Length of Concert?

Started by Gibbs2020, February 12, 2020, 12:27:10 PM

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Hi everyone, I am going to the London show on 22/02

Has anyone got an idea of how long the whole concert will go on for?

Perhaps based on the previous shows this tour I thought someone may know.

I'm looking to plan my journey home the same evening so wanted to know this information.

Thanks in advance,



I have no idea when the show in London starts but in Oberhausen a few weeks ago they started at 20:30 and the concert lasted until 23:30. There was an intermission of 15 minutes between the two sets.


Quote from: cminor on February 12, 2020, 12:44:19 PM
I have no idea when the show in London starts but in Oberhausen a few weeks ago they started at 20:30 and the concert lasted until 23:30. There was an intermission of 15 minutes between the two sets.

That has been pretty consistent:  3 hours from start to end, with a short intermission in the middle.


Thank you for the replies. Are they having a warmup band generally this tour?


Quote from: Gibbs2020 on February 12, 2020, 12:50:24 PM
Thank you for the replies. Are they having a warmup band generally this tour?

No, it's an evening with..... so no support


The Curious Orange

I'd have thought 8.00 till 11.00 was more likely, as most London venues have an 11.00 curfew due to licencing restrictions, etc.


Last night it started at 8.00. Intermission at 9.00ish. Finished at 10.50.

Be warned that the queuing system outside is a bit frustrating but if you are there at 7.00 you will be in and seated on time and even have time to get a beer!

Was an amazing night - going again tonight.