Author Topic: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)  (Read 66325 times)

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Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results - sooooon)
« Reply #1400 on: August 28, 2018, 09:17:44 PM »
Here are the final results - I apologize for taking so long this round, but I wanted to give this final round as many listens as I could, and just couldn't do much of it over the weekend.  Thanks everyone for participating!  I had a lot of fun and discovered at least a couple bands that I really liked from every person who joined.  Maybe we'll do this again some time. 😊

Without further ado:

10. Asia - My Own Time
Sent by Kattelox

I hate to do this, because I know you really love this song, and I don't actually hate it.  I think by now everyone's probably realized that I'm not going to go all Wolfking on anyone, but I think I have at least made it clear when I really didn't like something.  This isn't one of those situations.  I liked most of this song, but I would like it a lot more if it weren't for the chorus.  It's just a bit too poppy for my tastes, whereas I like the singer's voice for the most part and I like the overall feel of the rest of the song.  I hope this isn't entirely surprising, as you indicated I wouldn't listen to it unless it was sent in a roulette. :P

9. Magnus Karlsson - Not My Saviour
Sent by jingle.boy

I wish I liked the singer more, because this song is pretty :metal.  When it comes to this kind of metal, it often comes down to how well I like the vocals and this time I didn't care for them too much.  I've found that I generally don't like singers whose default mode is a raspy/gritty kind of voice.  (Tom Englund is different).  I like it when someone has that in their repertoire, but overall I just prefer a clearer voice.  Otherwise, this is a really cool track, and I see that there are other singers on the album, so I wouldn't mind exploring it further.  I have a feeling that our tastes align more than this roulette might have either of us believe, just based on some random other threads, as well as you being one of the few people who seemed familiar with some of the stuff I sent Kattelox in his roulette.  We just didn't align so much during this one.

8. Genesis - One for the Vine
Sent by Stadler

I'm all over the place with this track.  I like it, I don't like it, I think it takes too long to get moving, I think it's fine, etc.  I'm glad you sent this, because I was hoping to get some older prog during this roulette.  I don't blame people for not sending it to me based on how they perceived my tastes, and as neither Yes nor Genesis scored super high, they may have been right.  But I appreciate that I got to listen to some of it anyway - I've always felt that I should explore more of it, and yet never had enough motivation to actually do it.  I'm still not sure why it is that 70s Rush resonates so much with me but I have such a hard time with the others.  I'm rambling a little, but bottom line:  I kind of liked this.  I liked Phil Collins way better than Peter Gabriel (on Supper's Ready), I like the way the track picks up at the clock ticking part, and I like some of the vocal melodies quite a bit.  On the flip side, I suppose I'd like it to be just a tad heavier a little bit sooner, and some of the really high vocals don’t quite work for me.

7. Primal Fear - One Night in December
Sent by Evermind

I've seen Primal Fear live a couple times and am sure I've listened to miscellaneous tracks on youtube, and they never really did much for me.  This track is better than my memory of them, for the most part.  I think the intro, middle breakdown part, and ending are soooo cool.  I'm definitely a sucker for that kind of intro, with the storm, the crows, the bell tolling, etc.  That build up is just fantastic.  Unfortunately, I'm not as into the "meat" of the song, which lines up more with what I was expecting from them.  I like Ralf Scheepers better than the guy in jingle's track, but I'm not a huge fan of his voice either.  Still, this was a really enjoyable listen and :metal.

6. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Storm
Sent by Sacul

I really enjoyed this track, especially the first half, which is really strong, and I like the whole crescendo aspect of it.  I don't own anything that sounds like this, but I've seen a few bands live that I would consider similar.  I had a feeling I would probably like this based on maybe sampling a track or two in the past, and I do.  For my tastes it takes a little too long to end maybe, and the second half sometimes loses my attention.  I was having a hard time ranking this one up against the others, and my usual method of asking myself what I would rather listen to didn't necessarily work.  This would really come down more to what I might be in the mood for at the time vs what I think I like better.  So I'm putting it somewhere in the middle, and ahead of some of the others because it's not similar to much that I already own or listen to.

5. Ascendia - Demon Eyes
Sent by TAC

You're really good at sending tracks that are just :metal :metal that have singers I either like, or at least don’t mind.  I love the chorus of this track - it might not seem like anything terribly special, but it just sounds cool and I have it in my head a lot - in a good way.  Ascendia is the other band I've seen live, and for some reason I was just kind of meh about them - didn't dislike them, but also didn't think they were doing much to set themselves apart from the other bands I've seen at ProgPower and liked better.  I enjoyed this track a lot though. 

4. Hail Spirit Noir - The Mermaid
Sent by Parama

Congratulations on winning yet another roulette!  I still can't believe you were thinking about not participating at all.  :P  About this track: At first, I wasn't really sure how much I liked it; I didn't care for the singer much, and didn't like some of the, I don't know, retro? sounds in the song.  However, after the 2nd or 3rd listen I was pretty certain it would at least be ahead of enough of the other songs to land you the win.  (But wasn't going to let on and spoil the surprise).  It also grew on me a lot - the singer started to bother me less, as well as some of the spacey sound effects, and I started to anticipate certain parts each time I listened to it, and eventually enjoy the song as a whole.  The last few minutes are just really cool too. 😊

3. Moonsorrow - Jotunheim
Sent by Puppies

This is the song I considered to be a challenge that I was up for.  Although - 425's recent post about liking songs within the context of a roulette better than he might outside of it kind of resonated with me… I wonder how I would have done with this song had it just been recommended to me.  Would I have even listened to the whole thing?  But it was in the roulette, so I did listen to the whole thing, and right away I liked something about it enough to where I felt like I needed to see if I could make it work.  It's totally epic.  It does indeed have harsh vocals that I find more tolerable - if it had Opeth style vocals, I really don't think it would have mattered how epic this song was.  But if the circumstances are right, I can deal with this style of vocal, and the circumstances were right for this song.  I won't lie - I'd like more of the clean vocals to help balance some the harsh ones, but I was in a good open minded place for this one to hit me.  All of the little effects like the wind and the birds and the fire crackling helped add to the mood as well.  Somewhere in the middle of the song, I think maybe starting around 8:30 (or was it 9:30), it just seems so triumphant and energetic and I really enjoyed it.  It never felt like it was too long, despite my complaining about the overall length of the round. 😊  I think Kattelox should totally give this song another listen - maybe if you don't have to listen to the whole album, this particular track can be enjoyed or at least appreciated more…

2. Novembre - Umana
Sent by Train

This song would have suffered from its position on the playlist… except it was good enough to overcome that.  It was a few songs after Moonsorrow, and at that point I initially wanted to throw up my hands, cover my ears, and say "no more harsh vocals, make it stop."  However, it's a *great* song.  I love how atmospheric it is, and the first time I listened to it and it went into that shift when the growls receded, the weak clean vocals (which superficially reminded me of old Katatonia clean vocals) came in, and then to that part with the samples - it definitely made me take notice.  The song really makes great use of the samples, not sure if they're from a movie or something.  Then it builds back up and so fine, if I have to deal with growls for this then I will.  😊  Sometimes, depending on my mood, I would kind of ignore them and just focus on the music behind it.  Other times, I would try to experience and appreciate the whole thing, vocals and all.  This song has been coming on strong today and I think it would have taken the top spot in quite a few of the other rounds.

1. Semistereo - The Search
Sent by Elite

Starting and finishing the roulette with a bang!  This song is totally awesome and rules in every way.  You definitely brought out a secret weapon for this round and couldn't have done anything more.  It was up to either Parama dropping the ball or everyone else sending a song that was better than his.  That didn't quite happen, but this song absolutely rules.  I couldn't believe jingle ranked it so low in his roulette; when his results came out I was already pretty certain this would be #1 in mine.  Unlike a lot of the songs this round, I like the singer's voice, so that's a big plus right there.  I like the mood of this track, and that kind of beautiful yet somber feel to much of it.  I like the various twists the song takes, and the build up, and that heavy part with the ahhhh vocals, and - yeah, pretty much everything about it. 😊

Final standings:

1.   Winner:  Parama: 5 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 4 = 25
Favorite tracks: Thy Catafalque  - Oldódó formák a halál titokzatos birodalmáb and The Hirsch Effect - Agitation.

As the winner of this roulette, you get to pick out 3 albums for me to listen to and report back with my thoughts.  Two of them have to be from this roulette, and as I didn't dislike any of your songs, you can pick any two you like.  The third can be outside the roulette (or still within if you prefer).  I really hope you don't make me listen to something with hardcore punk vocals, or even a lot of death metal vocals, but it's up to you. 😊

2. Second place:  Elite: 1 + 10 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 27
Favorite tracks: Perihelion Ship - New Sun?, Agent Fresco - See Hell, Foscor - De Marges i Matinades, and Semistereo - The Search

As the silver medalist, you get to pick 2 albums for me to listen to - one with a song that I liked from this roulette, and one can be anything from this roulette whether I liked it or not.  I'm hoping it won't be Ulver, but I'll do it if you insist. 😊

3. Third place:  Train of Naught: 3 + 4 + 3 + 8 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 2 = 32
Favorite tracks: Rishloo - Landmines, O'Brother - Deconstruct, Novembre - Umana

And as the bronze medalist, you get to pick one album with a song I liked for me to listen to; I'd say anything but Orphaned Land qualifies.

4. TAC: 9 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 5 = 38
Favorite tracks: Pyramid Theorem - Primitive Designs, Iris Divine - In the Wake of Martyrs, Essence of Sorrow - The Mirror

4. Puppies on Acid: 7 + 8 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 7 + 3 = 38
Favorite tracks:  Type O Negative - Anesthesia, Children of Nova - The Complexity of Light, Moonsorrow - Jotunheim

6. Evermind: 6 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 10 + 4 + 4 + 7 = 44
Favorite tracks - Airbag - Broken, Beyond the Bridge - The Difference Is Human, Flaming Row - Aim L45

7. Kattlelox: 4 + 7 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 8 + 10 = 46
Favorite tracks: Agalloch - Our Fortress Is Burning, Pt. II (Bloodbirds), Aquaria - Here Comes the Life, Mystery - Dear Someone

8. Stadler: 8 + 2 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 49
Favorite tracks: UFO - Love to Love, Jane's Addiction - Three Days

9. jingle.boy: 2 + 9 + 10 + 7 + 7 + 4 + 9 + 9 = 57
Favorite tracks: Soul Secret - Behind the Curtain, Epysode - Raven's Curse

10. Sacul: 10 + 5 + 9 + 10 + 7 + 10 + 10 + 6 = 67
Favorite tracks: Nine Inch Nails - The Wretched; Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Storm
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 10:13:54 PM by Lethean »

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1401 on: August 28, 2018, 09:24:09 PM »
Super stoked that you liked Jotunheim! I was actually considering sending the final track on the album Kaiku along with Jotunheim as they flow together and I love all the field recording and ambient stuff, but that would have been another 8 minutes  :biggrin:

I'd say give the rest of the album a good listen when you have some free time.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1402 on: August 28, 2018, 09:27:01 PM »
we did it boysssss  :metal

i'll pick out some albums soon-ish yeah
though tbh half the fun of a roulette is following up on all the artists you liked so that's something i'd do anyways if i were you, with a lot of the albums i sent  :lol

i also just yolo'd this entire roulette (never even put together an entries list lol) and somehow won so i guess i should never bother overthinking what i send in these

i will definitely say straight out the gate that I think you'd like Thy Catafalque - Sgurr though, even if some of the later tracks get a bit heavier than the one I sent

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1403 on: August 28, 2018, 09:29:48 PM »

i also just yolo'd this entire roulette (never even put together an entries list lol) and somehow won so i guess i should never bother overthinking what i send in these
This is how I played most of Elite's roulette. I winged most of it, until the last few rounds when I realized I had a chance to actually win it. Then I sort of tanked the EP round.... I should post a link to my "remastered" EP with the better transitions.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1404 on: August 28, 2018, 09:36:03 PM »
on that note can you remind me of everything i sent in this roulette?  :lol

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1405 on: August 28, 2018, 09:40:24 PM »
we did it boysssss  :metal

i'll pick out some albums soon-ish yeah
though tbh half the fun of a roulette is following up on all the artists you liked so that's something i'd do anyways if i were you, with a lot of the albums i sent  :lol
I'm sure it is, and I probably will, but it takes me a long time to get around to listening to stuff.  So consider this your chance to plug something you really like. :P  Plus, you get to pick one that wasn't sent in the roulette.

i will definitely say straight out the gate that I think you'd like Thy Catafalque - Sgurr though, even if some of the later tracks get a bit heavier than the one I sent

I definitely liked the track you sent a lot - I think I'd only had 2 or 3 other submissions in that round and as soon as I listened to it I thought it would be tough to beat.

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results - sooooon)
« Reply #1406 on: August 28, 2018, 09:42:35 PM »
Although - 425's recent post about liking songs within the context of a roulette better that he might outside of it kind of resonated with me… I wonder how I would have done with this song had it just been recommended to me.

Actually quite good to hear that I'm not alone in this experience. :lol

Oh, and congrats Parama! Glad you found someone to appreciate your core.
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1407 on: August 28, 2018, 09:53:37 PM »
No regrets. I also knew Parama was gonna run away with this based on my roulette.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1408 on: August 28, 2018, 10:13:03 PM »
No regrets. I also knew Parama was gonna run away with this based on my roulette.

Really?  I don't think he sent much of the same stuff in our roulettes though.  Thank You Scientist is one... anything else?  He sent them plus Dissona, Thy Catafalque, The Hirsch Effekt, Bent Knee, Brand New, Morrow, and Hail Spirit Noir.

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results - sooooon)
« Reply #1409 on: August 28, 2018, 10:15:19 PM »
Although - 425's recent post about liking songs within the context of a roulette better that he might outside of it kind of resonated with me… I wonder how I would have done with this song had it just been recommended to me.

Actually quite good to hear that I'm not alone in this experience. :lol
I didn't really think about it that way until you'd posted it. :)

Oh, and congrats Parama! Glad you found someone to appreciate your core.
I wonder how much of what he sent me is actually considered Paramacore? :)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 10:21:57 PM by Lethean »

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1410 on: August 28, 2018, 10:20:37 PM »
No regrets. I also knew Parama was gonna run away with this based on my roulette.

Really?  I don't think he sent much of the same stuff in our roulettes though.  Thank You Scientist is one... anything else?  He sent them plus Dissona, Thy Catafalque, The Hirsch Effekt, Bent Knee, Brand New, Morrow, and Hail Spirit Noir.

Nah, it's just the similar vibes I got. Both of you like (what sounds to me like) brooding, somber, dark, heavier stuff more than I do as well as more often than I do; I would go with Asia over anything in this last round any day. Nothing wrong with that, mind - just an observation; by the end of my roulette I had grouped you and Parama together because of the general tone of what was submitted and how I received them.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1411 on: August 28, 2018, 10:25:28 PM »
No regrets. I also knew Parama was gonna run away with this based on my roulette.

Really?  I don't think he sent much of the same stuff in our roulettes though.  Thank You Scientist is one... anything else?  He sent them plus Dissona, Thy Catafalque, The Hirsch Effekt, Bent Knee, Brand New, Morrow, and Hail Spirit Noir.
oh yeah of these the other one from the roulette i'm gonna make you listen to is definitely Thank You Scientist, yeah

i'll pick the roulette-less one soon then. i'd make you listen to East of the Wall but I already know you'd hate them  :lol

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1412 on: August 28, 2018, 10:47:45 PM »
No regrets. I also knew Parama was gonna run away with this based on my roulette.

Really?  I don't think he sent much of the same stuff in our roulettes though.  Thank You Scientist is one... anything else?  He sent them plus Dissona, Thy Catafalque, The Hirsch Effekt, Bent Knee, Brand New, Morrow, and Hail Spirit Noir.

Nah, it's just the similar vibes I got. Both of you like (what sounds to me like) brooding, somber, dark, heavier stuff more than I do as well as more often than I do; I would go with Asia over anything in this last round any day. Nothing wrong with that, mind - just an observation; by the end of my roulette I had grouped you and Parama together because of the general tone of what was submitted and how I received them.

That's interesting.  I was under the assumption that he listened to way heavier stuff than I do.  And maybe he does, but he obviously has enough less heavy stuff too.  I've never thought of myself as liking super heavy stuff - just medium heavy, I suppose. :)

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1413 on: August 28, 2018, 10:50:31 PM »
yeah i could've sent you like, mithras or der weg einer freiheit or monotheist or something and you'd have Literally Died but nah i kept it medium heavy

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1414 on: August 28, 2018, 11:12:21 PM »
No regrets. I also knew Parama was gonna run away with this based on my roulette.

Really?  I don't think he sent much of the same stuff in our roulettes though.  Thank You Scientist is one... anything else?  He sent them plus Dissona, Thy Catafalque, The Hirsch Effekt, Bent Knee, Brand New, Morrow, and Hail Spirit Noir.

Nah, it's just the similar vibes I got. Both of you like (what sounds to me like) brooding, somber, dark, heavier stuff more than I do as well as more often than I do; I would go with Asia over anything in this last round any day. Nothing wrong with that, mind - just an observation; by the end of my roulette I had grouped you and Parama together because of the general tone of what was submitted and how I received them.

That's interesting.  I was under the assumption that he listened to way heavier stuff than I do.  And maybe he does, but he obviously has enough less heavy stuff too.  I've never thought of myself as liking super heavy stuff - just medium heavy, I suppose. :)

Emphasis on the dark and brooding more than heavy :)
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1415 on: August 28, 2018, 11:15:22 PM »
it's kinda funny too 'cause like, the only dark & brooding stuff i sent was brand new and maaaaybe the hirsch effekt but not really  :P

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1416 on: August 28, 2018, 11:20:21 PM »
You can change that impression by joining my next roulette which will be a fun one :biggrin:
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1417 on: August 28, 2018, 11:30:21 PM »
nah i can't dance with anyone who hates paramacore so much  :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1418 on: August 29, 2018, 12:59:01 AM »
Like I thought.. the Ulver in round 2 actually screwed up the roulette win. Never should have sent that, but I had no idea it would end up being this close obviously. Glad I could finish on a high note! That Semistereo track really is a shot in a dark; I absolutely love it myself and I've seen roulette hosts love it as well, and some turn it down, but I thought you might like it (and you did! :) ) - I actually thought jingle would like it as well, but we know how that ended :P

I'll think about the albums you'll have to listen to, because I kind of want to redeem Ulver with you, but I'd send a different album than the one I sent from. As for the other.. I'm sure you're going to listen to Agent Fresco (do it, both their albums are really, really good), the Semistereo album 'The Search' comes from is highly enjoyable, definitetly worth a listen, although The Search is pretty much the best track ('Sin' is also very good). I don't know Foscor apart from 'Les Irreals Visions', but that one is nice. Perihelion Ship has two albums and you can't go wrong with either. I'd say the second one is more consistent overall, but the first one has this awesome 22-minute epic.
Hey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1419 on: August 29, 2018, 01:12:52 AM »
Personally, I've always considered Umana to be the best introduction to the band's modern sound, so I always send that and I'm really happy that you enjoyed it! I think I mentioned how I felt they are similar to Katatonia in places as well which is why I sent it. You will probably like their modern sound more, like this song the harsh vocals are very sparsely spread throughout the music so it's not overbearing for people that aren't very into them yet. The downside to a lot of their albums is that they tend to be very long and not always 100% quality. I don't think Novembre's "Ursa" (album this song is from) is super amazing beyond this song and Agathae, but still solid. But since my favourite album by them is an old-school death metal album I think I'm pretty sure I have to go with Rishloo's "Living as Ghosts With Buildings as Teeth". That's one of the best albums of the decade in my opinion. And I'd say the album closer is their best song ever, so best for last :metal

Great roulette man, highly enjoyed it
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results - sooooon)
« Reply #1420 on: August 29, 2018, 05:18:45 AM »
Totally fair assessment of Rick Altzi's voice - I'm the same way actually.  Hell, a Taylor Swift song beat a song he sung lead on in my last roulette!

I have a feeling that our tastes align more than this roulette might have either of us believe, just based on some random other threads, as well as you being one of the few people who seemed familiar with some of the stuff I sent Kattelox in his roulette.  We just didn't align so much during this one.

Yeah, I would've thought so too.  But seeing the top 3 (no disrespect to anyone, just stating facts), we're a few degrees off.  I get the feeling that it's not my primary tastes that work for you - and vice versa.  The fact that you'd rank my #1 and #2 songs of 2010's the way you did validates this.  I went off the reservation for a couple rounds with the Classic Rock stuff (and Rhapsody), so I think that's what put me at the bottom.  I'd bet there's a lot in my library you'd very much dig... I just wasn't able to find the sweet spot (other than Soul Secret).

That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

Offline jingle.boy

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1421 on: August 29, 2018, 05:30:26 AM »
I actually thought jingle would like it as well, but we know how that ended :P

Still love ya dude.  :hug:

It's funny, I was just looking back at my roulette tracking list, and the songs that I used to win your 2nd roulette - which included Not My Saviour!!  :biggrin:

Flaming Row   Rage of Despair
Epysode   Obsessions
Frameshift   The Gene Machine
Dec Burke   Small Hours
Magnus Karlsson's Free Fall   Not My Saviour
Dimension Act   Drawing the Lines of Mortal Existence
Amaran's Plight   Coming of Age
Echoes   Rude Awakening
Soul Secret   Aftermath

Only The Gene Machine got a rating worse than 3rd.   :lol

And clearly, I have a few 'go-to' roulette submissions!
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1422 on: August 29, 2018, 07:06:58 AM »
Since I finished 8th and therefore get to name one tune from one of the albums of one of the songs I sent you that you have to listen to (wha????), based on your writeup to "One For The Vine", give "Eleventh Earl of Mar" a listen (It's the track before OFTV on the same album, and the album opener). 

Other than that, nice job, Lethean, and nice job to the other entrants.   I get to talk smack to Jingle and Sacul for about a week, and that's always fun.   Plus, Kattelox, I'm with you brother.  Great song, great chorus, and (for Wetton) great lyric.   Asia rules!

Offline The Walrus

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1423 on: August 29, 2018, 07:30:00 AM »
Other than that, nice job, Lethean, and nice job to the other entrants.   I get to talk smack to Jingle and Sacul for about a week, and that's always fun.   Plus, Kattelox, I'm with you brother.  Great song, great chorus, and (for Wetton) great lyric.   Asia rules!

Fuckin' right they do, brother!  :biggrin:
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1424 on: August 29, 2018, 09:29:09 AM »
Like I thought.. the Ulver in round 2 actually screwed up the roulette win. Never should have sent that, but I had no idea it would end up being this close obviously. Glad I could finish on a high note! That Semistereo track really is a shot in a dark; I absolutely love it myself and I've seen roulette hosts love it as well, and some turn it down, but I thought you might like it (and you did! :) ) - I actually thought jingle would like it as well, but we know how that ended :P
Yeah, I was really surprised by that. :)  I just loved everything about it and always wanted to play it a few more times.   :metal

I'll think about the albums you'll have to listen to, because I kind of want to redeem Ulver with you, but I'd send a different album than the one I sent from. As for the other.. I'm sure you're going to listen to Agent Fresco (do it, both their albums are really, really good), the Semistereo album 'The Search' comes from is highly enjoyable, definitetly worth a listen, although The Search is pretty much the best track ('Sin' is also very good). I don't know Foscor apart from 'Les Irreals Visions', but that one is nice. Perihelion Ship has two albums and you can't go wrong with either. I'd say the second one is more consistent overall, but the first one has this awesome 22-minute epic.

OK - let me know which ones when you decide. :)  I will definitely be listening to some of this anyway, but that's what I'll listen to first.  For now, it's ProgPower in a week so I'll be listening to that stuff for a while. :)

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1425 on: August 29, 2018, 09:34:42 AM »
Personally, I've always considered Umana to be the best introduction to the band's modern sound, so I always send that and I'm really happy that you enjoyed it! I think I mentioned how I felt they are similar to Katatonia in places as well which is why I sent it. You will probably like their modern sound more, like this song the harsh vocals are very sparsely spread throughout the music so it's not overbearing for people that aren't very into them yet. The downside to a lot of their albums is that they tend to be very long and not always 100% quality. I don't think Novembre's "Ursa" (album this song is from) is super amazing beyond this song and Agathae, but still solid. But since my favourite album by them is an old-school death metal album I think I'm pretty sure I have to go with Rishloo's "Living as Ghosts With Buildings as Teeth". That's one of the best albums of the decade in my opinion. And I'd say the album closer is their best song ever, so best for last :metal

I love how you added "yet."  :P  I don't think they're ever really going to be something I enjoy most of the time.  I can say that I do enjoy the ones on Arcturian (latest Arcturus album).  And I enjoy some of the ones on various Solefald songs.  But usually it's a case where I can tolerate them and there's something about the music that I enjoy enough to do so.

I will listen to the Rishloo album first for sure.  That's a song that probably should have been ranked at least one spot higher, because it continued to grow on me after the round was over.  Would you say Ursa would be the first Novembre album I should check out, or something else?

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results - sooooon)
« Reply #1426 on: August 29, 2018, 09:40:26 AM »
Totally fair assessment of Rick Altzi's voice - I'm the same way actually.  Hell, a Taylor Swift song beat a song he sung lead on in my last roulette!
OK I know the song got the low rating mostly because of him... but I didn't dislike him *that* much... :p

I have a feeling that our tastes align more than this roulette might have either of us believe, just based on some random other threads, as well as you being one of the few people who seemed familiar with some of the stuff I sent Kattelox in his roulette.  We just didn't align so much during this one.

Yeah, I would've thought so too.  But seeing the top 3 (no disrespect to anyone, just stating facts), we're a few degrees off.  I get the feeling that it's not my primary tastes that work for you - and vice versa.  The fact that you'd rank my #1 and #2 songs of 2010's the way you did validates this.  I went off the reservation for a couple rounds with the Classic Rock stuff (and Rhapsody), so I think that's what put me at the bottom.  I'd bet there's a lot in my library you'd very much dig... I just wasn't able to find the sweet spot (other than Soul Secret).

Yeah I think that's probably right - maybe our favorite stuff is different, though I presume you like DT, and I know you like Threshold, and I think you like Rush (?).  And of course, after your roulette is over you'll start listening to Katatonia and realize that they totally rule... ;)  But yeah, I think there's probably a lot of stuff that you have that I'd like.  I think I might even have liked other tracks from Echoes and Magnus Karlsson better, depending on the singer.  And the Epysode track that you first sent wasn't something that I disliked; I just didn't know how much I'd like the male singer and seeing that I'm a big fan of Tom's, it just made more sense for me to go with the other one.

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1427 on: August 29, 2018, 09:43:59 AM »
Would you say Ursa would be the first Novembre album I should check out, or something else?
No! Materia is the better 'modern' Novembre album for sure, that should be the first. :) Either that one or The Blue.
people on this board are actual music fans who developed taste in music and not casual listeners who are following current fashion trends and listening to only current commercial hits.

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1428 on: August 29, 2018, 09:45:27 AM »
I actually thought jingle would like it as well, but we know how that ended :P

Still love ya dude.  :hug:

It's funny, I was just looking back at my roulette tracking list, and the songs that I used to win your 2nd roulette - which included Not My Saviour!!  :biggrin:

Flaming Row   Rage of Despair
Epysode   Obsessions
Frameshift   The Gene Machine
Dec Burke   Small Hours
Magnus Karlsson's Free Fall   Not My Saviour
Dimension Act   Drawing the Lines of Mortal Existence
Amaran's Plight   Coming of Age
Echoes   Rude Awakening
Soul Secret   Aftermath

Only The Gene Machine got a rating worse than 3rd.   :lol

And clearly, I have a few 'go-to' roulette submissions!
Let's see - Flaming Row might have done well since I liked the one Evermind sent.  I love that Frameshift album, especially the vocals. ;)  It would have done great if not banned.  I don't think I'm familiar with Dec Burke or Amaran's Plight.  Dimension Act is something I deleted but didn't make notes about, so I don't remember if I kind of liked it, hated it, or didn't listen to it at all.

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1429 on: August 29, 2018, 09:52:30 AM »
Since I finished 8th and therefore get to name one tune from one of the albums of one of the songs I sent you that you have to listen to (wha????), based on your writeup to "One For The Vine", give "Eleventh Earl of Mar" a listen (It's the track before OFTV on the same album, and the album opener). 
Uh.... I don't see that in the fine print... :P  But I will listen to it eventually, and if you really really want me to I'll even listen to one (just one!!) song with David Coverdale on vocals, since I know you wanted to send something, so choose wisely.  This listening won't be happening for a while, so take your time, :P

Other than that, nice job, Lethean, and nice job to the other entrants.   I get to talk smack to Jingle and Sacul for about a week, and that's always fun.   Plus, Kattelox, I'm with you brother.  Great song, great chorus, and (for Wetton) great lyric.   Asia rules!

Looking forward to the smack talk.  :P  Ooh, did you make an avatar bet with Kattelox?  I remember him specifically calling out your song...

Offline jingle.boy

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1430 on: August 29, 2018, 10:52:34 AM »
I get to talk smack to Jingle and Sacul for about a week, and that's always fun.   

That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1431 on: August 29, 2018, 11:11:18 AM »
Did I call out Stadler? I don't remember. If I did it was probably because I just don't like Genesis and wanted to score higher. Somehow I even fucked THAT up  :lol
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1432 on: August 29, 2018, 11:23:08 AM »
Did I call out Stadler? I don't remember. If I did it was probably because I just don't like Genesis and wanted to score higher. Somehow I even fucked THAT up  :lol

You didn't.  That wasn't me.  These are not the droids you're looking for. 

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)
« Reply #1433 on: August 29, 2018, 12:52:21 PM »
Tied for 4th! OK, I will take that, not knowing Lethean or his tastes.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results - sooooon)
« Reply #1434 on: August 29, 2018, 07:18:40 PM »
….Sent by TAC

You're really good at sending tracks that are just :metal :metal

Yes, that's what I do! ;D
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol