General > Polls/Survivors

Nightwish the League - Week 19 MotW


Destiny Of Chaos:
Match of the Week

Please vote for the song that you'd like to see win this match.

The Poet and the Pendulum vs. Slow, Love, Slow

48 hours to vote.

Very hard choice, but I'll have to go with the Pendulum.

Which, in line with my week, would be called....

Extremely Evil Black Metal band: The Horrible Tortures and Sufferences Endured while Prisoner of the Inquisition
Very Epic metal band: The Warrior Smashing the Pendulum
Needlessly cerebral prog metal band: A Trail of White Pages Left by the Misunderstood Poet while Waiting for the Pendulum to Swing

Be still, my son, you're fatal tragedy

Kind of surprised there's a few votes for Slow Love Slow, figured this would be all one way

The Poet and the Pendulum wins this one.


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