Author Topic: Puppies (Re)Discovery EP Roulette V.4 (The Final Art!)  (Read 87790 times)

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Offline wolfking

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Here's mine if anyone cares;

The Wolf (39:21)

1. Mastodon - The Wolf is Loose (0:00)
2. Blaze - Blood and Belief (3:29)
3. Saxon - Night of the Wolf (9:24)
4. Tribulation - Hour of the Wolf (13:23)
5. Megadeth - She-Wolf (17:31)
6. King Diamond - Follow the Wolf (21:01)
7. Wolfheart - The Hunt (24:27)
8. Green Carnation - Hounds (29:16)

The Wolf

This story I came up with pretty quickly.  I had something different penned for this round but decided to move that to the album round.  So for this round since it's supposed to be a story about me, I kind of have done a mix of songs revolving around wolves but still relating it towards myself personally. For the story, I'll go along song by song, to tell a loose basic story but also how it relates to me in my life.  So there's probably not as much detail, but obviously explains me, things I've been through but has the wolf tie to each song for kicks.  While the story isn't as detailed laid out, the meaning for me personally is very strong.  I just hope that comes across.

Basically, it's about me growing up then getting a job, a job I end up getting stuck in to this day.  I always wonder if it was meant to be and if it is what I'm supposed to be doing.  I've put my life into my work and have done for years since I was about 21.  Early on I met my partner and while we've had our ups and down, we're still at it together and after a rocky 6 months, things are pretty strong.  She obviously comes into the songs and the story here.  Me personally, I've always been scared to just quit my job and find something else.  I'm damn good at my job and have had success, although as time goes on, something you put so much effort into bears its soul and you eventually see things differently and wonder what happens next and why you've sacrificed yourself for something for so long, especially for others.  The story is basically that, getting trapped at work and spending time finding what I'm supposed to be doing.  But by the end as you continue on and this fragile thing called life, is what we're doing actually already what we're supposed to be doing?  Who knows.....the road of life continues and the hunt is always going on......

Mastodon - The Wolf is Loose

The title bears a lot here which reflects my early life and growing up.  This kind of revolves around my growing up, being a kid then teenager, partying, drinking, playing guitar and not giving two shits to the world.  Lines like 'Howling on, Through fields and graves' and 'Take on form' I have related to the early part of my growing up.  Pretty basic.

Some key lyrics;

Refusal of return
Howling on
Through fields and graves
Take on form
Shapeshifter rolling on winds of tyrants make
Fierce lore of fanged horn
Danger all the way
The faces of bodies slain
Returning to the form of natural human's fate
Grown from the cold
Spirits unclean
Dealer of the days
The ice will thaw
As the soldier walks through the crimson side

Blaze - Blood and Belief

Yes, another Blaze song but this song and its lyrics have always been so relatable, they are massive for me.  Basically, the wolf was running wild and carefree but then changes started to happen as the wolf grows older and the wolf attitude and carefree spirit started to die.  This basically relates to going into adulthood and getting the job I currently have had for over 15 years now.  Working for a Government sector slowly grinds you down and I've had my struggles over time, so pretty much all the lyrics here are bang on for that situation.  I've always thought work and the company have slowly taken my 'blood and belief.'  At times have worked 80 hour weeks, 7 days a week and sacrificed so much in my life that this rings true.  I omitted the first little section so that's why it starts at the wolf part, mainly for flow.

Some key lyrics;

Blood and belief
They take from me my blood and belief
They take from me my blood

He was once a wolf
Roamed and never cared
Never wished for death
Few of us can know
With that certainty
Where we do belong

Death was always close
But he was so alive
When he was walking out there, near the edge of life

Then the change began
Changing to a man
His soul was trapped inside
Ordinary man waiting for his death
The wolf lay dead inside

Saxon - Night of the Wolf

The wolf now beaten and broken down over time, wants to find that free spirit back again.  He searches and hears other wolves howling embracing their roots and calling.  The lyrics basically reflect that, going through life wondering how to break free and get back to a life once was.  Knowing I'm tied down to a job but knowing there's more out there again I can discover and get the burning fire back.  The line 'When man becomes the hunted, screaming in the night' I like a lot, which kind of explains that wolf that's turned into a man scared of other wolves so to speak.  I was the hunter but slowly have become the hunted, kind of thing.

Some key lyrics;

When man becomes the hunted, screaming in the night
On your knees and pray to God to keep the beasts from sight
Night of the wolf
Hear them calling
Night of the wolf
Howling at the moon
They're fighting for survival, it's the only thing they know

Tribulation - Hour of the Wolf

A bit more cryptic this one.  But this one is basically the time when you go through things and start to realize mistakes you've made, things you've hidden from yourself and lied to yourself about and basically admitting things to yourself that could and should have been done different.  Basically what the wolf needs to do to slowly get back what he once has and admitting things to yourself and mistakes made is part of that.  The lines 'And all that you hold dear, Is bound to crumble, And come to dust' reflects what I've done with work and the sacrifice but then starts to crumble over time and you realized time wasted and things you should have handled differently and the sacrifices you've made personally.  The 'Making me stare into the eyes of death' lines is also pretty scary even though the timeline of the meaning of this line was later on in the time of the story, it's still relevant.

Some key lyrics;

Phantoms haunting me
Specters in the night
Making me stare into the eyes of death

Is bound to crumble
And come to dust
And come to dust

Ghosts are haunting me
In the dead of night
Making me stare into the eyes of death
Awake and in dreams alike
In the hour of the wolf
I open my heart to their dark caress

Megadeth - She Wolf

The wolf has started to get confidence, aggression and the bite back and the story now introduces the she-wolf.  so this is obviously where I meet my partner. I met her earlier in real life but for the sake of the story I'll introduce her here.  The she wolf captures the wolf over time and puts him under a spell.  Just the rock he needs as he's finding himself once again.  She has been there but he realizes how much he needs her.  The lyrics are cool as you know, it's a female, can't live with them, can't live without them kind of thinking here and the song is good at reflecting that I feel.  But once you're under a spell, there's nothing you can do.....

Some key lyrics;

The mother of all that is evil
Her lips are poisonous venom
Wicked temptress knows how to please
Priestess roars, "Get down on your knees"

A howling man surrenders the fight
The fight
One look in her lusting eyes
Savage fear in you will rise
Teeth of terror sinking in
The bite of the she-wolf
One look in her lusting eyes
Savage fear in you will rise
Teeth of terror sinking in
The bite of the she-wolf

King Diamond - Follow the Wolf

The wolf and she wolf become closer again over time and still he is under her spell and does whatever she wants.  He follows her wherever she goes, again, being the thing he needs and helping him find his spirit again. She wants to help him wherever she can as they go off together to find peace. Will he follow her to the end?......  I cut the first section and the ending section out for flow and relevance.

Some key lyrics;

Follow me, follow the wolf
And so I followed the wolf, up the wooded mountain side
Close to the top... she suddenly stopped
Sun to the east, man and beast
Just two silhouettes... in a landscape never to forget
I must follow the wolf again, I must follow her till the end
The end

Wolfheart - The Hunt

The hunt and search continues for a new life while trying to leave the old life behind, but it's a struggle to leave.  The wolf and she wolf are side by side but moments of hollowness and helplessness still affect our main character.  Will the hunt continue forever?  He searches high and low clinging to the hope of what he's looking for.  Sometimes it's the hope that one day things will change that keeps you going and allows you to continue in the current situation you are in.  Good people by your side helps but there's still something missing.  You hope it will come in time.

