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Offline KevShmev

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3430 on: January 26, 2019, 06:10:59 AM »
I listened again last night and while I like it so far, it is a bit underwhelming in a lot of spots.  The light bulb could go on at any moment with this kind of music, so I am still reserving judgment until I have lived with it for a bit. I agree with those saying that A Love That Never Dies melody is a bit overcooked, but that finale, with Eric singing, is pretty killer.  The Great Despair is the obvious standout thus far.

Offline dedSurroun

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3431 on: January 26, 2019, 07:09:45 AM »
I must be the only one (or one of the few) who considers this to be stronger, better, more fun to listen to, and not as musically cliché as TSOAD is.

Yeah, TSOAD didn't age well. It's a Neal Morse stock sound library.

TGA, on the other hand? Fresh and refreshing. Far better.

TSOAD is a 7/10.

TGA is a 9/10.

Well done, Neal and band. Much better than TSOAD.
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Offline The Letter M

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3432 on: January 26, 2019, 07:32:36 AM »
I don't know if I should be thanking or hating you all because ever since you all started mentioning the overly-repetitive nature of the "Love Never Dies" theme, I keep hearing it more and more as I venture through my follow-up listens. It sticks out to me a LOT more and I can't un-feel that feeling of "Ugh, again?" thanks to you. :facepalm:

Just between listening to most of Chapters 2 and 3 in my shower/getting dressed routine this morning before work, I heard it no less than 4 times in the span of, what, like 40 minutes? That's one iteration every TEN MINUTES! AHHHH! Now it's going to bother me more than it has any right to.

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Offline utopiarun

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3433 on: January 26, 2019, 08:19:56 AM »
I got the album on Thursday and I'm on the beginning of my second play through it. So far I think it's ok but there's a lot to absorb. The criticisms about Neal's music sounding "samey" are well founded in my opinion. You know what to expect and the result is excellent, but there's not much different than what he's done previously .The old "I love steak but can't eat it every day" analogy kind of applies here. I believe if you have the first 4 NM prog albums (Testimony, One, ? and Sola Scriptura) you basically have the NM sound and everything after that is kind of repeating the formula. I love Neal but I have felt for a while that he needs to break out of his comfort zone and see what he can do.

Offline DTA

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3434 on: January 26, 2019, 08:28:03 AM »
One listen through....and I'm not sure. I feel like there's a lot less Eric vocals on this album which is definitely a negative as his voice is a highlight of the NMB. Everything sounded pretty good, if not a bit predictable, and I thought both Overtures were great. I think Venture In Black was my favorite song from the first run-through. I need a few long car rides to really listen and absorb this thing so I can form a solid opinion, but the initial impression was a bit underwhelmed (more of the same), but I felt the same way about Similitude and that really grew hard on me.

Offline The Letter M

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3435 on: January 26, 2019, 08:34:26 AM »
I got the album on Thursday and I'm on the beginning of my second play through it. So far I think it's ok but there's a lot to absorb. The criticisms about Neal's music sounding "samey" are well founded in my opinion. You know what to expect and the result is excellent, but there's not much different than what he's done previously .The old "I love steak but can't eat it every day" analogy kind of applies here. I believe if you have the first 4 NM prog albums (Testimony, One, ? and Sola Scriptura) you basically have the NM sound and everything after that is kind of repeating the formula. I love Neal but I have felt for a while that he needs to break out of his comfort zone and see what he can do.

You mean as far as prog, or for music in general? Because outside of prog, he has his singer-songwriter stuff like with the Life & Times album from a year ago, and he's got Flying Colors 3 coming out later this year, which, while still sounding proggy, is different enough from his typical prog fare to stand on its own. Outside of that, though, I could agree with that sentiment, though I would say Lifeline is still further different enough to be included in the "you basically have the NM sound" group, considering Testimony 2 is a literal sequel (though you would be remiss to neglect "Seeds Of Gold"). Momentum and TGE are pretty much THE NM sound, though, just slightly tweaked and improved in spots (more so TGE than Momentum), and both are very similar in terms of structure and sound as well.

New question for everyone! As I was updating my iPod last night (deleting the old NM live albums and finally putting on the Morsefest shows), I had made a playlist for TSOAD and TGA, which is around the same length as my Testimony & Testimony 2 (disc 1) playlist, which makes me ask the question:

Which do you prefer? Testimony 1 & 2 (disc 1 only) OR TSOAD & TGA?

I know it's a bit early to figure out how we all feel about TGA, but I figure the strength of TSOAD might compel people to pick the latter over the former, but I want to see what others think!

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Offline DTA

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3436 on: January 26, 2019, 08:39:55 AM »
I got the album on Thursday and I'm on the beginning of my second play through it. So far I think it's ok but there's a lot to absorb. The criticisms about Neal's music sounding "samey" are well founded in my opinion. You know what to expect and the result is excellent, but there's not much different than what he's done previously .The old "I love steak but can't eat it every day" analogy kind of applies here. I believe if you have the first 4 NM prog albums (Testimony, One, ? and Sola Scriptura) you basically have the NM sound and everything after that is kind of repeating the formula. I love Neal but I have felt for a while that he needs to break out of his comfort zone and see what he can do.

You mean as far as prog, or for music in general? Because outside of prog, he has his singer-songwriter stuff like with the Life & Times album from a year ago, and he's got Flying Colors 3 coming out later this year, which, while still sounding proggy, is different enough from his typical prog fare to stand on its own. Outside of that, though, I could agree with that sentiment, though I would say Lifeline is still further different enough to be included in the "you basically have the NM sound" group, considering Testimony 2 is a literal sequel (though you would be remiss to neglect "Seeds Of Gold"). Momentum and TGE are pretty much THE NM sound, though, just slightly tweaked and improved in spots (more so TGE than Momentum), and both are very similar in terms of structure and sound as well.

Life & Times is a really fantastic album. Definitely worth hearing and a huge departure from the Neal Morse "prog" sound.

Offline KevShmev

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3437 on: January 26, 2019, 09:02:14 AM »

Which do you prefer? Testimony 1 & 2 (disc 1 only) OR TSOAD & TGA?

Too early to make that call since the new album is still too new.

I think it goes without saying that Similitude > T2 > T1, so it is just a matter of where TGA falls in there.  Even if it ends up being my least favorite of the four, the strength of Similitude could still give that pair the edge, especially if you are going to arbitrarily eliminate T2's 2nd disc. :P

Offline bluefox4000

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3438 on: January 26, 2019, 09:30:06 AM »
Received my copy yesterday. Watched the Documentary last night but decided to wait until tonight to listen to it and TSOAD together to set the scene. After 3.5 hours of music I'm finally done so here's some of my initial thoughts.

I agree that this is a worthy follow up and sequel to TSOAD but it's definitely not better. It's not bad though, I really enjoyed this album.
TSOAD has a better flow to it. The first disc(Of TSOAD) especially flows very well and doesn't feel like almost an hour's worth of music. Of course I've had a little over 2 years to digest TSOAD and I'm a lot more familiar with it, but TGA definitely feels like an hour and 45 minutes. Perhaps that will change over time. This album is a lot to digest though, and initially, not a lot of individual songs stand out to me yet. I think Hey Ho Let's Go could've been left off the album and it wouldn't hurt. I think I Got to Run's chorus is catchy, but in an annoying way. Now it's stuck in my head again dammit

The recurring theme "Love that never dies" is repeated waaaaay too many times throughout the album. By the time the finale comes along the message has been said so many times that, to me, it lacks the emotional punch they were looking for.

With the past two albums, I've realized that Neal's strength as a songwriter lies not in his many epics, but in the shorter songs. Both albums could've easily had the same concept behind them, but with 5-6 epic songs 10+ minutes each, but I like this shorter song approach. It allows the songs to be more fleshed out and to have their own identity, whereas with the Epic approach, some of these songs would be relegated to just be a 3-4 minute section shoved into a 30 minute song just for the sake of having a longer song. I think when the next album comes along, we're probably in for an album of longer songs. Or maybe we'll get The Similitude of a THREEm. it's late and that joke sounded better in my head

the bold is still my biggest problem.  i played Similitude last night and STILL cried.  Because Long day is sung about 3 times prior.  whereas Love that never Dies is sung about 9 or 10 (i'm exaggerating but it's close, lol)  and by the finale i honestly don't care as much.

i don't know if it was a lack of musical ideas but they sound like they didn't come in as prepared. and i now conclude i HATE hey Ho, lol

this Still gets a solid 8/10 though.  so it's ok.

