The Saga of Orbert's Band (now with A New Development)

Started by Orbert, November 16, 2016, 10:26:07 AM

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Quote from: Evermind on April 12, 2020, 07:50:27 AM
Honestly by now I'm convinced your band is never going to take off. You're finally all set up and have the best lineup and have gigs booked and ready to play? Here's a pandemic for you. :lol

Joking aside, hopefully you can find a good guitarist and nail the gigs when it's all over.

Seriously, that's exactly what I thought, and actually my whole impetus for starting the "Bitch and whine about COVID-19" thread.  The best band I've ever been in, and the best version of the band, finally getting gigs in the the top venues in the area, and a fucking pandemic hits and everything is cancelled.


Well. On the bright side at least your singer situation is finally solved right? Gotta look at the positives hahaha!


We're trying to stay positive, and are still doing what we can to keep moving forward and be ready for when there are gigs again.

Lex's husband Ricardo plays guitar, and he's pretty good, probably better than David, definitely better than John.  I've seen videos.  He was at the two mini-gigs we've done so far and thinks we're great, and like Lex, he's been looking for a band to play in since moving here from New York last year.  John reached out to him, told him that we need someone now, but there's still the uncertainty about David's condition.  We know David won't be playing again any time soon; his recovery and therapy will take months.  But we don't know when there will be gigs again anyway.  Also, it's still possible that David will make a full recovery.  It's looking less likely as time goes on, but we don't know for sure, and if he comes back and is able to play the guitar, we're not going to tell him that we're sorry but we replaced him while he was out nearly dying from fucking COVID-19.  We will take him back.  But when he does recover, if it turns out he can't play well enough to be in the band, because he's such a cool guy we're sure he'll understand if we have to move forward without him.  That would suck, but then this whole thing sucks.

So with all those caveats in mind, Ricardo has agreed to take on the position of "temporary but possibly and likely permanent lead guitarist".

First thing to cross John's mind, and the first thing to cross my mind: Um, didn't we do the husband/wife thing before, and when one left we lost two people?

Yeah, we did.  John shares this with me and we both laugh.  The situation seemed logical at the time, they both assured us that any issues they might have as a couple would never interfere with the band, and they kept that.  We also knew that if Karen left, so would Mike.  We just figured we'd have a bit more lead time.  Karen literally quit by email the day (or maybe it was two days) before rehearsal, after we'd been practicing a batch of tunes for three weeks.  Mike was as shocked as we the rest of us, and downright pissed at Karen because she'd never let on that she was even thinking about it.  But he already had another band, one that was actually gigging, and was only with us because he wanted to be in a band with his wife.

Anyway, this situation is at least a little different.  Lex and Ricardo met playing together in a band back in New York.  They fell in love and got married.  They're cute together; you can see the "young love" in their eyes.  They're both looking forward to playing together, and especially playing together in our band, because they both think we're pretty good.

I gave Ricardo access to the Dropbox folders with our songs, Jerry gave him access to the online catalog, and John told him which songs to start working on first.  These will be the ones we go through the next time we rehearse.  And we move forward.  When there are gigs again, we must be ready to play.


Update, because why not?

All bars and restaurants in Illinois have been locked down since March, and basically all gigs through the summer or so were cancelled, depending on the venue and how optimistic they felt like being.  Some held out for a while, but eventually everybody cancelled everything for at least a few months, some longer.  It seemed pretty obvious that it would at least be a few months. 

But one gig was never cancelled: The long-awaited County Fair on July 29.  Probably because if they cancelled the fair, and then it turned out that they could have it after all (with modified safety precautions, etc) then it would be more hasslle to "un-cancel" everything, so they left it open and would cancel it later if that looked to make more sense.  But things have been opening up.  We're in Recovery Phase 3, which means outdoor seating at bars and restaurants as long as you keep social distance.  I'm not sure where big public events fall into the rubric, but I'm sure it's defined somehow.  And since they haven't cancelled it (yet), it's looking more like they'll try to have it.  Our biggest gig ever, biggest stage ever, biggest paycheck ever.  If we play it.

Niko's is the outdoor place we played last year where the other band's bass player's girlfriend went insane and wrote all over the bathroom walls with permanent marker and those guys will never play Niko's again, but Niko liked us and personally told us he wanted us back this year (before this year got all fucked up).  And now another area band who I follow on Facebook, the guys who actually got us our first gig back in 2014 and who I consider friends, are playing Niko's next Saturday.  None of that is important.  What's important is that gigs are happening again!

So I sent an email around to the band.  Tentative plan from back when we went on hiatus was to woodshed separately and if the gig is still on as of July 1, we rehearse a few times then play the gig on the 29th.  There are practice dates still on the calendar.  We never deleted things from the official calendar; we just were on hiatus until further notice.  It's June now, so the time to talk about it is now.  We need an official Yay or Nay from everybody, hopefully within the next few weeks but definitely by July 1.  Yay, so I set that in motion since somebody had to, and people have started to respond.  Looks like we'll have a conference call soon.

I set up the playlist for the fair on my iPod, and played through the first set just now.  It felt good.  Also changed a few patches, made things sound better.  It's good to keep tweaking things, get closer and closer to the original sound, so I can amaze everybody when we get back together.  Whenever that is.


Good to hear things are opening up. We've been open in Texas for a while, at least mostly, and there are gigs to some extent. Many places are still not wanting to have a full gig schedule yet as venue capacity is still limited, but it's getting there. Every state has their own timeline though.


Well shit.  I should've waited one more day.

We just got word that the County Fair has been cancelled.


And now, we have a confirmed gig at Niko's, the main outdoor venue around here.  Everybody is in except for Katrina, for now.  Katrina has some health issues, including a compromised immune system, so her concerns are not trivial.  But it's also a reality that the band needs to take every gig it can get in order to try and maximize whatever momentum we can recover and/or generate.  First rehearsal is scheduled for July 12.  The gig is September 19.

The gig will probably be with our new "temporary" guitarist Ricardo.  Ricardo is the husband of Lex, one of our singers.  After months in the ICU on a ventilator, David is in physical therapy now to learn how to walk again.  It seems unlikely that he will be playing guitar in a month.

John has already been in contact with both Yvette and Angela.  Yvette was our backup singer for a year and a half and is a personal friend of Lex.  Angela of course was our singer for most of three years.  Angela's pregnancy and maternity leave are what led to Yvette's time with us.  These are both in case Katrina decides not to take the gig.  Because of the circumstances, this will not jeopardize her permanent position as singer with the band.  If Katrina chooses to take the gig, it is hers, provided she lets John know reasonably soon.  We're not going to ask either Yvette or Angela to commit to taking the gig, learning the songs, and rehearsing with the band only to tell them later that Katrina will sing after all.  But we also have to allow them enough time to prepare.  So Katrina's decision must be soon, and it must be final.

So let's recap 2020 so far:

- Played a gig in February, to our biggest, most receptive crowd yet.  Opened for some local bigshots, got some new likes.  Solidified the latest lineup.
- Put five more gigs on the books, nice venues, including the County Fair.  Shaping up to be our biggest year yet, and only booked through July so far.
- In March, COVID-19 closed everything and all gigs were cancelled.  Shit.
- Also in March, David contracted COVID-19 and was in critical condition for weeks.  Holy Shit!  He is home now, recovering.
- We have a gig in September, and seem to be getting back in the game, slowly.  Maybe.

There aren't many outdoor bar/restaurant venues around here that are large enough to have live music.  Niko's is the big one, but there are a few others and at this point we'll probably take pretty much anything.  Or at least consider it.  COVID-19 is still around.  To be blunt, if Katrina got it, she would probably die.  JT and I are also quite high-risk.  John is as well, being the oldest of us all, but he's a cancer survivor and feels pretty immortal these days.  He wanted to continue rehearsals throughout the lockdown.  We did not.

