugh. I can't be a good example, but when I tried to fit in, I always felt uncomfortable, always felt it was not my thing and ended up walking away. In University I struggled to find a group in which I felt comfortable, and the search was even painful, but I think that after a long time I have finally found them.
Yeah, I found my group of true friends around last year. It's made me feel a lot better, and I think they do accept me for who I am. It's just painful for me to look back at all those years I spent trying to fit in with the wrong crowd and always spending every day alone and unhappy.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 07:14:38 PM by ravenheart »

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #716 on: March 30, 2011, 07:03:20 PM »
I'm in a long distance relationship, too, but I don't think you should regard yourself like that. Obviously if she's willing to wait to even have a hug or a kiss it means she loves you. She chose career because she needs to get herself established, obviously. I know I'd do the same thing (and I am doing the same thing) as I see no point trying to move into living with a guy and his parents with no money and no income. I would go out and DO things instead of sitting and dwelling on the "what if what if what if" stuff that she might or might not do. If she really liked sex and touching and all that so much she wouldn't have a long-distance relationship to begin with. Girls like that say "sorry we gotta break up" after highschool ends just because they'd be going to different colleges 30 minutes away >_> (30 minutes is not long-distance, people!!)

I don't know your situation, but why not try and find an (extra?) part time job so you can save up and see her for Christmas/new years of this year? I'm sure that would make her really happy!
Thanks for reading! But you're right. She couldn't do any jobs if she came here this year, and even though her University would finance her studies here, she would have to pay Health Insurance, Transport, rent and all the other shit. It would be harder for her and you're absolutely right... I understand her decision even more now.

About regarding myself hard, I've always had a very low self-esteem since I was almost 7 or 8 years old. And though I don't know her friends very well, I surely can say they're awesome. Centered, older, more experienced and (Hate to admit this) more handsome men who can support her economically, and most of all, who are not a complete failure like I am. 2013 seems so far away from here... It will be hard... Really hard.

I can't do part time jobs right now since my academic load is quite heavy, but I could do it on vacations this year, and traveling to that country costs a lot here, more than I could gain if I worked just one month or two. But I'll think about it :)

Offline Kura

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #717 on: March 30, 2011, 10:47:15 PM »
I'm in a long distance relationship, too, but I don't think you should regard yourself like that. Obviously if she's willing to wait to even have a hug or a kiss it means she loves you. She chose career because she needs to get herself established, obviously. I know I'd do the same thing (and I am doing the same thing) as I see no point trying to move into living with a guy and his parents with no money and no income. I would go out and DO things instead of sitting and dwelling on the "what if what if what if" stuff that she might or might not do. If she really liked sex and touching and all that so much she wouldn't have a long-distance relationship to begin with. Girls like that say "sorry we gotta break up" after highschool ends just because they'd be going to different colleges 30 minutes away >_> (30 minutes is not long-distance, people!!)

I don't know your situation, but why not try and find an (extra?) part time job so you can save up and see her for Christmas/new years of this year? I'm sure that would make her really happy!
Thanks for reading! But you're right. She couldn't do any jobs if she came here this year, and even though her University would finance her studies here, she would have to pay Health Insurance, Transport, rent and all the other shit. It would be harder for her and you're absolutely right... I understand her decision even more now.

About regarding myself hard, I've always had a very low self-esteem since I was almost 7 or 8 years old. And though I don't know her friends very well, I surely can say they're awesome. Centered, older, more experienced and (Hate to admit this) more handsome men who can support her economically, and most of all, who are not a complete failure like I am. 2013 seems so far away from here... It will be hard... Really hard.

I can't do part time jobs right now since my academic load is quite heavy, but I could do it on vacations this year, and traveling to that country costs a lot here, more than I could gain if I worked just one month or two. But I'll think about it :)

If she wanted those men she would've left you a long time ago to be a "free bird"- but she hasn't, she's sticking with you so obviously she loves you and sees something great in you. You gotta get out of the low self-esteem funk or it's just going to push her away from you.

Think about it this way.. if someone loses their job and mopes, a friend will take em out for beers and cheer him up. If after 3 months he's still moping and hasn't applied for any more jobs, the friend will take him out again, give him a good talk and cheer him up. After a year the friend probably wont really want to take him out again cause he'll think "what good will that do?" When someone gives up its like they're telling others that their instincts aren't working and they're "pursuing death" you know? If they're not willing to help themselves then it drives other people away because other people don't want to be with the person who is "pursuing death" because they want to be brought down.

As soon as you say "complete failure like I am" you're already losing the battle, so don't do that. You're not a failure if you have ambitions and you're working towards a common goal- which is being together.

If you can't visit her there are a lot of other things you can do. I'm in a relationship with someone who goes to this forum (introduced me to this forum, even) and we have "skypedates" and send each other snail-mail and stuff because it feels more real and intimate. I don't have a job at the moment, either, because of my workload at school.. so I understand your situation. But I do make it a point to always contact him in some way every day (not because I have to, but because I want to) and I think that speaks a lot. There was a drink he likes that he can't get in the states so I bought one and shipped it over there for him. Sure it cost me (with shipping and all) like $20 for a silly fruit drink, but to me it was worth it because he got to enjoy something he couldn't normally have, and I was able to do that for him.

Little stuff like that keeps us going until we can see each other next time, since yeah.. even though he just lives in the states it's like $600 average to take a plane and see him (not counting insurance/ extra cash) so it's quite a bit for a student to be paying often.

What I'm saying is.. I understand your situation, but you shouldn't be so quick to give up or feel like you're just hanging on by a thread- if anything maybe you should talk about your fears with her and ask her if there are little things you can do to feel closer together (like skypedates) so it'll make you feel better and closer with each other until the time comes where you can be together. That's my best advice. You two have to be on the same page and there can't be any doubts.. because then you'll be no better than (excuse me for stereotyping) but those women who nag their husbands all the time accusing them of cheating until they just can't take it anymore and get divorced because there's no trust left in the relationship.

2013 might be quite far, yes, but it's not too bad. I think I might be waiting longer since he needs to finish school and get established. I might be waiting 4 years but to me it's worth it because he's the greatest guy I've ever met. I chose this relationship because I love him and I know it can work. You just gotta keep thinking positive and you'll pull through.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #718 on: April 05, 2011, 08:57:00 PM »
hey guys...

so my gf and I have been going through some problems...

long story short, she cheated... she didnt fuck another guy, but cheating comes in many different forms. After found out, I confronted her on it. I asked her, with out telling her i knew, if she was being unfaithful, and if she was, admit it now, and I will forgive and forget and we can work on our relationship. Well she said no. she has always been faithful, and she also feels that we have gotten over a huge hump in our relationship and she feels everything should turn out ok. So i guess I said ok, and let things try to heal. But deep down I had that knowledge that I had been cheated on and lied too eating away at me. I always tell her that i keep NO secrets from her, and I backed it up by telling her I knew, and how i knew. I'm going to cut this story down because it will become an emotional rant... But we talked and she is truely sorry (I know her. thats I knew she was lieing. I know when she lies) and we are working on getting our relationship back on track. I love her. more than I have ever loved before. It's one of those thing where you don't know love like this until you feel it. Also, since alot of the fighting had been because of my anger issues... she asked if i was angry and I said no, because I had been working on my anger. She says I have every right to not speak to her for a long time and be angry... as long as it's not self destructive... (which was my problem). I don't know if I am angry. I dont know if I am depressed. I feel an emotion I have never felt before, and I don't know how to deal with it. I am not going to ignore it, because that's what I did when my dad was killed, and it led to some fucked up emotions, including my anger.

I know I will be able to get back onto fixing out relationship once I deal with it, but i dont fucking know how.   :(

edit: after talking, i found out that this happened during a few hours where we were fighting, she broke up with me, and then changed her mind a few hours later
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 10:42:59 PM by JayOctavarium »
I just don't understand what they were trying to achieve with any part of the song, either individually or as a whole. You know what? It's the Platypus of Dream Theater songs. That bill doesn't go with that tail, or that strange little furry body, or those webbed feet, and oh god why does it have venomous spurs!? And then you find out it lays eggs too. The difference is that the Platypus is somehow functional despite being a crazy mishmash or leftover animal pieces

-BlobVanDam on "Scarred"

Offline Marvellous G

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #719 on: April 10, 2011, 02:45:59 PM »
Hey guys, most depressed I've ever been in my life.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #720 on: April 10, 2011, 02:47:15 PM »
Hey guys, most depressed I've ever been in my life.
??? What happened?
"All great works are prepared in the desert, including the redemption of the world. The precursors, the followers, the Master Himself, all obeyed or have to obey one and the same law. Prophets, apostles, preachers, martyrs, pioneers of knowledge, inspired artists in every art, ordinary men and the Man-God, all pay tribute to loneliness, to the life of silence, to the night." - A. G. Sertillanges

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #721 on: April 10, 2011, 02:49:34 PM »
I don't really wanna talk about it, it just means that I'm now gonna be in a massive depression slump for about a year and a half of my life.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #722 on: April 10, 2011, 03:02:52 PM »
How did a year and a half come into play? You sure you don't wanna talk about it? :(

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #723 on: April 11, 2011, 06:26:21 PM »
I hate my life. Along with other things like finances and health I am an emotional wreck.

My family downright hates me. They think I'm a lying, manipulative, selfish bitch and accuse of things so ridiuculous I laugh sometimes.

I explained I hate to SHORTEN plans for tomorrow morning, because of a situation at work that I was hoping to get solved as soon as possible and my parents freak out and accuse me of lying and that I'm some horrible person. All they do is tell me what I'm doing wrong in life, how they can't stand me, and how I'm a pathological liar who uses people and is never reliable. That and my attempts at talking to them make them so frustrated and angry that they can't stand being around me. Also, they think it's impossible for anyone in the world to actually like me. Even when I can PHYSICALLY prove that I'm telling the truth, it's never enough.

I give up on life.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #724 on: April 11, 2011, 06:59:38 PM »
Almost everyone close to me is in some state of depression right now. If anyone's going through family troubles, relationship troubles, or financial troubles and wants to talk about it, let me know. I'm going through all of them right now too.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #725 on: April 11, 2011, 07:00:41 PM »
I hate my life. Along with other things like finances and health I am an emotional wreck.

My family downright hates me. They think I'm a lying, manipulative, selfish bitch and accuse of things so ridiuculous I laugh sometimes.

I explained I hate to SHORTEN plans for tomorrow morning, because of a situation at work that I was hoping to get solved as soon as possible and my parents freak out and accuse me of lying and that I'm some horrible person. All they do is tell me what I'm doing wrong in life, how they can't stand me, and how I'm a pathological liar who uses people and is never reliable. That and my attempts at talking to them make them so frustrated and angry that they can't stand being around me. Also, they think it's impossible for anyone in the world to actually like me. Even when I can PHYSICALLY prove that I'm telling the truth, it's never enough.

I give up on life.
Wow, um, I don't really know what to say to this, other than that I'm really sorry this is happening.

If you're not doing anything to magnify these nasty opinions they have of you, which I believe you when you say you haven't, then they're looking for someone to blame all their problems and grievances on. I don't know enough about the relationship you have with them, but that's what it looks like to me, based on what you've described.

Has it always been like this with your parents.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #726 on: April 11, 2011, 07:02:03 PM »
Yes, more or less. Sometimes it's fine, and then I'll do one thing, like say I'm too tired to do something/have to reschedule/etc, and suddenly it'll all begin again. Even if I have a good reason, they'll think I'm making it up or something weird.  :sadpanda:

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #727 on: April 11, 2011, 08:42:59 PM »
Yes, more or less. Sometimes it's fine, and then I'll do one thing, like say I'm too tired to do something/have to reschedule/etc, and suddenly it'll all begin again. Even if I have a good reason, they'll think I'm making it up or something weird.  :sadpanda:

sending good vibes you way, rina <3

im not really good at therapy type stuff, but one thing i learned is that things have a weird way of working out. just remember when things go wrong, me and antigoon got your back.

edit the last sentence meant if you got me and antigoon, it's all good.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 08:54:28 PM by ricky »
There is so little respek left in the world, that if you look it up in the dictionary, you'll find that it has been taken out.

Uncle Ricky wants YOU to show some respek

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #728 on: April 12, 2011, 06:05:04 PM »
Massively depressed.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #729 on: April 12, 2011, 06:05:28 PM »
 :( What's up sonata?

Offline ricky

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #730 on: April 12, 2011, 06:07:42 PM »
i smell ricky gives y'all advice time.
There is so little respek left in the world, that if you look it up in the dictionary, you'll find that it has been taken out.

Uncle Ricky wants YOU to show some respek

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #731 on: April 12, 2011, 06:18:05 PM »
:( What's up sonata?


just a lot of stuff on top of just feeling like an absolute waste

it's like I can feel the chemicals in my brain being unbalanced.

oh yeah, and it doesn't help that today while I was at a red light in my parent's minivan (my car broke down so I have to use it) a car full of girls my age pulled up next to me and they mocked me for driving around in a minivan. I didn't take offense to it or anything because that's just a  childish thing of them to do, but I was just not in the mood for that.

I'm not even excited about going to see my friend and Coheed this weekend. It just seems stressful and useless. I don't have motivation to do anything, and I just don't care about anything at all.

There's just not much good going on to balance me out.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #732 on: April 12, 2011, 06:21:44 PM »
That sucks Chris  :(

Maybe you just need a break to relax a bit, it sounds like you've been pretty busy/stressed and that can make you lose motivation and feel like giving up if it gets too much.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #733 on: April 12, 2011, 06:29:46 PM »
You should have mocked them for having more tools in their mouth than a dentist's patient.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #734 on: April 12, 2011, 06:44:01 PM »
That sucks Chris  :(

Maybe you just need a break to relax a bit, it sounds like you've been pretty busy/stressed and that can make you lose motivation and feel like giving up if it gets too much.

Yeah probably.

Sometimes I just want to sit back and read or something but I can barely fit anything between the assignments I have due all the time. Not a day goes by that I don't have at least a short paper or some sort of assignment due. I want to relax right now, but I have a paper I should get done for tomorrow.

The man is getting me down, bro.

In one of my classes today we were watching a documentary about dying people, and the whole time I was like, "lucky ducks."

need to get out of this depresshinn in one piece

or not


You should have mocked them for having more tools in their mouth than a dentist's patient.

There are no good people, it's not worth it. Everyone is just absolutely awful.