Author Topic: The Saga of Orbert's Band (now with A New Development)  (Read 86558 times)

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #315 on: November 22, 2016, 10:43:19 AM »
Last night's gig went really, really well.  Probably the best the band has ever played, and we had a small but appreciative audience.

It was at a little dive called The Lizzard Lounge, a surprise birthday party for someone named Patrick.  He thought he was just meeting a bunch of people there, but they'd rented out one side of the bar, set it up with food and balloons and stuff, and we were the entertainment.  A dozen or so folks our age, plus I think it must've been his mom or someone (older lady named Maggie, seemed to be in charge of things) and one of her friends, and even some little kids.  We had a sound guy named Marty who'd worked with Anne in her previous band, and he was great.  On stage, everyone could hear everyone else, and it was loud, but balanced.  The loudness couldn't really be helped because the place was tiny, but a lot of people told us we sounded great, one even said we "have a great sound" and that's the sound man, not us.  I suspect that we'll be working with him again in the future.  He actually asked John if we had a regular guy, if he (Marty) was just filling in for the night, or what, because he loved working with us.  He can afford to be a little picky about who he works with, and he said we're a group he'd like to work with.

Our set list had one saxophone song in the first set and the other three were in the second set.  That's just the way it worked out.  During the break, Patrick the birthday boy asked if we could do more songs with saxophone, because he loves the sax, and we told him we had a bunch coming up.  During "Play that Funky Music (White Boy)" everybody was dancing at the end when we normally end it, so I started wailing, the band followed my cue, and we went around another time with an impromptu sax solo, then came back and finished with another chorus.  I think that was our first improvised "live" moment as a band, and it came off really well, like it was planned that way.  I also doubled the length of the solo in "What I Like About You" although I think that might've been an effup.  Anne didn't come in to sing the third verse; she kinda looked at me like she wasn't sure if she was supposed to come in.  The solo literally goes right until the vocals come back in, so there's no break.  Anyway, she held off so I kept wailing, we went around again, and then she came back for the third verse.  More saxophone!

So my greatest fears were not realized, and that's good.  Everybody was really cool, really nice people, and I even got a piece of birthday cake, so what the heck.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #316 on: November 22, 2016, 10:43:39 AM »
That's awesome! :tup
Either you've used up all of your bad luck and are on easy street from here on out, or you're overdue for your drummer to spontaneously combust.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #317 on: November 22, 2016, 10:43:54 AM »
Cool :)

I used to play the saxophone when I was young. A little before I turned 16, almost 7 years ago, K picked up the guitar amd now only very rarely pick up the sax. I'm learning the piano as well now and people mostly know me as a guitarist. A lot of times when people find out I play the sax, they tell me I should play it more often and I do need to really,  it's an awesome instrument. Unfortunately, finding the time to practice guitar and piano is difficult enough and I need the guitar for my band and the piano for my work, so it's a tricky situation.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #318 on: November 22, 2016, 10:45:16 AM »
So glad to hear your gig went so well Orbert.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #319 on: November 22, 2016, 10:45:26 AM »

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #320 on: November 22, 2016, 10:45:51 AM »
Cool story Orbert, glad it was a fun gig! It's funny how sometimes the gigs that seem like they're gonna be a total dead rubber turn out being fun.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #321 on: November 22, 2016, 10:46:22 AM »
Thanks! :tup

And going by your first impression of the gig, thank you for not ending up in a bar room brawl.  You planted some doubt in the back of my mind that I might have cheer led your band going to a legitimately dangerous gig.   :blush  Or your story today would be about your gear being stolen.

When are you posting the pics and/or video?

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #322 on: November 22, 2016, 10:47:56 AM »
Unfortunately, there aren't any pictures of us playing, because we were all on stage.  Jerry's wife Vicki usually takes literally hundreds of pictures (she's a camera nut), but since it was a private event and we were just hired as the entertainment, plus it was out in the middle of nowhere, we didn't know if it would be okay to bring our significant others, and we didn't ask.

Jerry took one picture of the stage before we started.  He stood in the middle of the room.  There were four booths along the wall behind him, and three or four tables to the left.  The thing that looks like a gazebo next to where I'm standing is a stairway leading down to the storage/office areas.  That's it.  The place is small, and we were only on one side of it.

I snapped a picture later, knowing I'd want to put at least something on the band's Facebook page.

$2.00 PBR in 16oz CANS!

look like you're into it.

I have also found this to be sooo important. Many modern beginner bands, at least the genres I usually listen to, often think it best to look really "cool" and serious, as if it's no big deal. Like they're not enjoying what they're doing at all. Not just live but in music videos and stuff too. So when you come across someone who you can truly feel is really into the music, it always makes it better, and it pulls you along.

I had a great buzz going by time we started, plus I get really wired up when I play music anyway, so I was laughing and smiling and having a great time all night.  JT (drummer) was sweating his ass off, but I kept looking over at him and laughing, and he couldn't help but smile back.  Jerry (bass) was kinda bummed because he literally could not move around at all; there was just nowhere to go once we were all up there, but I laughed at him and got him to smile, too.  When I wasn't playing keys or sax, I whacked the cowbell or just danced badly behind my rig.  I just kept telling the others how awesome they were, how awesome we are, and it was infectious.  A lot of people said it looked like we were having a great time, and we were.

Bonus picture of Orbert laughing while playing:

Damn, I love playing music!!

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #323 on: November 22, 2016, 10:48:31 AM »

So happy you are now getting to enjoy what you set out to do with this adventure.  Good luck on keeping it up and adding to the fun.

But people love drama, so be careful not to change the show's dynamic of "As the World Orberts"  or you risk viewership.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #324 on: November 22, 2016, 10:48:55 AM »
Oh yeah, I know.  Some kind of shit is bound to come up.

John contacted The Man, and said we were ready.  The Man said he just had someone cancel May 27.  That's the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, and I'm out of town.  Meanwhile, Agent Dude had something for us on April 1.  I'm out of town that weekend, too.  Both events are set in stone.  Shit.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #325 on: November 22, 2016, 10:49:32 AM »
That (partially) sucks.  I know if you were 18 to 25, the answer would be easy.  "Damn the torpedoes.  Let's do this."

By set in stone, John agreed to them already or it is just accept those dates or miss out completely?

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #326 on: November 22, 2016, 10:50:30 AM »
Yeah, that wasn't very clear.  I have commitments which are set in stone for both of those weekends.  One is a trip to Virginia, the other is a trip to Michigan.  The Memorial Weekend trip to Michigan happens every year, for nearly 20 years now.  I'm okay skipping it, but my wife would have some trouble with it.  I brought it up, and she said that since it's a Friday night, we could conceivably hit the road Saturday morning, return late Monday night, and still basically have a three-day weekend.  So I went to email John again, saying it was now a maybe, but by then Pat had responded, saying that he was also out of town that weekend.  I feel better knowing I'm not the one holding us up.  If two or more of us can't make it, well that's just how it goes.  The Man has got to know that with us older dudes, we have families and stuff.  The 20somethings can drop everything and play that weekend.

The thing on April 1 would have been nice because it would've been our first time playing at least in this same county, actually in Anne's home town.  But that's been set for a while, too, and it's a train trip for myself, my wife, and our daughter to visit her college.  We've always wanted to take a trip by train, and since I really, really hated driving through the mountains last time, this kinda combined the two concepts.  We get to do the train trip, we do the college visit, and I sleep rather than white-knuckle it for 12 hours each way.

There will be other gigs.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #327 on: November 22, 2016, 10:50:55 AM »
How receptive is *The Man*?  Does it seem like he's looks at it as "there will be other gigs" or does it seem like he might feel "this is why I don't get older people gigs."

Why is *The Man* doing this btw?  If it is their livelihood, I could see the latter reaction.   The good thing is you guys did last weekend's gig.  If you had turned that down and then these two, I could really see *The Man* losing interest.

When do we get to have a perfect world that stops so we can go realize our dreams on the side?

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #328 on: November 22, 2016, 10:51:46 AM »
The Man is the biggest agent in Northern Illinois for bars which have live music.  He is basically the agent.  All the major venues in Lake County work through him, and many in the neighboring counties as well.  We've known for years that to make it in this area, we must work with him.

He says he's not vindictive, and past experience bears this out.  If he offers us a gig and we turn it down, he doesn't get pissy and not book us for six months or some shit.  He's a businessman.  Treat him right, he'll keep us working, and we all make some money.

This isn't a huge deal.  He had set us up with two gigs in December, knowing full well that we only had two sets, maybe 2.5 hours of material tops.  He booked us anyway, and said to play three 45-minute sets with 20-minute breaks.  Three hours, problem solved.  Then Steve quit, and John called him immediately, told him the situation, and we had to back out.  He understood.  We gave him plenty of notice, so he wasn't left hanging.  That's good.  So yesterday, John sent him an email saying that we were back to at least where we were in December, and should be ready for full shows by summer.  He responded by saying that someone had just cancelled on him for May 27, and offered it to us.  John said he'd check with the band and let him know as soon as possible.  Two of us can't make it, so John will reply today that we can't do it.  I'm sure he doesn't actually expect to get a response same day, so I don't think this will be a problem.  He's still got over two months, and plenty of bands trying to get work.

I'm using monikers like "The Man" and "Agent Dude" because in general, I have a thing against booking agents.  That's from past experience getting screwed by them, even though it was years ago with my old band.  But in relating these events, I've chosen to give them silly names rather than use their real names.  There's no point in that, plus there's the tiniest chance that these tales will show up in searches and stuff.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #329 on: November 22, 2016, 11:16:50 AM »
Saturday was band practice with FlashDrive.  Worked up a medley of three songs that our new guy Pat used to do with another band, and tightened up "Babe" by Styx which was a minor train wreck at our last gig.  The break was, anyway.

The band has another offer, second weekend in June, at another tiny little place with a tiny little stage, but at least it's in the same county.  Actually not too far from John's house.  So at least it's not a frickin' hour away like the last two gigs.  That would be two gigs in June.  Hopefully something will come up between now and then, though.  If not, we'll have time to nail down our third set and be ready for the summer festivals.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #330 on: November 22, 2016, 11:17:17 AM »

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #331 on: November 22, 2016, 11:17:31 AM »
Where are the gigs in June?

Saturday, June 11 at The Irish Mill Inn in Mundelein.  Tiny little place.  The upside is that it's close by.  Downsides are... many, but it's a nice little place.

Saturday, June 25 is a thing called VetFest, the first annual actually.  It's out in Huntley.  I guess our debut at Sammy's in Huntley impressed somebody so much that they contacted someone they knew who's on the team organizing VetFest, and convinced them that we should be one of the three bands.  So we are.  That's how word-of-mouth works.  VetFest of course is a festival honoring Veterans, and half the band are Veterans (three of the six, including myself) so it's a good fit.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #332 on: November 22, 2016, 11:23:36 AM »
Had a gig last night, it went pretty well overall.  Outdoor thing set up in the big parking lot out back, under a tent, perfect weather, the first band went from 1:00 to 4:30, then we were supposed to go 5:30 to 9:00.  Well, that's wrong, because it takes more than an hour for one band to move all their stuff out and another to set up and be ready to play.  At 5:30, however, we were surprisingly close to set up, thanks to a lot of coordination and many hands making light work, but once we got to checking the mikes, something was wrong.  So we lost 20 minutes chasing down a bad cable, and that was after taking longer than I would've thought for two guitarists to get all their shit together.  I thought the idea behind having all your pedals on a board and semi-permanently arranged was so that you can just plug in and play.  I was the first one set up, and had keyboards, stand, pedals, amp, saxophone, and my own mike to deal with.

Anyway, we didn't start til nearly 6:30, so after the first set, one of the guitarists turns around and says "We should just keep going, since we started late".  I was still pretty fresh, so I voted "Yea" and so did everyone else, so we went another set.  Okay, at 8:15, I was damned glad for that break.  Somewhere in there, I got a cramp in my foot, since gigging and rehearsing are the longest I ever stand up non-stop these days, but I kept playing, and tried to make it look like I was striking dramatic rock poses while I was stretching out my left leg and foot.  For anyone actually watching me, that is.  One of the good things about being in the back corner is that no one ever sees me, and to be honest, I'm usually okay with that.  Yeah, it would be nice to be seen once in a while, but mostly no one knows I'm even there.  "Oh, your band has keyboards?  Cool."

Proof: During the break, I went to get a Coke at the bar.  The guy took his time (asshole), slowly wandered over and got a cup, poured it, and asked me if I was gonna run a tab or what.  I told him I thought the band got drinks for free (which we do, word from the owner herself).  He said "Oh, are you with the band?"  You asshole, I just got done playing for nearly two hours, and I still have my saxophone strap around my neck.  Also, you asked me the same thing last time I was here.

Anyway, this was our first time playing three full sets.  John had it in his head that we needed to have 40 songs down before we started taking on full gigs, which meant that we nailed down two songs at our last rehearsal.  There, we have 40 songs.  But we only skipped two songs, skipped a break, and still went until 9:30.  I guess around here, you play three longer sets.  Back in the 80's, it was four  sets of 45, sometimes five 40's, whatever.  Now they want fewer breaks, so longer sets.  Getting too old to Rock and Roll?  Never!!

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #334 on: November 22, 2016, 11:24:56 AM »
I'll catch you guys at the next one. I'll be done with school then!!!! FINALLY!!!

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #335 on: November 22, 2016, 11:25:10 AM »
Next one's up in Mundelein on June 11.  John says the stage there is really small.  This will be the closest gig so far, at least in the same freakin' county, but with six of us, fitting everyone up there will be a pain.  This should be interesting.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #336 on: November 22, 2016, 11:25:24 AM »
And you know that by the rules of stage priority, you'll probably end up having to play the gig from the bathroom. People can say hi on their piss break. :neverusethis:

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #337 on: November 22, 2016, 11:26:06 AM »
Yeah.  There's usually a round of emails that go around after a gig, and this one's no different.  Things that were good, things that we need to work on, etc.  As usual, most pictures show our singer being animated and engaging, while the guitarists are standing up there looking at their hands while they play.  The back row is actually looking up and out most of the time, but our front line is pretty boring.  I can't even be seen in most pics, since I always end up behind a stack and/or in the shadows.  I could actually be off stage somewhere, and maybe four people there would even know the difference.  And half of them are in the band.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #338 on: November 22, 2016, 11:26:42 AM »
That's the way it goes sometimes. When my dad's band plays at Coins in Kenosha, it's like that, but they have such a blast playing there. Having that energy and excitement through the ENTIRE band and not just the singer is very VERY important. When that happens, the crowd will usually be engaged.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #339 on: November 22, 2016, 11:28:34 AM »
I'm hoping to catch your gig this weekend, Bob. It's all dependent on how tired I am and I honestly don't remember if anything is going on Saturday... Sunday I'm going to two parties (my brother-in-law;s retirement party and my friend's Tonys party) so I'm honestly not sure what's going on.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #340 on: November 22, 2016, 11:28:51 AM »
The venue is small, and the stage is even smaller.  John gave us an idea of the size of the stage the other day at practice.  "See the area of the brown rug.  It's about that."  The brown rug covers about half of our practice space, maybe a little less.  Maybe 15 feet wide, eight feet deep.  The rest is covered by the blue rug.

I'll be crammed into a corner, behind one of the stacks, with my saxophone set up under the piano.  Because the place is so small, John has opted to forego a sound man, so you won't hear me, either.  As usual, the guitars will get louder as the evening goes on, meanwhile no one will be there to turn up the keys, which will be coming through the P.A.  I'll have my little practice amp on stage, but that's basically my monitor.  It's the only way I can hear myself.  My amp, hidden behind the stack next to me, cannot possibly compete with guitars and Mesa Boogie amps.

So while I hope you can make it, this one has a relatively low potential to not suck.  We're only doing it because it's five minutes from John's house and he likes the place.  Acoustic duos and trios play there, and are fine.  I have no idea why he thinks it's a good idea for a six-piece rock and roll band to play there.  I was pretty pessimistic about both of the places we've played so far, however, and all three (two at the same place) have turned out to be great gigs.  So hopefully we won't suck.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #341 on: November 22, 2016, 11:30:02 AM »
Okay, we didn't suck.  In fact, people seemed to really like us, which obviously is not a bad thing.  Maybe I should just accept the fact that John is going to book us into crummy little places because that's all we can get (for now?) and stop being so pessimistic, because the fact is that we haven't had a bad gig yet.  Every one has been well received and, I must admit, much more fun than I thought.

I wasn't too far off about the stage dimensions.  18 wide by 7.5 deep.  Tight.  Also, at one end was a statue of St. Patrick, and at my end -- I jive you not -- a bookshelf and some other crap that we were not allowed to move.  Also, behind the stage was a big TV, which was left on all night.  He killed the sound, but since one of the other two TVs in the room was down, he wanted to leave the big one on.  Okay.

It was loud as fuck in there, as predicted, but my wife was there, and she says that yeah, the volume was insane, but the mix itself wasn't bad.  You could hear everything.  I asked if that included keyboards, and she said yes, in fact they might have been too loud in a few spots.  Yes!  I mean, no, not great that things were out of balance, but I do get a bit tired of playing for my own amusement.  Because the place was tiny, John chose to forego a sound man, and as the guitars got louder, I just turned myself up, too.

Our drummer JT was late, as usual, so sound check was late and rushed, which is bad enough in a small room, but fatal if you don't have a sound man to adjust things as you go.  I'd turned my keys down to 2 to warm up (which we all did while people were still trying to watch TV and stuff), and before I knew it, John had turned me up at the board to compensate, and that part of the sound check was done.  Then we started the first song.  I was therefore responsible for turning myself up a bit for solos, but there's a huge difference between 2 and 2.5 when the P.A. is multiplying everything.  But in general, the mix was good, people danced, I got paid, and overall I had a great time, and I think so did everyone else.  So we're four-for-four.  I mean, I really don't think our band is capable of playing a gig that truly sucks, so I shouldn't be surprised.  All things considered, we're getting pretty good.

I also met a very pretty girl named Jessica who told me I was great and had "mad skills".  I also met her boyfriend Armand, and my wife was there and there was zero chance of anything happening anyway, but Jessica had beautiful hair and a great ass and it's important to remember why we're doing this.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #342 on: November 22, 2016, 11:30:37 AM »

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #343 on: November 22, 2016, 11:31:06 AM »
I'll catch you guys one of these days. I swear. This sounds like a broken record of promises. We had two parties the next day (my brother in laws retirement party way out in Hampshire and then my friends Tony award party in Des Plaines so lots of driving (I didn't drive because I drank more)... But yeah. Couldn't go the night before. The next gig looks more doable.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #344 on: November 22, 2016, 11:31:23 AM »
Vet Fest in Huntley Town Square.  Apparently we're going to be playing two hours straight, no break, one of three bands on the bill that afternoon.  So that should be interesting.  I hope you can make it.  This last gig, we played two 90-minute sets.  Damn, that was killer, especially since it was about 90 degrees in there.  I had a big fan blowing directly on me where I stood, so that made it bearable, but just going 90 without a break, then going another 90 was tough.  Hell, just standing that long would test me, let alone rocking the whole time.  During teardown, I was leaning over to deal with some cords, then sat down on the floor because it was killing me to lean over.  I realized my mistake almost immediately.  At some point, I had to get back up.  I briefly considered just laying down right there and sleeping a little bit.

Anyway, I know it's tough to make it out to see bands, especially when you have a family and other commitments.  My one buddy at work -- the only other musician type -- has been wanting to check us out forever and this gig was like 10 minutes from his house.  So of course he was out of town last weekend for a family thing.  That's the breaks.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #345 on: November 22, 2016, 11:32:07 AM »
I will try to make it to Huntley to see you guys but it's not as cut and dry as I thought since we have to get up at early 0'clock to go to church since my daughter is singing with VBS. I know you aren't playing that late but my wife is like "man that's going to be late" so I don't know.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #346 on: November 22, 2016, 11:32:21 AM »
We're scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30, no break.  On the other hand, they've only allowed half and hour between bands (4 to 6, 6:30 to 8:30, 9 to 11) because organizers are stupid like that, so I suspect we'll be running behind before we even start.

Still, I hope you can make it.  With no break, a rush to get things cleared out once we're done, and you having to leave, I don't know if we'll get a chance to talk, but let's see how it goes.

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #347 on: November 22, 2016, 11:32:56 AM »

Holy Hell!  95 degrees in the shade, two hours without a break, people passing us bottles of water so we wouldn't pass out.

But it was a big tent open on all sides, so plenty of breeze, a nice stage, and so it was another rockin' Saturday in the park.  I still love outdoor gigs the best.

Orbert, Pat, JT, Anne, Jerry, John

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #348 on: November 22, 2016, 11:33:22 AM »
95 degrees in the shade, two hours without a break
That must be exhausting! I haven't commented on them I think, but I do really like reading the Flashdrive updates :azn:

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Re: The Saga of Orbert's Band (consolidated)
« Reply #349 on: November 22, 2016, 11:33:48 AM »
Yeah couldn't make it. There was no way... especially since my wife worked early afternoon, and then later my mother in law took us to dinner (we aren't passing up free dinner :lol) plus our daughter has been absolutely ridiculously obnoxious the last week or so, going through a phase of testing us with EVERYTHING. Plus with the weather... it was AWFUL the last few days... we went to swedish days yesterday in Geneva (where our church is, so we were down there anyway) and we were dying. Add on top of that that my wife has an accompanist audition at New Trier on Tuesday and she needs to practice... Believe me a week ago I was still planning on coming.