Author Topic: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*  (Read 60293 times)

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #700 on: February 16, 2016, 05:05:13 PM »
Wait, I never sad it was a bad thing.  Rey is kinda...  I mean, you know, she's been on her own for a while, and...

Offline bosk1

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #701 on: April 11, 2016, 12:05:38 PM »
I only saw this once in theaters.  It is pretty rare for me to do a repeat viewing in theaters nowadays.  But just got the Blu Ray and watched it at home last night.  It probably is MORE fun and it is easier to overlook the minor "flaws" in it the second time around.  A few comments:

-Ben/Han scene:  It is really ambiguous what is going on in Ben's head and what his words to Han really mean.  After reading months of theories about it and being able to see the scene again, it is still completely ambiguous, and I like that. 

-Han and/or Leia relationship with Rey:  It seems pretty apparent that they know something about who she is, Leia especially.  It also seems clear (unless this is intentional misdirection) that her origin is important and being intentionally obscured. The flashback of her being left on Jakku so blantantly obscures whoever it is that is leaving her that it has to be characters we are either familiar with or will become familiar with before her origins are more fully revealed.  Whether that will be crucial to the overall story arc, I have no idea.  But it is interesting.

-Rey/Ben fight:  On second viewing, I think Ben's injury and lack of training are all the more apparent, as is Rey's knack for learning quickly.  Overall, this fight felt much more believable to me this time around, with the exception of the moment right before it's end where she is like, "oh yeah, the force; let me close my eyes and meditate for a few seconds while our sabers are crossed mere inches from our faces so I can better tap into it.  One moment, please."  I get that that moment is meant to be more symbolic than realistic, and for that reason, it is important from a storytelling point of view.  But it still made me roll my eyes just a bit.  But otherwise, I thought the fight was really good. 

-Rey finds Luke:  Luke's expression is perfect.  Completely ambiguous.  Notwithstanding lots of Internet exposition about what is going on there and where it will lead us, there are no obvious tells in the scene at all.  Also, it is just a very well done scene in general.  All that is going on after he turns is she holds the saber out to him and he looks at her.  It is not easy to make a scene like that last for more than a split second without something else having to happen.  Here, it is drawn out, but still somehow manages to not feel unnatural.

Snoke:  Yeah, still not getting how some did not realize right away that he was a hologram.

Ren finds Rey in the woods outside Maz's place:  I haven't read or seen anything to confirm this, but it seemed to me that the scene where Rey is in the woods and things suddenly go quiet, only to have Ren appear was meant to be visually similar to the dark side cave scene in Ep. V.  When Ren first appeared, I was not sure whether it was real or was a vision.  I thought that was yet another cool call-back to the OT, if intentional.

There are still issues with how Starkiller base works, the plan to destroy it being cooked up too quickly, and some other funky timing issues.  I mean, it still slightly annoys me that in the span of a few minutes, the story arc went from:  Nobody outside the First Order even knows Starkiller base exists -> to everyone knows Starkiller base is what suddenly wiped out all those Resistance outposts -> to we know exactly where it is, that it is recharging to fire again, that it is targeting the base where Leia is, and the exact amount of time until it is ready to fire -> to, on top of all that, we have a plan for how to destroy it within minutes with a small resistance fleet before it can charge up.  :lol  This could have been handled better.  But in the grand scheme of things, those issues are so minor that it really doesn't matter too much.  This film was well done.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #702 on: April 11, 2016, 12:33:38 PM »
Didn't find the right moment to go and see it in the theaters, then spoilers started to appear, so I said "screw it" and I didn't go to see it. Now with home releases I finally got a chance to watch it, all in all I liked it and it was very fun! Although it seemed like a reunion album of a former super-band... a classic record to make you remember while you liked them back in the day.

I probably won't be the first one to mention this in 21 pages but there's a lot of A New Hope in here. Still, it wasn't something that made me dislike the movie, but it was kinda hard to miss. Now I hope that once they've restabilished the franchise for a new generation, they go all guns blazing on the next one!

Another thing about Kylo Ren... aside the fact that when your grandma is Natalie Portman and when your mum is bikini-version of Carrie Fisher, how the hell can you turn out that average, especially if your father is Indiana Jones, do you think that all this awkardness about him was intentional? He's a Darth Vader wannabe but fails short of it, he's not good looking as pre-volcano Darth Vader, he's not menacing as Darth Vader, and throws lightsaber tantrums. He's the in-movie version of the kid that got famous dancing around with a lightsaber, and probably that was the point they wanted to get across, that he's trying so hard to be a new Darth Vader but fails short of it; he's not yet a full proper villain, he's just one in the making. He could either become way more convinced of himself and evil, or just fall back to the light side, I wonder what his final destiny will be...
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Offline bosk1

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #703 on: April 11, 2016, 12:41:17 PM »
Another thing about Kylo Ren... aside the fact that when your grandma is Natalie Portman and when your mum is bikini-version of Carrie Fisher, how the hell can you turn out that average, especially if your father is Indiana Jones, do you think that all this awkardness about him was intentional? He's a Darth Vader wannabe but fails short of it, he's not good looking as pre-volcano Darth Vader, he's not menacing as Darth Vader, and throws lightsaber tantrums. He's the in-movie version of the kid that got famous dancing around with a lightsaber, and probably that was the point they wanted to get across, that he's trying so hard to be a new Darth Vader but fails short of it; he's not yet a full proper villain, he's just one in the making. He could either become way more convinced of himself and evil, or just fall back to the light side, I wonder what his final destiny will be...

I love all of that.  He is an incredibly interesting villain because of all that.  And you know what?  I never really thought about this, but everything about Kylo Ren's character that you mentioned sort of "rehabilitates" the image of Vader as a villain that, in the opinions of many, was tarnished by the PT.
"The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie."

Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #704 on: April 11, 2016, 12:48:42 PM »
I never got a chance or the proper interest to watch the Star Wars original trilogy (yeah I'm kinda ashamed to admit it), so I saw the first six movies in story order. I watched the prequels and then the original movies, which were so famous that you all know basically what they were already about.

Coming from the prequels into the originals, I can tell you that they do not connect well. Whatever Anakin's story was in the prequels, the man in the dark armor and the old man in a robe that meet on the Death Star are NOT Obi Wan and Anakin from the prequels. The connection to me just wasn't there, the dialogue of Darth Vader and old Obi Wan was not the kind of dialogue that should have happened after their last meeting on Mustafar. "When I left you I was but an apprentice"... dude, HE left YOU to die a horribly agonizing death after chopping you off three limbs out of four.

They had a point of arrival and couldn't organize the journey to that in a way that, when seen back to back, the connection would look evident. That's for me the major issue with the prequel trilogy..
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Offline Phoenix87x

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #705 on: April 11, 2016, 01:57:44 PM »
Oh yeah baby, get ready for some jedi training rey, lol

Offline pogoowner

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #706 on: April 11, 2016, 03:17:15 PM »
Ren finds Rey in the woods outside Maz's place:  I haven't read or seen anything to confirm this, but it seemed to me that the scene where Rey is in the woods and things suddenly go quiet, only to have Ren appear was meant to be visually similar to the dark side cave scene in Ep. V.  When Ren first appeared, I was not sure whether it was real or was a vision.  I thought that was yet another cool call-back to the OT, if intentional.
I definitely think that was intentional. It feels exactly the same, and I had that same moment of not knowing whether it was real or not on the first viewing.


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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #707 on: April 11, 2016, 03:23:29 PM »
Another thing about Kylo Ren... aside the fact that when your grandma is Natalie Portman and when your mum is bikini-version of Carrie Fisher, how the hell can you turn out that average, especially if your father is Indiana Jones

Episode 8: Maury Povich paternity test
But will they test DNA or midichlorians?

Offline Orbert

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #708 on: April 11, 2016, 03:59:11 PM »
Guys, I want you all to know that I've changed my mind.  I think Daisy Ridley is really cute.  I'm sorry; I actually came to this conclusion a long time ago, and I know I should have told you about it way before now, but it seemed like there was never a good time.  All the buzz about the new movie, then all the theories, then all the whining, and yeah, I guess I got kinda caught up in all of it.  But seriously, she's really cute.  There.  I said it.  I know that now.  I was wrong.  I feel bad about keeping this from you all this time, but I'm glad it's out in the open now, and I hope that we can get past this, together.

Offline Cyclopssss

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #709 on: April 12, 2016, 05:02:36 AM »
Who's got to you?! Yeah, we all know whe's really cute. But badass at the same time. A rare quality in women nowadays. Alas, I must admire her from afar....  :'(
From the ocean comes the notion that the realise lies in rhythm. The rhythm of vision is dancer, and when you dance you´re always on the one. From the looking comes to see, wondrous realise real eyes....

Offline Orbert

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #710 on: April 12, 2016, 06:42:51 AM »
No one got to me.  I swear, there were no threatening letters; no mysterious phone calls at odd hours with the person on the other end disguising their voice and saying vague, cryptic things that may or may not possibly be construed as related to Star Wars: The Force Awakens and potentially negative thoughts I may have had about its female lead; no anonymous emails with links to some of "those" websites (you know what I'm talking about) seemingly orchestrated and engineered to subtly alter my views and my very taste in females.  No, there was none of that.  I almost wish there was, or wish I could say that there was, rather.  At least I don't think there was.  Now... I'm not so sure.

Offline Cyclopssss

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #711 on: April 12, 2016, 07:24:47 AM »
What is this mindaltering website sorcery you speak of?  :omg:
From the ocean comes the notion that the realise lies in rhythm. The rhythm of vision is dancer, and when you dance you´re always on the one. From the looking comes to see, wondrous realise real eyes....

Offline Orbert

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #712 on: April 12, 2016, 10:31:04 AM »
The theory, as I understand it, is that after constantly being exposed to various images, varying widely but in some ways similar, one begins to accept as normal even that which one had previously discounted as outside the norm.  Eventually, one often comes to prefer the new norm.  Sometimes it is not like that at all; sometimes it is just a matter of changing one's opinion.

For example, suppose that one has always had an aversion to women with a certain hair color or style.  There was no logical basis for this; it was merely a matter of taste.  That particular color/style simply did not appeal.  Then one day, one happens to see a woman with that color/style who is, in all other ways, very attractive.  Overall, this woman is attractive (to one (or more, actually, but bear with me because writing like this is really cumbersome)) and one begins to realize that women with this particular hair color/style can indeed be attractive.  But clearly this is an exception.  Then one happens to stumble across an image on the Internet of another attractive woman with this hair color/style.  Now that this paradigm shift is foremost in one's mind, one tends to notice it more.  Another, then another.  Eventually, one's taste is changed.  Women who would previously have been dismissed out of hand ("I do not like that hair color/style") are no longer dismissed, but instead judged on the some bases as all others, perhaps even given an unfair advantage due to association with the recent barrage of positive imagery.

None of that happened.

What actually happened is that throughout the promo/hype phase for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I thought the girl looked okay, nothing special.  There was actually a YouTube video (a funny el cheapo version of the trailer -- I have no idea what it was really called) and the girl in the YouTube video who was supposedly Rey was, I thought, a lot cuter that the real Rey.

But during the course of watching the movie, I began to think "Hey, she's alright" and then eventually "You know, she's actually pretty cute".  But I did not stumble across a number of images of Daisy Ridley on the Internet and finally come to the conclusion that she's really cute.

I... um... sought them out.  I Googled her (it's okay, I got her consent first) and... damn!  Yes, her teeth are too big.  She has a big, toothy smile that probably bugs some people.  But I came to the conclusion that she's really cute.  I mean, several dozen pictures can't be wrong.

Thank you for understanding.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #713 on: April 12, 2016, 12:19:10 PM »
For example, suppose that one has always had an aversion to women with a certain hair color or style.  There was no logical basis for this; it was merely a matter of taste.  That particular color/style simply did not appeal.  Then one day, one happens to see a woman with that color/style who is, in all other ways, very attractive.  Overall, this woman is attractive (to one (or more, actually, but bear with me because writing like this is really cumbersome)) and one begins to realize that women with this particular hair color/style can indeed be attractive.  But clearly this is an exception.  Then one happens to stumble across an image on the Internet of another attractive woman with this hair color/style.  Now that this paradigm shift is foremost in one's mind, one tends to notice it more.  Another, then another.  Eventually, one's taste is changed.  Women who would previously have been dismissed out of hand ("I do not like that hair color/style") are no longer dismissed, but instead judged on the some bases as all others, perhaps even given an unfair advantage due to association with the recent barrage of positive imagery.

Well, I never disliked redheads before, but I started to like them an evening at a festival where all girls I noticed (well, actually just three) were redheads. From now on, this previously blonde lover turned to gingers!

And now back to our scheduled Star Wars discussion, sorry for the intrusion.
I use my sig to pimp some bands from Italy! Check out Elvenking (Power / Folk metal), Folkstone (Rock / Medieval metal), Arcana Opera (Gothic/Noir/Heavy metal) and the beautiful voice of Elisa!

Offline Orbert

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #714 on: April 12, 2016, 02:31:30 PM »
That is exactly what I'm talking about.  A positive experience, or several positive experiences, can completely change your view.

And you don't have to apologize for a non-sequitor, not around here.  Heck, my last three posts have been entirely constructed to be bizarre and only tangentially related to the topic at hand (as opposed to the rest of the time when it happens more-or-less naturally).

Remember: the only thing more confusing than Orbert off his meds is Orbert on his meds!

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #715 on: April 12, 2016, 02:48:46 PM »
Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
"The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie."

Offline Kotowboy

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #716 on: April 12, 2016, 02:50:39 PM »
I was thinking - why does Rey have to be related to anyone we've seen before ?

Why can't she be a totally new character who's not a Solo / Organa / Skywalker / Whoever ?

Does everything have to be linked in the SW universe ?

She probably is Luke's daughter but i'd prefer it if she wasn't related to anyone from the previous 6 films.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #717 on: April 12, 2016, 02:55:41 PM »
Honestly at this point I doubt she's related to anyone from the OT. Luke ran a Jedi school of sorts, I assume she's the sole survivor of that school. So he knows her, but they're not related.

Watch her be Snoke's kid or something.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #718 on: April 12, 2016, 03:01:43 PM »
The folks who know what they are doing over at Disney have said that Star Wars (the episodes) will continue to be the Skywalker story even in the future, which makes Rey being Luke's daughter logical since it would carry forward the story and still keep a Skywalker in the center. Everybody doesn't have to be related, but personally I would be disappointed if Rey wasn't a Skywalker.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #719 on: April 12, 2016, 03:05:00 PM »
Next Maz Kanata will be a relative of Yoda.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #720 on: April 12, 2016, 03:09:19 PM »
I think they should make Fin the son of Lando.

And make Star Wars the story of the Calrissian family.

You know you want it.

They can even go back and retcon the prequel trilogy to be about them too.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #721 on: April 12, 2016, 03:10:05 PM »
The force is strong with her. Also I read comments from the filmmakers that the revelation about who she is is important not only for her, but for the entire saga (or something along those lines).

I'm with the "She's a Skywalker" camp, but she could be as well the true or new chosen one, that will definitively bring balance to the force. Maybe she's an "immaculate conception" as well like Anakin was.
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #722 on: April 12, 2016, 03:11:28 PM »
Rey is obviously a cyborg that C-3PO built.  How do I know this.  The red arm.  It's all there in broad daylight.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #723 on: April 12, 2016, 03:27:17 PM »
Her full name is C-Rey-PO

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #724 on: April 12, 2016, 03:27:46 PM »
Darth Reyder.


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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #725 on: April 12, 2016, 03:38:48 PM »
Her full name is C-Rey-PO

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #726 on: April 12, 2016, 03:41:12 PM »
Her full name is C-Rey-PO

C Rey B8

She is the robot love child of C3P0 and BB8 who had a civil Bot-nership.


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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #727 on: April 12, 2016, 03:51:23 PM »
I'm not going to make a firm decision on how I feel on what Rey's lineage turns out to be.  It can turn either way and be good or bad simply depending on the effort and presentation put into it.

Maybe she has absolutely no ties to the first 6 episodes other than being a force user.  It can work.  But I wouldn't compare her possible Skywalker/Palpatine/Snoke/Kenobi/other lineage isn't the same as C-3PO-Vader connection or Maz-Yoda.  That feels forced.  The Skywalker story makes Star Wars a story as opposed to a bunch of pew pew episodes.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #728 on: April 12, 2016, 03:52:27 PM »
Her full name is C-Rey-PO

C Rey B8

She is the robot love child of C3P0 and BB8 who had a civil Bot-nership.

Using today's slang.. 

Beh Rey.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #729 on: April 12, 2016, 04:19:44 PM »
Using today's slang.. 

Beh Rey.

How did Australian Petrucci make it into this discussion.

Offline Cyclopssss

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #730 on: April 13, 2016, 12:11:31 AM »
For example, suppose that one has always had an aversion to women with a certain hair color or style.  There was no logical basis for this; it was merely a matter of taste.  That particular color/style simply did not appeal.  Then one day, one happens to see a woman with that color/style who is, in all other ways, very attractive.  Overall, this woman is attractive (to one (or more, actually, but bear with me because writing like this is really cumbersome)) and one begins to realize that women with this particular hair color/style can indeed be attractive.  But clearly this is an exception.  Then one happens to stumble across an image on the Internet of another attractive woman with this hair color/style.  Now that this paradigm shift is foremost in one's mind, one tends to notice it more.  Another, then another.  Eventually, one's taste is changed.  Women who would previously have been dismissed out of hand ("I do not like that hair color/style") are no longer dismissed, but instead judged on the some bases as all others, perhaps even given an unfair advantage due to association with the recent barrage of positive imagery.

Well, I never disliked redheads before, but I started to like them an evening at a festival where all girls I noticed (well, actually just three) were redheads. From now on, this previously blonde lover turned to gingers!

And now back to our scheduled Star Wars discussion, sorry for the intrusion.

Think I get what you mean. I remember being in my twenties going "I'm a blond woman guy". Then I had some, let's call it 'mind altering experiences' with very attractive redheads, brunettes and dark/black haired women. After that it was like 'who am I to narrow my viewpoint in life like this'. The world became a whole lot of a better place after that. 
From the ocean comes the notion that the realise lies in rhythm. The rhythm of vision is dancer, and when you dance you´re always on the one. From the looking comes to see, wondrous realise real eyes....

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #731 on: April 13, 2016, 07:22:04 AM »
Apparently Daisy Ridley said that she knows who Rey's parents are, and it isn't that important.

Hef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #732 on: April 13, 2016, 07:23:59 AM »
If it doesn't affect the story then it doesn't matter.

Are people going to enjoy episodes 8&9 less if shes not a


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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #733 on: April 13, 2016, 07:26:58 AM »
Apparently Daisy Ridley said that she knows who Rey's parents are, and it isn't that important.


I read that, but I don't buy it. Maybe she's trying to downplay it for various reasons, or maybe she doesn't know the full extent of the payoff. Or maybe she's just become indifferent to it.
TFA made a big enough deal of her backstory that I can't see it not being important. Everything is important to SW fans! :lol
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

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Re: Star Wars, The Force Awakens -- *SPOILERS*
« Reply #734 on: April 13, 2016, 03:26:55 PM »
I really don't care who Rey's parents are, but I honestly think it could be more interesting if she WASN'T a Skywalker.