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Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2016, 07:45:11 PM »
My friend's husband died in her house in his sleep back a few months ago. They were having major fights and were on the verge of divorce.

not saying that was related or anything, but here's the story. Her daughter had a birthday party last week and some balloons were still around. She claims that one of the balloons and only one of the three dragged across ceiling slowly and then came to a complete stop.

I didn't see it, but she thinks her house is haunted now. She's been known to exaggerate, but since I didn't see it, I can't form an opinion.

Offline Prog Snob

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2016, 05:42:35 AM »
My ex's family raises tables. I have not come to the full conclusion regarding the veracity of it but it does seem legitimate. I would go so far as to say that there's no way a table can be tilted that far by one's hand alone. It's intriguing. I've actually thought about breaking out the Ouija board again. I've had interesting experiences just from that alone.

I had too many negative experiences with my Ouija board in the house after using it too much as a teen. I gave it to a boyfriend who put it in the trunk of his car and forgot about it. We broke up and a year or two later became friends and he eventually returned it to me, except the indicator was missing. The weirder thing was, there was what appeared to be a burn mark in the shape of the indicator and size exactly burned into the board when I got it back. Once I got it back things in my life got more and more chaotic, and I again packed it away and forgot about it. I guess my mom put it in a box of my things and held onto it for the next 20 years or so because after she died I ended up coming across it and for whatever reason once again my life became a living hell in ways I'd rather not detail, but in the end I burned that thing - which is the LAST thing you're ever supposed to do with them.. but I wanted it gone. I can't say life's gotten any better or easier since. This story lacks credibility when typing it but has far too much when living it. Anyway, all this to say - be careful and think twice. Either real and it doesn't matter if you play with it (but why bother?), or it's not and you should take real precautions and treat it with the respect it deserves if it is in fact real.


I'm old, I'm a mom, I worry, what can I say.

Maybe the first time I used one, I was fearful of what could happen. It was certainly one of the more eventful experiences I've ever had. If one knows what they're doing and aren't foolish, then they have nothing to fear. If they think it really is just a toy, that's what the fun begins.  :xbones  Not everybody has it in them to bring something to the board, so people who use it without getting anything from it are quick to say it's fake. Take it from someone who has seen things, it's absolutely real.

Offline JustJen

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2016, 05:46:44 AM »
Yeah Im with you on that which is why I say, don't be like some people who can't decide how they feel. They say it's real but then when shit goes down they say "oh it's not real that has nothing to do with anything". Lots of people are so cocky they think they can handle anything anytime anywhere, and that is usually their downfall. People who believe in demons and insist they're real but simultaneously say there is nothing to fear .... well whatever happens to them, they've brought upon themselves due to arrogance.
  ~ a.k.a. VFS in a past life :vfs:

Offline Prog Snob

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #38 on: May 03, 2016, 05:56:12 AM »
Yeah Im with you on that which is why I say, don't be like some people who can't decide how they feel. They say it's real but then when shit goes down they say "oh it's not real that has nothing to do with anything". Lots of people are so cocky they think they can handle anything anytime anywhere, and that is usually their downfall. People who believe in demons and insist they're real but simultaneously say there is nothing to fear .... well whatever happens to them, they've brought upon themselves due to arrogance.

Exactly. Everybody tough guy thinks they're unstoppable. That is, until you have a gun in their face. Suddenly they become these stammering fools, begging for their life. It's quite hysterical.

Offline JustJen

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #39 on: May 03, 2016, 01:53:35 PM »
Yeah Im with you on that which is why I say, don't be like some people who can't decide how they feel. They say it's real but then when shit goes down they say "oh it's not real that has nothing to do with anything". Lots of people are so cocky they think they can handle anything anytime anywhere, and that is usually their downfall. People who believe in demons and insist they're real but simultaneously say there is nothing to fear .... well whatever happens to them, they've brought upon themselves due to arrogance.

Exactly. Everybody tough guy thinks they're unstoppable. That is, until you have a gun in their face. Suddenly they become these stammering fools, begging for their life. It's quite hysterical.

This reminds me of one funny story and one not so funny one but neither have anything to do with paranormal experiences.

Not so funny one: I was robbed at gunpoint when I worked at a convenience store when I was 19 or 20. Gun in my face was part of it. Lotto was a huge jackpot that night and they thought they'd get a lot of cash but we did safe drops every time our excess got to $200 or more so we rarely had much in the register to steal anyway. But yeah, I was never a big shot and I didn't turn into a stammering idiot.. I just did exactly what they said and waited until they left and then called the police. It's not like it was my money to defend and even if it was I'd let it go before I'd try to be a hero. But some other people who worked there who weren't working that night tried to say "oh I"d have done _____" whatever hero act. BS. They'd have wet their little man panties.

I may share the funny one at some point, but that's already enough word vomiting for my fingers right now. :lol
  ~ a.k.a. VFS in a past life :vfs:

Offline Prog Snob

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2016, 01:57:33 PM »
Yeah Im with you on that which is why I say, don't be like some people who can't decide how they feel. They say it's real but then when shit goes down they say "oh it's not real that has nothing to do with anything". Lots of people are so cocky they think they can handle anything anytime anywhere, and that is usually their downfall. People who believe in demons and insist they're real but simultaneously say there is nothing to fear .... well whatever happens to them, they've brought upon themselves due to arrogance.

Exactly. Everybody tough guy thinks they're unstoppable. That is, until you have a gun in their face. Suddenly they become these stammering fools, begging for their life. It's quite hysterical.

This reminds me of one funny story and one not so funny one but neither have anything to do with paranormal experiences.

Not so funny one: I was robbed at gunpoint when I worked at a convenience store when I was 19 or 20. Gun in my face was part of it. Lotto was a huge jackpot that night and they thought they'd get a lot of cash but we did safe drops every time our excess got to $200 or more so we rarely had much in the register to steal anyway. But yeah, I was never a big shot and I didn't turn into a stammering idiot.. I just did exactly what they said and waited until they left and then called the police. It's not like it was my money to defend and even if it was I'd let it go before I'd try to be a hero. But some other people who worked there who weren't working that night tried to say "oh I"d have done _____" whatever hero act. BS. They'd have wet their little man panties.

I may share the funny one at some point, but that's already enough word vomiting for my fingers right now. :lol


Sorry to hear you held at gunpoint, but your coworkers are the exact types I'm referring to.

Offline cramx3

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2016, 02:01:01 PM »
I had an apartment with my ex.  She was very convinced it was haunted in some way.  She always complained about feeling like something was over her while she slept as well as hearing noises.  I used to get home at 1am from work at the time so I'd always be hanging out alone late at night and I too would always hear noises coming out of the kitchen, but noises alone don't alarm me.  I didn't think much of it at all.  One night though, I woke up and looked at my ex and both her eyes were wide open staring at the ceiling.  She wasn't awake, didn't respond to me and eventually she rolled over.  The next morning without me saying anything she said that was one of the nights she felt like something was hovering over her and that's when I started thinking something was legit here, but I always denied it to her to make her feel better about it.  It wasn't until after me moved that I told her, I also had plenty of experiences where it seems like something was in the apartment late at night.  It never bothered me, I always felt like if it was a spirit, it was a good one as I never felt scared of it.  Either way, that's my only experience and I don't consider it a very strong one, just keeps me open to the idea that there are real paranormal activities.

Offline JustJen

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2016, 02:09:36 PM »
Yeah Im with you on that which is why I say, don't be like some people who can't decide how they feel. They say it's real but then when shit goes down they say "oh it's not real that has nothing to do with anything". Lots of people are so cocky they think they can handle anything anytime anywhere, and that is usually their downfall. People who believe in demons and insist they're real but simultaneously say there is nothing to fear .... well whatever happens to them, they've brought upon themselves due to arrogance.

Exactly. Everybody tough guy thinks they're unstoppable. That is, until you have a gun in their face. Suddenly they become these stammering fools, begging for their life. It's quite hysterical.

This reminds me of one funny story and one not so funny one but neither have anything to do with paranormal experiences.

Not so funny one: I was robbed at gunpoint when I worked at a convenience store when I was 19 or 20. Gun in my face was part of it. Lotto was a huge jackpot that night and they thought they'd get a lot of cash but we did safe drops every time our excess got to $200 or more so we rarely had much in the register to steal anyway. But yeah, I was never a big shot and I didn't turn into a stammering idiot.. I just did exactly what they said and waited until they left and then called the police. It's not like it was my money to defend and even if it was I'd let it go before I'd try to be a hero. But some other people who worked there who weren't working that night tried to say "oh I"d have done _____" whatever hero act. BS. They'd have wet their little man panties.

I may share the funny one at some point, but that's already enough word vomiting for my fingers right now. :lol


Sorry to hear you held at gunpoint, but your coworkers are the exact types I'm referring to.

yeah it was one of those things you don't expect but should, working a convenience store. I got over it. I mean, I quit after it happened a second time, but I got over it (I wasn't there the second time thankfully).

Here's a paranormal experience of sorts. And the only one that my husband will actually admit was freaky and can't be explained. I was pregnant with my second son and my husband had our first son at the grocery store with him while I was at home having a little mini breakdown during which I prayed for a sign because I felt overwhelmed being 22 with an 18 month old son and being six months pregnant with another little boy. So when my husband got home he was putting groceries away and was like "huh. well that's weird" and I ignored it for a minute but then he started to get a little agitated, kinda, looking all over and tossing empty bags up into the air to look under them and opening and closing cabinets he hadn't even opened yet, so I asked him what the heck was going on, and he said that the box of Fruit Loops was perfect. I was like.. um. ? And he said it made no SENSE, this can't be the box he just bought (of course it was, he knew we didn't HAVE fruit loops before he got home), because our toddler had been sitting in the cart teething on the corner of the box and drooling down it the entire way to the cash register and had thoroughly messed it up. The cashier hadn't asked anyone to exchange it for him, the box had gone straight onto the conveyor belt and into the grocery bag after being rung up, and straight home with him. Yet the one he had was perfect. There was no explanation and he ended up just having to let it go because he couldn't explain it. I was content to consider it the sign I'd asked for.

and whether it was or not, I got Froot Loops out of it.
  ~ a.k.a. VFS in a past life :vfs:

Offline Prog Snob

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2016, 05:54:09 PM »
I'm intrigued by that.

Offline Prog Snob

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #44 on: May 04, 2016, 09:26:31 AM »
My ex-girlfriend's grandmother's home was haunted.  After she died, my ex's aunt moved into the house. The aunt had two little girls who lived there. I was told that one of them was always seeing the grandmother in the house, so everyone just assumed it was photos of her or some other logical explanation. I was there one day and we were all sitting in the living room. My ex's aunt was trying to get her daughter to come downstairs, but she kept asking her to wait because she was busy. A few minutes later she came down and her mother asked what she was doing.

"I was talking to someone, mommy."
"Who were you talking to?"
"Her." (she pointed to a photo of her grandmother)
"Oh, you mean were talking to her photo?"
"No, she was sitting in her rocking chair and talking to me."

Everyone turned pale, and I ran upstairs to see if she was still there. The girl followed me up and showed me where her grandmother was sitting.

Needless to say, I was beyond intrigued.

Offline cramx3

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #45 on: May 04, 2016, 09:53:22 AM »
That sounds like something from a movie, freaky

Offline Prog Snob

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #46 on: May 04, 2016, 10:31:52 AM »
That sounds like something from a movie, freaky

It was one of those experiences that will never be forgotten.

Online Chino

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #47 on: May 04, 2016, 10:37:38 AM »
I feel like the testimony of children should be the last form of evidence that something paranormal happened. When I was a kid, my action figures talked to me, Casper the Friendly Ghost was real, my floor was made of lava, and I didn't understand that Barney was actually just a person in a costume.

Offline Prog Snob

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #48 on: May 04, 2016, 10:58:14 AM »
I feel like the testimony of children should be the last form of evidence that something paranormal happened. When I was a kid, my action figures talked to me, Casper the Friendly Ghost was real, my floor was made of lava, and I didn't understand that Barney was actually just a person in a costume.

So you base every child's experiences on delusions from your childhood?  ;)   In my experience, kids are more likely to come out and say exactly what happened, mainly because they're too young to analyze details. That's why people always to never say something in front of a kid that you wouldn't want repeated. They aren't fully aware of the repercussions of things they say. Adults are far more likely to overdramatize something. Kids are highly attuned to paranormal phenomena because, unlike adults, their minds aren't weighed down from the daily stresses of life.

Offline Orbert

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #49 on: May 04, 2016, 12:14:21 PM »
Maybe not paranormal, but I've never figured out an explanation.

One time in grade school, I was playing chess against another kid.  Yes, I was a nerd; you knew that.  This was during "free time" (like recess, but indoors and only 20 minutes), so other kids are doing things, and some are gathered around watching us.  As I was considering my next move, someone behind me starts talking, telling me what to do, which is annoying so I turn around to tell him to shut up... and there's no one behind me.  No one anywhere near me, and actually there's a wall behind me so it's not like someone could've been playing tricks on me.  But I heard his voice very clearly, just behind me.

My favorite WTF story was told to me by my best friend John.    If there's anyone who is honest to a fault, it's John, so I believe this story 100%.

This is also from back when we were in school.  After school, he was tired, so he went to his room and took a nap.  Dreamed that he was walking home from somewhere, and noticed that there was this car following him, slowly.  He started walking a little faster; the car sped up, keeping just behind him.  Now almost to his house, his decided to run for it.  Just as he gets to the front door, he hears gunshots, and (in the dream) feels two bullets hit him in the back.  He falls and...

The phone rings, waking him up.  It's his sister, who's a lot older and had moved to California.  With not much money, she lives in a kind of crappy part of town.  She asks if Mom or Dad are home, but they're both at work.  Of course, yeah.  But she's kinda freaked out and needs to talk to someone.  She was on her way home from work just now, and someone was following her, so she ran to a neighbor's house, and just as she got in and closed the door, they shot at her.  Two shots.

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #50 on: May 04, 2016, 06:35:34 PM »
I feel like the testimony of children should be the last form of evidence that something paranormal happened. When I was a kid, my action figures talked to me, Casper the Friendly Ghost was real, my floor was made of lava, and I didn't understand that Barney was actually just a person in a costume.
Your childhood was a lot more interesting than mine if those things were a reality for you. And out of the two of us, I'm the one that believes in ghosts. Interesting.
Listen! Do you smell something?

Offline MetalJunkie

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #51 on: May 04, 2016, 11:41:17 PM »
One of the guys on my team said he heard some EVP on our last hunt. I'm definitely excited to get the audio from him to check it out. He's not going to tell me when or which file so there isn't any power of suggestion or confirmation bias.
Listen! Do you smell something?

Offline JustJen

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #52 on: May 07, 2016, 04:51:18 AM »
One of the guys on my team said he heard some EVP on our last hunt. I'm definitely excited to get the audio from him to check it out. He's not going to tell me when or which file so there isn't any power of suggestion or confirmation bias.

So you're still doing this huh? That is so cool. Be sure to share the EVP recording after you hear it if you can.
  ~ a.k.a. VFS in a past life :vfs:

Offline JustJen

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #53 on: May 07, 2016, 04:55:40 AM »
Maybe not paranormal, but I've never figured out an explanation.

One time in grade school, I was playing chess against another kid.  Yes, I was a nerd; you knew that.  This was during "free time" (like recess, but indoors and only 20 minutes), so other kids are doing things, and some are gathered around watching us.  As I was considering my next move, someone behind me starts talking, telling me what to do, which is annoying so I turn around to tell him to shut up... and there's no one behind me.  No one anywhere near me, and actually there's a wall behind me so it's not like someone could've been playing tricks on me.  But I heard his voice very clearly, just behind me.

My favorite WTF story was told to me by my best friend John.    If there's anyone who is honest to a fault, it's John, so I believe this story 100%.

This is also from back when we were in school.  After school, he was tired, so he went to his room and took a nap.  Dreamed that he was walking home from somewhere, and noticed that there was this car following him, slowly.  He started walking a little faster; the car sped up, keeping just behind him.  Now almost to his house, his decided to run for it.  Just as he gets to the front door, he hears gunshots, and (in the dream) feels two bullets hit him in the back.  He falls and...

The phone rings, waking him up.  It's his sister, who's a lot older and had moved to California.  With not much money, she lives in a kind of crappy part of town.  She asks if Mom or Dad are home, but they're both at work.  Of course, yeah.  But she's kinda freaked out and needs to talk to someone.  She was on her way home from work just now, and someone was following her, so she ran to a neighbor's house, and just as she got in and closed the door, they shot at her.  Two shots.

This kind of thing has happened to me as a parent more than once. At one point I dreamed that my oldest son was homeless and sleeping under a sheet of cardboard under a guard rail next to a busy road in the freezing cold and rain and a cop woke him up and was talking to him but he was all out of it. I woke up and my husband was being secretive about what was doing on with his phone call earlier that day. I finally told him my dream and he admitted a cop had just called because he'd found our son sleeping under a sheet of cardboard under a guard rail. He was arrested for heroin use.

Please nobody give me judgemental posts or anything else in regards to my children and their problems. I haven't wanted to share any of them here regardless of the raw brutal reality of them being something that maybe people SHOULD be exposed to, considering how real it all is and how it could happen to anyone.

It's been a brutal number of years.

But anyway, yeah. My mother's intuition has been right on too many times for me to ever ignore it. And sometimes it sucks. I also see death in people before they die. I predicted three people to my husband. He doesn't believe in "this stuff" yet has told me not to tell him anymore when I see it. It freaks him out too much now.
  ~ a.k.a. VFS in a past life :vfs: