Author Topic: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)  (Read 4366 times)

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Offline Progmetty

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Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:34:59 AM »
March 26th 2010, Austin, TX, was the first time ever I overdose on metal.
I drove there from San Antonio with a friend to celebrate a very special occasion, it's Rust in Peace 20th Anniversary tour and Megadeth will be performing that night, along with Exodus and Testament.
I saw Megadeth in 2006 at Dubai Desert Rock Festival, Testament were also opening for them then.
I got to Stubbs -the restaurant/bar where the event was going to take place- around 11:30am, the doors were set to open at 6:00pm but I wanted to make sure I get a near by parking spot and to be the first in the line and thankfully we accomplished both.
I was wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans as all my stuff were packed cause I was travelling to Abu Dhabi for work the next day.
Walked around, saw the roadies unloading amps and monitors with Mustaine and Megadeth names on them.
Went inside Stubbs to eat, behind me in line to pay was the singer from Testament with a roadie, I would have said hi but I didn't know his name.
Waited in the sun next to the gates, line started forming up behind us.
Saw Testament singer and drummer walking in and out several times.
Testament bassist -who I took a picture with in Dubai rock Festival 2006- came by and took some pictures with Testament fans, I talked to him with them a bit, he's a nice guy.
Heard Megadeth sound checking, saw Mustaine walking to the sound engineer/mixer tent, people behind me screamed his name, he looked and waved, I did the military salute to him so he smiled and did the same thing back at me, it was awesome heh
Couple of chicks who didn't have tickets went and spoke with the radio people who were there for the show, they got them in, it's at times like that you feel all your morals are worthless and wish you were a sleazy whore.
Doors opened, we ran in, caught a great spot at the rails upfront on the left side of the stage, I choose the spot cause I wanted to be standing close to David Ellefson who I never saw before.
Exodus was loud and their frontman was very energetic and funny, he did however encourage people to form a mosh pit which is always unpleasant, I'm here to enjoy the live music, I could get these same bunch of fuckers at my back yard and blast the same music on the stereo and ask them to run around pushing each other, but I guess that's the only downside to that type of show.
Testament were great, just like Exodus; they're not my kind of music due to the vocals style but at a live show I enjoy all brands of metal, just for seeing good players perform and hearing them at the spot.
Got a Testament guitar pick from GLENN DROVER! that's right he's touring with them which was news to me, he was in Megadeth if you didn't already know that and he's Shawn's brother (the current Megadeth drummer).
My legs were killing me from the pushing and my chest was hurting from being squashed against the railing, my ears were hurting from the loudness as the monitors were right by us and I was worried I wouldn't have any energy left for Megadeth.
Testament finished and a few minutes later their banner dropped to reveal the Megadeth banner, the crowd went insane.
The sound checkers and the roadies checked on the instruments, the drums were covered so we didn't see the tech, it occurred to me that roadies are picked solely on their physical ability to move stuff and mental ability to be complete assholes with a hint of douchebagism, there must be an asshole test before they get hired with an average score, maybe they get them to push down old ladies crossing the street or something.
Lights went out.
Intro music started, a list of weird spoken warnings along with stringy music.
A spot light to the right of the stage, Chris Brodrick came out.
A spot light to the left of the stage, David Ellefson came out, we roared for him and I lost it, I freakin love that guy.
The covers hiding the drums fell and we saw Shawn Drover.
She-Wolf mean distorted open riffs started, Mustiane has stepped on stage, FUCK FUCK FUCK THE ENERGY IN THE CROWD WAS SOMETHING I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE.
"Grrrrrrrrr The mother of all that is evil"
Next thing I know we were all jumping to that riff once the other guitar and the bass kicked in, I love that song, I wish they didn't open with it though cause the crowd screaming was almost louder than Dave's guitar which is the only thing the song starts with.
"One look in her lusting eyes"
I was singing my hearts out, the guy beside me looked at me and was like "dude!  :metal", then he tried to out loud me, the people around us did the same, it was awesome through out the show.
"Beware the she-wolf and her bite, her mystique lips tell only lies"
Since Dave finished singing to the end of the song I was in a higher state of ecstacy, I love the solos in that song, I started singing along to them and everyone around me did the same, Mustaine smiled at us and nodded as in " hell yeah!"
*Clean notes*
Breaking right into In My Darkest Hour, once the verse riff came in I was jumping up and down like a mad man.
"In my hour of need.. heh, you were not there"
We started singing along and the guy beside me took it a step further; he was acting out the lyrics with his hands and arms, for some reason I did the same, it was fun heh
"Feels so cold, very cooooold, no one cares for meeeeee"
Some crowd surfer elbow completely bashed my skull, I didn't care.
"You just laughed, hahaha, BITCH!"
After In My Darkest Hour, Dave took a moment staring at the crowd and then gave us his notorious, much anticipated; "Good Eeeevening"
Directly into Skin On My Teeth, not a favorite but it gave me time to catch my breath and take a few pictures with my cellphone.
"No escaping pain, you belong to me"
The catchy chorus got me though, I went back to singing along.
After that Mustaine went and got a towel, changed guitars into a wonderful v-shaped guitar with Rust In Peace artwork on it, got back and look at us, "Let's cut the bull shit, we all know why we're here" he said, he shrugged and smiled looking at his guitar then it happened.
The riff intro for Holy Wars brought an outstanding uproar from the crowd, it was unbelievable.
The thrashiest sharpest most energetic riffs in history are packed in the first couple minutes of that song, I head banged so hard my friend covered his face in fear I'd hit him in the face hehe
"Brother will kill brother spilling blood across the land"
I'd like to note that they played that song when I saw them in Dubai but David Ellefson's presence gave it a different taste, it was Megadeth, pure and simple.
"Up on my podium, as the know-it-all scholar"
I sang that section so loud and I was the only nerd that knew the lyrics to that entire little part.
"Waaaaage the war on organized crime"
Gosh how priceless was the expression on Dave's face as he sang that last part.
"Mercy killings, mercy killings! killings! killings! killings!"
Right into Hangar 18, these ripping four chords, Chris Brodrick fits perfectly in Megadeth btw, first person since Friedman I feel fills the spot perfectly.
"Possibly I've seen too much"
The riffs and the solos between the first chorus and the second verse sounded amazing, I was wowing like I've never heard them before!
"Military intelligence two words combined that can't make sense"
Exit the lyrics and enter the instrumental madness of Hangar 18 to it's end, again Brodrick kicks ass in vibe and guitar skills.
Mustaine was standing right in front of me for most of his solos, man oh man how this guy shreds.
"Got one chance, INFILTRATE THEM!"
Take No Prisoners in all it's glory, with distortion on Ellefson's back vocals, epicness drip.
"Take no..mmmmmmmmm SHIT!"
By this point my throat started hurting but I was no where near giving up on singing every word of the album along, so far I hadn't missed one!
Mustaine went behind the monitors on our side, I could still see him, had some water and walked back to the microphone, "This next song is about one, two, three, four, five magics".
Now it's worth mentioning that this song could possibly be my favorite song of all time, not my favorite Megadeth song, simply my favorite song of all time, I couldn't remember a week going by without listening to that song at least once, even when I wasn't feeling like Megadeth altogether, so imagine how I felt.
After the loud intro Mustaine and Brodrick left the stage, it went dark except for a spot light on Ellefson playing that haunting bass line, I'll be honest and tell you that a tear escaped my eyes, yes it happened no matter how gay that sounds heh
Mustaine came out playing, stood next to Ellefson who was on my side of the stage and then Brodrick came out from the other side, doubling Mustaine's riff on higher notes and standing right next to them, it looked and sounded amazing.
"Bestow upon me magic Wizard, all knowing, all wise"
All the little solos during the verses were identical to the studio version, much to my delight and kudos to both Mustaine and Brodrick!
"Let the ceremony consecrate the marriage, let me be the protege of five magics"
As the story nears it's climax I felt that shiver down my back and Mustaine's expressions were so intense.
"Give me alchemy"
I started hand gesturing the numbers and everyone around me followed, it looked and felt very cool.
"Give me sorcery"
"Give me wizardry"
"I master.."
We sang that part so loud Dave smiled and winked heh
"..five magics"
I was so glad he sang the remastered version when it came to the order of that part and the verse..
"I master.."
and I hoped the final part with the rough vocals gets sung with the same vocal melody as the remastered version.
"..five magics"
The highlight of the show for me was coming up, there was no point of saving any energy on singing, jumping or headbanging at that point and I sure didn't even though the pushing from the crowd was getting painful against the rail.
Ellefson turned on some vocal distortion unit, at least I assumed that's what it was and I was right!
"Possessed with hellish torment, possessed with hellish torment
I master magics five, I master magics five
Hunting the abyss lord, hunting the abyss lord
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
He who lives by the sword, he who lives by the sword
Will surely also die, will surely also die
He who lives in sin, he who lives in sin
Will surely live the lie"

Final solo, end of an important 6 minutes in 2010 for me so far, lights out.
I wouldn't want somebody with 18 kids to mow my damn lawn, based on a longstanding bias I have against crazy fucks.

Offline Progmetty

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 06:35:23 AM »
In a few seconds the lights came back on, "Hey hey, Mr. Security guy" Mustaine yelled, "These guys need your help there", I couldn't see from where I was but apparently some people on the other side of the stage were getting badly squashed by the pushing masses, "They're not waving hello, they're calling for your help! help them for fuck sake", then he made a gun gesture with his fingers and shot himself in the head hehe, waited a bit, probably til they helped the troubled people, "All right, that was a word from out sponsor, now back to Rust in Peace".
Poison Was The Cure was awesome to hear live but I took a little break from singing as I simply had lost my voice at that point and I wanted to gain some energy back for the rest of the album.
The nastly laugh rang in the venue and Lucretia started!
Ellefson threw his pick our way and picked up a new one, I caught it, I got the pick that played the first half of Rust in Peace heh
"My friends all say: Dave, you're mental any way, hey!"
Tornado of Souls kicked in right after, the guitar riff sounded so good, damn it!
"This morning I made the call"
I was singing again, my throat hurting but the fun overrided the pain.
"But, now I'm safe in the eye of the tornado"
Took the phone out and took some pictures again, deleted a lot of those later cause they were shakey, couldn't stop hedbanging to take the damn pictures right.
"You feel my fingertips, you won't forget my lips, you'll feel my cold breath; it's the kiss of death"
Again I'll have to mention how the perfectly Brodrick performed the solos, I was bitter over Friedman for so many years but now I finally feel someone has fullfilled -and maybe exceeded- his spot, vibe and skills wise.
Lights went out again, then a red spotlight shined on Ellefson and another on Drover as the creepy ass bass riff kicked in and shivered again, it was Dawn Patrol.
"Thermal count is rising in perpetual writhing"
Much to my surprise -and slight disappointment- Mustiane didn't show up on stage to sing it, although it sure wasn't the studio version so he either sang it from backstage or re-recorded the vocals for this tour, which in both cases are a bit weird and pointless in my opinion, I dunno.
"Now, I can only laugh as I read our epitaph"
Regardless of that; it was still so much fun to try to sing along loud in that evil tone, sounded funny as hell heh
"We end our lives as moles in the dark of dawn patrol"
Bless Ellefson, that was incredible, he could have rejoined the band just to play that and I'd be a happy camper.
Drover took it from there right away, linking Dawn Patrol to the intro to Rust in Peace.
"Tremble you weaklings, cower in fear"
The crowd went crazy as the -possibly- most underrated song in Megadeth catalog blasted.
"I am a nuclear murderer, I am Polaris"
As I screamed the lyrics I had that feeling I get when my nose is about to bleed, I could careless.
"I spread disease like a dog"
At that point Dave's white shirt was soaking sweat and he seemed to blow the dripping sweat off his face with every word he sings.
"I RULE land, air and sea, I pass judgement on humanity"
I screamed that line so loud some girl tapped my shoulder as in "take it easy" lol, but I had more in me just yet..
"The day of final conflict all pay the price; third world war rapes peace, takes life
Back to the start, talk of the part when the earth was cold as ice
Total dismay as the sun passed away and the days where black as night"

My buddy held me by the shoulders to calm me down, he tried to tell me something but I couldn't hear him.
"Eradication of Earth's population loves Polaris"
Just as he said Polaris and the music stopped; Mustaine went "That was Rust in Peace, thank you", Ellefson and Brodrick threw out some picks, I caught another one of Ellefson's, now I have the two picks that played the entire RIP album and they left the stage.
It was the encore, a few minutes off where I looked around me at the crowd, boy everyone was exhausted.
I noticed a guy who looked like he was in his late 30's with a Dream Theater hat on, he was out of my reach so I poked a guy near him in the shoulder and pointed at the Dream Theater guy, he brought his attention to me so I yelled "DTF?!", I assumed that was El Barto! he couldn't hear what I said so I had to repeat it a few times louder and louder but he still couldn't get what I was saying, I wrote "DTF?" in a text message on my cellphone and tried to give the phone to the guy next to him to hand it over to the Dream Theater guy but Mustaine came back on stage so we looked back up to him.
"Now we're gonna play something from the new album Endgame, which we're supposed to be supporting right now, you know this whole anniversary tour thing was a dare, someone said I couldn't play that album live anymore so I killed him! *crowd roar* just kidding, anyway I looked up the most brutal torture machine and I found something called Headcrusher *roar again* so picture somebody you really hate and sing along; it's really simple, I go *plays guitar riff* Death from Head crusher, you go HEAD CRUSHER, let's go"
Good song, not my favorite from the new album though, when it was over Mustaine spoke again "The turn out for this show has been better than we expected, totally exceeded out expectations so we have something special for you too, we're playing a brand new song that we've never played live before, I didn't even it get to sing it in rehearsals for this show so the only time I actually sang this was in the studio while recording the vocals, here it goes", Right To Go Insane started, I assumed Dave changed his mind about playing a "brand new song" since they're playing an Endgame song so I didn't try to capture it on my phone, that was stupid of me hehe
Right To Go Insane was great live, it was awesome to be there for the premiere of a song, always unforgetable.
As soon as the drum intro to Trust started I knew we're off to the standard numbers and the show was almost done, my friend was super happy they played Trust.
I got the attention of the guy in the Dream Theater hat again, this time I just pointed at my forehead to get him to know it's concerning Dream Theater, he smiled and gave me the metal horns, I reached out to him and we high fived with passion hehe, Dream theater fans are so good to each other sometimes it feels you found a family member.
Couple more standards followed, Symphony of Destruction and Peace Sells, kicked major ass, sang my heart out, especially on SOD as I did that thing the southern Americans do when they since that song's riff along with the guitar.
After SOD they reprised the last part of Holy Wars, Mustaine introduced the band and the show was over, I had trouble walking, I was sore all over, I have never been that beat up before but I was very happy.
Shawn Drover reached out and gave me a drum stick and gave the other one to my friend!
"You were great, we were Megadeth, Good night Austin"
I told my friend I was gonna go check out the t-shirts but he looked at me and said "Dude you just moved your lips and didn't say anything" hehe, I had completely lost my voice and wasn't aware, I was also limping and couldn't move my neck properly.
Noteable to mention when I went to get a t-shirt and a guy grabbed me by the neck violently going "what the fuck man, wanna go?" he was a big guy and obviously drunk as fuck and I was weaker than an owl at that moment so I did something weird, I just smiled and extended my hand to shake his, he looked so freakin confused by that, a few seconds of confusion and silence from his side then he shook my hand and left, that was hilarious heh, I got my t-shirt and here I am on the road back to San Antonio.
My friend wanted to put some music on in the car but I had overdosed on metal, so I hooked up my iPod and listen to Mitch Hedberg stand-up comedy all the way home.
I wrote that last part a couple of days later, I passed out while typing on my laptop in the car.

Pictures and Videos from my cellphone:
Outside Stubbs, noonish.




My Trophies (T-Shirt, Picks and Drum Stick)

Small Videos from my cellphone: Five Magics intro
Mustaine is soloing infront of me, I point the camera at him, back at myself and then back at him, just to remind myself of how close I was heh: Holy Wars reprise.

These next couple of videos were posted on the Megadeth forums, the guy was standing a few people behind me, I can see my head in the videos heh, but anyway they're much better quality and longer than mine:

And another guy posted these great photos:

Megadeth Setlist:
She Wolf
In My Darkest Hour
Skin O' My Teeth
Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
Hangar 18
Take No Prisoners
Five Magics
Poison Was The Cure
Tornado Of Souls
Dawn Patrol
Rust In Peace... Polaris
Head Crusher
Right To Go Insane
Symphony Of Destruction
Peace Sells
Holy Wars - Reprise

Glad I shared the experience, sorry for the terrible writing skills, physically I fully recovered almost a week later.
I wouldn't want somebody with 18 kids to mow my damn lawn, based on a longstanding bias I have against crazy fucks.

Offline MykeHavoc

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2010, 09:21:24 AM »
Dude, you didn't know Chuck Billy's name? That's a bit of fail my friend  :tdwn

Offline Progmetty

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2010, 10:47:05 AM »
I know man heh, I'm just not a fan, great band though.
I wouldn't want somebody with 18 kids to mow my damn lawn, based on a longstanding bias I have against crazy fucks.

Offline Sigz

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 11:32:09 AM »
in b4 cool story bro
The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2010, 11:33:53 AM »
Dude, you didn't know Chuck Billy's name? That's a bit of fail my friend  :tdwn
I assume this reply is meant be a joke....

Metty that's a great story/post. I can appreciate the work put in to present it to us.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline contest_sanity

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2010, 12:48:21 AM »
This has got to be the greatest show review ever written  :metal :metal :metal

Loved it, especially because I wasn't able to go to one of these shows -- made me feel like I was there.


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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2010, 01:25:14 AM »
tl;dr bro

Offline Progmetty

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2010, 04:31:58 AM »
Thanks fellas, glad you liked it!
I wouldn't want somebody with 18 kids to mow my damn lawn, based on a longstanding bias I have against crazy fucks.

Offline MetalManiac666

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2010, 10:00:03 PM »
Sounds like it was a great show! :tup

Offline Gadough

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2010, 10:04:58 PM »
Gadough isn't Hitler. He's much, much worse.

Offline Volk9

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2010, 10:32:53 AM »
Thanks for taking the time to write all that dude :tup

(For fans of breakbeat, trip hop, acid jazz, etc)

<br />Yeah, once you graduate high school, you need to listen to Death Metal like an adult.<br />

Offline Jakartabassplayer

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2010, 10:52:11 AM »
It's at times like that you feel all your morals are worthless and wish you were a sleazy whore.
:rollin :rollin :rollin
Kipfilet is het borstdeel van de kip. Kenmerk van kipfilet is dat deze vetarm en lichtverteerbaar is.
I assume it's because you're awesome.
And JBP is yet again drunk  :lol

Offline Jakartabassplayer

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2010, 10:53:52 AM »
Dude, you didn't know Chuck Billy's name? That's a bit of fail my friend  :tdwn


EDIT* damn i double posted

how do i delete a post :blush :blush :blush :facepalm:
Kipfilet is het borstdeel van de kip. Kenmerk van kipfilet is dat deze vetarm en lichtverteerbaar is.
I assume it's because you're awesome.
And JBP is yet again drunk  :lol

Offline MetalManiac666

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2010, 05:19:49 PM »
Don't worry, you're not going to get bant for double posting.

Offline Sigz

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2010, 06:37:43 PM »
The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

Offline DarkEternalNight

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2010, 06:44:40 PM »
Your review makes me wanna all their albums.

Offline sneakyblueberry

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2010, 09:06:03 PM »
Awesome Metty!  Can't believe you caught all that stuff!!!

Offline Progmetty

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2010, 10:36:08 PM »
Your review makes me wanna all their albums.

:lol by all means!

Awesome Metty!  Can't believe you caught all that stuff!!!

I know! I felt so lucky! also I love Drover cause he gave away the drum sticks to people in the front row only, I'm always annoyed at drummers who throw the sticks way to the back when they probably know that the people in the front are usually the people who stood so long in line to come in early and suffered the most to stay there, keenest to the see the band up close.
I wouldn't want somebody with 18 kids to mow my damn lawn, based on a longstanding bias I have against crazy fucks.

Offline Global Laziness

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2010, 10:38:53 PM »
Cool review, although I totally thought this was gonna be a thread about getting burnt out on metal.
Quote from: Jamesman42
Global Laziness: Speaks for Canada
Quote from: black_floyd
I walked down a spiral staircase in 19/16 in honor of Tom Sawyer and now I'm in crutches.

Offline Jakartabassplayer

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2010, 12:03:23 PM »
Kipfilet is het borstdeel van de kip. Kenmerk van kipfilet is dat deze vetarm en lichtverteerbaar is.
I assume it's because you're awesome.
And JBP is yet again drunk  :lol

Offline Volk9

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Re: Overdosing on Metal (An Experience)
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2010, 02:20:14 PM »
Cool review, although I totally thought this was gonna be a thread about getting burnt out on metal.

This also

(For fans of breakbeat, trip hop, acid jazz, etc)

<br />Yeah, once you graduate high school, you need to listen to Death Metal like an adult.<br />