Author Topic: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice  (Read 2081 times)

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Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« on: January 15, 2010, 05:06:25 PM »
First, the boring backstory, which is necessary to understand how I got into this stupid situation, and hopefully cut down on the questions, resulting in a higher advice-to-question ratio:

My wife found a Prophet 5 on Ebay a while back, and surprised me with it as a gift.  I played one back in the 80's (yeah I'm old), and she was very happy about getting it for me, but I didn't have a regular gig at the time, so it's basically a very expensive toy.  But I get together with my buddies in Michigan a few times a year to jam, and there's the battle of the bands at the end of the summer, so I have a new toy to take with me.  It is fully refurbished and sounds sweet, by the way.

My buddy's wife plays some keys, and they have two Yamaha keyboards, an 88 and a 54.  They have two single stands which they set up sortuv overlapping each other, 54 on top, 88 below, which looks silly but works.  I have full use of her keys when I'm playing with them.  So I picked up one of these:

I take it and the Prophet with me when I go.  I put the two Yamahas on it, and put the Prophet on one of the single stands to the right.  I was trying to plan ahead for the day when I got my own 88, I could put the Prophet on top, and I'd have a pretty sweet rig.  Last fall, that day arrived when I was asked to join a local church band and play keys once a month.  Since Christian Rock doesn't call for 80's analog synths, I got a deal on a nice Yamaha 88 and I just set up the stand without the second tier.  Been doing that for a few months now.

Now, the issue.  My band leader has been dying to see/hear the Prophet.  He says we'll figure out a way to make it work, it's just too cool of a keyboard to not use.  Also, I kinda want to do it anyway.  But it turns out that the upper tier of the stand is only rated for 50 pounds, and the Prophet weighs 60.  It's a beast.  It would probably be okay for a while, then I'd get used to banging on it, eventually the top tier would break, and the Prophet would crash down, destroying the stand and both keyboards in the process.  No thanks.  So the choices would seem to be:

1 - Set the Prophet on the lower tier and the Yamaha on top.  Pros: It would work.  The Yamaha only weighs 23 pounds.  Cons: I'm not sure how stupid it would look having the longer keyboard on top.  Also, I would still play the Yamaha a lot more, which means my arms would be reaching up most of the time.  The main keyboard really should be on the lower tier.

2 - Get a new, stronger, 2-tier stand, and put the Prophet on top where it belongs.  Pros:  It would look better, and also be better functionally.  Cons:  Stands like that are expensive, plus I would basically have wasted the money on the original stand.

3 - Get a new single stand and set things up in an L, the Yamaha facing forward and Prophet to the right.  Pros:  Single stands are relatively cheap, and I have no problem playing with the keys in an L.  Cons:  Possibly looking stupid (does anyone set two single keyboards in an L?) and potential space constraints on stage, though I don't think that will be a problem.  The stage area is pretty big.  Still, I'd have wasted some money on the original stand, having paid for a double-tier and not using the second tier, and that bugs me.

I'm curious as to what others think of all this before I spend any more money.  Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2010, 05:23:44 PM »
I would think that playing with the Yamaha on the top tier would really be hell on your arms, and I really see no problem with setting them up in an L. Neal Morse has that setup on the Transatlantic Live in Europe DVD, and I it looked just fine.
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Offline Volk9

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2010, 07:09:15 PM »
I vote option 3

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2010, 03:29:14 PM »
Definitely go with the L, it looks badass in my opinion  :metal

Offline Orbert

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2010, 08:59:55 PM »
The plot thickens.  It turns out that they have an extra stand there, and it's a double of the heavy duty variety.  This place is actually kinda loaded; they have an Alesis there too that I could use if I wanted, but I couldn't figure out how to work the damned thing and that's why I picked up the Yamaha.  So anyway, I'm actually covered, except now I was kinda getting into the idea of going with the L setup. 

If there's a way to set up the double stand they have using just one tier, I can use that and my current stand, and set things up in an L anyway.  Otherwise I'll stack them.  I'd really rather not put any more money into this if I can help it, though I guess I will eventually have to.  I still need to pick up an amp as it is.

I forgot how expensive it is to play in a band.  We don't get paid for this; it's all volunteer and everyone else already has gear.  In fact, the violinist, drummer, and guitarist play in a band together.  I'm actually laying out cash just to have the gear to play in a band I don't get paid for, just because I love playing so much.  But it ain't cheap.

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2010, 10:07:57 PM »
I forgot how expensive it is to play in a band.  We don't get paid for this; it's all volunteer and everyone else already has gear.  In fact, the violinist, drummer, and guitarist play in a band together.  I'm actually laying out cash just to have the gear to play in a band I don't get paid for, just because I love playing so much.  But it ain't cheap.

