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Reconfigure Falling Into Infinity

Started by pg1067, December 09, 2020, 11:34:44 AM

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What Songs Would You Include on FII (Limit Yourself to 80 Minutes)

New Millennium (8:20)
You Not Me (4:58)
Peruvian Skies (6:43)
Hollow Years (5:53)
Burning My Soul (5:29)
Hell's Kitchen (4:16)
Lines in the Sand (12:05)
Take Away My Pain (6:03)
Just Let Me Breathe (5:28)
Anna Lee (5:51)
Trial of Tears (13:06)
Don't Look Past Me (6:23)
To Live Forever (4:36 or 4:55)
Raise the Knife (11:35)
Where Are You Now (7:26)
The Way It Used to Be (7:45)
Cover My Eyes (3:21)
Speak to Me (6:10)
Eve (5:10)


Inspired by a discussion in another thread.

You have 80 minutes (no double CDs) but you aren't obligated to use all 80 or anything close.  What songs make it?  You get the songs that made the album and those on Cleaning out the Closet.  I don't know how long the demo versions are, so I didn't include them, but you can mention that in comments if you want.  No Metropolis Pt. 2 because it wasn't close to being done.
Feelin' kinda spooky.


:lol  I should have known this thread was coming.  :tup

I will give this a shot later.  But I can say, preliminarily, that You Not Me, Hollow Years, and possibly Burning My Soul will be making an exit, and Raise the Knife will be included.  Beyond that, I need to go back and listen to some of the COTC songs, and likely have to make some practical considerations based on time restraints, etc.  We'll see.  Despite that Hell's Kitchen is my least favorite album instrumental, it will likely stay on because I really think it works well as an intro to Lines in the Sand (unless it gets cut for time constraints). 


Haha. Can we just close my thread and add my response from there to this thread.


I went for (in this order I think):

1. Raise the Knife
2. Speak to Me
3. Where Are You Now?
4. To Live Forever
5. Hell's Kitchen
6. Lines in the Sand
7. Peruvian Skies
8. Take Away My Pain
9. Trial of Tears
10. Eve


Peter Mc

Wouldn't even make 80 min I don't think. The only songs I'd want to include are:

New Millennium
Peruvian Skies
Hell's Kitchen
Lines In The Sand
Trial Of Tears
To Live Forever
Don't Look Past Me
Raise The Knife (would need re-recording though as James sounds like he's phoning it in on the studio version)

1hr 7min


Why are Eve, Don't Look Past Me, or To Live Forever part of the poll? They weren't even part of the FII sessions.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Stadler on February 08, 2025, 12:49:43 PMI wouldn't argue this.

Mojado Ilegal



Here's what I'd pick and how I'd order them:

1. New Millennium (8:20)
2. Raise the Knife (11:35)
3. Hollow Years (5:53)
4. Hell's Kitchen (4:16)
5. Lines in the Sand (12:05)
6. Take Away My Pain (6:03)
7. Speak to Me (6:10)
8. The Way It Used to Be (7:45)
9. Trial of Tears (13:06)

I think that's about 76 minutes (counting in my head). Also, it's all killer, no filler.
Quote from: TAC on December 12, 2024, 05:40:22 PM"No way" is kind of strong, but I do lean with HOF.


1. New Millennium
2. You Not Me
3. Peruvian Skies
4. Hollow Years
5. Cover My Eyes
6. Hell's Kitchen
7. Lines In The Sand
8. Take Away My Pain
9. The Way It Used To Be
10. Speak To Me
11. Trial Of Tears

Comes out to just under 80 minutes. I hate to lose Anna Lee but it would've been too many softer songs to include


Quote from: Peter Mc on December 09, 2020, 12:48:28 PM
Wouldn't even make 80 min I don't think. The only songs I'd want to include are:

New Millennium
Peruvian Skies
Hell's Kitchen
Lines In The Sand
Trial Of Tears
To Live Forever
Don't Look Past Me
Raise The Knife (would need re-recording though as James sounds like he's phoning it in on the studio version)

1hr 7min

I'm pretty sure Raise the Knife is a demo, right? It wasn't recorded during the FII sessions I don't think (was demo'd for ACOS I believe).
Quote from: TAC on December 12, 2024, 05:40:22 PM"No way" is kind of strong, but I do lean with HOF.

