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Offline Fiery Winds

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1715 on: January 28, 2013, 01:08:43 AM »
That was my main beef for how Rory and Amy were sent off.  It was just a slight tweak to how another episode handled them, and it just felt overused.  Didn't stop me from crying though.   :'(

Offline abydos

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1716 on: January 28, 2013, 01:47:36 AM »
The casting of the show is so good, though, it makes me feel like a horrible person. After each doctor/companion I think to myself "I can't see anyone else be as good as the Doctor/companion, they will ruin it.". Then after a few episodes I think "I can't see anyone doing a better job than this doctor/companion".
I don't like that I'm discarding characters I love so much so easily.

Offline El JoNNo

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1717 on: January 30, 2013, 06:16:12 AM »

Me too; when Rose became trapped and was replaced by Martha I didn't like Martha. Now I think she is great. Same for the 9th and to 10th Doctor.

Offline adameastment

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1718 on: January 30, 2013, 10:13:26 AM »

For anyone who is interested ;)

Steven Moffat on Series 7 Part 2:
“We’ll be up in the air, we’re under the water, we’re on a fantastic alien planet, we’re back in time, we’re forward in time, and the Doctor’s greatest secret is in jeopardy.”

Offline El JoNNo

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1719 on: January 30, 2013, 10:18:34 AM »
Damn it! Now i have to watch Jeopardy to figure that Doctors secret. CURSES!

Offline Heretic

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1720 on: January 30, 2013, 01:55:59 PM »

Offline adameastment

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1721 on: January 30, 2013, 02:51:40 PM »
Damn it! Now i have to watch Jeopardy to figure that Doctors secret. CURSES!

Luckily we don't have Jeopardy in the UK ;)

Offline Perpetual Change

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1722 on: January 31, 2013, 08:46:40 AM »
Well, I let the fiance dust off her David Tennant years box set so, after like a 3 week break, we could pick up with season three. Watched the first episode. It was pretty good. I'm coming to realize that most of the show's pulpy action is lost of me, but I do generally like the characters (when they aren't acting like cut-outs) and the villians are at least amusing. Tennant is definitely growing on me.

Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1723 on: February 07, 2013, 07:58:55 AM »
Arg! I missed this at the time.
Well, I let the fiance dust off her David Tennant years box set so, after like a 3 week break, we could pick up with season three. Watched the first episode. It was pretty good. I'm coming to realize that most of the show's pulpy action is lost of me, but I do generally like the characters (when they aren't acting like cut-outs) and the villians are at least amusing. Tennant is definitely growing on me.
It only gets better. Pulpy's quite an appropriate word. Show mixes comic book thrills and high drama in the most baffling of ways. You've probably seen the Shakespeare Code, by now. Completely silly, but it's hi-jinks, and it's written to be pure fun, which I think it basically manages. You might not, however, have seen an episode called Human Nature, yet. And that's a fairy tale, too, and yet... a million miles away from pulpy action. The performances, from one actor in particular, are what I'd describe as a little bit breathtaking.

There's something for everyone. Which means there's something for everyone to dislike, too, and everyone's going to have bits that don't speak to them personally, I certainly have whole episodes I'm not that keen on, most of them in series 2, although Gridlock from the series you're currently on isn't exactly my cup of tea either... but I'm basically on Madame de Pompadour's side when she says the Doctor's worth the monsters. For every episode I'm not too keen on, there are entire years I unreservedly love to bits.

But yes! Keep chiming in. Cool posts. Even when you don't like it, it's a totally new perspective - and yet, completely familiar in a lot of ways, too!

Offline El JoNNo

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1724 on: February 07, 2013, 08:56:40 AM »
I love when Tennant puts on the gas mask and says "are you my mommy"! It was fanastic.  ;)

Offline senecadawg2

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1725 on: February 07, 2013, 09:11:29 PM »
I just caught up on the Matt Smith Series, not including the Christmas Special which I'll watch soon.

The question now is whether I should go back and watch seasons 1 through 4, or wait until Matt Smith is completely done. It's an odd feeling, but I feel like I should at least wait until season 7 ends before going back. Doing two doctors at the same time seems... unfaithful. On the other hand, I'm not sure I can patiently wait for new episodes knowing that there are so many more just a click away on Netflix. I have also been starting to watch some of the very first serials, including The Aztecs which came on the BBC a couple weeks ago.

Anyways, these first few episodes of season 7 were fantastic! Angels in Manhattan was my favorite, but the premier was also incredible and the thee connecting stories were each great in their own way as well. Seeing Rory and Amy off was an emotional moment to say the least, but I'm excited to see who the next companion will be.

I've got to thank Rob once again for getting me into this adventure!  :heart
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Offline Super Dude

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1726 on: February 07, 2013, 10:59:35 PM »
For your own sanity it's probably a good idea, but the continuity is pretty forgiving; you're not going to get *too* confused if you go back. Most of the arcs are pretty self-contained, so there isn't much residual plot (at least in the Davies era as compared to the Moffat one).
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Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1727 on: February 08, 2013, 04:17:17 AM »
I just caught up on the Matt Smith Series, not including the Christmas Special which I'll watch soon.

The question now is whether I should go back and watch seasons 1 through 4, or wait until Matt Smith is completely done. It's an odd feeling, but I feel like I should at least wait until season 7 ends before going back. Doing two doctors at the same time seems... unfaithful. On the other hand, I'm not sure I can patiently wait for new episodes knowing that there are so many more just a click away on Netflix. I have also been starting to watch some of the very first serials, including The Aztecs which came on the BBC a couple weeks ago.

Anyways, these first few episodes of season 7 were fantastic! Angels in Manhattan was my favorite, but the premier was also incredible and the thee connecting stories were each great in their own way as well. Seeing Rory and Amy off was an emotional moment to say the least, but I'm excited to see who the next companion will be.

I've got to thank Rob once again for getting me into this adventure!  :heart
Hurrah!! Just to check - you've seen The Snowmen, yes? Don't know how quickly episodes reach Netflix. Apologies if that's a stupid question!

It depends what angle you're coming from. I can definitely get on board with the one Doctor at a time thing... but, that would mean you couldn't watch a new episode until May. And whether the last ep you watched was The Snowmen or The Angels Take Manhattan, they both end with relatively clean breaks between stories. So I'm leaning towards "S1 - go for it!!" Like Super Dude says, the continuity's forgiving. There's a forward thrust, but it's a different show every week. There aren't so many tangled timelines to keep track of, it's a good era to dip in and out of.

Also! What have been your favourite episodes, now you're all caught up? Favourite moments, monsters... and all the rest?

Offline Super Dude

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1728 on: February 08, 2013, 06:25:18 AM »
Oh, I thought he meant earlier Doctors. Chris Eccleston and the Tennant Doctor for example were very monster of the week, with a little bit of arc-yness near the end of the seasons.
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Offline Perpetual Change

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1729 on: February 08, 2013, 07:15:37 AM »
Arg! I missed this at the time.
Well, I let the fiance dust off her David Tennant years box set so, after like a 3 week break, we could pick up with season three. Watched the first episode. It was pretty good. I'm coming to realize that most of the show's pulpy action is lost of me, but I do generally like the characters (when they aren't acting like cut-outs) and the villians are at least amusing. Tennant is definitely growing on me.
It only gets better. Pulpy's quite an appropriate word. Show mixes comic book thrills and high drama in the most baffling of ways. You've probably seen the Shakespeare Code, by now. Completely silly, but it's hi-jinks, and it's written to be pure fun, which I think it basically manages. You might not, however, have seen an episode called Human Nature, yet. And that's a fairy tale, too, and yet... a million miles away from pulpy action. The performances, from one actor in particular, are what I'd describe as a little bit breathtaking.

There's something for everyone. Which means there's something for everyone to dislike, too, and everyone's going to have bits that don't speak to them personally, I certainly have whole episodes I'm not that keen on, most of them in series 2, although Gridlock from the series you're currently on isn't exactly my cup of tea either... but I'm basically on Madame de Pompadour's side when she says the Doctor's worth the monsters. For every episode I'm not too keen on, there are entire years I unreservedly love to bits.

But yes! Keep chiming in. Cool posts. Even when you don't like it, it's a totally new perspective - and yet, completely familiar in a lot of ways, too!
Shakespeare Code is next week!

We've decided to watch more shows regularly, instead of picking entire series to bullet through in a few weeks. The end result is we don't get burnt out on stuff we should be enjoying.

Wednesday is usually Doctor Who night, though sometimes Thursdays is too. Unless something happens we'll be watching Shakespeare Code next Wednesday! For now, Star Trek and Downton Abbey are filling out the other days of the week, while weekends are usually reserved for movies. Lots of TV watching all around! Gotta love Netflix.

Anyway, just finished "Smith and Jones". Great episode. The Judoon were hilarious and awesome, and probably my favorite aliens of all thus far. I was rolling when they handed Martha Jones compensation for wrongfully searching her.

I guess so far these are my top 5:

1.The Empty Child
2. The Girl in the Fireplace
3. Bad Wolf
4. Father's Day
5. Smith and Jones

Although I've throughougly enjoyed at least half of the episdoes so far.

Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1730 on: February 08, 2013, 09:02:27 AM »
Oh, I thought he meant earlier Doctors. Chris Eccleston and the Tennant Doctor for example were very monster of the week, with a little bit of arc-yness near the end of the seasons.
He did! So did I. And you! S1 is Chris Eccleston - think we're all talking 2005-2010.

Shakespeare Code is next week!

We've decided to watch more shows regularly, instead of picking entire series to bullet through in a few weeks. The end result is we don't get burnt out on stuff we should be enjoying.

Wednesday is usually Doctor Who night, though sometimes Thursdays is too. Unless something happens we'll be watching Shakespeare Code next Wednesday! For now, Star Trek and Downton Abbey are filling out the other days of the week, while weekends are usually reserved for movies. Lots of TV watching all around! Gotta love Netflix.

Anyway, just finished "Smith and Jones". Great episode. The Judoon were hilarious and awesome, and probably my favorite aliens of all thus far. I was rolling when they handed Martha Jones compensation for wrongfully searching her.

I guess so far these are my top 5:

1.The Empty Child
2. The Girl in the Fireplace
3. Bad Wolf
4. Father's Day
5. Smith and Jones

Although I've throughougly enjoyed at least half of the episdoes so far.
That's probably fair! Makes it more exciting to come back to each show. Less of a slog, more of a pleasure - and it lasts longer, to boot, so wahey. Smith & Jones is excellent! I actually thought that's the one you were talking about when you mentioned the "first episode," I completely forgot about the Runaway Bride. Yes, the Judoon are a proper joy. Great laugh. I quite like that they're not exactly villainous - just too thick to register the damage they're causing. Good list of stories, too. Can't fault any of them. Father's Day's a fantastic one, never see enough love for it.

Offline senecadawg2

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1731 on: February 08, 2013, 02:51:47 PM »
I just caught up on the Matt Smith Series, not including the Christmas Special which I'll watch soon.

The question now is whether I should go back and watch seasons 1 through 4, or wait until Matt Smith is completely done. It's an odd feeling, but I feel like I should at least wait until season 7 ends before going back. Doing two doctors at the same time seems... unfaithful. On the other hand, I'm not sure I can patiently wait for new episodes knowing that there are so many more just a click away on Netflix. I have also been starting to watch some of the very first serials, including The Aztecs which came on the BBC a couple weeks ago.

Anyways, these first few episodes of season 7 were fantastic! Angels in Manhattan was my favorite, but the premier was also incredible and the thee connecting stories were each great in their own way as well. Seeing Rory and Amy off was an emotional moment to say the least, but I'm excited to see who the next companion will be.

I've got to thank Rob once again for getting me into this adventure!  :heart
Hurrah!! Just to check - you've seen The Snowmen, yes? Don't know how quickly episodes reach Netflix. Apologies if that's a stupid question!

It depends what angle you're coming from. I can definitely get on board with the one Doctor at a time thing... but, that would mean you couldn't watch a new episode until May. And whether the last ep you watched was The Snowmen or The Angels Take Manhattan, they both end with relatively clean breaks between stories. So I'm leaning towards "S1 - go for it!!" Like Super Dude says, the continuity's forgiving. There's a forward thrust, but it's a different show every week. There aren't so many tangled timelines to keep track of, it's a good era to dip in and out of.

Also! What have been your favourite episodes, now you're all caught up? Favourite moments, monsters... and all the rest?

Snowmen is the only episode I haven't yet seen... and I've decided that I will go ahead and start season 1, and hopefully get through all of those before the show comes back in May.

As for my favorite episodes, it's difficult to rank them but the following definitely stood out:

Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
A Good Man Goes to War
Asyulum of the Daleks
The Angels Take Manhattan
AND of course any of the season finales, which all hit the right spots and are probably my favorite episodes from their respective seasons.

As for the monsters, I've enjoyed all the ones who only appear for single episodes, but my favorite of all are probably the Silence, whom I also consider to be the scariest.

Also, throwing out my favorite non-major character: Craig, followed up by Canton Everett.
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Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1732 on: February 08, 2013, 03:00:59 PM »
Oh, now, I hate to compliment everyone on their lists, but that is a corker. I'm a huge fan of The Eleventh Hour, I think that'd possibly top mine, but that's a great bunch of stories. And I think I agree on the silence. They're the only monsters who might, actually, be in our rooms with us right now. We can't prove they're not.

And, yes. Canton's bloody brilliant. I was really, really hoping he'd turn up during The Wedding of River Song. Sadly not. Still - ace character! I love that whole two-parter to bits. Five people in the TARDIS, lush little gang. So cool seeing it so full.

Offline Super Dude

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1733 on: February 08, 2013, 03:03:42 PM »
I could not think of a better episode to introduce a new Doctor. Granted it's only my third one, but whatevs.
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Offline senecadawg2

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1734 on: February 09, 2013, 04:31:56 PM »
Five people in the TARDIS, lush little gang. So cool seeing it so full.

Yeah, I love the 'gang' feel and it was nice to see that fullness reappear in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.

Also just finished Season 1 episode 4. I wasn't sure how much I was going to like Eccleston from the first episode alone, but he's grown a lot on me, and the stories have all been great. His seriousness contrasts well with the goofy Matt Smith which I've become accustomed to. I'm hooked!
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1735 on: February 09, 2013, 04:53:02 PM »
Oh, now, I hate to compliment everyone on their lists, but that is a corker. I'm a huge fan of The Eleventh Hour, I think that'd possibly top mine, but that's a great bunch of stories. And I think I agree on the silence. They're the only monsters who might, actually, be in our rooms with us right now. We can't prove they're not.

Somewhere on the internet, I saw someone ask the question "if we've been killing the Silence on sight since 1969, where are all the bodies?"

The answer was "you know when you're walking around and you seemingly trip on nothing?"

Even dead, the Silence are CREEPY.  :lol
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Offline Super Dude

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1736 on: February 09, 2013, 07:41:38 PM »
Oh, now, I hate to compliment everyone on their lists, but that is a corker. I'm a huge fan of The Eleventh Hour, I think that'd possibly top mine, but that's a great bunch of stories. And I think I agree on the silence. They're the only monsters who might, actually, be in our rooms with us right now. We can't prove they're not.

Somewhere on the internet, I saw someone ask the question "if we've been killing the Silence on sight since 1969, where are all the bodies?"

The answer was "you know when you're walking around and you seemingly trip on nothing?"

Even dead, the Silence are CREEPY.  :lol

Whoa. That's totally creepy.
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Offline adameastment

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1737 on: February 11, 2013, 07:05:59 AM »
I can't believe that noone has put "42" in their top 10 episodes, I found it to be a brilliant episode. Full of suspense, horror all the kinda of things you'd expect to see in a typical Doctor Who episode and also it shows future plot references.

But my top ten are (from 2005):

(in no particular order)

The End of Time part 2
The Big Bang
The Snowmen
The Angels of Manhatten
The Impossible Astronaut
The Waters of Mars
The Sound of Drums

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1738 on: February 11, 2013, 06:56:00 PM »
including two-parters as one episode because why not:

The Girl in the Fireplace
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Doomsday/Army of Ghosts
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The Lodger
Vincent and the Doctor
The End of Time
The Angels Take Manhattan

Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1739 on: February 12, 2013, 07:17:18 PM »
Was looking back to see if I'd done a top ten before (I hadn't!) and the forum's search took me to this page:

Ooh, just occurred to me... River Song does not shoot the Doctor dead by the shores of Lake Silencio in 2011.

Very simple leap of logic, but when she's invited to the lake, she has no idea why, and when the young-Doctor comes out of the bathroom she presumes that it's a joke ("cold, even by your standards,") and asks if he knows who Jim the Fish is.

More specifically, it means that if she did do it, she doesn't remember. Which is possible - the astronaut was introduced in an episode where the villains were playing memory games. But it's a spanner.

Not that this is new news, it wouldn't make sense if it were her, anyway. The astronaut is in a space-suit, and we never get to see their face. If you think of it as a magic trick, why would you veil the identity of the killer, if not because you want their identity concealed? It'd be a bit like hiding a ball under one of three cups, tapping the top, and then revealing it to be under the same cup. You might as well get rid of the cups entirely if that's the plan, they're just vessels for disappointment.

Which is why I think it's a big lure for the Doctor to make the Lady whats-her-face think she's won the war...
Nice work, Adam! 100% spot on, and well over a full month ahead of schedule.

On which note, having not found my top ten anywhere in the thread, here's what it'd be today:

1. The Eleventh Hour
2. The Girl Who Waited
3. The Waters of Mars
4. The End of Time (1&2)
5. Human Nature (1&2)
6. Vincent and the Doctor
7. The Pandorica Opens (1&2)
8. The Impossible Astronaut (1&2)
9. The Snowmen
10. Silence in the Library (1&2)

Something like that. I'm not sure. I keep remembering things. And wanting to change it. Blink! Blink just missed out. I make it 11, at the moment - but do I really prefer SitL? Does that mean anything, "Blink is one point higher?" What's a point, who's keeping scores? And do I like The Snowmen more than A Christmas Carol, or is it just more recent? Have I just put it in because there's nothing else from series 7? And where's all the Russell T Davies? Smith & Jones! I love Smith & Jones. Plus there's Doomsday, and Midnight, and, hey! The Christmas Invasion. The first amazing christmas special.

What I've done, there, is put ten stories that I really like into a list and gone, "Yeah, that'll do." The top three, certainly, I will stand by as a top three. The rest? Oh, who cares, it's all Doctor Who innit?

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1740 on: February 12, 2013, 07:21:34 PM »
I refuse to watch this show because of the internet culture behind it.

Offline robwebster

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1741 on: February 12, 2013, 07:29:29 PM »

Offline El JoNNo

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1742 on: February 12, 2013, 08:04:09 PM »
I refuse to watch this show because of the internet culture behind it.

Isn't that a dumb reason not to watch something?

Offline abydos

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1743 on: February 12, 2013, 08:05:50 PM »
And what's wrong with the internet culture behind it? That's like saying you're not watching Star Trek because some people take it to the extreme and speak only in Klingon.

I used to not watch it because of the name and 1 line concept of the show. Dr. Who who flies around in a phone box through time and space? Yeah, that sounds amaaaazing.... In the end it turned out alright for me because by the time I started watching it there were 4 or so seasons out so I had a blast going through them marathon style.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1744 on: February 13, 2013, 12:23:54 AM »
What is the internet culture, out of interest?

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
I be am boner inducing.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1745 on: February 13, 2013, 05:00:54 AM »
What is the internet culture, out of interest?

I'd like to know as well.
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1746 on: February 13, 2013, 06:54:04 AM »
Trolling a tv show thread? Yeesh...

Offline snapple

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1747 on: February 13, 2013, 07:08:14 AM »
Eh, its out there. Check sites like imgur and what not. I had a mild interest in watching it, but I feel like I can't because people are obsessed with it. Maybe I'm a bit hipster in that regard.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1748 on: February 13, 2013, 08:02:14 AM »
Eh, its out there. Check sites like imgur and what not. I had a mild interest in watching it, but I feel like I can't because people are obsessed with it. Maybe I'm a bit hipster in that regard.

What's other people got to do with it? Just watch it if it interests you.

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1749 on: February 13, 2013, 08:05:28 AM »
You ever been in a situation where someone hypes up something so much, there is no possible way it can live up to those expectations? That's why I'm staying away from it. I can't possibly go in with an open mind and watch the show.