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Author Topic: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Final Round Results)  (Read 44086 times)

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Hanghang & Impressions)
« Reply #805 on: April 11, 2019, 08:56:15 PM »
busy tonight lol. sorry. this week has been busy for me in general. if i don't get to the last writeup tonight i'll do it tomorrow morning
technically they aren't due until sunday so i'm ahead of the curve  :P

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Hanghang & Impressions)
« Reply #806 on: April 11, 2019, 09:41:28 PM »
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Hanghang & Impressions)
« Reply #807 on: April 11, 2019, 10:55:54 PM »
Results, Pt. 1

1st Place: senecadawg2 – Not Married Anymore

1. Tim Bowness & Dylan Howe – Not Married Anymore

First Impressions:
My only past experience with Tim Bowness was one song where he sounded like he was trying to rip off Porcupine Tree/Steven Wilson in general. This song doesn’t really sound like that at all though. It makes me think of like, 80’s soft rock with the tone of that synth (or whatever it is?) Frustratingly I can’t find a lyrics sheet for this one which I think would help here, but. As far as this sounds it sounds kind of… filler-y, and the vocals I’m not super into either, but we’ll see how it fares on relistens. (AVERAGE)

Final Thoughts:
Okay, I get the intent of this one. This song is supposed to be about the lyrics and the lyrical themes. And the lyrics are mostly pretty good! I think the opening line he starts with and the weird time the vocals comes in doesn’t quite work even if I know what picture it’s trying to paint, but it comes off as a bit… silly and cheesy. “SPAGHETTI ON THE FLOOR” sounds like a line from a weird al parody. Anyways that’s basically why this song doesn’t work for me. The lyrics are trying to set a tone but the sound of the song is just so goofy. That synth tone I just cannot take seriously. That’s basically all I can say about this one. It reminds me a lot of Steven Wilson’s Routine, which is also a horrendous mismatch of lyrics and music, but that song is way, waaay worse in that regard, like holy hell I hate that song. This, I just… don’t care about. It sounds nice enough, for as silly as it does sound, and the lyrics are pretty fine, but. Yeah.


2. Better Oblivion Community Center – Didn't Know What I Was in For

First Impressions:
I don’t quite know whether or not I should allow Phoebe Bridgers again, especially from you, but I guess there’s enough other artists here that I’m allowing it. Or just one other artist. And I mean, I like Phoebe Bridgers, that album is pretty good! I’m probably gonna pick it up. This does sound pretty nice though I don’t find it as emotionally riveting as Funeral or a few of the other tracks off that album. The male voice here, as well, seems to only exist to harmonize with her, doesn’t seem to have any moments of his own and it’s hard to tell how compelling he’d be on his own. But I do appreciate the harmonizing, as they both have decently different voices. And this has solid payoff too, yeah. Usually on first listen I have a hard time paying attention to lyrics so it’s also plenty possible this is a grower on that aspect, but I already like it a fair bit. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
I’m… still not quite sure what this song is actually about, honestly. The lyrics are kind of powerful, but I don’t really know what they mean, and that does weaken the blow a little bit. That aside though, the way this song flows & both the singers are pretty dang good, obviously. I wonder if I should’ve disallowed this because I just flat like how Bridgers sings in general, she’s really expressive and simultaneously down-to-earth. The music is pretty basic but it gets a bit of swell at the right time to feel like a suitable climax, and the last lyric does work as a closing line pretty well. I’m not like… in love with this one, like I was with Funeral, but I’ll probably end up checking this album out after the Phoebe Bridgers album I do plan to get.


3. mewithoutYou – [dormouse sighs]

First Impressions:
This band certainly appears to have some interesting song titles. I know the name but honestly have no clue what they sound like. And his voice is… interesting, kind of one of those rambly almost spoken-word styles, makes me think of La Dispute. Albeit the music here is not as loud as they can get, but there’s some decent swell and simmer to the guitar texture that I dig. It’s got plenty of power behind it. Yeah, hmm, I dug the hell out of this one actually, thinking about it. (GOOD)

Final Thoughts:
I don’t even know what quite it is about this song. It’s really… downplayed throughout, like it’s simmering and constantly on the verge of exploding but it never really quite gets there, and at the same time, it works really well? I like the singer a lot, his voice is menacing here without ever getting too aggressive. I again don’t really have any idea of what the lyrics here mean, but, you know? I like how it sounds enough that I don’t think it really matters. It’s also kind of catchy despite going out of its way to not really have any gripping melodies or proper chorus, it’s mostly grungy guitar chords and half-spoken, half-sung lyrics, but. It’s interesting. I dunno. I don’t feel super strongly about it but dammit I wanna check these guys out on the basis of this song alone, so.


4. The Protomen – The State Vs. Thomas Light

First Impressions:
There’s something really funereal about how this one sounds, between the dirge of the piano and minimal percussion and the vocals practically on the verge of a breakdown. Apparently this is off a concept album and taking the lyrics out of context I can’t say I fully know what the story is here but god the vocals get pretty dang intense. I already wanna check out this album now, even if it’s not all in this same style this is something I absolutely want to hear in context ‘cause even on its own without that context is pretty great, yeah. (GREAT)

Final Thoughts:
So yeah this is one of those songs that’s just making the rounds in roulettes now, ehh? I mean, I can see why. Apparently this entire concept album is based on mega man of all things? I guess I should’ve put that together from both the band name and the song title. But like. This is really dark for mega man. Maybe not the other series like X and Zero but anyways I’m off topic. I kind of said everything I had to say about this one in the first impressions, honestly, it’s a very immediate song just by its raw power. I guess I missed commenting on the climax where the female voices sing the “not” in “not guilty” which to me shows a dissonance between what the rest of the world thinks vs. the protagonist’s inner monologue. Blaming himself even though nobody else thinks he’s to blame. It’s a neat little touch that effectively conveys what the tone of the lyrics in general seem to be going for. But anyways yeah. This is like. Not your best song, it’s not hashtag “relatable” as much as it is just a good showtune but it’s damn effective for what it is.


5. Downfall of Gaia – The Grotesque Illusion of Being

First Impressions:
Well this one is gonna feel incredibly out of place, but actually, after the quiet intensity of the last track? Maybe not so much? I know for sure I did check out this album earlier this year but wasn’t very into it. I will say, it’s pretty solid black metal. It’s just that it’s only “solid” in a genre I am really pretty oversaturated with, for all intents and purposes. It’s got some intensity, it’s got some nice clean moments in the middle, it’s solidly melodic and it has some groove to it at places. I guess if I had to really gripe the production is just a touch muddy for my tastes. I don’t really have anything negative to say about this one, it’s more the lack of really strong positives that keep me from loving it. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
I’m sorry, I just don’t quite -get- why everyone is going hog wild over this band/album, I guess. I have to assume this is at least one of the stronger cuts on the album if you’d send it as part of your EP – and there’s plenty of time on this one for a longer song if wanted – so I just am left puzzled. I am not too into the vocal style, for one. It goes a bit too far on the raspy side, in that it sounds physically painful to perform. Which is to say, unpleasant. More like the vocalist is gasping for air rather than trying to strike terror into the listener. I… don’t really have much else to say about this one. I don’t mind it, not at all, it’s very satisfactory black metal in pretty much every other regard. I’ve just heard better. Again, I’m oversaturated on this genre and this ain’t nearly as good as the Altar of Plagues or Imperium Dekadenz songs from last round, is all I’m saying.


6. mewithoutYou – Julia (or, 'Holy to the LORD' on the Bells of Horses)

First Impressions:
After the last track from these guys I’m definitely looking forward to the other, yeah. This one seems to just start loud and the vocals are more proper singing, I guess it’s realistic to call these guys post-hardcore. This certainly seems a bit more straightforward than the other track here from them and I don’t think I like it as much personally but it’s got a good enough feel to it that it’s got me headbobbing along even if I’m not super compelled by the melodies, and the production feels not quite right, a little muddy, the lead guitars a bit buried, y’know, stuff I have to nitpick about now that I’m going in with expectations. Solid but feels a bit lacking in power, mostly. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
Whereas the other song from these guys was a weird, anti-pop kind of ordeal, this one is just poppy as hell, immediately hitting you with a big rock riff, having a very singable chorus and very melodic vocals overall, a wall-of-sound type of production. It’s definitely not as “unique” as the other tune, I feel like this kind of song any post-hardcore act could put out just fine. But I mean. It’s a pretty solid tune nonetheless! I like it, I just don’t have a ton to say about it. Except boy that’s a weird song title.


