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Rank the songs on Awake

Started by ChuckSteak, April 06, 2018, 09:58:32 AM

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1- Scarred
2- Voices
3- 6:00
4- Erotomania
5- Innocence Faded
6- The Silent Man
7- The Mirror
8- Lie
9- Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
10- Caught In A Web
11- Space-Dye Vest


not my favorite album, but...

1. Voices
2. Space-Dye Vest
3. 6:00
4. Innocence Faded
5. Caught in a Web
6. The Mirror
7. Erotomania
8. The Silent Man
9. Lifting Shadows off a Dream
10. Lie
11. Scarred

Yeah, Scarred and Lie are easily my least favorites. Voices is amazing, as is SDV. Everything else is fairly fluid.


1- Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
2- Innocence Faded
3- Erotomania
4- Scarred
5-The Silent Man
6- Space-Dye Vest
7- Caught In A Web
8- Voices
9- The Mirror
10- 6:00
11- Lie


1. Scarred
2. Space-Dye Vest
3. Voices
4. Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
5. Innocence Faded
6. The Mirror
7. The Silent Man
8. Lie
9. Caught In A Web
10. 6:00
11. Erotomania

The Walrus

1. Space-Dye Vest
2. Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
3. 6:00
4. Innocence Faded
5. The Silent Man
6. Caught In A Web
7. Lie
8. The Mirror
9. Erotomania
10. Voices
11. Scarred

Dream Team

Lifting Shadows
Innocence Faded
Caught in a Web
Space-Dye Vest
Silent Man


Looks like there are some wildly divergent opinions about this.  Here's mine:

1. Scarred

2. 6:00
3. LSoaD
4. Caught in a Web
5. Voices

6. Erotomania
7. Space Dye Vest
8. The Silent Man

9. Lie
10. The Mirror
11. Innocence Faded (aaaaahhhh...)

For me, Scarred is the unquestioned winner.  The second tier songs are all REALLY close, and the ordering could change on any given day.  The last three songs are all pretty close to being tied for the bottom of the barrel, and there's a pretty wide gap between those three songs and everything else.
Feelin' kinda spooky.


1.Space-Dye Vest
4.Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
5.The Mirror
7.Innocence Faded
8.Caught In A Web
9.The Silent Man
11.The Lie


1. The Mirror
2. Lifting Shadows Off a Dream
3. Scarred
4. Voices
5. Erotomania
6. 6:00
7. Caught In a Web
8. Space Dye Vest
9. Innocence Faded
10. The Silent Man
11. Lie

This was really hard. The top 9 are so close that it hurt to put some of those songs down that low. The bottom 2 were easy. The Silent Man is just an outro and I never liked Lie. Weakest single they ever released.


1. Voices

2. Scarred
3. The Mirror

4. Space-Dye Vest
5. Lie
6. Caught in a Web
7. 6:00
8. Erotomania
9. Innocence Faded

10. Lifting Shadows off a Dream
11. The Silent Man

I find it very difficult to separate the middle bunch of 6 songs, I could have put them in basically any order.
Whoaaaahh, ohhh, ohhhhh. Whoaaaahh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhh. Waaah, ahhh, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaowwwwww


1.  Scarred:  Took me a long time to "get" this song, and the turn-on-a-dime transitions didn't help.  But once it clicked, it instantly became my hands-down favorite.  The intro is heavenly, and the screamy, aggressive verses provide an amazing counterpoint to the mellower parts of the song.  I haven't tried doing a ranking of DT songs in a LONG time, but this was a top 10 song at one point.  If it still isn't top 10, it isn't far off.
2.  The Mirror:  Very simple and straightforward, by DT standards.  But the heavy riff and atmosphere really make this song awesome.  I really love the live version on LSFNY with the Lie tag during the extended ending/outro.
3.  Lie:  A bit of a dropoff from #2 to #3, but I still really like this song a lot.  Moore's lyrical contribuations are very hit-and-miss for me, but I find this to fall in the "hit" category, despite being very vague and hard to interpret.
4.  6:00:  Who doesn't like that drum intro?  It really sets the tone for a very good song through and through.  And another great lyrical contribution.
5.  Voices:  I don't "love" the song like many, but it is definitely a winner.  Lots a great sections, and it is fun to sing.  The vocal buildups are very logical progressions that, to me, make it fun and deceptively easy for a vocalist--which makes it a bit perplexing that James has struggled with it, given that he is infinitely more talented a vocalist than I am.
6.  Erotomania:  I have a hard time ranking instrumentals as high as "full" songs, but this is one of their better instrumentals.  So glad the main part of this got pulled out of Pull Me Under.  Both songs benefitted greatly from that.  And equally glad they revisited it and worked it into its own song later on Awake instead of just scrapping it.
7.  Lifting Shadows Off A Dream:  This is the next BIG dropoff for me.  I mostly don't care for the songs from here down.  But I can appreciate the moodiness and atmosphere of this song.
8.  The Silent Man:  Don't really care for it much.  But I really like the live version on LSFNY.
9.  Caught In A Web:  The primary keyboard patch is so whiny and out-of-tune sounding that it really grates on me and borderline ruins the song.  But I like the live versions I have heard.
10.  Innocence Faded:  Not a fan, but glad they did it on Score. 
11.  Space-Dye Vest:  REALLY not a fan, but glad they did it on the AFTR tour, both because it was great fan service to play a never-before-played fan favorite, and because I feel that they genuinely improved the song with the live version on that tour.  Hearing it live was a very cool moment, despite not being a fan of the song.

The Walrus

Wow, the rankings are everywhere on this one.


Quote from: Kattoelox on April 06, 2018, 12:45:54 PM
Wow, the rankings are everywhere on this one.

Yes, but mine are correct.  ;)

The Walrus

Quote from: bosk1 on April 06, 2018, 12:46:31 PM
Quote from: Kattoelox on April 06, 2018, 12:45:54 PM
Wow, the rankings are everywhere on this one.

Yes, but mine are correct.  ;)

Space-Dye Vest at the bottom? That's a paddlin', bosk.  :biggrin:


Every song is a total masterpiece, Voices and The Mirror are the very best, and Erotomania should finish last but only because James is not singing. There.


Quote from: Kattoelox on April 06, 2018, 12:45:54 PM
Wow, the rankings are everywhere on this one.

Seriously...five different songs have gotten first place votes, but all 5 of those songs also have gotten a last place or second to last place vote.  On the aggregate, Scarred is #1, but two people voted it last.  Innocence Faded is much better regarded than I would have expected.
Feelin' kinda spooky.


1. A Mind Beside Itself
2. Scarred
3. The Mirror
4. Space Dye Vest
5. Lifting Shadows Off a Dream
6. 6:00
7. Caught in a Web
8. Innocence Faded
9. Lie

Best Dream Theater album ever.  Every song kicks major ass. :coolio :hat


1. Scarred
2. Space Dye Vest
3. Voices
4. Erotomania
5. Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
6. Innocence Faded

..the rest..

Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Stadler on February 08, 2025, 12:49:43 PMI wouldn't argue this.


1.  Voices
1.  Space Dye Vest
1.  Lifting Shadows Off a Dream
1.  Scarred
1.  Innocence Faded
1.  Erotomania
1.  Caught in a Mirror
2.  The Mirror
3.  6:00
4.  Lie
5.  Silent Man

The math is legit.


Awake is usually in my #1 DT Album spot.  Occasionally It will switch places with I&W's

1- Scarred
2- Voices
3- 6:00
4- The Mirror
5- Lie
6- Space-Dye Vest
7- Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
8- Erotomania
9- Caught In A Web
10- Innocence Faded
11- The Silent Man


1. The Mirror
2. Scarred
3. Space Dye Vest
4. Voices
5. Erotomania
6. 6:00
7. Lie
8. Caught in a Web
9. Lifting Shadows off a Dream
10. The Silent Man
11. Innocence Faded


1. Scarred
2. The Mirror
3. Lie
4. Lifting Shadows off a Dream
5. Erotomania
6. Innocence Faded
7. Voices
8. Caught in a Web
9. 6:00
10. The Silent Man
11. Space-Dye Vest


1. Scarred
2. Caught in a web
3. Space-dye vest
4. Lifting shadows off a dream
5. Innocence faded
6. 6:00
7. Voices
8. The Mirror
9. Erotomania
10. The Silent man
11. Lie

It's fantastic to see almost everybody put Scarred in the top 3.


Quote from: Mladen on April 07, 2018, 05:22:33 AM
It's fantastic to see almost everybody put Scarred in the top 3.

Can we get Blob in this thread please? :biggrin:
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

The Walrus

Quote from: Mladen on April 07, 2018, 05:22:33 AM
It's fantastic to see almost everybody put Scarred in the top 3.

One of DT's worst songs.  :(



1. Scarred
2. Lie
3. The Mirror
4. Voices
5. 6:00
6. Innocence Faded
7. Erotomania
8. Space-Dye Vest
9. Lifting Shadows off a Dream
10. Caught in a Web
11. The Silent man


Rather than rate each, I'm listing my track listing for the album.  Not a fan of some of their heavier material, but that's just me
'Side' One
Caught In A Web
The Silent Man
'Side' Two
Lie (45 version)
To Live Forever *
Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
"Discretionary posting is the better part of valor."  Falstaff

QUEEN DISCOGRAPHY      ",57201.0.html"


Space Dye


Silent Man

Lifting Shadows


1 Space Dye Vest

2 Voices
3 Caught In A Web
4 6:00
5 Lie
6 The Silent Man
7 The Mirror
8 Lifting Shadows Off A Dream

9 Innocence Faded
10 Erotomania
11 Scarred


1- Voices
2- Lifting Shadows Off a Dream
3- Scarred
4- Space-Dye Vest
5- The Silent Man
6- 6:00
7- Caught in a Web
8- Innocence Faded
9- The Mirror
10- Erotomania
11- Lie



Their best album, hands down!

1- Scarred
2- Voices
3- The Mirror
4- Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
5- Caught In A Web
6- The Silent Man
7- Erotomania
8- Lie
9- 6:00
10- Innocence Faded
11- Space Dye -Vest

Chris Hinton

Not my favorite album...

  • Lifting Shadows Off a Dream
  • Scarred
  • The Mirror
  • Erotomania
  • Voices
  • 6:00
  • The Silent Man
  • Caught in a Web
  • Lie
  • Innocence Faded
  • Space-Dye Vest


1. Scarred
2. The Mirror
3. Lie
4. Caught In A Web
5. 6:00
6. Voices
7. Space-Dye Vest
8. The Silent Man
9. Erotomania
10 Innocence Faded
11. Lifting Shadows Off A Dream

And Scarred is just one of the best songs ever  :metal :metal :metal