Author Topic: Kattelox's Album Roulette - Party Time! Excellent! v. FIN  (Read 112396 times)

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Online jingle.boy

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You Euros are either have to stay up real late, or not find out until Sunday.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

Offline The Walrus

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Apologies for the delay. There were some very high highs and very low lows this round. While I finally go lay down in a dark room for a while, you can send for round 3 (4 to some of you  :lol). This was a really interesting round with some very noteworthy artists for me to check out after this is over. I'll update the first post's round links and scores and add these to the banned list. And I apologize if you strongly disagree with my views. :)

*     *     *

1. The Antlers - Hospice
sent by Tomislav95
2009; indie rock/post rock/dream pop

This is a special album. It's just a delight. I think there is a theme or concept given some recurring motifs, something about someone with a disease. I haven't had time to really dig into it, but even without that in mind, this is just full of beautiful music. Wispy, ethereal sounds from the opening really set the tone for the album and it's like that until the final fadeout. I love the vocals. I'm not familiar with much music in this style, so forgive me, but at times he sounds similar to Cat Stevens particularly in the final track, and other times he gives me a Caleb Followill (Kings of Leon) vibe, in the more upbeat songs like Bear or Two. There's a KoL vibe in other ways, with upbeat or happier sounding songs, but they're all really kind of sad. Two is a good example of this, kind of a poppy vocal melody and guitar strumming, but the keyboards underneath give it a special melancholy vibe. It's incredibly emotional and feels honest and organic, but it's not overwhelming at all. Man, this is good. I really hope their other albums are similar to this. Very strong comeback, Tomi. I love this album. 9.5/10

FAVORITE TRACKS: Sylvia, Two, Epilogue

*     *     *

2. Kepler Ten - Delta-V
sent by jingle.boy
2017; progressive rock

DAMN!! jingle knows his stuff. This is killer all around. It's not super heavy but rocks hard, it's got great hooks and a really fun sound. This has been really good for me at the gym, really gets my blood pumping. I don't dislike anything about this, and I really like that they kept it simple, there's only 7 songs and only one over 10 minutes. This singer reminds me of a bunch of different people all at once, but he stands out as unique to me and complements the music perfectly. They know how to write a memorable chorus and have it stick in your head. I like how after just one listen I could immediately identify 5 of 7 tracks without trying. Killer keyboard patches, I especially like the short-lived lead synth towards the end of Swallowtail and the electronic drums on The Shallows. Really hard to pick favorite tracks for this one because the whole thing is a joy to listen to, and I honestly have no complaints or quibbles. I don't mean to jynx you, jingle, but keep it up... 9.5/10

FAVORITE TRACKS: Time and Tide, The Stone, The Shallows

*     *     *

3. Sigur Rós - Takk
sent by Sacul
2005; post-rock

I have another album by Sigur Rós, whose name I'm too lazy to find and copy/paste, but it wasn't as enjoyable as this. This is like the soundtrack to a nice dream I want to stay in. I really, really liked this. The warm synth pads make me feel ways, and Jonsi's vocals are always pleasant. I just wish I knew the language, or that the lyrics were in English, so I could tell if they were as pretty as the music itself. The use of bells is always a plus, the gentle twinkling adds so much to the vibe. It's never in a hurry, which I like, and slowly builds into this wall of sound that pulls up some emotions in me. Sœglópur (no copy paste! I remembered how to type one of the tracks!) kind of sums up everything I love about this record and really shows off what I like in this realm of music. I also got really high to this album which I think is a requirement for maximum effect, but I'm also the kind of person who wants an artist to go for maximum beauty or emotional response in their music as opposed to trying to fit a certain mold, and I've been sleeping on Sigur Rós. This album makes me want to curl up into a ball on the couch and drift lazily into sleep. The *only* reason it's not a 9.5 is because I just don't understand Icelandic. 9.0/10