7. Better Oblivion Community Center – Dominos

First Impressions:
Okay, there’s that Oberst guy on his own. His voice sounds kind of shaky but I think it’s intentional, it’s maybe a little overbearing? But I’unno, against this chill but resigned instrumentation it definitely works. I gotta say, as a penultimate tune on this EP this is pretty perfectly placed, it’d probably work as a closer too but it’s got that denouement feel to it after the run of more intense tracks. I think that context elevates the song beyond what it would be on its own, but even then, I do like this a fair bit more than the other song from them and I appreciate the fuzzier heavy guitar moments to give this a bit of a climax too. Good stuff. (GOOD)

Final Thoughts:
I sort of think Oberst oversings, kind of? His voice is intentionally really shaky throughout the entire song and while a little bit of that can be emotionally effective, I think he does kind of overdo it. Also, apparently this is a cover too? The lyrics certainly feel a lot more straightforward than the other song, it’s sort of abstract but at the same time I pretty well get what this one is about. But I can’t really give either artist involved here credit for that. Anyways the moment when the distorted guitar kicks in is fan-friggin-tastic and I’m honestly upset they do it twice instead of just building up from the first time because the second time can’t hit quite as hard as the first time, though even still it does work. This song just… naturally works, and while it being a cover does kind of sour the vibe of things (I really, do not like covers, y’all…) it’s still a damn fine song in its own right. It’s just got that “all things are coming to a close” sound to it. It’s the chords, probably. What a nice set of chords. Would probably rate higher if it wasn’t a cover. Still good.


8. Tim Bowness – The War On Me

First Impressions:
Mm. Halfway through this one and not too sure what to think about it. I feel like, aside from obviously the Downfall of Gaia track, his voice is the weakest and driest of any of the artists on here and the attempt at a chill closer track like this would work better with a singer I found more compelling. Lyrically though I like this one, from what I’ve caught of it. And when more instruments come in it’s certainly musically very… nice. But I can’t say it’s fully working for me either, especially after the strong run of tracks before it, definitely do feel the last song would’ve been a better closer overall but ehh. (AVERAGE)

Final Thoughts:
Okay, this one’s at least not really silly-sounding like the other song from him here. It’s… pleasant, I guess. I barely remember the other song I was sent from him before but I do remember liking it a decent bit more than either of these. I like the bass here and the atmosphere in general is nice. The lyrics are kind of straightforward in a sense but in the same time I wouldn’t quite say they resonate as well emotionally. And the music does still feel a little too bright compared to the lyrics. I dunno. I can’t quite hate on this one but I can’t say it’s doing a ton for me either.



First Impressions:
On the whole I do like how this EP is constructed; there’s symmetry in tracks 1-3 and 6-8, with the two most intense tunes in the middle, the calmer tunes at the start and the end, and mewithoutYou bridging the gap between the two. And aside from the one artist here who I don’t find as compelling as the others it’s pretty dang consistent with some particularly strong highlights. With each of your EPs I’m always worried going in I’ll somehow end up disappointed and each time by the end of the first listen I’m always pretty impressed and I don’t know why I’m even worrying anymore at this point. I do feel like this one is overall stronger than your last one though, if only for not being so frontloaded.

Final Thoughts:
So yeah, basically everything here is pretty good! Definitely a few artists going in my list of stuff to check out, even if one of them is, again, an artist you already kind-of sent and planning to check out anyways. The biggest disappointment is the Downfall of Gaia song but, honestly, I also kind of expected it. I’m just real picky about my black metal I guess and I feel like Puppies was super lucky that he found two artists I really dug in the same round. I also do feel this one doesn’t quite flow so well, mostly in the harsh cuts between some of the tracks, but the overall structure is solid and it doesn’t really feel that incohesive due to its structure – I mean, yeah, if you played Tim Bowness and Downfall of Gaia back to back that’d be weird as hell but there’s that rising and falling intensity throughout this entire EP that makes it work completely fine. Still not quite at the level of “Julia Holter and Vektor on the same EP” that I made work before, though. But yeah pretty much from first listen this was locked in as my favorite of the round and I have not had any reason to change my mind on that one. Not as strong as your first EP (well, three times as long, though), stronger than your second EP. Keep it up in the next round and you probably have this one in the bag.

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Hanghang & Impressions)
« Reply #808 on: April 11, 2019, 11:00:53 PM »
6th Place: Train of Naught - N/A

Well, the people have spoken.

Congrats on being the first user eliminated three tims in the same roulette, though!

Current Standings:
1. senecadawg2
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???
5. ???

Song Rankings:
1. The Protomen – The State Vs. Thomas Light
3. Better Oblivion Community Center – Dominos
6. mewithoutYou – [dormouse sighs]
10. Better Oblivion Community Center – Didn't Know What I Was in For
11. mewithoutYou – Julia (or, 'Holy to the LORD' on the Bells of Horses)
19. Downfall of Gaia – The Grotesque Illusion of Being
25. Tim Bowness – The War On Me
32. Tim Bowness & Dylan Howe – Not Married Anymore

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 1)
« Reply #809 on: April 11, 2019, 11:03:43 PM »
Looking at first places scores, it seems this was a bad round overall. I have much better stuff for the next round!
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 1)
« Reply #810 on: April 11, 2019, 11:03:59 PM »
for as much whining as i did about this round, it probably has the highest average score of any round simply due to the general lack of total crap (only two songs scored below 5, with 12 songs scoring 7 or higher - but there's a catch to that too, I'll get into later...)

mostly, i found this round really boring! i think at least five songs i had comments of "i literally feel like i'm listening to this for the first time" on my final thoughts writeup. not a good sign.

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 1)
« Reply #811 on: April 11, 2019, 11:22:40 PM »
I'm guessing Mirrorthrone scored less than 5.... :(
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 1)
« Reply #812 on: April 11, 2019, 11:33:30 PM »
i already called out in the thread one of the songs that ended up scoring less than 5 (the lowest scoring one, even)
but i didn't call out the other, it did get a thirdpression though

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 1)
« Reply #813 on: April 12, 2019, 12:28:21 AM »
Yeah, this Protomen song is pretty great.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 1)
« Reply #814 on: April 12, 2019, 05:44:51 AM »
I was actually going to send a different Protomen song, which would have been my third different song from them, but it wouldve been over the time limit in that case.

Overall im not too surprised at your reactions, Downfall of Gaia did somehow feel a tad risky, and i was banking on Tim Bowness having potential for a high score while also being relatively inoffensive, failing that. Im glad you enjoyed it on the whole, im looking forward to seeing what i can put together for the final round. I dont mind telling you that ive already sent all the artists ive been crushing on in a big way recently, but i think i can put something nice together.
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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 1)
« Reply #815 on: April 12, 2019, 09:51:05 AM »
2nd Place: Puppies_On_Acid – Alunea

1. Kardashev – Between Sea and Sky

First Impressions:
You’ve gotta be confident as hell to send me four songs from one artist that are all off the same album. For your sake and mine I hope you’re right. I mean, I do dig how this sounds. Kind of djenty guitars but not entirely, solid mix of cleans & harsh vocals, nice audible bass, a sense of atmosphere. I did see these guys were tagged as deathcore on RYM and yeah those vocals definitely sound like that, at points. I’d say it’s an element I find detracts from the song since, honestly, deathcore vocals always sound goofy as hell to me, I can’t take ‘em seriously, but they’re not the prime element here. What I do feel like this lacks is, well, any kind of driving motif to it. Overall I do like how it sounds but I think it’s missing that something extra that makes it something I’m wild about. It’s borderline good though, probably will grow on me. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
Yeah, my consistent thoughts on this one have been “it’s pretty good metal alright” and “it’s a nice calmer track to serve as an intro to the EP”. These guys seem to exist in that deathcore-adjacent space similar to Slice the Cake, though I don’t feel their music is as ambitious as that album nor does it have the unique vocals they have. Deathcore vocals, I guess, come off to me as the harsh vocal version of oversinging – trying so hard to sound intense and terrifying that it wraps right around to sounds fake, hollow, and flat. Some of the higher-pitched harsh vocals here are pretty fine, nothing special, but I just cannot take the low deathcore growls seriously at all. I like the general tone of how this sounds though, well enough, the bass tone especially is pretty great, the guitars are punchy, there’s always some layer of atmosphere going on. I don’t feel like it’s a song particularly intended to stand on its own, but I can jam to it to at least a decent extent. The last minute and a half or so, especially, just solid riffing and clean vocals that build up to a solid climax that has some weight behind it. I can feel that. Yeah, it’s alright.