Peter Mc

Quote from: HOF on December 09, 2020, 01:08:24 PM
Quote from: Peter Mc on December 09, 2020, 12:48:28 PM
Wouldn't even make 80 min I don't think. The only songs I'd want to include are:

New Millennium
Peruvian Skies
Hell's Kitchen
Lines In The Sand
Trial Of Tears
To Live Forever
Don't Look Past Me
Raise The Knife (would need re-recording though as James sounds like he's phoning it in on the studio version)

1hr 7min

I'm pretty sure Raise the Knife is a demo, right? It wasn't recorded during the FII sessions I don't think (was demo'd for ACOS I believe).

I totally get that and that's why I'd want it re-recorded properly to include it on FII, I wouldn't include in it's current form. I'm not having a pop at JLB, it just sounds like he's understandably going through the motions for a demo rather than giving it the full treatment that he would on a final version.  Love the version on Score.


I love FII the way it is, although not perfect. But I think it would be a monster album like that:

1. New Millenium
2. Peruvian Skies
3. Hollow Years
4. Hell's Kitchen
5. Lines in the Sand
6. Raise the Knife
7. Where Are You Now?
8. The Way It Used to Be
9. Cover My Eyes (electric version)
10. Trial of Tears

But I really think it be released as a double CD. Every song has its merits.


Well, here's my response and reasons why I chose these songs....

I'd actually like the album a lot if it had this tracklisting

1. Cover My Eyes (I wanted New Millenium to also stay, but I wanted Cover My Eyes to be included, and it's also not a bad opener with the intro being started by guitar.)
2. Where Are You Now? (As I stated, if they were to clean this song a bit more, It's pretty good as it is, there is just one section I feel they could trim off, 4:58-4:50 is that section, well they could work that out a bit more, but other than it's a good 2nd song. With the Drums coming in after the ending of Cover My Eyes vocal outro "Have I Lost My Mind")
3. Peruvian Skies (Studio)
4. Hollow Years (This one includes the pre-chorus before the Chorus and the extended Live Solo)
5. Raise The Knife
6. Lines In The Sand (This one includes the demo verse)
7. Take Away My Pain (The Once In A LIvetime version, I like that blend of the studio and the demo)
8. Hell's Kitchen (I didn't want to leave this one out, as it's a beautiful instrumental, so Just Let Me Breathe and Anna Lee had to go)(I would also hold the last chord and fade it into Trial of Tears, or maybe a short interlude)(Or Just put the demo version of Burning My Soul, that includes Hells Kitchen  :lol)
9. Trial of Tears (Studio)

These are all songs I like and the ones I think would work well as the album, Falling Into Infinity.

It comes out to 1:18:03 with Burning My Soul demo, or 1:13:22 with just Hells Kitchen.

I listened to the playlist and it sounds really good.

For the poll, I voted for both Burning My Soul and Hells Kitchen as both can work. I just need a better version of them playing Burning My Soul Demo or just edit out MP's gagging at the end of the demo.  :lol


To add a little bit of spice, I'm gonna go for this version:

Just Let Me Breathe - it's FII, you have to start the funk early
Hollow Years - single at #2, no big thoughts there
Peruvian Skies - a really good song in a really good spot
Speak To Me - this is where we get a little mellow. I don't mind this album being mellow even in my fantasy, but it is my fantasy and I'd rather have "mellow" than Burning My Soul
Hell's Kitchen - >
Lines In The Sand - >
Take Away My Pain - > a really good three song run that probably shouldn't be switched around
Cover My Eyes - between TAMP and TOT we need another non-mellow song to break things up, and while Cover My Eyes might be one of the weaker songs from the sessions (I don't think so, but I have to acknowledge people who do), it's also a nice little jolt of energy.
Anna Lee - >
Trial Of Tears - has to close


Quote from: TAC on December 09, 2020, 12:58:46 PM
Why are Eve, Don't Look Past Me, or To Live Forever part of the poll? They weren't even part of the FII sessions.