Offline bluefox4000

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3439 on: January 26, 2019, 09:33:12 AM »
I don't know if I should be thanking or hating you all because ever since you all started mentioning the overly-repetitive nature of the "Love Never Dies" theme, I keep hearing it more and more as I venture through my follow-up listens. It sticks out to me a LOT more and I can't un-feel that feeling of "Ugh, again?" thanks to you. :facepalm:

Just between listening to most of Chapters 2 and 3 in my shower/getting dressed routine this morning before work, I heard it no less than 4 times in the span of, what, like 40 minutes? That's one iteration every TEN MINUTES! AHHHH! Now it's going to bother me more than it has any right to.


Sorry Marc, lol.  yea if you had a driking game with that theme you'd be plastered in 25 minutes, lol

Offline KevShmev

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3440 on: January 26, 2019, 09:48:54 AM »
I wasn't enamored with the "Welcome to the World" melody on either of the pre-release singles/videos, but I figured it would resonate more once I heard the whole album, but, nope, not yet.

And as much as I love Neal's music, I am still mostly bored with his overture tracks, and this one is too long and reminds me of the Whirlwind one where it seems like they tried to jam as many ideas from the album into the overture as possible, and it ends up being too long and bouncing from theme to theme, almost like they had to make sure they featured as many ideas as possible.  The Similitude Overture worked well because it was concise and flowed naturally, but this one feels disjointed as heck.

Note: I still love The Whirlwind to death even though I am not wild about track 1 (tracks 2-12 rule).

All that said, I really like Fighting with Destiny.  That one really stands out.

Offline As I Am

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3441 on: January 26, 2019, 09:51:44 AM »
I must be the only one (or one of the few) who considers this to be stronger, better, more fun to listen to, and not as musically cliché as TSOAD is.

Yeah, TSOAD didn't age well. It's a Neal Morse stock sound library.

TGA, on the other hand? Fresh and refreshing. Far better.

TSOAD is a 7/10.

TGA is a 9/10.

Well done, Neal and band. Much better than TSOAD.

Glad you're loving TGA and of course you are entitled to your matter how ridiculously wrong you are :rollin

Offline bluefox4000

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3442 on: January 26, 2019, 09:58:37 AM »
There is a lot to Love on TGA.  stuff like To the River, I got to  Run, and the Great Despair i could play on a loop.

but i can't shake the feeling like they weren't REALLY into a sequel.  TSOAD i felt there affection for it through my speakers.

i don't feel that here.  and while even that kinda album from neal and Company is still great.  i just don't feel the glow on this album and i Want too.

could be just me projecting.  but it's a feeling that nudges me each play.

Offline The Letter M

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3443 on: January 26, 2019, 10:10:37 AM »

Which do you prefer? Testimony 1 & 2 (disc 1 only) OR TSOAD & TGA?

Too early to make that call since the new album is still too new.

I think it goes without saying that Similitude > T2 > T1, so it is just a matter of where TGA falls in there.  Even if it ends up being my least favorite of the four, the strength of Similitude could still give that pair the edge, especially if you are going to arbitrarily eliminate T2's 2nd disc. :P

It's not arbitrary! The second disc of T2 has nothing to do with the Testimony concept. I know they aren't BONUS songs, per se, but I did not want to include them simply because I wanted the match-up to be between two sets of CONCEPT albums, and so, the second disc of T2 (not part of the concept) had to be excluded.

Though I kind of agree with you on that ranking, Similitude is definitely above the Testimony albums for me, but TGA will still take some time, but my initial impressions are good (LTND theme over-exposure notwithstanding...).

I don't know if I should be thanking or hating you all because ever since you all started mentioning the overly-repetitive nature of the "Love Never Dies" theme, I keep hearing it more and more as I venture through my follow-up listens. It sticks out to me a LOT more and I can't un-feel that feeling of "Ugh, again?" thanks to you. :facepalm:

Just between listening to most of Chapters 2 and 3 in my shower/getting dressed routine this morning before work, I heard it no less than 4 times in the span of, what, like 40 minutes? That's one iteration every TEN MINUTES! AHHHH! Now it's going to bother me more than it has any right to.


Sorry Marc, lol.  yea if you had a driking game with that theme you'd be plastered in 25 minutes, lol

 :lol It's alright, but you're right, doing a drinking game would be awful for Spot-The-Theme on this one. I still need to listen to the album with all attention just to make sure I can pick all of them out. Does anyone know exactly where and when the LTND theme pops up, like with time-stamps and all? It would be interesting to see if it's actually 9 or 10 times as you suggest!

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Offline gzarruk

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3444 on: January 26, 2019, 10:14:29 AM »
but i can't shake the feeling like they weren't REALLY into a sequel.

Exactly, I feel the same way after 2 or 3 full listens to the album. It feels just like Neal described it, a finished, unrelated to TSOAD album that he tinkered with using pro tools to make a sequel. That's why the biggest complaint we've seen here is that the "Love That Never Dies" theme is repeated way too much, they worked a concept album on paper instead of writing a concept album.

It's still a great album and need more listens to enjoy it more, since still the songs are a blur in my head (I don't know which song is which, but that's common for me on big NM double concept albums). The only two spots I actively dislike so far are Hey ho whatever and Vanity Fair (which is very catchy, but annoys me, specially the circus music thing at the end, Haken did it SO MUCH BETTER back in the day :P)
It sounds like, "ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk." Instead of the more pleasing kick drum sound of, "gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk."

Offline DTA

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3445 on: January 26, 2019, 10:20:24 AM »
There is a lot to Love on TGA.  stuff like To the River, I got to  Run, and the Great Despair i could play on a loop.

but i can't shake the feeling like they weren't REALLY into a sequel.  TSOAD i felt there affection for it through my speakers.

i don't feel that here.  and while even that kinda album from neal and Company is still great.  i just don't feel the glow on this album and i Want too.

could be just me projecting.  but it's a feeling that nudges me each play.

That's a really good observation, and upon a second listen, I think I agree. Similitude felt like a real milestone/accomplishment, whereas this one feels a bit "phoned-in" for lack of a better word. Maybe they should've done an unrelated album or two first, then saved this sequel for when they felt more inspired to revisit it.

Offline bluefox4000

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3446 on: January 26, 2019, 10:23:31 AM »
i tell ya guys i STILL am interesting in the inevitable live album of this.  is is gonna make it better.  is it gonna bring out it's repetitive nature more?

this album live will be something for sure, lol

Offline bosk1

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3447 on: January 26, 2019, 10:27:26 AM »
Which do you prefer? Testimony 1 & 2 (disc 1 only) OR TSOAD & TGA?

Man, that's a tough one.  Testimony is one of my favorite albums ever.  But then T2 is SO far below Neal standards, even without the bonus disk dragging it down even farther, that it really weakens the T1/T2 combo.  TGA is fantastic, and TSOAD is really good too.  But I'm not sure either rises to Testimony level.  I can't decide!
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Offline The Letter M

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3448 on: January 26, 2019, 10:29:14 AM »
but i can't shake the feeling like they weren't REALLY into a sequel.

Exactly, I feel the same way after 2 or 3 full listens to the album. It feels just like Neal described it, a finished, unrelated to TSOAD album that he tinkered with using pro tools to make a sequel. That's why the biggest complaint we've seen here is that the "Love That Never Dies" theme is repeated way too much, they worked a concept album on paper instead of writing a concept album.

It's still a great album and need more listens to enjoy it more, since still the songs are a blur in my head (I don't know which song is which, but that's common for me on big NM double concept albums). The only two spots I actively dislike so far are Hey ho whatever and Vanity Fair (which is very catchy, but annoys me, specially the circus music thing at the end, Haken did it SO MUCH BETTER back in the day :P)

Having seen the Making of DVD, I definitely got the sense that the rest of the band were very reluctant to do a sequel to TSOAD, especially Mike in the beginning, but they all seemed to let Neal do what he wanted - I mean, it *IS* the Neal Morse Band after all...  :lol

Either way, it does make sense that Neal would try and copy-paste the LTND theme to make the album a bit more "cohesive" and have that musical thread throughout. Mike says on the DVD that had they known Neal was going to push hard for a TSOAD sequel, they would have written in themes from TSOAD into TGA, and to be honest, I don't hear a lot of them, and the couple that I do do not feature Mike on drums, which makes sense because he probably cut his drum tracks BEFORE Neal had decided the album was going to be a TSOAD sequel (I think? Maybe I am misremembering the timeline of events wrong...). It's definitely not as good of a sequel, musically speaking, as Testimony 2 was to Testimony, in the way that it included themes and ideas from the previous album.

However, that is not to say TGA isn't full of interesting and unique musical ideas itself, and given the narrative (that it is the son and not the father this time), I can see why there might not be a LOT of returning themes, but I would have liked to have heard more. Does anyone know exactly which themes do come back and where? I recognize a couple, but I haven't listened to TGA enough yet to pinpoint more.

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Offline bluefox4000

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3449 on: January 26, 2019, 10:31:33 AM »
Which do you prefer? Testimony 1 & 2 (disc 1 only) OR TSOAD & TGA?

Man, that's a tough one.  Testimony is one of my favorite albums ever.  But then T2 is SO far below Neal standards, even without the bonus disk dragging it down even farther, that it really weakens the T1/T2 combo.  TGA is fantastic, and TSOAD is really good too.  But I'm not sure either rises to Testimony level.  I can't decide!

this is why i love music discussion.  T2 is my 3rd fav Neal album.  while T1 is further down my list.  (It DID  rank up more at morsefest 2014 for me but it's STILL not a record I visit often) 

Offline As I Am

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3450 on: January 26, 2019, 03:14:53 PM »
There is a lot to Love on TGA.  stuff like To the River, I got to  Run, and the Great Despair i could play on a loop.

but i can't shake the feeling like they weren't REALLY into a sequel.  TSOAD i felt there affection for it through my speakers.

i don't feel that here.  and while even that kinda album from neal and Company is still great.  i just don't feel the glow on this album and i Want too.

could be just me projecting.  but it's a feeling that nudges me each play.

Obviously this could just be me, but I don't see how from "Vanity Fair" through "The Element Of Fear" fit in to the story of Joseph. Anyone want to help me? ;)

Also, one of the things I mull over after every new album is if "I" think things should have been done different on said albums. With TSOAD (see what I did there ;)) there wasn't ONE THING I thought could have been done better. With TGA, There are numerous changes I would have suggested (who sings certain parts, extending or editing of songs, etc). One of the main reasons I see Similitude as a MUCH stronger album.

Offline Peter Mc

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3451 on: January 26, 2019, 06:52:13 PM »
Only got the album today and will listen to TSOAD and TGA back to back on a long car journey tomorrow. I’m one of the few who wasn’t head over heels for TSOAD. It’s a really good album as all Neal’s albums are and there are some amazing moments but there is also stuff I didn’t care for like City Of Destruction for example. It’s not near the top of his discography imo so this album doesn’t have as much to live up to for me as some of you.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 07:07:05 PM by Peter Mc »

Offline ronnibran

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3452 on: January 26, 2019, 07:30:03 PM »

Which do you prefer? Testimony 1 & 2 (disc 1 only) OR TSOAD & TGA?

Easy for me.  Testimony 1 & 2 win.  I like the Neal Morse Band and like every album, but the T1 to T2 era (including One, Sola, etc) really hasn't been matched.  Obviously just an opinion.

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3453 on: January 26, 2019, 09:50:56 PM »
I just gave this its first spin.

I feel I have heard this album a thousand times before. I don’t know if it has to do with the idea that production-wise I feel sounds exactly the same as the past 6 Neal Morse releases, that I (IMHO) feel that Mike Portnoy has become a kinda formulaic and repetitive drummer (I swear I can hear his fills and grooves before they happen) or that I also feel that musically this still sounds like something Spock’s Beard could’ve made 20 years ago. I don’t mean to sound bitchy or that I’m mindlessly complaining because Neal’s music holds a very big place in my heart but I definitely haven’t loved it so far.

I enjoyed Similtude, maybe not as much as lots of people did but definitely I thought it was an album a tad too long but with some beautiful melodies and themes throughout (which in my very humble opinion has always been Neal’s greatest strength as a songwriter), but with this one I didn’t feel that. As some of you fine folks have already said, the main theme comes around way too many times for it to feel special and I also feel that a lots of times the songs land in a kinda heavy-riffy mood that never really grabbed my interest.

I’m gonna listen to this more and try to come up with a real review/opinion, but even though I dearly love Neal with all my heart I kinda wish he stopped with the massive 2 CD concept albums for a while and maybe do something simple and kinda refresh his whole sonic palette. Maybe some modern keyboard patches and creative sound design could be a nice start? Or maybe a fully acoustic album in the vein of Songs of November? I dunno, but that’s my two cents. I’ll keep listening and supporting the guy because he’s awesome but I feel that he has put out so much music in the past few years and I find it very hard to emotionally feel attached to all of his material.

As always, my favorite track was the last one. Neal rocks at writing memorable conclusions.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 09:58:38 PM by DarkLord_Lalinc »
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Offline Architeuthis

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3454 on: January 27, 2019, 01:46:39 AM »
I just picked up the album from my local record store today. When I got there it was surreal, the owner of the store was spinning it through the house system ( I told him to give it a listen before I came and picked it up).   
 He had never heard of this band before and he was digging the sound. I stayed for a while since he was playing it, and some of the customers browsing in there seemed to be enjoying the music. I over-heard one of the people in there asking who this was that was playing, then requested to order a copy..  That made my day!!   If I hadn't ordered that myself and let the record store owner open it and listen to it,  that album would have never reached this new person to want to order it.  :metal
 Btw, I'm loving the album after the first listen. Not quite as good as Similitude, but that could change in time.. Alot to!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 01:52:08 AM by Architeuthis »
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Offline Fritzinger

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3455 on: January 27, 2019, 03:22:51 AM »
I seriously don't understand what you guys are talking about. The Great Adventure is a phenomenal album! I'm completely with Bosk here.

So, in conclusion: you guys are all high
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Offline Architeuthis

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3456 on: January 27, 2019, 05:39:30 AM »
I seriously don't understand what you guys are talking about. The Great Adventure is a phenomenal album! I'm completely with Bosk here.

So, in conclusion: you guys are all high
Maybe that's the problem, I'm not high.    :justjen
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Offline KevShmev

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3457 on: January 27, 2019, 08:24:29 AM »
I just picked up the album from my local record store today. When I got there it was surreal, the owner of the store was spinning it through the house system ( I told him to give it a listen before I came and picked it up).   
 He had never heard of this band before and he was digging the sound. I stayed for a while since he was playing it, and some of the customers browsing in there seemed to be enjoying the music. I over-heard one of the people in there asking who this was that was playing, then requested to order a copy..  That made my day!!   If I hadn't ordered that myself and let the record store owner open it and listen to it,  that album would have never reached this new person to want to order it.  :metal
 Btw, I'm loving the album after the first listen. Not quite as good as Similitude, but that could change in time.. Alot to!

Great story!  :tup :tup

  As some of you fine folks have already said, the main theme comes around way too many times for it to feel special and I also feel that a lots of times the songs land in a kinda heavy-riffy mood that never really grabbed my interest.

To touch on this point, this is something I have noticed.  There are a lot of moments that rock pretty hard (by Neal standards) and I find myself thinking "Where is the melody?" way too often, which is usually unheard of on an album that features Neal Morse.  I am sure they are there and will sink in as I listen more, but it's pretty different for me to walk away from hearing a new Neal Morse (Band) album and not have 19 different melodies stuck in my head immediately.  And it goes without saying that the melodies that have stuck with me are tremendous.

I seriously don't understand what you guys are talking about. The Great Adventure is a phenomenal album! I'm completely with Bosk here.

So, in conclusion: you guys are all high

Woah, simmer down there, Sparky. ;)

I do like the album; I just don't love it.  But that could certainly change as I keep listening.  I am hoping.  :hat

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3458 on: January 27, 2019, 08:26:15 AM »
I’ve gotten a solid 5 or 6 listens in now and I’m still of the opinion that it’s ‘good’, yet I’m not blown away. I think it’s a fine partner to TSOAD but I’m questioning whether or not TSOAD needed that partner? Neal’s storytelling is on display in this album and I think they do a good job of walking you through the journey but the continuation of TSOAD didn’t seem necessary for that. A ‘new’ fresh album would have been just as good.

My largest disappointment though is the lack of ‘prog’. I know that sounds crazy considering who’s in that band but I don’t think there are enough moments of killer prog jams.....and when they do arrive it’s only 1-2 minutes and for me that’s just not enough. TSOAD satisfied my desire for those technical prog moments.....TGA doesn’t.

