Author Topic: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Final round results!!!)  (Read 66351 times)

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Hanging around without Sacul)
« Reply #840 on: August 05, 2018, 05:28:06 AM »
 :lol I feel so special. Also, the other Katatonia is Night is the New Day. First Katatonia album I ever heard, and it's pretty good, but between that and TFOH I have enough depressing tunes by them. Would like to check out more but I have to be in a very specific mood/feeling to listen to them.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Sacul is back, yay, results maybe soon-ish)
« Reply #841 on: August 05, 2018, 10:57:25 AM »
 :corn :corn :corn
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Sacul is back, yay, results maybe soon-ish)
« Reply #842 on: August 05, 2018, 11:08:02 AM »

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Sacul is back, yay, results maybe soon-ish)
« Reply #843 on: August 05, 2018, 02:38:51 PM »
Write ups well underway, but now I'm going out and will be listening to all of the songs at least one more time before final rankings  Results sometime tonight.

Offline The Walrus

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Sacul is back, yay, results maybe soon-ish)
« Reply #844 on: August 05, 2018, 03:57:38 PM »
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Sacul is back, yay, results maybe soon-ish)
« Reply #845 on: August 05, 2018, 09:53:55 PM »

Here goes!  This was the best round of the roulette so far, so, there will be ties.  I enjoyed 9 of the 10 tracks, and pretty much all of these tracks, except the top ones of course, would have scored higher in the last round; this round was just that good.  Most of you were wrong in your snippet guesses though. :)

10. Steam Powered Giraffe - Brass Goggles
Sent by Evermind

So, um, OK… ?  I'm not even sure what to say about this one.  I can say with 100% certainly that I did *not* see this coming, so I guess there's that.  😊  You described it as the midpoint of the novel, so, I'm looking forward to the second half which will hopefully sound nothing like the midpoint.  For the rest of you - whoever was picking on Sacul - how did you not know that this was going to be the 10?  Am I living on a different planet than everyone else?

7.  Converge - Phoenix in Flight
Sent by Sacul

So - why did everyone think I was going to hate this?  There's nothing wrong with it.  If the vocals are harsh you can barely hear them anyway, and they fit really well with the wall of sound that this track is.  It's really intense, but there's a nice part in the middle that, while not really sacrificing the intensity, helps make it a little more melodic.  I like it.  Now, I wondered if perhaps the other Phoenix track was supposed to go hand in hand with this one, so I listened to it, and no.  I mean that track would still have had its work cut out for it to steal the #10 from the giraffe band…But Phoenix in Flight, standing alone from whatever else might be on the album, is intense and interesting.  I liked it, and if the album has more like it rather than the 2nd Phoenix track, I'm intrigued.  It's not scoring higher because (see the beginning of this post).

7.  Echoes - Rude Awakening
Sent by jingle.boy

OK, so, I hate doing this - only giving a 7 when I like this better than everything you sent besides Soul Secret.  I like the music on this track, a lot.  That piano part right at the beginning sets the tone and brings a smile to my face.  But I don't like that singer.  I almost want to say that he's in the wrong genre, because I imagine him chain smoking somewhere with a drink in his hand slurring his words and singing something that I don't like.  But that's probably ridiculous; it's just that I don't like his voice.  "This place is a mess" and "there's other people involved" are examples of what I mean.  I don't mind him so much when he goes a little higher, but even then, there's some of that quality that's still there.  I didn't think to listen to another song of theirs until yesterday, and it has a different singer who I liked much more.  If I'd done that right away, I would have offered you to switch.  Don't get me wrong - I like the song.  This round is just so good.  Last round, same singer, this still would probably have scored 4 or 5.  This round, with the singer from the other song - I can't say for sure where it would have landed because I love all the other songs too, but maybe it would have been higher.

6.  Ocoai - Breatherman
Sent by Puppies
Good detective work on narrowing down the snippets.  :)  This is a really nice track that puts me in a good, relaxed mood.  I don't listen to much instrumental music, but I'm not opposed to it either.  This track seems to flow really nicely, has beautiful melodies, and I know you mentioned it's length, but I think that's actually a strong point.  It lets you settle in and become immersed in it.  Technically, I should jump to 7 in the scoring, but I'm not going to because it's my roulette and I don't wanna. 😊

5.  Bent Knee - Being Human
Sent by Parama

Let me first just say that this track is great, and it wasn't a misstep or anything like that.  If you'd sent it last round instead of Thank You Scientist, you would have gotten the same score.  I just really like (almost) all of the songs this round and the top 4 just really grabbed me and didn't let go.  I will say that I both like and dislike the singer in the track.  I'm not into the beginning vocals so much, but like it when she lets loose later on.  I hadn't heard of Bent Knee prior to their being announced for the Leprous tour, and I will definitely get there in time to catch their set.

5. Oceans of Slumber - A Path to Broken Stars
Sent by Elite
I saw this band open for Evergrey and found them to be a mixed bag.  Some potential, but I didn’t walk away with the intention of checking them out.  This song makes me want to take another look.  It's really beautiful.  It's one of those songs that seem very sad, but don't depress me or make me feel sad; rather, it's uplifting in an odd way.  Now I'm looking forward to their set at ProgPower this year.

3. O'Brother - Deconstruct
Sent by Train of Naught

I'd never heard of O'Brother before, and this is one of those times where it's good not to judge a band by its name. 😊  I think this band would fit right in on that Leprous and Agent Fresco tour that Elite mentioned.  They don't sound like Leprous, but it seems like they would appeal to Leprous fans.  This track certainly does to me.  This is one of those tracks that made me turn it up and try to sing along.

3. Aquaria - Here Comes the Life
Sent by Kattelox

If this was an actual Angra song, it might have been #1.  I feel like that Thiago dude could make a way better case comparing this song to Angra than he did with I&W and ADTOE.  So, that does bring it down a little bit for me because it feels like every part of the song is something Angra would have done in the order Angra would have done it.  Maybe that isn't fair.  At this point I think I'm so used to bands that borrow from DT that I don't care anymore, and I've listened to enough of them that they each have their own identities and I can see a distinction between them and DT and them and each other.  (Plus, I've yet to find a singer that actually sounds like James).  Whereas, I've never heard an Angra clone before, so it makes me way more uncomfortable.  Having said that - it's a great song.  I love what Angra does, and if you're going to go for it, at least do it well, and in that respect, Aquaria knocked it out of the park.  I couldn't help smiling at times.  This was the :)  :metal :) :metal :)  :metal song.  I'd say maybe sometimes the keyboard sound is a little weak (but Angra has that problem too), and I would also say that the guitars aren't quite up to Kiko and Rafael, but the song itself is awesome.  I in fact did not read the lyrics to pick them apart, so if there's cheese, I'm still blissfully unaware.  You wanted to swap this song out, but at that time I'd already heard it and wanted to enjoy listening to it for the rest of the round.  I haven't listened to the alternate song, but if it would have scored high than a 3 in this round, then I'll listen to a Toto album or something as penance.

2. Iris Divine - In the Wake of Martyrs
Sent by TAC

This was the  :metal :metal :metal :metal song.  Every time I played this song I kept turning it up and up.  It made me want to bang on some drums or something, and I'm not a drummer.  It made me want to drive faster.  Brief harsh vocals at the beginning, but this wasn't at all a problem like it was with the Dyssidia track.  I like the clean vocals a lot, and I enjoyed that break down part a little over halfway in.  I don't have as much to say about this one as some of the others, except  :metal :metal :metal :metal   I hope the score makes up for it.

1. Jane's Addiction - Three Days
Sent by Stadler

I don't think anyone saw this one coming, including me.  But this song is *fantastic*.  No one claimed the snippet about the musicians, but this is the one.  I know I go on and on about singers, and jingle might think I've lost my mind.  I do think Perry Farrell is kinda bad.  However - there's a certain, charm, maybe, to his voice, that just seems to work.  He's really annoying on Been Caught Stealing, but I've always liked Jane Says.  Also, since Stadler didn't provide me with a link, I decided to listen to both the album version and a live version during my listening, and he kind of sounds better live.  Everyone else?  OMG.  The bass line that opens the song is soooo cool, and he's great throughout the song.  The drummer - also great.  And that guitar solo is  :hefdaddy.  If he wasn't influenced by Rush, I'd be surprised.  Maybe the drummer too.  And yet, this song doesn't at all sound like a song that Rush would have released.  I just get these hints of influence and maybe that’s only because I almost want to hear it.  Anyway.  I always had an idea that this band was good and heard some live material in the past that seemed good, but I had no idea they were this good.

Parama: 5 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 15
Elite: 1 + 10 + 4 + 1 + 5 = 21
Train of Naught: 3 + 4 + 3 + 8 + 3 = 21
Kattlelox: 4 + 7 + 8 + 4 + 3 = 26
TAC: 9 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 2 = 26
Stadler: 8 + 2 + 6 + 9 + 1 = 26
Puppies on Acid: 7 + 8 + 1 + 5 + 6 = 27
Evermind: 6 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 10 = 29
jingle.boy: 2 + 9 + 10 + 7 + 7 = 35
Sacul: 10 + 5 + 9 + 10 + 7 = 41

Offline The Walrus

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #846 on: August 05, 2018, 10:03:30 PM »
I think Stadler's gonna be very happy  :biggrin:

I'm glad you liked that song, 3rd place was unexpected. Yeah, that song isn't the best use of keyboards and guitars, yet as a whole I think it's just a great song with loads of positive energy and it is rather representative of their energy and style. On that same album they have prog metal, symphonic stuff, a drum-less acoustic ballad with flutes and bells, and more. They directly reference Angels Cry but it's only a couple seconds long. I think you'd really enjoy exploring both of their albums someday given your passion for Angra, they're the only other South American band I've ever heard that can go toe to toe with them, for my taste at least.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #847 on: August 05, 2018, 10:09:57 PM »
i mean, i still feel pretty dang safe up here regardless of the not-totally-amazing score so, whatevs  :corn
i'll figure out something to send later tonight for my first 10

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #848 on: August 05, 2018, 10:10:54 PM »
i mean, i still feel pretty dang safe up here regardless of the not-totally-amazing score so, whatevs  :corn
i'll figure out something to send later tonight for my first 10

Don't you do it...

Offline Sacul

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #849 on: August 05, 2018, 10:12:59 PM »
what the hell brass goggles is a lot of fun and deserves a better score :metal glad I didn't get bottom of the barrel again at least

Offline The Walrus

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #850 on: August 05, 2018, 10:33:01 PM »
Sent some obscure, crazy prog metal.  :corn
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #851 on: August 05, 2018, 10:34:06 PM »
Sent some obscure, crazy prog metal.  :corn
Igorrr?  :biggrin:
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
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Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

Offline The Walrus

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #852 on: August 05, 2018, 10:36:09 PM »
 :justjen  :tdwn  :lol

edit: actually sent something else, prog metal next round
« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 10:48:07 PM by Kattoelox »
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Offline Train of Naught

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #853 on: August 06, 2018, 03:33:27 AM »
Hell yeah :metal now need to decide if I want to go with the dark-anthemic music for the rest of the roulette or be an interesting roulette participant for once

probably the second
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #854 on: August 06, 2018, 03:55:01 AM »
There’s something wrong with your scoring :biggrin:
I mean, why omit 4 and then 8 & 9? That doesn’t make much sense to me!

EDIT: oh wait, you actually already said that in Puppies’ writeup. (N)evermind
Hey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Sacul is back, yay, results maybe soon-ish)
« Reply #855 on: August 06, 2018, 07:51:51 AM »

1. Jane's Addiction - Three Days
Sent by Stadler

And that guitar solo is  :hefdaddy.  If he wasn't influenced by Rush, I'd be surprised.  Maybe the drummer too. 

Hang on, I'm running out to get lottery tickets, be right back...

I think very, very highly of Dave Navarro's guitar playing.  He is, in my view, way underrated as a player.    The tag line for Jane's Addiction is that Dave and Stephen (the drummer) are the metalheads - both being very into Zeppelin, Maiden, Hendrix - and Perry (the singer) and Eric (the bass player) were very into the goth scene - both being into Bauhaus, X, that kind of stuff.   That's overly simplistic, but even Perry and Eric will tell you that Dave and Stephen are far superior musicians to the them and "carry" the musical water in the band (that led to some of the early conflict in the band, since it is sort of Perry's band, but he's the least "classically" skilled of them, musically). 

It might interest you, but I saw Jane's a year or so ago at a festival and got pit tickets.  I kind of hung around the fringe of the pit, but during "Three Days" I forced my way up to the front (yes, I know, dick move, but I made it clear what I was doing) and made sure I was right in front of Dave for the "Erotic Jesus" part (that's when the guitar kicks in with that heavy descending riff).  He was wearing a pair of black leather overalls, but with the top off, and a black hat and black boots, and when he played that for the first time he came up and put his foot on the monitor and let it fly, and it was so over the top rockstar, plus the volume was on like 11, it was a real concert moment.

And yes, Perry is usually better live, because his voice integrates better with the music. 

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #856 on: August 06, 2018, 08:32:44 AM »
A few write ups lately have mentioned The Dear Hunter, but no one has sent them.  Train mentioned that O'Brother was compared to them except without the circus stuff.  I'm going to do everyone a favor - OK I'm going to do myself a favor - and just tell everyone now that if you do send TDH, send a non-circus/carnival/marching song, por favor.  Also, whatever they played when they toured with Leprous is banned.

Offline The Walrus

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #857 on: August 06, 2018, 09:42:28 AM »
Lethean, the song I initially sent before swapping - that will be my round 7 pick, unless I want to pick something else from that same album instead. And I know what my last round will be. It was tough because there's still so much more I want to show you, but that will have to wait for roulette #2 ;)
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #858 on: August 06, 2018, 09:48:59 AM »
Before swapping with the song you tried to swap last time?  :)  Just so I'm clear, the you send in round 5 is what I should be listening to now, right? (already listened once).  The one you sent last night - save for round 7.

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Sacul is back, yay, results maybe soon-ish)
« Reply #859 on: August 06, 2018, 09:54:18 AM »

1. Jane's Addiction - Three Days
Sent by Stadler

And that guitar solo is  :hefdaddy.  If he wasn't influenced by Rush, I'd be surprised.  Maybe the drummer too. 

Hang on, I'm running out to get lottery tickets, be right back...

I think very, very highly of Dave Navarro's guitar playing.  He is, in my view, way underrated as a player.    The tag line for Jane's Addiction is that Dave and Stephen (the drummer) are the metalheads - both being very into Zeppelin, Maiden, Hendrix - and Perry (the singer) and Eric (the bass player) were very into the goth scene - both being into Bauhaus, X, that kind of stuff.   That's overly simplistic, but even Perry and Eric will tell you that Dave and Stephen are far superior musicians to the them and "carry" the musical water in the band (that led to some of the early conflict in the band, since it is sort of Perry's band, but he's the least "classically" skilled of them, musically). 

It might interest you, but I saw Jane's a year or so ago at a festival and got pit tickets.  I kind of hung around the fringe of the pit, but during "Three Days" I forced my way up to the front (yes, I know, dick move, but I made it clear what I was doing) and made sure I was right in front of Dave for the "Erotic Jesus" part (that's when the guitar kicks in with that heavy descending riff).  He was wearing a pair of black leather overalls, but with the top off, and a black hat and black boots, and when he played that for the first time he came up and put his foot on the monitor and let it fly, and it was so over the top rockstar, plus the volume was on like 11, it was a real concert moment.

And yes, Perry is usually better live, because his voice integrates better with the music.

I've never heard of Bauhaus or X.  Perry's voice almost sounds like he's more in control of it live, if that makes any sense.  I'm going from the Kettle Whistle version on that.  It looks like they don't have many albums.  They're a band I've heard of and knew 2 songs, but never knew anything about them as far as drama or breakups.  Which could be for the best.  As for the live show, it sounds like fun, but I bet that solo would sound just as good if he was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. :P

Offline The Walrus

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #860 on: August 06, 2018, 09:54:24 AM »

Round 8 will be immense :2metal:
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #861 on: August 06, 2018, 10:02:53 AM »
Hell yeah :metal now need to decide if I want to go with the dark-anthemic music for the rest of the roulette or be an interesting roulette participant for once

probably the second

What are you talking about?  Your songs are almost always among the best each round, so I'd say you've been a very interesting participant.

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #862 on: August 06, 2018, 10:03:43 AM »
There’s something wrong with your scoring :biggrin:
I mean, why omit 4 and then 8 & 9? That doesn’t make much sense to me!

EDIT: oh wait, you actually already said that in Puppies’ writeup. (N)evermind

:)  I liked those songs enough that I wanted to give them an extra point.

Offline Train of Naught

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #863 on: August 06, 2018, 10:07:32 AM »
Being as pessimistic as possible is a classic roulette attitude, wouldn't take it too seriously :lol I was jokingly implying how most of my music has been very somber (moreso than normal). You're right, I'm very happy with how this roulette is going and how much of my music you're enjoying!
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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Sacul is back, yay, results maybe soon-ish)
« Reply #864 on: August 06, 2018, 10:10:32 AM »

1. Jane's Addiction - Three Days
Sent by Stadler

And that guitar solo is  :hefdaddy.  If he wasn't influenced by Rush, I'd be surprised.  Maybe the drummer too. 

Hang on, I'm running out to get lottery tickets, be right back...

I think very, very highly of Dave Navarro's guitar playing.  He is, in my view, way underrated as a player.    The tag line for Jane's Addiction is that Dave and Stephen (the drummer) are the metalheads - both being very into Zeppelin, Maiden, Hendrix - and Perry (the singer) and Eric (the bass player) were very into the goth scene - both being into Bauhaus, X, that kind of stuff.   That's overly simplistic, but even Perry and Eric will tell you that Dave and Stephen are far superior musicians to the them and "carry" the musical water in the band (that led to some of the early conflict in the band, since it is sort of Perry's band, but he's the least "classically" skilled of them, musically). 

It might interest you, but I saw Jane's a year or so ago at a festival and got pit tickets.  I kind of hung around the fringe of the pit, but during "Three Days" I forced my way up to the front (yes, I know, dick move, but I made it clear what I was doing) and made sure I was right in front of Dave for the "Erotic Jesus" part (that's when the guitar kicks in with that heavy descending riff).  He was wearing a pair of black leather overalls, but with the top off, and a black hat and black boots, and when he played that for the first time he came up and put his foot on the monitor and let it fly, and it was so over the top rockstar, plus the volume was on like 11, it was a real concert moment.

And yes, Perry is usually better live, because his voice integrates better with the music.

I've never heard of Bauhaus or X.  Perry's voice almost sounds like he's more in control of it live, if that makes any sense.  I'm going from the Kettle Whistle version on that.  It looks like they don't have many albums.  They're a band I've heard of and knew 2 songs, but never knew anything about them as far as drama or breakups.  Which could be for the best.  As for the live show, it sounds like fun, but I bet that solo would sound just as good if he was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. :P

"Classic Jane's", meaning before people got sober, and blah blah blah, there's just two traditional "studio" records, "Nothing Shocking" and "Ritual de lo Habitual".   

I mean this sincerely, but I'm surprised you don't know "Bauhaus".  They're a pretty influential band, and Peter Murphy (vocals) and Daniel Ash (guitar) are both pretty influential.

As for the concert, you're 100% right, but it was just so... of the moment.  It's what a lot of guys shoot for and fail at miserably, and Dave just crushed it.  He's a REALLY good guitar player. 

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #865 on: August 06, 2018, 10:11:55 AM »
Being as pessimistic as possible is a classic roulette attitude, wouldn't take it too seriously :lol I was jokingly implying how most of my music has been very somber (moreso than normal). You're right, I'm very happy with how this roulette is going and how much of my music you're enjoying!

I thought the pessimism was reserved for Parama.  :)

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #866 on: August 06, 2018, 01:42:38 PM »
I still need 4 songs for round 6. :)

And I'm still curious why everyone thought I would hate Sacul's song so much.

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #867 on: August 06, 2018, 01:48:20 PM »
I don't even like converge
Though that song is kinda fine I guess, I barely remember it though

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (Round 5 guilt laden results)
« Reply #868 on: August 07, 2018, 04:39:37 AM »
And I'm still curious why everyone thought I would hate Sacul's song so much.
I actually was planning to respond to that in my first comment after the results but apparently I deleted that part :lol

Phoenix in Flight is actually a fairly good pick, I thought for some reason he had sent Phoenix in Flames, which is the sub 1 minute followup where you get to see more of the heavy balls to the wall side of Converge. They just have some of the most inhumane sounding vocals out there, and I strongly believe the reason most people don't like growls is because they don't sound humane, so the further vocalists stray away from that sound, the less likely I think it is that people would enjoy them.

I also just think metalcore is generally not something a lot of prog fans enjoy, but Converge seems to be one of the exceptions among the prog fans I know in person.

One of the most interesting songs Converge has put out was on their last album, the title track of "The Dusk In Us". It's very cool because on this one they build super slowly and there's a very gloomy atmosphere, opposed to the usual fast riffs and intense vocals.
people on this board are actual music fans who developed taste in music and not casual listeners who are following current fashion trends and listening to only current commercial hits.

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (betcha can't guess who we're waiting on)
« Reply #869 on: August 07, 2018, 08:37:43 AM »
I did listen to Phoenix in Flames too and you would be correct that I didn't like the vocals. :) I don't know if it's because they don't sound human - that's something to think about.  Your description of The Dusk in Us sounds interesting and I'll check it out.  The super fast riffing (and drumming) plus harsh vocals is definitely not a good combo for me, but the slow gloomy build up sounds cool.

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (betcha can't guess who we're waiting on)
« Reply #870 on: August 07, 2018, 08:46:44 AM »
Also, I still need two songs...

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (betcha can't guess who we're waiting on)
« Reply #871 on: August 07, 2018, 09:16:14 AM »
Also, I still need two songs...

Next week's paycheque says it's (the other) Rich and Lucas
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (betcha can't guess who we're waiting on)
« Reply #872 on: August 07, 2018, 09:20:24 AM »
the daculite

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (betcha can't guess who we're waiting on)
« Reply #873 on: August 07, 2018, 09:23:37 AM »
Hey Lethean, I'm wrapping up a second playthrough of Aqua in one week, just for you. Ask me how I feel about it. Go ahead.  :lol
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline Lethean

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Re: Lethean's Laid Back Roulette (betcha can't guess who we're waiting on)
« Reply #874 on: August 07, 2018, 09:41:32 AM »
Hey Lethean, I'm wrapping up a second playthrough of Aqua in one week, just for you. Ask me how I feel about it. Go ahead.  :lol
Did you listen to it with headphones, lying on your bed, doing nothing else at the time (aside from maybe reading the lyrics)?