John is a businessman, and our band is a business venture.  That doesn't mean that we actually make any substantial money from it; it just reflects how we approach the endeavor in the first place.  With two singers, one of them unavailable for a while and then the other unavailable, we introduced the concept of a "alternate" vocalist, and it worked out well, better than we thought.  With our lead guitarist facing months of recovery, John has expanded that concept to include a "temporary" guitarist.  Yvette and Ricardo are fine with this arrangement.  They'll gig with us if we need it, and but if/when Katrina and/or David comes back, they're back.

Rehearsals are on the calendar, and everyone has been notified.  We have four rehearsals to nail down a full night's songs, with a new guitarist, possibly a substitute singer, some songs that none of us have played before, and no songs that we've all played together yet.  Rock and Roll! ♫♫


Covid has been a disaster to bands...
Those which maintained a healthy line-up just couldn't really rehearse and even less gig.
Those which counted sick members like yours have to face a direct hit.

Nothing is secured right now, and governments improvise laws on day to day !
In France, there are crowded places, they will hold mayor elections in a few days, but they nearly forbid any outdoor live show and encouraged bands to play online or not.
Yesterday was national music party, even the official TV show was scheduled on friday evening...
It's a sad year for us !

Cheers and all be strong ^^


Quote from: Orbert on June 20, 2020, 10:05:05 PM

- Also in March, David contracted COVID-19 and was in critical condition for weeks.  Holy Shit!  He is home now, recovering.
-er yet.  Rock and Roll! ♫♫

I'm glad to hear that he's home and recovering!  After you had posted about him, I actually saw a couple of Tribune articles about their family, though I don't think I was able to read all of them because I don't subscribe. 

I'm glad that the band is moving forward in whatever manner they can.  I follow a few other local cover and tribute bands and last Thursday, they all started announcing gigs, once the state allowed bars to open.


Yeah, David and his wife and daughters were the subject of a number of news articles, apparently both local and national.

We have another gig, another outdoor venue, Blarney Island, which is an actual island out on a lake.  This is another place we played last year for the first time, got rave reviews, and expected to be back this year.  Recreational boating is kinda big in this area (it's called Lake County for a reason), and the venue is only accessible by boat.  There's a shuttle boat which runs hourly from the Port O' Blarney, and they have several piers for people with their own boats.  It's actually a pretty cool setup.  The Port is also a bar, so you can sit and drink while you wait for the shuttle, or just sit and drink.

The gig is August 29th, nearly a month before the Niko's gig, so the rehearsal schedule has been stepped up a bit.  Also, we're definitely doing both gigs with Yvette as Alternate Vocalist and Ricardo as Alternate Guitarist.  Because of people's schedules, most of the rehearsals will be on weeknights, which sucks.  It won't be quite as bad as normally, because at least I won't be hauling my gear home that night and getting up the next morning to drive to work.  I only have to bring the synth inside (the piano and amp are too heavy for any but the most ambitious (and stupid) to steal out of my car), and my commute consists of going downstairs to my PC, where I connect remotely to my workstation at work.

First rehearsal is July 8, a week from tonight.  John said he'd be sending out song lists a week ahead of each rehearsal, so I'm expecting email from him any time.

I'm not 100% comfortable with this, but like everybody else, I'm also going a little crazy, and I'm tired of living in fear.  John has opened up more of his basement and rearranged some things, so we'll be able to rehearse while maintaining at least six feet between everybody.  I've already rehearsed and performed music at the church several times with groups of various sizes, so I'm getting reacclimated to actually being around other people.

The venues are outdoors.  The shuttle boat will be interesting, since there's not enough room to maintain proper distance, but it's outdoors obviously, and we'll all be masked up.  And since it's looking more likely every day that this is in fact the "new abnormal", I might as well get used to it.  I sure as hell don't want to catch the virus, but I can't stay inside and avoid life forever, either.  So what the fuck, let's do it.



That's pretty sweet, actually, the stage right out there on the water.  But what a pain in the ass to get it out there and set it up and back again.  I guess that's what roadies are for (not that I would know).

This place I'm talking about is pretty cool, though.  It was fun last year when we played.

For some reason, I don't think we ever got pics from this gig.  This is stuff from their website.


Well, shit.  It is over.

Rehearsal was going to be tomorrow night, first one since March when the boom came down.  JT notified John tonight that he would not be at rehearsal.  At 55, JT is the youngest of us guys, so we're all high-risk due to our age alone, and add a few other health concerns apiece, and he's just not ready to sit in a room with six other people for a few hours.  I don't blame him.  Katrina already made that decision a month ago, and I don't blame her, either.  I wasn't feeling great about it, but I'm just tired of feeling helpless, and yeah, there's a slight chance that one of us brings it in with us, but there is no fault here; life just sucks.  David of course is still out.

So cobbling together a band with an alternate singer and alternate guitarist, and then the night before rehearsal the drummer says he can't/won't risk his life for a cover band, and John has decided to disband the band.  It's just not worth it anymore.  Hell, for all we know, this could be the end of the fucking world and we just don't realize it yet, so a cover band ending sometime in there kinda makes sense, doesn't it?

We had a good run.  We got to be rock stars for a little while, played some good music, had some fun.  Six and a half years, and it ends not with a bang, but with a whimper.


Man, that sucks. Particularly after all the insane drama you guys went through it would have been nice if you were able to end on a high note rather than like this, but I can't blame John for ending it either given the circumstances. I mean, there's no guarantee of when your next gig would be as it stands right now. Maybe in the future you'll be able to reunite in some capacity!


That's a damn shame, man,. Maybe you can go solo now? :biggrin:

I'm pretty sure you'll find something else. From all the posts of yours, I see you have this need to play (live) music, so naturally you'll go looking for another group / band / whatever to give you that creative outlet. Maybe in the future when things have settled a bit, this particular group can come back together. Who knows?
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


I do have a need to play.  I told my wife about the band, and John and JT's conversation and subsequent texts to the group, and she said I could always go back on that website that connects musicians and bands and stuff.  I told her I never deleted my profile, which is true.  I just changed the status from "actively seeking" (or whatever it is) to whatever the opposite is.  I think I just unchecked a box or something.

I'm gonna take a break for a while, of course.  Right now it doesn't make sense to try to put a band together.  There are enough gigs, for one thing, and the thought of going through everything it takes to put a band together again is not attractive right now.


That sucks - I enjoyed following this thread and your band, even though I really can't get out to see any local bands play anymore due to having two small kids that are constantly waking up at night.

Keep your chin up!


Copied from the Bitch and Whine thread:


I just got off the phone with John.  It seems that our singers (Lex and alternate Yvette) and lead guitarist (our alternate Ric, who is married to Lex) don't want this to end without a fight.  They've found "5 to 7 drummers" who would be willing to play with us, all either in bands that aren't gigging right now or out of work because bands aren't gigging right now.  John sounded very encouraged that others are willing to fight for the band, as he felt he was doing all of this himself, which led to the decision last night.  Things look different today.  But he called me, because unless I'm in, there's no point.  Apparently replacing me was the one thing he couldn't see doing.  So I guess that's a good thing.

I'm still not 100% sure about all this.  With all things, there is risk, but you play the cards you're dealt, right?



I would go for it too, even if I had to rehearse with a mask !

In France, musicians classifieds are dead for now, but I keep hope we are all continuing to feed our need to play live !


You wanted drama?  You can't handle the drama!
Or maybe you can.

I just got off the phone with John, again.

JT was pissed, and called John.  Why did John decide to end the band just because he (JT) called out of one rehearsal?  Well, JT did not make it clear that this was just one rehearsal, in fact he made it sound like he was speaking in general terms.  He's not gonna risk his life for a cover band, he never goes out, he doesn't see how we can continue, etc.  We had five rehearsals on the calendar to get our shit together for the two upcoming gigs, both with an alternate singer and alternate guitarist, and a good 1/4 of the songs that the band overall has never played before.  JT didn't say he was calling out of just this one rehearsal, and he definitely spoke in general terms about not seeing how it was safe to practice, blah blah blah.  JT said all that via text, in response to John's statement that he was ending the band, and never once said anything about John misinterpreting his words.  So he's backtracking.

John, sick and tired of having to deal with this shit, had apparently made the decision at some point that the next time someone quits, he's done with it.  And this was the next time.  So he pulled the plug, simple as that.  He told me that when he went to bed that night, he was at peace.  Bummed that it was over, but also relieved, and in a way it was comforting to know that he'd made good on the promise he'd made himself.

But as mentioned, others have been busy finding new drummer candidates, because they don't want this to end.  And in seeing that others are willing to fight for the band and that he doesn't have to do it all by himself, John decided that the band will continue after all.  So among those on the list is Mike, the drummer from one of the area's professional cover bands, those guys who do not have day jobs but instead make a living playing bars, festivals, and private events like weddings and parties.  Yvette had told Mike about us, and to check us out if he's interested.  He did, and called John.  He told John that he watched some videos, checked out our song list, and he wants to play with us.  Strictly as a temporary thing, because his regular band isn't doing anything right now; they've written 2020 off completely and are trying to make ends meet right now by doing odd jobs.  So he'd love to play the two gigs, and hopefully his regular band can find work again next year.

It gets better.  John was concerned about moving forward without JT, because JT and Jerry, besides being our rhythm section (drummer/bassist) are also good friends.  They hang out together with their wives, etc., or at least they used to before the lockdowns.  Anyway, John didn't want to do anything that might put Jerry in an awkward position, with Jerry continuing in a band that is moving forward without JT.  And that's whether you consider JT being fired, or him quitting, or just the band continuing without him, because it really doesn't matter at this point.

I'm not clear on the exact sequence of events and conversations, but at some point Jerry told John that if we did the gigs with someone other than JT, that's fine with him, and if he (Jerry) was also being subbed out, then that's cool, too.  Jerry doesn't want anything to be awkward, and his other band has been gigging anyway (all outdoors, different level of gig, but hey, they're playing and we're not), so he's okay sitting out these two gigs.  And at some point, Mike mentions to John that Steve, the bass player from his band, is also in need of gigs.  Rather than having a bassist and drummer having to learn to work together, it could be beneficial to all involved to just take both of them on.

John agrees.  We will play these next two gigs with the bassist and drummer from a professional cover band.  These guys who normally make $600-$800 per gig per person want to play with us and make $100 a gig, because they want to play and we seem like we're pretty good.  In fact, Mike tells John that we could probably be doing the same thing if we wanted to.  John says yeah, if we wanted to.  We're all in our 50's with six-figure day jobs.  None of us are quitting that to become full-time rock musicians, even if that was our dream 30 years ago.  Maybe if we'd started all this 30 years ago, but not now.

Anyway, Mike and Steve will be the drummer and bassist for these next two gigs.  We'll play these gigs with only two of the same seven people who played there last year, and only three who are actual full-time members of the band.  But who cares?  It's the brand, not the band, that counts.  Actually, probably not even that.  They're not going to the gigs because they've heard of us and we're awesome (well, maybe some of our friends), they're going because they're going out to the bar that night anyway, and the band is usually pretty good.  We will be that band.

So John's telling me all this, and comes back to JT.  John believes that JT will feel much better about Mike subbing for him, since they actually know each other, and Mike has no intention of quitting his regular band.  I ask why does it matter what JT thinks?  I thought JT was out.  Apparently not.  Apparently during the course of their conversation, John and JT worked it out.

But there's also this.  Sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, JT contacted Lex and Ric (singer, guitarist, spouses) and said Hey, since FlashDrive is over now, he's thinking of putting together a new band, and would they like to be the singer and guitarist?  They're wondering WTF he's talking about, and damn, that was fast.  Didn't he just end a great band by refusing to rehearse due to health concerns?  How's he going to start a new band if he won't rehearse?  This was before the backtracking and before John even called me Wednesday morning, because that's when he told me about it.  Anyway, Lex and Ric were blown away, couldn't believe the balls on the guy.  Remember that they just moved here last year, and Lex has played two very short gigs with us (one set apiece), Ric met us once, and they basically don't know JT from Adam.  In fact, from what they've seen, he's the real drama queen of the band, so after pulling this shit, why would they want to join a band with him?  Actually, I just thought about it, but if JT is still technically in, then that could be an issue because he's just alienated Lex and Ric.

