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Offline Zantera

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2975 on: December 09, 2022, 12:48:09 PM »
Hey folks! I actually did not know about the previous album initially being a Mustaine solo album so that was an interesting read for sure. I did however dive into United Abominations (2007) this week and I'm here to share my thoughts on it. And again from what I read it seems like Mustaine is sort of making this with a new lineup and trying to 'reboot' the band on a new label, this time Roadrunner. And I actually think this album sounds very much in line with a mid-00's Roadrunner album for good and bad. I was also slightly familiar with this album like I mentioned in my last big post, my experience with it is basically I listened to it 2 or 3 times back in the day (maybe around '08 or '09) and I remember feeling positive enough about it where I didn't dislike it, but I suppose it was one of those things that fell by the wayside in my teenage years as I was branching out into a lot of things.

Sleepwalker was a song I remember being quite positive towards and the intro right away made me go "Oh yeah this riff" and I really like how that clean guitar interlude leads into the chugging riff. I don't know what the general consensus on the song is, but I think it's one of their better opening songs on an album so far. Sure I wouldn't put it above the classics (Holy Wars or Wake Up Dead for example) but I think it does its job very well as the album opener. Some great riffs, a pretty good and memorable chorus and I like the solo section as well. Washington is Next is another fine song with a particular riff that makes me think of a more sped up Wasted Years by Iron Maiden (but I also believe that riff is one of those classic copycat riffs where multiple bands have written something similar). The energy of the song is pretty great though and I do like the more modern sound of the album so far. For the most part on this album I actually feel forgiving about the weaknesses because there's things I like. For example the third song Never Walk Alone... A Call to Arms has a chorus I'm not in love with, but the chugging riffs and the fast paced solo makes me feel positive about it as a whole despite not loving the chorus. It's not bad but it's not amazing.

Gears of War is another song I like a fair bit. It's slower and less energetic than some other songs on here but as soon as that intro riff kicks in I can't help but headbang. The guitar tone is just great in my opinion. Blessed are the Dead provides a nice little breathing moment and I actually really like that rumbling bass that leads you in with just some guitar work on top of it during the verse. Play For Blood is another solid little song just under 4 minutes that has some great riffs in it. Don't have too much to say about it other than that. I guess we now arrive at the hot topic of the album, the remake of A Tout Le Monde, this time a bit more uptempo and featuring Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil. A band I like a lot and I like her as a vocalist, but she feels kinda wasted here unfortunately. I guess Mustaine has a bit of a George Lucas in him of going back and trying to improve upon greatness but without achieving it, whether it's this song or the remastered albums sounding a bit rough. This is a remake of A Tout Le Monde and the song itself is a great one so you can't necessarily go wrong, but it's not as good as the original. For me, this sort of weird 'we took an old song and gave it some makeup and placed it in the middle of our new album' thinking isn't that great. I don't hate this like some others might do, but similar to the Anarchy in the UK being on SFSGSW, this 'remake' kinda takes me out of the album for a bit. I would just rather listen to other Megadeth songs, or Lacuna Coil, and not this.

Getting into the final stretch of the album we got another classic Megadeth splash of politics with Amerikhastan - a song title I'm not really too fond of but I enjoy the song for the most part. You're Dead starts off with some guitars that actually took me back to Holy Wars for a second (although not played as fast) but the song takes a different turn after that. I like this song though, the riff behind the chorus actually reminds me a bit of early Smashing Pumpkins but the solo section definitely picks up pace so you get both a little flavor of alt rock/grunge guitars and thrash in there. Burnt Ice is a song that took me a few spins to warm up to but I like how the song just seems to pick up more and more momentum as it goes and the frantic way in which it finishes. Today I learned this is actually the proper album closer but I listened to this album with the Led Zeppelin cover Out of the Tiles without realizing it was a cover. I know I'm way overdue for a Led Zeppelin discography listen beyond the classics and I might do that in 2023. However, upon learning that, it does make sense. Just from the start this song has a bit of a different vibe and it sounded almost too poppy or positive to be a Megadeth song.

