Author Topic: Stadler's Roulette, 2.0: Singles A's and B's: We have a Champeen!  (Read 50772 times)

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Offline TAC

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Re: Stadler's Roulette, Ver. 2.0: Singles A's and B's OFFICIAL RESULTS RACE #1
« Reply #350 on: December 18, 2018, 05:38:11 AM »
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline Stadler

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Re: Stadler's Roulette, Ver. 2.0: Singles A's and B's OFFICIAL RESULTS RACE #1
« Reply #351 on: December 18, 2018, 08:06:11 AM »
Okay, so some notes; first, we had a DNF.   I sincerely hope that everything is okay with him, and that it’s just real life, and not a) something catastrophic, or b) one boring ass roulette.   I’d even rather take b) over a).   (No, Chad, seriously.)     

So I had a clear idea in mind here.  I was thinking of Kiss Alive!, which is rumored to be a studio creation other than the drums (I don’t think that’s true, but then again, I’ve heard demos of Kiss that “practice” the raps and breakdowns, so who knows), or more particularly, the live b-side “Remember Tomorrow” from Maiden, which is supposed to be live, but many suspect is Bruce singing in the studio over the backing track from the Maiden Japan version of the song.  Un-Maiden-like, but you never know.   Some of you nailed, this, and – and I am grateful for this – some of you went in an entirely different direction and yet still got max points.  Kudos to TAC in particular.  That’s genius, man. 

Tip for next round:  use the second song.  I’m not going to continue just giving points because it sounds like it “might be” a b-side.  Compare, contrast, but the second song ought to be related in some way to the theme to get points from this point forward. 

Next theme I’ve already given you, but the two after that:
-   The Red Rocker or Diamond Dave?   
-   YOU!   Give me two songs about YOU.  One that maybe tells us something we don’t know, and maybe one that tells us how you think others might see you.  (Spoiler alert:  I have heard the songs “I Am A Viking” by Yngwie, and “My Love Is Like A Tire Iron” by Ted Nugent.)

Because of all the bitching about "slow this" and "slow that", I removed a point from every person that made a smart ass comment, and two from Jingle because of the effort to rag on me.    But I also gave a point back to every person that made a smart ass comment, because that round WAS slow and I'm sorry.  I gave an extra point back to Jingle because of the effort to rag on me.  :)

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Re: Stadler's Roulette, Ver. 2.0: Singles A's and B's OFFICIAL RESULTS RACE #1
« Reply #352 on: December 18, 2018, 08:07:37 AM »
NEKOV – 16.0
   Lonely Robot - Are We Copies?   5.5   2   0.5   8
   Lonely Robot - Symbolic         5   2   1   8

Never heard of them.  I have, though, heard of John Mitchell.  I should love all of his work, but for some reason the various bands he’s been in haven’t grabbed me (though that changed a little in my last roulette).  I really liked this though; it was sort of like steamlined prog, if that’s a think.   Slicker, more… metallic, not in the rock sense, but in the elemental sense.  This was like stainless steel.      I loved the first song, though the second was a grower.   Theme wise, I thought that was creative, and in fact, you were carrying a “1 + 0” for the second song for most of the listening period, then the last listen as I’m writing, it hit me:  “Symbolic” – symbol – the real thing or an exemplar…  and I thought that was really putting in the effort.

   Dread Zeppelin – Stairway To Heaven         5.5   2   1   8.5
   Molotov – Rap Soda y Bohemia            4   2   1   7

WTF, Indiscipline.  I’ve heard of Dread Zeppelin before, and heard a song or two over the years, but not this one.  I really liked it, and while the whole premise is a fucking goof – reggae versions of Zeppelin’s songs sung by an Elvis impersonator – it’s not bad, and it’s done with love.   They can play; the iconic drum fill is note perfect, the solo is spot on, but all things in between are up for grabs!   You get full creative points for the meta-nature of the whole thing; the band is a tribute, the singer is a tribute in and of itself… it’s just well done.   As for the other… almost started me drinking again, almost ended my marriage, almost made me pregnant, almost cost me my hair…   I’m not sure a ban is in order, but close.  I HATED this at first; I think the preliminary score was a 2.  Maybe.   It kind of grew on me as I realized that they were singing the “mama, ooh ooh ooh ooh” and it wasn’t a sample.  That got some points.  I didn’t mind the rapping part, and the “If you think you can score with me, you can kiss my ass” was funny, but the “OOOOH!” in the background ala Limp Bizkit ultimately sealed the deal and locked you in at a 4.   Keep up the creativity though; you’re nailing the crap out of the bigger picture of this roulette and some of the others ought to be taking notes.

   Jimi Hendrix – Manic Depression            5   2   1   8
   King’s X – Manic Depression               5.5   2   1   8.5

Hardest write-up to do; I’ve heard the Jimi version before.   In fairness, I made that clear, and we opted to move forward in the spirit of the theme… and I went back, and almost like someone sampling something from a chef… I gave it a shot.  And it paid off.  I’m hit or miss with Jimi based on his vocals, and while this is not his best singing, it is a great song.   I’m not a huge King’s X fan – I’ve long said that Doug Pinnick ruins “Lines In The Sand” – but this was good and his singing was song-appropriate, so it really showed me something.   And what the hell was I thinking with Ty Tabor!  He absolutely tears it up.  I was really impressed with his playing here; he played perhaps the most famous guitarist in rock and yet made it sound more than just a “cover”. Thematically, I gave the full two points,  I think it really worked well with the two songs together, and as I’m sort of encouraging that more (see the next couple themes)  I’m going to reward this.  I liked the “live”/”Memorex”/”the real thing”/”a band clearly influenced by…”  relationship to this.   

   Lost In Thought – Beyond The Flames         5.5   2   1   8.5
   Eumeria – Rebel Mind                  5   2   1   8

Holy mackeral.  I’m really picky when it comes to prog metal – as you’ve found out first hand – as I think there’s a fine line between genre/homage/copyright infringement, and a lot of prog metal seems to me to want to obliterate that line.  I’m also really picky about vocals and some of the prog metal singing is all over the map.   This was really good though.    I particularly liked the Lost In Thought; the song was really well played and arranged.   I liked the call-response vocals – reminiscent of a favorite band of ours, isn’t it (but more on that later!)?    The Eumeria wasn’t quite as strong, but it grew on me, and sort of hit on a different “vein” of Dream Theater.   More like, I imagine, “Awake” era DT, this grew on me and I really like it. I’m always leering of bands/songs that sound that much like others; why not just listen to the other, original artists?   But this was good, and it really held up on it’s own merits.   You kind of got a bonus here.   I liked the creativity in going for a “carbon copy” of Dream Theater, since we all sort of call a Dream Theater forum “home”. 

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Re: Stadler's Roulette, Ver. 2.0: Singles A's and B's OFFICIAL RESULTS RACE #1
« Reply #353 on: December 18, 2018, 08:22:02 AM »
TAC – 17.0   
        Dave Bickler – Fear Of The Dark               6   2   1   9
   My Solioquy - Fractured               5   2   1   8

So I had to look up Dave Bickler; one of those names that rings a bell, but the dust is too great to actually recall the answer.   Love it!   Doesn’t hurt that the song is pretty darn good, too.  I love the tribal buildup and the payoff at 1:40 was excellent.   It’s a little Jeff Scott Soto-ish at that point, but that’s a good thing, since that’s what the vocals on Sons of Apollo SHOULD have been, or would have been if I was king.  My Soliloquy was a harder putt; at first I hated the vocals, especially on the verses, but then the overwhelmingly Queensrche-ian vocals of the chorus won me over, and then I started getting an early (circa Sin After Sin) Rob Halford vibe, and that got you some points.  Throw in a very Dream Theater-esque passage at the end (around 4:40 or so) and it turned into an enjoyable song.

Thematically, nailed it.  Not what I was I was initially going for, but still wildly creative.   I was impressed.   Not much to say, except this is text book.

        Kings Of Leon – Arizona                  4.5   1   1   6.5
   Glen Campbell – Southern Nights            6.5   1   1   8.5

Uh…   I’m not sure who Leon is, or why he deserves multiple kings, but I figure I won’t dwell too much on that.  I’ve heard a little of KoL before, and frankly, so sorry, haven’t been impressed.  This wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t really good either.  In theory, I should love this, but I really don’t.   The vocals don’t have the gravity that a lot of the (good) other examples of this kind of music have, and so the score suffers as a result.    Now, almost the opposite can be said of Glen Campbell.   He was sort of a joke when I was growing up; “Rhinestone Cowboy” was a quasi-novelty song almost, at a time when a lot of popular country was a novelty.  It was well-known in Nashville how good a player Glen is/was, but it wasn’t really until his recent “resurgence” (using the Jellyfish guys and Cheap Trick’s producer Julian Raymond) that it became common knowledge.   I think I’ve heard this song before, but I never realized it was Glen (and I’m a fan!) so I was really pleasantly surprised.   For the record, “Adios” (his last album) is must-listening, and it’s heartbreaking to hear his last SONG (also called “Adios”), sung with the full knowledge that his time was limited and released just weeks before his passing.  If that doesn’t move you, you aren’t just rock, you are A rock.

Thematically, not really where I was going.  I have to provide some separation between entries, so I’m going to give you a full point creatively, but dock a little for the meeting of the theme.  Sorry boss; it’s not so much you, but your competition.  Others nailed my intent far better, and the really creative submittals – TAC, Jingle – were pretty strong.

V-CHLORTHO – 14.5   
        Dear Hunter - Home                  6   2   0   8
   Dear Hunter – Shake Me (Awake)            4.5   2   0   6.5

I’ve been given Dear Hunter before, and was less than impressed.  Way less than impressed.  Granted, I think the piece I got was a part of a bigger work and so that’s always a tough proposition, but nonetheless.   I like these though, especially the first song.  It’s daunting, but this song kind of makes me want to dig in a little more.  The “Color Spectrum” idea really sounds intriguing, and this song seems to do it justice.   Some of the momentum was lost on the second song; sounded less… introspective or contemplative and more like a theme song to a hit sitcom.  I can absolutely picture Courtney Cox and Matthew Perry bopping around to this, or Kevin James and Leah Remini giving those corny knowing smiles to each other as the credits roll… 

Thematically, it was accurate, so you got points there, but it didn’t rise to the level of some of the others in terms of creatively going beyond the obvious.

ROMDRUMS – 15.5   
        Muse – Uprising (Live)            4.5   2   1   7.5
   Muse – Stockholm Syndrome (Live)      5   2   1   8

Ah, Muse.   If there was a banned list, they wouldn’t be on it, and I can imagine several people going “LOW HANGING FRUIT!”   Well-played, complex prog-rock with a severe Queen influence, coupled with the fact that I’ve made no bones about loving Flying Colors (whose first album has about four songs with a very heavy Muse influence) and it should  be a no-brainer, right?   Except it’s not.  I don’t know what it is, to be honest, but it doesn’t click, and “Uprising” is perhaps the best example of that.   It’s well-written well-played, and yet…   cold and sterile and not in a good way.  Stockholm Syndrome is better, and this version in particular is excellent (though I think I had a seizure with the lights!), so it’s not all lost…

Thematically, NAILED it.  Exactly what I was looking for.  You got full points anyway, but I probably would have thrown in a point otherwise for the (I presume) intended comedy of the cute Latina yelling “The MYOOOOOZE!” at least twice!    But this was a perfect submission in terms of the theme. 

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Re: Stadler's Roulette, Ver. 2.0: Singles A's and B's OFFICIAL RESULTS RACE #1
« Reply #354 on: December 18, 2018, 08:27:30 AM »
Glad you liked Lonely Robot, I'm slowly spreading the love in roulettes  :D

I know what the A side will be, not sure about the B side yet but will be sending shortly.
When Ginobili gets hot, I get hot in my pants. 