FAVORITE TRACKS: Glósóli, Sœglópur, Andvari

*     *     *

4. Kris Kristofferson - Kristofferson
sent by Stadler
1970; country

Well, well, well. The oldest submission yet - this album is 48 years young. I have very much been into older music like this lately, and I'm pleasantly surprised with this. Blame It On The Stones was a bit of a weird opening and didn't really prepare me for the rest of the album. It's like a time machine when you focus on some of these lyrics (like Blame It On The Stones) and I wonder how this was received when it first came out. There's something relaxing about this. It's no busier than it has to be, it feels honest and real, but most importantly, the lyrics actually mean things and tell a story! That makes a huge impact on the quality of the music. Bland or unmemorable lyrics only hurt a song, not help, and I like Kristofferson's voice. The combination of the two on 'To Beat the Devil' makes that one of my favorites. Mixing spoken word with sung vocals, I tend to associate that with this style of music and it's so good. I wish the entire album was like that song. Kind of like Seasick Steve, but less... inebriated. I know next to nothing about Kris Kristofferson, but if the rest of his albums are along these lines, consider me a fan. You've suggested this album to me more than once, Stadler, but I'm really happy I finally heard this and loved it. I've thrown this in my playlist of Randy Newman, Neil Young, Cat Stevens, etc. and it fits like a glove. 9.0/10

FAVORITE TRACKS: To Beat The Devil, Just the Other Side of Nowhere, Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down

*     *     *

5. Phideaux - Number Seven
sent by Evermind
2009; progressive rock

This one really came out of nowhere - I've never heard of Phideaux and have never seen a mention of it anywhere. But here we are, this album is 9 years old and just now gracing my ears. What a trip! It's proggy, it's adventurous, it's memorable... and it's not taxing at all. It explores other soundscapes than simply distorted guitars, wacky drum fills and nebulous lyrical themes. There's some truly interesting stuff here but it all works. Even the long songs - the second tracks is 19 minutes, and another is 14 - are quality and don't get boring or tedious. In fact, those are two of my favorites here, proving that a long song can be great if it's inspired enough. I love the focus on keyboards and non-traditional rock or metal instruments and the little repeated musical motifs like in Waiting For The Axe To Fall. The stuff about the "Dormouse" as it's written and Thermonuclear Cheese is a bit strange, but doesn't put me off. This is some pretty inventive stuff and I want to hear more. Kind of hard to describe exactly what this music is because it's all over the place but not obnoxiously so. I think this is the most unique submission this round and doesn't offend my tastes in any way. Good stuff, dude. 8.5/10

FAVORITE TRACKS: Waiting For The Axe To Fall, The Search For Terrestrial Life, Love Theme From "Number Seven"

*     *     *

6. Haken - Affinity
sent by ariich
2016; progressive metal

I'm actually familiar with the album that precedes this, The Mountain. I haven't heard it in a couple years but I remember enjoying most of the music but was very put off by Ross's voice and the dreadful lyrics. Unfortunately the same applies to this album. This album seems to have a theme about robots and computers and... For all the hype this band gets this is a pretty generic concept not helped out by the emotionless lyrics and a simply average singer. If they revamped those two things, this album would be fantastic. The instrumental sections are on the other hand brilliant. 1985 has such an awesome vibe going for it right around the 7 minute mark, a very Ayreon or Time Requiem vibe to the duelling keyboards and guitars and I just love it. I love the riffs, the great bass solo on The Architect, can't say there's much about the drumming that stands out but major props to the keyboardist for setting the mood just right and having the shreddy chops to match the guitars. Sometimes I think the songs are too long and fall into the stereotypical prog metal problem of doing too much but they're a lot more concise than other bands trying to play with massive concept albums. I think the first half if stronger than the second, but after a few listens, I think this is way stronger than The Mountain, and a very good album, but could be fantastic with a good singer and a completely different approach to lyrics. I like that the ending ties in with the beginning. I bet there's a message in the code. Much nuggetz, so prog. 8.5/10

FAVORITE TRACKS: 1985, Lapse, Bound by Gravity

*     *     *

7. Huntsmen - American Scrap
sent by Parama
2018; post-metal

A brand new album released not even two months ago. This strikes me as rainy day metal. Yeah, it's loud, but it's dreary as all get out, and the album art really conveys the tone of the album: gray, miserable, a little dirty. The guitars have a filthy sound to them. But I really enjoy moments like the start of Canary King with isolated vocals and drawn out pauses, then... a dirty, crunchy barrage of really dirty guitar sounds. The songs all have a groove they get comfortable with, sometimes evolve a little bit, but they always come back to this dismal atmosphere which they do so well. The interludes are nice instrumental treats bookending a great song in Atlantic City which I think sums up the album well. It has a little bit of everything. The Barrens and The Last President do a great job of closing out the album: The Barrens is intense and speedy, but The Last President opens with these lovely female vocals and soft guitars before going into this simple yet powerful instrumental section to close the album. A bleak album that has both spacey and intense vibes and it does it all well, but the back half is where it shines. Good stuff, Parama. 8.5/10

FAVORITE TRACKS: Atlantic City, The Barrens, The Last President

*     *     *

8. Karnivool - Sound Awake
sent by home
2009; progressive rock

There were moments I really liked on this album, like the end of New Day where everything gets to breathe, but overall I didn't get much of a response from this album. It's good music, but even after three spins I can't really recall much about it, and I find that weird. I enjoy it while it's on, but when it ends, I find it almost impossible to differentiate the songs from each other because there isn't much that makes each song stand out. I suppose it'll grow over time. Don't get me wrong, it isn't bad and I certainly don't dislike it, but it's hard to come up with thoughts on something that doesn't leave much of an impression. I want to check out more by this group because I have a feeling this is a case of me just listening to the 'wrong' album. I think backloading the album with two very long tracks was a mistake because those are the ones they seem to let loose on and really show who they are, but you have to make it through all the other tracks first. Although there weren't any lyrics that stuck with me, there's a chill vibe to this group that has me intrigued, so while this didn't really blow my mind, I'm certainly more interested in following them now. 7.5/10

FAVORITE TRACKS: The Caudal Lure, Deadman, Change

*     *     *

9. Redemption - The Fullness of Time
sent by Lethean
2005; progressive metal

Ray Alder is good, and he was noteworthy as I made my way through Fates Warning's discography, but this was unfortunately a big disappointment that he can't save. This is prog metal by the numbers, very reminiscent of Symphony X but without much charisma, emotion, or identity. It's unwise to backload a 50 minute album with 2 songs that make up 37 minutes of said album, particularly when the title track sounds as pompous as it is (The Fullness of Time, Pt. IV: Transcendence), Sapphire is too long on its own, and there are some really awkward melodic/lyrical choices, like in Pt. I: Rage, instead of "down every darkned avenue" which would make a strong rhyme, they go with "every darkened street" and ends in a very weak cadence. The whole album suffers from that, and even in the first song one of my musical pet peeves rears its head - the 6/8 time signature "kick, kick, k-kick kick" drum beat that every band abuses. After a few listens I went back and just poked at random places throughout the album and it's all very one note. There isn't one strong riff here except for Threads, and even that is a bit rote. To me one of the biggest offenders is that the lyrics are predictable and uninspired, generic stuff about being confused or bland interpretations of emotions - to quote Futurama, you can't just tell the audience how you feel! That makes me feel ANGRY!  This wasn't terrible, but just so I'm not entirely negative, I do enjoy the keyboard sounds, the crunch of the guitar, and Ray Alder is certainly my favorite part of this record despite the lyrical quibbles, but I much prefer him in Fates Warning. You seriously impressed me with Coal, but this took no risks that would've helped given it some personality. I have a feeling they have way stronger albums than this. And although you don't care about scores, I have faith you'll come back next round... right? 6.5/10

FAVORITE TRACKS: Threads, Parker's Eyes, Scarred

*     *     *

10. Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet
sent by Puppies_On_Acid
2005; folk metal

Oh, Puppies, I hope you're bracing yourself. I was so happy when I heard Sieges Even because I expected a lot more along those lines. I gave plenty of warnings, I gave you two chances to pick a better album, and you stuck with it, even after I had already heard some stuff by these guys. Well... I don't have much good to say about this album, honestly. There are five songs - three of them are 14 minutes or longer, one is almost 20, and the other is 8. This entire album is one note until the final track, and it's a real chore to listen to. Insane drumming, guitars that go too far with the gain, boring riffs, and a singer who tempted me every second he was present to turn off the album. The only parts of this album I enjoyed where the very brief folky moments without any metal music. The last track is actually enjoyable with the clean singing and ambient sounds, but that is the only enjoyable part of this. The vast majority of the album is one tedious soundtrack to a nightmare I just can't wake from. Everything about this style of metal rubs me the wrong way, and I've heard a lot of it. I once dated a girl with whom I had to travel to many a folk metal concert for bands just like Moonsorrow, and the genre has become laughably trite in my opinion. The growling is not fun and... well, I've already bashed the album to hell, so you know. I'm not sure if you thought this would somehow change my mind or if it was simply payback for my reception to Tool, but man, I was really hoping you'd send something better than this. It's a shame that the only good thing about this album is the part that isn't even music. Sorry, man, but I honestly struggle to even rate this as high as it does - any lower feels unnecessarily harsh since we aren't doing eliminations. I have faith in your next pick however, and you still have plenty of time to make a comeback... 5.0/10

*     *     *

1. jingle.boy - 27.5
2. Stadler - 26.0
3. home - 25.5
3. Evermind - 25.5
3. ariich - 25.5
3. Sacul - 25.5
7. Parama - 25.0
8. Tomislav95 - 24.0
9. Lethean - 23.5
10. Puppies_On_Acid - 19.5
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline King Puppies and the Acid Guppies

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I honestly sent that Moonsorrow album in hopes of you finding something to like in that type of metal. Oh well. It's one of my favorite albums of all time. I think I have a pretty good grasp of where to go next. Expect something much more to your tastes next round.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

Offline Tomislav95

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I'm glad I hit the right spot with Hospice :tup
Unfortunately, none of their other albums come close, at least that's what I think.
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I wave but they don't slow down...

Offline The Walrus

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I honestly sent that Moonsorrow album in hopes of you finding something to like in that type of metal. Oh well. It's one of my favorite albums of all time. I think I have a pretty good grasp of where to go next. Expect something much more to your tastes next round.

Darn. Yeah, sorry man, you took a left when all the warning signs told you to go right.  :lol I'm actually glad you were confident enough to send such a risky album, because it gives me a better idea of your tastes and you get an idea of what to avoid. Unfortunately this one very much missed the mark. A for effort though. :)
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline Crow

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okay, i've got an average score of over 8/10 and i'm still in 7th, dang  :lol
i'm gonna send a bad idea this round
edit: apparently not, Katt already knows Wilderun. darn  :corn
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 05:40:34 PM by Parama »

Offline Lethean

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Redemption - The Fullness of Time

Goddamn that's a good album.  Made my Top 50v2.  I had considered sending it... guess I can un-consider it now.

You're welcome. ;)

Offline King Puppies and the Acid Guppies

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Round 3 results tomorrow then?
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

Offline Crow

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puppies: 4/10
everyone else: 10/10

next round

Offline King Puppies and the Acid Guppies

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puppies: 4/10
everyone else: 10/10

next round
That would be my initial guess as well.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

Offline The Walrus

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Send the goods. The good goods.  :hat
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline Sacul

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Sigur Rós lyrics are not in Icelandic but in a made up language, which probably isn't really a language and just a way to justify putting words that sound good. And that's the point with their music, pure emotional bliss, his vocals being another instrument, an integral part of their wonderful style. So give me that 9.5 :neverusethis:.

Anyway, I'm glad Takk did so well, although it's not my favorite album of them, I like it a lot. If you want something as warm and lovely as it, check their 2008 record - jolly summer tunes.

Online TAC

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Stadler, I am going to announce The TAC v.3 Roulette very shortly, and while Kris Kristofferson will not be on the banned list, you will be immediately expelled if you send my Kris f'n Kristofferson!
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Sigur Rós lyrics are not in Icelandic but in a made up language, which probably isn't really a language and just a way to justify putting words that sound good. And that's the point with their music, pure emotional bliss, his vocals being another instrument, an integral part of their wonderful style. So give me that 9.5 :neverusethis:.
some of their lyrics are icelandic, some of them are gibberish language, takk has a lot of both iirc
keep your 9.0 fool  :corn

also, ( ) is the best sigur ros album by far

Offline Lethean

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Maybe I'll do a roulette and you can send it to me. 

So how does it work? Do I just start one if/when I feel like it?  Are people going to be upset if my write-ups aren't super long like Stadler's were?

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Online jingle.boy

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While I'm thrilled with the 9.5 for my submission, the score on Redemption displeases me, and makes me question my planned strategy for the next few rounds.  So yeah... thanks for taking that bullet Lethean.

And to answer your question on roulettes... no need for huge-assed writeups (although, participants do appreciate them). Some have gone with a quick 2-3 sentences.

And Tim, if serious ... put me in coach.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

Offline King Puppies and the Acid Guppies

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also, ( ) is the best sigur ros album by far
Very much this. Although Takk is really good and was my first exposure to the band many years ago.....whenever that album came out.
aka Puppies_On_Acid
Hey Stadler, your PM inbox is full.
Derek Sherinian probably stands 10 feet away from the urinal, shoots from downtown, and announces loudly that he's making history.
Quote from: TAC, definitely not King
Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

Offline The Walrus

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Wait they're really gibberish? That's weird but really cool. The 9.0 is already cemented in your plaque and cannot be amended  :biggrin:

I do the write-ups cause I'm a huge fuckin' nerd and I like to babble.

Also jingle you are on a good streak please don't ruin it.  :lol
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Online jingle.boy

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I do the write-ups cause I'm a huge fuckin' nerd and I like to babble.

I love it when roulette hosts put a good amount of effort into describing what the like and don't like about the music.  I also understand why others go with brevity.  Doesn't bother me one way or the other.
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid
Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

Offline Crow

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my entire last roulette i had to separate writeups into two separate posts because i write too much  :lol

Online Evermind

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I'll take the 8.5. Don't know how the hell Kris Kristofferson beat my album though. :lol

Phideaux is great because I don't quite know any other progressive rock band that sounds like this. Number Seven is my favourite, but Doomsday Afternoon and Snowtorch are just as good. In fact, Doomsday Afternoon is considered their best album.

I'll have to decide if I should take a risk in the next round, or stick with more good progressive rock.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Offline Tomislav95

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Sent :tup beautiful album again. I really hope I catch up with the rest of you soon, my first round submission ruined me.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 10:31:12 AM by Tomislav95 »
...the years just pass like trains
I wave but they don't slow down...

Online Evermind

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I decided that I will be sending progressive rock in the even rounds (IQ and Phideaux in rounds 0 and 2) and the albums I love in the odd rounds (Beyond the Bridge in round 1). So, just sent something I love that'll probably get me 5/10.

Send :tup beautiful album again.

I'm willing to bet that the album I sent is more beautiful than yours. :biggrin:
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Offline Stadler

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Stadler, I am going to announce The TAC v.3 Roulette very shortly, and while Kris Kristofferson will not be on the banned list, you will be immediately expelled if you send my Kris f'n Kristofferson!

HAH!   I'll send an album of just "Kristofferson" covers and you won't even know what hit you!   

I get that music is subjective, but I think Kattleox was spot on, and got from the music what I get from it.   The lyrics and the mood is three quarters of the battle with Kristofferson.  Everyone knows the Janis version of "Me And Bobby McGee", where it's a barrelhouse, almost drinking song, and the original is so much more layered. It's such a sad, melancholy song the way Kris sings it.   Janis' version hinges on the line "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose!", kind of in a 60's way, and Kris's version hinges on the line "I'd trade all my tomorrow's for a single yesterday", in a universal way, where he knows what he wants and what must be are not the same thing at all. 

Darby's Castle; if that isn't Melania Trump in there, I'm a monkey's uncle.   

TAC, remember, I'm the guy that sent a Genesis song to the guy that basically said "the only rule?  NO GENESIS!"  Haha.

Offline Stadler

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I'll take the 8.5. Don't know how the hell Kris Kristofferson beat my album though. :lol

Have you heard it?  I don't know how the hell Kris Kristofferson didn't beat Sigur Ros and come in first!  :)

Online Evermind

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I'll take the 8.5. Don't know how the hell Kris Kristofferson beat my album though. :lol

Have you heard it?  I don't know how the hell Kris Kristofferson didn't beat Sigur Ros and come in first!  :)

I have, I've been spinning most of this round albums during the week. It is pretty good (definitely better than Sigur Ros), but I don't think it's better than what I've sent. :)

Then again, I thought Kepler Ten was pretty average except for one song, so what do I know.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

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Sigur Rós are better than all this dad music  :metal

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I'm really stumped as to what to send next; I'll try to get something in tonight, first thing tomorrow at the latest. 

Offline The Walrus

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Don't underestimate my enjoyment for older, simpler music, y'all. It's very likely I will enjoy that stuff more than the latest balls to the wall ambitious neo prog symphonic rock opera ;) :D

And I really love that Kepler Ten album. God damn is that good.

Also also, the next round will once again have one artist appearing twice. Neat!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 09:49:18 AM by Kattoelox »
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline Lethean

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While I'm thrilled with the 9.5 for my submission, the score on Redemption displeases me, and makes me question my planned strategy for the next few rounds.  So yeah... thanks for taking that bullet Lethean.
No problem. It's a great album, and sometimes Firewings is just plain wrong. Happens to everyone.  :)  At least he'll know some of the songs if they play a few from that album at ProgPower.

And to answer your question on roulettes... no need for huge-assed writeups (although, participants do appreciate them). Some have gone with a quick 2-3 sentences.

I'll do my best with it. I think I can manage more than 2 sentences at least.

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I know you have way better stuff than Redemption. It falls right into what I'm bored with in metal unfortunately. :P

EDIT: Ray Adler, as I said, was the best part :) also count me in for your roulette.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

Offline Lethean

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Way better?  No, I don't.  Way better is the stuff you are already familiar with.

What I might have is something you happen to like better, and if that's the case, great.  If not, so be it.  "I used to listen to that when I was 13" is a comment I'm quite familiar with.  That's nice, and so?  I used to listen to classical music when I was a kid.  I don't listen to it so much now, but is it really because classical music isn't so good after all and my listening habits are so much better now?  Or, is it maybe because my tastes just changed?  I tend to think it's the latter.

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Way better?  No, I don't.  Way better is the stuff you are already familiar with.

What I might have is something you happen to like better, and if that's the case, great.  If not, so be it.  "I used to listen to that when I was 13" is a comment I'm quite familiar with.  That's nice, and so?  I used to listen to classical music when I was a kid.  I don't listen to it so much now, but is it really because classical music isn't so good after all and my listening habits are so much better now?  Or, is it maybe because my tastes just changed?  I tend to think it's the latter.

What I meant was, I don't think my tastes have changed too much because I still listen to a number of artists who sound just like them - rather, it's just stale and doesn't interest me because it doesn't do anything new. I try very hard to avoid saying something is flat-out 'bad' and when I do I always try to imply it's relative to my own taste, so even for Moonsorrow, there was a time I dug that kind of music a bit, but these days I don't find anything entertaining about it, so although I personally don't find anything good on it, I don't necessarily think it is a 'bad' album - it's a way to avoid insulting the taste of the submitter, but maybe that hasn't worked so well.

I guess what I'm getting at is Redemption simply sounds like all the stuff I've heard a million times before, so I don't see anything special about it. But if everyone else loves them? That's awesome. I'm not here to cast judgment on people's taste, only my own, and my perception of what you all send me. And that requires being brutally honest, and I expect the same in return (just as Puppies told me how corny Bubonic Waltz was, although I disagree). :) :)
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
"I don't worry about nothing, no, 'cause worrying's a waste of my time"

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ftr i 100% agree on redemption, i find them one of the least interesting prog metal bands out there, tried to listen to them & never got into them & tomi got destroyed in my second roulette when he tried to send them too