Some key lyrics;

Blood marks the trail
Red paints the skyline
Hunter's moon embraced with howling forlorn

The daybreak revealed the marks
Traces of a wounded leader
Rules the lands from these woods and beyond

Race through the woods
Hasten over the waters
Run upon the frozen lakes

Reach a higher ground
That reveals the realm
Under your might
White kingdom of frost and ice

Ruler of the frozen lands
From these woods and beyond
Embraces the hunter's moon
With howling forlorn

Green Carnation - Hounds

This one uses hounds more as a metaphor but is the perfect closer to the EP IMO.  Great mood and nice and long with a great atmosphere.  Basically now, the wolf and she wolf go through troubled times and just continue to exist.  Lines like 'No one here but not alone Darkness feeds upon my soul' gives off the hopelessness feeling of not being able to change, as does 'In search for the answers, the trail went cold'.  The wolf is accepting his existence and basically makes the suffering easy to deal with.  The lines 'I stand by your side, Feeding the hounds of existence' give off the impressions that sometimes relationships stay together out of habit, but then 'While I'm alive, I won't let them near us' cements that you are together for a reason.  The wolf and she wolf continue together to find a better life, but is the life they are looking for already in front of them.  Is their current existence already the better?  Who knows, they continue searching through the woods together.....  Basically the end is I'm still working, but still aimlessly wondering if the change will ever come.  Do I grow up and make it myself one day, or accept the current situation forever.  Nevertheless, the hunt will always go on.....

Some key lyrics;

I don't want to know, I shut it down
That's my freedom, as long as you're around
All that I once held as true
Always brings me back to you
You may think I should have known
No one here but not alone
Darkness feeds upon my soul
From grief I'll rise
From grief I stole

When I have a moment of pure delight
As if I am pulling the wrong to right
I can take this for granted but I'm way too old
In search for the answers, the trail went cold

While I'm alive, I won't let them near us
I stand by your side
Feeding the hounds of existence
The hounds of existence

Swim in cold waters
Sink like a stone
Swim in cold waters
Carry on
At the end of the world
We'll find a shore
We'll find a shore

With the thinking behind the songs and flow I guess I'll put what I was aiming for;

Mastodon - Obviously the aggressive heavy intro of a life not giving a shit, full steam ahead.
Blaze - Still heavy as things slowly start getting sucked out of you.
Saxon - I wanted to keep it heavy to give off the aggression still but the hope to find again once that was.
Tribulation - This has more of a bleaker desperate nature to it.  The wolf spirit isn't returning but song gives off the desperation of the wolf.
Megadeth - Goes heavy again with a more traditional approach.  The lure of the woman and the energy and excitement we get from them.
King Diamond - Goes back to a little desperation and the hope the she wolf leads our character to the answer to his life.  King Diamonds vocals gives off that anxiety and fear IMO.
Wolfheart - The mood turns into a more bleak gloomier approach when the hunt continues but things are looking grim.  Takes the EP on a turn that our character may be stuck and starting to accept current situations.
Green Carnation - Again, the longer nature of the song gives off that acceptance, while the bleak approach gives off acceptance and making the best of a situation while hopefully something may be found one day.

Apologies for the long post.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline wolfking

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There's a reason guys. I'll check in with him.

I did hear from him a couple of days ago thankfully.  Not sure when he's logging back in here though.  Hopefully soon.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline King Puppies and the Acid Guppies

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Anyways, lets get Kingshmeglands art up...

Where's the cat??

And King's logo looks like a dick with a spikey head..
Bah! I forgot the cat! Noooooo! :facepalm:

Logo turned out about right though..... :neverusethis:
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

Offline wolfking

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Anyways, lets get Kingshmeglands art up...

Silverchair!  Nice!  :metal
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline King Puppies and the Acid Guppies

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And King's logo looks like a dick with a spikey head..
I actually did an alternate because I couldn't decide which way to go with the logo

aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

Offline King Postwhore

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There's a reason guys. I'll check in with him.
I don't mean to be nosy or pushy. If he has something going on that's keeping him away, that's fine. Personal life takes precedence over forum roulettes.

Yeah.  He should be the one to talk about it if he wants. He does respond to me though.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

Offline King Postwhore

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  • Take that Beethoven, you deaf bastard!!
Anyways, lets get Kingshmeglands art up...

Kick ass!  And Tim, my dick is electric.   :lol
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

Offline Deadeye21

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Wolf, that’s a great story. I hope that, one day, you find exactly what you’re looking for out of life with your She Wolf. Embrace it, you’ve already changed each other’s course for the best. This victory will be yours, I know it to be true!
Let's go with a P for Deadeye has premature alphabetejaculation.

Online TAC

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I actually did an alternate because I couldn't decide which way to go with the logo

You know what this logo reminds me of...?

would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline King Postwhore

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  • Take that Beethoven, you deaf bastard!!

My story.

I grew up with 2 passions, sports & music.  The intertwined sometimes too.  I was always active as a kid and then a teen.  At 23 I started dating the love of my life, Lisa. (The Queen) She wasn’t big on sports but loved music.  (She now loves football and hockey) We were married in 1994.

6 years into being married, I started to feel off.  I felt my tendons in my arms were on fire.  I started to sweat at night and get slight fevers daily. It started to get worse. (All That’s Left) The fevers got up to 104 degrees and I felt sharp, stabbing pains in my side, armpit and neck.  A bath always helped.  My primary and specialists couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me.  I had an ultrasound looking at my chest when they saw something else by accident.  My lymph nodes were growing. 1 year of fevers, sharp pains and not knowing was found by accident.

I had Lymphoma.

Through all the Lisa, was by my side.  It was emotional for her. (Anchor) The doctors were still trying to find where the cancer originated.   The couldn’t.  I was getting worse.  I had bone marrow taken from me to see if it was cancerous.  Most painful thing I ever felt.  Bloodwork.  Samples of my lymph nodes.  I long needle broke in me.  They had to go across town to get another needle for the procedure.  I was still fevering.  Things were getting to critical mass. Lisa still there by my side.  (The Greatest Gift)

I still worked though all of this.  One day, I was driving to work, I pulled over and puked.  I felt immense pressure in my stomach area.  I worked a few hours, I was soaked.  Sweating like it was 95 degrees out.  I sat down, looked at my boss and said, I can’t do this.  Something is wrong.  I went home.  The puking continued.  I called my wife at work the next Moring at her work.  I couldn’t get the sentence out.  I was throwing up again.  She came right home.  At the same time my 2 brothers in law came to our town house as Lisa Showed up.  They carried me to our car.  It was time to be admitted. (The Inner Darkness)
I was admitted to the hospital.  The cancer spread to my spleen which grew 4 times it’s size causing me to throw up.  Also touched a bit of my liver too.  They decided after the surgery to take out the spleen, I would start Chemotherapy.  I ended up getting blood clots in my lungs as a complication from the surgery.  3 weeks in the hospital, followed by getting double the amount of blood thinners. A mistake between the oncologist and the pharmacy. Doc told me I was ok.  A freak of nature.  My body handled the blood thinners.  Now the chemotherapy. (Prayers)

Chemotherapy the 1st week.  2nd week all the electrolytes gone from the chemo. I could barely move.  3rd week I started to feel better.  Then start the chemo again for 5 more times.  It was tough I wish I could just disappear sometimes.  (Disappear) I had some dark moments.  I tried to stay positive.  I told all my friends, family and wife that I would beat it.  I lost all my hair.  Gained 150 pounds from the steroids I was put on.  (I will send a picture to you after I send this).  It was around the 4th treatment that I started to feel better.  Less pain, I knew then I would beat this.

My last treatment was 5 months after the 1st treatment.  My wife and I were going to get through this.  I had no disability.  Friends through a surprise party for me and gave us $7,000.00.  (I’ve never cried so much in front of so many people.)  To this day, 21 years cancer free.  So many people were there for me.  I still get chocked up thinking about it.  So many people helped me to get where I am today.  I will always be grateful. (Life Going By)
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

Online TAC

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Amazing, Joe.

would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline wolfking

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Wolf, that’s a great story. I hope that, one day, you find exactly what you’re looking for out of life with your She Wolf. Embrace it, you’ve already changed each other’s course for the best. This victory will be yours, I know it to be true!

Thanks mate, yeah things will fall into place.  It's nice to put these stories down in writing too, makes you think more, and thanks for reading.  :tup
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline wolfking

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My story.

I grew up with 2 passions, sports & music.  The intertwined sometimes too.  I was always active as a kid and then a teen.  At 23 I started dating the love of my life, Lisa. (The Queen) She wasn’t big on sports but loved music.  (She now loves football and hockey) We were married in 1994.

6 years into being married, I started to feel off.  I felt my tendons in my arms were on fire.  I started to sweat at night and get slight fevers daily. It started to get worse. (All That’s Left) The fevers got up to 104 degrees and I felt sharp, stabbing pains in my side, armpit and neck.  A bath always helped.  My primary and specialists couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me.  I had an ultrasound looking at my chest when they saw something else by accident.  My lymph nodes were growing. 1 year of fevers, sharp pains and not knowing was found by accident.

I had Lymphoma.

Through all the Lisa, was by my side.  It was emotional for her. (Anchor) The doctors were still trying to find where the cancer originated.   The couldn’t.  I was getting worse.  I had bone marrow taken from me to see if it was cancerous.  Most painful thing I ever felt.  Bloodwork.  Samples of my lymph nodes.  I long needle broke in me.  They had to go across town to get another needle for the procedure.  I was still fevering.  Things were getting to critical mass. Lisa still there by my side.  (The Greatest Gift)

I still worked though all of this.  One day, I was driving to work, I pulled over and puked.  I felt immense pressure in my stomach area.  I worked a few hours, I was soaked.  Sweating like it was 95 degrees out.  I sat down, looked at my boss and said, I can’t do this.  Something is wrong.  I went home.  The puking continued.  I called my wife at work the next Moring at her work.  I couldn’t get the sentence out.  I was throwing up again.  She came right home.  At the same time my 2 brothers in law came to our town house as Lisa Showed up.  They carried me to our car.  It was time to be admitted. (The Inner Darkness)
I was admitted to the hospital.  The cancer spread to my spleen which grew 4 times it’s size causing me to throw up.  Also touched a bit of my liver too.  They decided after the surgery to take out the spleen, I would start Chemotherapy.  I ended up getting blood clots in my lungs as a complication from the surgery.  3 weeks in the hospital, followed by getting double the amount of blood thinners. A mistake between the oncologist and the pharmacy. Doc told me I was ok.  A freak of nature.  My body handled the blood thinners.  Now the chemotherapy. (Prayers)

Chemotherapy the 1st week.  2nd week all the electrolytes gone from the chemo. I could barely move.  3rd week I started to feel better.  Then start the chemo again for 5 more times.  It was tough I wish I could just disappear sometimes.  (Disappear) I had some dark moments.  I tried to stay positive.  I told all my friends, family and wife that I would beat it.  I lost all my hair.  Gained 150 pounds from the steroids I was put on.  (I will send a picture to you after I send this).  It was around the 4th treatment that I started to feel better.  Less pain, I knew then I would beat this.

My last treatment was 5 months after the 1st treatment.  My wife and I were going to get through this.  I had no disability.  Friends through a surprise party for me and gave us $7,000.00.  (I’ve never cried so much in front of so many people.)  To this day, 21 years cancer free.  So many people were there for me.  I still get chocked up thinking about it.  So many people helped me to get where I am today.  I will always be grateful. (Life Going By)

Incredible read Joe, that's amazing.  Immense.  Well done on destroying this monster and keeping it at bay.  Hats off to you.

Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Online TAC

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Re: Puppies (Re)Discovery EP Roulette V.4 (Send for Round 4 by Monday-ish)
« Reply #1903 on: August 23, 2022, 06:54:24 PM »
Reading Joe's and everyone else's so far reminded me of this quote from Deadeye...

The Words You Never Want to Hear

Damn, that title makes me realise I’m gonna be very sad when I hear that one.

I don’t think anyone’s gonna learn anything about me other than I’m a dickhead when you hear my story though.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline wolfking

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Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline wolfking

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Re: Puppies (Re)Discovery EP Roulette V.4 (Send for Round 4 by Monday-ish)
« Reply #1905 on: August 23, 2022, 07:00:18 PM »
I don’t think anyone’s gonna learn anything about me other than I’m a dickhead when you hear my story though.

This really couldn't be further from the truth.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline Deadeye21

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Re: Puppies (Re)Discovery EP Roulette V.4 (Send for Round 4 by Monday-ish)
« Reply #1906 on: August 23, 2022, 07:03:39 PM »
Reading Joe's and everyone else's so far reminded me of this quote from Deadeye...

The Words You Never Want to Hear

Damn, that title makes me realise I’m gonna be very sad when I hear that one.

I don’t think anyone’s gonna learn anything about me other than I’m a dickhead when you hear my story though.

And TAC, what did you learn about me from my story? Anything other than I’ was a complete dickhead, but at least I’m trying now?
Let's go with a P for Deadeye has premature alphabetejaculation.

Offline Deadeye21

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My story.

I grew up with 2 passions, sports & music.  The intertwined sometimes too.  I was always active as a kid and then a teen.  At 23 I started dating the love of my life, Lisa. (The Queen) She wasn’t big on sports but loved music.  (She now loves football and hockey) We were married in 1994.

6 years into being married, I started to feel off.  I felt my tendons in my arms were on fire.  I started to sweat at night and get slight fevers daily. It started to get worse. (All That’s Left) The fevers got up to 104 degrees and I felt sharp, stabbing pains in my side, armpit and neck.  A bath always helped.  My primary and specialists couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me.  I had an ultrasound looking at my chest when they saw something else by accident.  My lymph nodes were growing. 1 year of fevers, sharp pains and not knowing was found by accident.

I had Lymphoma.

Through all the Lisa, was by my side.  It was emotional for her. (Anchor) The doctors were still trying to find where the cancer originated.   The couldn’t.  I was getting worse.  I had bone marrow taken from me to see if it was cancerous.  Most painful thing I ever felt.  Bloodwork.  Samples of my lymph nodes.  I long needle broke in me.  They had to go across town to get another needle for the procedure.  I was still fevering.  Things were getting to critical mass. Lisa still there by my side.  (The Greatest Gift)

I still worked though all of this.  One day, I was driving to work, I pulled over and puked.  I felt immense pressure in my stomach area.  I worked a few hours, I was soaked.  Sweating like it was 95 degrees out.  I sat down, looked at my boss and said, I can’t do this.  Something is wrong.  I went home.  The puking continued.  I called my wife at work the next Moring at her work.  I couldn’t get the sentence out.  I was throwing up again.  She came right home.  At the same time my 2 brothers in law came to our town house as Lisa Showed up.  They carried me to our car.  It was time to be admitted. (The Inner Darkness)
I was admitted to the hospital.  The cancer spread to my spleen which grew 4 times it’s size causing me to throw up.  Also touched a bit of my liver too.  They decided after the surgery to take out the spleen, I would start Chemotherapy.  I ended up getting blood clots in my lungs as a complication from the surgery.  3 weeks in the hospital, followed by getting double the amount of blood thinners. A mistake between the oncologist and the pharmacy. Doc told me I was ok.  A freak of nature.  My body handled the blood thinners.  Now the chemotherapy. (Prayers)

Chemotherapy the 1st week.  2nd week all the electrolytes gone from the chemo. I could barely move.  3rd week I started to feel better.  Then start the chemo again for 5 more times.  It was tough I wish I could just disappear sometimes.  (Disappear) I had some dark moments.  I tried to stay positive.  I told all my friends, family and wife that I would beat it.  I lost all my hair.  Gained 150 pounds from the steroids I was put on.  (I will send a picture to you after I send this).  It was around the 4th treatment that I started to feel better.  Less pain, I knew then I would beat this.

My last treatment was 5 months after the 1st treatment.  My wife and I were going to get through this.  I had no disability.  Friends through a surprise party for me and gave us $7,000.00.  (I’ve never cried so much in front of so many people.)  To this day, 21 years cancer free.  So many people were there for me.  I still get chocked up thinking about it.  So many people helped me to get where I am today.  I will always be grateful. (Life Going By)

King, you are amazing. I don’t know I could’ve gone through that and survived. You are amazing, you are strong and I am so glad to read the ending. 21 years cancer free. I barely know you, but I am proud of you.
Let's go with a P for Deadeye has premature alphabetejaculation.

Offline King Postwhore

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That you are human and serious issues affect how we interact with others. If you know it's a problem and work on it, you should look proudly on it.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

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And TAC, what did you learn about me from my story? Anything other than I’ was a complete dickhead, but at least I’m trying now?

There's not one thing dickheaded about your story.

I was referring to me!
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline Deadeye21

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It's nice to put these stories down in writing too, makes you think more, and thanks for reading.  :tup

Have to admit, there’s a strange healing quality to putting this all out in the open the way we are right now. I hold a hell of a lot more respect for all of you right now, I can’t lie.
Let's go with a P for Deadeye has premature alphabetejaculation.

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It's nice to put these stories down in writing too, makes you think more, and thanks for reading.  :tup

Have to admit, there’s a strange healing quality to putting this all out in the open the way we are right now. I hold a hell of a lot more respect for all of you right now, I can’t lie.

You need to not be so down on yourself mate.  Self confidence is something I've always struggled with and it's certainly not easy, but allow yourself to be proud of who you are at times.   :tup
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

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And TAC, what did you learn about me from my story? Anything other than I’ was a complete dickhead, but at least I’m trying now?

There's not one thing dickheaded about your story.

I was referring to me!

I know everyone is dying to read your story mate......
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Online TAC

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No they're not. :lol

Although I must say...

Have to admit, there’s a strange healing quality to putting this all out in the open the way we are right now.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline Deadeye21

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And TAC, what did you learn about me from my story? Anything other than I’ was a complete dickhead, but at least I’m trying now?

There's not one thing dickheaded about your story.

I was referring to me!

I know everyone is dying to read your story mate......

I, for one, am very interested in what TAC’s story will be.
Let's go with a P for Deadeye has premature alphabetejaculation.

Online TAC

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Yeah, I want you to remember that feeling. :lol
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline King Postwhore

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I wish it was about digging out of his time capsule underground in the 2000's but I have a good idea Tim's story. It will be emotional. 

And thank you guys.  It was a ten round battle and I actually have more horror stories of my battle.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

Online TAC

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And thank you guys.  It was a ten round battle and I actually have more horror stories of my battle.

Joe, that's a true survivor story. I have a side rant about this that I pull out whenever I feel like getting my wife pissed at me. :lol

I am not getting into it now. :lol
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline King Postwhore

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Smart man.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

Online TAC

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Jesus, WTF is going on in this thread??

would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline King Postwhore

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More like this.

I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

Offline Deadeye21

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Jesus, WTF is going on in this thread??

We have realised that we’re all people with elaborate backstories?
Let's go with a P for Deadeye has premature alphabetejaculation.

Online TAC

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I went hard at my Concept Album the last couple of days. I changed my last track and re-edited the entire second half, and made one re-edit on the first half. Got my cover artwork set. It's basically ready to go.
I must say, I really like this one.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline King Postwhore

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Just started on mine.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
"Oh, I am definitely a jackass!" - TAC

Online TAC

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Just started on mine.

What's this one about, you having a stroke??  ;D
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol