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The Video Game Music Thread, The top ___ video game music...

Started by ASacrificedSon, February 03, 2016, 08:04:21 AM

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Big Hath


oh, how I loved this game.  One of the few games I've ever played where the music stood out to me as being something special.


9. Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy VII (1997)

Yeah, most of us have all played this. If one hasn't, probably try out that remake that is coming. Otherwise the original is available on most formats probably. I'm guessing it will fix some of the flaws in the game IMO (narrative cohesiveness).

About the music. Oh that music. One Winged Angel anyone? Incredible cover anyone?

My best live concert experience was the Dear Friends series, seeing an orchestra pull off many of Nobuo's greatest. I cannot articulate the power and awesomeness of an orchestra playing music that is emotionally resonant to me. Seeing an orchestra is always great, but hearing VG music > Beethoven's 5th for me, sorry. One Winged Angel certainly was the highlight of seeing the concert, and of all of my VG concert experiences, it has been the closer. The crowd always eats it up, as do I. My gosh, that TIMPANI AND CHOIR!

This is only one track. Obviously Aerith's Theme is a hit. At times, FFVII to me is like MGS and SOTN, in that some of the tracks blend in well to the game. And many others stand out. Ones I enjoyed and remember off the top of my head were the Bombing Mission, City of Ancients- something about that repetitiveness being hypnotic and sad, knowing what happens there. Main World theme was awesome too. I enjoy the heck out of the Golden Saucer theme for what it does. I suspect HIGHLY that Uematsu was heavily inspired by Baroque Hoedown, which has been used famously in Disney's Main Street Electrical Parade. Which being a Disney nut, just makes Uematsu *that* much better.

Overall, no doubt the expanded medium was beneficial for Uematsu, as evidenced by One Winged Angel.

So yeah, FF7 soundtrack is obviously all sorts of win.

...bringing back that Belmont family, with someone else who already made an appearance in his own game...


8. Hidenori Maezawa, Jun Funahashi, Yukie Morimoto, &Yoshinori Sasaki - Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (1990)

You asked for it OpenYourEyes311, and you got it! I already had this on the list though, and at my highest Castlevania position. But you read me very well.

Doing the write-ups for these and grabbing information, I was surprised to see this game had four composers. I felt that was kind of rare for back then, as many games had lone or two composers generally on the NES. Castlevania 1-3 had at least two composers for each game. Certainly not the same for SOTN, so maybe that says something to Michiru Yamane's talent!

So about the tunes, much like Super Castlevania 4, all awesome. I do not know of a weak track here. There is again reprises of I think at least Vampire Killer, so this was the first game in the series to reprise themes. The stage before Drac's castle, the music "The Riddle" reminds me A LOT of JR's instrumental part of ITPOE. It's the part that MP says in the documentary sounds like Pacman or video games I think. Stream for Block 6-A is awesome, as is Mad Forest for Block 3 and Aquarius for Block 7A.

...who wants a game that is basically the video game equivalent of the film Alien?


7. Hirokazu "Hip" Tanaka  - Metroid (1987)

What is shocking about this is I played this very late into my NES days, near or after the end of its lifespan. No way back then did I appreciate the music. I probably thought it sucked.

It wasn't until this , where I started to appreciate the music. It of course gave a rocking take. But once I replayed Metroid, and read about it too, I really appreciated just what the music does. Much like Sweet Home, but MUCH more effective, as Hip Tanaka produces that solitary feeling in one playing the game. It really does feel you as Samus are alone, fighting some weird stuff. Just an incredible soundtrack, and a unique gem to the NES library.

Time for an offensive comment and tangent: Metroid >>> Zelda1 >>>>> SMB1. To me, Metroid is a combination of both of those games. Up until Nintendo gave up control of Metroid, although the Prime games were good, I would contend that Metroid was the best of three franchises, while being the most overlooked. that end, why not another Metroid game! It's the vastly superior sibling...


6. Kenji Yamamoto, Minako Hamano -  Super Metroid (1994)

This game nails it so hard. And so does its soundtrack. Initially, when getting into Metroid Metal, I didn't like this soundtrack as much. But the more I played SM WAAAAAAY after I should have, the more I appreciated it. It has a bit more melody than Metroid. At the same time, those melodies are not super strong all the time. Something like the Ruins/Lower Norfair has a great melody, but that click track in the background still doesn't make it truly comforting. An impeccable soundtrack for a remarkable game.

...we now enter the top 5. Time to bring back the horror. We will now enter Centralia and the coal mine- err, that was the film. Bring on Pyramid Head!


5. Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill 2 (2001)

Sheer brilliance for a perfect game IMO for the time. This game's soundtrack is nearly worth it for the Theme Of Laura alone. An orchestra performance really turned me onto this song, as it was awesome to hear it. Check out Yamaoka playing the song live-

Its funny because the song is kind of not titled properly. But maybe it is, because Laura presents the only optimism and brightness in the story, while overall being a truly disturbing game. This song reflects those emotions perfectly. The reprise of it on piano is quite good.

I should note that this soundtrack is almost as much about sound design and effects, as it is about writing appeasing songs. The textures Yamaoka uses are so brilliant. Every song and sound fits and compliments the game perfectly IMO. I feel that Yamaoka pushed himself far for this soundtrack, and really used the full medium of the PS2 by jamming all the sounds he got into it. It also feels that he shaped the tracks around the game.

Another thing about this soundtrack is the straightforward rock songs, including Theme of Laura, are technically not even in the game. They all occur either as a intro (Theme of Laura) and during all of the ending. All of the ending songs are great too. now for that newer overrated indie PC/Mac game with chiptunes...


Myyyyy ninja. Last few posts are so yes. Akira Yamaoka has the creepy yet still oh so groovy vibe down to a T.


Haven't had time to post but still been following and enjoying these, Cable.  Looking forward to the last few. :tup



4. Toby Fox - Undertale (2015)

Yeah, this game is that good and lives up to the hype. And its soundtrack is equally as good, which says TONS. Fox apparently made his name remaking EarthBound tracks/game itself. While I haven't played that game despite its after the fact hype, it shows that he is fully aware of VG soundtracks as a result. [nerdout][ [be wary of possible spoilers, i tried to not spoil]

Fox reprises themes with two characters, the main menu and another theme, two other similar stages and so on. Nel says a bit more in the VG thread here So on one hand, the reoccurring themes and motifs are absolutely awesome. But he also masks it too, and will slow down tempos on some so it's hard to tell. Someone on that Tube site did a comparison.

But it goes beyond that. Fox blends in real instruments in and out between chip tunes, often piano as that is his instrument. I know he had a guitarist play both acoustic and electric on a few tracks At times to me, it blends so well that at times I lose the concept of chiptune vs. real. Which actually probably fits right into what Fox was trying to do with the game's story IMO. Fox actually used Mario Paint to fully compose one song. The thing is, it didn't turn out too bad. It fits with the character! ("Dogsong")

He created a tapestry of music that fits this game exactly. Never have I heard a soundtrack do what this one does. Even when you are going through in a certain style of play, he distorts the music. Then he makes it go away, and places something else if you were successful. Incredible.

He also makes you feel uncomfortable/fearful when he needs you to do (True Lab - "Here We Are", "You Idiot," Unnecessary Tension," or no sound), relaxed when he needs you to be ("Fallen Down," "Ruins,") jovial/goofy/odd when he needs you to be ("sans," Nyeh Heh Heh!," "Temmie Village"), inspired ("ASGORE," "Don't Give Up," "Hopes and Dreams") and melancholy ("His Theme" among many others) when he needs you to be. If this game wasn't so new, me being new to it, and it being "over-hyped," I very well may have put this at the top. This will probably be my longest write up. I just cannot leave this game alone, and it has made me think so much on many levels, and made me feel so much. The soundtrack just colors it all.

A good chunk of the songs are being remade already- "Spider Dance"

As a result, I have been playing the heck out of this soundtrack. Every track brings up memories of those scenes where things happened, with those characters and scenes. Fox knocked the ball out of two parks with this soundtrack. [/nerdout][/spoilers]

I know I hyped the fock out of this, and will do the same in my top 25 VG list. But please do not ignore this game because of the hype- it is that great of a game and soundtrack. This is my first independent game ever, so I'm not a fanboi of smaller developers or something. If you cannot ignore the hype, come back to the game after it has died down.

...Stage 6-2, have fun Hayabusa...





3. Keiji Yamagishi & Ryuichi Nitta - Ninja Gaiden (1989)

The only thing that sucks about this soundtrack is it was the soundtrack to much frustration. Another brilliant score, that fit many of the scenes to a tee. It created tension when it needed to, and created tranquility at times in between those eagles.

NSFW due to the album cover, but this fella did a splendid job of ripping through the soundtrack. No dodging the hard music passages, because he is a solid keyboardist on top of being good at guitar.

...the blue bomber makes his return. I think most should know which one this will be, factoring in the chip tunes and the greatness of the soundtrack...


2.Takashi Tateishi - Mega Man 2 (1989)
-Pretty awesome job by this guy.

Does anyone NOT like this soundtrack? My favourite theme is Quickman- oh that bassline after the guitar run. Then we have ones like Flashman, Woodman, Airman, Bubbleman, Heatman, and Crashman is pretty good. I feel there is not a weak track at all here, limited amount or not. This game also is probably my most hummed soundtrack as well. When I worked retail during undergrad, a person I worked with in the stockroom would hum along tunes with me. Flashman was a favorite of those hum times.

Then we have the more known tracks of Metalman and Dr. Wily 1. I read someone making fun of Wily 1, as that being the go to cover song or something. Guilty here too, I play it on guitar. Dr Wily2 is good also for what it does. Wily's actual stage just has the acid drop sounds if I recall, and that is pretty effective.

The only flaw to this soundtrack is perhaps it doesn't really fit anything. They are just awesome tracks placed in a great game, but do not really tie into much with it.

Want to have some fun? How about a guy live speed-running the game to a live band playing the songs for him? Done - . They do throw in some MM3 for those that watch it. comes the anti-climatic finale! Who else should finish this out, but that one guy? Redeem that Dark Knight please, he needs to go the second moon.




Megaman 2 is one of my favorites from the classic era too but i prefer 3 over it. There is some tracks here like Crashman and Heatman that i don't dig while 3 i love pretty much all of it.


1. Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy IV (1991)

Oh well for those that were let down- tough. This game is amazing, and has a soundtrack that is amazing to boot. Uematsu didn't write a bad song for this game, and a lot of it fits the areas splendidly. Think here of the Red Wings, Into The Darkness for caves, Kingdom of Baron has a royalty type feel. The Damcyan/Eblan theme fits the tragedy of those environments, and on and on. The emotion of the songs fits well to the nature of the scenes and events. The story has a huge redemption theme going on that occurs more than once. So to me it makes the songs sound more grand/majestic at times. So let me make the laundry list here;

-Red Wings
-Kingdom of Baron
-Theme of Love
-Main theme (world map)
-Fight 1
-Into the Darkness (love that bass fill)
-Fight 2
-Mt Hobbs/Ordeals
-The airship (has Uematsu ever written a BAD airship theme?)
-Tower of Zot
-Dancing Calcobrena
-The Lunar Whale
-Within The Giant

Get the picture? I could just go on and on, listing nearly the entire soundtrack. I am very biased here, as nostalgia is huge here. But the melodies are just top notch across the board, and lift the game. Oh, and the Final Battle/Zeromus theme is amazing, and the best track in the entire game IMO.

Watch Uematsu rip it up with the Black Mages when they were performing- the lead guitarist shares JP's taste in guitar builders to boot!

Hope everyone enjoyed the chiptune nostalgia!


Off of Mega Man 2, I think Bubble Man is my favorite track.  Lots of good ones though.

FFIV is worthy of a top spot, but you really think its soundtrack is better than VI's?!  This is where our nostalgia paths diverge my friend. :lol

Great list, I enjoyed following it.  I grew up in the SNES era but only had an old NES for a fair portion of that time, so this was right up my alley. :tup



I probably wouldn't rate IV this high either, though it is a really good soundtrack.

Excellent list. :tup


I agree too!  :tup
Nostalgia for sure!

I'll have mine up soon, but it'll be quite different. I will post soundtracks of video games.

Loved following it and nice job!



Thanks for the feedback all!

I knew FF4 wouldn't be popular. The same nostalgia I feel for it could be argued for FF6, as I rated FF7 higher and it is much more actualized than FF6. That said, what Uematsu did with FF6 on the SNES medium was amazing, when comparing it to FF4's limitations. FF6 is one of the darlings of the franchise for good reason IMO.