Quote from: pg1067 on December 09, 2020, 11:34:44 AM
You get the songs that made the album and those on Cleaning out the Closet.

Quote from: Mojado Ilegal on December 09, 2020, 12:59:39 PM
First, I think that FII should have been released in 2000 instead of 1997 (that's just my own personal opinion)

Why would you want a band that had released two successful albums in a 27 month span, and which already had more than a full album's worth of material sit around and languish for another three years?

Quote from: Mojado Ilegal on December 09, 2020, 12:59:39 PM
thirdly, a music video should have been made for Peruvian Skies

That would have been cheery....

By the way, mine would have been

You Not Me
Hollow Years
Burning My Soul
Hell's Kitchen
Lines in the Sand (with no guest vocals)
Take Away My Pain
Anna Lee
Trial of Tears
Raise the Knife

That's around the 60 minute mark, and I didn't give it any thought to song order.
Feelin' kinda spooky.


Quote from: devieira73 on December 09, 2020, 01:27:23 PM
I love FII the way it is, although not perfect. But I think it would be a monster album like that:

1. New Millenium
2. Peruvian Skies
3. Hollow Years
4. Hell's Kitchen
5. Lines in the Sand
6. Raise the Knife
7. Where Are You Now?
8. The Way It Used to Be
9. Cover My Eyes (electric version)
10. Trial of Tears

But I really think it be released as a double CD. Every song has its merits.

I agree there is enough material for a good double (I posted a proposed track list for that somewhere else around here recently).

Edit: this was it:

Disc 1 (just under 52 minutes)

1. New Millennium
2. You or Me
3. Raise the Knife
4. Peruvian Skies
5. Cover My Eyes (could be convinced to drop this or include Burning My Soul instead)
6. Hell's Kitchen
7. Lines in the Sand

Disc 2 (just over 52 minutes)

1. Take Away My Pain
2. Hollow Years
3. Where Are You Now (demo needs a little cleaning up/production but there's a good song in there)
4. Speak to Me
5. The Way it Used to Be
6. Anna Lee
7. Trial of Tears
Quote from: TAC on December 12, 2024, 05:40:22 PM"No way" is kind of strong, but I do lean with HOF.


Dump: You Not Me, Burning My Soul and Just Let Me Breathe.
Replace them with: To Live Forever, Speak to Me and Eve OR To Live Forever and Raise the Knife
Whoaaaahh, ohhh, ohhhhh. Whoaaaahh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhh. Waaah, ahhh, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaowwwwww


1. Raise the Knife
2. Cover My Eyes
3. Peruvian Skies
4. Hollow Years
5. Lines in the Sand
6. Where Are You Now
7. The Way It Used to Be
8. Trial of Tears

I've made this playlist before. I'm never quite sure about the order, though. Had this been FII, Dream Theater would have had a streak of four great albums in the 90s.


I didn't have time to make it foolproof and I believe I might go 30 seconds or so over the CD limit, but I would have:

1. New Millennium
2. Raise the Knife
3. Peruvian Skies
4. Hollow Years
5. Burning my Soul
6. Hell's Kitchen
7. Lines in the Sand
8. Cover My Eyes
9. Speak to Me
10. You Not Me
11. Trail of Tears

Basically replace Just Let me Breathe with Raise the Knife, Anna Lee with Speak to Me, and Take Away My Pain with Cover My Eyes to make it all a little less slow.

The original sequence was fine but sticking Raise the Knife as second track ups the game. Then it all flows as usual until you catch a breath after Lines in the Sand with the short and catchy Cover My Eyes, Then it's time for the other big ballad, Speak to Me, and to pump things up one last time, You Not Me can stay there near the end and ready to be forgotten because after that comes Trial of Tears, which of course has to end it all.


Mojado Ilegal's version would be pretty much my ideal FII... But here's my cut in specific order:

1. Burning My Soul
2. Hell's Kitchen
3. Lines in the Sand
4. Don't Look Past Me
5. Hollow Years
6. Raise The Knife
7. To Live Forever
8. Just Let Me Breathe
9. Anna Lee
10. Trial of Tears
11. Eve

Running time: 1:19:52, 79,86 minutes.


1. Raise The Knife (Score version)
2. Hollow Years ('04 arrangement)
3. Hell's Kitchen
4. Lines In The Sand
5. Just Let Me Breathe ('05 version)
6. Peruvian Skies
7. Cover My Eyes OR Take Away My Pain (FII Demo version)
8. Trial Of Tears
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Stadler on February 08, 2025, 12:49:43 PMI wouldn't argue this.

Madman Shepherd

Basically the same album with no New Millennium, Just Let Me Breath, or Lines in the Sand. I guess you could replace those with Cover My Eyes, Speak to Me, and the Way It Used To Be. Maybe Raise the Knife if there's enough room left. Not huge fans of those and they would probably be my least favorite on the album but better than the ones that ended up on there.

And yes, You Not Me is better than all of those.


I am not including Eve, Don't Look Past Me, or To Live Forever since none of those songs came from the FII sessions/writing period.

I always thought the beginning of Hell's Kitchen could have been tweaked a bit to give it an intro feel to where it was a great first track that leads into the first proper song with lyrics (Lines...).

1. Hell's Kitchen
2. Lines in the Sand
3. Peruvian Skies
4. Hollow Years
5. Raise the Knife
6. Cover My Eyes
7. Take Away My Pain (FII finished version)
8. Just Let Me Breathe
9. Speak to Me
10. Trial of Tears

Cool Chris

Hey, it's the annual "FII sucks, try and make it better" thread!  :D

Following pg's rules (his choices and keeping the arrangements as they were, or in demo form):

1. Raise The Knife
2. Hollow Years
3. Hell's Kitchen
4. Lines In The Sand (breaking the rules here: no guest vox)
5. Peruvian Skies
6. Speak to Me
7. Trial Of Tears

Even that isn't a very solid album.

Not following the rules, and going outside the bounds of what was realistic at the time:

1. A Change of Seasons
2. Hollow Years
3. Raise the Knife
4. Hell's Kitchen
5. Lines In The Sand (no guest vox)
6. Peruvian Skies
7. Speak to Me
8. Trial Of Tears

If that is too long, ditch Speak to Me, then Hollow Years. ACoS on a proper album instantly makes it one of their better albums. Having on an EP with a bunch of covers doesn't do it justice. And since I don't care about their covers, it's wasted for me.

Eve is a tricky song for me. I like it, but more as a rando song; it doesn't seem to fit in to any album anywhere.
Maybe the grass is greener on the other side because you're not over there fucking it up.


I would just replace Anna Lee with Speak To Me. I'd be cool with that.


I like this thread!  :heart

I think that FII is a great album and doesn´t have a song which i´d skip.
But if I´d have to mix things up my Falling Into Infinity would be as follows:

1. Just Let Me Breathe
2. You Or Me
3. To Live Forever
4. Hell´s Kitchen
5. Burning My Soul
6. Hollow Years
7. Take Away My Pain
8. Raise The Knife
9. Where Are You Now?
10. Anna Lee
11. Trial Of Tears

Just Let Me Breathe would be a KILLER opener for an album or a live show.

IMO FII is the best sounding Dream Theater album. The drums sound amazing and Derek makes a big difference. Also, Derek brings a little bit of sex into the band... A little bit of dangerous...


01 New Millenium
02 Cover My Eyes
03 Peruvian Skies
04 Hollow Years
05 Hell's Kitchen
06 Where Are You Now
07 Raise The Knife
08 Speak To Me
09 The Way It Use To Be
10 Anna Lee
11 Trial of Tears

I imagine my version would be an even bigger failure. I cut out all the heavy metal shit (Burning My Soul, Just Let Me Breathe) and there was a lot of soft songs left.

I had to cut Lines In The Sand to make room.


1. New Millenium
2. Cover my Eyes
3. Peruvian Skies
4. Raise the Knife
5. Hell's Kitchen
6. Lines in the Sand
7. Where are you now?
8. The way it used to be
9. Speak to me
10. Trial of Tears

Don't know how long but it would kick ass.


I don't have access to Cleaning Out The Closet so I just did what is available on Spotify. I also included only a song from the FII sessions, so no older songs. My edit is.more o song flo and I even came up with a title for the playlist:

Imagine Infinity

Raise the Knife (Score)
Peruvian Skies
Anna Lee
Burning My Soul
Hell's Kitchen
Lines In The Sand
Hollow Years (Budokan)
Take Away My Pain
Trial Of Tears

Would have included Cover My Eyes if it is on Spotify.


New Millennium
Cover My Eyes
Peruvian Skies
Hell's Kitchen
Lines In The Sand
Speak To Me
Reise The Knife
Take Away My Pain
To Live Forever
Trial of Tears


01: Raise the Knife-11:35
02: Peruvian Skies-6:43
03: Take Away My Pain-6:03
04: Burning My Soul-5:29
05: Hell's Kitchen-4:16
06: Lines in the Sand-12:05
07: Hollow Years-5:53
08: Just Let Me Breathe-5:28
09: Anna Lee-5:51
10: Trial of Tears-13:06

Total Runtime-76:29
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 12, 2024, 10:37:36 AMIn Stadler's defense, he's a weird motherfucker


Well, I think the Director's Cut is already the "perfect" DT album (not quite, but I prefer it greatly to the released version).

Raise the Knife (11:35)
Where Are You Now (7:26)
Take Away My Pain (6:03)
You Not Me (4:58) (The demo version, if only for the lack of annoying backing vocals)
Anna Lee (5:51)
Burning My Soul/Hell's Kitchen (5:29 + 4:16)
The Way It Used to Be (7:45)  (This is one of my favorite songs of the session)
Lines in the Sand (12:05) 

Just Let Me Breathe (5:28)
Peruvian Skies (6:43)
Cover My Eyes (3:21)
Hollow Years (5:53)
Speak to Me (6:10)
New Millennium (8:20)
Trial of Tears (13:06)

I used the combined BMS/HK, and moved TOT to the end where it belongs.   :)  LITS is the demo version, and with none of Doug Pinnick's screeching (though I don't really care for LaBrie's either; that chorus has to go).   

To cut to 80 minutes is the hardest part of this; but to honor the ask by PG, I would go with:

Raise the Knife (11:35)
Where Are You Now (7:26)
Take Away My Pain (6:03)
Anna Lee (5:51)
The Way It Used to Be (7:45)
Peruvian Skies (6:43)
Cover My Eyes (3:21)
Hollow Years (5:53)
Speak to Me (6:10)
Trial of Tears (13:06)

For the record, I didn't consider Eve or Live Forever, but they would have made it; I love both, and the '91 version of LF is a top ten DT song for me, 100%. 


I made my own version of FII back in the day, and I think my track list was: New Millennium, Raise the Knife, Peruvian Skies, Hollow Years, Hell's Kitchen, Lines in the Sand, Speak to Me, and Trial of Tears. It ended up being one of my most listened-to DT albums.


New Millennium (8:20)
Burning My Soul (5:29)
Hell's Kitchen (4:16)
Lines in the Sand (12:05)
Just Let Me Breathe (5:28)
Trial of Tears (13:06)
To Live Forever (4:36 or 4:55)
Raise the Knife (11:35)


FII is so, so good.

I feel bad for people that can't see that.