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Started by AwakeFromOctavarium, December 09, 2009, 06:44:25 AM

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After listening to that compilation video, I feel a little bit better. I will definitely admit that Floor is much more skilled than Anette, but I just loved Imaginaerum (and I'm afraid that Tuomas will revert to more of the "pre-Anette" era).

I will miss Anette though :( Hope everything is okay with her health.


Here' are a couple of clips that show some nice diversity between her operatic style and a more aggressive metal style, as well as some less operatic-style singing that still has soaring vocals: 

The Trial Of Monsters

Kill Me With Silence


I always thought that Anette was kind of a weak singer live with Nightwish but i really honestly love the album stuff she did with NW so i always been supportive of her and also for the fact that we live in the same city!  :metal

So i'm sad but still hopefull and regarding Floor i must say that she's an amazing singer that i have known since Arjen Lucassen introduced her in his projects. I think she would have been a good fit actually but we'll see. Her sister is good too!


Quote from: ThroughHerEyesDude6 on October 02, 2012, 02:31:59 AM
Alright. The fact that Anette is out of the the band has finally sunk in. Given all that has occurred here on DTF, it's has not been easy. I've been a fan of Nightwish since their Century Child years, I went through the breakup, and now I have to go through it again. I hear a lot of prejudice against Anette, and I will admit that some it has come from me. Nontheless, I am sick and tired of hearing and reading about it.

Sure, Anette was not a perfect fit. She could not sing all the songs you 'fans' wanted to hear during their shows, but you know what? The band chose her for a reason. They thought it a good fit for the music their wanted to make, and, you know what, they made two damn good albums because of it. Dark Passion Play had a lot of animosity against Tarja and her husband, especially on Bye Bye Beautiful and Master Passion Greed, but I'm willing to overlook that. Their music was fucking beautiful. Sometimes an artist needs to let out the emotion so his true art flows smoothly. Such is the way with DPP and Imaginaerum, and the latter was fucking amazing.

I don't care who sings on the next album, tour, or whatever. The fact that you deem it fit to bash someone the moment they are out of a band if disgraceful and disrespectful. Last time I heard, DTF was a place to present a proper and insightful response to what was happening in the world, whether it was with Dream Theater or otherwise. Bosk1 represents this properly, and that's the only reference I'm using as far as I'm concerned. Neutral and objective, I always respect him. As far as anyone else is concerned *cough*Adami*cough*, keep living in the past and wishing that Tarja will come back. I'm sure it will happen 'someday'. As for everyone else, it isn't going to happen! The cuts are too deep and the damage is done. Maybe, in an alternate universe, Tarja would rejoin, but until we make like Dr. Who and get a Tardis, stop pretending!

I thought this was a progressive board, but so far I'm not feeling the progressive status that it should. Progression, to me, means thinking in a forward motion. I like the talk that we have about Floor joining, but that's about all the silver lining I'm seeing. I still feel there is waaay too much spiteful talk towards Anette. So, as far as I'm concerned, until people start appreciating Nightwish for NIGHTWISH, stick to doing what you do best and talk about Dream Theater. If I get banned, then I don't give a fuck.

1. I don't want Tarja back and explicitly stated so a little while back.

2. I said Annette was quite great on the CD's, she just wasn't very good live.

3. I never said anything else negative about her what so ever.

4. From now on, if you're going to bash me and my opinions, at least read my posts past the first sentence and get my opinions straight.

Thanks. :)
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


I can only say that I´ve been in her presence once, and she´s pretty intimidating up close! I mean, this girl is Tall!!

Also, she´s very beautiful, in a modest way and off course, an increddible singer!


I loved Anette because she added a bit of soul. Slow,Love,Slow and Meadows.of Heavens end come to mind. Plus, her sinister tone on Imaginarium made that album more darker Marcos voice could've.


Never liked Meadows of Heaven at all.  But Slow, Love, Slow is amazing. 

I also thought she did a good job with Imaginaerium.  I think it was a combination of her growing as a singer and becoming more familiar with the band's style, and the fact that this was the first album that was written with her voice in mind and played to her strengths.  Hopefully, they will made the decision on the next singer and work with her a bit before writing the next album. 


she did an amazing job on imaginarium. In facg its probably my 2nd favorite nightwish album.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Probably my third, behind Century Child and Once.


Right behindd Oceanborn. For me. But those two are probably top 5 as well. Aside from their first album, they're all pretty stellar.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Imaginaerum and Oceanborn are the only consistent Nightwish albums. The others have good songs, but a lot of filler too.


I should maybe listen to Oceanbord again soon.  I know it's a favorite.  I don't dislike it, but it never really achieved the heights for me that it has for many.  Century Child and Once really just zeroed in on my tastes perfectly, so those are hard to beat in my book.


I don't know, Wishmaster, Once, and Century Child are stellar, but the rest all have too many problems.  Oceanborn still sounds a little stale to me, but I suspect it is my fourth favourite, now.  Dark Passion Play has aged miserably and Imaginarium never really caught my attention, so neither sit well with me as whole albums despite some great songs on each.  Polish and experience alone puts them ahead of Angels Fall First, though.


Quote from: bosk1 on October 02, 2012, 10:47:24 AM
I should maybe listen to Oceanbord again soon.  I know it's a favorite.  I don't dislike it, but it never really achieved the heights for me that it has for many.  Century Child and Once really just zeroed in on my tastes perfectly, so those are hard to beat in my book.

Same here. Bless The Child, Ever Dream, Dead to The World (my,fave), and End of All Hope are a nice blend of Operatic and soft vocals.

Cool Chris

Ok, so this is coming from someone who is a second-tier Nightwish fan, ie I have all their albums, enjoy them all to varying degrees, but don't listen to them regularly. I've also never seen them live till last night.

Holy shit. They put on a phenomenal show!

But first.... I talked to some people in line and inside, I'd say maybe 2 out out 5 knew about Floor/Anette. Those that did were not disappointed or bothered, and those that didn't did not seem upset. Some said that they just love the music, and trust Tuomas and the guys would fine a solid replacement. Others were excited to see what Floor could do with the band. Some didn't know who Floor was.

So the band starts playing, crowd goes nuts, and Floor comes out to sing Storytime. Big ovation. I was expecting maybe an introduction or announcement beforehand, but nothing. Still crowd goes nuts. No sense of "whoa... who the hell is that?" So after Storytime and Wish I Had An Angel, Marco introduces Floor. Big applause. No mention of Anette. A couple more songs, Floor kills on all of them. She came in early once, looked at the guys with a "Ah, crap" smile, and Marco and Emppu looked at her with huge smiles as if to say "shit happens, you are doing awesome" (at least that is how I read it). Tuomas jokingly cued her in, and when she came on at the right time, more huge applause from the crowd.

About half way through, Floor said there were a million things she wanted to say, but didn't know if it would come out right. She said she was moved, excited, nervous, honored, and you could tell it meant a lot to her. Huge applause.

You can find the setlist online, I don't recall it 100%, but it was solid. There was also a little acoustic section. The dude with those weird pipes (can't recall what they are called) played on some songs and it really added to the atmosphere and performance.

I think it was Adami who has said they have been lifeless on stage lately. Again, first time seeing them, but I don't think I have ever seen a happier group of guys (and gal) on stage. They were all smiles, energetic, interacting with each other and the crowd, and put on one hell of a show. It ended with more sincere thank yous from Floor, and raucous applause.

If you have a chance to see them play with Floor, please, please do so. Floor, I don't know what is on your schedule for the next 5-10 years, but please join Nightwish full-time.

Also, Kamelot put on a great show. I am even less familiar with them, but am trying to rectify that.


Good news!  I've been looking for clips on Youtube, but so far, the only ones have TERRIBLE sound quality. 

As far as Floor becoming a permanent member, it may sound awesome on paper, but I'm not sure it would work.  Yeah, she's a tremendous voice and stage presence.  But from what I understand, she is also a very strong personality and likes things how she likes them.  Not sure that kind of personality will fly in an already-established band like Nightwish--especially when you already have an undisputed sole band leader in Tuomas.  It's next to impossible in a band where you have a strong, type-A leader.  But although Tuomas is THE leader of the band, I think her particular personality and leadership style would make it even more difficult.  From everything I have heard about the guy, he is quiet and can become passive-aggressive in dealing with people.  It seems like the unwritten rule is, "just be quiet and do what I say," and when people go against the grain, he will just quietly burn and will eventually just do away with the person if they don't fall in line with his expectations rather than him confronting the issue and dealing with it.  Again, where you have such an established musician and strong personality like Floor, I'm not sure the resulting band dynamic would work.  But I guess time will tell whether (1) that is the road they decide on and (2) whether it will work.

The Dark Master

Quote from: bosk1 on October 02, 2012, 12:16:52 PM
Good news!  I've been looking for clips on Youtube, but so far, the only ones have TERRIBLE sound quality. 

As far as Floor becoming a permanent member, it may sound awesome on paper, but I'm not sure it would work.  Yeah, she's a tremendous voice and stage presence.  But from what I understand, she is also a very strong personality and likes things how she likes them.  Not sure that kind of personality will fly in an already-established band like Nightwish--especially when you already have an undisputed sole band leader in Tuomas.  It's next to impossible in a band where you have a strong, type-A leader.  But although Tuomas is THE leader of the band, I think her particular personality and leadership style would make it even more difficult.  From everything I have heard about the guy, he is quiet and can become passive-aggressive in dealing with people.  It seems like the unwritten rule is, "just be quiet and do what I say," and when people go against the grain, he will just quietly burn and will eventually just do away with the person if they don't fall in line with his expectations rather than him confronting the issue and dealing with it.  Again, where you have such an established musician and strong personality like Floor, I'm not sure the resulting band dynamic would work.  But I guess time will tell whether (1) that is the road they decide on and (2) whether it will work.

I think whether or not Floor has any real future with the band will largely depend on if she has any real songwriting chemistry with Toumas.  From what I understand about the guy, Tuomas may be the undisputed mastermind of Nighwish, but he is willing to work with the ideas of others and incorporate them into the band's music, provided they can be made to fit his vision for Nightwish.  If Floor and Toumas are on the same level creatively, maybe we could see her joining the band on a more permanent basis, but if they don't see eye to eye in the writing department, I think Floor's tenure in Nighwish will be very short indeed.

Cool Chris

I was basically making my comment based on this one performance I saw, still basking in its afterglow. Outside the music, I know little about Nightwish, and even less about Floor. And again this could have been lightning in a bottle, but they all looked so happy and lively on stage, which sounds different than how it was been with Anette.

Also, they were pretty strict with cameras, so footage from this show might be limited.


Quote from: The Dark Master on October 02, 2012, 01:51:46 PM
Quote from: bosk1 on October 02, 2012, 12:16:52 PM
Good news!  I've been looking for clips on Youtube, but so far, the only ones have TERRIBLE sound quality. 

As far as Floor becoming a permanent member, it may sound awesome on paper, but I'm not sure it would work.  Yeah, she's a tremendous voice and stage presence.  But from what I understand, she is also a very strong personality and likes things how she likes them.  Not sure that kind of personality will fly in an already-established band like Nightwish--especially when you already have an undisputed sole band leader in Tuomas.  It's next to impossible in a band where you have a strong, type-A leader.  But although Tuomas is THE leader of the band, I think her particular personality and leadership style would make it even more difficult.  From everything I have heard about the guy, he is quiet and can become passive-aggressive in dealing with people.  It seems like the unwritten rule is, "just be quiet and do what I say," and when people go against the grain, he will just quietly burn and will eventually just do away with the person if they don't fall in line with his expectations rather than him confronting the issue and dealing with it.  Again, where you have such an established musician and strong personality like Floor, I'm not sure the resulting band dynamic would work.  But I guess time will tell whether (1) that is the road they decide on and (2) whether it will work.

