Author Topic: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo  (Read 313145 times)

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2520 on: September 19, 2017, 10:25:40 PM »
I wouldn't be surprised if Portnoy came to the realization that he wanted to lead a band again during the making of TSOAD.

-around the 5-minute mark, and then again later around the 9-minute mark, where Portnoy talks about how he fought like hell to keep the album a single because of how it would affect him, a fight he lost.
-around 7:10, where Neal gets on him a bit about the snare sound. As much as he loves Neal as a friend and a musician, Portnoy's body language during that just reeks of someone who hates someone else telling him what to do or that the way he did it wasn't the best way (which I am sure happens a lot in the recording process).
Damn, that was like watching an episode of Real World.

While I love Transatlantic, I've never been into NBM. What's the group dynamic there? Is it Neal's band and he calls the shots, or do they all have a say in things? I kind of assumed that TA was where MP had his say in things, and NMB was where he's supposed to do what he's told. That sure didn't seem to be the case in the video.
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Offline ProfessorPeart

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2521 on: September 19, 2017, 10:47:29 PM »
I wouldn't be surprised if Portnoy came to the realization that he wanted to lead a band again during the making of TSOAD.

-around the 5-minute mark, and then again later around the 9-minute mark, where Portnoy talks about how he fought like hell to keep the album a single because of how it would affect him, a fight he lost.
-around 7:10, where Neal gets on him a bit about the snare sound. As much as he loves Neal as a friend and a musician, Portnoy's body language during that just reeks of someone who hates someone else telling him what to do or that the way he did it wasn't the best way (which I am sure happens a lot in the recording process).
Damn, that was like watching an episode of Real World.

While I love Transatlantic, I've never been into NBM. What's the group dynamic there? Is it Neal's band and he calls the shots, or do they all have a say in things? I kind of assumed that TA was where MP had his say in things, and NMB was where he's supposed to do what he's told. That sure didn't seem to be the case in the video.

Neal Morse - MP/Randy/whomever are just hired guns and Neal calls all the shots
Neal Morse Band - a collective, much like TA, where they all are involved in the songwriting and fight over ideas and what goes in and what doesn't
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Offline toky_world

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2522 on: September 19, 2017, 10:59:06 PM »
part 2 of my rant.

I was part of the boards 2001/02. I remember that there was a lot of trolling in late 03 that got shutdown. I remember Mark Bredius was the admin, so he kept only website for promotion purposes. So I migrated to A lot of cool people over there and relatively safe space to discuss TOT album. And I stuck there through many shutdowns and bans. Then Mike quit the band, and I thought that was it for the site, as well as my loyalty to Mike. I was so angry that he left the way he did. Selfish, heartless, cold.

Fast forward 7 years DT has released ADTOE, DT, TA. No album has really clicked for me. While Flying Colors and Winery Dogs did. That's why I stayed away from this place. I dont want to shit on your parade. This seems like a cool place to discuss music. Hopefully we can get past DT and maybe you guys can introduce me to new music.

Offline PetFish

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2523 on: September 19, 2017, 11:26:12 PM »
Fast forward 7 years DT has released ADTOE, DT, TA. No album has really clicked for me. While Flying Colors and Winery Dogs did. That's why I stayed away from this place. I dont want to shit on your parade. This seems like a cool place to discuss music. Hopefully we can get past DT and maybe you guys can introduce me to new music.

Welcome to our silly little bubble that we live in, toky, but I don't know how you found us cuz we're not really a thing, but we're happy to have another worse-than-Blabbermouth troll in the mix.

"DTF?? That's still a "thing"???
Hahahaha worse trolls than Blabbermouth over there...   
Life is so much better without reading their negativity every day...
And the music world is soooooo much bigger than the silly little bubble they all seem to live in...
Their loss!"

- - -
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Offline Herrick

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2524 on: September 20, 2017, 12:04:32 AM »
While I love Transatlantic, I've never been into NBM. What's the group dynamic there? Is it Neal's band and he calls the shots, or do they all have a say in things? I kind of assumed that TA was where MP had his say in things, and NMB was where he's supposed to do what he's told. That sure didn't seem to be the case in the video.