Being in your forties I assume you may have a packed schedule-kids, career, etc.-so I wouldn't imagine you'd have time to supplement your income with ventures like tutoring, forming a band of your own for paying gigs at small local spots, or performing by yourself at weddings, restaurants, hotels, etc. on a casual freelance basis. If you do then I don't see any reason to not pursue these outlets of untapped income.
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Offline Orbert

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2010, 12:41:27 AM »
I've got a good friend back home who gigs on weekends, and I would say something like "I don't know how he does it" except I do know.  He just does.  He works all week, then usually on Friday and Saturday night, he's playing til 2:00 in the morning.  I'm busy as hell during the week, and weekends are for sleeping and actually spending time with my wife and kids.  He's married and has kids, too, but does it anyway.  I know it wouldn't work for me.  I'm dead tired by Friday and sleep in till 10 or 11 Saturday morning as it is.  If I had a regular band, I guess I could make it work, 'cause it's different if you're getting paid.

I used to tutor one night a week.  I hung posters up at the grocery stores and stuff, and only got a few calls, and only one of them panned out.  I charged her $30 a week for an hour session.  It seemed fair.  I never did pick up any more students.

It's not so bad.  We just refinanced the house, so payments will be around $500 a month less than before.  This will free up some cash so I can pick up an amp.  Everybody needs a hobby, and in the big picture, I haven't actually spent that much on mine, less than a grand so far, and by time I get the amp and possibly the new stand, I'm done for a while.  Also, should an actual paying gig come my way, I'm set for that, too.

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 04:50:05 AM »
It's not so bad.  We just refinanced the house, so payments will be around $500 a month less than before.  This will free up some cash so I can pick up an amp.  Everybody needs a hobby, and in the big picture, I haven't actually spent that much on mine, less than a grand so far, and by time I get the amp and possibly the new stand, I'm done for a while.  Also, should an actual paying gig come my way, I'm set for that, too.

How long have you been playing for? Reason I ask is that >$1000 sounds like you've gotten some amazing deals over the years or have gotten very lucky to not have to replace gear or get repairs, etc. Also I'm glad to see that you're not writing off the possibility of gigging just because you're a family man. Keep the dream alive and you'll be all the happier for it.
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Offline Orbert

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2010, 09:21:35 AM »
I played regular in a band back in the 80's, but most of the gear belonged to "the band".  Actually the guy who started the band and put up a bunch of money, and the sound man's mom who got conned into putting up a bunch of money.  When we broke up, I got the Yamaha piano I'd been playing for 2 years, and the band leader took the Prophet.  Then I went back to school, got all "serious" about life, got married, etc.

My wife found me a Propet-5 on eBay and gave it to me as a present two years ago, so I don't count the cost of that (partly because I don't know what it is).  The church gig at my home church was "free" since they have a keyboard, but then I got this other church gig and needed a keyboard but they run everything through the board and have other equipement too.

So all I have into it so far is $600 for the Yahama and $150 for the stand.  I figure I can pick up a decent mixer/amp for $500 or less, and if I decide to go with another stand, I may trade in the other one, or just go with both and the L-shape arrangement (leaving the upper tier for a third keyboard, or MIDI rig/laptop) but either way that's only another $200 tops.

Back in my starving-artist days, this would've been insane.  We played gigs for $500 and split that five ways after gas for the bus and paying for the hotel room.  Now that I'm a grown-up (ha!) it's not so bad.  Funny how that works.

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2010, 02:14:48 PM »
For some reason I thought of this thread the other day, and felt that people deserved an update.  Or maybe I just wanted to show off my keyboards; I'm not sure.

The Prophet-5 weighs 34 pounds.  It turns out that the figure of 60 pounds is the shipping weight, not actual weight, so I'm stacking them.  This is what it looks like on stage.  I get to do this once at month (apologies for the cameraphone quality).

The deciding factor turned out not to be money after all, but utility.  The one thing I hadn't thought about is that there are times when I need my right hand on the Yamaha, and times when I need my right hand on the Prophet, and in either case I need my left hand on the other keyboard.  Obviously, the only way to facilitate this is to stack them, so that's what I did.

Offline Volk9

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2010, 02:15:43 PM »
Looks awesome :tup

(For fans of breakbeat, trip hop, acid jazz, etc)

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Offline Sigz

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2010, 02:30:43 PM »
Bad. Ass. :metal
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Offline Orbert

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Re: Keyboards players (and others I guess), I need advice
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2010, 04:32:57 PM »
Thanks.  I was practicing in the basement, and my 12-year-old daughter came down so I asked her what she thought.  "They're pretty!" she said.


She said "I like how the one has the nice wood, and the other one is all shiny.  Your keyboards are pretty."

So there you go.  I have pretty keyboards.  Also bad ass and awesome, but pretty.