2. Allegaeon – Of Mind and Matrix

First Impressions:
So I saw these guys live once but the sound in the venue was so awful I couldn’t hear much of the lead work over the heavier guitars and drums and so they sounded kind of like a generic death metal band to me but I was also keenly aware that they’re one of those noodly tech death type bands. Tech death is a thing I’ve been slowly getting into over the past year but I’ve found that generally the kind of sound I get into is when it pushes in a bit more atmospheric of a direction, or is just completely over-the-top like Equipoise and Persefone. I think I left a similar comment on the Anata song from last round. There’s elements here I do like and it’s got some solid intensity to it too but I find this doesn’t really have much that stands out. It’s got so many different components to it and it’s constantly go go going, but it’s not quite the level of over-the-top or melodic to get to the level of the aforementioned bands. I do dig it nonetheless, though, but it’s not inspiring me to check out their other stuff, at least not on first listen. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
I don’t know. This is going to be a trend throughout a lot of the write-ups for this EP and this round in general, but I don’t feel like much about this really stands out. I like the “chorus” of this, I suppose, with the straightforward drums and the melodic noodly bit going on in the background under the “I have awakened” vocals. There’s some solid power there, though I’m not crazy about this harsh vocal style either. Again it’s just a bit too low-pitched for my taste in growls, it’s in the range where everything sounds emotionally flat and a bit goofy. They definitely have decent chops, I can tell that much, but they’re not using it in a way that they really impress or go so over the top that it becomes a spectacle. Like, I gotta be honest. This is my fifth listen to this one and I feel like I’ve literally never heard this song before. I’m trying, man, but I just don’t find this one memorable at all. It’s got the pieces of “metal I would like” just fine, but I fail to see what makes this stand out in any way. It’s got one particularly notable bit, it doesn’t have any strong riffs, it doesn’t have any effective melodies, it doesn’t have the least bit emotional resonance. It’s not even remotely dynamic either, it stays at the same “medium-rare” heaviness level the entire song with no variation I can see. I’m honestly surprised I have this much to say about it. The best I can say is that “it sounds nice, yeah”. I don’t mind listening to it, but. That’s not a very high bar, that.


3. Kardashev – Beside Cliffs and Chasms

First Impressions:
First of a double dose of these guys. This is distinctly different right out the gate though, much more intense. Hmm. Some of the grooves on this one are again pretty fine but it’s a little bit melodically lacking for me, at least for the first few minutes. The more chill midsection I am a lot more on board with, though. I feel like with this one I kind of went back and forth on how much I liked it but overall I thought it was pretty solid, yeah. Just not so keen on the heaviest stuff on offer here. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
Nah, I changed my mind about saying even the first few minutes are melodically lacking. That’s not really fair. There are so moments of raw intensity but the guitar riffs are plenty melodic pretty much the whole way through. And they’ve got decent groove too. Okay, a tangent. It’s fine to have metal based wholly around the groove. But why do so many bands try to do so nonmelodically? Gojira, Meshuggah, whatever else, their riffs are all so downtuned and non-melodic there’s just nothing to groove to for me! Anyways I’m not even talking about this song now, which is… pretty solid! I actually don’t like how stiff the bass sounds in the middle bit, thinking about it. It’s got like, a clicky quality to it that I don’t really understand the reason for. You basically can’t hear it once the percussion comes in but play the bass on its own and it’s kind of distracting. One thing I can say about all this band’s stuff is that it’s dynamic in a way I tend to like, or at the very least appreciate. Some really intense moments, some standard groovy moments, some chordy chorus-like moments, and a clean break in the middle. I dunno, I don’t think this song on its own, again, is especially strong in its own right, but it’s at just the right level for me to be intrigued and want to keep revisiting it.


4. Kardashev – Behind Leaves and Vines

First Impressions:
The most free transition in the world, when two songs on your EP are also back-to-back on the album they originally came from. This one’s jumped around several times already only a minute or so in and I feel like the heavier stuff here works better in the context/short bursts it’s presented in – I actually really dig the bit of harsh vocals over quiet music (this is something I find I like a lot – East of the Wall and Actor|Observer do it both to great effect). I think this is the first one of the songs on this EP I feel like I’ve gotten some genuine emotional resonance out of and for that I’d say it’s my favorite, even if it lacks some of the cool clean bits the previous tracks had, also a fadeout eeww. (GOOD)

Final Thoughts:
That first bit of vocals is so. Damn. Powerful. The music cuts out almost entirely, you get a really well-delivered harsh vocal line and then it just slams you in the face with a big heavy riff. And there’s even some melody buried in the wall of sounds, even if I think the drums could serve to be a bit softer in the mix. I think, sitting down and listening to this one again, what these guys -really- do well, and hear me out on this – is atmosphere. There’s always some kind of wall of sound going on, whether it’s massive riffing or just some layers of pretty guitar drones. Sometimes it’s both. A lot of the times it’s both in this song, actually. The way I’d describe this song is… overwhelming. But it’s the kind of overwhelming I think I’m totally on board with. Honestly, I retract my initial statement about the clean bits. I almost feel like, here, they undercut the intensity. I don’t know, I feel like that’s nitpicking though. On the opposite side of the coin they serve to add some dynamic moments. But god, what I really love here is the huge walls of sound. It’s the kind of thing that usually doesn’t work for me, but here they’ve just pushed it to its breaking point and made it work somehow. I honestly didn’t realize until just this listen how much I absolutely adore this particular track, huh. It’s. It’s really dang good? It’s metal that makes me feel. That’s the kind I like the most.


5. In Mourning – Past October Skies (The Black Lodge Revisited)

First Impressions:
The production on this sounds noticeably worse than any of the songs before it and that’s a little distracting, to say the least. I was sent these guys before but I remember that being a much more downtempo track than this one, though that’s literally all I remember about it. Anyways besides that I’m having trouble saying much about this one? It’s like, it goes through a lot of different moods of melodic death metal, which for the record is a genre I’m never too huge on by itself, without any real twists to speak of. I guess it’s progressive in the sense that it’s got multiple sections and feels to it but that’s kind of a stretch when the music itself is just so… average. I’m trying not to be biased against these guys based on my past history with them but they just haven’t ever impressed me. I’d say I like this marginally more than the last song I was sent from them except, again, I literally don’t remember it so it’s not really a valid comparison. (AVERAGE)

Final Thoughts:
I will say that, unlike with the Allegaeon track, I don’t feel like I’m listening to this one for the very first time on my fifth listen. I recognize that opening riff well enough. I don’t… know if I particularly like it, it doesn’t hit very hard and it doesn’t have a particularly memorable melody, but it is something, alright. The other bit about this I can kind of get into is the slow, moody middle bit. There’s some okay power there. The rest of this… again, unlike the Allegaeon, it does at least keep things dynamic. I can appreciate that much. I just… don’t feel like any of it is particularly unique, nor does it strike me as particularly strong. I really don’t have much else to say here.


6. Mirrorthrone – So Frail

First Impressions:
After like, four pretty intense songs in a row this is seeming so far like a pretty chill track in comparison. Lush strings, clean vocals, gentle guitar melodies. I’m sure it’s about ready to explode at any moment though. And yep there it goes. Is it just me or is this… kinda quiet compared to the previous tracks, I feel like I have to turn my sound up to hear this one even though all the other tracks were fine volume-wise. More of a thing that affects the overall EP than the song itself really, but. I certainly appreciate how melodic this one is but it has the same problem a lot of symphonic metal tends to have where the strings overtake the actual melodic elements. Some bands can find a nice balance but I don’t hear it here. It’s still pretty solid though, at the end of the day, and the symphonic bits make for good transitions between tunes too. Sure. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
The clean vocals here really make me think of Einar. Is that just me. But mostly only during the intro. I think it’s just me. Anyways, this one. I also don’t really remember much about this one! I would say out of the three non-Kardashev songs here this is easily the one I’m most on board with in principle. The general sound of this is nice and full, pretty melodic, balances the harsh and clean vocals well. But that’s really all there is to say about it. It sounds nice. There isn’t really much of anything to grasp onto with this one either. The heavy moments don’t emotionally resonate, the clean-sung chorus doesn’t really have a ton of power, the technical elements they go for are mostly in the symphonic elements, which sound a little… cheap? The piano sounds kinda fake and hollow and it has some moments where it’s playing generic neoclassical-esque melodies that I just don’t find too interesting. Like, again, I don’t… dislike this one at all, as a song that exists to be listened to, I sure can listen to it alright. There’s just not much of anything here I find compelling, is all.


