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Sopranos Ending

Started by ReaPsTA, March 09, 2011, 06:04:31 AM

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Quote from: NecessaryPain on March 10, 2011, 03:58:20 PM
Quote from: SPNKr on March 10, 2011, 03:02:38 PM
I agree that Tony obviously gets killed.

There's nothing obvious about the ending of The Sopranos.

I could say he obviously doesn't get killed. Which one of us is right?

Correct answer - neither.

actually just yesterday i had your opinion but there is definitely evidence that shows that he was killed and it was David Chase's intention for people to believe that. There is a link posted in this thread that explains of all that really well.


BTW the ending was the greatest 5 minutes of all time on Tv. That ending was SO well made that nothing comes close. If you don't believe me look at that link and then watch the ending. Shit will blow your mind.


Quote from: tjanuranus on March 10, 2011, 05:54:03 PM
BTW the ending was the greatest 5 minutes of all time on Tv. That ending was SO well made that nothing comes close. If you don't believe me look at that link and then watch the ending. Shit will blow your mind.

I've seen the ending about 5 times as TS is probably my favourite TV show.

No offense, but I don't really care what the link has to say. Everyone has their own opinion of the ending as it was designed with this in mind. Unless Chase has come out and said 100% Tony dies, then I see no reason to take this discussion further. People should just watch the show and think for themselves. It's like the guys who try super-hard to interpret a David Lynch film, when he himself has said people are missing the point. It's whatever you (YOU) think, that's important.

Potentially anything could have happened at the end.

As I said earlier, when I talk about my favourite Sopranos moments, the ending just doesn't fit in. I can name dozens of scenes from dozens of shows that i'd consider better.


To the people saying the ending wasn't about Tony getting killed, I guess the question is - what evidence shows this?  Why is the evidence Tony was killed less valid?  I mean, yeah you can talk about over-thinking, but clearly a lot of thought was put into this ending.  The camera-work/blocking/writing/acting is far more specific and choreographed than most scenes in movies and TV.  So you can look at details to draw conclusions about it.

Plus, when both the show and Chase's words all revolve around the idea of Tony getting killed, I mean at some point the intent is there.  The one thing Chase did say was that Tony wasn't necessarily killed at the bar since the scene doesn't show it.  But then the scene is still illustrating how it would happen.

Quote from: NecessaryPain on March 11, 2011, 10:08:14 AM
I've seen the ending about 5 times as TS is probably my favourite TV show.

No offense, but I don't really care what the link has to say. Everyone has their own opinion of the ending as it was designed with this in mind. ...People should just watch the show and think for themselves. It's like the guys who try super-hard to interpret a David Lynch film, when he himself has said people are missing the point. It's whatever you (YOU) think, that's important.

Well, I mean, look at it this way.  If you choose not to look at exterior sources for info about the ending, that's fine.  It's art and you should experience it how you wish.  But then I don't see how you can talk about creator intention and the craft of it when you choose not to look at evidence pertaining to it.  I don't think the comparison between David Lynch and David Chase is really valid here either.  Unlike Lynch, Chase clearly intended the ending to be seen a certain way and actually seems to be baffled people don't understand it.

Quote from: NecessaryPain on March 10, 2011, 01:48:10 PM
Edit - Actually, it kind of annoys me people spend this much time talking about the ending. It's always the bulk of the conversation on the internet. I find it crazy when everything that came before was what this show was about.

I think this is fair to say.  I'm actually going to start watching the series now at some point because I want to see what else it has to offer beyond its most prominent contribution to pop culture.

El Barto

The problem is that there are also reasons to think that he wasn't offed.  First and foremost, there was no reason for it.  Sure, he was a gangster and it could have happened at any time, I suppose, but they just resolved the gang war in a way that wouldn't have indicated any greater threat to Tony.  Like I said before, if he was killed, it might just as well have been a random act.  Hell, it could have been a one-off character from season 1 that did it, but if you don't provide any insight to that, what's the point?   Also, why bother flipping Carlo if your intention is for him to be dead anyway?  If, as you imply, there was a reason for every single element, then what was the point of that? 

You guys have made some fine points, and I now conceded that it's entirely possible that's what Chase intended, but it was obviously done in a way that was ambiguous.  It still seems just as plausible to me that he was just depressed and life went on for them all.

And by the way, if he got popped by MOG coming from the head, he shot him with the gun more than 12" away.  You'd think that a mafia hitman approaching from behind with the element of surprise would have put the gun right up to him.


Just went to Tony sopranos house. Then went Johnny sacs house . Now eating at this nice Italian place. Going to holstens next will upload pics later. Fun so far!


Surprised Irena with an awesome day trip! Was a lot of fun and took some pics and video. They're in a set called "Sopranos Day W/Irena".

Also took this video which i uploaded to youtube. Check out the description!

here are a few sample pics!

Untitled by tjanuranus, on Flickr

The infamous seat from the last scene. by tjanuranus, on Flickr

Untitled by tjanuranus, on Flickr