Author Topic: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 album listening commenced  (Read 46338 times)

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #946 on: March 19, 2024, 02:15:54 PM »
Maybe 10? Probably 7?

I almost used that gif lol, but no.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #948 on: March 19, 2024, 02:17:52 PM »
Excellent Seinfeld gifs, found that really funny.

I knew you'd like them.  :metal
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #949 on: March 19, 2024, 02:18:25 PM »
Will reveal all and results in a couple of hours.
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Offline lonestar

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #950 on: March 19, 2024, 02:19:26 PM »

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1. Shadow Ninja - This is power metal, and I like power metal.

2. King - Not as instant as the songs from this artist I know.  Not quite sure why you'd send me this to be honest.

3. Sacul - Not sure what I expected but this was quite moody and intense

4. TAC - Holy shit, this fucker rips!

5. Puppies - Epic as fuck!

6. Crow - I've tried these guys before without success but this seemed better this time around.

7. Lonk - Kinda generic and forgettable unfortunately.

8.lonestar - It's like a mix of melodeath, King Diamond and the Exocist lol.

9. Evermind - Yeah, this was really good, like really fucking good.

10. Stadler - Unfortunately, I've never smoked weed.  I quite enjoyed the jam as it went on however.

11. Dr. DTVT - This was quite strong and calming on the first listen.

12. Litho - Wow, wonderful melodeath, I love the vocals, and soloing for days!  Pretty sure I hear a guitarist I know in here too....maybe others....

13. Luke - The riff was killer and growls awesome.  But those clean sections......

14. Reaper - Hmm...I'll need to listen again, I missed it, not sure it's for me.

15. Jingle - Pretty epic for the style.  Not as instant as I thought but plenty of time.  Wonderful vocals

16. Indi -  Pfft....fucking outstanding playing.

17. romdrums - Hmmm....I liked it at the start but was looking for more by the end.  Not sure this will stick.

18. ariich - Oh, this might be a gamble, not sure on this yet, but I think has potential.

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #952 on: March 19, 2024, 05:31:47 PM »
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #953 on: March 19, 2024, 05:37:51 PM »
Never really listened to King Diamond nor Exocist....hope that you like them lol

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #954 on: March 19, 2024, 05:40:29 PM »
Reaper - Dredge - Triangle

Man, you said this was a risky send and you were correct.  I can't get into this at all.  I've tried each time to try and appreciate some of what it's doing but I just nod off.  Not a big fan of the vocals which I think isa big part of my problem.  It's a bit more interesting from around the 2 minute mark and can sort of see the appeal and it gets a little better with some heavier guitars later on but by that time I'm already out.  Sorry mate, I tried.

Score = 4.0

Lonk - Once Human - Only In Death

Gotta be honest, but I struggled with this from the start.  I really struggled to find much I liked about it.  I personally just found it really quite generic and pedestrian.  The harsh vocal sections were decent, but everything else I just couldn't get into.  There was just something weird with the melodies too that I found a little grating.  There are nice enough elements in there but all in all I tried and it's probably something I should enjoy, but it just didn't hit the mark I'm sorry.

Score = 4.5

King - Pat Benatar - You Better Run

So, I know some of Pat's biggest hits obviously and never had an issue with them.  Even played Hit Me With Your Best Shot in cover bands which has a cool solo.  This I guess, is fine.  I'm not totally sure why you'd send this to me to be honest, but there is nothing wrong with it, however, there is nothing to write home about it for me.  The chorus is cool and catchy and the song length helps it out too.  Cool little solo at the end too though.  Overall, a fine song but nothing I haven't heard before or go out of my way to listen to.

Score = 5.0

Stadler - The Allman Brothers - In Memory of Elizabeth Reed

Now, I'm not really much into the older 70's prog rock instrumental kind of thing and while this is fine, it still stands here.  This kind of jam music has never been my thing at all.  Now, don't get me wrong, while listening to was totally pleasant enough and once the guitar got going I got a little more interested.  The solo here is quite tasty and interesting given it's in a 'jam' kind of setting.  Again, seems like really good background music but I don't envisage a time where I'd go out of my way to put this on and listen to it.

Score = 5.5

lonestar - MergingMood - Crimson Persimmon

Now, this was a bit better and more up my alley but again, I struggled a little again with this one to get it to stick.  It's more in the melodeath vein which suits me fine and the heavy parts were very cool.  I'm not a big fan of the screeching type vocals though.  The female vocals weren't really that much of an issue here, again, I just struggle to find hooks and melodies to hang onto.  I don't really understand or dig those electronic quiet bits in the second half either.  I'm just struggling to find things I really like in the songs you're sending in this style so far.  The more heavier sections and melodic death metal vibes is what saved it from scoring any lower.

Score = 5.75

romdrums - Astrosaur - Karakoram II

Now this started off pretty well, and I actually didn't expect it to be instrumental at the start.  Now, this is very Mastodon influenced, like almost distracting at times with the Mastodon love.   We had other sections like at 1:40, that part was really nice and had a great atmosphere which kept me interested.  At around the 3 minute mark the song turns into Megadolon and is even more distracting it almost made me laugh.  As it went on it was fine to listen to but I did want more and felt it was a little too long.  The soundscapes and atmosphere did keep me interested in it enough though but yeah, would have liked a little more.

Score = 6.25

twosuitluke - Turisas - Cursed Be Iron

Now this one frustrated me.  The riff is fucking killer and the vocals over the top are fucking killer too, but everything else just left me rolling my eyes.  I can't take those spoken word clean sections seriously, at all.  I like my cheese but the whole more over the top viking/folk stuff is hit or miss with me.  Between the two sections there wasn't much variety either which kinda hurt it but damn that riff is killer.  Yes you're right, the song is all about that riff and If it were all like the growled riffy section, I'd be all over it.

Score - 6.5

Shadow Ninja - Beast in Black - Unlimited Sin

I stand by my thinking in this guy sounds like a bit of a chick at times here, but his voice is pretty cool.  This reminds me of Dynazty which are a band I like.  This is simple power metal, and I enjoy power metal.  There is obviously nothing new or unique here at all, but it's catchy, sounds good, excellent chorus and has decent replay value.  Nice enough solo to tie it all in too.  I'll be all over checking more of these guys out for sure.

Score - 7.0

Ariich - Xanthochroid - The Sound of Hunger Rises

Bonus point - Paul Taylor award

Now this one was weird.  Each time I listened it was hard to latch onto anything yet I never had a problem trying again and listening.  The vibe was really interesting and the melodies between the clean sections and more epic sections was really something different also.  Saying all that, I think there's value here and potentially a full album needs to be listened to, but something didn't quite stick as much as some of the other tracks.  I think it suffers just from needing time to grow as this was really intriguing.  Once the harsh vocals hit, they were excellent, I just wish it stuck with them as opposed to going back to the clean vocals.  I think this is something though that I'll revisit in time.  I'm actually giving this the Paul Taylor award as it is pretty epic with the atmosphere and the keyboards.

Score - 7.25 + 0.5 = 7.75

Sacul - Deftones - Change

Now, being born in 1984, I was a 90's kid.  I loved most of what came out in the 90's.  I was big into the 90's scene, Live, Bush, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Offspring, Green Day, Pantera, Machine Head etc. but the Deftones were just one I never checked out for some reason, don't ask me why so I was interested in this.  Anyway, this has 90's/early 2000's written all over it and it does give some nostalgia as I really enjoyed this after a few listens.  It captures the vibe of the times and what a lot of these bands were doing perfectly.  The soundscapes and atmospheres are wonderful and it breathes really nicely.  There's not a lot going on but the chorus and melodies are enough to make me want to definitely check out the rest of this album adn see what I missed out on.

Total = 8.0

Indi - Dr. Viossy - One Hundred and One Odobenus Rosmarus

Another dependable guitar tune from Indi and this one definitely more my style with a lot of good shit going on here.  Love the more metal edge in the riffing and the slightly contrasting sections.  It's nice and groovy and has really splendid flourishes of excellent guitar work.  The key change into the section at 1:42 is really cool and great guitar melodies.  Then around 2:12 we go into a Soilwork kind of slower section which is really nice.  More great guitar playing throughout and definitely keeps my interest the whole way.  Love the outro solo, gives me Andy James vibes.  Definitely an album I'd check out plus I'll have to youtube this guy too.

Score = 8.25

Dr. DTVT - Vintersea - Old Ones

Bonus point - John Roth Award

At first I didn't think much of this one but it really grew with repeated listens.  The atmosphere is incredible and very calming and I love the whole sound.  The harsh vocals are just stellar and make the song.  The structure is somewhat difficult to follow if there is even a real structure but the flow is really good that you don't even worry, you just sit back and enjoy the sounds and performances.  Really nice build into the guitar solo too with great guitar work underneath too.  It kind of all just flows by too which is fine but yeah, I really ended up enjoying this one a lot.  Not sure what the go is with the last two minutes, but a listen to the album is probably in order.  I'm giving this one the John Roth award simply because of the thickness in the sounds of the guitars.  The rhythms, tremelo picked sections and arpeggiated sections is really classy and makes the whole sound, good stuff.

Score - 8.0 + 0.5 = 8.5

Crow - Winderun - The Garden of Fire

Now, I've tried this band before to no avail, something about them didn't stick.  However, something intrigued me with this song that made me want to go back to it.  I'm not sure what style you'd class these guys as but they are all over the place but in a good way.  As like a couple of the other songs that I mentioned, this has a similar thing with some interesting melodies in the clean vocals between heavier sections which I wasn't sure about in the past but with repeated listens these little parts actually grew on me.  The end section also became one of my fav parts of the round.  The folky elements work here somehow and despite the cheesiness, it clicked with me on this one.  There's still things I'm not sure about but the more I listened as I said, the more I liked variety in the whole thing. Some of those heavier sections were nice and brutal too.  Definitely will be checking out the whole album.

Score - 8.5

Jingle - Damnations Day - To Begin Again

Bonus - Kip Winger Award

I knew this name as Brent did send them to me in one of my other roulettes and it scored well.  For some reason I never followed up with these guys, so this was fair game (even though you didn't know they were sent), but this was a grower.  It was a definitely change of pace but I certainly warmed to it.  This dude has some pipes, incredible singer and you get the Kip award back to back.  I can't not give it here.  Anyway, the whole vibe actually gives me a more radio friendly alternate vibe maybe even a little Alter Bridge come to think of it but the melodies aren't instant which seemed risky but opened up pretty quickly.  The buildup to the solo is really nice too.  The lyrics obviously hit a sore spot too and you're targeting that aspect nicely which can only help.  Great tune, although maybe not as complete as I expected if that makes sense, but I'm definitely getting into the album afterwards.

Score - 8.25 + 0.5 = 8.75

Litho - Bloodshot Dawn - The Image Faded

Bonus - Reb Beach award

Now, this ripped from the start.  Wonderful melodic death metal and heavy as shit.  Great vocals and just doesn't let up.  Not much to say really.  Oh, the chorus works well with a wonderful guitar melody underneath, damn that works well.  Now, you're tapping into the guitarist in me quite well after two rounds as that I have a soft spot for regular structured tunes that have absurdly long instrumental sections.  This fucker just solos forever and I love it.  I heard Per Nilsson straight away which no doubt is a factor in you getting the award again this round.  I see Andy James (who sounded familiar) and Chris Amott on here too, incredible.  Just when you think the solo section is finished too, it keeps going.  Great stuff, right up my alley.  have a feeling the albums might be a bit samey but that's just a hunch and certainly a lot here making me want to check the full album.

Score - 8.5 + 0.5 = 9.0

TAC - Autonoesis - Moon of Foul Magics

Bonus point - Rod Morgenstein (split)

Ah...this is more like it.  Fucking ripping melodic black metal, fucking loved this from the get go.  The production is a little rough but fits the style so well.  I was grinning the whole way through this thing.  The drummer is fucking awesome and leads this thing nicely with some intense speed too.  I've split the award this round cause it was hard to split between the two songs but the drummer here is fantastic.  He's a little buried in the mix, but that's okay.  just when you think you've heard all this track has to offer we hit 3:15 with some fucking groove metal, holy shit, that's nice.  The quiet part really took me by surprise too and showed a completely different side here, the buildup was immense and I loved it.  Really classy and almost self indulgent songwriting.  Again, the drummer gives everyone a lot of space and leads them through the sections.  That Jason Becker inspired section at 5:52 also was incredible and topped everything off before going back into some galloping!  Fucking tremendous.

Score - 9.0 + 0.25 = 9.25

Puppies - Manticora - Katana

Bonus point - Rod Morgenstein award (split)

Straight off the bat, I thought this was going to be the song of the round, and while it just missed out, it was close.  This has the perfect mix of prog metal but mixed with other elements to make this really scratch my itch.  The singer has a tremendous voice and lots of versatility.  The harsh vocals are great, I would have loved more of those truthfully.  Neverthless, the length is fine, it didn't feel 15 minutes at all.  Now, the drummer here is on fire which is why you get a split point.  He has some wonderful drumwork going on here and is strong as fuck carrying this thing nicely.  Guitars are great, bass is strong and the structure is very good.  I love that section at 4:09 and especially when it repeats near it end, really fucking strong and powerful.  Love it.   Special mention to the melody at 5:41, that's incredible and might be my fav section of the whole round, top 3 anyway, so epic and melodic.  So yeah, amazing tune, can't wait to check the full album.  Strange I've never checked these guys, I've seen the name but great find, great submission.

Score - 9.0 + 0.25 = 9.25

Evermind - Xaon - Eros

Now this one came from the back fence to take out song of the round.  It's close with Tim and Puppies but I found that I was coming back to this one often in the end, but only just.  As you said, these guys have an interesting style.  Mix of symphonic, death, melodic death, whatever, good shit.  Love the vocalist and the verse is great once it gets going after that excellent acoustic intro.  The cleaner sections really give me Dan Swano vibes too which is totally fine.  The chorus here is amazing, the vocals soar and the guitar melodies underneath just carry it so well, the climax of the chorus is so epic with that last line, too good.  Great groove into the solo too.  Definitely up my alley and as I mentioned just kept getting drawn back to this one.  The ending section took me a little by surprise at first but that epic as fuck also!  Yeah, never heard of these guys, but this is absolutely elite, amazing submission.

Score - 9.25

Round 2 results;

Reaper - 4.0
Lonk - 4.5
King - 5.0
Stadler - 5.5
lonestar - 5.75
romdrums - 6.25
twosuiluke - 6.5
Shadow Ninja - 7.0
ariich - 7.75
Sacul - 8.0
Indi - 8.25
Dr. DTVT - 8.5
Crow - 8.5
Jingle - 8.75
Litho - 9.0
TAC - 9.25
Puppies - 9.25
Evermind - 9.25

After 2 rounds;

Reaper - 5.0+4.0 = 9.0
twosuitluke - 4.0+6.5 = 10.5
Shadow Ninja - 4.0+7.0 = 11.0
romdrums - 5.5+6.25 = 11.75
lonestar - 6.0+5.75 = 11.75
Lonk - 7.75+4.5 = 12.25
King - 7.5+5.0 = 12.5
Stadler - 9.25+5.5 = 14.75
ariich - 8.5+7.75 = 16.25
Dr. DTVT - 8.0+8.5 = 16.5
Indiscipline - 9.0+8.25 = 17.25
Sacul - 9.5+8.0 = 17.5
TAC - 8.25+9.25 = 17.5
Jingle - 8.75+8.75 = 17.5
Litho - 9.0+9.0 = 18.0
Crow - 9.5+8.5 = 18.0
Puppies - 9.0+9.25 = 18.25
Evermind - 9.0+9.25 = 18.25

Top 8 all quite close now and starting to take a bit of a lead over the rest.