7. Kardashev – Beyond Sun and Moon

First Impressions:
I know this is the one you sent TAC and he said the first half he didn’t like so yep it’s the heavy as hell half and I’m expecting more chill stuff later. Honestly I’m gonna have to agree with TAC here, the first half of this is heavy but not like… interesting heavy. But I dig the hell out of the back half, nice clean bit, big epic climax with ethereal vocals. Will see how it plays on relisten and it makes for a good ending to the EP overall but I’m not as sold on this one, yet. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
Hmm. Okay, some parts of the first half do reach for the intensity that the last Kardashev song had, actually, and to some extent it works. I think the lack of sustaining that level of intensity, as well as not really feeling like it has as full of a sound, means this doesn’t quite get to those heights. It’s really similar to the second Kardashev track on here, really, in that it mixes grooves and heavier moments in, followed up by clean stuff after that. Keeping things dynamic but not so much consistent. The second half of this, does reach that level of intensity, though not quite in the same way – it basically does what the first Kardashev song was aiming for, but with a more bombastic feel to it. Just all the things. Heavy chords, booming drums, layers upon layers of sounds. It doesn’t even really need distinct melodies to work, it’s just raw power. And not in the boring, downtuned sludgy way. The first half does drag this down a little despite being, fine enough in its own right, but this still does at least stand above most of the other Kardashev here for the back half alone.



First Impressions:
So yeah this is basically an abridged version of the Kardashev album with a few other artists thrown in for good measure. I think this one feels maybe a bit stylistically one-note compared to your past EPs, but I also feel that’s a bit reductive to say so. Pretty much every song doesn’t feel like it has any “twist” or “unique element” to it, it’s just trying to be good in a standard way. And for the most part… well, I’m not outright wild about anything on here, or maybe I’m just getting harder to please. I will say that the deathcore in Kardashev is apparently and pretty consistently not my thing, I do like that Slice the Cake album but that’s pretty much it for me as far as my interest in the genre goes, and they don’t come close to The Holy Mountain in terms of intensity either. It is very cohesive and flows mostly pretty well barring the slight production/volume shifts between tracks and there’s a very pronounced strong start and end too. I figure I’ll probably like this one more on relistens though it does strike me as fairly “safe” in sound overall, too.

Final Thoughts:
So. Hmm. I think the issue with this EP is of your own making. Kardashev doesn’t really feel like music that exists in the same realm as the other artists you’ve interspersed with this album. They’re going for atmosphere in a way that the other artists just… aren’t, even Mirrorthrone which has some elements of atmospheric metal isn’t really trying to be atmospheric first and foremost, more bombastic and powerful with its symphonic elements. And then Allegaeon and In Mourning really don’t have any comparison to Kardashev to be drawn at all. And that’s a problem when the good atmospheric stuff is what this EP seems to be designed to put me in the mood for. You set the stage with the first track and then Allegaeon isn’t a good payoff to that. The next two tracks build up further reaching a strong peak. In Mourning absolutely isn’t a payoff to that peak, either. Mirrorthrone sort of gets back on track, though it brings in its own problems. And then the final Kardashev song which is the payoff… to the fourth song on the EP. Basically – by loading so much of this EP up with one artist, it imbalanced the EP in such a way that I never really wanted to listen to any of the other songs, nor did I ever remember much about them on repeated listens. And to be fair! The Kardashev songs don’t strike me as “memorable” in that same way either, they just hit really hard and satisfy my atmospheric urges. The lack of memorability is really the big reason why I can’t rate them any higher, even the ones I do like a lot. I don’t stand by my initial comment that this EP is cohesive because it absolute isn’t, it’s bipolar as heck with two different sounds trying to accomplish two different things that only ends up highlighting the weaknesses of one half. Having said all that, I expect the strengths of the half-and-change of this EP I do like a fair bit will be enough to support it into the next round, and I will probably check out that Kardashev album (EP? it’s listed as an EP on RYM), but damned if I don’t still find this one kind of frustrating.

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 1)
« Reply #816 on: April 12, 2019, 09:55:49 AM »
5th Place: Lethean – Making the Same Mistake Twice

1. Borknagar – The Earthling

First Impressions:
I find it interesting that you of all people would be sending Borknagar, considering what I’ve heard from them before (just Winter Thrice and nothing else, but, it’s uhh, heavier than I tend to expect from you, lol). I mean so far I dig this though it feels… a bit flavorless? Given what you’ve sent before I can actually see why you’d dig this even with the growls. But yeah, the riffing is solid enough and there’s some power to this too, it’s kind of stuck in a mid- to down-tempo rut though, for most of the song at least, though it picks up some more intensity near the end. Could see this one growing on me, it’s the kind of track that never immediately grabs me though. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
Yeah, I don’t know… I can say straight up that this band is the one on your EP that most inherently appeals to me on the basis of their sound alone. But it’s firmly stuck in the “I don’t feel like I’ve ever heard this before despite this being my fifth listen” camp with a lot of other songs this round. There’s one riff towards the halfway point that does stick out a little, both melodic and kind of punchy. It shows up a few times too though it never seems to stick around too long when it does show up. Which is fine, gotta keep things diverse. And like, the way the song is constructed and builds up at the end, that’s plenty fine. I just struggle to find much about this that really connects with me in any meaningful way. It’s not heavy or intense enough, it’s kind of anthemic at points but not quite powerful enough, the riffs aren’t strong enough, the melodies not memorable or potent enough. I really feel like I’m repeating myself with a lot of write-ups in this round but that’s just genuinely how I feel about tracks like this. They’re… fine, but don’t have a lot to offer me.


2. Wolverine – Your Favorite War

First Impressions:
Oh, this is the band with that album cover that always makes me think of some other album that I’ve never quite remembered which it is. I honestly don’t know what to expect here but it seems so far like more mid- to down-tempo metal, a bit of an alt-metal feel to this one I guess. Uhh, definitely makes me think of Katatonia to some extent but a bit heavier than I usually hear them being. I certainly like this guy more as a singer, the style still isn’t really my thing, but he sells it a lot better, with a decent emotive presence to his voice. It’s solid. I suspect an entire album of this wouldn’t really do it for me though. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
I think I know what it is about this song that doesn’t quite work for me. The vocal melodies all feel really… flat, they stick to a not particularly dynamic mid-pitch range. Very few moments where he reaches outside of that range and that’s just the right range to not have enough flavor or emotive presence to it to connect for me. Thinking about it, I think that’s the big issue I have with a lot of these gloomy, mid-tempo “feels metal” type affairs. Vocals that neither have emotive presence nor particularly catchy melodies. And it’s very clear with the music on this song that the vocals are absolutely intended to be the focus. I will say, towards the end, basically from the guitar solo onwards, the song does kind of click and start working for me, since he’s broken into a higher range with a lot of layers of guitar and synths going on in the background, even the vocals layered over each other by the end. It’s a genuinely cool soundscape that does at least make me feel something. I don’t think it makes the entirety of the song worth it, but I can absolutely see why this song would work real well for someone more into this kind of metal and why you’d pick it as a specific song to send. I think that’s enough for me.


3. Wolverine – Pulse

First Impressions:
The “immediate first second” reaction I have for this one is “oh this is a techno song now huh”. But really I mean, it’s exactly what it says on the tin, there’s a constant pulse going on here. It’s clever. Not like, actually that interesting to listen to, even with the stuff going on on top of it, but, y’know. But okay for real there’s more to this one, yeah. Again, he’s a pretty solid singer and fits this kind of music well enough. I dig the guitar solo that kicks in a bit past the halfway point, it brings the rest of the band with it for the ride too. I think my issue with this one is that a good chunk of the song is a flatline for me and the good stuff that happens doesn’t quite make up for it, but it’s not bad. (AVERAGE)

Final Thoughts:
This one’s definitely memorable, I’ll give it that much. I actually like this one a fair bit more than I did on the first listen, honestly. I do think the vocals mixed with the lyrics themselves work pretty well, a bit better than the last song, really. My main gripe comes with the “pulse” of the song, in that it’s really dang flat and the repetitive piano (?) in the background kind of annoys me after a while. It’s not as big of a problem when the chorus kicks in and the guitars drown out all that, and it’s got more tempo to it to give it a nice, driving feel as well. The song again comes to a solid climax though not as strong of one as the previous track, in my opinion. But it kind of kills its momentum for a completely unnecessary outro, I genuinely don’t understand why the song runs so long at the end there. Ehh. Still a solid track overall, better than I originally expected.


4. Borknagar – In a Deeper World

First Impressions:
As opposed to the other Borknagar tune this one just seems to be a downtempo one all the way through and it basically just sounds like a continuation of the last two tracks, except with a bit of a symphonic swell during the chorus. And y’know what, I dig the guitar textures during the heavier moments here, it does sound satisfyingly intense. I will say that to some extent I do kind of miss the intensity of the other Borknagar track though, or maybe it’s just that I’m not super in the mood for this kind of downtempo stuff right now? But being realistic, yeah, this is pretty fine. I like it more than Wolverine, at the very least, for at least having a nice, full sound to it. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
The chorus of this one kind of stands out. I uhh. Pretty much said everything I had to say about this one in the first impression, again, this has a kind of folk metal feel to it almost which I’ve tended to find just really is a turn off, I really like Wilderun and there are a few other folk metal-y bands that do it for me but they seem far and few between the acts that I just find… cheesy, for lack of a better word. This song is just. Not nearly dynamic enough nor powerful enough to keep me invested throughout the whole 5 minute run, I feel. It’s not bad but eeehhh. Eh.


5. Evergrey – When the Walls Go Down

First Impressions:
Hmm this kind of voice clip sample is something I usually do not like at all. From how this one is beginning I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a piano ballad all the way through, actually. It takes about 2 minutes for drums to come in, and another 30 seconds after that for any traces of guitar. Hmm, this is a weird one then. And I guess the voice samples are just gonna go on throughout the whole thing? It definitely seems more like a symphonic/piano track than anything metal with how little presence any other instrument besides the drums has. And like, in that regard I suppose it sounds fine enough, but uuhh. It also has the voice samples going on the entire time when I’d rather just listen to the instrumentation on itself, which is pretty nice and has some swell to it. Oh, okay, a minute of actual metal at the end. Alright. I dunno. This is a weird one. (AVERAGE)

Final Thoughts:
So yeah ariich commented on this in the thread, but. Voice clips/spoken word samples like this are just. Absolutely not my thing. I always skip the spoken word track on Caligula’s Horse’s In Contact. I don’t like the spoken word samples Godspeed You! Black Emperor likes to have. And especially ones that sound this… desperate. Maybe for some people it drives up emotional resonance but for me all it drives up is a sense of “oh god this man sounds miserable and now I feel awful too” and that’s just not a good feeling! That’s not how I wanna feel listening to music! Musically this is just a lot of nothing. The strings sound really fake, the piano drives the first third of this, the drums pretty much drive the entire second third, and the awful-sounding guitars drive the end. Like, that last bit especially just sounds really disconnected from the rest. On first listen I was pretty meh on this, on every subsequent listen I’ve just. Enjoyed it less and less, honestly. It’s not horridly unlistenable, to be fair, it’s just. Kind of unpleasant, not very interesting besides that.


6. Katatonia – Departer

First Impressions:
This marks the fourth time I have been sent Katatonia in a roulette. I hope you all are proud of yourselves. I’m probably gonna ban ‘em for the rest of the roulette after this round even if this wouldn’t get naturally banned, though. Literally a minute in and this is already a lot better than the other track you sent from them though. For one, like, actual atmosphere. This seems like the second song in a row that’s more of a piano/symphonic track than anything actually metal though, hah. In that regard it definitely compares favorably to the Evergrey track before it. A bit of guitars and stuff kicks in past the halfway point same as the last track, though it doesn’t stick around for very long. Yeah I guess this is solid too. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
Oh yeah, this is way more like it. There’s some real haunting atmosphere to the quiet start of this one. And the soft-spoken vocal performance plays off it really well. I honestly wish it just stayed at that level with maybe some symphonic swell driving more intense moments but no percussion or guitars or anything else, because that’s a damn good sound and would’ve made for a fitting closer. But I mean, what we get after isn’t half bad either. It’s kind of a weird effect where the more elements this song gets and the more momentum it tries to build, the blander and flatter it sounds, though. I don’t know, the bit with the guitar in the middle especially is just… meaningless to me. Maybe just personal preference, but even still, this is definitely one of the better Katatonia songs I’ve heard, even if the quality of the beginning doesn’t hold up throughout the entire song.



First Impressions:
So this is, like, an entire EP full of a kind of music I’ve specifically said I’m never too into, and surprise! I’m not too into any of it. Like, sure, there are some decent tracks here but most of ‘em are on the lower end of that spectrum and a lot of the songs here play in similar territories while still overshadowing each other, both of the last two tracks especially seem to be playing at the same sound. I don’t find any of it unpleasant to listen to, either, but aside from the one Borknagar song that has some decent energy to it, it’s all a bit… sluggish, for my tastes. We’ll see if any of it grows on relistens, though.

Final Thoughts:
So yeah as you can see… this one’s kind of been trailing the pack the entire time, less for anything really awful (though I don’t particularly like the Evergrey tune) as much as just a lack of anything that really sticks the landing for me, at all. It’s an EP made up mostly of mid-tempo gloom metal, which I know I’m already on record as saying I’m not a fan of. And like. It’s better than some examples of the genre, overall. Surprisingly Borknagar ended up not being one of my favorite artists on this EP by the end, though I think contributing to that is a general exhaustion of that specific sound of metal that this round has instilled in me. Like, as an EP itself it’s not badly made, but for my tastes it just kind of bores me.

Current Standings:
1. senecadawg2
2. Puppies_On_Acid
3. ???
4. ???
5. Lethean

Song Rankings:
1. The Protomen – The State Vs. Thomas Light
2. Kardashev – Behind Leaves and Vines
3. Better Oblivion Community Center – Dominos
4. Kardashev – Beyond Sun and Moon
6. mewithoutYou – [dormouse sighs]
7. Kardashev – Between Sea and Sky
8. Kardashev – Beside Cliffs and Chasms
10. Better Oblivion Community Center – Didn't Know What I Was in For
11. mewithoutYou – Julia (or, 'Holy to the LORD' on the Bells of Horses)
14. Wolverine – Pulse
16. Katatonia – Departer
18. Wolverine – Your Favorite War
19. Downfall of Gaia – The Grotesque Illusion of Being
20. In Mourning – Past October Skies (The Black Lodge Revisited)
22. Mirrorthrone – So Frail
25. Tim Bowness – The War On Me
26. Borknagar – The Earthling
28. Borknagar – In a Deeper World
30. Allegaeon – Of Mind and Matrix
32. Tim Bowness & Dylan Howe – Not Married Anymore
34. Evergrey – When the Walls Go Down

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #817 on: April 12, 2019, 11:45:58 AM »
Ooh the Katatonia song made it to the top 20. :) :metal

I would have been totally thrilled to do better and continue on.  But at the same time I have absolutely no idea what I'd send, so this may be for the best.

I'm glad you didn't hate anything. :)

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #818 on: April 12, 2019, 12:04:03 PM »
Dammit ariich!
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #819 on: April 12, 2019, 12:12:22 PM »
Dammit ariich!
Damn, no epic final showdown this time!

May the best man win, Tim. (me)

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
I be am boner inducing.

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #820 on: April 12, 2019, 12:16:24 PM »

last batch of results tonight

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #821 on: April 12, 2019, 12:26:11 PM »

last batch of results tonight

If it's tonight as in pacific time, ariich will be sleeping, and I'll be going to bed. ;D
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #822 on: April 12, 2019, 12:27:46 PM »
like 5 PMish PST or so. whenever i get off work

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #823 on: April 12, 2019, 12:34:44 PM »
like 5 PMish PST or so. whenever i get off work

OK. 8ish here then.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #824 on: April 12, 2019, 02:02:34 PM »
So even though I survived to the final round, I feel like I should have stuck with the original ep I had made. At the same time though, it started to feel like I was beating a dead horse with the story I started in the prelim round. I actually ended up repurposing a couple of the songs from that ep in to the concept album and I feel it made the album much better.

I understand what you mean by the ep not being cohesive. And again it was me trying to serve the story first and not the music. That's not happening on the concept album, even though there are 2 very distinct styles of music on it, but that is on purpose. You will see..... And hopefully it will make sense...  :corn
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #825 on: April 12, 2019, 02:10:18 PM »
oh and just FYI - i'm not changing the send-by deadline for the concept album round, it will still be by the end of next sunday, the 21st
but if i have all the submissions before then, i'll start early. probably not before next wednesday though. i need some time off from EP listening between rounds  :lol

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #826 on: April 12, 2019, 06:22:57 PM »
Results, Part 3

3rd Place: ariich – Let’s Rock

1. Borealis – Past the Veil

First Impressions:
Honestly from how you described this EP, this first song wasn’t exactly what I was expecting to find, but at the same time, it’s better than what I was expecting to find so I’m not complaining there. Then again you put Give Gravity a Choice on an EP called “Let’s Groove” so what do I know.  Honestly so far this just sounds like power metal with more melodic death metal-styled riffs. Might be the singer that makes me think that. Even kinda djenty guitar tones too. Ostensibly I guess this is progressive metal without really any prog elements, but I dig how it sounds more than some similar songs in this round so far, not wild about it either but wouldn’t mind revisiting this one, no. It’s got a little bit of a lot of different things. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
I think across the entire round, this song is definitely one that has some of the most appealing riffing. Punchy, melodic, groovy, the way I like it. On the flipsie, there’s not a ton here I find… that memorable? Like, I know generally what this song sounds like, and I enjoy listening to it, but as with a lot of this round it doesn’t really have much to make it stick in my mind, I can only identify it as “that riffy melodic power-metal-type affair”. I like it fine enough, but it’s kind of in one ear, out the other.


2. One I Cinema – The Mirror

First Impressions:
This too kind of has the djent-influenced metal style, without really being explicitly djent. I do like a lot of the lead guitar work here, even if it tends to also stick to the background. I sort of feel like how much this one will live or die depends on how memorable I find it or how strongly it hits emotionally, though. Maybe partially how catchy it is. I dunno, it’s alright but it’s not particularly doing it for me at the moment. Very low in this tier, but I’ll give it this much. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
I think from the songs sent off this EP, this band is the hardest one for me to pin down. What does this band sound like? I know what both their songs sound like, for sure, but I wouldn’t be able to describe what kind of band these guys are by what I’ve heard, other than “uuhh they’re sure metal all right”. The chorus of this one is pretty bangin’ though. I don’t feel like the singer is especially strong but the melody itself is & the music does a good job backing him up. Besides that chorus and I guess some decent riffing, though, there’s not a lot about this one that really sticks out for me. Feels a bit too long for how little it really has to it, too.


3. Heaven's Basement – Lights Out in London

First Impressions:
Ooh from how this one starts out it strikes me as something I’m not gonna be too into. The singer sounds a lot more modern than the music seems to be going for though and honestly that works better for me than a better-fitting singer likely would. I do like this chorus a fair bit. It is kind of a simple song for my tastes though and doesn’t really resonate emotionally aside from maaaybe the chorus. Not unpleasant to listen to or anything, just. Ehh. (AVERAGE)

Final Thoughts:
Okay, the one thing I can say about this one is that I really think the singer sounds good, on the chorus. I don’t like the twang on his voice in the verses, but there’s some power to his voice on that chorus. He could make a good frontman for a post-hardcore outfit. But uhh. This isn’t that. This is a southern/country rock type of song and it’s like. Got alright riffs. It kind of hammers most of its pieces into the ground by the halfway mark though. Aside from an alright bridge. I feel like this is a song you can listen to once and enjoy well enough but after that there’s just not really much else to it. Pretty much got the gist of it after a single listen and didn’t even care for it much then, and on relistens it’s really had nothing new to offer me. Vaguely pleasant, but not for me. Mercifully it’s at least pretty short, though, which I’d count as another point in its favor.


4. Von Hertzen Brothers – To the End of the World

First Impressions:
Last I heard of these guys they had a really awful intro followed by a really great song proper. This song doesn’t have an awful intro so hopefully it’ll be a great song all the way through? Really this seems like a pretty straightforward one again, too. I’m not too into the vocals here either. The 4/4 riff played in a triplet groove is kinda neat at least, this whole instrumental middle bit builds up pretty nicely really. And there’s a solid payoff to that build too, alright. First two-thirds or so of this song, just alright, kinda nice, last third, pretty cool, I dig it. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
Yeah, both of these songs are very different from what I’ve heard from these guys in the past, and like, not nearly as compelling, honestly. Like, there’s some okay riffing here, some okay vocals, but it’s a kind of basic as hell song up until that instrumental break, and not particularly impressive in what it is doing either. The technically cool bit in the instrumental section I pointed out is just that, technically cool but doesn’t actually sound to great, but they manage to build some real swell and carry it through to the end of the song after that, even the last chorus feels elevated above the earlier choruses riding off that momentum. Front-to-back I wouldn’t say I’m super into all of it, but it has its moments.


5. One I Cinema – Insidious

First Impressions:
Now I’m at the point where I kind of have an idea of what to expect out of all these bands. And right away this is instantly a lot better than the other track from them, a nice and intense groove to kick things off. Was sort of feeling it felt a bit one-note as it went on though, but right when I was thinking that it kicked into a calmer and solidly atmospheric mid bit so I guess my mind was retroactively read or something. It's. Again, solid. Doesn’t quite thrill me but I don’t mind it. Also I thought that outro was the intro the next song but woops looks like it isn’t. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
This song, also, has more groove than a lot of the “groove” songs you sent on the last EP, haha. This ended up being one of the songs that stood out more on this EP and really in this round in general, it has that striking heavy riff in the intro and between verses mixed with the more straightforward groove of the verses and chorus, I can both feel that groove and that chorus connects pretty well too. I do stand by the assertion I made in both the first impression and the thirdpression I did about this one, in that it basically just has those two moods and really nothing else to it – yeah, there’s the quiet break in the middle but that’s really brief and honestly not particularly notable or effective. But like. I’m still gonna give credit where it’s due, this is definitely the most effective rocker of the entire EP, at the end of the day.


6. Von Hertzen Brothers – Flowers and Rust

First Impressions:
Hmm this is… nice? I don’t really have a ton to say about this one, actually, it has decent swell to it and a solid chorus but again it’s not particularly… noteworthy. I legitimately don’t have anything else to say about this. I think it should be decent but for the utter lack of any response it instilled in me I can’t justifiably give it that. (AVERAGE)

Final Thoughts:
For as much as I didn’t have anything to say about this one the first time around, I do end up at least remembering how it sounds without having to listen to it. Like, I still do think it has that… “generic” kind of sound to it overall. The chorus has a good vocal line but the way the guitar line interrupts it feels awkward and kills the power it could have had. I’m not sure the music box-y bits do too much for me either. The pounding riff in the instrumental of this one, is alright. I feel like the guitars don’t have quite enough oomph to really realize it but it’s still a solid riff. I dunno, I think how stilted that chorus feels is the biggest problem with this one. It’s definitely better than my first impression gave it credit for, but it’s not making me wanna run out and check out these guys right away either, that’s for sure.


7. Borealis – The Ghosts of Innocence

First Impressions:
Okay, this one looks like it’s a bit longer than the rest. And yeah. I get the impression that these guys just generally have a sound I like more than the other bands here, this and the other song from them are easily my favorites here. RYM does label them as power metal which, I mean, fair enough, but these guys go heavier than most power metal I’m familiar with. And they’ve got all those prog metal tropes even though, again, I wouldn’t really call this particularly prog other than that it has a kind of non-linear song structure to it. Like yeah, again, it doesn’t have a ton of unique flavor but it’s doing what it’s doing pretty well. I almost want to go back and retroactively give the first song from them here a good rating too, but that kinda feels like it’s only in comparison to the rest here. (GOOD)

Final Thoughts:
This song just has an ambition to it that a lot of the other songs on this EP really lack, and that I feel is more of what I’m looking for in music in general nowadays. Like… again, I don’t think this has the elements of “memorable” or “catchy” like some of the other tracks here but it makes up for it in spades with raw power, both in some hard-hitting riffs and emotive resonance driven primarily by a great vocal performance. These guys just have like, a good guitar tone. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but Great Leap Skyward from last round have that similar guitar tone, where it accentuates the punchy, lower-note riffing while still giving depth to the melodic work and texture to the chords. It’s a very balanced tone that appeals to me. More than anything they’re actually doing I just think I like the way these guys sound. Oh yeah and there’s a kind of generic female sounding voice who still ends up fitting in really well here, too. I don’t know, this certainly isn’t as diverse as some of the better metal I’ve been sent in this roulette, but it has the kind of sound and power I tend to like in my metal and it certainly gets me more excited than anything else on this EP.



First Impressions:
So yeah, uhh, a lot of the middle of this EP feels reeeeally vanilla to me. I could see a lot of these being growers on relistens though, the same way Give Gravity a Choice kind of was, since a lot of these kind of fit in the same vein as that one. But I really struggled getting through all of this on first listen, I feel like. Starts strong, ends strong, I wouldn’t say anything is “weak” per se but it’s at a consistently “alright” state that wears on me. Not much else to say. This also isn’t really for the most part what I’d consider “rockers” but at the same time I’m glad for that, lol, the closest song to that here is my least favorite by a decent margin so.

Final Thoughts:
So yeah, overall I’d have to say this is a notable step up from your last EP, even if I don’t think its peaks are quite as high. I get the intention of this one and at least two of the artists seem to work for me well enough, though I still really question the decision to include that Heaven’s Basement song because it doesn’t fit in with the rest at all and it’s the weakest cut by quite a decent margin. For the most part these were all kind of growers, though, even the song I liked the least I guess I’d say I liked slightly more than I did the first time. Borealis still seems far and away the artist I’d be most interested in, though I also get the sneaking suspicion they’re not a particularly varied artist in their output. But yeah. This isn’t gonna be my favorite EP ever or anything but comparing it to the direct competition, I think this one will end up making the cut by enough that I feel confident in letting you through to the finals with it, even if I’m not thrilled by it.

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Results Pt. 2)
« Reply #827 on: April 12, 2019, 06:23:31 PM »
4th Place: TAC – The Due Date

1. Frosttide – Final Hour (Instrumental)

First Impressions:
Coward you must be, for sending me the instrumental version of a song that should have vocals. What I’m getting from this one currently is that it has pretty good melodic riffing. And uhh, like, not a ton more. The symphonic elements are nice, I actually gripe about an imbalance of symphonic elements in metal a lot but no, this is balanced nicely. It does feel noticeably empty without vocals though, and I can’t say any of the riffing here is especially insipiring, it’s just, solid enough. Some of the most intense bits here really do feel like they’re missing harsh vocals to complete the package though, yeah. I reeeeally dislike instrumental versions of songs meant to have vocals, ahah. But this is fine, really. (DECENT)

Final Thoughts:
As of right now I still haven’t listened to the vocal version, only because I expect doing so would irreversibly change my opinion on this version of the song. Like, no matter how bad the vocals are, I honestly think having them would be superior to not having them in this song. Because there are very obviously parts of this where the mix feels empty or the riffing feels kind of flat because there’s supposed to be vocals there to fill in the gaps. This one is another one I have to chalk up to the “I’ve listened to this five times and I feel like I’ve never heard it before” list for this round, which is an unfortunately large list here, not gonna lie. I really don’t have much else to say about this. It sounds nice enough but it’s really bland for my tastes. Like, a decently full sound, solid but unmemorable melodies, some cool intense moments. But there’s nothing about this that really clicks, nor is there anything here that I feel I’ll remember in… honestly, a week’s time at most.


2. Nailed To Obscurity – The Aberrant Host

First Impressions:
Ohh hmm this is. Interesting. The first riff that kicks in isn’t super melodic but it’s got some pretty solid groove to it and the darker atmosphere of this one is working for me, yeah. The whispery vocals in the verses are also an interesting choice. Don’t know if I’m sold on them but they do stand out. And then we get the quiet bit in the middle, I guess this is gonna be the song from you that scores really highly from me considering the last two rounds, hah. Yeah, I’m not actually as wild about this as Great Leap Skyward or Existem, but it’s, you know, pretty dang solid stuff, I could see it being a grower too.  The heavier bits of this kind of make me think of Spires, actually, now that I think about it, though not quite as melodic. Mmyeah, this is pretty cool. (GOOD)

Final Thoughts:
See, right out the gate this one is a lot better. I don’t find it, uhh, especially memorable in the sense that I didn’t really remember too well what it sounded like before this, other than a very general feel for the style. But that first riff kicks in and I’m like “oh yeah, this one.” Really, the big thing about this one that works well is the grooves, mostly. I can jam to this. The slower middle section isn’t  quite as solid for me, but it’s not like I dislike it either, just that it’s maybe a bit dry. It’s not as outwardly inviting to me as some of the other stuff you’ve sent, not quite as up my alley, but there’s enough diversity here besides just the groovier moments and I’ve enjoyed listening to it each time even if I wouldn’t peg it as a favorite.


3. Old Man’s Child – Slaves Of The World

First Impressions:
Sometimes I have stuff to say about a song right away. Sometimes it takes me a minute to find something to say. I’m over halfway through this one already and I just can’t find anything to really say about it? It’s like somewhere between black and death metal and it’s kind of intense, probably melodic enough, the vocals sound fine. There was briefly something similar to a tempo/feel change. The production isn’t half bad. It’s just not a song that really stands out in any way to me. Pretty much the definition of average. (AVERAGE)

Final Thoughts:
Okay, well. I like the start of this one, I guess. The acoustic guitars that give way to some decently melodic riffing. There’s just something about the way this sounds that I flat don’t like, though. The guitar tone just doesn’t have any punch to it, it’s like… kind of crunchy but in a flat way? And the more intense moments everything becomes just a heavy blur with no real distinguishable elements. I guess there’s some riffing here that’s kind of neat, and towards the end that first riff from the intro comes back but like. I just. Really don’t find much of this remotely interesting at all, unfortunately, it’s not the worst I’ve heard but I’m really not into it at all.


4. Conquering Dystopia – Destroyer of Dreams

First Impressions:
Another more downtempo type of track, or at least it starts out as one, with some decent atmosphere driven by the layers of guitars here. Okay and this first chuggy riff that comes in sounds so damn similar to The Rising Sign by Keep of Kalessin it’s almost uncanny, it’s just in 4/4 instead of 3/4. And yeah this pretty much stopped being a downtempo track, it’s more of tech death than anything, though it sticks to maybe a bit lower ranges than I tend to prefer? On RYM I see that this is an instrumental Jeff Loomis project, huh. Some of the chuggier riffing I’m not so sure I’m into but it has potential to grow on me too. I dunno, I end up subconsciously headbobbing to some of it too so there’s definitely gotta be something there, and the guitar shreddy stuff is used sparingly enough that it ends up working without getting overbearing. And then here’s some symphonic stuff just because why not. Yeah you know what. This song is basically just a 7 minute stream of riffs with no real cohesion, and it’s not quite melodic enough for my tastes, and yet I like it a lot, anyways? I dunno, this is cooler than it should be. (GOOD)

Final Thoughts:
Okay, some of this, I like. The first minute and a half or so sticks to some more melodic riffing and builds up some decent power with it. But the chuggier riffing… on first listen I apparently liked it a lot, but on every listen since it’s worn on me more and more. There are some bits where they play with rhythm in interesting ways, sure. But some of the riffs like where he’s just chugging away on quarter note hits, that ain’t interesting. A lot of the shredding is just shred for shred’s sake too, it sounds alright but I’ve heard the sound before and it’s not really something I can find impressive anymore. The ending of the song returns to the riffing of the start with some symphonic bits thrown in for good measure and I like that, at least, but. It’s a bit too little too late, this really starts to drag by the halfway point and I’m just sitting here waiting for it to finally decide to be over and that’s just not a great feeling. Some solid moments, enough to save it from a worse score, but I can’t say I’m interested in checking this out further.


5. Lahmia – Existential Vastness

First Impressions:
You know, I’ve heard a decent amount of downtempo, bombastic melodic death metal, and I’ve heard plenty of more upbeat, groove-driven melodic death metal, but this brand of mid-tempo melodic death metal isn’t something I feel like I encounter as much, which is a shame since it’s probably my favorite breed? It certainly comes off as the most diverse, as it has moments where it dips into a higher energy sound, and it has some moments that go more towards that downtempo, emotive style, but keeping that smooth 6/8 feel throughout. The vocals aren’t particularly impressive but the riffing is solid and the leads are solid too. Dunno, I feel compelled to rate this not quite as high as the previous track since I’m not quite as into it, but I kind of feel like that would be unfair, I liked this a lot. (GOOD)

Final Thoughts:
I called this one “good” on first listen but, honestly, you could’ve fooled me, because on relistens I have just… not even really noticed this one. Like, sitting here listening to it… I feel like, again, I’m listening to this for the first time. I’ve over halfway through this and nothing has caught my interest in any noteworthy way. The main riff repeats enough that I should know it, but it’s such a standard riff that I only really keep it in my mind while the song is going on and then it’s just… gone. There’s a clean bit in the middle which is… nice enough, but it’s not a particularly unique moment. I don’t know… I definitely like this -more- than some of the other songs on here as there’s  nothing at all I dislike about this one, other than it is just so very… safe, unambitious, pleasant to listen to but not anything more.


6. Unreqvited – Stardust

First Impressions:
Hmm, not quite sure the production is there on this one. I do feel like this is going for more of an atmospheric feel than anything and RYM seems to corroborate that, but weirdly enough it feels like this is the heavier, vocal version of the Thousand Sun Sky track from last round, despite this not having any of that synth stuff, there’s a similar vibe to it? I don’t have a ton else to say about this one, I guess I’d say that the quiet outro with the female vocals serves as an EP finale pretty dang well actually, but this song itself isn’t really doing it for me. Might be a grower. (AVERAGE)

Final Thoughts:
Ehh, I don’t especially remember this one either, but I guess I’d say it’s grown on me at least a little bit, sitting here listening to it. It’s honestly more interesting and more intense than most of the other stuff here, even if it’s generally downbeat. The piano that goes throughout, I still am not much of a fan of, it feels like an oddly synthetic element in this context. And while the song technically does have vocals, it’s preeetty much another instrumental, since all the vocals are just screams with no discernable lyrics. It honestly feels like this spends more time being quiet than heavy, too, but I kind of appreciate the ending for being at least a vaguely weird moment than stands out at least somewhat. I guess you have to take what you’re  given. Even if, at the end of the day, it’s hard to say I’m too wild about this one, it’s solid enough stuff.



First Impressions:
This is certainly a lot more cohesive than your past two EPs, I’ll say that much. And I think that while it lacks any track that really stands out like your last two EPs had, there’s plenty of stuff here I already liked a lot on first listen and nothing here I disliked like the parts of Gurschach and Supremacy from last round. It’s diverse enough within its own cohesiveness too, some more atmospheric tunes, some more technical tunes, a pretty consistent focus on melody. I feel like this one is going to be a grower purely for it cohesiveness alone, and that most of the songs in their own right don’t feel particularly immediate but could open up on relistens. It also feels maybe playing it a little safe, but that could just be me.

Final Thoughts:
Yeah, no, what I expected above to happen absolutely did not. It’s also bizarre how different my first impressions vs. my final thoughts on a lot of these songs were. Only one song really sustained its general feel for me, with most of the others getting worse on relisten, and only one track really improving over time, if only just barely. I feel like, more than anything, this entire EP suffers from playing things way too safe, to the point of boring me. Because, gotta be honest, going back over this one I was just mostly bored. There’s the one song that’s kinda cool because it understands balancing groove and melody, the rest are just. Bombastic power with no emotive power, or muddy messes of chugging that don’t appeal to me. A lack of riffs that really hit home, a lack of distinguishing flavor that would make these songs stand out, a lack of anything really memorable, even in the best tracks here. It’s frustrating to listen to for that alone. I wouldn’t say a lot of it is actively bad, sure, but it’s your weakest submission yet and honestly at the point of writing this I’m not quite sure it’ll be strong enough to get you through to the next round, I guess we’ll see.

Round 2 Final Standings:
1. senecadawg2
2. Puppies_On_Acid
3. ariich
4. TAC
5. Lethean

Song Rankings:
1. The Protomen – The State Vs. Thomas Light
2. Kardashev – Behind Leaves and Vines
3. Better Oblivion Community Center – Dominos
4. Kardashev – Beyond Sun and Moon
5. Borealis – The Ghosts of Innocence
6. mewithoutYou – [dormouse sighs]
7. Kardashev – Between Sea and Sky
8. Kardashev – Beside Cliffs and Chasms
9. Nailed To Obscurity – The Aberrant Host
10. Better Oblivion Community Center – Didn't Know What I Was in For
11. mewithoutYou – Julia (or, 'Holy to the LORD' on the Bells of Horses)
12. One I Cinema – Insidious
13. Borealis – Past the Veil
14. Wolverine – Pulse
15. One I Cinema – The Mirror
16. Katatonia – Departer
17. Unreqvited – Stardust
18. Wolverine – Your Favorite War
19. Downfall of Gaia – The Grotesque Illusion of Being
20. In Mourning – Past October Skies (The Black Lodge Revisited)
21. Von Hertzen Brothers – Flowers and Rust
22. Mirrorthrone – So Frail
23. Lahmia – Existential Vastness
24. Von Hertzen Brothers – To the End of the World
25. Tim Bowness – The War On Me
26. Borknagar – The Earthling
27. Frosttide – Final Hour (Instrumental)
28. Borknagar – In a Deeper World
29. Heaven's Basement – Lights Out in London
30. Allegaeon – Of Mind and Matrix
31. Conquering Dystopia – Destroyer of Dreams
32. Tim Bowness & Dylan Howe – Not Married Anymore
33. Old Man’s Child – Slaves Of The World
34. Evergrey – When the Walls Go Down

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would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #829 on: April 12, 2019, 06:29:00 PM »
i feel like if i had done cumulative scoring it would've at least been a lot closer but honestly yours ended up closer to lethean's than to any of the top three after my relistens

i have no clue what happened with that conquering dystopia song. i liked it the first time and didn't like it a single other time. weird.

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #830 on: April 12, 2019, 06:30:00 PM »
I suppose finishing 4th out of 13 ain't bad.  :)

Ariich could join my next roulette, and I'd still lose to him. :lol
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #831 on: April 12, 2019, 06:37:31 PM »
Well at this point in time, my ever changing Concept Album is sitting at about 89 minutes. I suppose I have until next Sunday to keep changing it..... I'm sure I can squeeze another minute in there. :biggrin:
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #832 on: April 12, 2019, 08:54:24 PM »
you can add You Suffer between every single track for those real flow & cohesiveness points  :metal

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #833 on: April 13, 2019, 06:47:14 AM »
Damn, I really am the master of scraping through in your roulettes Parama.

Ariich could join my next roulette, and I'd still lose to him. :lol
I'd be pretty up for your next roulette actually, whenever that will be.

Ariich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
I be am boner inducing.

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #834 on: April 13, 2019, 11:47:39 AM »
you can add You Suffer between every single track for those real flow & cohesiveness points  :metal
It's just going to be The Grand Conjuration repeated at differing tempos.

In actuality, I'm revamping my Concept Album again.....the only problem is it's too long now by 5 minutes. So I have to trim it somewhere. Needless to say, you are getting a massive post roulette song dump. Maybe I'll even make them in to EP's for you.....
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #835 on: April 14, 2019, 04:33:49 PM »
Well, ended up cutting out an entire 11 minute song to get it within the time limit. It's fine though, I was on the fence about the song.

Listening through it now to make sure it sounds good. Once I'm happy with it I'll do the write up and send it over your way.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
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Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #836 on: April 14, 2019, 05:01:35 PM »
let me know what song it was :neverusethis:

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #837 on: April 14, 2019, 08:13:03 PM »
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #838 on: April 14, 2019, 08:27:32 PM »
without listening to the song and just looking at the album on RYM, i am suspecting that would not have done well  :corn
but that's me being biased against anything tagged as thrash metal, none of those tags fill me with a lot of confidence though really

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Re: Parama's EP-onymous Roulette v4 (Round 2 Final Results)
« Reply #839 on: April 14, 2019, 08:40:19 PM »
without listening to the song and just looking at the album on RYM, i am suspecting that would not have done well  :corn
but that's me being biased against anything tagged as thrash metal, none of those tags fill me with a lot of confidence though really
They are actually much closer in style to something like Mithras.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar