DreamTheaterForums.org Dream Theater Fan Site

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Heretic on December 15, 2012, 12:59:28 PM

Title: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Heretic on December 15, 2012, 12:59:28 PM
Well, everyone, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. The results of this year's Dream Theater Forums awards! *crowd applause*

One by one, Implode will start posting the awards. After a category has been completed, I'll update the first post with the results! There will be a few short intermissions and breaks-- we're not quite sure at what times, yet, but we're trying to work this around our own schedules, of course.

In any case, let the awards begin!



Well, that about wraps it up for this year! 2012 was a heck of year, and despite the many niggles throughout the year, it turned out to be one for the record books. We'll keep things in mind for next year, and hopefully make things even more engaging and exciting. So go out, enjoy Christmas and the new year, make 2013 your best year yet, and we'll see you back for the DTF Awards next year. This is Implode and Heretic, signing out.

The "Best Of"'s:

Smartest/Wisest Member
- rumborak
- El Barto
- Orbert
* robwebster

Funniest Member
- BlobVanDam
* black_floyd
- Adami
- hefdaddy42

Friendliest Member
- Jaffa
- chknptpie
* DebraKadabra
* lonestar

Angriest Member
- Tick
- Adami
* Zook
- SnakeEyes

Most Attractive Member
- Rina
* obscure
- nightmare_cinema
- Silver Tears

Biggest Dream Theater Fan
- wasteland
- MoraWintersould
* ZeppelinDT
- BlobVanDam

Most Creative Member
* Heretic
- ThroughHerEyesDude6
* BlobVanDam
* Zydar

Best Signature
- Orbert
* lateralus88
* Zydar
* LieLowTheWantedMan

Best Avatar
* lonestar
- Sigz
- Logical Nightmare
- Elite

Best Username
- DebraKadabra
* Implode
* Ħ
* kirksnosehair

Best Member Emoticon
- :obscure:
- :floydapproves:
- :zydar:
* :zydarscouch:

Most Underrated Member
- Elite
- TheOutlawXanadu
- Rina
* Jaffa

Best Lurker
- mizzl
* admin
* Mike Portnoy
* vlasto

Best New Member
- Scorpion
- Cedar redaC
* MoraWintersoul
- DebraKadabra

Best Returning Member (Best Come-back!)
* bout to crash
- ariich
* BlobVanDam
* robwebster

Best Moderator
- ariich
- bosk1
- Nick
* hefdaddy42

Best Thread Starter
- AndyDT
- jingle.boy "for DT *moments*
- Chino
* KevShmev

The "Thread Killer"
- Implode
* hefdaddy42
- obscure
- Ħ

Best Poster (Member of the Year!)
- Zydar
- BlobVanDam
- black_floyd
* robwbester

DTF Lifetime Achievement Award
- KevShmev "map props for all his efforts in GMD"
- Dr. DTVT
* bosk1
- cyberdrummer "For his constant and unflinching dedication to an almost thankless task."

Most/Least Likely:

Most likely to become president:
* hefdaddy42
- Tick
- Scheavo
- bosk1

Most likely to cry for five days straight if the forum is down:
- black_floyd
* BlobVanDam
* DebraKadabra
- Scorpion

Most likely to be sectioned:
* Ħ
- El Barto
- TioJorge

Most likely to join a cult:
- VioletS16
- AndyDT
- Tick
* Ħ

Most likely to still be posting in 15 years' time:
- bosk1
- hefdaddy42
* BlobVanDam
- lonestar

Most likely to be gone by the end of 2013:
- Ħ
* snapple
- Gadough
- BlobVanDam

Most likely to move in together:
* lonestar + obscure
- Heretic + senecadawg2 "The two young vegetarians"
- AcidRainLTE + lateralus
- wasteland + MoraWintersoul

Most likely to make it as a musician:
- Sir GuitarCozmo
- mrjazzguitar
* kirksnosehair
- Elite

Most likely to be successful:
- lonestar
- robwebster
* TempusVox
- Dr. DTVT

Least likely to ever listen to Dream Theater again:
* Mike Portnoy
- Sigz
- Ravenheart
- rumborak

Post and Thread Awards:

Best First Post of 2012:
- clinks63 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20210.msg761791#msg761791) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)
* Lucidity (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30063.msg1377627#msg1377627)
- MoraWintersoul (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=322.msg1301102#msg1301102)

Worst Thread of 2012:
- Adrenaline Mob featuring Allen, Orlando, & Portnoy (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20321) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)
- Wes Borland attacks DT via Twitter (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=32026)
* Trypophobia, Do You Have It? Better Not! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=34688)

Worst Post of 2012:
* All of Ħ's Posts in the Lonely Hearts Thread
* Kialer2112's Pic (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30795.msg1348079#msg1348079)

Best Post of 2012 (Post of the Year):
* Enjoy the Piss (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=18702.msg1390936#msg1390936)
* V-Day TioJorge (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30915.msg1215682#msg1215682)
* Rob on IMO (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=34418.msg1424898#msg1424898)
* Kialer2112's Pic (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30795.msg1348079#msg1348079)

Best Thread of 2012:
- This Was a Triumph (Portal Sing Along - Deleted)
* Post Your Picture Thread v. Gadough is teh Sexy (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30795)
- DTF Chat Thread v. There's an Emote for That (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=34182)
- Funny DT Pics (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=19215) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)

Best Thread OF ALL TIME:
- best musian (Deleted. Reacreations: Arcaeus (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=1308) splent (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=33140))
- Bohemian Rhapsody Sing Along (Deleted)
- clinks63 post by clinks63 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20210)
- The official DTF "drunk" thread (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=326)
- EMO FIGHT!! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=283)
- Let's all get...angrybecausebosk1lockedthelastoneat99pages!!1! The Funny Thread (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=32859)
- John the Explorer (Deleted. "Orcus' old thread. Tragically long since pruned. RIP, John, RIP.")
- MLB 2013 v. "Yo Dodgers, can I get some of that money?" (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=3469)
* Mouse (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20039)
- MS Paint thread v. Be the first to get to ADTOE! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=26750)
- REPLY TO NAZIS ADMINS (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=29557)
- Scenes From My Memory (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=17796)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 15, 2012, 01:02:26 PM
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MrBoom_shack-a-lack on December 15, 2012, 01:03:43 PM
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 01:04:53 PM
DTF Awards 2012 RESULTS

The time has finally come to announce the winners to the 2012 DTF Awards! I will make posts throughout the day revealing the runnerups and winners. It'll go like this: First I'll post the top 4 for two awards. Then about an hour later, I'll make another post with the winners to those two categories as well as the top 4 for the next two awards. Today, I'll be annoucing the Most/Least Likely and Thread Awards, and tomorrow the General Member Awards. Thank you to all who participated!

Also, I'm going to be pasting these from my phone as I wrote all the posts last night. I hope all the formating works out. Let's get started!

Most likely to become president:
- hefdaddy42
- Tick
- Scheavo
- bosk1

Most likely to cry for five days straight if the forum is down:
- black_floyd
- BlobVanDam
- DebraKadabra
- Scorpion
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 15, 2012, 01:09:28 PM
Can you add how many people voted for a certain person, please? Thanks. :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 01:25:39 PM
I thought it'd be better to leave that out. If people really want to see it, we could add it later tonight, but I won't be able to post that stuff as it's going right now.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 15, 2012, 01:29:42 PM
Good stuff, I'm eager.

Can you add how many people voted for a certain person, please? Thanks. :)

I voted for you on the crying-if-the-forums-are-down thing, if you wanted to know :P
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 15, 2012, 01:34:20 PM
Good stuff, I'm eager.

Can you add how many people voted for a certain person, please? Thanks. :)

I voted for you on the crying-if-the-forums-are-down thing, if you wanted to know :P

Naw, just general interest and stuff. It is something different if twenty people vote for someone and the second place is two or if the first place has five votes and the second four, you know?

Alright geez yeah I wanted to know that. :P
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 01:52:47 PM
Winners! We have a tie for one of them!

Most likely to become president:
* hefdaddy42
- Tick
- Scheavo
- bosk1

Most likely to cry for five days straight if the forum is down:
- black_floyd
* BlobVanDam
* DebraKadabra
- Scorpion

Now for the next top four!

Most likely to be sectioned:
- Ħ
- El Barto
- TioJorge

Most likely to join a cult:
- VioletS16
- AndyDT
- Tick
- Ħ
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 15, 2012, 01:54:05 PM
H and Andy are the winners, calling it now. :hat
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 15, 2012, 01:54:14 PM
Ohh I get it. The winners are one (or in one case...two) of the top four. That makes sense. I thought for some reason that you were going to list the top four runners up and then a 5th winner. But I like this way better. :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: senecadawg2 on December 15, 2012, 01:56:22 PM
I'd be curious to sit in on a cult full of Andys...
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: SomeoneLikeHim on December 15, 2012, 02:06:12 PM
Totally Tio and andy
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 15, 2012, 02:09:10 PM
Yay results!

And most likely to be sectioned and/or join a cult. Shoot...well I'll just start a cult. In my own little head. There's already hundreds of followers. Hee hee!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 15, 2012, 02:44:53 PM
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 02:46:24 PM
And the winners for those two are...

Most likely to be sectioned:
* Ħ
- El Barto
- TioJorge

Most likely to join a cult:
- VioletS16
- AndyDT
- Tick
* Ħ

I bet you're really proud of those ones.

Next two!

Most likely to still be posting in 15 years' time:
- bosk1
- hefdaddy42
- BlobVanDam
- lonestar

Most likely to be gone by the end of 2013:
- Ħ
- snapple
- Gadough
- BlobVanDam
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 15, 2012, 02:53:00 PM
So 2013 is 15 years away for Blob?  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 15, 2012, 02:54:01 PM
Didn't Jamesman win both of these categories last year?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 15, 2012, 03:12:28 PM
Didn't Jamesman win both of these categories last year?

I think so, but he only followed through on one. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: JayOctavarium on December 15, 2012, 03:19:36 PM


errr I mean

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 03:26:50 PM
Hef must have it for fifteen. He's like an institution! I'd quite like Blob to win both, though. He might pull an H.

Violet's cult must, every single time she was nominated, have been specified as a JLB cult. I'm confident of it.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 15, 2012, 03:34:03 PM
Violet's cult must, every single time she was nominated, have been specified as a JLB cult. I'm confident of it.
Most likely to join that cult in a heartbeat:
Ummm, totally not me :neverusethis:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 03:35:41 PM
Violet's cult must, every single time she was nominated, have been specified as a JLB cult. I'm confident of it.
Most likely to join that cult in a heartbeat:
Ummm, totally not me :neverusethis:
Well, I'm voting for you in this category, so the nominees so far are:

- MoraWintersoul
- Totally not MoraWintersoul

Currently, we're looking at a tie.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 15, 2012, 03:40:04 PM
Well, I'm voting for you in this category, so the nominees so far are:

- MoraWintersoul
- Totally not MoraWintersoul

Currently, we're looking at a tie.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 03:43:06 PM
And the winners for those two are...

Most likely to still be posting in 15 years' time:
- bosk1
- hefdaddy42
* BlobVanDam
- lonestar

Most likely to be gone by the end of 2013:
- Ħ
* snapple
- Gadough
- BlobVanDam

Next two!

Most likely to move in together:
- lonestar + obscure
- Heretic + senecadawg2 "The two young vegetarians"
- AcidRainLTE + lateralus
- wasteland + MoraWintersoul

Most likely to make it as a musician:
- Sir GuitarCozmo
- mrjazzguitar
- kirksnosehair
- Elite

Note: Every so often I'll add in a quote from one of our voters if I think it's nice/relevant.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 15, 2012, 03:47:47 PM
My money is on "Mora and Wasteland" and Cozmo. Though I'm sad I wasn't nominated for that last one. Ah well.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 03:48:08 PM
Blob's second of the night. All the new nominees - haven't yet won an award, I believe!

I think, the first one's a two-horse race, top and bottom. Possibly edge to lonestar and obscure, cos they're the only two whose capitalisations match.

The second... psh! No idea! I'm gonna say jazzguitar, almost a stock answer, he's our token musician, but I reckon kirk might give him a run for his money.

Well, I'm voting for you in this category, so the nominees so far are:

- MoraWintersoul
- Totally not MoraWintersoul

Currently, we're looking at a tie.

(Bow ties are cool, too.)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 15, 2012, 03:53:19 PM
Yay, my presence acknowledged, and in a cool way, not anything I hoped for :biggrin:

To quote myself from the ask thread:

Seriously though. It's time for DTF to know we have become very good friends in a short period of time. Thanks to DTF. You people applaud yourselves :heart

@ rob: bow ties are fanbloodytastic :tup
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 15, 2012, 03:58:49 PM
My money is on "Mora and Wasteland" and Cozmo. Though I'm sad I wasn't nominated for that last one. Ah well.

I actually voted for you, because I found Cozmo and nosehair to be successful enough already :P I'm also gladly surprised I got nominated, thanks!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 15, 2012, 04:02:44 PM
I'm also gladly surprised I got nominated, thanks!
You're welcome ;)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 15, 2012, 04:25:25 PM
Heck yeah! All hail the sectioned cult leader!! :metal
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 04:33:58 PM
And the winners for those two are...

Most likely to move in together:
* lonestar + obscure
- Heretic + senecadawg2 "The two young vegetarians"
- AcidRainLTE + lateralus
- wasteland + MoraWintersoul

Most likely to make it as a musician:
- Sir GuitarCozmo
- mrjazzguitar
* kirksnosehair
- Elite

Now for the last of the Most/Least Likely awards...

Most likely to be successful:
- lonestar
- robwebster
- TempusVox
- Dr. DTVT

Least likely to ever listen to Dream Theater again:
- Mike Portnoy
- Sigz
- Ravenheart
- rumborak
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 04:50:10 PM
Mike Portnoy! Come on, please!!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 15, 2012, 04:51:13 PM
Mr. Webstertoneville and Mr. Portnoy. :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 15, 2012, 04:52:00 PM
What he says ^
Though voting for MP is the ultimate troll thing to do, it would be funny if he wins it.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 05:13:06 PM
Winners are...

Most likely to be successful:
- lonestar
- robwebster
* TempusVox
- Dr. DTVT

Least likely to ever listen to Dream Theater again:
* Mike Portnoy
- Sigz
- Ravenheart
- rumborak

Now onto the thread awards! There were less than four voted on for a couple of these, in that case I'll list as many as I can. First two categories!

Best First Post of 2012:
- clinks63 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20210.msg761791#msg761791) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)
- Lucidity (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30063.msg1377627#msg1377627)
- MoraWintersoul (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=322.msg1301102#msg1301102)

Worst Thread of 2012:
- Adrenaline Mob featuring Allen, Orlando, & Portnoy (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20321) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)
- Wes Borland attacks DT via Twitter (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=32026)
- Trypophobia, Do You Have It? Better Not! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=34688)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 15, 2012, 05:19:01 PM
Least likely to ever listen to Dream Theater again:
* Mike Portnoy
- Sigz
- Ravenheart
- rumborak

Okay, that's good though :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 05:33:34 PM
That's fine. I used my one wish on Mike Portnoy. Some days, dreams come true. Today is one of those days.

Mora and Trypo, for these categories, I'm predicting. Any day. Although. Lucidity's was more of an unconventional first post. That might count in his favour.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: snapple on December 15, 2012, 05:36:23 PM
I plan on being here :( BUT ITS COOL TO FINALLY WIN ONE!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 15, 2012, 05:44:14 PM
Least likely to ever listen to Dream Theater again:
* Mike Portnoy
- Sigz
- Ravenheart
- rumborak

Okay, that's good though :lol

I would have voted that, but for some reason MP completely slipped out of my mind for this category...

Also, glad I received my first nomination ever here on DTF in such an unexpected way.  :D
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 06:13:27 PM
I think you'll all be happy with tomorrow's awards as well! Anyway, the winners are...

Best First Post of 2012:
- clinks63 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20210.msg761791#msg761791) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)
* Lucidity (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30063.msg1377627#msg1377627)
- MoraWintersoul (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=322.msg1301102#msg1301102)

Worst Thread of 2012:
- Adrenaline Mob featuring Allen, Orlando, & Portnoy (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20321) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)
- Wes Borland attacks DT via Twitter (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=32026)
* Trypophobia, Do You Have It? Better Not! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=34688)

These next ones all just got even votes, they are all winners!

Worst Post of 2012:
* All of Ħ's Posts in the Lonely Hearts Thread
* Kialer2112's Pic (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30795.msg1348079#msg1348079)

Best Post of 2012 (Post of the Year):
* Enjoy the Piss (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=18702.msg1390936#msg1390936)
* V-Day TioJorge (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30915.msg1215682#msg1215682)
* Rob on IMO (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=34418.msg1424898#msg1424898)
* Kialer2112's Pic (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30795.msg1348079#msg1348079)

Be back with the last two soon.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 06:19:28 PM
Hurrah! An award! I'd like to thank my cats, Uri Geller, the International Guild of Professional Butlers...

So, hold up. That means... Kialer2112 has won best post AND worst post? And if we'd collaborated, and synchronised our votes, he could've won either category outright?

Absolutely brilliant.

ETA: Also, Mike Portnoy's second award of the night. He has to take a few certificates away, one award was never enough.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Heretic on December 15, 2012, 06:33:42 PM
Who gave seneca and I the "young vegetarians" nickname? dfjsdkl
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 15, 2012, 06:35:54 PM
Sounds like a _floyd thing to do.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 06:40:15 PM
Who gave seneca and I the "young vegetarians" nickname? dfjsdkl

They are anonymous unless they would like to say who they are!  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 06:42:24 PM
Right, last two categories.

Best Thread of 2012:
Best Thread OF ALL TIME:

I'm expecting "We are not a match" will get a nomination for all time. No idea for thread of 2012, or the other three candidates for all time. Don't think either of the two I nominated will make it for either category.

...Any ideas?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 07:05:09 PM
Here are your answers!

For these last two, I'm going to list all that were nominated for nostalgia's sake. There are some really great threads here.

Best Thread of 2012:
- This Was a Triumph (Portal Sing Along - Deleted)
- Post Your Picture Thread v. Gadough is teh Sexy (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30795)
- DTF Chat Thread v. There's an Emote for That (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=34182)
- Funny DT Pics (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=19215) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)

Best Thread OF ALL TIME:
- best musian (Deleted. Reacreations: Arcaeus (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=1308) splent (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=33140))
- I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=6678)
- clinks63 post by clinks63 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20210)
- The official DTF "drunk" thread (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=326)
- EMO FIGHT!! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=283)
- Let's all get...angrybecausebosk1lockedthelastoneat99pages!!1! The Funny Thread (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=32859)
- John the Explorer (Deleted. "Orcus' old thread. Tragically long since pruned. RIP, John, RIP.")
- MLB 2013 v. "Yo Dodgers, can I get some of that money?" (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=3469)
- Mouse (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20039)
- MS Paint thread v. Be the first to get to ADTOE! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=26750)
- REPLY TO NAZIS ADMINS (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=29557)
- Scenes From My Memory (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=17796)

I wish pretty much all of these could win. There have been so many amazing threads here.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 15, 2012, 07:05:39 PM
Worst Post of 2012:
* All of Ħ's Posts in the Lonely Hearts Thread

EDIT: Also, clinks FTW
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 07:13:26 PM
H, not going to waste time on anything as sensible as checking, here... but I'm pretty sure you won the most awards of the first night. Congratulations. You have arrived.

Excellent stuff! Can't wait 'til night two. So many cool threads.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 07:19:37 PM
I'm still going to announce the winners for those threads tonight.  :smiley:

Sorry just realized that I made that unclear. I listed all the nominees instead of just the top four, but there are definitely going to be winners.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 07:24:02 PM
Aha! Fantastic! I did wonder. Right - the game is on!! I think... MS Paint thread will win the second category. Post Your Picture for the first.

(Incidentally, if anyone doesn't remember John the Explorer - it wasn't a million miles away from this thread (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20767.0), which came up when I searched "John the Explorer." Biggest difference, it had these sort of retro digital pictures, with lots of these sort of benevolent gnome things. And John spent a lot of time pulling his trousers down and letting the local wildlife acclimatise to his presence. He was an odd explorer.)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: senecadawg2 on December 15, 2012, 07:41:09 PM
Who gave seneca and I the "young vegetarians" nickname? dfjsdkl

Yeah, that was totally unexpected for me!  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 07:50:53 PM
Okay! Here you go!

Best Thread of 2012:
- This Was a Triumph (Portal Sing Along - Deleted)
* Post Your Picture Thread v. Gadough is teh Sexy (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30795)
- DTF Chat Thread v. There's an Emote for That (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=34182)
- Funny DT Pics (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=19215) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)

Best Thread OF ALL TIME:
- best musian (Deleted. Reacreations: Arcaeus (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=1308) splent (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=33140))
- I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=6678)
- clinks63 post by clinks63 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20210)
- The official DTF "drunk" thread (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=326)
- EMO FIGHT!! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=283)
- Let's all get...angrybecausebosk1lockedthelastoneat99pages!!1! The Funny Thread (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=32859)
- John the Explorer (Deleted. "Orcus' old thread. Tragically long since pruned. RIP, John, RIP.")
- MLB 2013 v. "Yo Dodgers, can I get some of that money?" (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=3469)
* Mouse (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20039)
- MS Paint thread v. Be the first to get to ADTOE! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=26750)
- REPLY TO NAZIS ADMINS (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=29557)
- Scenes From My Memory (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=17796)

Thanks again! This shall continue tomorrow with the general member awards.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 15, 2012, 07:52:25 PM
Mouse is a very worthy winner indeed.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 15, 2012, 08:14:34 PM
Most likely to cry for five days straight if the forum is down:
- black_floyd
* BlobVanDam
* DebraKadabra
- Scorpion

Beautiful, and I even nominated myself for that one. :jets:

Bravo, gents! :metal
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: orcus116 on December 15, 2012, 08:52:04 PM
Mouse is a very worthy winner indeed.

Indeed. Glad to see the two nominations, even though those threads are long gone.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 15, 2012, 09:15:17 PM
Who gave seneca and I the "young vegetarians" nickname? dfjsdkl

Sounds like a _floyd thing to do.

 :lol Actually I voted wasteland/mora in that category but you've warmed my heart on this occasion with the shout out :hearts:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MrBoom_shack-a-lack on December 15, 2012, 09:16:19 PM
That MS paint thread is just magic!!  :rollin :lol :rollin
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 15, 2012, 09:35:22 PM
Can't wait for night 2. :metal
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 15, 2012, 09:35:45 PM
That MS paint thread is just magic!!  :rollin :jets: :rollin

It is - noticed that when bosk pointed it out to me, looked through the whole thing and was almost crying I was laughing so hard. :jets:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 09:38:41 PM
It's amazing. Rob's post on the first page, "Use the wibbly lever!"  :rollin

EDIT: And the second page....Rob you need to stop. You are amazing.  :rollin
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: splent on December 15, 2012, 09:51:44 PM
I wasn't nominated for anything.

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 15, 2012, 09:55:32 PM
I wasn't nominated for anything.

Ditto. :sadpanda:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: senecadawg2 on December 15, 2012, 09:57:05 PM
Don't worry.... Your nominations are on the way ;)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 15, 2012, 09:57:43 PM
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 15, 2012, 10:46:46 PM

I can't believe Duncan's Adventure wasn't nominated for 2012 or best thread ever! :facepalm:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 15, 2012, 10:48:37 PM
Yeah same... :|
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 15, 2012, 10:49:02 PM
Looking forward to the main awards tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 15, 2012, 10:51:17 PM
Not very many people nominated things for the thread awards.  :-\

After everything is done, I'm going to post a list of all the awards and nominations as well as some other interesting numbers. :)

Edit: I'm trying to compile a log of all the awards from the past years, but the only organized one I can find is last years. 2009 was the first time I take it, not sure I can add it to this record because it was really laid back and votes weren't counted up as far as I can see. And there's no trace of one in 2010.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 16, 2012, 02:04:48 AM
I think you'll all be happy with tomorrow's awards as well!

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 16, 2012, 03:46:24 AM
It's a shame I missed these announcements as they were made, but I had a good laugh reading through it. :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 16, 2012, 04:53:05 AM
After a category has been completed, I'll update the first post with the results!

I call shenanigans.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 16, 2012, 04:57:16 AM
I would have voted for Mouse as the best thread of all times, but for some reason that one completely escaped me! Today was my first time beholding such a gem. Seriously, DTF, you  :hefdaddy
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 16, 2012, 05:16:56 AM
Mouse (Now Watch What Happens) :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Jaffa on December 16, 2012, 07:22:22 AM
Awesome stuff.  Congrats to H for winning the most awards on day one! 
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Zydar on December 16, 2012, 07:23:31 AM
Congrats to the winners so far :tup
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 16, 2012, 07:51:57 AM
Bohemian Rhapsody is in the archives. https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=6678.0

And I'm shocked that I was the only one to vote Jackie/Adami to move I together!!

Still gotta waste an afternoon with the MS Paint thread.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 09:30:16 AM
Edit: I'm trying to compile a log of all the awards from the past years, but the only organized one I can find is last years. 2009 was the first time I take it, not sure I can add it to this record because it was really laid back and votes weren't counted up as far as I can see. And there's no trace of one in 2010.
I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't one in 2010. I've sort of done them on-off since DT.net. I do remember, my first one, Borlag went through and edited all the categories so nobody could say anything that might be misconstrued as negative. Different times!

I can count up the votes for 2009, if you'd like. Might take me eight months like last time, but I'll give it a go.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 10:04:19 AM
Only if you want! It's not a big deal. Just thought it'd be cool to see how many people have won awards and such.

I would've counted them myself, but it seemed like people were then allowed to award nominations whenever they wanted. Their might've been lots of one-person awards. Not sure though. I didn't read through the entire thread.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 10:32:55 AM
Naw, it was mostly people filling out the form. A lot of multi-voting, though, as I think naturally happens when votes are public because you don't want to be seen as missing someone important out. Bugger to count. I'd usually just count all of them if there's only a couple, or if there were loads and loads I'd take the first one and go with that.

It has tended to be pretty casual, though, yeah. Hence my tendency not to tot them up. This is the first one that's been done properly. Much better for it. When are the announcements starting tonight?

Also, I'm rubbish at photoshop, but I'm happy to have a go - would anyone be interested in signature banners for the winners (and potentially the nominees!) or something like that?

If you don't already have that planned for once they've all been announced, of course.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Silver Tears on December 16, 2012, 10:48:32 AM
How did I miss that mouse thread?!  :rollin
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 10:53:35 AM
Also, I'm rubbish at photoshop, but I'm happy to have a go - would anyone be interested in signature banners for the winners (and potentially the nominees!) or something like that?

If you don't already have that planned for once they've all been announced, of course.

I thought that would be an awesome idea! I would've done it myself, but with 36 awards, I couldn't find the time or inspiration to make each winner a unique plaque or something.  :-\
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 16, 2012, 10:58:06 AM
Have Heretic help you, then it's only 18. :)

Nah, I understand if it's too much. I'd totally help if my Photoshop skills didn't suck considerable amounts.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 10:58:35 AM
Also, I'm rubbish at photoshop, but I'm happy to have a go - would anyone be interested in signature banners for the winners (and potentially the nominees!) or something like that?

If you don't already have that planned for once they've all been announced, of course.

I thought that would be an awesome idea! I would've done it myself, but with 36 awards, I couldn't find the time or inspiration to make each winner a unique plaque or something.  :-\
Well, yeah - thirty-six to do, no promises, I can't guarantee I'd be able to put something together, but I was potentially thinking a (MUCH smaller) version of something like this...


The difficulty, natch, is finding thirty-five other emblems that'd go well over a gold medal. And look good small.



You get the gist!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 11:02:32 AM
Good luck! And thank you. I'll be doing a similar thing as yesterday, seeing as how I'll be out for a couple hours today. But I think it went well.

And now we will begin to reveal the winners to the General member Awards! Thanks again to all who voted! This time there may be one, two, or three awards announced at once because there are more than yesterday! It depends on how I wanted to group them. :P

We're starting out with three awards for the first one! Here are the top four for each category.

Smartest/Wisest Member
- rumborak
- El Barto
- Orbert
- robwebster

Funniest Member
- BlobVanDam
- black_floyd
- Adami
- hefdaddy42

Friendliest Member
- Jaffa
- chknptpie
- DebraKadabra
- lonestar
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 16, 2012, 11:03:39 AM


Either Jaffa or Lonestar.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 11:18:07 AM
Oh! Tough as nails. I think Jaffa will get the nod on the last category, if only by a hair, since that's a splendid group of people. Other two - no idea.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 16, 2012, 11:29:48 AM
Rob, I don't know, and lonestar maybe?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Dimitrius on December 16, 2012, 11:43:25 AM
Best Thread of 2012:
- This Was a Triumph (Portal Sing Along - Deleted)
That thread was amazing!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 11:50:21 AM
Bohemian Rhapsody is in the archives. https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=6678.0

Oh thanks! I'll add this link to my post.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 11:57:45 AM
Hm...smart =/= wise. The smartest DTFer is not the wisest DTFer. Whatever - I'm rooting for Orbert.

Funniest belongs to b_f. He really earned it this year with some killer posts.

Friendliest is hard because those are all extremely friendly people. Originally I voted for Gadough but I think Debra deserves it from that list.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 16, 2012, 11:58:51 AM
Well I guess I won't be around till late tonight to see the results. Oh well.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 12:01:40 PM
Hm...smart =/= wise. The smartest DTFer is not the wisest DTFer.

Don't worry. After all is said and done, I'll write down all the suggestions for changes for next year's awards.

Here are the winners for the first three categories!

Smartest/Wisest Member
- rumborak
- El Barto
- Orbert
* robwebster

Funniest Member
- BlobVanDam
* black_floyd
- Adami
- hefdaddy42

Friendliest Member
- Jaffa
- chknptpie
* DebraKadabra
* lonestar

Obviously a tie for the last one. Now the next two!

Angriest Member
- Tick
- Adami
- Zook
- SnakeEyes

Most Attractive Member
- Rina
- obscure
- nightmare_cinema
- Silver Tears
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Dimitrius on December 16, 2012, 12:05:20 PM
Wait, how was robwebster not always nominated for funniest? Tsk tsk
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 12:11:47 PM
Thanks to Adami and H as well as everyone else who voted for me. It really means a lot. I did't think I had much of a chance at it this year since we have so many hilarious members here like TioJorge (whom I voted for), Robwebster, Deb, Adami, Hef, Elite, Fuzzboy, Blob, and so many more that I can't possibly think of 'em all off the top of my head. I love you all and you guys are great.

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 12:13:40 PM
Likewise - smartest, frankly, is an honour, given the competition. Three very clever blokes - all of whom have used their minds in much better ways than I have. Humbled!

Can't argue with any of the results. There's so little between any of those categories. Ties occasionally feel like a bit of a cop-out - no consensus - but in this case, it just feels right. I hope the other two weren't far behind.

All female nominations for Most Attractive. Yep, definitely a progressive rock board.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Heretic on December 16, 2012, 12:19:31 PM
All female nominations for Most Attractive. Yep, definitely a progressive rock board.

I know, I totally thought I had that in the bag.

EDIT: Also those awards are really cool, Rob. If I had time I'd have made some genuine pixel-art trophies. Maybe next year.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 16, 2012, 12:19:47 PM

Not really, but I bet you look really spiffy as well.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 12:20:51 PM
Kialer2112 is the most attractive, clearly.

But for real, they're all equally flawless. ;)

Angriest...uh...I dunno. That seems like an odd award category to have in the first place...
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: theseoafs on December 16, 2012, 12:22:15 PM
Tick has angriest locked down.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 12:23:55 PM
To be fair, if you were haunted with ghosts, you'd be pretty angry too.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Dimitrius on December 16, 2012, 12:24:15 PM
Yep, people won't give him his quarter back.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Zydar on December 16, 2012, 12:25:26 PM
It's just a lens flare.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 12:25:40 PM
 :rollin You guys.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 12:53:53 PM
Here are the winners!

Angriest Member
- Tick
- Adami
* Zook
- SnakeEyes

Most Attractive Member
- Rina
* obscure
- nightmare_cinema
- Silver Tears

Looking back at previous years, obscure definitely has the monopoly on that award. :lol

Biggest Dream Theater Fan
- wasteland
- MoraWintersould
- ZeppelinDT
- BlobVanDam

Most Creative Member
- Heretic
- ThroughHerEyesDude6
- BlobVanDam
- Zydar
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 01:12:44 PM
Zep, Blob.

