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Offline orcus116

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1295 on: May 22, 2011, 02:43:52 PM »
I don't understand.... Why does everything have to be for everyone? I'm also glad DT isn't for everyone. Doesn't have anything to do with elitism.

It actually does come across like someone that likes being part of something exclusive. Very much so.

Offline Implode

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1296 on: May 22, 2011, 02:52:24 PM »
I don't understand.... Why does everything have to be for everyone? I'm also glad DT isn't for everyone. Doesn't have anything to do with elitism.

I'm not saying you're an elitist in an accusatory way. It's just human nature.

We all want to be unique, but I'd argue that it goes a little further than that. Not only do we want to set ourselves apart from others, but we want to do that in a way that makes us feel better about ourselves. That why hipsters exist and why we all brag about using the lesser used computer or OS, listening to obscure music, watching cult films, wearing certain clothing, and the list goes on. We aren't just different; we're better.

Offline chknptpie

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1297 on: May 22, 2011, 08:43:37 PM »
Sooo what came of the whole morning meetings and black drapes rumor thing?

Offline Perpetual Change

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1298 on: May 23, 2011, 03:54:07 AM »
Macs aren't for everyone and thank god they arent.

What does that mean?

And I asked an honest question. I deserve more than the typical  "you already have a negative opinion and are too stubborn to change your mind" fanboi reply.

Offline tjanuranus

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1299 on: May 23, 2011, 02:14:08 PM »
Macs aren't for everyone and thank god they arent.

What does that mean?

And I asked an honest question. I deserve more than the typical  "you already have a negative opinion and are too stubborn to change your mind" fanboi reply.

You already said they aren't worth the price. What am I supposed to say to that? That's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

Offline Perpetual Change

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1300 on: May 23, 2011, 06:30:19 PM »
Macs aren't for everyone and thank god they arent.

What does that mean?

And I asked an honest question. I deserve more than the typical  "you already have a negative opinion and are too stubborn to change your mind" fanboi reply.

You already said they aren't worth the price. What am I supposed to say to that? That's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

So, aside from hardware, customer service (both which, as I've said, aren't really better than a PC as long as the customer does their research on what they're buying first) and usually not getting viruses (which are for n00bs who just click whatever pops up on their way to googling porno anyway), what makes the Mac worthwhile (aside from being able to say 'lol, I have something no-one else can afford')?

I guess it's just about liking the OS now? That's it?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 06:36:22 PM by Perpetual Change »

Offline tjanuranus

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1301 on: May 24, 2011, 12:56:22 AM »
Ok i'll give you why I use macs. Obviously other people will see this differently but whatever. Like most people i started off using pc's through the 90's. I used them in school and learned how to type on them. My computer experience up until i was 19 was purely windows based. I had a windows computer in my room and didn't think much about apple because in the 90's apple was pretty much bullshit. Steve Jobs  wasn't there and it was run by people that didn't know what they were doing. Allowing mac clones, etc.

The first time i used a mac was in 2000. It was in a music studio. Logic 4 was pretty new and a lot of my favorite producers were using it so i wanted to try it. Let's just say that using OS9 was a big difference than using windows. I loved it. I thought the operating system was so much simpler and easier to use and i could get things done a lot faster. I loved how each computer i would use would always seem to have the same connections. Firewire, usb, ethernet, and even dvd players!. Macs had them all. My experience with PC's were mostly lower end that at the time didn't have a lot of this stuff. I also loved the simplicity of the mouse. I found that with the mouse and key commands i could get a lot of the music work i was doing done very fast. OS9 still had issues just like windows did. It crashed, it was a pain sometimes but i started to prefer it over windows. Then OSX came out. I was sold. Instantly things were running faster and i didn't need drivers for any of the audio equipment. I would hook a printer up and it worked, no installing. Hook a firewire device up and it started working. I started to notice... hey this isn't crashing like OS9 would!

I bought my first mac computer in 2001. It was a powerbook g4. Man i was happy it had a CD burner and a DVD player! It was blazing fast and i would make all kinds of music on it in my room at night in Logic. I loved to never happy to put a piece of anti virus software on it. Never having to worry about getting viruses or any of the bullshit that came with windows. There was something to this unix based system that really seemed to be solid and secure. Having a very small market share also was a huge advantage. Apple was the little guy at the time, the underdog. I liked being part of that and i loved the user experience i was having.

I've watched Apple grow from the underdog to big the biggest tech company in the world. Surpassing even microsoft. It's truly amazing what steve jobs was able to do in such little time. With the ipod being the first wave and then the Iphone in 2007 and now the iPad... He's a fucking genius plain and simple. I have faith in steve Jobs and the company that's why i buy their products. I believe in the company. I believe that they are actively trying to give the user the best experience possible while at the same time making a profit. I don't see most other companies that way. Apple makes high end products and i believe you get what you pay for. For example just Look at the the design of the macbook pro's. It's incredible. The engineering is second to none. Their products are beautiful and work wonderfully. Please watch this for an example of the engineering i'm talking about...

What i really love is how all of their products integrate with one another. If you have a mac it's going to work perfectly with any other apple products. I use Air play all the time from my computer, or ipad to the apple tv. I'm wireless syncing at the point of change with mobile me. You turn a mac on and it has this great software to go stuff done with. iMovie, iphoto, itunes, and garageband all come loaded on their and these products are fantastic. They also integrate well with all other apple products. I like knowing that things are going to work with each other and i don't have to worry about extensions or drivers etc.

A BIG thing for me is stability. I DJ every weekend. I've had this computer for 2 and a half years now and it hasn't crashed ONCE. I can't have a crash while performing. YOU COUDN'T PAY ME to use anything else. I don't know if you know the artist Deadmau5 but i had a meeting with his partner one time and he told me that they did everything on PC's because that's what Deadmau5 was familiar with. I noticed once he started touring he was ONLY use macs. Then i noticed every pro DJ I saw was only using macs. This isn't some "Cool." thing. It's because the stability and security right now are top notch and people need reliable machines. Now in Deadmau5's studio he's got macs galore. The key is he knew that he had to use on on the road. With the release of Lion coming out OSX is only getting better. I'm very excited to see the finished product. Actually i love it so much I'm going to school because i would love one day to be able to work on OSX for apple, or any other Apple product really but i love the OS.

So to sum all of this up i love the stability, security, ease of use, design, integration, and stress free lifestyle that macs provide me. I would imagine a user switching for the first time might be confused by after a while it will become so easy you'll wonder how you went so long without one. This exact scenario happened to every family I have and most of my friends. --- That's not made up.  :metal Are they perfect? No. What company or product is? But are they the best and worth the money? Well to me they most definitely are.

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1302 on: May 24, 2011, 01:43:29 AM »

Said it better than I ever could.
Gadough isn't Hitler. He's much, much worse.

Offline Sigz

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1303 on: May 24, 2011, 02:54:21 AM »
What i really love is how all of their products integrate with one another.

Ironically, that's one of the biggest turn offs of Apple products for me.
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Offline tjanuranus

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1304 on: May 24, 2011, 03:43:17 AM »
What i really love is how all of their products integrate with one another.

Ironically, that's one of the biggest turn offs of Apple products for me.

That's EXACTLY why i said a few posts ago.. "Mac's aren't for everyone." Which got taken as i was being elitist. I was simply trying to say that the way Apple does things isn't for everyone, obviously not for you. So be it.

Offline Chino

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1305 on: May 24, 2011, 05:42:25 AM »
What i really love is how all of their products integrate with one another.

Ironically, that's one of the biggest turn offs of Apple products for me.

What so bad about a company's products all working together flawlessly?

Offline Sigz

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1306 on: May 24, 2011, 05:46:54 AM »
It's wonderful and dandy that it all works properly, but in their case it also means you have to buy all of their proprietary bullshit for everything you want to do.
The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

Offline Chino

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1307 on: May 24, 2011, 06:14:07 AM »
It's wonderful and dandy that it all works properly, but in their case it also means you have to buy all of their proprietary bullshit for everything you want to do.

But it's not like their products only work exclusively with each other. I own an ipod touch, and have an ipad shipping tomorrow. Both of which I plan on using with a PC.

Offline Perpetual Change

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1308 on: May 24, 2011, 06:50:48 AM »
Thanks for sharing, tjan. I guess at the end of the day, I don't really use the computer enough to justify a Mac. I do see what Sigz is getting at, though. One big turn off for me is how Macs have this sort of ecosystem you need to get into, especially because I don't see the point of half of those things are. Basically, it comes down to this: if I could spend around $1500 for a decent laptop PC, and e-reader, a smart phone OR $3,500(?) for a Macbook, iPad, and iPhone, I still wouldn't feel justified. Even though I'd like to be able to make music on my computer just as much as the next guy.

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1309 on: May 24, 2011, 07:02:21 AM »
It's wonderful and dandy that it all works properly, but in their case it also means you have to buy all of their proprietary bullshit for everything you want to do.

But it's not like their products only work exclusively with each other. I own an ipod touch, and have an ipad shipping tomorrow. Both of which I plan on using with a PC.

I think he was implying that Apple products such as iPods work much better with a Mac, and with a PC, there's a greater potential for problems. Which is true. I had numerous issues with iTunes back when I had a PC. Since I've had a Mac, not a single one of those problems has resurfaced.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 07:09:55 AM by Gadough »
Gadough isn't Hitler. He's much, much worse.

Offline Chino

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1310 on: May 24, 2011, 07:10:19 AM »
It's wonderful and dandy that it all works properly, but in their case it also means you have to buy all of their proprietary bullshit for everything you want to do.

But it's not like their products only work exclusively with each other. I own an ipod touch, and have an ipad shipping tomorrow. Both of which I plan on using with a PC.

I think he was implying that Apple products such as iPods work much better with a Mac, and with a PC, there's a greater potential to run into problems. Which is true. I had numerous issues with iTunes back when I had a PC. Since I've had a Mac, not a single one of those problems has resurfaced.

But at last they give you the option to do that. Can you hook up a zune to a mac? I'm not baiting, I'm seriously asking.

Offline chknptpie

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1311 on: May 24, 2011, 07:10:57 AM »
Sooo what came of the whole morning meetings and black drapes rumor thing?


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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1312 on: May 24, 2011, 07:11:46 AM »
@Chino, I have no idea.
Gadough isn't Hitler. He's much, much worse.

Offline AcidLameLTE

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1313 on: May 24, 2011, 07:15:19 AM »
It's wonderful and dandy that it all works properly, but in their case it also means you have to buy all of their proprietary bullshit for everything you want to do.

But it's not like their products only work exclusively with each other. I own an ipod touch, and have an ipad shipping tomorrow. Both of which I plan on using with a PC.

I think he was implying that Apple products such as iPods work much better with a Mac, and with a PC, there's a greater potential to run into problems. Which is true. I had numerous issues with iTunes back when I had a PC. Since I've had a Mac, not a single one of those problems has resurfaced.

But at last they give you the option to do that. Can you hook up a zune to a mac? I'm not baiting, I'm seriously asking.
It's a bit of a work around (one console command) but you can using "Windows Phone 7 Connector For Mac".

Offline orcus116

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1314 on: May 24, 2011, 07:39:57 AM »
Sooo what came of the whole morning meetings and black drapes rumor thing?


They redid the Apple Store. They replaced all the paper signage with iPad 2's that display information on the adjacent product. That's...pretty much it.

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1315 on: May 24, 2011, 09:08:46 AM »
Sooo what came of the whole morning meetings and black drapes rumor thing?


They redid the Apple Store. They replaced all the paper signage with iPad 2's that display information on the adjacent product. That's...pretty much it.


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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1316 on: May 24, 2011, 09:09:12 AM »
It's wonderful and dandy that it all works properly, but in their case it also means you have to buy all of their proprietary bullshit for everything you want to do.

But it's not like their products only work exclusively with each other. I own an ipod touch, and have an ipad shipping tomorrow. Both of which I plan on using with a PC.

I think he was implying that Apple products such as iPods work much better with a Mac, and with a PC, there's a greater potential for problems. Which is true. I had numerous issues with iTunes back when I had a PC. Since I've had a Mac, not a single one of those problems has resurfaced.

Not just how well it works, but whether it even works at all. Case in point: the original iphones (don't know about the new ones) having that recessed headphone jack that meant you could only use apple headphones with them.

The very fact that you pretty much have to use itunes with an ipod is just a massive pain the ass. I can take my zen, use any USB mini-b cable (which pretty much everyone has cause they're used for everything), plug it in, and drag whatever the hell I want onto it from any computer I want. I routinely have friends who can't plug their ipod into any other computer cause itunes sync might wipe the entire thing or they don't have the proprietary cable. It's retarded.
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Offline tjanuranus

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1317 on: May 24, 2011, 12:18:56 PM »
The headphone thing was a mistake they fixed in the second iPhone back in 08. An example of them not being perfect. Also you can use third party software. You don't have to use iTunes.

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1318 on: May 24, 2011, 12:19:23 PM »
The headphone thing was a mistake they fixed in the second iPhone back in 08. An example of them not being perfect. Also you can use third party software. You don't have to use iTunes.
Which others can you use?
Joe and I in the same squad is basically the virtual equivalent of us plowing a rape van through an elementary school playground at recess.

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1319 on: May 24, 2011, 12:24:27 PM »
The headphone thing was a mistake they fixed in the second iPhone back in 08. An example of them not being perfect. Also you can use third party software. You don't have to use iTunes.
Which others can you use?

Winamp works. The day I realized that was extremely gratifying.
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Offline tjanuranus

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1320 on: May 24, 2011, 12:55:07 PM »
The headphone thing was a mistake they fixed in the second iPhone back in 08. An example of them not being perfect. Also you can use third party software. You don't have to use iTunes.
Which others can you use?

try this...

or this..

Offline Sigz

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1321 on: May 26, 2011, 05:47:49 AM »
The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

Offline Gadough

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1322 on: May 26, 2011, 05:48:21 AM »
Gadough isn't Hitler. He's much, much worse.

Offline In The Name Of Rudess

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1323 on: May 26, 2011, 11:04:25 AM »
So, I want to buy a new laptop. I've heard lots of people say Macbooks are really awesome. Now, I was wondering, what makes a Macbook so special that people pay 1200 euros for it when they can get an Asus laptop with essentially the same specifications for 600 euros?

Offline Dimitrius

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Joe and I in the same squad is basically the virtual equivalent of us plowing a rape van through an elementary school playground at recess.

Offline tjanuranus

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1325 on: May 26, 2011, 01:44:21 PM »
So, I want to buy a new laptop. I've heard lots of people say Macbooks are really awesome. Now, I was wondering, what makes a Macbook so special that people pay 1200 euros for it when they can get an Asus laptop with essentially the same specifications for 600 euros?

wait wait wait. Did i write all of that for NOTHiNG! lol.

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1326 on: May 26, 2011, 02:18:07 PM »
So, I want to buy a new laptop. I've heard lots of people say Macbooks are really awesome. Now, I was wondering, what makes a Macbook so special that people pay 1200 euros for it when they can get an Asus laptop with essentially the same specifications for 600 euros?
Design, durability, build quality, tech support, OS, elitism, ... but mostly personal preference.

You and me go parallel, together and apart

Offline tjanuranus

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1327 on: May 26, 2011, 08:35:07 PM »
Some cool apple news...

Businessweek provides an overview of how Apple's music service might compare to the recent services launched by Google and Amazon. Notably, Apple is taking the time and spending the money to reach agreements with the major music labels to support the service.

Amazon reportedly didn't even try prior to their cloud music launch, while Google's talks broke down after a year of negotiation. Both existing services are limited due to the lack of licenses. Label executives are said to have been negotiating "aggressively" to make sure they profit from the shift to the cloud.

Businessweek is able to describe what the service will look like based on those familiar with the negotiations:
Armed with licenses from the music labels and publishers, Apple will be able to scan customers' digital music libraries in iTunes and quickly mirror their collections on its own servers, say three people briefed on the talks. If the sound quality of a particular song on a user's hard drive isn't good enough, Apple will be able to replace it with a higher-quality version. Users of the service will then be able to stream, whenever they want, their songs and albums directly to PCs, iPhones, iPads, and perhaps one day even cars.
It's not clear how Apple intends to pay for and charge for the service. The licenses will reportedly cost a lot, and Apple will have to pass those charges to the customer in some form.

According to Businessweek, many are waiting to see what Apple can accomplish as labels expect that once Apple's service launches, others will soon follow with similarly licensed services.

Offline In The Name Of Rudess

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1328 on: May 27, 2011, 12:42:07 AM »
So, I want to buy a new laptop. I've heard lots of people say Macbooks are really awesome. Now, I was wondering, what makes a Macbook so special that people pay 1200 euros for it when they can get an Asus laptop with essentially the same specifications for 600 euros?

wait wait wait. Did i write all of that for NOTHiNG! lol.

Yeah I read that, and it comes down to ease of use, security, stability and durability. But since I've used Windows 7, it's only crashed on me once over the course of 2 years and I've never had a virus/spyware. As for the durability, when looking at the statistics of laptop failure rates, Asus, Toshiba and Sony do better than Apple. And for me personally, Windows is easier to use because I've used it for years.

So, yeah, I guess it's mostly personal preference then.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 12:50:01 AM by In The Name Of Rudess »

Offline tjanuranus

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Re: The "Apple Thread" iPad 2 + White iPhone In Stores Now
« Reply #1329 on: May 27, 2011, 01:04:14 AM »
So, I want to buy a new laptop. I've heard lots of people say Macbooks are really awesome. Now, I was wondering, what makes a Macbook so special that people pay 1200 euros for it when they can get an Asus laptop with essentially the same specifications for 600 euros?

wait wait wait. Did i write all of that for NOTHiNG! lol.

Yeah I read that, and it comes down to ease of use, security, stability and durability. But since I've used Windows 7, it's only crashed on me once over the course of 2 years and I've never had a virus/spyware. As for the durability, when looking at the statistics of laptop failure rates, Asus, Toshiba and Sony do better than Apple. And for me personally, Windows is easier to use because I've used it for years.

So, yeah, I guess it's mostly personal preference then.

well the mac laptops were tops again in consumer reports this year. So there's that.