Author Topic: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread  (Read 193407 times)

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Offline erciccio

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1155 on: March 04, 2019, 12:59:03 PM »
After serveral days, I would go with this one

1. At Wit's End/ Pale Blue Dot/ Paralyzed
4. Barstool Warrior
5. S2N/ Fall Into the Light
7. Untethered Angel
8. Vipre King
9. Out of Reach/ Room 137
Ora che ho perso la vista,ci vedo di più

Offline Aitania

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1156 on: March 04, 2019, 01:10:41 PM »
So, this album has basically renewed my love for Dream Theater! I didn't fall out of love or anything like that but I was distracted with other things in general and wasn't really actively listening to DT the last couple of months. Well, until now that is.
I'm really loving the whole album! I'd say my favorite tracks are AWE, S2N, UA (I tend to really enjoy their singles) and I think Viper King, it's such a fun song!
Also, hats off to JLB for writing about such a difficult topic in AWE and pulling it off with so much grace.
Anyway, I think in two days I'll know about the Swiss album chart placement and I'm quite excited! They were at Nr. 2 for the iTunes chart on release day and as of today they're still at Nr. 22, so I feel like the interest is surely there. I can never really figure out the Swiss music market, though, so we'll see!  ;D

Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1157 on: March 04, 2019, 01:23:37 PM »
After quite some listenings, here's what I've come to think of the album...

The good

Such a lot of stuff. The very inception of the record. Their desire to go away for a while and work as a family, with everyone having their say. A teamwork even in the lyrics, which are all various degrees of good with no corny moments. The production. ALL the songs, because all the songs are great and there is no stinker. The fact that everything was kept concise and to the point, making this an album very easy to listen to, and not "easy" because they're all commercial short songs. And of course the many brilliant moments (Fall Into the Light's melodic solo, the melodies of Barstool Warrior, basically all of At Wit's End...) discussed at lenght in these pages. Basically this is the album I more or less imagined they would do, and it's what they gave the idea they could do by their description of it. A modern, current Dream Theater album with a lot of both heavy and melodic moments and no cringeworthy moments.

The bad

Basically nothing. There's nothing on this album that is bad, mediocre or very sub par.

The "It's not that I don't like it, I do, really, but...

Oh boy, here comes the minor nitpicking that will get me lynched  :lol I like all the songs to the point that I can't even pick a clear favorite, nor a lesser one, but.... there are little details here and there throughout the songs that made me feel that with just some minor improvements they could have been so much better.

Stating the obvious, this is how I experienced the songs, it's not that I know better than DT about writing a song of course.... but here are the, albeit VERY MINOR DETAILS, things that I wish could have changed a bit:

- As I said before (I promise it's the last time  :lol), the choruses. Never with a DT album I had thought so many times (or probably I never thought it at all period) "where are the choruses?". Took me quite some time to accept that what felt a bridge at best were the actual choruses in Fall into the Light, Room 137 and Barstool Warrior. Out of the three, the latter probably has the best choruses, but at the first listenings it totally felt like a bridge and there was no climax like it happens for example in Bridges in the Sky, when after two times of "Sun, come shine my way" it explodes in the grandiose "And at last the time has come".

- Even when there are choruses, they seem to cut down on the momentum. Unthetered Angel is fine, but when in the final chorus the end of it is near, with that little pause after "Don't be afraid of letting go......" seemed a good moment to repeat it twice, and only after the second time finishing with "open your heart, be set free". Uh well, no biggie.

But take Paralyzed for example, it goes, capitalizing for emphasis, "A HEART THAT FEELS NO PAIN, ADDICTED TO THE GAME", you're in the moment, and then "BREAKING BENEATH the strain... I am paralyzed". It winds down too soon. Yes, I get that it gets repeated a lot at the end which is the climax of the song, but during the piece it feels to short.

Same for At Wit's End, best chorus of the album, but then again, "DON'T LEAVE ME NOW, DON'T LEAVE ME NOW, I KNOW THAT IT'S TEARING YOU APART", hell yeah, wonderful, then "DON'T LEAVE ME NOW, DON'T LEAVE ME NOW, come undone". Already? again, not every song has to be the same but.... it winds down just when I was so pumped up.

- Solo sections: they're all concise and to the point, and even when they really go for it, like the end of Fall into the Light and S2N, they keep it to the point rather than going off the rails for three minutes. But, at the same time, they just... start and end, there's no sense of bringing it to a conclusion. I'm there listening to S2N and Pale Blue Dot and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, "oh here comes back the chorus". I've always complained of the long solo sections of previous albums, like for example The Ministry of Lost Souls, but at least the end of that "wankfest" has that big dramatic unison piece that leads back into the initial riff, you know it's climaxing. This doesn't happen on this record.

- Pale Blue Dot... I like the song. But I almost spoiled it for myself having enormous expectations given how much I love the subject matter, which I think is so wonderful and intelligent that it should have been reserved for Illumination Theory, whose music would serve the Pale Blue Dot speech much better than a generic menancing and eerie song. If I forget the song is named Pale Blue Dot, I have no complaints.


So, as I said: the point is not that DT did some things wrong and that I know better. Of course not. But as little as these nitpickings are, they "annoy" me because I like everything about the album, from the approach to the actual songs, and to feel that, for my own and solely personal tastes obviously, they've come THIS CLOSE to create songs that I would call perfect falling short of these minor details it just irks me a bit. Like, to make a silly example, "yes, I like this car, it's everything I wanted it to be, it's not that you got me a totally different car, but.... couldn't the color be just a tiny bit darker and couldn't the interiors be just a tiny little bit more comfortable for my butt and couldn't the placement of the steering wheel have been not different, just one little cm nearer to me?"

I mean, I am so close to love the album to death, but I "just" like it a lot. And I fear in the long run it won't have much longevity for me. But for now I spin it as much as I can 'cause it grows stronger with every listening. Perphaps in a month or two I'll come back here to eat my own words, but for now I'm just this short of really, truly, madly loving the album that it's a pity.

Glad at least that the vast majority of the fanbase embraces it even more than me, this sense of global excitement is great, expecially after not everyone shared my complete enthusiasm and adoration for The Astonishing.
I use my sig to pimp some bands from Italy! Check out Elvenking (Power / Folk metal), Folkstone (Rock / Medieval metal), Arcana Opera (Gothic/Noir/Heavy metal) and the beautiful voice of Elisa!

Offline lovethedrake

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1158 on: March 04, 2019, 01:49:17 PM »
There are definitely things on this album that keep it from truly being a "GREAT" record IMO but seriously, it's the bands 14th album now, James is 55 years old, and the band is already incredibly established as legends and has literally nothing to prove.

Considering all of that... I think this is a pretty fantastic effort. 

I think its a return to a writing style that most of us have been pining for since TOT came out and for that I am truly excited about the future of DT.   

Offline ThatOneGuy2112

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1159 on: March 04, 2019, 02:13:36 PM »
Since everyone be ranking stuff:

1. At Wit's End
2. Barstool Warrior
3. Pale Blue Dot
4. Fall Into the Light
5. S2N
6. Untethered Angel
7. Out of Reach
8. Paralyzed
9. Room 137

1 - 4 are pretty good to me and stand as great DT tracks all around, with maybe a few nitpicky gripes I have with them here and there. 5 - 7 are ok but don't really stand out to me much and are just kinda "there" to me. Not much that would keep me coming back but are fine enough in the album's context. 8 and 9 I honestly don't like much at all, with some really questionable song writing decisions throughout on both songs.

Offline smegolas

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1160 on: March 04, 2019, 02:50:59 PM »
I think most people agree that the "room mic" jam section at the end of Wits End is awesome.  I suspect they thought it sounded so good they decided to tack it on.  I love it too.

That said, I find the long fade out...big pause...fade back in to be awkward.  What I think would have worked better is if they started the fade out at the same time they started the fade in, so the studio recording just faded right into room mic bit, and then the song ended.  I think that would have sounded much better.

Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1161 on: March 04, 2019, 03:06:09 PM »
That said, I find the long fade out...big pause...fade back in to be awkward.  What I think would have worked better is if they started the fade out at the same time they started the fade in, so the studio recording just faded right into room mic bit, and then the song ended.  I think that would have sounded much better.

Oh, I agree on this and I thought it myself too. Well, the complete pause helps for an easy editing job for those with even rudimentary sound editing skills.
I use my sig to pimp some bands from Italy! Check out Elvenking (Power / Folk metal), Folkstone (Rock / Medieval metal), Arcana Opera (Gothic/Noir/Heavy metal) and the beautiful voice of Elisa!

Offline MasterLomaxus

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1162 on: March 04, 2019, 03:47:15 PM »
I have to say, this album has grown on me even more. I'd put it up there with some of my favorites, but likely just below them. Probably a top 5 album for me at this point. Of course, this could just be the newness of it that's hitting me.

Offline robwebster

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1163 on: March 04, 2019, 05:23:17 PM »
Here's where I am:

Killer: Room 137, S2N

These weren't the ones that stood out on first listen, but they're the ones I keep coming back to. Just keep rising for me.

Great: Untethered Angel, At Wit's End, Pale Blue Dot, Viper King

At Wit's End has dropped a little bit - I thought it was the standout track the first time I listened (and, honestly, one of only two worth writing home about) and while I still love it, I'm not craving it. Opposite is true of everything else. PBD is a great song in the wrong place. Pompous chaos, but not a good closer. Viper King is a stronger note to end on!

Good: Paralyzed, Barstool Warrior

BW was an early favourite, but doesn't offer much that I don't get from other DT songs (The Bigger Picture among them). Paralyzed is a perfectly decent single, no more or less.

So-so: Fall into the Light, Out of Reach

Wanted to love them, don't quite. But there's still time! It happened for Pale Blue Dot.

Offline Dream Team

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1164 on: March 04, 2019, 06:42:21 PM »
I think I would like Viper King more if JP had played it with a normal 6-string in standard tuning. Or am I incorrect in assuming he didn’t?

Offline Ninjabait

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1165 on: March 04, 2019, 07:42:18 PM »
afaik he plays a 7-string on Viper King

Offline Thoughtspart3

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1166 on: March 04, 2019, 07:59:51 PM »
So far my favorite part is the slow section in Fall into the Light.  I love the melody and the slow build to the power cords.  Very epic.  I know some of the other some are better overall but I just get pumped with that section.

Offline Architeuthis

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1167 on: March 04, 2019, 10:27:56 PM »
So far my favorite part is the slow section in Fall into the Light.  I love the melody and the slow build to the power cords.  Very epic.  I know some of the other some are better overall but I just get pumped with that section.
Oh so much this!  Very powerful moment on the record, goosebump material..
You can do a lot in a lifetime if you don't burn out too fast, you can make the most of the distance, first you need endurance first you've got to last....... NP

Offline 1neeto

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1168 on: March 05, 2019, 12:36:07 AM »
So far my favorite part is the slow section in Fall into the Light.  I love the melody and the slow build to the power cords.  Very epic.  I know some of the other some are better overall but I just get pumped with that section.

I remember feeling “meh” when Unthetered Angel dropped. But when FITL dropped I was just in awe, from that retro pentatonic riff that reminded me a bit of the 80’s, and that absolutely killer tone with that thrash-esque riff in standard tuning, with JM’s bass kicking in and then with Mangini double kicking to the riff. Then that slow section which culminates with a very ride the lightning guitar tone moment. I knew right then this album was going to be good.

So here’s my ranking:

1. Fall Into the Light
2. At Wit’s End
3. S2N
4. Pale Blue Dot
5. Room 137
6. Paralyzed
7. Barstool Warrior
8. Out Of Reach
9. Viper King
10. Unthetered Angel

The top 3 can easily change tomorrow though.

Offline aurorablind

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1169 on: March 05, 2019, 12:55:14 AM »
My ranking:

Pale Blue Dot
At Wit's End
Barstool Warrior
Room 137
Viper King
Fall Into The Light
Out Of Reach
Untethered Angel

What I really like about this album is the overall energy of the songs. You can clearly hear that this was a fun album for them to make. For me, it feels like the most inspired record they have done in a while. I hope they continue writing albums collectively in the future.
This is defenitely Mangini's strongest album IMO. S2N, At Wit's End and Pale Blue Dot has some insane, yet tasty drumming!
The production is fine overall, but the mix/mastering feels a bit to loud at parts. One example is in S2N when James sings "Have you heard the news". The clipping of the vocal-track really throws me off.
There is so many great parts and ideas on this record, but sometimes I feel the arrangements could have been better. Pale Blue Dot and Barstool Warrior has some sections that I wish they could have worked on a bit more to get the transitions smoother.

Controversial opinion:
I love James, but he feel very forced in the upper regions of his register on this album. I don't think he delivers a bad performance, but this is probably the album with the weakest vocal-performance from him IMO.

I probably sound a bit critical, but I think it's a really strong album. Probably their best since Octavarium (I love that album).

Offline 1neeto

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1170 on: March 05, 2019, 01:06:33 AM »
My ranking:

Pale Blue Dot
At Wit's End
Barstool Warrior
Room 137
Viper King
Fall Into The Light
Out Of Reach
Untethered Angel

What I really like about this album is the overall energy of the songs. You can clearly hear that this was a fun album for them to make. For me, it feels like the most inspired record they have done in a while. I hope they continue writing albums collectively in the future.
This is defenitely Mangini's strongest album IMO. S2N, At Wit's End and Pale Blue Dot has some insane, yet tasty drumming!
The production is fine overall, but the mix/mastering feels a bit to loud at parts. One example is in S2N when James sings "Have you heard the news". The clipping of the vocal-track really throws me off.
There is so many great parts and ideas on this record, but sometimes I feel the arrangements could have been better. Pale Blue Dot and Barstool Warrior has some sections that I wish they could have worked on a bit more to get the transitions smoother.

Controversial opinion:
I love James, but he feel very forced in the upper regions of his register on this album. I don't think he delivers a bad performance, but this is probably the album with the weakest vocal-performance from him IMO.

I probably sound a bit critical, but I think it's a really strong album. Probably their best since Octavarium (I love that album).

I could not disagree more about JlB performance. Now I have been very critical of him over the years. I believe that’s why I’m being “watched”, I’m sure it was some harsh comment about him some years ago. He sounds more natural in this album than any other album since as far back as 6DOIT.

Offline lovethedrake

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1171 on: March 05, 2019, 01:52:58 AM »
My ranking:

Pale Blue Dot
At Wit's End
Barstool Warrior
Room 137
Viper King
Fall Into The Light
Out Of Reach
Untethered Angel

What I really like about this album is the overall energy of the songs. You can clearly hear that this was a fun album for them to make. For me, it feels like the most inspired record they have done in a while. I hope they continue writing albums collectively in the future.
This is defenitely Mangini's strongest album IMO. S2N, At Wit's End and Pale Blue Dot has some insane, yet tasty drumming!
The production is fine overall, but the mix/mastering feels a bit to loud at parts. One example is in S2N when James sings "Have you heard the news". The clipping of the vocal-track really throws me off.
There is so many great parts and ideas on this record, but sometimes I feel the arrangements could have been better. Pale Blue Dot and Barstool Warrior has some sections that I wish they could have worked on a bit more to get the transitions smoother.

Controversial opinion:
I love James, but he feel very forced in the upper regions of his register on this album. I don't think he delivers a bad performance, but this is probably the album with the weakest vocal-performance from him IMO.

I probably sound a bit critical, but I think it's a really strong album. Probably their best since Octavarium (I love that album).

I could not disagree more about JlB performance. Now I have been very critical of him over the years. I believe that’s why I’m being “watched”, I’m sure it was some harsh comment about him some years ago. He sounds more natural in this album than any other album since as far back as 6DOIT.

I second this... James is excellent on this album!   I mentioned in another thread that he finally sounds “unleashed”.    I love the over the top vocal style of James... it’s honestly what made  me fall in love with dream theater as a kid before I realized how much of an unpenatrable force jp is.   Completely agree that this is the most natural sounding album from James since 6doit!   

Offline CirclesSquared

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1172 on: March 05, 2019, 03:37:52 AM »
So D/T landed at #24 on Billboard 200. Not the performance that I was expecting, seeing as previous albums reached higher places. Though I can't remember if they debuted on these positions or they climbed to peak there.

Offline abydos

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1173 on: March 05, 2019, 03:46:58 AM »
Barstool Warrior is such a drag. It's under 7 minutes and it feels like 14. So far not much has changed in my initial ranking, Paralyzed and At Wit's End keep growing on me and remain at 1 and 2 respectively.

Offline CirclesSquared

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1174 on: March 05, 2019, 03:55:12 AM »
Barstool Warrior is such a drag. It's under 7 minutes and it feels like 14.

For me, it just flies by. Tastiest piece of music by them in a while.

Offline Mladen

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1175 on: March 05, 2019, 04:06:47 AM »
So D/T landed at #24 on Billboard 200. Not the performance that I was expecting, seeing as previous albums reached higher places. Though I can't remember if they debuted on these positions or they climbed to peak there.
Damn, that's quite a drop. The previous four albums were all in the top 10, if I recall correctly. Maybe The Astonishing was eleventh or something.

Offline jonny108

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1176 on: March 05, 2019, 04:12:56 AM »
So D/T landed at #24 on Billboard 200. Not the performance that I was expecting, seeing as previous albums reached higher places. Though I can't remember if they debuted on these positions or they climbed to peak there.

That is quite low compared to previous albums and other countries charts. It will be interesting to see how many copies it’s sold.

Offline jcmoorehead

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1177 on: March 05, 2019, 04:15:44 AM »
So D/T landed at #24 on Billboard 200. Not the performance that I was expecting, seeing as previous albums reached higher places. Though I can't remember if they debuted on these positions or they climbed to peak there.
Damn, that's quite a drop. The previous four albums were all in the top 10, if I recall correctly. Maybe The Astonishing was eleventh or something.

Just checked and yeah looks like The Astonishing was 11.

I wonder how much streaming has played a part in the performance of the album as well.  I am quite surprised especially considering the strong performance of the album outside of the US. Do we know how well it has done on the more specialist charts, things like the Rock Albums, etc?

Offline IDontNotDoThings

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1178 on: March 05, 2019, 04:28:46 AM »
For reference, I looked up the chart positions of each DT album & made this graph:

Note: I couldn't get Google Sheets to invert the Y-axis, so in this case lower is actually better.

Offline CirclesSquared

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1179 on: March 05, 2019, 04:32:33 AM »
For reference, I looked up the chart positions of each DT album & made this graph:

Note: I couldn't get Google Sheets to invert the Y-axis, so in this case lower is actually better.

Thanks for that! Such an irony that Scenes From a Memory, arguably their finest album (for me it is), is the lowest-charting album of their career by some distance.

I mean, of course I know there is no correlation between quality and chart positions, but hey.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 04:54:27 AM by CirclesSquared »

Offline RoeDent

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1180 on: March 05, 2019, 04:51:06 AM »
Thanks for that! Such an irony that Scenes From a Memory, arguably their finest album, (for me it is) is the lowest-charting album of their career by some distance.

I mean, of course I know there is no correlation between quality and chart positions, but hey.

What do you expect. The masses wouldn't know great music if it punched them senseless in the face.

Offline rab7

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1181 on: March 05, 2019, 05:18:48 AM »
Thanks for that! Such an irony that Scenes From a Memory, arguably their finest album, (for me it is) is the lowest-charting album of their career by some distance.

I mean, of course I know there is no correlation between quality and chart positions, but hey.

What do you expect. The masses wouldn't know great music if it punched them senseless in the face.

To add to this, hype levels may have been lower because Falling Into Infinity wasn't that good

Offline rab7

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1182 on: March 05, 2019, 05:21:08 AM »
So D/T landed at #24 on Billboard 200. Not the performance that I was expecting, seeing as previous albums reached higher places. Though I can't remember if they debuted on these positions or they climbed to peak there.
Damn, that's quite a drop. The previous four albums were all in the top 10, if I recall correctly. Maybe The Astonishing was eleventh or something.

Just checked and yeah looks like The Astonishing was 11.

I wonder how much streaming has played a part in the performance of the album as well.  I am quite surprised especially considering the strong performance of the album outside of the US. Do we know how well it has done on the more specialist charts, things like the Rock Albums, etc?

It is 4th on Rock albums and 3rd on Hard Rock albums.

Does anyone know the historical performance of these albums? All we know is their peaks. BCSL peaked at 6, but is that where it started, or did it start lower and climb there?

Offline the_silent_man

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1183 on: March 05, 2019, 05:43:42 AM »
I wonder if the lower position could be to do with the move to InsideOut?
There certainly seem to be a lot less copies available in stores here than I remember. In fact, HMV (probably the biggest music/film shop in the UK) did not have 1 single copy in store on release day. This surprised me, normally I can guarantee a copy there...

Not sure if the continuing shift to downloads/streaming has affected things (though I thought these were counted these days in charts?).

Either way, if that graph proves anything, is that sales =/= quality!

Offline jcmoorehead

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1184 on: March 05, 2019, 06:33:29 AM »
So D/T landed at #24 on Billboard 200. Not the performance that I was expecting, seeing as previous albums reached higher places. Though I can't remember if they debuted on these positions or they climbed to peak there.
Damn, that's quite a drop. The previous four albums were all in the top 10, if I recall correctly. Maybe The Astonishing was eleventh or something.

Just checked and yeah looks like The Astonishing was 11.

I wonder how much streaming has played a part in the performance of the album as well.  I am quite surprised especially considering the strong performance of the album outside of the US. Do we know how well it has done on the more specialist charts, things like the Rock Albums, etc?

It is 4th on Rock albums and 3rd on Hard Rock albums.

Does anyone know the historical performance of these albums? All we know is their peaks. BCSL peaked at 6, but is that where it started, or did it start lower and climb there?

I believe they tend to start at those points and then drop pretty quickly off of the charts unfortunately. Will be interesting to see if this one does have any longevity.

Offline Dream Team

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1185 on: March 05, 2019, 06:40:41 AM »
afaik he plays a 7-string on Viper King

I don't understand that choice at all. If you're recording a straight-up VH/DP rock song, you don't muddy it up by playing it heavier than it needs to be.

Offline erwinrafael

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1186 on: March 05, 2019, 07:03:27 AM »
So D/T landed at #24 on Billboard 200. Not the performance that I was expecting, seeing as previous albums reached higher places. Though I can't remember if they debuted on these positions or they climbed to peak there.

They have quite some competition because the Queen albums are hogging the charts because of Bohemian Rhapsody. Without the Queen albums, they would have topped the hard rock charts.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 08:00:27 AM by erwinrafael »

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1187 on: March 05, 2019, 08:16:53 AM »
Album equivalent units. That don't at all factor in length of albums or songs. In the US, they started to count these towards album sales in late 2014. 1250 song streams on a paid service count as a sale (3750 on a free ad supported service).
If you have an hour long record with 10 tracks, or a 35 minute record with 18 tracks, the latter is getting more 'sales' in a shorter amount of time, even if they get the same number of start to finish album plays.

The Astonishing was actually decently set up for this, with 34 tracks per full listen (with maybe one or two of the shorter interludes not counting).
Distance Over Time on the other hand is 9 tracks per full listen (I legitimately don't know if Viper King counts toward album sales for this, since it's a 'bonus track').

Then you have a zillion Soundcloud rappers on the charts, who have been on there since, well would you look at that, early 2015. Right after this change was made. They were barely selling any records when people had to actually spend money, but they've really shot up with streaming. Most of them tend to have albums with short run times and lots of tracks, which inflates their 'sales' under the new system.

It will be very interesting to see what the actual sales numbers were for D/T.

As an aside, Distance Over Time debuted at #12 here in Canada.

Offline TL

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1188 on: March 05, 2019, 08:22:07 AM »
There's also the Top Album Sales chart. Basically, what the Billboard 200 was before introducing Album Equivalent Units. It counts physical and digital sales, but not streaming.

On this chart, Distance Over Time debuted at #5 in the US.

Offline Mericege

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Re: Official Distance Over Time discussion thread
« Reply #1189 on: March 05, 2019, 08:25:37 AM »
Hi there fellas ,
I’ve ben listening Distance Over Time since it’s release , I can easily say this , this album is their best work since 2000 .
Great album, great quality.
Dream Theater rocks 🤘🤘🤘.
85/100 .