Also, it's looking more likely that Ric will actually be our new permanent guitarist.  John went to visit David last night, spent about an hour with him.  He is not going to be playing guitar any time soon.

Also, apparently Katrina is more or less out, although with only two gigs on the books and a sub in place for both gigs, that doesn't actually matter.  But I guess there's been some more shit going on behind the scenes with her as well that John filled me in on.

Also, I need to just accept the fact that I don't know what the fuck is going on most of the time.


Fun!   Its interesting being local to you since I generally know the other bands you reference.  Those two guys that youre subbing with are fantastic.  I haven't seen their band in years, but they are always great. Enjoy the gigs! 


Yeah, they seem like a perfect fit, as their regular band is 100% Classic Rock, which was the original concept of our band.  It is indeed extra fun for you because you know who I'm talking about.

Our band rehearsed for a while before actually naming the band, so John just called it his "Grand Classic Rock Experiment".  Back then, the only goal was to get together in John's basement every couple of weeks and have fun playing some old songs we all knew and loved.  Some early emails referenced the GCRE.  I still have folders on my hard drive with GCRE.  We did end eventually come up with a name, then changed it a year later after the first major restructuring, and since we still weren't gigging regularly yet, I wasn't sure how many more times the band was going to change its name, so I just left everything as GCRE, and to this day, I have files and folders with GCRE, and basically I'm the only one with any idea what that means.

Anyway, with Mike and Steve on board, we can bring back some classics like "Carry On Wayward Son" and "Come Sail Away".  Songs everybody knows and always get a great reaction from the crowd, plus musicians in the audience know how hard these songs are to play, so we tend to get extra kudos from other musicians who hear us play.  Those are songs on their regular set list.  And even if they weren't, I'm sure these guys could handle them.

Damn, I'm kinda getting excited about this again.


QuoteBut there's also this.  Sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, JT contacted Lex and Ric (singer, guitarist, spouses) and said Hey, since FlashDrive is over now, he's thinking of putting together a new band, and would they like to be the singer and guitarist?

What the hell :lol

Good to see the band continue! I kinda grew fairly attached to this thread and the story of your band.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Fun read :)

JT hasn't been smart tho, it's like a friend telling you he is sick and you meet him with people at the fastfood an hour later !
I really dislike half-assed done things.


Quote from: Evermind on July 09, 2020, 09:40:54 PM
QuoteBut there's also this.  Sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, JT contacted Lex and Ric (singer, guitarist, spouses) and said Hey, since FlashDrive is over now, he's thinking of putting together a new band, and would they like to be the singer and guitarist?

What the hell :lol

Yeah, I'm still trying to work that one out.  I didn't include that particular detail at first because it didn't seem relevant, but the timing of it blows me away.  JT originally contacted John Tuesday night about not feeling comfortable practicing.  John sent the text later to all of us later that evening, ending the band.  By the time I'd talked to John Wednesday morning, John had already heard about JT approaching Lex and Ric about joining his new project, and he shared that with me.  At the time, I just considered it an example how badly out of touch JT is with reality, to even think that that even made sense.  But at that point, I was thinking that JT was out of the band, and maybe it was more an example of how he's burned that bridge.  Now that John is apparently considering this a temporary hiatus for JT, until the virus danger is over or at least greatly reduced, I can't see how it wouldn't cause awkwardness and perhaps even resent.  How do we all get back together again next year or whenever, and just pretend none of this shit happened?

On the other hand, once again, I'm not sure how much I care.  I find the drama amusing, entertaining, and sometimes annoying, but since it never seems to involve me... whatever.  As always, I just want to play.  If someone in the band has an issue with someone else in the band, why do I care, unless it affects the band itself?


Quote from: Orbert on July 09, 2020, 12:59:32 PM
And that's whether you consider JT being fired, or him quitting, or just the band continuing without him, because it really doesn't matter at this point.

He wasn't asking for a five year break, by chance, was he?  :) :) :)


Quote from: Orbert on July 10, 2020, 06:40:10 AM
Quote from: Evermind on July 09, 2020, 09:40:54 PM
QuoteBut there's also this.  Sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, JT contacted Lex and Ric (singer, guitarist, spouses) and said Hey, since FlashDrive is over now, he's thinking of putting together a new band, and would they like to be the singer and guitarist?

What the hell :lol

Yeah, I'm still trying to work that one out.  I didn't include that particular detail at first because it didn't seem relevant, but the timing of it blows me away.  JT originally contacted John Tuesday night about not feeling comfortable practicing.  John sent the text later to all of us later that evening, ending the band.  By the time I'd talked to John Wednesday morning, John had already heard about JT approaching Lex and Ric about joining his new project, and he shared that with me.  At the time, I just considered it an example how badly out of touch JT is with reality, to even think that that even made sense.  But at that point, I was thinking that JT was out of the band, and maybe it was more an example of how he's burned that bridge.  Now that John is apparently considering this a temporary hiatus for JT, until the virus danger is over or at least greatly reduced, I can't see how it wouldn't cause awkwardness and perhaps even resent.  How do we all get back together again next year or whenever, and just pretend none of this shit happened?

On the other hand, once again, I'm not sure how much I care.  I find the drama amusing, entertaining, and sometimes annoying, but since it never seems to involve me... whatever.  As always, I just want to play.  If someone in the band has an issue with someone else in the band, why do I care, unless it affects the band itself?

I'm sure some of it is because the story is told from your point of view, but ever since I started following this thread, I got the impression you are the chillest guy in your band.

Definitely include more details like this though. This was the funniest thing in the post. :)
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I'm pretty sure I'm the chillest guy in the band.  I mean, it's legal here in Illinois now. :)

Seriously though, I can't even remember the last time I rehearsed or played a gig... um... "non-chilled".  At least a couple of years, and it only became legal here this year.  (Side note: This includes church gigs as well, including the choir.  Does that make me a bad person?)

I include whatever details seem to be the most entertaining and/or interesting to me and hopefully outsiders as well.  This was a great little tidbit, I agree.  I probably would've tossed it out there eventually, because it's so amusing.  Didn't even wait until the body was cold.


Quote from: Stadler on July 10, 2020, 06:55:28 AM
Quote from: Orbert on July 09, 2020, 12:59:32 PM
And that's whether you consider JT being fired, or him quitting, or just the band continuing without him, because it really doesn't matter at this point.

He wasn't asking for a five year break, by chance, was he?  :) :) :)


Actually, at this point, we don't know.

Lots of texts going around the last couple of days.  I hate that.  I'm an email kinda guy, because I've been typing on a keyboard for 40 years and do it for a living, and I hate typing anything via text on my phone.  But that seems to be the chosen mode for discussing songs, at least this time.

It looks like we're going to go with two rehearsals, both in August.  The gig is August 29th.  The new guys, Mike and Steve, are pros and will show up ready to play whatever songs are on the list.  I'm not worried about them.  And I'm not really worried about any given individuals.  We've got two strong singers, our sub guitarist is very good, all that.  It's just the "putting it all together" that has me a little concerned, but just a little.  Endings and transitions, vocal harmonies, the usual stuff that you don't necessary nail down the first time through.  Even having to run through each song more than once, or take any amount of time to work out a vocal harmony or a breakdown or transition, and your rehearsal goes from two hours to three hours, just for a single set.  Now realistically, that's still insanely fast.  Most bands would love to be able to put an entire set together in three hours.  And it's what we have to work with anyway, so there you go.

Basically, we'll show up, play the gigs, most of it will be fine, some of it will be very good to great, and if there are rough spots, most audiences never notice.  That's the glorious thing about playing loud music for drunk people.

Rock and Roll! ♫♫



Thanks.  Just a little bonus for the few who might get it.  It always cracks me up.


Just a minor update.  We had a conference call tonight, the five of us who are either permanent members of the band (John, Lex, Orbert), alternate guitarist but presumed to be long-term (Rik), and alternate vocalist (Yvette).  One goal was to nail down a song list to present to Mike and Steve.  No point in giving it to them until we've agreed on it first.  We did that.  Everybody has at least a few songs to learn (around six apiece), including Mike and Steve.  The other was to pick rehearsal dates, including one or two alternate dates just in case.  We did that.  A little bit of back and forth, but very productive and we were done in about 40 minutes.

John called me back five minutes later, to share a few new developments.  JT is definitely out.  John is done with his shit.  When they spoke last Tuesday evening (has it been only six days?!) JT couldn't commit to any rehearsals and told John that if he had to find another drummer to fill in, go ahead.  At least that's what John heard, and I'm not sure how much grey area there is with such statements, plus I'm not sure why JT would think that the entire band would put everything on hold, just because the drummer needs to take some time off.  I mean, no band would ever do that, right?

So Lex and Yvette took to social media, calling all drummers, experienced professional needed to fill in for two gigs.  JT saw it and went ballistic, texted each of them, calling them fucking backstabbing cunts and other colorful terms.  What the fuck, dude?  Even if he wasn't completely wrong, that's still no way to handle it.  Yvette just laughed because she doesn't give a shit what JT thinks.  Lex called John and told him that that kind of thing really bothers her, and she really doesn't see how she can be in a band with someone like that.  John agrees, and tells her he's sorry she had to deal with that, but don't worry, John wasn't sure about continuing with JT anyway, and this seals the deal.  He's out.

The other thing John wanted to talk about was the Facebook Events for these gigs.  I always put together an Event page with a picture of the band and the appropriate date and time information all over it.  Well, as I pointed out recently, only three of the people in the pictures will even be playing these gigs, and now that John has decided that Katrina is basically out, JT is definitely out, and David is out for an indeterminate amount of time, that we should just put up some basic information and the band logo and not have a group picture.  Makes sense, actually, and I was trying to figure out what to do about that, so I'm glad he said something.



How Many of These Have You Heard Before?  (Check all that apply)

- Yvette is being a bitch and told John to find another singer; she's out
- The upcoming gigs are cancelled
- We will never work with Yvette again
- We definitely need to find another singer
- John has already picked someone, and she will bypass the audition process
- Don't worry, we're still in good standing with Agent Dude

If you chose All of the Above (which wasn't actually a choice, but whatever), then congratulations!  You are correct.  You don't win anything though, because this was such a simple quiz.  Seriously, how many times are we going to do this?

When we were putting together the rehearsal schedule for the upcoming gigs, Yvette mentioned that she's going camping for three weeks, actually two and a half, in August.  That's why we ended up with the first practice on August 5 and the other one on August 27, two days before the gig.  Well, back when Yvette was schmoozing her way back into the band, she and Lex had agreed that they'd need to have at least one or two rehearsals, just the two of them, to work on the vocal harmonies.  Yep, good idea.  They even set a date, and it would be at Lex at Ric's house (apparently it's Ric, not Rik).  Cool, so far so good.  But Yvette is going camping, so she assumed that Lex would just come to her.  What?  Like drive up to Wisconsin to the campsite, so they could practice somehow?  No, that doesn't make any sense.  What makes sense is Yvette driving to Lex's, as originally agreed, since that's where the microphones and everything else are (which you don't really need, but sometimes they help), plus Ric could play guitar and give them something to work with.  It's definitely easier to practice vocals when someone's playing the song.  No, Yvette says that won't work.  Lex has to drive up to the campsite in Wisconsin.  They get into an argument, and John gets a call from Yvette saying she's out.  Yvette can't deal with this.  What the fuck?

Meanwhile, John has made another promise to himself, if anyone else backs out of these gigs, they're cancelled.  He's so damned tired of dealing with this shit.  Yvette is the one who did all the scrambling for these gigs, got Mike and Steve, was pushing for rehearsals and stuff.  I thought it was kinda weird that she was going camping for three weeks, actually two and a half, right in the middle of such a critical time, but figured it could still work.  Well, I guess not.

Swear to God, you cannot make this shit up.


Drama and Drama queen words were accurate in the first pages, but now it needs new words :D
To think that I'm dying to find new bandmates since last summer and reading you, it sometimes feel like people don't want to play music anymore...