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Offline Tomislav95

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There will be a 6 this round, or a 6.5. 

Awesome. Can't wait! :yeahright

In fact, it's not yours. :lol Won't say anything else.
One write-up left to do, for that mysterious 6/10 song. Results really soon.
So, my song for last :'(
EDIT: I knew I wasn't last :P
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 11:56:57 AM by Tomislav95 »
...the years just pass like trains
I wave but they don't slow down...

Offline Evermind

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #806 on: March 09, 2016, 11:52:53 AM »
Overall I thought this round was just a bit weaker than the previous too, but the great songs were very enjoyable. Anyway, results!

Round 3 Results:

wolfking: Nocturnal Rites – Still Alive

Hey now, first W.A.S.P., now this? Winning second round in a row? Looks like you’re on fire!

Now, everything about this song is fantastic to my ears (again!). I suspected this would be a hit from the very first line sung by the vocalist – is it someone who I should know? Can’t place his voice, but he’s amazing. The climax in the chorus is very climactic: “So there is nothing to revive – I’m still alive!” part gives me serious chills. This tune really packs a punch in only four minutes time. This is exactly how I like my metal – moderately heavy, with enough hooks and memorable vocal melodies, enjoyable amount of grit in the singers’ voice and coated in the distinctive epicness. The enhanced chorus in the ending with the choir behind the main vocals is brilliant (especially when he’s going “Alive! Alive! Alive!”). One of the highlights from this round indeed.

This is a good example of a magnificent song which, while retaining its moderate heaviness, doesn’t really become a bit grating with the crunching guitar riffs. All in all, great entry. If you keep going like this, I can see you winning the whole thing.


jingle.boy: Damnation Angels – Pride (The Warrior’s Way)

Being the longest song of the round, it basically came down to two options: either this song had to impress me a lot to earn a great score, or it could’ve been mediocre and a long mediocre song is always even more underwhelming. Knowing my tastes though, the former option was a safe bet.

I place a lot of importance in the vocals and the vocal melodies, and this song definitely delivers in this department big time. The singer has a very pleasant voice, easy to listen to, powerful when it’s needed, melodic too; an instant hit with me. I can’t say I’m too fond of Japanese influences (or maybe I should call it Eastern vibe? Somehow I associate this song with Japan, maybe because sure I can hear the female vocals in the end (singing in Japanese?). Yeah, well, anyway), but otherwise the instrumental parts are fine. My favourite part is probably the middle one with the bombastic soaring vocals (starting with “We gather here, beneath the sky”) The beginning does a fine job to get this song running, the ending is a quiet one, but the middle part is a major highlight.

This song was right up my alley, so you finally get your well-deserved 9.


ErHaO: Suspyre – Reign

Remember how I said your next song is going to be awesome in the previous round write-ups? It’s like I’m a clairvoyant or something! Of course, this is dampened by the fact I get to decide if the song is awesome or not, but it doesn’t really matter.

This song was surprising and even a bit startling in a very good way. I expected a metal song (especially looking at the album cover), and, well, I’ve got a metal song, but when this part at 0:25 came up I realized my expectations didn’t mean anything. And what’s even better, they’re using those instruments for the whole song. Is it violin and sax? I have no idea, but it sounds really cool, and I love how they follow it up with acoustic guitar playing that somber melody over the rhythm electric guitar in the verses and then that awkward part again! And the chorus is really cool too. This song achieves something I really like, bringing the weird and unexpected elements in metal. Hell, the way this band entwines both the traditional metal approach and the strikingly unusual elements is worth a round of applause. It was jarring for the first few spins, but there’s no way I can say those parts are feeling out of place now. I can say it’s awesome though. I’m kind of repeating myself at this point.

There’s that eclectic acoustic section in the middle with mandolin or balalaika or whatever which brings the song down for me for half a point, but otherwise it’s really impressive. Congratulations with your good score.


Tomislav95: Leprous – Bilateral

You basically cheated here, even if you didn’t know that – I’m more or less familiar with The Congregation and I enjoyed it quite a bit, so sending Leprous was somewhat of a safe choice. It did get you a good score – in my opinion, of course – and it definitely made me more interested in checking out Leprous discography.

What I like about Leprous so far from my limited amount of experience, you can really say it’s them playing. You can only do so much in progressive metal genre, but these guys do sound distinctive; and since I like that sound, I can’t really complain about it. I have a feeling this is what I expected from Native Construct (not the growls with blast beats, damn it) – the atmospheric parts mixed with some ragged rhythms and memorable vocal melodies. My favourite parts are the tension-filled parts with almost staccato-styled vocals before the choruses and in the bridge.

You’re yet to score a 9 in this roulette, but you show consistency and this may be really important in a long run. I don’t know how the scoreboard looks like so far – I don’t really remember anyone’s scores – but I guess you have a decent chance making it past the cut-off if you keep sending such good songs.


lonestar: Triumph – Magic Power

Older progressive rock bands can be a hit or miss with me, but I’ve got to say, in a sea of mostly heavier and metal-oriented songs this round, this song was a welcome breath of fresh air. Maybe that’s why it gets such a good score, or maybe that’s because I just like it a lot. It’s kind of like that Kansas song I’ve got in the very first preliminary round, only a bit better.

Remember how I always say I mostly don’t like happy music? Well, there are always exceptions, and this song is apparently one of them. I love how flamboyant it is, the positive energy is just dripping from every word and note. The singer is doing an alright job, but I feel this song isn’t about the singer – it’s about the whole picture. The lyrics are fantastic, guess this song can easily describe almost anyone who’s hanging out there on DTF. Damn, this song is just one huge pool of wistfulness and happiness.

And it also kept growing on me. As I said, maybe in some other round this song would’ve been an 8, but I couldn’t help but love how strikingly different it is from the rest of the bunch. So it gets an 8.5 instead.


senecadawg: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon

The good old power metal, huh? Well, you can’t really score bad with that in my roulette. What usually determines my scores for power metal is how much the song clicks with me, if it has that spark that really captures my attention. This wasn’t the best one, not by far, but I enjoyed it.

This is really simple song and offers nothing mindblowing like the three tunes above you, but it’s just really solid. Nice vocalist, good catchy chorus, the right length – once again, only four minutes and the song doesn’t need to be longer.

I don’t really have a lot to say about this tune. It’s a nice power metal song and I like it quite much. Among the songs ranked 8/10 in this round, this is the best one, but it’s still not quite 8.5.


Big Hath: Odyssey – I Am Two

Wow, I’m having trouble determining the heaviest song of the round. I’ve got a long heavy song and I’ve got your song. My best advice is not to listen to those back-to-back unless you’re either a big fan of heavier music or you want to get a headache.

But hey, it’s a Dan Swano project, so what the hell, it should be heavy. His low voice complements the heavy guitar riffs perfectly, and I like how dark and somewhat menacing he sounds in the verses with the keyboards and guitars playing in the background, but then – once again in this round – the chorus kicks in and leaves me a bit underwhelmed. I like how he mysteriously whispers the very last word too. The highlight of this song is definitely the atmosphere, somber and grinding at the same time; and I realize the heaviness is part of the style, but I’m not sure I can stand a few songs like this in a row. It was an enjoyable, but also exhausting listen. Good thing this song is only six minutes long…


Bolsters: Thunderstone – Forevermore

Well, I understand how people thought the tidbit about “how I like my metal” is about this one, but while Nocturnal Rites song does everything great, I felt this song overdoes everything just a little. The vocalist is just too gritty to my taste (he reminds me of Ronnie Atkins a bit somehow, and I never liked his way-too-gritty style of singing), the chorus feels unfinished and also has the most cringeworthy line in this round (“Forevermore, together for”). That’s kind of the most generic rhyme you can come up with, and while I generally don’t mind the lyrics in power metal songs, this one stood out.

But despite all my complaints about this tune, I still enjoyed it. It’s like Nelson’s Dream Evil entry – solid metal, mostly enjoyable, but it does have its flaws, and in this song it’s most definitely the chorus. It’s not like I actively dislike the chorus, but I feel it lacks something, not sure what. This could’ve been a better score, but with the chorus like this, it’s only 7.5. I think you might have actually scored half a point more with Pale Blue Dot, but I only listened to it once, so I’m not sure.


Train of Naught: A.C.T. – A Failed Escape Attempt

You wanted to send this song in the second preliminary round (where the score didn’t matter for you already), but instead you tried your luck with it in this round, and well, I liked it. It really depends on what you think the good score is, but I think this is a good song. So don’t get all the criticism that will follow in the next paragraph too close to the heart.

First off, the best parts about this song are the verses, hands down. I love how they build up the tension, the atmosphere, they really fit the concept and the song’s name. And then… all the tension kind of evaporates when the chorus comes up. I’m not an expert on those things, but I really think the production could use more punch here. All these build-ups to the choruses fall flat, and while – at least partly – chorus’ vocal melodies are to blame, the production doesn’t help either. The instrumental part was underwhelming too. At the beginning it was quite good, and then it went into that circus sound effects part, and while I understand it’s probably because of the story, it didn’t really add anything to my enjoyment, but rather deducted from it.

Don’t get me wrong, when this song was great (during the verses), it was great, but it also was inconsistent. So well, there.


bl5150: Armory – Beyond the Horizon

This song is an interesting one. As you said, the first half of this song is a pretty much standard power metal, and it has that kind of happy vibe I don’t like too much, so I won’t be lying when I say the first half pretty much fell flat for me, and the since the ending reprises the happy chorus, it also fell flat for me. I just don’t really like this happy metal approach, which is why I’m not a big fan of Stratovarius (though I do like them in moderate doses), so during the first half I thought this is going to be a complete miss.

But the instrumental part saved this song big time. It was by far the most interesting, captivating and appealing part of this tune for me. If this instrumental part was put into some other song I liked more, this could’ve been an easy 9 points or more. I’ve grown to enjoy this song a bit more when I become more familiar with it, but it still far from the top in this round and overall.


TAC: Iris Divine – In the Wake of Martyrs

Well, it’s like you score big in the even-numbered rounds and then score not-so-big in the odd-numbered ones? Maybe that means your Round 4 song will be incredible? I don’t know. Then again, it depends how you define the “good” score. Anything better than 5 is decent in my book and anything from 7.5 and higher is good. So, by this definition it’s… well, almost good.

This is indeed The Paralydium Project situation once again. I like some parts just fine; mostly the choruses, the second verse and the instrumental intro, but I couldn’t care less about the haunting whispery first verse that sounds like it came from some genre with “core” in the name (no idea about which one). I’m not too fond of the instrumental in the middle of the song too, when it gets really heavy, then it gets heavier and then it gets downright grating on my ears. But the good parts are good indeed.

So, well, I know it’s no fun getting lower scores, but I really can’t help it. At least you nailed it with Dead Lord! (if you take this one out of context, it might sound a bit weird)


Dr. DTVT: Orphaned Land – Sapari

You mentioned this band lists Myrath as one of their influences, and I guess drawing influences from the band that is your source of inspiration is one thing, but pushing it too far in one particular direction is another thing entirely. Obviously, I’ve heard precisely one song from Myrath, but if you didn’t say this was Myrath-like, I would never have guessed it, honestly. I mean, it does have those eastern influences, but while Myrath seamlessly built the metal song around them, this seems more like the other way around – they took some eclectic folk song and put metal in there, and while this approach isn’t something I dislike, not at all, this particular melody the song is built around is irritating.

I can’t say the metal is just crowbarred in for the sake of it – no, the song structure is fine, the metal fits… it’s just I don’t like the song. When you base the song around one melody it’s a gamble, because if you dislike that one melody, you dislike the song. This is exactly what happened in my case. I can see someone liking this, because I found it well constructed and thought-out, but I’m not too big on this. Sorry.


Bands added to banned list:

Nocturnal Rites
Damnation Angels
Dream Evil

The scoreboard:

wolfking - 28
lonestar - 26
bl5150 - 25.5
Big Hath - 25.5
Tomislav95 - 25
TAC - 24

(the cut-off line, will matter after Round 6)

Dr. DTVT - 23.5
jingle.boy - 23.5
Train of Naught - 23
Bolsters - 23
senecadawg2 - 23
ErHaO - 22.5
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 12:30:58 PM by Evermind »
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Offline Evermind

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #807 on: March 09, 2016, 11:55:12 AM »
Round 4: Violin / Woodwinds / Brass instruments

Now comes what I think will be the most interesting round in this roulette.

I guess the theme is pretty obvious. Send me something that features either violin or woodwind instruments or brass instruments. It doesn't matter how the instrument is featured (solo / lead / orchestral arrangement), anything will do, but it has to be the actual instrument played, not a sample or keyboard sound. Good examples of what I want are DT's Another Day or Dire Straits - Your Latest Trick, but I don't want this theme to be too restrictive.

You also can use some other unusual instruments, but you have to check it with me. For example, you can use accordion (someone asked me this in PM), but you can't use the tambourine (I don't care for unusual drum instruments). So if you're in doubt, send me a PM and we'll sort it out.

Now, if you absolutely don't have anything that fits the theme, you can ignore it and send me a ballad instead. However, if you do that, I will deduct one point from your score for this round. Choose wisely!

One last thing - I ask all the participants to tell me what instrument is featured in your songs (and a timestamp, if it's not obvious where it appears). You can do that via PM while sending your song, or you can mention it in this thread - either will do.

The time-limit for this round is 10 minutes.

Send your songs!
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Offline Train of Naught

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #808 on: March 09, 2016, 12:09:28 PM »
Damn, wolfking is killing it!

7 is alright for this round I guess, but it's getting me nowhere above the cutting line  :P The next submission might be a risk but I stand 100% behind it.
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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #809 on: March 09, 2016, 12:13:52 PM »

Online jingle.boy

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #810 on: March 09, 2016, 12:14:24 PM »
Yeah, current course and speed have this is Kade's to win or lose.  Really surprised at some of these scores, tbh.  Some of the lower ranking ones I ware really impressed with, and I wouldn't have expected a 2 point spread between Nocturnal Rites and Thunderstone.

Submission coming shortly - I know the band, just gotta pick the song.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #811 on: March 09, 2016, 12:22:20 PM »
I might doubt some of my scores, but I feel quite sure about that 2 point spread between NR and Thunderstone. One song was killer, the other was fine but nothing special at all and didn't click with me much.

Of course, if Kade won't screw up and keeps sending great songs, yeah, he wins, but that's kind of how roulettes work. Regarding scores, don't forget Round 7 will have two songs from each participants for me to rate (therefore making the maximum possible amount of points 20 in that round), and the EP round will probably also be rated out of 20 with 5 more possible points for the flow. And with five more rounds to go... who knows.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #812 on: March 09, 2016, 12:26:10 PM »
I can't argue with your write up Ruslan. It's a fitting description of the track. I knew it was a risk after you bitchslapped Seneca in the first round. I was torn between Iris Divine and a catchy Power Metal track, which I think you'd like. But if for some reason the catchy Power Metal track didn't click for you, I would've regretted not going for it with ID.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #813 on: March 09, 2016, 12:33:52 PM »
I knew it was a risk after you bitchslapped Seneca in the first round.

What? He got 7.5! It's a good score! :lol

This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Online jingle.boy

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #814 on: March 09, 2016, 12:38:23 PM »
senecadawg: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon[/b]

The good old power metal, huh? Well, you can’t really score bad with that in my roulette. What usually determines my scores for power metal is how much the song clicks with me, if it has that spark that really captures my attention. This wasn’t the best one, not by far, but I enjoyed it.

This is really simple song and offers nothing mindblowing like the three tunes above you, but it’s just really solid. Nice vocalist, good catchy chorus, the right length – once again, only four minutes and the song doesn’t need to be longer.

I don’t really have a lot to say about this tune. It’s a nice power metal song and I like it quite much. Among the songs ranked 8/10 in this round, this is the best one, but it’s still not quite 8.5.

Wait... wat?   :lol
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #815 on: March 09, 2016, 12:42:05 PM »
I looked up 7.5 in the dictionary.
noun A poor score; especially when competing in DTF Roulettes.
Also known as, sucks, least best score, blows, on par with Winger
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline Train of Naught

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #816 on: March 09, 2016, 12:44:18 PM »
I looked up 7.5 in the dictionary.
noun A poor score; especially when competing in DTF Roulettes.
Also known as, sucks, least best score, blows, on par with Winger

That can't be too bad then, I've heard Winger has some pretty catchy hooks and that Kip is fucking cute.
people on this board are actual music fans who developed taste in music and not casual listeners who are following current fashion trends and listening to only current commercial hits.

Online jingle.boy

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #817 on: March 09, 2016, 12:45:16 PM »
I looked up 7.5 in the dictionary.
noun A poor score; especially when competing in DTF Roulettes.
Also known as, sucks, least best score, blows, on par with Winger

That was Webster's, right?  Actually, Collins says it's "the best worst score; the cream of the crap... still a better love story than Twilight though"

And Winger will always get you a SEVENTEEN!!!!
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

Offline Evermind

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #818 on: March 09, 2016, 12:49:33 PM »
senecadawg: Dream Evil – Chasing the Dragon

The good old power metal, huh? Well, you can’t really score bad with that in my roulette. What usually determines my scores for power metal is how much the song clicks with me, if it has that spark that really captures my attention. This wasn’t the best one, not by far, but I enjoyed it.

This is really simple song and offers nothing mindblowing like the three tunes above you, but it’s just really solid. Nice vocalist, good catchy chorus, the right length – once again, only four minutes and the song doesn’t need to be longer.

I don’t really have a lot to say about this tune. It’s a nice power metal song and I like it quite much. Among the songs ranked 8/10 in this round, this is the best one, but it’s still not quite 8.5.

Wait... wat?   :lol

Hahaha. I don't know why I wrote that actually. :lol But it isn't wrong and it offers some comfort too (until you notice it), so I'll leave it.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #819 on: March 09, 2016, 02:00:59 PM »
Kind of sad to see a drop in the standings after a solid 8, but with TAC only a single point ahead, I don't feel dead yet. And nice catch, jingle

I'm glad you enjoyed the song. I'll try and send soon!
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Oh seneca, how you've warmed my heart this evening.

Online jingle.boy

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #820 on: March 09, 2016, 02:12:58 PM »
Kind of sad to see a drop in the standings after a solid 8, but with TAC only a single point ahead, I don't feel dead yet.

Yeah, quite a clumping for the bottom half - only 1.5 points between last and making the cut.  I don't think anyone is out of it yet, nor is anyone (save maybe Kade) "safe".
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #821 on: March 09, 2016, 03:19:06 PM » mentioned earlier it came down to two for me (Damnation Angels and Armory) and as per usual I applied my rule of "if in doubt, go obscure"  :-\

Plenty of time but that hurts a bit
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 03:25:35 PM by bl5150 »
"I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle." - DLR

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #822 on: March 09, 2016, 03:32:31 PM »
Brent, stop editing your damn posts! I look at the page and see a "new" post by bl5150 and think, oh let's check out what Brent is saying, and it's the same post I just read!  :facepalm:
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #823 on: March 09, 2016, 03:37:46 PM »
Sorry Tim - I didn't realise that when you edit it shows as a new post.   Would you rather read shmeginese?

So anyway..........this is what I edited out.

"Sent a song for Rd 4 with lots of wood(wind) Tim"

"I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle." - DLR

Online TAC

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #824 on: March 09, 2016, 03:44:10 PM »
Now there's a post that qualifies for an edit! ;D
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Online jingle.boy

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #825 on: March 09, 2016, 03:59:15 PM »
I just realized, Kip's bracelet looks like he's handcuffed to the shower head.   :lol

@ Brent... so glad you went Obscure, because I'd have lost my good score.  Well, fair deal for me saving you from submitting The Chronicles Project.  We'll call it even.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
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Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #826 on: March 09, 2016, 04:25:41 PM »
I just realized, Kip's bracelet looks like he's handcuffed to the shower head.   :lol

@ Brent... so glad you went Obscure, because I'd have lost my good score.  Well, fair deal for me saving you from submitting The Chronicles Project.  We'll call it even.

OK - even  :)

And yeah..........the thought had crossed my mind about the photo with the handcuffs.  I am certain it crossed Tim's :heybaby:

I have to re-work a couple of things I had planned for later I think.  I'll back WASP to the hilt but I find songs like the Nocturnal Rites a bit generic , so I might have to bring a few bands I had canned back into the equation.
"I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle." - DLR

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #827 on: March 09, 2016, 06:01:22 PM »

I really wish I had the stones to send Chuck Daniels' band, and Satan's special trip.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #828 on: March 09, 2016, 06:58:04 PM »

I really wish I had the stones to send Chuck Daniels' band, and Satan's special trip.

You woulda totally earn my respect. Seriously. (great fucking song too)

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #829 on: March 09, 2016, 07:16:23 PM »

I really wish I had the stones to send Chuck Daniels' band, and Satan's special trip.

You woulda totally earn my respect. Seriously. (great fucking song too)

I had mentally decided that if I either A) didn't get a 9 or higher this round, or B) was more than 1 point behind the cut line, I was sending it.  But, neither of those came to fruition, so I'm going with my brain, not my heart.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #830 on: March 09, 2016, 07:54:52 PM »
I'll be disappointed if my best songs end up being the ones I sent in the qualifier.

I will send later tonight, I might think about this one a bit longer.

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #831 on: March 09, 2016, 11:02:38 PM »
Holy shit!  Nice.  :metal

I always hate the added pressure now to perform.  Feel I'm gonna take a hit this round, gonna be tough.  :lol

And  :metal for the Kip pic as always.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #832 on: March 09, 2016, 11:13:07 PM »
How about this one Kade?   Deathy vocals , swing and sax :metal
"I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle." - DLR

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #833 on: March 10, 2016, 05:03:08 AM »
How about this one Kade?   Deathy vocals , swing and sax :metal

Not bad.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #834 on: March 10, 2016, 05:50:10 AM »
Really struggling with this round.  Could be the start of my undoing.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #835 on: March 10, 2016, 05:51:31 AM »
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #836 on: March 10, 2016, 09:46:32 AM »
Yeah, this is a tricky round for me. Without sending classical music, I only have a couple legit options.

Just a Game was the first record I ever bought, but Magic Power is probably my favorite Triumph song (Hold On does come close though). Fully deserves that 8.5 and then some.
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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #837 on: March 10, 2016, 09:50:02 AM »
I'll be disappointed if my best songs end up being the ones I sent in the qualifier.

Well, me too. I'm hoping to get some great stuff from you in the next rounds!

Really struggling with this round.  Could be the start of my undoing.

This reminds me how you said you're running out of bands to send in my first roulette after Round 5 or so. :lol Tim's pic is basically my reaction too.

Yeah, this is a tricky round for me. Without sending classical music, I only have a couple legit options.

Well, you can send a ballad and get one point less for your entry if things are too hopeless.

Off to sort through my PMs.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #838 on: March 10, 2016, 09:50:42 AM »
Roulettes are funny. Sometimes the answer is right under your nose the whole time. It's hard to know how someone will react to it. I would've never in a million years even considered Magic Power.

Nor would I have considered sending Half The World as Hath did in Brent's roulette. Still cannot believe Brent gave it the same score as La Villa Strangiato!
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Evermind's Second Roulette v. Alive enough to stand my ground (Results)
« Reply #839 on: March 10, 2016, 09:57:32 AM »
yeah, that was just knowing the audience more than anything.  (although I really do enjoy Half The World)
Winger would be better!

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