I think whether or not Floor has any real future with the band will largely depend on if she has any real songwriting chemistry with Toumas.  From what I understand about the guy, Tuomas may be the undisputed mastermind of Nighwish, but he is willing to work with the ideas of others and incorporate them into the band's music, provided they can be made to fit his vision for Nightwish.  If Floor and Toumas are on the same level creatively, maybe we could see her joining the band on a more permanent basis, but if they don't see eye to eye in the writing department, I think Floor's tenure in Nighwish will be very short indeed.
It will probably help if Tuomas doesn't become infatuated with Floor.


I don't really like Floor's "tone," as she simply doesn't sound right on Storytime (of course, this was the first show and not the greatest audio, so I will patiently wait for more before judging too seriously).


Quote from: Shadow2222 on October 02, 2012, 02:24:48 PM
I don't really like Floor's "tone," as she simply doesn't sound right on Storytime (of course, this was the first show and not the greatest audio, so I will patiently wait for more before judging too seriously).

Really?  Even with the relatively poor audio quality, I think she sounds great. 


Checked the Warfield sight today and noticed they are playing tomorrow night with Kamelot opening. I got the day off and 40 bucks. Never heard  a song of Nightwish's, but am seriously considering taking a solo trip to see the show.(I have heard a decent amount of Kamelot, I like them though am not a huge fan)

Convince me to go.....



Quote from: lonestar on October 02, 2012, 03:10:08 PM
Checked the Warfield sight today and noticed they are playing tomorrow night with Kamelot opening. I got the day off and 40 bucks. Never heard  a song of Nightwish's, but am seriously considering taking a solo trip to see the show.(I have heard a decent amount of Kamelot, I like them though am not a huge fan)

Convince me to go.....

Go. And ill eat at your restaurant Thursday.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


If it were any day this week other than tomorrow, I'd go.


Quote from: bosk1 on October 02, 2012, 03:34:09 PM
If it were any day this week other than tomorrow, I'd go.

I hear ya, gotta see how I am tomorrow morning after seeing Gabriel tonight. Not sure my abused ears can handle two shows back to back.

@Adami-tempting, very tempting.....


You know what else is tempting?

Dennys. You gonna make me do that?
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: lonestar on October 02, 2012, 03:10:08 PM
Convince me to go.....
You'll see Tommy Karevik live singing kickass quality metal. For me that's all really.

But if you want more... Kamelot is an amazing band and they put on an amazing show, and Nightwish's music... well I can't imagine you strongly disliking it in a live setting, even less so if you hear it for the first time, and being fronted by one of top female voices in the industry (although I hate making that distinction, I should have just said top voices) definitely puts that over the edge.


Some audio-only full song clips are surfacing on Youtube.  Audio quality isn't great, but it's better than the couple of short cell phone videos that popped up earlier.  Search "Nightwish Seattle" and filter for videos posted today.  Here are a couple:


Dead to the World

Planet Hell


I'll continue with the decision making process later, I'm in full Gabriel mode now.


Full setlist, terrible audio - (from Floor's FB)


Quote from: abydos on October 02, 2012, 04:53:03 PM
Full setlist, terrible audio - (from Floor's FB)

I wish we'd get something with a little better quality.  The problem with a bad mic is that the frequencies that a mezzo soprano's vocals fall in just gets murdered, so the singing is going to sound like crap no matter how good the performance was.  Hopefully, we get some better stuff from some of the upcoming shows.  I know the staff at the Warfield are camera nazis as well, so we'll probably have to wait until AFTER S.F. to get anything good.


Yeah. Is it me or do we really get a significantly fewer soundboard bootlegs these days?


Was there EVER a time when soundboard boots were common?


No but they are even fewer now. I kind of wish other bands would do like Metallica and monetize that. It's also a great fan-service but I can see how it may not be so profitable for low-profile bands and hurt them for their actual live albums.