Alright, check the maths if you must, I did all this in my head.  Send for round 3 please!!
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #955 on: March 19, 2024, 05:40:52 PM »
Wouldn't describe it as generic, but I guess I get it  :corn

Oh wait, results! Lol

Yeah I fucked up lol I guess sending female vocals backfired for different reasons  :mehlin

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #956 on: March 19, 2024, 05:45:04 PM »
Wouldn't describe it as generic, but I guess I get it  :corn

Oh wait, results! Lol

Yeah I fucked up lol I guess sending female vocals backfired for different reasons  :mehlin

it wasn't really the female vocals, I just didn't find the song very interesting to be brutally honest.  :'(
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #957 on: March 19, 2024, 05:46:42 PM »
Never really listened to King Diamond nor Exocist....hope that you like them lol

The Exorcist was a reference to the screeching and the parts like at 1:50 reminded me of KD.  I guess the slight horror aspects of both.
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Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #958 on: March 19, 2024, 05:47:32 PM »
I had contemplated sending that Manticora song to jingle, but was uneasy about sending two 13:00+ minute songs in a row, so I went with a somewhat shorter one instead (though it didn't particularly help at the time). 

Offline King Postwhore

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #959 on: March 19, 2024, 05:48:41 PM »
I went with Pat's song to fit your theme.  Obviously, the theme doesn't get you extra points.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #960 on: March 19, 2024, 05:50:33 PM »
I went with Pat's song to fit your theme.  Obviously, the theme doesn't get you extra points.

That's fair enough mate, the song is fine and enjoyable, as I said, nothing really out there and I guess when its surrounded by some decent metal, for me most of the time, the metal is going to win.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #961 on: March 19, 2024, 05:51:04 PM »
I had contemplated sending that Manticora song to jingle, but was uneasy about sending two 13:00+ minute songs in a row, so I went with a somewhat shorter one instead (though it didn't particularly help at the time).

You should have, doesn't feel that long at all.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #962 on: March 19, 2024, 05:51:34 PM »
Swing and a miss but figured I'd toss it out there, now what to send for round 3...

Since I'm already at the bottom how do you feel about really heavy EDM?

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #963 on: March 19, 2024, 05:51:41 PM »
Wouldn't describe it as generic, but I guess I get it  :corn

Oh wait, results! Lol

Yeah I fucked up lol I guess sending female vocals backfired for different reasons  :mehlin

it wasn't really the female vocals, I just didn't find the song very interesting to be brutally honest.  :'(
Oh no, I get it. That's the 3rd time I send this song in roulettes, and it hasn't done well so I should've known lol

Also, sent!

Offline King Postwhore

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #964 on: March 19, 2024, 05:54:25 PM »
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

Offline King Postwhore

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #965 on: March 19, 2024, 05:56:09 PM »
Never really listened to King Diamond nor Exocist....hope that you like them lol

The Exorcist was a reference to the screeching and the parts like at 1:50 reminded me of KD.  I guess the slight horror aspects of both.

I get that with you. I'm just trying to try to open your musical vision. I'll take the hit.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #966 on: March 19, 2024, 05:56:25 PM »
Swing and a miss but figured I'd toss it out there, now what to send for round 3...

Since I'm already at the bottom how do you feel about really heavy EDM?

What's EDM?  Emotional death metal??
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 - Seinpressions?!?!
« Reply #967 on: March 19, 2024, 06:00:02 PM »
Never really listened to King Diamond nor Exocist....hope that you like them lol

The Exorcist was a reference to the screeching and the parts like at 1:50 reminded me of KD.  I guess the slight horror aspects of both.

I get that with you. I'm just trying to try to open your musical vision. I'll take the hit.

I appreciate that Joe.  I think overall my musical vision is definitely boxed in to metal, but saying that, I am familiar with a lot of the older stuff.  I mean, as I said, I used to play in bands back in the day and always enjoyed most of what was played, I guess outside of a lot of rock and metal, I struggle to sit and listen to anything but, give or take a few guilty pleasures.  And someone like Pat Benatar is always fine to listen to when she comes on the radio, but I wouldn't search out an album of hers.  I'm keen to see what else you are going to send and the tactics you take.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #968 on: March 19, 2024, 06:00:28 PM »
Joe has me thinking though, perhaps I should have done a non metal round.......
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Offline LithoJazzoSphere

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #969 on: March 19, 2024, 06:10:02 PM »
Swing and a miss but figured I'd toss it out there, now what to send for round 3...

Since I'm already at the bottom how do you feel about really heavy EDM?

What's EDM?  Emotional death metal??

Extremely Dangerous Marimbas. 

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #970 on: March 19, 2024, 06:14:33 PM »
Glad you liked that Manticora tune  :metal :metal

I'd definitely recommend pretty much all of Manticora's albums. Manticora's discography can really be split between 3 distinct eras (the first 3 albums, then the middle 4, then the most recent 3), but if you want more like that song I'd stick with their most recent era. To Kill to Live to Kill and To Live to Kill to Live (which to song I sent is from) are both concept albums that combine to tell one story. The newest album Mycelium is a little weaker IMO, but still in the same vein.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #971 on: March 19, 2024, 06:15:37 PM »
Joe has me thinking though, perhaps I should have done a non metal round.......

Could still add one.  It's not like Winger is a full-throttle metal band anyway, so I'm sure there's something of theirs to keep the theme going. 

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #972 on: March 19, 2024, 06:20:13 PM »
Glad you liked that Manticora tune  :metal :metal

I'd definitely recommend pretty much all of Manticora's albums. Manticora's discography can really be split between 3 distinct eras (the first 3 albums, then the middle 4, then the most recent 3), but if you want more like that song I'd stick with their most recent era. To Kill to Live to Kill and To Live to Kill to Live (which to song I sent is from) are both concept albums that combine to tell one story. The newest album Mycelium is a little weaker IMO, but still in the same vein.

Nice and noted mate, definitely on the check out list.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #973 on: March 19, 2024, 06:22:01 PM »
Joe has me thinking though, perhaps I should have done a non metal round.......

Could still add one.  It's not like Winger is a full-throttle metal band anyway, so I'm sure there's something of theirs to keep the theme going.

Maybe, we'll see.  I mean, we're only a quarter of the way through this thing, we'll see how results are sitting and how over it we all are.  I think after 8 rounds I'll be happy to finish it up but we'll see.

Maybe I'll add a bonus in a later round for not sending metal or something, we will see.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #974 on: March 19, 2024, 06:25:17 PM »
Glad you liked that Manticora tune  :metal :metal

I'd definitely recommend pretty much all of Manticora's albums. Manticora's discography can really be split between 3 distinct eras (the first 3 albums, then the middle 4, then the most recent 3), but if you want more like that song I'd stick with their most recent era. To Kill to Live to Kill and To Live to Kill to Live (which to song I sent is from) are both concept albums that combine to tell one story. The newest album Mycelium is a little weaker IMO, but still in the same vein.

I've been spinning their new album quite a bit.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #975 on: March 19, 2024, 06:26:25 PM »
I went with Pat's song to fit your theme.  Obviously, the theme doesn't get you extra points.

What theme was that? Generic Radio round?
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #976 on: March 19, 2024, 06:31:44 PM »
I went with Pat's song to fit your theme.  Obviously, the theme doesn't get you extra points.

What theme was that? Generic Radio round?

Are you actually demeaning a great song who just got in the RIRHOF?  Really?
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #977 on: March 19, 2024, 06:33:09 PM »
I went with Pat's song to fit your theme.  Obviously, the theme doesn't get you extra points.

What theme was that? Generic Radio round?

Are you actually demeaning a great song who just got in the RIRHOF?  Really?

Huh?  The song did, or Pat did?
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #978 on: March 19, 2024, 06:34:44 PM »
I went with Pat's song to fit your theme.  Obviously, the theme doesn't get you extra points.

What theme was that? Generic Radio round?

Are you actually demeaning a great song who just got in the RIRHOF?  Really?

No, I'm demeaning you. :lol
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 2 Results!!
« Reply #979 on: March 19, 2024, 06:35:35 PM »
I went with Pat's song to fit your theme.  Obviously, the theme doesn't get you extra points.

What theme was that? Generic Radio round?

Are you actually demeaning a great song who just got in the RIRHOF?  Really?

No, I'm demeaning you. :lol

 :lol Oof!
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.