Dune (film versions)

Started by Phoenix87x, February 08, 2017, 01:04:23 PM

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Which version of Dune do you prefer

Dune - David Lynch
0 (0%)
Dune- The miniseries
1 (8.3%)
Dune- Denis Villeneuve
11 (91.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12


I enjoyed part 2 alot.

My only nitpicks are Walken feeling out of place and with Paul drinking the water of life I would have liked to see it be more of a struggle and it gone transcendental as its one of his most profound experiences and it was over super quick. Besides that I really liked the movie.


I got to see Dune pt. 2 a few days ago. Only regret is I couldn't get to watch it in Dolby Cinema.

Theater I went screwed up the visual presentation a bit. Colors were a bit washed and imagine looked kinda fuzzy. It's like they had a 1080p file and were projecting on a 4k screen. Not awful, just a little distracting for guys like me who noticed that kind of stuff. I first thought that's how the movie was supposed to look, but came back home to see the trailers and footage and it was vastly superior and sharp.

I didn't know I wanted more dune once that movie ended. I think there are talks and some loose plans for a part 3 but nothing concrete yet. I think Denis want's to do it a time of his choosing and may not necessarily want to direct himself, either way it's still a long way off.

I watched part 1 a week back and glad this movie picks up pretty much where it left off. So many good scenes, several memorable action scenes, the fights were great and really well choreographed.

Even with the messed up projection, the movie still looked great in the theater. I just love the scale of things in Denis' movies. He truly makes the world look and feel giant. The cinematography was great, the music, the sound, great blend of VFX and models to make it feel so real.

I'm going to try and watch the 1984 dune to get a sense of how it was made at the time. Plus I'll be reading the book now.

They're also making a show called Dune: The prophecy on HBO coming out this year I think. supposed to be a prequel about the Bene Gesserit. Hope it's good.


Saw Dune 2 yesterday. Absolutely loved it. It is likely pretty close to a perfect movie from me. Most beats are drawn out and gets plenty of time to breathe, making them sink in and feel more weighty. Every beat of the story is treated with a sincerity and gravitas that I really miss from big blockbuster movies. I'm so sick of big movies where everyone has to be really funny and quip constantly, so to see someone telling a grand story with a really straight face is refreshing, and makes it feel like it matters. The visuals are obviously spectacular, I had a big dumb smile for much of the movie because I just couldn't believe the shots I was being presented with. In terms of themes it's right up my alley as well, with stuff like religion and faith and how deep that runs in people and how it can inspire greatness and horror, sprinkled with some psychedelic spiritual experiences for those who can connect with that. Loved it all.

Quote from: Phoenix87x on March 10, 2024, 04:58:53 PM
... and with Paul drinking the water of life I would have liked to see it be more of a struggle and it gone transcendental as its one of his most profound experiences and it was over super quick.

Actually agree with this. I was curious and amped to see what was going to happen for Paul internally in that moment, and was a bit surprised to see it all from the outside while he just lays there unconscious. They turned it into a bit of a cool prophecy moment instead, but yeah I still would have liked to see more of what Paul went through there. But, like you said, it's a nitpick, and not something that really detracted from my enjoyment of the movie over all.

Dream Team

I never read the book, so how would this land for someone who doesn't know the source material?

The Realm

Quote from: Dream Team on March 28, 2024, 03:12:38 PM
I never read the book, so how would this land for someone who doesn't know the source material?

All good. Don't let that hold you back. The story is complex and you need to concentrate and follow closely to pick up everything but if you are the type of movie watcher that enjoys a complex story than it will reward you. If your fav movies are the Fast and the Furious franchise then this maybe isn't for you.


Quote from: Dream Team on March 28, 2024, 03:12:38 PM
I never read the book, so how would this land for someone who doesn't know the source material?

I jokingly refer to it as a "jihad how to" story...but that's sorta like saying the Empire Strikes Back is about a small green alien who convinces a young man to join a cult and kill his father.

But ya, it's a political story about an insurrection of religious zealots who live in the desert and hide in caves so...

I actually think it's a pretty brilliant story. But it's more complex than the oversimplification that I just gave.


Quote from: Dream Team on March 28, 2024, 03:12:38 PM
I never read the book, so how would this land for someone who doesn't know the source material?

I'd personally recommend the David Lynch Dune. I'm an outsider on this though, and also a Lynch fanboi

Dream Team

Quote from: The Realm on March 28, 2024, 03:34:25 PM
All good. Don't let that hold you back. The story is complex and you need to concentrate and follow closely to pick up everything but if you are the type of movie watcher that enjoys a complex story than it will reward you. If your fav movies are the Fast and the Furious franchise then this maybe isn't for you.

:lol I hate stuff like the F & F franchise and have never seen one so I think we're good.


I'm still holding off on seeing Part 2.  I'm a huge Dune fan, have all six books and have read through them in order many times (starting back when only the original three existed), and I even liked Part 1.  But the "spectacle" of seeing it on the big screen and being all blown away by the effects and cinematography is still secondary to the story, and I know the story very well.  Any movie adaptation will change and/or omit things out of necessity, and that will bug me.  So as with Part 1, I'll wait until I can watch it at home.


Quote from: Dream Team on March 28, 2024, 03:12:38 PM
I never read the book, so how would this land for someone who doesn't know the source material?

Never read the books either and I absolutely love both movies so far. Can't promise that will be the case for you of course, but not being familiar with the source material is not an issue. As Orbert pointed out, it might be an advantage in some ways as you can accept the movie version of the story without judging it against something you already know and have expectations for.


Yeah, I've definitely enjoyed both movies as a viewer who hasn't read the book.

One minor quibble I have with part 2 is it felt like they kind of hit fast forward overall on Pauls ascendance from outsider who should maybe be left to die in the desert to accepted member of a militia that's effectively waging war, to his standing within the Fremen by the last stretch of the movie.


Quote from: axeman90210 on March 29, 2024, 08:19:51 AM
Yeah, I've definitely enjoyed both movies as a viewer who hasn't read the book.

One minor quibble I have with part 2 is it felt like they kind of hit fast forward overall on Pauls ascendance from outsider who should maybe be left to die in the desert to accepted member of a militia that's effectively waging war, to his standing within the Fremen by the last stretch of the movie.

Seeing part 2 tomorrow... but I feel like there was really heavy ground work in part 1 about the religion/worship/prophecy that would lead to his acceptance... but I'll definitely get a better feel for the concern tomorrow.

Cool Chris

Finally got around to watching Pt1. Highly enjoyable. Growing up I read the book a couple times and loved the Lynch film, so I know the story well. Wish I could have watched it through the eyes of someone unfamiliar with the story to see how it would play out for them.


Quote from: Cool Chris on April 05, 2024, 03:57:58 PM
Finally got around to watching Pt1. Highly enjoyable. Growing up I read the book a couple times and loved the Lynch film, so I know the story well. Wish I could have watched it through the eyes of someone unfamiliar with the story to see how it would play out for them.

I watched Part One a few years back with a friend who never read the books or saw the Lynch film and he liked it. Mostly he was asking stuff like, "what is the deal with the shields? What is the deal with guns/lack thereof? Why do they need spice for space travel?" So basically he liked it and I got to geek out about the Butlerian Jihad and the Spacing Guild.



Trailer for Dune: Prophecy. If I ever knew that this show was in production, I had forgotten it. But it actually looks pretty cool, will check it out. From what I can tell, Villeneuve isn't involved at all with this, so it probably won't be as good as the films, but hopefully they really go with the vibe he set up.


Quote from: BlackInk on May 15, 2024, 09:49:39 AM

Trailer for Dune: Prophecy. If I ever knew that this show was in production, I had forgotten it. But it actually looks pretty cool, will check it out. From what I can tell, Villeneuve isn't involved at all with this, so it probably won't be as good as the films, but hopefully they really go with the vibe he set up.

I loved Emily Watson in Chernobyl, so I'm looking forward to seeing her as the main Harkonnen lady in this as well. I think Travis Fimmel also plays a role, and he was basically the best part of both Vikings and Raised by Wolves in my opinion.


Quote from: birchbark on May 21, 2024, 02:20:18 PM
I think Travis Fimmel also plays a role, and he was basically the best part of both Vikings and Raised by Wolves in my opinion.

Yeah....he killed it in those two roles.....especially as Ragnar in 'Vikings'.

Kind of surprising he's not a bigger, more well known star....he's pretty charismatic and a good actor