Author Topic: Random bits and what nots  (Read 11783 times)

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Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #175 on: June 30, 2022, 12:14:58 PM »
Bad taste...  forgive my writing, as I am thumbing it on this editing window without using copy paste, so if crepe is spelt like crap, or third is written as turd... which has happened a few times. Leaving a bad taste for a reader. Not to mention sexual terms being placed unexpectedly in some paragragh, that I had failed to see.  Oddly there was one instance of penis being used... no I do not use my penis to type on my tablet. Get real!  There is not one word I can think of that when mistyped would come to be replaced with auto correct.  Maybe because I used penis one to many times... NO,  I AM NOT A PERV!   It may have been pens or pencil that caused the issue.   So, that may be why... I vaguely remember something about 8 pens, so now I can see why I have been blamed for unwanted sexual  advances.  Being that co-worker questioned my 8 inch penis, and in shock, I said how would you know?  Before I knew it, the whole office had an odd ire about it, before I had been requested to the managers office. It was short... No, not my penis!  Would you get off my penis, please!  I ment about the word not my own penis.  This is getting out of hand.  No! No! No!  Stop with your dirty thoughts!   Just suddenly I remember the Mary Tylor Moore SNL monologue.   She said penis, like 50 or more times.  All I wanted to explain was something simple, and now this.  Short... the talk with manager was.  My word against theirs, and the person who got the email, quit under duress. Probably getting a hefty sum of money.  Usually when a claim like that happens, by doing nothing to prove in a face to face talk,  is proof that your effected badly, and will easly grant you monetary compensation without question.  Don't you love it?  For me it was understood as a typeo and they can easily replace her, over me.  But it did not come without being on leave without pay for a month, until sexual harassment course completion.  A complete cock up!  Yet, how many have said what about my penis, in thinking how word spreads around.. I can only imagine some thinking I has sex with her, and she knew first hand.  I am not sure if the looks on their faces was in disappointment or from bad taste, when I told them I never touched the woman, and what they knew of my penis has been from accusation not from facts.  Imagine having to go around the office and tell people to stop thinking about 8 inch penis and the accusation.   There was one person who did stand up to me, and handed out print outs of my email to all that would take from his hand.  He clearly pointed out in yellow highlighter,  I had 8 penis in my drawers, please let me know if you are in need.  Like WTF!   She was always complaining people would take her pens time to time.

Though, I was to explain food, not a mistyped message.  Now that I ruined my food entry, my mind has been side tracked by penis and pens.  Though I have a sad but true story of bad taste and disappointment, with food in mind.

After a good dine out, we were offered a desert tray.  It was fully loaded and placed before us to examine.  In the 1st selection,  the reply was... sorry, we are out of that one.  For the 2nd and 3rd selections were with the same reply, while making disappointment become an act of self inflicting pain. It was at the point not even wanting to try at a 4th attempt.  Really, that desert tray could have been weeded out before display, but in bad taste... hovered about saying eat me, eat me, eat me... to be carted off and laughing at you from their fancy glass ornamental dishes and plates. 

Offline Spiritus

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #176 on: June 30, 2022, 04:51:34 PM »
well if this is random bits and what nots

Ziemniak or Kartofel. and which one is crossing the road first?

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #177 on: June 30, 2022, 05:42:13 PM »
well if this is random bits and what nots

Ziemniak or Kartofel. and which one is crossing the road first?

For me its none, because of the bus runs them both over. Ha!  I can never get all the wee bits in, else I may go on and on with other bits to distract me.  Oddly enough UK people, will use the term bits for genitalia... so this was unintentional random bit about a naughty bit.  Ha!  The odd thing about placement of an 'i' that could ruin a day, or if I was extremely lucky, would make my day, or hers.  Ha!   

An 'i' kind of reminds me of an incedent with quick thinking in a most inappropriate moment.  One morning I dropped in on the side wing of buisness that was raster to vectpr conversion.  Closest area to the restroom.  Made my pit stop, and forgot to check my zipper.  On the way out, I stopped by the gang and checked what was new for the day.  One of the gents gave me notice to check myself. I quickly responded, I'm advertising, as I quickly pulled up the zipper. It was ok, around the guys, but... I did not take an account a woman co worker of the group had been just in front of me, only to over hear, while facing monitor.  Only then if I had an eye, I may have not been so quick to say anything,

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #178 on: July 05, 2022, 11:42:22 AM »
Waiting for that important day...

Just about everyone waits or has waited for an important day.  Remember when you were at 7-1/2 and could not wait to hit 8 years of age?  Then 13, 16, 18, 21... etc.

By the time you get to that day, you already had done just about everything before that special day, where all it is, is just another birthday.  Unless you actually need to be a certain age, to do it legally, or be allowed more independence.

Which reminds me of Independence day.  Where everyone is happy having a holiday, with friends and family. Eating watermelon, corn on the cob, and BBQ.  A free day to blow up shit, and yourself if you are creative.  Though you hardly ever hear about M80 in a  big assed watermelon gag, or firecracker in a coffee can and water bucket.  Its now all about setting yourself, or a forest, or a neighbor's house on fire.

Then there is stoking up flames to create a fire.  Like politically!  It seems like every special day is taken away from it's joy and made into anger and discontent.

Today it is ok to change the meaning of importance, without changing the date or name for such day.

How would you like it if your liberal uncle barges in on your 16th birthday and decrees this day to be a political statement about global warming. 

Telling you everything used in your birthday party is, or has contributed to global warming... as he takes a fire extinguisher to put out your 16 candles.  He lays down a reading, from a premade list, of cause and effect with common birthday party items.   While busy, replacing the cake with fruit and veg.  Declaring every item was naturally grown and picked fresh. Not once in refrigeration,  or long hauled.  Then pulls the plug on stereo, lights, and HVAC.  Nothing of global heating,  just us making our own entertainment, he says.  Also, there will be roofers coming shortly to remove all the shingles, that are heating up the surrounding environment.  We can get a discount to remove existing roof structure, to make an open air environment, which is good for you. Though this carpet needs to go, it will get dirty and will hold water when it rains.  Since it is good weather, why not rid the house of electronics and other global warming items and have a yard sell.  You can cover the cost of removing your existing roof.  Sell your cars while you are at it.  Make it a sweet 16 birthday yard sale!  Now don't you all feel happier now, that we all contributed in such a special day?

You and everyone else are thinking of is... Bleep that uncle, he can Bleeping eat shit, till he Bleeping dies!

Even if Earth Day is a week earlier... he has made his statement become the greatest impact, to convert many at once.  When all they wanted was joy and celebration.  Like some sort of Catholicism day to do with out for many days.

I did not want to alienate the special mark on the calender, may god strike me down for mentioning.

Maybe that is what we need to do... remove naming on special days. This way nobody expects anything specific to be special.  Like pot luck Sunday.  Anything that you least expect will be introduced in that day, to ruin any plans of fun.

Better yet, move your special day forward day!  Like passing the buck. If your special day gets high jacked, you can be reimbursed to have your special day paid for in full a week later.  Though, weddings and vacations would be exempt. Due to the exorbitant amounts of money for such special days.  You may have to do the Vegas deal, pay an extra 50% to allow rescheduled dates.  Serious planning for all expensive special days, to counter any special day high jacks that may pop up.

Offline gmillerdrake

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #179 on: July 08, 2022, 09:37:36 AM »
Didn't know where to put this but I thought it was pretty interesting:

Limits of the Human Body

Body Heat - 107.6F
Cold Water - 40F
Hot Air - 300F
High Altitude - 15,000 ft
Starvation - 45 Days
Diving Depth - 282 ft
Lack of Oxygen - 11 minutes
Blood Loss - 40%
Dehydration - 7 days
Without Faith.....Without Hope.....There can be No Peace of Mind

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #180 on: July 08, 2022, 11:47:19 AM »
Body Heat - 107.6F
Cold Water - 40F
Hot Air - 300F
High Altitude - 15,000 ft
Starvation - 45 Days
Diving Depth - 282 ft
Lack of Oxygen - 11 minutes
Blood Loss - 40%
Dehydration - 7 days

I'd give $1,000 to see anyone try any of the listed to set a new record, without any help, but must be verified.  One of them perplexing thoughts of... Is it worth attempting?  So many do such things without even thinking of it, right in the middle of attempting.  Like falling and surviving a 100 foot drop, while trying to attach a protest banner on a bridge.  Another, is surviving electrocution when peeing in a 110v wall outlet (6 year old cousin did that).  Surviving drinking 1/4 cup leaded petrol (Another cousin did that).  Surviving trying to rescue a pet chicken from a fully grown cougar attack (yet, another cousin).  I am going to stop, to keep family out of this.  I know the seriousness, but on the outside, it is sort of funny, because we all see the stupidity of the obvious.  No I did not call my family stupid!   Though I think the Cougar attack effected the brain of my cousin... he did get a drunk in public arrest after making his way home. He fell in a ditch as a sheriff passed by, while making his way home. It left a good welt over his eye. The sheriff asked him at his door, what happened to him to get a bump on the head. His answer was, I was playing Croquet at a friends house.  That was the gods truth on his reply. Hard not to laugh on that! 

Offline Adami

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #181 on: July 08, 2022, 11:49:18 AM »

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #182 on: July 08, 2022, 12:18:44 PM »
Is it worth attempting?


That, I was being facetious, with the question.  Obviously No, but many see yes, until it happens to dawn on them... why did I do that?   Never fails, some will do things for free that others may jump on for the right price. Most cost their lives. 

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #183 on: July 12, 2022, 08:05:24 AM »
Loaded guns...

Right now politics is messing with my head. It seems to revolve around all types of guns.  Big or small,  made of plastic or steel, store bought, traded, or home made.  We do have a right to own them, yet criticised in possession.  Even if you have a gun there are those who will ridicule you.  To me removing the rights to be a responsible.  If you look at it, irresponsibility is being ignored.  I am too responsible, and see only facts... not the if, ands, and buts.  I see fairness as democracy, not the one sided opinion for justice, as ignored becomes unfairness.  So here goes my mad thought process of loaded guns...

You know what it is like when you have not had sex for 2 weeks, and finally bed a woman.  Now you have the opportunity to use a condom, but she is too fine to pass on, for the natural feel.  Yep, you got her drunk... but that is how the game is played.  Fully loaded without having any intent to impregnate.  Yet you continue to perform, using the only means to impregnate.  Pointing your gun directly at the target of impregnation.  No intentions, yet there it is.  You lead your self to believe, with many hours in training, feeling in control, a slip up.  Just like an armed robbery with a 38 pointed at the head. Without any warning, It goes off, as if Alec Baldwin had pulled the trigger.  You can't say,  "I had no intention to kill", yet you had a loaded gun pointing at an unprotected critical area,  with you being in control. You can't abort in the middle of action.  To pull out and say I am sorry... is intent on being responsible for your action. Otherwise there is no question of your intent. Now tell me, how responsible are you, when... that oops, I emptied my gun moment strikes?  Is it the victim, for trusting you,  showing they are responsible?  I think not.  or is the victim breaking trust, in making the wrong move, when you're in control, placing responsibility upon them?  Again no.

I only see equality in judgment for both errors. Neither were of responsibility.  The killing is the offloading of death to the unborn, in abortion.  If women were given death as the only form for abortion, you know they would be more responsible, with their choices.  Yet like a smoking gun, blame goes to the rare instances as being common every day... the mass shooters, serial rapists, perv dentists, and empowered abusing their power... all the same, by the amount of bullets they load in their guns.  Yet we ignore what is killed, because they don't exist outside the womb. It's a responsibility we ignore, and was a core virtue, now no longer.  Remove the irresponsible, and the mentally unstable, then the gun issues are resolved. Simple as that, in all fairness to both sides.  You can have a loaded gun, and spend your loads safely, while practicing full responsibility, no matter how big or small your gun is.  Whether or not, if it is yout hand, or held by another.  Gun safety and proper training is key to responsibility.

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #184 on: July 13, 2022, 10:43:24 AM »
Looking differently...

