To Do List 10/26

Started by TempusVox, October 26, 2014, 09:22:45 PM

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1. Drink some coffee.
2. Write.
3. Surf the internet.
4. Lock any ridiculous thread questioning the existence of the Events Board at DTF.  :\
5. Finally cover pool.
6. Surf the internet.
7. Masturbate.
8. Take a shower.
9. Take a nap.
10. Eat a sandwich and some raw carrots.
11. Watch Bengals/Ravens.
12. Clean inside/outside windows of study.
13. Pick wife up at airport.
14. Dinner.
15. Write.
16. Walking/Talking Dead
17. Set trash out at curb.
17. Surf internet.
18. Shower.
19. Read/ Go to bed.