I haven't watched the whole video but from the time stamps KenShemv posted it looks like Portnoy has a say in what goes on but he was outvoted by the rest of the band. Then again it is called the Neal Morse Band.
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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2525 on: September 20, 2017, 12:13:12 AM »
Listened to Coming Home... I mean, there's nothing progressive about it really, other than the fact that it has keyboards, so...
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Offline Mladen

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2526 on: September 20, 2017, 12:18:39 AM »
I wouldn't be surprised if Portnoy came to the realization that he wanted to lead a band again during the making of TSOAD.

-around the 5-minute mark, and then again later around the 9-minute mark, where Portnoy talks about how he fought like hell to keep the album a single because of how it would affect him, a fight he lost.
-around 7:10, where Neal gets on him a bit about the snare sound. As much as he loves Neal as a friend and a musician, Portnoy's body language during that just reeks of someone who hates someone else telling him what to do or that the way he did it wasn't the best way (which I am sure happens a lot in the recording process).
Good God, I've never seen Neal this upset. He also comes across as a very rational guy whose opinions are profoundly explained and you find it hard to disagree with him.

Offline portnoy311

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2527 on: September 20, 2017, 01:22:49 AM »
Yeah that's rough. I don't know much about the guy or the band, but he looks and sounds worn out. Which I can understand that. Mike was pushing back on what NM wanted to do with his art, because DT had also released a double album. That just sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face, to me. I can only imagine how frustrating that would've been to NM. He feels really passionate about his art and the vision for the concept he came up with, but his drummer's former band released a completely unrelated piece of work, so that drummer is throwing a fit about it. NM probably needed to sit him down and tell him to just get over it. Or someone does, at least.

Even SOA being hyped as "BETTER THAN DT!" is kind of sad in a way. It's really time to move on.

Offline PepeLePew

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2528 on: September 20, 2017, 01:41:46 AM »
Hi everyone! Although I have not been one of the registered users of the late forum, I have been following that forum since I got into Dream Theater, I think around the time Systematic Chaos was released. (Over the years I tried multiple times to get registered but somehow the process always failed, no idea why.) It has been part of my daily routine to look up forum and also this DT forum and get hints to new music and so on… That being said, it’s sad to see this place getting shut down, even as “non- active guest”, whatever the reason for the shutdown is.

As for the “advertising campaign” for the SoA album - while reading all the tweets, announcements and comments to the album, I try not to read too much into them. After all, they need to advertise their product, and for me it seems absolutely normal that superlatives are being used doing this. So for me it is no surprise that they advertise the album somewhat as the best thing after toilet paper and Nutella (to my knowledge nobody has said that, just a term I keep using…  ;)). That DS with his tweets is taking this a little too far in many people’s eyes is just due to his personality, I guess. To me it seems he, from his point of view, is only having fun, but others are finding his kind of fun crossing the line and insulting – and he doesn’t realize that or just doesn’t care. MPs behavior on this matter,… just leaves me speechless. Don’t know what to think about that, to be honest.

But, personally I can manage to separate my admiration for the music from the artist. Although, yes, I form an image of the artist, his personality and character, based on what I know about him (or I think I know, that may be different things…), it does usually not affect if like the music or not. (Years ago I had to learn that I have to separate the person itself from what this person does when I got to talk to an NFL player that I really liked to watch playing football– in the chat I had with him I got the impression of him being an absolute douchebag).

As far as the so far released songs are concerned, I like them, but I don’t see them as really groundbreaking as their “advertisement” suggests – but then again, see above. I believe though, that they will grow on me with more listens (I try not to listen to the so far released two songs too often before album release, since I prefer listening to full albums). Usually if I really really really like a song on first listen it gets boring relatively quickly, while the songs that have to grow on me with time I go back to even years later, still liking them. So it seems SoA has a good chance!  :biggrin: Also I find that sometimes, in context of the full album, individual songs can leave a different mark (for lack of a better term) than when I listen to them individually. “Permanating” of Steven Wilson’s “To The Bone” comes to mind – my initial reaction was “Meh. Seriously?”, but listening to the full album, I think it fits perfectly. Maybe the SoA album will work the same way for me.

Wow, long first post. Thanks for adding me to the forum, by the way!

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2529 on: September 20, 2017, 02:49:36 AM »
Yeah that's rough. I don't know much about the guy or the band, but he looks and sounds worn out. Which I can understand that. Mike was pushing back on what NM wanted to do with his art, because DT had also released a double album. That just sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face, to me.

I literally haven't heard anything from Neal Morse, and even I know that the guy churns out double albums with the same ease a baker puts out bread in the morning. If someone who is aware of DT and even aware just by name of Neal Morse would go "LOL MP COPIES DT DOUBLE ALBUM LOL HE'S DESPERATE", that opinion shouldn't even be taken in consideration.

And also, double albums are nothing new in prog, so the fear of comparisons shouldn't have been there anyway.
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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2530 on: September 20, 2017, 03:02:57 AM »
I wouldn't call the comments on MP's Facebook page trolling. It wouldn't surprise me if people were just trying to see what kind of discussion is and is not welcome.

Not to mention that MP's officially stated reason for closing the Forum was, "In this age of interactive social media outlets, there are plenty of other platforms for us to all gather info and have discussions"

I'm not sure how he defines "have discussions", but deleting completely inoffensive comments from the 'social media outlets' he's told his fans to now use is a pretty broad interpretation.

Whatever, it's his business, if he wants nothing but absolute and total praise at all times then let him engineer that, but I still think he's handled this whole thing really badly. That's just my perception of events though, I'm not him and I don't know what it's like to be in his position.
spot on!
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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2531 on: September 20, 2017, 04:40:15 AM »
I wouldn't be surprised if Portnoy came to the realization that he wanted to lead a band again during the making of TSOAD.

-around the 5-minute mark, and then again later around the 9-minute mark, where Portnoy talks about how he fought like hell to keep the album a single because of how it would affect him, a fight he lost.
-around 7:10, where Neal gets on him a bit about the snare sound. As much as he loves Neal as a friend and a musician, Portnoy's body language during that just reeks of someone who hates someone else telling him what to do or that the way he did it wasn't the best way (which I am sure happens a lot in the recording process).

Wow, it looks like it's very constructive and productive to work with Neal. He's a guy you can argue with, who accepts your opinion, but still brings good arguments to make it even better. Awesome dude, seriously.
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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2532 on: September 20, 2017, 05:17:50 AM »
That's true, and a good argument. But keep in mind that Charlie had himself dropped to nobody status after his departure from DT. I mean, there were not a lot of people who knew who he was I think when he decided to assemble his band.

I still feel pretty confident that out of all the thousands of nobody guitarists/bassists/singers/whatevers out there, plenty of them would JUMP at the chance to play with someone like Portnoy.

Portnoy would finally have a hit single.

Yeah - Chad Kroeger would love to play with Mike Portnoy!

Offline RoeDent

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2533 on: September 20, 2017, 05:19:30 AM »
It's kind of ironic that MP chose to leave DT because he wanted a break, and then he winds up doing more work with more bands than ever before.

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2534 on: September 20, 2017, 05:26:22 AM »
That's true, and a good argument. But keep in mind that Charlie had himself dropped to nobody status after his departure from DT. I mean, there were not a lot of people who knew who he was I think when he decided to assemble his band.

I still feel pretty confident that out of all the thousands of nobody guitarists/bassists/singers/whatevers out there, plenty of them would JUMP at the chance to play with someone like Portnoy.

Portnoy would finally have a hit single.

Yeah - Chad Kroeger would love to play with Mike Portnoy!

I am pretty sure Nickelback and it's members make more money and play in (muuuch) bigger venues than anyone in SoA or even DT all around the world (over here, Nickelback's last booked venue had a capacity of 17000).

Offline Zydar

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2535 on: September 20, 2017, 05:27:03 AM »
It's kind of ironic that MP chose to leave DT because he wanted a break, and then he winds up doing more work with more bands than ever before.

Well he wanted a break from the DT "cycle" (write, record, tour, write, record, tour), not a break from music completely. He has said so in an interview I recently watched.
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Offline nobloodyname

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2536 on: September 20, 2017, 06:24:08 AM »
It's kind of ironic that MP chose to leave DT because he wanted a break, and then he winds up doing more work with more bands than ever before.

Well he wanted a break from the DT "cycle" (write, record, tour, write, record, tour), not a break from music completely. He has said so in an interview I recently watched.

He said that shortly after the split, too.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 06:53:11 AM by nobloodyname »
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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2537 on: September 20, 2017, 06:49:35 AM »
Nothing to do with the fact that he thought he was going to join A7X of course, absolutely not.  Strange that he didn't seem to need that break when A7X told him to take a hike and he went running back to DT "for the fans".  Not surprisingly, they told him where to go.

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2538 on: September 20, 2017, 06:49:50 AM »
He said shortly after the split, too.

He's said it in nearly every interview he's done since when asked about DT.

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2539 on: September 20, 2017, 06:52:00 AM »
Yes but maybe all his side projects burnt him on his first band.  He was looking at it all wrong.
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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2540 on: September 20, 2017, 06:56:46 AM »
-around 7:10, where Neal gets on him a bit about the snare sound. As much as he loves Neal as a friend and a musician, Portnoy's body language during that just reeks of someone who hates someone else telling him what to do or that the way he did it wasn't the best way (which I am sure happens a lot in the recording process).

I'm not sure it's about the criticism. Mike is used to recording things once and moving along with what originally came out and Neal was proposing to revise it and re-do it. Maybe it was him not wanting to do that because it's not the way he does things.
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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2541 on: September 20, 2017, 07:17:34 AM »
I'm still wondering why I got banned from his Facebook for voting for Ne Obliviscaris but the guy who said 'face it, this is the worst band you've ever been in' is still there??  ???  ???
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Offline ganpondorodf

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2542 on: September 20, 2017, 07:22:02 AM »
It's kind of amazing, the sense of entitlement. Share the poll by all means, every artist does it, but to then bitch about not being on the front page? I mean good God.

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2543 on: September 20, 2017, 07:30:46 AM »
I wouldn't be surprised if Portnoy came to the realization that he wanted to lead a band again during the making of TSOAD.

-around the 5-minute mark, and then again later around the 9-minute mark, where Portnoy talks about how he fought like hell to keep the album a single because of how it would affect him, a fight he lost.
-around 7:10, where Neal gets on him a bit about the snare sound. As much as he loves Neal as a friend and a musician, Portnoy's body language during that just reeks of someone who hates someone else telling him what to do or that the way he did it wasn't the best way (which I am sure happens a lot in the recording process).

In that initial scene, very single one of those guys had their faces in their phones the entire time.

Some thoughts, about the video and other things:
- I think for me, the idea of social media - the idea of marking transient thoughts in time for all to see - is a HUGE part of this.    It's gotten to the point that people can't possibly evolve positions, can't possibly have a change of heart.
- Neal may be a nice guy, but I think anyone who is that talented and that much of a cottage business has to have a will of steel.  If you read the recent Bruce Springsteen book, he speaks candidly (as does Little Steven on his own) about the battle of wills when making art, and that someone has to have a/the vision.
- For all the "deep reveal" of the time at 5:00, I notice that not ONE PERSON HERE has mentioned the point at 10:00 or so where Mike was clear that he took responsibility and when he backed off the "magic happened" (a direct quote, to be found at 10:15 to 10:17).   
- I'm deeply saddened by the close of the forum, but at the end of the day, it's HIS site.  Who cares "why"?  He could have done it at any time for any reason.  Why should he matain a harbor, a port, for enemy ships?  I wouldn't do it.

Back to the first point; I imagine if we had making of footage for any of the great, classic albums, you'd see Robert and Jimmy butting heads, moment to moment, or seeing Keith and Mick go at it, or Ozzy and Tony having to "sleep on it".  Hell, the "making of" Snakes and Arrows has a similar moment between Alex/Geddy/Nick and Neil, where they have to tell Neil that his performance "could be better" (by the way, for any Rush fan, that doc is MUST WATCHING; I'm not at all direct quoting, because god forbid I don't get EVERY. LAST. WORD. correct, but Neil's response after re-cutting the drum track is absolutely classic), and in the "making of" Dark Side of the Moon, there is CLEARLY tension between Roger and David.  Sometimes one wins and the direction is taken, and it either works or it doesn't, and you readjust the next time out.   Most of this stuff isn't, in my opinion, productively viewed in real time in video for all to see.   It's for the "Behind The Music" special 10 years on. 

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2544 on: September 20, 2017, 07:32:25 AM »
You're gonna need a Facebook account to join the Forum group, Stadler. One of us. One of us...
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2545 on: September 20, 2017, 07:36:39 AM »
You're gonna need a Facebook account to join the Forum group, Stadler. One of us. One of us...

Not going to do it.  I joined Twitter, and it's everything I feared it would be.  Emails about "updates" and the updates are either "Hey, just talked to #IHavenoideawhywecan'tjustusetheirname, and they're playing #theRoxy tonite!" 1,250 miles from my house, or something dippy like "When I bleed, it is just the pain seeking escape!   #Freedom #Sufferformyart"

God.  If some of these people set their mind to curing cancer or actually writing music, we'd have something.  I can only imagine Facebook is all that, plus.

Offline WilliamMunny

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2546 on: September 20, 2017, 07:38:15 AM »
I wouldn't be surprised if Portnoy came to the realization that he wanted to lead a band again during the making of TSOAD.

-around the 5-minute mark, and then again later around the 9-minute mark, where Portnoy talks about how he fought like hell to keep the album a single because of how it would affect him, a fight he lost.
-around 7:10, where Neal gets on him a bit about the snare sound. As much as he loves Neal as a friend and a musician, Portnoy's body language during that just reeks of someone who hates someone else telling him what to do or that the way he did it wasn't the best way (which I am sure happens a lot in the recording process).
Good God, I've never seen Neal this upset. He also comes across as a very rational guy whose opinions are profoundly explained and you find it hard to disagree with him.

To be fair to both Neal and Mike, the recording process can elicit some intense and unflattering reactions...I have been a part of a few records myself and I feel like the best music sometimes comes from moments where people are at their worst.  To have it filmed and shown somewhat out of context places both of them at a disadvantage.  Mike's body language looks to me like someone who is exhausted from a long and heated argument, nothing more and nothing less.  Considering the results, it looks like the creative tensions was ultimately an asset to the project.

Offline XeRocks81

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2547 on: September 20, 2017, 07:43:30 AM »
You're gonna need a Facebook account to join the Forum group, Stadler. One of us. One of us...

Not going to do it.  I joined Twitter, and it's everything I feared it would be.  Emails about "updates" and the updates are either "Hey, just talked to #IHavenoideawhywecan'tjustusetheirname, and they're playing #theRoxy tonite!" 1,250 miles from my house, or something dippy like "When I bleed, it is just the pain seeking escape!   #Freedom #Sufferformyart"

God.  If some of these people set their mind to curing cancer or actually writing music, we'd have something.  I can only imagine Facebook is all that, plus.

Turn off the email notifications old man  ;)

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2548 on: September 20, 2017, 07:44:53 AM »

Through all this crap I'm *still* looking forward to the music from Sons of Apollo. I just wish it didn't come with quite so much baggage.

Along these lines, this reinforces what I said about Dream Theater post-2010; it became fun to be a fan of the band again!  In the mid to late 00s, Portnoy's presence and personality became so overbearing, whether it was in interviews or a making of DVD, that it sucked a lot of the fun out of being a fan, at least for me.  Once he was gone, it was fun to be a fan again. 

I'll NEVER understand this, but it is YOUR opinion.

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2549 on: September 20, 2017, 08:13:29 AM »
You're gonna need a Facebook account to join the Forum group, Stadler. One of us. One of us...

Not going to do it.  I joined Twitter, and it's everything I feared it would be.  Emails about "updates" and the updates are either "Hey, just talked to #IHavenoideawhywecan'tjustusetheirname, and they're playing #theRoxy tonite!" 1,250 miles from my house, or something dippy like "When I bleed, it is just the pain seeking escape!   #Freedom #Sufferformyart"

God.  If some of these people set their mind to curing cancer or actually writing music, we'd have something.  I can only imagine Facebook is all that, plus.

Turn off the email notifications old man  ;)

Is that in the "File" menu? 

Offline Lethean

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2550 on: September 20, 2017, 08:21:28 AM »
I watched the video from 5 minutes on, and didn't really see it as a big deal. Mike seems like he had a bit of an attitude, but we've probably all been there. He does at least admit that the difficult day was probably his fault.

Offline bill1971

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2551 on: September 20, 2017, 08:50:52 AM »
I wouldn't be surprised if Portnoy came to the realization that he wanted to lead a band again during the making of TSOAD.

-around the 5-minute mark, and then again later around the 9-minute mark, where Portnoy talks about how he fought like hell to keep the album a single because of how it would affect him, a fight he lost.
-around 7:10, where Neal gets on him a bit about the snare sound. As much as he loves Neal as a friend and a musician, Portnoy's body language during that just reeks of someone who hates someone else telling him what to do or that the way he did it wasn't the best way (which I am sure happens a lot in the recording process).

I think that video actually shows great maturity of MP. He was having an off day(we have all been there) came in the next day and realized he made a mistake. On top of that he said that if they listed to him the record would not have been as good because the album was allowed to go where it wanted to go.

On a side not, Neal seems very mature and is an amazing talent and prolific writer. I am not a big fan of all of his music but I have tremendous respect for him.

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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2552 on: September 20, 2017, 08:56:43 AM »
- For all the "deep reveal" of the time at 5:00, I notice that not ONE PERSON HERE has mentioned the point at 10:00 or so where Mike was clear that he took responsibility and when he backed off the "magic happened" (a direct quote, to be found at 10:15 to 10:17). 

Why would anyone necessarily have mentioned it?  It isn't relevant to the point Kev was making.  If you want to cite it for something to make your own point, cool.  But it really has nothing to do with what Kev was saying.

- I'm deeply saddened by the close of the forum, but at the end of the day, it's HIS site.  Who cares "why"?   

Judging from a lot of the posts here and on social media, A LOT of people care about why.  It matters.

Why should he matain a harbor, a port, for enemy ships?  I wouldn't do it.

And this is really the crux of the matter--Mike failed to realize that it never was a "port for enemy ships."  The vast majority of people of his site were fans and wanted to support him.  Being critical, voicing disagreement, or not liking some of his music or some of the things he has done does not make one an "enemy."  The forum community he had was far more of a positive promotional tool than a negative one, but he failed to see that and take advantage of it.  Me made the same mistake 10 years ago when he shut down the forum at  He didn't realize what a vital and vibrant community it was, and that it would resurface here and STILL be a huge promotion machine for him and his projects (primarily DT).  The rest of the band DID realize it and eventually got behind and supported what we are doing here.  And, for the most part, when a negative or critical trend emerges and they get down about it, they see it for what it is and eventually move on from it and get back to "the fans on the forum are critical of X, but they are still behind us."  Mike's unwillingness or inability to get into that mindset is, IMO, a flaw and a mistake.  But it's his to make.

Through all this crap I'm *still* looking forward to the music from Sons of Apollo. I just wish it didn't come with quite so much baggage.

Along these lines, this reinforces what I said about Dream Theater post-2010; it became fun to be a fan of the band again!  In the mid to late 00s, Portnoy's presence and personality became so overbearing, whether it was in interviews or a making of DVD, that it sucked a lot of the fun out of being a fan, at least for me.  Once he was gone, it was fun to be a fan again. 

I'll NEVER understand this, but it is YOUR opinion.

Actually, it is an opinion shared by MANY (including me).  So it might behoove you to try to understand it.  That isn't to say you should necessarily agree with it.  But understanding it has value.

I wouldn't be surprised if Portnoy came to the realization that he wanted to lead a band again during the making of TSOAD.

-around the 5-minute mark, and then again later around the 9-minute mark, where Portnoy talks about how he fought like hell to keep the album a single because of how it would affect him, a fight he lost.
-around 7:10, where Neal gets on him a bit about the snare sound. As much as he loves Neal as a friend and a musician, Portnoy's body language during that just reeks of someone who hates someone else telling him what to do or that the way he did it wasn't the best way (which I am sure happens a lot in the recording process).

I think that video actually shows great maturity of MP. He was having an off day(we have all been there) came in the next day and realized he made a mistake. On top of that he said that if they listed to him the record would not have been as good because the album was allowed to go where it wanted to go.

On a side not, Neal seems very mature and is an amazing talent and prolific writer. I am not a big fan of all of his music but I have tremendous respect for him.

Yeah, I agree with all of that.  And I get why he felt the way he did about it NOT being a double album.  Given his own personal situation, the timing could not have been worse for doing a double album with Neal.  I think he may have even felt that it was insensitive of Neal to not understand that and give it more credence.  And, again, I get that.  It isn't offbase for Mike to feel that way--especially since some fans DID unfairly level that criticism at him.  But it all worked out for the best.


Anyhow, more ON TOPIC, I've had Signs of the Time stuck in my head for a couple of days.  Hope I don't get burned out on it by the time the album comes out.  That's the downside of listening too much to a lead single or teaser track--sometimes, it gets too much exposure in isolation so that fans quickly tire of it once the album is finally released.  Still looking forward to the album.  Again, funny how after almost a year of absolute musical drought, probably the only candidates for new album purchases for me this year all come on the same date.  Late October should be fun.
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Re: Mike Portnoy's "Prog Metal" supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2553 on: September 20, 2017, 09:01:41 AM »
You're gonna need a Facebook account to join the Forum group, Stadler. One of us. One of us...

Not going to do it.  I joined Twitter, and it's everything I feared it would be.  Emails about "updates" and the updates are either "Hey, just talked to #IHavenoideawhywecan'tjustusetheirname, and they're playing #theRoxy tonite!" 1,250 miles from my house, or something dippy like "When I bleed, it is just the pain seeking escape!   #Freedom #Sufferformyart"

God.  If some of these people set their mind to curing cancer or actually writing music, we'd have something.  I can only imagine Facebook is all that, plus.

You're no fun, old man. :) I have never once used Twitter but I have used Facebook for 9 years...

Turn off email notifications. You can customize your feed to only see updates from people or pages you care about. No 140 character limit. Hell, you'd probably love reading Mike Rowe's lengthy, well thought out posts. Ironically you talk about if some of those people set their mind to curing cancer blah blah - how much time do you (and I) spend on this message board? Come now. One of us. One of us. :)
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Offline ytserush

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Re: Mike Portnoy's prog metal supergroup: Sons of Apollo
« Reply #2554 on: September 20, 2017, 10:02:05 AM »

I am sure he thinks this is just rock and roll swagger, which is not surprising given that he is a huge fan of Kiss (assholes) and Van Halen (Roth and EVH are two of the biggest douchebags in rock history), but it just comes off as condescending and will just piss off his target audience (which isn't that big in the first place).  I mean, a 50-year old man is that really worried about swagger and acting tough. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

Can someone please knock some sense into Portnoy and tell him to focus mainly on Neal Morse Band and Flying Colors?

The "roll and roll swagger" element is what raised the red flag for me in that first press release.  Not something that appeals to me. Generally not into bands that do that.