I nominated Zep and lonestar though.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 01:20:42 PM
I don't remember voting for this category. My prediction's the same as b_f's.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 16, 2012, 01:30:28 PM
Another nomination, yes!

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 16, 2012, 01:42:40 PM
Friendliest Member
* lonestar

Most Attractive Member
* obscure
Most likely to move in together:
* lonestar + obscure

Guess nice guys don't finish last after all. :hat
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: obscure on December 16, 2012, 01:46:18 PM
^ :)

wow.. I'm truly honoured  :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 01:49:37 PM
All that Nem feels is, awner and spite!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: obscure on December 16, 2012, 01:55:54 PM

no seriously... look at the three gorgeous ladies I competed with...   :heart

also.. I know I will never be named the most attractive again  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 01:58:23 PM
Here are the winners!

Biggest Dream Theater Fan
- wasteland
- MoraWintersould
* ZeppelinDT
- BlobVanDam

Most Creative Member
* Heretic
- ThroughHerEyesDude6
* BlobVanDam
* Zydar

Three-way tie on that one. And it's definitely not the last!

Best Signature

- Orbert

- lateralus88

- Zydar

- LieLowTheWantedMan

Best Avatar

- lonestar

- Sigz

- Logical Nightmare

- Elite

Since it's the holiday season, you can't exactly see their normal avatars. Sorry!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 02:07:02 PM
LieLow, Elite
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 02:09:30 PM
Hmm...I never really got what Orbert's and lateralus's sigs are supposed to depict.

Best avatar is lonestar or Sigz.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: theseoafs on December 16, 2012, 02:12:13 PM
Orbert's sig is Yes-themed. (You need to listen to more Yes, H.)  lateralus' sig has something to do with Swedish death metal, I think.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Sigz on December 16, 2012, 02:15:38 PM
Hmm...I never really got what Orbert's and lateralus's sigs are supposed to depict.

Orbert's are various Yes album covers, Lat's is Varg Vikernes, a Norwegian black metal artist who was associated with a string of church burnings in the early 90s (as well as doing 15 years in jail for murdering his bandmate).
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 16, 2012, 02:27:27 PM
Don't know on the sig front, but I think that either Sigz or LN will take the avatar one, both are hilarious avatars.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 16, 2012, 03:00:34 PM
To be fair, if you were haunted with ghosts, you'd be pretty angry too.
Hey, I try to make my haunting pleasant! :mora:

Thanks for the nom, wow! I always say I'm a morbid DT fan, but there's no way I can compete with the lot of you :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 03:02:04 PM
Here are the winners!

Best Signature

- Orbert

* lateralus88

* Zydar

* LieLowTheWantedMan

Best Avatar

* lonestar

- Sigz

- Logical Nightmare

- Elite

Another three-way tie! Now the next two...

Best Username
- DebraKadabra
- Implode
- Ħ
- kirksnosehair

Best Member Emoticon
- :obscure:
- :floydapproves:
- :zydar:
- :zydarscouch:

Zydar had two horses in this race.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 03:07:54 PM
kirk/deb (they both amuse me and are directly lifted from artists whom I only have a passing interest in), Zydar couch
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 16, 2012, 03:10:21 PM
Wow, another nomination. Thanks guys (and _floyd). And you're very welcome for being having the 'funniest member' award :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 03:11:24 PM
Love you too, Elijah :hearts:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Zook on December 16, 2012, 03:18:46 PM
Oh shit, I won something.

Thanks you fucking assholes!

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 03:19:36 PM
Luv ya too, Zook Skywalker :heart :heart :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Zook on December 16, 2012, 03:21:13 PM
Luv ya too, Zook Skywalker :heart :heart :heart

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Sir GuitarCozmo on December 16, 2012, 03:37:35 PM
Guess nice guys don't finish last after all. :hat

I don't know, I imagine a nice guy would probably let her finish first.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 16, 2012, 03:40:41 PM
It was nice to be nominated. :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 16, 2012, 03:43:38 PM
Wow,best avatar.didn't see that one coming. All credit goes to Eden the Man of course.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 16, 2012, 03:45:27 PM
I nom'd loney's avvie, kirk's user and zy's couch emote!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 16, 2012, 03:46:11 PM
Milena's avatar, Kirk's name and Zy's classic emoticon!  :metal
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 16, 2012, 03:54:53 PM
Milena's avatar

Almost as useful as Sigz's! :biggrin:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 16, 2012, 04:12:53 PM
Friendliest is hard because those are all extremely friendly people. Originally I voted for Gadough but I think Debra deserves it from that list.

Aww, thanks dude. :)

Friendliest Member
- Jaffa
- chknptpie
* DebraKadabra
* lonestar

I don't mind sharing this one with mah buddeh Arj.  Thanks to you folks who voted for me - much appreciated! :biggrin:

Thanks to Adami and H as well as everyone else who voted for me. It really means a lot. I did't think I had much of a chance at it this year since we have so many hilarious members here like TioJorge (whom I voted for), Robwebster, Deb, Adami, Hef, Elite, Fuzzboy, Blob, and so many more that I can't possibly think of 'em all off the top of my head. I love you all and you guys are great.


Salame?  Balone! :P :jets:

Anyhoooooo - funniest was SO hard to nominate for, since there are heaps of funny peeps here.  That said... I was one of the ones who nominated you, and I'm flattered to be included in your list of funny peeps. :)

kirk/deb (they both amuse me and are directly lifted from artists whom I only have a passing interest in), Zydar couch

Aw gee. :blush :biggrin:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 04:19:07 PM

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 16, 2012, 04:21:29 PM
Oh YOU. :jets:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Gadough on December 16, 2012, 04:22:27 PM
Sigz clearly has the best avatar.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: King Postwhore on December 16, 2012, 04:23:08 PM


WTF did I just watch?! :lol

Sigz clearly has the best avatar.

Sexy and 21.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 16, 2012, 04:24:18 PM


What the hell is this?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 04:30:16 PM
It's from the Adult Swim show, Tim and Eric's Awesome Show, Great Job!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 04:31:23 PM
AHH I'M LATE. Sorry.

Here are the winners!

Best Username
- DebraKadabra
* Implode
* Ħ
* kirksnosehair

Best Member Emoticon
- :obscure:
- :floydapproves:
- :zydar:
* :zydarscouch:

I don't understand why people nominated my username, but I'm not complaining! Thank you. Next two!

Most Underrated Member
- Elite
- TheOutlawXanadu
- Rina
- Jaffa

Best Lurker
- mizzl
- admin
- Mike Portnoy
- vlasto
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 04:35:01 PM
How is mizzl a lurker? He used to post somewhat regularly.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 16, 2012, 04:37:04 PM
Admin should win the lurker award. He sees without being seen, there's nowhere to set his aim, so he's everywhere  :D

Wey, prove me right posting something here!  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 04:37:18 PM
How is mizzl a lurker? He used to post somewhat regularly.

I don't know though. I didn't nominate him! ACK! Hinted at the winner in the post. Hope no one saw that....
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 16, 2012, 04:39:09 PM
How is mizzl a lurker? He used to post somewhat regularly.

I don't know though. I didn't nominate him! ACK! Hinted at the winner in the post. Hope no one saw that....

Well, half a bold tag can only mean one thing, right?  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 04:41:06 PM
Don't tell anyone! Just wait 20 more minutes.  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 05:12:36 PM
Here are the winners!

Most Underrated Member
- Elite
- TheOutlawXanadu
- Rina
* Jaffa

Best Lurker
- mizzl
* admin
* Mike Portnoy
* vlasto

MP snags his second win in this years ceremony. And congrats, Jaffa! You deserve an award. Next!

Best New Member
- Scorpion
- Cedar redaC
- MoraWintersoul
- DebraKadabra

Best Returning Member (Best Come-back!)
- bout to crash
- ariich
- BlobVanDam
- robwebster
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 16, 2012, 05:17:57 PM
Mike Portnoy as best lurker :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: SystematicThought on December 16, 2012, 05:33:17 PM
Here are the winners!
Best Signature
Best Avatar
I was really counting on one of these.  :-[
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 05:38:37 PM
Does anyone know where the results for last year are? I checked the OP and last couple pages for this thread (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30364.0) but didn't see it anywhere in there. Does anyone recall if it's even in those 12 pages or not? Just seems weird because there are no other threads started by robwebster that have any content remotely close to this.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 05:43:00 PM
He actually posted it in one of our threads.  :lol https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=33567.msg1378773#msg1378773

I'm going to post a list of all the awards that have been given out later.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 05:50:46 PM
Thank you :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 05:51:58 PM
Here are the winners!

Best New Member
- Scorpion
- Cedar redaC
* MoraWintersoul
- DebraKadabra

Best Returning Member (Best Come-back!)
* bout to crash
- ariich
* BlobVanDam
* robwebster

More ties! And also congrats to Mora! She was at the top of my list for getting an award too. (Though it didn't matter since Heretic and I refrained from voting) Next!

Best Moderator
- ariich
- bosk1
- Nick
- hefdaddy42

Best Thread Starter
- AndyDT
- jingle.boy "for DT *moments*
- Chino
- KevShmev

The "Thread Killer"
- Implode
- hefdaddy42
- obscure
- Ħ
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Chino on December 16, 2012, 05:59:05 PM
 :corn :corn
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 06:13:05 PM
Hef, Chino, Planck's constant
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 16, 2012, 06:39:49 PM
Best Thread Starter
- AndyDT
- jingle.boy "for DT *moments*
- Chino
- KevShmev

God I hope I don't beat Kev or AndyDT just for a Survivor I'm running!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 06:41:28 PM
Here are the winners!

Best Moderator
- ariich
- bosk1
- Nick
* hefdaddy42

Best Thread Starter
- AndyDT
- jingle.boy "for DT *moments*
- Chino
* KevShmev

The "Thread Killer"
- Implode
* hefdaddy42
- obscure
- Ħ

And finally the last two!

Best Poster (Member of the Year!)
- Zydar
- BlobVanDam
- black_floyd
- robwbester

DTF Lifetime Achievement Award
- KevShmev "map props for all his efforts in GMD"
- Dr. DTVT
- bosk1
- cyberdrummer "For his constant and unflinching dedication to an almost thankless task."
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Chino on December 16, 2012, 06:41:37 PM
Best Thread Starter
- AndyDT
- jingle.boy "for DT *moments*
- Chino
- KevShmev

God I hope I don't beat Kev or AndyDT just for a Survivor I'm running!

No worries. I got this.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 16, 2012, 06:42:46 PM
Best Thread Starter
- AndyDT
- jingle.boy "for DT *moments*
- Chino
- KevShmev

God I hope I don't beat Kev or AndyDT just for a Survivor I'm running!

No worries. I got this.

Guess not!

Hef as best mod, and thread killer.  Guess he's doing his :lokked: job well.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 06:53:43 PM
Ooh! 'Citing! This has been the year of the Floyd. He's all over the place. If anyone's a shoo-in for poster of the year, it's BF. Lifetime achievement... bosk1's the obvious choice. Might not get it, though.

This is it, people! Squeaky bum time.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 06:58:30 PM
rob, bosk.

Also, rob you're very nice. Thanks for the good will :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 07:07:29 PM
Best poster - Rob.
Lifetime Achievement - bosk.

And the H username was picked out by boskie. Props to him for that.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Cedar redaC on December 16, 2012, 07:14:07 PM
Best New Member
- Scorpion
- Cedar redaC
- MoraWintersoul
- DebraKadabra

I've been away from the computer for a while and I hadn't seen this. Thanks you for the nomination guys, I really appreciate it! Congratulations Mora, you deserve it :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 16, 2012, 07:15:06 PM
I can't pick a best poster, I think everyone's great. :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 07:17:26 PM
I can't pick a best poster, I think everyone's great. :)
What about the guy that posted the NAZIS ADMINS thread? Or wrath? Or the Texas Pirate? Or Kialer2121?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Cedar redaC on December 16, 2012, 07:18:25 PM
I can't pick a best poster, I think everyone's great. :)
What about the guy that posted the NAZIS ADMINS thread? Or wrath? Or the Texas Pirate? Or Kialer2121?
Or Lyter the Destroyer, remember him?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Lucidity on December 16, 2012, 07:27:29 PM
I think you'll all be happy with tomorrow's awards as well! Anyway, the winners are...

Best First Post of 2012:
- clinks63 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20210.msg761791#msg761791) (Disqulified for not being in 2012)
* Lucidity (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=30063.msg1377627#msg1377627)
- MoraWintersoul (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=322.msg1301102#msg1301102)

:omg:  :biggrin:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Heretic on December 16, 2012, 07:29:38 PM
Go Lucidity go!

Popping in to say muchas gracias for the most creative award guys. Very happy to share it with the other guys, but ThroughHerEyesDude deserves the title as well.

Also, we'll have to work out an alternate way of doing these next year-- there's so many ties and even shared awards between three people. We need to either take another step in the voting (as suggested by some) or allow for tie-breakers or something.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 07:48:39 PM
Here are the winners!

Best Poster (Member of the Year!)
- Zydar
- BlobVanDam
- black_floyd
* robwbester

DTF Lifetime Achievement Award
- KevShmev "map props for all his efforts in GMD"
- Dr. DTVT
* bosk1
- cyberdrummer "For his constant and unflinching dedication to an almost thankless task."

Many thanks again to all who voted! Special thanks to Heretic for working with me to organize these and make all the tough decisions! :lol Stay tuned for a comprehensive award count by member!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 07:53:38 PM
All right! Two members that definitely deserve it. :tup

Thank you to Implode and Heretic for doing this! Mad props.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 07:54:55 PM
I am truly and completely humbled. Although the most vain part of me would like to entertain the possibility that typo was deliberate. Either way, I'm with H. So many thanks. You've been absolutely fantastic. Wonderful, so much fun, much better than any previous year. Hope you're both game for 2013!

Right, after-show party - let's all get drunk!!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Heretic on December 16, 2012, 07:55:42 PM
Who the heck is robwbester? :lol

Great stuff happened here tonight. It was a lot of fun getting these together, and we definitely learned a lot, so we'll have a better idea of what to put into motion next time and how to improve things. Thanks guys.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 07:55:59 PM
Great job Implode and Heretic! I really appreciate all of your efforts and will send you both an entire CD of my Donna Summer vocal covers as soon as my 4-track's back from the shop. Also, thanks again to everyone who nominated me for anything. This was a blast. Love all you fuckers lots and looking forward to next year.

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 08:02:26 PM
Also, I'm thinking from now on, the Best Thread OF ALL TIME and DTF Lifetime Achievement awards are going to be like a hall of fame type thing. Winners are inducted and can't be nominated for them anymore.

And here's the document I'm keeping:

DTF Awards History

Counting for:
- 2011
- 2012

DTF Lifetime Achievement Winners:
- bosk1

DTF Best Threads OF ALL TIME!
- Mouse (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=20039)


admin [1]
- Best Lurker 2012

ariich [3]
- Friendliest Member 2011
- Best Moderator 2011
- Most Diplomatic 2011

AndyDT [1]
- Weirdest opinions 2011

black_floyd [1]
- Funniest Member 2012

BlobVanDam [3]
- Best Returning Member 2012
- Most likely to cry for five days straight if the forum is down 2012
- Most likely to still be posting in 15 years' time 2012

bosk1 [2]
- DTF Lifetime Achievement Award 2012
- Most likely to be elected president 2011

bout to crash [3]
- Best Returning Member 2012
- Most likely to move in together 2011 (with Sigz)
- Worst Avatar 2011

ClairvoyantCat [2]
- Best Username 2011
- Most likely to make it as a musician 2011

DebraKadabra [2]
- Friendliest Member 2012
- Most likely to cry for five days straight if the forum is down 2012

El Barto [1]
- Most Educational Poster 2011

- Angriest Member 2011

Gravy [1]
- Worst Avatar 2011

Ħ [4]
- Best Username 2012
- Most likely to be sectioned 2012
- Most likely to join a cult 2012
- Worst Post 2012

hefdaddy42 [4]
- Best Moderator 2012
- The "Thread Killer" 2012
- Most likely to become president 2012
- Best one-liners 2011

Heretic   [1]
- Most Creative Member 2012

icysk8r [1]
- Most likely to join a cult 2011

Implode [1]
- Best Username 2012

Jaffa [1]
- Most Underrated Member 2012

Jamesman42 [3]
- Best Thread Starter 2011
- Most likely to still be posting here in 15 years' time 2011
- Most likely to be gone in a year 2011

KevShmev [2]
- Best Thread Starter 2012
- Most likely to secretly be Kevin Moore 2011

Kialer2112 [2]
- Worst Post 2012
- Best Post 2012

kirksnosehair [2]
- Best Username 2012
- Most likely to make it as a musician 2012

lateralus88 [1]
- Best Signature 2012

LeeHarveyKennedy [1]
- Best absentee 2011

Letters [3]
- Biggest Dream Theater fan 2011
- Least likely to ever listen to Dream Theater again 2011
- Worst Username 2011

LieLowTheWantedMan [1]
- Best Signature 2012

lonestar [4]
- Friendliest Member 2012
- Best Avatar 2012
- Most likely to move in together 2012 (with obscure)
- Who you would most like to meet in person 2011

Lucidity [1]
- Best First Post 2012

MarlaHooch [1]
- Angrist Member 2011

MasterShakezula [1]
- Most likely to cry for five days straight if the forum breaks down 2011

Mike Portnoy [3]
- Best Lurker 2012
- Least likely to ever listen to Dream Theater again 2012
- Best Post 2012

MoraWintersoul [1]
- Best New Member 2012

Nick [1]
- Best Thread 2012

Numbers [2]
- Angriest Member 2011
- Most likely to become successful 2011

obscure   [5]
- Most Attractive Member 2012, 2011
- Most likely to move in together 2012 (with lonestar)
- Most likely to move in together 2011 (with every fogey)
- Who you would most like to meet in person 2011

orcus116 [1]
- Most likely to disagree with you just for the fun of it 2011

RavenHeart [1]
- Best taste in music 2011

robwebster [7]
- Smartest/Wisest Member 2012
- Best Returning Member 2012
- Best Poster 2012, 2011
- Best Post 2012
- Funniest Member 2011
- Best Vocabulary 2011

rumborak [1]
- Best in Breed 2011

SeRoX [1]
- Worst Thread 2012

Sigz [2]
- Most likely to move in together 2011 (with bout to crash)
- Best Avatar 2011

Silver Tears [1]
- Most Attractive Member 2011

skydivingninja [1]
- Best Username 2011

snapple [1]
- Most likely to be gone in a year 2012

sonatafanica [1]
- Most likely to be sectioned 2011

TempusVox [1]
- Most likely to be successful 2012

The Ugliest Unicorn [1]
- Best Username 2011

Tick [1]
- Angriest Member 2011

TimmyHiggy [1]
- Best Thread OF ALL TIME 2012

TioJorge [1]
- Best Post 2012

vlasto [1]
- Best Lurker 2012

wasteland [1]
- Most Creative Member 2012

YtseBitsySpider [1]
- Best Username 2011

ZeppelinDT [1]
- Biggest Dream Theater Fan 2012

Zook [1]
- Angriest Member 2012

Zydar [4]
- Most Creative Member 2012
- Best Signature 2012
- Best Member Emoticon 2012
- Angriest Member 2011

Of course Rob has the most awards. I'm not surprised.  :tup
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 16, 2012, 08:06:26 PM
Cheers to Mr. Webstertoneville!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Jaffa on December 16, 2012, 08:13:38 PM
Wow.  I really, really did not expect to see my name appearing in this thread at all.  I especially did not expect to actually win one.  Thanks to everyone who voted for me! 

Congratulations to everybody!  With special emphasis on robwebster, who I maintain is the greatest poster ever.

And thanks to Implode and Heretic for running this thing!  It was definitely a fun read.   :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 16, 2012, 08:14:21 PM
I won something! :metal
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 08:19:55 PM
Cheers to you, too, Jaffa and Adami! Enjoying the victory while I can - it'll be MoraWintersoul winning it next year. You can see it in her eyes, Best New Member's given her a taste for it.

This does mean that I probably won't be making signature banners, though. I fear it'd be milking it too much.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: King Postwhore on December 16, 2012, 08:21:07 PM
Cheers to you, too, Jaffa and Adami! Enjoying the victory while I can - it'll be MoraWintersoul winning it next year. You can see it in her eyes, Best New Member's given her a taste for it.

This does mean that I probably won't be making signature banners, though. I fear it'd be milking it too much.

Pound your chest man!!  It is imperative you have a banner!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: senecadawg2 on December 16, 2012, 08:23:01 PM
Now, more than ever, I hope that this community never dies  :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 08:24:00 PM
Member of the year! Two years running!

Obscure has a similar record as well.  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 08:27:09 PM
Now, more than ever, I hope that this community never dies  :heart

Remember that death is not the end, but only a transition.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 08:33:34 PM
Ħ [4]
- Best Username 2012
- Most likely to be sectioned 2012
- Most likely to join a cult 2012
- Worst Post 2012
Hopefully I'll do better....er, worse, next year. I was really hoping for angriest, but shucks, it just didn't work out. Guess you can't win them all.

Also. I think it was brought up before, but a customizable signature where we can list our awards would be super cool. No idea how to make one, though....
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 08:34:40 PM
Now, more than ever, I hope that this community never dies  :heart

This really the best online community I've seen. I don't understand how you guys do it. It's incredible.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 16, 2012, 08:35:21 PM
I probably would have won "Best Deadpool Corps. Representative".

Maybe next year.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: senecadawg2 on December 16, 2012, 08:36:25 PM
Now, more than ever, I hope that this community never dies  :heart

This really the best online community I've seen. I don't understand how you guys do it. It's incredible.

Yeah, just looking at all the posters who won, and considering all the great posters who didn't, I'm in awe.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 08:38:44 PM
Oh seneca, how you've warmed my heart this evening.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Heretic on December 16, 2012, 08:40:36 PM
In my heart, you're all winners. :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 08:45:10 PM
Ħ [4]
- Best Username 2012
- Most likely to be sectioned 2012
- Most likely to join a cult 2012
- Worst Post 2012
Hopefully I'll do better....er, worse, next year. I was really hoping for angriest, but shucks, it just didn't work out. Guess you can't win them all.

Also. I think it was brought up before, but a customizable signature where we can list our awards would be super cool. No idea how to make one, though....

I started doing these earlier - you had about 50% of the awards at that time, so naturally, one of them happened to be a category you won. Obviously, that one's probably too big, but something along those lines.

Something official would be cool. What'd be ideal, would be to make sort of banners that were uncopyable - find some way to worm in a watermark, make it official, so you can't get people making up awards (not that I think they'd try!) - but christ knows if I'm capable of that. I tried, with the majesty logo, but I'm sure someone more qualified than me could do a better (and smaller!) job.

The main thing that I think they'd be good for, is that they'd keep people thinking of it all year round. Helps make it an event, an institution. I think that's good - Heretic and Implode have put a lot of effort into this year's, it's paid off grandly, and next year's deserves to be even more successful.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Heretic on December 16, 2012, 08:47:31 PM
Actually I absolutely love how those look, rob. Maybe a bit smaller (as per signatures go) but those are quite excellent. It'd be work to make one for every person, but then you'd at least have the images for the coming years as well (although we might change the color of the background + insignia for each year.) :D
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 09:04:22 PM
Tell you what, then. I'll put together some kind of blank insignia, which can then be customised year on year. Different colours, fonts, emblems if you want. I can't promise they'll all look brilliant, I'm using an in-browser photoshop clone (www.pixlr.com - might as well give them a bit of publicity) and whatever transparent free-use(-ish) images I can find on google image search, but you can change the shit ones in future years, you've got a blank one if you want to add more categories, and if you want me to do this year's medals I'll see how quickly I can get them done. Hopefully sooner than August.


These were the other three, by the way. "Most likely to leave" and "Most likely to be elected" are, er, half-finished. Is the line I'm going to use. I did say I was rubbish with photoshop. I also fear that the emblem on "Musician" just plain won't be legible at a smaller size. It's not great at the current size. So if there's anyone else who's game to do this, I'm sure there are people who could do a much better job much quicker than me! I will pay you literally all of my prize money. But if nobody else fancies it, it will get done. Eventually.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 09:06:50 PM
Yeah, that would be awesome! And it would certainly attract attention to the contest in future years. What would be neat is if each person had a running tab in their sig of which categories they won and which year. That'd be a lot of work, and would have to be updated every year to boot...I just wonder if there's an easier way to just make a template so everyone can do it themselves.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: robwebster on December 16, 2012, 09:13:54 PM
My original idea was actually a little bit like that - I thought about doing little icons, like Xbox achievements. You can have a neat row of icons. Sounds simple, right?

Well, that idea sort of survived in the form of the emblems on the medals, but because I can't draw very well (and certainly not with this mouse) I ended up seeking out transparent images on Google, and they don't always look as great scaled down. Then I wanted to make sure the right awards went to the right people, so people couldn't sneak awards they hadn't earnt, so I chose to add a watermark, and then decided I'd overlap a username and the name of the award so nobody has access to the blank version of the medal, and it all turned into this sort of massive kerfuffle, where discreet icons have become cumbersome medallions and it's all a big mess.

So I'm definitely in a little over my head, here.


Something like that, is what I had in mind - medals with relevant images on. To expand them...

(https://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120317212219/masseffect/images/d/de/ME2_Technician_Achievement.png) (https://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120317211639/masseffect/images/8/87/ME2_Incineration_Specialist.png) (https://images.wikia.com/masseffect/images/3/3e/ME2_Heart_Of_Darkness.png)

Or something like this, where there's a distinct theme:


I don't know how plausible any of that would be, though. I'm not a very good artist at the best of times. I can rock MS Paint, and I can find my way around photoshop software, but by and large. How do people go about making achievement icons?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 09:25:40 PM
I think the "Funniest member" badge should be a tomato splattered onto a wall.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: KevShmev on December 16, 2012, 09:30:08 PM

Best Thread Starter
- AndyDT
- jingle.boy "for DT *moments*
- Chino
* KevShmev


Thanks, DTF community. :hat :hat :hat
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: senecadawg2 on December 16, 2012, 09:31:54 PM
All those vs threads did it for me. Keep it up!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 16, 2012, 09:35:36 PM
v vs. s: one letter to rule them all!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 16, 2012, 09:38:10 PM
Who's the most experienced at pixel art? They could probably makes some really good small emblems.

Or we could go 2005 and make those small userbars for everyone.  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: SeRoX on December 16, 2012, 10:46:46 PM
So I was not nominated as a best returning member but being worst thread winner. This will not be forgotten.  :(

Seriously, fun to follow. At least I won something, that means a lot to me. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Zydar on December 16, 2012, 10:49:24 PM
Wow, I am truly humbled and happy over all the winnings and nominations! I had hopes about having maybe one nomination, but this was really unthinkable.

Thanks DTF, you guys truly rock :zydarscouch:

Edit: I don't remember winning Angriest Member last year, that's so totally out of character for me :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 16, 2012, 10:59:06 PM
Great work guys!!!

And quite humbled to have won such prestigious awards. :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Adami on December 16, 2012, 11:00:19 PM
Great work guys!!!

And quite humbled to have won such prestigious awards. :)

Ohhh that's another award I could have won "Worst Lonestar customer".
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 16, 2012, 11:01:31 PM
Great work guys!!!

And quite humbled to have won such prestigious awards. :)

Ohhh that's another award I could have won "Worst Lonestar customer".

Guess by default I'd be the "best them"?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 11:28:27 PM
Great work guys!!!

And quite humbled to have won such prestigious awards. :)

Ohhh that's another award I could have won "Worst Lonestar customer".

Guess by default I'd be the "best them"?
IIRC, DTVT went to lonestar's too.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 16, 2012, 11:34:19 PM
All of you guys were awesome customers.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lateralus88 on December 16, 2012, 11:40:46 PM
And here's the document I'm keeping:

DTF Awards History

lateralus88 [1]
- Best Signature 2012

Excuse me but...

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 16, 2012, 11:41:00 PM
Although I didn't win anything in the end, I want to thank everyone who voted for me in whatever category :)
Implode and Heretic; I thank you for running this, it was fun!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 16, 2012, 11:48:39 PM
And here's the document I'm keeping:

DTF Awards History

lateralus88 [1]
- Best Signature 2012

Excuse me but...


Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lateralus88 on December 16, 2012, 11:49:20 PM
I think I'm gonna bring it back with me to College and hang it on my dorm wall, Lonestar. Best gift ever.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 16, 2012, 11:51:32 PM
Hm...might I suggest that the "Best Poster" category, which robwebster won, be kept distinct from the "Member of the Year" contest, which lateralus won? Just a suggestion.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 17, 2012, 12:04:53 AM
That's the member tournament, right?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lateralus88 on December 17, 2012, 12:10:09 AM
Yes, but I didn't think it was being done this year so I assumed this was taking it's place instead.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: obscure on December 17, 2012, 12:55:59 AM

obscure   [5]
- Most Attractive Member 2012, 2011
- Most likely to move in together 2012 (with lonestar)
- Most likely to move in together 2011 (with every fogey)
- Who you would most like to meet in person 2011

Member of the year! Two years running!

Obscure has a similar record as well.  :lol



thank you thank you thank you :hearts:

special thanks to Implode, robwebster and Heretic for doing this .. huge undertaking  :tup

beers on me  (https://www.brews-bros.com/public/style_emoticons/default/cheers.gif)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 17, 2012, 01:06:26 AM
My compliment to the scene stealer in chief, the great and beloved Robert D. Webster (what does the D. stand for, again?  :lol )

Ad of course to Milena, but she already knows my mind, so I'm not going to repeat myself here.  :)

And an unofficial but in no way less important award to Implode and Heretic for this undertaking.  ;)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: ? on December 17, 2012, 01:09:08 AM
Congrats to everyone who won something! :tup Too bad there was no "worst username" category this year, I could've had a chance of winning that one! :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 17, 2012, 01:16:42 AM
Aw man, I missed all of the updates again! :(

And I bet most of my votes came from Jaffa, because I can't imagine anyone else voting for me in half of those categories. :lol Thanks, buddy.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ruba on December 17, 2012, 01:51:15 AM
Here are the winners!

Most Attractive Member
- Rina
* obscure
- nightmare_cinema
- Silver Tears

Sorry ladies, I love you all, but you know what would happen if I wouldn't have voted Nem...


Don't know on the sig front, but I think that either Sigz or LN will take the avatar one, both are hilarious avatars.

My favourite is Fisi's, though he hasn't been around very long time. He isn't yet well recognized.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: obscure on December 17, 2012, 01:58:11 AM
Here are the winners!

Most Attractive Member
- Rina
* obscure
- nightmare_cinema
- Silver Tears

Sorry ladies, I love you all, but you know what would happen if I wouldn't have voted Nem...


Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 17, 2012, 02:05:53 AM
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 17, 2012, 02:07:41 AM
Aww, thanks for the best new member thing, you guys are awesome :heart

A lot of the people I voted for either got nominated or won, and all of the other nominees were splendid too, this was quite amazing. Thanks for existing, DTF.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 17, 2012, 02:08:38 AM
Yay! I got a nomination! More than I expected, so thanks for everyone who voted for me there. You rock! :thursday:
Title: And most arachnic user name...
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 17, 2012, 03:23:50 AM
I nominated you for best new member.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 17, 2012, 05:15:17 AM
So did I, bro.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Silver Tears on December 17, 2012, 05:16:26 AM
This thread is awesome, I would've got more involved and voted if I wasn't swamped with exams at the moment, but I'm still feeling the community love from afar  :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Orbert on December 17, 2012, 06:40:12 AM
Congratulations to all the winners! :tup
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 17, 2012, 08:40:37 AM
Member with most spherical-sounding first 3 letters of user name: Orbert
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Big Hath on December 17, 2012, 08:44:34 AM
pretty cool that you guys do this - congrats everyone!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: YtseBitsySpider on December 17, 2012, 08:57:15 AM
Did I win my usual two?

Least likely to get nominated for anything - YtseBitsySpider
Most likely to be forgotten about - YtsebitsySpider

I did!!!

Another grand award ceremony like previous years to be attendedy by............ME!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Zantera on December 17, 2012, 09:07:13 AM
Bah, I didn't win anything which either means nobody likes me or everyone hates me.   :|

Nah, but grats to everyone who won something!  :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Heretic on December 17, 2012, 09:16:30 AM
Bah, I didn't win anything which either means nobody likes me or everyone hates me.   :|

Nah, but grats to everyone who won something!  :heart

<3 Sorry Jimmy, I would've nominated you in several categories had I not been a part of the team. :D
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Dr. DTVT on December 17, 2012, 09:23:20 AM
Didn't get nominated for the one I thought I would, but I was shocked that more than one person nominated me for the lifetime achievement award.  I'll call that a win I guess, even if I am two time loser.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 17, 2012, 09:30:48 AM
Didn't get nominated for the one I thought I would, but I was shocked that more than one person nominated me for the lifetime achievement award.  I'll call that a win I guess, even if I am two time loser.

better than being a two-bit loser.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Chino on December 17, 2012, 09:31:15 AM
I'm happy that I at least got nominated for something.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: cyberdrummer on December 17, 2012, 09:40:53 AM

DTF Lifetime Achievement Award
- KevShmev "map props for all his efforts in GMD"
- Dr. DTVT
* bosk1
- cyberdrummer "For his constant and unflinching dedication to an almost thankless task."

Many thanks again to all who voted! Special thanks to Heretic for working with me to organize these and make all the tough decisions! :lol Stay tuned for a comprehensive award count by member!

Haha I had no idea I'd been nominated, thanks very much. Maybe another tour cycle and that award will be mine  :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: nightmare_cinema on December 17, 2012, 09:48:33 AM
Most Attractive Member

- Rina
* obscure
- nightmare_cinema
- Silver Tears

Oooh I didn't even know I was nominated for anything til just now :) Thanks! Is there a link to how this whole thing even works?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Chino on December 17, 2012, 09:55:51 AM
Next year we need to have a "Most attractive male member" and a "Most attractive female member".
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: nightmare_cinema on December 17, 2012, 09:59:44 AM
Next year we need to have a "Most attractive male member" and a "Most attractive female member".

Definitely. And next year I will endeavour to actually notice this thread and cast a vote :P
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Big Hath on December 17, 2012, 10:05:53 AM
we should also think carefully about how we word that category
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Chino on December 17, 2012, 10:06:52 AM
we should also think carefully about how we word that category

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: alirocker08 on December 17, 2012, 10:13:47 AM
I'm disappointed that the male/female pornstar categories weren't included.

I should also post more If I want to win anything next year :P
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 17, 2012, 11:09:31 AM
I'm disappointed that the male/female pornstar categories weren't included.

I should also post more If I want to win anything next year :P

In fairness, there were no Hobbit categories.

Ali dear, in this sausage-fest community, all the dolls hold a special place in all our hearts

and loins
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MetalJunkie on December 17, 2012, 11:10:03 AM
I should also post more If I want to win anything next year :P
It didn't work for me.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: kirksnosehair on December 17, 2012, 11:58:04 AM
You guys would laugh if you saw the royalty checks from my record label  :jets:

wait  :\

Ahh, fuck it, who cares?  :rollin
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: chknptpie on December 17, 2012, 12:00:44 PM
I was nominated? Awww shucks guys  :-*
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 17, 2012, 12:01:24 PM
You guys would laugh if you saw the royalty checks from my record label  :jets:

wait  :\

Ahh, fuck it, who cares?  :rollin

Everyone's definition of "make it" is different.  Doesn't always need to be financial measurements.  You've put out a fantastic prog record, with a couple of fairly well known names (Ryo and PelleK) ... at least, well known in these circles.

I'd say that qualifies as having 'made it'.  Or at least, made something.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: JayOctavarium on December 17, 2012, 12:46:54 PM
Member with funniest facebook comments:


seriously floyd has me in tears of laughter almost every other day (especially Sundays)

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: kirksnosehair on December 17, 2012, 12:59:09 PM
You guys would laugh if you saw the royalty checks from my record label  :jets:

wait  :\

Ahh, fuck it, who cares?  :rollin

Everyone's definition of "make it" is different.  Doesn't always need to be financial measurements.  You've put out a fantastic prog record, with a couple of fairly well known names (Ryo and PelleK) ... at least, well known in these circles.

I'd say that qualifies as having 'made it'.  Or at least, made something.

Yeah, I know what you're saying, my only financial goal is for the production of these albums to be cost-neutral.  I couldn't care less if I make money.  I just want to keep making prog albums AND stay married  :jets:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: RoeDent on December 17, 2012, 01:16:32 PM
All worthy winners. Congratulations and commiserations all round!

I don't post here all that often, usually because I don't have a lot to say, but I am a regular lurker. The 'Post your pic' thread is utterly hilarious and I usually look at it when I need cheering up a bit.

Kudos to Heretic and Implode for hosting the awards show.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Orbert on December 17, 2012, 01:18:07 PM
Hey, those of you saying that you didn't get nominated for anything, remember that only the top four nominations in each category are listed here.  The "finalists" or something like that.  There were definitely more than four nominations in some categories.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 17, 2012, 01:20:12 PM
Member with funniest facebook comments:


seriously floyd has me in tears of laughter almost every other day (especially Sundays)

I don't have him on facebook :( nor you, for that matter :'(
I have, like... *counts* 8 DTFers.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Orbert on December 17, 2012, 01:24:42 PM
Member with most spherical-sounding first 3 letters of user name: Orbert

Aw, Floyd, you're too kind.

Since we were allowed to write in our own categories, I should've come up with something like that.

I coulda been a contenduh.  I coulda been a contenduh.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Cedar redaC on December 17, 2012, 01:27:24 PM
Member with funniest facebook comments:


seriously floyd has me in tears of laughter almost every other day (especially Sundays)

I don't have him on facebook :( nor you, for that matter :'(
I have, like... *counts* 8 DTFers.
It's okay, I have like.... none.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Sketchy on December 17, 2012, 01:28:47 PM
I have one.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 17, 2012, 01:41:34 PM
I have one.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Sketchy on December 17, 2012, 01:45:35 PM

Damn that gif, and the mental SQUEEE which occurs. (I love it really).
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: FlyingBIZKIT on December 17, 2012, 01:50:35 PM
Cool stuff!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 17, 2012, 01:50:59 PM
I have one.

It's not going to last, trust me.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Sketchy on December 17, 2012, 01:55:57 PM
lol, it didn't. Thought that was you.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: JayOctavarium on December 17, 2012, 01:58:25 PM
I have like a couple

and some one else I am forgetting -_-

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 17, 2012, 02:26:34 PM
I have 17. :metal
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Jaffa on December 17, 2012, 02:37:29 PM
I don't even have a Facebook.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Silver Tears on December 17, 2012, 02:42:32 PM
I can't be bothered counting mine up but I think it's over forty  :|
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 17, 2012, 02:44:49 PM
Exactly one.

Elite, feel honoured.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Heretic on December 17, 2012, 03:40:19 PM
Most of my DTF facebook friends are now banned members............
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Lucidity on December 17, 2012, 03:41:10 PM
I only have one DTF friend on Facebook ):
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: senecadawg2 on December 17, 2012, 03:44:36 PM
Didn't get nominated for the one I thought I would, but I was shocked that more than one person nominated me for the lifetime achievement award.  I'll call that a win I guess, even if I am two time loser.

I got you man!  :tup

Next year we need to have a "Most attractive male member" and a "Most attractive female member".

and yes, I agree. there are so many attractive guys around here  :\
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 17, 2012, 03:46:08 PM
Yup. You, for instance.

/fullhomo :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: senecadawg2 on December 17, 2012, 03:47:57 PM
 :blush   You're not bad yourself     :police:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Zook on December 17, 2012, 03:52:34 PM
I have a few DTFers as Facebook friends... I rarely talk to them though

lol I'm such a prick amirite?

grrr I'm so angry!

And bored...
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 17, 2012, 03:54:27 PM
PSA: Request me. I don't post too much bullcrap. :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: JayOctavarium on December 17, 2012, 03:57:05 PM
oh yes... I also have Cup on facebook... if he is even still on it @.@
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 17, 2012, 03:58:26 PM
I have a few DTFers as Facebook friends... I rarely talk to them though

lol I'm such a prick amirite?

grrr I'm so angry!

And bored...
Yes, let your angah flowww through you.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 17, 2012, 04:00:52 PM
Oh! Aaaaangahh! Annger is my middle name! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L1w5Zn3muQ)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Zook on December 17, 2012, 04:01:59 PM
PSA: Request me. I don't post too much bullcrap. :heart

But you're a ga ga ga ga  GHOOOOOOST!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 17, 2012, 04:40:33 PM
I think I'm in the 40 range also.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 17, 2012, 04:42:45 PM
PSA: Request me. I don't post too much bullcrap. :heart

Only when it's in your native tongue. That shit's useless to me.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 17, 2012, 07:09:16 PM
Hey, those of you saying that you didn't get nominated for anything, remember that only the top four nominations in each category are listed here.  The "finalists" or something like that.  There were definitely more than four nominations in some categories.

That's true! We've had like 10-15 unique nominations for each award!

And also, I don't think I have very many DTFers on FB.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 17, 2012, 07:53:23 PM
Member with funniest facebook comments:


seriously floyd has me in tears of laughter almost every other day (especially Sundays)


Thanks dude. It sincerely means a lot :heart I think someone could get me committed if they compiled all of my vitriolic sports rants from this season. Sporting events really make my posting style enter an area that laughably belies my docile nature.

Member with funniest facebook comments:


seriously floyd has me in tears of laughter almost every other day (especially Sundays)

I don't have him on facebook :( nor you, for that matter :'(
I have, like... *counts* 8 DTFers.

I'm always up for more good DTF friends on FB. If you can't find me under "Joshua Rose" or "Joshua Rose Metairie, Louisiana", just PM me and we'll figure it out :)

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: JayOctavarium on December 17, 2012, 07:55:11 PM
Hell you can search JayOctavarium on facebook and I'll pop up. add me if you wish, and b_f (joshua rose) is in my friends list.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Elite on December 17, 2012, 08:41:02 PM
Exactly one.

Elite, feel honoured.


I have about 5 I think, add me, people, if you want :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 17, 2012, 09:12:15 PM
_floyd's in my friend list too, Milena.

I think I have about 8-10 DTFers (count may be off since I still feel wonky), but be warned - I share a lot of stupid shit sometimes. :jets:   I'm also a bit shy to friend people since I'm just weird like that. :blush
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: JayOctavarium on December 17, 2012, 10:19:05 PM
So... much... Lego...posts...  ^

lol jk

so the awards are over... the after party is winding down... we are the last few people sitting around... drunk... blabbing away while the host is cleaning up and glaring at us from across the room
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 17, 2012, 10:22:01 PM
I'm not glaring! I'm perfectly fine with this! Party on! In fact, another round on me!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 17, 2012, 10:29:37 PM
My nomination list:

General DTF Member Awards:

   Smartest/Wisest Member: Dr. DTVT
   Funniest Member: Tio Jorge
   Friendliest Member: lonestar
   Angriest Member: zook
   Most Attractive Member: Rina
   Biggest Dream Theater Fan: ZeppelinDT
   Most Creative Member: lonestar
   Best Signature: LieLowTheWantedMan
   Best Avatar: Rattlehead
   Best Username:
   Best Member Emoticon:
   Most Underrated Member: Elite
   Best Lurker:
   Best New Member: Scorpion
   Best Returning Member (Best come-back!): robwebster
   Best Moderator: Hefdaddy42
   Best Thread Starter: MetalJunkie
   The "Thread Killer:" zook
   Best Poster: senecadawg2
   DTF Lifetime Achievement Award:

Most/Least Likely:

   Most likely to become president:
   Most likely to cry for five days straight if the forum is down: Adami
   Most likely to be sectioned:
   Most likely to join a cult: AndyDT
   Most likely to still be posting in 15 years’ time: BlobVanDam
   Most likely to be gone by the end of 2013:
   Most likely to move in together: MoraWintersoul/Wasteland
   Most likely to make it as a musician: mrjazzguitar
   Most likely to be successful: senecadawg2
   Least likely to ever listen to Dream Theater again:

Post/Thread Awards (First annual!):

  Best First Post (in 2012):
   Worst Thread of 2012:
   Best Thread of 2012:
   Best Thread OF ALL TIME:
   Worst Post of 2012:
   Best Post of 2012 (Post of the Year):
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 17, 2012, 10:29:51 PM
So... much... Lego...posts...  ^

Hey, I can't help it if LEGO LOTR is as kick ass as it is. :biggrin:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 18, 2012, 12:23:40 AM
So damn true though lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: RoeDent on December 18, 2012, 03:22:35 AM
I realise I'm late to the party and all, but still.

A few comments on the 'Best Thread of All Time' award.

"Scenes from My Memory" has to be, without a doubt, the greatest unfinished thread in forum history.

"Mouse" is definitely a worthy winner though. Hilarious doesn't even come close.  :rollin
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Zook on December 18, 2012, 06:41:18 AM
My nomination list:

General DTF Member Awards:

   Angriest Member: zook

   The "Thread Killer:" zook


But I do kill A LOT of threads.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 18, 2012, 07:56:42 AM
PSA: Request me. I don't post too much bullcrap. :heart

Only when it's in your native tongue. That shit's useless to me.
Hahahaha, my Serbian friends actually complain a lot when I don't do Serbian posts, so I have to post something in Serbian every once in a while :lol

Requested the few of you who said it's okay. And for the rest, my name is in the group, and you can search for Mora Wintersoul as well, so... :) just let me know who you are if we don't have any mutual DTF friends and stuff like that.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Dr. DTVT on December 18, 2012, 08:29:40 AM
I've met more DTF members than most of you have on facebook  :P

Hopefully I'm going to add to that over Christmas.  black_floyd, I'm looking at you!
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 18, 2012, 08:49:05 AM
I've met more DTF members than most of you have on facebook  :P
Well now I just have to hate you, sorry! :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Nekov on December 18, 2012, 01:33:28 PM
Congrats to all the winners! But specially Rob  ;)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: splent on December 18, 2012, 02:30:41 PM
 :sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sad: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Two years in a row and I wasn't even nominated for anything.

Nobody likes me.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Silver Tears on December 18, 2012, 02:31:13 PM
Who are you?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Silver Tears on December 18, 2012, 02:31:26 PM
(just kidding  :heart :heart :heart)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Scorpion on December 18, 2012, 02:31:51 PM
Who are you?

:lol :rollin :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Orbert on December 18, 2012, 04:26:10 PM
:sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sad: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Two years in a row and I wasn't even nominated for anything.

Nobody likes me.

Splent, learn to reading comprehension.  Only the top four nominees in each category are listed.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 18, 2012, 05:08:20 PM
I've met more DTF members than most of you have on facebook  :P

Hopefully I'm going to add to that over Christmas.  black_floyd, I'm looking at you!

PM me or FB me (or any two-letter acronym that will permit me to still walk properly the next day) and we'll make that happen if schedules can line up favorably, I'd love to :tup

:sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sad: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Two years in a row and I wasn't even nominated for anything.

Nobody likes me.

Splent, learn to reading comprehension.  Only the top four nominees in each category are listed.

Well that plus, splent, you've been a member here long enough to realize that only the small segment of maybe 15 or 20 longtimers will remember anyone if they're gone for a while and you've been almost totally MIA for at least 2 years now. We still love you but there are shitloads of newer members who have no idea what DTF was like even a year ago.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: JayOctavarium on December 18, 2012, 06:08:08 PM
I remember splent and I'm not a long timer
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ħ on December 18, 2012, 06:23:42 PM
Splent, learn to reading comprehension.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 18, 2012, 06:31:08 PM
I remember splent and I'm not a long timer

But you were also here back when he was still posting somewhat regularly, I think. Basically, I was trying to convey that if you go away for a while then there's a good chance that only a small percentage of the members will remember your personality well enough to even be able to decide whether or not they consider you the most or least whatever for a given category. I will, however, vote for Spencer for "Gentlest Giant."
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Dimitrius on December 18, 2012, 06:56:23 PM
:sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sad: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Two years in a row and I wasn't even nominated for anything.

Nobody likes me.

I've been a part of the community since '06 and never get nominated for any of this and you don't see me complaining.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Dr. DTVT on December 18, 2012, 07:40:08 PM
You won spammer of the year once.  You've been posting less since then.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Dimitrius on December 18, 2012, 07:43:40 PM
:lol :lol
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on December 18, 2012, 07:47:14 PM
Was Aniland ever around for one of these? Wonder how he'd do.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 18, 2012, 10:43:54 PM
So damn true though lol

Yeah, sorry about that - at least the game's finally out so that shit's been put to a screeching whoa. :jets:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: senecadawg2 on December 19, 2012, 03:49:15 PM
My nomination list:
   Best Poster: senecadawg2
   Most likely to be successful: senecadawg2

I know it's a bit late, but I just saw this. I've always loved me some b_f, and I'm honored that you would even consider me for any awards. You certainly got a couple nominations from me as well, and this time... It's you that has succesfully warmed my heart this evening.   :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Dr. DTVT on December 19, 2012, 03:56:48 PM
Was Aniland ever around for one of these? Wonder how he'd do.

He'd bet destroyed if Darkes7 was also in it.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 19, 2012, 10:27:45 PM
My nomination list:
   Best Poster: senecadawg2
   Most likely to be successful: senecadawg2

I know it's a bit late, but I just saw this. I've always loved me some b_f, and I'm honored that you would even consider me for any awards. You certainly got a couple nominations from me as well, and this time... It's you that has succesfully warmed my heart this evening.   :heart

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: splent on December 20, 2012, 06:54:38 PM

:sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sadpanda: :sad: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Two years in a row and I wasn't even nominated for anything.

Nobody likes me.

Splent, learn to reading comprehension.  Only the top four nominees in each category are listed.

Well that plus, splent, you've been a member here long enough to realize that only the small segment of maybe 15 or 20 longtimers will remember anyone if they're gone for a while and you've been almost totally MIA for at least 2 years now. We still love you but there are shitloads of newer members who have no idea what DTF was like even a year ago.

Well I wasn't even nominated for most likely to leave :lol

Not trying to leave but teaching high school is very time consuming. 
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 21, 2012, 12:57:57 AM
We just know you love us too much to leave. :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: alirocker08 on December 21, 2012, 02:25:19 AM
Was Aniland ever around for one of these? Wonder how he'd do.
I miss Aniland.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 21, 2012, 09:09:08 AM
That's a category I wish we'd had: Most Missed Member.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 21, 2012, 01:15:10 PM
That's a category I wish we'd had: Most Missed Member.

There was a "best absentee" category last year.  My vote will go to JustJen, with an honorable mention to :lhk:
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Weymolith on December 21, 2012, 01:28:20 PM
I'll try to lurk less :)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Tick on December 21, 2012, 02:44:06 PM
I just became president of a cult!!! :metal

Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Tick on December 21, 2012, 02:53:13 PM
Tick has angriest locked down.
SCREW YOU!!! >:(
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: theseoafs on December 21, 2012, 02:57:35 PM
Tick has angriest locked down.
SCREW YOU!!! >:(

Keep that up and you'll get it next year, buddy. :heart
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: obscure on December 21, 2012, 11:54:35 PM
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 22, 2012, 12:22:21 AM
I think he's ticked off now.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 22, 2012, 12:27:42 AM
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 22, 2012, 12:36:07 AM
a rare shitty pun from _floyd...
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: JayOctavarium on December 22, 2012, 12:38:01 AM
I think he's ticked off now.

a rare shitty pun from _floyd...

I didn't even catch the pun till now... fail?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: black_biff_stadler on December 22, 2012, 01:24:04 AM
I love you like a brother but I still can't think of any way to sugarcoat it so, yes, fail it is.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Ultimetalhead on December 24, 2012, 05:46:37 PM
I'm glad the Mouse thread was thread of the year. That was some of the most fun I've ever had with internet shenanigans.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: lonestar on December 25, 2012, 01:34:33 AM
It was a very close second in my voting, but Scenes from My Memory, when I first came across that one, I was literally pissing myself for three hours reading it. Never forget that afternoon.

Mouse is definitely a worthy winner though, best ending to a thread ever.
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 25, 2012, 01:36:23 AM
It was a very close second in my voting, but Scenes from My Memory, when I first came across that one, I was literally pissing myself for three hours reading it. Never forget that afternoon.

Mouse is definitely a worthy winner though, best ending to a thread ever.

Same here. It's a shame, a very big shame Indiscipline disappeared leaving no trace. Would it be that we had policemen or detectives among us to find him.  ::)
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: MoraWintersoul on December 25, 2012, 02:18:24 AM
I saw that in one of the previous ones there was a "most likely to secretly be Kevin Moore"-one. Did KevSchmev always win that? :D
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 25, 2012, 02:21:02 AM
I saw that in one of the previous ones there was a "most likely to secretly be Kevin Moore"-one. Did KevSchmev always win that? :D

In blob's words: "It's always KevShmev, always!"
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: Implode on December 25, 2012, 11:22:35 AM
It was a very close second in my voting, but Scenes from My Memory, when I first came across that one, I was literally pissing myself for three hours reading it. Never forget that afternoon.

Maybe it'll win next year! Like I said, the Best Thread of All Time Award is going to be a like a hall of fame from now on. :D
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: KevShmev on December 25, 2012, 11:57:47 AM
What about "Most likely to secretly be [all of the other band members, current or ex)]"?
Title: Re: DTF Awards 2012 - Results!
Post by: wasteland on December 25, 2012, 12:11:15 PM
What about "Most likely to secretly be [all of the other band members, current or ex)]"?

Most likely to be secretly the long lasting shadow account of Mike Portnoy?