Author Topic: album writing documentary idea (write your own album and document the process.)  (Read 1603 times)

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Offline dethklok09

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Hey DTF recently I have been wanting to write an album and came up with the idea of forumers documenting their process in writing the album. Such as just jamming over ideas, recording, making album covers, and what not. Now I probably won't be actually getting signed or even selling the damn thing but I just think it would be cool to have a collection of music to call your own. The cool part is, is that you can get imput and watch other people write and see their techniques in writing or recording.

Yes this sounds like a long shot but I was wondering if anyone would like to participate. I think instead of going one at a time we have 3 people at a time or something. I havent come up with any full direction for this yet but I'm just shooting off ideas.

Anyway, anyone interested in watching or participating.

Offline kirbywelch92

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This actually sounds like a pretty great idea, a friend and I have really been wanting to record some stuff lately and I figure some documentation would be cool. Do you mean journal/blog entries, YouTube videos, etc.?

Offline dethklok09

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sort of just anything you want to do. although honestly I don't think this will take off

Offline jsem

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If I knew how to program drums well, and I'd have decent studio equipment...

I'd totally do it. Lol.

Offline alirocker08

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I'd be up for it, apart from I can't write songs. Or play any instruments. I can just sing XP
ITT: We discover that Alice is elvish...
Psshh, your status as a hobbit has just been a cover. Your cover has been blown.

Offline Icebear

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I don't think I could participate myself, as all my energy/creativity goes into the actual writing/recording of music (plus I'm not sure I'd make a very good host). But I'll gladly watch if someone else does it. It's inspiring to watch the creativity of others!

Offline Global Laziness

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I might be doing some recording this summer. I'll try to remember this if I do.
Quote from: Jamesman42
Global Laziness: Speaks for Canada
Quote from: black_floyd
I walked down a spiral staircase in 19/16 in honor of Tom Sawyer and now I'm in crutches.

Offline Mosh

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I've been recording lately. I'd love to participate, but what exactly do you want? I'm a bit confused. Sorry.
New Animal Soup scifi space opera for fans of Porcupine Tree, Mastodon, Iron Maiden: Chariots of the Gods

Offline jsem

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I've been recording lately. I'd love to participate, but what exactly do you want? I'm a bit confused. Sorry.
I think it's going to be in style of like the SC documentary DT did?

I'm not sure. Some sort of vlogging maybe on how the writing/recording is going.

Offline Ultimetalhead

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I've been writing a new album, so I guess I can document the process.
Orion....that's the one with a bunch of power chords and boringly harsh vocals, isn't it?

Offline dethklok09

  • Mike
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So anyway (sorry I forgot about this thread) if you guys want to start you can.

I've been recording lately. I'd love to participate, but what exactly do you want? I'm a bit confused. Sorry.
Basically just anything you want to make public like say youve came up with some new riffs and you just post it and look for some feedback or whatever. Or you could record yourself actually recording the tracks. Maybe explain what the song means to you lyric wise.

Anyway I think we have enough participants. Honestly I think it would be ok if we want to just post whenever we want without any order of who goes when. So just post videos or say that you'll be hosting something on a webcam site. (like livestream) or just share recorded stuff with us through a microphone.

Offline Mosh

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Well I recorded guitar parts for a track, and in the process, wrote about my recording.

Recording: “The Train”

Gear:Laptop, Ibanez Guitar, Amp, Audacity, Gaming Chair, 2 sets of cheap headphones, recording out,honey nut cheerios, lots of gatorade

12:00 AM: I begin setting up to lay down guitar parts for a song with the working title “The Train”. I pull out gaming chair as it makes it easier to edit parts without having to bend over all the time. I set up my guitar and plug the amp into the laptop. I have headphones coming out of the amp so I can hear what I am playing, and headphones coming out of the laptop so I can play along with the past track so I can keep in time easier. I use Audacity to record because it is free and very easy. I don't have a good microphone yet but this one works for now.

I’ve been working on this song since October of 2010 and began recording parts in January but was never happy with the results. I have changed recording methods and have tried it recording other songs and it works perfectly. So hopefully this version will be a good one.

12:45 AM: I have finished recording the first Guitar part of the first 2 minutes of the song. I made mistakes going from the intro to verse (I played an E chord instead of an A.) so I had to go back and fix that. The verses sounded good so I didn’t have to fix anything there. I’m glad I have more patience now to fix stuff because it took 6 audio tracks and 45 minutes to record 1 guitar part for the first 2 minutes of the song. Time for the second guitar part.

1:15 AM: After a 20 minute break I dive into guitar part 2. Very good first take with only one mistake. I fix the mistake and take another break. I’d say this was a very good take. Hopefully the next part will be just as good. It’s time for the solo section.

1:40 AM: The solo section is done... except for the solos. Those are next. I made a bunch of mistakes on the riffs and fixed what I could. Hopefully it gets easier from here. Dividing the song into three parts was a good idea. What I used to do was record the entire song in four takes. 2 main guitar parts and two guitar solos. This way takes longer, but so far the results are better.

2:00 AM: I’m done. It was easier. No mistakes, recorded the solo in one take. I am satisfied with the results. It took exactly two hours to record this song and out of the 4 songs I have ready to record this is the shortest. I’m scared...
New Animal Soup scifi space opera for fans of Porcupine Tree, Mastodon, Iron Maiden: Chariots of the Gods

Offline skydivingninja

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I've been trying to finish an album recently so I could document or film the process or something, I guess.  Its definitely a cool idea.

Offline icarus4321

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We just finished recording and releasing our first album, and I really wish we would have documented the process on video.    We've already started writing material for a second album, but I don't have a video camera to record anything.  If I come across any ideas or worthwhile material, I'll post it here.
Please check out our band, Agora Forte,

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Offline GasparXR

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I'm practicing tomorrow, I might bring my camera and we'll record jams. We might write a bit as well and I'll document it.

Offline DejaVu

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Sounds like a great idea! We're in the planning stage of an EP so it seems like a nice place to start. :)