Tomislav's Third Roulette v. Tastebreakers (FINAL ROUND RESULTS)

Started by Tomislav95, June 23, 2019, 09:12:04 AM

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senecadawg2: Phoebe Bridgers - Funeral
:huh: : Cobalt - Gin
:huh: : Subsignal - Finisterre
:huh: : _IA_E_ - T_e __l_
TAC: Idle Hands - Dragon, Why Do You Cry?
:huh: : _r__en _ell_ - Holding On For Life
Evermind: Bjorn Riis - The Waves
Stadler: Waylon Jennings - Don't You Think This Outlaw Bit's Done Got Out Of Hand
:huh: : Daft Punk - Touch
Sacul: Perturbator - Vantablack
:huh: : Communic - Conspiracy of Mind
:huh: : Odesza - Line of Sight
wolfking: Pyramaze - Back For More


Cyril waits 3
TAC waits 2
Kwyjibo waits 1


Just so you know, I won't give you the results until you finish hangman :P


Quote from: Evermind on May 06, 2024, 07:39:06 AMHey Stadler, your inbox is full.
Quote from: ReaperKK on August 29, 2024, 06:42:26 PMthat distractingly handsome son of a bitch is gonna make it hard
Quote from: Drunk TACThes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

The Walrus


senecadawg2: Phoebe Bridgers - Funeral
:huh: : Cobalt - Gin
:huh: : Subsignal - Finisterre
:huh: : SIA_ES - T_e __l_
TAC: Idle Hands - Dragon, Why Do You Cry?
Kattelox: Broken Bells - Holding On For Life
Evermind: Bjorn Riis - The Waves
Stadler: Waylon Jennings - Don't You Think This Outlaw Bit's Done Got Out Of Hand
:huh: : Daft Punk - Touch
Sacul: Perturbator - Vantablack
:huh: : Communic - Conspiracy of Mind
:huh: : Odesza - Line of Sight
wolfking: Pyramaze - Back For More


Puppies_On_Acid waits 3
Lethean waits 2
Cyril waits 1


Quote from: Kattelox on June 30, 2019, 09:27:59 AM
Quote from: Lethean on June 30, 2019, 09:05:42 AM
Kattelox - Broken Bells :)

Wow. How'd you know that one? Good job :P

I'm just that good.

Or.... I could have clicked on one of the links that you helpfully provide in your signature....

The Walrus

Quote from: Lethean on June 30, 2019, 09:38:52 AM
Quote from: Kattelox on June 30, 2019, 09:27:59 AM
Quote from: Lethean on June 30, 2019, 09:05:42 AM
Kattelox - Broken Bells :)

Wow. How'd you know that one? Good job :P

I'm just that good.

Or.... I could have clicked on one of the links that you helpfully provide in your signature....

Oh yeah.  :facepalm: :lol

The Walrus

Hmm... did home send Daft Punk, and did Lethean send Subsignal?


I was just about to post that you should probably be able to guess mine. :)

The Walrus


Yeah, Subsignal is clearly Lethean :D home didn't send Daft Punk but you're pretty close, genre wise.



Quote from: Tomislav95 on June 30, 2019, 09:49:19 AM
Yeah, Subsignal is clearly Lethean :D home didn't send Daft Punk but you're pretty close, genre wise.
Odesza for home?


Quote from: Cyril on June 30, 2019, 09:51:21 AM
cobalt is puppies?
Yep. You sent Cobalt in my first roulette (EP round) but I never checked them out ::)

Quote from: Lethean on June 30, 2019, 09:53:41 AM
Quote from: Tomislav95 on June 30, 2019, 09:49:19 AM
Yeah, Subsignal is clearly Lethean :D home didn't send Daft Punk but you're pretty close, genre wise.
Odesza for home?
Correct :tup


Someone guessed Kwyjibo for Communic - were they wrong about that?


Quote from: Lethean on June 30, 2019, 09:54:54 AM
Someone guessed Kwyjibo for Communic - were they wrong about that?
No but I didn't know his real name :P




Quote from: Lethean on June 30, 2019, 09:59:50 AM
Quote from: Tomislav95 on June 30, 2019, 09:57:42 AM
Quote from: Lethean on June 30, 2019, 09:54:54 AM
Someone guessed Kwyjibo for Communic - were they wrong about that?
No but I didn't know his real name :P

Neither do I! :)
My bad, somebody actually guessed correctly with his username, I just forgot to add it, sorry.


senecadawg2: Phoebe Bridgers - Funeral
Puppies_On_Acid : Cobalt - Gin
Lethean : Subsignal - Finisterre
Cyril : SIAMES - The Wolf
TAC: Idle Hands - Dragon, Why Do You Cry?
Kattelox: Broken Bells - Holding On For Life
Evermind: Bjorn Riis - The Waves
Stadler: Waylon Jennings - Don't You Think This Outlaw Bit's Done Got Out Of Hand
FlyingBIZKIT: Daft Punk - Touch
Sacul: Perturbator - Vantablack
Kwyjibo: Communic - Conspiracy of Mind
home: Odesza - Line of Sight
wolfking: Pyramaze - Back For More

You are fast, should've promised you results earlier :P
...and now I didn't finished all of them :lol but you'll get them later today or tomorrow in case I'm not sure how to score some of them yet.


Quote from: Lethean on June 30, 2019, 09:59:50 AM
Quote from: Tomislav95 on June 30, 2019, 09:57:42 AM
Quote from: Lethean on June 30, 2019, 09:54:54 AM
Someone guessed Kwyjibo for Communic - were they wrong about that?
No but I didn't know his real name :P

Neither do I! :)

My real name is Harry. But what's that got to do with it?


Exuse me, I messed it up. Evermind asked if Chad sent something and I didn't know who it was, thought it was asked guessed for Communic and it was not.


Chad is jingle.boy but apparently he isn't playing. :lol Sorry for the confusion.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


All is good, I too thought Chad/jingle was playing. And would have him guessed with Subsignal. :D


If you want to know which song match which first impression :hat

Combining elements of old and new, sounds really fresh and not predictable at all, even though influences are obvious. (Subsignal - Finisterre)

Reminds me of a band that's on my banned list a lot but it lacks something that other band has, at least I don't hear it yet. Enjoyable song nevertheless. (Idle Hands - Dragon, Why Do You Cry?)

I just don't hear it (yet). It feels just bland and kinda boring. (Phoebe Bridgers - Funeral)

The best way to describe this song is that it's just sounds, don't like production that much but it'll definitely grow on me once I pick up everything that's happening. (Communic - Conspiracy of Mind) (tbh I lost a word there, ca't remember what I wanted to say :lol )

Now, this is not what I expected at all. And that's good thing. (Daft Punk - Touch)

Something I'd probably like few years ago, now: not so much. (Cobalt - Gin)

Sounds a bit older than it really is. I don't know what other to say, it was uninteresting on first listen. (Broken Bells - Holding On For Life)

Not the most original but still good piece of music. (Bjorn Riis - The Waves)

Do not love it right now but I know it is going to grow one me, it just seems too much to take from just one listen. (Perturbator - Vantablack)

This piece will be stuck in my head for a long time. (Waylon Jennings - Don't You Think This Outlaw Bit's Done Got Out Of Hand)

Sometimes something just hit me for unknown reason, I can't even say what it is, I just feel it even though it has elements I wouldn't otherwise like. (SIAMES - The Wolf)

The thing that stands out the most are the vocals and given how important those are for me that's great thing. Sadly, quite forgettable otherwise. (Pyramaze - Back For More)

I expected it to be more unique, this is just... I don't know, familiar, but in a bad way. (Odesza - Line of Sight)

Results later today!

The Walrus


I was hoping that would be my first impression, and I think it applies to Subsignal as a whole.  Here's hoping it continued sounding good to you. :)




TAC: Idle Hands - Dragon, Why Do You Cry?

This one wasn't my favourite song from the start but it has grown on me quite a bit. Even though it's pretty short I find it to be very deep and has enough for me to come back to it again and again. It hits that sweet spot between being heavy and emotional, it can't really go wrong if you send me such song. Guy's voice reminds me of David Gold (Woods of Ypres) a lot (my girlfriend actually though it was him). I can't decide my favourite part of the song, there is epic chorus, that countdown and guitar solo, verses are cool as well. This is pretty damn close to being perfect song for me and score reflects it.

12 points

Lethean: Subsignal – Finisterre

Neoprog is the genre I like but don't listen nearly enough. To be honest, I'm sick of all DT and SX copycats, prog metal stuff. The thing about this song and most neoprog I heard is that it most often has element I love in my music (you'll read it million times in course of this roulette): emotions. And also, while still being pretty technical and on occasions wacky, it breaths much more. I had hard time rating this and it hit me pretty late (actually, as I'm writing this I bumped its score a bit), in the end it deservedly ended up as the second best. P.S. I love love love that chorus, keep it up.

10.5 points

Cyril: SIAMES - The Wolf

Contrary to other songs, this one wasn't really a grower. Still, as you see it's up there among my favorites. Unfortunately for you, it used to be my favourite at the beginning. I guess it's due to not having much to offer, it's pretty straightforward and the more I listened it got less and less enjoyable. Not to be negative, it's awesome song and props to you for sending pretty upbeat song after me saying I love depressing stuff. The thing I started to appreciate as more as I listened to it are vocals which, in my opinion, exceed most mainstream and more mainstream sounding stuff. His voice sounds pretty strong. Don't have much more to say about it, I enjoy it and hope their other stuff is this catchy.

9 points

senecadawg2: Phoebe Bridgers – Funeral

Probably the biggest grower of the round. On my first listen it was really meh, just simple guitar and ok voice, nothing I didn't hear before. I guess you have to thank the circumstance of me being nostalgic these days (as I said, I'm probably moving to the other side of the country in few months) and it really hit me. This part hits me hard:

And I have this dream where I'm screaming underwater
While my friends are all waving from the shore
And I don't need you to tell me what that means
I don't believe in that stuff anymore

To me, it means he/she is suffering from depression and keeping it to himself/herself, not letting friends to find out. I'm in that place myself so it speaks to me from a different level. All in all, it's good and meaningful song. I'm not sure if I'd like to listen to full album of stuff like this though, especially if I don't want to feel like crap afterwards.

8.5 points

Kattelox: Broken Bells - Holding On for Life

First of all, I want to say this reminds me of the band I like, Editors (check them out if you don't know them). You got it right away, this is kind of music I'm drawn to lately (synth/indie pop). The thing, however, is that it usually doesn't work for itself, at least for me. When I'm in synthpop mood, I listen to it all day long even though some songs might be less good so I will definitely check them out. This way, the song gets lost among some better songs individually (look above lol). Said that, I still find this very interesting and catchy, vocals are also better than in most similar stuff. Like the old school feel.

8 points

Stadler: Waylon Jennings - Don't You Think This Outlaw Bit's Done Got Out of Hand

This is one of two songs that deserved bonus points for being tastebreaker and it was the only one where I had no idea what to expect. As I started to listen to it, I realized this kind of music pretty much influenced all of southern rock, even some metal (Metallica, as you mentioned but stuff like Corrosion of Conformity as well). I liked it alright and would listen to it during hot summer months. However, there's not enough interesting stuff that would make me come back to it or want me to listen to it for hours, few songs and I'm fine. Still, thank you for opening my eyes about this genre, will check it out further.

5.5 + 2 bonus points = 7.5 points

FlyingBIZKIT: Daft Punk – Touch

Yeah, I obviously heard of Daft Punk, they had some radio hits if I'm not mistaken but I didn't know they had stuff that sounded like this. Both vocals and some instrumental sound like newer David Bowie stuff. Also, I enjoy his timbre a lot, great voice. It's fluctuating between nostalgic and chill feel, contrast I most often enjoy. Sax part always make me dance/move. Sadly, I think the song overstays its welcome for quite a bit and near the end feels kind of disjointed. Of course, that doesn't make it any less of a good song but I had to score it a bit lower.

7 points

Evermind: Bjorn Riis – Waves
I almost feel bad for rating it this low as it should be right up my alley. And it is but it just lack that special element to rise above other songs in this round. As you said, it sounds similar to Pink Floyd / David Gilmour and I can listen to their stuff most of the time, at least as background music so I'm glad you send it. Unfortunately, other than the solo, the rest of the song is just ok to me. Vocals are nice, there are emotions present, lyrics are depressing (but not too creative). Guitarwork is best thing about it, really. In less good round you'd probably get more points for this but sadly, it fell in the lower part of the rankings.

6 points

wolfking: Pyramaze - Back For More

Another popular DTF band I heard a lot about but never checked out. My first impression was that it sounded pretty generic and similar to other power-prog stuff that is popular here. Fortunately, vocals exceed it above other similar bands. The singer sounds a lot like Russell Allen (Symphony X), one of my favourite metal singers. Other than that, song is pretty catchy, it's pretty interesting throughout but sadly I don't hear the appeal as I'm not the biggest fan of power metal. It's enjoyable but not more than that.

5.5 points

home: ODESZA - Line Of Sight

Unlike my previous roulette, you didn't start this one as well. Sadly, I don't have much positive to say about it. It just sounds like something I would hear on the radio, one of those summer hits. And I don't hate those, they just don't hold my attention for nearly enough and feel too similar to one another. There isn't enough to hold on and the song itself is pretty forgettable even though I enjoy it just alright as I listen to it. However, this sound like something my girlfriend would like, I'll play it to her :tup At least you got some bonus points :D

4 + 1 bonus point = 5 points

Kwyjibo: Communic - Conspiracy in Mind

Unfortunately for you, you decide to keep this in even though I received one of their songs in my first roulette. Back then, I believe they won the round but I didn't like the album so I didn't ban them. Well, I liked this song less than the first one. The question is, why? Well, the biggest problem of this song is that it never stops with riffing and heaviness. And that would be okay if some of those riffs were memorable. Here, I just can't remember any of them at all as they sound pretty generic. The sad thing is, it really feels like something I should like in theory and it actually sounds similar to Nevermore, band I like (even the vocals). My favourite thing about the song are those operatic vocals, especially in chorus. Just to be clear, I still like the song alright but I felt the need to justify the score as the song, as I already said, sounds like something I should love.

4.5 points

Puppies_On_Acid: Cobalt – Gin

As I said, I got them in my first roulette and didn't like it back then, do not like it that much now. The biggest reason for it is that it lacks the breathing space I like to have in my heavier music. There's the song with same characteristic in this same round but at least it has some calmer parts. I'm not saying death or black metal should stop being that just for sake of it but 7 minutes of heaviness is just too much for me right now. Also, even though I quite enjoy most parts it's just forgettable after the song finishes. It's not my kind of black metal, I guess.

4 points

Sacul: Perturbator – Vantablack

Oh, the Perturbator. I heard this EP once before when I was checking new music but I didn't remember it so I allowed it. Again, this sounds like something I should like. But I don't, at all. It is different from the similar stuff I like (Ulver for example) in a way it's not catchy, I don't hear any hooks that make me keep checking them out. This sounds pretty repetitive in a bad way and there's isn't much about it I like, other than that change around 2:38. I don't hate it, to be clear, but I don't like it either. I would like to check some of their other stuff if it sounded a bit different, I'll see.

3 points

1. TAC - 12 points
2. Lethean - 10.5 points
3. Cyril - 9 points
4. senecadawg2 - 8.5 points
5. Kattelox - 8 points
6.Stadler - 7.5 points
7.FlyingBIZKIT - 7 points
8. Evermind - 6 points
9. wolfking - 5.5 points
10.home - 5 points
11. Kwyjibo - 4.5 points
12. Puppies_On_Acid - 4 points
13. Sacul - 3 points


Quote from: Evermind on May 06, 2024, 07:39:06 AMHey Stadler, your inbox is full.
Quote from: ReaperKK on August 29, 2024, 06:42:26 PMthat distractingly handsome son of a bitch is gonna make it hard
Quote from: Drunk TACThes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

The Walrus

Wow, that was way better than I expected given the impression. Cool! Not a bad way to start.