Author Topic: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)  (Read 85428 times)

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1120 on: October 07, 2017, 01:51:06 AM »

14) Legacy of the Wizard {1989}

Buckle up, this is my longest write up yet! Probably will be the longest one. For some reason it was a long and easily flowing process of talking about it.

So starting with the title, it was known as Dragon Slayer IV: Drasle Family in Japan, and is part of the Dragon Slayer series. I have no other information or experience with that series. I do wish however that the Drasle Family name would have been in the title, as it fits with the game.

This is a seemingly simple game, but is actually very hard and challenging. LotW is an adventure game, and I would call it an RPG. It is a platformer at its core, so you jump around of course. Your primary means of attack is a magic ranged attack, with characters having different ones which I’ll get to below. Each of your attacks take one magic point, and you start with 90 MP I think. The same with your health. You also have Gold and Keys, and both are equally as vital basically. Enemies drop all these four of this currency so speak, as well as other things that are mostly positive. The game is smart though- you will likely get keys and gold when your health and magic are high. You will get bread (health) and potions (magic) when either of those are low.

So you have a family of seven, and you start out in their house.

However, two of the family members stay at home and are for passwords; grandmother and grandfather.  The passwords are quite long, but not the hardest to decipher- that game is still to come! I did have on more than one occasion password failures when I was younger. These days, if playing the original deal, snapping a pic with the phone works.  ;D

The other five family members are a mother, father, daughter, son, and their pet. Each have different characteristics, powered items they can use, and areas of the world they basically belong in.

I say powered items as some require one magic point per use, are not dropped by enemies,  and are either bought or found in treasure chests. Some have more passive effects (strength increase, magic range increase, shield blocks projectiles), while others enhance things or create abilities (jump high boots, pushing/destroying blocks, jumping on enemies=attacking).

I guess this is an open game, but has a lot of trial and error in exploring it. I view it as a hub game. There is only one real sequence break option in the NES version. I saw something else in the MSX version of it, and may be possible in all versions. But this game is not commonly played, so I’m not going to attempt it! It comes down to four out of five of the characters having their own area so to speak. Early game then without help, you need to figure out who belongs where. Further complicating things, the items are required for three out of four of the areas. Something I didn’t say- each character has specific items they can use, with some characters having item(s) only they can use. The picture above shows some items with a purple zero- that means the person cannot use it. And for one of the characters, their items are found or bought in other people’s areas. So the game has somewhat of an order, which is why I like it. The creators clearly designed the game to not be broken to heck, while having a sense of adventure and exploration.

{skipable, long winded}

Talking in depth about the family, ironically, the “hero” so to speak of the game is probably the weakest character. The son Roas is kind of average in his characteristics. The characteristics each person has are Strength, Jump and Distance- distance refers to attack range, as does strength. He has maybe the widest array of items to use, but isn’t real good at anything. Plus one item does basically nothing. But he fights the final boss, and is the only one able to obtain the sword (I think the Dragon Slayer!) to fight the final boss.

The mom Meyna and dad Xemn are debatably the best characters. Meyna has the most unique items, in that she can fly, open key blocks unique to her area with magic points, and “push” blocks. She also has the second best attack- it has decent range and power. Her jump is second worst, but is a moot point with her Wings that allow flight. Her strengths are also her flaws- she burns magic the most quickly due to her items. Her three unique items all use MP, in conjunction with her not being able to use the attack boots. Several Inn stays therefore are for magic replenishment in her stage.

As a result of Meyna’s weaknesses, Xemn might be my favorite. His jump is tied for the worst, but his attack is by far the best. It has decent range, and is tied for the strongest in the game. He also can push blocks with the Glove, and ride on them basically. Meyna pushes a block, but it flies back and forth across the screen a few times. Beyond that, his item usage is the second worst in the game. He can use the attack boots though, so that becomes useful.

Lyll is the daughter, and has as weak of an attack as Roas. Her attack range however is the best in the game. She also jumps the highest in the game. This is even further augmented with her Jump boots, and she can use attack boots. She can also break blocks with the Mallet, so she rounds out as a useful character. But without the attack boots, she would fall to nearly the worst in the game.

Lastly, we have Pochi, the family pet/monster. He ties Xemn with attack strength, and on the surface beyond that sucks bad. His attack range is the worst, his jump is the worst, and his item usage is the worst. He has no unique items, so items he can use everyone else can too. So why is the pet in the game at all? He is invulnerable to monsters! Well, except to a boss and falling. He can just walk right through (by) enemies. It makes him a great first play and early game option, as he can inform you on what character may belong in an area. And he collect some easy treasure in the general area. Plus the area meant for him is easier with him, although anyone can complete his area due to him not having any unique items. Enemies seem to hit the hardest, collision damage wise however, in his stage. So that is why he is still the best for his area.


The game also carries a significant challenge. With the finding out who goes where, and with what items, there is a feelings of slow progress of exploring the area dungeons. Even though I think I can complete the game in an about an hour to an hour and a half, it feels like it takes awhile to get through each character’s dungeon area. Especially Xemn and Meyna, as I would bet their stages actually are longer. There can be some backtracking. Worse though, the end stage bosses are sequentially harder. It seems like button mashing works for the speedrunners, and I guess that is how I did it when I was younger. But now I’m very careful with getting the Shield to block their magic projectiles, and even then taking collision damage from the bosses hurts more and more from the last two. The last boss, the dragon Keela, is the easiest when you figure out his pattern. And so it’s good Roas fights him!

And the music reprise is in that thread, top notch beginning to end, with a focus on melodies.

LotW is a game that at times could go higher on my list. While I know the game like the back of my hand, I miss not knowing things about it. But that is what holds the game up, in that first timers will have a heck of a game ahead of them. For me now, knowing the game well, as I said it takes me about an hour or so. And this is something I value with NES games as I age- I like plopping down, and ripping through games in an hour or two. I feel like I'm less likely to finish a NES game if it takes longer. Or at least, knowing a game well to beat in in an hour or two works well for a moderate length distraction for me.

***Konami, Arnold jumps through the jungle and fights aliens with his shirt off.***

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1121 on: October 12, 2017, 04:32:33 PM »
Sorry about the delay, I'm going to try to jam in a few more in the next handful of days.

15) Contra {1987}

Yeah, those cover characters are totally *not* inspired by Predator. Not at all.

LotW was a long entry, Contra will not be as long. And that’s not because it’s a worse game, although lower on my list. It’s because most of us know about this game. If not, some have probably heard about the Konami code- say it with me now!!!













Funny thing about the code, I only recall it working in this game and Gradius. Gradius III on SNES had a hilarious effect of the code.

So we all used the code growing up, especially two player. And it made the game much more accessible. Without it, the game elevates itself as moderate-hard to hard-very hard. Especially with two players, as the platforming requires coordination.

I like the one shot deaths, even though you have at least four lives to start. It makes the game slightly more real- then again, your guys are Arnold Schwarzenegger somersaulting 10 feet in the air with large guns. So there are four gun power-ups not including Rapid. I was in a debate with someone thinking Laser was better than Spread. Not sure what that was about, as spread was always more useful to me. It allowed more rapid button presses, where Laser you needed to wait. I guess Laser is like using a Rail Gun in an FPS, but Contra has a lot of action where hiding is not always an option.

Eight stages, bosses at then end of each. It has a futuristic theme, which was expanded and cemented more in the later games. So futuristic that you played a robots in the PAL/Europe release of the game, Probectector. Also, stages 2 & 4 are like this.

And that music. Stage 1 Jungle theme, in the earlier days of music video guitar covers, this was like the baseline test of your VG cover skills. It has been covered a lot like MM2 Dr.Wily1, but Jungle theme is more challenging. It still is an awesome track. Stage 2/4, 5,6 and 8 are equally as good to me. Stage 8 can be amazing in a metal context- there is an incredible midi on of it. I’ll bring up Vomitron’s coverage of the whole soundtrack. This was actually the guy’s first song covered, and made many rounds on the earlier 2000’s internet. As in the music thread, cover is NSFW

***Ride around in a Jeep with grenades and a gun, Konami again.***

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1122 on: October 12, 2017, 05:00:07 PM »

***Ride around in a Jeep with grenades and a gun, Konami again.***

The Adventures of Bayou Billy.  AKA black_floyd's Revenge

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1123 on: October 13, 2017, 04:23:31 AM »
Bayou Billy's music is cool as fuck.
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Offline OpenYourEyes311

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1124 on: October 13, 2017, 12:26:21 PM »
Lost me with Legacy (which I've just never played, but looks pretty cool), but got me back with Contra! Pretty sure that was an Honorable mention on my list.
I don't want MP playing with DT unless they were making a drummer change. If they let MM go and bring back MP, then fine, but no guest appearance please.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1125 on: October 15, 2017, 08:55:50 PM »

16) Jackal {1988}

The Konami block, implying there is another one after this!

Jackal is an almost underrated game, or at lest in my circle growing up it was. It’s an overhead action game, that can be a co-op game. Which is a big, awesome part of this game. It’s simultaneous, and there are no real deaths by poor coordination that occur in Contra. Researching a bit of history showed the game was in the arcades- I never saw it. But it would have been solid, especially with a joystick vs. the d-pad.

It’s a rather simple game, if not a bit weird in that you ride around in a Jeep that has a machine gun and explosives. Or probably someone firing these things.

Technically it goes off-road, but you don’t feel you are like in Super Off-Road. Or certainly not like modern off road games. But it’s the 8 bit/arcade era, so conceptually games are limited. Story wise, I don’t think there is really any, but I’m speaking from memory at the moment. This is the extent of the story;

You drive around in a vehicle that fires, and is clearly military based. What the enemy is exactly, and why is non-existent. That said, the enemy does have many of your comrades, and a chunk of the game is rescuing these comrades. It’s an easy task, and cute to see them entering your Jeep. And then dropping them off at the helipad.

You go through five or six stages, and the last one is a bear. I don’t think I beat this game yet actually, so it’s on my to-do list.

Continues are limited if I recall, and the only power-up is easy to lose (missiles instead of grenades). The missiles are also progressively powered up, were their explosion has directional sub-explosions that hit enemies. They are powered up by rescuing your comrades, specifically the flashing ones.

Sound; the music is good, just not as rememberable as many others. But it works for the game. The effects work well, and have no real annoying bleeps or bloops.

And that is pretty much it. Just a fun, well-controlled game without much more behind it. More so, the game is great with another player. The push and pull of a game like Contra, and others on my list made entry level co-op a chore. Where as this one is straight forward, and therefore has a good pick-up and go factor


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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1126 on: October 16, 2017, 05:15:27 AM »
Never heard of Jackal but it looks like it's a fun game. If I ever get around to putting together my raspberry pi emulator set up

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1127 on: October 16, 2017, 06:06:26 AM »
Never heard of Jackal but it looks like it's a fun game.

Ditto.  Would've been right up my alley back in the day
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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1128 on: October 16, 2017, 06:06:59 PM »
Bayou Billy's music is cool as fuck.

Yes it is. And this remix proves it.
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Offline OpenYourEyes311

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1129 on: October 24, 2017, 06:13:48 AM »
I don't want MP playing with DT unless they were making a drummer change. If they let MM go and bring back MP, then fine, but no guest appearance please.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2
« Reply #1130 on: October 25, 2017, 05:24:27 PM »
Got it OpenYourEyes!


17) Blades of Steel {1988}

The last of the Konami/Ultra block. And it just so happens that this game is connected to Jackal, and another game I mentioned in the Contra entry. There is an ad for Jackal after the 2nd period, which I cannot find a screen shot of. And this "demo" also goes down after the 2nd period for Gradius;

This is arguably the most accessible sports game on the system. Complete with voice acting?!

We get the second hockey game that I’m aware of officially on the system timeline wise. Or maybe the second and only other one that matters IMO (Ice Hockey the other). This game is a very arcade style type game. There is no season, the game clock moves fast, and there are not a lot of teams. There is no customization, which is something that Ice Hockey does allow. The controls are simpler than Ice Hockey as well. You shoot with one button, pass with the other. Your normal shot aim is not controlled by you, nor the power or type.

Again, things that Ice Hockey allows. The picture above shows an arrow, and that is where the puck goes. So you try to make sure the goalie is not over the arrow, and let it rip. It gets even simpler on defense- just run into the guy. Do that three times, and that’s all.

Or is it? This game is famous not so much for the hockey, but a sub-part of some hockey: fighting. Now I honestly don’t like physical fighting, so I don’t go nuts in hockey games with fights. Really in any sport. But the fighting in the game was fun! So on the third time you run into someone, you either knock them down and take the puck, or you get into a fight. I honestly don’t fully know what causes which one. In the fight, you can punch high or low, and block high or low. Each player has five hit points, and then a knockout. The funny thing is the loser gets the penalty! The winner gets the power play.

The shot control you do get is on a penalty shot. This is really a great part of the game, and I would love to go to a game end shootout with a opponent. You can shoot to 6 spots of the goal, with the goalie being allowed to block the same. So it is not a skate up and shoot, but rather a separate thing like a football/soccer penalty shot that is one on one. I almost wonder if the programmers knew how it works in hockey, as the game almost seems like a sensationalized version of hockey with the focus almost being on fighting.

Music occurs in the select menus, before the teams skate around, 2nd period intermission, and at game end. Otherwise, it is the voices. Which is kind of a unique thing on the NES. There are a handful of simple statements, with the most common “flips (or “gets”) the pass!” There also is the crowd noise, which think is real but really really distorted. Konami did this for Track and Field 2. Track and Field 2 is a much more robust game, so I almost wonder if the crowd noise is a sequenced “music” piece. Anyway, it is repetitive with “get/flips the pass,” but worked and was cool at the time.

A final thing to say here is playing two player. The game shines here, as matching up against someone else can be a lot of fun and hard. I don’t know if anyone plays defence in their area, as you have to be focused on moving your goalie. So what happens is a lot of shots occur on goal, because the AI doesn’t do a good job of getting defensive rebounds. This happens against the CPU, but may be more intense against an in-person opponent. And the skill level is higher, vs. a CPU.

***Bald Bull, King Hippo, Glass Joe.***
« Last Edit: October 26, 2017, 06:14:15 AM by Cable »

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1131 on: October 25, 2017, 06:14:40 PM »

18) Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!/Punch-Out!! {1987, 1990}

This game is amazing, and would be much higher. But it had some limitations, so it makes it lower on my list.

This game is the same as Punch-Out!!!, with Mike Tyson being a palate swap with Mr. Dream (White Tyson). They fight exactly the same.

I also was quietly pissed as a young one at many of people who made claims about this game. And still am to this day, although I’m verbal about it now. That claim was _______ was easier than Mike/White Tyson. No, __________ is not harder. The game is pretty sequential on difficulty of your opponents. Outside of Bald Bull 2 (short-hop bull charge) being subjectively easier than BB1,

and King Hippo is a joke.

But both have gimmicks that need to be figured out, and are easily harder than Glass Joe and Von Kaiser if you don’t know the gimmicks. The Great Tiger annihilated me until I was shown how to defend his special attack. As it turns out when I got older, I could TKO (three knock-downs in one round) him before the attack.

So Tyson is harder- he attempts to destroy you in the first 1:30 with one hit knockdown punches. Love the programming equivalent of how Tyson was known to destroy alleged easy matches quickly.

There was until recently was no way around this. I never saw someone doing the current technique growing up, or me myself. So we dodged all the punches for the in game 1:30. And it wasn’t just that- the game uses Random Number Generation (RNG) for his punch timing. You feel you have him in a routine, and boom a punch of his connects. The time after the 1:30 isn’t a walk in the park, as Tyson’s timing is still erratic throughout the fight. And he adds a cross/jab type punch as his main attack, a weaker uppercut, and a quicker jab that is unpredictable mostly. His timing is more erratic on a consistent basis more than any of the other fighters. Sandman and Macho Man have very clear times when they do their massive attacks, and those attacks have an exact rhythm. Other fighters such as Tiger have a rhythm on their big attacks also. So I will always hold Tyson up as the hardest, as he should be due to being at the end.

So on the note of “predicting” Tyson, this guy cracked it after all these years.

And these guys did it in a marathon race

With Sinister1, one of the racers saying it couldn’t be done two years earlier;

This was a big deal then when Jack Wedge figured it out. It is still not perfect, but it works.

Beyond that, the game is pretty basic. You have the between match screen (select, select, select!),

password screens,

and stuff noting a belt match. Some minor variations on that for a couple. The music is even more basic; intro screen, little ditty pre-round start, knock-down tunes for you or opponent knockdown, and the main theme. They are all good, just simple. This is a limitation. Two more ones are the stationary nature of the game; there is no moving around the ring. Just left or right, block, and a duck-dodge left or right move. The other big glaring hole in this game is there is no pause button! It helps with the intensity of the match, but you have to last the 3 “minutes” without pausing.

This game is also one of the few that makes me keep a CRT TV. I’m not saying it cannot be beaten on emulators, as it does daily probably. Especially with the type of hacks in the videos above. Or that emulators will not get better. But I have said in this forum in the past somewhere, and will continue to say it- there is a noticeable difference playing this game on original hardware and a CRT vs. on an emulated version and/or non CRT TV. I am unable to beat Tyson on anything but original hardware and a CRT. Give me both of those, and the game is over. The game was created for those, and until that is *exactly* replicated, it won’t work. Shoot, Duck Hunt is impossible to play without a CRT, for a different reason albeit. But emulators still have some ground to cover (see Sega Saturn, N64), and it’s not that I don’t respect the work. Especially because they are passion projects. There is a difference though, and I reckon a lot of speed runners in other games especially still run original hardware and CRTs. They attempt frame-perfect moves as they say, and it requires no lag or delay. So if not doing shortcuts in this game, it requires exact movements.

I will conclude with this, as I always found this funny.
***WARNING.*** Non-PC content, direct quote from Tyson;

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Sacul's alternate favorites list (starts pg30)
« Reply #1132 on: October 25, 2017, 06:22:12 PM »
Ahh Punch Out, the source of a massive amount of frustration. That was one of the few games that drove me nuts when I was young.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1133 on: October 29, 2017, 02:01:54 AM »

19) Dr Mario {1990}

I will not have a whole lot to say about this game. It is a straight-forward game, and came out after the Tetris craze. So even though it may be inspired in a way by Tetris IMO, it is a color puzzle with elements of fitting pieces on.

This game is as straightforward as Tetris, screen wise. You have your intro screen here.

And your option select menu.

The screens are a little more user friendly, or at least more colorful than Tetris. But it literally feels like there is the same amount of options; actually less, as there are two song tracks only. The nice thing here is they are not adapted pieces of music, at least discussing the licensed NES & Gameboy versions of Tetris. I always preferred Chill out of the two, and the composer here did the mighty Metroid if my memory serves me correctly.

So you have two parts of a pill, and you can drop the pill faster via Down, move it left or right, and flip it with A & B. And that is it. The colors are random, so often you will be stacking pills. This really creates the challenge of the game in the higher stages, as the margin for error is less and less until it is basically none. But it is a straightforward game.

With the options, you have clearly the speed of the pills dropping, and the stage you start on. A thing about the game is I’m pretty sure there is a built in timer. And as it counts up, the pills will eventually fall faster if you are on Low.

Lastly is the two player mode. I think Tetris on the NES has this at least, so nothing really different here. But fun, and I feel this lends to a better spectator option for the game, as it comes down to noticeable speed at times.

A large downfall for the NES version is the screen and presentation in game itself! It is quite small, and can be a strain on the eyes a bit IMO.

***A TMNT franchise ripoff, a Mecca of NES challenges.***

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1134 on: October 29, 2017, 02:33:56 AM »

20) Battletoads {1991}

An odd game for lots of reasons. It’s a great looking game, a ripped-off theme, a multiple game styles in one game, a quick brawler, a hilarious game at times, and a highly underrated soundtrack. But a controversial game in a way, because it is beyond hard to beat! It seems to be a TMNT ripoff, as I think there was a cartoon or something. This is actually a better game IMO than TMNT1, not that TMNT1 is a bad game.

A lot of my fondest memories for the game comes from the challenge. This game is a who's who for the challenge; someone I know was in a conversation about NES with their family member, and I came up and the person I know asked if I beat this. I said yes, and it was like a cool thing to this person’s family member.

That said, I knew of no one who beat this as a young one. And that just comes down I think to patience and intelligence, as this game doesn’t require raw physical skill or something. I think in the pantheon of officially licensed games that can be beaten, the difficulty is objectively in the top 5 of NES games. I would contend top 3, but I haven’t played some of the general consensus top 5 (Silver Surfer & Ghosts N Goblins) yet. Throw in a second player however, and this is the top 1 in co-op challenge, and I would contend top 1 period.  Especially if you have to play every stage, vs. warping. And there are still some hacks so to speak exploited when I watched two amazing players do a marathon co-op speedrun.
I reckon they could do the run without the minor exploits. The game itself is broken in co-op; stage 11 Clinger Wingers will only proceed with one player, despite having two wheels to ride. So play every single stage, co-op for all but stage 11, and no super easier game hacks = have fun!

So talking about the game itself, it really is combination of different types of games. Each stage brings a new style of play mostly. Stage 1 is straight up arcade brawling, but the signs of insanity being even in the stage. Stage 1 also has a one-off scene/boss fight- a first person from the perspective of the boss, and you throw rocks at it. Stage 2 is a down-auto scroller, pretty unique with hilarity with a friend. Stage 3 begins super fast auto scrolling on a bike, where most of us probably stopped playing this game.


I also must say that you can attack your co-op person, which is both funny and awful if actually trying to progress.

Stage 4 is ice, and kind of a platformer with many death spikes/pits.

Stage 5 surfing, stage 6 ride on snakes.

Stage 7 is kind an autoscroller on rockets, with copious amounts of obstacles, and may be the hardest co-op stage. I would always skip it. Stage 8 you go up, with precise platforming among other hijinks.

Stage 9 is a hybrid, I don’t even know where to begin to describe it! There is swimming involved though, controlling like SMB1 or 3 with no frog suit.

Stage 10, yeah screw this stage. You race downward against three different rats. The last one being ludicrous speed. I could beat it with the NES Advantage, and this is where one of the hacks come into play- you can bypass the fast rat. I could never do it, so I just raced the S.O.B. And it was my least consistent stage. Stage 11 is precise controller inputs, and that is it outside of the boss. Apparently this is considered one of the hardest, but I never really had an issue with it. I do need a CRT TV to do it though.

And stage 12, which is an upward precise platformer like stage 8. A unique twist I haven’t seen elsewhere on the system: you have to move your toad left or right to walk “around” the tower. This will allow you to access platforms and enemies. Your toad obviously doesn’t scroll, but it is a cool way to try to move around the tower without being able to.

What makes this game unique then is again the combination of different game styles. It really is a bad teasing game; the first two stages are great fun, especially with a friend. And then game shifts into this insanely hard game. The other games in the franchise shifted to the brawler only style. This being the other one that I played.

So I beat the game solo when I was an adult, age 24. It took about two or three months, playing it at least one hour a day. Probably many more hours daily, but the months duration should be close. It was a fun summer: I started dating my ex-wife. In fact, without her, this game would not have charted. Her brother had the game, he said he beat stage 3, stopped playing and then it was on for me to beat it.  :coolio :metal I rented the game as a young one, but stopped at the aforementioned point of stage 3. I recently heard someone speak of Turbo Tunnel (stage 3) not being *that* hard, and it really is not in the scope of the game. This game is a much about persistence than anything, but that is a chunk of the charm. I actually would argue that the game kind of gets progressively harder sequentially. Apparently stage 4 is hard, especially co-op. But I don’t consider it harder than later stages.

Looking back on how much I wrote, it shows the amount of memorization and commitment the game takes. Which in my 24th year, at the job I had, I was talking the breeze about games. This game came up, and two people said they beat it. Both of these guys were known as fibbers and story tellers, so it was an easy call-out on their false claims. One initially claimed they beat it long ago, but the game required so much time that one would remember general details *at least* of the stages. I haven’t beaten it since then (11 years ago), and I can still detail the stages. Considering they never brought up the game again, they knew they were outed.   :)

***A game in the LotW universe (Dragon Slayer). Save the Elves or something like that, in the world tree.***

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1135 on: October 29, 2017, 05:46:47 AM »
Blades of Steel got a lot of playtime around here with my friends that did have an NES.

Punch Out ... didn't quite have the same appeal as the arcade version, but great game none-the-less.
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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1136 on: October 29, 2017, 12:03:31 PM »
Oh god Dr. Mario, that is one of my most played NES games. I got severely addicted to that game.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1137 on: October 29, 2017, 12:12:15 PM »
Blades of Steel was great, and I also played the shit out of Dr Mario.

Never owned Punch Out - is that line about being a pussy for real? Never owned Battletoads either, or knew much about it till James Rolfe made his Battletoads videos.
"Nostalgia is just the ability to forget the things that sucked" - Nelson DeMille, 'Up Country'

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1138 on: October 29, 2017, 12:44:04 PM »
Blades of Steel was great, and I also played the shit out of Dr Mario.

Never owned Punch Out - is that line about being a pussy for real? Never owned Battletoads either, or knew much about it till James Rolfe made his Battletoads videos.

BoS and Dr are pretty simple, but just good clean fun where replays of them are cool!

No no about MT's Punchout  :). That quote was from a Tyson press conference with Lennox Lewis, and Tyson said those things towards a reporter or something. Was actually quite funny, and then tragic. There used to a better picture of this text swapped out, where it looked like the actual between round text. Cannot find it anymore though. Below is one of the things he says.


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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1139 on: October 30, 2017, 06:59:46 AM »
Dr Mario is awesome, great choice! Such a simple game but so enjoyable and addictive too.

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
I be am boner inducing.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1140 on: October 30, 2017, 10:14:40 AM »
I love dr mario! my grandpa bought a nes to keep at his house so when i would come over i'd have something to do. he wound up buying dr mario and getting hooked. so when i came over it was literally just me and him playing each other at dr mario. such great memories of my grandpa. i will always love this game!

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1141 on: October 30, 2017, 10:42:24 AM »
Love Blades of Steel and Dr. Mario. Both very fun. Punch Out is pretty good, but I was always terrible at it. And while Battletoads is always listed as a great game, and is fun at the start, I have a hard time thinking anything about it is great. It's literally an exercise in memorization after the first two levels. And it's one I never felt compelled to memorize.
I don't want MP playing with DT unless they were making a drummer change. If they let MM go and bring back MP, then fine, but no guest appearance please.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1142 on: November 02, 2017, 05:45:19 PM »
I won’t be able to post to my preferred level for the next few weeks (already have slipped). If someone wants to go ahead, my list can go on break.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1143 on: February 25, 2018, 06:04:25 AM »

I wanted to do a mini list starting next week if that's cool with you guys. I was thinking 5-10 games I'd like to add.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1144 on: February 25, 2018, 07:53:32 AM »
Do it....I totally forgot about this thread.
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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1145 on: March 04, 2018, 06:14:20 AM »
Alright I got a list together, I'll be making my first post tonight. I'll be updating from 1-2 days and it'll be short. I'll put the games in a general ranking but it won't be numbered, I moreorless want to share some fantastic games that I have gotten into since I made this list a while ago.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1146 on: March 04, 2018, 07:02:39 PM »
Ok here we go!

First game starts out with a classic:


This is an old game that I haven't thought of in a long time. It came back to me because I saw that it was in one of the Humble Bundles I picked up a while ago. I spent a ton of time playing this game when I was younger, I had dreams of being an amazing hacker and this games aesthetic really let you feel as if you were . You play as a hacker whose job it is to do jobs for different companies i.e. break into corp A's server, delete some files, delete any traces of you logging in, and log out all before you're caught. There is a story to this game and it can be a bit challenging as you're not told all the commands to navigate around the server consoles quickly but once you get over the curve the game can be a lot of fun. It's available for dirt cheap now and I think it might even be on some mobile platforms so if it seems interesting I definitely recommend giving it a shot.

There is also a newer game I played called HackNet, I haven't gotten far in it but it feels like a spiritual successor to Uplink, it's not made by the same devs but the game play feels very similiar.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1147 on: March 06, 2018, 05:09:51 AM »
Next up:

Prison Architect

Prison Architect:

This is one of the first Early Access games I bought (along with DayZ but that's another discussion) and I didn't really expect much at first. The game is simple: you are a warden of a prison and you have to build a prison to manage the incoming prisoners, and that's pretty much it. What makes the game a lot of fun is all the variables that you have to manage, you have to make min-max security sections, put prisoners to work, stop escapes, and above all be profitable. The game is surprisingly challenging and rewarding and completely worth the money. The game is complete and no longer in early access but is still being updated by the devs. If you were a fan of theme hospital from years ago check this game out!

Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1148 on: March 06, 2018, 11:56:57 AM »
^^^^ Awesome

I need to check that prison game out. It looks so cool.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1149 on: March 06, 2018, 07:49:12 PM »
It seems really simple at first but the next thing you know 8 hours have passed and you missed work :lol

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1150 on: March 08, 2018, 05:39:05 PM »
I didn't like uplink much, it did feel very archaic & overly punishing

Hacknet was good though

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1151 on: March 08, 2018, 07:18:38 PM »
Alright change of genre time:

Dirt Rally

Another Early Access game! I don't actually know what caused me to buy this game considering I never cared for the genre but I think this was during my time when the only requirement for me to buy a game was that it had to be on sale. This game really left an impression on me and often times when I don't have a lot of time to devote to playing something I'll do a few circuits on dirt. The tracks are great, the cars are modeled well with great damage models not to mention they have fully functional interiors and the controls are precise and are even more so with the Steam controller. Dirt Rally leans more towards the simulation side of racing games so it can be challenging however there are many assists that you can turn on if you really get stuck. If you like rally racing, or even a casual race fan pick this game up on the next Steam sale.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1152 on: March 11, 2018, 09:42:46 AM »
Up next is:

Metal Gear Solid

I can't believe I left this game off my first list, I don't know how I forgot about it. I did my first playthrough in 15 years just a month ago and it was just as fun now as it was back then. I completely forgot about the stealth mechanics of this game and I was pretty impressed to this day some of the scripted squences that were put in a game so long ago. That is not to say that this game isn't without it's flaws, mainly the the gunplay which is really tough, espically if your enemy is off screen, and the back tracking that you had to do in the later half of the game that seemed to be there only to extend the length of the game.

This is a true classic that I enjoyed playing again, I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, especially if your not really a fan of stealth shooters but if you have some free time and a little bit of patience check this game out.

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1153 on: March 11, 2018, 10:08:10 AM »
Nice, haven't finished Uplink because I fucked up in one of the basic missions and nobody wants to hire me  :lol

Got MGS on my pending list, looking forward to playing it soon  :metal

Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Top 25 Video Games Lists v2.0: Cable's NES Nostalgia 15 & 2 (starts pg32)
« Reply #1154 on: March 11, 2018, 10:24:01 AM »
Oh metal gear solid 1...

One of my favorite games ever made and It BLEW my mind back in 98. Look at the back of the cd case? Unplug the controller from port 1? I like castlevania?

Like not only is it a cool game, but it went above and beyond with its 4th wall breaking and I love that. There was never a metal gear game that I loved as much as this one.