Offline Stadler

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Re: Stadler's Roulette, Ver. 2.0: Singles A's and B's OFFICIAL RESULTS RACE #1
« Reply #355 on: December 18, 2018, 08:31:32 AM »
        Type O Negative – Paranoid (Live)            4.5   2   1   7.5
   Vertical - Memorex                  5.5   2   1   8.5

Type O Negative fascinates me.  I like a lot of their music – Cinammon Girl is awesome, and Black No. 1 is the best stripper song ever, bar none - but there is just as much material where Peter Steele is just way out in left field.   I think his vision is just so singular that it’s hard to embrace fully.   So a cover like this is probably a great compromise in that regard.  I like it; sometimes his voice is grating; he has “hollow” tone to his voice that is creepy, and while I’m 99% sure that’s his intent, doesn’t mean I have to like it.  Plus I don’t like the loud “breathing”.  I really like the Vertical tune; another band I’ve never heard of before, but this was a good surprise.  I haven’t been able to find any information about the band but the song was really good. 

Thematically, I liked this; the Type O was exactly what I was shooting for, and the Memorex was a nice a little surprise.   Full points!

EVERMIND – 15.5   
        Redemption – Memory               4.5   2   0.5   8.5
   Nocturnal Rights – Still Alive            5   2   0.5   7

Hmm; the Redemption song could have been so much better. Musically it was strong, it breathed well, but I the singer hurts them.  It’s the “Sons Of Apollo” problem, at least for me:   Jeff is great, no question, but the musis is all mid-register.  Nothing separates.   And I think that over a nine minute track, you need something to latch onto.   This didn’t have that.   I liked the Nocturnal Rights song a lot better, and in large part because of the singer.  A little too much Mark Storace, but at least there was a vocal that complemented the music and in turn elevated it.   It wasn’t the best SONG on the planet, but that’s a band that I’d be interested in hearing more from; actually, I’d be willing to hear more from both, but for different reasons.

Thematically, I liked it, it fit, but I don’t think it matches some of the creativity of the others.   Just a shade of obviousness, but that’s not a bad thing, necessarily. 

        W.A.S.P. – Wild Child (Live)               5   2   1   8
   Thin Lizzy – Are You Ready (Live)            4.5   2   1   7

Friggin’ WASP.   I love Blackie’s vocals, but the whole thing is just a little too schtick-y for me.  I can’t figure him out; there’s an essence to Gene Simmons, there’s an essence to Ozzy, there’s even an essence to Nikki Sixx that informs their nonsense, and you can sense where they’re coming from.  I never got that from Blackie and so it was hard for me to get into his stuff.  It always seemed to be joke-y; later, with his concept albums and what not, you can tell there’s a lot going on with him, intellectually, but it seems so scattershot.   Having said that, it’s a good tune and I liked it.  Thin Lizzy is just the opposite; musically they seem so grounded and real, and certainly they influenced some of the bands that I love the most (Maiden, Priest, my favorite Motorhead album ever is the one with Brian Robertson).   But I often have a hard time getting past Phil’s voice on a lot of songs.   It doesn’t help that their two most popular songs do nothing for me (“Jail Break” and “The Boys Are Back In Town”).  This is okay; it SOUNDS overdubbed, but who knows (the guitars seem a little far back and the vocals seem to “sit” on top in the same way that Halford’s do on “Unleashed” (where even he admits to singing that entire album from an outside porch at a studio because he was sick in Japan). 

Thematically, this is exactly what I was looking for.  EXACTLY.   Two albums that are “live”, but with an asterisk or with questions.  “Is it live?  Was their work done?”  Full points across the board. 

        DNF                        0   0   0   0
   DNF                        0   0   0   0

I wish it wasn’t so, but zeros across the board.  I tried to find something metaphysical to give at least creativity points, but couldn’t even do that. 

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SACUL – 14.0
        Kyuss - Gardenia               6   1   0   7
   Kyuss – Asteroid               6   1   0   7

I won’t lie; I was dreading this.   I’ve heard a lot about Kyuss but never heard them.   Heard about the “generator parties” (cool!), certainly heard the hype about Josh Homme (not impressed).  But I really liked this.   Most Sabbath rips only take the detuned heavy and forget the most important parts: the melody, the jazz drumming and the bass as a lead instrument.   This got it, and in an interesting way.  I also liked what I thought was a reprise of “Gardenia” in the middle of “Asteroid”; I’m a fan of nuggetz lie that.

Thematically, boss, I’m sorry; I just didn’t get it.  I’m sorry.   I even tried to come up with a metaphorical connection, and other than the ‘live” thing in the desert, I struggled and ultimately, with some of the other pretty clear creative solutions, I had to score it appropriately. But you nailed the music, and that’s the important part, right?

HOME – 16.0
        Antlers – Wake                  5.5   2   1   8.5
   Antlers – Epilogue               4.5   2   1   7.5

Another band I’ve never heard of before.  It was interesting to find out  they’re a New York indie band, but that works both ways.  I might have put “Antlers” in the list of bands below (you haven’t read it yet!) but I gave it a shot.   The  first song was a song that took time and effort to get into.  First listen: “This is boring pretentious shit” (and that coming from a Yes/ELP fan!).   But as I listened, I notice myself keying in on little things that weren’t at all boring; a good example is the synth patch.   At first you think it’s a stock sound from GarageBand or something, but as you listen, it’s got a really interesting tone/timbre to it that makes it unique.   This happened several times and raised my appreciation of the song; it’s art.   Unfortunately, didn’t really happen with the second song.   It actually went the other way; I liked it the first time, but it wore thin and the falsetto part really started to grate on me.   At least the disconnected coda was a sort of breath of fresh air breaking the monotony, but it was too little too late.

Thematically, I liked your concept (and feel a little bad not liking the song, given the backstory, but it is what it is).   I’m a sucker for that (I’ve watched about five Lifetime Channel movies just this month) so you got full points.

ELITE – 15.5
        Arctic Monkeys – R U Mine?               5   1.5   0.5   7
   Thrice – Come All You Weary               6.5   1.5   0.5   8.5

Hmmm.   Heard a lot about the Arctic Monkeys, and sort of lumped them in with Snow Patrol and Arcade Fire and a host of other bands that seem earnest but when the music hits the speakers, are more pretentious and boring.  But this was good; this was hard rock and it was interesting.  I agree with your assessment, almost 100%.  But it PALES in comparison with the Thrice song.   That was possibly the song of the round.   I loved everything about it, except it’s length.  It was a short, sharp shock of earthy emotion (yes, I used that word on purpose).  I loved that.  It didn’t give me the impression it was trying to be anything other than what it was, a blunt, naked expression of emotion, and I loved it.

Thematically, I just didn’t get it.  This might be your favorite, and so a 1.5, but I got nothing that elevates past that, and in fact, just the opposite.   I gave you a half a point for a good b-side, since that’s the exact thing that you’d find on a b-side (ala “Mission From ‘Arry” or “You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)”.

LOWDZ – 15.0
        Nightmare World – In Memoria Di Me         5.5   2   0.5   8
   Zeno – I Feel I Live               4.5   2   0.5   7

I really liked the a-side a lot.  It didn’t grab me like a couple others did, but it was a good tune.   It never ceases to amaze me just how influencial Queensryche has become.  I don’t know if it’s a reaction to the intra-band nonsense, but I think I’ve heard more “Queensryche” in these two rounds than all other bands combined – and we had a Kiss themed round!!    None of that is a bad thing, as long as the vocals cut the mustard, because despite his dickishness, Tate is the real deal, and perhaps the best Prog-metal singer ever.   This isn’t that, but it’s close, and it’s good.    I couldn’t wait to hear the second song; at first I thought it was the guy that was in Cheap Trick before Robin, but it’s not, but it IS Uli Jon Roth’s brother, and that in itself is cause for interest.   Great guitar playing here; really surprised I didn’t even know Uli HAD a brother let alone that he played.  The problem is the opposite of the above though; the vocals just drag this down a little.  Therea re 1000 guys like that on Sunset Strip in LA and to me they all just sound the same. 

Thematically, this is a win, at least in terms of meeting the theme.  A shade obvious in terms of the creativity, but you’re there.

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Bill, not sure if you picked up on it or noticed, but two songs by two different bands sent by two different people have the same vocalist.

What makes Are You Ready an interesting Thin Lizzy pick is that while it has been played live many many times, it does not actually appear on any album.
Southbound, from Live And Dangerous is so grotesquely studio, it's not even funny.

And two songs from UFO's Strangers In The Night are also studio songs, with crowd dubbed over.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline Stadler

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TAC                    16.0          17.0          33.0
Nekov                16.5          16.0          32.5
Indiscipline        17.0          15.5          32.5
Home                 16.0          16.0          32.0
Jingle                 15.0          16.5          31.5
Romdrums         16.0          15.5          31.5
King                   14.5          16.5          31.0
Lowdz               16.0          15.0          31.0
Wolfking            15.0          15.5          30.5          -0.5
Firewings           15.0          15.0         30.0           -1.0
v-Chlorto           15.5          14.5          30.0          -1.0
Puppies             14.0          16.0          30.0          -1.0
Evermind           15.5          14.5          30.0          -1.0
Sacul                 15.0          14.0          29.0          -2.0
Elite                   12.5          15.5          28.0          -3.0
Scorpion            17.0          DNF           17.0         -14.0   

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3 points for creativity for the next round here I come!

Sending in a few hours.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

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Re: Stadler's Roulette, Ver. 2.0: Singles A's and B's OFFICIAL RESULTS RACE #1
« Reply #360 on: December 18, 2018, 09:07:26 AM »
Love the segue post.  No apologies necessary... busting balls is what we do in Roulette's - to each other, and to the hosts.  I too also hope that Scrop's absence is nothing serious.  I am connected to him on, and he is still listening to music (at least as of yesterday morning - Bent Knee though, so there is clearly something wrong with him  :lol).  Hopefully he's just a little absent minded.

Second.. Stads doesn't math very well in the morning.

EVERMIND – 15.5   
        Redemption – Memory               4.5   2   0.5   8.5
   Nocturnal Rights – Still Alive            5   2   0.5   7

        W.A.S.P. – Wild Child (Live)               5   2   1   8
   Thin Lizzy – Are You Ready (Live)            4.5   2   1   7

You had me up to the point that you said you liked Nocturnal Rites better... but it's a lower total??  Then I noticed you trying gyp wolfking out of a 1/2 point too.   :biggrin:

You do have their points correct in the summary total chart however, so I guess that's what really counts.

As for my scores... I'll take 'em!  Glad they worked.  Sending Round 3 momentarily, and hoping that my b-side isn't banned.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

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the antlers epilogue works better in the context of the album because it's a gloomy reprise of an earlier song and it's s o u l  r e n d i n g but i very much understand it not being as strong without the rest of the album happening before it

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I  don't TYPE well in the morning.  I  believe the spreadsheet - where the numbers for the standings came from - is accurate.   I'll double check that (and while you're not looking, go in and change the entries and hope you forget about it).   :) :) :)

Offline Evermind

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I'm not checking my score because this is literally the only roulette I've ever played where I don't care about how well I'm doing. :biggrin:
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

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Bill, not sure if you picked up on it or noticed, but two songs by two different bands sent by two different people have the same vocalist.

NO! I missed that; tell me more, because I noticed a couple singers sort of had the same vibe.  Was it one of the ones where I noticed the similarities to Queensryche? 

What makes Are You Ready an interesting Thin Lizzy pick is that while it has been played live many many times, it does not actually appear on any album.
Southbound, from Live And Dangerous is so grotesquely studio, it's not even funny.

I haven't heard Southbound, but the AYR has a vibe to it that was very common at that point on mid- to late-70's live albums.  Kiss Alive II has it, Unleashed In The East has it - where the vocals just seem to "sit" on top of the music.  I'm not saying I can tell every time a live album is dubbed, but sometimes the dubbing is better than others.   I think Eddie Kramer did a great job on Kiss Alive! (if in fact it is overdubbed; it could go either way) but Alive II is CLEARLY touched up, and in fact, a handful of songs are also soundcheck tunes.   

And two songs from UFO's Strangers In The Night are also studio songs, with crowd dubbed over.

I hear a lot of mixed things about that.  Michael claims he was asked but refused to do any overdubs, but that doesn't mean it's untouched, since Paul Chapman was brought on during that tour and he is more than capable of doing that work.   It kind of bums me out, because my favorite part of that record is side two, Mother Mary, This Kid's and Love to Love, and the first two are the studio songs. 

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When Ginobili gets hot, I get hot in my pants. 

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I'm not checking my score because this is literally the only roulette I've ever played where I don't care about how well I'm doing. :biggrin:

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?  Should I be offended?  :) :) :)

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I haven't heard Southbound,

Southbound-Live And Dangerous

Listen how horribly the crowd is dubbed in at the very beginning and very end. :lol

That aside, Southbound is such a great tune. But the L&D version is really unlistenable.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Hopefully Indiscipline isn't a DNF this round. He's been kind of scarce lately.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Glad you liked the songs  :metal and yeah I had no clue about what to send for the theme  :lol . I'll try find something more appropriate for this round.

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I still don't understand the theme for round 2 lol. Need to figure out the theme for round 3. Sucks you don't like KoL, I was hoping Arizona would be up your alley.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

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Sent! I feel like I nailed it creatively, so I'm probably getting 0.5/3 for that. :lol
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Offline Lowdz

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Well your description of the theme for round two was exactly what my thought was and I dismissed it as too obvious 😀

Shame I can’t send KISS for the round about me - in the Alive II version of Shout ItOut Loud Paul Stanley shouts “turn it up Paul Lowder” At 2.13 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘😱

Offline romdrums

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Round 3 sent.
Though we live in trying times, we're the ones who have to try. -Neil Peart, 1952-2020.

There is a fundamental difference between filtered facts and firehosed opinions. -Stadler.

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Shame I can’t send KISS for the round about me - in the Alive II version of Shout ItOut Loud Paul Stanley shouts “turn it up Paul Lowder” At 2.13 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘😱


You send that and I’m going to send Mr. Crowley!!
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline The Walrus

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Wait what is next round's theme? And I'm going to bomb the DLR whatever theme so badly. I'm not good at interpreting these  :lol
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline Stadler

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Well your description of the theme for round two was exactly what my thought was and I dismissed it as too obvious 😀

Shame I can’t send KISS for the round about me - in the Alive II version of Shout ItOut Loud Paul Stanley shouts “turn it up Paul Lowder” At 2.13 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘😱

Yeah, but that's so cool you might even get points anyway.    :metal

Offline v_clortho

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Wait what is next round's theme? And I'm going to bomb the DLR whatever theme so badly. I'm not good at interpreting these  :lol

Next theme is Polka. Send him your best Polka songs.

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Stadler, PMs!!
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Bah, I thought I'd score better than that this round.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.

Offline Stadler

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Bah, I thought I'd score better than that this round.

Thin Lizzy, bro.  Just not my thing. 

Offline TAC

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Stadler, PMs!!

A simple banned or not banned would be appreciated!!! ;D
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Offline Stadler

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Stadler, PMs!!

A simple banned or not banned would be appreciated!!! ;D

I figured in keeping with the erst of the roulette I'd respond by Friday. :)

Seriously, I replied.   And for everyrone else who already sent something (since a couple people asked) nothing sent so far is banned.

Offline TAC

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I figured in keeping with the erst of the roulette I'd respond by Friday. :)

So will we get results for this round this year?? Or will we have wait until next year?
Over/Under is December 31st!  ;D

Bah, I thought I'd score better than that this round.

Thin Lizzy, bro.  Just not my thing. 

Seriously, this is a major flaw.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Seriously, this is a major flaw.

Thank you Tim.
Everyone else, except Wolfking is wrong.