Author Topic: SKYRIM!!!  (Read 270672 times)

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« Reply #1295 on: January 04, 2012, 06:19:54 PM »
The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

Offline Dimitrius

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« Reply #1296 on: January 04, 2012, 09:10:44 PM »

Is anyone else's "Discerning the Transmundane" quest glitched? In mine, I went to Septimus's outpost and delivered the blood to him, the door opened and he went inside. There was a book sitting on a stand. I tried to take it, but no matter how many times I press "E," it never lets me take the book.

Meanwhile, Septimus is just walking around by the book stand with the quest marker still over his head and when I try to talk to him, it says he is busy.

So I was like fuck this, I go and do a ton of other shit and come back and the chamber is sealed shut. Septimus is still inside the chamber with the book and the quest marker is in there also.

Kill Septimus, pick up the book.

EDIT: That was you were suppose to do, don't know what you can do now.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 09:34:13 PM by Dimitrius »
Joe and I in the same squad is basically the virtual equivalent of us plowing a rape van through an elementary school playground at recess.

Offline Aramatheis

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« Reply #1297 on: January 04, 2012, 09:28:14 PM »
weird, the transmundane quest worked perfectly fine for me

coincidentally, I completed that one today as well!

Online Podaar

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« Reply #1298 on: January 05, 2012, 01:16:47 PM »
"Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are God. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are God.” — Christopher Hitchens

Offline WindMaster

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« Reply #1299 on: January 05, 2012, 04:42:30 PM »

Is anyone else's "Discerning the Transmundane" quest glitched? In mine, I went to Septimus's outpost and delivered the blood to him, the door opened and he went inside. There was a book sitting on a stand. I tried to take it, but no matter how many times I press "E," it never lets me take the book.

Meanwhile, Septimus is just walking around by the book stand with the quest marker still over his head and when I try to talk to him, it says he is busy.

So I was like fuck this, I go and do a ton of other shit and come back and the chamber is sealed shut. Septimus is still inside the chamber with the book and the quest marker is in there also.

Kill Septimus, pick up the book.

EDIT: That was you were suppose to do, don't know what you can do now.

I found out on TES wiki that i can't complete the quest because there is no way to get the chamber open again.  :'(
I only listen to electro-post dubprog.  You've probably never heard of it.

Offline Genowyn

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« Reply #1300 on: January 05, 2012, 05:36:46 PM »
If you're on PC you can use the console to advance the quest stage and give yourself the reward. name is Araragi.

Offline dethklok09

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« Reply #1301 on: January 05, 2012, 07:27:16 PM »
so i just got this game for a birthday present, and holy fuck is it amazing  :hefdaddy

Offline ehra

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« Reply #1302 on: January 05, 2012, 09:13:05 PM »
I always enjoy reading about developers' experience while making games, and really enjoyed this post from one of the writers from Daggerfall and Morrowind about his experience working at Bethesda (he doesn't work there anymore, although he still posts on the forums every now and then). Fired I'd post it here for anyone else who's interested in this sort of thing.

I was 22 when I joined Bethesda Softworks. I was hired by Mark Jones after sending in a floppy (!) disk containing some images I had created using Deluxe Painter II (!), which I lied and said I created in Photoshop. Oh, right, and I sent the above via the post office (!), promptly after seeing that the company was hiring via a print magazine (!) known as Next Generation. 
At the time, I lived in Huntsville, Alabama, and had a few illustration pieces published in various pen-and-paper products for Chaosium Inc. and Atlas Games, after a set of circumstances that mainly involved being pimped by Brom to his contacts (which nets an earnest "!") he, too, grew up in Alabama, was kind and patient and shared a kindred love for The Pixies, and smiled fondly at my drawings from my Dark Sun home campaign, which unabashedly were loveletters to the contours of his lines, his love for bugs and dust, and his inability to render perspective. Okay, so the last wasn't a loveletter, it was a common hurdle, but whatever. Now you know why Morrowind was full of Giant Bugs.
And in the spirit of Modelo-swilled actual pitch for the aesthetic of Morrowind was "Mad Max crossed with The Dark Crystal crossed with Star Wars. Cuz everything should be crossed with Star Wars."
Fuck, I'm getting ahead of myself. Back up. 22 years-old, Mark calls, he's British, and I'm from Alabama so immediately that makes this a moment of Gravitas an' shit. I mean, British? That's all Grand Moff Tarkin an' stuff, right? I'm thinkin', "Holy Sequel to AIDS, this is awesome!" (See Star Wars, above.)
He liked my "Photoshop" images on the floppy and wanted to know if I would-- "YES!", which is what I said before I heard him actually ask, "Create some menus for our Terminator game's multiplayer add-on" which just garnered more dumbfuck yellin' of yes's until I was on a plane for an on-site interview and blah, pack the truck, drive to the state border, stop to piss on it with the hard gold stream of foolheaded post-collegiate-know-it-none, and boom: I'm pushing around a ramp of 256 colors (!) to the front end menu for SkyNET. And I meet the rest of That Earliest Gang (Todd Someone, John Pearson, Ted Someone, Julian LeFay, et al) with whisperings that some dummy named Ken Rolston might get hired and, being a Paranoia fan it was all  "Holy Sequel to AIDS, this is awesome!" 
TES: Daggerfall was, at the time, some Big Deal that was also going on that I knew nothing about, but it looked kinda dumb and generic fantasy and I absolutely had no idea what the hell it meant or how important it would be. (See foolheaded post-collegiate-know-it-none, above.) Also, because I found out it was based on someone's homebrew Dungeons Ampersand Dragons campaign, I was all surly, serial contrarian and full of embarrassment-fueled hypocrisy and "Boring and therefore wrong" was born in the worst and most egotistical of ways. (Surprise.)
I would come to know how important that game would be, though. One, everyone at the office was freakin' out because it was late (whatever that meant) and two, evidently, everyone that played the first TES (what first TES?) were gettin mad that it was late.
After really getting along with Todd on SkyNET (mainly because of the manual's backstory and then an artist quit and Todd asked if I wanted to learn 3DS Max and I yelled "SURE DO!" like a retard and then proceeded to want to know every little thing about what it takes to make narrative in games, especially in regard to 32x32 textures), and John Pearson (an artist that I told, "Naw, dude, I ain't never drawin' no dragons" because I wanted to be cool and I was cool but not cool enough to know that I wasn't being really cool), and then meeting this other dummy Kurt Kulhmann, who got hired on for the TES: Daggerfall "bonus missions" that were only available at, like, J.C. Penney's (no shit) and spying in him a love for Weird Fantasy (Clarke Ashton Smith, Gene Wolfe, Paul Park, the best of Moorcock, and...oh wait, let me take this time out to say FUCK YOU to China Meiville, you turgid, coat-tailing, self-indulgent avante-oh-my-good-God-gay dust-jacket-posing dick-sore)...well, then it all...
...what the fuck was I saying? (Modelo, 6-pack, 7 bucks, twenty-four minutes.)  Oh, right, so I'm saying to Kurt at our first off-site lunch, "Sometimes I feel like being a self-aware vacuum cleaner in the land of the robots illegally listening to jazz" and even though he didn't know what I meant and laughed politely I knew that he knew what I meant and that we'd do this dance until one of us were dead.
My first job on TES: Daggerfall (they needed emergency help) was to tweak all these real-world paintings they scanned in and, like, hide the fact that they weren't real-world paintings so, like, no one would get sued. So I, like, took whatever 64x128 scans they had, like The One That Movie With British Dude and Scarlett Jo-I-Can't-Spell-It-Son Was In... Portrait of Somethin' Girl, and turned the chick into, like, a lizard bitch because lizard people were in this dummy Elder Scrolls world along with cat people and all the other colors of Benetton and no one wanted to get sued and I didn't want to draw dragons and oh snap here's my opportunity to actually draw clothes on all these scanned-in Penthouse pictures (which I wasn't supposed to do; I was just supposed to not get us sued and "fantasy them up" which I think only wasn't funny and retarded to Julian) because, like, that part of it was embarrassing and just, like, reinforced the Dumb.
So I wasn't having anything to do with this dummy Elder Scrolls world. Until Kurt got promoted. And Ken got hired. And then Julian left and Todd frowned and went, hmm, "Hey Kurt and Michael, what was this pirate game you guys were talking about again?" 
Kurt and I were all, "It's set on a gas planet named like UR for Jupiter but it's way in the future so everyone's forgotten that name plus we both love ancient cultures so we can play with the Etruscans and the Medes and BABYLONIAN BULL-PEOPLE, and TOTALLY with air-whales for ships, right, and metal is so scarce that each cannonball has its own name and people eat bone-meal, right, because meat is totally, totally scarce and therefore cannibalism is totally normal and--" and he's all, "Wait, back up the train. That sounds weird. What if we set it in Tamriel?" 
And then Ken's all, "Hello, my butthurt children, do not fear or dismiss the generic fantasy, if you regard it as a canvas. Have you ever heard of Glorantha? You may yet find your Jupiter and its evidently-important gas."
I was 23 and trying to remember the name of the guy, of that Persian King, that made nice nice with the Jews and, like, let them take asylum or some other weird yet rad ancient world shit. And maybe, just maybe, if Tamriel was the United Colors of Benetton... I could make the pirate hero a black guy.
And that's why Obama got elected.
PS. Discuss amongst yourselves. I'll get back to this. Burp.

Offline Snow_Dog

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« Reply #1303 on: January 05, 2012, 11:14:40 PM »
So after leveling up my enchanting to 75, I don't really know what I want to do with it. My two-handed, heavy armor, one-handed, and sneak are all either 100 or pretty close to it. I already enchanted my war axes with Fire damage, but am unimpressed with that. Was thinking of putting Fortify Health on my armor but I can only seem to add 3 points to health with that, even though I spent 5 perk points in making new enchantments 100% better. What's the deal with that? Do I have to find a better Fortify Health enchantment or something?

Offline Genowyn

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« Reply #1304 on: January 05, 2012, 11:29:20 PM »
What kind of soul are you using for the enchantment? Did you take the Corpus Enchanter perk? name is Araragi.

Offline skydivingninja

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« Reply #1305 on: January 05, 2012, 11:31:02 PM »
So I started a Khajiit thief a while ago...and he's since become my main, pretty much.  Level 17, already a member of the dark brotherhood and thieves guild.  Specializing in sneak/pickpocket/lockpick/daggers/illusion.  Only killed three dragons so far (they just haven't been showing up!  If there's one thing i can't stand its a lack of dragons!)  and haven't even gone to High Hrothgar yet.  :-[  On the bright side I can steal fucking everything and fence it.  I now own a majority share of all Tamriel and having a blast. 

Offline Ryzee

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« Reply #1306 on: January 06, 2012, 10:10:21 AM »
My next guy is going to be a Khajiit thief for sure I think.  That was always my favorite type of character in Morrowind, but during my last Morrowind playthrough I was really enjoying a Breton war-wizard guy (or battlemage, spellsword, whatever- I think war wizard sounds coolest) so that's what I've been going with in Skyrim so far.  Been playing since the day after Christmas, my guy's like level 22 I think and focusing on heavy armor, one-handed, smithing, conjuration, descruction and restoration.

  My main combat routine has been summoning a flame atronach and a bound sword, and fucking shit up with some flames/firebolts thrown in and healing when necessary.  Been working out pret-tay, pret-tay good so far.  Dragons have mostly been no problem.  There was one blood dragon I was fighting at Ancient's Ascent or something like that, and we arrived at kind of a stalemate.  He couldn't really kill me because I kept healing, but I couldn't really put a dent in his health bar either.  But then there was another blood dragon who attacked Winterhold the other night who I killed no problem.  Maybe it was because I had the guards helping too, I don't know.  Whatevs.

Oh by the way- this game is awesome!!

Offline Genowyn

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« Reply #1307 on: January 06, 2012, 10:13:01 AM »
So I'm trying to install the Morroblivion mod into Oblivion, but it requires the Script Extender. Of course, I use the Direct2Drive version of Oblivion, so it's not compatible with the script I borrowed hard copies from my Dad, and am now on my second complete reinstall. I swear if I see that "File not found but a file with the same name was found" shit ONE MORE TIME

I will be really sad and go return the disc to my dad and probably buy the steam version or something because it's supposed to be compatible...

edit: yeah it didn't work  :sadpanda: name is Araragi.

Offline glaurung

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« Reply #1308 on: January 06, 2012, 12:25:44 PM »
Since this has kind of turned into the Elder Scrolls thread I'll just ask here. Playing Skyrim made me want to play Morrowind again so I downloaded it and am just starting out. Are there any good mods for the game I should know about?
Cole: "Ow I just got hit in the balls"
Me: "How?"
Cole: "Well you know when you try to scratch your balls, and you scratch too hard?
I'll admit sometimes I want to listen to Dragonforce.

Offline skydivingninja

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« Reply #1309 on: January 06, 2012, 12:28:26 PM »
Whelp, on my way to High Hrothgar now.  I'm level 18, and there's a frost troll in my way that I can't beat.  This wasn't here last time.  Either that or I'm too used to being able to one-shot everything as Hugar so I didn't remember it. :(

Offline Dimitrius

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« Reply #1310 on: January 06, 2012, 12:37:52 PM »
That Frost Troll is always there when you're going to High Hrothgar the first time. And it's a bitch!
Joe and I in the same squad is basically the virtual equivalent of us plowing a rape van through an elementary school playground at recess.

Offline Ryzee

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« Reply #1311 on: January 06, 2012, 12:43:15 PM »
Whelp, on my way to High Hrothgar now.  I'm level 18, and there's a frost troll in my way that I can't beat.  This wasn't here last time.  Either that or I'm too used to being able to one-shot everything as Hugar so I didn't remember it. :(

Kill it with fire my friend, kill it with fire.

Offline Genowyn

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« Reply #1312 on: January 06, 2012, 12:56:17 PM »
Since this has kind of turned into the Elder Scrolls thread I'll just ask here. Playing Skyrim made me want to play Morrowind again so I downloaded it and am just starting out. Are there any good mods for the game I should know about?

Complete graphical overhaul as well as fixes for many of the game's bugs. name is Araragi.

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« Reply #1313 on: January 06, 2012, 01:08:47 PM »
Since this has kind of turned into the Elder Scrolls thread I'll just ask here. Playing Skyrim made me want to play Morrowind again so I downloaded it and am just starting out. Are there any good mods for the game I should know about?

A more direct link to the one Geonwyn posted:

and some screens from my version of it:

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« Reply #1314 on: January 06, 2012, 01:11:05 PM »
Also when you're finally done installing, start a new game. Depending on how far you are that might suck, but you have to. Also, make sure to do EVERYTHING by the book according to those instructions. Install directx9 even if you think you have it, etc.

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« Reply #1315 on: January 06, 2012, 01:14:43 PM »
triple post time, what kind of PC do you have? you're gonna want to be careful when selecting graphical options if you don't have a gaming pc. I have a quad core with 8 GB ram and a 5770 and I pretty much maxed it all out, and I get around 30 FPS in most areas.

Offline glaurung

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« Reply #1316 on: January 06, 2012, 01:16:41 PM »
This is not a very good gaming PC.
Cole: "Ow I just got hit in the balls"
Me: "How?"
Cole: "Well you know when you try to scratch your balls, and you scratch too hard?
I'll admit sometimes I want to listen to Dragonforce.

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« Reply #1317 on: January 06, 2012, 01:21:59 PM »
specifics, if you know them?

Offline The King in Crimson

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« Reply #1318 on: January 06, 2012, 09:20:30 PM »
Holy hell, those Morrowind/Oblivion shots look awesome!

*runs off to reinstall Morrowind*

Offline skydivingninja

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« Reply #1319 on: January 06, 2012, 10:18:44 PM »
A dragon ambushed me and then two trolls ambushed me at the same time.  After I cried for an hour I made it out on top.  WOO!

Offline ehra

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« Reply #1320 on: January 06, 2012, 10:40:17 PM »
I just realized that I've had Rockjaw for the past 9 hours or so played. And I was still killing stuff super fast.  :lol

Offline WindMaster

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« Reply #1321 on: January 07, 2012, 10:34:00 AM »
Can morrowind be installed on Windows 7?
I only listen to electro-post dubprog.  You've probably never heard of it.

Offline Genowyn

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« Reply #1322 on: January 07, 2012, 10:40:50 AM »
Yep. name is Araragi.

Offline The King in Crimson

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« Reply #1323 on: January 07, 2012, 01:31:49 PM »
I'm still downloading, but are the environments the only thing that have been updated? What about the character models?

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« Reply #1324 on: January 07, 2012, 04:16:00 PM »
Sorry to rewind the thread, but I'm having major issues killing the very first Frost Troll on High Hrothgir afdsfdshjfhdskjsghfkdjg >:(

Any helpful hints would be GREATLY appreciated (besides the fact that I need to use fire).

Offline Dimitrius

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« Reply #1325 on: January 07, 2012, 04:25:21 PM »
A buddy of mine did this: he ran all the way to High Hrothgar and entered it, the Frost Troll entered behind him and got destroyed by the Greybeards.
Joe and I in the same squad is basically the virtual equivalent of us plowing a rape van through an elementary school playground at recess.

Offline ehra

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« Reply #1326 on: January 07, 2012, 04:42:36 PM »
I'm still downloading, but are the environments the only thing that have been updated? What about the character models?

They got rid of the balloon faces and clothes look a lot better.

Animations are super nice now, too.

Offline ZBomber

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« Reply #1327 on: January 07, 2012, 04:49:38 PM »
Sorry to rewind the thread, but I'm having major issues killing the very first Frost Troll on High Hrothgir afdsfdshjfhdskjsghfkdjg >:(

Any helpful hints would be GREATLY appreciated (besides the fact that I need to use fire).

Send your follower to go attack first, and then attack it from afar. Trolls are pretty slow, so if you can keep your distance and cast spells you should be fine

Offline glaurung

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« Reply #1328 on: January 07, 2012, 04:52:27 PM »
Am I the only one who really didn't have much of a problem with trolls?
Cole: "Ow I just got hit in the balls"
Me: "How?"
Cole: "Well you know when you try to scratch your balls, and you scratch too hard?
I'll admit sometimes I want to listen to Dragonforce.

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« Reply #1329 on: January 07, 2012, 05:05:55 PM »
I went up to High Hrothgir around level 9 with basic steal armor and 2 orcish axes. Took me a few loads, but I was able to eventually wear the frost troll down. They (and most other things I've fought so far) usually won't be able to hit you while you're running backwards, so keep that in mind if you ever need to back up and give yourself time to heal.

Would have been a lot easier if I hadn't used Battlecry earlier that day, but oh well.