Author Topic: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (NUMBER 1)  (Read 11456 times)

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Offline KevShmev

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Re: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (NUMBER 1)
« Reply #105 on: March 28, 2016, 05:48:06 PM »
It's my 2nd favorite. :P

My 1st favorite would be...

1. The Separated Man

I guess it is fitting that the number 1 song is from an album called One, right? :lol  Jokes aside, I just don't see how any song he has done in his solo career is as good or better than this one. This song has it all, and it veers from the usual Neal "epic format," giving it a more adventurous and unpredictable feel, even when listening to it after so many times. This song is Neal Morse at his best.  :coolio :hat

Offline ronnibran

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Re: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (NUMBER 1)
« Reply #106 on: March 28, 2016, 06:19:39 PM »
Nice!  I've always liked this song, but I don't think it was ever  a personal top ten song for me.  I honestly wasn't predicting this one until this morning I was thinking about the One album and was going through the tracklist mentally.  But as soon as I thought of it I knew immediately that it was likely #1.

Thanks for the countdown, it was fun and interesting!  I do share a good amount of top ten songs with you, so that's cool: So Many Roads, World Without End, Crossing Over, The Creation.

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Re: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (number 2)
« Reply #107 on: March 29, 2016, 01:33:29 AM »
I don't think "everyone" thinks that - I certainly do not - but I know what you mean. I get why some would think they are bonus tracks, since they are separate from the theme that dominates most of the album and are on a second disc.  Not really a big deal, either way.  :biggrin:

I know but it just grinds my gears to think that people think Neal would write and release a 26 minute epic and label it as a mere bonus track. "Seeds Of Gold" is definitely more deserving of that, IMO, and is easily one of my favorite Neal Morse pieces to date.

- Marc.
Well, I never said it was a bonus track, but that it was on a bonus disc. I don't think a second disc unrelated to the main story or concept, with just about half an hour of music can make this release a double album. But agree to disagree I guess.
Cause there's more pressing issues:

The Separated Man
I listened to this song a couple of times this week, first the original, then I watched the Morsefest Blu ray, and yesterday I listened to the Morsefest CDs. First I struggled with the song starting off so suddenly, and it not being a regular epic. But that is what eventually made it one of the best NM songs. It is unpredictable. The Morsefest version is well over 20 minutes, and it doesn't feel like that. There were times that I felt the Jam In D part was a bit drawn out, but nowadays I really love that part too.
Great number one on a great list Kev. Thanks for doing this!
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Offline Mladen

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Re: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (NUMBER 1)
« Reply #108 on: March 29, 2016, 06:41:55 AM »
Now there's a great song. Nice choice and a cool list overall.  :tup

Offline KevShmev

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Re: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (NUMBER 1)
« Reply #109 on: March 29, 2016, 05:03:39 PM »
Thanks to everyone who read, participated, etc. It was fun. :tup :tup

Offline bosk1

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Re: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (NUMBER 1)
« Reply #110 on: April 01, 2016, 12:53:38 PM »
This may be more appropriate for the general NM appreciation thread, but I am going to post this here since it was inspired by this thread:  When T2 songs were brought up, especially Seeds of Gold, I realized that I have not listened to this album in a LONG time.  I liked this album a lot.  Didn't love it, but liked it.  to me, it is "second tier Neal," which means the following:*

First tier (which means these albums are not only "favorite Neal Morse albums," but fall into the "favorite albums of all time" category):
Sola Scriptura

Second Tier (Strong albums, but not in the same category as the heavyweights):
Testimony 2
The Grand Experiment

Bottom Tier (Can't say I "dislike" these, but they don't do a heck of a lot for me):

Anyhow, I am ripping T2 to my work computer and re-listening now.  I especially want to pay attention to Seeds.  It never really grabbed me before despite all the praise from others, but I feel like I need to pay it more attention, especially in light of how high Kev ranked it.  Digging the album right now.  I may just have it on repeat for the rest of the day.

*I only own and am only ranking the solo "progressive rock" albums.  Despite jabbing Kev from time to time, I am not denying the other albums' existence.  I just don't have them and haven't really heard much from them, so I am not counting them for purposes of my personal ranking.
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Offline KevShmev

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Re: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (NUMBER 1)
« Reply #111 on: April 01, 2016, 08:33:52 PM »
Cool. :coolio

Almost all of Neal's albums are so good that I can see a fan having them in just about any order, so even though I may act confused with someone ranks T2 or ? what I consider too low, that just means they love the other ones that much more, and those are mostly albums I love, too. 

Also, I meant to do an honorable mention of Neal songs I love that didn't make my top 50.  To wit:

I Am Willing (this was tough to leave off)
Road Dog Blues
California Nights
Smoke and Mirrors
Living Out Loud

Offline ronnibran

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Re: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (NUMBER 1)
« Reply #112 on: April 10, 2016, 03:59:35 PM »
OK, I did a "top ten Neal songs" thing by myself years ago (in kind of a "survivor" fashion).  I found my old list (copy and pasted from an email of the list to my sister) and thought I'd share it just for the heck of it (I'm sure if I did again now it would be different).  Note that I had put the two long epics at the top of the list as my assumed #1 and #2 and let the rest of the songs compete for the top ten.  Looks like I left my honorable mention list.

Edit: Now that I re-read it, it looks like I didn't really narrow down the top ten in an "ordered" fashion, it looks pretty chronological (as does the honorable mention list).

edit: not sure if I intentionally left off the first two solo albums or not, but don't think they'd make much impact (I have them both).  If anything, "Lost Cause" should be on that list somewhere, if even just on the honorable mention list.  Love that song!!

(World Without End)

(So Many Roads)

1.       Wasted Life - possibly my favorite non-epic by Neal.  Super relatable and one of the first Neal songs I heard and fell in love with.

2.       It’s All I Can Do - Had to choose between this and Somber Days, but it wasn't really a hard choice.  I've always REALLY liked this one.  Being a depressive person, it's really easy to relate to this one on somber days. ( see what I did there? ;)  )

3.       I am Willing - first Neal song I ever heard.  Love the part "let this be our new beginning" <enter stringed instruments>.  Can't have a Neal top ten without this one.

4.       The Creation - One of the only epics to make the list.  It just has to.  The best orchestral arrangement of Neal's catalog is the opening of this song, and the Biblical parallel is just stunning.  Another song that just has to be in the top ten.

5.       Cradle to the Grave - I originally didn't think this one was going to make the top ten, but listening to the finalists it squeaked it's way in.  Beautiful song.

6.       Outside Looking In -another one that I didn't think would make the top ten, especially since it feels like a clone of Cradle to the Grave to me.  But reviewing this against the others crossed out below, I couldn't find one to switch places with it.

        7.       The Conclusion - the other epic that made the list.  This song is an absolute adventure to me, from the fast instrumentals, to the epic finale.

8.       Jesus’ Blood - this one I knew beforehand would make it into the top ten, this is one of Neal's best compositions ever.

9.       The Truth Will Set You Free - I wasn't sure if this one would make the top ten, but it did.  Another classic.  If I were to ever make a mix cd of Neal for a Neal newbie this one would HAVE to be on there!

10.   Crossing Over/Mercy St Reprise -  Another example of Neal at his best.  Tears and goosebumps almost every time I hear it, especially starting with "to the heart of the sun" through when it goes into the Mercy street reprise.

Honorable mentions:

11.   Land of Beginning Again

12.   Overture #1

13.   California Nights

14.   Prince of the Power of the Air

15.   Power in the Air

16.   Somber Days

17.   Storm Before the Calm

18.   Oh To Feel Him

19.   Oh Lord My God w/ God’s Theme 2

20.   The Separated Man

21.   Father of Forgiveness

22.   Inside his presence

23.   Lifeline

24.   The Way Home

25.   Let’s Polka!

26.   Mercy Street

27.   Overture #4

28.   Chance of a Lifetime

29.   Jesus Bring Me Home

30.   Momentum

31.   Thoughts Pt. 5
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 04:30:22 PM by ronnibran »

Offline KevShmev

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Re: Neal Morse (solo) Top 50 Songs (NUMBER 1)
« Reply #113 on: April 10, 2016, 09:37:28 PM »
Always cool to see others' lists.  :tup :tup