Many look at me differently, mostly because I look at all things differently.    Going through life having a liberal mom, weed, and a multitude of schools kept me open minded. No, I did not do weed early in my 1st year of school! I didn't need it to maintain living with mom, or the complexities of being in school.  Mom was very liberal with weed, to the point of picking me up from school, and getting lost in the Santa Cruz mountains. Thank God, I never stayed in one school longer than a year until Jr High.  From each new school, I hoped for different out comes, but it was forced learning in how to fit in.  I soon gave up, once I realized I could never match the pay grade of the classmates around me.  New cloths, most don't get, because they were the baby of 2 or 3, within the family.  Until I reached high school they did not make pre worn looking cloths on the racks.  Let alone, I totally disliked Converse and Kidds shoes.  Once mom had moved I was soon having to relearn what fits in once more. Then my odd growth spurt, made looking for cloths even more tricky.  So by the time I graduated early from high school, I was ready to enter the world of non conformity.  I had been completely removed of fashion and pop culture.   Being color blind helped a lot, when searching for cloths I liked. I went by feel and fit. Mom complemented me on my light pink shirt, and wondered if I washed the white shirt in with colours.  As for people noticing my lack of fashion, I had no clue, as I did not care about being stared at, if I had taken notice.  I look differently around my surroundings. Taking notice of what usually is not much noticeable.   Until my colour blindness thwarts my color matching efforts. Green stripey sock on the left, and a red stripey on the other.  I did not bother noticing peoples complexion much, when I had too many wrong attempts at diagnosing sun burn over a nice spray on tan.  Not on me, but others around me.  It was not easy them to take a complement... Nice sun tan... to someone who has been out way too long in the sun.  So eventually I kept my fashion down to T-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes.  No matter what event, or time of day it be.  No, I did not sleep in them!  Black was easy enough to match too.  Then there is how I look at others.  God forbid anyone askes... how does this look?  I have had one guy ask, if I like women? Yeah, was my reply, and his was... and you didn't notice.  When I get odd questions like that, it confuses the hell out of me. Luckily everyone around me is an unknown intity, so I an move just about anywhere at any given time, and free myself from further confusion.  Normally I get odd poking jokes from my cousin.  No not the one with a Croqette incident. His smarter bro, which always has something funny to talk about.  Since he always had a posse around him, I would feel he would corner me into a laugh or two.  I met up with them at a Burger King. I sat down with my order, next to my cousin, who was wearing a Burger King paper crown, while in the middle of razzing with the guys around the table.  He stopped and said, hey that girl likes you... look at your shake, its huge!  What?... I always get them that way.  After explaining no to his request, to have me ask her for her number,  he continued on with where he left off.   That is one of the one of the many times, he would have me attempt at doing something, that I normally would not do. So in a nut shell I rarely notice, when too many things are to notice around me,  so I catagorize of importance. Like driving... Don't ask how many people are in a particular car, or its color.  Non importance is non existant until it becomes interactive.. such as flashing signage, buildings, road ways, signal lights, and cars moving between lanes.  Only once I have allowed a distraction, when it was clear on coming car would stop before turning to across my lane. Because of it, I got T-boned.  From there on, even with shopping cart in hand, I will quickly determine lane change of on coming  crossing on my right of way. Saved my ass a few times, with blind drivers.  From all the odd experiences in a life time, I honestly say, if everyone crosses their eyes and look at everything that way, every thing will be completely normal, though driving will not have any normality, what so ever.  You could run a red light and nobody would notice.  A cop probably stop killing by constantly missing his aim.  Though if you loose one of your children in a crowd, you may not even notice until much later, saving you heart break. You end up owning twice as much as before. Imagine only paying half for everything, when paying with cash.  Wait they will try and sell you two at a time, so nobody gets taken.  At least the economy will automatically normalize.  Eventually if women do their make up cross eyed, they will all look pretty much the same, part Picaso, part Escher, out side of cloths and physical shape.  See normalcy just happens thinking about everyone crossing their eyes.  Maybe, I been around mom too much, when she tokes up. Anyway what is normal, is strange, depending on how you look at it.

Offline Dublagent66

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #185 on: July 15, 2022, 12:33:25 PM »
Ever heard of the 5 paragraph format?

1. Intro
2. Main theme
3.        "
4.        "
5. Summary

Makes it a lot easier for those who are actually interested in reading it.  :justjen
"Two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein
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Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #186 on: July 15, 2022, 01:00:33 PM »
Ever heard of the 5 paragraph format?

1. Intro
2. Main theme
3.        "
4.        "
5. Summary

Makes it a lot easier for those who are actually interested in reading it.  :justjen

Some times I format, but the entry I had made was how I capture the moments of thought.  Try and listen to Robin Williams recordings.  Impossible to capture his thoughts as they come, into nicely formatted block paragraphs.  Too jumpy, too random.  If ai tried, I would loose my thoughts and be to frustrated in keeping things before they go.   My humour is more than just formated words... its being hit by all sides at once. It just looks some what  contained but impossible to see it when nicely formated. 

Offline Dublagent66

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #187 on: July 18, 2022, 03:51:40 PM »
When you talk too much, people usually think that you're trying to make up for the lack of something else.  :loser:
"Two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein
"There's not a pill you can take.  There's not a class you can go to.  Stupid is foreva."  -Ron White

Offline Unknown-Comic

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #188 on: July 18, 2022, 04:46:06 PM »
When you talk too much, people usually think that you're trying to make up for the lack of something else.  :loser:

Ha! Let them think so. I guess some get great pleasure being annoyed by me, when I never asked them read.  It's like I infiltrated their mind and they can't turn off my voice.  Ear plugs won't work, nor loud music. It is as if they can't stop reading.  Here let me help you with your infliction.  STOP READING!  STOP! STOP!   Well I figure you can't stop, no matter how much you try.  You probably are the one that reads my shit through the wee hours.  Probably reading it backwards, trying to find hidden messages.  Placing reams of printed sheets, looking for Russian plans and codes for their next attack on the Ukraine.  To you I am some dark hidden spy trying to steal your American data through a portal from a moderatly used social hosting site. Not only I have infiltrated your mind, but all that read.  MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Like what Tracy Ullman would say... GO HOME!

Ooooops!  I made a block paragraph.  You probably shat your self.  I think you did!  Now everyone will know, as they read it right here from my words.  You will live in infamy.  All that frequent and newbies from all around the world, will read right in this block of words, that I made you shat your pants.  The horror of it all, as you can't stop reading of your own embarrassment. I dare not make one more paragragh, because it may totally destroy you!

Oooops! My thumb made another block paragraph.  It was live, not edited copy / paste.  Ooooooh aaaaaaaaaah!  What talent.  OMG!  Your still reading!  Why? I gotta know!  Wait, I am in your head, so you can't stop. I am a freaking Doritos chip in your mind.  You won't stop until the king size bag is done, and your fingers sucked until they bleed.  I wonder if my desquised bag of chips,  from the 90s, being fat free, will blow you a new asshole.   If you haven't lived the 90s with fat free chips, you will now!  Your insides will oooze right out of every orifice with the power of fat free.  What a freaking rush dude!

Crap I did another freaking block paragraph!  I can't stop myself... I am an adrenalin junky.  Getting off with every finger stoke, and you are mine!  MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  WAIT! Something tells me, you enjoy this...  your a freaking masochist, aren't you?  Prolly have a pierced dick,  in multiple places!  You are getting your rocks off at my expense.  How dare you!  You are lucky I am only in your head man.  If I had the ability to get passed your cranium, I would tie your tongue around your throat!  Wait, I just thought of a better idea... I will recite the lyrics "Close to you" from the popular group The Carpenters.  It will make you insane before the week is done! 

Oh, I got to go now... dinner time.

Offline Dublagent66

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #189 on: July 19, 2022, 08:53:14 AM »
It's a shame your dad never pulled out.
"Two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein
"There's not a pill you can take.  There's not a class you can go to.  Stupid is foreva."  -Ron White

Offline Spiritus

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #190 on: July 19, 2022, 02:15:40 PM »
More like Random bits and WTF nots.    yeesh

Offline wolfking

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #191 on: July 19, 2022, 04:28:32 PM »
When you talk too much, people usually think that you're trying to make up for the lack of something else.  :loser:

Sanity perhaps in this case?
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline dparrott

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Re: Random bits and what nots
« Reply #192 on: August 07, 2022, 09:48:43 AM »
Local CVS store selling halloween candy already.  ::)
"I don't know nuttin about nuttin" - Marshawn Lynch

The very soul of what was once real music is now lost in a digital quagmire of emotionless sonic madness.