Getting into the final verdict I must say I'm mostly pretty positive towards this one. The one concern I have is that five listens in, I'm not sure how many songs stand out individually aside from Sleepwalker, and I think of this mostly as a great chunk of songs. However maybe upon further revisits I will pick out favorites and go "Yeah this one is really great". When you listen to an album five days in a row, sometimes it's hard to find those individual moments because it all flows together pretty well. I do like the sound of this album and it's probably something that will get me back for future listens. I believe the next album Endgame is more of a fan favorite and maybe this album falls a bit to the wayside but I'm curious how you guys feel about it. Because I could understand people either loving it and having it in their top5 OR being more ambivalent towards it and having it a lot lower. I'm coming out of this with a good feeling for now and I think once I get through all their studio albums I might do a final re-listen of each album once to kinda get a final ranking. :)

Offline Grappler

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2976 on: December 09, 2022, 05:52:42 PM »
I love United Abominations.  The band was BACK in my opinion - they had a pretty solid, stable lineup and wrote some really ripping songs.  I enjoyed the remake of A Tout Le Monde for what it was, but it will never be better than the original.  Sleepwalker and Washington is Next are awesome, and there are some nice heavy tracks like Gears of War.

I saw them open for Heaven and Hell in 2007 and they kicked a ton of ass and played  one of the most ripping sets that I've ever seen them play.  Ten songs, four of those ten from Rust in Peace, and all of them are absolute bangers and classics.  Since they were opening, they just went from one song straight into the next with just a second or two break in between.  Heaven and Hell was actually slightly boring after the frenzy that was Megadeth (especially in opening their set with the doomy After All the Dead) but I loved seeing them anyways.  This is still one of my top Megadeth shows that I've seen, as we didn't get the full live RIP for another few years, and I got to see about half of that album this night.

Take No Prisoners
Kick the Chair
Wake Up Dead
Hangar 18
Washington Is Next!
Symphony of Destruction
Tornado of Souls
Peace Sells
Holy Wars... The Punishment Due

Offline DTA

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2977 on: December 10, 2022, 05:01:13 AM »
Gears of War and Never Walk Alone are two really overlooked Megadeth songs that I really like. UA is a solid album but it just feels like it's missing something. You're accurate in that sounds like a solid chunk of songs with not too many standout moments but it's very listenable.

Offline Zantera

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2978 on: December 17, 2022, 07:39:42 AM »
Going into this week I was told by a friend who is into the band that this is their last great album, and while I'm conscious of the albums after this point getting a lot weaker reviews (generally speaking), there might still be some good things left. And if not, then at least we have Endgame (2009). So let's talk about it.

Right off the bat we start off with a proper instrumental intro song, something that's quite rare up until this point. They did it on SFSGSW, but every other album they've tried to go out with a bang and really hook you from the start. Having an intro song can both be a blessing and a curse depending on the execution IMO. If you have a great intro that leads into a great proper song, your album will have a really great start but if it falls flat then you end up with a lackluster beginning. In this case I have warmed up to the intro over these 5 listens. Initially I was on the fence - no strong feelings either positive or negative but it's only 2 ½ minutes and it leads wonderfully into This Day We Fight! and I think the execution is great. This song really feels like a more updated Rust in Peace/Peace Sells song, with that same level or energy and quality but with the more modernized sound to it. 44 Minutes is a pretty good follow up that provides something different than the energy of the previous song, and I always like when an album offers a different paced track around the 3rd/4th song in the tracklist.

But the album doesn't start slowing down and 1,320 has a great energy with some intense drumming and fast paced riffs and Bite the Hand is another great song with a nice chorus section I really dig. I can keep name dropping songs all day because most of these songs are pretty great in my opinion. Bodies is great, the title track is really awesome. The Hardest Part of Letting Go... Sealed With a Kiss is another awesome track that offers some variety with a pretty chill opening and some flourishes of almost oriental music splashed into a metal tune. Head Crusher is another great song that does pretty much what the title suggests, and I also have to mention the album closer The Right to Go Insane which opens with a groovy bassline before going into the main riff, and this is even one of my favorite songs from the album I think. What a great ride this album is.

My closing thoughts is that this feels like a culmination of things they had done before executed in a fantastic way. You have the energy of Rust in Peace and Peace Sells with some of these Endgame songs almost having the same level of quality as those masterpieces but you have kind of the best of the more modern production of the albums before this. I had a really good time with this album and I think honestly when it comes down to my final ranking, this album has a great shot at a potential top3 placement. Yeah you can argue for Youthanasia or Countdown also being great albums but Endgame - what a ride.

Got 4 albums left now though technically only 3 as I have listened to their newest one. I will do Th1rt3en this next week and hopefully I can post my thoughts on it before Christmas but then I might have to hold off on Super Collider until first week of 2023 because of the holidays. Or I go for a push and try to listen to all 3 albums next week with a minimum of 4-5 listens each - it could be doable as well. I don't have the greatest hopes based on what I have heard, and I've been told Super Collider is their worst by a margin (even by people saying Risk is very bad). Haven't really heard great things about the other two, but we shall see. Sometimes your opinion falls in line with others but there can be surprises as well. But yeah, loved Endgame!  :hat

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2979 on: December 17, 2022, 08:13:58 AM »
Forgot to post about United Abominations, but it is a top three Megadeth album for me, I absolutely love it. It was the first album that came out after I'd become a fan, and I played it so damn much!

Washington is Next is also one of my all time favourite Megadeth songs, just class.

The follow up of Endgame is great. Although not quite as good as UA, for me, it's still damn good. These two back to back maybe the strongest Megadeth album one-two punch.

Offline Zantera

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2980 on: January 02, 2023, 11:12:31 AM »
Hope you guys had good holidays! I spent time with Th1rt3en (2011) before Christmas but did not have time to come in with an update until now, so here I am having freshly listened to it again to refamiliarize myself with it. Going into it I guess my expectations weren't necessarily super high, because the reputation for the album seems fairly mild compared to some other ones but if I was a fan of the band in 2011 I probably would have been very hyped because the band was coming off Endgame and this album also saw Ellefson coming back into the band.

This might not be as big of a write ups as some other albums but I would say I like it but I don't love it. It feels less energetic and thrash metal-y than Endgame did and for me this brings more the vibe of Countdown or Youthanasia (except not on the same level for me) but I will say a lot of it is good. I would definitely rather put this album on than The World Needs a Hero or Risk, the two albums that so far for me would be the bottom picks out of the bunch. A bunch of these songs fall in the bracket of 'good when I listen to them but I also kinda forget them afterwards' which might not be high praise but my thoughts on this album is pretty much that it's decent. As a reference point I went back and listened to Cryptic Writings afterwards because I hadn't heard that album since I checked it out and in my mind it had a similar 'good but not amazing' feel, and I must say I think I prefer that one.

I will definitely revisit this one though and it has some good songs on it, but it also doesn't etch itself stuck in my memory in any way. Still, for a band that was almost 30 years into their career at this point, I will say that despite my fairly lukewarm (but positive) thoughts on this album, I will say that it fares pretty decently compared to what other bands from the same time were putting out 30 years into their career. But I'm curious to hear what you guys think of this album, it feels like an album I would have more to say about if I was a fan when it came out. Coming off a pretty decent 3 album run with The System Has Failed - United Abominations - Endgame, was this considered on par with those or a disappointment?

Offline Grappler

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2981 on: January 02, 2023, 12:26:00 PM »
I recall that Thirteen was generally seen as a disappointment.  Four of the songs had been previously released - New World Order lacks the punch of the demo, which originally had Nick Menza's drumming, and was something Shawn Drover was never going to live up to.  Millennium of the Blind was a bonus track on the Youthanasia reissue and Sudden Death was in one of the Guitar Hero games.

I had the feeling that they just scrounged some some older tunes and riffs and threw together a record.  Coming off of the heavy and thrashy Endgame, this disc bores me.  Black Swan is my favorite song on the disc. 

Offline wolfking

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2982 on: January 02, 2023, 02:35:47 PM »
Yeah, it's very average.  I can't even remember anything about it truthfully.
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Offline Mladen

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2983 on: January 02, 2023, 03:16:50 PM »
Yeah, it's very average.  I can't even remember anything about it truthfully.
I remember Deadly nightshade, it's pretty cool. Other than that, everything else I remember is because I dislike what it is that I remember. I do not enjoy this album, it's offensively generic. ;D

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2984 on: January 02, 2023, 03:58:28 PM »
I just find 13 so uninspired. True, the two albums preceeding it were absolute bangers, but yea, it was disappointing to say the least.

I'm pretty sure I downloaded 13 around the same time as Heritage by Opeth and The Hunter by Mastodon. Fuck that was a disappointing time, I didn't know what was happening to my favourite bands  :lol

For Megadeth albums that get slated, I'd take Risk, The System Has Failed and Super Collider over 13, any fucking day.

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2985 on: January 02, 2023, 04:03:27 PM »
I just find 13 so uninspired. True, the two albums preceeding it were absolute bangers, but yea, it was disappointing to say the least.

I'm pretty sure I downloaded 13 around the same time as Heritage by Opeth and The Hunter by Mastodon. Fuck that was a disappointing time, I didn't know what was happening to my favourite bands  :lol

For Megadeth albums that get slated, I'd take Risk, The System Has Failed and Super Collider over 13, any fucking day.

I tried the Hunter again just the other day, don't understand the hype surrounding it.

Also, TSHF is completely in a different tier than the other 3, no comparison.
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Offline Mladen

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2986 on: January 03, 2023, 01:06:54 AM »
Yeah, wait, TSHF got slated? I assume that was because of the line up, because the music on it is brilliant.

Offline soupytwist

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2987 on: January 03, 2023, 02:55:12 AM »
I just find 13 so uninspired. True, the two albums preceeding it were absolute bangers, but yea, it was disappointing to say the least.

I'm pretty sure I downloaded 13 around the same time as Heritage by Opeth and The Hunter by Mastodon. Fuck that was a disappointing time, I didn't know what was happening to my favourite bands  :lol

For Megadeth albums that get slated, I'd take Risk, The System Has Failed and Super Collider over 13, any fucking day.

I tried the Hunter again just the other day, don't understand the hype surrounding it.

Also, TSHF is completely in a different tier than the other 3, no comparison.

The World Needs a Hero is the one I'd personally rank in the bottom tier alongside Risk and Super Collider.

Offline Zantera

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2988 on: January 03, 2023, 12:36:44 PM »
I might do all the remaining albums this week because I already am familiar with the most recent one and I've been doing both Super Collider and Dystopia (and will continue to spin them a few times). Having thought about it some more I do feel I sounded more positive than maybe I intended when writing about Th1rt3en, I do kinda agree it's nothing special. I would still probably take it over Risk and The World Needs a Hero but that's about it. Not that it's awful but just doesn't have the standout tracks you want.

But I guess a teaser for Super Collider and my write up that will come in a few days - this is even worse so far IMO.

Offline cramx3

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2989 on: January 04, 2023, 02:28:57 PM »
So the Kings of Thrash are coming to my local concert venue, wondering if I should check them out.  If you aren't aware, this is the band of former Megadeth members David Ellefson and Jeff Young and they are performing "Killing Is My Business… And Business Is Good!" and "So Far, So Good… So What!" in full at these shows. 

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2990 on: January 04, 2023, 02:31:27 PM »
So the Kings of Thrash are coming to my local concert venue, wondering if I should check them out.  If you aren't aware, this is the band of former Megadeth members David Ellefson and Jeff Young and they are performing "Killing Is My Business… And Business Is Good!" and "So Far, So Good… So What!" in full at these shows.

How much are they charging?  To be honest, they would have to pay me to go.
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Offline cramx3

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2991 on: January 04, 2023, 02:54:53 PM »
So the Kings of Thrash are coming to my local concert venue, wondering if I should check them out.  If you aren't aware, this is the band of former Megadeth members David Ellefson and Jeff Young and they are performing "Killing Is My Business… And Business Is Good!" and "So Far, So Good… So What!" in full at these shows.

How much are they charging?  To be honest, they would have to pay me to go.

$30 before fees

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2992 on: January 04, 2023, 02:57:32 PM »
That't not that bad......I guess.
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Offline billboy73

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2993 on: January 05, 2023, 08:08:41 AM »
I watched some of the Youtube clips out there on Kings of Thrash, not that long ago, and it sounded pretty good.  I would definitely go to a show if it was near me.

On Thirteen (not gonna bother with the weird spelling), yes I know it has a few re-recorded tracks, and they are good, but overall I really liked this one when it came out.  It is definitely not up to par with Endgame, but I put it about even with United Abominations.  Nothing spectacular, but a fairly solid Megadeth album.

Offline Zantera

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2994 on: January 05, 2023, 10:34:24 AM »
I've been putting in some double time with Megadeth this week as I'm wrapping up my discography listen, and I think after I'm done I will take a breather and revisit these albums a bit jumping back and forward and then maybe in a few weeks I'll do a album ranking and maybe throw in a top10/15 favorite songs or something like that as well. It will be cool to be able to jump back and forth and compare the albums and when you know where the band went later in the career it might make you appreciate an album more or less depending on the situation. There's still 3 albums left for me to talk about though and let's start with Super Collider (2013).

So the first thing I was interested in when going into this album was similar to Risk - "Is this really as bad as its reputation?". Because just across rating sites like Rateyourmusic or Sputnikmusic, this has a horrifically low rating. Even lower than Risk on both sites and Risk - no matter how you feel about it, always seems to be a top pick on those "Bad albums by good bands"-lists you sometimes see. And people think this is even worse? I even asked a friend who likes the band and he said "Yeah it's bad". And I guess to the credit of Risk - an album I still don't like very much, at least it went for a different sound so even though it wasn't great in my opinion, you can still dismiss the lower rating with "they tried something different and it didn't work". But at least to my knowledge, Super Collider was pretty much a Megadeth-sounding album which made the general low opinion on it interesting.

Right from the start I think Kingmaker is actually not that bad. Yeah it's no Holy Wars but it's decent and it's not the worst opener I've heard so far in their discography or anything. The sound of the mix and production seems fine? But as the album continues from this track, the issues becomes more obvious to me. The song writing is not great, most of these riffs sound really mundane, the solos aren't very memorable and some of the lyrics are flat out bad. The appearance of David Draiman of Disturbed kinda sums up this whole album for me because similar to Disturbed, it sounds very generic metal to me. I mean don't get me wrong I enjoyed the first 3 Disturbed albums when I heard them as a teenager but after that they kinda got more generic and Super Collider is really no different in that regard to me.

I struggle to find much positive to say which might disappoint anyone here who is a defender of this album, but for me it just lacks magic. I was re-listening to Cryptic Writings that I actually quite like, and I know some people's criticism of that album is "The first song is good but the rest is meh" and that's pretty much what I feel about Super Collider. It starts off alright but then just gets worse. I would be surprised if this doesn't end up as my bottom pick when all is said and done. But yeah if anyone here shares my dislike for the album or someone happens to like it, I would be curious to hear those thoughts too. :)

Offline Grappler

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2995 on: January 05, 2023, 11:03:09 AM »
I consider Super Collider to be worse than Risk and is probably my least favorite album of theirs.  I dug Risk over time, even though it wasn't a really heavy record.  Dave sang his ass off and the songs were still very catchy.  Super Collider has little value as a Megadeth record, and I remember Ellefson had some comments about it being like "Risk 2" and once the reviews came in, was saying "oh, here we go again....". 

Kingmaker and the cover of Cold Sweat have been the only songs I usually go back to, but I will say that over the past few weeks, I've been listening to Forget to Remember a lot.  The song was about Dave's mother in law's battle with Alzheimer's and dementia, combined with some ambiguous relationship-like lyrics.  My mom has Alzheimer's and the past 6 months have been a very big down-turn and she just went into a memory care facility since she can't live at home with my dad anymore.  The song means a lot more to me now than it did when the album was released. 

Online Kwyjibo

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2996 on: January 05, 2023, 11:23:43 AM »
I think with songs like the title track and especially Blackest Crow Dave was trying something different and I really like those plus a couple of other songs. Therefore I think it's better than Risk. Middle of the road record all in all.
Must've been Kwyji sending all the wrong songs.   ;D

Offline DTA

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2997 on: January 05, 2023, 11:49:37 AM »
I consider Super Collider to be worse than Risk and is probably my least favorite album of theirs.  I dug Risk over time, even though it wasn't a really heavy record.  Dave sang his ass off and the songs were still very catchy.  Super Collider has little value as a Megadeth record, and I remember Ellefson had some comments about it being like "Risk 2" and once the reviews came in, was saying "oh, here we go again....". 

Kingmaker and the cover of Cold Sweat have been the only songs I usually go back to, but I will say that over the past few weeks, I've been listening to Forget to Remember a lot.  The song was about Dave's mother in law's battle with Alzheimer's and dementia, combined with some ambiguous relationship-like lyrics.  My mom has Alzheimer's and the past 6 months have been a very big down-turn and she just went into a memory care facility since she can't live at home with my dad anymore.  The song means a lot more to me now than it did when the album was released.

Pretty much my opinion on SC also. I think Risk actually beats a few Megadeth albums (13, SC, TWNAH, KIMB) and don't consider it bad at all. From SC, Kingmaker is awesome though Dave has a bug up his ass about the intro which he said Ellefson tacked on to get a writing credit and it's "pointless", though he can't seem to explain why he did the exact same type of intro on The Threat Is Real but that's somehow "not pointless". Cold Sweat is also the other highlight. Built For War has a cool rhythm too but the rest of the songs just seem a bit too middle of the road. The riff at the end of Dance is great though.

Offline Mladen

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2998 on: January 06, 2023, 12:39:11 AM »
This is one good hard rock album. Of the streak from UA up to and including Dystopia, this is probably my favorite one. You can hear Dave Mustaine is actually interested in his own music, rather than going through the motions and delivering a fan requested Rust in peace follow up.

Forget to remember, Begining of sorrow, Kingmaker, Built for war are all great. I don't mind the title track either, and any album that contains a Thin Lizzy cover gets a nod from me.  :tup

Of course, after this, Dave would chicken out and release an album of "look, we are still metal!" songs.

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #2999 on: January 06, 2023, 03:16:08 AM »
This is a Megadeth album I never go back to, but I thought it was somewhat decent.  Didn't think it deserved the hating it got.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline devieira73

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #3000 on: January 06, 2023, 06:15:00 AM »
While Super Collider isn't Megadeth at its best, it's still a good album, with Kingmaker being a modern classic (just look how many times is still played at Megadeth shows) and Dance in the Rain and The Blackest Crow being truly great IMO. And Cold Sweat is indeed an excellent cover!
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Offline billboy73

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #3001 on: January 06, 2023, 07:41:55 AM »
Super Collider for me was mostly in one ear and out the other.  The title track is not good.  Outside of a few of the other tracks nothing ever stuck with me.  I agree that it doesn't deserve the hate it gets, and it wasn't really like another risk or anything.  It's just kinda there for me, maybe one day it will click and I'll enjoy more of it...

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #3002 on: January 06, 2023, 11:59:42 AM »
Before I get into the album itself, let's just quickly talk about the album cover of Dystopia (2016). Just an observation from my side, and this might have been talked about in this thread already, but I found it interesting how the album cover (and title) has some resemblance to The Astonishing with the dystopian setting, those floating orb robots and the city in the background, and I just thought it was funny how both these albums were released in the same month of the same year, just a week apart. Not saying there's any bigger connection but it was just a thought I had when I looked at the cover. Some of the more modern Megadeth album covers are a bit hit or miss with me but I would say this one is probably up there among the better ones, at least to me.

So at this point, getting towards the end of the band's career (so far) it's quite easy to notice a certain pattern that happened a few times through their discography. They put out some thrash metal albums to build momentum, it graduates and becomes something different (whether that's heavy metal or hard rock) and they find themselves in a spot where Mustaine hits the reset button and they kinda go back to what worked before. I can see this album maybe splitting the fans because on one hand it is very much a 'more of the same' safe Megadeth album that goes for a more energetic sound, but on the other hand that also makes it fair game to compare it to Rust in Peace or Peace Sells for example, as the bar is quite high. But mild spoiler, I quite enjoyed my time with this album and I would probably say it's their best album post-Endgame.

The Threat is Real is a pretty good opener and you can tell there's some energy left in the tank. They got a new guitarist this time (Kiko Louireiro) and I don't know the specifics of how much he brought and how much Mustaine did, I'm sure you guys will tell me, but I'd like to think that getting a fresh guitarist in and listening to this album with the finished product, there probably was some influence there. At the very least maybe Mustaine felt he had to up his game. One issue I've had with the more recent Megadeth albums is that picking out standout songs has been getting harder and the albums are almost more enjoyable as a listening experience than "let me go back to this song and listen to it", but I do find myself enjoying most of this album. There's some different elements to songs that I like, the title track has a different vibe to the opening track, Fatal Illusion has some groovy bass stuff. I also quite like the drums on this album.

On the negative side you can throw in complaints here that you can apply to some of the other modern albums as well. Questionable quality of the lyrics, and even though I like this album overall, if I'm being honest most of these songs have that 'more of the same' vibe where the band has done these songs better in the past and this is kinda just like going to Mcdonalds for the 15th time. But for whatever reason, I do find myself being more pleasantly surprised by this one than some of the previous ones. I think I'm okay with it not being one of their best albums or anything because I still see myself revisiting it in the future. I mean it's the band's 15th album and when you put that into context of other band discographies, does it really fare that badly? I don't think so.

I'll come back and do my write up on The Sick, the Dying & the Dead either tomorrow or Sunday because I want to listen to it again (it's been months). But get your thoughts in on Dystopia and I'll read them. :)

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #3003 on: January 06, 2023, 12:55:36 PM »
I love this album and I think your take is pretty dead on - Super Collider tanks and the band goes back to what fans want to hear from them.  Immediately prior to this album, Dave tried to reunite the Rust in Peace lineup, and it flamed out.  Ellefson actually took the hit on that and claims to have pulled the plug by telling Mustaine that it just wasn't going to work - Nick or Marty wanted too much money.  Fans started blaming Mustaine being a control freak and Ellefson said "wait, this was my decision and I advised Dave."  I thought that was a pretty stand-up thing to do, given that he remained a hired gun in the band.

You did leave out that Chris Adler (Lamb of God) played drums and the band credits him for putting them in a mindset by using this mantra of "My Megadeth."  While writing with the band, Chris would say "my Megadeth would do this, or my Megadeth would not do that."  I loved that and it makes me think of my own favorite lineup/era of Megadeth, which will always be that Youthanasia period.  Everyone has their own "my Megadeth."

Chris kicked ass on the drums and helped guide them towards that old-school style again.  I don't mind when Dave wants to stretch his wings with songwriting, but this style is always when Megadeth is at their best.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2023, 01:26:32 PM by Grappler »

Offline twosuitsluke

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #3004 on: January 06, 2023, 01:19:34 PM »
Chris Adler was also brought in on drums for Dystopia, which massively helped. I personally love this album and its definitely one of their best. I think Dave was in a better place at this point in his career, where he could actually work alongside other musicians and dial back the control.

I'm sure I read that Adler wanted to make what he considered a Megadeth album. During the recording process he was basically just giving Dave his opinion on whether this bit sounded "Megadeth" or that bit sounded "Megadeth".

I always felt that worked to help make this a tighter, more focused record. Yes, there's nothing really new here but I feel it brought back some of the classic Megadeth magic, at least for me.

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #3005 on: January 06, 2023, 01:25:11 PM »
Yes I forgot to mention Chris Adler (though I did mention I really liked the drums)! But hearing about his impact on the writing as well, that's pretty cool. I don't really know Lamb of God much at all but maybe I should check them out just out of curiosity.

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #3006 on: January 07, 2023, 11:27:57 AM »
It's been a long journey going through these studio albums and talking about them with you guys but we finally arrived at the final stop for now. I'm still toying with the idea of doing side content as well, like Hidden Treasures (the B-sides that I think was originally around Youthanasia?), maybe doing some of the live albums, and maybe there's other content like EPs or a 'treasure chest' type release that has content worth hearing that's not on the official studio albums. You guys can fill me in, I know about Hidden Treasures and a few live albums (Rude Awakening & the one in Buenos Aires for example) but that's about it. But yeah let's get to the topic at hand for now.

The Sick, the Dying... and the Dead! (2022) was actually what got me started on this little journey. Megadeth had been one of hundred bands on my never ending "Need to check out"-list, and I think some of you can relate to just putting something off for weeks, months, years and sometimes you never get around to it. 2022 was a very productive year for me and I actually listened to 150 albums from that year which is about 3 new albums per week. This album didn't necessarily stand out in the crowd and I actually had it in the #110 spot so it wasn't that high, but if anything it pushed me to start from the beginning because when you hear a new album by a band you have been missing out on, it makes you curious to go back and hear the classic stuff - the albums people talk about and cherish. So I heard this album back in September when it came out, and I listened to it maybe 5 times and after that is when I started from the beginning. So yeah, I'm completing the circle by coming back to it now, after hearing the other 15 albums.

We're 6 years past the point of Dystopia and I can only imagine Covid played some part in that gap, but I also know about the firing of Ellefson and Mustaine had throat cancer I believe, so it was almost like the world was working against the band ever putting this album out. First we get the title track and I actually struggle to have a firm opinion on this track. I think parts of it are decent but there's a weird break kinda halfway through when it goes into a calm section and it feels unexpected in ways but I'm not sure it works for me. Life in Hell has some nice energy to it and even though Mustaine's age is showing in his voice, I feel instrumentally he delivers pretty decently for his age. Night Stalkers also has some high paced energy though I'm not sure what Ice-T is doing here or what he adds. I should mention the drums are pretty good and I know some of Dirk's work with Devin Townsend and I think he does a pretty good job here.

It's funny because my favorite song by a decent margin after those initial listens was This Planet's On Fire (Burn in Hell) and I didn't know it was a Sammy Hagar cover until later, but it does have a different vibe to many of the other songs so I guess it's not that hard to hear when you know about it. I still think it's a catchy song and a good cover. But I think I like it a bit more because a lot of this album feels like they're going for one particular vibe and it gets a bit ran into the ground for me. Lots of high energy songs that have some good riffs but where the songwriting feels a bit lacking. Out of the proper new Megadeth songs I think my favorite is We'll Be Back which is actually the closer and I like the song and that it's sort of a message to the fans that the band isn't done. Overall though this album reminds me a bit of Thirteen (I refuse to type out the proper spelling) where most of it is decent but lacks a bigger number of standout songs for me to rate it higher. It's their 16th album and it wouldn't be in their bottom 3 for me so I consider that pretty good for such a late career album.

Curious what you guys think about it though. :)

Offline WardySI

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #3007 on: January 07, 2023, 04:28:51 PM »
Has been great reading all these albeit from the sidelines, had intended to comment before now but life got a little busy there at the end of 2022...

Anyway TSTDATD (if I'm honest am not a fan of that title) is IMO a more consistent spin than Dystopia and it peaks just a little more often.  For my ears the title track is reminiscent of Dystopia's title track in that they have that tasty old-school Megadeth vibe but agree the soft section was unnecessary and kills its momentum and comes in way too soon.  I think the inclusion of Ice-T was just for kicks (my youngest was recounting his involvement and referred to him as Bubble Tea which I thought fair and gotta love the innocence of youth 😁) but there's a swag of good material here such as personal faves Soldier On, Killing Time and Well Be Back and after all the shit life had thrown Dave in the previous years, he sounds good his/their playing is on fire and TSTDATD has turned out a win for him and us fans.

Probably my fave 'Deth this side of 2000 (and love that cover art too, very tasty)

Good fun reading thanks for the write-ups \m/

Offline devieira73

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Re: Megadeth
« Reply #3008 on: February 07, 2023, 05:24:37 AM »
From Facebook:
Excited to announce ‘They Only Come Out at Night’ - Live at Budokan!

This will be a Global Livestream Event on February 27, 2023 + on-demand for 2 days.
You will receive virtual VIP access to the band pre-show, with an exclusive behind-the-scenes video capturing our trip through Japan, all leading into our first-ever live performance at the world-famous Budokan Arena in Tokyo, Japan.
Get Livestream Tickets NOW at

I've read somewhere that Marty Friedman will be playing as a guess on this show.
"one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." (RIP Neil Armstrong)

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"one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." (RIP Neil Armstrong)