Good album, I’m stoked to see them play it in a month but it’s just not quite there for me for this to be a ‘go to’. I’ll spin it a few more times in preparation for the concert but it hasn’t garnered my devotion yet.
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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3459 on: January 27, 2019, 09:34:29 AM »

My largest disappointment though is the lack of ‘prog’. I know that sounds crazy considering who’s in that band but I don’t think there are enough moments of killer prog jams.....and when they do arrive it’s only 1-2 minutes and for me that’s just not enough. TSOAD satisfied my desire for those technical prog moments.....TGA doesn’t.

 Interesting.  I think TGA is a bit too proggy at times where they go off on weird tangents, even though very well done. Similitude on the other hand flows nicer and is more melodic and cohesive.
 I also think TGA is a little too Bill Hubauer heavy. I think he is a fantastic musician and sings technically well, but he needs to step away from the microphone a bit more. It seems as this album doesn't have enough Neal and Eric on lead vocals, which are both nicer on the ears tone-wise. That being said, I still like the BH parts of the album.
 I'm more excited about seeing this album live, I'm sure it will be a great show.  :coolio
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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3460 on: January 27, 2019, 09:57:49 AM »
Repeated listenings here are not raising the album.......but they aren't lowering it either. ok maybe that's a lie, lol.  it dipped slightly. now it's a flat out case of what  i love i love.  and then there's stuff i really don't/is just ok.

Dark Melody
I Got to run
To the River
A Venture in black
Fighting With Destiny
Vanity Fair
Child of Wonder
The Great Despair


The great Adventure
Welcome to the World 1 and 2
Beyond the borders (this is your disc 1 finale?....sigh....ok)
The Element of Fear
A love that never Dies (it WOULD work....cept i know the melody and I knew it was coming......from the other infinity times you've played....sigh, lol)

Hey ho let's Go (horrible earworm)

So that's only 1 hate......not baad, lol

again i had to keep harping on it.  but the biggest this record is SOOOO short on melodies.  and that's a let down coming from neal.

 8/10 though if i were to non generous it'd be more a 7.

this doesn't touch the league of Similitude but it's a nice companion more than a focused sequel.

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3461 on: January 27, 2019, 12:10:05 PM »
While kinda silly, Hey Ho Let's Go works as a combo piece with Venture in Black (I would combine those together as a single track if I were trying to make mp3's for the sake of shuffle).  I do agree that Beyond the Borders is a very anti-climatic way to end disc 1, especially when you consider how amazing the disc 1 closer was on Similitude.

I need a few long drives to give this record the car treatment. :hat

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3462 on: January 27, 2019, 12:16:17 PM »
While kinda silly, Hey Ho Let's Go works as a combo piece with Venture in Black (I would combine those together as a single track if I were trying to make mp3's for the sake of shuffle).  I do agree that Beyond the Borders is a very anti-climatic way to end disc 1, especially when you consider how amazing the disc 1 closer was on Similitude.

I need a few long drives to give this record the car treatment. :hat

That's right.  i got spoiled by Similitude's disc 1 finale.  it leaves you on such a high.  Especially live.  this is kinda like....ok half 1 is done come back....if ya feel like it.


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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3463 on: January 27, 2019, 03:49:40 PM »

Beyond the borders (this is your disc 1 finale?....sigh....ok)

I completely agree, but comparing this to "Breath Of Angels"  :hefdaddy just isn't fair. It's comparing a "good" song against possibly the greatest and most emotional song Neal & co ever created!

Offline Peter Mc

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Re: Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3464 on: January 27, 2019, 06:00:04 PM »
It’s very early days but my early impression is that it is a close run thing between TSOAD and TGA. I agree that the two disc finales on the new album do not pack the emotional punch of those on TSOAD. That’s not to say that The Love That Never Dies is not, by anyone else’s standards, an incredible song but just that Broken Sky/Long Day (Reprise) is one of Neal’s very best epic finales. Where TGA scores over TSOAD though is that there is not anything I actively dislike such as City Of Destruction, Sloth (the first 3 min at least) and not crazy about Freedom Song either. Basically then, the highs aren’t quite as high and the lows aren’t as low so it’s difficult for me to decide.

All comparisons aside though, it’s pretty clear that it’s another phenomenal record from Neal in a long line of phenomenal records.

As a final comment those people dissing Testimony 2 are crazy, the 2nd disc alone beats most albums in my collection, incredible album and possibly his best outside of SB/TA imo.