Author Topic: The Depressed/Angry Thread.  (Read 260262 times)

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Offline TheOutlawXanadu

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #595 on: October 03, 2010, 04:04:10 PM »
I kind of understand your situation on a much smaller level, Marvellous G.

Are you in high school? If you are, then the only advice I can really give is that soon you are going to have an escape via college. Until then, just do what you can to keep your family calm.

Myself, I am currently feeling a bit down. Nothing serious, but enough I feel I want to write about it.

Basically, my freshman year in college I roomed with a friend from high school. Loved him, hated living with him. Swell guy, but we were too different to stay together.

So last year I took a job working at my dorm where I would have a room to myself and it would be all paid for. Seemed logical considering my first experience with a roommate left a foul taste in my mouth, and without free lodging, I would have to take out loans for school.

Kills two birds with one stone, I thought.

A year and change later, and suddenly living by myself has become an absolute bummer. On days like today where everyone I know is stuck in their apartments/houses doing homework, there is no one to hang out with and the result is I have to be by myself all day. For example, this morning I texted five friends about hanging out at some point this afternoon, and none of them could for completely legitimate reasons.

I would like to maybe just go to their places and study with them or something, but I don't have transportation either. And I've asked them for transportation so many times I have started to develop a paranoia about asking, even though I know they don't really give a shit.

In a nutshell: Feeling a little lonely lately. And right now I'm not really sure what I can do about it.
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Offline Super Dude

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #596 on: October 04, 2010, 05:06:51 PM »
Have you ever written an amazing paper?  That one that you started weeks in advance, that you poured late nights into, that you sacrificed social obligations, showers, and even other homework for?  The one your best friend reads and says is an A paper?

Yeah, I got a B- on it. :sadpanda:
Quote from: bosk1
As frequently happens, Super Dude nailed it.

Offline LCArenas

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #597 on: October 04, 2010, 07:23:02 PM »
tl;dr I've failed a lot these days. Just needed to get that off my chest.

Sometimes I wonder if the me from 1 year or two years ago would be quite dissappointed if he saw what I am today. Same my family and my friends from two years ago. People has just given up on me, sometimes even myself. "Yeah, I guess barely passing an exam is okay". "Yeah, He's pretty much of a douche, but at least he helps me with english homeworks". "I guess he'll never stop being that way". "Yeah, he broke my heart, but what the fuck". "Yeah, he's pretty much distant those days. Well, he misses it". "If he wants to do that with his life, let him be". "I'm going to lose the semester anyway". "People hate me anyway". "Y'know, it was different when he was younger, he was the pride and joy. Well, I guess time changes". "I'm not telling him what's okay or not okay about him anymore". "Well, he can't win them all".

I WON them all before. Fuck I did. That's what you call fall from grace, I guess. Seems like I'm still circling the drain of mediocrity and be a really promising contestant for disappointment of the Year.

forever alone.jpg

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Re: The Depressed Thread.
« Reply #598 on: October 21, 2010, 11:33:38 PM »
I don't expect anyone to say anything that's going to help, but I messed up day and I'm not coping with it well right now and I can't sleep.

On my way home today I witnessed a car accident on a highway exit ramp, happened at about 55 mph.  Basically, some kid was driving like a maniac and hit the car infront of him, flipping it airborn in the process and almost sending it over a barrier (if it goes over the jersey wall, it drops about 30 feet onto an enterence ramp).  I get out to check on the flipped car that has the roof over the front seat caved in, driver is unconscious, approx 10 year old kid in back seat is bleeding from the head and has a glazed look...asshole driver kid barely has a scratch and watches me and another person check the other car, and yells, "Anyone going to check on me?"  The other driver gets the kid out - we think the kid had a pretty bad concussion.  I finally get the driver to acknowledge me, and after I told her she was upside down in car and that we got her kid out, she tells me she can't feel or mover her extremities.  I've watched enough football to know that at that point not to move her, and about that time the first police officer and ambulance arrives.  I inform them of the situation, and when more medics come the officer puts the driver in his back seat and asks me to meet him in the nearby strip mall for my version of the events.

That was the first time I ever seen someone seriously hurt to the point I was worried about them actually dying, I felt so helpless not being able to do more for the young mother, and worse still I realize how close that was to my car being flipped...and all because someone else had no regard for anyone other than himself.  Stuff like this just gets to me and I can't stop thinking about it.  Unfortunately writing it out didn't seem to help much either.  Oh well, no point in not posting it now.

Offline wolfking

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #599 on: October 22, 2010, 04:45:14 AM »
Wow, that's pretty heavy, but try not to worry, you did a great job.  Not moving her was definitely the right thing to do, she couldn't feel anything so a spinal was apparent, moving her could have possibly killed her.

It's always the assholes that walk away from these situation.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline FuglyDave

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #600 on: October 22, 2010, 06:14:04 AM »
Myself, I'm more pissed off then anything with the world. I live with my buddies family for low rent and such. Don't get me wrong, 80$ every two weeks is beautiful. The people are much less so. I've nothing wrong with my buddy, save that sometimes his arguments are excessively loud. And he's a weeaboo who doesn't enjoy my game tastes. =P However, his brother and parents are another matter altogether.

Brother: The child is completely dependent on another living being supporting him. He cannot cook anything that requires effort to make (Exception being Kraft Dinner, but if that's effort for anyone..), nor will he drink anything but juice/soda/etc. He is excessively loud and more often then not lounges around in the house in his boxers, openly playing or 'scratching' his crotch. As of the start of September, there has not been a single week he has attended a full school period, usually complaining about passing out or nosebleeds and such. Of course, these 'symptoms' mysteriously vanish the moment he walks in the door and touches the PS3. I have effectively been stopped from telling him anything negative as his parents have asked me 'not to antagonize' him. Which, in basis, means I cannot tell him no or tell him he's doing really stupid things. Which he does. Often. As well as the fact that should you say 'no', he becomes extremely pissy and seems to believe he is entitled to subject in question. Like my money. I share a room with this child of seventeen. Often, I'm forced out of it for his best friend and the thin, bony creature of fifteen that he calls his girlfriend. That he shares with his best friend. That isn't a joke.

Father: He believes that Free MMO's defeat any basis of paid game and will argue such with the force of a thousand suns. Usually it wouldn't bother me, but should you make any comment on a paid MMO (IE. WoW), he will rant and rave about how they've stolen so many ideas from others when you were simply saying "Hey, they upped the graphics." Other then that sort of thing, my only issue is his extremely empty threats towards the above son, often saying he won't be making allowance or having his 'girlfriend' over if he doesn't do what he's told. Only to roll over and allow it just to shut him up.

Mother: Loud, Self-Righteous, extremely hypocritical. More often then not treats the above husband like a servant. Will argue with any person until she becomes near violent and you are forced to let her win for fear she'll explode and stab someone. Believes that acting like a complete and utter pain in the @$$ is being 'perceptive'. Is a Pagan, and more often then not raises this for no reason other then for attention from what I gather. Has force me to be with her child in one room due to the fact that she wanted to turn my basement room into a gym that she has yet to live. It has been three months. Often brings friends into the home, in which case, there are no other voices permitted save their own. Should you speak, you will be met with something along the lines of "Can you shut the hell up, man!? GOD."

I don't mean to b*tch, but I've been needing to vent that for a long while. Easy place to live in. But gods be damned if the urge to punch someone hasn't arisen.


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Re: The Depressed Thread.
« Reply #601 on: October 22, 2010, 08:13:30 AM »
I don't expect anyone to say anything that's going to help, but I messed up day and I'm not coping with it well right now and I can't sleep.

On my way home today I witnessed a car accident on a highway exit ramp, happened at about 55 mph.  Basically, some kid was driving like a maniac and hit the car infront of him, flipping it airborn in the process and almost sending it over a barrier (if it goes over the jersey wall, it drops about 30 feet onto an enterence ramp).  I get out to check on the flipped car that has the roof over the front seat caved in, driver is unconscious, approx 10 year old kid in back seat is bleeding from the head and has a glazed look...asshole driver kid barely has a scratch and watches me and another person check the other car, and yells, "Anyone going to check on me?"  The other driver gets the kid out - we think the kid had a pretty bad concussion.  I finally get the driver to acknowledge me, and after I told her she was upside down in car and that we got her kid out, she tells me she can't feel or mover her extremities.  I've watched enough football to know that at that point not to move her, and about that time the first police officer and ambulance arrives.  I inform them of the situation, and when more medics come the officer puts the driver in his back seat and asks me to meet him in the nearby strip mall for my version of the events.

That was the first time I ever seen someone seriously hurt to the point I was worried about them actually dying, I felt so helpless not being able to do more for the young mother, and worse still I realize how close that was to my car being flipped...and all because someone else had no regard for anyone other than himself.  Stuff like this just gets to me and I can't stop thinking about it.  Unfortunately writing it out didn't seem to help much either.  Oh well, no point in not posting it now.

Jesus, that's terrible  :(
Oh Jackie, always jumping to the most homoerotic possibility.

Offline YtseBitsySpider

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #602 on: October 22, 2010, 08:26:39 AM »
I would have been in shock.
Just from speaking to the people.
The ten year
Take care everyone - Bet you all didn't even notice I was gone.

Happy Lives to you all.

Offline Tick

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Re: The Depressed Thread.
« Reply #603 on: October 22, 2010, 08:40:15 AM »
I don't expect anyone to say anything that's going to help, but I messed up day and I'm not coping with it well right now and I can't sleep.

On my way home today I witnessed a car accident on a highway exit ramp, happened at about 55 mph.  Basically, some kid was driving like a maniac and hit the car infront of him, flipping it airborn in the process and almost sending it over a barrier (if it goes over the jersey wall, it drops about 30 feet onto an enterence ramp).  I get out to check on the flipped car that has the roof over the front seat caved in, driver is unconscious, approx 10 year old kid in back seat is bleeding from the head and has a glazed look...asshole driver kid barely has a scratch and watches me and another person check the other car, and yells, "Anyone going to check on me?"  The other driver gets the kid out - we think the kid had a pretty bad concussion.  I finally get the driver to acknowledge me, and after I told her she was upside down in car and that we got her kid out, she tells me she can't feel or mover her extremities.  I've watched enough football to know that at that point not to move her, and about that time the first police officer and ambulance arrives.  I inform them of the situation, and when more medics come the officer puts the driver in his back seat and asks me to meet him in the nearby strip mall for my version of the events.

That was the first time I ever seen someone seriously hurt to the point I was worried about them actually dying, I felt so helpless not being able to do more for the young mother, and worse still I realize how close that was to my car being flipped...and all because someone else had no regard for anyone other than himself.  Stuff like this just gets to me and I can't stop thinking about it.  Unfortunately writing it out didn't seem to help much either.  Oh well, no point in not posting it now.
This makes me so angry! It seems everyday some idiot is driving 90 miles an hour weaving in and out of traffic. It makes my blood boil! What a horrible thing you witnessed. I'm sorry.

A few weeks back, my wife came home from work crying and white as a ghost. When I asked her what happened she told me some kid was driving like a maniac at like 100mph and lost control of his vehicle and crashed at high speed straight into the guard rail. She was crying and praying he was ok. I kind of felt, fuck him! One less asshole to kill some innocent people, like women and children. Call me cold, but I have no sympathy for the guy. It got what he deserved.
For the record, he lived, and was barely injured.
Yup. Tick is dead on.  She's not your type.  Move on.   Tick is Obi Wan Kenobi

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #604 on: October 25, 2010, 10:46:01 PM »
I feel like I am wasting my fucking time being stressed out as FUCK in grad school. Yeah, I need the degree in order to do what I want, but I feel like this is not the way I should be living, always anxious and losing sleep over irrelevant bullshit. I want to be enjoying my life now, not putting shit on hold over and over again. I am doing a lot of things I enjoy, but I'm also freaking out writing papers and having to do group projects with stubborn-ass people who make decisions without consulting others. I'm not digging the curriculum right now and I am paying a LOT of money to be here. The program is not what I feel like it should be, and that makes me angry. I'm completely overwhelmed. Tony is coming to visit Wednesday and all I want to do is have everything done before he gets here but I am just so goddamn tired.

This sucks.
Oh Jackie, always jumping to the most homoerotic possibility.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #605 on: October 25, 2010, 10:52:20 PM »
Don't worry, 2010 is the shittiest year in the history of the world.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #606 on: October 25, 2010, 10:59:58 PM »
Until 2011 comes :neverusethis:

Nah, most of 2010 was okay for me but now I just don't want to be here anymore. I feel like I'm jumping out of my skin in class and I dread doing these damn assignments. I used to like school and now I want to scream whenever I think about it. I dunno :(
Oh Jackie, always jumping to the most homoerotic possibility.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #607 on: October 26, 2010, 03:56:35 AM »
I feel like I am wasting my fucking time being stressed out as FUCK in grad school. Yeah, I need the degree in order to do what I want, but I feel like this is not the way I should be living, always anxious and losing sleep over irrelevant bullshit. I want to be enjoying my life now, not putting shit on hold over and over again. I am doing a lot of things I enjoy, but I'm also freaking out writing papers and having to do group projects with stubborn-ass people who make decisions without consulting others. I'm not digging the curriculum right now and I am paying a LOT of money to be here. The program is not what I feel like it should be, and that makes me angry. I'm completely overwhelmed. Tony is coming to visit Wednesday and all I want to do is have everything done before he gets here but I am just so goddamn tired.

This sucks.

Don't worry.  Hard work now always pays off.  Sure, these next few years might suck....but think about all the years ahead that are gonna be so much easier since you'll be racking in the dough, not to mention reach a new level of respect with people.  Keep your eye on the prize.
"All great works are prepared in the desert, including the redemption of the world. The precursors, the followers, the Master Himself, all obeyed or have to obey one and the same law. Prophets, apostles, preachers, martyrs, pioneers of knowledge, inspired artists in every art, ordinary men and the Man-God, all pay tribute to loneliness, to the life of silence, to the night." - A. G. Sertillanges

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #608 on: October 26, 2010, 08:34:03 AM »
Well, in my case the "prize" is just having an MSW and being able to do certain jobs/making more money, but I will not be raking in much dough as a social worker. Just have tens of thousands of dollars in loans to look forward to paying off  :\

But yeah, I totally get what you're saying and I keep trying to think that way, but I just feel so apathetic about school and I still have a few weeks and two more quarters to go... and then I think what if something bad happened to me tomorrow or next week and I was busy stressing out about some bullshit assignment instead of enjoying my life?
Oh Jackie, always jumping to the most homoerotic possibility.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #609 on: October 26, 2010, 04:49:05 PM »
Don't worry, 2010 is the shittiest year in the history of the world.

Amen to that!

Offline Marvellous G

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #610 on: November 01, 2010, 02:14:07 PM »
So, I have really really bad acne. My parents 'asked' me if I wanted to see a doctor a few months ago and I started taking antibiotics, which haven't worked at all. Over dinner my dad did his obliviously offensive 'have you actually been taking your antibiotics? They're looking pretty bad.' So now I'm gonna go to the doctor again (against my wishes) and get some stronger stuff for them. I don't think my parents realise how self conscious of my acne I am, so it's hard not to act too offended when they ask insensitively phrased stuff like that. I just want them to go away which I'm hoping will happen with age, but apparently not.

tl;dr acne sucks.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #611 on: November 01, 2010, 03:33:44 PM »
Yeah, I'm sure we all have our battles with acne. Mine was only bad for my sophomore year of high school, but I still have fights with it. I haven't been completely acne free at any point, but I find that the old towel on the pillow trick works pretty well. Pillows are greasy places.

Offline TheOutlawXanadu

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #612 on: November 02, 2010, 06:39:31 PM »
So, I have really really bad acne. My parents 'asked' me if I wanted to see a doctor a few months ago and I started taking antibiotics, which haven't worked at all. Over dinner my dad did his obliviously offensive 'have you actually been taking your antibiotics? They're looking pretty bad.' So now I'm gonna go to the doctor again (against my wishes) and get some stronger stuff for them. I don't think my parents realise how self conscious of my acne I am, so it's hard not to act too offended when they ask insensitively phrased stuff like that. I just want them to go away which I'm hoping will happen with age, but apparently not.

tl;dr acne sucks.

Sorry to hear about that man. I hope it gets better as soon as possible.

On another note, my sister calls me a couple of hours ago and she is in tears. "Come home! Come home!" Apparently my Dad just got mad at her and now she is hurt beyond belief.

To put it in perspective: My sister has no self confidence. Don't get me wrong. I am nowhere near where I want to be in that department. If my ultimate goal is to be a 10/10 confident, right now I am only at about a 7. Long ways to go. But at least I am able to stick up for myself and reason when things are going badly.

Not her. I call my parents up. My Dad says all he did was raise his voice a little because her grades have dipped by almost 10% across the board. He kills himself working 12 hour days so he can pay for her to go to private school because it's the only good school in town, and she never studies. Now she might not get into the colleges she wants. My mom confirms his side.

Clearly she is in the wrong, but it still gets me. How the hell can a person have so little confidence as to have a legitimate criticism - by her incredibly, legitimately caring parents - told to her, and then break down into mush? Like, I can't even understand her over the phone. She says she doesn't know what to do when the solution is so damn obvious: instead of only studying 0 hours a day, study 1.

I just feel horrible for her. Whatever the cause, unless she toughens up a little, she's screwed. Like... She is just so damn frail. And even after like an hour and a half of basically kissing her ass, telling her how well she has done and all the potential she has and that all she needs to do is work a little harder, she's still crying like a baby.

tl;dr - Sister has confidence issues and it frightens me to think about her when she goes to college
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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #613 on: November 02, 2010, 06:56:29 PM »
So, I have really really bad acne. My parents 'asked' me if I wanted to see a doctor a few months ago and I started taking antibiotics, which haven't worked at all. Over dinner my dad did his obliviously offensive 'have you actually been taking your antibiotics? They're looking pretty bad.' So now I'm gonna go to the doctor again (against my wishes) and get some stronger stuff for them. I don't think my parents realise how self conscious of my acne I am, so it's hard not to act too offended when they ask insensitively phrased stuff like that. I just want them to go away which I'm hoping will happen with age, but apparently not.

tl;dr acne sucks.
I've been there. Still have acne, and even at the beginning of the semester it wasn't too good. I've been on proactive, clearasil, prescribed stuff, you name it. Nothing seemed to work. I never understood why I had it either. I've always ate well and been health conscious (I haven't had pop regularly in years, never eat/skip dessert) and I'm not overweight (I get by by walking all over campus and doing lots of situps everyday, other than that nothing).

I'm not sure what I'm doing right now, but what I do: Benzaclin at night (benzoyl peroxide). I was on this stuff before and it didn't seem to help, but I find that if I put it on the worst areas it dries them up pretty well.

I also found this magical stuff:

I really like this stuff because it acts as a moisturizer to combat the Benzaclin so my face doesn't dry out as well as having salicylic acid. I make sure to put this on after my shower in the morning through the day. (besides helping with the acne, it seems to dull it out and make my face look better)

Also, I took the advice of TOX (:tup) and use a different towel every night on my pillow. Other than that I make sure to drink a lot of water and eat healthy by avoiding bad food. I know it sucks to hear stuff like this that sounds so obvious, as it frustrated me when I seemed to be doing this with no luck. Hopefully your acne gets better, I know it sucks. It had completely killed my confidence.

here's me now:

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #614 on: November 03, 2010, 03:41:44 PM »

tl;dr - Sister has confidence issues and it frightens me to think about her when she goes to college

I read the whole post...just snipped it for space sake.

I know where you are coming from.  My sister was such a mess when she was in high school (I was an undergrad matching her class standing), I really thought there was no way she'd be a productive adult, and I was worried she would become a slut because she went through shitty boyfriends constantly.  Now she's been married for over 3 years to a great guy, had a really good job before she had her baby, and turned out perfectly fine.

Things tend to work themselves out, and people tend to figure things out in life.  It sucks to watch it happen from a distance, but you just have to let things take their course.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #615 on: November 04, 2010, 02:48:17 PM »

That is all.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #616 on: November 04, 2010, 10:51:17 PM »

That is all.


Talk to us.  What happened?
"All great works are prepared in the desert, including the redemption of the world. The precursors, the followers, the Master Himself, all obeyed or have to obey one and the same law. Prophets, apostles, preachers, martyrs, pioneers of knowledge, inspired artists in every art, ordinary men and the Man-God, all pay tribute to loneliness, to the life of silence, to the night." - A. G. Sertillanges

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #617 on: November 04, 2010, 11:10:12 PM »
Yeah so the next time I have a stupid idea like giving up everything and moving across the country, remind me not to do it.

My boyfriend and I got into yet another fight, and he's not sleeping at our apartment, he's sleeping at his parents'! I wish that when we fought I could run away to my parents, but they live in NY. I hate when he's all talking about the past (we met 8 years ago on, how things aren't the same anymore and blah blah blah. Of course things aren't the same, it was 8 years ago!

Guess what, tomorrow is my birthday! I can't wait for even more drama!
>:( :'(

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #618 on: November 04, 2010, 11:51:27 PM »
Wait, when did you move across the country?? That sucks :(
Oh Jackie, always jumping to the most homoerotic possibility.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #619 on: November 04, 2010, 11:55:43 PM »
I believe she moved to Las Vegas not too long ago, if memory serves me well.

And gosh, that's rough. I hope things sort out well.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #620 on: November 05, 2010, 12:05:47 AM »
Yeah I moved on September 20th. Pretty effing crazy


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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #621 on: November 05, 2010, 12:49:13 PM »
Crap, hope things turn out better for you tomorrow.  :-\

Just general depression creeping back for the first time in a while, for no real reason.  :sad:

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #622 on: November 06, 2010, 05:23:13 PM »
i feel i just expect way to much from myself. everything i do i feel i have to be perfect or im just complete shit. i often think about quitting music because im not as good as chris broderick or john petrucci for example. i also am at the bottom of the social ladder at high school (almost the bottom). i have very few friends, whom i rarely even talk to. i just dont know if they are befriending me cause they are sorry for me, or that they are just trying to make fun of me to show off to all the "cool kids". i also believe that my mind is just playing tricks on me. That they arent even trying to befriend me and im just being creepy by simply talking to them. because of this i rarely ever even say anything. i also only had one girlfriend who originally was pretty good looking but i lost interest in her and just wanted to be friends. she stopped eating and went into depression (made me feel like shit). it made a huge scene at my school, and now people dont even trust me. i tried asking a girl out afterward but couldnt find the words to say so i looked like a major creeper and was rejected. now i am afraid to even approach women at all. i feel like im in a hole and there is no way to get out. i doubt any of you give a shit but i just needed to vent

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #623 on: November 06, 2010, 07:16:31 PM »
Just show some patience and endure.  High school is the deepest pit of hell, and it gets better once it's over.  As long as you are true to yourself and treat others well, at least you will have the pride of doing it with honor and grace.  Good luck.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #624 on: November 06, 2010, 08:53:41 PM »
i feel i just expect way to much from myself. everything i do i feel i have to be perfect or im just complete shit. i often think about quitting music because im not as good as chris broderick or john petrucci for example. i also am at the bottom of the social ladder at high school (almost the bottom). i have very few friends, whom i rarely even talk to. i just dont know if they are befriending me cause they are sorry for me, or that they are just trying to make fun of me to show off to all the "cool kids". i also believe that my mind is just playing tricks on me. That they arent even trying to befriend me and im just being creepy by simply talking to them. because of this i rarely ever even say anything. i also only had one girlfriend who originally was pretty good looking but i lost interest in her and just wanted to be friends. she stopped eating and went into depression (made me feel like shit). it made a huge scene at my school, and now people dont even trust me. i tried asking a girl out afterward but couldnt find the words to say so i looked like a major creeper and was rejected. now i am afraid to even approach women at all. i feel like im in a hole and there is no way to get out. i doubt any of you give a shit but i just needed to vent

First of all.. I feel like you should take a deep breath and focus on one thing at a time. Set yourself a schedule. Obviously the guys from DT are amazing because they practiced just about every single freaking day! So do that! And keep doing it until you ARE perfect. Why would you want to quit something you're passionate about? Don't take the easy way out. Put in the hard work and keep going!

Next.. stop giving a crap so much about what others might think of you. If your friends include you and you have fun hanging out with them.. then keep doing it. If you're not having fun, then you need to change your friends :C.. you wont feel good about yourself if your friends put you down. They become more like bullies than friends.

And listen. Don't blame yourself for what OTHER people do. You ARE in a hole right now because you need to build confidence in yourself. And that doesn't start in the women department. That's why I said you need to concentrate on one thing at a time and everything else will fall in place. Start with learning that it's OK to make mistakes with your music. You're not a machine, you're a person. And ENJOY what you do. Enjoy your music and stop worrying about it needing to be perfect because that will stifle your creativity.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #625 on: November 07, 2010, 12:01:10 PM »
I have a feeling I'm going to like Kura's posts here.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #626 on: November 07, 2010, 05:09:41 PM »
I'm getting severly depressed. I seriously don't want to get up in the morning. No one in my life seems to care at all.

(Also, Kura is awesome and I agree with Marvellous G.)

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #627 on: November 07, 2010, 05:43:49 PM »
I'm getting severly depressed. I seriously don't want to get up in the morning. No one in my life seems to care at all.

(Also, Kura is awesome and I agree with Marvellous G.)
:omg:  Don't say that...I'm not sure who you think doesn't care, but that mindset will only hurt your depression...I know that we're a bunch of silly internet people, but we care!  You are always encouraging to us when we're down--just browse through the last couple pages of this thread and you'll see.  You've got a gift of compassion that is very much appreciated here, and I'm sure is appreciated by others in your life.
"All great works are prepared in the desert, including the redemption of the world. The precursors, the followers, the Master Himself, all obeyed or have to obey one and the same law. Prophets, apostles, preachers, martyrs, pioneers of knowledge, inspired artists in every art, ordinary men and the Man-God, all pay tribute to loneliness, to the life of silence, to the night." - A. G. Sertillanges

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #628 on: November 07, 2010, 06:24:15 PM »
I've been wanting to post in this thread for a while, but never thought my feelings were important enough to share.

Lately I've been pretty depressed.  I've felt disconnected for most of my life, even more so in the last several years since I moved to my current town.  I try to rationalize that I can change things to make things better, but haven't felt like it would be worth it.  Then I feel even worse because I feel like I should be happy to change but don't.

In high school my buddies and I built a Van Der Graaf generator.  You know, to get girls.

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Re: The Depressed/Angry Thread.
« Reply #629 on: November 23, 2010, 10:15:10 PM »
Two semesters ago I was in a really weird frame of mind. I was always pissed off, listened to a lot of loud and violent music, didn’t talk to anybody I didn’t have to, never went out after classes, and pretty much hated everyone. I also completed every homework assignment ASAP, wrote the best papers of my life, and got six A’s (which is the most classes that they allow you to take.)

That drive has decreased since then. I don’t know why. I don’t care about any of my classes, none of them are fun, and I cannot find a source of motivation (not earning a degree, not that I have to pay for the classes I’m taking, not the mystery source that came out of nowhere two semesters ago). I think I’m in the right major, but don’t have a real good idea of what I want to do for a living.

At that same point where everything started going downhill I met a girl. I’m convinced that she was attracted to something in me, but didn’t like me enough to get into a relationship. I can’t blame her for that, sometimes you just don’t like people like that. Fortunately we’ve held onto our friendship. My attraction to her, however, hasn’t died. We’re both away at college and talk online sometimes. She sends me mixed signals.

Like most people in high school I would have a crush on a girl, but then move on every so often. I have literally not met anyone else in the past year that I’ve been interested in. It’s so hard to mentally readjust how I feel about her because there’s no one else. And I already feel screwed up enough, it might not turn out so well if I diminish the positive force she is in my life, as that hope that her feelings could change still exists.